diff --git a/.github/codecov.yml b/.github/codecov.yml
index b9fb8f7989..1b17e7816b 100644
--- a/.github/codecov.yml
+++ b/.github/codecov.yml
@@ -28,3 +28,24 @@ component_management:
name: ibm-products-web-components
- ../packages/ibm-products-web-components/**
+ default_rules: # the rules that will be followed for any flag added, generally
+ carryforward: true
+ statuses:
+ - type: project
+ target: auto
+ threshold: 1%
+ - type: patch
+ target: 80%
+ individual_flags:
+ - name: exclude_deprecated #custom flag name to view the project coverage without deprecated components
+ paths:
+ - '../packages/ibm-products/src/components/**/*.deprecated.test.js' #fill in your own path. Note, accepts globs, not regexes
+ - '../packages/ibm-products/src/components/**/*.deprecated.test.ts' #fill in your own path. Note, accepts globs, not regexes
+ carryforward: true
+ statuses:
+ - type: project
+ target: 20%
+ - type: patch
+ target: 100%
diff --git a/.github/workflows/ci.yml b/.github/workflows/ci.yml
index 51aa7c1f42..12d0d8621f 100644
--- a/.github/workflows/ci.yml
+++ b/.github/workflows/ci.yml
@@ -117,6 +117,12 @@ jobs:
uses: codecov/codecov-action@e28ff129e5465c2c0dcc6f003fc735cb6ae0c673 # v4.5.0
+ - name: CI tests for c4p excluding deprecated components
+ run: yarn test:c4p-exclude-deprecated --collectCoverage
+ - name: Upload coverage reports to Codecov with GitHub Action
+ uses: codecov/codecov-action@e28ff129e5465c2c0dcc6f003fc735cb6ae0c673 # v4.5.0
+ env:
- name: CI snapshot tests for c4p
run: yarn ci-check:test:c4p:snapshot
@@ -139,6 +145,10 @@ jobs:
run: yarn
- name: CI tests for products web components
run: yarn ci-check:test:c4p-wc
+ - name: Upload coverage reports to Codecov with GitHub Action
+ uses: codecov/codecov-action@e28ff129e5465c2c0dcc6f003fc735cb6ae0c673 # v4.5.0
+ env:
diff --git a/package.json b/package.json
index b24f23168c..b46006699c 100644
--- a/package.json
+++ b/package.json
@@ -52,6 +52,7 @@
"test:c4p:snapshot": "yarn test:c4p-styles styles -u",
"test:c4p-styles": "lerna run --stream --scope @carbon/ibm-products-styles test --",
"test:c4p-wc": "yarn playwright install && lerna run --stream --scope @carbon/ibm-products-web-components test --",
+ "test:c4p-exclude-deprecated": "yarn test:c4p --testPathIgnorePatterns='\\.deprecated\\.test\\.js$' --",
"spellcheck": "cspell '**' -e './examples' --gitignore --quiet --no-must-find-files",
"storybook": "yarn storybook:start",
"storybook:build": "run-s -s 'storybook:build:*'",
diff --git a/packages/ibm-products/src/components/Datagrid/Datagrid.deprecated.test.js b/packages/ibm-products/src/components/Datagrid/Datagrid.deprecated.test.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..aa18a8c878
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/ibm-products/src/components/Datagrid/Datagrid.deprecated.test.js
@@ -0,0 +1,2933 @@
+ * Copyright IBM Corp. 2022, 2024
+ *
+ * This source code is licensed under the Apache-2.0 license found in the
+ * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
+ */
+/* eslint-disable react/prop-types */
+import React, { useState, useEffect, forwardRef } from 'react';
+import { render, screen, fireEvent } from '@testing-library/react'; // https://testing-library.com/docs/react-testing-library/intro
+import { within } from '@testing-library/dom';
+import uuidv4 from '../../global/js/utils/uuidv4';
+import { makeData } from './utils/makeData';
+import {
+ checkLogging,
+ expectWarn,
+ mockHTMLElement,
+} from '../../global/js/utils/test-helper';
+import { Datagrid, useFilterContext } from '.';
+import {
+ useDatagrid,
+ useInfiniteScroll,
+ useSelectRows,
+ useDisableSelectRows,
+ useExpandedRow,
+ useNestedRows,
+ useSortableColumns,
+ useOnRowClick,
+ useCustomizeColumns,
+ useSelectAllWithToggle,
+ useRowIsMouseOver,
+ useStickyColumn,
+ useActionsColumn,
+ useColumnOrder,
+ useColumnRightAlign,
+ useColumnCenterAlign,
+ useEditableCell,
+} from '.';
+import {
+ TableToolbarContent,
+ TableToolbarSearch,
+ Button,
+ Pagination,
+ TableBatchActions,
+ TableBatchAction,
+} from '@carbon/react';
+import {
+ Download,
+ Restart,
+ Filter,
+ Activity,
+ Add,
+ Edit,
+} from '@carbon/react/icons';
+import { carbon, pkg } from '../../settings';
+const blockClass = `${pkg.prefix}--datagrid`;
+import namor from 'namor';
+import userEvent from '@testing-library/user-event';
+import { getInlineEditColumns } from './utils/getInlineEditColumns';
+import { FilteringUsage } from './utils/FilteringUsage';
+import {
+ generateDummyCheckboxes,
+ filterProps as testFilterProps,
+ flyoutFilterProps as flyoutProps,
+} from './utils/filterPropsForTesting';
+const { click, hover, unhover } = userEvent.setup({
+ // delay: null, // prev version
+ advanceTimers: jest.advanceTimersByTime,
+const dataTestId = uuidv4();
+const componentName = Datagrid.displayName;
+const defaultHeader = [
+ {
+ Header: 'Row Index',
+ accessor: (row, i) => i,
+ sticky: 'left',
+ id: 'rowIndex', // id is required when accessor is a function.
+ },
+ {
+ Header: 'First Name',
+ accessor: 'firstName',
+ sticky: 'left',
+ },
+ {
+ Header: 'Last Name',
+ accessor: 'lastName',
+ },
+ {
+ Header: 'Age',
+ accessor: 'age',
+ width: 50,
+ },
+ {
+ Header: 'Visits',
+ accessor: 'visits',
+ width: 60,
+ },
+ {
+ Header: 'Someone 1',
+ accessor: 'someone1',
+ },
+ {
+ Header: 'Someone 2',
+ accessor: 'someone2',
+ },
+ {
+ Header: 'Someone 3',
+ accessor: 'someone3',
+ },
+ {
+ Header: 'Someone 4',
+ accessor: 'someone4',
+ },
+ {
+ Header: 'Someone 5',
+ accessor: 'someone5',
+ },
+ {
+ Header: 'Someone 6',
+ accessor: 'someone6',
+ },
+ {
+ Header: 'Someone 7',
+ accessor: 'someone7',
+ },
+ {
+ Header: 'Someone 8',
+ accessor: 'someone8',
+ },
+ {
+ Header: 'Someone 9',
+ accessor: 'someone9',
+ },
+ {
+ Header: 'Someone 10',
+ accessor: 'someone10',
+ },
+const DatagridBatchActions = (datagridState) => {
+ const { selectedFlatRows, toggleAllRowsSelected } = datagridState;
+ const totalSelected = selectedFlatRows && selectedFlatRows.length;
+ const onBatchAction = () => alert('Batch action');
+ const actionName = 'Action';
+ return (
+ 0}
+ totalSelected={totalSelected}
+ onCancel={() => toggleAllRowsSelected(false)}
+ >
+ }
+ onClick={onBatchAction}
+ >
+ {actionName}
+ );
+const BasicUsage = ({ ...rest } = {}) => {
+ const columns = React.useMemo(() => defaultHeader, []);
+ const [data] = useState(makeData(10));
+ const datagridState = useDatagrid({
+ columns,
+ data,
+ resizerAriaLabel: 'Custom column resizer label',
+ });
+ return ;
+const SpacerColumn = ({ ...rest } = {}) => {
+ const [data] = useState(makeData(10));
+ const columns = React.useMemo(
+ () => [
+ {
+ Header: 'First Name',
+ accessor: 'firstName',
+ rightAlignedColumn: true,
+ },
+ {
+ Header: 'Last Name',
+ accessor: 'lastName',
+ rightAlignedColumn: true,
+ },
+ ],
+ []
+ );
+ const datagridState = useDatagrid(
+ {
+ columns,
+ data,
+ enableSpacerColumn: true,
+ },
+ useColumnRightAlign
+ );
+ return ;
+const DatagridActions = (datagridState) => {
+ const {
+ selectedFlatRows,
+ setGlobalFilter,
+ CustomizeColumnsButton,
+ RowSizeDropdown,
+ rowSizeDropdownProps,
+ } = datagridState;
+ const downloadCsv = () => {
+ alert('Downloading...');
+ };
+ const refreshColumns = () => {
+ alert('refreshing...');
+ };
+ const leftPanelClick = () => {
+ alert('open/close left panel...');
+ };
+ const searchForAColumn = 'Search';
+ const isNothingSelected = selectedFlatRows.length === 0;
+ const style = {
+ 'button:nth-child(1) > span:nth-child(1)': {
+ bottom: '-37px',
+ },
+ };
+ return (
+ isNothingSelected && (
+ )
+ );
+const DatagridPagination = ({ state, setPageSize, gotoPage, rows }) => {
+ const updatePagination = ({ page, pageSize }) => {
+ setPageSize(pageSize);
+ gotoPage(page - 1); // Carbon is non-zero-based
+ };
+ return (
+ );
+const EmptyUsage = ({ emptyStateType, ...rest } = {}) => {
+ const columns = React.useMemo(() => defaultHeader, []);
+ const [data] = useState(makeData(0));
+ const emptyStateTitle = 'Empty State Title';
+ const emptyStateDescription =
+ 'Description test explaining why this card is empty.';
+ const emptyStateSize = 'lg';
+ const illustrationTheme = 'light';
+ const dataGridState = useDatagrid({
+ columns,
+ data,
+ emptyStateTitle,
+ emptyStateDescription,
+ emptyStateSize,
+ emptyStateType,
+ illustrationTheme,
+ DatagridActions,
+ DatagridBatchActions,
+ DatagridPagination,
+ });
+ return ;
+const TenThousandEntries = ({ ...rest } = {}) => {
+ const columns = React.useMemo(() => defaultHeader, []);
+ const [data] = useState(makeData(10000));
+ const datagridState = useDatagrid(
+ {
+ columns,
+ data,
+ rowSize: 'lg',
+ ...rest,
+ },
+ useInfiniteScroll
+ );
+ return ;
+const IsHoverOnRow = () => {
+ const Cell = ({ row }) => {
+ if (row.isMouseOver) {
+ return 'yes hovering!';
+ }
+ return '';
+ };
+ const columns = React.useMemo(
+ () => [
+ ...defaultHeader.slice(0, 3),
+ {
+ Header: 'Is hover on row?',
+ id: 'isHoveringColumn',
+ disableSortBy: true,
+ Cell,
+ },
+ ],
+ []
+ );
+ const [data] = useState(makeData(10));
+ const datagridState = useDatagrid(
+ {
+ columns,
+ data,
+ },
+ useRowIsMouseOver
+ );
+ return ;
+const DisableSelectRow = ({ ...rest } = {}) => {
+ const columns = React.useMemo(() => defaultHeader, []);
+ const [data] = useState(makeData(10));
+ const datagridState = useDatagrid(
+ {
+ columns,
+ data,
+ DatagridActions,
+ DatagridBatchActions,
+ endPlugins: [useDisableSelectRows],
+ shouldDisableSelectRow: (row) => row.id % 2 === 0,
+ disableSelectAll: true,
+ },
+ useSelectRows
+ );
+ return ;
+const ExpandedRow = ({ ...rest } = {}) => {
+ const expansionRenderer = ({ row }) =>
Content for {row.id}
