diff --git a/episodes/01-intro-to-r.Rmd b/episodes/01-intro-to-r.Rmd
index 9593a135..cccdbb1d 100644
--- a/episodes/01-intro-to-r.Rmd
+++ b/episodes/01-intro-to-r.Rmd
@@ -148,8 +148,8 @@ Each of the modes o interactions has its advantages and drawbacks.
| | Console | R script|
-|**Pros**|Immediate results|Work lost once you close RStudio |
-|**Cons**|Complete record of your work |Messy if you just want to print things out|
+|**Pros**|Immediate results| Complete record of your work |
+|**Cons**| Work lost once you close RStudio | Messy if you just want to print things out|
@@ -312,7 +312,7 @@ In the script, we will write:
```{r download-files}
# Download the data
- here('episodes', 'data','gapminder_data.csv'))
+ here('data','gapminder_data.csv'))
diff --git a/episodes/02-data-structures.Rmd b/episodes/02-data-structures.Rmd
index bee71477..6071354e 100644
--- a/episodes/02-data-structures.Rmd
+++ b/episodes/02-data-structures.Rmd
@@ -65,13 +65,16 @@ You can create a vector with a `c()` function.
```{r vectors}
-numeric_vector <- c(2, 6, 3) # vector of numbers - numeric data type.
+# vector of numbers - numeric data type.
+numeric_vector <- c(2, 6, 3)
-character_vector <- c('banana', 'apple', 'orange') # vector of words - or strings of characters- character data type
+# vector of words - or strings of characters- character data type
+character_vector <- c('banana', 'apple', 'orange')
-logical_vector <- c(TRUE, FALSE, TRUE) # vector of logical values (is something true or false?)- logical data type.
+# vector of logical values (is something true or false?)- logical data type.
+logical_vector <- c(TRUE, FALSE, TRUE)
@@ -121,7 +124,9 @@ First, let's try to calculate mean for the values in this vector
```{r remove-na1}
mean(with_na) # mean() function cannot interpret the missing values
-mean(with_na, na.rm = T) # You can add the argument na.rm=TRUE to calculate the result while ignoring the missing values.
+# You can add the argument na.rm=TRUE to calculate the result while
+# ignoring the missing values.
+mean(with_na, na.rm = T)
However, sometimes, you would like to have the `NA`
@@ -130,9 +135,11 @@ For this you need to identify which elements of the vector hold missing values
with `is.na()` function.
```{r remove-na2}
-is.na(with_na) # This will produce a vector of logical values, stating if a statement 'This element of the vector is a missing value' is true or not
+is.na(with_na) # This will produce a vector of logical values,
+# stating if a statement 'This element of the vector is a missing value'
+# is true or not
-!is.na(with_na) # # The ! operator means negation ,i.e. not is.na(with_na)
+!is.na(with_na) # The ! operator means negation, i.e. not is.na(with_na)
@@ -142,7 +149,8 @@ Sub-setting in `R` is done with square brackets`[ ]`.
```{r remove-na3}
-without_na <- with_na[ !is.na(with_na) ] # this notation will return only the elements that have TRUE on their respective positions
+without_na <- with_na[ !is.na(with_na) ] # this notation will return only
+# the elements that have TRUE on their respective positions
@@ -170,7 +178,8 @@ known as levels.
nordic_str <- c('Norway', 'Sweden', 'Norway', 'Denmark', 'Sweden')
nordic_str # regular character vectors printed out
-nordic_cat <- factor(nordic_str) # factor() function converts a vector to factor data type
+# factor() function converts a vector to factor data type
+nordic_cat <- factor(nordic_str)
nordic_cat # With factors, R prints out additional information - 'Levels'
@@ -201,8 +210,14 @@ displayed in a plot or which category is taken as a baseline in a statistical mo
You can reorder the categories using `factor()` function. This can be useful, for instance, to select a reference category (first level) in a regression model or for ordering legend items in a plot, rather than using the default category systematically (i.e. based on alphabetical order).
