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ORKTextChoice + ORKPredicateStepNavigationRule + CareKit + ResearchKit #681

InfuriatingYetti opened this issue Feb 21, 2023 · 10 comments


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InfuriatingYetti commented Feb 21, 2023

Good day @gavirawson-apple - hope you're doing well!

I tagged you because this question is an extension from the last question you helped me with (found here: []), and anyone who may be able to help is more more than welcome! :)

I was reading about a feature called ORKPredicateStepNavigationRule and was trying to implement it in the previous code we were working on. I came up with the following code sort of works in that it isn't throwing any codes and allows me to persist the data to CareKit Store and doesn't work because it isn't navigating to the second survey.

Going back to the survey you helped me on, if the person were to select an answer greater than value: 0 in the ORKTextChoice(text: "None", value: 0 as NSNumber) I am wanting to have it take them to another set of questions that is a part of another survey on another form, but only once the complete the first form.

First question, is it possible to do this with the layout design seen in @erik-apple 's WWDC 21 + what we worked on previously? If so, I can keep trying...going in I was taking the Han Solo approach:

What happens is after I select an answer response and click Done it closes it like normal. I was thinking it either:

a) What I'm trying can't be done the way I'm trying to do it
b) The form is closing before it can run to the code to open the second survey, either in the current or new window
c) There is a step missing and I somehow need to have the first survey persist to CareKit and from CareKit somehow make it open the second survey.
d) ...
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If seeing the code helps, this is what I've tried, again looking to have it both persist the answers from the first form to CareKit Store and also automatically go to another based on the answer response from the question once the first survey is complete:

 `import CareKitStore
import ResearchKit

struct ChoiceQuestions {
    static let choiceIdentifier = "choice"
    static let choiceFormIdentifier = "choice.form"
    static let ChoiceQuestion1Step = "checkin.form.choicequestion1"
    static let ChoiceQuestionStep = "checkin.form.Choice"
    static let choice2Identifier = "choice2"
    static let choice2FormIdentifier = "choice2.form"
    static let Choice2Question1Step = "checkin.form.choice2question1"
    static let Choice2QuestionStep = "checkin.form.Choice2"
    static func Choices1() -> ORKNavigableOrderedTask {
        let Choices = [
            ORKTextChoice(text: "None", value: 0 as NSNumber),
            ORKTextChoice(text: "Slight", value: 1 as NSNumber),
            ORKTextChoice(text: "Mild", value: 2 as NSNumber),
            ORKTextChoice(text: "Severe", value: 3 as NSNumber),
        let choiceAnswerFormat = ORKAnswerFormat.choiceAnswerFormat(with: .singleChoice, textChoices: Choices)
        let choiceStep = ORKFormItem(identifier: ChoiceQuestion1Step, text: "Text question goes here", answerFormat: choiceAnswerFormat)
        choiceStep.isOptional = false
        let formStep = ORKFormStep(identifier: choiceFormIdentifier, title: "Choice Question", text: "Instructions for questions")
        formStep.formItems = [choiceStep]
        formStep.isOptional = false
        let expectedAnswerValuesMild: [NSNumber] = [2]
        let expectedAnswerValuesSevere: [NSNumber] = [3]
        let predicateMild = ORKResultPredicate.predicateForChoiceQuestionResult(with: ORKResultSelector(resultIdentifier: ChoiceQuestion1Step), expectedAnswerValues: expectedAnswerValuesMild)
        let predicateSevere = ORKResultPredicate.predicateForChoiceQuestionResult(with: ORKResultSelector(resultIdentifier: ChoiceQuestion1Step), expectedAnswerValues: expectedAnswerValuesSevere)
        let navigationRule = ORKPredicateStepNavigationRule(
            resultPredicatesAndDestinationStepIdentifiers: [
                (predicateMild, Choice2QuestionStep),
                (predicateSevere, Choice2QuestionStep)
        let task = ORKNavigableOrderedTask(identifier: choiceIdentifier, steps: [formStep])
        task.setNavigationRule(navigationRule, forTriggerStepIdentifier: ChoiceQuestion1Step)
        return task
    static func extractAnswersFromNav(
        _ result: ORKTaskResult) -> [OCKOutcomeValue]? {
                let choiceResult = result.results?
                    .compactMap({ $0 as? ORKStepResult })
                    .first(where: { $0.identifier == choiceFormIdentifier }),
                    let scale2Results = choiceResult
                    .compactMap({ $0 as? ORKChoiceQuestionResult }),
                    let selectedChoices = scale2Results
                    .first(where: { $0.identifier == ChoiceQuestion1Step })?
                    // This line was the key!
                    .choiceAnswers as? [NSNumber]
            else {
                assertionFailure("Failed to extract answers from check in survey!")
                return nil
                       // Convert the choice values to CareKit outcome values
                       let outcomeValue = { selectedChoice -> OCKOutcomeValue in