+ const columns = React.useMemo(() => defaultHeader, []);
+ const [data] = useState(makeData(10));
+ const datagridState = useDatagrid(
+ {
+ columns,
+ data,
+ ExpandedRowContentComponent: expansionRenderer,
+ expandedContentHeight: 95,
+ expanderButtonTitleExpanded: 'Collapse row',
+ expanderButtonTitleCollapsed: 'Expand row',
+ },
+ useExpandedRow
+ );
+ return ;
+// with toolbarBatchActions
+const SelectItemsInAllPages = ({ ...rest } = {}) => {
+ const columns = React.useMemo(() => defaultHeader, []);
+ const [data] = useState(makeData(100));
+ const datagridState = useDatagrid(
+ {
+ columns,
+ data,
+ batchActions: true,
+ toolbarBatchActions: getBatchActions(),
+ DatagridActions,
+ initialState: {
+ pageSize: 10,
+ pageSizes: [5, 10, 25, 50],
+ },
+ endPlugins: [useDisableSelectRows],
+ shouldDisableSelectRow: (row) => row.id % 15 === 0,
+ DatagridPagination,
+ },
+ useSelectRows
+ );
+ return ;
+const HideSelectAll = ({ ...rest } = {}) => {
+ const columns = React.useMemo(() => defaultHeader, []);
+ const [data] = useState(makeData(10));
+ const datagridState = useDatagrid(
+ {
+ columns,
+ data,
+ hideSelectAll: true,
+ },
+ useSelectRows
+ );
+ return ;
+const range = (len) => {
+ const arr = [];
+ for (let i = 0; i < len; i++) {
+ arr.push(i);
+ }
+ return arr;
+const Wrapper = ({ children }) => (
+ {children}
+const RowSizeDropdown = ({ ...rest } = {}) => {
+ const columns = React.useMemo(
+ () => [
+ ...defaultHeader.slice(0, 3),
+ {
+ Header: 'Different cell content',
+ id: 'rowSizeDemo-cell',
+ disableSortBy: true,
+ Cell: ({ rowSize }) => rowSize,
+ },
+ ],
+ []
+ );
+ const [data] = useState(makeData(10));
+ const datagridState = useDatagrid(
+ {
+ columns,
+ data,
+ rowSize: 'xs',
+ rowSizes: [
+ {
+ value: 'xl',
+ labelText: 'More than super',
+ },
+ {
+ value: 'lg',
+ labelText: 'Super tall row',
+ },
+ {
+ value: 'md',
+ },
+ {
+ value: 'xs',
+ labelText: 'Teeny tiny row',
+ },
+ ],
+ /*onRowSizeChange: (value) => {
+ },*/
+ DatagridActions,
+ DatagridBatchActions,
+ },
+ useSelectRows
+ );
+ return (
+ );
+const CustomizingColumns = ({ ...rest } = {}) => {
+ const columns = React.useMemo(
+ () => (rest.columns ? rest.columns : defaultHeader),
+ [rest.columns]
+ );
+ const [data] = useState(makeData(10));
+ const datagridState = useDatagrid(
+ {
+ columns,
+ data,
+ initialState: {
+ hiddenColumns: ['age'],
+ columnOrder: [],
+ },
+ /*customizeColumnsProps: {
+ onSaveColumnPrefs: (newColDefs) => {
+ },
+ },*/
+ DatagridActions,
+ DatagridBatchActions,
+ },
+ useCustomizeColumns,
+ useColumnOrder
+ );
+ return (
+ <>
+ Hidden column ids:
{JSON.stringify(datagridState.state.hiddenColumns, null, 2)}
+ More details in the Notes section
+ >
+ );
+const NestedRows = ({ initialState = {}, ...rest } = {}) => {
+ const columns = React.useMemo(() => defaultHeader, []);
+ const [data] = useState(makeData(10, 5, 2, 2));
+ const datagridState = useDatagrid(
+ {
+ columns,
+ data,
+ initialState,
+ },
+ useNestedRows
+ );
+ return ;
+const NestedTable = ({ ...rest } = {}) => {
+ const [data] = useState(makeData(20));
+ const nestedColumns = React.useMemo(() => [...defaultHeader], []);
+ nestedColumns[0] = {
+ Header: 'Row #',
+ accessor: (row, i) => i,
+ sticky: 'left',
+ };
+ const nestedDatagridState = useDatagrid({
+ columns: nestedColumns,
+ data,
+ initialState: { pageSize: 10 },
+ DatagridPagination,
+ });
+ const expansionRenderer = () => (
+ );
+ const columns = React.useMemo(() => defaultHeader, []);
+ const datagridState = useDatagrid(
+ {
+ columns,
+ data,
+ ExpandedRowContentComponent: expansionRenderer,
+ expandedContentHeight: (nestedDatagridState.state.pageSize + 2) * 48 + 1, // +2 for header and pagination
+ expanderButtonTitleExpanded: 'Collapse row',
+ expanderButtonTitleCollapsed: 'Expand row',
+ },
+ useExpandedRow
+ );
+ return ;
+const RadioSelect = ({ ...rest } = {}) => {
+ const columns = React.useMemo(() => defaultHeader, []);
+ const [data] = useState(makeData(10));
+ const datagridState = useDatagrid(
+ {
+ columns,
+ data,
+ hideSelectAll: true,
+ radio: true,
+ initialState: {
+ selectedRowIds: {
+ 3: true,
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ useSelectRows
+ );
+ return ;
+const SelectableRow = ({ ...rest } = {}) => {
+ const columns = React.useMemo(() => defaultHeader, []);
+ const [data] = useState(makeData(10));
+ const datagridState = useDatagrid(
+ {
+ columns,
+ data,
+ },
+ useSelectRows
+ );
+ return ;
+const SortableColumns = ({ ...rest } = {}) => {
+ const columns = React.useMemo(
+ () => [
+ ...defaultHeader,
+ {
+ Header: 'Someone 11',
+ accessor: 'someone11',
+ disableSortBy: true,
+ },
+ ],
+ []
+ );
+ const [data] = useState(makeData(10));
+ const datagridState = useDatagrid(
+ {
+ columns,
+ data,
+ ascendingSortableLabelText: 'ascending',
+ descendingSortableLabelText: 'descending',
+ defaultSortableLabelText: 'none',
+ ...rest,
+ },
+ useSortableColumns
+ );
+ return ;
+const newPersonWithTwoLines = () => {
+ return {
+ firstName: (
+ <>
+ {namor.generate({ words: 1, numbers: 0 })}
+ {namor.generate({ words: 1, numbers: 0 })}
+ >
+ ),
+ lastName: namor.generate({ words: 1, numbers: 0 }),
+ age: Math.floor(Math.random() * 30),
+ };
+const makeDataWithTwoLines = (length) =>
+ range(length).map(() => newPersonWithTwoLines());
+const TopAlignment = forwardRef(({ ...rest }, ref) => {
+ const columns = React.useMemo(() => defaultHeader.slice(0, 3), []);
+ const [data] = useState(makeDataWithTwoLines(10));
+ const datagridState = useDatagrid(
+ {
+ columns,
+ data,
+ verticalAlign: 'top',
+ variableRowHeight: true,
+ rowSize: 'xs',
+ rowSizes: [
+ {
+ value: 'xl',
+ },
+ {
+ value: 'lg',
+ },
+ {
+ value: 'md',
+ },
+ {
+ value: 'xs',
+ },
+ ],
+ DatagridActions,
+ DatagridBatchActions,
+ },
+ useSelectRows
+ );
+ return ;
+const ClickableRow = ({ onRowClickFn, ...rest } = {}) => {
+ const columns = React.useMemo(() => defaultHeader, []);
+ const [data] = useState(makeData(10));
+ const datagridState = useDatagrid(
+ {
+ columns,
+ data,
+ onRowClick: onRowClickFn,
+ ...rest,
+ },
+ useOnRowClick
+ );
+ return ;
+const InfiniteScroll = () => {
+ const columns = React.useMemo(() => defaultHeader, []);
+ const [data, setData] = useState(makeData(0));
+ const [isFetching, setIsFetching] = useState(false);
+ const fetchData = () =>
+ new Promise((resolve) => {
+ setIsFetching(true);
+ setTimeout(() => {
+ setData(data.concat(makeData(30, 5, 2)));
+ setIsFetching(false);
+ resolve();
+ }, 1000);
+ });
+ useEffect(() => {
+ fetchData();
+ // eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/exhaustive-deps
+ }, []);
+ const datagridState = useDatagrid(
+ {
+ columns,
+ data,
+ isFetching,
+ fetchMoreData: fetchData,
+ },
+ useInfiniteScroll
+ );
+ return (
+ ;
+ );
+const InitialLoad = () => {
+ const columns = React.useMemo(() => defaultHeader, []);
+ const [data, setData] = useState(makeData(0));
+ const [isFetching, setIsFetching] = useState(false);
+ const fetchData = () =>
+ new Promise((resolve) => {
+ setIsFetching(true);
+ setTimeout(() => {
+ setData(data.concat(makeData(30, 5, 2)));
+ resolve();
+ }, 1000);
+ }).then(() => setIsFetching(false));
+ useEffect(() => {
+ fetchData();
+ // eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/exhaustive-deps
+ }, []);
+ const datagridState = useDatagrid({
+ columns,
+ data,
+ isFetching,
+ });
+ return ;
+const WithPagination = ({ ...rest } = {}) => {
+ const columns = React.useMemo(() => defaultHeader, []);
+ const [data] = useState(makeData(100));
+ const datagridState = useDatagrid({
+ columns,
+ data,
+ initialState: {
+ pageSize: 25,
+ pageSizes: [5, 10, 25, 50],
+ },
+ DatagridPagination,
+ });
+ return ;
+const BatchActions = () => {
+ const columns = React.useMemo(() => defaultHeader, []);
+ const [data] = useState(makeData(10));
+ const datagridState = useDatagrid(
+ {
+ columns,
+ data,
+ DatagridActions,
+ DatagridBatchActions,
+ },
+ useSelectRows
+ );
+ return ;
+const editActionClickFn = jest.fn();
+const voteActionClickFn = jest.fn();
+const retireActionClickFn = jest.fn();
+const deleteActionClickFn = jest.fn();
+const ActionsColumnExample = ({
+ isFetching = false,
+ shouldDisableMenuItem = null,
+ shouldHideMenuItem = null,
+ disabled = false,
+ twoActions = false,
+ sticky = 'right',
+ ...rest
+} = {}) => {
+ const columns = React.useMemo(
+ () => [
+ ...defaultHeader,
+ {
+ Header: '',
+ accessor: 'actions',
+ sticky,
+ width: 60,
+ isAction: true,
+ },
+ ],
+ [sticky]
+ );
+ const [data] = useState(makeData(10));
+ const rowActions = [
+ {
+ id: 'edit',
+ itemText: 'Edit',
+ onClick: editActionClickFn,
+ disabled,
+ shouldHideMenuItem,
+ shouldDisableMenuItem,
+ icon: Edit,
+ },
+ {
+ id: 'vote',
+ itemText: 'Vote',
+ onClick: voteActionClickFn,
+ icon: Add,
+ },
+ {
+ id: 'retire',
+ itemText: 'Retire',
+ onClick: retireActionClickFn,
+ },
+ {
+ id: 'delete',
+ itemText: 'Delete',
+ hasDivider: true,
+ isDelete: true,
+ onClick: deleteActionClickFn,
+ },
+ ];
+ const datagridState = useDatagrid(
+ {
+ columns,
+ data,
+ rowActions: !twoActions ? rowActions : [...rowActions].slice(0, 2),
+ isFetching,
+ },
+ useStickyColumn,
+ useActionsColumn
+ );
+ return ;
+beforeAll(() => {
+ jest.spyOn(global.console, 'warn').mockImplementation((message) => {
+ if (
+ !message.includes('componentWillReceiveProps') &&
+ !message.includes('deprecated')
+ ) {
+ global.console.warn(message);
+ }
+ });
+describe(componentName, () => {
+ beforeEach(() => {
+ jest.spyOn(global.console, 'error').mockImplementation(() => {});
+ //This will suppress the warning about Arrows16 Component (will be removed in the next major version of @carbon/icons-react).
