From 253101cdfd02fcb3bcc73cdd1d2e4370ab931add Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Andy Chosak <>
Date: Thu, 26 Dec 2024 10:38:35 -0500
Subject: [PATCH 1/2] Fix broken link in Django migrations docs

 docs/ | 2 +-
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/docs/ b/docs/
index 1bfbe8e020d..d2831e0142c 100644
--- a/docs/
+++ b/docs/
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ additionally, changing field names or types on an existing block will require a
 1. [Schema migrations](#schema-migrations)
 1. [Data migrations](#data-migrations)
    1. [Wagtail-specific consideration](#wagtail-specific-considerations)
-1. [Recreating migrations](#recreating-migrations)
+1. [Squashing migrations](#squashing-migrations)
 ## Reference material

From df6b9a048e98405e1a51aac8d598f1b09b45fd19 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Andy Chosak <>
Date: Thu, 26 Dec 2024 14:43:28 -0500
Subject: [PATCH 2/2] Squash Django migrations (step 1)

This change squashes Django migrations for all Django apps with more
than 3 migrations. See our internal squashing documentation here [0]
and Django's general docs on squashing here [1].

Migration squashing requires multiple steps:

1. Commit squashed migrations, and deploy them.
2. Delete migration files that were squashed, and remove "replaces" in
the squashed migration files. Deploy this change.

This squashing removes some RunPython code that is only compatible with
PostgreSQL; after this squash it will once again be possible to migrate
a SQLite database.

 cfgov/ask_cfpb/migrations/ | 152 ++++
 .../migrations/            | 128 +++
 .../migrations/            |  56 ++
 .../migrations/            | 237 ++++++
 .../migrations/            | 178 ++++
 cfgov/tccp/migrations/     | 183 ++++
 .../migrations/            | 267 ++++++
 cfgov/v1/migrations/       | 801 ++++++++++++++++++
 cfgov/v1/migrations/       | 640 ++++++++++++++
 cfgov/v1/util/                   |   3 +
 10 files changed, 2645 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 cfgov/ask_cfpb/migrations/
 create mode 100644 cfgov/filing_instruction_guide/migrations/
 create mode 100644 cfgov/form_explainer/migrations/
 create mode 100644 cfgov/paying_for_college/migrations/
 create mode 100644 cfgov/regulations3k/migrations/
 create mode 100644 cfgov/tccp/migrations/
 create mode 100644 cfgov/teachers_digital_platform/migrations/
 create mode 100644 cfgov/v1/migrations/
 create mode 100644 cfgov/v1/migrations/

diff --git a/cfgov/ask_cfpb/migrations/ b/cfgov/ask_cfpb/migrations/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..cf7f5ab8bfa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cfgov/ask_cfpb/migrations/
@@ -0,0 +1,152 @@
+# Generated by Django 4.2.17 on 2024-12-26 19:32
+from django.conf import settings
+from django.db import migrations, models
+import django.db.models.deletion
+import modelcluster.fields
+import v1.models.snippets
+import wagtail.contrib.routable_page.models
+import wagtail.fields
+class Migration(migrations.Migration):
+    replaces = [('ask_cfpb', '0001_squashed_0004_new_table_block'), ('ask_cfpb', '0002_deprecate_super_button'), ('ask_cfpb', '0003_remove_halfwidth'), ('ask_cfpb', '0004_ask_changes_202401'), ('ask_cfpb', '0005_add_table_intro'), ('ask_cfpb', '0006_raw_html_affordances'), ('ask_cfpb', '0007_move_tip_to_ask'), ('ask_cfpb', '0008_add_footnotes'), ('ask_cfpb', '0009_add_table_caption')]
+    initial = True
+    dependencies = [
+        ('v1', '0001_squashed_0254_delete_campaignpage'),
+        migrations.swappable_dependency(settings.AUTH_USER_MODEL),
+        ('wagtailredirects', '0008_add_verbose_name_plural'),
+        ('wagtailforms', '0005_alter_formsubmission_form_data'),
+        ('wagtailinventory', '0003_pageblock_id_bigautofield'),
+        ('wagtailcore', '0069_log_entry_jsonfield'),
+        ('v1', '0017_remove_halfwidth'),
+    ]
+    operations = [
+        migrations.CreateModel(
+            name='Answer',
+            fields=[
+                ('id', models.AutoField(auto_created=True, primary_key=True, serialize=False, verbose_name='ID')),
+                ('question', models.TextField(blank=True)),
+                ('created_at', models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True)),
+                ('last_user', models.ForeignKey(blank=True, null=True, on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.SET_NULL, to=settings.AUTH_USER_MODEL)),
+            ],
+            options={
+                'ordering': ['-id'],
+            },
+        ),
+        migrations.CreateModel(
+            name='AnswerLandingPage',
+            fields=[
+                ('landingpage_ptr', models.OneToOneField(auto_created=True, on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.CASCADE, parent_link=True, primary_key=True, serialize=False, to='v1.landingpage')),
+            ],
+            options={
+                'abstract': False,
+            },
+            bases=('v1.landingpage',),
+        ),
+        migrations.CreateModel(
+            name='AnswerResultsPage',
+            fields=[
+                ('cfgovpage_ptr', models.OneToOneField(auto_created=True, on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.CASCADE, parent_link=True, primary_key=True, serialize=False, to='v1.cfgovpage')),
+            ],
+            options={
+                'abstract': False,
+            },
+            bases=('v1.cfgovpage',),
+        ),
+        migrations.CreateModel(
+            name='Category',
+            fields=[
+                ('id', models.AutoField(auto_created=True, primary_key=True, serialize=False, verbose_name='ID')),
+                ('name', models.CharField(max_length=255)),
+                ('name_es', models.CharField(max_length=255)),
+                ('slug', models.SlugField(help_text='Do not edit this field')),
+                ('slug_es', models.SlugField(help_text='Do not edit this field')),
+                ('intro', wagtail.fields.RichTextField(blank=True, help_text='Do not use H2, H3, H4, or H5 to style this text. Do not add links, images, videos or other rich text elements.')),
+                ('intro_es', wagtail.fields.RichTextField(blank=True, help_text='Do not use this field. It is not currently displayed on the front end.')),
+                ('category_image', models.ForeignKey(blank=True, help_text='Select a custom image to appear when visitors share pages belonging to this category on social media.', null=True, on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.SET_NULL, related_name='+', to='v1.cfgovimage')),
+            ],
+            options={
+                'verbose_name_plural': 'Categories',
+                'ordering': ['name'],
+            },
+        ),
+        migrations.CreateModel(
+            name='NextStep',
+            fields=[
+                ('id', models.AutoField(auto_created=True, primary_key=True, serialize=False, verbose_name='ID')),
+                ('title', models.CharField(max_length=255)),
+                ('show_title', models.BooleanField(default=False)),
+                ('text', wagtail.fields.RichTextField(blank=True)),
+            ],
+        ),
+        migrations.CreateModel(
+            name='PortalSearchPage',
+            fields=[
+                ('cfgovpage_ptr', models.OneToOneField(auto_created=True, on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.CASCADE, parent_link=True, primary_key=True, serialize=False, to='v1.cfgovpage')),
+                ('overview', models.TextField(blank=True)),
+                ('portal_topic', models.ForeignKey(blank=True, null=True, on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.SET_NULL, related_name='portal_search_pages', to='v1.portaltopic')),
+            ],
+            options={
+                'abstract': False,
+            },
+            bases=(wagtail.contrib.routable_page.models.RoutablePageMixin, 'v1.cfgovpage'),
+        ),
+        migrations.CreateModel(
+            name='TagResultsPage',
+            fields=[
+                ('answerresultspage_ptr', models.OneToOneField(auto_created=True, on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.CASCADE, parent_link=True, primary_key=True, serialize=False, to='ask_cfpb.answerresultspage')),
+            ],
+            options={
+                'abstract': False,
+            },
+            bases=(wagtail.contrib.routable_page.models.RoutablePageMixin, 'ask_cfpb.answerresultspage'),
+        ),
+        migrations.CreateModel(
+            name='AnswerPage',
+            fields=[
+                ('cfgovpage_ptr', models.OneToOneField(auto_created=True, on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.CASCADE, parent_link=True, primary_key=True, serialize=False, to='v1.cfgovpage')),
+                ('last_edited', models.DateField(blank=True, help_text='If content is changed, update this to match the new publication date.', null=True)),
+                ('question', models.TextField(blank=True, help_text='Used as the primary heading (H1) of the page.')),
+                ('short_answer', wagtail.fields.RichTextField(blank=True, help_text='Formatted as a lead paragraph.')),
+                ('answer_content', wagtail.fields.StreamField([('text', 2), ('table', 14), ('tip', 16), ('video_player', 19), ('how_to_schema', 33), ('faq_schema', 38)], blank=True, block_lookup={0: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': "Add an optional anchor link tag to allow linking directly to this block. Tag should be unique and use dashes or underscores for separation instead of spaces (ie, 'block-one-tag')", 'label': 'Anchor tag', 'required': False}), 1: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'features': ['bold', 'italic', 'h2', 'h3', 'link', 'ol', 'ul', 'document-link', 'image', 'embed'], 'label': 'Text'}), 2: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('anchor_tag', 0), ('content', 1)]], {}), 3: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'required': False}), 4: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('h2', 'H2'), ('h3', 'H3'), ('h4', 'H4'), ('h5', 'H5')]}), 5: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Input the name of an icon to appear to the left of the heading. E.g., approved, help-round, etc. <a href="">See full list of icons</a>', 'required': False}), 6: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 3), ('level', 4), ('icon', 5)]], {'required': False}), 7: ('wagtail.blocks.MultipleChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('is_full_width', 'Display the table at full width'), ('stack_on_mobile', 'Stack the table columns on mobile')], 'required': False}), 8: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {}), 9: ('wagtail.blocks.FloatBlock', (), {}), 10: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'features': ['bold', 'italic', 'ol', 'ul', 'link', 'document-link', 'superscript']}), 11: ('wagtail_footnotes.blocks.RichTextBlockWithFootnotes', (), {'features': ['bold', 'italic', 'ol', 'ul', 'link', 'document-link', 'superscript', 'footnotes']}), 12: ('wagtail.contrib.typed_table_block.blocks.TypedTableBlock', [[('text', 8), ('numeric', 9), ('rich_text', 10), ('rich_text_with_footnotes', 11)]], {}), 13: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'features': ['bold', 'italic', 'link', 'document-link'], 'required': False}), 14: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 6), ('text_introduction', 3), ('options', 7), ('data', 12), ('caption', 13)]], {}), 15: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'features': ['link', 'document-link'], 'label': 'Tip'}), 16: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content', 15)]], {'label': 'Tip (floats right)'}), 17: ('wagtail.blocks.RegexBlock', (), {'error_messages': {'invalid': 'The YouTube video ID is in the wrong format.'}, 'help_text': 'Enter the YouTube video ID, which is located at the end of the video URL, after "v=". For example, the video ID for is 1V0Ax9OIc84.', 'label': 'YouTube video ID', 'regex': '^[\\w-]{11}$', 'required': False}), 18: ('wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Optional thumbnail image to show before and after the video plays. If the thumbnail image is not set here, the video player will default to showing the thumbnail that was set in (or automatically chosen by) YouTube.', 'required': False}), 19: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('video_id', 17), ('thumbnail_image', 18)]], {}), 20: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'label': 'Title of How To section', 'max_length': 500}), 21: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('h2', 'H2'), ('h3', 'H3'), ('h4', 'H4')], 'help_text': 'Choose a tag for the title of the How To section.', 'label': 'Tag for How To section title'}), 22: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'The How To schema requires a title to let search engines understand what it is about. If you do not want the title to be displayed in the page, uncheck this box and the title content will only be made available to crawlers and screen readers.', 'label': 'Show How To section title', 'required': False}), 23: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'blank': True, 'features': ['ol', 'ul', 'bold', 'italic', 'link', 'document-link'], 'required': False}), 24: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('h2', 'H2'), ('h3', 'H3'), ('h4', 'H4'), ('b', 'Bold'), ('p', 'Paragraph')], 'help_text': 'Choose a tag for the title of each HowTo step.', 'label': 'Tag for step titles'}), 25: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this box to display numbers before step titles. ', 'label': 'Show numbers for steps', 'required': False}), 26: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'blank': True, 'help_text': "Add an optional anchor link tag to allow linking directly to this step. Tag should be unique and use dashes or underscores for separation instead of spaces (ie, 'step-one-tag').", 'max_length': 500, 'required': False}), 27: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Enter a title for this HowTo step. You do not need to include a number in the title -- numbers will be added automatically in the template if the show numbers checkbox is checked.', 'max_length': 500}), 28: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'features': ['bold', 'italic', 'h3', 'h4', 'link', 'ol', 'ul', 'document-link', 'image', 'embed'], 'label': 'Text'}), 29: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content', 28)]], {}), 30: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('text', 29), ('table', 14), ('video_player', 19)]], {}), 31: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('anchor_tag', 26), ('title', 27), ('step_content', 30)]], {}), 32: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (31,), {}), 33: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('title', 20), ('title_tag', 21), ('show_title', 22), ('description', 23), ('step_title_tag', 24), ('has_numbers', 25), ('steps', 32)]], {'label': 'Google Schema - How To'}), 34: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'blank': True, 'help_text': "Add an optional anchor link tag for this question. Tag should be unique and use dashes or underscores for separation instead of spaces (ie, 'question-one-tag')", 'max_length': 500, 'required': False}), 35: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'max_length': 500}), 36: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('anchor_tag', 34), ('question', 35), ('answer_content', 30)]], {}), 37: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (36,), {}), 38: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('description', 23), ('questions', 37)]], {'label': 'Google Schema - FAQ'})}, verbose_name='Answer')),
+                ('search_tags', models.CharField(blank=True, help_text='Search words or phrases, separated by commas', max_length=1000)),
+                ('sidebar', wagtail.fields.StreamField([('related_links', 7), ('email_signup', 8), ('reusable_text', 9)], blank=True, block_lookup={0: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'required': False}), 1: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'required': False}), 2: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Add an ARIA label if the link text does not describe the destination of the link (e.g. has ambiguous text like "Learn more" that is not descriptive on its own).', 'required': False}), 3: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'default': '/', 'required': False}), 4: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'required': False}), 5: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 0), ('aria_label', 2), ('url', 3), ('is_link_boldface', 4)]], {}), 6: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (5,), {}), 7: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 0), ('paragraph', 1), ('links', 6)]], {}), 8: ('v1.blocks.EmailSignUpChooserBlock', (), {}), 9: ('v1.blocks.ReusableTextChooserBlock', (v1.models.snippets.ReusableText,), {})})),
+                ('answer_base', models.ForeignKey(blank=True, null=True, on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.SET_NULL, related_name='answer_pages', to='ask_cfpb.answer')),
+                ('category', models.ManyToManyField(blank=True, help_text='Categorize this answer. Avoid putting into more than one category.', to='ask_cfpb.category')),
+                ('portal_category', modelcluster.fields.ParentalManyToManyField(blank=True, help_text='Determined where this page can be found within selected Consumer Tools pages.', to='v1.portalcategory')),
+                ('portal_topic', modelcluster.fields.ParentalManyToManyField(blank=True, help_text='Adds this question to search indexes for selected Consumer Tools pages.', to='v1.portaltopic')),
+                ('primary_portal_topic', modelcluster.fields.ParentalKey(blank=True, help_text='Use only when more than one Consumer Tools page is selected above.', null=True, on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.SET_NULL, related_name='primary_portal_topic', to='v1.portaltopic')),
+                ('related_questions', modelcluster.fields.ParentalManyToManyField(blank=True, help_text='Select no more than three.', related_name='related_question', to='ask_cfpb.answerpage')),
+                ('notification', wagtail.fields.StreamField([('notification', 9)], blank=True, block_lookup={0: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('information', 'Information'), ('warning', 'Warning')]}), 1: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'The main notification message to display.', 'required': True}), 2: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Explanation text appears below the message in smaller type.', 'required': False}), 3: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'required': False}), 4: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Add an ARIA label if the link text does not describe the destination of the link (e.g. has ambiguous text like "Learn more" that is not descriptive on its own).', 'required': False}), 5: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'default': '/', 'required': False}), 6: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'required': False}), 7: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 3), ('aria_label', 4), ('url', 5), ('is_link_boldface', 6)]], {}), 8: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (7,), {'help_text': 'Links appear on their own lines below the explanation.', 'required': False}), 9: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('type', 0), ('message', 1), ('explanation', 2), ('links', 8)]], {})})),
+            ],
+            options={
+                'abstract': False,
+            },
+            bases=('v1.cfgovpage',),
+        ),
+        migrations.CreateModel(
+            name='GlossaryTerm',
+            fields=[
+                ('id', models.AutoField(auto_created=True, primary_key=True, serialize=False, verbose_name='ID')),
+                ('name_en', models.CharField(max_length=255, verbose_name='TERM (ENGLISH)')),
+                ('definition_en', wagtail.fields.RichTextField(blank=True, null=True, verbose_name='DEFINITION (ENGLISH)')),
+                ('anchor_en', models.CharField(blank=True, max_length=255, null=True, verbose_name='ANCHOR SLUG (ENGLISH)')),
+                ('name_es', models.CharField(blank=True, max_length=255, null=True, verbose_name='TERM (SPANISH)')),
+                ('definition_es', wagtail.fields.RichTextField(blank=True, null=True, verbose_name='DEFINITION (SPANISH)')),
+                ('anchor_es', models.CharField(blank=True, max_length=255, null=True, verbose_name='ANCHOR SLUG (SPANISH)')),
+                ('answer_page_en', models.ForeignKey(blank=True, null=True, on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.CASCADE, related_name='glossary_terms', to='ask_cfpb.answerpage', verbose_name='ANSWER PAGE (ENGLISH)')),
+                ('answer_page_es', models.ForeignKey(blank=True, null=True, on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.CASCADE, related_name='glossary_terms_es', to='ask_cfpb.answerpage', verbose_name='ANSWER PAGE (SPANISH)')),
+                ('portal_topic', modelcluster.fields.ParentalKey(blank=True, null=True, on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.CASCADE, related_name='glossary_terms', to='v1.portaltopic')),
+            ],
+            options={
+                'unique_together': {('portal_topic', 'name_en')},
+            },
+            bases=(, models.Model),
+        ),
+    ]
diff --git a/cfgov/filing_instruction_guide/migrations/ b/cfgov/filing_instruction_guide/migrations/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..a2b322d6e82
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cfgov/filing_instruction_guide/migrations/
@@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
+# Generated by Django 4.2.17 on 2024-12-26 15:55
+import datetime
+from django.db import migrations, models
+import django.db.migrations.operations.special
+import django.db.models.deletion
+import modelcluster.fields
+import wagtail.fields
+class Migration(migrations.Migration):
+    replaces = [('filing_instruction_guide', '0001_squashed_0014_new_table_block'), ('filing_instruction_guide', '0002_deprecate_iug_sharing'), ('filing_instruction_guide', '0003_deprecate_super_button'), ('filing_instruction_guide', '0004_remove_large_pull_quote'), ('filing_instruction_guide', '0005_add_table_intro'), ('filing_instruction_guide', '0006_auto_20240201_1607'), ('filing_instruction_guide', '0007_raw_html_affordances'), ('filing_instruction_guide', '0008_rtf_to_urtf'), ('filing_instruction_guide', '0009_remove_resource_list'), ('filing_instruction_guide', '0010_add_reusable_notification'), ('filing_instruction_guide', '0011_remove_is_larger_heading'), ('filing_instruction_guide', '0012_fig_notification'), ('filing_instruction_guide', '0013_add_footnotes'), ('filing_instruction_guide', '0014_add_table_caption')]
+    initial = True
+    dependencies = [
+        ('v1', '0001_squashed_0254_delete_campaignpage'),
+    ]
+    operations = [
+        migrations.CreateModel(
+            name='FIGContentPage',
+            fields=[
+                ('cfgovpage_ptr', models.OneToOneField(auto_created=True, on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.CASCADE, parent_link=True, primary_key=True, serialize=False, to='v1.cfgovpage')),
+                ('eyebrow', models.CharField(blank=True, max_length=100)),
+                ('page_header', models.CharField(blank=True, max_length=200)),
+                ('subheader', models.TextField(blank=True)),
+                ('content', wagtail.fields.StreamField([('Fig_Section', 102), ('Fig_Subsection', 105), ('Fig_Level_3_Subsection', 107)], block_lookup={0: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'label': 'Section header (h2)'}), 1: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Will be filled in automatically upon save.', 'required': False}), 2: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'icon': 'edit'}), 3: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('50-50', '50/50'), ('33-33-33', '33/33/33'), ('25-75', '25/75')], 'help_text': 'Choose the number and width of info unit columns.', 'label': 'Format'}), 4: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'required': False}), 5: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('h2', 'H2'), ('h3', 'H3'), ('h4', 'H4'), ('h5', 'H5')]}), 6: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Input the name of an icon to appear to the left of the heading. E.g., approved, help-round, etc. <a href="">See full list of icons</a>', 'required': False}), 7: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 4), ('level', 5), ('icon', 6)]], {'required': False}), 8: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'required': False}), 9: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': "Check this to link all images and headings to the URL of the first link in their unit's list, if there is a link.", 'required': False}), 10: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add a horizontal rule line to top of info unit group.', 'required': False}), 11: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to show horizontal rule lines between info units.', 'label': 'Show rule lines between items', 'required': False}), 12: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('none', 'None'), ('rounded', 'Rounded corners'), ('circle', 'Circle')], 'help_text': 'Adds a <em>border-radius</em> class to images in this group, allowing for a rounded or circular border.', 'label': 'Border radius for images?', 'required': False}), 13: ('wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock', (), {'required': False}), 14: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': "No character limit, but be as succinct as possible. If the image is decorative (i.e., a screenreader wouldn't have anything useful to say about it), leave this field blank.", 'required': False}), 15: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('upload', 13), ('alt', 14)]], {}), 16: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 4), ('level', 5), ('icon', 6)]], {'default': {'level': 'h3'}, 'required': False}), 17: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'blank': True, 'required': False}), 18: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Add an ARIA label if the link text does not describe the destination of the link (e.g. has ambiguous text like "Learn more" that is not descriptive on its own).', 'required': False}), 19: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'default': '/', 'required': False}), 20: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'required': False}), 21: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 4), ('aria_label', 18), ('url', 19), ('is_link_boldface', 20)]], {}), 22: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (21,), {'required': False}), 23: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('image', 15), ('heading', 16), ('body', 17), ('links', 22)]], {}), 24: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (23,), {'default': []}), 25: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('format', 3), ('heading', 7), ('intro', 8), ('link_image_and_heading', 9), ('has_top_rule_line', 10), ('lines_between_items', 11), ('border_radius_image', 12), ('info_units', 24)]], {}), 26: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'label': 'Well', 'required': False}), 27: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content', 26)]], {}), 28: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'required': True}), 29: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'required': False}), 30: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Accessible description of the chart content', 'required': True}), 31: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('bar', 'Bar'), ('datetime', 'Date/time'), ('line', 'Line'), ('tilemap', 'Tile grid map')]}), 32: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': "URL of the chart's data source or an array of JSON data", 'required': True, 'rows': 2}), 33: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'For charts pulling from a separate source file, include a list of the column headers (from a CSV file) or keys (from a JSON file) to include in the chart as  ["HEADER/KEY1", "HEADER/KEY2"]. To change how the data is labeled in the chart, include the correct labels with the format [{"key": "HEADER/KEY1", "label": "NEWLABEL"}, {"key": "HEADER/KEY2", "label": "NEWLABEL2"}]', 'required': False}), 34: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'Uncheck this option to initially only show the first data  series in the chart. Leave checked to show all data  series by default. Users can always turn data series on  or off by interacting with the chart legend. ', 'required': False}), 35: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'The column header (CSV), key or data array (JSON) to include as the source of x-axis values.', 'required': False}), 36: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': "Name the javascript function in chart-hooks.js to run on the provided data before handing it to the chart. Can also provide '___'-separated arguments to this function which are passed in as arguments 2 to n", 'required': False}), 37: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'If the chart needs the option for users to filter the data shown, for example by date or geographic region, provide the JSON objects to filter on, in the format  {key: "KEY", "label": "LABEL"}', 'required': False}), 38: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'A JSON object with style overrides for the underlying Highcharts chart. No object merging is done, nested objects should be referenced with dot notation: {"tooltip.shape": "circle"}', 'required': False}), 39: ('wagtail.blocks.IntegerBlock', (), {'blank': True, 'help_text': 'A number to determine how many months of the data are projected values', 'max_value': 12, 'min_value': 0, 'null': True, 'required': False}), 40: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Attribution for the data source', 'required': False}), 41: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'When the underlying data was published', 'required': False}), 42: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Custom text for the chart download field. Required to display a download link.', 'required': False}), 43: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Location of a file to download, if different from the data source', 'required': False}), 44: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'General chart information', 'required': False}), 45: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('title', 28), ('subtitle', 29), ('description', 30), ('figure_number', 4), ('chart_type', 31), ('data_source', 32), ('data_series', 33), ('show_all_series_by_default', 34), ('x_axis_source', 35), ('transform', 36), ('x_axis_label', 4), ('y_axis_label', 4), ('filters', 37), ('style_overrides', 38), ('projected_months', 39), ('source_credits', 40), ('date_published', 41), ('download_text', 42), ('download_file', 43), ('notes', 44)]], {}), 46: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Added as an <code>&lt;h3&gt;</code> at the top of this block. Also adds a wrapping <code>&lt;div&gt;</code> whose <code>id</code> attribute comes from a slugified version of this heading, creating an anchor that can be used when linking to this part of the page.', 'required': False}), 47: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'required': False}), 48: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add a horizontal rule line to top of expandable group.', 'required': False}), 49: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add FAQ schema markup to expandables.', 'label': 'Uses FAQ schema', 'required': False}), 50: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('paragraph', 8), ('well', 27), ('links', 21), ('info_unit_group', 25)]], {'blank': True}), 51: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('label', 4), ('icon', 4), ('is_bordered', 47), ('is_midtone', 47), ('is_expanded', 47), ('is_larger_heading', 47), ('is_expanded_padding', 47), ('content', 50)]], {}), 52: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (51,), {}), 53: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 46), ('body', 8), ('is_accordion', 47), ('has_top_rule_line', 48), ('is_faq', 49), ('expandables', 52)]], {}), 54: ('wagtail.blocks.RegexBlock', (), {'error_messages': {'invalid': 'The YouTube video ID is in the wrong format.'}, 'help_text': 'Enter the YouTube video ID, which is located at the end of the video URL, after "v=". For example, the video ID for is 1V0Ax9OIc84.', 'label': 'YouTube video ID', 'regex': '^[\\w-]{11}$', 'required': False}), 55: ('wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Optional thumbnail image to show before and after the video plays. If the thumbnail image is not set here, the video player will default to showing the thumbnail that was set in (or automatically chosen by) YouTube.', 'required': False}), 56: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('video_id', 54), ('thumbnail_image', 55)]], {}), 57: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add a horizontal rule line above this block.', 'required': False}), 58: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('70', '70%'), ('66', '66%'), ('60', '60%'), ('50', '50%'), ('40', '40%'), ('33', '33%'), ('30', '30%')], 'help_text': 'Choose the width in % that you wish to set the Actions column in a resource list.', 'label': 'Width of "Actions" column', 'required': False}), 59: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'help_text': "If selected, each resource in the list will include a 150px-wide image from the resource's thumbnail field.", 'required': False}), 60: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'E.g., "Download" or "Order free prints"'}), 61: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('related_file', 'Related file'), ('alternate_file', 'Alternate file'), ('link', 'Link'), ('alternate_link', 'Alternate link')], 'help_text': 'The field that the action link should point to'}), 62: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('link_label', 60), ('snippet_field', 61)]], {}), 63: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (62,), {}), 64: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'label': 'Tag'}), 65: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (64,), {'help_text': 'Enter tag names to filter the snippets. For a snippet to match and be output in the list, it must have been tagged with all of the tag names listed here. The tag names are case-insensitive.'}), 66: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 4), ('body', 8), ('has_top_rule_line', 57), ('image', 15), ('actions_column_width', 58), ('show_thumbnails', 59), ('actions', 63), ('tags', 65)]], {}), 67: ('wagtail.blocks.RawHTMLBlock', (), {'label': 'Raw HTML block'}), 68: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add a horizontal rule line to top of FAQ group.', 'required': False}), 69: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to show horizontal rule lines between FAQ items.', 'label': 'Show rule lines between items', 'required': False}), 70: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('h2', 'h2'), ('h3', 'h3'), ('h4', 'h4'), ('p', 'p')], 'help_text': 'HTML tag for questions.'}), 71: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'blank': True, 'help_text': "Add an optional anchor link tag for this question. Tag should be unique and use dashes or underscores for separation instead of spaces (ie, 'question-one-tag')", 'max_length': 500, 'required': False}), 72: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'max_length': 500}), 73: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {}), 74: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': '\n            ID will be auto-generated on save.\n            However, you may enter some human-friendly text that\n            will be incorporated to make it easier to read.\n        ', 'label': 'ID for this content block', 'required': False}), 75: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('link_id', 74)]], {}), 76: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content_block', 73), ('anchor_link', 75)]], {}), 77: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('full', 'Full width'), (470, '470px'), (270, '270px'), (170, '170px')]}), 78: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('right', 'right'), ('left', 'left')], 'help_text': 'Does not apply if the image is full-width'}), 79: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'label': 'Caption', 'required': False}), 80: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'Check to add a horizontal rule line to bottom of inset.', 'label': 'Has bottom rule line', 'required': False}), 81: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('image', 15), ('image_width', 77), ('image_position', 78), ('text', 79), ('is_bottom_rule', 80)]], {}), 82: ('wagtail.blocks.MultipleChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('is_full_width', 'Display the table at full width'), ('stack_on_mobile', 'Stack the table columns on mobile')], 'required': False}), 83: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {}), 84: ('wagtail.blocks.FloatBlock', (), {}), 85: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'features': ['bold', 'italic', 'ol', 'ul', 'link', 'document-link', 'superscript']}), 86: ('wagtail.contrib.typed_table_block.blocks.TypedTableBlock', [[('text', 83), ('numeric', 84), ('rich_text', 85)]], {}), 87: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 7), ('text_introduction', 4), ('options', 82), ('data', 86)]], {}), 88: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {}), 89: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('body', 88), ('citation', 29)]], {}), 90: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('slug_text', 4), ('paragraph_text', 8), ('button', 21)]], {}), 91: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (21,), {}), 92: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 4), ('paragraph', 8), ('links', 91)]], {}), 93: ('v1.blocks.ReusableTextChooserBlock', ('v1.ReusableText',), {}), 94: ('v1.blocks.EmailSignUpChooserBlock', (), {}), 95: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('content', 2), ('content_with_anchor', 76), ('heading', 7), ('image', 81), ('table', 87), ('quote', 89), ('cta', 90), ('related_links', 92), ('reusable_text', 93), ('email_signup', 94), ('well', 27)]], {}), 96: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('full_width_text', 95), ('info_unit_group', 25)]], {}), 97: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('anchor_tag', 71), ('question', 72), ('answer', 96)]], {}), 98: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (97,), {'label': 'FAQ items'}), 99: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('has_top_rule_line', 68), ('lines_between_items', 69), ('question_tag', 70), ('faq_items', 98)]], {}), 100: ('filing_instruction_guide.blocks.FigDataPointsBlock', (), {}), 101: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('content', 2), ('info_unit_group', 25), ('well', 27), ('simple_chart', 45), ('expandable_group', 53), ('expandable', 51), ('video_player', 56), ('snippet_list', 66), ('raw_html_block', 67), ('faq_group', 99), ('data_points_block', 100)]], {'block_counts': {'data_points_block': {'max_num': 1}}, 'required': False}), 102: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('header', 0), ('section_id', 1), ('content', 101)]], {}), 103: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'label': 'Subsection header (h3)'}), 104: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('content', 2), ('info_unit_group', 25), ('well', 27), ('simple_chart', 45), ('expandable_group', 53), ('expandable', 51), ('video_player', 56), ('snippet_list', 66), ('raw_html_block', 67), ('faq_group', 99)]], {'required': False}), 105: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('header', 103), ('section_id', 1), ('content', 104)]], {}), 106: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'label': 'Level 3 subsection header (h4)'}), 107: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('header', 106), ('section_id', 1), ('content', 104)]], {})})),
+                ('effective_end_date', models.DateField(blank=True, null=True)),
+                ('effective_start_date', models.DateField(blank=True,, null=True)),
+                ('version_status', models.CharField(choices=[('current', 'Current'), ('old', 'Out-of-date'), ('archived', 'Archived')], default='current', max_length=20)),
+                ('data_points_download_location', models.CharField(blank=True, help_text='The URL of the raw JSON file containing the FIG data points', max_length=300)),
+                ('top_content', wagtail.fields.StreamField([('top_content', 98)], blank=True, block_lookup={0: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'icon': 'edit'}), 1: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('50-50', '50/50'), ('33-33-33', '33/33/33'), ('25-75', '25/75')], 'help_text': 'Choose the number and width of info unit columns.', 'label': 'Format'}), 2: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'required': False}), 3: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('h2', 'H2'), ('h3', 'H3'), ('h4', 'H4'), ('h5', 'H5')]}), 4: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Input the name of an icon to appear to the left of the heading. E.g., approved, help-round, etc. <a href="">See full list of icons</a>', 'required': False}), 5: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 2), ('level', 3), ('icon', 4)]], {'required': False}), 6: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'required': False}), 7: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': "Check this to link all images and headings to the URL of the first link in their unit's list, if there is a link.", 'required': False}), 8: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add a horizontal rule line to top of info unit group.', 'required': False}), 9: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to show horizontal rule lines between info units.', 'label': 'Show rule lines between items', 'required': False}), 10: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('none', 'None'), ('rounded', 'Rounded corners'), ('circle', 'Circle')], 'help_text': 'Adds a <em>border-radius</em> class to images in this group, allowing for a rounded or circular border.', 'label': 'Border radius for images?', 'required': False}), 11: ('wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock', (), {'required': False}), 12: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': "No character limit, but be as succinct as possible. If the image is decorative (i.e., a screenreader wouldn't have anything useful to say about it), leave this field blank.", 'required': False}), 13: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('upload', 11), ('alt', 12)]], {}), 14: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 2), ('level', 3), ('icon', 4)]], {'default': {'level': 'h3'}, 'required': False}), 15: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'blank': True, 'required': False}), 16: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Add an ARIA label if the link text does not describe the destination of the link (e.g. has ambiguous text like "Learn more" that is not descriptive on its own).', 'required': False}), 17: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'default': '/', 'required': False}), 18: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'required': False}), 19: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 2), ('aria_label', 16), ('url', 17), ('is_link_boldface', 18)]], {}), 20: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (19,), {'required': False}), 21: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('image', 13), ('heading', 14), ('body', 15), ('links', 20)]], {}), 22: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (21,), {'default': []}), 23: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('format', 1), ('heading', 5), ('intro', 6), ('link_image_and_heading', 7), ('has_top_rule_line', 8), ('lines_between_items', 9), ('border_radius_image', 10), ('info_units', 22)]], {}), 24: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'label': 'Well', 'required': False}), 25: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content', 24)]], {}), 26: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'required': True}), 27: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'required': False}), 28: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Accessible description of the chart content', 'required': True}), 29: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('bar', 'Bar'), ('datetime', 'Date/time'), ('line', 'Line'), ('tilemap', 'Tile grid map')]}), 30: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': "URL of the chart's data source or an array of JSON data", 'required': True, 'rows': 2}), 31: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'For charts pulling from a separate source file, include a list of the column headers (from a CSV file) or keys (from a JSON file) to include in the chart as  ["HEADER/KEY1", "HEADER/KEY2"]. To change how the data is labeled in the chart, include the correct labels with the format [{"key": "HEADER/KEY1", "label": "NEWLABEL"}, {"key": "HEADER/KEY2", "label": "NEWLABEL2"}]', 'required': False}), 32: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'Uncheck this option to initially only show the first data  series in the chart. Leave checked to show all data  series by default. Users can always turn data series on  or off by interacting with the chart legend. ', 'required': False}), 33: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'The column header (CSV), key or data array (JSON) to include as the source of x-axis values.', 'required': False}), 34: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': "Name the javascript function in chart-hooks.js to run on the provided data before handing it to the chart. Can also provide '___'-separated arguments to this function which are passed in as arguments 2 to n", 'required': False}), 35: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'If the chart needs the option for users to filter the data shown, for example by date or geographic region, provide the JSON objects to filter on, in the format  {key: "KEY", "label": "LABEL"}', 'required': False}), 36: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'A JSON object with style overrides for the underlying Highcharts chart. No object merging is done, nested objects should be referenced with dot notation: {"tooltip.shape": "circle"}', 'required': False}), 37: ('wagtail.blocks.IntegerBlock', (), {'blank': True, 'help_text': 'A number to determine how many months of the data are projected values', 'max_value': 12, 'min_value': 0, 'null': True, 'required': False}), 38: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Attribution for the data source', 'required': False}), 39: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'When the underlying data was published', 'required': False}), 40: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Custom text for the chart download field. Required to display a download link.', 'required': False}), 41: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Location of a file to download, if different from the data source', 'required': False}), 42: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'General chart information', 'required': False}), 43: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('title', 26), ('subtitle', 27), ('description', 28), ('figure_number', 2), ('chart_type', 29), ('data_source', 30), ('data_series', 31), ('show_all_series_by_default', 32), ('x_axis_source', 33), ('transform', 34), ('x_axis_label', 2), ('y_axis_label', 2), ('filters', 35), ('style_overrides', 36), ('projected_months', 37), ('source_credits', 38), ('date_published', 39), ('download_text', 40), ('download_file', 41), ('notes', 42)]], {}), 44: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Added as an <code>&lt;h3&gt;</code> at the top of this block. Also adds a wrapping <code>&lt;div&gt;</code> whose <code>id</code> attribute comes from a slugified version of this heading, creating an anchor that can be used when linking to this part of the page.', 'required': False}), 45: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'required': False}), 46: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add a horizontal rule line to top of expandable group.', 'required': False}), 47: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add FAQ schema markup to expandables.', 'label': 'Uses FAQ schema', 'required': False}), 48: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('paragraph', 6), ('well', 25), ('links', 19), ('info_unit_group', 23)]], {'blank': True}), 49: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('label', 2), ('icon', 2), ('is_bordered', 45), ('is_midtone', 45), ('is_expanded', 45), ('is_larger_heading', 45), ('is_expanded_padding', 45), ('content', 48)]], {}), 50: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (49,), {}), 51: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 44), ('body', 6), ('is_accordion', 45), ('has_top_rule_line', 46), ('is_faq', 47), ('expandables', 50)]], {}), 52: ('wagtail.blocks.RegexBlock', (), {'error_messages': {'invalid': 'The YouTube video ID is in the wrong format.'}, 'help_text': 'Enter the YouTube video ID, which is located at the end of the video URL, after "v=". For example, the video ID for is 1V0Ax9OIc84.', 'label': 'YouTube video ID', 'regex': '^[\\w-]{11}$', 'required': False}), 53: ('wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Optional thumbnail image to show before and after the video plays. If the thumbnail image is not set here, the video player will default to showing the thumbnail that was set in (or automatically chosen by) YouTube.', 'required': False}), 54: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('video_id', 52), ('thumbnail_image', 53)]], {}), 55: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add a horizontal rule line above this block.', 'required': False}), 56: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('70', '70%'), ('66', '66%'), ('60', '60%'), ('50', '50%'), ('40', '40%'), ('33', '33%'), ('30', '30%')], 'help_text': 'Choose the width in % that you wish to set the Actions column in a resource list.', 'label': 'Width of "Actions" column', 'required': False}), 57: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'help_text': "If selected, each resource in the list will include a 150px-wide image from the resource's thumbnail field.", 'required': False}), 58: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'E.g., "Download" or "Order free prints"'}), 59: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('related_file', 'Related file'), ('alternate_file', 'Alternate file'), ('link', 'Link'), ('alternate_link', 'Alternate link')], 'help_text': 'The field that the action link should point to'}), 60: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('link_label', 58), ('snippet_field', 59)]], {}), 61: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (60,), {}), 62: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'label': 'Tag'}), 63: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (62,), {'help_text': 'Enter tag names to filter the snippets. For a snippet to match and be output in the list, it must have been tagged with all of the tag names listed here. The tag names are case-insensitive.'}), 64: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 2), ('body', 6), ('has_top_rule_line', 55), ('image', 13), ('actions_column_width', 56), ('show_thumbnails', 57), ('actions', 61), ('tags', 63)]], {}), 65: ('wagtail.blocks.RawHTMLBlock', (), {'label': 'Raw HTML block'}), 66: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add a horizontal rule line to top of FAQ group.', 'required': False}), 67: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to show horizontal rule lines between FAQ items.', 'label': 'Show rule lines between items', 'required': False}), 68: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('h2', 'h2'), ('h3', 'h3'), ('h4', 'h4'), ('p', 'p')], 'help_text': 'HTML tag for questions.'}), 69: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'blank': True, 'help_text': "Add an optional anchor link tag for this question. Tag should be unique and use dashes or underscores for separation instead of spaces (ie, 'question-one-tag')", 'max_length': 500, 'required': False}), 70: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'max_length': 500}), 71: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {}), 72: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': '\n            ID will be auto-generated on save.\n            However, you may enter some human-friendly text that\n            will be incorporated to make it easier to read.\n        ', 'label': 'ID for this content block', 'required': False}), 73: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('link_id', 72)]], {}), 74: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content_block', 71), ('anchor_link', 73)]], {}), 75: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('full', 'Full width'), (470, '470px'), (270, '270px'), (170, '170px')]}), 76: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('right', 'right'), ('left', 'left')], 'help_text': 'Does not apply if the image is full-width'}), 77: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'label': 'Caption', 'required': False}), 78: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'Check to add a horizontal rule line to bottom of inset.', 'label': 'Has bottom rule line', 'required': False}), 79: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('image', 13), ('image_width', 75), ('image_position', 76), ('text', 77), ('is_bottom_rule', 78)]], {}), 80: ('wagtail.blocks.MultipleChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('is_full_width', 'Display the table at full width'), ('stack_on_mobile', 'Stack the table columns on mobile')], 'required': False}), 81: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {}), 82: ('wagtail.blocks.FloatBlock', (), {}), 83: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'features': ['bold', 'italic', 'ol', 'ul', 'link', 'document-link', 'superscript']}), 84: ('wagtail.contrib.typed_table_block.blocks.TypedTableBlock', [[('text', 81), ('numeric', 82), ('rich_text', 83)]], {}), 85: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 5), ('text_introduction', 2), ('options', 80), ('data', 84)]], {}), 86: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {}), 87: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('body', 86), ('citation', 27)]], {}), 88: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('slug_text', 2), ('paragraph_text', 6), ('button', 19)]], {}), 89: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (19,), {}), 90: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 2), ('paragraph', 6), ('links', 89)]], {}), 91: ('v1.blocks.ReusableTextChooserBlock', ('v1.ReusableText',), {}), 92: ('v1.blocks.EmailSignUpChooserBlock', (), {}), 93: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('content', 0), ('content_with_anchor', 74), ('heading', 5), ('image', 79), ('table', 85), ('quote', 87), ('cta', 88), ('related_links', 90), ('reusable_text', 91), ('email_signup', 92), ('well', 25)]], {}), 94: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('full_width_text', 93), ('info_unit_group', 23)]], {}), 95: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('anchor_tag', 69), ('question', 70), ('answer', 94)]], {}), 96: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (95,), {'label': 'FAQ items'}), 97: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('has_top_rule_line', 66), ('lines_between_items', 67), ('question_tag', 68), ('faq_items', 96)]], {}), 98: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('content', 0), ('info_unit_group', 23), ('well', 25), ('simple_chart', 43), ('expandable_group', 51), ('expandable', 49), ('video_player', 54), ('snippet_list', 64), ('raw_html_block', 65), ('faq_group', 97)]], {'help_text': 'Content that will appear above the first FIG section', 'required': False})})),
+            ],
+            options={
+                'abstract': False,
+            },
+            bases=('v1.cfgovpage',),
+        ),
+        migrations.CreateModel(
+            name='DataPoint',
+            fields=[
+                ('id', models.AutoField(auto_created=True, primary_key=True, serialize=False, verbose_name='ID')),
+                ('number', models.IntegerField(blank=True)),
+                ('title', models.CharField(blank=True, max_length=400)),
+                ('anchor', models.CharField(blank=True, max_length=400)),
+                ('rule_section', models.CharField(blank=True, max_length=100)),
+                ('intro_text', models.TextField(blank=True)),
+                ('page', modelcluster.fields.ParentalKey(blank=True, null=True, on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.CASCADE, related_name='data_points', to='filing_instruction_guide.figcontentpage')),
+            ],
+            options={
+                'abstract': False,
+            },
+        ),
+        migrations.CreateModel(
+            name='DataFieldJson',
+            fields=[
+                ('id', models.AutoField(auto_created=True, primary_key=True, serialize=False, verbose_name='ID')),
+                ('info', models.JSONField(blank=True)),
+                ('data_point', modelcluster.fields.ParentalKey(blank=True, null=True, on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.CASCADE, related_name='data_fields_json', to='filing_instruction_guide.datapoint')),
+            ],
+        ),
+        migrations.RunPython(
+            code=django.db.migrations.operations.special.RunPython.noop,
+            reverse_code=django.db.migrations.operations.special.RunPython.noop,
+        ),
+        migrations.AlterField(
+            model_name='figcontentpage',
+            name='content',
+            field=wagtail.fields.StreamField([('Fig_Section', 92), ('Fig_Subsection', 95), ('Fig_Level_3_Subsection', 97)], block_lookup={0: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'label': 'Section header (h2)'}), 1: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Will be filled in automatically upon save.', 'required': False}), 2: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'icon': 'edit'}), 3: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('50-50', '50/50'), ('33-33-33', '33/33/33'), ('25-75', '25/75')], 'help_text': 'Choose the number and width of info unit columns.', 'label': 'Format'}), 4: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'required': False}), 5: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('h2', 'H2'), ('h3', 'H3'), ('h4', 'H4'), ('h5', 'H5')]}), 6: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Input the name of an icon to appear to the left of the heading. E.g., approved, help-round, etc. <a href="">See full list of icons</a>', 'required': False}), 7: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 4), ('level', 5), ('icon', 6)]], {'required': False}), 8: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'required': False}), 9: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': "Check this to link all images and headings to the URL of the first link in their unit's list, if there is a link.", 'required': False}), 10: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add a horizontal rule line to top of info unit group.', 'required': False}), 11: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to show horizontal rule lines between info units.', 'label': 'Show rule lines between items', 'required': False}), 12: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('none', 'None'), ('rounded', 'Rounded corners'), ('circle', 'Circle')], 'help_text': 'Adds a <em>border-radius</em> class to images in this group, allowing for a rounded or circular border.', 'label': 'Border radius for images?', 'required': False}), 13: ('wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock', (), {'required': False}), 14: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': "No character limit, but be as succinct as possible. If the image is decorative (i.e., a screenreader wouldn't have anything useful to say about it), leave this field blank.", 'required': False}), 15: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('upload', 13), ('alt', 14)]], {}), 16: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 4), ('level', 5), ('icon', 6)]], {'default': {'level': 'h3'}, 'required': False}), 17: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'blank': True, 'required': False}), 18: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Add an ARIA label if the link text does not describe the destination of the link (e.g. has ambiguous text like "Learn more" that is not descriptive on its own).', 'required': False}), 19: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'default': '/', 'required': False}), 20: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'required': False}), 21: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 4), ('aria_label', 18), ('url', 19), ('is_link_boldface', 20)]], {}), 22: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (21,), {'required': False}), 23: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('image', 15), ('heading', 16), ('body', 17), ('links', 22)]], {}), 24: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (23,), {'default': []}), 25: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('format', 3), ('heading', 7), ('intro', 8), ('link_image_and_heading', 9), ('has_top_rule_line', 10), ('lines_between_items', 11), ('border_radius_image', 12), ('info_units', 24)]], {}), 26: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'label': 'Well', 'required': False}), 27: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content', 26)]], {}), 28: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'required': True}), 29: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'required': False}), 30: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Accessible description of the chart content', 'required': True}), 31: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('bar', 'Bar'), ('datetime', 'Date/time'), ('line', 'Line'), ('tilemap', 'Tile grid map')]}), 32: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': "URL of the chart's data source or an array of JSON data", 'required': True, 'rows': 2}), 33: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'For charts pulling from a separate source file, include a list of the column headers (from a CSV file) or keys (from a JSON file) to include in the chart as  ["HEADER/KEY1", "HEADER/KEY2"]. To change how the data is labeled in the chart, include the correct labels with the format [{"key": "HEADER/KEY1", "label": "NEWLABEL"}, {"key": "HEADER/KEY2", "label": "NEWLABEL2"}]', 'required': False}), 34: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'Uncheck this option to initially only show the first data  series in the chart. Leave checked to show all data  series by default. Users can always turn data series on  or off by interacting with the chart legend. ', 'required': False}), 35: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'The column header (CSV), key or data array (JSON) to include as the source of x-axis values.', 'required': False}), 36: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': "Name the javascript function in chart-hooks.js to run on the provided data before handing it to the chart. Can also provide '___'-separated arguments to this function which are passed in as arguments 2 to n", 'required': False}), 37: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'If the chart needs the option for users to filter the data shown, for example by date or geographic region, provide the JSON objects to filter on, in the format  {key: "KEY", "label": "LABEL"}', 'required': False}), 38: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'A JSON object with style overrides for the underlying Highcharts chart. No object merging is done, nested objects should be referenced with dot notation: {"tooltip.shape": "circle"}', 'required': False}), 39: ('wagtail.blocks.IntegerBlock', (), {'blank': True, 'help_text': 'A number to determine how many months of the data are projected values', 'max_value': 12, 'min_value': 0, 'null': True, 'required': False}), 40: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Attribution for the data source', 'required': False}), 41: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'When the underlying data was published', 'required': False}), 42: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Custom text for the chart download field. Required to display a download link.', 'required': False}), 43: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Location of a file to download, if different from the data source', 'required': False}), 44: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'General chart information', 'required': False}), 45: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('title', 28), ('subtitle', 29), ('description', 30), ('figure_number', 4), ('chart_type', 31), ('data_source', 32), ('data_series', 33), ('show_all_series_by_default', 34), ('x_axis_source', 35), ('transform', 36), ('x_axis_label', 4), ('y_axis_label', 4), ('filters', 37), ('style_overrides', 38), ('projected_months', 39), ('source_credits', 40), ('date_published', 41), ('download_text', 42), ('download_file', 43), ('notes', 44)]], {}), 46: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Added as an <code>&lt;h3&gt;</code> at the top of this block. Also adds a wrapping <code>&lt;div&gt;</code> whose <code>id</code> attribute comes from a slugified version of this heading, creating an anchor that can be used when linking to this part of the page.', 'required': False}), 47: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'required': False}), 48: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add a horizontal rule line to top of expandable group.', 'required': False}), 49: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add FAQ schema markup to expandables.', 'label': 'Uses FAQ schema', 'required': False}), 50: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('paragraph', 8), ('well', 27), ('links', 21), ('info_unit_group', 25)]], {'blank': True}), 51: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('label', 4), ('icon', 4), ('is_bordered', 47), ('is_midtone', 47), ('is_expanded', 47), ('is_larger_heading', 47), ('is_expanded_padding', 47), ('content', 50)]], {}), 52: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (51,), {}), 53: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 46), ('body', 8), ('is_accordion', 47), ('has_top_rule_line', 48), ('is_faq', 49), ('expandables', 52)]], {}), 54: ('wagtail.blocks.RegexBlock', (), {'error_messages': {'invalid': 'The YouTube video ID is in the wrong format.'}, 'help_text': 'Enter the YouTube video ID, which is located at the end of the video URL, after "v=". For example, the video ID for is 1V0Ax9OIc84.', 'label': 'YouTube video ID', 'regex': '^[\\w-]{11}$', 'required': False}), 55: ('wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Optional thumbnail image to show before and after the video plays. If the thumbnail image is not set here, the video player will default to showing the thumbnail that was set in (or automatically chosen by) YouTube.', 'required': False}), 56: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('video_id', 54), ('thumbnail_image', 55)]], {}), 57: ('wagtail.blocks.RawHTMLBlock', (), {'label': 'Raw HTML block'}), 58: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add a horizontal rule line to top of FAQ group.', 'required': False}), 59: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to show horizontal rule lines between FAQ items.', 'label': 'Show rule lines between items', 'required': False}), 60: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('h2', 'h2'), ('h3', 'h3'), ('h4', 'h4'), ('p', 'p')], 'help_text': 'HTML tag for questions.'}), 61: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'blank': True, 'help_text': "Add an optional anchor link tag for this question. Tag should be unique and use dashes or underscores for separation instead of spaces (ie, 'question-one-tag')", 'max_length': 500, 'required': False}), 62: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'max_length': 500}), 63: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {}), 64: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': '\n            ID will be auto-generated on save.\n            However, you may enter some human-friendly text that\n            will be incorporated to make it easier to read.\n        ', 'label': 'ID for this content block', 'required': False}), 65: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('link_id', 64)]], {}), 66: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content_block', 63), ('anchor_link', 65)]], {}), 67: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('full', 'Full width'), (470, '470px'), (270, '270px'), (170, '170px')]}), 68: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('right', 'right'), ('left', 'left')], 'help_text': 'Does not apply if the image is full-width'}), 69: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'label': 'Caption', 'required': False}), 70: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'Check to add a horizontal rule line to bottom of inset.', 'label': 'Has bottom rule line', 'required': False}), 71: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('image', 15), ('image_width', 67), ('image_position', 68), ('text', 69), ('is_bottom_rule', 70)]], {}), 72: ('wagtail.blocks.MultipleChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('is_full_width', 'Display the table at full width'), ('stack_on_mobile', 'Stack the table columns on mobile')], 'required': False}), 73: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {}), 74: ('wagtail.blocks.FloatBlock', (), {}), 75: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'features': ['bold', 'italic', 'ol', 'ul', 'link', 'document-link', 'superscript']}), 76: ('wagtail.contrib.typed_table_block.blocks.TypedTableBlock', [[('text', 73), ('numeric', 74), ('rich_text', 75)]], {}), 77: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 7), ('text_introduction', 4), ('options', 72), ('data', 76)]], {}), 78: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {}), 79: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('body', 78), ('citation', 29)]], {}), 80: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('slug_text', 4), ('paragraph_text', 8), ('button', 21)]], {}), 81: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (21,), {}), 82: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 4), ('paragraph', 8), ('links', 81)]], {}), 83: ('v1.blocks.ReusableTextChooserBlock', ('v1.ReusableText',), {}), 84: ('v1.blocks.EmailSignUpChooserBlock', (), {}), 85: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('content', 2), ('content_with_anchor', 66), ('heading', 7), ('image', 71), ('table', 77), ('quote', 79), ('cta', 80), ('related_links', 82), ('reusable_text', 83), ('email_signup', 84), ('well', 27)]], {}), 86: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('full_width_text', 85), ('info_unit_group', 25)]], {}), 87: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('anchor_tag', 61), ('question', 62), ('answer', 86)]], {}), 88: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (87,), {'label': 'FAQ items'}), 89: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('has_top_rule_line', 58), ('lines_between_items', 59), ('question_tag', 60), ('faq_items', 88)]], {}), 90: ('filing_instruction_guide.blocks.FigDataPointsBlock', (), {}), 91: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('content', 2), ('info_unit_group', 25), ('well', 27), ('simple_chart', 45), ('expandable_group', 53), ('expandable', 51), ('video_player', 56), ('raw_html_block', 57), ('faq_group', 89), ('data_points_block', 90)]], {'block_counts': {'data_points_block': {'max_num': 1}}, 'required': False}), 92: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('header', 0), ('section_id', 1), ('content', 91)]], {}), 93: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'label': 'Subsection header (h3)'}), 94: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('content', 2), ('info_unit_group', 25), ('well', 27), ('simple_chart', 45), ('expandable_group', 53), ('expandable', 51), ('video_player', 56), ('raw_html_block', 57), ('faq_group', 89)]], {'required': False}), 95: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('header', 93), ('section_id', 1), ('content', 94)]], {}), 96: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'label': 'Level 3 subsection header (h4)'}), 97: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('header', 96), ('section_id', 1), ('content', 94)]], {})}),
+        ),
+        migrations.AlterField(
+            model_name='figcontentpage',
+            name='top_content',
+            field=wagtail.fields.StreamField([('top_content', 88)], blank=True, block_lookup={0: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'icon': 'edit'}), 1: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('50-50', '50/50'), ('33-33-33', '33/33/33'), ('25-75', '25/75')], 'help_text': 'Choose the number and width of info unit columns.', 'label': 'Format'}), 2: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'required': False}), 3: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('h2', 'H2'), ('h3', 'H3'), ('h4', 'H4'), ('h5', 'H5')]}), 4: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Input the name of an icon to appear to the left of the heading. E.g., approved, help-round, etc. <a href="">See full list of icons</a>', 'required': False}), 5: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 2), ('level', 3), ('icon', 4)]], {'required': False}), 6: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'required': False}), 7: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': "Check this to link all images and headings to the URL of the first link in their unit's list, if there is a link.", 'required': False}), 8: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add a horizontal rule line to top of info unit group.', 'required': False}), 9: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to show horizontal rule lines between info units.', 'label': 'Show rule lines between items', 'required': False}), 10: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('none', 'None'), ('rounded', 'Rounded corners'), ('circle', 'Circle')], 'help_text': 'Adds a <em>border-radius</em> class to images in this group, allowing for a rounded or circular border.', 'label': 'Border radius for images?', 'required': False}), 11: ('wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock', (), {'required': False}), 12: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': "No character limit, but be as succinct as possible. If the image is decorative (i.e., a screenreader wouldn't have anything useful to say about it), leave this field blank.", 'required': False}), 13: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('upload', 11), ('alt', 12)]], {}), 14: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 2), ('level', 3), ('icon', 4)]], {'default': {'level': 'h3'}, 'required': False}), 15: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'blank': True, 'required': False}), 16: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Add an ARIA label if the link text does not describe the destination of the link (e.g. has ambiguous text like "Learn more" that is not descriptive on its own).', 'required': False}), 17: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'default': '/', 'required': False}), 18: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'required': False}), 19: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 2), ('aria_label', 16), ('url', 17), ('is_link_boldface', 18)]], {}), 20: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (19,), {'required': False}), 21: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('image', 13), ('heading', 14), ('body', 15), ('links', 20)]], {}), 22: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (21,), {'default': []}), 23: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('format', 1), ('heading', 5), ('intro', 6), ('link_image_and_heading', 7), ('has_top_rule_line', 8), ('lines_between_items', 9), ('border_radius_image', 10), ('info_units', 22)]], {}), 24: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'label': 'Well', 'required': False}), 25: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content', 24)]], {}), 26: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'required': True}), 27: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'required': False}), 28: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Accessible description of the chart content', 'required': True}), 29: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('bar', 'Bar'), ('datetime', 'Date/time'), ('line', 'Line'), ('tilemap', 'Tile grid map')]}), 30: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': "URL of the chart's data source or an array of JSON data", 'required': True, 'rows': 2}), 31: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'For charts pulling from a separate source file, include a list of the column headers (from a CSV file) or keys (from a JSON file) to include in the chart as  ["HEADER/KEY1", "HEADER/KEY2"]. To change how the data is labeled in the chart, include the correct labels with the format [{"key": "HEADER/KEY1", "label": "NEWLABEL"}, {"key": "HEADER/KEY2", "label": "NEWLABEL2"}]', 'required': False}), 32: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'Uncheck this option to initially only show the first data  series in the chart. Leave checked to show all data  series by default. Users can always turn data series on  or off by interacting with the chart legend. ', 'required': False}), 33: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'The column header (CSV), key or data array (JSON) to include as the source of x-axis values.', 'required': False}), 34: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': "Name the javascript function in chart-hooks.js to run on the provided data before handing it to the chart. Can also provide '___'-separated arguments to this function which are passed in as arguments 2 to n", 'required': False}), 35: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'If the chart needs the option for users to filter the data shown, for example by date or geographic region, provide the JSON objects to filter on, in the format  {key: "KEY", "label": "LABEL"}', 'required': False}), 36: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'A JSON object with style overrides for the underlying Highcharts chart. No object merging is done, nested objects should be referenced with dot notation: {"tooltip.shape": "circle"}', 'required': False}), 37: ('wagtail.blocks.IntegerBlock', (), {'blank': True, 'help_text': 'A number to determine how many months of the data are projected values', 'max_value': 12, 'min_value': 0, 'null': True, 'required': False}), 38: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Attribution for the data source', 'required': False}), 39: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'When the underlying data was published', 'required': False}), 40: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Custom text for the chart download field. Required to display a download link.', 'required': False}), 41: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Location of a file to download, if different from the data source', 'required': False}), 42: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'General chart information', 'required': False}), 43: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('title', 26), ('subtitle', 27), ('description', 28), ('figure_number', 2), ('chart_type', 29), ('data_source', 30), ('data_series', 31), ('show_all_series_by_default', 32), ('x_axis_source', 33), ('transform', 34), ('x_axis_label', 2), ('y_axis_label', 2), ('filters', 35), ('style_overrides', 36), ('projected_months', 37), ('source_credits', 38), ('date_published', 39), ('download_text', 40), ('download_file', 41), ('notes', 42)]], {}), 44: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Added as an <code>&lt;h3&gt;</code> at the top of this block. Also adds a wrapping <code>&lt;div&gt;</code> whose <code>id</code> attribute comes from a slugified version of this heading, creating an anchor that can be used when linking to this part of the page.', 'required': False}), 45: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'required': False}), 46: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add a horizontal rule line to top of expandable group.', 'required': False}), 47: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add FAQ schema markup to expandables.', 'label': 'Uses FAQ schema', 'required': False}), 48: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('paragraph', 6), ('well', 25), ('links', 19), ('info_unit_group', 23)]], {'blank': True}), 49: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('label', 2), ('icon', 2), ('is_bordered', 45), ('is_midtone', 45), ('is_expanded', 45), ('is_larger_heading', 45), ('is_expanded_padding', 45), ('content', 48)]], {}), 50: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (49,), {}), 51: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 44), ('body', 6), ('is_accordion', 45), ('has_top_rule_line', 46), ('is_faq', 47), ('expandables', 50)]], {}), 52: ('wagtail.blocks.RegexBlock', (), {'error_messages': {'invalid': 'The YouTube video ID is in the wrong format.'}, 'help_text': 'Enter the YouTube video ID, which is located at the end of the video URL, after "v=". For example, the video ID for is 1V0Ax9OIc84.', 'label': 'YouTube video ID', 'regex': '^[\\w-]{11}$', 'required': False}), 53: ('wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Optional thumbnail image to show before and after the video plays. If the thumbnail image is not set here, the video player will default to showing the thumbnail that was set in (or automatically chosen by) YouTube.', 'required': False}), 54: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('video_id', 52), ('thumbnail_image', 53)]], {}), 55: ('wagtail.blocks.RawHTMLBlock', (), {'label': 'Raw HTML block'}), 56: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add a horizontal rule line to top of FAQ group.', 'required': False}), 57: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to show horizontal rule lines between FAQ items.', 'label': 'Show rule lines between items', 'required': False}), 58: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('h2', 'h2'), ('h3', 'h3'), ('h4', 'h4'), ('p', 'p')], 'help_text': 'HTML tag for questions.'}), 59: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'blank': True, 'help_text': "Add an optional anchor link tag for this question. Tag should be unique and use dashes or underscores for separation instead of spaces (ie, 'question-one-tag')", 'max_length': 500, 'required': False}), 60: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'max_length': 500}), 61: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {}), 62: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': '\n            ID will be auto-generated on save.\n            However, you may enter some human-friendly text that\n            will be incorporated to make it easier to read.\n        ', 'label': 'ID for this content block', 'required': False}), 63: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('link_id', 62)]], {}), 64: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content_block', 61), ('anchor_link', 63)]], {}), 65: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('full', 'Full width'), (470, '470px'), (270, '270px'), (170, '170px')]}), 66: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('right', 'right'), ('left', 'left')], 'help_text': 'Does not apply if the image is full-width'}), 67: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'label': 'Caption', 'required': False}), 68: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'Check to add a horizontal rule line to bottom of inset.', 'label': 'Has bottom rule line', 'required': False}), 69: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('image', 13), ('image_width', 65), ('image_position', 66), ('text', 67), ('is_bottom_rule', 68)]], {}), 70: ('wagtail.blocks.MultipleChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('is_full_width', 'Display the table at full width'), ('stack_on_mobile', 'Stack the table columns on mobile')], 'required': False}), 71: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {}), 72: ('wagtail.blocks.FloatBlock', (), {}), 73: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'features': ['bold', 'italic', 'ol', 'ul', 'link', 'document-link', 'superscript']}), 74: ('wagtail.contrib.typed_table_block.blocks.TypedTableBlock', [[('text', 71), ('numeric', 72), ('rich_text', 73)]], {}), 75: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 5), ('text_introduction', 2), ('options', 70), ('data', 74)]], {}), 76: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {}), 77: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('body', 76), ('citation', 27)]], {}), 78: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('slug_text', 2), ('paragraph_text', 6), ('button', 19)]], {}), 79: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (19,), {}), 80: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 2), ('paragraph', 6), ('links', 79)]], {}), 81: ('v1.blocks.ReusableTextChooserBlock', ('v1.ReusableText',), {}), 82: ('v1.blocks.EmailSignUpChooserBlock', (), {}), 83: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('content', 0), ('content_with_anchor', 64), ('heading', 5), ('image', 69), ('table', 75), ('quote', 77), ('cta', 78), ('related_links', 80), ('reusable_text', 81), ('email_signup', 82), ('well', 25)]], {}), 84: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('full_width_text', 83), ('info_unit_group', 23)]], {}), 85: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('anchor_tag', 59), ('question', 60), ('answer', 84)]], {}), 86: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (85,), {'label': 'FAQ items'}), 87: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('has_top_rule_line', 56), ('lines_between_items', 57), ('question_tag', 58), ('faq_items', 86)]], {}), 88: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('content', 0), ('info_unit_group', 23), ('well', 25), ('simple_chart', 43), ('expandable_group', 51), ('expandable', 49), ('video_player', 54), ('raw_html_block', 55), ('faq_group', 87)]], {'help_text': 'Content that will appear above the first FIG section', 'required': False})}),