                               var outcomeValue = OCKOutcomeValue(Double(truncating: selectedChoice))
                       // Set the kind here!
                       outcomeValue.kind = ChoiceQuestion1Step
                       return outcomeValue
            // Convert the choice values to CareKit outcome values
            let outcomeValue1 = { selectedChoice -> OCKOutcomeValue in

                    var outcomeValue1 = OCKOutcomeValue(Double(truncating: selectedChoice))
            // Set the kind here!
             outcomeValue1.kind = ChoiceQuestion1Step
            return outcomeValue1

                 return outcomeValue1
    static func Choices2() -> ORKTask {
        let Choices2 = [
            ORKTextChoice(text: "None", value: 0 as NSNumber),
            ORKTextChoice(text: "Slight", value: 1 as NSNumber),
            ORKTextChoice(text: "Mild", value: 2 as NSNumber),
            ORKTextChoice(text: "Severe", value: 3 as NSNumber),
        let choiceAnswerFormat2 =  ORKAnswerFormat.choiceAnswerFormat(with: .singleChoice, textChoices: Choices2)
        let choice2Step = ORKFormItem(identifier: Choice2Question1Step, text: "Text question goes here", answerFormat: choiceAnswerFormat2)
        choice2Step.isOptional = false
        let form2Step = ORKFormStep(identifier: choice2FormIdentifier, title: "Choice Question", text: "Instructions for questions")
        form2Step.formItems = [choice2Step]
        form2Step.isOptional = false
        let task = ORKOrderedTask(identifier: choice2Identifier, steps: [form2Step])
        return task


I have also tried creating a second swift file, whereas it would open the second from second file automatically based on the answer response and once the first survey was submitted - did the same thing, it submits the first survey and doesn't open the second.

Do you think what I am trying to do is possible, or do I need a different approach?!

Thank you for your help!!

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Hello @InfuriatingYetti,

I'd be happy to help. If I'm understanding correctly, it seems that you're attempting to:

  • present a task with one form within it
  • based on the result of that form direct the user to another form thats within a different task (Choice2QuestionStep)

If so, this is different than the expected flow for a navigable task. All navigation should be based on steps within the same ORKTask. So in your case the flow would look something like this I believe:

  1. create a task (with steps: [choices1, choices2, completionStep]) and present it
  2. user answers the item in choices1
  3. at this point the user will either be directed to the choices2 step or skip it based on the predicates you passed in. (* as opposed to an entirely new task being presented)

If you take a look the ORKCatalog app in the TaskListRow.swift file there is a good example of a predicate being implemented for the "private var eligibilityTask: ORKTask" variable. That should definitely help demystify things. If I misunderstood anything or if you simply have more questions please let me know. Hope this helps!

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InfuriatingYetti commented Feb 22, 2023

Hi @Pariecemckinney-apple!

Thank you so much for helping me out - it's a pleasure and thank you for the insight!! :) I checked out the TaskListRow.swift file in ResearchKit. From my understanding when using the ORKTask for approach (For example: TaskListRow.swift: steps += [questionStep3]), it will only show one question at a time, like in this example from the website (is that correct?):

Screenshot 2023-02-21 at 8 55 49 PM

Is it possible to navigate with this kind of set up below:

Screenshot 2023-02-21 at 8 41 35 PM

For example, if the user selects Severe or maybe something other than None it would either add additional questions to the two shown or open another set of questions like the two shown.

Thank you!

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You're correct that you would have to show one page at a time for your use case. Conditional questions within one step isn't something ResearchKit supports. That does sound useful however.

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This functionality would be very useful.