+ jest.spyOn(global.console, 'warn').mockImplementation(() => {});
+ jest.useFakeTimers();
+ jest.spyOn(global, 'setTimeout');
+ window.ResizeObserver = jest.fn().mockImplementation(() => ({
+ observe: jest.fn(),
+ unobserve: jest.fn(),
+ disconnect: jest.fn(),
+ }));
+ });
+ afterEach(() => {
+ jest.useRealTimers();
+ window.ResizeObserver = ResizeObserver;
+ });
+ it('check total column count', () => {
+ render();
+ expect(screen.getAllByRole('columnheader').length).toEqual(
+ defaultHeader.length
+ );
+ });
+ it('renders a table with spacer column', () => {
+ render();
+ expect(screen.getByRole('table')).toHaveClass(
+ `${carbon.prefix}--data-table`
+ );
+ expect(
+ screen.getAllByRole('columnheader', { hidden: true }).length
+ ).toEqual(3);
+ });
+ it('renders a basic data grid component with devTools attribute', async () => {
+ render();
+ expect(screen.getByTestId(dataTestId)).toHaveDevtoolsAttribute(
+ Datagrid.displayName
+ );
+ expect(screen.getByRole('table')).toHaveClass(
+ `${carbon.prefix}--data-table`
+ );
+ expect(
+ screen
+ .getByRole('table')
+ .getElementsByTagName('thead')[0]
+ .getElementsByTagName('tr')[0]
+ .getElementsByTagName('th').length
+ ).toEqual(15);
+ expect(
+ screen
+ .getByRole('table')
+ .getElementsByTagName('tbody')[0]
+ .getElementsByTagName('tr').length
+ ).toEqual(10);
+ });
+ it('renders a basic table and resizes column', async () => {
+ const user = userEvent.setup({
+ advanceTimers: jest.advanceTimersByTime,
+ });
+ const { keyboard, tab } = user;
+ render();
+ const resizerInput = screen.getAllByLabelText(
+ 'Custom column resizer label'
+ );
+ expect(resizerInput.length).toEqual(defaultHeader.length);
+ await click(screen.getByTestId(dataTestId));
+ await tab();
+ // Input range resizer now has focus
+ await keyboard('[ArrowRight]');
+ const firstColumnHeader = screen.getAllByRole('columnheader')[0];
+ const firstColumnWidth = firstColumnHeader.style.width;
+ expect(parseInt(firstColumnWidth)).toEqual(152);
+ await keyboard('[ArrowRight]');
+ const resizedFirstColumnHeader = screen.getAllByRole('columnheader')[0];
+ const resizedFirstColumnWidth = resizedFirstColumnHeader.style.width;
+ expect(parseInt(resizedFirstColumnWidth)).toEqual(154);
+ await keyboard('[ArrowLeft]');
+ const revertResizedFirstColumnHeader =
+ screen.getAllByRole('columnheader')[0];
+ const revertResizedFirstColumnWidth =
+ revertResizedFirstColumnHeader.style.width;
+ expect(parseInt(revertResizedFirstColumnWidth)).toEqual(152);
+ });
+ it('renders a Batch Actions Table', async () => {
+ render();
+ const alertMock = jest.spyOn(window, 'alert');
+ fireEvent.click(
+ screen
+ .getByRole('table')
+ .getElementsByTagName('thead')[0]
+ .getElementsByTagName('tr')[0]
+ .getElementsByTagName('th')[0]
+ .getElementsByTagName('div')[0]
+ .getElementsByTagName('input')[0]
+ );
+ const tableBodyRows = screen
+ .getByRole('table')
+ .getElementsByTagName('tbody')[0]
+ .getElementsByTagName('tr');
+ const numRows = tableBodyRows.length;
+ for (var i = 0; i < numRows; i++) {
+ expect(tableBodyRows[i].classList[1]).toEqual(
+ `${carbon.prefix}--data-table--selected`
+ );
+ }
+ fireEvent.click(
+ screen
+ .getByRole('table')
+ .getElementsByTagName('thead')[0]
+ .getElementsByTagName('tr')[0]
+ .getElementsByTagName('th')[0]
+ .getElementsByTagName('div')[0]
+ .getElementsByTagName('input')[0]
+ );
+ expect(
+ document.getElementsByClassName(`${carbon.prefix}--search-input`)[0]
+ ).toBeDefined();
+ const filterButton = screen.getByLabelText('Left panel');
+ fireEvent.click(filterButton);
+ expect(alertMock).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1);
+ const rowHeightButton = screen.getByRole('button', {
+ name: /Row settings/i,
+ });
+ fireEvent.click(rowHeightButton);
+ const rowSizeDropDown = [
+ 'Extra large',
+ 'Large (default)',
+ 'Medium',
+ 'Small',
+ 'Extra small',
+ ];
+ const rowSize = document
+ .getElementsByClassName('c4p--datagrid__row-size-dropdown')[0]
+ .getElementsByTagName('div')[0]
+ .getElementsByTagName('fieldset')[0]
+ .getElementsByTagName('div').length;
+ for (var k = 0; k < rowSize; k++) {
+ expect(
+ document
+ .getElementsByClassName('c4p--datagrid__row-size-dropdown')[0]
+ .getElementsByTagName('div')[0]
+ .getElementsByTagName('fieldset')[0]
+ .getElementsByTagName('div')
+ .item(k)
+ .getElementsByTagName('label')[0]
+ .getElementsByTagName('span')[1].textContent
+ ).toEqual(rowSizeDropDown[k]);
+ }
+ const refreshButton = screen.getByLabelText('Refresh');
+ fireEvent.click(refreshButton);
+ expect(alertMock).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(2);
+ const downloadButton = screen.getByLabelText('Download CSV');
+ fireEvent.click(downloadButton);
+ expect(alertMock).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(3);
+ fireEvent.click(
+ screen
+ .getByRole('table')
+ .getElementsByTagName('thead')[0]
+ .getElementsByTagName('tr')[0]
+ .getElementsByTagName('th')[0]
+ .getElementsByTagName('div')[0]
+ .getElementsByTagName('input')[0]
+ );
+ expect(
+ document
+ .getElementsByClassName('c4p--datagrid__table-toolbar')[0]
+ .getElementsByTagName('section')[0]
+ .getElementsByTagName('div')[0]
+ .getElementsByTagName('div')[0]
+ .getElementsByTagName('p')[0]
+ .getElementsByTagName('span')[0].textContent
+ ).toEqual('10 items selected');
+ expect(
+ document
+ .getElementsByClassName('c4p--datagrid__table-toolbar')[0]
+ .getElementsByTagName('section')[0]
+ .getElementsByTagName('div')[0]
+ .getElementsByTagName('div')[1]
+ .getElementsByTagName('button')[0].textContent
+ ).toEqual('Action');
+ fireEvent.click(
+ document
+ .getElementsByClassName('c4p--datagrid__table-toolbar')[0]
+ .getElementsByTagName('section')[0]
+ .getElementsByTagName('div')[0]
+ .getElementsByTagName('div')[1]
+ .getElementsByTagName('button')[0]
+ );
+ expect(alertMock).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(4);
+ expect(
+ document
+ .getElementsByClassName('c4p--datagrid__table-toolbar')[0]
+ .getElementsByTagName('section')[0]
+ .getElementsByTagName('div')[0]
+ .getElementsByTagName('div')[1]
+ .getElementsByTagName('button')[1].textContent
+ ).toEqual('Cancel');
+ fireEvent.click(
+ document
+ .getElementsByClassName('c4p--datagrid__table-toolbar')[0]
+ .getElementsByTagName('section')[0]
+ .getElementsByTagName('div')[0]
+ .getElementsByTagName('div')[1]
+ .getElementsByTagName('button')[1]
+ );
+ });
+ it('renders nothing and logs a warning to console if no datagridState is supplied', async () => {
+ expectWarn(
+ 'Datagrid was not passed datagridState which is required to render this component.',
+ () => {
+ const errorMock = jest
+ .spyOn(console, 'error')
+ .mockImplementation(() => {});
+ const { container } = render(
+ );
+ checkLogging(
+ errorMock,
+ /^Warning: Failed prop type: The prop `datagridState` is marked as required in `Datagrid`, but its value is `null`./
+ );
+ expect(container.children.length).toEqual(0);
+ jest.spyOn(console, 'error').mockRestore();
+ },
+ 2
+ );
+ });
+ //Empty State
+ it('renders an empty table', async () => {
+ const { rerender } = render();
+ screen.getAllByText('Empty State Title');
+ screen.getByText('Description test explaining why this card is empty.');
+ expect(screen.getByRole('img')).toHaveClass(
+ `${pkg.prefix}--empty-state__illustration-noData`
+ );
+ rerender();
+ expect(screen.getByRole('img')).toHaveClass(
+ `${pkg.prefix}--empty-state__illustration-error`
+ );
+ rerender();
+ expect(screen.getByRole('img')).toHaveClass(
+ `${pkg.prefix}--empty-state__illustration-notFound`
+ );
+ rerender();
+ expect(screen.queryByRole('img')).not.toBeInTheDocument();
+ });
+ it('Initial Load', async () => {
+ render();
+ expect(
+ screen
+ .getByRole('table')
+ .getElementsByTagName('thead')[0]
+ .getElementsByTagName('tr')[0]
+ .getElementsByTagName('th').length
+ ).toEqual(15);
+ });
+ it('Infinite Scroll', async () => {
+ render();
+ expect(
+ screen
+ .getByRole('table')
+ .getElementsByTagName('tbody')[0]
+ .getElementsByTagName('div')[0].classList[0]
+ ).toBe('c4p--datagrid__virtual-scrollbar');
+ });
+ it('renders Ten Thousand table entries', async () => {
+ const { rerender } = render(
+ );
+ const tableBody =
+ screen.getAllByRole('rowgroup')[1].firstElementChild.firstElementChild;
+ const tableBodyHeight = tableBody.style.height;
+ expect(parseInt(tableBodyHeight)).toEqual(480000);
+ expect(
+ parseInt(tableBodyHeight) / 48 // 48 is default row height
+ ).toEqual(10000);
+ rerender(
+ );
+ const rowGroups = screen.getAllByRole('rowgroup');
+ const bodyRowGroup = rowGroups[1];
+ const virtualScrollingElement = bodyRowGroup.firstElementChild;
+ fireEvent.scroll(virtualScrollingElement, { target: { scrollY: 5000 } });
+ expect(virtualScrollingElement.scrollLeft).toEqual(
+ bodyRowGroup.previousElementSibling.scrollLeft
+ );
+ });
+ it('With Pagination', async () => {
+ render();
+ expect(
+ document.getElementById(`${carbon.prefix}-pagination-select-4`)
+ ).toBeDefined();
+ expect(