+        ),
+        migrations.AlterField(
+            model_name='figcontentpage',
+            name='content',
+            field=wagtail.fields.StreamField([('Fig_Section', 93), ('Fig_Subsection', 96), ('Fig_Level_3_Subsection', 98)], block_lookup={0: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'label': 'Section header (h2)'}), 1: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Will be filled in automatically upon save.', 'required': False}), 2: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'icon': 'edit'}), 3: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('50-50', '50/50'), ('33-33-33', '33/33/33'), ('25-75', '25/75')], 'help_text': 'Choose the number and width of info unit columns.', 'label': 'Format'}), 4: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'required': False}), 5: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('h2', 'H2'), ('h3', 'H3'), ('h4', 'H4'), ('h5', 'H5')]}), 6: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Input the name of an icon to appear to the left of the heading. E.g., approved, help-round, etc. <a href="">See full list of icons</a>', 'required': False}), 7: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 4), ('level', 5), ('icon', 6)]], {'required': False}), 8: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'required': False}), 9: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': "Check this to link all images and headings to the URL of the first link in their unit's list, if there is a link.", 'required': False}), 10: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add a horizontal rule line to top of info unit group.', 'required': False}), 11: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to show horizontal rule lines between info units.', 'label': 'Show rule lines between items', 'required': False}), 12: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('none', 'None'), ('rounded', 'Rounded corners'), ('circle', 'Circle')], 'help_text': 'Adds a <em>border-radius</em> class to images in this group, allowing for a rounded or circular border.', 'label': 'Border radius for images?', 'required': False}), 13: ('wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock', (), {'required': False}), 14: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': "No character limit, but be as succinct as possible. If the image is decorative (i.e., a screenreader wouldn't have anything useful to say about it), leave this field blank.", 'required': False}), 15: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('upload', 13), ('alt', 14)]], {}), 16: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 4), ('level', 5), ('icon', 6)]], {'default': {'level': 'h3'}, 'required': False}), 17: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'blank': True, 'required': False}), 18: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Add an ARIA label if the link text does not describe the destination of the link (e.g. has ambiguous text like "Learn more" that is not descriptive on its own).', 'required': False}), 19: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'default': '/', 'required': False}), 20: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'required': False}), 21: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 4), ('aria_label', 18), ('url', 19), ('is_link_boldface', 20)]], {}), 22: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (21,), {'required': False}), 23: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('image', 15), ('heading', 16), ('body', 17), ('links', 22)]], {}), 24: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (23,), {'default': []}), 25: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('format', 3), ('heading', 7), ('intro', 8), ('link_image_and_heading', 9), ('has_top_rule_line', 10), ('lines_between_items', 11), ('border_radius_image', 12), ('info_units', 24)]], {}), 26: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'label': 'Well', 'required': False}), 27: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content', 26)]], {}), 28: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'required': True}), 29: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'required': False}), 30: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Accessible description of the chart content', 'required': True}), 31: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('bar', 'Bar'), ('datetime', 'Date/time'), ('line', 'Line'), ('tilemap', 'Tile grid map')]}), 32: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': "URL of the chart's data source or an array of JSON data", 'required': True, 'rows': 2}), 33: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'For charts pulling from a separate source file, include a list of the column headers (from a CSV file) or keys (from a JSON file) to include in the chart as  ["HEADER/KEY1", "HEADER/KEY2"]. To change how the data is labeled in the chart, include the correct labels with the format [{"key": "HEADER/KEY1", "label": "NEWLABEL"}, {"key": "HEADER/KEY2", "label": "NEWLABEL2"}]', 'required': False}), 34: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'Uncheck this option to initially only show the first data  series in the chart. Leave checked to show all data  series by default. Users can always turn data series on  or off by interacting with the chart legend. ', 'required': False}), 35: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'The column header (CSV), key or data array (JSON) to include as the source of x-axis values.', 'required': False}), 36: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': "Name the javascript function in chart-hooks.js to run on the provided data before handing it to the chart. Can also provide '___'-separated arguments to this function which are passed in as arguments 2 to n", 'required': False}), 37: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'If the chart needs the option for users to filter the data shown, for example by date or geographic region, provide the JSON objects to filter on, in the format  {key: "KEY", "label": "LABEL"}', 'required': False}), 38: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'A JSON object with style overrides for the underlying Highcharts chart. No object merging is done, nested objects should be referenced with dot notation: {"tooltip.shape": "circle"}', 'required': False}), 39: ('wagtail.blocks.IntegerBlock', (), {'blank': True, 'help_text': 'A number to determine how many months of the data are projected values', 'max_value': 12, 'min_value': 0, 'null': True, 'required': False}), 40: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Attribution for the data source', 'required': False}), 41: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'When the underlying data was published', 'required': False}), 42: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Custom text for the chart download field. Required to display a download link.', 'required': False}), 43: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Location of a file to download, if different from the data source', 'required': False}), 44: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'General chart information', 'required': False}), 45: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('title', 28), ('subtitle', 29), ('description', 30), ('figure_number', 4), ('chart_type', 31), ('data_source', 32), ('data_series', 33), ('show_all_series_by_default', 34), ('x_axis_source', 35), ('transform', 36), ('x_axis_label', 4), ('y_axis_label', 4), ('filters', 37), ('style_overrides', 38), ('projected_months', 39), ('source_credits', 40), ('date_published', 41), ('download_text', 42), ('download_file', 43), ('notes', 44)]], {}), 46: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Added as an <code>&lt;h3&gt;</code> at the top of this block. Also adds a wrapping <code>&lt;div&gt;</code> whose <code>id</code> attribute comes from a slugified version of this heading, creating an anchor that can be used when linking to this part of the page.', 'required': False}), 47: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'required': False}), 48: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add a horizontal rule line to top of expandable group.', 'required': False}), 49: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add FAQ schema markup to expandables.', 'label': 'Uses FAQ schema', 'required': False}), 50: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('paragraph', 8), ('well', 27), ('links', 21), ('info_unit_group', 25)]], {'blank': True}), 51: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('label', 4), ('icon', 4), ('is_bordered', 47), ('is_midtone', 47), ('is_expanded', 47), ('is_larger_heading', 47), ('is_expanded_padding', 47), ('content', 50)]], {}), 52: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (51,), {}), 53: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 46), ('body', 8), ('is_accordion', 47), ('has_top_rule_line', 48), ('is_faq', 49), ('expandables', 52)]], {}), 54: ('wagtail.blocks.RegexBlock', (), {'error_messages': {'invalid': 'The YouTube video ID is in the wrong format.'}, 'help_text': 'Enter the YouTube video ID, which is located at the end of the video URL, after "v=". For example, the video ID for is 1V0Ax9OIc84.', 'label': 'YouTube video ID', 'regex': '^[\\w-]{11}$', 'required': False}), 55: ('wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Optional thumbnail image to show before and after the video plays. If the thumbnail image is not set here, the video player will default to showing the thumbnail that was set in (or automatically chosen by) YouTube.', 'required': False}), 56: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('video_id', 54), ('thumbnail_image', 55)]], {}), 57: ('wagtail.blocks.RawHTMLBlock', (), {'label': 'Raw HTML block'}), 58: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add a horizontal rule line to top of FAQ group.', 'required': False}), 59: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to show horizontal rule lines between FAQ items.', 'label': 'Show rule lines between items', 'required': False}), 60: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('h2', 'h2'), ('h3', 'h3'), ('h4', 'h4'), ('p', 'p')], 'help_text': 'HTML tag for questions.'}), 61: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'blank': True, 'help_text': "Add an optional anchor link tag for this question. Tag should be unique and use dashes or underscores for separation instead of spaces (ie, 'question-one-tag')", 'max_length': 500, 'required': False}), 62: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'max_length': 500}), 63: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {}), 64: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': '\n            ID will be auto-generated on save.\n            However, you may enter some human-friendly text that\n            will be incorporated to make it easier to read.\n        ', 'label': 'ID for this content block', 'required': False}), 65: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('link_id', 64)]], {}), 66: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content_block', 63), ('anchor_link', 65)]], {}), 67: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('full', 'Full width'), (470, '470px'), (270, '270px'), (170, '170px')]}), 68: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('right', 'right'), ('left', 'left')], 'help_text': 'Does not apply if the image is full-width'}), 69: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'label': 'Caption', 'required': False}), 70: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'Check to add a horizontal rule line to bottom of inset.', 'label': 'Has bottom rule line', 'required': False}), 71: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('image', 15), ('image_width', 67), ('image_position', 68), ('text', 69), ('is_bottom_rule', 70)]], {}), 72: ('wagtail.blocks.MultipleChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('is_full_width', 'Display the table at full width'), ('stack_on_mobile', 'Stack the table columns on mobile')], 'required': False}), 73: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {}), 74: ('wagtail.blocks.FloatBlock', (), {}), 75: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'features': ['bold', 'italic', 'ol', 'ul', 'link', 'document-link', 'superscript']}), 76: ('wagtail.contrib.typed_table_block.blocks.TypedTableBlock', [[('text', 73), ('numeric', 74), ('rich_text', 75)]], {}), 77: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 7), ('text_introduction', 4), ('options', 72), ('data', 76)]], {}), 78: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {}), 79: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('body', 78), ('citation', 29)]], {}), 80: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('slug_text', 4), ('paragraph_text', 8), ('button', 21)]], {}), 81: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (21,), {}), 82: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 4), ('paragraph', 8), ('links', 81)]], {}), 83: ('v1.blocks.ReusableTextChooserBlock', ('v1.ReusableText',), {}), 84: ('v1.blocks.ReusableNotificationChooserBlock', ('v1.ReusableNotification',), {}), 85: ('v1.blocks.EmailSignUpChooserBlock', (), {}), 86: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('content', 2), ('content_with_anchor', 66), ('heading', 7), ('image', 71), ('table', 77), ('quote', 79), ('cta', 80), ('related_links', 82), ('reusable_text', 83), ('reusable_notification', 84), ('email_signup', 85), ('well', 27)]], {}), 87: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('full_width_text', 86), ('info_unit_group', 25)]], {}), 88: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('anchor_tag', 61), ('question', 62), ('answer', 87)]], {}), 89: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (88,), {'label': 'FAQ items'}), 90: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('has_top_rule_line', 58), ('lines_between_items', 59), ('question_tag', 60), ('faq_items', 89)]], {}), 91: ('filing_instruction_guide.blocks.FigDataPointsBlock', (), {}), 92: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('content', 2), ('info_unit_group', 25), ('well', 27), ('simple_chart', 45), ('expandable_group', 53), ('expandable', 51), ('video_player', 56), ('raw_html_block', 57), ('faq_group', 90), ('data_points_block', 91)]], {'block_counts': {'data_points_block': {'max_num': 1}}, 'required': False}), 93: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('header', 0), ('section_id', 1), ('content', 92)]], {}), 94: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'label': 'Subsection header (h3)'}), 95: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('content', 2), ('info_unit_group', 25), ('well', 27), ('simple_chart', 45), ('expandable_group', 53), ('expandable', 51), ('video_player', 56), ('raw_html_block', 57), ('faq_group', 90)]], {'required': False}), 96: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('header', 94), ('section_id', 1), ('content', 95)]], {}), 97: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'label': 'Level 3 subsection header (h4)'}), 98: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('header', 97), ('section_id', 1), ('content', 95)]], {})}),
+        ),
+        migrations.AlterField(
+            model_name='figcontentpage',
+            name='top_content',
+            field=wagtail.fields.StreamField([('top_content', 89)], blank=True, block_lookup={0: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'icon': 'edit'}), 1: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('50-50', '50/50'), ('33-33-33', '33/33/33'), ('25-75', '25/75')], 'help_text': 'Choose the number and width of info unit columns.', 'label': 'Format'}), 2: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'required': False}), 3: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('h2', 'H2'), ('h3', 'H3'), ('h4', 'H4'), ('h5', 'H5')]}), 4: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Input the name of an icon to appear to the left of the heading. E.g., approved, help-round, etc. <a href="">See full list of icons</a>', 'required': False}), 5: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 2), ('level', 3), ('icon', 4)]], {'required': False}), 6: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'required': False}), 7: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': "Check this to link all images and headings to the URL of the first link in their unit's list, if there is a link.", 'required': False}), 8: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add a horizontal rule line to top of info unit group.', 'required': False}), 9: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to show horizontal rule lines between info units.', 'label': 'Show rule lines between items', 'required': False}), 10: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('none', 'None'), ('rounded', 'Rounded corners'), ('circle', 'Circle')], 'help_text': 'Adds a <em>border-radius</em> class to images in this group, allowing for a rounded or circular border.', 'label': 'Border radius for images?', 'required': False}), 11: ('wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock', (), {'required': False}), 12: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': "No character limit, but be as succinct as possible. If the image is decorative (i.e., a screenreader wouldn't have anything useful to say about it), leave this field blank.", 'required': False}), 13: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('upload', 11), ('alt', 12)]], {}), 14: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 2), ('level', 3), ('icon', 4)]], {'default': {'level': 'h3'}, 'required': False}), 15: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'blank': True, 'required': False}), 16: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Add an ARIA label if the link text does not describe the destination of the link (e.g. has ambiguous text like "Learn more" that is not descriptive on its own).', 'required': False}), 17: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'default': '/', 'required': False}), 18: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'required': False}), 19: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 2), ('aria_label', 16), ('url', 17), ('is_link_boldface', 18)]], {}), 20: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (19,), {'required': False}), 21: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('image', 13), ('heading', 14), ('body', 15), ('links', 20)]], {}), 22: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (21,), {'default': []}), 23: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('format', 1), ('heading', 5), ('intro', 6), ('link_image_and_heading', 7), ('has_top_rule_line', 8), ('lines_between_items', 9), ('border_radius_image', 10), ('info_units', 22)]], {}), 24: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'label': 'Well', 'required': False}), 25: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content', 24)]], {}), 26: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'required': True}), 27: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'required': False}), 28: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Accessible description of the chart content', 'required': True}), 29: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('bar', 'Bar'), ('datetime', 'Date/time'), ('line', 'Line'), ('tilemap', 'Tile grid map')]}), 30: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': "URL of the chart's data source or an array of JSON data", 'required': True, 'rows': 2}), 31: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'For charts pulling from a separate source file, include a list of the column headers (from a CSV file) or keys (from a JSON file) to include in the chart as  ["HEADER/KEY1", "HEADER/KEY2"]. To change how the data is labeled in the chart, include the correct labels with the format [{"key": "HEADER/KEY1", "label": "NEWLABEL"}, {"key": "HEADER/KEY2", "label": "NEWLABEL2"}]', 'required': False}), 32: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'Uncheck this option to initially only show the first data  series in the chart. Leave checked to show all data  series by default. Users can always turn data series on  or off by interacting with the chart legend. ', 'required': False}), 33: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'The column header (CSV), key or data array (JSON) to include as the source of x-axis values.', 'required': False}), 34: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': "Name the javascript function in chart-hooks.js to run on the provided data before handing it to the chart. Can also provide '___'-separated arguments to this function which are passed in as arguments 2 to n", 'required': False}), 35: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'If the chart needs the option for users to filter the data shown, for example by date or geographic region, provide the JSON objects to filter on, in the format  {key: "KEY", "label": "LABEL"}', 'required': False}), 36: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'A JSON object with style overrides for the underlying Highcharts chart. No object merging is done, nested objects should be referenced with dot notation: {"tooltip.shape": "circle"}', 'required': False}), 37: ('wagtail.blocks.IntegerBlock', (), {'blank': True, 'help_text': 'A number to determine how many months of the data are projected values', 'max_value': 12, 'min_value': 0, 'null': True, 'required': False}), 38: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Attribution for the data source', 'required': False}), 39: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'When the underlying data was published', 'required': False}), 40: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Custom text for the chart download field. Required to display a download link.', 'required': False}), 41: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Location of a file to download, if different from the data source', 'required': False}), 42: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'General chart information', 'required': False}), 43: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('title', 26), ('subtitle', 27), ('description', 28), ('figure_number', 2), ('chart_type', 29), ('data_source', 30), ('data_series', 31), ('show_all_series_by_default', 32), ('x_axis_source', 33), ('transform', 34), ('x_axis_label', 2), ('y_axis_label', 2), ('filters', 35), ('style_overrides', 36), ('projected_months', 37), ('source_credits', 38), ('date_published', 39), ('download_text', 40), ('download_file', 41), ('notes', 42)]], {}), 44: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Added as an <code>&lt;h3&gt;</code> at the top of this block. Also adds a wrapping <code>&lt;div&gt;</code> whose <code>id</code> attribute comes from a slugified version of this heading, creating an anchor that can be used when linking to this part of the page.', 'required': False}), 45: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'required': False}), 46: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add a horizontal rule line to top of expandable group.', 'required': False}), 47: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add FAQ schema markup to expandables.', 'label': 'Uses FAQ schema', 'required': False}), 48: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('paragraph', 6), ('well', 25), ('links', 19), ('info_unit_group', 23)]], {'blank': True}), 49: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('label', 2), ('icon', 2), ('is_bordered', 45), ('is_midtone', 45), ('is_expanded', 45), ('is_larger_heading', 45), ('is_expanded_padding', 45), ('content', 48)]], {}), 50: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (49,), {}), 51: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 44), ('body', 6), ('is_accordion', 45), ('has_top_rule_line', 46), ('is_faq', 47), ('expandables', 50)]], {}), 52: ('wagtail.blocks.RegexBlock', (), {'error_messages': {'invalid': 'The YouTube video ID is in the wrong format.'}, 'help_text': 'Enter the YouTube video ID, which is located at the end of the video URL, after "v=". For example, the video ID for is 1V0Ax9OIc84.', 'label': 'YouTube video ID', 'regex': '^[\\w-]{11}$', 'required': False}), 53: ('wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Optional thumbnail image to show before and after the video plays. If the thumbnail image is not set here, the video player will default to showing the thumbnail that was set in (or automatically chosen by) YouTube.', 'required': False}), 54: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('video_id', 52), ('thumbnail_image', 53)]], {}), 55: ('wagtail.blocks.RawHTMLBlock', (), {'label': 'Raw HTML block'}), 56: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add a horizontal rule line to top of FAQ group.', 'required': False}), 57: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to show horizontal rule lines between FAQ items.', 'label': 'Show rule lines between items', 'required': False}), 58: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('h2', 'h2'), ('h3', 'h3'), ('h4', 'h4'), ('p', 'p')], 'help_text': 'HTML tag for questions.'}), 59: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'blank': True, 'help_text': "Add an optional anchor link tag for this question. Tag should be unique and use dashes or underscores for separation instead of spaces (ie, 'question-one-tag')", 'max_length': 500, 'required': False}), 60: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'max_length': 500}), 61: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {}), 62: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': '\n            ID will be auto-generated on save.\n            However, you may enter some human-friendly text that\n            will be incorporated to make it easier to read.\n        ', 'label': 'ID for this content block', 'required': False}), 63: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('link_id', 62)]], {}), 64: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content_block', 61), ('anchor_link', 63)]], {}), 65: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('full', 'Full width'), (470, '470px'), (270, '270px'), (170, '170px')]}), 66: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('right', 'right'), ('left', 'left')], 'help_text': 'Does not apply if the image is full-width'}), 67: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'label': 'Caption', 'required': False}), 68: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'Check to add a horizontal rule line to bottom of inset.', 'label': 'Has bottom rule line', 'required': False}), 69: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('image', 13), ('image_width', 65), ('image_position', 66), ('text', 67), ('is_bottom_rule', 68)]], {}), 70: ('wagtail.blocks.MultipleChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('is_full_width', 'Display the table at full width'), ('stack_on_mobile', 'Stack the table columns on mobile')], 'required': False}), 71: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {}), 72: ('wagtail.blocks.FloatBlock', (), {}), 73: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'features': ['bold', 'italic', 'ol', 'ul', 'link', 'document-link', 'superscript']}), 74: ('wagtail.contrib.typed_table_block.blocks.TypedTableBlock', [[('text', 71), ('numeric', 72), ('rich_text', 73)]], {}), 75: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 5), ('text_introduction', 2), ('options', 70), ('data', 74)]], {}), 76: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {}), 77: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('body', 76), ('citation', 27)]], {}), 78: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('slug_text', 2), ('paragraph_text', 6), ('button', 19)]], {}), 79: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (19,), {}), 80: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 2), ('paragraph', 6), ('links', 79)]], {}), 81: ('v1.blocks.ReusableTextChooserBlock', ('v1.ReusableText',), {}), 82: ('v1.blocks.ReusableNotificationChooserBlock', ('v1.ReusableNotification',), {}), 83: ('v1.blocks.EmailSignUpChooserBlock', (), {}), 84: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('content', 0), ('content_with_anchor', 64), ('heading', 5), ('image', 69), ('table', 75), ('quote', 77), ('cta', 78), ('related_links', 80), ('reusable_text', 81), ('reusable_notification', 82), ('email_signup', 83), ('well', 25)]], {}), 85: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('full_width_text', 84), ('info_unit_group', 23)]], {}), 86: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('anchor_tag', 59), ('question', 60), ('answer', 85)]], {}), 87: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (86,), {'label': 'FAQ items'}), 88: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('has_top_rule_line', 56), ('lines_between_items', 57), ('question_tag', 58), ('faq_items', 87)]], {}), 89: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('content', 0), ('info_unit_group', 23), ('well', 25), ('simple_chart', 43), ('expandable_group', 51), ('expandable', 49), ('video_player', 54), ('raw_html_block', 55), ('faq_group', 88)]], {'help_text': 'Content that will appear above the first FIG section', 'required': False})}),
+        ),
+        migrations.AlterField(
+            model_name='figcontentpage',
+            name='content',
+            field=wagtail.fields.StreamField([('Fig_Section', 93), ('Fig_Subsection', 96), ('Fig_Level_3_Subsection', 98)], block_lookup={0: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'label': 'Section header (h2)'}), 1: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Will be filled in automatically upon save.', 'required': False}), 2: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'icon': 'edit'}), 3: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('50-50', '50/50'), ('33-33-33', '33/33/33'), ('25-75', '25/75')], 'help_text': 'Choose the number and width of info unit columns.', 'label': 'Format'}), 4: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'required': False}), 5: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('h2', 'H2'), ('h3', 'H3'), ('h4', 'H4'), ('h5', 'H5')]}), 6: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Input the name of an icon to appear to the left of the heading. E.g., approved, help-round, etc. <a href="">See full list of icons</a>', 'required': False}), 7: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 4), ('level', 5), ('icon', 6)]], {'required': False}), 8: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'required': False}), 9: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': "Check this to link all images and headings to the URL of the first link in their unit's list, if there is a link.", 'required': False}), 10: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add a horizontal rule line to top of info unit group.', 'required': False}), 11: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to show horizontal rule lines between info units.', 'label': 'Show rule lines between items', 'required': False}), 12: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('none', 'None'), ('rounded', 'Rounded corners'), ('circle', 'Circle')], 'help_text': 'Adds a <em>border-radius</em> class to images in this group, allowing for a rounded or circular border.', 'label': 'Border radius for images?', 'required': False}), 13: ('wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock', (), {'required': False}), 14: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': "No character limit, but be as succinct as possible. If the image is decorative (i.e., a screenreader wouldn't have anything useful to say about it), leave this field blank.", 'required': False}), 15: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('upload', 13), ('alt', 14)]], {}), 16: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 4), ('level', 5), ('icon', 6)]], {'default': {'level': 'h3'}, 'required': False}), 17: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'blank': True, 'required': False}), 18: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Add an ARIA label if the link text does not describe the destination of the link (e.g. has ambiguous text like "Learn more" that is not descriptive on its own).', 'required': False}), 19: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'default': '/', 'required': False}), 20: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'required': False}), 21: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 4), ('aria_label', 18), ('url', 19), ('is_link_boldface', 20)]], {}), 22: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (21,), {'required': False}), 23: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('image', 15), ('heading', 16), ('body', 17), ('links', 22)]], {}), 24: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (23,), {'default': []}), 25: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('format', 3), ('heading', 7), ('intro', 8), ('link_image_and_heading', 9), ('has_top_rule_line', 10), ('lines_between_items', 11), ('border_radius_image', 12), ('info_units', 24)]], {}), 26: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'label': 'Well', 'required': False}), 27: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content', 26)]], {}), 28: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'required': True}), 29: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'required': False}), 30: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Accessible description of the chart content', 'required': True}), 31: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('bar', 'Bar'), ('datetime', 'Date/time'), ('line', 'Line'), ('tilemap', 'Tile grid map')]}), 32: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': "URL of the chart's data source or an array of JSON data", 'required': True, 'rows': 2}), 33: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'For charts pulling from a separate source file, include a list of the column headers (from a CSV file) or keys (from a JSON file) to include in the chart as  ["HEADER/KEY1", "HEADER/KEY2"]. To change how the data is labeled in the chart, include the correct labels with the format [{"key": "HEADER/KEY1", "label": "NEWLABEL"}, {"key": "HEADER/KEY2", "label": "NEWLABEL2"}]', 'required': False}), 34: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'Uncheck this option to initially only show the first data  series in the chart. Leave checked to show all data  series by default. Users can always turn data series on  or off by interacting with the chart legend. ', 'required': False}), 35: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'The column header (CSV), key or data array (JSON) to include as the source of x-axis values.', 'required': False}), 36: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': "Name the javascript function in chart-hooks.js to run on the provided data before handing it to the chart. Can also provide '___'-separated arguments to this function which are passed in as arguments 2 to n", 'required': False}), 37: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'If the chart needs the option for users to filter the data shown, for example by date or geographic region, provide the JSON objects to filter on, in the format  {key: "KEY", "label": "LABEL"}', 'required': False}), 38: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'A JSON object with style overrides for the underlying Highcharts chart. No object merging is done, nested objects should be referenced with dot notation: {"tooltip.shape": "circle"}', 'required': False}), 39: ('wagtail.blocks.IntegerBlock', (), {'blank': True, 'help_text': 'A number to determine how many months of the data are projected values', 'max_value': 12, 'min_value': 0, 'null': True, 'required': False}), 40: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Attribution for the data source', 'required': False}), 41: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'When the underlying data was published', 'required': False}), 42: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Custom text for the chart download field. Required to display a download link.', 'required': False}), 43: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Location of a file to download, if different from the data source', 'required': False}), 44: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'General chart information', 'required': False}), 45: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('title', 28), ('subtitle', 29), ('description', 30), ('figure_number', 4), ('chart_type', 31), ('data_source', 32), ('data_series', 33), ('show_all_series_by_default', 34), ('x_axis_source', 35), ('transform', 36), ('x_axis_label', 4), ('y_axis_label', 4), ('filters', 37), ('style_overrides', 38), ('projected_months', 39), ('source_credits', 40), ('date_published', 41), ('download_text', 42), ('download_file', 43), ('notes', 44)]], {}), 46: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Added as an <code>&lt;h3&gt;</code> at the top of this block. Also adds a wrapping <code>&lt;div&gt;</code> whose <code>id</code> attribute comes from a slugified version of this heading, creating an anchor that can be used when linking to this part of the page.', 'required': False}), 47: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'required': False}), 48: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add a horizontal rule line to top of expandable group.', 'required': False}), 49: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add FAQ schema markup to expandables.', 'label': 'Uses FAQ schema', 'required': False}), 50: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('paragraph', 8), ('well', 27), ('links', 21), ('info_unit_group', 25)]], {'blank': True}), 51: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('label', 4), ('icon', 4), ('is_bordered', 47), ('is_midtone', 47), ('is_expanded', 47), ('is_expanded_padding', 47), ('content', 50)]], {}), 52: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (51,), {}), 53: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 46), ('body', 8), ('is_accordion', 47), ('has_top_rule_line', 48), ('is_faq', 49), ('expandables', 52)]], {}), 54: ('wagtail.blocks.RegexBlock', (), {'error_messages': {'invalid': 'The YouTube video ID is in the wrong format.'}, 'help_text': 'Enter the YouTube video ID, which is located at the end of the video URL, after "v=". For example, the video ID for is 1V0Ax9OIc84.', 'label': 'YouTube video ID', 'regex': '^[\\w-]{11}$', 'required': False}), 55: ('wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Optional thumbnail image to show before and after the video plays. If the thumbnail image is not set here, the video player will default to showing the thumbnail that was set in (or automatically chosen by) YouTube.', 'required': False}), 56: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('video_id', 54), ('thumbnail_image', 55)]], {}), 57: ('wagtail.blocks.RawHTMLBlock', (), {'label': 'Raw HTML block'}), 58: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add a horizontal rule line to top of FAQ group.', 'required': False}), 59: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to show horizontal rule lines between FAQ items.', 'label': 'Show rule lines between items', 'required': False}), 60: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('h2', 'h2'), ('h3', 'h3'), ('h4', 'h4'), ('p', 'p')], 'help_text': 'HTML tag for questions.'}), 61: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'blank': True, 'help_text': "Add an optional anchor link tag for this question. Tag should be unique and use dashes or underscores for separation instead of spaces (ie, 'question-one-tag')", 'max_length': 500, 'required': False}), 62: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'max_length': 500}), 63: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {}), 64: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': '\n            ID will be auto-generated on save.\n            However, you may enter some human-friendly text that\n            will be incorporated to make it easier to read.\n        ', 'label': 'ID for this content block', 'required': False}), 65: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('link_id', 64)]], {}), 66: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content_block', 63), ('anchor_link', 65)]], {}), 67: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('full', 'Full width'), (470, '470px'), (270, '270px'), (170, '170px')]}), 68: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('right', 'right'), ('left', 'left')], 'help_text': 'Does not apply if the image is full-width'}), 69: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'label': 'Caption', 'required': False}), 70: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'Check to add a horizontal rule line to bottom of inset.', 'label': 'Has bottom rule line', 'required': False}), 71: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('image', 15), ('image_width', 67), ('image_position', 68), ('text', 69), ('is_bottom_rule', 70)]], {}), 72: ('wagtail.blocks.MultipleChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('is_full_width', 'Display the table at full width'), ('stack_on_mobile', 'Stack the table columns on mobile')], 'required': False}), 73: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {}), 74: ('wagtail.blocks.FloatBlock', (), {}), 75: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'features': ['bold', 'italic', 'ol', 'ul', 'link', 'document-link', 'superscript']}), 76: ('wagtail.contrib.typed_table_block.blocks.TypedTableBlock', [[('text', 73), ('numeric', 74), ('rich_text', 75)]], {}), 77: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 7), ('text_introduction', 4), ('options', 72), ('data', 76)]], {}), 78: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {}), 79: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('body', 78), ('citation', 29)]], {}), 80: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('slug_text', 4), ('paragraph_text', 8), ('button', 21)]], {}), 81: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (21,), {}), 82: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 4), ('paragraph', 8), ('links', 81)]], {}), 83: ('v1.blocks.ReusableTextChooserBlock', ('v1.ReusableText',), {}), 84: ('v1.blocks.ReusableNotificationChooserBlock', ('v1.ReusableNotification',), {}), 85: ('v1.blocks.EmailSignUpChooserBlock', (), {}), 86: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('content', 2), ('content_with_anchor', 66), ('heading', 7), ('image', 71), ('table', 77), ('quote', 79), ('cta', 80), ('related_links', 82), ('reusable_text', 83), ('reusable_notification', 84), ('email_signup', 85), ('well', 27)]], {}), 87: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('full_width_text', 86), ('info_unit_group', 25)]], {}), 88: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('anchor_tag', 61), ('question', 62), ('answer', 87)]], {}), 89: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (88,), {'label': 'FAQ items'}), 90: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('has_top_rule_line', 58), ('lines_between_items', 59), ('question_tag', 60), ('faq_items', 89)]], {}), 91: ('filing_instruction_guide.blocks.FigDataPointsBlock', (), {}), 92: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('content', 2), ('info_unit_group', 25), ('well', 27), ('simple_chart', 45), ('expandable_group', 53), ('expandable', 51), ('video_player', 56), ('raw_html_block', 57), ('faq_group', 90), ('data_points_block', 91)]], {'block_counts': {'data_points_block': {'max_num': 1}}, 'required': False}), 93: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('header', 0), ('section_id', 1), ('content', 92)]], {}), 94: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'label': 'Subsection header (h3)'}), 95: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('content', 2), ('info_unit_group', 25), ('well', 27), ('simple_chart', 45), ('expandable_group', 53), ('expandable', 51), ('video_player', 56), ('raw_html_block', 57), ('faq_group', 90)]], {'required': False}), 96: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('header', 94), ('section_id', 1), ('content', 95)]], {}), 97: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'label': 'Level 3 subsection header (h4)'}), 98: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('header', 97), ('section_id', 1), ('content', 95)]], {})}),
+        ),
+        migrations.AlterField(
+            model_name='figcontentpage',
+            name='top_content',
+            field=wagtail.fields.StreamField([('top_content', 89)], blank=True, block_lookup={0: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'icon': 'edit'}), 1: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('50-50', '50/50'), ('33-33-33', '33/33/33'), ('25-75', '25/75')], 'help_text': 'Choose the number and width of info unit columns.', 'label': 'Format'}), 2: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'required': False}), 3: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('h2', 'H2'), ('h3', 'H3'), ('h4', 'H4'), ('h5', 'H5')]}), 4: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Input the name of an icon to appear to the left of the heading. E.g., approved, help-round, etc. <a href="">See full list of icons</a>', 'required': False}), 5: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 2), ('level', 3), ('icon', 4)]], {'required': False}), 6: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'required': False}), 7: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': "Check this to link all images and headings to the URL of the first link in their unit's list, if there is a link.", 'required': False}), 8: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add a horizontal rule line to top of info unit group.', 'required': False}), 9: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to show horizontal rule lines between info units.', 'label': 'Show rule lines between items', 'required': False}), 10: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('none', 'None'), ('rounded', 'Rounded corners'), ('circle', 'Circle')], 'help_text': 'Adds a <em>border-radius</em> class to images in this group, allowing for a rounded or circular border.', 'label': 'Border radius for images?', 'required': False}), 11: ('wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock', (), {'required': False}), 12: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': "No character limit, but be as succinct as possible. If the image is decorative (i.e., a screenreader wouldn't have anything useful to say about it), leave this field blank.", 'required': False}), 13: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('upload', 11), ('alt', 12)]], {}), 14: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 2), ('level', 3), ('icon', 4)]], {'default': {'level': 'h3'}, 'required': False}), 15: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'blank': True, 'required': False}), 16: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Add an ARIA label if the link text does not describe the destination of the link (e.g. has ambiguous text like "Learn more" that is not descriptive on its own).', 'required': False}), 17: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'default': '/', 'required': False}), 18: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'required': False}), 19: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 2), ('aria_label', 16), ('url', 17), ('is_link_boldface', 18)]], {}), 20: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (19,), {'required': False}), 21: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('image', 13), ('heading', 14), ('body', 15), ('links', 20)]], {}), 22: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (21,), {'default': []}), 23: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('format', 1), ('heading', 5), ('intro', 6), ('link_image_and_heading', 7), ('has_top_rule_line', 8), ('lines_between_items', 9), ('border_radius_image', 10), ('info_units', 22)]], {}), 24: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'label': 'Well', 'required': False}), 25: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content', 24)]], {}), 26: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'required': True}), 27: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'required': False}), 28: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Accessible description of the chart content', 'required': True}), 29: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('bar', 'Bar'), ('datetime', 'Date/time'), ('line', 'Line'), ('tilemap', 'Tile grid map')]}), 30: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': "URL of the chart's data source or an array of JSON data", 'required': True, 'rows': 2}), 31: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'For charts pulling from a separate source file, include a list of the column headers (from a CSV file) or keys (from a JSON file) to include in the chart as  ["HEADER/KEY1", "HEADER/KEY2"]. To change how the data is labeled in the chart, include the correct labels with the format [{"key": "HEADER/KEY1", "label": "NEWLABEL"}, {"key": "HEADER/KEY2", "label": "NEWLABEL2"}]', 'required': False}), 32: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'Uncheck this option to initially only show the first data  series in the chart. Leave checked to show all data  series by default. Users can always turn data series on  or off by interacting with the chart legend. ', 'required': False}), 33: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'The column header (CSV), key or data array (JSON) to include as the source of x-axis values.', 'required': False}), 34: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': "Name the javascript function in chart-hooks.js to run on the provided data before handing it to the chart. Can also provide '___'-separated arguments to this function which are passed in as arguments 2 to n", 'required': False}), 35: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'If the chart needs the option for users to filter the data shown, for example by date or geographic region, provide the JSON objects to filter on, in the format  {key: "KEY", "label": "LABEL"}', 'required': False}), 36: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'A JSON object with style overrides for the underlying Highcharts chart. No object merging is done, nested objects should be referenced with dot notation: {"tooltip.shape": "circle"}', 'required': False}), 37: ('wagtail.blocks.IntegerBlock', (), {'blank': True, 'help_text': 'A number to determine how many months of the data are projected values', 'max_value': 12, 'min_value': 0, 'null': True, 'required': False}), 38: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Attribution for the data source', 'required': False}), 39: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'When the underlying data was published', 'required': False}), 40: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Custom text for the chart download field. Required to display a download link.', 'required': False}), 41: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Location of a file to download, if different from the data source', 'required': False}), 42: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'General chart information', 'required': False}), 43: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('title', 26), ('subtitle', 27), ('description', 28), ('figure_number', 2), ('chart_type', 29), ('data_source', 30), ('data_series', 31), ('show_all_series_by_default', 32), ('x_axis_source', 33), ('transform', 34), ('x_axis_label', 2), ('y_axis_label', 2), ('filters', 35), ('style_overrides', 36), ('projected_months', 37), ('source_credits', 38), ('date_published', 39), ('download_text', 40), ('download_file', 41), ('notes', 42)]], {}), 44: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Added as an <code>&lt;h3&gt;</code> at the top of this block. Also adds a wrapping <code>&lt;div&gt;</code> whose <code>id</code> attribute comes from a slugified version of this heading, creating an anchor that can be used when linking to this part of the page.', 'required': False}), 45: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'required': False}), 46: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add a horizontal rule line to top of expandable group.', 'required': False}), 47: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add FAQ schema markup to expandables.', 'label': 'Uses FAQ schema', 'required': False}), 48: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('paragraph', 6), ('well', 25), ('links', 19), ('info_unit_group', 23)]], {'blank': True}), 49: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('label', 2), ('icon', 2), ('is_bordered', 45), ('is_midtone', 45), ('is_expanded', 45), ('is_expanded_padding', 45), ('content', 48)]], {}), 50: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (49,), {}), 51: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 44), ('body', 6), ('is_accordion', 45), ('has_top_rule_line', 46), ('is_faq', 47), ('expandables', 50)]], {}), 52: ('wagtail.blocks.RegexBlock', (), {'error_messages': {'invalid': 'The YouTube video ID is in the wrong format.'}, 'help_text': 'Enter the YouTube video ID, which is located at the end of the video URL, after "v=". For example, the video ID for is 1V0Ax9OIc84.', 'label': 'YouTube video ID', 'regex': '^[\\w-]{11}$', 'required': False}), 53: ('wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Optional thumbnail image to show before and after the video plays. If the thumbnail image is not set here, the video player will default to showing the thumbnail that was set in (or automatically chosen by) YouTube.', 'required': False}), 54: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('video_id', 52), ('thumbnail_image', 53)]], {}), 55: ('wagtail.blocks.RawHTMLBlock', (), {'label': 'Raw HTML block'}), 56: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add a horizontal rule line to top of FAQ group.', 'required': False}), 57: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to show horizontal rule lines between FAQ items.', 'label': 'Show rule lines between items', 'required': False}), 58: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('h2', 'h2'), ('h3', 'h3'), ('h4', 'h4'), ('p', 'p')], 'help_text': 'HTML tag for questions.'}), 59: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'blank': True, 'help_text': "Add an optional anchor link tag for this question. Tag should be unique and use dashes or underscores for separation instead of spaces (ie, 'question-one-tag')", 'max_length': 500, 'required': False}), 60: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'max_length': 500}), 61: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {}), 62: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': '\n            ID will be auto-generated on save.\n            However, you may enter some human-friendly text that\n            will be incorporated to make it easier to read.\n        ', 'label': 'ID for this content block', 'required': False}), 63: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('link_id', 62)]], {}), 64: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content_block', 61), ('anchor_link', 63)]], {}), 65: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('full', 'Full width'), (470, '470px'), (270, '270px'), (170, '170px')]}), 66: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('right', 'right'), ('left', 'left')], 'help_text': 'Does not apply if the image is full-width'}), 67: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'label': 'Caption', 'required': False}), 68: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'Check to add a horizontal rule line to bottom of inset.', 'label': 'Has bottom rule line', 'required': False}), 69: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('image', 13), ('image_width', 65), ('image_position', 66), ('text', 67), ('is_bottom_rule', 68)]], {}), 70: ('wagtail.blocks.MultipleChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('is_full_width', 'Display the table at full width'), ('stack_on_mobile', 'Stack the table columns on mobile')], 'required': False}), 71: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {}), 72: ('wagtail.blocks.FloatBlock', (), {}), 73: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'features': ['bold', 'italic', 'ol', 'ul', 'link', 'document-link', 'superscript']}), 74: ('wagtail.contrib.typed_table_block.blocks.TypedTableBlock', [[('text', 71), ('numeric', 72), ('rich_text', 73)]], {}), 75: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 5), ('text_introduction', 2), ('options', 70), ('data', 74)]], {}), 76: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {}), 77: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('body', 76), ('citation', 27)]], {}), 78: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('slug_text', 2), ('paragraph_text', 6), ('button', 19)]], {}), 79: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (19,), {}), 80: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 2), ('paragraph', 6), ('links', 79)]], {}), 81: ('v1.blocks.ReusableTextChooserBlock', ('v1.ReusableText',), {}), 82: ('v1.blocks.ReusableNotificationChooserBlock', ('v1.ReusableNotification',), {}), 83: ('v1.blocks.EmailSignUpChooserBlock', (), {}), 84: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('content', 0), ('content_with_anchor', 64), ('heading', 5), ('image', 69), ('table', 75), ('quote', 77), ('cta', 78), ('related_links', 80), ('reusable_text', 81), ('reusable_notification', 82), ('email_signup', 83), ('well', 25)]], {}), 85: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('full_width_text', 84), ('info_unit_group', 23)]], {}), 86: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('anchor_tag', 59), ('question', 60), ('answer', 85)]], {}), 87: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (86,), {'label': 'FAQ items'}), 88: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('has_top_rule_line', 56), ('lines_between_items', 57), ('question_tag', 58), ('faq_items', 87)]], {}), 89: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('content', 0), ('info_unit_group', 23), ('well', 25), ('simple_chart', 43), ('expandable_group', 51), ('expandable', 49), ('video_player', 54), ('raw_html_block', 55), ('faq_group', 88)]], {'help_text': 'Content that will appear above the first FIG section', 'required': False})}),
+        ),
+        migrations.AlterField(
+            model_name='figcontentpage',
+            name='content',
+            field=wagtail.fields.StreamField([('Fig_Section', 98), ('Fig_Subsection', 101), ('Fig_Level_3_Subsection', 103)], block_lookup={0: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'label': 'Section header (h2)'}), 1: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Will be filled in automatically upon save.', 'required': False}), 2: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'icon': 'edit'}), 3: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('50-50', '50/50'), ('33-33-33', '33/33/33'), ('25-75', '25/75')], 'help_text': 'Choose the number and width of info unit columns.', 'label': 'Format'}), 4: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'required': False}), 5: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('h2', 'H2'), ('h3', 'H3'), ('h4', 'H4'), ('h5', 'H5')]}), 6: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Input the name of an icon to appear to the left of the heading. E.g., approved, help-round, etc. <a href="">See full list of icons</a>', 'required': False}), 7: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 4), ('level', 5), ('icon', 6)]], {'required': False}), 8: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'required': False}), 9: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': "Check this to link all images and headings to the URL of the first link in their unit's list, if there is a link.", 'required': False}), 10: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add a horizontal rule line to top of info unit group.', 'required': False}), 11: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to show horizontal rule lines between info units.', 'label': 'Show rule lines between items', 'required': False}), 12: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('none', 'None'), ('rounded', 'Rounded corners'), ('circle', 'Circle')], 'help_text': 'Adds a <em>border-radius</em> class to images in this group, allowing for a rounded or circular border.', 'label': 'Border radius for images?', 'required': False}), 13: ('wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock', (), {'required': False}), 14: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': "No character limit, but be as succinct as possible. If the image is decorative (i.e., a screenreader wouldn't have anything useful to say about it), leave this field blank.", 'required': False}), 15: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('upload', 13), ('alt', 14)]], {}), 16: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 4), ('level', 5), ('icon', 6)]], {'default': {'level': 'h3'}, 'required': False}), 17: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'blank': True, 'required': False}), 18: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Add an ARIA label if the link text does not describe the destination of the link (e.g. has ambiguous text like "Learn more" that is not descriptive on its own).', 'required': False}), 19: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'default': '/', 'required': False}), 20: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'required': False}), 21: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 4), ('aria_label', 18), ('url', 19), ('is_link_boldface', 20)]], {}), 22: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (21,), {'required': False}), 23: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('image', 15), ('heading', 16), ('body', 17), ('links', 22)]], {}), 24: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (23,), {'default': []}), 25: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('format', 3), ('heading', 7), ('intro', 8), ('link_image_and_heading', 9), ('has_top_rule_line', 10), ('lines_between_items', 11), ('border_radius_image', 12), ('info_units', 24)]], {}), 26: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'label': 'Well', 'required': False}), 27: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content', 26)]], {}), 28: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'required': True}), 29: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'required': False}), 30: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Accessible description of the chart content', 'required': True}), 31: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('bar', 'Bar'), ('datetime', 'Date/time'), ('line', 'Line'), ('tilemap', 'Tile grid map')]}), 32: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': "URL of the chart's data source or an array of JSON data", 'required': True, 'rows': 2}), 33: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'For charts pulling from a separate source file, include a list of the column headers (from a CSV file) or keys (from a JSON file) to include in the chart as  ["HEADER/KEY1", "HEADER/KEY2"]. To change how the data is labeled in the chart, include the correct labels with the format [{"key": "HEADER/KEY1", "label": "NEWLABEL"}, {"key": "HEADER/KEY2", "label": "NEWLABEL2"}]', 'required': False}), 34: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'Uncheck this option to initially only show the first data  series in the chart. Leave checked to show all data  series by default. Users can always turn data series on  or off by interacting with the chart legend. ', 'required': False}), 35: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'The column header (CSV), key or data array (JSON) to include as the source of x-axis values.', 'required': False}), 36: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': "Name the javascript function in chart-hooks.js to run on the provided data before handing it to the chart. Can also provide '___'-separated arguments to this function which are passed in as arguments 2 to n", 'required': False}), 37: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'If the chart needs the option for users to filter the data shown, for example by date or geographic region, provide the JSON objects to filter on, in the format  {key: "KEY", "label": "LABEL"}', 'required': False}), 38: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'A JSON object with style overrides for the underlying Highcharts chart. No object merging is done, nested objects should be referenced with dot notation: {"tooltip.shape": "circle"}', 'required': False}), 39: ('wagtail.blocks.IntegerBlock', (), {'blank': True, 'help_text': 'A number to determine how many months of the data are projected values', 'max_value': 12, 'min_value': 0, 'null': True, 'required': False}), 40: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Attribution for the data source', 'required': False}), 41: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'When the underlying data was published', 'required': False}), 42: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Custom text for the chart download field. Required to display a download link.', 'required': False}), 43: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Location of a file to download, if different from the data source', 'required': False}), 44: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'General chart information', 'required': False}), 45: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('title', 28), ('subtitle', 29), ('description', 30), ('figure_number', 4), ('chart_type', 31), ('data_source', 32), ('data_series', 33), ('show_all_series_by_default', 34), ('x_axis_source', 35), ('transform', 36), ('x_axis_label', 4), ('y_axis_label', 4), ('filters', 37), ('style_overrides', 38), ('projected_months', 39), ('source_credits', 40), ('date_published', 41), ('download_text', 42), ('download_file', 43), ('notes', 44)]], {}), 46: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Added as an <code>&lt;h3&gt;</code> at the top of this block. Also adds a wrapping <code>&lt;div&gt;</code> whose <code>id</code> attribute comes from a slugified version of this heading, creating an anchor that can be used when linking to this part of the page.', 'required': False}), 47: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'required': False}), 48: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add a horizontal rule line to top of expandable group.', 'required': False}), 49: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add FAQ schema markup to expandables.', 'label': 'Uses FAQ schema', 'required': False}), 50: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('paragraph', 8), ('well', 27), ('links', 21), ('info_unit_group', 25)]], {'blank': True}), 51: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('label', 4), ('icon', 4), ('is_bordered', 47), ('is_midtone', 47), ('is_expanded', 47), ('is_expanded_padding', 47), ('content', 50)]], {}), 52: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (51,), {}), 53: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 46), ('body', 8), ('is_accordion', 47), ('has_top_rule_line', 48), ('is_faq', 49), ('expandables', 52)]], {}), 54: ('wagtail.blocks.RegexBlock', (), {'error_messages': {'invalid': 'The YouTube video ID is in the wrong format.'}, 'help_text': 'Enter the YouTube video ID, which is located at the end of the video URL, after "v=". For example, the video ID for is 1V0Ax9OIc84.', 'label': 'YouTube video ID', 'regex': '^[\\w-]{11}$', 'required': False}), 55: ('wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Optional thumbnail image to show before and after the video plays. If the thumbnail image is not set here, the video player will default to showing the thumbnail that was set in (or automatically chosen by) YouTube.', 'required': False}), 56: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('video_id', 54), ('thumbnail_image', 55)]], {}), 57: ('wagtail.blocks.RawHTMLBlock', (), {'label': 'Raw HTML block'}), 58: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('information', 'Information'), ('warning', 'Warning')]}), 59: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'The main notification message to display.', 'required': True}), 60: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Explanation text appears below the message in smaller type.', 'required': False}), 61: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (21,), {'help_text': 'Links appear on their own lines below the explanation.', 'required': False}), 62: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('type', 58), ('message', 59), ('explanation', 60), ('links', 61)]], {}), 63: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add a horizontal rule line to top of FAQ group.', 'required': False}), 64: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to show horizontal rule lines between FAQ items.', 'label': 'Show rule lines between items', 'required': False}), 65: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('h2', 'h2'), ('h3', 'h3'), ('h4', 'h4'), ('p', 'p')], 'help_text': 'HTML tag for questions.'}), 66: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'blank': True, 'help_text': "Add an optional anchor link tag for this question. Tag should be unique and use dashes or underscores for separation instead of spaces (ie, 'question-one-tag')", 'max_length': 500, 'required': False}), 67: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'max_length': 500}), 68: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {}), 69: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': '\n            ID will be auto-generated on save.\n            However, you may enter some human-friendly text that\n            will be incorporated to make it easier to read.\n        ', 'label': 'ID for this content block', 'required': False}), 70: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('link_id', 69)]], {}), 71: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content_block', 68), ('anchor_link', 70)]], {}), 72: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('full', 'Full width'), (470, '470px'), (270, '270px'), (170, '170px')]}), 73: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('right', 'right'), ('left', 'left')], 'help_text': 'Does not apply if the image is full-width'}), 74: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'label': 'Caption', 'required': False}), 75: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'Check to add a horizontal rule line to bottom of inset.', 'label': 'Has bottom rule line', 'required': False}), 76: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('image', 15), ('image_width', 72), ('image_position', 73), ('text', 74), ('is_bottom_rule', 75)]], {}), 77: ('wagtail.blocks.MultipleChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('is_full_width', 'Display the table at full width'), ('stack_on_mobile', 'Stack the table columns on mobile')], 'required': False}), 78: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {}), 79: ('wagtail.blocks.FloatBlock', (), {}), 80: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'features': ['bold', 'italic', 'ol', 'ul', 'link', 'document-link', 'superscript']}), 81: ('wagtail.contrib.typed_table_block.blocks.TypedTableBlock', [[('text', 78), ('numeric', 79), ('rich_text', 80)]], {}), 82: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 7), ('text_introduction', 4), ('options', 77), ('data', 81)]], {}), 83: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {}), 84: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('body', 83), ('citation', 29)]], {}), 85: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('slug_text', 4), ('paragraph_text', 8), ('button', 21)]], {}), 86: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (21,), {}), 87: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 4), ('paragraph', 8), ('links', 86)]], {}), 88: ('v1.blocks.ReusableTextChooserBlock', ('v1.ReusableText',), {}), 89: ('v1.blocks.ReusableNotificationChooserBlock', ('v1.ReusableNotification',), {}), 90: ('v1.blocks.EmailSignUpChooserBlock', (), {}), 91: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('content', 2), ('content_with_anchor', 71), ('heading', 7), ('image', 76), ('table', 82), ('quote', 84), ('cta', 85), ('related_links', 87), ('reusable_text', 88), ('reusable_notification', 89), ('email_signup', 90), ('well', 27)]], {}), 92: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('full_width_text', 91), ('info_unit_group', 25)]], {}), 93: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('anchor_tag', 66), ('question', 67), ('answer', 92)]], {}), 94: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (93,), {'label': 'FAQ items'}), 95: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('has_top_rule_line', 63), ('lines_between_items', 64), ('question_tag', 65), ('faq_items', 94)]], {}), 96: ('filing_instruction_guide.blocks.FigDataPointsBlock', (), {}), 97: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('content', 2), ('info_unit_group', 25), ('well', 27), ('simple_chart', 45), ('expandable_group', 53), ('expandable', 51), ('video_player', 56), ('raw_html_block', 57), ('notification', 62), ('faq_group', 95), ('data_points_block', 96)]], {'block_counts': {'data_points_block': {'max_num': 1}}, 'required': False}), 98: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('header', 0), ('section_id', 1), ('content', 97)]], {}), 99: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'label': 'Subsection header (h3)'}), 100: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('content', 2), ('info_unit_group', 25), ('well', 27), ('simple_chart', 45), ('expandable_group', 53), ('expandable', 51), ('video_player', 56), ('raw_html_block', 57), ('notification', 62), ('faq_group', 95)]], {'required': False}), 101: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('header', 99), ('section_id', 1), ('content', 100)]], {}), 102: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'label': 'Level 3 subsection header (h4)'}), 103: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('header', 102), ('section_id', 1), ('content', 100)]], {})}),
+        ),
+        migrations.AlterField(
+            model_name='figcontentpage',
+            name='top_content',