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@pthealthtech @Pariecemckinney-apple

I was looking at the ORKOrderedTask+ORKPredefinedActiveTask.m inside ResearchKit and see that there is a way to prompt an ORKInstructionStep from an ORKTextChoice. I think this compliments what @erik-apple did in the WWDC 21 for the Range of Motion task using the options: [.excludeConclusion] to show a customized ORKInstructionStep:

From ORKOrderedTask+ORKPredefinedActiveTask.m:

     NSArray *textChoices = @[ [ORKTextChoice choiceWithText:ORKLocalizedString(@"TIMED_WALK_QUESTION_2_CHOICE", nil) value:@"TIMED_WALK_QUESTION_2_CHOICE"],
                                  [ORKTextChoice choiceWithText:ORKLocalizedString(@"TIMED_WALK_QUESTION_2_CHOICE_2", nil) value:@"TIMED_WALK_QUESTION_2_CHOICE_2"],
                                  [ORKTextChoice choiceWithText:ORKLocalizedString(@"TIMED_WALK_QUESTION_2_CHOICE_3", nil) value:@"TIMED_WALK_QUESTION_2_CHOICE_3"],
                                  [ORKTextChoice choiceWithText:ORKLocalizedString(@"TIMED_WALK_QUESTION_2_CHOICE_4", nil) value:@"TIMED_WALK_QUESTION_2_CHOICE_4"],
                                  [ORKTextChoice choiceWithText:ORKLocalizedString(@"TIMED_WALK_QUESTION_2_CHOICE_5", nil) value:@"TIMED_WALK_QUESTION_2_CHOICE_5"],
                                  [ORKTextChoice choiceWithText:ORKLocalizedString(@"TIMED_WALK_QUESTION_2_CHOICE_6", nil) value:@"TIMED_WALK_QUESTION_2_CHOICE_6"] ];
        ORKAnswerFormat *answerFormat2 = [ORKAnswerFormat valuePickerAnswerFormatWithTextChoices:textChoices];

        ORKFormItem *formItem2 = [[ORKFormItem alloc] initWithSectionTitle:ORKLocalizedString(@"TIMED_WALK_QUESTION_2_TITLE", nil) detailText:nil learnMoreItem:nil showsProgress:YES];

        ORKFormItem *formItem3 = [[ORKFormItem alloc] initWithIdentifier:ORKTimedWalkFormAssistanceStepIdentifier
        formItem3.placeholder = ORKLocalizedString(@"TIMED_WALK_QUESTION_2_TEXT", nil);
        formItem3.optional = NO;

        step.formItems = @[formItem1, formItem2, formItem3];
        step.optional = NO;

        ORKStepArrayAddStep(steps, step);

With the ORKInstructionStep :

`   if (!(options & ORKPredefinedTaskOptionExcludeInstructions)) {
            ORKInstructionStep *step = [[ORKInstructionStep alloc] initWithIdentifier:ORKInstruction1StepIdentifier];
            step.title = ORKLocalizedString(@"TIMED_WALK_TITLE", nil);
            step.text = [NSString localizedStringWithFormat:ORKLocalizedString(@"TIMED_WALK_INTRO_2_TEXT_%@", nil), formattedLength];
            step.detailText = ORKLocalizedString(@"TIMED_WALK_INTRO_2_DETAIL", nil);
            step.image = [UIImage imageNamed:@"timer" inBundle:[NSBundle bundleForClass:[self class]] compatibleWithTraitCollection:nil];
            step.imageContentMode = UIViewContentModeCenter;
            step.shouldTintImages = YES;

            ORKStepArrayAddStep(steps, step);

I was thinking, maybe you could change the ORKInstructionStep *step = [[ORKInstructionStep alloc] initWithIdentifier:ORKInstruction1StepIdentifier to relate to a specific ORKTextChoice answer response value(s)...from there would there be a way to modify the ORKInstructionStep to show a second ORKTextChoice form as opposed to just text??

