– szovegszerkeszto
- megmutatja a szoveget uj ablakban
– shows text
find .
– show everything below the directory (use with ‘tree’)
parancs + argumentumok (positional vs optional) optional argumentumok kotojellel (i.e. -l, -ls)
(make a reference for easier use)
fajlmasolas: cp
fajlathelyezes: mv
fajlatnevezes: mv +fajlnev torles:
rm+fajlnev mappa torlese:
rm -r+fajlnev megnyitas:
open` +fajlnev
echo “hello word” > output.txt
- fajlba iras felulirja az fajl tartalmat
>> output.txt
- nem feluliras, hanem hozzaadas
- command historyt tarol
grep kep2 output.txt
- visszadobja a sorokat a txt-bol amiben szerepel kep2
history | grep "pip install"
megkeresi a szoveget a historian
- kilistazza a gepen futo folyamatokat (htop szines verzio), q-val lehet kilepni
VIM - command line szovegszerkeszto escape+:+q+!+enter
interrupt: ctrl+C
- bele lehet irni commandokat
- lefuttatja a commandokat (egy kulsos ablakban futtat majd bezar)
- lefuttatja a commandokat es el is tarolja a valtozokat (a terminal ablakban futtat)
echo $f
- show the first couple line of data
details on bash part:
- CLI vs GUI
- Command-line interfaces (Terminal, Git Bash), command processors (Shell, COMMAND.COM)
- Command prompt
- Folder structure, unix mountpoints
- General command structure, positional and optional arguments
- Commands:
rm (-rf)
grep – search tool
vi (with a special focus on exiting vi and vim)
- stdin, stdout, stderr
- redirecting stdout
- unix pipelines (just the basics, like ls -l | grep key | less )
- shell scripting basics
- basic parallel processing using & and wait
- sh vs source
- Don’t panic commands (ctrl+c, esc, q, exit, quit) Git + Github:- repo
- commit
- remote- commands: git config --global git config --global git init git status git add git reset HEAD git commit git log git checkout
- working with remotes: git remote add origin git push origin master git pull origin master git clone
- working with multiple remotes
- using percheron1 or percheron2 as remote
- gitignore
- basics of branching git checkout -b patch git checkout master git merge patch git branch -d patch
- merge conflicts and how to deal with them: git mergetool
- forks and pull requests python dolgok:Python framework:
- virtualenv (py3 vs py2)
- pip install form pypi, microdata pypi, github
- screenPython:
- Basics (if needed) lists tuples dicts conditionals loops functions
- Assertion
- Handling exceptions
- List comprehension
- Generators
- Pandas basics read_csv to_csv selecting rows, columns map and lambda functions groupby merge Python for enthusiasts (after bootcamp-hours, if anyone is interested):
- argparse
- multiprocessing
- classes class variables class methods instantiation instance variables instance methods inheritance open recursion
- requests
- BeautifulSoup
Frame file: Frame_id: fc:nincs tax id, ft:van tax id fc+cegjegyzekszam, ft+adoszam (adoszam valtozik, ha megvaltozik az adozasi formaja) Cegjegyzek szam valtozik ha koltozik masik megyebe Megvaltozik a cegforma (e.g. kft to bt) lekoveti Beolvadasokat bekoveti
CPU vs RAM hasznalat
Difference between hard and soft links. Link are of two types: soft links (symbolic links) or hard links. Soft Links (symbolic links) You can make links to files and directories, and you can create links (shortcuts) on different partition and with a different inode number from original. If the real copy is deleted, the link will not work. Hard Links Hard links are for files only; you cannot link to a file on different partition with a different inode number. If the real copy is deleted the link will work, because it accesses the underlying data the real copy was accessing.
Vi – szovegszerkeszto. Kilepes: “:q!”
Cd / Cd srv
Ls -a :relytett mappak
Start GIT: git init
Git status
Git add
git commit -m "add szep.txt to the animals project" git log
Checkout at earlier version:
git checkout f1b1002cabcf027420ae144a8500361e735f0f50 –- stori.txt
Checkout at branch named patch:
git checkout -b patch
Merge conflict: Delete file in my computer, accept merge, go back to previous version and copy the deleted file back to folder
On branch master you can merge the branch: git merge patch
Delete branch: git branch -d patch
Clone: git clone
Ignore some files: Add gitignore in python repository less .gitignore
Push and pull git: git push git pull
Ask for bead argument help: bead -h
Create bead: bead new try_bead_ruzicska
Check status: bead status (very slow)
Set input: bead input add “name of input”
Add new beadbox (bead folder, where beads are saved): bead box add -h bead box add main /srv/dropbox_encrypted/bead-box bead input add “name of bead”
Run shell: sh ""
Create file: echo "cp input/oligarch_networks/oligarcha_color.csv output/data.csv" >
Develop: (no input, no output) bead develop try_bead_david
Ask for output as well: bead develop try_bead_david –x
Delete the input of bead bead input delete “name_of_input”
Create a timestamped bead version: bead save
Load input: bead input load (After loading create input, output, temp folders using mkdir)
Shut down process: ctr-C
Delete inputs: bead input unload
Delete bead:b bead nuke “nameofbead”
File that contains main codes:
Get help about python file for argument parsing: python -h
Create s which runs in background: screen
Resume screen: screen -r
Exit screen: Ctr+A+D
Shut down (terminate) and exit screen: Ctr+D
Create virtual environment: virtualenv “name of virtualenv” -p python3 Ppython2: virtualenv “env”
Activate virtual environment: . [‘name_of_environment’]/bin/activate
Here, you can install whatever you want: e.g. pip3 install tqdm
Requirements: less requirements.txt
Install requirements for virtual environment: pip3 install -r requirements.txt
Install every requirement that lies in a folder (as files): pip install -r requirements_packages.txt -f packages/
Run python: python3
Show downloaded libraries for python: pip freeze
Show detailed result of tests: python3 -v
dataframe.fillna(method=ffill) grep ‘minta’ filename
List the currently downloaded python packages: pip freeze -> requirements.txt
Show executable paths: echo $PATH
Percheron: 30 GB RAM 16 Mag Pure percheron: 86 GB RAM 44 Mag Ki mit futtat es mit zabál - alul mutatja CPU - 1600 lehet , 16 mag miatt
Alias:”less .bash_profile (.bash_rc in linux)” -> mindig lefut terminal nyitaskor hogy Ebbe a file-ba kell beleirni az aliast: alias bead='/srv/dropbox_encrypted/bead-box/bead' Now, bead is not an alias but it is on the executable paths -> shell looks for executable ‘bead’ and runs that (and not as an alias) To see executable path: $PATH (It is located in /usr/local/bin) sudo ->rootkent (super user) es nem sima userkent akarok utasitast vegezni Save and exit nano: Ctr-O, enter, Ctr-X Unzip GZ files: gunzip
Frame ID -> ha egy ceg (entitas) atalakul akkor is marad a Frame ID Tax ID atalakul -> Egy tax ID alatt lehet tobb ceg is
Frame IDhez tobb tax ID ahhoz tobb ceg ID – legvaltozekonnyabb, akkor is valtozik ha elkoltozik Frame ID tartalmazza az (OPTENes) adoszamot, mig a ‘source’ oszlop a cegjegyzek szamot Scroll in screen: ctrl + a, aztán Esc, és utána lehet görgetni és újabb Esc-el kilövi a görgetést