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File metadata and controls

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  • A FaaSController is a business controller for handling Easegress and FaaS products integration purposes. It abstracts FaasFunction, FaaSStore and, FaasProvider. Currently, we only support Knative type FaaSProvider. The FaaSFunction describes the name, image URL, the resource, and autoscaling type of this FaaS function instance. The FaaSStore is covered by Easegress' embed Etcd already.
  • FaaSController works closely with local FaaSProvider. Please make sure they are running in a communicable environment. Follow this knative doc to install Knative[1]'s serving component in K8s. It's better to have Easegress run in the same VM instances with K8s for saving communication costs.


  1. K8s cluster : v1.23+
  2. Knative Serving : v1.3+ (with kourier type of network layer)


Controller spec

  • One FaaSController will manage one shared HTTP traffic gate and multiple pipelines according to the functions it has.

  • The httpserver section in spec is the configuration for the shared HTTP traffic gate.

  • The Knative section is for Knative type of FaaSProvider. Depending your Kubernetes cluster, you can use either Magic DNS or Temporary DNS (see). Here's how you fill the Knative section for each one of them:

    • Temporary DNS: The value of networkLayerURL can be found using the following command
    $ kubectl get svc -n kourier-system
    NAME               TYPE           CLUSTER-IP       EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)                      AGE
    kourier            LoadBalancer   <pending>     80:31731/TCP,443:30571/TCP   250dk

    The CLUSTER-IP with value is your kourier's K8s service's address. Use it as the value for networkLayerURL in the YAML below.

    • hostSuffix's value should be [2], like described in Knative serving's Temporary DNS.
  • Magic DNS: For networkLayerURL, use the EXTERNAL-IP of the loadbalancer:

     $ kubectl get svc -n kourier-system
    NAME               TYPE           CLUSTER-IP       EXTERNAL-IP                                                                    PORT(S)                      AGE
    kourier            LoadBalancer   80:31060/TCP,443:30384/TCP   12m
    • For hostSuffix, use kn service list to see the suffix of your functions: For url the hostSuffix is (basically the IP x.x.x.x + Note: If you don't have any functions yet deployed, you first use any value for hostSuffix (for example, then deploy a function and use kn service list to find out the value of hostSuffix. Update it to your configuration and re-create FaaSController.
name: faascontroller
kind: FaaSController
provider: knative             # FaaS provider kind, currently we only support Knative

syncInterval: 10s

    http3: false
    port: 10083
    keepAlive: true
    keepAliveTimeout: 60s
    https: false
    maxConnections: 10240

   networkLayerURL: http://{knative_kourier_clusterIP} # or http://{knative_kourier_externalIP}
   hostSuffix: # or for Magic DNS

FaaSFunction spec

  • The FaaSFunction spec including name, image, and other resource-related configurations.
  • The image is the HTTP microservice's image URL. When upgrading the FaaSfFunction's business logic. this field can be helpful.
  • The resource and autoscaling fields are similar to K8s or Knative's resource management configuration.[3]
  • The requestAdaptor is for customizing the way how HTTP request content will be routed to Knative's kourier gateway.
name:           "demo10"
image:          "dev.local/colordeploy:17.0"
port:           8089
autoScaleType:  "rps"
autoScaleValue: "111"
minReplica:     1
maxReplica:     3
limitCPU:       "180m"
limitMemory:    "100Mi"
requestCPU:     "80m"
requestMemory:  "20Mi"
      X-Func1: func-demo-10              # add one HTTP header


There four types of function state: Initial, Active, InActive, and Failed[4]. Basically, they come from AWS Lambda's status.

  • Initial: Once the function has been created in Easegress, its original state is initial. After checking FaaSProvider(Knative)'s status successfully, it will become active automatically. And the function is ready for handling traffic.

  • Active: Easegress's FaaSFunction will be active not matter there are requests or not. Easegress will only route ingress traffic to FaaSProvider when the function is in the active state.

  • Inactive: Stopping function execution by calling FaaSController's stop RESTful API and it will run into inactive. Updating function's spec for image URL or other fields, or deleting function also need to stop it first.

  • Failed: The function will be turned into failed states during the runtime checking. If it's about some configuration error, e.g., wrong docker image URL, we can detect this failure by function's status message and then update the function's spec by calling RESTful API. If it's about some temporal failure caused by FaaSProvider, the function will turn into the initial state after FaaSProvider is recovered.