Going back to what @erik-apple did in the WWDC 21, here is an example using ORKInstructionStep for the kneeModel (Range of Motion) in Survey.swift using the options: [.excludeConclusion]:, although, he just used text:

// MARK: Range of Motion.

static func rangeOfMotionCheck() -> ORKTask {
    let rangeOfMotionOrderedTask = ORKOrderedTask.kneeRangeOfMotionTask(
        withIdentifier: "rangeOfMotionTask",
        limbOption: .left,
        intendedUseDescription: nil,
        options: [.excludeConclusion]
    let completionStep = ORKCompletionStep(identifier: "rom.completion")
    completionStep.title = "All done!"
    completionStep.detailText = "We know the road to recovery can be tough. Keep up the good work!"
    return rangeOfMotionOrderedTask

static func extractRangeOfMotionOutcome(
    _ result: ORKTaskResult) -> [OCKOutcomeValue]? {
        guard let motionResult = result.results?
            .compactMap({ $0 as? ORKStepResult })
            .compactMap({ $0.results })
            .flatMap({ $0 })
            .compactMap({ $0 as? ORKRangeOfMotionResult })
            .first else {
            assertionFailure("Failed to parse range of motion result")
            return nil
        var range = OCKOutcomeValue(motionResult.range)
        range.kind = #keyPath(ORKRangeOfMotionResult.range)
        return [range]

// MARK: 3D Knee Model

static func kneeModel() -> ORKTask {
    let instructionStep = ORKInstructionStep(
        identifier: "insights.instructionStep"
    instructionStep.title = "Your Injury Visualized"
    instructionStep.detailText = "A 3D model will be presented to give you better insights on your specific injury."
    instructionStep.iconImage = UIImage(systemName: "bandage")
    let modelManager = ORKUSDZModelManager(usdzFileName: "toy_robot_vintage")
    let kneeModelStep = ORK3DModelStep(
        identifier: "insights.kneeModel",
        modelManager: modelManager
    let kneeModelTask = ORKOrderedTask(
        identifier: "insights",
        steps: [instructionStep, kneeModelStep]
    return kneeModelTask

I don't know if it would be possible to mod the instruction step like this to show an ORKTextChoice survey, what do you guys think? Could it be possible?!

Thank you!

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InfuriatingYetti commented Feb 25, 2023

I think I've got something going here!

Here is a form that is navigable to a second form - in the same window! After selecting the answer response in the first form and clicking Next, and after selecting the answer in the second form and clicking Next, you go to a completion step! ....also, all in the same window!

The problem I am having is while the code isn't giving me any errors, the code is not using logic to either skip the second question if I select None, where it should take me to the completionStep., or to the next form if I select Severe. I know it was said it couldn't be done, but I live outside the box and want to see how we can make this work :)


Under task.setNavigationRule(navigationRule1, forTriggerStepIdentifier: formStep1.identifier) if I change formStep1. identifier to completionStep.identifier it will cause me to skip the second form and go from the first form to the completionStep...what I am I missing here?!


  import CareKitStore
  import ResearchKit
  struct ChoiceQuestions2 {
      static let choiceIdentifier = "choice"
      static let choiceFormIdentifier = "choice.form"
      static let choiceQuestion1Step = "checkin.form.choicequestion1"
      static let choiceStep = "checkin.form.Choice"
      static let choice2Identifier = "choice2"
      static let choice2FormIdentifier = "choice2.form"
      static let choice2Question1Step = "checkin.form.choice2question1"
      static let choice2Step = "checkin.form.Choice2"
      static let choice2CompletionStepIdentifier = "choice2CompletionStep"
      static func Choices2() -> ORKTask {
          let Choices = [
              ORKTextChoice(text: "None", value: 0 as NSNumber),
              ORKTextChoice(text: "Slight", value: 1 as NSNumber),
              ORKTextChoice(text: "Mild", value: 2 as NSNumber),
              ORKTextChoice(text: "Severe", value: 3 as NSNumber)
          let choiceAnswerFormat = ORKAnswerFormat.choiceAnswerFormat(with: .singleChoice, textChoices: Choices)
          let choiceStep = ORKFormItem(identifier: choiceQuestion1Step, text: "Choices 2 Text question goes here", answerFormat: choiceAnswerFormat)
          choiceStep.isOptional = false
          let formStep = ORKFormStep(identifier: choiceFormIdentifier, title: "Choice Question", text: "Instructions for questions")
          formStep.formItems = [choiceStep]
          formStep.isOptional = false
          let Choices2 = [
              ORKTextChoice(text: "None", value: 0 as NSNumber),
              ORKTextChoice(text: "Slight", value: 1 as NSNumber),
              ORKTextChoice(text: "Mild", value: 2 as NSNumber),
              ORKTextChoice(text: "Severe", value: 3 as NSNumber)
          let choiceAnswerFormat2 =  ORKAnswerFormat.choiceAnswerFormat(with: .singleChoice, textChoices: Choices2)
          let choice2Step = ORKFormItem(identifier: choice2Question1Step, text: "Choices 1 Text question goes here", answerFormat: choiceAnswerFormat2)
          choice2Step.isOptional = false
          let form2Step = ORKFormStep(identifier: choice2FormIdentifier, title: "Choice Question", text: "Instructions for questions")
          form2Step.formItems = [choice2Step]
          form2Step.isOptional = false
          let completionStep = ORKCompletionStep(identifier: choice2CompletionStepIdentifier)
          completionStep.title = "Thank you!"
          completionStep.text = "Your responses have been recorded."
          let predicateFormat = ORKResultPredicate.predicateForChoiceQuestionResult(with: ORKResultSelector(resultIdentifier: choice2Question1Step), expectedAnswerValue: 3 as NSNumber)
          let navigationRule = ORKPredicateStepNavigationRule(resultPredicatesAndDestinationStepIdentifiers: [(predicateFormat, choiceStep.identifier)], defaultStepIdentifierOrNil: completionStep.identifier)
          let task = ORKNavigableOrderedTask(identifier: choice2Identifier, steps: [form2Step, formStep,  completionStep])
          task.setNavigationRule(navigationRule, forTriggerStepIdentifier: formStep.identifier)
          return task

