Krebit |
Beta |
Krebit is a Verifiable Credentials marketplace, where both users and attestators are rewarded tokens when VCs are registered On-Chain |
FungyProof |
Beta |
FungyProof is a new way to grade, enrich, and display NFTs. Check your NFT for 30+ data points then improve your grade with an NFT Case. |
DDshare |
Development |
Building Decentralized Data Sharing Infrastructure Based on Ceramic,IFPS&FileCoin and ISCN. Designed to store and share humanity's data |
HiÐΞ |
Beta |
An offline-first decentralized CMS powered by a sustainable reward distribution protocol on Ethereum L2 / sidechains |
Dataverse |
Beta |
Your private space for curating multi-media NFTs from around the web |
Geo Web |
Alpha |
A system for anchoring digital content to physical land |
Cybertino |
Development |
A decentralized social graph protocol and Web 3.0 infrastructure that is blockchain-agnostic and openly accessible. |
HOPR Leaderboard |
Alpha |
A dashboard to showcase and identify all existing HOPR nodes in the network |
MuseX |
Alpha |
Thought, Ownership, Circulation. A content ownership protocol |
Aletheia |
Hackathon |
A simple app to manage profiles on IDX and Ceramic |
SignChain |
Alpha |
Decentralized document signing platform |
Self.ID |
Development |
A web app to manage profile information and other IDX records |
$upplyChainHub |
Hackathon |
Supply chain creation application with real-time decentralized chat |
Space |
Development |
Platform for team file sharing and collaboration |
Geolocker |
Hackathon |
App for managing STACS (spacial temporal asset catalogues) using IDX and Skynet for mapping and geo data |
Shroom |
Hackathon |
Codepen clone using IDX and 3ID Connect for authentication |
Vault |
Hackathon |
Decentralized password manager using 3ID Connect for auth and IDX for data management | |
Development |
Social bookmarking app using Ceramic to store web2 likes and ratings, IDX for identity, and 3ID Connect for auth |
TrueReview |
Development |
A censorship-resistant reviews platform |
Hackathon |
An app to upload and share files and certificates using IDX |
ColorDAO |
Hackathon |
ColorDAO helps the citizens of Colorado connect with their government through incentives and take an active role in their community |
Portex |
Hackathon |
Secure crypto portfolio management and social sharing application |
Supersonic |
Hackathon |
Supersonic makes it easy to get advice from experts and fund your favorite blockchain projects |
Token with manifesto |
Hackathon |
Create ERC-20 tokens and add a "Manifesto" to the token contract, which defines the purpose of the token issuance and operating policy |
Crypto Plants |
Hackathon |
A crowd-funding platform for environmental and social causes with NFTs |
IDX Ceramic Todos |
Hackathon |
A simple to-do app that uses Ceramic to securely store to-dos in smart documents |
Furball |
Hackathon |
Steganographically-linked NFT art marketplace |
Star Relay |
Hackathon |
⭐Film yourself doing something cool and challenge your friends and their friends to do the same! Own the historical moments of video relay challenges and sponsor your favourite charity cause! |
Sampi |
Hackathon |
Write, publish, and curate censorship-proof multi-media posts. Follow the feeds of other content creators and subscribe to ActivityStreams using HTTP (similar to RSS). |
CheckoutFS |
Hackathon |
A prototype app that enables creating no-code checkout storefronts on IPFS with metadata stored in Ceramic streams. |
Doxx |
Hackathon |
A Notion-inspired web3 notebook built around ENS+IDX |
Watchhh |
Hackathon |
A censorship / takedown resistant archiving tool for twitter. |
Catalyst |
Development |
DAOSaas platform built with NEAR/Ceramic. Create and manage a community DAO with support to create and manage multiple digital identities (personas) in one place. Integrate Personas into your apps and instantly access rich profile data for your users. |
🐙 MetaGame 🐙 |
Beta |
An attempt to gamify web3 onboarding and a new economy. The primary piece of work currently is MyMeta, which is a SourceCred leaderboard & Ceramic-backed profiles system. |