+ document.getElementById(`${carbon.prefix}-pagination-select-6`)
+ ).toBeDefined();
+ });
+ it('Clickable Row', async () => {
+ const onRowClickFn = jest.fn();
+ const { rerender } = render(
+ );
+ const rows = screen.getAllByRole('row');
+ const bodyRows = rows.filter(
+ (r) =>
+ !r.classList.contains('c4p--datagrid__head') &&
+ !r.classList.contains('c4p--datagrid__expanded-row')
+ );
+ const firstBodyRow = bodyRows[0];
+ fireEvent.click(firstBodyRow);
+ expect(onRowClickFn).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1);
+ rerender(
+ );
+ const newRows = screen.getAllByRole('row');
+ const newBodyRows = newRows.filter(
+ (r) =>
+ !r.classList.contains('c4p--datagrid__head') &&
+ !r.classList.contains('c4p--datagrid__expanded-row')
+ );
+ const newBodyRow = newBodyRows[0];
+ newBodyRow.focus();
+ const user = userEvent.setup({
+ advanceTimers: jest.advanceTimersByTime,
+ });
+ const { keyboard } = user;
+ await keyboard('{Enter}');
+ expect(onRowClickFn).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(2);
+ newBodyRow.focus();
+ await keyboard('{Shift}');
+ expect(onRowClickFn).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(2);
+ });
+ function completeHoverOperation(rowNumber) {
+ hover(
+ screen
+ .getByRole('table')
+ .getElementsByTagName('tbody')[0]
+ .getElementsByTagName('tr')
+ .item(rowNumber)
+ .getElementsByTagName('td')[3]
+ );
+ setTimeout(() => {
+ expect(
+ screen
+ .getByRole('table')
+ .getElementsByTagName('tbody')[0]
+ .getElementsByTagName('tr')
+ .item(rowNumber)
+ .getElementsByTagName('td')[3].textContent
+ ).toBe('yes hovering!');
+ }, 300);
+ unhover(
+ screen
+ .getByRole('table')
+ .getElementsByTagName('tbody')[0]
+ .getElementsByTagName('tr')[rowNumber]
+ );
+ setTimeout(() => {
+ expect(
+ screen
+ .getByRole('table')
+ .getElementsByTagName('tbody')[0]
+ .getElementsByTagName('tr')
+ .item(rowNumber)
+ .getElementsByTagName('td')[3].textContent
+ ).toBe('');
+ }, 300);
+ }
+ it('Is Hover On Row', async () => {
+ render();
+ completeHoverOperation(1);
+ completeHoverOperation(5);
+ });
+ //Disables Selected Rows
+ it('Renders Disable Select Row', async () => {
+ render();
+ const alertMock = jest.spyOn(window, 'alert');
+ expect(
+ document.getElementsByClassName(`${carbon.prefix}--search-input`)[0]
+ ).toBeDefined();
+ const filterButton = screen.getByLabelText('Left panel');
+ fireEvent.click(filterButton);
+ expect(alertMock).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1);
+ const rowHeightButton = screen.getByRole('button', {
+ name: /Row settings/i,
+ });
+ fireEvent.click(rowHeightButton);
+ const rowSizeDropDown = [
+ 'Extra large',
+ 'Large (default)',
+ 'Medium',
+ 'Small',
+ 'Extra small',
+ ];
+ const rowSize = document
+ .getElementsByClassName('c4p--datagrid__row-size-dropdown')[0]
+ .getElementsByTagName('div')[0]
+ .getElementsByTagName('fieldset')[0]
+ .getElementsByTagName('div').length;
+ for (var k = 0; k < rowSize; k++) {
+ expect(
+ document
+ .getElementsByClassName('c4p--datagrid__row-size-dropdown')[0]
+ .getElementsByTagName('div')[0]
+ .getElementsByTagName('fieldset')[0]
+ .getElementsByTagName('div')
+ .item(k)
+ .getElementsByTagName('label')[0]
+ .getElementsByTagName('span')[1].textContent
+ ).toEqual(rowSizeDropDown[k]);
+ }
+ const refreshButtonElement = screen.getByLabelText('Refresh');
+ fireEvent.click(refreshButtonElement);
+ expect(alertMock).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(2);
+ const downloadButtonElement = screen.getByLabelText('Download CSV');
+ fireEvent.click(downloadButtonElement);
+ expect(alertMock).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(3);
+ const unClickableRow = screen
+ .getByRole('table')
+ .getElementsByTagName('tbody')[0]
+ .getElementsByTagName('tr')[0];
+ const clickableRow = screen
+ .getByRole('table')
+ .getElementsByTagName('tbody')[0]
+ .getElementsByTagName('tr')[1];
+ expect(
+ unClickableRow
+ .getElementsByTagName('td')[0]
+ .getElementsByTagName('div')[0]
+ .getElementsByTagName('input')[0]
+ ).toHaveAttribute('disabled');
+ clickableRow
+ .getElementsByTagName('td')[0]
+ .getElementsByTagName('div')[0]
+ .getElementsByTagName('input')[0];
+ fireEvent(
+ clickableRow
+ .getElementsByTagName('td')[0]
+ .getElementsByTagName('div')[0]
+ .getElementsByTagName('label')[0],
+ new MouseEvent('click')
+ );
+ expect(clickableRow).toHaveClass(`${carbon.prefix}--data-table--selected`);
+ expect(
+ document
+ .getElementsByClassName('c4p--datagrid__table-toolbar')[0]
+ .getElementsByTagName('section')[0]
+ .getElementsByTagName('div')[0]
+ .getElementsByTagName('div')[0]
+ .getElementsByTagName('p')[0]
+ .getElementsByTagName('span')[0].textContent
+ ).toEqual('1 item selected');
+ expect(
+ document
+ .getElementsByClassName('c4p--datagrid__table-toolbar')[0]
+ .getElementsByTagName('section')[0]
+ .getElementsByTagName('div')[0]
+ .getElementsByTagName('div')[1]
+ .getElementsByTagName('button')[0].textContent
+ ).toEqual('Action');
+ fireEvent.click(
+ document
+ .getElementsByClassName('c4p--datagrid__table-toolbar')[0]
+ .getElementsByTagName('section')[0]
+ .getElementsByTagName('div')[0]
+ .getElementsByTagName('div')[1]
+ .getElementsByTagName('button')[0]
+ );
+ expect(alertMock).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(4);
+ expect(
+ document
+ .getElementsByClassName('c4p--datagrid__table-toolbar')[0]
+ .getElementsByTagName('section')[0]
+ .getElementsByTagName('div')[0]
+ .getElementsByTagName('div')[1]
+ .getElementsByTagName('button')[1].textContent
+ ).toEqual('Cancel');
+ fireEvent.click(
+ document
+ .getElementsByClassName('c4p--datagrid__table-toolbar')[0]
+ .getElementsByTagName('section')[0]
+ .getElementsByTagName('div')[0]
+ .getElementsByTagName('div')[1]
+ .getElementsByTagName('button')[1]
+ );
+ fireEvent.click(clickableRow);
+ });
+ async function clickRow(rowNumber, triggerAnotherExpander) {
+ const user = userEvent.setup({ delay: null });
+ const { click, hover, unhover } = user;
+ const rows = screen.getAllByRole('row');
+ const bodyRows = rows.filter(
+ (r) =>
+ !r.classList.contains(`${pkg.prefix}--datagrid__head`) &&
+ !r.classList.contains(`${pkg.prefix}--datagrid__expanded-row`)
+ );
+ const row = bodyRows[rowNumber];
+ const rowExpander = within(row).getByLabelText('Expand row');
+ await click(rowExpander);
+ expect(row.nextElementSibling).toHaveClass(`${blockClass}__expanded-row`);
+ expect(row.nextElementSibling.textContent).toEqual(
+ `Content for ${rowNumber}`
+ );
+ hover(row.nextElementSibling);
+ unhover(row.nextElementSibling);
+ if (triggerAnotherExpander) {
+ const nextRow = bodyRows[rowNumber + 1];
+ const nextRowExpanderExpand =
+ within(nextRow).getByLabelText('Expand row');
+ fireEvent.click(nextRowExpanderExpand);
+ return;
+ }
+ const rowExpanderCollapse = within(row).getByLabelText('Collapse row');
+ fireEvent.click(rowExpanderCollapse);
+ }
+ it('should render with expandable rows and test by toggling the row open and closed', () => {
+ render();
+ clickRow(1);
+ clickRow(4);
+ clickRow(8, true);
+ });
+ function hideSelectAll(rowNumber) {
+ var row = screen
+ .getByRole('table')
+ .getElementsByTagName('tbody')[0]
+ .getElementsByTagName('tr')[rowNumber];
+ var button = row
+ .getElementsByTagName('td')[0]
+ .getElementsByTagName('div')[0]
+ .getElementsByTagName('input')[0];
+ fireEvent.click(button);
+ expect(row.classList[1]).toEqual(`${carbon.prefix}--data-table--selected`);
+ fireEvent.click(button);
+ expect(row.classList['0']).toEqual('c4p--datagrid__carbon-row');
+ }
+ it('Hide Select All', async () => {
+ render();
+ hideSelectAll(2);
+ hideSelectAll(5);
+ hideSelectAll(8);
+ });
+ it('Nested Rows', async () => {
+ render();
+ const gridRows = screen.getAllByRole('row');
+ const bodyRows = gridRows.filter(
+ (r) => !r.classList.contains(`${blockClass}__head`)
+ );
+ const firstBodyRow = bodyRows[0];
+ const firstRowExpander = within(firstBodyRow).getByLabelText('Expand row');
+ fireEvent.click(firstRowExpander);
+ expect(firstBodyRow).toHaveClass(`${blockClass}__carbon-row-expanded`);
+ const newAllRows = screen.getAllByRole('row');
+ const newBodyRows = newAllRows.filter(
+ (r) => !r.classList.contains(`${blockClass}__head`)
+ );
+ const nestedRow = newBodyRows[1];
+ if (nestedRow.className === `${blockClass}__carbon-nested-row`) {
+ const nestedRowExpander = within(nestedRow).getByLabelText('Expand row');
+ fireEvent.click(nestedRowExpander);
+ }
+ expect(nestedRow).toHaveClass(`${blockClass}__carbon-nested-row`);
+ });
+ it('should render nested rows with some initially expanded', async () => {
+ render(
+ );
+ const gridRows = screen.getAllByRole('row');
+ const bodyRows = gridRows.filter(
+ (r) => !r.classList.contains(`${blockClass}__head`)
+ );
+ const rowId1 = bodyRows.filter(
+ (r) => r.getAttribute('data-nested-row-id') === '1'
+ );
+ const rowId3 = bodyRows.filter(
+ (r) => r.getAttribute('data-nested-row-id') === '3'
+ );
+ expect(rowId1[0]).toHaveClass(`${blockClass}__carbon-row-expanded`);