+            field=wagtail.fields.StreamField([('top_content', 94)], blank=True, block_lookup={0: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'icon': 'edit'}), 1: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('50-50', '50/50'), ('33-33-33', '33/33/33'), ('25-75', '25/75')], 'help_text': 'Choose the number and width of info unit columns.', 'label': 'Format'}), 2: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'required': False}), 3: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('h2', 'H2'), ('h3', 'H3'), ('h4', 'H4'), ('h5', 'H5')]}), 4: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Input the name of an icon to appear to the left of the heading. E.g., approved, help-round, etc. <a href="">See full list of icons</a>', 'required': False}), 5: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 2), ('level', 3), ('icon', 4)]], {'required': False}), 6: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'required': False}), 7: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': "Check this to link all images and headings to the URL of the first link in their unit's list, if there is a link.", 'required': False}), 8: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add a horizontal rule line to top of info unit group.', 'required': False}), 9: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to show horizontal rule lines between info units.', 'label': 'Show rule lines between items', 'required': False}), 10: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('none', 'None'), ('rounded', 'Rounded corners'), ('circle', 'Circle')], 'help_text': 'Adds a <em>border-radius</em> class to images in this group, allowing for a rounded or circular border.', 'label': 'Border radius for images?', 'required': False}), 11: ('wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock', (), {'required': False}), 12: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': "No character limit, but be as succinct as possible. If the image is decorative (i.e., a screenreader wouldn't have anything useful to say about it), leave this field blank.", 'required': False}), 13: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('upload', 11), ('alt', 12)]], {}), 14: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 2), ('level', 3), ('icon', 4)]], {'default': {'level': 'h3'}, 'required': False}), 15: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'blank': True, 'required': False}), 16: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Add an ARIA label if the link text does not describe the destination of the link (e.g. has ambiguous text like "Learn more" that is not descriptive on its own).', 'required': False}), 17: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'default': '/', 'required': False}), 18: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'required': False}), 19: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 2), ('aria_label', 16), ('url', 17), ('is_link_boldface', 18)]], {}), 20: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (19,), {'required': False}), 21: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('image', 13), ('heading', 14), ('body', 15), ('links', 20)]], {}), 22: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (21,), {'default': []}), 23: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('format', 1), ('heading', 5), ('intro', 6), ('link_image_and_heading', 7), ('has_top_rule_line', 8), ('lines_between_items', 9), ('border_radius_image', 10), ('info_units', 22)]], {}), 24: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'label': 'Well', 'required': False}), 25: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content', 24)]], {}), 26: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'required': True}), 27: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'required': False}), 28: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Accessible description of the chart content', 'required': True}), 29: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('bar', 'Bar'), ('datetime', 'Date/time'), ('line', 'Line'), ('tilemap', 'Tile grid map')]}), 30: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': "URL of the chart's data source or an array of JSON data", 'required': True, 'rows': 2}), 31: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'For charts pulling from a separate source file, include a list of the column headers (from a CSV file) or keys (from a JSON file) to include in the chart as  ["HEADER/KEY1", "HEADER/KEY2"]. To change how the data is labeled in the chart, include the correct labels with the format [{"key": "HEADER/KEY1", "label": "NEWLABEL"}, {"key": "HEADER/KEY2", "label": "NEWLABEL2"}]', 'required': False}), 32: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'Uncheck this option to initially only show the first data  series in the chart. Leave checked to show all data  series by default. Users can always turn data series on  or off by interacting with the chart legend. ', 'required': False}), 33: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'The column header (CSV), key or data array (JSON) to include as the source of x-axis values.', 'required': False}), 34: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': "Name the javascript function in chart-hooks.js to run on the provided data before handing it to the chart. Can also provide '___'-separated arguments to this function which are passed in as arguments 2 to n", 'required': False}), 35: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'If the chart needs the option for users to filter the data shown, for example by date or geographic region, provide the JSON objects to filter on, in the format  {key: "KEY", "label": "LABEL"}', 'required': False}), 36: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'A JSON object with style overrides for the underlying Highcharts chart. No object merging is done, nested objects should be referenced with dot notation: {"tooltip.shape": "circle"}', 'required': False}), 37: ('wagtail.blocks.IntegerBlock', (), {'blank': True, 'help_text': 'A number to determine how many months of the data are projected values', 'max_value': 12, 'min_value': 0, 'null': True, 'required': False}), 38: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Attribution for the data source', 'required': False}), 39: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'When the underlying data was published', 'required': False}), 40: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Custom text for the chart download field. Required to display a download link.', 'required': False}), 41: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Location of a file to download, if different from the data source', 'required': False}), 42: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'General chart information', 'required': False}), 43: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('title', 26), ('subtitle', 27), ('description', 28), ('figure_number', 2), ('chart_type', 29), ('data_source', 30), ('data_series', 31), ('show_all_series_by_default', 32), ('x_axis_source', 33), ('transform', 34), ('x_axis_label', 2), ('y_axis_label', 2), ('filters', 35), ('style_overrides', 36), ('projected_months', 37), ('source_credits', 38), ('date_published', 39), ('download_text', 40), ('download_file', 41), ('notes', 42)]], {}), 44: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Added as an <code>&lt;h3&gt;</code> at the top of this block. Also adds a wrapping <code>&lt;div&gt;</code> whose <code>id</code> attribute comes from a slugified version of this heading, creating an anchor that can be used when linking to this part of the page.', 'required': False}), 45: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'required': False}), 46: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add a horizontal rule line to top of expandable group.', 'required': False}), 47: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add FAQ schema markup to expandables.', 'label': 'Uses FAQ schema', 'required': False}), 48: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('paragraph', 6), ('well', 25), ('links', 19), ('info_unit_group', 23)]], {'blank': True}), 49: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('label', 2), ('icon', 2), ('is_bordered', 45), ('is_midtone', 45), ('is_expanded', 45), ('is_expanded_padding', 45), ('content', 48)]], {}), 50: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (49,), {}), 51: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 44), ('body', 6), ('is_accordion', 45), ('has_top_rule_line', 46), ('is_faq', 47), ('expandables', 50)]], {}), 52: ('wagtail.blocks.RegexBlock', (), {'error_messages': {'invalid': 'The YouTube video ID is in the wrong format.'}, 'help_text': 'Enter the YouTube video ID, which is located at the end of the video URL, after "v=". For example, the video ID for is 1V0Ax9OIc84.', 'label': 'YouTube video ID', 'regex': '^[\\w-]{11}$', 'required': False}), 53: ('wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Optional thumbnail image to show before and after the video plays. If the thumbnail image is not set here, the video player will default to showing the thumbnail that was set in (or automatically chosen by) YouTube.', 'required': False}), 54: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('video_id', 52), ('thumbnail_image', 53)]], {}), 55: ('wagtail.blocks.RawHTMLBlock', (), {'label': 'Raw HTML block'}), 56: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('information', 'Information'), ('warning', 'Warning')]}), 57: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'The main notification message to display.', 'required': True}), 58: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Explanation text appears below the message in smaller type.', 'required': False}), 59: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (19,), {'help_text': 'Links appear on their own lines below the explanation.', 'required': False}), 60: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('type', 56), ('message', 57), ('explanation', 58), ('links', 59)]], {}), 61: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add a horizontal rule line to top of FAQ group.', 'required': False}), 62: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to show horizontal rule lines between FAQ items.', 'label': 'Show rule lines between items', 'required': False}), 63: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('h2', 'h2'), ('h3', 'h3'), ('h4', 'h4'), ('p', 'p')], 'help_text': 'HTML tag for questions.'}), 64: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'blank': True, 'help_text': "Add an optional anchor link tag for this question. Tag should be unique and use dashes or underscores for separation instead of spaces (ie, 'question-one-tag')", 'max_length': 500, 'required': False}), 65: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'max_length': 500}), 66: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {}), 67: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': '\n            ID will be auto-generated on save.\n            However, you may enter some human-friendly text that\n            will be incorporated to make it easier to read.\n        ', 'label': 'ID for this content block', 'required': False}), 68: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('link_id', 67)]], {}), 69: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content_block', 66), ('anchor_link', 68)]], {}), 70: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('full', 'Full width'), (470, '470px'), (270, '270px'), (170, '170px')]}), 71: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('right', 'right'), ('left', 'left')], 'help_text': 'Does not apply if the image is full-width'}), 72: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'label': 'Caption', 'required': False}), 73: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'Check to add a horizontal rule line to bottom of inset.', 'label': 'Has bottom rule line', 'required': False}), 74: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('image', 13), ('image_width', 70), ('image_position', 71), ('text', 72), ('is_bottom_rule', 73)]], {}), 75: ('wagtail.blocks.MultipleChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('is_full_width', 'Display the table at full width'), ('stack_on_mobile', 'Stack the table columns on mobile')], 'required': False}), 76: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {}), 77: ('wagtail.blocks.FloatBlock', (), {}), 78: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'features': ['bold', 'italic', 'ol', 'ul', 'link', 'document-link', 'superscript']}), 79: ('wagtail.contrib.typed_table_block.blocks.TypedTableBlock', [[('text', 76), ('numeric', 77), ('rich_text', 78)]], {}), 80: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 5), ('text_introduction', 2), ('options', 75), ('data', 79)]], {}), 81: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {}), 82: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('body', 81), ('citation', 27)]], {}), 83: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('slug_text', 2), ('paragraph_text', 6), ('button', 19)]], {}), 84: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (19,), {}), 85: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 2), ('paragraph', 6), ('links', 84)]], {}), 86: ('v1.blocks.ReusableTextChooserBlock', ('v1.ReusableText',), {}), 87: ('v1.blocks.ReusableNotificationChooserBlock', ('v1.ReusableNotification',), {}), 88: ('v1.blocks.EmailSignUpChooserBlock', (), {}), 89: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('content', 0), ('content_with_anchor', 69), ('heading', 5), ('image', 74), ('table', 80), ('quote', 82), ('cta', 83), ('related_links', 85), ('reusable_text', 86), ('reusable_notification', 87), ('email_signup', 88), ('well', 25)]], {}), 90: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('full_width_text', 89), ('info_unit_group', 23)]], {}), 91: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('anchor_tag', 64), ('question', 65), ('answer', 90)]], {}), 92: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (91,), {'label': 'FAQ items'}), 93: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('has_top_rule_line', 61), ('lines_between_items', 62), ('question_tag', 63), ('faq_items', 92)]], {}), 94: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('content', 0), ('info_unit_group', 23), ('well', 25), ('simple_chart', 43), ('expandable_group', 51), ('expandable', 49), ('video_player', 54), ('raw_html_block', 55), ('notification', 60), ('faq_group', 93)]], {'help_text': 'Content that will appear above the first FIG section', 'required': False})}),
+        ),
+        migrations.AlterField(
+            model_name='figcontentpage',
+            name='content',
+            field=wagtail.fields.StreamField([('Fig_Section', 100), ('Fig_Subsection', 103), ('Fig_Level_3_Subsection', 105)], block_lookup={0: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'label': 'Section header (h2)'}), 1: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Will be filled in automatically upon save.', 'required': False}), 2: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'icon': 'edit'}), 3: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('50-50', '50/50'), ('33-33-33', '33/33/33'), ('25-75', '25/75')], 'help_text': 'Choose the number and width of info unit columns.', 'label': 'Format'}), 4: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'required': False}), 5: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('h2', 'H2'), ('h3', 'H3'), ('h4', 'H4'), ('h5', 'H5')]}), 6: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Input the name of an icon to appear to the left of the heading. E.g., approved, help-round, etc. <a href="">See full list of icons</a>', 'required': False}), 7: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 4), ('level', 5), ('icon', 6)]], {'required': False}), 8: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'required': False}), 9: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': "Check this to link all images and headings to the URL of the first link in their unit's list, if there is a link.", 'required': False}), 10: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add a horizontal rule line to top of info unit group.', 'required': False}), 11: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to show horizontal rule lines between info units.', 'label': 'Show rule lines between items', 'required': False}), 12: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('none', 'None'), ('rounded', 'Rounded corners'), ('circle', 'Circle')], 'help_text': 'Adds a <em>border-radius</em> class to images in this group, allowing for a rounded or circular border.', 'label': 'Border radius for images?', 'required': False}), 13: ('wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock', (), {'required': False}), 14: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': "No character limit, but be as succinct as possible. If the image is decorative (i.e., a screenreader wouldn't have anything useful to say about it), leave this field blank.", 'required': False}), 15: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('upload', 13), ('alt', 14)]], {}), 16: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 4), ('level', 5), ('icon', 6)]], {'default': {'level': 'h3'}, 'required': False}), 17: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'blank': True, 'required': False}), 18: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Add an ARIA label if the link text does not describe the destination of the link (e.g. has ambiguous text like "Learn more" that is not descriptive on its own).', 'required': False}), 19: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'default': '/', 'required': False}), 20: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'required': False}), 21: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 4), ('aria_label', 18), ('url', 19), ('is_link_boldface', 20)]], {}), 22: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (21,), {'required': False}), 23: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('image', 15), ('heading', 16), ('body', 17), ('links', 22)]], {}), 24: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (23,), {'default': []}), 25: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('format', 3), ('heading', 7), ('intro', 8), ('link_image_and_heading', 9), ('has_top_rule_line', 10), ('lines_between_items', 11), ('border_radius_image', 12), ('info_units', 24)]], {}), 26: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'label': 'Well', 'required': False}), 27: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content', 26)]], {}), 28: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'required': True}), 29: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'required': False}), 30: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Accessible description of the chart content', 'required': True}), 31: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('bar', 'Bar'), ('datetime', 'Date/time'), ('line', 'Line'), ('tilemap', 'Tile grid map')]}), 32: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': "URL of the chart's data source or an array of JSON data", 'required': True, 'rows': 2}), 33: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'For charts pulling from a separate source file, include a list of the column headers (from a CSV file) or keys (from a JSON file) to include in the chart as  ["HEADER/KEY1", "HEADER/KEY2"]. To change how the data is labeled in the chart, include the correct labels with the format [{"key": "HEADER/KEY1", "label": "NEWLABEL"}, {"key": "HEADER/KEY2", "label": "NEWLABEL2"}]', 'required': False}), 34: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'Uncheck this option to initially only show the first data  series in the chart. Leave checked to show all data  series by default. Users can always turn data series on  or off by interacting with the chart legend. ', 'required': False}), 35: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'The column header (CSV), key or data array (JSON) to include as the source of x-axis values.', 'required': False}), 36: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': "Name the javascript function in chart-hooks.js to run on the provided data before handing it to the chart. Can also provide '___'-separated arguments to this function which are passed in as arguments 2 to n", 'required': False}), 37: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'If the chart needs the option for users to filter the data shown, for example by date or geographic region, provide the JSON objects to filter on, in the format  {key: "KEY", "label": "LABEL"}', 'required': False}), 38: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'A JSON object with style overrides for the underlying Highcharts chart. No object merging is done, nested objects should be referenced with dot notation: {"tooltip.shape": "circle"}', 'required': False}), 39: ('wagtail.blocks.IntegerBlock', (), {'blank': True, 'help_text': 'A number to determine how many months of the data are projected values', 'max_value': 12, 'min_value': 0, 'null': True, 'required': False}), 40: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Attribution for the data source', 'required': False}), 41: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'When the underlying data was published', 'required': False}), 42: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Custom text for the chart download field. Required to display a download link.', 'required': False}), 43: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Location of a file to download, if different from the data source', 'required': False}), 44: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'General chart information', 'required': False}), 45: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('title', 28), ('subtitle', 29), ('description', 30), ('figure_number', 4), ('chart_type', 31), ('data_source', 32), ('data_series', 33), ('show_all_series_by_default', 34), ('x_axis_source', 35), ('transform', 36), ('x_axis_label', 4), ('y_axis_label', 4), ('filters', 37), ('style_overrides', 38), ('projected_months', 39), ('source_credits', 40), ('date_published', 41), ('download_text', 42), ('download_file', 43), ('notes', 44)]], {}), 46: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Added as an <code>&lt;h3&gt;</code> at the top of this block. Also adds a wrapping <code>&lt;div&gt;</code> whose <code>id</code> attribute comes from a slugified version of this heading, creating an anchor that can be used when linking to this part of the page.', 'required': False}), 47: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'required': False}), 48: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add a horizontal rule line to top of expandable group.', 'required': False}), 49: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add FAQ schema markup to expandables.', 'label': 'Uses FAQ schema', 'required': False}), 50: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('paragraph', 8), ('well', 27), ('links', 21), ('info_unit_group', 25)]], {'blank': True}), 51: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('label', 4), ('icon', 4), ('is_bordered', 47), ('is_midtone', 47), ('is_expanded', 47), ('is_expanded_padding', 47), ('content', 50)]], {}), 52: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (51,), {}), 53: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 46), ('body', 8), ('is_accordion', 47), ('has_top_rule_line', 48), ('is_faq', 49), ('expandables', 52)]], {}), 54: ('wagtail.blocks.RegexBlock', (), {'error_messages': {'invalid': 'The YouTube video ID is in the wrong format.'}, 'help_text': 'Enter the YouTube video ID, which is located at the end of the video URL, after "v=". For example, the video ID for is 1V0Ax9OIc84.', 'label': 'YouTube video ID', 'regex': '^[\\w-]{11}$', 'required': False}), 55: ('wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Optional thumbnail image to show before and after the video plays. If the thumbnail image is not set here, the video player will default to showing the thumbnail that was set in (or automatically chosen by) YouTube.', 'required': False}), 56: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('video_id', 54), ('thumbnail_image', 55)]], {}), 57: ('wagtail.blocks.RawHTMLBlock', (), {'label': 'Raw HTML block'}), 58: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('information', 'Information'), ('warning', 'Warning')]}), 59: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'The main notification message to display.', 'required': True}), 60: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Explanation text appears below the message in smaller type.', 'required': False}), 61: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (21,), {'help_text': 'Links appear on their own lines below the explanation.', 'required': False}), 62: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('type', 58), ('message', 59), ('explanation', 60), ('links', 61)]], {}), 63: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add a horizontal rule line to top of FAQ group.', 'required': False}), 64: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to show horizontal rule lines between FAQ items.', 'label': 'Show rule lines between items', 'required': False}), 65: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('h2', 'h2'), ('h3', 'h3'), ('h4', 'h4'), ('p', 'p')], 'help_text': 'HTML tag for questions.'}), 66: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'blank': True, 'help_text': "Add an optional anchor link tag for this question. Tag should be unique and use dashes or underscores for separation instead of spaces (ie, 'question-one-tag')", 'max_length': 500, 'required': False}), 67: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'max_length': 500}), 68: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {}), 69: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': '\n            ID will be auto-generated on save.\n            However, you may enter some human-friendly text that\n            will be incorporated to make it easier to read.\n        ', 'label': 'ID for this content block', 'required': False}), 70: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('link_id', 69)]], {}), 71: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content_block', 68), ('anchor_link', 70)]], {}), 72: ('wagtail_footnotes.blocks.RichTextBlockWithFootnotes', (), {'features': ['anchor-identifier', 'h2', 'h3', 'h4', 'h5', 'hr', 'ol', 'ul', 'bold', 'italic', 'superscript', 'blockquote', 'link', 'document-link', 'image', 'icon', 'footnotes']}), 73: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('full', 'Full width'), (470, '470px'), (270, '270px'), (170, '170px')]}), 74: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('right', 'right'), ('left', 'left')], 'help_text': 'Does not apply if the image is full-width'}), 75: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'label': 'Caption', 'required': False}), 76: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'Check to add a horizontal rule line to bottom of inset.', 'label': 'Has bottom rule line', 'required': False}), 77: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('image', 15), ('image_width', 73), ('image_position', 74), ('text', 75), ('is_bottom_rule', 76)]], {}), 78: ('wagtail.blocks.MultipleChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('is_full_width', 'Display the table at full width'), ('stack_on_mobile', 'Stack the table columns on mobile')], 'required': False}), 79: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {}), 80: ('wagtail.blocks.FloatBlock', (), {}), 81: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'features': ['bold', 'italic', 'ol', 'ul', 'link', 'document-link', 'superscript']}), 82: ('wagtail_footnotes.blocks.RichTextBlockWithFootnotes', (), {'features': ['bold', 'italic', 'ol', 'ul', 'link', 'document-link', 'superscript', 'footnotes']}), 83: ('wagtail.contrib.typed_table_block.blocks.TypedTableBlock', [[('text', 79), ('numeric', 80), ('rich_text', 81), ('rich_text_with_footnotes', 82)]], {}), 84: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 7), ('text_introduction', 4), ('options', 78), ('data', 83)]], {}), 85: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {}), 86: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('body', 85), ('citation', 29)]], {}), 87: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('slug_text', 4), ('paragraph_text', 8), ('button', 21)]], {}), 88: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (21,), {}), 89: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 4), ('paragraph', 8), ('links', 88)]], {}), 90: ('v1.blocks.ReusableTextChooserBlock', ('v1.ReusableText',), {}), 91: ('v1.blocks.ReusableNotificationChooserBlock', ('v1.ReusableNotification',), {}), 92: ('v1.blocks.EmailSignUpChooserBlock', (), {}), 93: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('content', 2), ('content_with_anchor', 71), ('content_with_footnotes', 72), ('heading', 7), ('image', 77), ('table', 84), ('quote', 86), ('cta', 87), ('related_links', 89), ('reusable_text', 90), ('reusable_notification', 91), ('email_signup', 92), ('well', 27)]], {}), 94: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('full_width_text', 93), ('info_unit_group', 25)]], {}), 95: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('anchor_tag', 66), ('question', 67), ('answer', 94)]], {}), 96: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (95,), {'label': 'FAQ items'}), 97: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('has_top_rule_line', 63), ('lines_between_items', 64), ('question_tag', 65), ('faq_items', 96)]], {}), 98: ('filing_instruction_guide.blocks.FigDataPointsBlock', (), {}), 99: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('content', 2), ('info_unit_group', 25), ('well', 27), ('simple_chart', 45), ('expandable_group', 53), ('expandable', 51), ('video_player', 56), ('raw_html_block', 57), ('notification', 62), ('faq_group', 97), ('data_points_block', 98)]], {'block_counts': {'data_points_block': {'max_num': 1}}, 'required': False}), 100: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('header', 0), ('section_id', 1), ('content', 99)]], {}), 101: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'label': 'Subsection header (h3)'}), 102: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('content', 2), ('info_unit_group', 25), ('well', 27), ('simple_chart', 45), ('expandable_group', 53), ('expandable', 51), ('video_player', 56), ('raw_html_block', 57), ('notification', 62), ('faq_group', 97)]], {'required': False}), 103: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('header', 101), ('section_id', 1), ('content', 102)]], {}), 104: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'label': 'Level 3 subsection header (h4)'}), 105: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('header', 104), ('section_id', 1), ('content', 102)]], {})}),
+        ),
+        migrations.AlterField(
+            model_name='figcontentpage',
+            name='top_content',
+            field=wagtail.fields.StreamField([('top_content', 96)], blank=True, block_lookup={0: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'icon': 'edit'}), 1: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('50-50', '50/50'), ('33-33-33', '33/33/33'), ('25-75', '25/75')], 'help_text': 'Choose the number and width of info unit columns.', 'label': 'Format'}), 2: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'required': False}), 3: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('h2', 'H2'), ('h3', 'H3'), ('h4', 'H4'), ('h5', 'H5')]}), 4: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Input the name of an icon to appear to the left of the heading. E.g., approved, help-round, etc. <a href="">See full list of icons</a>', 'required': False}), 5: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 2), ('level', 3), ('icon', 4)]], {'required': False}), 6: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'required': False}), 7: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': "Check this to link all images and headings to the URL of the first link in their unit's list, if there is a link.", 'required': False}), 8: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add a horizontal rule line to top of info unit group.', 'required': False}), 9: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to show horizontal rule lines between info units.', 'label': 'Show rule lines between items', 'required': False}), 10: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('none', 'None'), ('rounded', 'Rounded corners'), ('circle', 'Circle')], 'help_text': 'Adds a <em>border-radius</em> class to images in this group, allowing for a rounded or circular border.', 'label': 'Border radius for images?', 'required': False}), 11: ('wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock', (), {'required': False}), 12: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': "No character limit, but be as succinct as possible. If the image is decorative (i.e., a screenreader wouldn't have anything useful to say about it), leave this field blank.", 'required': False}), 13: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('upload', 11), ('alt', 12)]], {}), 14: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 2), ('level', 3), ('icon', 4)]], {'default': {'level': 'h3'}, 'required': False}), 15: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'blank': True, 'required': False}), 16: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Add an ARIA label if the link text does not describe the destination of the link (e.g. has ambiguous text like "Learn more" that is not descriptive on its own).', 'required': False}), 17: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'default': '/', 'required': False}), 18: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'required': False}), 19: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 2), ('aria_label', 16), ('url', 17), ('is_link_boldface', 18)]], {}), 20: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (19,), {'required': False}), 21: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('image', 13), ('heading', 14), ('body', 15), ('links', 20)]], {}), 22: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (21,), {'default': []}), 23: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('format', 1), ('heading', 5), ('intro', 6), ('link_image_and_heading', 7), ('has_top_rule_line', 8), ('lines_between_items', 9), ('border_radius_image', 10), ('info_units', 22)]], {}), 24: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'label': 'Well', 'required': False}), 25: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content', 24)]], {}), 26: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'required': True}), 27: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'required': False}), 28: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Accessible description of the chart content', 'required': True}), 29: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('bar', 'Bar'), ('datetime', 'Date/time'), ('line', 'Line'), ('tilemap', 'Tile grid map')]}), 30: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': "URL of the chart's data source or an array of JSON data", 'required': True, 'rows': 2}), 31: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'For charts pulling from a separate source file, include a list of the column headers (from a CSV file) or keys (from a JSON file) to include in the chart as  ["HEADER/KEY1", "HEADER/KEY2"]. To change how the data is labeled in the chart, include the correct labels with the format [{"key": "HEADER/KEY1", "label": "NEWLABEL"}, {"key": "HEADER/KEY2", "label": "NEWLABEL2"}]', 'required': False}), 32: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'Uncheck this option to initially only show the first data  series in the chart. Leave checked to show all data  series by default. Users can always turn data series on  or off by interacting with the chart legend. ', 'required': False}), 33: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'The column header (CSV), key or data array (JSON) to include as the source of x-axis values.', 'required': False}), 34: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': "Name the javascript function in chart-hooks.js to run on the provided data before handing it to the chart. Can also provide '___'-separated arguments to this function which are passed in as arguments 2 to n", 'required': False}), 35: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'If the chart needs the option for users to filter the data shown, for example by date or geographic region, provide the JSON objects to filter on, in the format  {key: "KEY", "label": "LABEL"}', 'required': False}), 36: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'A JSON object with style overrides for the underlying Highcharts chart. No object merging is done, nested objects should be referenced with dot notation: {"tooltip.shape": "circle"}', 'required': False}), 37: ('wagtail.blocks.IntegerBlock', (), {'blank': True, 'help_text': 'A number to determine how many months of the data are projected values', 'max_value': 12, 'min_value': 0, 'null': True, 'required': False}), 38: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Attribution for the data source', 'required': False}), 39: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'When the underlying data was published', 'required': False}), 40: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Custom text for the chart download field. Required to display a download link.', 'required': False}), 41: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Location of a file to download, if different from the data source', 'required': False}), 42: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'General chart information', 'required': False}), 43: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('title', 26), ('subtitle', 27), ('description', 28), ('figure_number', 2), ('chart_type', 29), ('data_source', 30), ('data_series', 31), ('show_all_series_by_default', 32), ('x_axis_source', 33), ('transform', 34), ('x_axis_label', 2), ('y_axis_label', 2), ('filters', 35), ('style_overrides', 36), ('projected_months', 37), ('source_credits', 38), ('date_published', 39), ('download_text', 40), ('download_file', 41), ('notes', 42)]], {}), 44: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Added as an <code>&lt;h3&gt;</code> at the top of this block. Also adds a wrapping <code>&lt;div&gt;</code> whose <code>id</code> attribute comes from a slugified version of this heading, creating an anchor that can be used when linking to this part of the page.', 'required': False}), 45: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'required': False}), 46: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add a horizontal rule line to top of expandable group.', 'required': False}), 47: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add FAQ schema markup to expandables.', 'label': 'Uses FAQ schema', 'required': False}), 48: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('paragraph', 6), ('well', 25), ('links', 19), ('info_unit_group', 23)]], {'blank': True}), 49: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('label', 2), ('icon', 2), ('is_bordered', 45), ('is_midtone', 45), ('is_expanded', 45), ('is_expanded_padding', 45), ('content', 48)]], {}), 50: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (49,), {}), 51: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 44), ('body', 6), ('is_accordion', 45), ('has_top_rule_line', 46), ('is_faq', 47), ('expandables', 50)]], {}), 52: ('wagtail.blocks.RegexBlock', (), {'error_messages': {'invalid': 'The YouTube video ID is in the wrong format.'}, 'help_text': 'Enter the YouTube video ID, which is located at the end of the video URL, after "v=". For example, the video ID for is 1V0Ax9OIc84.', 'label': 'YouTube video ID', 'regex': '^[\\w-]{11}$', 'required': False}), 53: ('wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Optional thumbnail image to show before and after the video plays. If the thumbnail image is not set here, the video player will default to showing the thumbnail that was set in (or automatically chosen by) YouTube.', 'required': False}), 54: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('video_id', 52), ('thumbnail_image', 53)]], {}), 55: ('wagtail.blocks.RawHTMLBlock', (), {'label': 'Raw HTML block'}), 56: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('information', 'Information'), ('warning', 'Warning')]}), 57: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'The main notification message to display.', 'required': True}), 58: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Explanation text appears below the message in smaller type.', 'required': False}), 59: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (19,), {'help_text': 'Links appear on their own lines below the explanation.', 'required': False}), 60: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('type', 56), ('message', 57), ('explanation', 58), ('links', 59)]], {}), 61: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add a horizontal rule line to top of FAQ group.', 'required': False}), 62: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to show horizontal rule lines between FAQ items.', 'label': 'Show rule lines between items', 'required': False}), 63: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('h2', 'h2'), ('h3', 'h3'), ('h4', 'h4'), ('p', 'p')], 'help_text': 'HTML tag for questions.'}), 64: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'blank': True, 'help_text': "Add an optional anchor link tag for this question. Tag should be unique and use dashes or underscores for separation instead of spaces (ie, 'question-one-tag')", 'max_length': 500, 'required': False}), 65: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'max_length': 500}), 66: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {}), 67: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': '\n            ID will be auto-generated on save.\n            However, you may enter some human-friendly text that\n            will be incorporated to make it easier to read.\n        ', 'label': 'ID for this content block', 'required': False}), 68: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('link_id', 67)]], {}), 69: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content_block', 66), ('anchor_link', 68)]], {}), 70: ('wagtail_footnotes.blocks.RichTextBlockWithFootnotes', (), {'features': ['anchor-identifier', 'h2', 'h3', 'h4', 'h5', 'hr', 'ol', 'ul', 'bold', 'italic', 'superscript', 'blockquote', 'link', 'document-link', 'image', 'icon', 'footnotes']}), 71: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('full', 'Full width'), (470, '470px'), (270, '270px'), (170, '170px')]}), 72: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('right', 'right'), ('left', 'left')], 'help_text': 'Does not apply if the image is full-width'}), 73: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'label': 'Caption', 'required': False}), 74: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'Check to add a horizontal rule line to bottom of inset.', 'label': 'Has bottom rule line', 'required': False}), 75: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('image', 13), ('image_width', 71), ('image_position', 72), ('text', 73), ('is_bottom_rule', 74)]], {}), 76: ('wagtail.blocks.MultipleChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('is_full_width', 'Display the table at full width'), ('stack_on_mobile', 'Stack the table columns on mobile')], 'required': False}), 77: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {}), 78: ('wagtail.blocks.FloatBlock', (), {}), 79: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'features': ['bold', 'italic', 'ol', 'ul', 'link', 'document-link', 'superscript']}), 80: ('wagtail_footnotes.blocks.RichTextBlockWithFootnotes', (), {'features': ['bold', 'italic', 'ol', 'ul', 'link', 'document-link', 'superscript', 'footnotes']}), 81: ('wagtail.contrib.typed_table_block.blocks.TypedTableBlock', [[('text', 77), ('numeric', 78), ('rich_text', 79), ('rich_text_with_footnotes', 80)]], {}), 82: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 5), ('text_introduction', 2), ('options', 76), ('data', 81)]], {}), 83: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {}), 84: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('body', 83), ('citation', 27)]], {}), 85: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('slug_text', 2), ('paragraph_text', 6), ('button', 19)]], {}), 86: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (19,), {}), 87: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 2), ('paragraph', 6), ('links', 86)]], {}), 88: ('v1.blocks.ReusableTextChooserBlock', ('v1.ReusableText',), {}), 89: ('v1.blocks.ReusableNotificationChooserBlock', ('v1.ReusableNotification',), {}), 90: ('v1.blocks.EmailSignUpChooserBlock', (), {}), 91: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('content', 0), ('content_with_anchor', 69), ('content_with_footnotes', 70), ('heading', 5), ('image', 75), ('table', 82), ('quote', 84), ('cta', 85), ('related_links', 87), ('reusable_text', 88), ('reusable_notification', 89), ('email_signup', 90), ('well', 25)]], {}), 92: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('full_width_text', 91), ('info_unit_group', 23)]], {}), 93: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('anchor_tag', 64), ('question', 65), ('answer', 92)]], {}), 94: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (93,), {'label': 'FAQ items'}), 95: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('has_top_rule_line', 61), ('lines_between_items', 62), ('question_tag', 63), ('faq_items', 94)]], {}), 96: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('content', 0), ('info_unit_group', 23), ('well', 25), ('simple_chart', 43), ('expandable_group', 51), ('expandable', 49), ('video_player', 54), ('raw_html_block', 55), ('notification', 60), ('faq_group', 95)]], {'help_text': 'Content that will appear above the first FIG section', 'required': False})}),
+        ),
+        migrations.AlterField(
+            model_name='figcontentpage',
+            name='content',
+            field=wagtail.fields.StreamField([('Fig_Section', 101), ('Fig_Subsection', 104), ('Fig_Level_3_Subsection', 106)], block_lookup={0: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'label': 'Section header (h2)'}), 1: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Will be filled in automatically upon save.', 'required': False}), 2: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'icon': 'edit'}), 3: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('50-50', '50/50'), ('33-33-33', '33/33/33'), ('25-75', '25/75')], 'help_text': 'Choose the number and width of info unit columns.', 'label': 'Format'}), 4: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'required': False}), 5: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('h2', 'H2'), ('h3', 'H3'), ('h4', 'H4'), ('h5', 'H5')]}), 6: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Input the name of an icon to appear to the left of the heading. E.g., approved, help-round, etc. <a href="">See full list of icons</a>', 'required': False}), 7: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 4), ('level', 5), ('icon', 6)]], {'required': False}), 8: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'required': False}), 9: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': "Check this to link all images and headings to the URL of the first link in their unit's list, if there is a link.", 'required': False}), 10: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add a horizontal rule line to top of info unit group.', 'required': False}), 11: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to show horizontal rule lines between info units.', 'label': 'Show rule lines between items', 'required': False}), 12: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('none', 'None'), ('rounded', 'Rounded corners'), ('circle', 'Circle')], 'help_text': 'Adds a <em>border-radius</em> class to images in this group, allowing for a rounded or circular border.', 'label': 'Border radius for images?', 'required': False}), 13: ('wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock', (), {'required': False}), 14: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': "No character limit, but be as succinct as possible. If the image is decorative (i.e., a screenreader wouldn't have anything useful to say about it), leave this field blank.", 'required': False}), 15: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('upload', 13), ('alt', 14)]], {}), 16: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 4), ('level', 5), ('icon', 6)]], {'default': {'level': 'h3'}, 'required': False}), 17: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'blank': True, 'required': False}), 18: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Add an ARIA label if the link text does not describe the destination of the link (e.g. has ambiguous text like "Learn more" that is not descriptive on its own).', 'required': False}), 19: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'default': '/', 'required': False}), 20: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'required': False}), 21: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 4), ('aria_label', 18), ('url', 19), ('is_link_boldface', 20)]], {}), 22: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (21,), {'required': False}), 23: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('image', 15), ('heading', 16), ('body', 17), ('links', 22)]], {}), 24: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (23,), {'default': []}), 25: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('format', 3), ('heading', 7), ('intro', 8), ('link_image_and_heading', 9), ('has_top_rule_line', 10), ('lines_between_items', 11), ('border_radius_image', 12), ('info_units', 24)]], {}), 26: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'label': 'Well', 'required': False}), 27: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content', 26)]], {}), 28: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'required': True}), 29: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'required': False}), 30: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Accessible description of the chart content', 'required': True}), 31: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('bar', 'Bar'), ('datetime', 'Date/time'), ('line', 'Line'), ('tilemap', 'Tile grid map')]}), 32: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': "URL of the chart's data source or an array of JSON data", 'required': True, 'rows': 2}), 33: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'For charts pulling from a separate source file, include a list of the column headers (from a CSV file) or keys (from a JSON file) to include in the chart as  ["HEADER/KEY1", "HEADER/KEY2"]. To change how the data is labeled in the chart, include the correct labels with the format [{"key": "HEADER/KEY1", "label": "NEWLABEL"}, {"key": "HEADER/KEY2", "label": "NEWLABEL2"}]', 'required': False}), 34: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'Uncheck this option to initially only show the first data  series in the chart. Leave checked to show all data  series by default. Users can always turn data series on  or off by interacting with the chart legend. ', 'required': False}), 35: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'The column header (CSV), key or data array (JSON) to include as the source of x-axis values.', 'required': False}), 36: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': "Name the javascript function in chart-hooks.js to run on the provided data before handing it to the chart. Can also provide '___'-separated arguments to this function which are passed in as arguments 2 to n", 'required': False}), 37: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'If the chart needs the option for users to filter the data shown, for example by date or geographic region, provide the JSON objects to filter on, in the format  {key: "KEY", "label": "LABEL"}', 'required': False}), 38: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'A JSON object with style overrides for the underlying Highcharts chart. No object merging is done, nested objects should be referenced with dot notation: {"tooltip.shape": "circle"}', 'required': False}), 39: ('wagtail.blocks.IntegerBlock', (), {'blank': True, 'help_text': 'A number to determine how many months of the data are projected values', 'max_value': 12, 'min_value': 0, 'null': True, 'required': False}), 40: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Attribution for the data source', 'required': False}), 41: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'When the underlying data was published', 'required': False}), 42: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Custom text for the chart download field. Required to display a download link.', 'required': False}), 43: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Location of a file to download, if different from the data source', 'required': False}), 44: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'General chart information', 'required': False}), 45: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('title', 28), ('subtitle', 29), ('description', 30), ('figure_number', 4), ('chart_type', 31), ('data_source', 32), ('data_series', 33), ('show_all_series_by_default', 34), ('x_axis_source', 35), ('transform', 36), ('x_axis_label', 4), ('y_axis_label', 4), ('filters', 37), ('style_overrides', 38), ('projected_months', 39), ('source_credits', 40), ('date_published', 41), ('download_text', 42), ('download_file', 43), ('notes', 44)]], {}), 46: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Added as an <code>&lt;h3&gt;</code> at the top of this block. Also adds a wrapping <code>&lt;div&gt;</code> whose <code>id</code> attribute comes from a slugified version of this heading, creating an anchor that can be used when linking to this part of the page.', 'required': False}), 47: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'required': False}), 48: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add a horizontal rule line to top of expandable group.', 'required': False}), 49: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add FAQ schema markup to expandables.', 'label': 'Uses FAQ schema', 'required': False}), 50: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('paragraph', 8), ('well', 27), ('links', 21), ('info_unit_group', 25)]], {'blank': True}), 51: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('label', 4), ('icon', 4), ('is_bordered', 47), ('is_midtone', 47), ('is_expanded', 47), ('is_expanded_padding', 47), ('content', 50)]], {}), 52: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (51,), {}), 53: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 46), ('body', 8), ('is_accordion', 47), ('has_top_rule_line', 48), ('is_faq', 49), ('expandables', 52)]], {}), 54: ('wagtail.blocks.RegexBlock', (), {'error_messages': {'invalid': 'The YouTube video ID is in the wrong format.'}, 'help_text': 'Enter the YouTube video ID, which is located at the end of the video URL, after "v=". For example, the video ID for is 1V0Ax9OIc84.', 'label': 'YouTube video ID', 'regex': '^[\\w-]{11}$', 'required': False}), 55: ('wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Optional thumbnail image to show before and after the video plays. If the thumbnail image is not set here, the video player will default to showing the thumbnail that was set in (or automatically chosen by) YouTube.', 'required': False}), 56: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('video_id', 54), ('thumbnail_image', 55)]], {}), 57: ('wagtail.blocks.RawHTMLBlock', (), {'label': 'Raw HTML block'}), 58: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('information', 'Information'), ('warning', 'Warning')]}), 59: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'The main notification message to display.', 'required': True}), 60: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Explanation text appears below the message in smaller type.', 'required': False}), 61: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (21,), {'help_text': 'Links appear on their own lines below the explanation.', 'required': False}), 62: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('type', 58), ('message', 59), ('explanation', 60), ('links', 61)]], {}), 63: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add a horizontal rule line to top of FAQ group.', 'required': False}), 64: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to show horizontal rule lines between FAQ items.', 'label': 'Show rule lines between items', 'required': False}), 65: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('h2', 'h2'), ('h3', 'h3'), ('h4', 'h4'), ('p', 'p')], 'help_text': 'HTML tag for questions.'}), 66: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'blank': True, 'help_text': "Add an optional anchor link tag for this question. Tag should be unique and use dashes or underscores for separation instead of spaces (ie, 'question-one-tag')", 'max_length': 500, 'required': False}), 67: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'max_length': 500}), 68: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {}), 69: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': '\n            ID will be auto-generated on save.\n            However, you may enter some human-friendly text that\n            will be incorporated to make it easier to read.\n        ', 'label': 'ID for this content block', 'required': False}), 70: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('link_id', 69)]], {}), 71: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content_block', 68), ('anchor_link', 70)]], {}), 72: ('wagtail_footnotes.blocks.RichTextBlockWithFootnotes', (), {'features': ['anchor-identifier', 'h2', 'h3', 'h4', 'h5', 'hr', 'ol', 'ul', 'bold', 'italic', 'superscript', 'blockquote', 'link', 'document-link', 'image', 'icon', 'footnotes']}), 73: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('full', 'Full width'), (470, '470px'), (270, '270px'), (170, '170px')]}), 74: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('right', 'right'), ('left', 'left')], 'help_text': 'Does not apply if the image is full-width'}), 75: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'label': 'Caption', 'required': False}), 76: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'Check to add a horizontal rule line to bottom of inset.', 'label': 'Has bottom rule line', 'required': False}), 77: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('image', 15), ('image_width', 73), ('image_position', 74), ('text', 75), ('is_bottom_rule', 76)]], {}), 78: ('wagtail.blocks.MultipleChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('is_full_width', 'Display the table at full width'), ('stack_on_mobile', 'Stack the table columns on mobile')], 'required': False}), 79: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {}), 80: ('wagtail.blocks.FloatBlock', (), {}), 81: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'features': ['bold', 'italic', 'ol', 'ul', 'link', 'document-link', 'superscript']}), 82: ('wagtail_footnotes.blocks.RichTextBlockWithFootnotes', (), {'features': ['bold', 'italic', 'ol', 'ul', 'link', 'document-link', 'superscript', 'footnotes']}), 83: ('wagtail.contrib.typed_table_block.blocks.TypedTableBlock', [[('text', 79), ('numeric', 80), ('rich_text', 81), ('rich_text_with_footnotes', 82)]], {}), 84: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'features': ['bold', 'italic', 'link', 'document-link'], 'required': False}), 85: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 7), ('text_introduction', 4), ('options', 78), ('data', 83), ('caption', 84)]], {}), 86: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {}), 87: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('body', 86), ('citation', 29)]], {}), 88: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('slug_text', 4), ('paragraph_text', 8), ('button', 21)]], {}), 89: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (21,), {}), 90: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 4), ('paragraph', 8), ('links', 89)]], {}), 91: ('v1.blocks.ReusableTextChooserBlock', ('v1.ReusableText',), {}), 92: ('v1.blocks.ReusableNotificationChooserBlock', ('v1.ReusableNotification',), {}), 93: ('v1.blocks.EmailSignUpChooserBlock', (), {}), 94: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('content', 2), ('content_with_anchor', 71), ('content_with_footnotes', 72), ('heading', 7), ('image', 77), ('table', 85), ('quote', 87), ('cta', 88), ('related_links', 90), ('reusable_text', 91), ('reusable_notification', 92), ('email_signup', 93), ('well', 27)]], {}), 95: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('full_width_text', 94), ('info_unit_group', 25)]], {}), 96: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('anchor_tag', 66), ('question', 67), ('answer', 95)]], {}), 97: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (96,), {'label': 'FAQ items'}), 98: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('has_top_rule_line', 63), ('lines_between_items', 64), ('question_tag', 65), ('faq_items', 97)]], {}), 99: ('filing_instruction_guide.blocks.FigDataPointsBlock', (), {}), 100: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('content', 2), ('info_unit_group', 25), ('well', 27), ('simple_chart', 45), ('expandable_group', 53), ('expandable', 51), ('video_player', 56), ('raw_html_block', 57), ('notification', 62), ('faq_group', 98), ('data_points_block', 99)]], {'block_counts': {'data_points_block': {'max_num': 1}}, 'required': False}), 101: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('header', 0), ('section_id', 1), ('content', 100)]], {}), 102: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'label': 'Subsection header (h3)'}), 103: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('content', 2), ('info_unit_group', 25), ('well', 27), ('simple_chart', 45), ('expandable_group', 53), ('expandable', 51), ('video_player', 56), ('raw_html_block', 57), ('notification', 62), ('faq_group', 98)]], {'required': False}), 104: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('header', 102), ('section_id', 1), ('content', 103)]], {}), 105: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'label': 'Level 3 subsection header (h4)'}), 106: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('header', 105), ('section_id', 1), ('content', 103)]], {})}),
+        ),
+        migrations.AlterField(
+            model_name='figcontentpage',
+            name='top_content',
+            field=wagtail.fields.StreamField([('top_content', 97)], blank=True, block_lookup={0: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'icon': 'edit'}), 1: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('50-50', '50/50'), ('33-33-33', '33/33/33'), ('25-75', '25/75')], 'help_text': 'Choose the number and width of info unit columns.', 'label': 'Format'}), 2: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'required': False}), 3: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('h2', 'H2'), ('h3', 'H3'), ('h4', 'H4'), ('h5', 'H5')]}), 4: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Input the name of an icon to appear to the left of the heading. E.g., approved, help-round, etc. <a href="">See full list of icons</a>', 'required': False}), 5: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 2), ('level', 3), ('icon', 4)]], {'required': False}), 6: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'required': False}), 7: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': "Check this to link all images and headings to the URL of the first link in their unit's list, if there is a link.", 'required': False}), 8: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add a horizontal rule line to top of info unit group.', 'required': False}), 9: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to show horizontal rule lines between info units.', 'label': 'Show rule lines between items', 'required': False}), 10: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('none', 'None'), ('rounded', 'Rounded corners'), ('circle', 'Circle')], 'help_text': 'Adds a <em>border-radius</em> class to images in this group, allowing for a rounded or circular border.', 'label': 'Border radius for images?', 'required': False}), 11: ('wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock', (), {'required': False}), 12: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': "No character limit, but be as succinct as possible. If the image is decorative (i.e., a screenreader wouldn't have anything useful to say about it), leave this field blank.", 'required': False}), 13: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('upload', 11), ('alt', 12)]], {}), 14: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 2), ('level', 3), ('icon', 4)]], {'default': {'level': 'h3'}, 'required': False}), 15: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'blank': True, 'required': False}), 16: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Add an ARIA label if the link text does not describe the destination of the link (e.g. has ambiguous text like "Learn more" that is not descriptive on its own).', 'required': False}), 17: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'default': '/', 'required': False}), 18: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'required': False}), 19: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 2), ('aria_label', 16), ('url', 17), ('is_link_boldface', 18)]], {}), 20: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (19,), {'required': False}), 21: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('image', 13), ('heading', 14), ('body', 15), ('links', 20)]], {}), 22: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (21,), {'default': []}), 23: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('format', 1), ('heading', 5), ('intro', 6), ('link_image_and_heading', 7), ('has_top_rule_line', 8), ('lines_between_items', 9), ('border_radius_image', 10), ('info_units', 22)]], {}), 24: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'label': 'Well', 'required': False}), 25: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content', 24)]], {}), 26: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'required': True}), 27: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'required': False}), 28: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Accessible description of the chart content', 'required': True}), 29: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('bar', 'Bar'), ('datetime', 'Date/time'), ('line', 'Line'), ('tilemap', 'Tile grid map')]}), 30: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': "URL of the chart's data source or an array of JSON data", 'required': True, 'rows': 2}), 31: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'For charts pulling from a separate source file, include a list of the column headers (from a CSV file) or keys (from a JSON file) to include in the chart as  ["HEADER/KEY1", "HEADER/KEY2"]. To change how the data is labeled in the chart, include the correct labels with the format [{"key": "HEADER/KEY1", "label": "NEWLABEL"}, {"key": "HEADER/KEY2", "label": "NEWLABEL2"}]', 'required': False}), 32: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'Uncheck this option to initially only show the first data  series in the chart. Leave checked to show all data  series by default. Users can always turn data series on  or off by interacting with the chart legend. ', 'required': False}), 33: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'The column header (CSV), key or data array (JSON) to include as the source of x-axis values.', 'required': False}), 34: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': "Name the javascript function in chart-hooks.js to run on the provided data before handing it to the chart. Can also provide '___'-separated arguments to this function which are passed in as arguments 2 to n", 'required': False}), 35: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'If the chart needs the option for users to filter the data shown, for example by date or geographic region, provide the JSON objects to filter on, in the format  {key: "KEY", "label": "LABEL"}', 'required': False}), 36: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'A JSON object with style overrides for the underlying Highcharts chart. No object merging is done, nested objects should be referenced with dot notation: {"tooltip.shape": "circle"}', 'required': False}), 37: ('wagtail.blocks.IntegerBlock', (), {'blank': True, 'help_text': 'A number to determine how many months of the data are projected values', 'max_value': 12, 'min_value': 0, 'null': True, 'required': False}), 38: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Attribution for the data source', 'required': False}), 39: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'When the underlying data was published', 'required': False}), 40: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Custom text for the chart download field. Required to display a download link.', 'required': False}), 41: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Location of a file to download, if different from the data source', 'required': False}), 42: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'General chart information', 'required': False}), 43: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('title', 26), ('subtitle', 27), ('description', 28), ('figure_number', 2), ('chart_type', 29), ('data_source', 30), ('data_series', 31), ('show_all_series_by_default', 32), ('x_axis_source', 33), ('transform', 34), ('x_axis_label', 2), ('y_axis_label', 2), ('filters', 35), ('style_overrides', 36), ('projected_months', 37), ('source_credits', 38), ('date_published', 39), ('download_text', 40), ('download_file', 41), ('notes', 42)]], {}), 44: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Added as an <code>&lt;h3&gt;</code> at the top of this block. Also adds a wrapping <code>&lt;div&gt;</code> whose <code>id</code> attribute comes from a slugified version of this heading, creating an anchor that can be used when linking to this part of the page.', 'required': False}), 45: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'required': False}), 46: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add a horizontal rule line to top of expandable group.', 'required': False}), 47: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add FAQ schema markup to expandables.', 'label': 'Uses FAQ schema', 'required': False}), 48: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('paragraph', 6), ('well', 25), ('links', 19), ('info_unit_group', 23)]], {'blank': True}), 49: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('label', 2), ('icon', 2), ('is_bordered', 45), ('is_midtone', 45), ('is_expanded', 45), ('is_expanded_padding', 45), ('content', 48)]], {}), 50: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (49,), {}), 51: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 44), ('body', 6), ('is_accordion', 45), ('has_top_rule_line', 46), ('is_faq', 47), ('expandables', 50)]], {}), 52: ('wagtail.blocks.RegexBlock', (), {'error_messages': {'invalid': 'The YouTube video ID is in the wrong format.'}, 'help_text': 'Enter the YouTube video ID, which is located at the end of the video URL, after "v=". For example, the video ID for is 1V0Ax9OIc84.', 'label': 'YouTube video ID', 'regex': '^[\\w-]{11}$', 'required': False}), 53: ('wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Optional thumbnail image to show before and after the video plays. If the thumbnail image is not set here, the video player will default to showing the thumbnail that was set in (or automatically chosen by) YouTube.', 'required': False}), 54: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('video_id', 52), ('thumbnail_image', 53)]], {}), 55: ('wagtail.blocks.RawHTMLBlock', (), {'label': 'Raw HTML block'}), 56: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('information', 'Information'), ('warning', 'Warning')]}), 57: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'The main notification message to display.', 'required': True}), 58: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Explanation text appears below the message in smaller type.', 'required': False}), 59: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (19,), {'help_text': 'Links appear on their own lines below the explanation.', 'required': False}), 60: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('type', 56), ('message', 57), ('explanation', 58), ('links', 59)]], {}), 61: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add a horizontal rule line to top of FAQ group.', 'required': False}), 62: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to show horizontal rule lines between FAQ items.', 'label': 'Show rule lines between items', 'required': False}), 63: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('h2', 'h2'), ('h3', 'h3'), ('h4', 'h4'), ('p', 'p')], 'help_text': 'HTML tag for questions.'}), 64: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'blank': True, 'help_text': "Add an optional anchor link tag for this question. Tag should be unique and use dashes or underscores for separation instead of spaces (ie, 'question-one-tag')", 'max_length': 500, 'required': False}), 65: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'max_length': 500}), 66: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {}), 67: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': '\n            ID will be auto-generated on save.\n            However, you may enter some human-friendly text that\n            will be incorporated to make it easier to read.\n        ', 'label': 'ID for this content block', 'required': False}), 68: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('link_id', 67)]], {}), 69: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content_block', 66), ('anchor_link', 68)]], {}), 70: ('wagtail_footnotes.blocks.RichTextBlockWithFootnotes', (), {'features': ['anchor-identifier', 'h2', 'h3', 'h4', 'h5', 'hr', 'ol', 'ul', 'bold', 'italic', 'superscript', 'blockquote', 'link', 'document-link', 'image', 'icon', 'footnotes']}), 71: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('full', 'Full width'), (470, '470px'), (270, '270px'), (170, '170px')]}), 72: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('right', 'right'), ('left', 'left')], 'help_text': 'Does not apply if the image is full-width'}), 73: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'label': 'Caption', 'required': False}), 74: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'Check to add a horizontal rule line to bottom of inset.', 'label': 'Has bottom rule line', 'required': False}), 75: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('image', 13), ('image_width', 71), ('image_position', 72), ('text', 73), ('is_bottom_rule', 74)]], {}), 76: ('wagtail.blocks.MultipleChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('is_full_width', 'Display the table at full width'), ('stack_on_mobile', 'Stack the table columns on mobile')], 'required': False}), 77: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {}), 78: ('wagtail.blocks.FloatBlock', (), {}), 79: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'features': ['bold', 'italic', 'ol', 'ul', 'link', 'document-link', 'superscript']}), 80: ('wagtail_footnotes.blocks.RichTextBlockWithFootnotes', (), {'features': ['bold', 'italic', 'ol', 'ul', 'link', 'document-link', 'superscript', 'footnotes']}), 81: ('wagtail.contrib.typed_table_block.blocks.TypedTableBlock', [[('text', 77), ('numeric', 78), ('rich_text', 79), ('rich_text_with_footnotes', 80)]], {}), 82: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'features': ['bold', 'italic', 'link', 'document-link'], 'required': False}), 83: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 5), ('text_introduction', 2), ('options', 76), ('data', 81), ('caption', 82)]], {}), 84: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {}), 85: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('body', 84), ('citation', 27)]], {}), 86: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('slug_text', 2), ('paragraph_text', 6), ('button', 19)]], {}), 87: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (19,), {}), 88: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 2), ('paragraph', 6), ('links', 87)]], {}), 89: ('v1.blocks.ReusableTextChooserBlock', ('v1.ReusableText',), {}), 90: ('v1.blocks.ReusableNotificationChooserBlock', ('v1.ReusableNotification',), {}), 91: ('v1.blocks.EmailSignUpChooserBlock', (), {}), 92: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('content', 0), ('content_with_anchor', 69), ('content_with_footnotes', 70), ('heading', 5), ('image', 75), ('table', 83), ('quote', 85), ('cta', 86), ('related_links', 88), ('reusable_text', 89), ('reusable_notification', 90), ('email_signup', 91), ('well', 25)]], {}), 93: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('full_width_text', 92), ('info_unit_group', 23)]], {}), 94: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('anchor_tag', 64), ('question', 65), ('answer', 93)]], {}), 95: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (94,), {'label': 'FAQ items'}), 96: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('has_top_rule_line', 61), ('lines_between_items', 62), ('question_tag', 63), ('faq_items', 95)]], {}), 97: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('content', 0), ('info_unit_group', 23), ('well', 25), ('simple_chart', 43), ('expandable_group', 51), ('expandable', 49), ('video_player', 54), ('raw_html_block', 55), ('notification', 60), ('faq_group', 96)]], {'help_text': 'Content that will appear above the first FIG section', 'required': False})}),
+        ),
+    ]
diff --git a/cfgov/form_explainer/migrations/ b/cfgov/form_explainer/migrations/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..4447da22f6d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cfgov/form_explainer/migrations/
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+# Generated by Django 4.2.17 on 2024-12-26 15:55
+from django.db import migrations, models
+import django.db.migrations.operations.special
+import django.db.models.deletion
+import wagtail.fields
+class Migration(migrations.Migration):
+    replaces = [('form_explainer', '0001_squashed_0008_new_table_block'), ('form_explainer', '0002_deprecate_iug_sharing'), ('form_explainer', '0003_deprecate_super_button'), ('form_explainer', '0004_remove_large_pull_quote'), ('form_explainer', '0005_update_ds_links'), ('form_explainer', '0006_add_table_intro'), ('form_explainer', '0007_raw_html_affordances'), ('form_explainer', '0008_rtf_to_urtf'), ('form_explainer', '0009_add_reusable_notification'), ('form_explainer', '0010_add_footnotes'), ('form_explainer', '0011_remove_form_explainer_css'), ('form_explainer', '0012_add_table_caption')]
+    initial = True
+    dependencies = [
+        ('v1', '0001_squashed_0254_delete_campaignpage'),
+    ]
+    operations = [
+        migrations.CreateModel(
+            name='FormExplainerPage',
+            fields=[
+                ('cfgovpage_ptr', models.OneToOneField(auto_created=True, on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.CASCADE, parent_link=True, primary_key=True, serialize=False, to='v1.cfgovpage')),
+                ('header', wagtail.fields.StreamField([('hero', 9), ('text_introduction', 19)], blank=True, block_lookup={0: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'For guidelines on creating heroes, visit our <a href="">Design System</a>. Character counts (including spaces) at largest breakpoint:<ul class="help">    <li>&bull; 41 characters max (one-line heading)</li>    <li>&bull; 82 characters max (two-line heading)</li></ul>', 'required': False}), 1: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Use if the heading needs to break to a second lineat a specific point in the text.', 'required': False}), 2: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Character counts (including spaces) at largest breakpoint:<ul class="help">    <li>&bull; 165-186 characters (after a one-line heading)</li>    <li>&bull; 108-124 characters (after a two-line heading)</li></ul>', 'label': 'Sub-heading', 'required': False}), 3: ('wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock', (), {'help_text': 'When saving illustrations, use a transparent background. ', 'label': 'Large image', 'required': False}), 4: ('wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock', (), {'help_text': '<b>Optional.</b> Provides an alternate image for small displays when using a photo or bleeding hero. Not required for the standard illustration. ', 'required': False}), 5: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Specify a hex value (including the # sign) from our <a href="">official color palette</a>.', 'required': False}), 6: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'help_text': '<b>Optional.</b> Turns the hero text white. Useful if using a dark background color or background image.', 'label': 'White text', 'required': False}), 7: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'help_text': '<b>Optional.</b> Uses the large image as a background under the entire hero, creating the "Photo" style of hero (see <a href="">Design System</a> for details). When using this option, make sure to specify a background color (above) for the left/right margins that appear when screens are wider than 1200px and for the text section when the photo and text stack at mobile sizes.', 'label': 'Photo', 'required': False}), 8: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'help_text': '<b>Optional.</b> Select if you want the illustration to bleed vertically off the top and bottom of the hero space.', 'label': 'Bleed', 'required': False}), 9: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 0), ('heading_continued', 1), ('body', 2), ('image', 3), ('small_image', 4), ('background_color', 5), ('is_white_text', 6), ('is_overlay', 7), ('is_bleeding', 8)]], {}), 10: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Optional: Adds an H5 eyebrow above H1 heading text. Only use in conjunction with heading.', 'label': 'Pre-heading', 'required': False}), 11: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'required': False}), 12: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'required': False}), 13: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Add an ARIA label if the link text does not describe the destination of the link (e.g. has ambiguous text like "Learn more" that is not descriptive on its own).', 'required': False}), 14: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'default': '/', 'required': False}), 15: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'required': False}), 16: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 11), ('aria_label', 13), ('url', 14), ('is_link_boldface', 15)]], {}), 17: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (16,), {'required': False}), 18: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Check this to add a horizontal rule line to bottom of text introduction.', 'label': 'Has bottom rule', 'required': False}), 19: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('eyebrow', 10), ('heading', 11), ('intro', 12), ('body', 12), ('links', 17), ('has_rule', 18)]], {})})),
