This command line POC that shows how C# can be used to interact with Microsoft Exchange (EWS). Showing that it can be done in other tooling other than Powershell. Yes this is a simple POC to show how it could be done. Its not 100%. You want to show off your l33t C# coder or red teamer skills open a pull request plz :) This is for educational purposes only. Dont use for evil or illegal things.
- Google "Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices" ;)
Required Inputs (Must be in order shown):
ReadEmailExchange.exe WEBDomain DomainName Password InternalDomainName DUMPItem
Example WEBDomain:
Example DomainName: User1
Example Password: SecretPassword
Example InternalDomainName: domain
Options for DUMPItem:
Attachments (Will Download Atatchments from the Inbox, DeletedItems, and Sent Items folders)
SendEmail ToEmailAddress~Subject~Body(Body can be file path)~AttachmentLocalFilePath(optional)
All (All == will try to dump all the items above)(I would default to this if unsure)
Optional Inputs:
ReadEmailExchange.exe WEBDomain DomainName Password InternalDomainName DUMPItem NumberOfSearchResultsToReturn
Example NumberOfSearchResultsToReturn (will return a maximum of the number,default 10): 10
Note: NumberOfSearchResultsToReturn must be a int/whole number
Optional Inputs:
ReadEmailExchange.exe WEBDomain DomainName Password InternalDomainName DUMPItem NumberOfSearchResultsToReturn OutputFileNameOrPath
Example OutputFileNameOrPath: C:\file.csv
Note: Program needs permission to write to location
Dont use for evil or if not authorized to do so. This is for educational purposes only. Not an exploit.
If someone decides to use this (its already flagged by some A/V's on disk) here are some ideas for IOC:
Its C#, so AMSI is likely in play on modern systems where it is enabled
Can write text file to disk
Uses default .NET user agent string (For example: ... .NET CLR ...)
When Run the .NET exe could create the temp file in the user's account folder structure with its name.
GUID of app
Many more opportunites exist if code is reviewed
- Stackover flow
- MS Docs