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MNIST example

This example is a realistic setup and will take a few hours to complete. However, much of that time will be passive, waiting for conda or data to download.

We're going to ste-I mean adapt code from the Pytorch examples repository here, which runs a single MNIST experiment, and use slurm to run a grid search over parameters.

This example will extend the simple example and additionally:

  • use a conda virtual environment
  • use GPU resources
  • use large(ish) data
  • show you how to make checkpointed code: code which is resilient to errors and early termination - you can rerun your jobs and pick up from the previous checkpoint

This exercise is much less verbose - it's assumed you already know the basics or you have run through the simple example.

0. Setup

IMPORTANT NOTE: Running processes locally i.e. here on the headnode (the node you arrive at when you ssh to a given cluster) is VERY BAD! The headnode is responsible for coordinating all the jobs for slurm; if we clog it with lots of additional jobs, it will slow everything down for everyone. Thankfully, it's easy to simply jump on one of the nodes in the cluster and work from there - everything works the same as if you were on the headnode:

cluster_name=cdtcluster  # e.g. mlp or ilcc-cluster
ssh ${USER}@${cluster_name}

# Run this slurm command to be allocated to a node in the default partition
# with a gpu.
srun --time=08:00:00 --mem=14000 --cpus-per-task=2 --gres=gpu:1 --pty bash

## For the PGR Cluster
srun --time=08:00:00 --mem=14000 --cpus-per-task=2 --gres=gpu:1 --partition=PGR-Standard --pty bash

# You can also use our shortcut command which essentially does the above!

0.1. Initial bash setup

  1. First, set up your environment on the cluster. Follow the section entitled "Quick Bash Environment Setup" here:
  2. If you haven't already, clone this repository, following the base installation instructions to make all the executables available, such as interactive_gpu
  3. Make run_experiment available by running the setup instructions in the slurm experiments README in the base directory for slurm experiments
  4. IMPORTANT Create a folder for your log files. For this example we are using /home/${USER}/slurm_logs. If you want to change that in future, make sure you change the lines #SBATCH --output ... and #SBATCH --error ... - if the directories do not exist sbatch will silently fail!
mkdir /home/${USER}/slurm_logs

0.2. Create a conda environment

In 0.1, you should have installed conda. We're going to make a virtual environment specifically for this exercise.

If you already have an environment with pytorch and torchvision installed, you should be fine to use that - just go through all the scripts and change instances of pt for the name of your environment.

Unfortunately, all these commands take considerably longer to run on a distributed filesystem than they do on your local machine, so get that tea/coffee making paraphernalia ready (/ do some of the other setup concurrently!). This requires an internet connection. Whilst cdtcluster has internet connection on all nodes, other clusters may not, for instance mlp does not. If you are on a cluster with internet connection on all nodes, you should get an interactive session first. If not, you will need to use the headnode to set up your environment 🙃

# Times in comments are how long commands took to run on
# TIP: add -y to update and create commands to bypass the confirmation steps

# ~20 minutes
conda update conda

# ~20 minutes
conda create -n pt python=3 pytorch torchvision cudatoolkit -c pytorch

The rest of the guide assumes you have made this enviroment and it is activated.

conda activate pt

0.3. Download the data

Again, because nodes sometimes don't have an internet connection, we will first download the data we need to the DFS. Again, we're going to have to do this on the headnode, which is bad practice in general:

conda activate pt
# If you cloned the repo somewhere else, change this the following line
cd ${repo_home}/experiments/examples/mnist
ls data/input

For your own experiments, if data is available on the internet, you can use wget to download it. If the data is available on the informatics network, you can use scp or rsync.

1. Test and understand

The python script ./ runs an mnist experiment. First oF all, read the code and spend 5 minutes or so trying to understand what it does: ./ There's no need to be too thorough, we're going to walk through the basics below.

Log on to a node with a GPU

Get yourself an interactive session with a gpu and try out by following these commands:

conda activate pt
cd ${repo_home}/experiments/examples/mnist

Move data

Get the data onto the scratch disk of this node (reading from DFS is bad!)

# You may need to change the following line depending on the cluster's setup
mkdir -p ${dest_path}
rsync --archive --update --compress --progress ${src_path}/ ${dest_path}
ls /disk/scratch/${USER}/mnist/data/input

Run an experiment!

Print the script's help, then run it!

python -h
python -i ${input_dir} -o ${output_dir} --epochs 2 --seed 1337

With any luck, you should get a whole bunch of logging put to the terminal. You just trained a CNN for MNIST!

