This changelog describes the changes in Casbin4D project
- [Casbin.Core.Logger.Default] Add a Logger Pool
- New model (RBAC with explicit user) added. Check \Examples\Additional folder
- The use of loggers (logger pool)
- Main Demo has more useful UI and a log window
- Cleaned code
- [Casbin.Tests.Function] New tests added (KeyMatch-10, KeyMatch2-9) (Many thanks to wiphi)
- [Casbin.Functions.KeyMatch.pas] Fix a bug in KeyMatch (Many thanks to wiphi)
- [Casbin.Matcher.pas] Fix a bug in matcher
- Package for Delphi 11.0 Alexandria
- New property EnableConsole in logger to allow the output of debug information
- [] Casbin.INC file added
- [] CASBIN_DEBUG compiler directive (See
- [Casbin.Functions.IPMatch.pas] IPMatch has an added option to throw an exception
- [Casbin.Matcher.pas] Improved RegEx matcher (Many thanks to ErikUniformAgri). Now all tests pass
- RBAC model tests added
- Code cleanup
- Package for Delphi 10.2 Tokyo
- Package for Delphi 10.3 Rio
- Package for Delphi 10.4 Sydney
- Code cleanup
- Initial Release