+                ('content', wagtail.fields.StreamField([('explainer', 19), ('well', 21), ('info_unit_group', 41), ('full_width_text', 66)], block_lookup={0: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'required': False}), 1: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('h2', 'H2'), ('h3', 'H3'), ('h4', 'H4'), ('h5', 'H5')]}), 2: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Input the name of an icon to appear to the left of the heading. E.g., approved, help-round, etc. <a href="">See full list of icons</a>', 'required': False}), 3: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 0), ('level', 1), ('icon', 2)]], {'label': 'Heading (optional)', 'required': False}), 4: ('wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock', (), {'icon': 'image', 'required': True}), 5: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Optional. Leave blank if there is only one type of note for this image.', 'label': 'Category title', 'required': False}), 6: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'label': 'Expandable header', 'required': True}), 7: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'features': ['bold', 'italic', 'link', 'document-link'], 'label': 'Expandable text', 'required': True}), 8: ('wagtail.blocks.FloatBlock', (), {'label': 'X value (in percentage)', 'max_value': 100, 'min_value': 0, 'required': True}), 9: ('wagtail.blocks.FloatBlock', (), {'label': 'Y value (in percentage)', 'max_value': 100, 'min_value': 0, 'required': True}), 10: ('wagtail.blocks.FloatBlock', (), {'label': 'Width (in percentage)', 'max_value': 100, 'min_value': 0, 'required': True}), 11: ('wagtail.blocks.FloatBlock', (), {'label': 'Height (in percentage)', 'max_value': 100, 'min_value': 0, 'required': True}), 12: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('left', 8), ('top', 9), ('width', 10), ('height', 11)]], {'form_classname': 'coordinates', 'help_text': 'Enter percentage values for the highlighted area of the image associated with this expandable. See <a href="">Hubcap documentation</a> for more information on identifying coordinates.', 'label': 'Image coordinates'}), 13: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 6), ('body', 7), ('coordinates', 12)]], {'form_classname': 'explainer_notes', 'required': False}), 14: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (13,), {'default': []}), 15: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('title', 5), ('notes', 14)]], {'required': False}), 16: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (15,), {}), 17: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('image', 4), ('categories', 16)]], {'required': False}), 18: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (17,), {}), 19: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 3), ('pages', 18)]], {}), 20: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'label': 'Well', 'required': False}), 21: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content', 20)]], {}), 22: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('50-50', '50/50'), ('33-33-33', '33/33/33'), ('25-75', '25/75')], 'help_text': 'Choose the number and width of info unit columns.', 'label': 'Format'}), 23: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 0), ('level', 1), ('icon', 2)]], {'required': False}), 24: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'required': False}), 25: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': "Check this to link all images and headings to the URL of the first link in their unit's list, if there is a link.", 'required': False}), 26: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add a horizontal rule line to top of info unit group.', 'required': False}), 27: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to show horizontal rule lines between info units.', 'label': 'Show rule lines between items', 'required': False}), 28: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('none', 'None'), ('rounded', 'Rounded corners'), ('circle', 'Circle')], 'help_text': 'Adds a <em>border-radius</em> class to images in this group, allowing for a rounded or circular border.', 'label': 'Border radius for images?', 'required': False}), 29: ('wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock', (), {'required': False}), 30: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': "No character limit, but be as succinct as possible. If the image is decorative (i.e., a screenreader wouldn't have anything useful to say about it), leave this field blank.", 'required': False}), 31: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('upload', 29), ('alt', 30)]], {}), 32: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 0), ('level', 1), ('icon', 2)]], {'default': {'level': 'h3'}, 'required': False}), 33: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'blank': True, 'required': False}), 34: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Add an ARIA label if the link text does not describe the destination of the link (e.g. has ambiguous text like "Learn more" that is not descriptive on its own).', 'required': False}), 35: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'default': '/', 'required': False}), 36: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'required': False}), 37: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 0), ('aria_label', 34), ('url', 35), ('is_link_boldface', 36)]], {}), 38: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (37,), {'required': False}), 39: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('image', 31), ('heading', 32), ('body', 33), ('links', 38)]], {}), 40: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (39,), {'default': []}), 41: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('format', 22), ('heading', 23), ('intro', 24), ('link_image_and_heading', 25), ('has_top_rule_line', 26), ('lines_between_items', 27), ('border_radius_image', 28), ('info_units', 40)]], {}), 42: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'icon': 'edit'}), 43: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {}), 44: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': '\n            ID will be auto-generated on save.\n            However, you may enter some human-friendly text that\n            will be incorporated to make it easier to read.\n        ', 'label': 'ID for this content block', 'required': False}), 45: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('link_id', 44)]], {}), 46: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content_block', 43), ('anchor_link', 45)]], {}), 47: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('full', 'Full width'), (470, '470px'), (270, '270px'), (170, '170px')]}), 48: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('right', 'right'), ('left', 'left')], 'help_text': 'Does not apply if the image is full-width'}), 49: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'label': 'Caption', 'required': False}), 50: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'Check to add a horizontal rule line to bottom of inset.', 'label': 'Has bottom rule line', 'required': False}), 51: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('image', 31), ('image_width', 47), ('image_position', 48), ('text', 49), ('is_bottom_rule', 50)]], {}), 52: ('wagtail.blocks.MultipleChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('is_full_width', 'Display the table at full width'), ('stack_on_mobile', 'Stack the table columns on mobile')], 'required': False}), 53: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {}), 54: ('wagtail.blocks.FloatBlock', (), {}), 55: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'features': ['bold', 'italic', 'ol', 'ul', 'link', 'document-link', 'superscript']}), 56: ('wagtail.contrib.typed_table_block.blocks.TypedTableBlock', [[('text', 53), ('numeric', 54), ('rich_text', 55)]], {}), 57: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 23), ('text_introduction', 0), ('options', 52), ('data', 56)]], {}), 58: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {}), 59: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'required': False}), 60: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('body', 58), ('citation', 59)]], {}), 61: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('slug_text', 0), ('paragraph_text', 24), ('button', 37)]], {}), 62: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (37,), {}), 63: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 0), ('paragraph', 24), ('links', 62)]], {}), 64: ('v1.blocks.ReusableTextChooserBlock', ('v1.ReusableText',), {}), 65: ('v1.blocks.EmailSignUpChooserBlock', (), {}), 66: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('content', 42), ('content_with_anchor', 46), ('heading', 23), ('image', 51), ('table', 57), ('quote', 60), ('cta', 61), ('related_links', 63), ('reusable_text', 64), ('email_signup', 65), ('well', 21)]], {})})),
+            ],
+            options={
+                'abstract': False,
+            },
+            bases=('v1.cfgovpage',),
+        ),
+        migrations.RunPython(
+            code=django.db.migrations.operations.special.RunPython.noop,
+            reverse_code=django.db.migrations.operations.special.RunPython.noop,
+        ),
+        migrations.AlterField(
+            model_name='formexplainerpage',
+            name='content',
+            field=wagtail.fields.StreamField([('explainer', 19), ('well', 21), ('info_unit_group', 41), ('full_width_text', 67)], block_lookup={0: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'required': False}), 1: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('h2', 'H2'), ('h3', 'H3'), ('h4', 'H4'), ('h5', 'H5')]}), 2: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Input the name of an icon to appear to the left of the heading. E.g., approved, help-round, etc. <a href="">See full list of icons</a>', 'required': False}), 3: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 0), ('level', 1), ('icon', 2)]], {'label': 'Heading (optional)', 'required': False}), 4: ('wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock', (), {'icon': 'image', 'required': True}), 5: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Optional. Leave blank if there is only one type of note for this image.', 'label': 'Category title', 'required': False}), 6: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'label': 'Expandable header', 'required': True}), 7: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'features': ['bold', 'italic', 'link', 'document-link'], 'label': 'Expandable text', 'required': True}), 8: ('wagtail.blocks.FloatBlock', (), {'label': 'X value (in percentage)', 'max_value': 100, 'min_value': 0, 'required': True}), 9: ('wagtail.blocks.FloatBlock', (), {'label': 'Y value (in percentage)', 'max_value': 100, 'min_value': 0, 'required': True}), 10: ('wagtail.blocks.FloatBlock', (), {'label': 'Width (in percentage)', 'max_value': 100, 'min_value': 0, 'required': True}), 11: ('wagtail.blocks.FloatBlock', (), {'label': 'Height (in percentage)', 'max_value': 100, 'min_value': 0, 'required': True}), 12: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('left', 8), ('top', 9), ('width', 10), ('height', 11)]], {'form_classname': 'coordinates', 'help_text': 'Enter percentage values for the highlighted area of the image associated with this expandable. See <a href="">Hubcap documentation</a> for more information on identifying coordinates.', 'label': 'Image coordinates'}), 13: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 6), ('body', 7), ('coordinates', 12)]], {'form_classname': 'explainer_notes', 'required': False}), 14: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (13,), {'default': []}), 15: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('title', 5), ('notes', 14)]], {'required': False}), 16: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (15,), {}), 17: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('image', 4), ('categories', 16)]], {'required': False}), 18: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (17,), {}), 19: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 3), ('pages', 18)]], {}), 20: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'label': 'Well', 'required': False}), 21: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content', 20)]], {}), 22: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('50-50', '50/50'), ('33-33-33', '33/33/33'), ('25-75', '25/75')], 'help_text': 'Choose the number and width of info unit columns.', 'label': 'Format'}), 23: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 0), ('level', 1), ('icon', 2)]], {'required': False}), 24: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'required': False}), 25: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': "Check this to link all images and headings to the URL of the first link in their unit's list, if there is a link.", 'required': False}), 26: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add a horizontal rule line to top of info unit group.', 'required': False}), 27: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to show horizontal rule lines between info units.', 'label': 'Show rule lines between items', 'required': False}), 28: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('none', 'None'), ('rounded', 'Rounded corners'), ('circle', 'Circle')], 'help_text': 'Adds a <em>border-radius</em> class to images in this group, allowing for a rounded or circular border.', 'label': 'Border radius for images?', 'required': False}), 29: ('wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock', (), {'required': False}), 30: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': "No character limit, but be as succinct as possible. If the image is decorative (i.e., a screenreader wouldn't have anything useful to say about it), leave this field blank.", 'required': False}), 31: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('upload', 29), ('alt', 30)]], {}), 32: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 0), ('level', 1), ('icon', 2)]], {'default': {'level': 'h3'}, 'required': False}), 33: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'blank': True, 'required': False}), 34: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Add an ARIA label if the link text does not describe the destination of the link (e.g. has ambiguous text like "Learn more" that is not descriptive on its own).', 'required': False}), 35: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'default': '/', 'required': False}), 36: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'required': False}), 37: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 0), ('aria_label', 34), ('url', 35), ('is_link_boldface', 36)]], {}), 38: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (37,), {'required': False}), 39: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('image', 31), ('heading', 32), ('body', 33), ('links', 38)]], {}), 40: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (39,), {'default': []}), 41: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('format', 22), ('heading', 23), ('intro', 24), ('link_image_and_heading', 25), ('has_top_rule_line', 26), ('lines_between_items', 27), ('border_radius_image', 28), ('info_units', 40)]], {}), 42: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'icon': 'edit'}), 43: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {}), 44: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': '\n            ID will be auto-generated on save.\n            However, you may enter some human-friendly text that\n            will be incorporated to make it easier to read.\n        ', 'label': 'ID for this content block', 'required': False}), 45: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('link_id', 44)]], {}), 46: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content_block', 43), ('anchor_link', 45)]], {}), 47: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('full', 'Full width'), (470, '470px'), (270, '270px'), (170, '170px')]}), 48: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('right', 'right'), ('left', 'left')], 'help_text': 'Does not apply if the image is full-width'}), 49: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'label': 'Caption', 'required': False}), 50: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'Check to add a horizontal rule line to bottom of inset.', 'label': 'Has bottom rule line', 'required': False}), 51: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('image', 31), ('image_width', 47), ('image_position', 48), ('text', 49), ('is_bottom_rule', 50)]], {}), 52: ('wagtail.blocks.MultipleChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('is_full_width', 'Display the table at full width'), ('stack_on_mobile', 'Stack the table columns on mobile')], 'required': False}), 53: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {}), 54: ('wagtail.blocks.FloatBlock', (), {}), 55: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'features': ['bold', 'italic', 'ol', 'ul', 'link', 'document-link', 'superscript']}), 56: ('wagtail.contrib.typed_table_block.blocks.TypedTableBlock', [[('text', 53), ('numeric', 54), ('rich_text', 55)]], {}), 57: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 23), ('text_introduction', 0), ('options', 52), ('data', 56)]], {}), 58: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {}), 59: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'required': False}), 60: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('body', 58), ('citation', 59)]], {}), 61: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('slug_text', 0), ('paragraph_text', 24), ('button', 37)]], {}), 62: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (37,), {}), 63: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 0), ('paragraph', 24), ('links', 62)]], {}), 64: ('v1.blocks.ReusableTextChooserBlock', ('v1.ReusableText',), {}), 65: ('v1.blocks.ReusableNotificationChooserBlock', ('v1.ReusableNotification',), {}), 66: ('v1.blocks.EmailSignUpChooserBlock', (), {}), 67: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('content', 42), ('content_with_anchor', 46), ('heading', 23), ('image', 51), ('table', 57), ('quote', 60), ('cta', 61), ('related_links', 63), ('reusable_text', 64), ('reusable_notification', 65), ('email_signup', 66), ('well', 21)]], {})}),
+        ),
+        migrations.AlterField(
+            model_name='formexplainerpage',
+            name='content',
+            field=wagtail.fields.StreamField([('explainer', 19), ('well', 21), ('info_unit_group', 41), ('full_width_text', 69)], block_lookup={0: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'required': False}), 1: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('h2', 'H2'), ('h3', 'H3'), ('h4', 'H4'), ('h5', 'H5')]}), 2: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Input the name of an icon to appear to the left of the heading. E.g., approved, help-round, etc. <a href="">See full list of icons</a>', 'required': False}), 3: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 0), ('level', 1), ('icon', 2)]], {'label': 'Heading (optional)', 'required': False}), 4: ('wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock', (), {'icon': 'image', 'required': True}), 5: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Optional. Leave blank if there is only one type of note for this image.', 'label': 'Category title', 'required': False}), 6: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'label': 'Expandable header', 'required': True}), 7: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'features': ['bold', 'italic', 'link', 'document-link'], 'label': 'Expandable text', 'required': True}), 8: ('wagtail.blocks.FloatBlock', (), {'label': 'X value (in percentage)', 'max_value': 100, 'min_value': 0, 'required': True}), 9: ('wagtail.blocks.FloatBlock', (), {'label': 'Y value (in percentage)', 'max_value': 100, 'min_value': 0, 'required': True}), 10: ('wagtail.blocks.FloatBlock', (), {'label': 'Width (in percentage)', 'max_value': 100, 'min_value': 0, 'required': True}), 11: ('wagtail.blocks.FloatBlock', (), {'label': 'Height (in percentage)', 'max_value': 100, 'min_value': 0, 'required': True}), 12: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('left', 8), ('top', 9), ('width', 10), ('height', 11)]], {'form_classname': 'coordinates', 'help_text': 'Enter percentage values for the highlighted area of the image associated with this expandable. See <a href="">Hubcap documentation</a> for more information on identifying coordinates.', 'label': 'Image coordinates'}), 13: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 6), ('body', 7), ('coordinates', 12)]], {'form_classname': 'explainer_notes', 'required': False}), 14: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (13,), {'default': []}), 15: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('title', 5), ('notes', 14)]], {'required': False}), 16: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (15,), {}), 17: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('image', 4), ('categories', 16)]], {'required': False}), 18: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (17,), {}), 19: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 3), ('pages', 18)]], {}), 20: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'label': 'Well', 'required': False}), 21: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content', 20)]], {}), 22: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('50-50', '50/50'), ('33-33-33', '33/33/33'), ('25-75', '25/75')], 'help_text': 'Choose the number and width of info unit columns.', 'label': 'Format'}), 23: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 0), ('level', 1), ('icon', 2)]], {'required': False}), 24: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'required': False}), 25: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': "Check this to link all images and headings to the URL of the first link in their unit's list, if there is a link.", 'required': False}), 26: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add a horizontal rule line to top of info unit group.', 'required': False}), 27: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to show horizontal rule lines between info units.', 'label': 'Show rule lines between items', 'required': False}), 28: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('none', 'None'), ('rounded', 'Rounded corners'), ('circle', 'Circle')], 'help_text': 'Adds a <em>border-radius</em> class to images in this group, allowing for a rounded or circular border.', 'label': 'Border radius for images?', 'required': False}), 29: ('wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock', (), {'required': False}), 30: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': "No character limit, but be as succinct as possible. If the image is decorative (i.e., a screenreader wouldn't have anything useful to say about it), leave this field blank.", 'required': False}), 31: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('upload', 29), ('alt', 30)]], {}), 32: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 0), ('level', 1), ('icon', 2)]], {'default': {'level': 'h3'}, 'required': False}), 33: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'blank': True, 'required': False}), 34: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Add an ARIA label if the link text does not describe the destination of the link (e.g. has ambiguous text like "Learn more" that is not descriptive on its own).', 'required': False}), 35: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'default': '/', 'required': False}), 36: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'required': False}), 37: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 0), ('aria_label', 34), ('url', 35), ('is_link_boldface', 36)]], {}), 38: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (37,), {'required': False}), 39: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('image', 31), ('heading', 32), ('body', 33), ('links', 38)]], {}), 40: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (39,), {'default': []}), 41: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('format', 22), ('heading', 23), ('intro', 24), ('link_image_and_heading', 25), ('has_top_rule_line', 26), ('lines_between_items', 27), ('border_radius_image', 28), ('info_units', 40)]], {}), 42: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'icon': 'edit'}), 43: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {}), 44: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': '\n            ID will be auto-generated on save.\n            However, you may enter some human-friendly text that\n            will be incorporated to make it easier to read.\n        ', 'label': 'ID for this content block', 'required': False}), 45: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('link_id', 44)]], {}), 46: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content_block', 43), ('anchor_link', 45)]], {}), 47: ('wagtail_footnotes.blocks.RichTextBlockWithFootnotes', (), {'features': ['anchor-identifier', 'h2', 'h3', 'h4', 'h5', 'hr', 'ol', 'ul', 'bold', 'italic', 'superscript', 'blockquote', 'link', 'document-link', 'image', 'icon', 'footnotes']}), 48: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('full', 'Full width'), (470, '470px'), (270, '270px'), (170, '170px')]}), 49: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('right', 'right'), ('left', 'left')], 'help_text': 'Does not apply if the image is full-width'}), 50: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'label': 'Caption', 'required': False}), 51: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'Check to add a horizontal rule line to bottom of inset.', 'label': 'Has bottom rule line', 'required': False}), 52: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('image', 31), ('image_width', 48), ('image_position', 49), ('text', 50), ('is_bottom_rule', 51)]], {}), 53: ('wagtail.blocks.MultipleChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('is_full_width', 'Display the table at full width'), ('stack_on_mobile', 'Stack the table columns on mobile')], 'required': False}), 54: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {}), 55: ('wagtail.blocks.FloatBlock', (), {}), 56: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'features': ['bold', 'italic', 'ol', 'ul', 'link', 'document-link', 'superscript']}), 57: ('wagtail_footnotes.blocks.RichTextBlockWithFootnotes', (), {'features': ['bold', 'italic', 'ol', 'ul', 'link', 'document-link', 'superscript', 'footnotes']}), 58: ('wagtail.contrib.typed_table_block.blocks.TypedTableBlock', [[('text', 54), ('numeric', 55), ('rich_text', 56), ('rich_text_with_footnotes', 57)]], {}), 59: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 23), ('text_introduction', 0), ('options', 53), ('data', 58)]], {}), 60: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {}), 61: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'required': False}), 62: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('body', 60), ('citation', 61)]], {}), 63: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('slug_text', 0), ('paragraph_text', 24), ('button', 37)]], {}), 64: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (37,), {}), 65: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 0), ('paragraph', 24), ('links', 64)]], {}), 66: ('v1.blocks.ReusableTextChooserBlock', ('v1.ReusableText',), {}), 67: ('v1.blocks.ReusableNotificationChooserBlock', ('v1.ReusableNotification',), {}), 68: ('v1.blocks.EmailSignUpChooserBlock', (), {}), 69: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('content', 42), ('content_with_anchor', 46), ('content_with_footnotes', 47), ('heading', 23), ('image', 52), ('table', 59), ('quote', 62), ('cta', 63), ('related_links', 65), ('reusable_text', 66), ('reusable_notification', 67), ('email_signup', 68), ('well', 21)]], {})}),
+        ),
+        migrations.AlterField(
+            model_name='formexplainerpage',
+            name='content',
+            field=wagtail.fields.StreamField([('explainer', 19), ('well', 21), ('info_unit_group', 41), ('full_width_text', 69)], block_lookup={0: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'required': False}), 1: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('h2', 'H2'), ('h3', 'H3'), ('h4', 'H4'), ('h5', 'H5')]}), 2: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Input the name of an icon to appear to the left of the heading. E.g., approved, help-round, etc. <a href="">See full list of icons</a>', 'required': False}), 3: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 0), ('level', 1), ('icon', 2)]], {'label': 'Heading (optional)', 'required': False}), 4: ('wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock', (), {'icon': 'image', 'required': True}), 5: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Optional. Leave blank if there is only one type of note for this image.', 'label': 'Category title', 'required': False}), 6: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'label': 'Expandable header', 'required': True}), 7: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'features': ['bold', 'italic', 'link', 'document-link'], 'label': 'Expandable text', 'required': True}), 8: ('wagtail.blocks.FloatBlock', (), {'label': 'X value (in percentage)', 'max_value': 100, 'min_value': 0, 'required': True}), 9: ('wagtail.blocks.FloatBlock', (), {'label': 'Y value (in percentage)', 'max_value': 100, 'min_value': 0, 'required': True}), 10: ('wagtail.blocks.FloatBlock', (), {'label': 'Width (in percentage)', 'max_value': 100, 'min_value': 0, 'required': True}), 11: ('wagtail.blocks.FloatBlock', (), {'label': 'Height (in percentage)', 'max_value': 100, 'min_value': 0, 'required': True}), 12: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('left', 8), ('top', 9), ('width', 10), ('height', 11)]], {'help_text': 'Enter percentage values for the highlighted area of the image associated with this expandable. See <a href="">Hubcap documentation</a> for more information on identifying coordinates.', 'label': 'Image coordinates'}), 13: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 6), ('body', 7), ('coordinates', 12)]], {'required': False}), 14: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (13,), {'default': []}), 15: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('title', 5), ('notes', 14)]], {'required': False}), 16: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (15,), {}), 17: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('image', 4), ('categories', 16)]], {'required': False}), 18: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (17,), {}), 19: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 3), ('pages', 18)]], {}), 20: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'label': 'Well', 'required': False}), 21: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content', 20)]], {}), 22: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('50-50', '50/50'), ('33-33-33', '33/33/33'), ('25-75', '25/75')], 'help_text': 'Choose the number and width of info unit columns.', 'label': 'Format'}), 23: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 0), ('level', 1), ('icon', 2)]], {'required': False}), 24: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'required': False}), 25: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': "Check this to link all images and headings to the URL of the first link in their unit's list, if there is a link.", 'required': False}), 26: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add a horizontal rule line to top of info unit group.', 'required': False}), 27: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to show horizontal rule lines between info units.', 'label': 'Show rule lines between items', 'required': False}), 28: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('none', 'None'), ('rounded', 'Rounded corners'), ('circle', 'Circle')], 'help_text': 'Adds a <em>border-radius</em> class to images in this group, allowing for a rounded or circular border.', 'label': 'Border radius for images?', 'required': False}), 29: ('wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock', (), {'required': False}), 30: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': "No character limit, but be as succinct as possible. If the image is decorative (i.e., a screenreader wouldn't have anything useful to say about it), leave this field blank.", 'required': False}), 31: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('upload', 29), ('alt', 30)]], {}), 32: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 0), ('level', 1), ('icon', 2)]], {'default': {'level': 'h3'}, 'required': False}), 33: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'blank': True, 'required': False}), 34: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Add an ARIA label if the link text does not describe the destination of the link (e.g. has ambiguous text like "Learn more" that is not descriptive on its own).', 'required': False}), 35: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'default': '/', 'required': False}), 36: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'required': False}), 37: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 0), ('aria_label', 34), ('url', 35), ('is_link_boldface', 36)]], {}), 38: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (37,), {'required': False}), 39: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('image', 31), ('heading', 32), ('body', 33), ('links', 38)]], {}), 40: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (39,), {'default': []}), 41: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('format', 22), ('heading', 23), ('intro', 24), ('link_image_and_heading', 25), ('has_top_rule_line', 26), ('lines_between_items', 27), ('border_radius_image', 28), ('info_units', 40)]], {}), 42: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'icon': 'edit'}), 43: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {}), 44: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': '\n            ID will be auto-generated on save.\n            However, you may enter some human-friendly text that\n            will be incorporated to make it easier to read.\n        ', 'label': 'ID for this content block', 'required': False}), 45: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('link_id', 44)]], {}), 46: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content_block', 43), ('anchor_link', 45)]], {}), 47: ('wagtail_footnotes.blocks.RichTextBlockWithFootnotes', (), {'features': ['anchor-identifier', 'h2', 'h3', 'h4', 'h5', 'hr', 'ol', 'ul', 'bold', 'italic', 'superscript', 'blockquote', 'link', 'document-link', 'image', 'icon', 'footnotes']}), 48: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('full', 'Full width'), (470, '470px'), (270, '270px'), (170, '170px')]}), 49: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('right', 'right'), ('left', 'left')], 'help_text': 'Does not apply if the image is full-width'}), 50: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'label': 'Caption', 'required': False}), 51: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'Check to add a horizontal rule line to bottom of inset.', 'label': 'Has bottom rule line', 'required': False}), 52: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('image', 31), ('image_width', 48), ('image_position', 49), ('text', 50), ('is_bottom_rule', 51)]], {}), 53: ('wagtail.blocks.MultipleChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('is_full_width', 'Display the table at full width'), ('stack_on_mobile', 'Stack the table columns on mobile')], 'required': False}), 54: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {}), 55: ('wagtail.blocks.FloatBlock', (), {}), 56: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'features': ['bold', 'italic', 'ol', 'ul', 'link', 'document-link', 'superscript']}), 57: ('wagtail_footnotes.blocks.RichTextBlockWithFootnotes', (), {'features': ['bold', 'italic', 'ol', 'ul', 'link', 'document-link', 'superscript', 'footnotes']}), 58: ('wagtail.contrib.typed_table_block.blocks.TypedTableBlock', [[('text', 54), ('numeric', 55), ('rich_text', 56), ('rich_text_with_footnotes', 57)]], {}), 59: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 23), ('text_introduction', 0), ('options', 53), ('data', 58)]], {}), 60: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {}), 61: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'required': False}), 62: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('body', 60), ('citation', 61)]], {}), 63: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('slug_text', 0), ('paragraph_text', 24), ('button', 37)]], {}), 64: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (37,), {}), 65: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 0), ('paragraph', 24), ('links', 64)]], {}), 66: ('v1.blocks.ReusableTextChooserBlock', ('v1.ReusableText',), {}), 67: ('v1.blocks.ReusableNotificationChooserBlock', ('v1.ReusableNotification',), {}), 68: ('v1.blocks.EmailSignUpChooserBlock', (), {}), 69: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('content', 42), ('content_with_anchor', 46), ('content_with_footnotes', 47), ('heading', 23), ('image', 52), ('table', 59), ('quote', 62), ('cta', 63), ('related_links', 65), ('reusable_text', 66), ('reusable_notification', 67), ('email_signup', 68), ('well', 21)]], {})}),
+        ),
+        migrations.AlterField(
+            model_name='formexplainerpage',
+            name='content',
+            field=wagtail.fields.StreamField([('explainer', 19), ('well', 21), ('info_unit_group', 41), ('full_width_text', 70)], block_lookup={0: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'required': False}), 1: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('h2', 'H2'), ('h3', 'H3'), ('h4', 'H4'), ('h5', 'H5')]}), 2: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Input the name of an icon to appear to the left of the heading. E.g., approved, help-round, etc. <a href="">See full list of icons</a>', 'required': False}), 3: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 0), ('level', 1), ('icon', 2)]], {'label': 'Heading (optional)', 'required': False}), 4: ('wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock', (), {'icon': 'image', 'required': True}), 5: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Optional. Leave blank if there is only one type of note for this image.', 'label': 'Category title', 'required': False}), 6: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'label': 'Expandable header', 'required': True}), 7: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'features': ['bold', 'italic', 'link', 'document-link'], 'label': 'Expandable text', 'required': True}), 8: ('wagtail.blocks.FloatBlock', (), {'label': 'X value (in percentage)', 'max_value': 100, 'min_value': 0, 'required': True}), 9: ('wagtail.blocks.FloatBlock', (), {'label': 'Y value (in percentage)', 'max_value': 100, 'min_value': 0, 'required': True}), 10: ('wagtail.blocks.FloatBlock', (), {'label': 'Width (in percentage)', 'max_value': 100, 'min_value': 0, 'required': True}), 11: ('wagtail.blocks.FloatBlock', (), {'label': 'Height (in percentage)', 'max_value': 100, 'min_value': 0, 'required': True}), 12: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('left', 8), ('top', 9), ('width', 10), ('height', 11)]], {'help_text': 'Enter percentage values for the highlighted area of the image associated with this expandable. See <a href="">Hubcap documentation</a> for more information on identifying coordinates.', 'label': 'Image coordinates'}), 13: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 6), ('body', 7), ('coordinates', 12)]], {'required': False}), 14: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (13,), {'default': []}), 15: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('title', 5), ('notes', 14)]], {'required': False}), 16: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (15,), {}), 17: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('image', 4), ('categories', 16)]], {'required': False}), 18: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (17,), {}), 19: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 3), ('pages', 18)]], {}), 20: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'label': 'Well', 'required': False}), 21: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content', 20)]], {}), 22: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('50-50', '50/50'), ('33-33-33', '33/33/33'), ('25-75', '25/75')], 'help_text': 'Choose the number and width of info unit columns.', 'label': 'Format'}), 23: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 0), ('level', 1), ('icon', 2)]], {'required': False}), 24: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'required': False}), 25: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': "Check this to link all images and headings to the URL of the first link in their unit's list, if there is a link.", 'required': False}), 26: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add a horizontal rule line to top of info unit group.', 'required': False}), 27: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to show horizontal rule lines between info units.', 'label': 'Show rule lines between items', 'required': False}), 28: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('none', 'None'), ('rounded', 'Rounded corners'), ('circle', 'Circle')], 'help_text': 'Adds a <em>border-radius</em> class to images in this group, allowing for a rounded or circular border.', 'label': 'Border radius for images?', 'required': False}), 29: ('wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock', (), {'required': False}), 30: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': "No character limit, but be as succinct as possible. If the image is decorative (i.e., a screenreader wouldn't have anything useful to say about it), leave this field blank.", 'required': False}), 31: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('upload', 29), ('alt', 30)]], {}), 32: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 0), ('level', 1), ('icon', 2)]], {'default': {'level': 'h3'}, 'required': False}), 33: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'blank': True, 'required': False}), 34: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Add an ARIA label if the link text does not describe the destination of the link (e.g. has ambiguous text like "Learn more" that is not descriptive on its own).', 'required': False}), 35: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'default': '/', 'required': False}), 36: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'required': False}), 37: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 0), ('aria_label', 34), ('url', 35), ('is_link_boldface', 36)]], {}), 38: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (37,), {'required': False}), 39: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('image', 31), ('heading', 32), ('body', 33), ('links', 38)]], {}), 40: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (39,), {'default': []}), 41: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('format', 22), ('heading', 23), ('intro', 24), ('link_image_and_heading', 25), ('has_top_rule_line', 26), ('lines_between_items', 27), ('border_radius_image', 28), ('info_units', 40)]], {}), 42: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'icon': 'edit'}), 43: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {}), 44: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': '\n            ID will be auto-generated on save.\n            However, you may enter some human-friendly text that\n            will be incorporated to make it easier to read.\n        ', 'label': 'ID for this content block', 'required': False}), 45: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('link_id', 44)]], {}), 46: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content_block', 43), ('anchor_link', 45)]], {}), 47: ('wagtail_footnotes.blocks.RichTextBlockWithFootnotes', (), {'features': ['anchor-identifier', 'h2', 'h3', 'h4', 'h5', 'hr', 'ol', 'ul', 'bold', 'italic', 'superscript', 'blockquote', 'link', 'document-link', 'image', 'icon', 'footnotes']}), 48: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('full', 'Full width'), (470, '470px'), (270, '270px'), (170, '170px')]}), 49: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('right', 'right'), ('left', 'left')], 'help_text': 'Does not apply if the image is full-width'}), 50: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'label': 'Caption', 'required': False}), 51: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'Check to add a horizontal rule line to bottom of inset.', 'label': 'Has bottom rule line', 'required': False}), 52: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('image', 31), ('image_width', 48), ('image_position', 49), ('text', 50), ('is_bottom_rule', 51)]], {}), 53: ('wagtail.blocks.MultipleChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('is_full_width', 'Display the table at full width'), ('stack_on_mobile', 'Stack the table columns on mobile')], 'required': False}), 54: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {}), 55: ('wagtail.blocks.FloatBlock', (), {}), 56: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'features': ['bold', 'italic', 'ol', 'ul', 'link', 'document-link', 'superscript']}), 57: ('wagtail_footnotes.blocks.RichTextBlockWithFootnotes', (), {'features': ['bold', 'italic', 'ol', 'ul', 'link', 'document-link', 'superscript', 'footnotes']}), 58: ('wagtail.contrib.typed_table_block.blocks.TypedTableBlock', [[('text', 54), ('numeric', 55), ('rich_text', 56), ('rich_text_with_footnotes', 57)]], {}), 59: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'features': ['bold', 'italic', 'link', 'document-link'], 'required': False}), 60: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 23), ('text_introduction', 0), ('options', 53), ('data', 58), ('caption', 59)]], {}), 61: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {}), 62: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'required': False}), 63: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('body', 61), ('citation', 62)]], {}), 64: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('slug_text', 0), ('paragraph_text', 24), ('button', 37)]], {}), 65: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (37,), {}), 66: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 0), ('paragraph', 24), ('links', 65)]], {}), 67: ('v1.blocks.ReusableTextChooserBlock', ('v1.ReusableText',), {}), 68: ('v1.blocks.ReusableNotificationChooserBlock', ('v1.ReusableNotification',), {}), 69: ('v1.blocks.EmailSignUpChooserBlock', (), {}), 70: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('content', 42), ('content_with_anchor', 46), ('content_with_footnotes', 47), ('heading', 23), ('image', 52), ('table', 60), ('quote', 63), ('cta', 64), ('related_links', 66), ('reusable_text', 67), ('reusable_notification', 68), ('email_signup', 69), ('well', 21)]], {})}),
+        ),
+    ]
diff --git a/cfgov/paying_for_college/migrations/ b/cfgov/paying_for_college/migrations/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..09d27d6516b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cfgov/paying_for_college/migrations/
@@ -0,0 +1,237 @@
+# Generated by Django 4.2.17 on 2024-12-26 15:59
+from django.db import migrations, models
+import django.db.migrations.operations.special
+import django.db.models.deletion
+import wagtail.fields
+class Migration(migrations.Migration):
+    replaces = [('paying_for_college', '0001_squashed_0020_new_table_block'), ('paying_for_college', '0002_deprecate_iug_sharing'), ('paying_for_college', '0003_delete_repayingstudentdebtpage'), ('paying_for_college', '0004_deprecate_super_button'), ('paying_for_college', '0005_remove_large_pull_quote'), ('paying_for_college', '0006_update_ds_links'), ('paying_for_college', '0007_add_table_intro'), ('paying_for_college', '0008_raw_html_affordances'), ('paying_for_college', '0009_rtf_to_urtf'), ('paying_for_college', '0010_add_reusable_notification'), ('paying_for_college', '0011_remove_is_larger_heading'), ('paying_for_college', '0012_add_footnotes'), ('paying_for_college', '0013_add_table_caption')]
+    initial = True
+    dependencies = [
+        ('wagtailredirects', '0008_add_verbose_name_plural'),
+        ('v1', '0001_squashed_0254_delete_campaignpage'),
+        ('wagtailforms', '0004_add_verbose_name_plural'),
+        ('wagtailinventory', '0003_pageblock_id_bigautofield'),
+        ('v1', '0008_deprecate_heading_related_posts_in_sidebar_breakout'),
+        ('wagtailcore', '0060_fix_workflow_unique_constraint'),
+        ('wagtailcore', '0078_referenceindex'),
+        ('wagtailredirects', '0006_redirect_increase_max_length'),
+        ('wagtailforms', '0005_alter_formsubmission_form_data'),
+        ('wagtailinventory', '0001_initial'),
+    ]
+    operations = [
+        migrations.CreateModel(
+            name='BAHRate',
+            fields=[
+                ('id', models.AutoField(auto_created=True, primary_key=True, serialize=False, verbose_name='ID')),
+                ('zip5', models.CharField(max_length=5)),
+                ('value', models.IntegerField()),
+            ],
+        ),
+        migrations.CreateModel(
+            name='ConstantCap',
+            fields=[
+                ('id', models.AutoField(auto_created=True, primary_key=True, serialize=False, verbose_name='ID')),
+                ('name', models.CharField(max_length=255)),
+                ('slug', models.CharField(blank=True, help_text='VARIABLE NAME FOR JS', max_length=255)),
+                ('value', models.IntegerField()),
+                ('note', models.TextField(blank=True)),
+                ('updated', models.DateField(auto_now=True)),
+            ],
+            options={
+                'ordering': ['slug'],
+            },
+        ),
+        migrations.CreateModel(
+            name='ConstantRate',
+            fields=[
+                ('id', models.AutoField(auto_created=True, primary_key=True, serialize=False, verbose_name='ID')),
+                ('name', models.CharField(max_length=255)),
+                ('slug', models.CharField(blank=True, help_text='VARIABLE NAME FOR JS', max_length=255)),
+                ('value', models.DecimalField(decimal_places=5, max_digits=6)),
+                ('note', models.TextField(blank=True)),
+                ('updated', models.DateField(auto_now=True)),
+            ],
+            options={
+                'ordering': ['slug'],
+            },
+        ),
+        migrations.CreateModel(
+            name='Contact',
+            fields=[
+                ('id', models.AutoField(auto_created=True, primary_key=True, serialize=False, verbose_name='ID')),
+                ('contacts', models.TextField(blank=True, help_text='COMMA-SEPARATED LIST OF EMAILS')),
+                ('endpoint', models.CharField(blank=True, max_length=255)),
+                ('name', models.CharField(blank=True, max_length=255)),
+                ('internal_note', models.TextField(blank=True)),
+            ],
+        ),
+        migrations.CreateModel(
+            name='School',
+            fields=[
+                ('school_id', models.IntegerField(primary_key=True, serialize=False)),
+                ('ope6_id', models.IntegerField(blank=True, null=True)),
+                ('ope8_id', models.IntegerField(blank=True, null=True)),
+                ('settlement_school', models.CharField(blank=True, default='', max_length=100)),
+                ('data_json', models.TextField(blank=True)),
+                ('city', models.CharField(blank=True, max_length=50)),
+                ('state', models.CharField(blank=True, max_length=2)),
+                ('zip5', models.CharField(blank=True, max_length=5)),
+                ('enrollment', models.IntegerField(blank=True, null=True)),
+                ('accreditor', models.CharField(blank=True, max_length=255)),
+                ('ownership', models.CharField(blank=True, max_length=255)),
+                ('control', models.CharField(blank=True, help_text="'Public', 'Private' or 'For-profit'", max_length=50)),
+                ('url', models.TextField(blank=True)),
+                ('degrees_predominant', models.TextField(blank=True)),
+                ('degrees_highest', models.TextField(blank=True)),
+                ('program_count', models.IntegerField(blank=True, null=True)),
+                ('program_most_popular', models.JSONField(blank=True, null=True)),
+                ('main_campus', models.BooleanField(blank=True, null=True)),
+                ('online_only', models.BooleanField(blank=True, null=True)),
+                ('operating', models.BooleanField(default=True)),
+                ('under_investigation', models.BooleanField(default=False, help_text='Heightened Cash Monitoring 2')),
+                ('KBYOSS', models.BooleanField(default=False)),
+                ('grad_rate_4yr', models.DecimalField(blank=True, decimal_places=3, max_digits=5, null=True)),
+                ('grad_rate_lt4', models.DecimalField(blank=True, decimal_places=3, max_digits=5, null=True)),
+                ('grad_rate', models.DecimalField(blank=True, decimal_places=3, help_text='A 2-YEAR POOLED VALUE', max_digits=5, null=True)),
+                ('repay_3yr', models.DecimalField(blank=True, decimal_places=10, help_text='GRADS WITH A DECLINING BALANCE AFTER 3 YRS', max_digits=13, null=True)),
+                ('repay_5yr', models.DecimalField(blank=True, decimal_places=10, help_text='GRADS WITH A DECLINING BALANCE AFTER 5 YRS', max_digits=13, null=True)),
+                ('default_rate', models.DecimalField(blank=True, decimal_places=3, help_text='LOAN DEFAULT RATE AT 5 YRS', max_digits=5, null=True)),
+                ('median_total_debt', models.DecimalField(blank=True, decimal_places=1, help_text='MEDIAN STUDENT DEBT 10 YRS AFTER ENROLLING', max_digits=7, null=True)),
+                ('median_monthly_debt', models.DecimalField(blank=True, decimal_places=2, help_text='MEDIAN STUDENT MONTHLY DEBT', max_digits=7, null=True)),
+                ('median_annual_pay', models.IntegerField(blank=True, help_text='MEDIAN PAY 10 YRS AFTER ENTRY', null=True)),
+                ('median_annual_pay_6yr', models.IntegerField(blank=True, help_text='MEDIAN PAY 6 YRS AFTER ENTRY', null=True)),
+                ('avg_net_price', models.IntegerField(blank=True, help_text='OVERALL AVERAGE', null=True)),
+                ('avg_net_price_slices', models.JSONField(blank=True, null=True)),
+                ('tuition_out_of_state', models.IntegerField(blank=True, null=True)),
+                ('tuition_in_state', models.IntegerField(blank=True, null=True)),
+                ('offers_perkins', models.BooleanField(default=False)),
+                ('cohort_ranking_by_control', models.JSONField(blank=True, null=True)),
+                ('cohort_ranking_by_highest_degree', models.JSONField(blank=True, null=True)),
+                ('cohort_ranking_by_state', models.JSONField(blank=True, null=True)),
+                ('associate_transfer_rate', models.DecimalField(blank=True, decimal_places=3, help_text='Transfer rate for first-time, full-time students at less-than-four-year institutions (150% of expected time to completion)', max_digits=5, null=True)),
+                ('contact', models.ForeignKey(blank=True, null=True, on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.CASCADE, to='')),
+            ],
+        ),
+        migrations.CreateModel(
+            name='Notification',
+            fields=[
+                ('id', models.AutoField(auto_created=True, primary_key=True, serialize=False, verbose_name='ID')),
+                ('url', models.TextField(blank=True, null=True)),
+                ('oid', models.CharField(max_length=40)),
+                ('timestamp', models.DateTimeField()),
+                ('errors', models.CharField(max_length=255)),
+                ('emails', models.TextField(blank=True, help_text='COMMA-SEPARATED STRING OF EMAILS')),
+                ('sent', models.BooleanField(default=False)),
+                ('log', models.TextField(blank=True)),
+                ('institution', models.ForeignKey(on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.CASCADE, to='')),
+            ],
+            options={
+                'abstract': False,
+            },
+        ),
+        migrations.CreateModel(
+            name='Nickname',
+            fields=[
+                ('id', models.AutoField(auto_created=True, primary_key=True, serialize=False, verbose_name='ID')),
+                ('nickname', models.TextField()),
+                ('is_female', models.BooleanField(default=False)),
+                ('institution', models.ForeignKey(on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.CASCADE, to='')),
+            ],
+            options={
+                'ordering': ['nickname'],
+            },
+        ),
+        migrations.CreateModel(
+            name='Alias',
+            fields=[
+                ('id', models.AutoField(auto_created=True, primary_key=True, serialize=False, verbose_name='ID')),
+                ('alias', models.TextField()),
+                ('is_primary', models.BooleanField(default=False)),
+                ('institution', models.ForeignKey(on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.CASCADE, to='')),
+            ],
+            options={
+                'verbose_name_plural': 'Aliases',
+            },
+        ),
+        migrations.CreateModel(
+            name='Program',
+            fields=[
+                ('id', models.AutoField(auto_created=True, primary_key=True, serialize=False, verbose_name='ID')),
+                ('program_name', models.CharField(max_length=255)),
+                ('accreditor', models.CharField(blank=True, max_length=255)),
+                ('level', models.CharField(blank=True, max_length=255)),
+                ('program_code', models.CharField(blank=True, max_length=255)),
+                ('campus', models.CharField(blank=True, max_length=255)),
+                ('cip_code', models.CharField(blank=True, max_length=255)),
+                ('soc_codes', models.CharField(blank=True, max_length=255)),
+                ('total_cost', models.IntegerField(blank=True, help_text='COMPUTED', null=True)),
+                ('time_to_complete', models.IntegerField(blank=True, help_text='IN MONTHS', null=True)),
+                ('completion_rate', models.DecimalField(blank=True, decimal_places=2, max_digits=5, null=True)),
+                ('completion_cohort', models.IntegerField(blank=True, help_text='COMPLETION COHORT', null=True)),
+                ('completers', models.IntegerField(blank=True, help_text='COMPLETERS OF THE PROGRAM', null=True)),
+                ('titleiv_debt', models.IntegerField(blank=True, null=True)),
+                ('private_debt', models.IntegerField(blank=True, null=True)),
+                ('institutional_debt', models.IntegerField(blank=True, null=True)),
+                ('mean_student_loan_completers', models.IntegerField(blank=True, help_text='TITLEIV_DEBT + PRIVATE_DEBT + INSTITUTIONAL_DEBT', null=True)),
+                ('median_student_loan_completers', models.IntegerField(blank=True, help_text='TITLEIV_DEBT + PRIVATE_DEBT + INSTITUTIONAL_DEBT', null=True)),
+                ('default_rate', models.DecimalField(blank=True, decimal_places=2, max_digits=5, null=True)),
+                ('salary', models.IntegerField(blank=True, help_text='MEDIAN SALARY', null=True)),
+                ('program_length', models.IntegerField(blank=True, help_text='IN MONTHS', null=True)),
+                ('tuition', models.IntegerField(blank=True, null=True)),
+                ('fees', models.IntegerField(blank=True, null=True)),
+                ('housing', models.IntegerField(blank=True, help_text='HOUSING & MEALS', null=True)),
+                ('books', models.IntegerField(blank=True, help_text='BOOKS & SUPPLIES', null=True)),
+                ('transportation', models.IntegerField(blank=True, null=True)),
+                ('other_costs', models.IntegerField(blank=True, null=True)),
+                ('job_rate', models.DecimalField(blank=True, decimal_places=2, help_text='COMPLETERS WHO GET RELATED JOB', max_digits=5, null=True)),
+                ('job_note', models.TextField(blank=True, help_text='EXPLANATION FROM SCHOOL')),
+                ('test', models.BooleanField(default=False)),
+                ('institution', models.ForeignKey(on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.CASCADE, to='')),
+                ('level_name', models.CharField(blank=True, max_length=255, null=True)),
+                ('median_monthly_debt', models.IntegerField(blank=True, help_text='MEDIAN MONTHLY PAYMENT FOR A 10-YEAR LOAN', null=True)),
+            ],
+        ),
+        migrations.CreateModel(
+            name='CollegeCostsPage',
+            fields=[
+                ('cfgovpage_ptr', models.OneToOneField(auto_created=True, on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.CASCADE, parent_link=True, primary_key=True, serialize=False, to='v1.cfgovpage')),
+                ('header', wagtail.fields.StreamField([('hero', 9), ('text_introduction', 19), ('featured_content', 31)], blank=True, block_lookup={0: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'For guidelines on creating heroes, visit our <a href="">Design System</a>. Character counts (including spaces) at largest breakpoint:<ul class="help">    <li>&bull; 41 characters max (one-line heading)</li>    <li>&bull; 82 characters max (two-line heading)</li></ul>', 'required': False}), 1: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Use if the heading needs to break to a second lineat a specific point in the text.', 'required': False}), 2: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Character counts (including spaces) at largest breakpoint:<ul class="help">    <li>&bull; 165-186 characters (after a one-line heading)</li>    <li>&bull; 108-124 characters (after a two-line heading)</li></ul>', 'label': 'Sub-heading', 'required': False}), 3: ('wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock', (), {'help_text': 'When saving illustrations, use a transparent background. ', 'label': 'Large image', 'required': False}), 4: ('wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock', (), {'help_text': '<b>Optional.</b> Provides an alternate image for small displays when using a photo or bleeding hero. Not required for the standard illustration. ', 'required': False}), 5: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Specify a hex value (including the # sign) from our <a href="">official color palette</a>.', 'required': False}), 6: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'help_text': '<b>Optional.</b> Turns the hero text white. Useful if using a dark background color or background image.', 'label': 'White text', 'required': False}), 7: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'help_text': '<b>Optional.</b> Uses the large image as a background under the entire hero, creating the "Photo" style of hero (see <a href="">Design System</a> for details). When using this option, make sure to specify a background color (above) for the left/right margins that appear when screens are wider than 1200px and for the text section when the photo and text stack at mobile sizes.', 'label': 'Photo', 'required': False}), 8: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'help_text': '<b>Optional.</b> Select if you want the illustration to bleed vertically off the top and bottom of the hero space.', 'label': 'Bleed', 'required': False}), 9: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 0), ('heading_continued', 1), ('body', 2), ('image', 3), ('small_image', 4), ('background_color', 5), ('is_white_text', 6), ('is_overlay', 7), ('is_bleeding', 8)]], {}), 10: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Optional: Adds an H5 eyebrow above H1 heading text. Only use in conjunction with heading.', 'label': 'Pre-heading', 'required': False}), 11: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'required': False}), 12: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'required': False}), 13: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Add an ARIA label if the link text does not describe the destination of the link (e.g. has ambiguous text like "Learn more" that is not descriptive on its own).', 'required': False}), 14: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'default': '/', 'required': False}), 15: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'required': False}), 16: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 11), ('aria_label', 13), ('url', 14), ('is_link_boldface', 15)]], {}), 17: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (16,), {'required': False}), 18: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Check this to add a horizontal rule line to bottom of text introduction.', 'label': 'Has bottom rule', 'required': False}), 19: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('eyebrow', 10), ('heading', 11), ('intro', 12), ('body', 12), ('links', 17), ('has_rule', 18)]], {}), 20: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {}), 21: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Line breaks will be ignored.'}), 22: ('wagtail.blocks.PageChooserBlock', (), {'required': False}), 23: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'label': 'Render post link?', 'required': False}), 24: ('wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock', (), {'required': False}), 25: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': "No character limit, but be as succinct as possible. If the image is decorative (i.e., a screenreader wouldn't have anything useful to say about it), leave this field blank.", 'required': False}), 26: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('upload', 24), ('alt', 25)]], {}), 27: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (16,), {'label': 'Additional Links'}), 28: ('wagtail.blocks.RegexBlock', (), {'error_messages': {'invalid': 'The YouTube video ID is in the wrong format.'}, 'help_text': 'Enter the YouTube video ID, which is located at the end of the video URL, after "v=". For example, the video ID for is 1V0Ax9OIc84.', 'label': 'YouTube video ID', 'regex': '^[\\w-]{11}$', 'required': False}), 29: ('wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Optional thumbnail image to show before and after the video plays. If the thumbnail image is not set here, the video player will default to showing the thumbnail that was set in (or automatically chosen by) YouTube.', 'required': False}), 30: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('video_id', 28), ('thumbnail_image', 29)]], {'required': False}), 31: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 20), ('body', 21), ('post', 22), ('show_post_link', 23), ('post_link_text', 11), ('image', 26), ('links', 27), ('video', 30)]], {})})),
+                ('content', wagtail.fields.StreamField([('full_width_text', 38), ('info_unit_group', 49), ('expandable_group', 57), ('expandable', 55), ('well', 37), ('raw_html_block', 58)], blank=True, block_lookup={0: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'icon': 'edit'}), 1: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {}), 2: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': '\n            ID will be auto-generated on save.\n            However, you may enter some human-friendly text that\n            will be incorporated to make it easier to read.\n        ', 'label': 'ID for this content block', 'required': False}), 3: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('link_id', 2)]], {}), 4: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content_block', 1), ('anchor_link', 3)]], {}), 5: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'required': False}), 6: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('h2', 'H2'), ('h3', 'H3'), ('h4', 'H4'), ('h5', 'H5')]}), 7: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Input the name of an icon to appear to the left of the heading. E.g., approved, help-round, etc. <a href="">See full list of icons</a>', 'required': False}), 8: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 5), ('level', 6), ('icon', 7)]], {'required': False}), 9: ('wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock', (), {'required': False}), 10: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': "No character limit, but be as succinct as possible. If the image is decorative (i.e., a screenreader wouldn't have anything useful to say about it), leave this field blank.", 'required': False}), 11: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('upload', 9), ('alt', 10)]], {}), 12: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('full', 'Full width'), (470, '470px'), (270, '270px'), (170, '170px')]}), 13: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('right', 'right'), ('left', 'left')], 'help_text': 'Does not apply if the image is full-width'}), 14: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'label': 'Caption', 'required': False}), 15: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'Check to add a horizontal rule line to bottom of inset.', 'label': 'Has bottom rule line', 'required': False}), 16: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('image', 11), ('image_width', 12), ('image_position', 13), ('text', 14), ('is_bottom_rule', 15)]], {}), 17: ('wagtail.blocks.MultipleChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('is_full_width', 'Display the table at full width'), ('stack_on_mobile', 'Stack the table columns on mobile')], 'required': False}), 18: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {}), 19: ('wagtail.blocks.FloatBlock', (), {}), 20: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'features': ['bold', 'italic', 'ol', 'ul', 'link', 'document-link', 'superscript']}), 21: ('wagtail.contrib.typed_table_block.blocks.TypedTableBlock', [[('text', 18), ('numeric', 19), ('rich_text', 20)]], {}), 22: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 8), ('text_introduction', 5), ('options', 17), ('data', 21)]], {}), 23: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {}), 24: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'required': False}), 25: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('body', 23), ('citation', 24)]], {}), 26: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'required': False}), 27: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Add an ARIA label if the link text does not describe the destination of the link (e.g. has ambiguous text like "Learn more" that is not descriptive on its own).', 'required': False}), 28: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'default': '/', 'required': False}), 29: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'required': False}), 30: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 5), ('aria_label', 27), ('url', 28), ('is_link_boldface', 29)]], {}), 31: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('slug_text', 5), ('paragraph_text', 26), ('button', 30)]], {}), 32: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (30,), {}), 33: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 5), ('paragraph', 26), ('links', 32)]], {}), 34: ('v1.blocks.ReusableTextChooserBlock', ('v1.ReusableText',), {}), 35: ('v1.blocks.EmailSignUpChooserBlock', (), {}), 36: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'label': 'Well', 'required': False}), 37: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content', 36)]], {}), 38: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('content', 0), ('content_with_anchor', 4), ('heading', 8), ('image', 16), ('table', 22), ('quote', 25), ('cta', 31), ('related_links', 33), ('reusable_text', 34), ('email_signup', 35), ('well', 37)]], {}), 39: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('50-50', '50/50'), ('33-33-33', '33/33/33'), ('25-75', '25/75')], 'help_text': 'Choose the number and width of info unit columns.', 'label': 'Format'}), 40: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': "Check this to link all images and headings to the URL of the first link in their unit's list, if there is a link.", 'required': False}), 41: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add a horizontal rule line to top of info unit group.', 'required': False}), 42: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to show horizontal rule lines between info units.', 'label': 'Show rule lines between items', 'required': False}), 43: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('none', 'None'), ('rounded', 'Rounded corners'), ('circle', 'Circle')], 'help_text': 'Adds a <em>border-radius</em> class to images in this group, allowing for a rounded or circular border.', 'label': 'Border radius for images?', 'required': False}), 44: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 5), ('level', 6), ('icon', 7)]], {'default': {'level': 'h3'}, 'required': False}), 45: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'blank': True, 'required': False}), 46: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (30,), {'required': False}), 47: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('image', 11), ('heading', 44), ('body', 45), ('links', 46)]], {}), 48: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (47,), {'default': []}), 49: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('format', 39), ('heading', 8), ('intro', 26), ('link_image_and_heading', 40), ('has_top_rule_line', 41), ('lines_between_items', 42), ('border_radius_image', 43), ('info_units', 48)]], {}), 50: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Added as an <code>&lt;h3&gt;</code> at the top of this block. Also adds a wrapping <code>&lt;div&gt;</code> whose <code>id</code> attribute comes from a slugified version of this heading, creating an anchor that can be used when linking to this part of the page.', 'required': False}), 51: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'required': False}), 52: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add a horizontal rule line to top of expandable group.', 'required': False}), 53: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add FAQ schema markup to expandables.', 'label': 'Uses FAQ schema', 'required': False}), 54: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('paragraph', 26), ('well', 37), ('links', 30), ('info_unit_group', 49)]], {'blank': True}), 55: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('label', 5), ('icon', 5), ('is_bordered', 51), ('is_midtone', 51), ('is_expanded', 51), ('is_larger_heading', 51), ('is_expanded_padding', 51), ('content', 54)]], {}), 56: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (55,), {}), 57: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 50), ('body', 26), ('is_accordion', 51), ('has_top_rule_line', 52), ('is_faq', 53), ('expandables', 56)]], {}), 58: ('wagtail.blocks.RawHTMLBlock', (), {'label': 'Raw HTML block'})})),
+            ],
+            options={
+                'abstract': False,
+            },
+            bases=('v1.cfgovpage',),
+        ),
+        migrations.RunPython(
+            code=django.db.migrations.operations.special.RunPython.noop,
+            reverse_code=django.db.migrations.operations.special.RunPython.noop,
+        ),
+        migrations.AlterField(
+            model_name='collegecostspage',
+            name='content',
+            field=wagtail.fields.StreamField([('full_width_text', 39), ('info_unit_group', 50), ('expandable_group', 58), ('expandable', 56), ('well', 38), ('raw_html_block', 59)], blank=True, block_lookup={0: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'icon': 'edit'}), 1: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {}), 2: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': '\n            ID will be auto-generated on save.\n            However, you may enter some human-friendly text that\n            will be incorporated to make it easier to read.\n        ', 'label': 'ID for this content block', 'required': False}), 3: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('link_id', 2)]], {}), 4: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content_block', 1), ('anchor_link', 3)]], {}), 5: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'required': False}), 6: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('h2', 'H2'), ('h3', 'H3'), ('h4', 'H4'), ('h5', 'H5')]}), 7: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Input the name of an icon to appear to the left of the heading. E.g., approved, help-round, etc. <a href="">See full list of icons</a>', 'required': False}), 8: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 5), ('level', 6), ('icon', 7)]], {'required': False}), 9: ('wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock', (), {'required': False}), 10: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': "No character limit, but be as succinct as possible. If the image is decorative (i.e., a screenreader wouldn't have anything useful to say about it), leave this field blank.", 'required': False}), 11: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('upload', 9), ('alt', 10)]], {}), 12: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('full', 'Full width'), (470, '470px'), (270, '270px'), (170, '170px')]}), 13: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('right', 'right'), ('left', 'left')], 'help_text': 'Does not apply if the image is full-width'}), 14: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'label': 'Caption', 'required': False}), 15: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'Check to add a horizontal rule line to bottom of inset.', 'label': 'Has bottom rule line', 'required': False}), 16: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('image', 11), ('image_width', 12), ('image_position', 13), ('text', 14), ('is_bottom_rule', 15)]], {}), 17: ('wagtail.blocks.MultipleChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('is_full_width', 'Display the table at full width'), ('stack_on_mobile', 'Stack the table columns on mobile')], 'required': False}), 18: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {}), 19: ('wagtail.blocks.FloatBlock', (), {}), 20: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'features': ['bold', 'italic', 'ol', 'ul', 'link', 'document-link', 'superscript']}), 21: ('wagtail.contrib.typed_table_block.blocks.TypedTableBlock', [[('text', 18), ('numeric', 19), ('rich_text', 20)]], {}), 22: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 8), ('text_introduction', 5), ('options', 17), ('data', 21)]], {}), 23: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {}), 24: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'required': False}), 25: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('body', 23), ('citation', 24)]], {}), 26: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'required': False}), 27: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Add an ARIA label if the link text does not describe the destination of the link (e.g. has ambiguous text like "Learn more" that is not descriptive on its own).', 'required': False}), 28: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'default': '/', 'required': False}), 29: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'required': False}), 30: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 5), ('aria_label', 27), ('url', 28), ('is_link_boldface', 29)]], {}), 31: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('slug_text', 5), ('paragraph_text', 26), ('button', 30)]], {}), 32: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (30,), {}), 33: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 5), ('paragraph', 26), ('links', 32)]], {}), 34: ('v1.blocks.ReusableTextChooserBlock', ('v1.ReusableText',), {}), 35: ('v1.blocks.ReusableNotificationChooserBlock', ('v1.ReusableNotification',), {}), 36: ('v1.blocks.EmailSignUpChooserBlock', (), {}), 37: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'label': 'Well', 'required': False}), 38: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content', 37)]], {}), 39: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('content', 0), ('content_with_anchor', 4), ('heading', 8), ('image', 16), ('table', 22), ('quote', 25), ('cta', 31), ('related_links', 33), ('reusable_text', 34), ('reusable_notification', 35), ('email_signup', 36), ('well', 38)]], {}), 40: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('50-50', '50/50'), ('33-33-33', '33/33/33'), ('25-75', '25/75')], 'help_text': 'Choose the number and width of info unit columns.', 'label': 'Format'}), 41: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': "Check this to link all images and headings to the URL of the first link in their unit's list, if there is a link.", 'required': False}), 42: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add a horizontal rule line to top of info unit group.', 'required': False}), 43: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to show horizontal rule lines between info units.', 'label': 'Show rule lines between items', 'required': False}), 44: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('none', 'None'), ('rounded', 'Rounded corners'), ('circle', 'Circle')], 'help_text': 'Adds a <em>border-radius</em> class to images in this group, allowing for a rounded or circular border.', 'label': 'Border radius for images?', 'required': False}), 45: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 5), ('level', 6), ('icon', 7)]], {'default': {'level': 'h3'}, 'required': False}), 46: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'blank': True, 'required': False}), 47: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (30,), {'required': False}), 48: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('image', 11), ('heading', 45), ('body', 46), ('links', 47)]], {}), 49: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (48,), {'default': []}), 50: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('format', 40), ('heading', 8), ('intro', 26), ('link_image_and_heading', 41), ('has_top_rule_line', 42), ('lines_between_items', 43), ('border_radius_image', 44), ('info_units', 49)]], {}), 51: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Added as an <code>&lt;h3&gt;</code> at the top of this block. Also adds a wrapping <code>&lt;div&gt;</code> whose <code>id</code> attribute comes from a slugified version of this heading, creating an anchor that can be used when linking to this part of the page.', 'required': False}), 52: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'required': False}), 53: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add a horizontal rule line to top of expandable group.', 'required': False}), 54: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add FAQ schema markup to expandables.', 'label': 'Uses FAQ schema', 'required': False}), 55: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('paragraph', 26), ('well', 38), ('links', 30), ('info_unit_group', 50)]], {'blank': True}), 56: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('label', 5), ('icon', 5), ('is_bordered', 52), ('is_midtone', 52), ('is_expanded', 52), ('is_larger_heading', 52), ('is_expanded_padding', 52), ('content', 55)]], {}), 57: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (56,), {}), 58: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 51), ('body', 26), ('is_accordion', 52), ('has_top_rule_line', 53), ('is_faq', 54), ('expandables', 57)]], {}), 59: ('wagtail.blocks.RawHTMLBlock', (), {'label': 'Raw HTML block'})}),
+        ),
+        migrations.AlterField(
+            model_name='collegecostspage',
+            name='content',