+ expect(rowId3[0]).toHaveClass(`${blockClass}__carbon-row-expanded`);
+ });
+ it('Nested Table', async () => {
+ render();
+ const firstRowExpander = screen.getAllByLabelText('Expand row')[0];
+ const firstRow = screen.getAllByRole('row')[1];
+ fireEvent.click(firstRowExpander);
+ expect(firstRow.nextSibling).toHaveClass('c4p--datagrid__expanded-row');
+ const alertMock = jest.spyOn(window, 'alert');
+ fireEvent.click(
+ screen
+ .getAllByRole('table')[0]
+ .getElementsByTagName('tbody')[0]
+ .getElementsByTagName('tr')[4]
+ );
+ setTimeout(() => {
+ expect(alertMock).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1);
+ }, 1000);
+ });
+ function radioSelectButton(previousRowNumber, currentRowNumber) {
+ if (
+ screen
+ .getByRole('table')
+ .getElementsByTagName('tbody')[0]
+ .getElementsByTagName('tr')[previousRowNumber].classList[1] ===
+ `.${carbon.prefix}--data-table--selected`
+ ) {
+ fireEvent.click(
+ screen
+ .getByRole('table')
+ .getElementsByTagName('tbody')[0]
+ .getElementsByTagName('tr')
+ .item(currentRowNumber)
+ .getElementsByTagName('td')[0]
+ .getElementsByTagName('div')[0]
+ .getElementsByTagName('input')[0]
+ );
+ expect(
+ screen
+ .getByRole('table')
+ .getElementsByTagName('tbody')[0]
+ .getElementsByTagName('tr')[currentRowNumber].classList[1]
+ ).toEqual(`${carbon.prefix}--data-table--selected`);
+ expect(
+ screen
+ .getByRole('table')
+ .getElementsByTagName('tbody')[0]
+ .getElementsByTagName('tr')[previousRowNumber].classList[1]
+ ).toBeUndefined();
+ } else {
+ fireEvent.click(
+ screen
+ .getByRole('table')
+ .getElementsByTagName('tbody')[0]
+ .getElementsByTagName('tr')
+ .item(currentRowNumber)
+ .getElementsByTagName('td')[0]
+ .getElementsByTagName('div')[0]
+ .getElementsByTagName('input')[0]
+ );
+ expect(
+ screen
+ .getByRole('table')
+ .getElementsByTagName('tbody')[0]
+ .getElementsByTagName('tr')[currentRowNumber].classList[1]
+ ).toEqual(`${carbon.prefix}--data-table--selected`);
+ }
+ }
+ it('Radio Select', async () => {
+ render();
+ radioSelectButton(1, 1);
+ radioSelectButton(1, 4);
+ radioSelectButton(4, 7);
+ radioSelectButton(2, 6);
+ });
+ // with toolbarBatchActions
+ it('Select Items In All Pages', async () => {
+ const alertMock = jest.spyOn(window, 'alert');
+ render();
+ // check if 10 rows are rendered on initial load
+ var numRows = screen
+ .getByRole('table')
+ .getElementsByTagName('tbody')[0]
+ .getElementsByTagName('tr').length;
+ expect(numRows).toEqual(10);
+ for (var j = 0; j < numRows; j++) {
+ expect(
+ screen
+ .getByRole('table')
+ .getElementsByTagName('tbody')[0]
+ .getElementsByTagName('tr')[j].classList[0]
+ ).toEqual('c4p--datagrid__carbon-row');
+ }
+ // check if batch actions toolbar is present in dom (is still visually hidden)
+ expect(
+ document.getElementsByClassName('c4p--datagrid__table-toolbar').length
+ ).toBe(1);
+ // select all on page 1 (to make the batch actions toolbar visible, so we can test select all on all pages)
+ fireEvent.click(
+ screen
+ .getByRole('table')
+ .getElementsByTagName('thead')[0]
+ .getElementsByTagName('tr')[0]
+ .getElementsByTagName('th')[0]
+ .getElementsByTagName('div')[0]
+ .getElementsByTagName('input')[0]
+ );
+ expect(
+ document
+ .getElementsByClassName('c4p--datagrid__table-toolbar')[0]
+ .getElementsByTagName('section')[0]
+ .getElementsByTagName('div')[0]
+ .getElementsByTagName('div')[0]
+ .getElementsByTagName('p')[0]
+ .getElementsByTagName('span')[0].textContent
+ ).toEqual('9 items selected'); // one row is disabled on first page
+ expect(
+ document
+ .getElementsByClassName('c4p--datagrid__table-toolbar')[0]
+ .getElementsByTagName('section')[0]
+ .getElementsByTagName('div')[0]
+ .getElementsByTagName('div')[0]
+ .getElementsByTagName('button')[0].textContent
+ ).toEqual('Select all (93)');
+ // click select all button in toolbar
+ fireEvent.click(
+ document
+ .getElementsByClassName('c4p--datagrid__table-toolbar')[0]
+ .getElementsByTagName('section')[0]
+ .getElementsByTagName('div')[0]
+ .getElementsByTagName('div')[0]
+ .getElementsByTagName('button')[0]
+ );
+ expect(
+ document
+ .getElementsByClassName('c4p--datagrid__table-toolbar')[0]
+ .getElementsByTagName('section')[0]
+ .getElementsByTagName('div')[0]
+ .getElementsByTagName('div')[0]
+ .getElementsByTagName('p')[0]
+ .getElementsByTagName('span')[0].textContent
+ ).toEqual('93 items selected');
+ // check for cancel button in batch actions and click
+ expect(
+ document
+ .getElementsByClassName('c4p--datagrid__table-toolbar')[0]
+ .getElementsByTagName('section')[0]
+ .getElementsByTagName('div')[0]
+ .getElementsByTagName('div')[1]
+ .getElementsByTagName('button')[1].textContent
+ ).toEqual('Cancel');
+ fireEvent.click(
+ document
+ .getElementsByClassName('c4p--datagrid__table-toolbar')[0]
+ .getElementsByTagName('section')[0]
+ .getElementsByTagName('div')[0]
+ .getElementsByTagName('div')[1]
+ .getElementsByTagName('button')[1]
+ );
+ const refreshButton = screen.getByLabelText('Refresh');
+ fireEvent.click(refreshButton);
+ expect(alertMock).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1);
+ const downloadButton = screen.getByLabelText('Download CSV');
+ fireEvent.click(downloadButton);
+ expect(alertMock).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(2);
+ });
+ const rightAlignedColumnsData = [
+ ...defaultHeader.slice(0, 3),
+ {
+ Header: 'Age',
+ accessor: 'age',
+ rightAlignedColumn: true,
+ disableSortBy: true,
+ },
+ {
+ Header: 'Visits',
+ accessor: 'visits',
+ rightAlignedColumn: true,
+ },
+ ];
+ const centerAlignedColumnsData = [
+ ...defaultHeader.slice(0, 3),
+ {
+ Header: () => Age,
+ accessor: 'age',
+ rightAlignedColumn: true,
+ disableSortBy: true,
+ },
+ {
+ Header: 'Visits',
+ accessor: 'visits',
+ centerAlignedColumn: true,
+ },
+ ];
+ const CustomAlignColumns = ({ customCols }) => {
+ const [data] = useState(makeData(10));
+ const datagridState = useDatagrid(
+ {
+ columns: customCols,
+ data,
+ },
+ useColumnRightAlign,
+ useColumnCenterAlign,
+ useSortableColumns
+ );
+ return ;
+ };
+ it('should render right aligned columns', async () => {
+ render(
+ );
+ const ageColIndex = rightAlignedColumnsData.findIndex(
+ (i) => i.accessor === 'age'
+ );
+ const visitsColIndex = rightAlignedColumnsData.findIndex(
+ (i) => i.accessor === 'visits'
+ );
+ const gridRows = screen.getAllByRole('row');
+ const bodyRows = gridRows.filter(
+ (r) => !r.classList.contains(`${blockClass}__head`)
+ );
+ const bodyAgeCell = bodyRows[0].childNodes[ageColIndex].firstChild;
+ const bodyVisitsCell = bodyRows[0].childNodes[visitsColIndex].firstChild;
+ expect(bodyAgeCell).toHaveClass(`${blockClass}__right-align-cell-renderer`);
+ expect(bodyAgeCell).toHaveClass(`sortDisabled`);
+ expect(bodyVisitsCell).toHaveClass(
+ `${blockClass}__right-align-cell-renderer`
+ );
+ });
+ it('should render center aligned columns', async () => {
+ render(
+ );
+ const ageColIndex = centerAlignedColumnsData.findIndex(
+ (i) => i.accessor === 'age'
+ );
+ const visitsColIndex = centerAlignedColumnsData.findIndex(
+ (i) => i.accessor === 'visits'
+ );
+ const gridRows = screen.getAllByRole('row');
+ const bodyRows = gridRows.filter(
+ (r) => !r.classList.contains(`${blockClass}__head`)
+ );
+ const bodyAgeCell = bodyRows[0].childNodes[ageColIndex].firstChild;
+ const bodyVisitsCell = bodyRows[0].childNodes[visitsColIndex].firstChild;
+ expect(bodyAgeCell).toHaveClass(`${blockClass}__right-align-cell-renderer`);
+ expect(bodyAgeCell).toHaveClass(`sortDisabled`);
+ expect(bodyVisitsCell).toHaveClass(
+ `${blockClass}__center-align-cell-renderer`
+ );
+ });
+ it('Row Size Dropdown', async () => {
+ const user = userEvent.setup({
+ advanceTimers: jest.advanceTimersByTime,
+ });
+ const { click, keyboard } = user;
+ render();
+ const alertMock = jest.spyOn(window, 'alert');
+ // Click select all rows checkbox
+ const selectAllCheckbox = screen.getByLabelText(
+ 'Select all rows in the table'
+ );
+ await click(selectAllCheckbox);
+ // Count number of rows
+ const tableRows = screen.getAllByRole('row');
+ const bodyRows = tableRows.filter(
+ (row) => !row.classList.contains(`${blockClass}__head`)
+ );
+ bodyRows.forEach((bodyRow) => {
+ expect(bodyRow).toHaveClass(`${carbon.prefix}--data-table--selected`);
+ });
+ screen.getByText('10 items selected');
+ // Find and click Refresh button
+ const actionButton = screen.getByText('Action');
+ await click(actionButton);
+ expect(alertMock).toHaveBeenCalled();
+ // Find and click cancel button
+ const cancelButton = screen.getByText('Cancel');
+ await click(cancelButton);
+ expect(alertMock).toHaveBeenCalled();
+ await click(screen.getByLabelText('Row settings'));
+ expect(screen.getByLabelText('Row settings')).toHaveClass(
+ `${blockClass}__row-size__row-settings-trigger--open`
+ );
+ await keyboard('[Escape]');
+ expect(screen.getByLabelText('Row settings')).not.toHaveClass(
+ `${blockClass}__row-settings-trigger--open`
+ );