```{r factor-reorder1}
-nordic_cat <- factor(nordic_cat, levels = c('Norway' , 'Denmark', 'Sweden')) # now Norway should be the first category, Denmark second and Sweden third
+nordic_cat <- factor(
+ nordic_cat, levels = c(
+ 'Norway',
+ 'Denmark',
+ 'Sweden'
+ ))
+# now Norway will be the first category, Denmark second and Sweden third
@@ -212,7 +227,15 @@ There is more than one way to reorder factors. Later in the lesson,
we will use `fct_relevel()` function from `forcats` package to do the reordering.
```{r factor-reorder2}
-# nordic_cat <- fct_relevel(nordic_cat, 'Norway' , 'Denmark', 'Sweden') # now Norway should be the first category, Denmark second and Sweden third
+nordic_cat <- fct_relevel(
+ nordic_cat,
+ 'Norway' ,
+ 'Denmark',
+ 'Sweden'
+ ) # With this, Norway will be first category,
+ # Denmark second and Sweden third
@@ -239,8 +262,14 @@ outside of this set, it will become an unknown/missing value detonated by
```{r factor-missing-level}
-nordic_cat2 <- factor(nordic_str, levels = c('Norway', 'Denmark'))
-nordic_cat2 # since we have not included Sweden in the list of factor levels, it has become NA.
+nordic_cat2 <- factor(
+ nordic_str,
+ levels = c('Norway', 'Denmark')
+ )
+# because we did not include Sweden in the list of
+# factor levels, it has become NA.
diff --git a/episodes/03-explore-data.Rmd b/episodes/03-explore-data.Rmd
index 5fab2d56..489b0826 100644
--- a/episodes/03-explore-data.Rmd
+++ b/episodes/03-explore-data.Rmd
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ Because columns are vectors, each column must contain a **single type of data**
For example, here is a figure depicting a data frame comprising a numeric, a character, and a logical vector.
*Source*:[Data Carpentry R for Social Scientists ](https://datacarpentry.org/r-socialsci/02-starting-with-data/index.html#what-are-data-frames-and-tibbles)
*Source*: [Data Carpentry R for Social Scientists ](https://datacarpentry.org/r-socialsci/02-starting-with-data/index.html#what-are-data-frames-and-tibbles)
## Reading data
@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ For example, here is a figure depicting a data frame comprising a numeric, a cha
We're gonna read in the `gapminder` data set with information about countries' size, GDP and average life expectancy in different years.
```{r reading-data}
-gapminder <- read_csv("data/gapminder_data.csv")
+gapminder <- read.csv("data/gapminder_data.csv")
@@ -92,9 +92,11 @@ There are multiple ways to explore a data set. Here are just a few examples:
-head(gapminder) # see first 6 rows of the data set
-summary(gapminder) # gives basic statistical information about each column. Information format differes by data type.
+head(gapminder) # shows first 6 rows of the data set
+summary(gapminder) # basic statistical information about each column.
+# Information format differes by data type.
nrow(gapminder) # returns number of rows in a dataset
@@ -108,7 +110,9 @@ When you're analyzing a data set, you often need to access its specific columns.
One handy way to access a column is using it's name and a dollar sign `$`:
```{r subset-dollar-sign}
-country_vec <- gapminder$country # Notation means: From dataset gapminder, give me column country. You can see that the column accessed in this way is just a vector of characters.
+# This notation means: From dataset gapminder, give me column country. You can
+# see that the column accessed in this way is just a vector of characters.
