- Remove development files .phpcs.xml .phpdoc.xml .phpmd.xml .phpunit.xml.
- Add Gitter badge/channel.
- Depend on anax/anax framework distro.
- Update README with link to docker image.
- Add make install-production to limit size of Docker container.
- Remove unused mos/cimage from composer.json.
- Separate documentation for docker and docker-composer.
- Enhance Makefile and README on how to setup a production server using Apache virtual host fot http and/or https.
- Check in composer.lock.
- Ignore deprecated errors.
- Set up https for rem.dbwebb.se and moved to PHP 7.2.
- First version.
- Using canax/remserver v1.1.0 to start with.
- Using installation procedure as explained in the README for canax/remserver.