+ await click(screen.getByLabelText('Row settings'));
+ await keyboard('[ArrowUp]');
+ const tableElement = screen.getByRole('table');
+ expect(tableElement).toHaveClass(`${carbon.prefix}--data-table--md`);
+ click(screen.getAllByRole('columnheader')[0]);
+ expect(screen.getByLabelText('Row settings')).not.toHaveClass(
+ `${blockClass}__row-settings-trigger--open`
+ );
+ });
+ it('Selectable Row', async () => {
+ render();
+ fireEvent.click(
+ screen
+ .getByRole('table')
+ .getElementsByTagName('thead')[0]
+ .getElementsByTagName('tr')[0]
+ .getElementsByTagName('th')[0]
+ .getElementsByTagName('div')[0]
+ .getElementsByTagName('label')[0]
+ );
+ const rows = screen
+ .getByRole('table')
+ .getElementsByTagName('tbody')[0]
+ .getElementsByTagName('tr');
+ for (var i = 0; i < rows.length; i++) {
+ expect(rows.item(i).classList[1]).toEqual(
+ `${carbon.prefix}--data-table--selected`
+ );
+ }
+ //Un-Selects all the rows in the table.
+ fireEvent.click(
+ screen
+ .getByRole('table')
+ .getElementsByTagName('thead')[0]
+ .getElementsByTagName('tr')[0]
+ .getElementsByTagName('th')[0]
+ .getElementsByTagName('div')[0]
+ .getElementsByTagName('label')[0]
+ );
+ const selectIndividualRow = screen
+ .getByRole('table')
+ .getElementsByTagName('tbody')[0]
+ .getElementsByTagName('tr')[0];
+ //Selects only one row (in this case, the first one).
+ fireEvent.click(
+ selectIndividualRow
+ .getElementsByTagName('td')[0]
+ .getElementsByTagName('div')[0]
+ .getElementsByTagName('label')[0]
+ );
+ expect(selectIndividualRow.classList[1]).toEqual(
+ `${carbon.prefix}--data-table--selected`
+ );
+ });
+ it('should render sortable columns and toggle between sortable states for all column headers', () => {
+ const { click } = userEvent;
+ render();
+ const rows = screen.getAllByRole('row');
+ const headerRow = rows[0];
+ const columnHeaders = within(headerRow).getAllByRole('columnheader');
+ Array.from(columnHeaders).map(async (colHeader, index) => {
+ // The last column definition opts out of sorting by specifying `disableSortBy`
+ // so we should not include testing for the last column header
+ if (index === defaultHeader.length) {
+ return;
+ }
+ const sortableColumnHeaderButton = within(colHeader).getByRole('button');
+ await click(sortableColumnHeaderButton);
+ expect(sortableColumnHeaderButton.getAttribute('aria-sort')).toEqual(
+ 'ascending'
+ );
+ await click(sortableColumnHeaderButton);
+ expect(sortableColumnHeaderButton.getAttribute('aria-sort')).toEqual(
+ 'descending'
+ );
+ await click(sortableColumnHeaderButton);
+ expect(sortableColumnHeaderButton.getAttribute('aria-sort')).toEqual(
+ 'none'
+ );
+ });
+ });
+ it('Customizing Columns disable save button when un-select all columns', async () => {
+ const columnsWithoutSticky = [
+ {
+ Header: 'Row Index',
+ accessor: (row, i) => i,
+ id: 'rowIndex', // id is required when accessor is a function.
+ },
+ {
+ Header: 'First Name',
+ accessor: 'firstName',
+ },
+ ];
+ const columns = [...columnsWithoutSticky, ...defaultHeader.slice(2)];
+ render();
+ const customizeColumnsButton = screen.getByLabelText('Customize columns');
+ fireEvent.click(customizeColumnsButton);
+ screen.getByRole('heading', { name: /Customize columns/ });
+ const selectAllCheckBox = screen.getByRole('checkbox', {
+ name: 'Column name',
+ });
+ fireEvent.click(selectAllCheckBox);
+ expect(selectAllCheckBox.checked).toEqual(true);
+ expect(screen.getByRole('button', { name: 'Save' })).toBeEnabled();
+ fireEvent.click(selectAllCheckBox);
+ expect(selectAllCheckBox.checked).toEqual(false);
+ expect(screen.getByRole('button', { name: 'Save' })).toBeDisabled();
+ });
+ it('Customizing Columns', async () => {
+ render();
+ const alertMock = jest.spyOn(window, 'alert');
+ const leftPanelButton = screen.getByLabelText('Left panel');
+ fireEvent.click(leftPanelButton);
+ expect(alertMock).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1);
+ const refreshButton = screen.getByLabelText('Refresh');
+ fireEvent.click(refreshButton);
+ expect(alertMock).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(2);
+ const downloadButton = screen.getByLabelText('Download CSV');
+ fireEvent.click(downloadButton);
+ expect(alertMock).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(3);
+ const customizeColumnsButton = screen.getByLabelText('Customize columns');
+ fireEvent.click(customizeColumnsButton);
+ screen.getByRole('heading', { name: /Customize columns/ });
+ const searchInput = screen.getByPlaceholderText('Find column');
+ expect(searchInput.value).toBe(''); // empty before
+ fireEvent.change(searchInput, { target: { value: 'Visits' } });
+ expect(searchInput.value).toBe('Visits');
+ const dragItemCheckBox = screen.getByRole('checkbox', { name: 'Visits' });
+ fireEvent.click(dragItemCheckBox);
+ expect(dragItemCheckBox.checked).toEqual(false);
+ const columnSaveButton = screen.getByRole('button', { name: 'Save' });
+ fireEvent.click(columnSaveButton);
+ const rows = screen.getAllByRole('row');
+ const headerRow = rows[0];
+ setTimeout(() => {
+ expect(within(headerRow).queryByText('Visits') === null).toBe(true);
+ }, 0);
+ });
+ it('Top Alignment', async () => {
+ const ref = React.createRef();
+ render();
+ expect(screen.getByRole('table')).toHaveClass(
+ `${blockClass}__vertical-align-top`
+ );
+ });
+ const getOverflowMenuItems = () => {
+ return document.querySelectorAll(
+ `.${carbon.prefix}--overflow-menu-options button`
+ );
+ };
+ it('should render sticky action column and click each menu item', async () => {
+ const user = userEvent.setup({ delay: null });
+ const { click } = user;
+ render();
+ const tableRows = screen.getAllByRole('row');
+ const headerRow = tableRows[0];
+ const bodyRows = tableRows.filter(
+ (row) => !row.classList.contains(`${blockClass}__head`)
+ );
+ expect(headerRow).toHaveClass(`${blockClass}__sticky`);
+ bodyRows.forEach((row) => {
+ const stickyActionColumnCell = row.lastElementChild;
+ expect(stickyActionColumnCell).toHaveClass(
+ `${blockClass}__actions-column-cell`
+ );
+ expect(stickyActionColumnCell).toHaveClass(
+ `${blockClass}__right-sticky-column-cell`
+ );
+ });
+ const overflowMenu = within(bodyRows[0]).getByRole('button', {
+ name: 'Options',
+ });
+ await click(overflowMenu);
+ // Click each item inside of overflow menu, menu closes after clicking on a menu item
+ // so we need to click the overflow menu again each time to view the menu items again
+ const editActionButton = Array.from(getOverflowMenuItems()).filter(
+ (item) => item.textContent === 'Edit'
+ )[0];
+ await click(editActionButton);
+ expect(editActionClickFn).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1);
+ await click(overflowMenu);
+ const voteActionButton = Array.from(getOverflowMenuItems()).filter(
+ (item) => item.textContent === 'Vote'
+ )[0];
+ await click(voteActionButton);
+ expect(voteActionClickFn).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1);
+ await click(overflowMenu);
+ const retireActionButton = Array.from(getOverflowMenuItems()).filter(
+ (item) => item.textContent === 'Retire'
+ )[0];
+ await click(retireActionButton);
+ expect(retireActionClickFn).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1);
+ await click(overflowMenu);
+ const deleteActionButton = Array.from(getOverflowMenuItems()).filter(
+ (item) => item.textContent === 'Delete'
+ )[0];
+ await click(deleteActionButton);
+ expect(deleteActionClickFn).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1);
+ });
+ it('should render stick actions and test disabled states', async () => {
+ const { rerender } = render(
+ );
+ const tableRows = screen.getAllByRole('row');
+ const bodyRows = tableRows.filter(
+ (row) => !row.classList.contains(`${blockClass}__head`)
+ );
+ const overflowMenu = within(bodyRows[0]).getByRole('button', {
+ name: 'Options',
+ });
+ await click(overflowMenu);
+ const deleteActionButton = Array.from(getOverflowMenuItems()).filter(
+ (item) => item.textContent === 'Edit'
+ )[0];
+ expect(deleteActionButton).toHaveAttribute('disabled');
+ // Test that shouldDisableMenuItem function successfully disables a menu item
+ const disableActionItemFn = jest.fn(() => true);
+ rerender(
+ );
+ await click(overflowMenu);
+ expect(disableActionItemFn).toHaveBeenCalled();
+ expect(deleteActionButton).toHaveAttribute('disabled');
+ // Test that shouldHideMenuItem function successfully hides a menu item
+ const hideActionItemFn = jest.fn(() => true);
+ rerender(
+ );
+ await click(overflowMenu);
+ expect(hideActionItemFn).toHaveBeenCalled();
+ expect(getOverflowMenuItems().length).toEqual(3); // Previously was 4, but we've hidden the delete action in this test
+ });
+ it('should render a non sticky actions column and click each menu item', async () => {
+ render();
+ const tableRows = screen.getAllByRole('row');
+ const bodyRows = tableRows.filter(
+ (row) => !row.classList.contains(`${blockClass}__head`)
+ );
+ bodyRows.forEach((row) => {
+ const actionColumnCell = row.lastElementChild;