+            field=wagtail.fields.StreamField([('full_width_text', 39), ('info_unit_group', 50), ('expandable_group', 58), ('expandable', 56), ('well', 38), ('raw_html_block', 59)], blank=True, block_lookup={0: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'icon': 'edit'}), 1: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {}), 2: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': '\n            ID will be auto-generated on save.\n            However, you may enter some human-friendly text that\n            will be incorporated to make it easier to read.\n        ', 'label': 'ID for this content block', 'required': False}), 3: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('link_id', 2)]], {}), 4: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content_block', 1), ('anchor_link', 3)]], {}), 5: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'required': False}), 6: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('h2', 'H2'), ('h3', 'H3'), ('h4', 'H4'), ('h5', 'H5')]}), 7: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Input the name of an icon to appear to the left of the heading. E.g., approved, help-round, etc. <a href="">See full list of icons</a>', 'required': False}), 8: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 5), ('level', 6), ('icon', 7)]], {'required': False}), 9: ('wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock', (), {'required': False}), 10: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': "No character limit, but be as succinct as possible. If the image is decorative (i.e., a screenreader wouldn't have anything useful to say about it), leave this field blank.", 'required': False}), 11: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('upload', 9), ('alt', 10)]], {}), 12: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('full', 'Full width'), (470, '470px'), (270, '270px'), (170, '170px')]}), 13: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('right', 'right'), ('left', 'left')], 'help_text': 'Does not apply if the image is full-width'}), 14: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'label': 'Caption', 'required': False}), 15: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'Check to add a horizontal rule line to bottom of inset.', 'label': 'Has bottom rule line', 'required': False}), 16: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('image', 11), ('image_width', 12), ('image_position', 13), ('text', 14), ('is_bottom_rule', 15)]], {}), 17: ('wagtail.blocks.MultipleChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('is_full_width', 'Display the table at full width'), ('stack_on_mobile', 'Stack the table columns on mobile')], 'required': False}), 18: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {}), 19: ('wagtail.blocks.FloatBlock', (), {}), 20: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'features': ['bold', 'italic', 'ol', 'ul', 'link', 'document-link', 'superscript']}), 21: ('wagtail.contrib.typed_table_block.blocks.TypedTableBlock', [[('text', 18), ('numeric', 19), ('rich_text', 20)]], {}), 22: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 8), ('text_introduction', 5), ('options', 17), ('data', 21)]], {}), 23: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {}), 24: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'required': False}), 25: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('body', 23), ('citation', 24)]], {}), 26: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'required': False}), 27: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Add an ARIA label if the link text does not describe the destination of the link (e.g. has ambiguous text like "Learn more" that is not descriptive on its own).', 'required': False}), 28: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'default': '/', 'required': False}), 29: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'required': False}), 30: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 5), ('aria_label', 27), ('url', 28), ('is_link_boldface', 29)]], {}), 31: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('slug_text', 5), ('paragraph_text', 26), ('button', 30)]], {}), 32: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (30,), {}), 33: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 5), ('paragraph', 26), ('links', 32)]], {}), 34: ('v1.blocks.ReusableTextChooserBlock', ('v1.ReusableText',), {}), 35: ('v1.blocks.ReusableNotificationChooserBlock', ('v1.ReusableNotification',), {}), 36: ('v1.blocks.EmailSignUpChooserBlock', (), {}), 37: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'label': 'Well', 'required': False}), 38: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content', 37)]], {}), 39: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('content', 0), ('content_with_anchor', 4), ('heading', 8), ('image', 16), ('table', 22), ('quote', 25), ('cta', 31), ('related_links', 33), ('reusable_text', 34), ('reusable_notification', 35), ('email_signup', 36), ('well', 38)]], {}), 40: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('50-50', '50/50'), ('33-33-33', '33/33/33'), ('25-75', '25/75')], 'help_text': 'Choose the number and width of info unit columns.', 'label': 'Format'}), 41: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': "Check this to link all images and headings to the URL of the first link in their unit's list, if there is a link.", 'required': False}), 42: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add a horizontal rule line to top of info unit group.', 'required': False}), 43: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to show horizontal rule lines between info units.', 'label': 'Show rule lines between items', 'required': False}), 44: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('none', 'None'), ('rounded', 'Rounded corners'), ('circle', 'Circle')], 'help_text': 'Adds a <em>border-radius</em> class to images in this group, allowing for a rounded or circular border.', 'label': 'Border radius for images?', 'required': False}), 45: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 5), ('level', 6), ('icon', 7)]], {'default': {'level': 'h3'}, 'required': False}), 46: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'blank': True, 'required': False}), 47: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (30,), {'required': False}), 48: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('image', 11), ('heading', 45), ('body', 46), ('links', 47)]], {}), 49: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (48,), {'default': []}), 50: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('format', 40), ('heading', 8), ('intro', 26), ('link_image_and_heading', 41), ('has_top_rule_line', 42), ('lines_between_items', 43), ('border_radius_image', 44), ('info_units', 49)]], {}), 51: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Added as an <code>&lt;h3&gt;</code> at the top of this block. Also adds a wrapping <code>&lt;div&gt;</code> whose <code>id</code> attribute comes from a slugified version of this heading, creating an anchor that can be used when linking to this part of the page.', 'required': False}), 52: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'required': False}), 53: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add a horizontal rule line to top of expandable group.', 'required': False}), 54: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add FAQ schema markup to expandables.', 'label': 'Uses FAQ schema', 'required': False}), 55: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('paragraph', 26), ('well', 38), ('links', 30), ('info_unit_group', 50)]], {'blank': True}), 56: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('label', 5), ('icon', 5), ('is_bordered', 52), ('is_midtone', 52), ('is_expanded', 52), ('is_expanded_padding', 52), ('content', 55)]], {}), 57: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (56,), {}), 58: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 51), ('body', 26), ('is_accordion', 52), ('has_top_rule_line', 53), ('is_faq', 54), ('expandables', 57)]], {}), 59: ('wagtail.blocks.RawHTMLBlock', (), {'label': 'Raw HTML block'})}),
+        ),
+        migrations.AlterField(
+            model_name='collegecostspage',
+            name='content',
+            field=wagtail.fields.StreamField([('full_width_text', 41), ('info_unit_group', 52), ('expandable_group', 60), ('expandable', 58), ('well', 40), ('raw_html_block', 61)], blank=True, block_lookup={0: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'icon': 'edit'}), 1: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {}), 2: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': '\n            ID will be auto-generated on save.\n            However, you may enter some human-friendly text that\n            will be incorporated to make it easier to read.\n        ', 'label': 'ID for this content block', 'required': False}), 3: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('link_id', 2)]], {}), 4: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content_block', 1), ('anchor_link', 3)]], {}), 5: ('wagtail_footnotes.blocks.RichTextBlockWithFootnotes', (), {'features': ['anchor-identifier', 'h2', 'h3', 'h4', 'h5', 'hr', 'ol', 'ul', 'bold', 'italic', 'superscript', 'blockquote', 'link', 'document-link', 'image', 'icon', 'footnotes']}), 6: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'required': False}), 7: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('h2', 'H2'), ('h3', 'H3'), ('h4', 'H4'), ('h5', 'H5')]}), 8: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Input the name of an icon to appear to the left of the heading. E.g., approved, help-round, etc. <a href="">See full list of icons</a>', 'required': False}), 9: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 6), ('level', 7), ('icon', 8)]], {'required': False}), 10: ('wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock', (), {'required': False}), 11: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': "No character limit, but be as succinct as possible. If the image is decorative (i.e., a screenreader wouldn't have anything useful to say about it), leave this field blank.", 'required': False}), 12: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('upload', 10), ('alt', 11)]], {}), 13: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('full', 'Full width'), (470, '470px'), (270, '270px'), (170, '170px')]}), 14: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('right', 'right'), ('left', 'left')], 'help_text': 'Does not apply if the image is full-width'}), 15: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'label': 'Caption', 'required': False}), 16: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'Check to add a horizontal rule line to bottom of inset.', 'label': 'Has bottom rule line', 'required': False}), 17: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('image', 12), ('image_width', 13), ('image_position', 14), ('text', 15), ('is_bottom_rule', 16)]], {}), 18: ('wagtail.blocks.MultipleChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('is_full_width', 'Display the table at full width'), ('stack_on_mobile', 'Stack the table columns on mobile')], 'required': False}), 19: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {}), 20: ('wagtail.blocks.FloatBlock', (), {}), 21: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'features': ['bold', 'italic', 'ol', 'ul', 'link', 'document-link', 'superscript']}), 22: ('wagtail_footnotes.blocks.RichTextBlockWithFootnotes', (), {'features': ['bold', 'italic', 'ol', 'ul', 'link', 'document-link', 'superscript', 'footnotes']}), 23: ('wagtail.contrib.typed_table_block.blocks.TypedTableBlock', [[('text', 19), ('numeric', 20), ('rich_text', 21), ('rich_text_with_footnotes', 22)]], {}), 24: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 9), ('text_introduction', 6), ('options', 18), ('data', 23)]], {}), 25: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {}), 26: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'required': False}), 27: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('body', 25), ('citation', 26)]], {}), 28: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'required': False}), 29: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Add an ARIA label if the link text does not describe the destination of the link (e.g. has ambiguous text like "Learn more" that is not descriptive on its own).', 'required': False}), 30: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'default': '/', 'required': False}), 31: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'required': False}), 32: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 6), ('aria_label', 29), ('url', 30), ('is_link_boldface', 31)]], {}), 33: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('slug_text', 6), ('paragraph_text', 28), ('button', 32)]], {}), 34: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (32,), {}), 35: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 6), ('paragraph', 28), ('links', 34)]], {}), 36: ('v1.blocks.ReusableTextChooserBlock', ('v1.ReusableText',), {}), 37: ('v1.blocks.ReusableNotificationChooserBlock', ('v1.ReusableNotification',), {}), 38: ('v1.blocks.EmailSignUpChooserBlock', (), {}), 39: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'label': 'Well', 'required': False}), 40: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content', 39)]], {}), 41: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('content', 0), ('content_with_anchor', 4), ('content_with_footnotes', 5), ('heading', 9), ('image', 17), ('table', 24), ('quote', 27), ('cta', 33), ('related_links', 35), ('reusable_text', 36), ('reusable_notification', 37), ('email_signup', 38), ('well', 40)]], {}), 42: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('50-50', '50/50'), ('33-33-33', '33/33/33'), ('25-75', '25/75')], 'help_text': 'Choose the number and width of info unit columns.', 'label': 'Format'}), 43: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': "Check this to link all images and headings to the URL of the first link in their unit's list, if there is a link.", 'required': False}), 44: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add a horizontal rule line to top of info unit group.', 'required': False}), 45: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to show horizontal rule lines between info units.', 'label': 'Show rule lines between items', 'required': False}), 46: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('none', 'None'), ('rounded', 'Rounded corners'), ('circle', 'Circle')], 'help_text': 'Adds a <em>border-radius</em> class to images in this group, allowing for a rounded or circular border.', 'label': 'Border radius for images?', 'required': False}), 47: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 6), ('level', 7), ('icon', 8)]], {'default': {'level': 'h3'}, 'required': False}), 48: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'blank': True, 'required': False}), 49: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (32,), {'required': False}), 50: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('image', 12), ('heading', 47), ('body', 48), ('links', 49)]], {}), 51: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (50,), {'default': []}), 52: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('format', 42), ('heading', 9), ('intro', 28), ('link_image_and_heading', 43), ('has_top_rule_line', 44), ('lines_between_items', 45), ('border_radius_image', 46), ('info_units', 51)]], {}), 53: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Added as an <code>&lt;h3&gt;</code> at the top of this block. Also adds a wrapping <code>&lt;div&gt;</code> whose <code>id</code> attribute comes from a slugified version of this heading, creating an anchor that can be used when linking to this part of the page.', 'required': False}), 54: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'required': False}), 55: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add a horizontal rule line to top of expandable group.', 'required': False}), 56: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add FAQ schema markup to expandables.', 'label': 'Uses FAQ schema', 'required': False}), 57: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('paragraph', 28), ('well', 40), ('links', 32), ('info_unit_group', 52)]], {'blank': True}), 58: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('label', 6), ('icon', 6), ('is_bordered', 54), ('is_midtone', 54), ('is_expanded', 54), ('is_expanded_padding', 54), ('content', 57)]], {}), 59: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (58,), {}), 60: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 53), ('body', 28), ('is_accordion', 54), ('has_top_rule_line', 55), ('is_faq', 56), ('expandables', 59)]], {}), 61: ('wagtail.blocks.RawHTMLBlock', (), {'label': 'Raw HTML block'})}),
+        ),
+        migrations.AlterField(
+            model_name='collegecostspage',
+            name='content',
+            field=wagtail.fields.StreamField([('full_width_text', 42), ('info_unit_group', 53), ('expandable_group', 61), ('expandable', 59), ('well', 41), ('raw_html_block', 62)], blank=True, block_lookup={0: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'icon': 'edit'}), 1: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {}), 2: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': '\n            ID will be auto-generated on save.\n            However, you may enter some human-friendly text that\n            will be incorporated to make it easier to read.\n        ', 'label': 'ID for this content block', 'required': False}), 3: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('link_id', 2)]], {}), 4: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content_block', 1), ('anchor_link', 3)]], {}), 5: ('wagtail_footnotes.blocks.RichTextBlockWithFootnotes', (), {'features': ['anchor-identifier', 'h2', 'h3', 'h4', 'h5', 'hr', 'ol', 'ul', 'bold', 'italic', 'superscript', 'blockquote', 'link', 'document-link', 'image', 'icon', 'footnotes']}), 6: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'required': False}), 7: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('h2', 'H2'), ('h3', 'H3'), ('h4', 'H4'), ('h5', 'H5')]}), 8: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Input the name of an icon to appear to the left of the heading. E.g., approved, help-round, etc. <a href="">See full list of icons</a>', 'required': False}), 9: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 6), ('level', 7), ('icon', 8)]], {'required': False}), 10: ('wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock', (), {'required': False}), 11: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': "No character limit, but be as succinct as possible. If the image is decorative (i.e., a screenreader wouldn't have anything useful to say about it), leave this field blank.", 'required': False}), 12: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('upload', 10), ('alt', 11)]], {}), 13: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('full', 'Full width'), (470, '470px'), (270, '270px'), (170, '170px')]}), 14: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('right', 'right'), ('left', 'left')], 'help_text': 'Does not apply if the image is full-width'}), 15: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'label': 'Caption', 'required': False}), 16: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'Check to add a horizontal rule line to bottom of inset.', 'label': 'Has bottom rule line', 'required': False}), 17: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('image', 12), ('image_width', 13), ('image_position', 14), ('text', 15), ('is_bottom_rule', 16)]], {}), 18: ('wagtail.blocks.MultipleChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('is_full_width', 'Display the table at full width'), ('stack_on_mobile', 'Stack the table columns on mobile')], 'required': False}), 19: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {}), 20: ('wagtail.blocks.FloatBlock', (), {}), 21: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'features': ['bold', 'italic', 'ol', 'ul', 'link', 'document-link', 'superscript']}), 22: ('wagtail_footnotes.blocks.RichTextBlockWithFootnotes', (), {'features': ['bold', 'italic', 'ol', 'ul', 'link', 'document-link', 'superscript', 'footnotes']}), 23: ('wagtail.contrib.typed_table_block.blocks.TypedTableBlock', [[('text', 19), ('numeric', 20), ('rich_text', 21), ('rich_text_with_footnotes', 22)]], {}), 24: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'features': ['bold', 'italic', 'link', 'document-link'], 'required': False}), 25: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 9), ('text_introduction', 6), ('options', 18), ('data', 23), ('caption', 24)]], {}), 26: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {}), 27: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'required': False}), 28: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('body', 26), ('citation', 27)]], {}), 29: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'required': False}), 30: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Add an ARIA label if the link text does not describe the destination of the link (e.g. has ambiguous text like "Learn more" that is not descriptive on its own).', 'required': False}), 31: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'default': '/', 'required': False}), 32: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'required': False}), 33: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 6), ('aria_label', 30), ('url', 31), ('is_link_boldface', 32)]], {}), 34: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('slug_text', 6), ('paragraph_text', 29), ('button', 33)]], {}), 35: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (33,), {}), 36: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 6), ('paragraph', 29), ('links', 35)]], {}), 37: ('v1.blocks.ReusableTextChooserBlock', ('v1.ReusableText',), {}), 38: ('v1.blocks.ReusableNotificationChooserBlock', ('v1.ReusableNotification',), {}), 39: ('v1.blocks.EmailSignUpChooserBlock', (), {}), 40: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'label': 'Well', 'required': False}), 41: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content', 40)]], {}), 42: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('content', 0), ('content_with_anchor', 4), ('content_with_footnotes', 5), ('heading', 9), ('image', 17), ('table', 25), ('quote', 28), ('cta', 34), ('related_links', 36), ('reusable_text', 37), ('reusable_notification', 38), ('email_signup', 39), ('well', 41)]], {}), 43: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('50-50', '50/50'), ('33-33-33', '33/33/33'), ('25-75', '25/75')], 'help_text': 'Choose the number and width of info unit columns.', 'label': 'Format'}), 44: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': "Check this to link all images and headings to the URL of the first link in their unit's list, if there is a link.", 'required': False}), 45: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add a horizontal rule line to top of info unit group.', 'required': False}), 46: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to show horizontal rule lines between info units.', 'label': 'Show rule lines between items', 'required': False}), 47: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('none', 'None'), ('rounded', 'Rounded corners'), ('circle', 'Circle')], 'help_text': 'Adds a <em>border-radius</em> class to images in this group, allowing for a rounded or circular border.', 'label': 'Border radius for images?', 'required': False}), 48: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 6), ('level', 7), ('icon', 8)]], {'default': {'level': 'h3'}, 'required': False}), 49: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'blank': True, 'required': False}), 50: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (33,), {'required': False}), 51: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('image', 12), ('heading', 48), ('body', 49), ('links', 50)]], {}), 52: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (51,), {'default': []}), 53: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('format', 43), ('heading', 9), ('intro', 29), ('link_image_and_heading', 44), ('has_top_rule_line', 45), ('lines_between_items', 46), ('border_radius_image', 47), ('info_units', 52)]], {}), 54: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Added as an <code>&lt;h3&gt;</code> at the top of this block. Also adds a wrapping <code>&lt;div&gt;</code> whose <code>id</code> attribute comes from a slugified version of this heading, creating an anchor that can be used when linking to this part of the page.', 'required': False}), 55: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'required': False}), 56: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add a horizontal rule line to top of expandable group.', 'required': False}), 57: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add FAQ schema markup to expandables.', 'label': 'Uses FAQ schema', 'required': False}), 58: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('paragraph', 29), ('well', 41), ('links', 33), ('info_unit_group', 53)]], {'blank': True}), 59: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('label', 6), ('icon', 6), ('is_bordered', 55), ('is_midtone', 55), ('is_expanded', 55), ('is_expanded_padding', 55), ('content', 58)]], {}), 60: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (59,), {}), 61: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 54), ('body', 29), ('is_accordion', 55), ('has_top_rule_line', 56), ('is_faq', 57), ('expandables', 60)]], {}), 62: ('wagtail.blocks.RawHTMLBlock', (), {'label': 'Raw HTML block'})}),
+        ),
+    ]
diff --git a/cfgov/regulations3k/migrations/ b/cfgov/regulations3k/migrations/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..a70e0ef5674
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cfgov/regulations3k/migrations/
@@ -0,0 +1,178 @@
+# Generated by Django 4.2.17 on 2024-12-26 16:00
+import datetime
+import django.core.validators
+from django.db import migrations, models
+import django.db.migrations.operations.special
+import django.db.models.deletion
+import re
+import wagtail.contrib.routable_page.models
+import wagtail.fields
+class Migration(migrations.Migration):
+    replaces = [('regulations3k', '0001_squashed_0038_new_table_block'), ('regulations3k', '0002_deprecate_iug_sharing'), ('regulations3k', '0003_deprecate_super_button'), ('regulations3k', '0004_remove_large_pull_quote'), ('regulations3k', '0005_update_ds_links'), ('regulations3k', '0006_regulations_notification'), ('regulations3k', '0007_add_table_intro'), ('regulations3k', '0008_raw_html_affordances'), ('regulations3k', '0009_rtf_to_urtf'), ('regulations3k', '0010_add_reusable_notification'), ('regulations3k', '0011_add_footnotes'), ('regulations3k', '0012_add_table_caption')]
+    initial = True
+    dependencies = [
+        ('v1', '0001_squashed_0254_delete_campaignpage'),
+    ]
+    operations = [
+        migrations.CreateModel(
+            name='EffectiveVersion',
+            fields=[
+                ('id', models.AutoField(auto_created=True, primary_key=True, serialize=False, verbose_name='ID')),
+                ('authority', models.CharField(blank=True, max_length=255)),
+                ('source', models.CharField(blank=True, max_length=255)),
+                ('effective_date', models.DateField(,
+                ('created', models.DateField(,
+                ('draft', models.BooleanField(default=False)),
+            ],
+            options={
+                'ordering': ['effective_date'],
+                'default_related_name': 'version',
+            },
+        ),
+        migrations.CreateModel(
+            name='Part',
+            fields=[
+                ('id', models.AutoField(auto_created=True, primary_key=True, serialize=False, verbose_name='ID')),
+                ('cfr_title_number', models.CharField(max_length=255)),
+                ('chapter', models.CharField(max_length=255)),
+                ('part_number', models.CharField(max_length=255)),
+                ('title', models.CharField(max_length=255)),
+                ('short_name', models.CharField(blank=True, max_length=255)),
+            ],
+            options={
+                'ordering': ['part_number'],
+            },
+        ),
+        migrations.CreateModel(
+            name='RegulationsSearchPage',
+            fields=[
+                ('cfgovpage_ptr', models.OneToOneField(auto_created=True, on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.CASCADE, parent_link=True, primary_key=True, serialize=False, to='v1.cfgovpage')),
+            ],
+            options={
+                'abstract': False,
+            },
+            bases=(wagtail.contrib.routable_page.models.RoutablePageMixin, 'v1.cfgovpage'),
+        ),
+        migrations.CreateModel(
+            name='Section',
+            fields=[
+                ('id', models.AutoField(auto_created=True, primary_key=True, serialize=False, verbose_name='ID')),
+                ('label', models.CharField(blank=True, max_length=255)),
+                ('title', models.CharField(blank=True, max_length=255)),
+                ('contents', models.TextField(blank=True)),
+                ('sortable_label', models.CharField(max_length=255)),
+            ],
+            options={
+                'ordering': ['sortable_label'],
+            },
+        ),
+        migrations.CreateModel(
+            name='SectionParagraph',
+            fields=[
+                ('id', models.AutoField(auto_created=True, primary_key=True, serialize=False, verbose_name='ID')),
+                ('paragraph', models.TextField(blank=True)),
+                ('paragraph_id', models.CharField(blank=True, max_length=255)),
+                ('section', models.ForeignKey(on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.CASCADE, related_name='paragraphs', to='regulations3k.section')),
+            ],
+        ),
+        migrations.CreateModel(
+            name='Subpart',
+            fields=[
+                ('id', models.AutoField(auto_created=True, primary_key=True, serialize=False, verbose_name='ID')),
+                ('label', models.CharField(help_text='Labels must be unique within this regulation version and always require at least 1 alphanumeric character, then any number of alphanumeric characters and hyphens, with no spaces.', max_length=255, validators=[django.core.validators.RegexValidator(re.compile('^[\\w]+[-\\w]*$'), 'Enter a valid “label” consisting of letters, numbers, hyphens, and no spaces.', 'invalid')])),
+                ('title', models.CharField(blank=True, max_length=255)),
+                ('subpart_type', models.IntegerField(choices=[(0, 'Regulation Body'), (1000, 'Appendix'), (2000, 'Interpretation')], default=0)),
+                ('version', models.ForeignKey(on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.CASCADE, related_name='subparts', to='regulations3k.effectiveversion')),
+            ],
+            options={
+                'ordering': ['subpart_type', 'label'],
+            },
+        ),
+        migrations.AddField(
+            model_name='section',
+            name='subpart',
+            field=models.ForeignKey(on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.CASCADE, related_name='sections', to='regulations3k.subpart'),
+        ),
+        migrations.AddField(
+            model_name='effectiveversion',
+            name='part',
+            field=models.ForeignKey(on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.CASCADE, related_name='versions', to='regulations3k.part'),
+        ),
+        migrations.AlterField(
+            model_name='section',
+            name='label',
+            field=models.CharField(help_text='Labels always require at least 1 alphanumeric character, then any number of alphanumeric characters and hyphens, with no spaces.', max_length=255, validators=[django.core.validators.RegexValidator(re.compile('^[\\w]+[-\\w]*$'), 'Enter a valid “label” consisting of letters, numbers, and hyphens.', 'invalid')]),
+        ),
+        migrations.AlterField(
+            model_name='section',
+            name='label',
+            field=models.CharField(help_text='Labels always require at least 1 alphanumeric character, then any number of alphanumeric characters and hyphens, with no spaces.', max_length=255, validators=[django.core.validators.RegexValidator(re.compile('^[\\w]+[-\\w]*$'), 'Enter a valid “label” consisting of letters, numbers, hyphens, and no spaces.', 'invalid')]),
+        ),
+        migrations.CreateModel(
+            name='RegulationLandingPage',
+            fields=[
+                ('cfgovpage_ptr', models.OneToOneField(auto_created=True, on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.CASCADE, parent_link=True, primary_key=True, serialize=False, to='v1.cfgovpage')),
+                ('header', wagtail.fields.StreamField([('hero', 9)], blank=True, block_lookup={0: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'For guidelines on creating heroes, visit our <a href="">Design System</a>. Character counts (including spaces) at largest breakpoint:<ul class="help">    <li>&bull; 41 characters max (one-line heading)</li>    <li>&bull; 82 characters max (two-line heading)</li></ul>', 'required': False}), 1: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Use if the heading needs to break to a second lineat a specific point in the text.', 'required': False}), 2: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Character counts (including spaces) at largest breakpoint:<ul class="help">    <li>&bull; 165-186 characters (after a one-line heading)</li>    <li>&bull; 108-124 characters (after a two-line heading)</li></ul>', 'label': 'Sub-heading', 'required': False}), 3: ('wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock', (), {'help_text': 'When saving illustrations, use a transparent background. ', 'label': 'Large image', 'required': False}), 4: ('wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock', (), {'help_text': '<b>Optional.</b> Provides an alternate image for small displays when using a photo or bleeding hero. Not required for the standard illustration. ', 'required': False}), 5: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Specify a hex value (including the # sign) from our <a href="">official color palette</a>.', 'required': False}), 6: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'help_text': '<b>Optional.</b> Turns the hero text white. Useful if using a dark background color or background image.', 'label': 'White text', 'required': False}), 7: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'help_text': '<b>Optional.</b> Uses the large image as a background under the entire hero, creating the "Photo" style of hero (see <a href="">Design System</a> for details). When using this option, make sure to specify a background color (above) for the left/right margins that appear when screens are wider than 1200px and for the text section when the photo and text stack at mobile sizes.', 'label': 'Photo', 'required': False}), 8: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'help_text': '<b>Optional.</b> Select if you want the illustration to bleed vertically off the top and bottom of the hero space.', 'label': 'Bleed', 'required': False}), 9: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 0), ('heading_continued', 1), ('body', 2), ('image', 3), ('small_image', 4), ('background_color', 5), ('is_white_text', 6), ('is_overlay', 7), ('is_bleeding', 8)]], {})})),
+                ('content', wagtail.fields.StreamField([('notification', 9), ('full_width_text', 47)], blank=True, block_lookup={0: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('information', 'Information'), ('warning', 'Warning')]}), 1: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'The main notification message to display.', 'required': True}), 2: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Explanation text appears below the message in smaller type.', 'required': False}), 3: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'required': False}), 4: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Add an ARIA label if the link text does not describe the destination of the link (e.g. has ambiguous text like "Learn more" that is not descriptive on its own).', 'required': False}), 5: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'default': '/', 'required': False}), 6: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'required': False}), 7: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 3), ('aria_label', 4), ('url', 5), ('is_link_boldface', 6)]], {}), 8: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (7,), {'help_text': 'Links appear on their own lines below the explanation.', 'required': False}), 9: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('type', 0), ('message', 1), ('explanation', 2), ('links', 8)]], {}), 10: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'icon': 'edit'}), 11: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {}), 12: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': '\n            ID will be auto-generated on save.\n            However, you may enter some human-friendly text that\n            will be incorporated to make it easier to read.\n        ', 'label': 'ID for this content block', 'required': False}), 13: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('link_id', 12)]], {}), 14: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content_block', 11), ('anchor_link', 13)]], {}), 15: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('h2', 'H2'), ('h3', 'H3'), ('h4', 'H4'), ('h5', 'H5')]}), 16: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Input the name of an icon to appear to the left of the heading. E.g., approved, help-round, etc. <a href="">See full list of icons</a>', 'required': False}), 17: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 3), ('level', 15), ('icon', 16)]], {'required': False}), 18: ('wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock', (), {'required': False}), 19: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': "No character limit, but be as succinct as possible. If the image is decorative (i.e., a screenreader wouldn't have anything useful to say about it), leave this field blank.", 'required': False}), 20: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('upload', 18), ('alt', 19)]], {}), 21: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('full', 'Full width'), (470, '470px'), (270, '270px'), (170, '170px')]}), 22: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('right', 'right'), ('left', 'left')], 'help_text': 'Does not apply if the image is full-width'}), 23: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'label': 'Caption', 'required': False}), 24: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'Check to add a horizontal rule line to bottom of inset.', 'label': 'Has bottom rule line', 'required': False}), 25: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('image', 20), ('image_width', 21), ('image_position', 22), ('text', 23), ('is_bottom_rule', 24)]], {}), 26: ('wagtail.blocks.MultipleChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('is_full_width', 'Display the table at full width'), ('stack_on_mobile', 'Stack the table columns on mobile')], 'required': False}), 27: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {}), 28: ('wagtail.blocks.FloatBlock', (), {}), 29: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'features': ['bold', 'italic', 'ol', 'ul', 'link', 'document-link', 'superscript']}), 30: ('wagtail.contrib.typed_table_block.blocks.TypedTableBlock', [[('text', 27), ('numeric', 28), ('rich_text', 29)]], {}), 31: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 17), ('text_introduction', 3), ('options', 26), ('data', 30)]], {}), 32: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {}), 33: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'required': False}), 34: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('body', 32), ('citation', 33)]], {}), 35: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'required': False}), 36: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('slug_text', 3), ('paragraph_text', 35), ('button', 7)]], {}), 37: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (7,), {}), 38: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 3), ('paragraph', 35), ('links', 37)]], {}), 39: ('v1.blocks.ReusableTextChooserBlock', ('v1.ReusableText',), {}), 40: ('v1.blocks.EmailSignUpChooserBlock', (), {}), 41: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'label': 'Well', 'required': False}), 42: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content', 41)]], {}), 43: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Regulations list heading', 'required': False}), 44: ('wagtail.blocks.PageChooserBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Link to more regulations'}), 45: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Text to show on link to more regulations', 'required': False}), 46: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 43), ('more_regs_page', 44), ('more_regs_text', 45)]], {}), 47: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('content', 10), ('content_with_anchor', 14), ('heading', 17), ('image', 25), ('table', 31), ('quote', 34), ('cta', 36), ('related_links', 38), ('reusable_text', 39), ('email_signup', 40), ('well', 42), ('regulations_list', 46)]], {})})),
+            ],
+            options={
+                'abstract': False,
+            },
+            bases=(wagtail.contrib.routable_page.models.RoutablePageMixin, 'v1.cfgovpage'),
+        ),
+        migrations.CreateModel(
+            name='RegulationPage',
+            fields=[
+                ('cfgovpage_ptr', models.OneToOneField(auto_created=True, on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.CASCADE, parent_link=True, primary_key=True, serialize=False, to='v1.cfgovpage')),
+                ('header', wagtail.fields.StreamField([('text_introduction', 9), ('notification', 14)], blank=True, block_lookup={0: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Optional: Adds an H5 eyebrow above H1 heading text. Only use in conjunction with heading.', 'label': 'Pre-heading', 'required': False}), 1: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'required': False}), 2: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'required': False}), 3: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Add an ARIA label if the link text does not describe the destination of the link (e.g. has ambiguous text like "Learn more" that is not descriptive on its own).', 'required': False}), 4: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'default': '/', 'required': False}), 5: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'required': False}), 6: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 1), ('aria_label', 3), ('url', 4), ('is_link_boldface', 5)]], {}), 7: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (6,), {'required': False}), 8: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Check this to add a horizontal rule line to bottom of text introduction.', 'label': 'Has bottom rule', 'required': False}), 9: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('eyebrow', 0), ('heading', 1), ('intro', 2), ('body', 2), ('links', 7), ('has_rule', 8)]], {}), 10: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('information', 'Information'), ('warning', 'Warning')]}), 11: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'The main notification message to display.', 'required': True}), 12: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Explanation text appears below the message in smaller type.', 'required': False}), 13: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (6,), {'help_text': 'Links appear on their own lines below the explanation.', 'required': False}), 14: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('type', 10), ('message', 11), ('explanation', 12), ('links', 13)]], {})})),
+                ('content', wagtail.fields.StreamField([('info_unit_group', 22), ('full_width_text', 49)], blank=True, block_lookup={0: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('50-50', '50/50'), ('33-33-33', '33/33/33'), ('25-75', '25/75')], 'help_text': 'Choose the number and width of info unit columns.', 'label': 'Format'}), 1: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'required': False}), 2: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('h2', 'H2'), ('h3', 'H3'), ('h4', 'H4'), ('h5', 'H5')]}), 3: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Input the name of an icon to appear to the left of the heading. E.g., approved, help-round, etc. <a href="">See full list of icons</a>', 'required': False}), 4: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 1), ('level', 2), ('icon', 3)]], {'required': False}), 5: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'required': False}), 6: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': "Check this to link all images and headings to the URL of the first link in their unit's list, if there is a link.", 'required': False}), 7: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add a horizontal rule line to top of info unit group.', 'required': False}), 8: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to show horizontal rule lines between info units.', 'label': 'Show rule lines between items', 'required': False}), 9: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('none', 'None'), ('rounded', 'Rounded corners'), ('circle', 'Circle')], 'help_text': 'Adds a <em>border-radius</em> class to images in this group, allowing for a rounded or circular border.', 'label': 'Border radius for images?', 'required': False}), 10: ('wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock', (), {'required': False}), 11: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': "No character limit, but be as succinct as possible. If the image is decorative (i.e., a screenreader wouldn't have anything useful to say about it), leave this field blank.", 'required': False}), 12: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('upload', 10), ('alt', 11)]], {}), 13: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 1), ('level', 2), ('icon', 3)]], {'default': {'level': 'h3'}, 'required': False}), 14: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'blank': True, 'required': False}), 15: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Add an ARIA label if the link text does not describe the destination of the link (e.g. has ambiguous text like "Learn more" that is not descriptive on its own).', 'required': False}), 16: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'default': '/', 'required': False}), 17: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'required': False}), 18: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 1), ('aria_label', 15), ('url', 16), ('is_link_boldface', 17)]], {}), 19: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (18,), {'required': False}), 20: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('image', 12), ('heading', 13), ('body', 14), ('links', 19)]], {}), 21: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (20,), {'default': []}), 22: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('format', 0), ('heading', 4), ('intro', 5), ('link_image_and_heading', 6), ('has_top_rule_line', 7), ('lines_between_items', 8), ('border_radius_image', 9), ('info_units', 21)]], {}), 23: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'icon': 'edit'}), 24: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {}), 25: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': '\n            ID will be auto-generated on save.\n            However, you may enter some human-friendly text that\n            will be incorporated to make it easier to read.\n        ', 'label': 'ID for this content block', 'required': False}), 26: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('link_id', 25)]], {}), 27: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content_block', 24), ('anchor_link', 26)]], {}), 28: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('full', 'Full width'), (470, '470px'), (270, '270px'), (170, '170px')]}), 29: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('right', 'right'), ('left', 'left')], 'help_text': 'Does not apply if the image is full-width'}), 30: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'label': 'Caption', 'required': False}), 31: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'Check to add a horizontal rule line to bottom of inset.', 'label': 'Has bottom rule line', 'required': False}), 32: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('image', 12), ('image_width', 28), ('image_position', 29), ('text', 30), ('is_bottom_rule', 31)]], {}), 33: ('wagtail.blocks.MultipleChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('is_full_width', 'Display the table at full width'), ('stack_on_mobile', 'Stack the table columns on mobile')], 'required': False}), 34: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {}), 35: ('wagtail.blocks.FloatBlock', (), {}), 36: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'features': ['bold', 'italic', 'ol', 'ul', 'link', 'document-link', 'superscript']}), 37: ('wagtail.contrib.typed_table_block.blocks.TypedTableBlock', [[('text', 34), ('numeric', 35), ('rich_text', 36)]], {}), 38: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 4), ('text_introduction', 1), ('options', 33), ('data', 37)]], {}), 39: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {}), 40: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'required': False}), 41: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('body', 39), ('citation', 40)]], {}), 42: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('slug_text', 1), ('paragraph_text', 5), ('button', 18)]], {}), 43: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (18,), {}), 44: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 1), ('paragraph', 5), ('links', 43)]], {}), 45: ('v1.blocks.ReusableTextChooserBlock', ('v1.ReusableText',), {}), 46: ('v1.blocks.EmailSignUpChooserBlock', (), {}), 47: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'label': 'Well', 'required': False}), 48: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content', 47)]], {}), 49: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('content', 23), ('content_with_anchor', 27), ('heading', 4), ('image', 32), ('table', 38), ('quote', 41), ('cta', 42), ('related_links', 44), ('reusable_text', 45), ('email_signup', 46), ('well', 48)]], {})}, null=True)),
+                ('secondary_nav_exclude_sibling_pages', models.BooleanField(default=False)),
+                ('regulation', models.ForeignKey(blank=True, null=True, on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.PROTECT, related_name='page', to='regulations3k.part')),
+            ],
+            options={
+                'abstract': False,
+            },
+            bases=(wagtail.contrib.routable_page.models.RoutablePageMixin, 'v1.cfgovpage'),
+        ),
+        migrations.RunPython(
+            code=django.db.migrations.operations.special.RunPython.noop,
+            reverse_code=django.db.migrations.operations.special.RunPython.noop,
+        ),
+        migrations.AlterField(
+            model_name='regulationlandingpage',
+            name='content',
+            field=wagtail.fields.StreamField([('notification', 9), ('full_width_text', 48)], blank=True, block_lookup={0: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('information', 'Information'), ('warning', 'Warning')]}), 1: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'The main notification message to display.', 'required': True}), 2: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Explanation text appears below the message in smaller type.', 'required': False}), 3: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'required': False}), 4: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Add an ARIA label if the link text does not describe the destination of the link (e.g. has ambiguous text like "Learn more" that is not descriptive on its own).', 'required': False}), 5: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'default': '/', 'required': False}), 6: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'required': False}), 7: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 3), ('aria_label', 4), ('url', 5), ('is_link_boldface', 6)]], {}), 8: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (7,), {'help_text': 'Links appear on their own lines below the explanation.', 'required': False}), 9: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('type', 0), ('message', 1), ('explanation', 2), ('links', 8)]], {}), 10: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'icon': 'edit'}), 11: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {}), 12: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': '\n            ID will be auto-generated on save.\n            However, you may enter some human-friendly text that\n            will be incorporated to make it easier to read.\n        ', 'label': 'ID for this content block', 'required': False}), 13: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('link_id', 12)]], {}), 14: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content_block', 11), ('anchor_link', 13)]], {}), 15: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('h2', 'H2'), ('h3', 'H3'), ('h4', 'H4'), ('h5', 'H5')]}), 16: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Input the name of an icon to appear to the left of the heading. E.g., approved, help-round, etc. <a href="">See full list of icons</a>', 'required': False}), 17: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 3), ('level', 15), ('icon', 16)]], {'required': False}), 18: ('wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock', (), {'required': False}), 19: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': "No character limit, but be as succinct as possible. If the image is decorative (i.e., a screenreader wouldn't have anything useful to say about it), leave this field blank.", 'required': False}), 20: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('upload', 18), ('alt', 19)]], {}), 21: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('full', 'Full width'), (470, '470px'), (270, '270px'), (170, '170px')]}), 22: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('right', 'right'), ('left', 'left')], 'help_text': 'Does not apply if the image is full-width'}), 23: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'label': 'Caption', 'required': False}), 24: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'Check to add a horizontal rule line to bottom of inset.', 'label': 'Has bottom rule line', 'required': False}), 25: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('image', 20), ('image_width', 21), ('image_position', 22), ('text', 23), ('is_bottom_rule', 24)]], {}), 26: ('wagtail.blocks.MultipleChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('is_full_width', 'Display the table at full width'), ('stack_on_mobile', 'Stack the table columns on mobile')], 'required': False}), 27: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {}), 28: ('wagtail.blocks.FloatBlock', (), {}), 29: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'features': ['bold', 'italic', 'ol', 'ul', 'link', 'document-link', 'superscript']}), 30: ('wagtail.contrib.typed_table_block.blocks.TypedTableBlock', [[('text', 27), ('numeric', 28), ('rich_text', 29)]], {}), 31: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 17), ('text_introduction', 3), ('options', 26), ('data', 30)]], {}), 32: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {}), 33: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'required': False}), 34: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('body', 32), ('citation', 33)]], {}), 35: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'required': False}), 36: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('slug_text', 3), ('paragraph_text', 35), ('button', 7)]], {}), 37: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (7,), {}), 38: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 3), ('paragraph', 35), ('links', 37)]], {}), 39: ('v1.blocks.ReusableTextChooserBlock', ('v1.ReusableText',), {}), 40: ('v1.blocks.ReusableNotificationChooserBlock', ('v1.ReusableNotification',), {}), 41: ('v1.blocks.EmailSignUpChooserBlock', (), {}), 42: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'label': 'Well', 'required': False}), 43: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content', 42)]], {}), 44: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Regulations list heading', 'required': False}), 45: ('wagtail.blocks.PageChooserBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Link to more regulations'}), 46: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Text to show on link to more regulations', 'required': False}), 47: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 44), ('more_regs_page', 45), ('more_regs_text', 46)]], {}), 48: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('content', 10), ('content_with_anchor', 14), ('heading', 17), ('image', 25), ('table', 31), ('quote', 34), ('cta', 36), ('related_links', 38), ('reusable_text', 39), ('reusable_notification', 40), ('email_signup', 41), ('well', 43), ('regulations_list', 47)]], {})}),
+        ),
+        migrations.AlterField(
+            model_name='regulationpage',
+            name='content',
+            field=wagtail.fields.StreamField([('info_unit_group', 22), ('full_width_text', 50)], blank=True, block_lookup={0: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('50-50', '50/50'), ('33-33-33', '33/33/33'), ('25-75', '25/75')], 'help_text': 'Choose the number and width of info unit columns.', 'label': 'Format'}), 1: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'required': False}), 2: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('h2', 'H2'), ('h3', 'H3'), ('h4', 'H4'), ('h5', 'H5')]}), 3: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Input the name of an icon to appear to the left of the heading. E.g., approved, help-round, etc. <a href="">See full list of icons</a>', 'required': False}), 4: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 1), ('level', 2), ('icon', 3)]], {'required': False}), 5: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'required': False}), 6: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': "Check this to link all images and headings to the URL of the first link in their unit's list, if there is a link.", 'required': False}), 7: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add a horizontal rule line to top of info unit group.', 'required': False}), 8: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to show horizontal rule lines between info units.', 'label': 'Show rule lines between items', 'required': False}), 9: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('none', 'None'), ('rounded', 'Rounded corners'), ('circle', 'Circle')], 'help_text': 'Adds a <em>border-radius</em> class to images in this group, allowing for a rounded or circular border.', 'label': 'Border radius for images?', 'required': False}), 10: ('wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock', (), {'required': False}), 11: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': "No character limit, but be as succinct as possible. If the image is decorative (i.e., a screenreader wouldn't have anything useful to say about it), leave this field blank.", 'required': False}), 12: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('upload', 10), ('alt', 11)]], {}), 13: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 1), ('level', 2), ('icon', 3)]], {'default': {'level': 'h3'}, 'required': False}), 14: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'blank': True, 'required': False}), 15: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Add an ARIA label if the link text does not describe the destination of the link (e.g. has ambiguous text like "Learn more" that is not descriptive on its own).', 'required': False}), 16: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'default': '/', 'required': False}), 17: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'required': False}), 18: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 1), ('aria_label', 15), ('url', 16), ('is_link_boldface', 17)]], {}), 19: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (18,), {'required': False}), 20: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('image', 12), ('heading', 13), ('body', 14), ('links', 19)]], {}), 21: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (20,), {'default': []}), 22: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('format', 0), ('heading', 4), ('intro', 5), ('link_image_and_heading', 6), ('has_top_rule_line', 7), ('lines_between_items', 8), ('border_radius_image', 9), ('info_units', 21)]], {}), 23: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'icon': 'edit'}), 24: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {}), 25: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': '\n            ID will be auto-generated on save.\n            However, you may enter some human-friendly text that\n            will be incorporated to make it easier to read.\n        ', 'label': 'ID for this content block', 'required': False}), 26: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('link_id', 25)]], {}), 27: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content_block', 24), ('anchor_link', 26)]], {}), 28: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('full', 'Full width'), (470, '470px'), (270, '270px'), (170, '170px')]}), 29: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('right', 'right'), ('left', 'left')], 'help_text': 'Does not apply if the image is full-width'}), 30: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'label': 'Caption', 'required': False}), 31: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'Check to add a horizontal rule line to bottom of inset.', 'label': 'Has bottom rule line', 'required': False}), 32: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('image', 12), ('image_width', 28), ('image_position', 29), ('text', 30), ('is_bottom_rule', 31)]], {}), 33: ('wagtail.blocks.MultipleChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('is_full_width', 'Display the table at full width'), ('stack_on_mobile', 'Stack the table columns on mobile')], 'required': False}), 34: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {}), 35: ('wagtail.blocks.FloatBlock', (), {}), 36: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'features': ['bold', 'italic', 'ol', 'ul', 'link', 'document-link', 'superscript']}), 37: ('wagtail.contrib.typed_table_block.blocks.TypedTableBlock', [[('text', 34), ('numeric', 35), ('rich_text', 36)]], {}), 38: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 4), ('text_introduction', 1), ('options', 33), ('data', 37)]], {}), 39: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {}), 40: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'required': False}), 41: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('body', 39), ('citation', 40)]], {}), 42: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('slug_text', 1), ('paragraph_text', 5), ('button', 18)]], {}), 43: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (18,), {}), 44: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 1), ('paragraph', 5), ('links', 43)]], {}), 45: ('v1.blocks.ReusableTextChooserBlock', ('v1.ReusableText',), {}), 46: ('v1.blocks.ReusableNotificationChooserBlock', ('v1.ReusableNotification',), {}), 47: ('v1.blocks.EmailSignUpChooserBlock', (), {}), 48: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'label': 'Well', 'required': False}), 49: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content', 48)]], {}), 50: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('content', 23), ('content_with_anchor', 27), ('heading', 4), ('image', 32), ('table', 38), ('quote', 41), ('cta', 42), ('related_links', 44), ('reusable_text', 45), ('reusable_notification', 46), ('email_signup', 47), ('well', 49)]], {})}, null=True),
+        ),
+        migrations.AlterField(
+            model_name='regulationlandingpage',
+            name='content',
+            field=wagtail.fields.StreamField([('notification', 9), ('full_width_text', 50)], blank=True, block_lookup={0: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('information', 'Information'), ('warning', 'Warning')]}), 1: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'The main notification message to display.', 'required': True}), 2: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Explanation text appears below the message in smaller type.', 'required': False}), 3: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'required': False}), 4: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Add an ARIA label if the link text does not describe the destination of the link (e.g. has ambiguous text like "Learn more" that is not descriptive on its own).', 'required': False}), 5: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'default': '/', 'required': False}), 6: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'required': False}), 7: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 3), ('aria_label', 4), ('url', 5), ('is_link_boldface', 6)]], {}), 8: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (7,), {'help_text': 'Links appear on their own lines below the explanation.', 'required': False}), 9: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('type', 0), ('message', 1), ('explanation', 2), ('links', 8)]], {}), 10: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'icon': 'edit'}), 11: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {}), 12: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': '\n            ID will be auto-generated on save.\n            However, you may enter some human-friendly text that\n            will be incorporated to make it easier to read.\n        ', 'label': 'ID for this content block', 'required': False}), 13: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('link_id', 12)]], {}), 14: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content_block', 11), ('anchor_link', 13)]], {}), 15: ('wagtail_footnotes.blocks.RichTextBlockWithFootnotes', (), {'features': ['anchor-identifier', 'h2', 'h3', 'h4', 'h5', 'hr', 'ol', 'ul', 'bold', 'italic', 'superscript', 'blockquote', 'link', 'document-link', 'image', 'icon', 'footnotes']}), 16: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('h2', 'H2'), ('h3', 'H3'), ('h4', 'H4'), ('h5', 'H5')]}), 17: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Input the name of an icon to appear to the left of the heading. E.g., approved, help-round, etc. <a href="">See full list of icons</a>', 'required': False}), 18: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 3), ('level', 16), ('icon', 17)]], {'required': False}), 19: ('wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock', (), {'required': False}), 20: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': "No character limit, but be as succinct as possible. If the image is decorative (i.e., a screenreader wouldn't have anything useful to say about it), leave this field blank.", 'required': False}), 21: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('upload', 19), ('alt', 20)]], {}), 22: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('full', 'Full width'), (470, '470px'), (270, '270px'), (170, '170px')]}), 23: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('right', 'right'), ('left', 'left')], 'help_text': 'Does not apply if the image is full-width'}), 24: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'label': 'Caption', 'required': False}), 25: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'Check to add a horizontal rule line to bottom of inset.', 'label': 'Has bottom rule line', 'required': False}), 26: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('image', 21), ('image_width', 22), ('image_position', 23), ('text', 24), ('is_bottom_rule', 25)]], {}), 27: ('wagtail.blocks.MultipleChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('is_full_width', 'Display the table at full width'), ('stack_on_mobile', 'Stack the table columns on mobile')], 'required': False}), 28: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {}), 29: ('wagtail.blocks.FloatBlock', (), {}), 30: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'features': ['bold', 'italic', 'ol', 'ul', 'link', 'document-link', 'superscript']}), 31: ('wagtail_footnotes.blocks.RichTextBlockWithFootnotes', (), {'features': ['bold', 'italic', 'ol', 'ul', 'link', 'document-link', 'superscript', 'footnotes']}), 32: ('wagtail.contrib.typed_table_block.blocks.TypedTableBlock', [[('text', 28), ('numeric', 29), ('rich_text', 30), ('rich_text_with_footnotes', 31)]], {}), 33: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 18), ('text_introduction', 3), ('options', 27), ('data', 32)]], {}), 34: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {}), 35: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'required': False}), 36: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('body', 34), ('citation', 35)]], {}), 37: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'required': False}), 38: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('slug_text', 3), ('paragraph_text', 37), ('button', 7)]], {}), 39: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (7,), {}), 40: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 3), ('paragraph', 37), ('links', 39)]], {}), 41: ('v1.blocks.ReusableTextChooserBlock', ('v1.ReusableText',), {}), 42: ('v1.blocks.ReusableNotificationChooserBlock', ('v1.ReusableNotification',), {}), 43: ('v1.blocks.EmailSignUpChooserBlock', (), {}), 44: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'label': 'Well', 'required': False}), 45: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content', 44)]], {}), 46: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Regulations list heading', 'required': False}), 47: ('wagtail.blocks.PageChooserBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Link to more regulations'}), 48: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Text to show on link to more regulations', 'required': False}), 49: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 46), ('more_regs_page', 47), ('more_regs_text', 48)]], {}), 50: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('content', 10), ('content_with_anchor', 14), ('content_with_footnotes', 15), ('heading', 18), ('image', 26), ('table', 33), ('quote', 36), ('cta', 38), ('related_links', 40), ('reusable_text', 41), ('reusable_notification', 42), ('email_signup', 43), ('well', 45), ('regulations_list', 49)]], {})}),
+        ),
+        migrations.AlterField(
+            model_name='regulationpage',
+            name='content',
+            field=wagtail.fields.StreamField([('info_unit_group', 22), ('full_width_text', 52)], blank=True, block_lookup={0: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('50-50', '50/50'), ('33-33-33', '33/33/33'), ('25-75', '25/75')], 'help_text': 'Choose the number and width of info unit columns.', 'label': 'Format'}), 1: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'required': False}), 2: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('h2', 'H2'), ('h3', 'H3'), ('h4', 'H4'), ('h5', 'H5')]}), 3: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Input the name of an icon to appear to the left of the heading. E.g., approved, help-round, etc. <a href="">See full list of icons</a>', 'required': False}), 4: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 1), ('level', 2), ('icon', 3)]], {'required': False}), 5: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'required': False}), 6: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': "Check this to link all images and headings to the URL of the first link in their unit's list, if there is a link.", 'required': False}), 7: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add a horizontal rule line to top of info unit group.', 'required': False}), 8: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to show horizontal rule lines between info units.', 'label': 'Show rule lines between items', 'required': False}), 9: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('none', 'None'), ('rounded', 'Rounded corners'), ('circle', 'Circle')], 'help_text': 'Adds a <em>border-radius</em> class to images in this group, allowing for a rounded or circular border.', 'label': 'Border radius for images?', 'required': False}), 10: ('wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock', (), {'required': False}), 11: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': "No character limit, but be as succinct as possible. If the image is decorative (i.e., a screenreader wouldn't have anything useful to say about it), leave this field blank.", 'required': False}), 12: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('upload', 10), ('alt', 11)]], {}), 13: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 1), ('level', 2), ('icon', 3)]], {'default': {'level': 'h3'}, 'required': False}), 14: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'blank': True, 'required': False}), 15: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Add an ARIA label if the link text does not describe the destination of the link (e.g. has ambiguous text like "Learn more" that is not descriptive on its own).', 'required': False}), 16: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'default': '/', 'required': False}), 17: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'required': False}), 18: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 1), ('aria_label', 15), ('url', 16), ('is_link_boldface', 17)]], {}), 19: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (18,), {'required': False}), 20: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('image', 12), ('heading', 13), ('body', 14), ('links', 19)]], {}), 21: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (20,), {'default': []}), 22: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('format', 0), ('heading', 4), ('intro', 5), ('link_image_and_heading', 6), ('has_top_rule_line', 7), ('lines_between_items', 8), ('border_radius_image', 9), ('info_units', 21)]], {}), 23: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'icon': 'edit'}), 24: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {}), 25: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': '\n            ID will be auto-generated on save.\n            However, you may enter some human-friendly text that\n            will be incorporated to make it easier to read.\n        ', 'label': 'ID for this content block', 'required': False}), 26: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('link_id', 25)]], {}), 27: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content_block', 24), ('anchor_link', 26)]], {}), 28: ('wagtail_footnotes.blocks.RichTextBlockWithFootnotes', (), {'features': ['anchor-identifier', 'h2', 'h3', 'h4', 'h5', 'hr', 'ol', 'ul', 'bold', 'italic', 'superscript', 'blockquote', 'link', 'document-link', 'image', 'icon', 'footnotes']}), 29: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('full', 'Full width'), (470, '470px'), (270, '270px'), (170, '170px')]}), 30: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('right', 'right'), ('left', 'left')], 'help_text': 'Does not apply if the image is full-width'}), 31: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'label': 'Caption', 'required': False}), 32: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'Check to add a horizontal rule line to bottom of inset.', 'label': 'Has bottom rule line', 'required': False}), 33: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('image', 12), ('image_width', 29), ('image_position', 30), ('text', 31), ('is_bottom_rule', 32)]], {}), 34: ('wagtail.blocks.MultipleChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('is_full_width', 'Display the table at full width'), ('stack_on_mobile', 'Stack the table columns on mobile')], 'required': False}), 35: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {}), 36: ('wagtail.blocks.FloatBlock', (), {}), 37: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'features': ['bold', 'italic', 'ol', 'ul', 'link', 'document-link', 'superscript']}), 38: ('wagtail_footnotes.blocks.RichTextBlockWithFootnotes', (), {'features': ['bold', 'italic', 'ol', 'ul', 'link', 'document-link', 'superscript', 'footnotes']}), 39: ('wagtail.contrib.typed_table_block.blocks.TypedTableBlock', [[('text', 35), ('numeric', 36), ('rich_text', 37), ('rich_text_with_footnotes', 38)]], {}), 40: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 4), ('text_introduction', 1), ('options', 34), ('data', 39)]], {}), 41: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {}), 42: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'required': False}), 43: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('body', 41), ('citation', 42)]], {}), 44: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('slug_text', 1), ('paragraph_text', 5), ('button', 18)]], {}), 45: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (18,), {}), 46: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 1), ('paragraph', 5), ('links', 45)]], {}), 47: ('v1.blocks.ReusableTextChooserBlock', ('v1.ReusableText',), {}), 48: ('v1.blocks.ReusableNotificationChooserBlock', ('v1.ReusableNotification',), {}), 49: ('v1.blocks.EmailSignUpChooserBlock', (), {}), 50: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'label': 'Well', 'required': False}), 51: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content', 50)]], {}), 52: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('content', 23), ('content_with_anchor', 27), ('content_with_footnotes', 28), ('heading', 4), ('image', 33), ('table', 40), ('quote', 43), ('cta', 44), ('related_links', 46), ('reusable_text', 47), ('reusable_notification', 48), ('email_signup', 49), ('well', 51)]], {})}, null=True),
+        ),
+        migrations.AlterField(
+            model_name='regulationlandingpage',
+            name='content',
+            field=wagtail.fields.StreamField([('notification', 9), ('full_width_text', 51)], blank=True, block_lookup={0: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('information', 'Information'), ('warning', 'Warning')]}), 1: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'The main notification message to display.', 'required': True}), 2: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Explanation text appears below the message in smaller type.', 'required': False}), 3: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'required': False}), 4: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Add an ARIA label if the link text does not describe the destination of the link (e.g. has ambiguous text like "Learn more" that is not descriptive on its own).', 'required': False}), 5: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'default': '/', 'required': False}), 6: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'required': False}), 7: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 3), ('aria_label', 4), ('url', 5), ('is_link_boldface', 6)]], {}), 8: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (7,), {'help_text': 'Links appear on their own lines below the explanation.', 'required': False}), 9: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('type', 0), ('message', 1), ('explanation', 2), ('links', 8)]], {}), 10: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'icon': 'edit'}), 11: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {}), 12: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': '\n            ID will be auto-generated on save.\n            However, you may enter some human-friendly text that\n            will be incorporated to make it easier to read.\n        ', 'label': 'ID for this content block', 'required': False}), 13: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('link_id', 12)]], {}), 14: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content_block', 11), ('anchor_link', 13)]], {}), 15: ('wagtail_footnotes.blocks.RichTextBlockWithFootnotes', (), {'features': ['anchor-identifier', 'h2', 'h3', 'h4', 'h5', 'hr', 'ol', 'ul', 'bold', 'italic', 'superscript', 'blockquote', 'link', 'document-link', 'image', 'icon', 'footnotes']}), 16: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('h2', 'H2'), ('h3', 'H3'), ('h4', 'H4'), ('h5', 'H5')]}), 17: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Input the name of an icon to appear to the left of the heading. E.g., approved, help-round, etc. <a href="">See full list of icons</a>', 'required': False}), 18: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 3), ('level', 16), ('icon', 17)]], {'required': False}), 19: ('wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock', (), {'required': False}), 20: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': "No character limit, but be as succinct as possible. If the image is decorative (i.e., a screenreader wouldn't have anything useful to say about it), leave this field blank.", 'required': False}), 21: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('upload', 19), ('alt', 20)]], {}), 22: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('full', 'Full width'), (470, '470px'), (270, '270px'), (170, '170px')]}), 23: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('right', 'right'), ('left', 'left')], 'help_text': 'Does not apply if the image is full-width'}), 24: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'label': 'Caption', 'required': False}), 25: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'Check to add a horizontal rule line to bottom of inset.', 'label': 'Has bottom rule line', 'required': False}), 26: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('image', 21), ('image_width', 22), ('image_position', 23), ('text', 24), ('is_bottom_rule', 25)]], {}), 27: ('wagtail.blocks.MultipleChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('is_full_width', 'Display the table at full width'), ('stack_on_mobile', 'Stack the table columns on mobile')], 'required': False}), 28: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {}), 29: ('wagtail.blocks.FloatBlock', (), {}), 30: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'features': ['bold', 'italic', 'ol', 'ul', 'link', 'document-link', 'superscript']}), 31: ('wagtail_footnotes.blocks.RichTextBlockWithFootnotes', (), {'features': ['bold', 'italic', 'ol', 'ul', 'link', 'document-link', 'superscript', 'footnotes']}), 32: ('wagtail.contrib.typed_table_block.blocks.TypedTableBlock', [[('text', 28), ('numeric', 29), ('rich_text', 30), ('rich_text_with_footnotes', 31)]], {}), 33: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'features': ['bold', 'italic', 'link', 'document-link'], 'required': False}), 34: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 18), ('text_introduction', 3), ('options', 27), ('data', 32), ('caption', 33)]], {}), 35: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {}), 36: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'required': False}), 37: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('body', 35), ('citation', 36)]], {}), 38: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'required': False}), 39: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('slug_text', 3), ('paragraph_text', 38), ('button', 7)]], {}), 40: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (7,), {}), 41: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 3), ('paragraph', 38), ('links', 40)]], {}), 42: ('v1.blocks.ReusableTextChooserBlock', ('v1.ReusableText',), {}), 43: ('v1.blocks.ReusableNotificationChooserBlock', ('v1.ReusableNotification',), {}), 44: ('v1.blocks.EmailSignUpChooserBlock', (), {}), 45: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'label': 'Well', 'required': False}), 46: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content', 45)]], {}), 47: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Regulations list heading', 'required': False}), 48: ('wagtail.blocks.PageChooserBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Link to more regulations'}), 49: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Text to show on link to more regulations', 'required': False}), 50: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 47), ('more_regs_page', 48), ('more_regs_text', 49)]], {}), 51: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('content', 10), ('content_with_anchor', 14), ('content_with_footnotes', 15), ('heading', 18), ('image', 26), ('table', 34), ('quote', 37), ('cta', 39), ('related_links', 41), ('reusable_text', 42), ('reusable_notification', 43), ('email_signup', 44), ('well', 46), ('regulations_list', 50)]], {})}),