                ┌─────▼──────┐      Start     ┌────────────┐
                │            │     Success    │            │
       ┌────────┤  Initial   ├────────────────►   Active   │
       │        │            │                │            ├──────┐
       │        └───┬───▲────┘                └────┬───▲───┘      │
       │            │   │                          │   │          │
       │            │   │                          │   │          │
       │      Errors│   │ Update             Stop  │   │ Start    │
       │            │   ├───────────┐              │   │Success   │
       │            │   │           │              │   │          │
       │        ┌───▼───┴────┐      │         ┌────▼───┴───┐      │
       │        │            │      └─────────┤            │      │
Delete │        │   Failed   │                │  Inactive  │      │
       │        │            ◄────────────────┤            │      │
       │        └───┬───▲────┘  Start Failed  └──────┬─────┘      │
       │            │   │                            │            │
       │            │   │              Errors        │            │
       │    Delete  │   └────────────────────────────┼────────────┘
       │            │                                │
       │            │                                │
       │        ┌───▼────────┐                       │
       │        │            │          Delete       │
       └────────►  Destory   ◄───────────────────────┘
                │            │
Original State Event New State
initial Checking the status in FaaSProvider by FaaSController automatically, and it's ready active
initial Checking the status in FaaSProvider by FaaSController automatically, and it's has some faults failed
initial Checking the status in FaaSProvider by FaaSController automatically, and it's waiting on all resources to become ready initial
initial Deleting the function by RESTful API destroyed
active Checking the status of instance in FaaSProvider by FaaSController automatically, and it has some faults failed
active Checking the status of instance in FaaSProvider by FaaSController automatically, and for something reason, some resources are missing or pending failed
active Stoping the function by RESTful API inactive
active Checking the status of instance in FaaSProvider by FaaSController automatically, and it's healthy active
inactive Updating the function by RESTful API initial
inactive Deleting the function by RESTful API destroyed
inactive Staring the function by RESTful API and after successfully checking the status in FaaSProvider by FaaSController automatically active
inactive Staring the function by RESTful API but failing at checking status in FaaSProvider by FaaSController automatically failed
inactive Staring the function by RESTful API, Checking the status of instance in FaaSProvider by FaaSController automatically, and for something reason, some resources are missing or pending failed
failed Updating the function by RESTful API initial
failed Deleting the function by RESTful API destroyed
failed Checking the status in FaaSProvider by FaaSController automatically, and it's ready again initial
failed Checking the status of instance in FaaSProvider by FaaSController automatically, and for something reason, some resources are missing or pending failed
failed Checking the status in FaaSProvider by FaaSController automatically, and it has some faults failed


The RESTful API path obey this design http://host/{version}/{namespace}/{scope}(optional)/{resource}/{action},

Operation URL Method Body Description
Create a function http://eg-host/apis/v2/faas/{controller_name} POST function spec When there is not such a function in Easegress
Start a function http://eg-host/apis/v2/faas/{controller_name}/{function_name}/start PUT empty When function is in inactive state only, it will turn-on accepting traffic for this function
Stop a function http://eg-host/apis/v2/faas/{controller_name}/demo1/stop PUT empty When function is in active state only, it will turn-off accpeting traffic for this function
Update a function http://eg-host/apis/v2/faas/{controller_name}/{function_name} PUT function spec When function is in initial, inactive or failed state. It can used to update your function or fix your function's deployment problem.
Delete a function http://eg-host/apis/v2/faas/{controller_name}/{function_name} DELETE empty When function is in initial, inactive or failed states.
Get a function http://eg-host/apis/v2/faas/{controller_name}/{function_name} GET empty No timing limitation.
Get function list http://eg-host/apis/v2/faas/{controller_name} GET empty No timing limitation.


  1. Creating the FaasController in Easegress
$ cd ./easegress/example/primary-001 && ./

$ ./ object create -f ./faascontroller.yaml

$ ./ object get faascontroller
name: faascontroller
kind: FaaSController
provider: knative             # FaaS provider kind, currently we only support Knative

syncInterval: 10s

    http3: false
    port: 10083
    keepAlive: true
    keepAliveTimeout: 60s
    https: false
    maxConnections: 10240

  1. Creating the function
$ curl --data-binary @./function.yaml -X POST -H 'Content-Type: text/vnd.yaml'
  1. Waiting for the function provisioned successfully. Confirmed by using Get API for checking the state field
$ curl
  name: demo10
  image: dev.local/colordeploy:17.0
  port: 8089
  autoScaleType: rps
  autoScaleValue: "111"
  minReplica: 1
  maxReplica: 3
  limitCPU: 180m
  limitMemory: 100Mi
  requestCPU: 80m
  requestMemory: 20Mi
    host: ""
    method: ""
      del: []
        X-Func: func-demo
        X-Func1: func-demo-10
      add: {}
    body: ""
  name: demo10
  state: active
  event: ready
  extData: {}
fsm: null
  1. Visiting function by HTTP traffic gate with X-FaaS-Func-Name: demo10 in HTTP header.
$ curl -H "X-FaaS-Func-Name: demo10" -X POST -d ‘{"megaease":"Hello Easegress+Knative"}’
V3 Body is
‘{megaease:Hello Easegress+Knative}’%

$ curl -H "X-FaaS-Func-Name: demo10" -X POST -d ‘{"FaaS":"Cool"}’
V3 Body is

The function's API is serving in /tomcat/job/api path and its logic is displaying "V3 body is" with the contents u post.


  1. knative website
  2. Install knative serving via YAML
  3. resource quota
  4. AWS Lambda state