+country_vec <- gapminder$country
@@ -157,8 +161,9 @@ We already know how to select only the needed columns. But now, we also want to
In the `gapminder` data set, we want to see the results from outside of Europe for the 21st century.
year_country_gdp_euro <- gapminder %>%
- filter(continent != "Europe" & year >= 2000) %>% # & operator (AND) - both conditions must be met
+ filter(continent != "Europe" & year >= 2000) %>%
select(year, country, gdpPercap)
+# '&' operator (AND) - both conditions must be met
@@ -177,8 +182,9 @@ Write a single command (which can span multiple lines and includes pipes) that w
```{r ex5, class.source="bg-info"}
year_country_gdp_eurasia <- gapminder %>%
- filter(continent == "Europe" | continent == "Asia") %>% # | operator (OR) - one of the conditions must be met
- select(year, country, gdpPercap)
+ filter(continent == "Europe" | continent == "Asia") %>%
+ select(year, country, gdpPercap)
+# '|' operator (OR) - one of the conditions must be met
@@ -191,7 +197,7 @@ So far, we have provided summary statistics on the whole dataset, selected colum
```{r dplyr-group}
gapminder %>% # select the dataset
group_by(continent) %>% # group by continent
- summarize(avg_gdpPercap = mean(gdpPercap)) # summarize function creates statistics for the data set
+ summarize(avg_gdpPercap = mean(gdpPercap)) # create basic stats
@@ -211,7 +217,8 @@ Calculate the average life expectancy per country. Which country has the longest
gapminder %>%
group_by(country) %>%
summarize(avg_lifeExp=mean(lifeExp)) %>%
- filter(avg_lifeExp == min(avg_lifeExp) | avg_lifeExp == max(avg_lifeExp))
+ filter(avg_lifeExp == min(avg_lifeExp) |
+ avg_lifeExp == max(avg_lifeExp) )
### Multiple groups and summary variables
diff --git a/episodes/04-intro-to-visualisation.Rmd b/episodes/04-intro-to-visualisation.Rmd
index 60f9b941..188b74ac 100644
--- a/episodes/04-intro-to-visualisation.Rmd
+++ b/episodes/04-intro-to-visualisation.Rmd
@@ -48,24 +48,30 @@ After completing this episode, participants should be able to…
# [Introduction to Visualisation](https://datacarpentry.org/r-intro-geospatial/07-plot-ggplot2/index.html)
-The package `ggplot2` is a powerful plotting system. We will start with an introduction of key
-features of `ggplot2`. In the following parts of this workshop, you will
-use this package to visualize geospatial data. `gg` stands for grammar
-of graphics, the idea that three components are needed to create a graph:
+The package `ggplot2` is a powerful plotting system. We will start with an introduction of key features of `ggplot2`. `gg` stands for grammar of graphics. The idea idea behind it is that the following three components are needed to create a graph:
- data,
- aesthetics - a coordinate system on which we map the data
(what is represented on x axis, what on y axis), and
- geometries - visual representation of the data (points, bars, etc.)
-Fun part about `ggplot2` is that you can add layers to
-the plot to provide more information and to make it more beautiful.
+A fun part about `ggplot2` is that you can add layers to the plot to provide more information and to make it more beautiful.
-First, lets plot the distribution of life expectancy in the `gapminder` dataset:
+In the following parts of this workshop, you will use this package to visualize geospatial data. First, make sure that you have the following packages loaded.