+        ),
+        migrations.AlterField(
+            model_name='regulationpage',
+            name='content',
+            field=wagtail.fields.StreamField([('info_unit_group', 22), ('full_width_text', 53)], blank=True, block_lookup={0: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('50-50', '50/50'), ('33-33-33', '33/33/33'), ('25-75', '25/75')], 'help_text': 'Choose the number and width of info unit columns.', 'label': 'Format'}), 1: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'required': False}), 2: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('h2', 'H2'), ('h3', 'H3'), ('h4', 'H4'), ('h5', 'H5')]}), 3: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Input the name of an icon to appear to the left of the heading. E.g., approved, help-round, etc. <a href="">See full list of icons</a>', 'required': False}), 4: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 1), ('level', 2), ('icon', 3)]], {'required': False}), 5: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'required': False}), 6: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': "Check this to link all images and headings to the URL of the first link in their unit's list, if there is a link.", 'required': False}), 7: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add a horizontal rule line to top of info unit group.', 'required': False}), 8: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to show horizontal rule lines between info units.', 'label': 'Show rule lines between items', 'required': False}), 9: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('none', 'None'), ('rounded', 'Rounded corners'), ('circle', 'Circle')], 'help_text': 'Adds a <em>border-radius</em> class to images in this group, allowing for a rounded or circular border.', 'label': 'Border radius for images?', 'required': False}), 10: ('wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock', (), {'required': False}), 11: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': "No character limit, but be as succinct as possible. If the image is decorative (i.e., a screenreader wouldn't have anything useful to say about it), leave this field blank.", 'required': False}), 12: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('upload', 10), ('alt', 11)]], {}), 13: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 1), ('level', 2), ('icon', 3)]], {'default': {'level': 'h3'}, 'required': False}), 14: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'blank': True, 'required': False}), 15: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Add an ARIA label if the link text does not describe the destination of the link (e.g. has ambiguous text like "Learn more" that is not descriptive on its own).', 'required': False}), 16: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'default': '/', 'required': False}), 17: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'required': False}), 18: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 1), ('aria_label', 15), ('url', 16), ('is_link_boldface', 17)]], {}), 19: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (18,), {'required': False}), 20: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('image', 12), ('heading', 13), ('body', 14), ('links', 19)]], {}), 21: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (20,), {'default': []}), 22: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('format', 0), ('heading', 4), ('intro', 5), ('link_image_and_heading', 6), ('has_top_rule_line', 7), ('lines_between_items', 8), ('border_radius_image', 9), ('info_units', 21)]], {}), 23: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'icon': 'edit'}), 24: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {}), 25: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': '\n            ID will be auto-generated on save.\n            However, you may enter some human-friendly text that\n            will be incorporated to make it easier to read.\n        ', 'label': 'ID for this content block', 'required': False}), 26: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('link_id', 25)]], {}), 27: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content_block', 24), ('anchor_link', 26)]], {}), 28: ('wagtail_footnotes.blocks.RichTextBlockWithFootnotes', (), {'features': ['anchor-identifier', 'h2', 'h3', 'h4', 'h5', 'hr', 'ol', 'ul', 'bold', 'italic', 'superscript', 'blockquote', 'link', 'document-link', 'image', 'icon', 'footnotes']}), 29: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('full', 'Full width'), (470, '470px'), (270, '270px'), (170, '170px')]}), 30: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('right', 'right'), ('left', 'left')], 'help_text': 'Does not apply if the image is full-width'}), 31: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'label': 'Caption', 'required': False}), 32: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'Check to add a horizontal rule line to bottom of inset.', 'label': 'Has bottom rule line', 'required': False}), 33: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('image', 12), ('image_width', 29), ('image_position', 30), ('text', 31), ('is_bottom_rule', 32)]], {}), 34: ('wagtail.blocks.MultipleChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('is_full_width', 'Display the table at full width'), ('stack_on_mobile', 'Stack the table columns on mobile')], 'required': False}), 35: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {}), 36: ('wagtail.blocks.FloatBlock', (), {}), 37: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'features': ['bold', 'italic', 'ol', 'ul', 'link', 'document-link', 'superscript']}), 38: ('wagtail_footnotes.blocks.RichTextBlockWithFootnotes', (), {'features': ['bold', 'italic', 'ol', 'ul', 'link', 'document-link', 'superscript', 'footnotes']}), 39: ('wagtail.contrib.typed_table_block.blocks.TypedTableBlock', [[('text', 35), ('numeric', 36), ('rich_text', 37), ('rich_text_with_footnotes', 38)]], {}), 40: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'features': ['bold', 'italic', 'link', 'document-link'], 'required': False}), 41: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 4), ('text_introduction', 1), ('options', 34), ('data', 39), ('caption', 40)]], {}), 42: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {}), 43: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'required': False}), 44: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('body', 42), ('citation', 43)]], {}), 45: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('slug_text', 1), ('paragraph_text', 5), ('button', 18)]], {}), 46: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (18,), {}), 47: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 1), ('paragraph', 5), ('links', 46)]], {}), 48: ('v1.blocks.ReusableTextChooserBlock', ('v1.ReusableText',), {}), 49: ('v1.blocks.ReusableNotificationChooserBlock', ('v1.ReusableNotification',), {}), 50: ('v1.blocks.EmailSignUpChooserBlock', (), {}), 51: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'label': 'Well', 'required': False}), 52: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content', 51)]], {}), 53: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('content', 23), ('content_with_anchor', 27), ('content_with_footnotes', 28), ('heading', 4), ('image', 33), ('table', 41), ('quote', 44), ('cta', 45), ('related_links', 47), ('reusable_text', 48), ('reusable_notification', 49), ('email_signup', 50), ('well', 52)]], {})}, null=True),
+        ),
+    ]
diff --git a/cfgov/tccp/migrations/ b/cfgov/tccp/migrations/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..cdbe551911c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cfgov/tccp/migrations/
@@ -0,0 +1,183 @@
+# Generated by Django 4.2.17 on 2024-12-26 16:02
+import django.contrib.postgres.indexes
+from django.db import migrations, models
+import tccp.fields
+class Migration(migrations.Migration):
+    replaces = [('tccp', '0001_initial'), ('tccp', '0002_indexes'), ('tccp', '0003_cardsurveydata_slug'), ('tccp', '0004_slug_primary_key'), ('tccp', '0005_indexes'), ('tccp', '0006_indexes'), ('tccp', '0007_cardsurveydata_top_25_institution'), ('tccp', '0008_state_names'), ('tccp', '0009_alter_cardsurveydata_rewards'), ('tccp', '0010_currencydecimalfield'), ('tccp', '0011_alter_cardsurveydata_targeted_credit_tiers'), ('tccp', '0012_cardsurveydata_institution_type'), ('tccp', '0013_dataset_updates')]
+    initial = True
+    dependencies = [
+    ]
+    operations = [
+        migrations.CreateModel(
+            name='CardSurveyData',
+            fields=[
+                ('institution_name', models.TextField()),
+                ('product_name', models.TextField(db_index=True)),
+                ('report_date', models.DateField()),
+                ('availability_of_credit_card_plan', models.TextField(choices=[('National', 'National'), ('Regional', 'Regional'), ('One State/Territory', 'One State/Territory')])),
+                ('state', models.TextField(blank=True, choices=[('AL', 'Alabama'), ('AK', 'Alaska'), ('AS', 'American Samoa'), ('AZ', 'Arizona'), ('AR', 'Arkansas'), ('AA', 'Armed Forces - Americas'), ('AE', 'Armed Forces - Europe'), ('AP', 'Armed Forces - Pacific'), ('CA', 'California'), ('CO', 'Colorado'), ('CT', 'Connecticut'), ('DE', 'Delaware'), ('DC', 'District of Columbia'), ('FL', 'Florida'), ('GA', 'Georgia'), ('GU', 'Guam'), ('HI', 'Hawaii'), ('ID', 'Idaho'), ('IL', 'Illinois'), ('IN', 'Indiana'), ('IA', 'Iowa'), ('KS', 'Kansas'), ('KY', 'Kentucky'), ('LA', 'Louisiana'), ('ME', 'Maine'), ('MH', 'Marshall Islands'), ('MD', 'Maryland'), ('MA', 'Massachusetts'), ('MI', 'Michigan'), ('FM', 'Micronesia'), ('MN', 'Minnesota'), ('MS', 'Mississippi'), ('MO', 'Missouri'), ('MT', 'Montana'), ('NE', 'Nebraska'), ('NV', 'Nevada'), ('NH', 'New Hampshire'), ('NJ', 'New Jersey'), ('NM', 'New Mexico'), ('NY', 'New York'), ('NC', 'North Carolina'), ('ND', 'North Dakota'), ('MP', 'Northern Mariana Islands'), ('OH', 'Ohio'), ('OK', 'Oklahoma'), ('OR', 'Oregon'), ('PW', 'Palau'), ('PA', 'Pennsylvania'), ('PR', 'Puerto Rico'), ('RI', 'Rhode Island'), ('SC', 'South Carolina'), ('SD', 'South Dakota'), ('TN', 'Tennesse'), ('TX', 'Texas'), ('UT', 'Utah'), ('VT', 'Vermont'), ('VI', 'Virgin Islands'), ('VA', 'Virginia'), ('WA', 'Washington'), ('WV', 'West Virginia'), ('WI', 'Wisconsin'), ('WY', 'Wyoming')], null=True)),
+                ('state_multiple', tccp.fields.JSONListField(blank=True, choices=[('AL', 'Alabama'), ('AK', 'Alaska'), ('AS', 'American Samoa'), ('AZ', 'Arizona'), ('AR', 'Arkansas'), ('AA', 'Armed Forces - Americas'), ('AE', 'Armed Forces - Europe'), ('AP', 'Armed Forces - Pacific'), ('CA', 'California'), ('CO', 'Colorado'), ('CT', 'Connecticut'), ('DE', 'Delaware'), ('DC', 'District of Columbia'), ('FL', 'Florida'), ('GA', 'Georgia'), ('GU', 'Guam'), ('HI', 'Hawaii'), ('ID', 'Idaho'), ('IL', 'Illinois'), ('IN', 'Indiana'), ('IA', 'Iowa'), ('KS', 'Kansas'), ('KY', 'Kentucky'), ('LA', 'Louisiana'), ('ME', 'Maine'), ('MH', 'Marshall Islands'), ('MD', 'Maryland'), ('MA', 'Massachusetts'), ('MI', 'Michigan'), ('FM', 'Micronesia'), ('MN', 'Minnesota'), ('MS', 'Mississippi'), ('MO', 'Missouri'), ('MT', 'Montana'), ('NE', 'Nebraska'), ('NV', 'Nevada'), ('NH', 'New Hampshire'), ('NJ', 'New Jersey'), ('NM', 'New Mexico'), ('NY', 'New York'), ('NC', 'North Carolina'), ('ND', 'North Dakota'), ('MP', 'Northern Mariana Islands'), ('OH', 'Ohio'), ('OK', 'Oklahoma'), ('OR', 'Oregon'), ('PW', 'Palau'), ('PA', 'Pennsylvania'), ('PR', 'Puerto Rico'), ('RI', 'Rhode Island'), ('SC', 'South Carolina'), ('SD', 'South Dakota'), ('TN', 'Tennesse'), ('TX', 'Texas'), ('UT', 'Utah'), ('VT', 'Vermont'), ('VI', 'Virgin Islands'), ('VA', 'Virginia'), ('WA', 'Washington'), ('WV', 'West Virginia'), ('WI', 'Wisconsin'), ('WY', 'Wyoming')], default=list)),
+                ('pertains_to_specific_counties', tccp.fields.YesNoBooleanField(blank=True, null=True)),
+                ('requirements_for_opening', tccp.fields.YesNoBooleanField()),
+                ('requirements_for_opening_types', tccp.fields.JSONListField(blank=True, choices=[('Geographic Restrictions Beyond Place of Residence', 'Geographic Restrictions Beyond Place of Residence'), ('Professional Affiliation', 'Professional Affiliation'), ('Other. Please Describe:', 'Other. Please Describe:')], default=list)),
+                ('geographic_restrictions', models.TextField(blank=True, null=True)),
+                ('professional_affiliation', models.TextField(blank=True, null=True)),
+                ('other', models.TextField(blank=True, null=True)),
+                ('secured_card', tccp.fields.YesNoBooleanField()),
+                ('targeted_credit_tiers', tccp.fields.JSONListField(choices=[('No credit score', 'I don’t have a credit score'), ('Credit score 619 or less', '619 or less'), ('Credit scores from 620 to 719', '620-719'), ('Credit score of 720 or greater', '720 and greater')], default=list)),
+                ('purchase_apr_offered', tccp.fields.YesNoBooleanField()),
+                ('purchase_apr_vary_by_balance', tccp.fields.YesNoBooleanField(blank=True, null=True)),
+                ('purchase_apr_balance_tier_1', models.FloatField(blank=True, null=True)),
+                ('purchase_apr_tier_1_from_balance', models.PositiveIntegerField(blank=True, null=True)),
+                ('purchase_apr_tier_1_to_balance', models.PositiveIntegerField(blank=True, null=True)),
+                ('purchase_apr_balance_tier_2', models.FloatField(blank=True, null=True)),
+                ('purchase_apr_tier_2_from_balance', models.PositiveIntegerField(blank=True, null=True)),
+                ('purchase_apr_tier_2_to_balance', models.PositiveIntegerField(blank=True, null=True)),
+                ('purchase_apr_balance_tier_3', models.FloatField(blank=True, null=True)),
+                ('purchase_apr_tier_3_from_balance', models.PositiveIntegerField(blank=True, null=True)),
+                ('purchase_apr_tier_3_to_balance', models.PositiveIntegerField(blank=True, null=True)),
+                ('purchase_apr_balance_tier_4', models.FloatField(blank=True, null=True)),
+                ('purchase_apr_tier_4_from_balance', models.PositiveIntegerField(blank=True, null=True)),
+                ('purchase_apr_tier_4_to_balance', models.PositiveIntegerField(blank=True, null=True)),
+                ('purchase_apr_index', tccp.fields.YesNoBooleanField(blank=True, null=True)),
+                ('variable_rate_index', tccp.fields.JSONListField(blank=True, choices=[('Prime', 'Prime'), ('One-month T-bill', 'One-month T-bill'), ('Three-month T-bill', 'Three-month T-bill'), ('Six-month T-bill', 'Six-month T-bill'), ('One-year T-bill', 'One-year T-bill'), ('Fed Funds', 'Fed Funds'), ('Cost of Funds', 'Cost of Funds'), ('Federal Reserve Discount Rate', 'Federal Reserve Discount Rate'), ('Other', 'Other')], default=list)),
+                ('index', tccp.fields.JSONListField(blank=True, choices=[('F', 'F'), ('V', 'V')], default=list, null=True)),
+                ('purchase_apr_vary_by_credit_tier', tccp.fields.YesNoBooleanField(blank=True, null=True)),
+                ('purchase_apr_poor', models.FloatField(blank=True, db_index=True, null=True)),
+                ('purchase_apr_good', models.FloatField(blank=True, db_index=True, null=True)),
+                ('purchase_apr_great', models.FloatField(blank=True, db_index=True, null=True)),
+                ('purchase_apr_min', models.FloatField(blank=True, null=True)),
+                ('purchase_apr_median', models.FloatField(blank=True, null=True)),
+                ('purchase_apr_max', models.FloatField(blank=True, null=True)),
+                ('introductory_apr_offered', tccp.fields.YesNoBooleanField()),
+                ('introductory_apr_vary_by_credit_tier', tccp.fields.YesNoBooleanField(blank=True, null=True)),
+                ('intro_apr_poor', models.FloatField(blank=True, db_index=True, null=True)),
+                ('intro_apr_good', models.FloatField(blank=True, db_index=True, null=True)),
+                ('intro_apr_great', models.FloatField(blank=True, db_index=True, null=True)),
+                ('intro_apr_min', models.FloatField(blank=True, null=True)),
+                ('intro_apr_median', models.FloatField(blank=True, null=True)),
+                ('intro_apr_max', models.FloatField(blank=True, null=True)),
+                ('median_length_of_introductory_apr', models.FloatField(blank=True, null=True)),
+                ('balance_transfer_offered', tccp.fields.YesNoBooleanField()),
+                ('balance_transfer_apr_vary_by_credit_tier', tccp.fields.YesNoBooleanField(blank=True, null=True)),
+                ('transfer_apr_poor', models.FloatField(blank=True, db_index=True, null=True)),
+                ('transfer_apr_good', models.FloatField(blank=True, db_index=True, null=True)),
+                ('transfer_apr_great', models.FloatField(blank=True, db_index=True, null=True)),
+                ('transfer_apr_min', models.FloatField(blank=True, null=True)),
+                ('transfer_apr_median', models.FloatField(blank=True, null=True)),
+                ('transfer_apr_max', models.FloatField(blank=True, null=True)),
+                ('median_length_of_balance_transfer_apr', models.FloatField(blank=True, null=True)),
+                ('balance_transfer_grace_period', tccp.fields.YesNoBooleanField(blank=True, null=True)),
+                ('cash_advance_apr_offered', tccp.fields.YesNoBooleanField()),
+                ('cash_advance_apr_vary_by_credit_tier', tccp.fields.YesNoBooleanField(blank=True, null=True)),
+                ('advance_apr_poor', models.FloatField(blank=True, db_index=True, null=True)),
+                ('advance_apr_good', models.FloatField(blank=True, db_index=True, null=True)),
+                ('advance_apr_great', models.FloatField(blank=True, db_index=True, null=True)),
+                ('advance_apr_min', models.FloatField(blank=True, null=True)),
+                ('advance_apr_median', models.FloatField(blank=True, null=True)),
+                ('advance_apr_max', models.FloatField(blank=True, null=True)),
+                ('grace_period_offered', tccp.fields.YesNoBooleanField()),
+                ('grace_period', models.PositiveIntegerField(blank=True, null=True)),
+                ('minimum_finance_charge', tccp.fields.YesNoBooleanField()),
+                ('minimum_finance_charge_dollars', tccp.fields.CurrencyDecimalField(blank=True, decimal_places=2, max_digits=10, null=True)),
+                ('balance_computation_method', tccp.fields.JSONListField(choices=[('Average daily balance including new purchases', 'Average daily balance including new purchases'), ('Average daily balance excluding new purchases', 'Average daily balance excluding new purchases'), ('Adjusted balance', 'Adjusted balance'), ('Previous balance', 'Previous balance'), ('Other', 'Other')], default=list)),
+                ('balance_computation_method_details', models.TextField(blank=True, null=True)),
+                ('periodic_fee_type', tccp.fields.JSONListField(blank=True, choices=[('Annual', 'Annual'), ('Monthly', 'Monthly'), ('Weekly', 'Weekly'), ('Other', 'Other')], default=list)),
+                ('annual_fee', tccp.fields.CurrencyDecimalField(blank=True, decimal_places=2, max_digits=10, null=True)),
+                ('monthly_fee', tccp.fields.CurrencyDecimalField(blank=True, decimal_places=2, max_digits=10, null=True)),
+                ('weekly_fee', tccp.fields.CurrencyDecimalField(blank=True, decimal_places=2, max_digits=10, null=True)),
+                ('other_periodic_fee_name', models.TextField(blank=True, null=True)),
+                ('other_periodic_fee_amount', tccp.fields.CurrencyDecimalField(blank=True, decimal_places=2, max_digits=10, null=True)),
+                ('other_periodic_fee_frequency', models.TextField(blank=True, null=True)),
+                ('fee_varies', tccp.fields.YesNoBooleanField(blank=True, null=True)),
+                ('periodic_min', tccp.fields.CurrencyDecimalField(blank=True, decimal_places=2, max_digits=10, null=True)),
+                ('periodic_max', tccp.fields.CurrencyDecimalField(blank=True, decimal_places=2, max_digits=10, null=True)),
+                ('fee_explanation', models.TextField(blank=True, null=True)),
+                ('purchase_transaction_fees', tccp.fields.YesNoBooleanField()),
+                ('purchase_transaction_fee_type', tccp.fields.JSONListField(blank=True, choices=[('1. If you have such a charge, enter the amount of the charge in dollars here:', '1. If you have such a charge, enter the amount of the charge in dollars here:'), ('2. or if the charge is a percentage of the transaction amount, enter that percentage here', '2. or if the charge is a percentage of the transaction amount, enter that percentage here'), ("3. If there's a minimum dollar amount, what is it?", "3. If there's a minimum dollar amount, what is it?"), ('4. If the fee is not a percentage, or a percentage subject to a minimum dollar amount, how do you calculate the fee?', '4. If the fee is not a percentage, or a percentage subject to a minimum dollar amount, how do you calculate the fee?')], default=list)),
+                ('purchase_transaction_fee_dollars', tccp.fields.CurrencyDecimalField(blank=True, decimal_places=2, max_digits=10, null=True)),
+                ('purchase_transaction_fee_percentage', models.FloatField(blank=True, null=True)),
+                ('minimum_purchase_transaction_fee_amount', tccp.fields.CurrencyDecimalField(blank=True, decimal_places=2, max_digits=10, null=True)),
+                ('purchase_transaction_fee_calculation', models.TextField(blank=True, null=True)),
+                ('balance_transfer_fees', tccp.fields.YesNoBooleanField(db_index=True)),
+                ('balance_transfer_fee_types', tccp.fields.JSONListField(blank=True, choices=[('1. If fee is charged in dollars, what is the amount?', '1. If fee is charged in dollars, what is the amount?'), ('2. If fee is percentage of transaction amount, what is it?', '2. If fee is percentage of transaction amount, what is it?'), ("3. If there's a minimum dollar amount, what is it?", "3. If there's a minimum dollar amount, what is it?"), ('4. If the fee is not a percentage, or a percentage subject to a minimum dollar amount, how do you calculate the fee?', '4. If the fee is not a percentage, or a percentage subject to a minimum dollar amount, how do you calculate the fee?')], default=list)),
+                ('balance_transfer_fee_dollars', tccp.fields.CurrencyDecimalField(blank=True, decimal_places=2, max_digits=10, null=True)),
+                ('balance_transfer_fee_percentage', models.FloatField(blank=True, null=True)),
+                ('minimum_balance_transfer_fee_amount', tccp.fields.CurrencyDecimalField(blank=True, decimal_places=2, max_digits=10, null=True)),
+                ('balance_transfer_fee_calculation', models.TextField(blank=True, null=True)),
+                ('cash_advance_fees', tccp.fields.YesNoBooleanField()),
+                ('cash_advance_fee_for_each_transaction', tccp.fields.YesNoBooleanField(blank=True, null=True)),
+                ('cash_advance_fee_types', tccp.fields.JSONListField(blank=True, choices=[('1. If the fee is charged in dollars, what is the amount?', '1. If the fee is charged in dollars, what is the amount?'), ('2. If the fee is a percentage of transaction amount, what is it?', '2. If the fee is a percentage of transaction amount, what is it?'), ("3. If there's a minimum dollar amount, what is it?", "3. If there's a minimum dollar amount, what is it?"), ('4. If the fee is not a percentage, or a percentage subject to a minimum dollar amount, how do you calculate the fee?', '4. If the fee is not a percentage, or a percentage subject to a minimum dollar amount, how do you calculate the fee?')], default=list)),
+                ('cash_advance_fee_dollars', tccp.fields.CurrencyDecimalField(blank=True, decimal_places=2, max_digits=10, null=True)),
+                ('cash_advance_fee_percentage', models.FloatField(blank=True, null=True)),
+                ('minimum_cash_advance_fee_amount', tccp.fields.CurrencyDecimalField(blank=True, decimal_places=2, max_digits=10, null=True)),
+                ('cash_advance_fee_calculation', models.TextField(blank=True, null=True)),
+                ('foreign_transaction_fees', tccp.fields.YesNoBooleanField()),
+                ('foreign_transaction_fees_types', tccp.fields.JSONListField(blank=True, choices=[('1. If fee is charged in dollars, what is the amount?', '1. If fee is charged in dollars, what is the amount?'), ('2. If fee is percentage of transaction amount, what is it?', '2. If fee is percentage of transaction amount, what is it?'), ("3. If there's a minimum dollar amount, what is it?", "3. If there's a minimum dollar amount, what is it?"), ('4. If the fee is not a percentage, or a percentage subject to a minimum dollar amount, how do you calculate the fee?', '4. If the fee is not a percentage, or a percentage subject to a minimum dollar amount, how do you calculate the fee?')], default=list)),
+                ('foreign_transaction_fee_dollars', tccp.fields.CurrencyDecimalField(blank=True, decimal_places=2, max_digits=10, null=True)),
+                ('foreign_transaction_fee_percentage', models.FloatField(blank=True, null=True)),
+                ('minimum_foreign_transaction_fee_amount', tccp.fields.CurrencyDecimalField(blank=True, decimal_places=2, max_digits=10, null=True)),
+                ('foreign_transaction_fee_calculation', models.TextField(blank=True, null=True)),
+                ('late_fees', tccp.fields.YesNoBooleanField()),
+                ('late_fee_types', tccp.fields.JSONListField(blank=True, choices=[('1. What is the amount of the first late fee on the account?', '1. What is the amount of the first late fee on the account?'), ('2. What is the amount of late fees charged within six billing cycles of a previous late fee (repeat late fee)?', '2. What is the amount of late fees charged within six billing cycles of a previous late fee (repeat late fee)?'), ('3. If you charge late fees that are not fixed dollar amounts, please explain your late fee policy here.', '3. If you charge late fees that are not fixed dollar amounts, please explain your late fee policy here.')], default=list)),
+                ('late_fee_dollars', tccp.fields.CurrencyDecimalField(blank=True, decimal_places=2, max_digits=10, null=True)),
+                ('late_fee_six_month_billing_cycle', tccp.fields.CurrencyDecimalField(blank=True, decimal_places=2, max_digits=10, null=True)),
+                ('late_fee_policy_details', models.TextField(blank=True, null=True)),
+                ('fee_varies36', tccp.fields.YesNoBooleanField(blank=True, null=True)),
+                ('minimum37', tccp.fields.CurrencyDecimalField(blank=True, decimal_places=2, max_digits=10, null=True)),
+                ('maximum38', tccp.fields.CurrencyDecimalField(blank=True, decimal_places=2, max_digits=10, null=True)),
+                ('fee_explanation39', models.TextField(blank=True, null=True)),
+                ('over_limit_fees', tccp.fields.YesNoBooleanField()),
+                ('over_limit_fee_types', tccp.fields.JSONListField(blank=True, choices=[('1. What is the amount of the overlimit fee when charged?', '1. What is the amount of the overlimit fee when charged?'), ('2. If you charge overlimit fees that are not fixed dollar amounts, please explain what overlimit fees you charge here:', '2. If you charge overlimit fees that are not fixed dollar amounts, please explain what overlimit fees you charge here:')], default=list)),
+                ('over_limit_fee_dollars', tccp.fields.CurrencyDecimalField(blank=True, decimal_places=2, max_digits=10, null=True)),
+                ('overlimit_fee_detail', models.TextField(blank=True, null=True)),
+                ('other_fees', tccp.fields.YesNoBooleanField()),
+                ('additional_fees', tccp.fields.YesNoBooleanField(blank=True, null=True)),
+                ('other_fee_name', models.TextField(blank=True, null=True)),
+                ('other_fee_amount', tccp.fields.CurrencyDecimalField(blank=True, decimal_places=2, max_digits=10, null=True)),
+                ('other_fee_explanation', models.TextField(blank=True, null=True)),
+                ('other_fee_name_2', models.TextField(blank=True, null=True)),
+                ('other_fee_amount_2', tccp.fields.CurrencyDecimalField(blank=True, decimal_places=2, max_digits=10, null=True)),
+                ('other_fee_explanation_2', models.TextField(blank=True, null=True)),
+                ('other_fee_name_3', models.TextField(blank=True, null=True)),
+                ('other_fee_amount_3', tccp.fields.CurrencyDecimalField(blank=True, decimal_places=2, max_digits=10, null=True)),
+                ('other_fee_explanation_3', models.TextField(blank=True, null=True)),
+                ('other_fee_name_4', models.TextField(blank=True, null=True)),
+                ('other_fee_amount_4', tccp.fields.CurrencyDecimalField(blank=True, decimal_places=2, max_digits=10, null=True)),
+                ('other_fee_explanation_4', models.TextField(blank=True, null=True)),
+                ('other_fee_name_5', models.TextField(blank=True, null=True)),
+                ('other_fee_amount_5', tccp.fields.CurrencyDecimalField(blank=True, decimal_places=2, max_digits=10, null=True)),
+                ('other_fee_explanation_5', models.TextField(blank=True, null=True)),
+                ('fee_varies56', tccp.fields.YesNoBooleanField(blank=True, null=True)),
+                ('minimum57', tccp.fields.CurrencyDecimalField(blank=True, decimal_places=2, max_digits=10, null=True)),
+                ('maximum58', tccp.fields.CurrencyDecimalField(blank=True, decimal_places=2, max_digits=10, null=True)),
+                ('fee_explanation59', models.TextField(blank=True, null=True)),
+                ('services', tccp.fields.JSONListField(blank=True, choices=[('Access to Free Credit Scores', 'Access to Free Credit Scores'), ('Automobile rental insurance', 'Automobile rental insurance'), ('Credit card registration', 'Credit card registration'), ('Debt cancellation coverage', 'Debt cancellation coverage'), ('Discounts on purchases of goods and services (non travel related)', 'Discounts on purchases of goods and services (non travel related)'), ('Extension on manufacturer’s warranty', 'Extension on manufacturer’s warranty'), ('Other', 'Other')], default=list)),
+                ('other_services', models.TextField(blank=True, null=True)),
+                ('rewards', tccp.fields.JSONListField(blank=True, choices=[('Cashback rewards', 'Cash back'), ('Travel-related rewards', 'Travel'), ('Other rewards', 'Other')], default=list)),
+                ('other_rewards', models.TextField(blank=True, null=True)),
+                ('card_features', tccp.fields.JSONListField(blank=True, choices=[('Contactless Payments', 'Contactless Payments'), ('Chip card', 'Chip card'), ('Fee-free foreign transactions', 'Fee-free foreign transactions'), ('Mobile wallet provisioning (for example, Apple Pay)', 'Mobile wallet provisioning (for example, Apple Pay)'), ('Other', 'Other')], default=list)),
+                ('other_card_features', models.TextField(blank=True, null=True)),
+                ('contact_information_types', tccp.fields.JSONListField(blank=True, choices=[('Phone', 'Phone'), ('Website', 'Website')], default=list)),
+                ('website_for_consumer', models.TextField(blank=True, null=True)),
+                ('telephone_number_for_consumers', models.TextField(blank=True, null=True)),
+                ('slug', models.SlugField(max_length=255, primary_key=True, serialize=False)),
+                ('issued_by_top_25_institution', tccp.fields.YesNoBooleanField(db_index=True, default=False)),
+                ('institution_type', models.TextField(blank=True, choices=[('Bank', 'Bank'), ('CU', 'CU')], null=True)),
+                ('advance_apr_no_score', models.FloatField(blank=True, db_index=True, null=True)),
+                ('intro_apr_no_score', models.FloatField(blank=True, db_index=True, null=True)),
+                ('purchase_apr_no_score', models.FloatField(blank=True, db_index=True, null=True)),
+                ('transfer_apr_no_score', models.FloatField(blank=True, db_index=True, null=True)),
+            ],
+            options={
+                'indexes': [django.contrib.postgres.indexes.GinIndex(fields=['targeted_credit_tiers'], name='tccp_targeted_credit_tiers_idx', opclasses=['jsonb_path_ops']), django.contrib.postgres.indexes.GinIndex(fields=['rewards'], name='tccp_rewards_idx', opclasses=['jsonb_path_ops']), models.Index(fields=['late_fees', 'late_fee_dollars'], name='tccp_late_fee_sorting_idx')],
+            },
+        ),
+    ]
diff --git a/cfgov/teachers_digital_platform/migrations/ b/cfgov/teachers_digital_platform/migrations/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..72e17bf47a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cfgov/teachers_digital_platform/migrations/
@@ -0,0 +1,267 @@
+# Generated by Django 4.2.17 on 2024-12-26 16:03
+from django.db import migrations, models
+import django.db.migrations.operations.special
+import django.db.models.deletion
+import django.utils.timezone
+import modelcluster.fields
+import mptt.fields
+import teachers_digital_platform.fields
+import wagtail.fields
+class Migration(migrations.Migration):
+    replaces = [('teachers_digital_platform', '0001_squashed_0005_add_use_json_field_to_streamfields'), ('teachers_digital_platform', '0002_raw_html_affordances'), ('teachers_digital_platform', '0003_rtf_to_urtf'), ('teachers_digital_platform', '0004_remove_activityindexpage_header_sidebar')]
+    initial = True
+    dependencies = [
+        ('wagtailimages', '0019_delete_filter'),
+        ('wagtaildocs', '0007_merge'),
+        ('v1', '0001_squashed_0254_delete_campaignpage'),
+        ('wagtaildocs', '0010_document_file_hash'),
+    ]
+    operations = [
+        migrations.CreateModel(
+            name='ActivityAgeRange',
+            fields=[
+                ('id', models.AutoField(auto_created=True, primary_key=True, serialize=False, verbose_name='ID')),
+                ('title', models.CharField(max_length=255, unique=True)),
+                ('weight', models.IntegerField(default=0)),
+            ],
+            options={
+                'ordering': ['weight', 'title'],
+                'abstract': False,
+            },
+        ),
+        migrations.CreateModel(
+            name='ActivityBloomsTaxonomyLevel',
+            fields=[
+                ('id', models.AutoField(auto_created=True, primary_key=True, serialize=False, verbose_name='ID')),
+                ('title', models.CharField(max_length=255, unique=True)),
+                ('weight', models.IntegerField(default=0)),
+            ],
+            options={
+                'ordering': ['weight', 'title'],
+                'abstract': False,
+            },
+        ),
+        migrations.CreateModel(
+            name='ActivityBuildingBlock',
+            fields=[
+                ('id', models.AutoField(auto_created=True, primary_key=True, serialize=False, verbose_name='ID')),
+                ('title', models.CharField(max_length=255, unique=True)),
+                ('weight', models.IntegerField(default=0)),
+                ('svg_icon', models.CharField(blank=True, choices=[('settings', 'Executive function'), ('split', 'Financial knowledge and decision making'), ('piggy-bank-check', 'Financial habits and norms')], max_length=60, null=True)),
+            ],
+            options={
+                'ordering': ['weight', 'title'],
+                'abstract': False,
+            },
+        ),
+        migrations.CreateModel(
+            name='ActivityCouncilForEconEd',
+            fields=[
+                ('id', models.AutoField(auto_created=True, primary_key=True, serialize=False, verbose_name='ID')),
+                ('title', models.CharField(max_length=255, unique=True)),
+                ('weight', models.IntegerField(default=0)),
+            ],
+            options={
+                'abstract': False,
+                'verbose_name': 'National standard',
+                'verbose_name_plural': 'National Standards for Personal Financial Education',
+            },
+        ),
+        migrations.CreateModel(
+            name='ActivityDuration',
+            fields=[
+                ('id', models.AutoField(auto_created=True, primary_key=True, serialize=False, verbose_name='ID')),
+                ('title', models.CharField(max_length=255, unique=True)),
+                ('weight', models.IntegerField(default=0)),
+            ],
+            options={
+                'ordering': ['weight', 'title'],
+                'abstract': False,
+            },
+        ),
+        migrations.CreateModel(
+            name='ActivityGradeLevel',
+            fields=[
+                ('id', models.AutoField(auto_created=True, primary_key=True, serialize=False, verbose_name='ID')),
+                ('title', models.CharField(max_length=255, unique=True)),
+                ('weight', models.IntegerField(default=0)),
+            ],
+            options={
+                'ordering': ['weight', 'title'],
+                'abstract': False,
+            },
+        ),
+        migrations.CreateModel(
+            name='ActivityJumpStartCoalition',
+            fields=[
+                ('id', models.AutoField(auto_created=True, primary_key=True, serialize=False, verbose_name='ID')),
+                ('title', models.CharField(max_length=255, unique=True)),
+                ('weight', models.IntegerField(default=0)),
+            ],
+            options={
+                'ordering': ['weight', 'title'],
+                'abstract': False,
+            },
+        ),
+        migrations.CreateModel(
+            name='ActivitySchoolSubject',
+            fields=[
+                ('id', models.AutoField(auto_created=True, primary_key=True, serialize=False, verbose_name='ID')),
+                ('title', models.CharField(max_length=255, unique=True)),
+                ('weight', models.IntegerField(default=0)),
+            ],
+            options={
+                'ordering': ['weight', 'title'],
+                'abstract': False,
+            },
+        ),
+        migrations.CreateModel(
+            name='ActivityTeachingStrategy',
+            fields=[
+                ('id', models.AutoField(auto_created=True, primary_key=True, serialize=False, verbose_name='ID')),
+                ('title', models.CharField(max_length=255, unique=True)),
+                ('weight', models.IntegerField(default=0)),
+            ],
+            options={
+                'ordering': ['weight', 'title'],
+                'abstract': False,
+            },
+        ),
+        migrations.CreateModel(
+            name='ActivityTopic',
+            fields=[
+                ('id', models.AutoField(auto_created=True, primary_key=True, serialize=False, verbose_name='ID')),
+                ('title', models.CharField(max_length=255, unique=True)),
+                ('level', models.PositiveIntegerField(editable=False)),
+                ('lft', models.PositiveIntegerField(editable=False)),
+                ('parent', mptt.fields.TreeForeignKey(blank=True, null=True, on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.CASCADE, related_name='children', to='teachers_digital_platform.activitytopic')),
+                ('rght', models.PositiveIntegerField(editable=False)),
+                ('tree_id', models.PositiveIntegerField(db_index=True, editable=False)),
+                ('weight', models.IntegerField(default=0)),
+            ],
+            options={
+                'abstract': False,
+            },
+        ),
+        migrations.CreateModel(
+            name='ActivityType',
+            fields=[
+                ('id', models.AutoField(auto_created=True, primary_key=True, serialize=False, verbose_name='ID')),
+                ('title', models.CharField(max_length=255, unique=True)),
+                ('weight', models.IntegerField(default=0)),
+            ],
+            options={
+                'ordering': ['weight', 'title'],
+                'abstract': False,
+            },
+        ),
+        migrations.CreateModel(
+            name='ActivityStudentCharacteristics',
+            fields=[
+                ('id', models.AutoField(auto_created=True, primary_key=True, serialize=False, verbose_name='ID')),
+                ('title', models.CharField(max_length=255, unique=True)),
+                ('weight', models.IntegerField(default=0)),
+            ],
+            options={
+                'ordering': ['weight', 'title'],
+                'abstract': False,
+            },
+        ),
+        migrations.CreateModel(
+            name='ActivityPage',
+            fields=[
+                ('cfgovpage_ptr', models.OneToOneField(auto_created=True, on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.CASCADE, parent_link=True, primary_key=True, serialize=False, to='v1.cfgovpage')),
+                ('date', models.DateField(, verbose_name='Updated')),
+                ('summary', models.TextField(verbose_name='Summary')),
+                ('big_idea', wagtail.fields.RichTextField(verbose_name='Big idea')),
+                ('essential_questions', wagtail.fields.RichTextField(verbose_name='Essential questions')),
+                ('objectives', wagtail.fields.RichTextField(verbose_name='Objectives')),
+                ('what_students_will_do', wagtail.fields.RichTextField(verbose_name='What students will do')),
+                ('activity_duration', models.ForeignKey(on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.PROTECT, to='teachers_digital_platform.activityduration')),
+                ('activity_file', models.ForeignKey(null=True, on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.SET_NULL, related_name='+', to='wagtaildocs.document', verbose_name='Teacher guide')),
+                ('activity_type', modelcluster.fields.ParentalManyToManyField(to='teachers_digital_platform.activitytype')),
+                ('age_range', modelcluster.fields.ParentalManyToManyField(to='teachers_digital_platform.activityagerange')),
+                ('blooms_taxonomy_level', modelcluster.fields.ParentalManyToManyField(to='teachers_digital_platform.activitybloomstaxonomylevel')),
+                ('building_block', modelcluster.fields.ParentalManyToManyField(to='teachers_digital_platform.activitybuildingblock')),
+                ('council_for_economic_education', modelcluster.fields.ParentalManyToManyField(blank=True, to='teachers_digital_platform.activitycouncilforeconed', verbose_name='National Standards')),
+                ('grade_level', modelcluster.fields.ParentalManyToManyField(to='teachers_digital_platform.activitygradelevel')),
+                ('handout_file', models.ForeignKey(blank=True, null=True, on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.SET_NULL, related_name='+', to='wagtaildocs.document', verbose_name='Student file 1')),
+                ('jump_start_coalition', modelcluster.fields.ParentalManyToManyField(blank=True, to='teachers_digital_platform.activityjumpstartcoalition', verbose_name='Jump$tart Coalition')),
+                ('school_subject', modelcluster.fields.ParentalManyToManyField(to='teachers_digital_platform.activityschoolsubject')),
+                ('student_characteristics', modelcluster.fields.ParentalManyToManyField(blank=True, to='teachers_digital_platform.activitystudentcharacteristics')),
+                ('teaching_strategy', modelcluster.fields.ParentalManyToManyField(to='teachers_digital_platform.activityteachingstrategy')),
+                ('topic', teachers_digital_platform.fields.ParentalTreeManyToManyField(to='teachers_digital_platform.activitytopic')),
+                ('handout_file_2', models.ForeignKey(blank=True, null=True, on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.SET_NULL, related_name='+', to='wagtaildocs.document', verbose_name='Student file 2')),
+                ('handout_file_3', models.ForeignKey(blank=True, null=True, on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.SET_NULL, related_name='+', to='wagtaildocs.document', verbose_name='Student file 3')),
+                ('search_tags', models.TextField(blank=True, help_text="These words will match for the site's internal Activities search. This content will not be visible by users.", verbose_name='Activity search tags')),
+            ],
+            options={
+                'abstract': False,
+                'verbose_name': 'TDP Activity page',
+            },
+            bases=('v1.cfgovpage',),
+        ),
+        migrations.CreateModel(
+            name='ActivityPageHandoutDocuments',
+            fields=[
+                ('id', models.AutoField(auto_created=True, primary_key=True, serialize=False, verbose_name='ID')),
+                ('sort_order', models.IntegerField(blank=True, editable=False, null=True)),
+                ('documents', models.ForeignKey(on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.CASCADE, related_name='+', to='wagtaildocs.document', verbose_name='Student file')),
+                ('project', modelcluster.fields.ParentalKey(on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.CASCADE, related_name='handout_documents', to='teachers_digital_platform.activitypage')),
+            ],
+            options={
+                'ordering': ['sort_order'],
+                'abstract': False,
+            },
+        ),
+        migrations.CreateModel(
+            name='ActivityPageActivityDocuments',
+            fields=[
+                ('id', models.AutoField(auto_created=True, primary_key=True, serialize=False, verbose_name='ID')),
+                ('sort_order', models.IntegerField(blank=True, editable=False, null=True)),
+                ('documents', models.ForeignKey(on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.CASCADE, related_name='+', to='wagtaildocs.document', verbose_name='Teacher guide')),
+                ('project', modelcluster.fields.ParentalKey(on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.CASCADE, related_name='activity_documents', to='teachers_digital_platform.activitypage')),
+            ],
+            options={
+                'ordering': ['sort_order'],
+                'abstract': False,
+            },
+        ),
+        migrations.CreateModel(
+            name='ActivitySetUp',
+            fields=[
+                ('id', models.AutoField(auto_created=True, primary_key=True, serialize=False, verbose_name='ID')),
+                ('card_setup', models.JSONField(blank=True, null=True)),
+                ('card_order', models.JSONField(blank=True, null=True)),
+                ('facet_setup', models.JSONField(blank=True, null=True)),
+            ],
+        ),
+        migrations.CreateModel(
+            name='ActivityIndexPage',
+            fields=[
+                ('cfgovpage_ptr', models.OneToOneField(auto_created=True, on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.CASCADE, parent_link=True, primary_key=True, serialize=False, to='v1.cfgovpage')),
+                ('header', wagtail.fields.StreamField([('text_introduction', 9), ('notification', 14)], blank=True, block_lookup={0: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Optional: Adds an H5 eyebrow above H1 heading text. Only use in conjunction with heading.', 'label': 'Pre-heading', 'required': False}), 1: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'required': False}), 2: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'required': False}), 3: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Add an ARIA label if the link text does not describe the destination of the link (e.g. has ambiguous text like "Learn more" that is not descriptive on its own).', 'required': False}), 4: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'default': '/', 'required': False}), 5: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'required': False}), 6: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 1), ('aria_label', 3), ('url', 4), ('is_link_boldface', 5)]], {}), 7: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (6,), {'required': False}), 8: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Check this to add a horizontal rule line to bottom of text introduction.', 'label': 'Has bottom rule', 'required': False}), 9: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('eyebrow', 0), ('heading', 1), ('intro', 2), ('body', 2), ('links', 7), ('has_rule', 8)]], {}), 10: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('information', 'Information'), ('warning', 'Warning')]}), 11: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'The main notification message to display.', 'required': True}), 12: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Explanation text appears below the message in smaller type.', 'required': False}), 13: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (6,), {'help_text': 'Links appear on their own lines below the explanation.', 'required': False}), 14: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('type', 10), ('message', 11), ('explanation', 12), ('links', 13)]], {})})),
+                ('header_sidebar', wagtail.fields.StreamField([('image', 2)], blank=True, block_lookup={0: ('wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Should be exactly 390px tall, and up to 940px wide, unless this is an overlay or bleeding style hero.'}), 1: ('wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Provide an alternate image for small displays when using a bleeding or overlay hero.', 'required': False}), 2: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('image', 0), ('small_image', 1)]], {})})),
+            ],
+            options={
+                'abstract': False,
+                'verbose_name': 'TDP Activity search page',
+            },
+            bases=('v1.cfgovpage',),
+        ),
+        migrations.RunPython(
+            code=django.db.migrations.operations.special.RunPython.noop,
+            reverse_code=django.db.migrations.operations.special.RunPython.noop,
+        ),
+        migrations.RemoveField(
+            model_name='activityindexpage',
+            name='header_sidebar',
+        ),
+    ]
diff --git a/cfgov/v1/migrations/ b/cfgov/v1/migrations/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..c7b27044ca9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cfgov/v1/migrations/
@@ -0,0 +1,801 @@
+# Generated by Django 4.2.17 on 2024-12-26 19:32
+import datetime
+from django.conf import settings
+import django.core.validators
+from django.db import migrations, models
+import django.db.models.deletion
+import modelcluster.contrib.taggit
+import modelcluster.fields
+import taggit.managers
+import v1.atomic_elements.tables
+import v1.models.snippets
+import v1.util.ref
+import wagtail.fields
+import wagtail.images.models
+class Migration(migrations.Migration):
+    replaces = [('v1', '0001_squashed_0254_delete_campaignpage'), ('v1', '0002_petition_categories'), ('v1', '0003_petition_categories_2'), ('v1', '0004_internaldocssettings'), ('v1', '0005_deprecate_preview_fields'), ('v1', '0006_deprecate_raft'), ('v1', '0007_deprecate_iug_sharing'), ('v1', '0008_deprecate_heading_related_posts_in_sidebar_breakout'), ('v1', '0009_deprecate_super_button'), ('v1', '0010_remove_large_pull_quote'), ('v1', '0011_wagtail_image_field_update'), ('v1', '0012_event_page_cleanup'), ('v1', '0013_remove_cfgovpage_schema_json'), ('v1', '0014_update_ds_links'), ('v1', '0015_grouppagepermission_index_fix'), ('v1', '0016_snippet_revisions'), ('v1', '0017_remove_halfwidth')]
+    initial = True
+    dependencies = [
+        ('wagtailcore', '0067_alter_pagerevision_content_json'),
+        ('wagtailredirects', '0008_add_verbose_name_plural'),
+        ('wagtailcore', '0040_page_draft_title'),
+        ('wagtaildocs', '0007_merge'),
+        ('wagtailinventory', '0003_pageblock_id_bigautofield'),
+        ('wagtailforms', '0005_alter_formsubmission_form_data'),
+        ('wagtailimages', '0019_delete_filter'),
+        ('wagtailcore', '0078_referenceindex'),
+        ('wagtailcore', '0083_workflowcontenttype'),
+        ('login', '0001_squashed_0003_simplify_password_logic'),
+        migrations.swappable_dependency(settings.AUTH_USER_MODEL),
+        ('wagtailcore', '0041_group_collection_permissions_verbose_name_plural'),
+        ('taggit', '0002_auto_20150616_2121'),
+        ('contenttypes', '__first__'),
+        ('wagtailcore', '0075_populate_latest_revision_and_revision_object_str'),
+        ('wagtailcore', '0066_collection_management_permissions'),
+    ]
+    operations = [
+        migrations.CreateModel(
+            name='CFGOVAuthoredPages',
+            fields=[
+                ('id', models.AutoField(auto_created=True, primary_key=True, serialize=False, verbose_name='ID')),
+            ],
+            options={
+                'verbose_name': 'Author',
+                'verbose_name_plural': 'Authors',
+            },
+        ),
+        migrations.CreateModel(
+            name='CFGOVImage',
+            fields=[
+                ('id', models.BigAutoField(auto_created=True, primary_key=True, serialize=False, verbose_name='ID')),
+                ('title', models.CharField(max_length=255, verbose_name='title')),
+                ('file', wagtail.images.models.WagtailImageField(height_field='height', upload_to=wagtail.images.models.get_upload_to, verbose_name='file', width_field='width')),
+                ('width', models.IntegerField(editable=False, verbose_name='width')),
+                ('height', models.IntegerField(editable=False, verbose_name='height')),
+                ('created_at', models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True, db_index=True, verbose_name='created at')),
+                ('focal_point_x', models.PositiveIntegerField(blank=True, null=True)),
+                ('focal_point_y', models.PositiveIntegerField(blank=True, null=True)),
+                ('focal_point_width', models.PositiveIntegerField(blank=True, null=True)),
+                ('focal_point_height', models.PositiveIntegerField(blank=True, null=True)),
+                ('file_size', models.PositiveIntegerField(editable=False, null=True)),
+                ('alt', models.TextField(blank=True, help_text="No character limit, but be as succinct as possible. If the image is decorative (i.e., a screenreader wouldn't have anything useful to say about it), leave this field blank.")),
+                ('collection', models.ForeignKey(, on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.CASCADE, related_name='+', to='wagtailcore.collection', verbose_name='collection')),
+                ('tags', taggit.managers.TaggableManager(blank=True, help_text=None, through='taggit.TaggedItem', to='taggit.Tag', verbose_name='tags')),
+                ('uploaded_by_user', models.ForeignKey(blank=True, editable=False, null=True, on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.SET_NULL, to=settings.AUTH_USER_MODEL, verbose_name='uploaded by user')),
+                ('file_hash', models.CharField(blank=True, editable=False, max_length=40)),
+            ],
+            options={
+                'abstract': False,
+            },
+            bases=(, models.Model),
+        ),
+        migrations.CreateModel(
+            name='CFGOVPage',
+            fields=[
+                ('page_ptr', models.OneToOneField(auto_created=True, on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.CASCADE, parent_link=True, primary_key=True, serialize=False, to='')),
+                ('language', models.CharField(choices=[('en', 'English'), ('es', 'Spanish'), ('zh', 'Chinese'), ('vi', 'Vietnamese'), ('ko', 'Korean'), ('tl', 'Tagalog'), ('ru', 'Russian'), ('ar', 'Arabic'), ('ht', 'Haitian Creole')], default='en', max_length=2)),
+                ('sidefoot', wagtail.fields.StreamField([('call_to_action', 5), ('related_links', 8), ('related_posts', 19), ('related_metadata', 33), ('email_signup', 39), ('sidebar_contact', 42), ('rss_feed', 43), ('social_media', 55), ('reusable_text', 56)], blank=True, block_lookup={0: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'required': False}), 1: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'required': False}), 2: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'default': '/', 'required': False}), 3: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('regular', 'Regular'), ('large', 'Large Primary')]}), 4: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 0), ('url', 2), ('size', 3)]], {}), 5: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('slug_text', 0), ('paragraph_text', 1), ('button', 4)]], {}), 6: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 0), ('url', 2)]], {}), 7: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (6,), {}), 8: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 0), ('paragraph', 1), ('links', 7)]], {}), 9: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'default': '3', 'help_text': 'This limit applies to EACH TYPE of post this module retrieves, not the total number of retrieved posts.'}), 10: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'This toggles the heading and icon for the related types.', 'label': 'Show Heading and Icon?', 'required': False}), 11: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'default': 'Further reading', 'label': 'Slug Title'}), 12: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'editable': False, 'label': 'Blog Posts', 'required': False}), 13: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'editable': False, 'label': 'Newsroom', 'required': False}), 14: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'label': 'Events', 'required': False}), 15: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('Blog', (('At the CFPB', 'At the CFPB'), ('Policy &amp; Compliance', 'Policy and compliance'), ('Data, Research &amp; Reports', 'Data, research, and reports'), ('Info for Consumers', 'Info for consumers'))), ('Newsroom', (('Op-Ed', 'Op-ed'), ('Press Release', 'Press release'), ('Speech', 'Speech'), ('Testimony', 'Testimony'), ("Director's notebook", "Director's notebook")))], 'required': False}), 16: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (15,), {'required': False}), 17: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'If checked, related posts will only be pulled in if they match ALL topic tags set on this page. Otherwise, related posts can match any one topic tag.', 'label': 'Match all topic tags', 'required': False}), 18: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'By default, the "View more" link will go to the Activity Log, filtered based on the above parameters. Enter a URL in this field to override that link destination.', 'label': 'Alternate "View more" URL', 'required': False}), 19: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('limit', 9), ('show_heading', 10), ('header_title', 11), ('relate_posts', 12), ('relate_newsroom', 13), ('relate_events', 14), ('specific_categories', 16), ('and_filtering', 17), ('alternate_view_more_url', 18)]], {}), 20: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'max_length': 100}), 21: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {}), 22: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 20), ('blob', 21)]], {'icon': 'pilcrow'}), 23: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 20), ('links', 7)]], {'icon': 'list-ul'}), 24: ('wagtail.blocks.DateBlock', (), {}), 25: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 20), ('date', 24)]], {'icon': 'date'}), 26: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'default': 'Topics', 'max_length': 100}), 27: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'required': False}), 28: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 26), ('show_topics', 27)]], {'icon': 'tag'}), 29: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'default': 'Categories', 'max_length': 100}), 30: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 29), ('show_categories', 27)]], {'icon': 'list-ul'}), 31: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('text', 22), ('list', 23), ('date', 25), ('topics', 28), ('categories', 30)]], {}), 32: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'required': False}), 33: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('slug', 20), ('content', 31), ('is_half_width', 32)]], {}), 34: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'default': 'Stay informed', 'required': False}), 35: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'If selected, heading will be styled as an H5 with green top rule. Deselect to style header as H3.', 'label': 'Default heading style', 'required': False}), 36: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Write a sentence or two about what kinds of emails the user is signing up for, how frequently they will be sent, etc.', 'required': False}), 37: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Code for the topic (i.e., mailing list) you want people who submit this form to subscribe to. Format: USCFPB_###', 'label': 'GovDelivery code', 'required': False}), 38: ('wagtail.blocks.PageChooserBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Choose the page that the "See Privacy Act statement" link should go to. If in doubt, use "Generic Email Sign-Up Privacy Act Statement".', 'label': 'Privacy Act statement', 'required': False}), 39: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 34), ('default_heading', 35), ('text', 36), ('gd_code', 37), ('disclaimer_page', 38)]], {}), 40: ('wagtail.snippets.blocks.SnippetChooserBlock', ('v1.Contact',), {}), 41: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Add a horizontal rule line to top of contact block.', 'required': False}), 42: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('contact', 40), ('has_top_rule_line', 41)]], {}), 43: ('v1.atomic_elements.molecules.RSSFeed', (), {}), 44: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'If unchecked, social media icons will link users to official CFPB accounts. Do not fill in any further fields.', 'label': 'Desired action: share this page', 'required': False}), 45: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'default': "Look what I found on the CFPB's site!", 'help_text': 'Sets the tweet text, email subject line, and LinkedIn post text.', 'required': False}), 46: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': '(Optional) Custom text for Twitter shares. If blank, will default to value of blurb field above.', 'max_length': 100, 'required': False}), 47: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': '(Optional) A comma-separated list of accounts related to the content of the shared URL. Do not enter the  @ symbol. If blank, it will default to just "cfpb".', 'required': False}), 48: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': '(Optional) A comma-separated list of hashtags to be appended to default tweet text.', 'required': False}), 49: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': '(Optional) Loads text components in the specified language, if other than English. E.g., use "es"  for Spanish. See for a list of supported language codes.', 'required': False}), 50: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': '(Optional) Custom subject for email shares. If blank, will default to value of blurb field above.', 'required': False}), 51: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': '(Optional) Custom text for email shares. If blank, will default to "Check out this page from the CFPB".', 'required': False}), 52: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': '(Optional) Adds a custom signature line to email shares. ', 'required': False}), 53: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': '(Optional) Custom title for LinkedIn shares. If blank, will default to value of blurb field above.', 'required': False}), 54: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': '(Optional) Custom text for LinkedIn shares.', 'required': False}), 55: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('is_share_view', 44), ('blurb', 45), ('twitter_text', 46), ('twitter_related', 47), ('twitter_hashtags', 48), ('twitter_lang', 49), ('email_title', 50), ('email_text', 51), ('email_signature', 52), ('linkedin_title', 53), ('linkedin_text', 54)]], {}), 56: ('v1.blocks.ReusableTextChooserBlock', (v1.models.snippets.ReusableText,), {})})),
+                ('authors', modelcluster.contrib.taggit.ClusterTaggableManager(blank=True, help_text='A comma separated list of authors.', through='v1.CFGOVAuthoredPages', to='taggit.Tag', verbose_name='Authors')),
+                ('social_sharing_image', models.ForeignKey(blank=True, help_text='Optionally select a custom image to appear when users share this page on social media websites. Recommended size: 1200w x 630h. Maximum size: 4096w x 4096h.', null=True, on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.SET_NULL, related_name='+', to='v1.cfgovimage')),
+            ],
+            bases=('',),
+        ),
+        migrations.CreateModel(
+            name='Contact',
+            fields=[
+                ('id', models.BigAutoField(auto_created=True, primary_key=True, serialize=False, verbose_name='ID')),
+                ('heading', models.CharField(help_text='The snippet heading', max_length=255, verbose_name='Heading')),
+                ('body', wagtail.fields.RichTextField(blank=True)),
+                ('contact_info', wagtail.fields.StreamField([('email', 4), ('phone', 13), ('address', 18), ('hyperlink', 20)], blank=True, block_lookup={0: ('wagtail.blocks.EmailBlock', (), {'label': 'Email address'}), 1: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'label': 'Link text (optional)', 'required': False}), 2: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('url', 0), ('text', 1)]], {}), 3: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (2,), {}), 4: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('emails', 3)]], {}), 5: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'label': 'Is this number a fax?', 'required': False}), 6: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Do not include spaces or dashes. Ex. 8554112372', 'max_length': 15, 'validators': [django.core.validators.RegexValidator(message='Enter a numeric phone number, without punctuation.', regex='^\\d*$')]}), 7: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'max_length': 4, 'required': False}), 8: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'A phoneword version of the above number. Include any formatting. Ex. (555) 222-CFPB', 'max_length': 15, 'required': False}), 9: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Do not include spaces or dashes. Ex. 8554112372', 'label': 'TTY', 'max_length': 15, 'required': False, 'validators': [django.core.validators.RegexValidator(message='Enter a numeric phone number, without punctuation.', regex='^\\d*$')]}), 10: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'label': 'TTY Extension', 'max_length': 4, 'required': False}), 11: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('number', 6), ('extension', 7), ('vanity', 8), ('tty', 9), ('tty_ext', 10)]], {}), 12: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (11,), {}), 13: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('fax', 5), ('phones', 12)]], {}), 14: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'required': False}), 15: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'max_length': 50, 'required': False}), 16: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'max_length': 25, 'required': False}), 17: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'max_length': 15, 'required': False}), 18: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('label', 14), ('title', 14), ('street', 14), ('city', 15), ('state', 16), ('zip_code', 17)]], {}), 19: ('wagtail.blocks.URLBlock', (), {}), 20: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('url', 19), ('text', 14)]], {})})),
+            ],
+            options={
+                'ordering': ['heading'],
+            },
+        ),
+        migrations.CreateModel(
+            name='PortalCategory',
+            fields=[
+                ('id', models.AutoField(auto_created=True, primary_key=True, serialize=False, verbose_name='ID')),
+                ('heading', models.CharField(blank=True, max_length=255)),
+                ('heading_es', models.CharField(blank=True, max_length=255)),
+                ('display_order', models.IntegerField(default=0, help_text='Controls sequence of categories in sidebar navigation.')),
+            ],
+            options={
+                'verbose_name_plural': 'portal categories',
+                'ordering': ['display_order'],
+            },
+        ),
+        migrations.CreateModel(
+            name='PortalCategoryTag',
+            fields=[
+                ('id', models.BigAutoField(auto_created=True, primary_key=True, serialize=False, verbose_name='ID')),
+                ('content_object', modelcluster.fields.ParentalKey(null=True, on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.SET_NULL, related_name='tagged_portal_category', to='v1.portalcategory')),
+                ('tag', models.ForeignKey(on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.CASCADE, related_name='v1_portalcategorytag_items', to='taggit.tag')),
+            ],
+            options={
+                'abstract': False,
+            },
+        ),
+        migrations.CreateModel(
+            name='PortalTopic',
+            fields=[
+                ('id', models.AutoField(auto_created=True, primary_key=True, serialize=False, verbose_name='ID')),
+                ('heading', models.CharField(blank=True, max_length=255)),
+                ('heading_es', models.CharField(blank=True, max_length=255)),
+            ],
+            options={
+                'abstract': False,
+            },
+        ),
+        migrations.CreateModel(
+            name='PortalTopicTag',
+            fields=[
+                ('id', models.BigAutoField(auto_created=True, primary_key=True, serialize=False, verbose_name='ID')),
+                ('content_object', modelcluster.fields.ParentalKey(null=True, on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.SET_NULL, related_name='tagged_portal_topic', to='v1.portaltopic')),
+                ('tag', models.ForeignKey(on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.CASCADE, related_name='v1_portaltopictag_items', to='taggit.tag')),
+            ],
+            options={
+                'abstract': False,
+            },
+        ),
+        migrations.CreateModel(
+            name='RelatedResource',
+            fields=[
+                ('id', models.BigAutoField(auto_created=True, primary_key=True, serialize=False, verbose_name='ID')),
+                ('title', models.CharField(max_length=255)),
+                ('title_es', models.CharField(blank=True, max_length=255, null=True)),
+                ('text', wagtail.fields.RichTextField(blank=True, null=True)),
+                ('text_es', wagtail.fields.RichTextField(blank=True, null=True)),
+            ],
+            bases=(, models.Model),
+        ),
+        migrations.CreateModel(
+            name='Resource',
+            fields=[
+                ('id', models.AutoField(auto_created=True, primary_key=True, serialize=False, verbose_name='ID')),
+                ('title', models.CharField(max_length=255)),
+                ('desc', wagtail.fields.RichTextField(blank=True, verbose_name='Description')),
+                ('link', models.URLField(blank=True, help_text='Example: URL to order a few copies of a printed piece.', validators=[django.core.validators.URLValidator])),
+                ('alternate_link', models.URLField(blank=True, help_text='Example: a URL to for ordering bulk copies.', validators=[django.core.validators.URLValidator])),
+                ('order', models.PositiveSmallIntegerField(blank=True, help_text='Resources will be listed alphabetically by title in a Resource List module, unless any in the list have a number in this field; those with an order value will appear in ascending order.', null=True)),
+                ('alternate_file', models.ForeignKey(blank=True, null=True, on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.SET_NULL, related_name='+', to='wagtaildocs.document')),
+                ('related_file', models.ForeignKey(blank=True, null=True, on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.SET_NULL, related_name='+', to='wagtaildocs.document')),
+            ],
+            options={
+                'ordering': ('order', 'title'),
+            },
+        ),
+        migrations.CreateModel(
+            name='ResourceTag',
+            fields=[
+                ('id', models.BigAutoField(auto_created=True, primary_key=True, serialize=False, verbose_name='ID')),
+                ('content_object', modelcluster.fields.ParentalKey(on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.CASCADE, related_name='tagged_items', to='v1.resource')),
+                ('tag', models.ForeignKey(on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.CASCADE, related_name='v1_resourcetag_items', to='taggit.tag')),
+            ],
+            options={
+                'abstract': False,
+            },
+        ),
+        migrations.CreateModel(
+            name='AbstractFilterPage',
+            fields=[
+                ('cfgovpage_ptr', models.OneToOneField(auto_created=True, on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.CASCADE, parent_link=True, primary_key=True, serialize=False, to='v1.cfgovpage')),
+                ('header', wagtail.fields.StreamField([('article_subheader', 0), ('text_introduction', 9), ('item_introduction', 13), ('notification', 18)], blank=True, block_lookup={0: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'icon': 'form'}), 1: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Optional: Adds an H5 eyebrow above H1 heading text. Only use in conjunction with heading.', 'label': 'Pre-heading', 'required': False}), 2: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'required': False}), 3: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'required': False}), 4: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Add an ARIA label if the link text does not describe the destination of the link (e.g. has ambiguous text like "Learn more" that is not descriptive on its own).', 'required': False}), 5: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'default': '/', 'required': False}), 6: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 2), ('aria_label', 4), ('url', 5)]], {}), 7: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (6,), {'required': False}), 8: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Check this to add a horizontal rule line to bottom of text introduction.', 'label': 'Has bottom rule', 'required': False}), 9: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('eyebrow', 1), ('heading', 2), ('intro', 3), ('body', 3), ('links', 7), ('has_rule', 8)]], {}), 10: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': "Whether to show the category or not (category must be set in 'Configuration').", 'required': False}), 11: ('wagtail.blocks.DateBlock', (), {'required': False}), 12: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Whether to show the share icons or not.', 'required': False}), 13: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('show_category', 10), ('heading', 2), ('paragraph', 3), ('date', 11), ('has_social', 12)]], {}), 14: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('information', 'Information'), ('warning', 'Warning')]}), 15: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'The main notification message to display.', 'required': True}), 16: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Explanation text appears below the message in smaller type.', 'required': False}), 17: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (6,), {'help_text': 'Links appear on their own lines below the explanation.', 'required': False}), 18: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('type', 14), ('message', 15), ('explanation', 16), ('links', 17)]], {})})),
+                ('date_published', models.DateField(,
+            ],
+            options={
+                'abstract': False,
+            },
+            bases=('v1.cfgovpage',),
+        ),
+        migrations.CreateModel(
+            name='BrowseFilterablePage',
+            fields=[
+                ('cfgovpage_ptr', models.OneToOneField(auto_created=True, on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.CASCADE, parent_link=True, primary_key=True, serialize=False, to='v1.cfgovpage')),
+                ('header', wagtail.fields.StreamField([('text_introduction', 8), ('featured_content', 20)], block_lookup={0: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Optional: Adds an H5 eyebrow above H1 heading text. Only use in conjunction with heading.', 'label': 'Pre-heading', 'required': False}), 1: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'required': False}), 2: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'required': False}), 3: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Add an ARIA label if the link text does not describe the destination of the link (e.g. has ambiguous text like "Learn more" that is not descriptive on its own).', 'required': False}), 4: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'default': '/', 'required': False}), 5: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 1), ('aria_label', 3), ('url', 4)]], {}), 6: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (5,), {'required': False}), 7: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Check this to add a horizontal rule line to bottom of text introduction.', 'label': 'Has bottom rule', 'required': False}), 8: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('eyebrow', 0), ('heading', 1), ('intro', 2), ('body', 2), ('links', 6), ('has_rule', 7)]], {}), 9: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {}), 10: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Line breaks will be ignored.'}), 11: ('wagtail.blocks.PageChooserBlock', (), {'required': False}), 12: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'label': 'Render post link?', 'required': False}), 13: ('wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock', (), {'required': False}), 14: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': "No character limit, but be as succinct as possible. If the image is decorative (i.e., a screenreader wouldn't have anything useful to say about it), leave this field blank.", 'required': False}), 15: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('upload', 13), ('alt', 14)]], {}), 16: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (5,), {'label': 'Additional Links'}), 17: ('wagtail.blocks.RegexBlock', (), {'error_messages': {'invalid': 'The YouTube video ID is in the wrong format.'}, 'help_text': 'Enter the YouTube video ID, which is located at the end of the video URL, after "v=". For example, the video ID for is 1V0Ax9OIc84.', 'label': 'YouTube video ID', 'regex': '^[\\w-]{11}$', 'required': False}), 18: ('wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Optional thumbnail image to show before and after the video plays. If the thumbnail image is not set here, the video player will default to showing the thumbnail that was set in (or automatically chosen by) YouTube.', 'required': False}), 19: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('video_id', 17), ('thumbnail_image', 18)]], {'required': False}), 20: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 9), ('body', 10), ('post', 11), ('show_post_link', 12), ('post_link_text', 1), ('image', 15), ('links', 16), ('video', 19)]], {})})),