Anyone have any ideas?

lol you all are great - thank you for the help so far!!!

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InfuriatingYetti commented Mar 9, 2023

This is the best I could come up with using a step navigable form. I am having trouble though passing the Value to CareKit. I think it's almost there, but need a little guidance please! :)

When I answer Question 1 as "Severe", value: 3 I am successfully navigated to Question 2.
After selecting the an answer on Question 2 and press Next I am navigated to completeStep and once I click Done I get the error: Thread 1: Fatal error: Failed to extract answers from check in survey!; however, print("Result: \(result)") under static func extractAnswersFromChoicesi( is showing both answers from Question1 and Question 2 in the console. I selected answer Value: 3 and answer Value: 2 seen below:

Screenshot 2023-03-09 at 12 42 22 PM

If on Question 1 I select "None", "Slight", "Mild" and press Next I am navigated to completeStep and once I click Done, I again get the error: Thread 1: Fatal error: Failed to extract answers from check in survey!; however, print("Result: \(result)") under static func extractAnswersFromChoicesi( is the answer from Question1 in the console. I selected answer Value: 2 seen below:

Screenshot 2023-03-09 at 12 43 26 PM

This is a mod from what @gavirawson-apple helped me with in the other tread and I tried adapting it to the navigable form. It's interesting to me because it seems that it is able to extract the answers from the form initially as I can get it to print (seen above), but it isn't able to process the data in this area:

                let choiceResult = result.results?
                    .compactMap({ $0 as? ORKStepResult })
                    .first(where: { $0.identifier == choiceFormIdentifier }),
                    let scale2Results = choiceResult
                    .compactMap({ $0 as? ORKChoiceQuestionResult }),
                    let selectedChoices = scale2Results
                    .first(where: { $0.identifier == ChoiceQuestion1Step })?
                    // This line was the key!
                    .choiceAnswers as? [NSNumber],
                    let selectedChoices2 = scale2Results
                    .first(where: { $0.identifier == ChoiceQuestion2Step })?
                    // This line was the key!
                    .choiceAnswers as? [NSNumber]