+```{r load-pkgs, eval=FALSE}
+Now, lets plot the distribution of life expectancy in the `gapminder` dataset:
```{r ggplot}
- ggplot(data = gapminder, aes(x = lifeExp) ) + # aesthetics layer
- geom_histogram() # geometry layer
+ggplot(data = gapminder, # data
+ aes(x = lifeExp) # aesthetics layer
+ ) +
+geom_histogram() # geometry layer
@@ -78,10 +84,9 @@ Let's create another plot, this time only on a subset of observations:
```{r ggplot-col}
gapminder %>% # we select a data set
- filter(year == 2007 &
- continent == 'Americas') %>% # and filter it to keep only one year and one continent
+ filter(year == 2007 & continent == 'Americas') %>% # filter to keep one year and one continent
ggplot(aes(x = country, y = gdpPercap)) + # the x and y axes represent values of columns
- geom_col() # we select a column graph as a geometry
+ geom_col() # we select a column graph as a geometry
Now, you can iteratively improve how the plot looks like. For example,
@@ -92,7 +97,7 @@ gapminder %>%
filter(year == 2007,
continent == 'Americas') %>%
ggplot(aes(x = country, y = gdpPercap)) +
- geom_col()+
+ geom_col() +
coord_flip() # flip axes
@@ -123,11 +128,14 @@ gapminder %>%
filter(year == 2007,
continent == 'Americas') %>%
mutate(country = fct_reorder(country, gdpPercap )) %>%
- ggplot(aes(x = country, y = gdpPercap, fill = lifeExp )) + # fill argument for colouring surfaces, colour for points and lines
- geom_col()+
+ ggplot(aes(
+ x = country,
+ y = gdpPercap,
+ fill = lifeExp # use 'fill' for surfaces; 'colour' for points and lines
+ )) +
+ geom_col() +
We can also adapt the colour scale. Common choice that is used for its
@@ -138,11 +146,11 @@ readability and colorblind-proofness are the palettes available in the
gapminder %>%
filter(year == 2007,
continent == 'Americas') %>%
- mutate(country = fct_reorder(country, gdpPercap )) %>%
- ggplot(aes(x = country, y = gdpPercap, fill = lifeExp )) +
- geom_col()+
- coord_flip()+
- scale_fill_viridis_c() # _c stands for continuous scale
+ mutate(country = fct_reorder(country, gdpPercap)) %>%
+ ggplot(aes(x = country, y = gdpPercap, fill = lifeExp)) +
+ geom_col() +
+ coord_flip() +
+ scale_fill_viridis_c() # _c stands for continuous scale
@@ -154,16 +162,23 @@ p <- # this time let's save the plot in an object
gapminder %>%
filter(year == 2007 &
continent == 'Americas') %>%
- mutate(country = fct_reorder(country, gdpPercap ),
- lifeExpCat = if_else(lifeExp >= mean(lifeExp), 'high', 'low')) %>%
+ mutate(country = fct_reorder(country, gdpPercap),
+ lifeExpCat = if_else(
+ lifeExp >= mean(lifeExp),
+ 'high',
+ 'low')) %>%
ggplot(aes(x = country, y = gdpPercap, fill = lifeExpCat)) +
- geom_col()+
- coord_flip()+
- scale_fill_manual(values = c('light blue', 'orange')) # customize the colours of the fill aesthetic
+ geom_col() +
+ coord_flip() +
+ scale_fill_manual(values = c(
+ 'light blue',
+ 'orange'
+ ) # customize the colors
+ )
-Since we saved a plot as an object, nothing has been printed out. Just
+Since we saved a plot as an object `p`, nothing has been printed out. Just
like with any other object in `R`, if you want to see it, you need to
call it.
@@ -177,12 +192,12 @@ Now we can make use of the saved object and add things to it.
Let's also give it a title and name the axes:
```{r ggplot-titles}
-p <-
- p +
+p <- p +
ggtitle('GDP per capita in Americas', subtitle = 'Year 2007') +
ylab('GDP per capita')
+# show plot
@@ -193,9 +208,12 @@ p
Once we are happy with our plot we can save it in a format of our
choice. Remember to save it in the dedicated folder.