+ expect(actionColumnCell).toHaveClass(
+ `${blockClass}__actions-column-cell`
+ );
+ expect(actionColumnCell).not.toHaveClass(
+ `${blockClass}__right-sticky-column-cell`
+ );
+ });
+ });
+ it('should click non sticky row action when not inside of overflow menu', async () => {
+ const { rerender } = render(
+ );
+ const user = userEvent.setup({ delay: null });
+ const { click } = user;
+ const tableRows = screen.getAllByRole('row');
+ const bodyRows = tableRows.filter(
+ (row) => !row.classList.contains(`${blockClass}__head`)
+ );
+ const firstBodyRow = bodyRows[0];
+ const lastCellElement = firstBodyRow.lastElementChild;
+ const iconSkeletonElement = lastCellElement.children[0].children[0];
+ expect(iconSkeletonElement).toHaveClass(`${carbon.prefix}--icon--skeleton`);
+ expect(iconSkeletonElement).toHaveClass(
+ `${blockClass}__actions-column-loading`
+ );
+ rerender(
+ );
+ const editActionButton = within(firstBodyRow).getByRole('button', {
+ name: 'Edit',
+ });
+ const voteActionButton = within(firstBodyRow).getByRole('button', {
+ name: 'Vote',
+ });
+ await click(editActionButton);
+ expect(editActionClickFn).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1);
+ await click(voteActionButton);
+ expect(voteActionClickFn).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1);
+ const hideIconOnlyItem = jest.fn(() => true);
+ rerender(
+ );
+ expect(within(firstBodyRow).getAllByRole('button').length).toEqual(1); // Previously was 2 but we've hidden the other in this test
+ });
+ const EditableCellUsage = ({ ...args }) => {
+ const [data, setData] = useState(makeData(3));
+ const columns = React.useMemo(() => getInlineEditColumns(), []);
+ pkg._silenceWarnings(false); // warnings are ordinarily silenced in storybook, add this to test.
+ pkg.feature['Datagrid.useInlineEdit'] = true;
+ pkg._silenceWarnings(true);
+ const datagridState = useDatagrid(
+ {
+ columns,
+ data,
+ onDataUpdate: setData,
+ ...args.defaultGridProps,
+ },
+ useEditableCell
+ );
+ // Warnings are ordinarily silenced in storybook, add this to test.
+ pkg._silenceWarnings(false);
+ pkg.feature['Datagrid.useEditableCell'] = true;
+ pkg._silenceWarnings(true);
+ return ;
+ };
+ it('should test the basic interactions of the editable cell datagrid', async () => {
+ const { container } = render();
+ const tableElement = screen.getByRole('grid');
+ const rowButtons = screen.getAllByRole('button');
+ const firstEditableCell = rowButtons[0];
+ await click(firstEditableCell);
+ expect(firstEditableCell).toHaveClass(
+ `${blockClass}__inline-edit-button--active`
+ );
+ await click(container);
+ expect(tableElement).not.toHaveClass(`${blockClass}__table-grid-active`);
+ });
+ const sharedFilterGridProps = {
+ expanderButtonTitleExpanded: 'Collapse row',
+ expanderButtonTitleCollapsed: 'Expand row',
+ gridTitle: 'Data table title',
+ gridDescription: 'Additional information if needed',
+ useDenseHeader: false,
+ emptyStateTitle: 'No filters match',
+ emptyStateDescription:
+ 'Data was not found with the current filters applied. Change filters or clear filters to see other results.',
+ };
+ it('should test basic interactions of filter panel', async () => {
+ const user = userEvent.setup({
+ advanceTimers: jest.advanceTimersByTime,
+ });
+ const { keyboard, type } = user;
+ const dropdownOnChange = jest.fn();
+ render(
+ );
+ const toolbar = screen.getByLabelText('data table toolbar').parentElement;
+ const panelContainer = toolbar.nextElementSibling;
+ const toolbarButtons = within(toolbar).getAllByRole('button');
+ const filterToggleButton = toolbarButtons[0];
+ // Open filter panel
+ await click(filterToggleButton);
+ expect(panelContainer).toHaveClass(
+ `${blockClass}__table-container--filter-open`
+ );
+ const normalCheckbox = screen.getByRole('checkbox', { name: 'Normal' });
+ await click(normalCheckbox);
+ const applyButton = screen.getByRole('button', { name: 'Apply' });
+ await click(applyButton);
+ const panelCloseButton = screen.getByLabelText('Close filter panel');
+ await click(panelCloseButton);
+ expect(panelContainer).not.toHaveClass(
+ `${blockClass}__table-container--filter-open`
+ );
+ // Reopen filter panel
+ await click(filterToggleButton);
+ expect(panelContainer).toHaveClass(
+ `${blockClass}__table-container--filter-open`
+ );
+ // Add value to number input and apply to filter panel
+ const visitsInput = screen.getByPlaceholderText(
+ 'Type a number amount of visits'
+ );
+ await click(visitsInput);
+ await keyboard('5');
+ expect(visitsInput).toHaveFocus();
+ await click(applyButton);
+ // Add value to radio button and apply to filter panel
+ const radio = screen.getByRole('radio', { name: 'Developer' });
+ await click(radio);
+ expect(radio.checked).toEqual(true);
+ // Add value to dropdown and apply to filter panel
+ const statusAccordion = screen.getByRole('button', { name: 'Status' });
+ await click(statusAccordion);
+ const statusDropdown = screen.getByLabelText('Marital status dropdown');
+ await click(statusDropdown);
+ const dropdownOption = screen.getByRole('option', { name: 'single' });
+ await click(dropdownOption);
+ expect(dropdownOnChange).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1);
+ // Apply radio button change
+ const designerRadio = screen.getByRole('radio', { name: 'Designer' });
+ await click(designerRadio);
+ expect(designerRadio.checked).toEqual(true);
+ // Apply valid date filter
+ const dateInputs = screen.getAllByPlaceholderText('mm/dd/yyyy');
+ await click(dateInputs[0]);
+ // Clear previously value from date input
+ dateInputs[0].setSelectionRange(0, dateInputs[0].value.length);
+ await type(dateInputs[0], '01/01/2024');
+ await keyboard('[Escape]');
+ await click(dateInputs[1]);
+ await keyboard('01/02/2024');
+ await keyboard('[Escape]');
+ expect(dateInputs[0].value).toEqual('01/01/2024');
+ expect(dateInputs[1].value).toEqual('01/02/2024');
+ // Reset to "Any" radio filter
+ const anyRadio = screen.getByRole('radio', { name: 'Any' });
+ await click(anyRadio);
+ expect(anyRadio.checked).toEqual(true);
+ // Reset number input to empty string
+ await click(visitsInput);
+ fireEvent.change(visitsInput, { target: { value: '' } });
+ expect(visitsInput.value).toEqual('');
+ // Apply single checkbox
+ await click(normalCheckbox);
+ expect(normalCheckbox.checked).toEqual(true);
+ // Remove checkbox
+ await click(normalCheckbox);
+ expect(normalCheckbox.checked).toEqual(false);
+ });
+ const FilterUsageError = () => {
+ useFilterContext();
+ return ;
+ };
+ it('should simulate useFilterContext error', async () => {
+ await expect(() => {
+ render();
+ }).toThrow('useFilterContext was used outside of its Provider');
+ });
+ it('should test basic interactions of filter flyout', async () => {
+ const updatedFilterProps = { ...flyoutProps };
+ // Removing certain properties to test default function parameters in FilterFlyout
+ delete updatedFilterProps.panelTitle;
+ delete updatedFilterProps.updateMethod;
+ delete updatedFilterProps.primaryActionLabel;
+ delete updatedFilterProps.secondaryActionLabel;
+ delete updatedFilterProps.flyoutIconDescription;
+ delete updatedFilterProps.onFlyoutOpen;
+ delete updatedFilterProps.onFlyoutClose;
+ const { container } = render(
+ );
+ const toolbar = screen.getByLabelText('data table toolbar').parentElement;
+ const flyoutTrigger = within(toolbar).getByRole('button', {
+ name: 'Open filters',
+ });
+ const filterFlyoutTriggerPopover =
+ flyoutTrigger.parentElement.parentElement;
+ // Open filter flyout
+ await click(flyoutTrigger);
+ expect(filterFlyoutTriggerPopover.nextElementSibling).toHaveClass(
+ `${blockClass}-filter-flyout--open`
+ );
+ const cancelButton = screen.getByRole('button', { name: 'Cancel' });
+ // Toggle radio button
+ const radio = screen.getByRole('radio', { name: 'Developer' });
+ await click(radio);
+ await click(cancelButton);
+ await click(container);
+ expect(filterFlyoutTriggerPopover.nextElementSibling).not.toHaveClass(
+ `${blockClass}-filter-flyout--open`
+ );
+ });
+ it('should render initial filters in flyout', async () => {
+ render(
+ );
+ const filterTags = screen.getAllByTitle('Role: developer');
+ expect(Array.from(filterTags).length).toEqual(2); // Only one visible tag, but the TagSet renders two tags (one visible and one hidden which is used for measure available space)
+ });
+ it('should render initial filters in panel', async () => {
+ const ref = React.createRef();
+ render(
+ );
+ const filterTags = screen.getAllByTitle('Role: developer');
+ expect(Array.from(filterTags).length).toEqual(2); // Only one visible tag, but the TagSet renders two tags (one visible and one hidden which is used for measure available space)
+ const clearButton = screen.getByRole('button', { name: /Clear filters/i });
+ await click(clearButton);
+ const tableElement = screen.getByRole('table');
+ const innerContainer = tableElement.parentElement.parentElement;
+ // After filter summary is removed (via Clear filters button) inner should only have 1 child
