Releases: canonical/mongodb-k8s-operator
Revision 37
Released to 6/edge
OCI images:
- {'resource_name': 'mongodb-image', 'revision': 23}
What's Changed
- [DPE-1917] Updated logs for backup status by @dmitry-ratushnyy in #188
- [DPE-1918] Improve logs for backup by @dmitry-ratushnyy in #189
- [DPE-2412] Full cluster crash test by @MiaAltieri in #190
- [DPE-1728] Cluster restart test by @MiaAltieri in #193
- [DPE-2414] Storage reuse by @MiaAltieri in #194
- [DPE-2415] generalise lib code so easily repurposable by VM by @MiaAltieri in #195
- [DPE-2528] Update libraries on K8s charm so charm uses data_interfaces for provider code by @MiaAltieri in #197
- Fixes for building charm by @dmitry-ratushnyy in #201
- [DPE-2610] Remove support of Juju 2.9 by @dmitry-ratushnyy in #202
- [DPE-2447] Secret labels by @juditnovak in #200
- [DPE-2734] Extended TLS testing by @juditnovak in #206
- [DPE-2567] Update workflows to release to 6/edge by @dmitry-ratushnyy in #211
Full Changelog: rev36...rev37
Revision 36
- mongodb-image:
resource-revision: 22
Static resources:
Released to '5/edge' at 14:44 UTC on 15 Aug 2023
What's Changed
- [DPE-2078] Fix scaled down for Juju 3.1.5 by @dmitry-ratushnyy in #176
- [DPE-2074] sync libs from MongoDB VM charm by @delgod in #158
- [DPE-2140] Juju 3.x secrets -- runnint on Juju 2.x by @juditnovak in #161
- [DPE-2140] update libjuju to resolve PyYAML issue by @delgod in #180
- [DPE-1720] Add backups to k8s charm and configure PBM by @dmitry-ratushnyy in #172
- [DPE-2281] Deleting certs before pushing new ones by @juditnovak in #182
- [DPE-2320] fix monitor secret id parsing issue by @delgod in #181
- Backup and restore by @dmitry-ratushnyy in #184
Full Changelog: rev35...rev36
Revision 35
- mongodb-image:
resource-revision: 21
Static resources:
Released to '5/edge' at 16:27 UTC on 28 Jun 2023
What's Changed
- DPE-1180 Update icon to the common for Data Platform charms by @taurus-forever in #173
- [DPE-1956] Add a backup user by @dmitry-ratushnyy in #171
Full Changelog: rev34...rev35
Revision 34
- mongodb-image:
resource-revision: 20
Static resources:
Released to '5/edge' at 15:45 UTC on 27 Jun 2023
What's Changed
- [DPE-2145] Fixes for refactoring by @dmitry-ratushnyy in #169
- [DPE-2071] Fixes after refactoring: removed accidentally deleted code by @dmitry-ratushnyy in #170
Full Changelog: rev33...rev34
Revision 33
- mongodb-image:
resource-revision: 19
Static resources:
Released to '5/edge' at 20:23 UTC on 23 Jun 2023
What's Changed
- [DPE-2144] Refactoring: refactor user related code by @dmitry-ratushnyy in #163
- [DPE-2156] Rename keys for user's secrets to be compatible with juju 3.1 by @dmitry-ratushnyy in #164
- [DPE-2146] Refactoring: extract charm configuration by @dmitry-ratushnyy in #165
- [DPE-2145] Refactoring: refactor charm events handlers by @dmitry-ratushnyy in #166
Full Changelog: rev32...rev33
Revision 32
- mongodb-image:
resource-revision: 18
Static resources:
Released to '5/edge' at 21:20 UTC on 19 Jun 2023
What's Changed
- [DPE-2143] Refactoring check that db was initialised by @dmitry-ratushnyy in #160
Full Changelog: rev31...rev32
Revision 31
- mongodb-image:
resource-revision: 17
Static resources:
Released to '5/edge' at 17:40 UTC on 19 Jun 2023
What's Changed
- logs for mongod are present in cos by @MiaAltieri in #139
- Add integration scaling tests by @dmitry-ratushnyy in #147
- [DPE-2048] Stabilize HA tests by @dmitry-ratushnyy in #150
- Update issue template by @carlcsaposs-canonical in #154
- [DPE-1896] Add unit tests for COS integration function _connect_mongodb_exporter by @dmitry-ratushnyy in #157
- [DPE-2142] Refactoring: reorganize code by @dmitry-ratushnyy in #159
Full Changelog: rev30...rev31
Revision 30
- mongodb-image:
resource-revision: 16
Static resources:
Released to '5/edge' at 17:52 UTC on 1 Jun 2023
What's Changed
- Rotate metrics password by @MiaAltieri in #141
- chore(deps): update canonical/charming-actions action to v2.3.0 by @renovate in #146
- chore(deps): update python dependencies by @renovate in #145
- Update relation information on scale up\scale down by @dmitry-ratushnyy in #144
New Contributors
- @dmitry-ratushnyy made their first contribution in #144
Full Changelog: rev29...rev30
Revision 29
- mongodb-image:
resource-revision: 15
Static resources:
Released to '5/edge' at 13:33 UTC on 19 May 2023
What's Changed
Full Changelog: rev28...rev29
Revision 28
- mongodb-image:
resource-revision: 14
Static resources:
Released to '5/edge' at 13:35 UTC on 18 May 2023
What's Changed
New Contributors
Full Changelog: rev27...rev28