-```{r save-plot}
+```{r save-plot, eval=FALSE}
ggsave(plot = p,
- filename = here('fig_output','plot_americas_2007.pdf')) # By default, ggsave() saves the last displayed plot, but you can also explicitly name the plot you want to save
+ filename = here('fig_output','plot_americas_2007.pdf')
+ )
+# By default, ggsave() saves the last displayed plot, but
+# you can also explicitly name the plot you want to save
@@ -220,13 +238,17 @@ Another output of your work you want to save is a cleaned data set. In
your analysis, you can then load directly that data set. Let's say we want to
save the data only for Americas:
-```{r writing-data}
+```{r writing-data, eval=FALSE}
gapminder_amr_2007 <- gapminder %>%
filter(year == 2007 & continent == 'Americas') %>%
- mutate(country_reordered = fct_reorder(country, gdpPercap ),
- lifeExpCat = if_else(lifeExp >= mean(lifeExp), 'high', 'low'))
-write.csv(gapminder_amr_2007, here('data_output', 'gapminder_americas_2007.csv'), row.names=FALSE)
+ mutate(country_reordered = fct_reorder(country, gdpPercap),
+ lifeExpCat = if_else(lifeExp >= mean(lifeExp), 'high', 'low')
+ )
+ here('data_output', 'gapminder_americas_2007.csv'),
+ row.names=FALSE
+ )
::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: keypoints
diff --git a/episodes/09-open-and-plot-vector-layers.Rmd b/episodes/09-open-and-plot-vector-layers.Rmd
index 3b8bcc40..22e97d18 100644
--- a/episodes/09-open-and-plot-vector-layers.Rmd
+++ b/episodes/09-open-and-plot-vector-layers.Rmd
@@ -141,7 +141,7 @@ Now, let's plot this shapefile. You are already familiar with the `ggplot2` pack
ggplot(data = boundary_Delft) +
geom_sf(size = 3, color = "black", fill = "cyan1") +
labs(title = "Delft Administrative Boundary") +
- coord_sf(datum = st_crs(28992)) # this is needed to display the axes in meters
+ coord_sf(datum = st_crs(28992)) # displays the axes in meters
::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: challenge
diff --git a/episodes/10-explore-and-plot-by-vector-layer-attributes.Rmd b/episodes/10-explore-and-plot-by-vector-layer-attributes.Rmd
index ca18aa96..bf947df7 100644
--- a/episodes/10-explore-and-plot-by-vector-layer-attributes.Rmd
+++ b/episodes/10-explore-and-plot-by-vector-layer-attributes.Rmd
@@ -128,8 +128,8 @@ head(point_Delft)
We can increase the number of rows with the n argument (e.g., `head(n = 10)` to show 10 rows) until we see at least three distinct values in the leisure column. Note that printing an `sf` object will also display the first 10 rows.
-head(point_Delft, 10) # you might be lucky to see three distinct values
-# point_Delft
+head(point_Delft, 10)
+# you might be lucky to see three distinct values
We have our answer (`sports_centre` is the third value), but in general this is not a good approach as the first rows might still have many `NA`s and three distinct values might still not be present in the first `n` rows of the data frame. To remove `NA`s, we can use the function `na.omit()` on the leisure column to remove `NA`s completely. Note that we use the `$` operator to examine the content of a single variable.
@@ -141,7 +141,8 @@ head(na.omit(point_Delft$leisure)) # this is better
To show only unique values, we can use the `levels()` function on a factor to only see the first occurrence of each distinct value. Note `NA`s are dropped in this case and that we get the first three of the unique alphabetically ordered values.
-head(levels(factor(point_Delft$leisure)), n = 3) # this is even better
+head(levels(factor(point_Delft$leisure)), n = 3)
+# this is even better
3. To see a list of all attribute names, we can use the `names()` function.
@@ -186,7 +187,9 @@ Now we can plot only the cycleways.