+                ('content', wagtail.fields.StreamField([('full_width_text', 37), ('filter_controls', 47)], blank=True, block_lookup={0: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'icon': 'edit'}), 1: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {}), 2: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': '\n            ID will be auto-generated on save.\n            However, you may enter some human-friendly text that\n            will be incorporated to make it easier to read.\n        ', 'label': 'ID for this content block', 'required': False}), 3: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('link_id', 2)]], {}), 4: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content_block', 1), ('anchor_link', 3)]], {}), 5: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'required': False}), 6: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('h2', 'H2'), ('h3', 'H3'), ('h4', 'H4'), ('h5', 'H5')]}), 7: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Input the name of an icon to appear to the left of the heading. E.g., approved, help-round, etc. <a href="">See full list of icons</a>', 'required': False}), 8: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 5), ('level', 6), ('icon', 7)]], {'required': False}), 9: ('wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock', (), {'required': False}), 10: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': "No character limit, but be as succinct as possible. If the image is decorative (i.e., a screenreader wouldn't have anything useful to say about it), leave this field blank.", 'required': False}), 11: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('upload', 9), ('alt', 10)]], {}), 12: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('full', 'Full width'), (470, '470px'), (270, '270px'), (170, '170px')]}), 13: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('right', 'right'), ('left', 'left')], 'help_text': 'Does not apply if the image is full-width'}), 14: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'label': 'Caption', 'required': False}), 15: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'Check to add a horizontal rule line to bottom of inset.', 'label': 'Has bottom rule line', 'required': False}), 16: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('image', 11), ('image_width', 12), ('image_position', 13), ('text', 14), ('is_bottom_rule', 15)]], {}), 17: ('wagtail.blocks.MultipleChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('is_full_width', 'Display the table at full width'), ('stack_on_mobile', 'Stack the table columns on mobile')], 'required': False}), 18: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {}), 19: ('wagtail.blocks.FloatBlock', (), {}), 20: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'features': ['bold', 'italic', 'ol', 'ul', 'link', 'document-link', 'superscript']}), 21: ('wagtail.contrib.typed_table_block.blocks.TypedTableBlock', [[('text', 18), ('numeric', 19), ('rich_text', 20)]], {}), 22: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 8), ('options', 17), ('data', 21)]], {}), 23: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {}), 24: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'required': False}), 25: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('body', 23), ('citation', 24)]], {}), 26: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'required': False}), 27: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Add an ARIA label if the link text does not describe the destination of the link (e.g. has ambiguous text like "Learn more" that is not descriptive on its own).', 'required': False}), 28: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'default': '/', 'required': False}), 29: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 5), ('aria_label', 27), ('url', 28)]], {}), 30: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('slug_text', 5), ('paragraph_text', 26), ('button', 29)]], {}), 31: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (29,), {}), 32: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 5), ('paragraph', 26), ('links', 31)]], {}), 33: ('v1.blocks.ReusableTextChooserBlock', ('v1.ReusableText',), {}), 34: ('v1.blocks.EmailSignUpChooserBlock', (), {}), 35: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'label': 'Well', 'required': False}), 36: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content', 35)]], {}), 37: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('content', 0), ('content_with_anchor', 4), ('heading', 8), ('image', 16), ('table', 22), ('quote', 25), ('cta', 30), ('related_links', 32), ('reusable_text', 33), ('email_signup', 34), ('well', 36)]], {}), 38: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'required': False}), 39: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'Whether to include a "Search by keyword" filter in the filter controls.', 'required': False}), 40: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'Whether to include a "Category" filter in the filter controls.', 'required': False}), 41: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': v1.util.ref.filterable_list_page_types, 'required': False}), 42: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Whether to include a "Topics" filter in the filter controls', 'required': False}), 43: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Whether to include a "Status" filter in the filter controls. Only enable if using on an enforcement actions filterable list.', 'required': False}), 44: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Whether to include a "Product" filter in the filter controls. Only enable if using on an enforcement actions filterable list.', 'required': False}), 45: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Whether to include a "Language" filter in the filter controls.Only enable if there are non-english filterable results available.', 'required': False}), 46: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'Whether to include a set of "Date range" filters in the filter controls.', 'required': False}), 47: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('label', 5), ('is_bordered', 38), ('is_midtone', 38), ('is_expanded', 38), ('filter_by_keyword', 39), ('filter_by_category', 40), ('category_choices', 41), ('filter_by_topics', 42), ('filter_by_enforcement_statuses', 43), ('filter_by_enforcement_products', 44), ('filter_by_language', 45), ('filter_by_date_range', 46)]], {})})),
+                ('secondary_nav_exclude_sibling_pages', models.BooleanField(default=False, help_text="Don't show siblings of this page in the left navigation.")),
+                ('navigation_label', models.CharField(blank=True, help_text='Optional short label for left navigation.', max_length=100, null=True)),
+                ('filter_children_only', models.BooleanField(default=True)),
+                ('filtered_date_label', models.CharField(blank=True, max_length=30, null=True)),
+                ('filtered_ordering', models.CharField(choices=[('-start_date', 'Date'), ('title.raw', 'Alphabetical')], default='-start_date', max_length=30)),
+                ('show_filtered_categories', models.BooleanField(default=True)),
+                ('show_filtered_dates', models.BooleanField(default=True)),
+                ('show_filtered_tags', models.BooleanField(default=True)),
+            ],
+            options={
+                'abstract': False,
+            },
+            bases=('v1.cfgovpage',),
+        ),
+        migrations.CreateModel(
+            name='HomePage',
+            fields=[
+                ('cfgovpage_ptr', models.OneToOneField(auto_created=True, on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.CASCADE, parent_link=True, primary_key=True, serialize=False, to='v1.cfgovpage')),
+            ],
+            options={
+                'abstract': False,
+            },
+            bases=('v1.cfgovpage',),
+        ),
+        migrations.CreateModel(
+            name='SublandingFilterablePage',
+            fields=[
+                ('cfgovpage_ptr', models.OneToOneField(auto_created=True, on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.CASCADE, parent_link=True, primary_key=True, serialize=False, to='v1.cfgovpage')),
+                ('header', wagtail.fields.StreamField([('hero', 8)], blank=True, block_lookup={0: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'For guidelines on creating heroes, visit our <a href="">Design System</a>. Character counts (including spaces) at largest breakpoint:<ul class="help">    <li>&bull; 41 characters max (one-line heading)</li>    <li>&bull; 82 characters max (two-line heading)</li></ul>', 'required': False}), 1: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Character counts (including spaces) at largest breakpoint:<ul class="help">    <li>&bull; 165-186 characters (after a one-line heading)</li>    <li>&bull; 108-124 characters (after a two-line heading)</li></ul>', 'label': 'Sub-heading', 'required': False}), 2: ('wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock', (), {'help_text': 'When saving illustrations, use a transparent background. ', 'label': 'Large image', 'required': False}), 3: ('wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock', (), {'help_text': '<b>Optional.</b> Provides an alternate image for small displays when using a photo or bleeding hero. Not required for the standard illustration. ', 'required': False}), 4: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Specify a hex value (including the # sign) from our <a href="">official color palette</a>.', 'required': False}), 5: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'help_text': '<b>Optional.</b> Turns the hero text white. Useful if using a dark background color or background image.', 'label': 'White text', 'required': False}), 6: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'help_text': '<b>Optional.</b> Uses the large image as a background under the entire hero, creating the "Photo" style of hero (see <a href="">Design System</a> for details). When using this option, make sure to specify a background color (above) for the left/right margins that appear when screens are wider than 1200px and for the text section when the photo and text stack at mobile sizes.', 'label': 'Photo', 'required': False}), 7: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'help_text': '<b>Optional.</b> Select if you want the illustration to bleed vertically off the top and bottom of the hero space.', 'label': 'Bleed', 'required': False}), 8: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 0), ('body', 1), ('image', 2), ('small_image', 3), ('background_color', 4), ('is_white_text', 5), ('is_overlay', 6), ('is_bleeding', 7)]], {})})),
+                ('content', wagtail.fields.StreamField([('text_introduction', 8), ('full_width_text', 41), ('filter_controls', 51), ('featured_content', 59)], blank=True, block_lookup={0: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Optional: Adds an H5 eyebrow above H1 heading text. Only use in conjunction with heading.', 'label': 'Pre-heading', 'required': False}), 1: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'required': False}), 2: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'required': False}), 3: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Add an ARIA label if the link text does not describe the destination of the link (e.g. has ambiguous text like "Learn more" that is not descriptive on its own).', 'required': False}), 4: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'default': '/', 'required': False}), 5: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 1), ('aria_label', 3), ('url', 4)]], {}), 6: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (5,), {'required': False}), 7: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Check this to add a horizontal rule line to bottom of text introduction.', 'label': 'Has bottom rule', 'required': False}), 8: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('eyebrow', 0), ('heading', 1), ('intro', 2), ('body', 2), ('links', 6), ('has_rule', 7)]], {}), 9: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'icon': 'edit'}), 10: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {}), 11: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': '\n            ID will be auto-generated on save.\n            However, you may enter some human-friendly text that\n            will be incorporated to make it easier to read.\n        ', 'label': 'ID for this content block', 'required': False}), 12: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('link_id', 11)]], {}), 13: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content_block', 10), ('anchor_link', 12)]], {}), 14: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('h2', 'H2'), ('h3', 'H3'), ('h4', 'H4'), ('h5', 'H5')]}), 15: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Input the name of an icon to appear to the left of the heading. E.g., approved, help-round, etc. <a href="">See full list of icons</a>', 'required': False}), 16: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 1), ('level', 14), ('icon', 15)]], {'required': False}), 17: ('wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock', (), {'required': False}), 18: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': "No character limit, but be as succinct as possible. If the image is decorative (i.e., a screenreader wouldn't have anything useful to say about it), leave this field blank.", 'required': False}), 19: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('upload', 17), ('alt', 18)]], {}), 20: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('full', 'Full width'), (470, '470px'), (270, '270px'), (170, '170px')]}), 21: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('right', 'right'), ('left', 'left')], 'help_text': 'Does not apply if the image is full-width'}), 22: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'label': 'Caption', 'required': False}), 23: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'Check to add a horizontal rule line to bottom of inset.', 'label': 'Has bottom rule line', 'required': False}), 24: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('image', 19), ('image_width', 20), ('image_position', 21), ('text', 22), ('is_bottom_rule', 23)]], {}), 25: ('wagtail.blocks.MultipleChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('is_full_width', 'Display the table at full width'), ('stack_on_mobile', 'Stack the table columns on mobile')], 'required': False}), 26: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {}), 27: ('wagtail.blocks.FloatBlock', (), {}), 28: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'features': ['bold', 'italic', 'ol', 'ul', 'link', 'document-link', 'superscript']}), 29: ('wagtail.contrib.typed_table_block.blocks.TypedTableBlock', [[('text', 26), ('numeric', 27), ('rich_text', 28)]], {}), 30: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 16), ('options', 25), ('data', 29)]], {}), 31: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {}), 32: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'required': False}), 33: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('body', 31), ('citation', 32)]], {}), 34: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('slug_text', 1), ('paragraph_text', 2), ('button', 5)]], {}), 35: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (5,), {}), 36: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 1), ('paragraph', 2), ('links', 35)]], {}), 37: ('v1.blocks.ReusableTextChooserBlock', ('v1.ReusableText',), {}), 38: ('v1.blocks.EmailSignUpChooserBlock', (), {}), 39: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'label': 'Well', 'required': False}), 40: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content', 39)]], {}), 41: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('content', 9), ('content_with_anchor', 13), ('heading', 16), ('image', 24), ('table', 30), ('quote', 33), ('cta', 34), ('related_links', 36), ('reusable_text', 37), ('email_signup', 38), ('well', 40)]], {}), 42: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'required': False}), 43: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'Whether to include a "Search by keyword" filter in the filter controls.', 'required': False}), 44: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'Whether to include a "Category" filter in the filter controls.', 'required': False}), 45: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': v1.util.ref.filterable_list_page_types, 'required': False}), 46: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Whether to include a "Topics" filter in the filter controls', 'required': False}), 47: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Whether to include a "Status" filter in the filter controls. Only enable if using on an enforcement actions filterable list.', 'required': False}), 48: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Whether to include a "Product" filter in the filter controls. Only enable if using on an enforcement actions filterable list.', 'required': False}), 49: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Whether to include a "Language" filter in the filter controls.Only enable if there are non-english filterable results available.', 'required': False}), 50: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'Whether to include a set of "Date range" filters in the filter controls.', 'required': False}), 51: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('label', 1), ('is_bordered', 42), ('is_midtone', 42), ('is_expanded', 42), ('filter_by_keyword', 43), ('filter_by_category', 44), ('category_choices', 45), ('filter_by_topics', 46), ('filter_by_enforcement_statuses', 47), ('filter_by_enforcement_products', 48), ('filter_by_language', 49), ('filter_by_date_range', 50)]], {}), 52: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Line breaks will be ignored.'}), 53: ('wagtail.blocks.PageChooserBlock', (), {'required': False}), 54: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'label': 'Render post link?', 'required': False}), 55: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (5,), {'label': 'Additional Links'}), 56: ('wagtail.blocks.RegexBlock', (), {'error_messages': {'invalid': 'The YouTube video ID is in the wrong format.'}, 'help_text': 'Enter the YouTube video ID, which is located at the end of the video URL, after "v=". For example, the video ID for is 1V0Ax9OIc84.', 'label': 'YouTube video ID', 'regex': '^[\\w-]{11}$', 'required': False}), 57: ('wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Optional thumbnail image to show before and after the video plays. If the thumbnail image is not set here, the video player will default to showing the thumbnail that was set in (or automatically chosen by) YouTube.', 'required': False}), 58: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('video_id', 56), ('thumbnail_image', 57)]], {'required': False}), 59: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 26), ('body', 52), ('post', 53), ('show_post_link', 54), ('post_link_text', 1), ('image', 19), ('links', 55), ('video', 58)]], {})})),
+                ('filter_children_only', models.BooleanField(default=True)),
+                ('filtered_date_label', models.CharField(blank=True, max_length=30, null=True)),
+                ('filtered_ordering', models.CharField(choices=[('-start_date', 'Date'), ('title.raw', 'Alphabetical')], default='-start_date', max_length=30)),
+                ('show_filtered_categories', models.BooleanField(default=True)),
+                ('show_filtered_dates', models.BooleanField(default=True)),
+                ('show_filtered_tags', models.BooleanField(default=True)),
+            ],
+            options={
+                'abstract': False,
+            },
+            bases=('v1.cfgovpage',),
+        ),
+        migrations.AddField(
+            model_name='resource',
+            name='tags',
+            field=taggit.managers.TaggableManager(blank=True, help_text='Tags can be used to filter resources in a Resource List.', through='v1.ResourceTag', to='taggit.Tag', verbose_name='Tags'),
+        ),
+        migrations.AddField(
+            model_name='resource',
+            name='thumbnail',
+            field=models.ForeignKey(blank=True, null=True, on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.SET_NULL, related_name='+', to='v1.cfgovimage'),
+        ),
+        migrations.AddField(
+            model_name='portaltopic',
+            name='tags',
+            field=taggit.managers.TaggableManager(blank=True, help_text='Tags are used to identify and organize portal topic pages.', through='v1.PortalTopicTag', to='taggit.Tag', verbose_name='Tags'),
+        ),
+        migrations.AddField(
+            model_name='portalcategory',
+            name='tags',
+            field=taggit.managers.TaggableManager(blank=True, help_text='Tags are used to identify and organize portal see-all pages.', through='v1.PortalCategoryTag', to='taggit.Tag', verbose_name='Tags'),
+        ),
+        migrations.CreateModel(
+            name='CFGOVTaggedPages',
+            fields=[
+                ('id', models.BigAutoField(auto_created=True, primary_key=True, serialize=False, verbose_name='ID')),
+                ('content_object', modelcluster.fields.ParentalKey(on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.CASCADE, to='v1.cfgovpage')),
+                ('tag', models.ForeignKey(on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.CASCADE, related_name='v1_cfgovtaggedpages_items', to='taggit.tag')),
+            ],
+            options={
+                'verbose_name': 'Tag',
+                'verbose_name_plural': 'Tags',
+            },
+        ),
+        migrations.AddField(
+            model_name='cfgovpage',
+            name='tags',
+            field=modelcluster.contrib.taggit.ClusterTaggableManager(blank=True, help_text='A comma-separated list of tags.', through='v1.CFGOVTaggedPages', to='taggit.Tag', verbose_name='Tags'),
+        ),
+        migrations.AddField(
+            model_name='cfgovauthoredpages',
+            name='content_object',
+            field=modelcluster.fields.ParentalKey(on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.CASCADE, to='v1.cfgovpage'),
+        ),
+        migrations.AddField(
+            model_name='cfgovauthoredpages',
+            name='tag',
+            field=models.ForeignKey(on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.CASCADE, related_name='v1_cfgovauthoredpages_items', to='taggit.tag'),
+        ),
+        migrations.CreateModel(
+            name='ActivityLogPage',
+            fields=[
+                ('sublandingfilterablepage_ptr', models.OneToOneField(auto_created=True, on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.CASCADE, parent_link=True, primary_key=True, serialize=False, to='v1.sublandingfilterablepage')),
+            ],
+            options={
+                'abstract': False,
+            },
+            bases=('v1.sublandingfilterablepage',),
+        ),
+        migrations.CreateModel(
+            name='BlogPage',
+            fields=[
+                ('abstractfilterpage_ptr', models.OneToOneField(auto_created=True, on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.CASCADE, parent_link=True, primary_key=True, serialize=False, to='v1.abstractfilterpage')),
+                ('content', wagtail.fields.StreamField([('full_width_text', 37), ('info_unit_group', 48), ('expandable', 51), ('well', 36), ('video_player', 54), ('email_signup', 34), ('simple_chart', 71), ('faq_schema', 82), ('how_to_schema', 92)], block_lookup={0: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'icon': 'edit'}), 1: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {}), 2: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': '\n            ID will be auto-generated on save.\n            However, you may enter some human-friendly text that\n            will be incorporated to make it easier to read.\n        ', 'label': 'ID for this content block', 'required': False}), 3: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('link_id', 2)]], {}), 4: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content_block', 1), ('anchor_link', 3)]], {}), 5: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'required': False}), 6: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('h2', 'H2'), ('h3', 'H3'), ('h4', 'H4'), ('h5', 'H5')]}), 7: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Input the name of an icon to appear to the left of the heading. E.g., approved, help-round, etc. <a href="">See full list of icons</a>', 'required': False}), 8: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 5), ('level', 6), ('icon', 7)]], {'required': False}), 9: ('wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock', (), {'required': False}), 10: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': "No character limit, but be as succinct as possible. If the image is decorative (i.e., a screenreader wouldn't have anything useful to say about it), leave this field blank.", 'required': False}), 11: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('upload', 9), ('alt', 10)]], {}), 12: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('full', 'Full width'), (470, '470px'), (270, '270px'), (170, '170px')]}), 13: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('right', 'right'), ('left', 'left')], 'help_text': 'Does not apply if the image is full-width'}), 14: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'label': 'Caption', 'required': False}), 15: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'Check to add a horizontal rule line to bottom of inset.', 'label': 'Has bottom rule line', 'required': False}), 16: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('image', 11), ('image_width', 12), ('image_position', 13), ('text', 14), ('is_bottom_rule', 15)]], {}), 17: ('wagtail.blocks.MultipleChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('is_full_width', 'Display the table at full width'), ('stack_on_mobile', 'Stack the table columns on mobile')], 'required': False}), 18: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {}), 19: ('wagtail.blocks.FloatBlock', (), {}), 20: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'features': ['bold', 'italic', 'ol', 'ul', 'link', 'document-link', 'superscript']}), 21: ('wagtail.contrib.typed_table_block.blocks.TypedTableBlock', [[('text', 18), ('numeric', 19), ('rich_text', 20)]], {}), 22: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 8), ('options', 17), ('data', 21)]], {}), 23: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {}), 24: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'required': False}), 25: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('body', 23), ('citation', 24)]], {}), 26: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'required': False}), 27: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Add an ARIA label if the link text does not describe the destination of the link (e.g. has ambiguous text like "Learn more" that is not descriptive on its own).', 'required': False}), 28: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'default': '/', 'required': False}), 29: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 5), ('aria_label', 27), ('url', 28)]], {}), 30: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('slug_text', 5), ('paragraph_text', 26), ('button', 29)]], {}), 31: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (29,), {}), 32: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 5), ('paragraph', 26), ('links', 31)]], {}), 33: ('v1.blocks.ReusableTextChooserBlock', ('v1.ReusableText',), {}), 34: ('v1.blocks.EmailSignUpChooserBlock', (), {}), 35: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'label': 'Well', 'required': False}), 36: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content', 35)]], {}), 37: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('content', 0), ('content_with_anchor', 4), ('heading', 8), ('image', 16), ('table', 22), ('quote', 25), ('cta', 30), ('related_links', 32), ('reusable_text', 33), ('email_signup', 34), ('well', 36)]], {}), 38: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('50-50', '50/50'), ('33-33-33', '33/33/33'), ('25-75', '25/75')], 'help_text': 'Choose the number and width of info unit columns.', 'label': 'Format'}), 39: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': "Check this to link all images and headings to the URL of the first link in their unit's list, if there is a link.", 'required': False}), 40: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add a horizontal rule line to top of info unit group.', 'required': False}), 41: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to show horizontal rule lines between info units.', 'label': 'Show rule lines between items', 'required': False}), 42: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('none', 'None'), ('rounded', 'Rounded corners'), ('circle', 'Circle')], 'help_text': 'Adds a <em>border-radius</em> class to images in this group, allowing for a rounded or circular border.', 'label': 'Border radius for images?', 'required': False}), 43: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 5), ('level', 6), ('icon', 7)]], {'default': {'level': 'h3'}, 'required': False}), 44: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'blank': True, 'required': False}), 45: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (29,), {'required': False}), 46: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('image', 11), ('heading', 43), ('body', 44), ('links', 45)]], {}), 47: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (46,), {'default': []}), 48: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('format', 38), ('heading', 8), ('intro', 26), ('link_image_and_heading', 39), ('has_top_rule_line', 40), ('lines_between_items', 41), ('border_radius_image', 42), ('info_units', 47)]], {}), 49: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'required': False}), 50: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('paragraph', 26), ('well', 36), ('links', 29), ('info_unit_group', 48)]], {'blank': True}), 51: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('label', 5), ('is_bordered', 49), ('is_midtone', 49), ('is_expanded', 49), ('content', 50)]], {}), 52: ('wagtail.blocks.RegexBlock', (), {'error_messages': {'invalid': 'The YouTube video ID is in the wrong format.'}, 'help_text': 'Enter the YouTube video ID, which is located at the end of the video URL, after "v=". For example, the video ID for is 1V0Ax9OIc84.', 'label': 'YouTube video ID', 'regex': '^[\\w-]{11}$', 'required': False}), 53: ('wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Optional thumbnail image to show before and after the video plays. If the thumbnail image is not set here, the video player will default to showing the thumbnail that was set in (or automatically chosen by) YouTube.', 'required': False}), 54: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('video_id', 52), ('thumbnail_image', 53)]], {}), 55: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'required': True}), 56: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Accessible description of the chart content', 'required': True}), 57: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('bar', 'Bar'), ('datetime', 'Date/time'), ('line', 'Line'), ('tilemap', 'Tile grid map')]}), 58: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': "URL of the chart's data source or an array of JSON data", 'required': True, 'rows': 2}), 59: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'For charts pulling from a separate source file, include a list of the column headers (from a CSV file) or keys (from a JSON file) to include in the chart as  ["HEADER/KEY1", "HEADER/KEY2"]. To change how the data is labeled in the chart, include the correct labels with the format [{"key": "HEADER/KEY1", "label": "NEWLABEL"}, {"key": "HEADER/KEY2", "label": "NEWLABEL2"}]', 'required': False}), 60: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'Uncheck this option to initially only show the first data  series in the chart. Leave checked to show all data  series by default. Users can always turn data series on  or off by interacting with the chart legend. ', 'required': False}), 61: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'The column header (CSV), key or data array (JSON) to include as the source of x-axis values.', 'required': False}), 62: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Name the javascript function in chart-hooks.js to run on the provided data before handing it to the chart', 'required': False}), 63: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'If the chart needs the option for users to filter the data shown, for example by date or geographic region, provide the JSON objects to filter on, in the format  {key: "KEY", "label": "LABEL"}', 'required': False}), 64: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'A JSON object with style overrides for the underlying Highcharts chart. No object merging is done, nested objects should be referenced with dot notation: {"tooltip.shape": "circle"}', 'required': False}), 65: ('wagtail.blocks.IntegerBlock', (), {'blank': True, 'help_text': 'A number to determine how many months of the data are projected values', 'max_value': 12, 'min_value': 0, 'null': True, 'required': False}), 66: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Attribution for the data source', 'required': False}), 67: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'When the underlying data was published', 'required': False}), 68: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Custom text for the chart download field. Required to display a download link.', 'required': False}), 69: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Location of a file to download, if different from the data source', 'required': False}), 70: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'General chart information', 'required': False}), 71: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('title', 55), ('subtitle', 24), ('description', 56), ('figure_number', 5), ('chart_type', 57), ('data_source', 58), ('data_series', 59), ('show_all_series_by_default', 60), ('x_axis_source', 61), ('transform', 62), ('x_axis_label', 5), ('y_axis_label', 5), ('filters', 63), ('style_overrides', 64), ('projected_months', 65), ('source_credits', 66), ('date_published', 67), ('download_text', 68), ('download_file', 69), ('notes', 70)]], {}), 72: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'blank': True, 'features': ['ol', 'ul', 'bold', 'italic', 'link', 'document-link'], 'required': False}), 73: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'blank': True, 'help_text': "Add an optional anchor link tag for this question. Tag should be unique and use dashes or underscores for separation instead of spaces (ie, 'question-one-tag')", 'max_length': 500, 'required': False}), 74: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'max_length': 500}), 75: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'features': ['bold', 'italic', 'h3', 'h4', 'link', 'ol', 'ul', 'document-link', 'image', 'embed'], 'label': 'Text'}), 76: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content', 75)]], {}), 77: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'features': ['link', 'document-link'], 'label': 'Tip'}), 78: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content', 77)]], {}), 79: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('text', 76), ('table', 22), ('tip', 78), ('video_player', 54)]], {}), 80: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('anchor_tag', 73), ('question', 74), ('answer_content', 79)]], {}), 81: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (80,), {}), 82: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('description', 72), ('questions', 81)]], {'label': 'FAQ schema'}), 83: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'label': 'Title of How To section', 'max_length': 500}), 84: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('h2', 'H2'), ('h3', 'H3'), ('h4', 'H4')], 'help_text': 'Choose a tag for the title of the How To section.', 'label': 'Tag for How To section title'}), 85: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'The How To schema requires a title to let search engines understand what it is about. If you do not want the title to be displayed in the page, uncheck this box and the title content will only be made available to crawlers and screen readers.', 'label': 'Show How To section title', 'required': False}), 86: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('h2', 'H2'), ('h3', 'H3'), ('h4', 'H4'), ('b', 'Bold'), ('p', 'Paragraph')], 'help_text': 'Choose a tag for the title of each HowTo step.', 'label': 'Tag for step titles'}), 87: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this box to display numbers before step titles. ', 'label': 'Show numbers for steps', 'required': False}), 88: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'blank': True, 'help_text': "Add an optional anchor link tag to allow linking directly to this step. Tag should be unique and use dashes or underscores for separation instead of spaces (ie, 'step-one-tag').", 'max_length': 500, 'required': False}), 89: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Enter a title for this HowTo step. You do not need to include a number in the title -- numbers will be added automatically in the template if the show numbers checkbox is checked.', 'max_length': 500}), 90: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('anchor_tag', 88), ('title', 89), ('step_content', 79)]], {}), 91: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (90,), {}), 92: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('title', 83), ('title_tag', 84), ('show_title', 85), ('description', 72), ('step_title_tag', 86), ('has_numbers', 87), ('steps', 91)]], {'label': 'HowTo schema', 'max_num': 1})})),
+            ],
+            options={
+                'abstract': False,
+            },
+            bases=('v1.abstractfilterpage',),
+        ),
+        migrations.CreateModel(
+            name='EventArchivePage',
+            fields=[
+                ('browsefilterablepage_ptr', models.OneToOneField(auto_created=True, on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.CASCADE, parent_link=True, primary_key=True, serialize=False, to='v1.browsefilterablepage')),
+            ],
+            options={
+                'abstract': False,
+            },
+            bases=('v1.browsefilterablepage',),
+        ),
+        migrations.CreateModel(
+            name='LegacyBlogPage',
+            fields=[
+                ('abstractfilterpage_ptr', models.OneToOneField(auto_created=True, on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.CASCADE, parent_link=True, primary_key=True, serialize=False, to='v1.abstractfilterpage')),
+                ('content', wagtail.fields.StreamField([('full_width_text', 37), ('info_unit_group', 48), ('expandable', 51), ('well', 36), ('video_player', 54), ('email_signup', 34), ('simple_chart', 71), ('faq_schema', 82), ('how_to_schema', 92), ('content', 93), ('reusable_text', 33)], block_lookup={0: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'icon': 'edit'}), 1: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {}), 2: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': '\n            ID will be auto-generated on save.\n            However, you may enter some human-friendly text that\n            will be incorporated to make it easier to read.\n        ', 'label': 'ID for this content block', 'required': False}), 3: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('link_id', 2)]], {}), 4: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content_block', 1), ('anchor_link', 3)]], {}), 5: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'required': False}), 6: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('h2', 'H2'), ('h3', 'H3'), ('h4', 'H4'), ('h5', 'H5')]}), 7: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Input the name of an icon to appear to the left of the heading. E.g., approved, help-round, etc. <a href="">See full list of icons</a>', 'required': False}), 8: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 5), ('level', 6), ('icon', 7)]], {'required': False}), 9: ('wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock', (), {'required': False}), 10: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': "No character limit, but be as succinct as possible. If the image is decorative (i.e., a screenreader wouldn't have anything useful to say about it), leave this field blank.", 'required': False}), 11: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('upload', 9), ('alt', 10)]], {}), 12: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('full', 'Full width'), (470, '470px'), (270, '270px'), (170, '170px')]}), 13: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('right', 'right'), ('left', 'left')], 'help_text': 'Does not apply if the image is full-width'}), 14: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'label': 'Caption', 'required': False}), 15: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'Check to add a horizontal rule line to bottom of inset.', 'label': 'Has bottom rule line', 'required': False}), 16: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('image', 11), ('image_width', 12), ('image_position', 13), ('text', 14), ('is_bottom_rule', 15)]], {}), 17: ('wagtail.blocks.MultipleChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('is_full_width', 'Display the table at full width'), ('stack_on_mobile', 'Stack the table columns on mobile')], 'required': False}), 18: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {}), 19: ('wagtail.blocks.FloatBlock', (), {}), 20: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'features': ['bold', 'italic', 'ol', 'ul', 'link', 'document-link', 'superscript']}), 21: ('wagtail.contrib.typed_table_block.blocks.TypedTableBlock', [[('text', 18), ('numeric', 19), ('rich_text', 20)]], {}), 22: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 8), ('options', 17), ('data', 21)]], {}), 23: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {}), 24: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'required': False}), 25: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('body', 23), ('citation', 24)]], {}), 26: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'required': False}), 27: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Add an ARIA label if the link text does not describe the destination of the link (e.g. has ambiguous text like "Learn more" that is not descriptive on its own).', 'required': False}), 28: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'default': '/', 'required': False}), 29: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 5), ('aria_label', 27), ('url', 28)]], {}), 30: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('slug_text', 5), ('paragraph_text', 26), ('button', 29)]], {}), 31: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (29,), {}), 32: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 5), ('paragraph', 26), ('links', 31)]], {}), 33: ('v1.blocks.ReusableTextChooserBlock', ('v1.ReusableText',), {}), 34: ('v1.blocks.EmailSignUpChooserBlock', (), {}), 35: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'label': 'Well', 'required': False}), 36: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content', 35)]], {}), 37: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('content', 0), ('content_with_anchor', 4), ('heading', 8), ('image', 16), ('table', 22), ('quote', 25), ('cta', 30), ('related_links', 32), ('reusable_text', 33), ('email_signup', 34), ('well', 36)]], {}), 38: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('50-50', '50/50'), ('33-33-33', '33/33/33'), ('25-75', '25/75')], 'help_text': 'Choose the number and width of info unit columns.', 'label': 'Format'}), 39: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': "Check this to link all images and headings to the URL of the first link in their unit's list, if there is a link.", 'required': False}), 40: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add a horizontal rule line to top of info unit group.', 'required': False}), 41: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to show horizontal rule lines between info units.', 'label': 'Show rule lines between items', 'required': False}), 42: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('none', 'None'), ('rounded', 'Rounded corners'), ('circle', 'Circle')], 'help_text': 'Adds a <em>border-radius</em> class to images in this group, allowing for a rounded or circular border.', 'label': 'Border radius for images?', 'required': False}), 43: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 5), ('level', 6), ('icon', 7)]], {'default': {'level': 'h3'}, 'required': False}), 44: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'blank': True, 'required': False}), 45: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (29,), {'required': False}), 46: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('image', 11), ('heading', 43), ('body', 44), ('links', 45)]], {}), 47: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (46,), {'default': []}), 48: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('format', 38), ('heading', 8), ('intro', 26), ('link_image_and_heading', 39), ('has_top_rule_line', 40), ('lines_between_items', 41), ('border_radius_image', 42), ('info_units', 47)]], {}), 49: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'required': False}), 50: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('paragraph', 26), ('well', 36), ('links', 29), ('info_unit_group', 48)]], {'blank': True}), 51: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('label', 5), ('is_bordered', 49), ('is_midtone', 49), ('is_expanded', 49), ('content', 50)]], {}), 52: ('wagtail.blocks.RegexBlock', (), {'error_messages': {'invalid': 'The YouTube video ID is in the wrong format.'}, 'help_text': 'Enter the YouTube video ID, which is located at the end of the video URL, after "v=". For example, the video ID for is 1V0Ax9OIc84.', 'label': 'YouTube video ID', 'regex': '^[\\w-]{11}$', 'required': False}), 53: ('wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Optional thumbnail image to show before and after the video plays. If the thumbnail image is not set here, the video player will default to showing the thumbnail that was set in (or automatically chosen by) YouTube.', 'required': False}), 54: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('video_id', 52), ('thumbnail_image', 53)]], {}), 55: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'required': True}), 56: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Accessible description of the chart content', 'required': True}), 57: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('bar', 'Bar'), ('datetime', 'Date/time'), ('line', 'Line'), ('tilemap', 'Tile grid map')]}), 58: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': "URL of the chart's data source or an array of JSON data", 'required': True, 'rows': 2}), 59: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'For charts pulling from a separate source file, include a list of the column headers (from a CSV file) or keys (from a JSON file) to include in the chart as  ["HEADER/KEY1", "HEADER/KEY2"]. To change how the data is labeled in the chart, include the correct labels with the format [{"key": "HEADER/KEY1", "label": "NEWLABEL"}, {"key": "HEADER/KEY2", "label": "NEWLABEL2"}]', 'required': False}), 60: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'Uncheck this option to initially only show the first data  series in the chart. Leave checked to show all data  series by default. Users can always turn data series on  or off by interacting with the chart legend. ', 'required': False}), 61: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'The column header (CSV), key or data array (JSON) to include as the source of x-axis values.', 'required': False}), 62: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Name the javascript function in chart-hooks.js to run on the provided data before handing it to the chart', 'required': False}), 63: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'If the chart needs the option for users to filter the data shown, for example by date or geographic region, provide the JSON objects to filter on, in the format  {key: "KEY", "label": "LABEL"}', 'required': False}), 64: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'A JSON object with style overrides for the underlying Highcharts chart. No object merging is done, nested objects should be referenced with dot notation: {"tooltip.shape": "circle"}', 'required': False}), 65: ('wagtail.blocks.IntegerBlock', (), {'blank': True, 'help_text': 'A number to determine how many months of the data are projected values', 'max_value': 12, 'min_value': 0, 'null': True, 'required': False}), 66: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Attribution for the data source', 'required': False}), 67: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'When the underlying data was published', 'required': False}), 68: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Custom text for the chart download field. Required to display a download link.', 'required': False}), 69: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Location of a file to download, if different from the data source', 'required': False}), 70: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'General chart information', 'required': False}), 71: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('title', 55), ('subtitle', 24), ('description', 56), ('figure_number', 5), ('chart_type', 57), ('data_source', 58), ('data_series', 59), ('show_all_series_by_default', 60), ('x_axis_source', 61), ('transform', 62), ('x_axis_label', 5), ('y_axis_label', 5), ('filters', 63), ('style_overrides', 64), ('projected_months', 65), ('source_credits', 66), ('date_published', 67), ('download_text', 68), ('download_file', 69), ('notes', 70)]], {}), 72: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'blank': True, 'features': ['ol', 'ul', 'bold', 'italic', 'link', 'document-link'], 'required': False}), 73: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'blank': True, 'help_text': "Add an optional anchor link tag for this question. Tag should be unique and use dashes or underscores for separation instead of spaces (ie, 'question-one-tag')", 'max_length': 500, 'required': False}), 74: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'max_length': 500}), 75: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'features': ['bold', 'italic', 'h3', 'h4', 'link', 'ol', 'ul', 'document-link', 'image', 'embed'], 'label': 'Text'}), 76: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content', 75)]], {}), 77: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'features': ['link', 'document-link'], 'label': 'Tip'}), 78: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content', 77)]], {}), 79: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('text', 76), ('table', 22), ('tip', 78), ('video_player', 54)]], {}), 80: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('anchor_tag', 73), ('question', 74), ('answer_content', 79)]], {}), 81: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (80,), {}), 82: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('description', 72), ('questions', 81)]], {'label': 'FAQ schema'}), 83: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'label': 'Title of How To section', 'max_length': 500}), 84: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('h2', 'H2'), ('h3', 'H3'), ('h4', 'H4')], 'help_text': 'Choose a tag for the title of the How To section.', 'label': 'Tag for How To section title'}), 85: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'The How To schema requires a title to let search engines understand what it is about. If you do not want the title to be displayed in the page, uncheck this box and the title content will only be made available to crawlers and screen readers.', 'label': 'Show How To section title', 'required': False}), 86: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('h2', 'H2'), ('h3', 'H3'), ('h4', 'H4'), ('b', 'Bold'), ('p', 'Paragraph')], 'help_text': 'Choose a tag for the title of each HowTo step.', 'label': 'Tag for step titles'}), 87: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this box to display numbers before step titles. ', 'label': 'Show numbers for steps', 'required': False}), 88: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'blank': True, 'help_text': "Add an optional anchor link tag to allow linking directly to this step. Tag should be unique and use dashes or underscores for separation instead of spaces (ie, 'step-one-tag').", 'max_length': 500, 'required': False}), 89: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Enter a title for this HowTo step. You do not need to include a number in the title -- numbers will be added automatically in the template if the show numbers checkbox is checked.', 'max_length': 500}), 90: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('anchor_tag', 88), ('title', 89), ('step_content', 79)]], {}), 91: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (90,), {}), 92: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('title', 83), ('title_tag', 84), ('show_title', 85), ('description', 72), ('step_title_tag', 86), ('has_numbers', 87), ('steps', 91)]], {'label': 'HowTo schema', 'max_num': 1}), 93: ('wagtail.blocks.RawHTMLBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Content from WordPress unescaped.'})})),
+            ],
+            options={
+                'abstract': False,
+            },
+            bases=('v1.abstractfilterpage',),
+        ),
+        migrations.CreateModel(
+            name='NewsroomLandingPage',
+            fields=[
+                ('browsefilterablepage_ptr', models.OneToOneField(auto_created=True, on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.CASCADE, parent_link=True, primary_key=True, serialize=False, to='v1.browsefilterablepage')),
+            ],
+            options={
+                'abstract': False,
+            },
+            bases=('v1.browsefilterablepage',),
+        ),
+        migrations.CreateModel(
+            name='LegacyNewsroomPage',
+            fields=[
+                ('legacyblogpage_ptr', models.OneToOneField(auto_created=True, on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.CASCADE, parent_link=True, primary_key=True, serialize=False, to='v1.legacyblogpage')),
+            ],
+            options={
+                'abstract': False,
+            },
+            bases=('v1.legacyblogpage',),
+        ),
+        migrations.CreateModel(
+            name='NewsroomPage',
+            fields=[
+                ('blogpage_ptr', models.OneToOneField(auto_created=True, on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.CASCADE, parent_link=True, primary_key=True, serialize=False, to='v1.blogpage')),
+            ],
+            options={
+                'abstract': False,
+            },
+            bases=('v1.blogpage',),
+        ),
+        migrations.CreateModel(
+            name='EnforcementActionPage',
+            fields=[
+                ('abstractfilterpage_ptr', models.OneToOneField(auto_created=True, on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.CASCADE, parent_link=True, primary_key=True, serialize=False, to='v1.abstractfilterpage')),
+                ('court', models.CharField(blank=True, default='', max_length=150)),
+                ('content', wagtail.fields.StreamField([('full_width_text', 37), ('expandable', 51), ('expandable_group', 56), ('notification', 61)], blank=True, block_lookup={0: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'icon': 'edit'}), 1: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {}), 2: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': '\n            ID will be auto-generated on save.\n            However, you may enter some human-friendly text that\n            will be incorporated to make it easier to read.\n        ', 'label': 'ID for this content block', 'required': False}), 3: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('link_id', 2)]], {}), 4: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content_block', 1), ('anchor_link', 3)]], {}), 5: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'required': False}), 6: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('h2', 'H2'), ('h3', 'H3'), ('h4', 'H4'), ('h5', 'H5')]}), 7: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Input the name of an icon to appear to the left of the heading. E.g., approved, help-round, etc. <a href="">See full list of icons</a>', 'required': False}), 8: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 5), ('level', 6), ('icon', 7)]], {'required': False}), 9: ('wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock', (), {'required': False}), 10: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': "No character limit, but be as succinct as possible. If the image is decorative (i.e., a screenreader wouldn't have anything useful to say about it), leave this field blank.", 'required': False}), 11: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('upload', 9), ('alt', 10)]], {}), 12: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('full', 'Full width'), (470, '470px'), (270, '270px'), (170, '170px')]}), 13: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('right', 'right'), ('left', 'left')], 'help_text': 'Does not apply if the image is full-width'}), 14: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'label': 'Caption', 'required': False}), 15: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'Check to add a horizontal rule line to bottom of inset.', 'label': 'Has bottom rule line', 'required': False}), 16: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('image', 11), ('image_width', 12), ('image_position', 13), ('text', 14), ('is_bottom_rule', 15)]], {}), 17: ('wagtail.blocks.MultipleChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('is_full_width', 'Display the table at full width'), ('stack_on_mobile', 'Stack the table columns on mobile')], 'required': False}), 18: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {}), 19: ('wagtail.blocks.FloatBlock', (), {}), 20: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'features': ['bold', 'italic', 'ol', 'ul', 'link', 'document-link', 'superscript']}), 21: ('wagtail.contrib.typed_table_block.blocks.TypedTableBlock', [[('text', 18), ('numeric', 19), ('rich_text', 20)]], {}), 22: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 8), ('options', 17), ('data', 21)]], {}), 23: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {}), 24: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'required': False}), 25: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('body', 23), ('citation', 24)]], {}), 26: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'required': False}), 27: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Add an ARIA label if the link text does not describe the destination of the link (e.g. has ambiguous text like "Learn more" that is not descriptive on its own).', 'required': False}), 28: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'default': '/', 'required': False}), 29: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 5), ('aria_label', 27), ('url', 28)]], {}), 30: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('slug_text', 5), ('paragraph_text', 26), ('button', 29)]], {}), 31: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (29,), {}), 32: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 5), ('paragraph', 26), ('links', 31)]], {}), 33: ('v1.blocks.ReusableTextChooserBlock', ('v1.ReusableText',), {}), 34: ('v1.blocks.EmailSignUpChooserBlock', (), {}), 35: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'label': 'Well', 'required': False}), 36: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content', 35)]], {}), 37: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('content', 0), ('content_with_anchor', 4), ('heading', 8), ('image', 16), ('table', 22), ('quote', 25), ('cta', 30), ('related_links', 32), ('reusable_text', 33), ('email_signup', 34), ('well', 36)]], {}), 38: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'required': False}), 39: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('50-50', '50/50'), ('33-33-33', '33/33/33'), ('25-75', '25/75')], 'help_text': 'Choose the number and width of info unit columns.', 'label': 'Format'}), 40: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': "Check this to link all images and headings to the URL of the first link in their unit's list, if there is a link.", 'required': False}), 41: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add a horizontal rule line to top of info unit group.', 'required': False}), 42: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to show horizontal rule lines between info units.', 'label': 'Show rule lines between items', 'required': False}), 43: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('none', 'None'), ('rounded', 'Rounded corners'), ('circle', 'Circle')], 'help_text': 'Adds a <em>border-radius</em> class to images in this group, allowing for a rounded or circular border.', 'label': 'Border radius for images?', 'required': False}), 44: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 5), ('level', 6), ('icon', 7)]], {'default': {'level': 'h3'}, 'required': False}), 45: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'blank': True, 'required': False}), 46: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (29,), {'required': False}), 47: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('image', 11), ('heading', 44), ('body', 45), ('links', 46)]], {}), 48: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (47,), {'default': []}), 49: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('format', 39), ('heading', 8), ('intro', 26), ('link_image_and_heading', 40), ('has_top_rule_line', 41), ('lines_between_items', 42), ('border_radius_image', 43), ('info_units', 48)]], {}), 50: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('paragraph', 26), ('well', 36), ('links', 29), ('info_unit_group', 49)]], {'blank': True}), 51: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('label', 5), ('is_bordered', 38), ('is_midtone', 38), ('is_expanded', 38), ('content', 50)]], {}), 52: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Added as an <code>&lt;h3&gt;</code> at the top of this block. Also adds a wrapping <code>&lt;div&gt;</code> whose <code>id</code> attribute comes from a slugified version of this heading, creating an anchor that can be used when linking to this part of the page.', 'required': False}), 53: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add a horizontal rule line to top of expandable group.', 'required': False}), 54: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add FAQ schema markup to expandables.', 'label': 'Uses FAQ schema', 'required': False}), 55: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (51,), {}), 56: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 52), ('body', 26), ('is_accordion', 38), ('has_top_rule_line', 53), ('is_faq', 54), ('expandables', 55)]], {}), 57: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('information', 'Information'), ('warning', 'Warning')]}), 58: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'The main notification message to display.', 'required': True}), 59: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Explanation text appears below the message in smaller type.', 'required': False}), 60: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (29,), {'help_text': 'Links appear on their own lines below the explanation.', 'required': False}), 61: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('type', 57), ('message', 58), ('explanation', 59), ('links', 60)]], {})})),
+                ('initial_filing_date', models.DateField(blank=True, null=True)),
+                ('public_enforcement_action', models.CharField(blank=True, max_length=150)),
+                ('settled_or_contested_at_filing', models.CharField(blank=True, choices=[('Settled', 'Settled'), ('Contested', 'Contested')], max_length=10)),
+            ],
+            options={
+                'abstract': False,
+            },
+            bases=('v1.abstractfilterpage',),
+        ),
+        migrations.CreateModel(
+            name='EnforcementActionStatus',
+            fields=[
+                ('id', models.BigAutoField(auto_created=True, primary_key=True, serialize=False, verbose_name='ID')),
+                ('status', models.CharField(choices=[('expired-terminated-dismissed', 'Expired/Terminated/Dismissed'), ('pending-litigation', 'Pending Litigation'), ('post-order-post-judgment', 'Post Order/Post Judgment')], max_length=50)),
+                ('action', modelcluster.fields.ParentalKey(on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.CASCADE, related_name='statuses', to='v1.enforcementactionpage')),
+            ],
+        ),
+        migrations.CreateModel(
+            name='EnforcementActionDocket',
+            fields=[
+                ('id', models.BigAutoField(auto_created=True, primary_key=True, serialize=False, verbose_name='ID')),
+                ('docket_number', models.CharField(max_length=50)),
+                ('action', modelcluster.fields.ParentalKey(on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.CASCADE, related_name='docket_numbers', to='v1.enforcementactionpage')),
+            ],
+        ),
+        migrations.CreateModel(
+            name='EnforcementActionsFilterPage',
+            fields=[
+                ('browsefilterablepage_ptr', models.OneToOneField(auto_created=True, on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.CASCADE, parent_link=True, primary_key=True, serialize=False, to='v1.browsefilterablepage')),
+            ],
+            options={
+                'abstract': False,
+            },
+            bases=('v1.browsefilterablepage',),
+        ),
+        migrations.CreateModel(
+            name='Banner',
+            fields=[
+                ('id', models.BigAutoField(auto_created=True, primary_key=True, serialize=False, verbose_name='ID')),
+                ('title', models.CharField(help_text='For internal reference only; does not appear on the site.', max_length=255)),
+                ('url_pattern', models.CharField(help_text='A regular expression pattern for matching URLs that should show the banner, for example: <code>contact-us|^/complaint/$</code>', max_length=1000, validators=[django.core.validators.RegexValidator(regex='[A-Za-z0-9\\-_.:/?&|\\^$]')], verbose_name='URL patterns')),
+                ('content', wagtail.fields.StreamField([('content', 8)], block_lookup={0: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('information', 'Information'), ('warning', 'Warning')]}), 1: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'The main notification message to display.', 'required': True}), 2: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Explanation text appears below the message in smaller type.', 'required': False}), 3: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'required': False}), 4: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Add an ARIA label if the link text does not describe the destination of the link (e.g. has ambiguous text like "Learn more" that is not descriptive on its own).', 'required': False}), 5: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'default': '/', 'required': False}), 6: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 3), ('aria_label', 4), ('url', 5)]], {}), 7: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (6,), {'help_text': 'Links appear on their own lines below the explanation.', 'required': False}), 8: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('type', 0), ('message', 1), ('explanation', 2), ('links', 7)]], {})})),
+                ('enabled', models.BooleanField()),
+            ],
+        ),
+        migrations.AlterField(
+            model_name='cfgovpage',
+            name='authors',
+            field=modelcluster.contrib.taggit.ClusterTaggableManager(blank=True, help_text='A comma separated list of authors.', through='v1.CFGOVAuthoredPages', to='taggit.Tag', verbose_name='Authors'),
+        ),
+        migrations.AddField(
+            model_name='cfgovpage',
+            name='force_breadcrumbs',
+            field=models.BooleanField(blank=True, default=False, help_text="Normally breadcrumbs don't appear on pages one or two levels below the homepage. Check this option to force breadcrumbs to appear on all children of this page no matter how many levels below the homepage they are (for example, if you want breadcrumbs to appear on all children of a top-level campaign page).", verbose_name='Force breadcrumbs on child pages'),
+        ),
+        migrations.AlterField(
+            model_name='cfgovpage',
+            name='sidefoot',
+            field=wagtail.fields.StreamField([('call_to_action', 5), ('related_links', 8), ('related_posts', 19), ('related_metadata', 33), ('email_signup', 39), ('sidebar_contact', 42), ('rss_feed', 43), ('social_media', 55), ('reusable_text', 56)], blank=True, block_lookup={0: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'required': False}), 1: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'required': False}), 2: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'default': '/', 'required': False}), 3: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('regular', 'Regular'), ('large', 'Large Primary')]}), 4: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 0), ('url', 2), ('size', 3)]], {}), 5: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('slug_text', 0), ('paragraph_text', 1), ('button', 4)]], {}), 6: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 0), ('url', 2)]], {}), 7: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (6,), {}), 8: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 0), ('paragraph', 1), ('links', 7)]], {}), 9: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'default': '3', 'help_text': 'This limit applies to EACH TYPE of post this module retrieves, not the total number of retrieved posts.'}), 10: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'This toggles the heading and icon for the related types.', 'label': 'Show Heading and Icon?', 'required': False}), 11: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'default': 'Further reading', 'label': 'Slug Title'}), 12: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'editable': False, 'label': 'Blog Posts', 'required': False}), 13: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'editable': False, 'label': 'Newsroom', 'required': False}), 14: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'label': 'Events', 'required': False}), 15: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('Blog', (('At the CFPB', 'At the CFPB'), ("Director's notebook", "Director's notebook"), ('Policy &amp; Compliance', 'Policy and compliance'), ('Data, Research &amp; Reports', 'Data, research, and reports'), ('Info for Consumers', 'Info for consumers'))), ('Newsroom', (('Op-Ed', 'Op-ed'), ('Press Release', 'Press release'), ('Speech', 'Speech'), ('Testimony', 'Testimony')))], 'required': False}), 16: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (15,), {'required': False}), 17: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'If checked, related posts will only be pulled in if they match ALL topic tags set on this page. Otherwise, related posts can match any one topic tag.', 'label': 'Match all topic tags', 'required': False}), 18: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'By default, the "View more" link will go to the Activity Log, filtered based on the above parameters. Enter a URL in this field to override that link destination.', 'label': 'Alternate "View more" URL', 'required': False}), 19: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('limit', 9), ('show_heading', 10), ('header_title', 11), ('relate_posts', 12), ('relate_newsroom', 13), ('relate_events', 14), ('specific_categories', 16), ('and_filtering', 17), ('alternate_view_more_url', 18)]], {}), 20: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'max_length': 100}), 21: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {}), 22: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 20), ('blob', 21)]], {'icon': 'pilcrow'}), 23: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 20), ('links', 7)]], {'icon': 'list-ul'}), 24: ('wagtail.blocks.DateBlock', (), {}), 25: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 20), ('date', 24)]], {'icon': 'date'}), 26: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'default': 'Topics', 'max_length': 100}), 27: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'required': False}), 28: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 26), ('show_topics', 27)]], {'icon': 'tag'}), 29: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'default': 'Categories', 'max_length': 100}), 30: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 29), ('show_categories', 27)]], {'icon': 'list-ul'}), 31: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('text', 22), ('list', 23), ('date', 25), ('topics', 28), ('categories', 30)]], {}), 32: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'required': False}), 33: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('slug', 20), ('content', 31), ('is_half_width', 32)]], {}), 34: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'default': 'Stay informed', 'required': False}), 35: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'If selected, heading will be styled as an H5 with green top rule. Deselect to style header as H3.', 'label': 'Default heading style', 'required': False}), 36: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Write a sentence or two about what kinds of emails the user is signing up for, how frequently they will be sent, etc.', 'required': False}), 37: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Code for the topic (i.e., mailing list) you want people who submit this form to subscribe to. Format: USCFPB_###', 'label': 'GovDelivery code', 'required': False}), 38: ('wagtail.blocks.PageChooserBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Choose the page that the "See Privacy Act statement" link should go to. If in doubt, use "Generic Email Sign-Up Privacy Act Statement".', 'label': 'Privacy Act statement', 'required': False}), 39: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 34), ('default_heading', 35), ('text', 36), ('gd_code', 37), ('disclaimer_page', 38)]], {}), 40: ('wagtail.snippets.blocks.SnippetChooserBlock', ('v1.Contact',), {}), 41: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Add a horizontal rule line to top of contact block.', 'required': False}), 42: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('contact', 40), ('has_top_rule_line', 41)]], {}), 43: ('v1.atomic_elements.molecules.RSSFeed', (), {}), 44: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'If unchecked, social media icons will link users to official CFPB accounts. Do not fill in any further fields.', 'label': 'Desired action: share this page', 'required': False}), 45: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'default': "Look what I found on the CFPB's site!", 'help_text': 'Sets the tweet text, email subject line, and LinkedIn post text.', 'required': False}), 46: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': '(Optional) Custom text for Twitter shares. If blank, will default to value of blurb field above.', 'max_length': 100, 'required': False}), 47: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': '(Optional) A comma-separated list of accounts related to the content of the shared URL. Do not enter the  @ symbol. If blank, it will default to just "cfpb".', 'required': False}), 48: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': '(Optional) A comma-separated list of hashtags to be appended to default tweet text.', 'required': False}), 49: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': '(Optional) Loads text components in the specified language, if other than English. E.g., use "es"  for Spanish. See for a list of supported language codes.', 'required': False}), 50: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': '(Optional) Custom subject for email shares. If blank, will default to value of blurb field above.', 'required': False}), 51: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': '(Optional) Custom text for email shares. If blank, will default to "Check out this page from the CFPB".', 'required': False}), 52: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': '(Optional) Adds a custom signature line to email shares. ', 'required': False}), 53: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': '(Optional) Custom title for LinkedIn shares. If blank, will default to value of blurb field above.', 'required': False}), 54: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': '(Optional) Custom text for LinkedIn shares.', 'required': False}), 55: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('is_share_view', 44), ('blurb', 45), ('twitter_text', 46), ('twitter_related', 47), ('twitter_hashtags', 48), ('twitter_lang', 49), ('email_title', 50), ('email_text', 51), ('email_signature', 52), ('linkedin_title', 53), ('linkedin_text', 54)]], {}), 56: ('v1.blocks.ReusableTextChooserBlock', (v1.models.snippets.ReusableText,), {})}),
+        ),
+        migrations.CreateModel(
+            name='EnforcementActionDisposition',
+            fields=[
+                ('id', models.BigAutoField(auto_created=True, primary_key=True, serialize=False, verbose_name='ID')),
+                ('final_disposition', models.CharField(blank=True, max_length=150)),
+                ('final_order_civil_money_penalty', models.DecimalField(decimal_places=2, default=0, max_digits=13)),
+                ('final_order_date', models.DateField(blank=True, null=True)),
+                ('dismissal_date', models.DateField(blank=True, null=True)),
+                ('action', modelcluster.fields.ParentalKey(on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.CASCADE, related_name='enforcement_dispositions', to='v1.enforcementactionpage')),
+                ('estimated_consumers_entitled_to_relief', models.CharField(blank=True, max_length=30)),
+                ('final_disposition_type', models.CharField(blank=True, choices=[('Final Order', 'Final Order'), ('Dismissal', 'Dismissal')], max_length=15)),
+                ('final_order_civil_money_penalty_suspended', models.DecimalField(decimal_places=2, default=0, max_digits=13)),
+                ('final_order_consumer_redress', models.DecimalField(decimal_places=2, default=0, max_digits=13)),
+                ('final_order_consumer_redress_suspended', models.DecimalField(decimal_places=2, default=0, max_digits=13)),
+                ('final_order_disgorgement', models.DecimalField(decimal_places=2, default=0, max_digits=13)),
+                ('final_order_disgorgement_suspended', models.DecimalField(decimal_places=2, default=0, max_digits=13)),
+                ('final_order_other_consumer_relief', models.DecimalField(decimal_places=2, default=0, max_digits=13)),
+                ('final_order_other_consumer_relief_suspended', models.DecimalField(decimal_places=2, default=0, max_digits=13)),
+            ],
+        ),
+        migrations.CreateModel(
+            name='EnforcementActionStatute',
+            fields=[
+                ('id', models.BigAutoField(auto_created=True, primary_key=True, serialize=False, verbose_name='ID')),
+                ('statute', models.CharField(choices=[('CFPA Deceptive', 'Consumer Financial Protection Act - Deceptive Acts or Practices'), ('CFPA Unfair', 'Consumer Financial Protection Act - Unfair Acts or Practices'), ('CFPA Abusive', 'Consumer Financial Protection Act - Abusive Acts or Practices'), ('CFPA', 'Consumer Financial Protection Act - Other'), ('AMTPA', 'Alternative Mortgage Transaction Parity Act/Regulation D'), ('CLA', 'Consumer Leasing Act/Regulation M'), ('Credit Practice Rules', 'Credit Practices Rule'), ('EFTA/Regulation E', 'Electronic Fund Transfer Act/Regulation E'), ('ECOA/Regulation B', 'Equal Credit Opportunity Act/Regulation B'), ('FCBA', 'Fair Credit Billing Act'), ('FCRA/Regulation V', 'Fair Credit Reporting Act/Regulation V'), ('FDCPA', 'Fair Debt Collection Practices Act/Regulation F'), ('FDIA', 'Federal Deposit Insurance Act/Regulation I'), ('GLBA/Regulation P', 'Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act/Regulation P'), ('HMDA', 'Home Mortgage Disclosure Act/Regulation C'), ('HOEPA', 'Home Ownership and Equity Protection Act'), ('HOPA', 'Home Owners Protection Act'), ('ILSFDA', 'Interstate Land Sales Full Disclosure Act/Regulation J, K, and L'), ('Military Lending Act', 'Military Lending Act'), ('Regulation N (MAP Rule)', 'Mortgage Acts and Practices – Advertising Final Rule (Regulation N)'), ('Regulation O (MARS Rule)', 'Mortgage Assistance Relief Services Rule (Regulation O)'), ('MRAPLA', 'Mortgage Reform and Anti-Predatory Lending Act'), ('RESPA', 'Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act/Regulation X'), ('SMLA', 'S.A.F.E. Mortgage Licensing Act/Regulation H'), ('Telemarketing Sales Rule (TSR)', 'Telemarketing Sales Rule'), ('TILA/Regulation Z', 'Truth in Lending Act/Regulation Z'), ('TISA/Regulation DD', 'Truth in Savings Act/Regulation DD')], max_length=30)),
+                ('action', modelcluster.fields.ParentalKey(on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.CASCADE, related_name='statutes', to='v1.enforcementactionpage')),
+            ],
+        ),
+        migrations.CreateModel(
+            name='EnforcementActionProduct',
+            fields=[
+                ('id', models.BigAutoField(auto_created=True, primary_key=True, serialize=False, verbose_name='ID')),