Here's the full code:

import CareKitStore
import ResearchKit

struct ChoiceQuestions3 {

    static let choiceIdentifier = "choice"
    static let choiceFormIdentifier = "choice.form"
    static let ChoiceQuestion1Step = "checkin.form.choicequestion1"
    static let ChoiceQuestion2Step = "checkin.form.choicequestion2"
    static let choiceCompletionStep = "checkin.form.choiceCompletionStep"

    static func Choices2() -> ORKTask {
        var steps = [ORKStep]()
        // Question 1
        let question1 = ORKQuestionStep(identifier: ChoiceQuestion1Step)
        question1.title = "Choices 1 Text question goes here"
        let choices = [
            ORKTextChoice(text: "None", value: 0 as NSNumber),
            ORKTextChoice(text: "Slight", value: 1 as NSNumber),
            ORKTextChoice(text: "Mild", value: 2 as NSNumber),
            ORKTextChoice(text: "Severe", value: 3 as NSNumber)
        question1.answerFormat = ORKAnswerFormat.choiceAnswerFormat(with: .singleChoice, textChoices: choices)
        steps += [question1]
        // Question 2
        let question2 = ORKQuestionStep(identifier: ChoiceQuestion2Step)
        question2.title = "Choices 2 Text question goes here"
        question2.answerFormat = ORKAnswerFormat.choiceAnswerFormat(with: .singleChoice, textChoices: choices)
        steps += [question2]
        // Completion step
        let completionStep = ORKCompletionStep(identifier: choiceCompletionStep)
        completionStep.title = "Thank you!"
        completionStep.text = "Your responses have been recorded."
        steps += [completionStep]
        // Navigation
        let predicateFormat = ORKResultPredicate.predicateForChoiceQuestionResult(
            with: ORKResultSelector(resultIdentifier: ChoiceQuestion1Step),
            expectedAnswerValue: 3 as NSNumber
        let navigationRule = ORKPredicateStepNavigationRule(
                [(predicateFormat, ChoiceQuestion2Step)],
            defaultStepIdentifierOrNil: choiceCompletionStep
        let task = ORKNavigableOrderedTask(identifier: choiceFormIdentifier, steps: steps)
        task.setNavigationRule(navigationRule, forTriggerStepIdentifier: ChoiceQuestion1Step)
        return task
    static func extractAnswersFromChoicesi(
        _ result: ORKTaskResult) -> [OCKOutcomeValue]? {
            print("Result: \(result)") // <--- Is printing the correct selection from the ORKTextChoice selection
                let choiceResult = result.results?
                    .compactMap({ $0 as? ORKStepResult })
                    .first(where: { $0.identifier == choiceFormIdentifier }),
                    let scale2Results = choiceResult
                    .compactMap({ $0 as? ORKChoiceQuestionResult }),
                    let selectedChoices = scale2Results
                    .first(where: { $0.identifier == ChoiceQuestion1Step })?
                    // This line was the key!
                    .choiceAnswers as? [NSNumber],
                    let selectedChoices2 = scale2Results
                    .first(where: { $0.identifier == ChoiceQuestion2Step })?
                    // This line was the key!
                    .choiceAnswers as? [NSNumber]

            else {
                assertionFailure("Failed to extract answers from check in survey!")
                return nil
            // Convert the choice values to CareKit outcome values
            let outcomeValue = { selectedChoice -> OCKOutcomeValue in

                    var outcomeValue = OCKOutcomeValue(Double(truncating: selectedChoice))
            // Set the kind here!
            outcomeValue.kind = ChoiceQuestion1Step
            return outcomeValue
            // Convert the choice values to CareKit outcome values
            let outcomeValue2 = { selectedChoice -> OCKOutcomeValue in

                    var outcomeValue2 = OCKOutcomeValue(Double(truncating: selectedChoice))
            // Set the kind here!
            outcomeValue2.kind = ChoiceQuestion2Step
            return outcomeValue2

                // makes an array style ie. [3.0, 2.0]
                let outcomeTotal = outcomeValue + outcomeValue2

                return outcomeTotal

Does anyone have any ideas??

Thank you!

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InfuriatingYetti commented Mar 10, 2023

An idea I had was maybe I need to somehow have each question step extract the data along the way as opposed to trying to extract it all at the end. The thought being, does each question step act as as it's own survey form (conceptually)...I messed around with it for a little bit last night trying to extract the data at each step, but wasn't able to get it work quite right still - had a bit of errors I'll have to figure out.

Theoretically, to get this to work would I need to extract each question's data along the way or is it possible to get it to extract all of the data at the end?

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Hey @InfuriatingYetti! I wanted to circle back and see if you have reached a working solution yet. If not, I'm more than happy to keep working through this. Just let me know!

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Hello @InfuriatingYetti, we still haven’t heard anything from you. Please let us know if you are are still stuck, otherwise we will close this issue soon.

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