This assumes that you have basic knowledge of Raspberry Pi and Linux system administration.
This Python program helps you set up a headless Raspberry Pi Ergo node. It automates the process of updating the Linux system, installing Java, downloading and configuring the Ergo node software, creating system services for automatic node initialization, configuring user aliases for node commands, and optionally rebooting the system.
Before running the program, ensure you have the following prerequisites:
- A Raspberry Pi (tested on Raspberry Pi 4)
- Raspberry Pi OS installed (tested on Raspberry Pi OS Lite)
- Internet connectivity on the Raspberry Pi
Follow these steps to set up your Ergo node:
- Install Git:
Install the Git program onto your Raspberry Pi:
sudo apt-get install git
- Clone the Repository:
Clone the GitHub repository containing the program onto your Raspberry Pi:
git clone ''
- Navigate to the Program Directory:
Use the cd
command to enter the program directory:
cd 02-python-script-automated
- Make the Program Executable:
Make the program script executable using the following command:
chmod +x
- Run the Program:
Execute the program with the following command for a full node from scratch (no bootstrapping):
sudo python
The program will start and guide you through the Ergo Node setup process. Follow the prompts, and leave the prompt blank to use default settings when applicable.
Important: The program will perform tasks that require administrative (sudo) privileges. You may be prompted to enter your password during the execution of certain commands.
This Python program automates the following tasks for setting up an Ergo node on a Raspberry Pi:
- Update and upgrade the Linux system
- Download and install Java
- Download and install Ergo node software
- Create Ergo node directories, config file, API key hash, get user IP
- Configure systemd service to manage Ergo node
- Configure user aliases for node commands
- Reboot system (optional)
Aliases were configured for your node to make node interaction easier:
ergo-status shows the status of the node.
ergo-start will start the node service.
ergo-stop will end the node service.
ergo-restart will restart the node.
ergo-help will show all node commands.
ergo-logs shows the log file of the node.