```{r fig.cap="Map of cycleways in Delft."}
ggplot(data = cycleway_Delft) +
geom_sf() +
- labs(title = "Slow mobility network in Delft", subtitle = "Cycleways") +
+ labs(title = "Slow mobility network in Delft",
+ subtitle = "Cycleways"
+ ) +
coord_sf(datum = st_crs(28992))
@@ -237,7 +240,9 @@ nrow(motorway_Delft)
ggplot(data = motorway_Delft) +
geom_sf(linewidth = 1.5) +
- labs(title = "Fast mobility network", subtitle = "Motorways") +
+ labs(title = "Fast mobility network",
+ subtitle = "Motorways"
+ ) +
coord_sf(datum = st_crs(28992))
@@ -258,7 +263,9 @@ nrow(pedestrian_Delft)
ggplot() +
geom_sf(data = pedestrian_Delft) +
- labs(title = "Slow mobility network", subtitle = "Pedestrian") +
+ labs(title = "Slow mobility network",
+ subtitle = "Pedestrian"
+ ) +
coord_sf(datum = st_crs(28992))
@@ -350,7 +357,8 @@ ggplot(data = lines_Delft_selection) +
geom_sf(aes(linewidth = highway)) +
scale_linewidth_manual(values = line_width) +
labs(title = "Mobility network of Delft",
- subtitle = "Roads & Cycleways - Line width varies") +
+ subtitle = "Roads & Cycleways - Line width varies"
+ ) +
coord_sf(datum = st_crs(28992))
@@ -371,13 +379,17 @@ p1 <- ggplot(data = lines_Delft_selection) +
labs(title = "Mobility network of Delft",
subtitle = "Roads & Cycleways - Default Legend") +
coord_sf(datum = st_crs(28992))
+# show plot
```{r fig.cap="Map of the mobility network in Delft with large-font and border around the legend."}
p2 <- p1 +
theme(legend.text = element_text(size = 20),
- legend.box.background = element_rect(size = 1))
+ legend.box.background = element_rect(linewidth = 1))
+# show plot
@@ -399,16 +411,22 @@ levels(factor(lines_Delft$highway))
-# First, create a data frame with only those roads where bicycles are allowed
+# First, create a data frame with only roads where bicycles
+# are allowed
lines_Delft_bicycle <- lines_Delft %>%
filter(highway == "cycleway")
-# Next, visualise using ggplot
+# Next, visualise it using ggplot
ggplot(data = lines_Delft) +
geom_sf() +
- geom_sf(data = lines_Delft_bicycle, aes(color = highway), linewidth = 1) +
+ geom_sf(data = lines_Delft_bicycle,
+ aes(color = highway),
+ linewidth = 1
+ ) +
scale_color_manual(values = "magenta") +
- labs(title = "Mobility network in Delft", subtitle = "Roads dedicated to Bikes") +
+ labs(title = "Mobility network in Delft",
+ subtitle = "Roads dedicated to Bikes"
+ ) +
coord_sf(datum = st_crs(28992))
diff --git a/episodes/11-plot-multiple-shape-files.Rmd b/episodes/11-plot-multiple-shape-files.Rmd
index 06496fa0..7acb16bf 100644
--- a/episodes/11-plot-multiple-shape-files.Rmd
+++ b/episodes/11-plot-multiple-shape-files.Rmd
@@ -57,8 +57,14 @@ To begin, we will create a plot with the site boundary as the first layer. Then
ggplot() +
- geom_sf(data = boundary_Delft, fill = "lightgrey", color = "lightgrey") +
- geom_sf(data = lines_Delft_selection, aes(color = highway), size = 1) +
+ geom_sf(data = boundary_Delft,
+ fill = "lightgrey",
+ color = "lightgrey"
+ ) +
+ geom_sf(data = lines_Delft_selection,
+ aes(color = highway),
+ size = 1
+ ) +
geom_sf(data = point_Delft) +
labs(title = "Mobility network of Delft") +
coord_sf(datum = st_crs(28992))
@@ -69,23 +75,49 @@ Next, let’s build a custom legend using the functions `scale_color_manual()` a