Observe results

The model objects and logs were put to the output directory you specified. You should see something like this in the output directory now:

ls ${output_dir}
>  64_1.0_0.7_1337.log
cat ${output_dir}/64_1.0_0.7_1337.log
> epoch,trn_loss,trn_acc,vld_loss,vld_acc
> 1,0.2054106452604135,0.9383666666666667,0.06509593696594239,0.9797
> 2,0.08019214093834162,0.9768166666666667,0.039160140991210936,0.9874

Great! So that's one experiment we want to perform a grid search over the different parameters available in the script. To do this, we're going to make a file containing all the experiments to run, then the bash script to perform the setup that we did manually above (e.g. activate conda, and move data), plus pluck lines from our experiment file and run them.

2. Create the - the bash script for the slurm arrayjob

We need to make a bash script to pass to sbatch which will essentially do exactly what we did above interactively:

  • Activate the conda enviroment
  • Create our scratch input data directory (if required)
  • Move data from DFS to scratch (if required)
  • Select the experiment command
  • Run the experiment
  • Copy output data back to DFS

We have made for you! Do take a look at it, and make sure you understand how it is slecting lines from experiment.txt.

3. Create experiment.txt - the commands to run

Again, we've given you a helping hand here and given you a script to generate experiment.txt. Have a look at]( in your browser or cat in your terminal.

In your terminal, change the directory to here, and run the script to make the experiment file. Have a look at the file!

cd $repo_home/experiments/examples/mnist
head experiment.txt
wc experiment.txt

4. Run your experiment!

We're ready to run it. If everything was left as it, we're going to run 60 experiments, capping it at 10 experiments at a time.

You can do it the long way...

NR_EXPTS=`cat ${EXPT_FILE} | wc -l`
sbatch --array=1-${NR_EXPTS}%${MAX_PARALLEL_JOBS} $EXPT_FILE

...or the short way we've made for you!

run_experiment -b -e experiment.txt

To observe your jobs running, you can execute:

myjobs  # shorthand for squeue -u ${USER}
# or if you want to see it in real time
watch myjobs  # hit ctrl-c to exit

We set a location for our logs this time, so go there and have a look:

ls ~/slurm_logs
cat ~/slurm_logs/slurm-*

To watch a log as it progresses, you can use tail -f to "follow":

tail -f ~/slurm_logs/slurm-665999_1.out 

Bear in mind that, by default, to save on network traffic, slurm will only write back to the log in chunks. You can bypass this in your scripts by forcing the stdout to 'flush'.

Eventually, you should start seeing your results sent back to the DFS e.g.:

ls data/output
>	 64_10.0_0.6_438938989.log
>	  64_10.0_0.8_1871285932.log
> 64_10.0_0.4_1547420631.log    64_1.0_0.5_2668691076.log

5. Checkpointing

But what happens if an experiment fails? A node on the cluster can fail at any time...and they do with regularity 🙃. We need to write our code such that:

  • a job could fail at any time and it doesn't matter - we can pick up where we left off
  • we can keep our jobs on the cluster short

If you execute sinfo in your terminal, you'll see that there are likely time limits on how long your job should run:

$ sinfo -o '%R;%N;%l' | column -s';' -t
PARTITION          NODELIST                           TIMELIMIT
Teach-Interactive  landonia[01,03,25]                 2:00:00
Teach-Standard     landonia[04-10,12-17,19-20,22-24]  8:00:00
Teach-Short        landonia[02,18]                    4:00:00
Teach-LongJobs     landonia[11,21]                    3-08:00:00
General_Usage      letha[01-06]                       3-08:00:00
PGR-Standard       damnii[01-12]                      7-00:00:00

Even if there isn't a limit, it is much more curteous to other users for your jobs to take no more than 8 hours. It's not a very good situation to have one person take over the nodes with jobs lasting a month each.

To implement checkpointing you need to:

  1. edit ./
    1. Make a new argument which is the path to a *.pt file, if it's not specified then don't load a model
    2. With that argument, try to load a model at the beginning of the script. It's useful to allow the path not to exist; if it doesn't exist, don't load a model from the checkpoint.
    3. this might be useful
    4. this is going to mess up your logging unless you additionally read the log file associated with the checkpoint file. Luckily they have (nearly) the same name, so you should be able to do this. Read the epoch number from the log file if loading a checkpoint, and begin at the next epoch and continue --epoch number of epochs
  2. edit ./
    1. add this new argument to the experiment.txt generation file. You should try and load a checkpoint if it exists by default.
    2. Be careful about paths: where do we want to load the checkpoint from?
  3. Is there anything you would need to change in

6. Extension challenges

You've got all your ouptut, now you want to analyse it. See if you can write code to do the following:

  1. Find the best model
  2. Find the worst model!
  3. Plot the train and test curves for every model fitted
  4. Implement early stopping in your models - you don't want to keep triaing if your validation loss is not improving