diff --git a/glossary.yml b/glossary.yml index 7adca925..2a6a2575 100644 --- a/glossary.yml +++ b/glossary.yml @@ -1725,6 +1725,12 @@ def: > O quão bem duas variáveis concordam uma com a outra. O [coeficiente de correlação](#correlation_coefficient) é uma medida normalizada da covariância. + af: + term: "kovariansie" + def: > + Hoe goed twee veranderlikes met mekaar ooreenstem. Die + [korrelasiekoëffisiënt](#correlation_coefficient) + is 'n genormaliseerde maatstaf vir kovariansie. - slug: cpu @@ -3506,7 +3512,11 @@ def: > A method for finding the best straight-line fit between two datasets, typically by minimizing the squares of the distances between the points and a regression line. - + af: + term: "lineêre regressie" + def: > + 'n Metode om die beste pas tussen twee datastelle te vind deur die vierkante van die + afstande tussen die punte en 'n regressielyn te minimaliseer. - slug: linter en: @@ -3638,6 +3648,11 @@ def: > A method for fitting a model to some data that uses logistic (S-shaped) curves instead of straight lines. + af: + term: "logistiese regressie " + def: > + 'n Metode om 'n model aan te pas tot data wat van logistieke (S-vormige) kurwes gebruik + maak. - slug: long_identifier_git