+ expect(innerContainer.childElementCount).toEqual(1);
+ });
+ const findFilterTagAndRemove = async () => {
+ const filterTagCloseButtons = screen.getAllByLabelText('Dismiss');
+ const visibleFilterTags = filterTagCloseButtons.filter((el) =>
+ el.closest(`.${pkg.prefix}--tag-set__displayed-tag`)
+ );
+ await click(visibleFilterTags[0]);
+ const checkAgainForCloseFilterButton =
+ screen.queryAllByLabelText('Dismiss');
+ expect(checkAgainForCloseFilterButton).toEqual([]);
+ };
+ it('should render initial filters in panel and test close button on filter tag', async () => {
+ render(
+ );
+ await findFilterTagAndRemove();
+ });
+ it.skip('should test default `renderDateLabel` displays filter tag as expected', async () => {
+ const updatedFilterProps = Object.assign(testFilterProps(), {
+ renderDateLabel: null,
+ });
+ const todayDate = new Date();
+ render(
+ );
+ const filterTags = screen.getAllByTitle(
+ `Joined: 1/1/2022 - ${todayDate.toLocaleDateString()}`
+ );
+ filterTags.forEach((filterTag) => {
+ expect(filterTag).toBeInTheDocument();
+ });
+ await findFilterTagAndRemove();
+ });
+ it('should test removal of checkbox filter tag', async () => {
+ render(
+ );
+ await findFilterTagAndRemove();
+ });
+ it('should test overflow checkbox list and removal of checkbox filter tag', async () => {
+ const defaultCheckboxFilters = [
+ {
+ id: 'normal',
+ labelText: 'Normal',
+ value: 'normal',
+ selected: true,
+ },
+ {
+ id: 'minor-warning',
+ labelText: 'Minor warning',
+ value: 'minor-warning',
+ selected: false,
+ },
+ {
+ id: 'critical',
+ labelText: 'Critical',
+ value: 'critical',
+ selected: false,
+ },
+ ];
+ render(
+ );
+ const toolbar = screen.getByLabelText('data table toolbar').parentElement;
+ const panelContainer = toolbar.nextElementSibling;
+ const toolbarButtons = within(toolbar).getAllByRole('button');
+ const filterToggleButton = toolbarButtons[0];
+ // Open filter panel
+ await click(filterToggleButton);
+ expect(panelContainer).toHaveClass(
+ `${blockClass}__table-container--filter-open`
+ );
+ const checkboxTotal = [
+ ...defaultCheckboxFilters,
+ ...generateDummyCheckboxes,
+ ].length;
+ const viewMoreButton = screen.getByRole('button', {
+ name: `View all (${checkboxTotal})`,
+ });
+ expect(viewMoreButton).toBeInTheDocument();
+ await click(viewMoreButton);
+ const viewLessButton = screen.getByRole('button', { name: 'View less' });
+ expect(viewLessButton).toBeInTheDocument();
+ await click(viewLessButton);
+ expect(viewMoreButton).toBeInTheDocument();
+ const checkboxElement = screen.getByRole('checkbox', { name: 'Critical' });
+ await click(checkboxElement);
+ expect(checkboxElement.checked).toEqual(true);
+ });
+const duplicateOnClickFn = jest.fn();
+const addOnClickFn = jest.fn();
+const selectAllOnClickFn = jest.fn();
+const publishOnClickFn = jest.fn();
+const downloadOnClickFn = jest.fn();
+const deleteOnClickFn = jest.fn();
+const getBatchActions = () => {
+ return [
+ {
+ label: 'Duplicate',
+ renderIcon: (props) => ,
+ onClick: duplicateOnClickFn,
+ },
+ {
+ label: 'Add',
+ renderIcon: (props) => ,
+ onClick: addOnClickFn,
+ },
+ {
+ label: 'Select all',
+ renderIcon: (props) => ,
+ onClick: selectAllOnClickFn,
+ type: 'select_all',
+ },
+ {
+ label: 'Publish to catalog',
+ renderIcon: (props) => ,
+ onClick: publishOnClickFn,
+ },
+ {
+ label: 'Download',
+ renderIcon: (props) => ,
+ onClick: downloadOnClickFn,
+ },
+ {
+ label: 'Delete',
+ renderIcon: (props) => ,
+ onClick: deleteOnClickFn,
+ hasDivider: true,
+ kind: 'danger',
+ },
+ ];
+const TestBatch = () => {
+ const columns = React.useMemo(() => defaultHeader, []);
+ const [data] = useState(makeData(2));
+ const datagridState = useDatagrid(
+ {
+ columns,
+ data,
+ batchActions: true,
+ toolbarBatchActions: getBatchActions(),
+ DatagridActions,
+ DatagridPagination,
+ toolbarBatchActionsDisplayMin: 2,
+ },
+ useSelectRows,
+ useSelectAllWithToggle,
+ useStickyColumn
+ );
+ return ;
+describe('batch action testing', () => {
+ beforeEach(() => {
+ jest.useFakeTimers();
+ jest.spyOn(global.console, 'error').mockImplementation(() => {});
+ //This will suppress the warning about Arrows16 Component (will be removed in the next major version of @carbon/icons-react).
+ jest.spyOn(global.console, 'warn').mockImplementation(() => {});
+ });
+ afterEach(() => {
+ jest.useRealTimers();
+ });
+ window.innerWidth = 2000;
+ let mockElement;
+ const isTableToolbar = (el) => {
+ return (
+ el.classList?.contains(`${pkg.prefix}--datagrid__table-toolbar`) || false
+ );
+ };
+ const setMockWidths = (el, type = 'large') => {
+ let width = type === 'large' ? 2000 : type === 'medium' ? 1000 : 320;
+ if (isTableToolbar(el)) {
+ width = type === 'large' ? 3000 : type === 'medium' ? 1000 : 320;
+ } else {
+ width = type === 'large' ? 500 : type === 'medium' ? 400 : 320;
+ }
+ return width;
+ };
+ describe('with space for two actions and menu button', () => {
+ beforeEach(() => {
+ mockElement = mockHTMLElement({
+ offsetWidth: {
+ get: function () {
+ return setMockWidths(this);
+ },
+ },
+ });
+ window.ResizeObserver = jest.fn().mockImplementation(() => ({
+ observe: jest.fn(),
+ unobserve: jest.fn(),
+ disconnect: jest.fn(),
+ }));
+ });
+ afterEach(() => {
+ mockElement.mockRestore();
+ window.ResizeObserver = ResizeObserver;
+ });
+ it('renders batch action and checks for the appropriate rendering based on the current mocked widths', async () => {
+ const { container } = render();
+ const firstCheckbox = screen.getAllByLabelText('Toggle Row Selected')[0];
+ await click(firstCheckbox);
+ expect(
+ container.querySelector(
+ `.${carbon.prefix}--batch-actions.${carbon.prefix}--batch-actions--active`
+ )
+ ).toBeInTheDocument();
+ // Given the default offsetWidth mocks, 2 batch actions should be visible
+ // in addition to the MenuButton
+ await click(screen.getByLabelText(getBatchActions()[0].label));
+ expect(duplicateOnClickFn).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1);
+ await click(screen.getByLabelText(getBatchActions()[1].label));
+ expect(addOnClickFn).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1);
+ const moreButton = screen.getByText(/More/i);
+ expect(moreButton).toBeVisible();
+ const downloadButton = screen.queryByText(/Download/i);
+ expect(downloadButton).toBeNull();
+ const menuButton = screen.getByText(/More/i);
+ const cancelButton = screen.getByText(/Cancel/i);
+ const selectAllButton = screen.getByText(/^Select all \(\d+\)$/);
+ expect(menuButton).toBeInTheDocument();
+ await click(menuButton);
+ const options = Array.from(
+ screen.getByRole('menu', { name: /More/i }).children
+ );
+ const optionsText = options.map((o) => {
+ return o.textContent;
+ });
+ const remainingBatchActions = [...getBatchActions()].slice(2);
+ // Check that the items inside of the MenuButton match the leftover
+ // batch action items
+ remainingBatchActions.forEach((batchAction, index) => {
+ expect(batchAction.label).toEqual(optionsText[index]);
+ });
+ const checkMenuItem = async (
+ remainingBatchIndex,
+ clickHandlerFn,
+ initiateMenuOpen
+ ) => {
+ if (initiateMenuOpen) {
+ await click(menuButton);
+ }
+ const displayedMenuElement = document.querySelector(
+ `.${carbon.prefix}--menu`
+ );
+ const menuItems = Array.from(displayedMenuElement.children);
+ const menuItem = menuItems.filter(
+ (item) =>
+ item.textContent === getBatchActions()[remainingBatchIndex].label
+ )[0];
+ await click(menuItem);
+ expect(clickHandlerFn).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1);
+ };
+ await checkMenuItem(2, selectAllOnClickFn);
+ await checkMenuItem(3, publishOnClickFn, true);
+ await checkMenuItem(4, downloadOnClickFn, true);
+ await checkMenuItem(5, deleteOnClickFn, true);
+ await click(cancelButton);
+ await click(firstCheckbox);
+ await click(selectAllButton);
+ });
+ it('renders batch action with select all and checks indeterminate behavior', () => {
+ render();
+ const bodyElement = screen.getAllByRole('rowgroup')[1];
+ const allRows = screen.getAllByRole('row');
+ // const selectAllCheckbox = within(allRows[0]).getByLabelText('Toggle All Current Page Rows Selected');
+ const selectAllCheckbox = within(allRows[0]).getByLabelText('Select all');
+ click(selectAllCheckbox);
+ const carbonTableToolbar = screen.getByLabelText('data table toolbar');
+ expect(carbonTableToolbar).toBeInTheDocument();
+ const bodyRows = allRows.filter(
+ (r) =>
+ !r.classList.contains('c4p--datagrid__head') &&
+ !r.classList.contains('c4p--datagrid__expanded-row')
+ );
+ const firstBodyRow = bodyRows[0];
+ const firstRowCheckbox = within(firstBodyRow).getByRole('checkbox');
+ click(firstRowCheckbox);
+ // Should remove all checked checkboxes in the body
+ click(selectAllCheckbox);
+ let totalChecked = 0;
+ const allBodyCheckboxes = within(bodyElement).getAllByRole('checkbox');
+ allBodyCheckboxes.forEach((c) => {
+ if (c.checked) {
+ totalChecked = totalChecked + 1;
+ }
+ });
+ expect(totalChecked).toEqual(0);
+ });
+ });