Library to get un-analyzed news entries from the Newsboard, publish sentiment scoring results and news entries.
python requests library (
pip install requests
Client instance with the host/url to the NewsBoard WebService and token generated by an administrator.
client = newsboard.Client("http://localhost:8080", "YOUR TOKEN GOES HERE");
Use get_newsentries()
to get all un-analyzed news entries for the given token.
entries = client.get_newsentries() # gets the un-analyzed news entries for the given token
for entry in entries:
print(entry.get_title()) # entry is type of newsboard.models.NewsEntry
To publish new sentiment scoring results use publish_result(id, result)
with the id of the news entry.
# scores are from range [-100, +100]
result = newsboard.models.AnalyzerResult()
result.set_score(100) # overall score 100
result.add_sentence(0, 15, 2) # from start index 0 to 15 score 2
result.add_sentence(16, 32, -6) # from start index 16 to 32 score -6
client.publish_result("mt-21731035", result)
To publish news entries use publish_news(entry)
entry = newsboard.models.NewsEntry()
entry.set_source("Mindener Tageblatt")
entry.set_title("Title of the news entry")
entry.set_content("Content of the news entry")