Term | Description |
Attention Mechanism | A neural network technique for focusing on the most relevant parts of the input sequence, widely used in natural language processing and image recognition. |
Autoencoder | A type of neural network used to learn efficient representations by encoding input data and reconstructing it, often used for data compression and denoising. |
Activation Function | A mathematical function applied to a neuron's output to introduce non-linearity, such as ReLU, sigmoid, or tanh. |
Term | Description |
Backpropagation | A training method for neural networks that adjusts weights based on the error of each neuron, enabling supervised learning. |
Bias | A constant value added to a neuron's output to shift activation and help the model learn from diverse data patterns. |
BigGAN | A generative adversarial network that produces high-quality images, known for its large-scale architecture and detailed outputs. |
Term | Description |
Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) | A type of neural network optimized for image data, using convolutional layers to detect patterns. |
CycleGAN | A GAN architecture for image translation without paired training examples, often used to transform images between styles. |
Conditional GAN (cGAN) | A GAN variant that generates images conditioned on specific input data, such as text labels or images. |
Term | Description |
Discriminator | Part of GANs, this model evaluates the realism of generated data to improve the generator's output. |
Diffusion Model | A generative model that gradually adds noise to data and then learns to reverse this process, producing high-quality samples. |
Deep Dream | An algorithm that enhances patterns in images by iteratively adjusting neurons in a neural network to maximize output. |
Term | Description |
Encoder | A neural network that maps input data into a latent space, often used in transformers and autoencoders. |
Embedding | A representation of data (like words or images) in a high-dimensional vector space for better processing by AI models. |
Early Stopping | A technique to prevent overfitting by stopping training once the model's performance on a validation set plateaus or worsens. |
Term | Description |
Feedforward Neural Network | A basic neural network architecture where data flows in one direction from input to output. |
Few-Shot Learning | A method that enables models to learn from very few examples by leveraging pre-existing knowledge or features. |
Fine-tuning | Adjusting a pre-trained model with additional training on new data to improve performance on specific tasks. |
Term | Description |
Generative Adversarial Network (GAN) | A generative model that pairs a generator with a discriminator to create realistic data, like images or sounds. |
Generator | The model in a GAN that learns to produce realistic data samples to fool the discriminator. |
GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer) | A language model architecture based on transformers, pre-trained on large corpora for various NLP tasks. |
Term | Description |
Hallucination | When a generative model produces content that is not based on the input or is factually incorrect. |
Hyperparameters | Adjustable settings in model training, like learning rate or batch size, that significantly impact performance. |
Hidden Layer | Intermediate layers in a neural network where data transformations occur before output. |
Term | Description |
Image Synthesis | The process of generating realistic images from random noise or semantic input using generative models. |
Inpainting | Filling in missing regions of an image, commonly done with GANs or other image synthesis techniques. |
Instance Segmentation | Identifying each distinct object in an image, including pixel-wise differentiation between overlapping instances. |
Term | Description |
Jittering | A data augmentation technique involving random changes in image colors or pixels to improve model robustness. |
Joint Attention | Mechanism for focusing on multiple parts of data simultaneously, enhancing model learning in multimodal tasks. |
Term | Description |
k-Nearest Neighbors (k-NN) | A simple algorithm for classification or regression based on the closest training examples in the feature space. |
Kernel Trick | A method used in SVMs and other algorithms to make data separable by mapping it into a higher-dimensional space. |
Knowledge Distillation | A technique where a smaller model learns from a larger, pre-trained model to retain knowledge efficiently. |
Term | Description |
Latent Space | The abstract, compressed representation of data learned by models, used for generation or manipulation. |
LSTM (Long Short-Term Memory) | A type of RNN architecture effective for sequence data, addressing long-term dependency issues. |
Loss Function | A metric used during training to assess model prediction error and guide optimization. |
Term | Description |
Multi-Head Attention | A mechanism in transformers that allows focusing on different parts of input data in parallel. |
Mode Collapse | A common GAN problem where the generator produces limited diversity, focusing only on a few data modes. |
