- Update dlc track converter to take in DLC .h5 files
- Automate dlc creation of .h5 files
- Automate creation of experiment directory for JAABA
- This week we set up DeepLabCut (Conda Environment), JAABA (MatLab) and our Repo onto the psychology lab computer.
- We created a shortcut to simplify starting the DeepLabCut graphical user interface by calling the custom "deeplabcut" function from the computer's terminal.
- We started to add functionality to create batch behaviorFiles for JAABA so that we could avoid having to run our conversion code one video at a time.
- This week we finished updating code comments on the new automation scripts.
- We added the scripts to the GitHub repo.
- We reorganized the GitHub repo.
- We updated the conversion code to account for the new body parts.