leisure_colors <- rainbow(15)
point_Delft$leisure <- factor(point_Delft$leisure)
ggplot() +
- geom_sf(data = boundary_Delft, fill = "lightgrey", color = "lightgrey") +
- geom_sf(data = lines_Delft_selection, aes(color = highway), size = 1) +
- geom_sf(data = point_Delft, aes(fill = leisure), shape = 21) +
- scale_color_manual(values = road_colors, name = "Road Type") +
- scale_fill_manual(values = leisure_colors, name = "Lesiure Location") +
+ geom_sf(data = boundary_Delft,
+ fill = "lightgrey",
+ color = "lightgrey"
+ ) +
+ geom_sf(data = lines_Delft_selection,
+ aes(color = highway),
+ size = 1
+ ) +
+ geom_sf(data = point_Delft,
+ aes(fill = leisure),
+ shape = 21) +
+ scale_color_manual(values = road_colors,
+ name = "Road Type"
+ ) +
+ scale_fill_manual(values = leisure_colors,
+ name = "Lesiure Location"
+ ) +
labs(title = "Mobility network and leisure in Delft") +
coord_sf(datum = st_crs(28992))
ggplot() +
- geom_sf(data = boundary_Delft, fill = "lightgrey", color = "lightgrey") +
- geom_sf(data = lines_Delft_selection, aes(color = highway), size = 1) +
- geom_sf(data = point_Delft, aes(fill = leisure), shape = 22) +
- scale_color_manual(values = road_colors, name = "Line Type") +
- scale_fill_manual(values = leisure_colors, name = "Leisure Location") +
+ geom_sf(data = boundary_Delft,
+ fill = "lightgrey",
+ color = "lightgrey"
+ ) +
+ geom_sf(data = lines_Delft_selection,
+ aes(color = highway),
+ size = 1
+ ) +
+ geom_sf(data = point_Delft,
+ aes(fill = leisure),
+ shape = 22
+ ) +
+ scale_color_manual(values = road_colors,
+ name = "Line Type"
+ ) +
+ scale_fill_manual(values = leisure_colors,
+ name = "Leisure Location"
+ ) +
labs(title = "Mobility network and leisure in Delft") +
coord_sf(datum = st_crs(28992))
@@ -118,26 +150,56 @@ blue_orange <- c("cornflowerblue", "darkorange")
ggplot() +
- geom_sf(data = lines_Delft_selection, aes(color = highway)) +
- geom_sf(data = leisure_locations_selection, aes(fill = leisure),
- shape = 21) +
- scale_color_manual(name = "Line Type", values = road_colors,
- guide = guide_legend(override.aes = list(linetype = "solid", shape = NA))) +
- scale_fill_manual(name = "Soil Type", values = blue_orange,
- guide = guide_legend(override.aes = list(linetype = "blank", shape = 21, colour = NA))) +
+ geom_sf(data = lines_Delft_selection,
+ aes(color = highway)
+ ) +
+ geom_sf(data = leisure_locations_selection,
+ aes(fill = leisure),
+ shape = 21
+ ) +
+ scale_color_manual(name = "Line Type",
+ values = road_colors,
+ guide = guide_legend(override.aes = list(
+ linetype = "solid",
+ shape = NA
+ ))
+ ) +
+ scale_fill_manual(name = "Soil Type",
+ values = blue_orange,
+ guide = guide_legend(override.aes = list(
+ linetype = "blank",
+ shape = 21,
+ colour = NA
+ ))
+ ) +
labs(title = "Traffic and leisure") +
coord_sf(datum = st_crs(28992))
ggplot() +
- geom_sf(data = lines_Delft_selection, aes(color = highway), size = 1) +
- geom_sf(data = leisure_locations_selection, aes(fill = leisure, shape = leisure), size = 2) +
- scale_shape_manual(name = "Leisure Type", values = c(21, 22)) +
- scale_color_manual(name = "Line Type", values = road_colors) +
- scale_fill_manual(name = "Leisure Type", values = rainbow(15),