Masked Language Modeling | A pre-training objective where certain tokens are masked and predicted to help models understand context. |
Term | Description |
Neural Network | A computational model with layers of nodes (neurons) inspired by biological neural networks. |
Noise Injection | Adding randomness to inputs during training to make models more robust and prevent overfitting. |
Normalization | Scaling input data to improve model convergence and reduce training time. |
Term | Description |
Overfitting | When a model learns the training data too well, losing generalization to new data. |
Object Detection | Identifying and classifying multiple objects in an image, often using bounding boxes. |
Optimization | The process of adjusting model parameters to minimize the loss function during training. |
Term | Description |
Prompt | Input text or instruction guiding the output of a generative model like GPT. |
Pre-training | Training a model on large datasets before fine-tuning it for specific tasks, common in language and vision models. |
PixelCNN | A generative model that generates images pixel-by-pixel, often used for image synthesis. |
Term | Description |
Quantization | Reducing the number of bits used in a model's weights to make it faster and more efficient. |
Q-Learning | A reinforcement learning technique where agents learn action-value pairs to maximize rewards. |
Query | The input in an attention mechanism that is used to find the relevance of other inputs (keys) for prediction. |
Term | Description |
Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) | A type of neural network suited for sequential data, such as text or time series, due to its internal memory. |
Reinforcement Learning (RL) | A type of machine learning where agents learn actions in an environment to maximize cumulative rewards. |
ResNet | A deep convolutional network architecture with skip connections, allowing very deep networks without performance degradation. |
Term | Description |
Segmentation | The process of dividing an image into different parts or segments to identify and analyze specific objects or regions. |
Self-Supervised Learning | A method where models generate their own training labels, enabling learning from unlabeled data. |
StyleGAN | A GAN variant used for high-quality, style-controllable image generation, popular in art and media. |
Term | Description |
Transformer | A neural network architecture using self-attention, key in NLP and generative models. |
Transfer Learning | Adapting a pre-trained model for a related task, reducing training time and data requirements. |
Tokenization | Breaking down input text into smaller units (tokens) that models can process. |
Term | Description |
Unsupervised Learning | A type of learning where the model identifies patterns without labeled data, often for clustering or anomaly detection. |
U-Net | A CNN architecture primarily used in biomedical image segmentation, with a U-shaped structure for detailed outputs. |
Upsampling | Increasing the resolution of data, often used in image processing for better visual clarity. |
Term | Description |
Variational Autoencoder (VAE) | A type of autoencoder with added randomness, often used for generative tasks involving image and text synthesis. |
Vector Quantized (VQ-VAE) | A generative model combining VAEs and quantization to represent data as discrete vectors, useful in image synthesis. |
Vision Transformer (ViT) | A transformer-based model applied to vision tasks, often outperforming CNNs in specific contexts. |
Term | Description |
Wasserstein GAN (WGAN) | A GAN variant that improves training stability by using the Wasserstein distance as a loss function. |
Word2Vec | A technique for natural language processing that represents words as vectors in a continuous vector space. |
Weight Sharing | A method in neural networks where the same weights are used across different parts of the model, often seen in CNNs. |
Term | Description |
Xavier Initialization | A method for initializing neural network weights to avoid gradient vanishing or explosion, especially in deep networks. |
XML-RPC | A remote procedure call (RPC) protocol using XML to encode calls, sometimes used for integrating AI systems with external software. |
XOR Problem | A classic problem in neural networks involving non-linear classification, motivating the need for multi-layer networks. |
Term | Description |
YOLO (You Only Look Once) | A real-time object detection algorithm that divides images into grids for fast and accurate predictions. |
YAML | A human-readable data serialization format often used in configuring machine learning experiments. |
Yield Curve | In financial models, an important time-series input for forecasting, sometimes predicted using generative models. |
Term | Description |
Zero-shot Learning | A model's ability to recognize and predict classes or tasks it has not been explicitly trained on. |
Zero-padding | Adding zeros around image data to maintain dimensional consistency in convolutional neural networks. |
Z-score Normalization | A normalization technique for data, scaling values by the mean and standard deviation for improved model performance. |