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Releases: casact/chainladder-python

chainladder 0.4.9

30 Jan 19:12
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  • quick patch for Pipeline

chainladder 0.4.8

30 Jan 18:56
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Bug fixes:

  • Fixed an inappropriate mutation in the Benktander estimator when calls to predict are made
  • Allow for sample_weight argument to be directly passed to a Pipeline

chainladder 0.4.7

21 Jan 13:42
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  • Added broadcast_axis for better BootstrapODPSample support

chainladder 0.4.6

18 Jan 04:02
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Bug fixes:

  • Eliminated a side-effect in Development when using drop
  • Improved dropping capabilities of BootstrapODPSample

chainladder 0.4.5

12 Jan 15:07
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Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed TailCurve shape misaligned #57
  • Fixed triangle json serializers to include all data necessary to recreate triangle
  • Fixed various edge case issues when len(development) == 1
  • Fixed MackChainladder assymentric triangle support (e.g. OYDQ)
  • Fixed MunichAdjustment assymentric triangle support (e.g. OYDQ)
  • Fixed datetime flexibility on dataframe ingestion into triangle


  • aligned append method with pandas


  • Moved excel exhibit functionality to a separate xlcomose package.

chainladder 0.4.4

04 Dec 01:18
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Bug fixes:

  • patched a defect in Triangle.grain()
  • patched a defect in pertaining to titles

chainladder 0.4.3

02 Dec 01:48
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Bug Fix:

  • Fixed issues in asymmetric triangles


  • Replaced Exhibit API with Row, Column, Tabs, and DataFrame

chainladder 0.4.2

29 Nov 00:52
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Bug Fixes:

Minor release to improved commutative properties of triangle functions (grain, val_to_dev, dev_to_val, cum_to_incr, incr_to_cum, latest_diagonal) for all types of triangles (development triangles, valuation triangles, complerte triangles)

chainladder 0.4.1

26 Nov 03:03
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Bug fix

  • patch to asymmetric LDF fix in release 0.4.0


  • Added Triangle.dropna() method that allows shaving off origins/development vectors that are all 0/NA

chainladder 0.4.0

25 Nov 02:30
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  • Added better datetime management when instantiating a triangle
  • Added json serializers for Triangle as well as the estimators and Pipeline. These can be accessed with the to_json method and cl.read_json
  • Added DevelopmentConstant estimator that takes LDF or CDF patterns as a dictionary instead of calculating from a triangle. This is useful for incorporating industry patterns into an analysis
  • General improved functionality for malformed triangles
  • improved memory management by eliminating unnecessary usage of deepcopy

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed an issue where LDFs were calculated incorrectly for asymmetric triangles
  • Fixed a bug where slicers weren't working properly after particular mutations (e.g. adding a new column)
  • Arithmetic on triangles with different origin ranges will now take the union of the origin periods. Previously the intersection was taken.