- guide = guide_legend(override.aes = list(linetype = "blank", shape = c(21, 22),
- color = "black"))) +
+ geom_sf(data = lines_Delft_selection,
+ aes(color = highway),
+ size = 1
+ ) +
+ geom_sf(data = leisure_locations_selection,
+ aes(fill = leisure, shape = leisure),
+ size = 2
+ ) +
+ scale_shape_manual(name = "Leisure Type",
+ values = c(21, 22)
+ ) +
+ scale_color_manual(name = "Line Type",
+ values = road_colors
+ ) +
+ scale_fill_manual(name = "Leisure Type",
+ values = rainbow(15),
+ guide = guide_legend(override.aes = list(
+ linetype = "blank",
+ shape = c(21, 22),
+ color = "black"
+ ))
+ ) +
labs(title = "Road network and leisure") +
coord_sf(datum = st_crs(28992))
diff --git a/episodes/12-handling-spatial-projection-and-crs.Rmd b/episodes/12-handling-spatial-projection-and-crs.Rmd
index 24811951..ff0d77b0 100644
--- a/episodes/12-handling-spatial-projection-and-crs.Rmd
+++ b/episodes/12-handling-spatial-projection-and-crs.Rmd
@@ -50,8 +50,13 @@ country_boundary_NL <- st_read("data/nl-boundary.shp")
ggplot() +
- geom_sf(data = country_boundary_NL, color = "gray18", linewidth = 2) +
- geom_sf(data = municipal_boundary_NL, color = "gray40") +
+ geom_sf(data = country_boundary_NL,
+ color = "gray18",
+ linewidth = 2
+ ) +
+ geom_sf(data = municipal_boundary_NL,
+ color = "gray40"
+ ) +
labs(title = "Map of Contiguous NL Municipal Boundaries") +
coord_sf(datum = st_crs(28992))
@@ -76,9 +81,17 @@ boundary_Delft <- st_transform(boundary_Delft, 28992)
ggplot() +
- geom_sf(data = country_boundary_NL, linewidth = 2, color = "gray18") +
- geom_sf(data = municipal_boundary_NL, color = "gray40") +
- geom_sf(data = boundary_Delft, color = "purple", fill = "purple") +
+ geom_sf(data = country_boundary_NL,
+ linewidth = 2,
+ color = "gray18"
+ ) +
+ geom_sf(data = municipal_boundary_NL,
+ color = "gray40"
+ ) +
+ geom_sf(data = boundary_Delft,
+ color = "purple",
+ fill = "purple"
+ ) +
labs(title = "Map of Contiguous NL Municipal Boundaries") +
coord_sf(datum = st_crs(28992))
@@ -105,10 +118,23 @@ boundary_ZH <- municipal_boundary_NL %>%
ggplot() +
- geom_sf(data = boundary_ZH, aes(color ="color"), show.legend = "line") +
- scale_color_manual(name = "", labels = "Municipal Boundaries in South Holland", values = c("color" = "gray18")) +
- geom_sf(data = boundary_Delft, aes(shape = "shape"), color = "purple", fill = "purple") +
- scale_shape_manual(name = "", labels = "Municipality of Delft", values = c("shape" = 19)) +
+ geom_sf(data = boundary_ZH,
+ aes(color ="color"),
+ show.legend = "line"
+ ) +
+ scale_color_manual(name = "",
+ labels = "Municipal Boundaries in South Holland",
+ values = c("color" = "gray18")
+ ) +
+ geom_sf(data = boundary_Delft,
+ aes(shape = "shape"),
+ color = "purple",
+ fill = "purple"
+ ) +
+ scale_shape_manual(name = "",
+ labels = "Municipality of Delft",
+ values = c("shape" = 19)
+ ) +
labs(title = "Delft location") +
theme(legend.background = element_rect(color = NA)) +
coord_sf(datum = st_crs(28992))
@@ -126,7 +152,9 @@ To save a file, use the `st_write()` function from the `sf` package. Although `s
```{r, eval=FALSE}
- "data/leisure_locations_selection.shp", driver = "ESRI Shapefile")
+ "data/leisure_locations_selection.shp",
+ driver = "ESRI Shapefile"
+ )