+                ('product', models.CharField(choices=[('Auto Finance Origination', 'Auto Finance Origination'), ('Auto Finance Servicing', 'Auto Finance Servicing'), ('Business Lending (ECOA)', 'Business Lending (ECOA)'), ('Consumer Reporting Agencies', 'Consumer Reporting Agencies'), ('Consumer Reporting ? User', 'Consumer Reporting - User'), ('Credit Cards', 'Credit Cards'), ('Credit Repair', 'Credit Repair'), ('Debt Collection', 'Debt Collection'), ('Debt Relief', 'Debt Relief'), ('Deposits', 'Deposits'), ('Furnishing', 'Furnishing'), ('Fair Lending', 'Fair Lending'), ('Mortgage Origination', 'Mortgage Origination'), ('Mortgage Servicing', 'Mortgage Servicing'), ('Payments', 'Payments'), ('Prepaid', 'Prepaid'), ('Remittances', 'Remittances'), ('Short Term, Small Dollar', 'Short Term, Small Dollar'), ('Student Loan Origination', 'Student Loan Origination'), ('Student Loan Servicing', 'Student Loan Servicing'), ('Other Consumer Lending', 'Other Consumer Lending'), ('Other Consumer Products (Not Lending)', 'Other Consumer Product (not lending)')], max_length=50)),
+                ('action', modelcluster.fields.ParentalKey(on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.CASCADE, related_name='products', to='v1.enforcementactionpage')),
+            ],
+        ),
+        migrations.CreateModel(
+            name='EnforcementActionDefendantType',
+            fields=[
+                ('id', models.BigAutoField(auto_created=True, primary_key=True, serialize=False, verbose_name='ID')),
+                ('defendant_type', models.CharField(blank=True, choices=[('Non-Bank', 'Nonbank'), ('Bank', 'Bank'), ('Individual', 'Individual')], max_length=15)),
+                ('action', modelcluster.fields.ParentalKey(on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.CASCADE, related_name='defendant_types', to='v1.enforcementactionpage')),
+            ],
+        ),
+        migrations.CreateModel(
+            name='EnforcementActionAtRisk',
+            fields=[
+                ('id', models.BigAutoField(auto_created=True, primary_key=True, serialize=False, verbose_name='ID')),
+                ('at_risk_group', models.CharField(choices=[('Fair Lending', 'Fair Lending'), ('Limited English Proficiency', 'Limited English Proficiency'), ('Older Americans', 'Older Americans'), ('Servicemembers', 'Servicemembers'), ('Students', 'Students')], max_length=30)),
+                ('action', modelcluster.fields.ParentalKey(on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.CASCADE, related_name='at_risk_groups', to='v1.enforcementactionpage')),
+            ],
+        ),
+        migrations.AlterField(
+            model_name='cfgovpage',
+            name='language',
+            field=models.CharField(choices=[('en', 'English'), ('es', 'Spanish'), ('zh', 'Chinese'), ('vi', 'Vietnamese'), ('ko', 'Korean'), ('tl', 'Tagalog'), ('ru', 'Russian'), ('ar', 'Arabic'), ('ht', 'Haitian Creole'), ('zh-Hans', 'Chinese (Simplified)')], default='en', max_length=100),
+        ),
+        migrations.AlterField(
+            model_name='cfgovpage',
+            name='language',
+            field=models.CharField(choices=[('en', 'English'), ('es', 'Spanish'), ('vi', 'Vietnamese'), ('ko', 'Korean'), ('tl', 'Tagalog'), ('ru', 'Russian'), ('ar', 'Arabic'), ('ht', 'Haitian Creole'), ('zh-Hans', 'Chinese (Simplified)'), ('zh-Hant', 'Chinese (Traditional)')], default='en', max_length=100),
+        ),
+        migrations.AlterField(
+            model_name='cfgovpage',
+            name='language',
+            field=models.CharField(choices=[('ar', 'Arabic'), ('zh-Hans', 'Chinese (Simplified)'), ('zh-Hant', 'Chinese (Traditional)'), ('en', 'English'), ('ht', 'Haitian Creole'), ('ko', 'Korean'), ('ru', 'Russian'), ('es', 'Spanish'), ('tl', 'Tagalog'), ('vi', 'Vietnamese')], default='en', max_length=100),
+        ),
+        migrations.AlterField(
+            model_name='cfgovpage',
+            name='sidefoot',
+            field=wagtail.fields.StreamField([('call_to_action', 6), ('related_links', 9), ('related_posts', 20), ('related_metadata', 34), ('email_signup', 40), ('sidebar_contact', 43), ('rss_feed', 44), ('social_media', 56), ('reusable_text', 57)], blank=True, block_lookup={0: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'required': False}), 1: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'required': False}), 2: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Add an ARIA label if the link text does not describe the destination of the link (e.g. has ambiguous text like "Learn more" that is not descriptive on its own).', 'required': False}), 3: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'default': '/', 'required': False}), 4: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('regular', 'Regular'), ('large', 'Large Primary')]}), 5: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 0), ('aria_label', 2), ('url', 3), ('size', 4)]], {}), 6: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('slug_text', 0), ('paragraph_text', 1), ('button', 5)]], {}), 7: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 0), ('aria_label', 2), ('url', 3)]], {}), 8: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (7,), {}), 9: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 0), ('paragraph', 1), ('links', 8)]], {}), 10: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'default': '3', 'help_text': 'This limit applies to EACH TYPE of post this module retrieves, not the total number of retrieved posts.'}), 11: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'This toggles the heading and icon for the related types.', 'label': 'Show Heading and Icon?', 'required': False}), 12: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'default': 'Further reading', 'label': 'Slug Title'}), 13: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'editable': False, 'label': 'Blog Posts', 'required': False}), 14: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'editable': False, 'label': 'Newsroom', 'required': False}), 15: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'label': 'Events', 'required': False}), 16: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('Blog', (('At the CFPB', 'At the CFPB'), ("Director's notebook", "Director's notebook"), ('Policy &amp; Compliance', 'Policy and compliance'), ('Data, Research &amp; Reports', 'Data, research, and reports'), ('Info for Consumers', 'Info for consumers'))), ('Newsroom', (('Op-Ed', 'Op-ed'), ('Press Release', 'Press release'), ('Speech', 'Speech'), ('Testimony', 'Testimony')))], 'required': False}), 17: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (16,), {'required': False}), 18: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'If checked, related posts will only be pulled in if they match ALL topic tags set on this page. Otherwise, related posts can match any one topic tag.', 'label': 'Match all topic tags', 'required': False}), 19: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'By default, the "View more" link will go to the Activity Log, filtered based on the above parameters. Enter a URL in this field to override that link destination.', 'label': 'Alternate "View more" URL', 'required': False}), 20: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('limit', 10), ('show_heading', 11), ('header_title', 12), ('relate_posts', 13), ('relate_newsroom', 14), ('relate_events', 15), ('specific_categories', 17), ('and_filtering', 18), ('alternate_view_more_url', 19)]], {}), 21: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'max_length': 100}), 22: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {}), 23: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 21), ('blob', 22)]], {'icon': 'pilcrow'}), 24: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 21), ('links', 8)]], {'icon': 'list-ul'}), 25: ('wagtail.blocks.DateBlock', (), {}), 26: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 21), ('date', 25)]], {'icon': 'date'}), 27: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'default': 'Topics', 'max_length': 100}), 28: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'required': False}), 29: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 27), ('show_topics', 28)]], {'icon': 'tag'}), 30: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'default': 'Categories', 'max_length': 100}), 31: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 30), ('show_categories', 28)]], {'icon': 'list-ul'}), 32: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('text', 23), ('list', 24), ('date', 26), ('topics', 29), ('categories', 31)]], {}), 33: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'required': False}), 34: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('slug', 21), ('content', 32), ('is_half_width', 33)]], {}), 35: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'default': 'Stay informed', 'required': False}), 36: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'If selected, heading will be styled as an H5 with green top rule. Deselect to style header as H3.', 'label': 'Default heading style', 'required': False}), 37: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Write a sentence or two about what kinds of emails the user is signing up for, how frequently they will be sent, etc.', 'required': False}), 38: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Code for the topic (i.e., mailing list) you want people who submit this form to subscribe to. Format: USCFPB_###', 'label': 'GovDelivery code', 'required': False}), 39: ('wagtail.blocks.PageChooserBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Choose the page that the "See Privacy Act statement" link should go to. If in doubt, use "Generic Email Sign-Up Privacy Act Statement".', 'label': 'Privacy Act statement', 'required': False}), 40: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 35), ('default_heading', 36), ('text', 37), ('gd_code', 38), ('disclaimer_page', 39)]], {}), 41: ('wagtail.snippets.blocks.SnippetChooserBlock', ('v1.Contact',), {}), 42: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Add a horizontal rule line to top of contact block.', 'required': False}), 43: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('contact', 41), ('has_top_rule_line', 42)]], {}), 44: ('v1.atomic_elements.molecules.RSSFeed', (), {}), 45: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'If unchecked, social media icons will link users to official CFPB accounts. Do not fill in any further fields.', 'label': 'Desired action: share this page', 'required': False}), 46: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'default': "Look what I found on the CFPB's site!", 'help_text': 'Sets the tweet text, email subject line, and LinkedIn post text.', 'required': False}), 47: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': '(Optional) Custom text for Twitter shares. If blank, will default to value of blurb field above.', 'max_length': 100, 'required': False}), 48: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': '(Optional) A comma-separated list of accounts related to the content of the shared URL. Do not enter the  @ symbol. If blank, it will default to just "cfpb".', 'required': False}), 49: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': '(Optional) A comma-separated list of hashtags to be appended to default tweet text.', 'required': False}), 50: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': '(Optional) Loads text components in the specified language, if other than English. E.g., use "es"  for Spanish. See for a list of supported language codes.', 'required': False}), 51: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': '(Optional) Custom subject for email shares. If blank, will default to value of blurb field above.', 'required': False}), 52: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': '(Optional) Custom text for email shares. If blank, will default to "Check out this page from the CFPB".', 'required': False}), 53: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': '(Optional) Adds a custom signature line to email shares. ', 'required': False}), 54: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': '(Optional) Custom title for LinkedIn shares. If blank, will default to value of blurb field above.', 'required': False}), 55: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': '(Optional) Custom text for LinkedIn shares.', 'required': False}), 56: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('is_share_view', 45), ('blurb', 46), ('twitter_text', 47), ('twitter_related', 48), ('twitter_hashtags', 49), ('twitter_lang', 50), ('email_title', 51), ('email_text', 52), ('email_signature', 53), ('linkedin_title', 54), ('linkedin_text', 55)]], {}), 57: ('v1.blocks.ReusableTextChooserBlock', (v1.models.snippets.ReusableText,), {})}),
+        ),
+        migrations.AlterField(
+            model_name='cfgovpage',
+            name='sidefoot',
+            field=wagtail.fields.StreamField([('call_to_action', 6), ('related_links', 9), ('related_posts', 20), ('related_metadata', 32), ('email_signup', 38), ('sidebar_contact', 41), ('rss_feed', 42), ('social_media', 54), ('reusable_text', 55)], blank=True, block_lookup={0: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'required': False}), 1: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'required': False}), 2: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Add an ARIA label if the link text does not describe the destination of the link (e.g. has ambiguous text like "Learn more" that is not descriptive on its own).', 'required': False}), 3: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'default': '/', 'required': False}), 4: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('regular', 'Regular'), ('large', 'Large Primary')]}), 5: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 0), ('aria_label', 2), ('url', 3), ('size', 4)]], {}), 6: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('slug_text', 0), ('paragraph_text', 1), ('button', 5)]], {}), 7: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 0), ('aria_label', 2), ('url', 3)]], {}), 8: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (7,), {}), 9: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 0), ('paragraph', 1), ('links', 8)]], {}), 10: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'default': '3', 'help_text': 'This limit applies to EACH TYPE of post this module retrieves, not the total number of retrieved posts.'}), 11: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'This toggles the heading and icon for the related types.', 'label': 'Show Heading and Icon?', 'required': False}), 12: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'default': 'Further reading', 'label': 'Slug Title'}), 13: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'editable': False, 'label': 'Blog Posts', 'required': False}), 14: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'editable': False, 'label': 'Newsroom', 'required': False}), 15: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'label': 'Events', 'required': False}), 16: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('Blog', (('At the CFPB', 'At the CFPB'), ("Director's notebook", "Director's notebook"), ('Policy &amp; Compliance', 'Policy and compliance'), ('Data, Research &amp; Reports', 'Data, research, and reports'), ('Info for Consumers', 'Info for consumers'))), ('Newsroom', (('Op-Ed', 'Op-ed'), ('Press Release', 'Press release'), ('Speech', 'Speech'), ('Testimony', 'Testimony')))], 'required': False}), 17: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (16,), {'required': False}), 18: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'If checked, related posts will only be pulled in if they match ALL topic tags set on this page. Otherwise, related posts can match any one topic tag.', 'label': 'Match all topic tags', 'required': False}), 19: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'By default, the "View more" link will go to the Activity Log, filtered based on the above parameters. Enter a URL in this field to override that link destination.', 'label': 'Alternate "View more" URL', 'required': False}), 20: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('limit', 10), ('show_heading', 11), ('header_title', 12), ('relate_posts', 13), ('relate_newsroom', 14), ('relate_events', 15), ('specific_categories', 17), ('and_filtering', 18), ('alternate_view_more_url', 19)]], {}), 21: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'max_length': 100}), 22: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {}), 23: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 21), ('blob', 22)]], {'icon': 'pilcrow'}), 24: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 21), ('links', 8)]], {'icon': 'list-ul'}), 25: ('wagtail.blocks.DateBlock', (), {}), 26: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 21), ('date', 25)]], {'icon': 'date'}), 27: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'default': 'Topics', 'max_length': 100}), 28: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'required': False}), 29: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 27), ('show_topics', 28)]], {'icon': 'tag'}), 30: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('text', 23), ('list', 24), ('date', 26), ('topics', 29)]], {}), 31: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'required': False}), 32: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('slug', 21), ('content', 30), ('is_half_width', 31)]], {}), 33: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'default': 'Stay informed', 'required': False}), 34: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'If selected, heading will be styled as an H5 with green top rule. Deselect to style header as H3.', 'label': 'Default heading style', 'required': False}), 35: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Write a sentence or two about what kinds of emails the user is signing up for, how frequently they will be sent, etc.', 'required': False}), 36: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Code for the topic (i.e., mailing list) you want people who submit this form to subscribe to. Format: USCFPB_###', 'label': 'GovDelivery code', 'required': False}), 37: ('wagtail.blocks.PageChooserBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Choose the page that the "See Privacy Act statement" link should go to. If in doubt, use "Generic Email Sign-Up Privacy Act Statement".', 'label': 'Privacy Act statement', 'required': False}), 38: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 33), ('default_heading', 34), ('text', 35), ('gd_code', 36), ('disclaimer_page', 37)]], {}), 39: ('wagtail.snippets.blocks.SnippetChooserBlock', ('v1.Contact',), {}), 40: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Add a horizontal rule line to top of contact block.', 'required': False}), 41: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('contact', 39), ('has_top_rule_line', 40)]], {}), 42: ('v1.atomic_elements.molecules.RSSFeed', (), {}), 43: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'If unchecked, social media icons will link users to official CFPB accounts. Do not fill in any further fields.', 'label': 'Desired action: share this page', 'required': False}), 44: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'default': "Look what I found on the CFPB's site!", 'help_text': 'Sets the tweet text, email subject line, and LinkedIn post text.', 'required': False}), 45: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': '(Optional) Custom text for Twitter shares. If blank, will default to value of blurb field above.', 'max_length': 100, 'required': False}), 46: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': '(Optional) A comma-separated list of accounts related to the content of the shared URL. Do not enter the  @ symbol. If blank, it will default to just "cfpb".', 'required': False}), 47: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': '(Optional) A comma-separated list of hashtags to be appended to default tweet text.', 'required': False}), 48: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': '(Optional) Loads text components in the specified language, if other than English. E.g., use "es"  for Spanish. See for a list of supported language codes.', 'required': False}), 49: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': '(Optional) Custom subject for email shares. If blank, will default to value of blurb field above.', 'required': False}), 50: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': '(Optional) Custom text for email shares. If blank, will default to "Check out this page from the CFPB".', 'required': False}), 51: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': '(Optional) Adds a custom signature line to email shares. ', 'required': False}), 52: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': '(Optional) Custom title for LinkedIn shares. If blank, will default to value of blurb field above.', 'required': False}), 53: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': '(Optional) Custom text for LinkedIn shares.', 'required': False}), 54: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('is_share_view', 43), ('blurb', 44), ('twitter_text', 45), ('twitter_related', 46), ('twitter_hashtags', 47), ('twitter_lang', 48), ('email_title', 49), ('email_text', 50), ('email_signature', 51), ('linkedin_title', 52), ('linkedin_text', 53)]], {}), 55: ('v1.blocks.ReusableTextChooserBlock', (v1.models.snippets.ReusableText,), {})}),
+        ),
+        migrations.AlterField(
+            model_name='cfgovpage',
+            name='sidefoot',
+            field=wagtail.fields.StreamField([('call_to_action', 6), ('related_links', 9), ('related_posts', 20), ('related_metadata', 32), ('email_signup', 38), ('sidebar_contact', 41), ('rss_feed', 42), ('social_media', 54), ('reusable_text', 55)], blank=True, block_lookup={0: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'required': False}), 1: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'required': False}), 2: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Add an ARIA label if the link text does not describe the destination of the link (e.g. has ambiguous text like "Learn more" that is not descriptive on its own).', 'required': False}), 3: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'default': '/', 'required': False}), 4: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('regular', 'Regular'), ('large', 'Large Primary')]}), 5: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 0), ('aria_label', 2), ('url', 3), ('size', 4)]], {}), 6: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('slug_text', 0), ('paragraph_text', 1), ('button', 5)]], {}), 7: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 0), ('aria_label', 2), ('url', 3)]], {}), 8: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (7,), {}), 9: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 0), ('paragraph', 1), ('links', 8)]], {}), 10: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'default': '3', 'help_text': 'This limit applies to EACH TYPE of post this module retrieves, not the total number of retrieved posts.'}), 11: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'This toggles the heading and icon for the related types.', 'label': 'Show Heading and Icon?', 'required': False}), 12: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'default': 'Further reading', 'label': 'Slug Title'}), 13: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'editable': False, 'label': 'Blog Posts', 'required': False}), 14: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'editable': False, 'label': 'Newsroom', 'required': False}), 15: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'label': 'Events', 'required': False}), 16: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('Blog', (('At the CFPB', 'At the CFPB'), ("Director's notebook", "Director's notebook"), ('Policy &amp; Compliance', 'Policy and compliance'), ('Data, Research &amp; Reports', 'Data, research, and reports'), ('Info for Consumers', 'Info for consumers'))), ('Newsroom', (("Director's Statement", "Director's statement"), ('Op-Ed', 'Op-ed'), ('Press Release', 'Press release'), ('Speech', 'Speech'), ('Testimony', 'Testimony')))], 'required': False}), 17: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (16,), {'required': False}), 18: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'If checked, related posts will only be pulled in if they match ALL topic tags set on this page. Otherwise, related posts can match any one topic tag.', 'label': 'Match all topic tags', 'required': False}), 19: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'By default, the "View more" link will go to the Activity Log, filtered based on the above parameters. Enter a URL in this field to override that link destination.', 'label': 'Alternate "View more" URL', 'required': False}), 20: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('limit', 10), ('show_heading', 11), ('header_title', 12), ('relate_posts', 13), ('relate_newsroom', 14), ('relate_events', 15), ('specific_categories', 17), ('and_filtering', 18), ('alternate_view_more_url', 19)]], {}), 21: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'max_length': 100}), 22: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {}), 23: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 21), ('blob', 22)]], {'icon': 'pilcrow'}), 24: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 21), ('links', 8)]], {'icon': 'list-ul'}), 25: ('wagtail.blocks.DateBlock', (), {}), 26: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 21), ('date', 25)]], {'icon': 'date'}), 27: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'default': 'Topics', 'max_length': 100}), 28: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'required': False}), 29: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 27), ('show_topics', 28)]], {'icon': 'tag'}), 30: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('text', 23), ('list', 24), ('date', 26), ('topics', 29)]], {}), 31: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'required': False}), 32: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('slug', 21), ('content', 30), ('is_half_width', 31)]], {}), 33: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'default': 'Stay informed', 'required': False}), 34: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'If selected, heading will be styled as an H5 with green top rule. Deselect to style header as H3.', 'label': 'Default heading style', 'required': False}), 35: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Write a sentence or two about what kinds of emails the user is signing up for, how frequently they will be sent, etc.', 'required': False}), 36: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Code for the topic (i.e., mailing list) you want people who submit this form to subscribe to. Format: USCFPB_###', 'label': 'GovDelivery code', 'required': False}), 37: ('wagtail.blocks.PageChooserBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Choose the page that the "See Privacy Act statement" link should go to. If in doubt, use "Generic Email Sign-Up Privacy Act Statement".', 'label': 'Privacy Act statement', 'required': False}), 38: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 33), ('default_heading', 34), ('text', 35), ('gd_code', 36), ('disclaimer_page', 37)]], {}), 39: ('wagtail.snippets.blocks.SnippetChooserBlock', ('v1.Contact',), {}), 40: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Add a horizontal rule line to top of contact block.', 'required': False}), 41: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('contact', 39), ('has_top_rule_line', 40)]], {}), 42: ('v1.atomic_elements.molecules.RSSFeed', (), {}), 43: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'If unchecked, social media icons will link users to official CFPB accounts. Do not fill in any further fields.', 'label': 'Desired action: share this page', 'required': False}), 44: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'default': "Look what I found on the CFPB's site!", 'help_text': 'Sets the tweet text, email subject line, and LinkedIn post text.', 'required': False}), 45: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': '(Optional) Custom text for Twitter shares. If blank, will default to value of blurb field above.', 'max_length': 100, 'required': False}), 46: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': '(Optional) A comma-separated list of accounts related to the content of the shared URL. Do not enter the  @ symbol. If blank, it will default to just "cfpb".', 'required': False}), 47: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': '(Optional) A comma-separated list of hashtags to be appended to default tweet text.', 'required': False}), 48: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': '(Optional) Loads text components in the specified language, if other than English. E.g., use "es"  for Spanish. See for a list of supported language codes.', 'required': False}), 49: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': '(Optional) Custom subject for email shares. If blank, will default to value of blurb field above.', 'required': False}), 50: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': '(Optional) Custom text for email shares. If blank, will default to "Check out this page from the CFPB".', 'required': False}), 51: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': '(Optional) Adds a custom signature line to email shares. ', 'required': False}), 52: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': '(Optional) Custom title for LinkedIn shares. If blank, will default to value of blurb field above.', 'required': False}), 53: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': '(Optional) Custom text for LinkedIn shares.', 'required': False}), 54: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('is_share_view', 43), ('blurb', 44), ('twitter_text', 45), ('twitter_related', 46), ('twitter_hashtags', 47), ('twitter_lang', 48), ('email_title', 49), ('email_text', 50), ('email_signature', 51), ('linkedin_title', 52), ('linkedin_text', 53)]], {}), 55: ('v1.blocks.ReusableTextChooserBlock', (v1.models.snippets.ReusableText,), {})}),
+        ),
+        migrations.AlterField(
+            model_name='cfgovpage',
+            name='sidefoot',
+            field=wagtail.fields.StreamField([('call_to_action', 6), ('related_links', 9), ('related_posts', 20), ('related_metadata', 32), ('email_signup', 38), ('sidebar_contact', 41), ('rss_feed', 42), ('social_media', 54), ('reusable_text', 55)], blank=True, block_lookup={0: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'required': False}), 1: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'required': False}), 2: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Add an ARIA label if the link text does not describe the destination of the link (e.g. has ambiguous text like "Learn more" that is not descriptive on its own).', 'required': False}), 3: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'default': '/', 'required': False}), 4: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('regular', 'Regular'), ('large', 'Large Primary')]}), 5: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 0), ('aria_label', 2), ('url', 3), ('size', 4)]], {}), 6: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('slug_text', 0), ('paragraph_text', 1), ('button', 5)]], {}), 7: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 0), ('aria_label', 2), ('url', 3)]], {}), 8: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (7,), {}), 9: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 0), ('paragraph', 1), ('links', 8)]], {}), 10: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'default': '3', 'help_text': 'This limit applies to EACH TYPE of post this module retrieves, not the total number of retrieved posts.'}), 11: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'This toggles the heading and icon for the related types.', 'label': 'Show Heading and Icon?', 'required': False}), 12: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'default': 'Further reading', 'label': 'Slug Title'}), 13: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'editable': False, 'label': 'Blog Posts', 'required': False}), 14: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'editable': False, 'label': 'Newsroom', 'required': False}), 15: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'label': 'Events', 'required': False}), 16: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('Blog', (('At the CFPB', 'At the CFPB'), ("Director's notebook", "Director's notebook"), ('Policy &amp; Compliance', 'Policy and compliance'), ('Data, Research &amp; Reports', 'Data, research, and reports'), ('Info for Consumers', 'Info for consumers'))), ('Newsroom', (('Consumer Advisories', 'Consumer advisories'), ("Director's Statement", "Director's statement"), ('Op-Ed', 'Op-ed'), ('Press Release', 'Press release'), ('Speech', 'Speech'), ('Testimony', 'Testimony')))], 'required': False}), 17: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (16,), {'required': False}), 18: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'If checked, related posts will only be pulled in if they match ALL topic tags set on this page. Otherwise, related posts can match any one topic tag.', 'label': 'Match all topic tags', 'required': False}), 19: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'By default, the "View more" link will go to the Activity Log, filtered based on the above parameters. Enter a URL in this field to override that link destination.', 'label': 'Alternate "View more" URL', 'required': False}), 20: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('limit', 10), ('show_heading', 11), ('header_title', 12), ('relate_posts', 13), ('relate_newsroom', 14), ('relate_events', 15), ('specific_categories', 17), ('and_filtering', 18), ('alternate_view_more_url', 19)]], {}), 21: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'max_length': 100}), 22: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {}), 23: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 21), ('blob', 22)]], {'icon': 'pilcrow'}), 24: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 21), ('links', 8)]], {'icon': 'list-ul'}), 25: ('wagtail.blocks.DateBlock', (), {}), 26: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 21), ('date', 25)]], {'icon': 'date'}), 27: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'default': 'Topics', 'max_length': 100}), 28: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'required': False}), 29: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 27), ('show_topics', 28)]], {'icon': 'tag'}), 30: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('text', 23), ('list', 24), ('date', 26), ('topics', 29)]], {}), 31: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'required': False}), 32: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('slug', 21), ('content', 30), ('is_half_width', 31)]], {}), 33: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'default': 'Stay informed', 'required': False}), 34: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'If selected, heading will be styled as an H5 with green top rule. Deselect to style header as H3.', 'label': 'Default heading style', 'required': False}), 35: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Write a sentence or two about what kinds of emails the user is signing up for, how frequently they will be sent, etc.', 'required': False}), 36: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Code for the topic (i.e., mailing list) you want people who submit this form to subscribe to. Format: USCFPB_###', 'label': 'GovDelivery code', 'required': False}), 37: ('wagtail.blocks.PageChooserBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Choose the page that the "See Privacy Act statement" link should go to. If in doubt, use "Generic Email Sign-Up Privacy Act Statement".', 'label': 'Privacy Act statement', 'required': False}), 38: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 33), ('default_heading', 34), ('text', 35), ('gd_code', 36), ('disclaimer_page', 37)]], {}), 39: ('wagtail.snippets.blocks.SnippetChooserBlock', ('v1.Contact',), {}), 40: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Add a horizontal rule line to top of contact block.', 'required': False}), 41: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('contact', 39), ('has_top_rule_line', 40)]], {}), 42: ('v1.atomic_elements.molecules.RSSFeed', (), {}), 43: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'If unchecked, social media icons will link users to official CFPB accounts. Do not fill in any further fields.', 'label': 'Desired action: share this page', 'required': False}), 44: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'default': "Look what I found on the CFPB's site!", 'help_text': 'Sets the tweet text, email subject line, and LinkedIn post text.', 'required': False}), 45: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': '(Optional) Custom text for Twitter shares. If blank, will default to value of blurb field above.', 'max_length': 100, 'required': False}), 46: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': '(Optional) A comma-separated list of accounts related to the content of the shared URL. Do not enter the  @ symbol. If blank, it will default to just "cfpb".', 'required': False}), 47: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': '(Optional) A comma-separated list of hashtags to be appended to default tweet text.', 'required': False}), 48: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': '(Optional) Loads text components in the specified language, if other than English. E.g., use "es"  for Spanish. See for a list of supported language codes.', 'required': False}), 49: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': '(Optional) Custom subject for email shares. If blank, will default to value of blurb field above.', 'required': False}), 50: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': '(Optional) Custom text for email shares. If blank, will default to "Check out this page from the CFPB".', 'required': False}), 51: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': '(Optional) Adds a custom signature line to email shares. ', 'required': False}), 52: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': '(Optional) Custom title for LinkedIn shares. If blank, will default to value of blurb field above.', 'required': False}), 53: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': '(Optional) Custom text for LinkedIn shares.', 'required': False}), 54: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('is_share_view', 43), ('blurb', 44), ('twitter_text', 45), ('twitter_related', 46), ('twitter_hashtags', 47), ('twitter_lang', 48), ('email_title', 49), ('email_text', 50), ('email_signature', 51), ('linkedin_title', 52), ('linkedin_text', 53)]], {}), 55: ('v1.blocks.ReusableTextChooserBlock', (v1.models.snippets.ReusableText,), {})}),
+        ),
+        migrations.CreateModel(
+            name='CFGOVContentOwner',
+            fields=[
+                ('id', models.BigAutoField(auto_created=True, primary_key=True, serialize=False, verbose_name='ID')),
+                ('name', models.CharField(max_length=100, unique=True, verbose_name='name')),
+                ('slug', models.SlugField(allow_unicode=True, max_length=100, unique=True, verbose_name='slug')),
+            ],
+            options={
+                'verbose_name': 'Content Owner',
+                'verbose_name_plural': 'Content Owners',
+            },
+        ),
+        migrations.CreateModel(
+            name='CFGOVOwnedPages',
+            fields=[
+                ('id', models.BigAutoField(auto_created=True, primary_key=True, serialize=False, verbose_name='ID')),
+                ('content_object', modelcluster.fields.ParentalKey(on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.CASCADE, to='v1.cfgovpage')),
+                ('tag', models.ForeignKey(on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.CASCADE, related_name='owned_pages', to='v1.cfgovcontentowner')),
+            ],
+            options={
+                'abstract': False,
+            },
+        ),
+        migrations.AddField(
+            model_name='cfgovpage',
+            name='content_owners',
+            field=modelcluster.contrib.taggit.ClusterTaggableManager(blank=True, help_text='A comma separated list of internal content owners.Use division acronyms only.', through='v1.CFGOVOwnedPages', to='v1.CFGOVContentOwner', verbose_name='Content Owners'),
+        ),
+        migrations.AlterField(
+            model_name='cfgovauthoredpages',
+            name='id',
+            field=models.BigAutoField(auto_created=True, primary_key=True, serialize=False, verbose_name='ID'),
+        ),
+        migrations.AlterField(
+            model_name='portalcategory',
+            name='id',
+            field=models.BigAutoField(auto_created=True, primary_key=True, serialize=False, verbose_name='ID'),
+        ),
+        migrations.AlterField(
+            model_name='portaltopic',
+            name='id',
+            field=models.BigAutoField(auto_created=True, primary_key=True, serialize=False, verbose_name='ID'),
+        ),
+        migrations.AlterField(
+            model_name='resource',
+            name='id',
+            field=models.BigAutoField(auto_created=True, primary_key=True, serialize=False, verbose_name='ID'),
+        ),
+        migrations.AlterField(
+            model_name='cfgovpage',
+            name='sidefoot',
+            field=wagtail.fields.StreamField([('call_to_action', 6), ('related_links', 9), ('related_posts', 20), ('related_metadata', 32), ('email_signup', 38), ('sidebar_contact', 41), ('rss_feed', 42), ('social_media', 54), ('reusable_text', 55)], blank=True, block_lookup={0: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'required': False}), 1: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'required': False}), 2: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Add an ARIA label if the link text does not describe the destination of the link (e.g. has ambiguous text like "Learn more" that is not descriptive on its own).', 'required': False}), 3: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'default': '/', 'required': False}), 4: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('regular', 'Regular'), ('large', 'Large Primary')]}), 5: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 0), ('aria_label', 2), ('url', 3), ('size', 4)]], {}), 6: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('slug_text', 0), ('paragraph_text', 1), ('button', 5)]], {}), 7: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 0), ('aria_label', 2), ('url', 3)]], {}), 8: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (7,), {}), 9: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 0), ('paragraph', 1), ('links', 8)]], {}), 10: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'default': '3', 'help_text': 'This limit applies to EACH TYPE of post this module retrieves, not the total number of retrieved posts.'}), 11: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'This toggles the heading and icon for the related types.', 'label': 'Show Heading and Icon?', 'required': False}), 12: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'default': 'Further reading', 'label': 'Slug Title'}), 13: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'editable': False, 'label': 'Blog Posts', 'required': False}), 14: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'editable': False, 'label': 'Newsroom', 'required': False}), 15: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'label': 'Events', 'required': False}), 16: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('Blog', (('At the CFPB', 'At the CFPB'), ("Director's notebook", "Director's notebook"), ('Policy &amp; Compliance', 'Policy and compliance'), ('Data, Research &amp; Reports', 'Data, research, and reports'), ('Info for Consumers', 'Info for consumers'))), ('Newsroom', (('Consumer Advisories', 'Consumer advisories'), ("Director's Statement", "Director's statement"), ('Op-Ed', 'Op-ed'), ('Press Release', 'Press release'), ('Speech', 'Speech'), ('Testimony', 'Testimony')))], 'required': False}), 17: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (16,), {'required': False}), 18: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('any', 'Include related posts that match ANY topic tags on this page'), ('all', 'Include related posts that match ALL topic tags on this page'), ('ignore', 'IGNORE topic tags when selecting related posts')]}), 19: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'By default, the "View more" link will go to the Activity Log, filtered based on the above parameters. Enter a URL in this field to override that link destination.', 'label': 'Alternate "View more" URL', 'required': False}), 20: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('limit', 10), ('show_heading', 11), ('header_title', 12), ('relate_posts', 13), ('relate_newsroom', 14), ('relate_events', 15), ('specific_categories', 17), ('tag_filtering', 18), ('alternate_view_more_url', 19)]], {}), 21: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'max_length': 100}), 22: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {}), 23: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 21), ('blob', 22)]], {'icon': 'pilcrow'}), 24: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 21), ('links', 8)]], {'icon': 'list-ul'}), 25: ('wagtail.blocks.DateBlock', (), {}), 26: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 21), ('date', 25)]], {'icon': 'date'}), 27: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'default': 'Topics', 'max_length': 100}), 28: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'required': False}), 29: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 27), ('show_topics', 28)]], {'icon': 'tag'}), 30: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('text', 23), ('list', 24), ('date', 26), ('topics', 29)]], {}), 31: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'required': False}), 32: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('slug', 21), ('content', 30), ('is_half_width', 31)]], {}), 33: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'default': 'Stay informed', 'required': False}), 34: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'If selected, heading will be styled as an H5 with green top rule. Deselect to style header as H3.', 'label': 'Default heading style', 'required': False}), 35: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Write a sentence or two about what kinds of emails the user is signing up for, how frequently they will be sent, etc.', 'required': False}), 36: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Code for the topic (i.e., mailing list) you want people who submit this form to subscribe to. Format: USCFPB_###', 'label': 'GovDelivery code', 'required': False}), 37: ('wagtail.blocks.PageChooserBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Choose the page that the "See Privacy Act statement" link should go to. If in doubt, use "Generic Email Sign-Up Privacy Act Statement".', 'label': 'Privacy Act statement', 'required': False}), 38: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 33), ('default_heading', 34), ('text', 35), ('gd_code', 36), ('disclaimer_page', 37)]], {}), 39: ('wagtail.snippets.blocks.SnippetChooserBlock', ('v1.Contact',), {}), 40: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Add a horizontal rule line to top of contact block.', 'required': False}), 41: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('contact', 39), ('has_top_rule_line', 40)]], {}), 42: ('v1.atomic_elements.molecules.RSSFeed', (), {}), 43: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'If unchecked, social media icons will link users to official CFPB accounts. Do not fill in any further fields.', 'label': 'Desired action: share this page', 'required': False}), 44: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'default': "Look what I found on the CFPB's site!", 'help_text': 'Sets the tweet text, email subject line, and LinkedIn post text.', 'required': False}), 45: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': '(Optional) Custom text for Twitter shares. If blank, will default to value of blurb field above.', 'max_length': 100, 'required': False}), 46: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': '(Optional) A comma-separated list of accounts related to the content of the shared URL. Do not enter the  @ symbol. If blank, it will default to just "cfpb".', 'required': False}), 47: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': '(Optional) A comma-separated list of hashtags to be appended to default tweet text.', 'required': False}), 48: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': '(Optional) Loads text components in the specified language, if other than English. E.g., use "es"  for Spanish. See for a list of supported language codes.', 'required': False}), 49: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': '(Optional) Custom subject for email shares. If blank, will default to value of blurb field above.', 'required': False}), 50: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': '(Optional) Custom text for email shares. If blank, will default to "Check out this page from the CFPB".', 'required': False}), 51: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': '(Optional) Adds a custom signature line to email shares. ', 'required': False}), 52: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': '(Optional) Custom title for LinkedIn shares. If blank, will default to value of blurb field above.', 'required': False}), 53: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': '(Optional) Custom text for LinkedIn shares.', 'required': False}), 54: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('is_share_view', 43), ('blurb', 44), ('twitter_text', 45), ('twitter_related', 46), ('twitter_hashtags', 47), ('twitter_lang', 48), ('email_title', 49), ('email_text', 50), ('email_signature', 51), ('linkedin_title', 52), ('linkedin_text', 53)]], {}), 55: ('v1.blocks.ReusableTextChooserBlock', (v1.models.snippets.ReusableText,), {})}),
+        ),
+        migrations.CreateModel(
+            name='ResearchHubPage',
+            fields=[
+                ('sublandingfilterablepage_ptr', models.OneToOneField(auto_created=True, on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.CASCADE, parent_link=True, primary_key=True, serialize=False, to='v1.sublandingfilterablepage')),
+            ],
+            options={
+                'abstract': False,
+            },
+            bases=('v1.sublandingfilterablepage',),
+        ),
+        migrations.AlterField(
+            model_name='cfgovpage',
+            name='sidefoot',
+            field=wagtail.fields.StreamField([('call_to_action', 6), ('related_links', 9), ('related_posts', 20), ('related_metadata', 32), ('email_signup', 33), ('sidebar_contact', 36), ('rss_feed', 37), ('social_media', 49), ('reusable_text', 50)], blank=True, block_lookup={0: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'required': False}), 1: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'required': False}), 2: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Add an ARIA label if the link text does not describe the destination of the link (e.g. has ambiguous text like "Learn more" that is not descriptive on its own).', 'required': False}), 3: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'default': '/', 'required': False}), 4: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('regular', 'Regular'), ('large', 'Large Primary')]}), 5: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 0), ('aria_label', 2), ('url', 3), ('size', 4)]], {}), 6: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('slug_text', 0), ('paragraph_text', 1), ('button', 5)]], {}), 7: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 0), ('aria_label', 2), ('url', 3)]], {}), 8: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (7,), {}), 9: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 0), ('paragraph', 1), ('links', 8)]], {}), 10: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'default': '3', 'help_text': 'This limit applies to EACH TYPE of post this module retrieves, not the total number of retrieved posts.'}), 11: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'This toggles the heading and icon for the related types.', 'label': 'Show Heading and Icon?', 'required': False}), 12: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'default': 'Further reading', 'label': 'Slug Title'}), 13: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'editable': False, 'label': 'Blog Posts', 'required': False}), 14: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'editable': False, 'label': 'Newsroom', 'required': False}), 15: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'label': 'Events', 'required': False}), 16: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('Blog', (('At the CFPB', 'At the CFPB'), ("Director's notebook", "Director's notebook"), ('Policy &amp; Compliance', 'Policy and compliance'), ('Data, Research &amp; Reports', 'Data, research, and reports'), ('Info for Consumers', 'Info for consumers'))), ('Newsroom', (('Consumer Advisories', 'Consumer advisories'), ("Director's Statement", "Director's statement"), ('Op-Ed', 'Op-ed'), ('Press Release', 'Press release'), ('Speech', 'Speech'), ('Testimony', 'Testimony')))], 'required': False}), 17: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (16,), {'required': False}), 18: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('any', 'Include related posts that match ANY topic tags on this page'), ('all', 'Include related posts that match ALL topic tags on this page'), ('ignore', 'IGNORE topic tags when selecting related posts')]}), 19: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'By default, the "View more" link will go to the Activity Log, filtered based on the above parameters. Enter a URL in this field to override that link destination.', 'label': 'Alternate "View more" URL', 'required': False}), 20: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('limit', 10), ('show_heading', 11), ('header_title', 12), ('relate_posts', 13), ('relate_newsroom', 14), ('relate_events', 15), ('specific_categories', 17), ('tag_filtering', 18), ('alternate_view_more_url', 19)]], {}), 21: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'max_length': 100}), 22: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {}), 23: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 21), ('blob', 22)]], {'icon': 'pilcrow'}), 24: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 21), ('links', 8)]], {'icon': 'list-ul'}), 25: ('wagtail.blocks.DateBlock', (), {}), 26: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 21), ('date', 25)]], {'icon': 'date'}), 27: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'default': 'Topics', 'max_length': 100}), 28: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'required': False}), 29: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 27), ('show_topics', 28)]], {'icon': 'tag'}), 30: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('text', 23), ('list', 24), ('date', 26), ('topics', 29)]], {}), 31: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'required': False}), 32: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('slug', 21), ('content', 30), ('is_half_width', 31)]], {}), 33: ('v1.blocks.EmailSignUpChooserBlock', (), {}), 34: ('wagtail.snippets.blocks.SnippetChooserBlock', ('v1.Contact',), {}), 35: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Add a horizontal rule line to top of contact block.', 'required': False}), 36: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('contact', 34), ('has_top_rule_line', 35)]], {}), 37: ('v1.atomic_elements.molecules.RSSFeed', (), {}), 38: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'If unchecked, social media icons will link users to official CFPB accounts. Do not fill in any further fields.', 'label': 'Desired action: share this page', 'required': False}), 39: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'default': "Look what I found on the CFPB's site!", 'help_text': 'Sets the tweet text, email subject line, and LinkedIn post text.', 'required': False}), 40: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': '(Optional) Custom text for Twitter shares. If blank, will default to value of blurb field above.', 'max_length': 100, 'required': False}), 41: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': '(Optional) A comma-separated list of accounts related to the content of the shared URL. Do not enter the  @ symbol. If blank, it will default to just "cfpb".', 'required': False}), 42: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': '(Optional) A comma-separated list of hashtags to be appended to default tweet text.', 'required': False}), 43: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': '(Optional) Loads text components in the specified language, if other than English. E.g., use "es"  for Spanish. See for a list of supported language codes.', 'required': False}), 44: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': '(Optional) Custom subject for email shares. If blank, will default to value of blurb field above.', 'required': False}), 45: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': '(Optional) Custom text for email shares. If blank, will default to "Check out this page from the CFPB".', 'required': False}), 46: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': '(Optional) Adds a custom signature line to email shares. ', 'required': False}), 47: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': '(Optional) Custom title for LinkedIn shares. If blank, will default to value of blurb field above.', 'required': False}), 48: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': '(Optional) Custom text for LinkedIn shares.', 'required': False}), 49: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('is_share_view', 38), ('blurb', 39), ('twitter_text', 40), ('twitter_related', 41), ('twitter_hashtags', 42), ('twitter_lang', 43), ('email_title', 44), ('email_text', 45), ('email_signature', 46), ('linkedin_title', 47), ('linkedin_text', 48)]], {}), 50: ('v1.blocks.ReusableTextChooserBlock', (v1.models.snippets.ReusableText,), {})}),
+        ),
+        migrations.AlterField(
+            model_name='cfgovpage',
+            name='language',
+            field=models.CharField(choices=[('ar', 'Arabic'), ('zh-Hant', 'Chinese (Traditional)'), ('en', 'English'), ('ht', 'Haitian Creole'), ('ko', 'Korean'), ('ru', 'Russian'), ('es', 'Spanish'), ('tl', 'Tagalog'), ('vi', 'Vietnamese')], default='en', max_length=100),
+        ),
+        migrations.AddField(
+            model_name='cfgovpage',
+            name='english_page',
+            field=models.ForeignKey(blank=True, help_text='Optionally select the English version of this page (non-English pages only)', null=True, on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.SET_NULL, related_name='non_english_pages', to=''),
+        ),
+        migrations.AlterField(
+            model_name='cfgovpage',
+            name='language',
+            field=models.CharField(choices=[('ar', 'Arabic'), ('zh-Hant', 'Chinese'), ('en', 'English'), ('ht', 'Haitian Creole'), ('ko', 'Korean'), ('ru', 'Russian'), ('es', 'Spanish'), ('tl', 'Tagalog'), ('vi', 'Vietnamese')], default='en', max_length=100),
+        ),
+        migrations.AlterField(
+            model_name='cfgovpage',
+            name='sidefoot',
+            field=wagtail.fields.StreamField([('call_to_action', 6), ('related_links', 9), ('related_posts', 20), ('related_metadata', 32), ('email_signup', 33), ('sidebar_contact', 36), ('rss_feed', 37), ('social_media', 49), ('reusable_text', 50)], blank=True, block_lookup={0: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'required': False}), 1: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'required': False}), 2: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Add an ARIA label if the link text does not describe the destination of the link (e.g. has ambiguous text like "Learn more" that is not descriptive on its own).', 'required': False}), 3: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'default': '/', 'required': False}), 4: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('regular', 'Regular'), ('large', 'Large Primary')]}), 5: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 0), ('aria_label', 2), ('url', 3), ('size', 4)]], {}), 6: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('slug_text', 0), ('paragraph_text', 1), ('button', 5)]], {}), 7: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 0), ('aria_label', 2), ('url', 3)]], {}), 8: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (7,), {}), 9: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 0), ('paragraph', 1), ('links', 8)]], {}), 10: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'default': '3', 'help_text': 'This limit applies to EACH TYPE of post this module retrieves, not the total number of retrieved posts.'}), 11: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'This toggles the heading and icon for the related types.', 'label': 'Show Heading and Icon?', 'required': False}), 12: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'default': 'Further reading', 'label': 'Slug Title'}), 13: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'editable': False, 'label': 'Blog Posts', 'required': False}), 14: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'editable': False, 'label': 'Newsroom', 'required': False}), 15: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'label': 'Events', 'required': False}), 16: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('Blog', (('At the CFPB', 'At the CFPB'), ("Director's notebook", "Director's notebook"), ('Policy &amp; Compliance', 'Policy and compliance'), ('Data, Research &amp; Reports', 'Data, research, and reports'), ('Info for Consumers', 'Info for consumers'))), ('Newsroom', (('Consumer Advisories', 'Consumer advisories'), ("Director's Statement", "Director's statement"), ('Op-Ed', 'Op-ed'), ('Press Release', 'Press release'), ('Speech', 'Speech'), ('Testimony', 'Testimony')))], 'required': False}), 17: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (16,), {'required': False}), 18: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('any', 'Include related posts that match ANY topic tags on this page'), ('all', 'Include related posts that match ALL topic tags on this page'), ('ignore', 'IGNORE topic tags when selecting related posts')]}), 19: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'By default, the "View more" link will go to the Activity Log, filtered based on the above parameters. Enter a URL in this field to override that link destination.', 'label': 'Alternate "View more" URL', 'required': False}), 20: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('limit', 10), ('show_heading', 11), ('header_title', 12), ('relate_posts', 13), ('relate_newsroom', 14), ('relate_events', 15), ('specific_categories', 17), ('tag_filtering', 18), ('alternate_view_more_url', 19)]], {}), 21: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'max_length': 100}), 22: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {}), 23: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 21), ('blob', 22)]], {'icon': 'pilcrow'}), 24: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 21), ('links', 8)]], {'icon': 'list-ul'}), 25: ('wagtail.blocks.DateBlock', (), {}), 26: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 21), ('date', 25)]], {'icon': 'date'}), 27: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'default': 'Topics', 'max_length': 100}), 28: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'required': False}), 29: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 27), ('show_topics', 28)]], {'icon': 'tag'}), 30: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('text', 23), ('list', 24), ('date', 26), ('topics', 29)]], {}), 31: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'required': False}), 32: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('slug', 21), ('content', 30), ('is_half_width', 31)]], {}), 33: ('v1.blocks.EmailSignUpChooserBlock', (), {}), 34: ('wagtail.snippets.blocks.SnippetChooserBlock', ('v1.Contact',), {}), 35: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Add a horizontal rule line to top of contact block.', 'required': False}), 36: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('contact', 34), ('has_top_rule_line', 35)]], {}), 37: ('v1.atomic_elements.molecules.RSSFeed', (), {}), 38: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'If unchecked, social media icons will link users to official CFPB accounts. Do not fill in any further fields.', 'label': 'Desired action: share this page', 'required': False}), 39: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'default': "Look what I found on the CFPB's site!", 'help_text': 'Sets the tweet text, email subject line, and LinkedIn post text.', 'required': False}), 40: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': '(Optional) Custom text for Twitter shares. If blank, will default to value of blurb field above.', 'max_length': 100, 'required': False}), 41: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': '(Optional) A comma-separated list of accounts related to the content of the shared URL. Do not enter the  @ symbol. If blank, it will default to just "cfpb".', 'required': False}), 42: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': '(Optional) A comma-separated list of hashtags to be appended to default tweet text.', 'required': False}), 43: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': '(Optional) Loads text components in the specified language, if other than English. E.g., use "es"  for Spanish. See for a list of supported language codes.', 'required': False}), 44: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': '(Optional) Custom subject for email shares. If blank, will default to value of blurb field above.', 'required': False}), 45: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': '(Optional) Custom text for email shares. If blank, will default to "Check out this page from the CFPB".', 'required': False}), 46: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': '(Optional) Adds a custom signature line to email shares. ', 'required': False}), 47: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': '(Optional) Custom title for LinkedIn shares. If blank, will default to value of blurb field above.', 'required': False}), 48: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': '(Optional) Custom text for LinkedIn shares.', 'required': False}), 49: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('is_share_view', 38), ('blurb', 39), ('twitter_text', 40), ('twitter_related', 41), ('twitter_hashtags', 42), ('twitter_lang', 43), ('email_title', 44), ('email_text', 45), ('email_signature', 46), ('linkedin_title', 47), ('linkedin_text', 48)]], {}), 50: ('v1.blocks.ReusableTextChooserBlock', (v1.models.snippets.ReusableText,), {})}),
+        ),
+        migrations.CreateModel(
+            name='CFGOVPageCategory',
+            fields=[
+                ('id', models.BigAutoField(auto_created=True, primary_key=True, serialize=False, verbose_name='ID')),
+                ('name', models.CharField(choices=[('Administrative adjudication docket', (('administrative-adjudication', 'Administrative adjudication'), ('stipulation-and-constent-order', 'Stipulation and consent order'))), ('Amicus Brief', (('us-supreme-court', 'U.S. Supreme Court'), ('fed-circuit-court', 'Federal Circuit Court'), ('fed-district-court', 'Federal District Court'), ('state-court', 'State Court'))), ('Blog', (('at-the-cfpb', 'At the CFPB'), ('directors-notebook', "Director's notebook"), ('policy-compliance', 'Policy and compliance'), ('data-research-reports', 'Data, research, and reports'), ('info-for-consumers', 'Info for consumers'))), ('Consumer Reporting Companies', (('nationwide', 'Nationwide'), ('employment-screening', 'Employment screening'), ('tenant-screening', 'Tenant screening'), ('check-bank-screening', 'Check and bank account screening'), ('personal-property-insurance', 'Personal property insurance'), ('medical', 'Medical'), ('low-income-and-subprime', 'Low-income and subprime'), ('supplementary-reports', 'Supplementary reports'), ('utilities', 'Utilities'), ('retail', 'Retail'), ('gaming', 'Gaming'))), ('Enforcement Action', (('administrative-proceeding', 'Administrative Proceeding'), ('civil-action', 'Civil Action'))), ('Final rule', (('interim-final-rule', 'Interim final rule'), ('final-rule', 'Final rule'))), ('FOIA Frequently Requested Record', (('report', 'Report'), ('log', 'Log'), ('record', 'Record'))), ('Newsroom', (('consumer-advisories', 'Consumer advisories'), ('directors-statement', "Director's statement"), ('op-ed', 'Op-ed'), ('press-release', 'Press release'), ('speech', 'Speech'), ('testimony', 'Testimony'))), ('Notice and Opportunity for Comment', (('notice-proposed-rule', 'Advance notice of proposed rulemaking'), ('proposed-rule', 'Proposed rule'), ('interim-final-rule-2', 'Interim final rule'), ('request-comment-info', 'Request for comment or information'), ('proposed-policy', 'Proposed policy'), ('intent-preempt-determ', 'Intent to make preemption determination'), ('info-collect-activity', 'Information collection activities'), ('notice-privacy-act', 'Notice related to Privacy Act'))), ('Petition for Rulemaking', (('open-petition', 'Open petition'), ('closed-petition', 'Closed petition'))), ('Research Hub', (('research-publication', 'Office of Research Publication'),)), ('Research Report', (('consumer-complaint', 'Consumer complaint'), ('super-highlight', 'Supervisory Highlights'), ('data-point', 'Data point'), ('industry-markets', 'Industry and markets'), ('consumer-edu-empower', 'Consumer education and empowerment'), ('to-congress', 'To Congress'), ('data-spotlight', 'Data spotlight'), ('issue-spotlight', 'Issue spotlight'))), ('Rule Under Development', (('notice-proposed-rule-2', 'Advance notice of proposed rulemaking'), ('proposed-rule-2', 'Proposed rule'))), ('Story', (('auto-loans', 'Auto loans'), ('bank-accts-services', 'Bank accounts and services'), ('credit-cards', 'Credit cards'), ('credit-reports-scores', 'Credit reports and scores'), ('debt-collection', 'Debt collection'), ('money-transfers', 'Money transfers'), ('mortgages', 'Mortgages'), ('payday-loans', 'Payday loans'), ('prepaid-cards', 'Prepaid cards'), ('student-loans', 'Student loans')))], max_length=255)),
+                ('page', modelcluster.fields.ParentalKey(on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.CASCADE, related_name='categories', to='v1.cfgovpage')),
+            ],
+            options={
+                'ordering': ['name'],
+                'abstract': False,
+            },
+        ),
+        migrations.CreateModel(
+            name='InternalDocsSettings',
+            fields=[
+                ('id', models.BigAutoField(auto_created=True, primary_key=True, serialize=False, verbose_name='ID')),
+                ('url', models.URLField(blank=True, help_text='Enter the URL for internal documentation.', null=True)),
+            ],
+            options={
+                'verbose_name': 'Internal documentation',
+            },
+        ),
+        migrations.AlterField(
+            model_name='cfgovpage',
+            name='sidefoot',
+            field=wagtail.fields.StreamField([('call_to_action', 5), ('related_links', 7), ('related_posts', 18), ('related_metadata', 30), ('email_signup', 31), ('sidebar_contact', 34), ('rss_feed', 35), ('social_media', 47), ('reusable_text', 48)], blank=True, block_lookup={0: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'required': False}), 1: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'required': False}), 2: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Add an ARIA label if the link text does not describe the destination of the link (e.g. has ambiguous text like "Learn more" that is not descriptive on its own).', 'required': False}), 3: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'default': '/', 'required': False}), 4: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 0), ('aria_label', 2), ('url', 3)]], {}), 5: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('slug_text', 0), ('paragraph_text', 1), ('button', 4)]], {}), 6: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (4,), {}), 7: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 0), ('paragraph', 1), ('links', 6)]], {}), 8: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'default': '3', 'help_text': 'This limit applies to EACH TYPE of post this module retrieves, not the total number of retrieved posts.'}), 9: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'This toggles the heading and icon for the related types.', 'label': 'Show Heading and Icon?', 'required': False}), 10: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'default': 'Further reading', 'label': 'Slug Title'}), 11: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'editable': False, 'label': 'Blog Posts', 'required': False}), 12: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'editable': False, 'label': 'Newsroom', 'required': False}), 13: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'label': 'Events', 'required': False}), 14: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('Blog', (('At the CFPB', 'At the CFPB'), ("Director's notebook", "Director's notebook"), ('Policy &amp; Compliance', 'Policy and compliance'), ('Data, Research &amp; Reports', 'Data, research, and reports'), ('Info for Consumers', 'Info for consumers'))), ('Newsroom', (('Consumer Advisories', 'Consumer advisories'), ("Director's Statement", "Director's statement"), ('Op-Ed', 'Op-ed'), ('Press Release', 'Press release'), ('Speech', 'Speech'), ('Testimony', 'Testimony')))], 'required': False}), 15: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (14,), {'required': False}), 16: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('any', 'Include related posts that match ANY topic tags on this page'), ('all', 'Include related posts that match ALL topic tags on this page'), ('ignore', 'IGNORE topic tags when selecting related posts')]}), 17: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'By default, the "View more" link will go to the Activity Log, filtered based on the above parameters. Enter a URL in this field to override that link destination.', 'label': 'Alternate "View more" URL', 'required': False}), 18: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('limit', 8), ('show_heading', 9), ('header_title', 10), ('relate_posts', 11), ('relate_newsroom', 12), ('relate_events', 13), ('specific_categories', 15), ('tag_filtering', 16), ('alternate_view_more_url', 17)]], {}), 19: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'max_length': 100}), 20: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {}), 21: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 19), ('blob', 20)]], {'icon': 'pilcrow'}), 22: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 19), ('links', 6)]], {'icon': 'list-ul'}), 23: ('wagtail.blocks.DateBlock', (), {}), 24: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 19), ('date', 23)]], {'icon': 'date'}), 25: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'default': 'Topics', 'max_length': 100}), 26: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'required': False}), 27: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 25), ('show_topics', 26)]], {'icon': 'tag'}), 28: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('text', 21), ('list', 22), ('date', 24), ('topics', 27)]], {}), 29: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'required': False}), 30: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('slug', 19), ('content', 28), ('is_half_width', 29)]], {}), 31: ('v1.blocks.EmailSignUpChooserBlock', (), {}), 32: ('wagtail.snippets.blocks.SnippetChooserBlock', ('v1.Contact',), {}), 33: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Add a horizontal rule line to top of contact block.', 'required': False}), 34: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('contact', 32), ('has_top_rule_line', 33)]], {}), 35: ('v1.atomic_elements.molecules.RSSFeed', (), {}), 36: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'If unchecked, social media icons will link users to official CFPB accounts. Do not fill in any further fields.', 'label': 'Desired action: share this page', 'required': False}), 37: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'default': "Look what I found on the CFPB's site!", 'help_text': 'Sets the tweet text, email subject line, and LinkedIn post text.', 'required': False}), 38: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': '(Optional) Custom text for Twitter shares. If blank, will default to value of blurb field above.', 'max_length': 100, 'required': False}), 39: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': '(Optional) A comma-separated list of accounts related to the content of the shared URL. Do not enter the  @ symbol. If blank, it will default to just "cfpb".', 'required': False}), 40: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': '(Optional) A comma-separated list of hashtags to be appended to default tweet text.', 'required': False}), 41: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': '(Optional) Loads text components in the specified language, if other than English. E.g., use "es"  for Spanish. See for a list of supported language codes.', 'required': False}), 42: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': '(Optional) Custom subject for email shares. If blank, will default to value of blurb field above.', 'required': False}), 43: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': '(Optional) Custom text for email shares. If blank, will default to "Check out this page from the CFPB".', 'required': False}), 44: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': '(Optional) Adds a custom signature line to email shares. ', 'required': False}), 45: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': '(Optional) Custom title for LinkedIn shares. If blank, will default to value of blurb field above.', 'required': False}), 46: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': '(Optional) Custom text for LinkedIn shares.', 'required': False}), 47: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('is_share_view', 36), ('blurb', 37), ('twitter_text', 38), ('twitter_related', 39), ('twitter_hashtags', 40), ('twitter_lang', 41), ('email_title', 42), ('email_text', 43), ('email_signature', 44), ('linkedin_title', 45), ('linkedin_text', 46)]], {}), 48: ('v1.blocks.ReusableTextChooserBlock', (v1.models.snippets.ReusableText,), {})}),
+        ),
+        migrations.CreateModel(
+            name='BrowsePage',
+            fields=[
+                ('cfgovpage_ptr', models.OneToOneField(auto_created=True, on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.CASCADE, parent_link=True, primary_key=True, serialize=False, to='v1.cfgovpage')),
+                ('header', wagtail.fields.StreamField([('text_introduction', 8), ('featured_content', 20), ('notification', 25)], blank=True, block_lookup={0: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Optional: Adds an H5 eyebrow above H1 heading text. Only use in conjunction with heading.', 'label': 'Pre-heading', 'required': False}), 1: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'required': False}), 2: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'required': False}), 3: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Add an ARIA label if the link text does not describe the destination of the link (e.g. has ambiguous text like "Learn more" that is not descriptive on its own).', 'required': False}), 4: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'default': '/', 'required': False}), 5: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 1), ('aria_label', 3), ('url', 4)]], {}), 6: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (5,), {'required': False}), 7: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Check this to add a horizontal rule line to bottom of text introduction.', 'label': 'Has bottom rule', 'required': False}), 8: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('eyebrow', 0), ('heading', 1), ('intro', 2), ('body', 2), ('links', 6), ('has_rule', 7)]], {}), 9: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {}), 10: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Line breaks will be ignored.'}), 11: ('wagtail.blocks.PageChooserBlock', (), {'required': False}), 12: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'label': 'Render post link?', 'required': False}), 13: ('wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock', (), {'required': False}), 14: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': "No character limit, but be as succinct as possible. If the image is decorative (i.e., a screenreader wouldn't have anything useful to say about it), leave this field blank.", 'required': False}), 15: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('upload', 13), ('alt', 14)]], {}), 16: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (5,), {'label': 'Additional Links'}), 17: ('wagtail.blocks.RegexBlock', (), {'error_messages': {'invalid': 'The YouTube video ID is in the wrong format.'}, 'help_text': 'Enter the YouTube video ID, which is located at the end of the video URL, after "v=". For example, the video ID for is 1V0Ax9OIc84.', 'label': 'YouTube video ID', 'regex': '^[\\w-]{11}$', 'required': False}), 18: ('wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Optional thumbnail image to show before and after the video plays. If the thumbnail image is not set here, the video player will default to showing the thumbnail that was set in (or automatically chosen by) YouTube.', 'required': False}), 19: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('video_id', 17), ('thumbnail_image', 18)]], {'required': False}), 20: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 9), ('body', 10), ('post', 11), ('show_post_link', 12), ('post_link_text', 1), ('image', 15), ('links', 16), ('video', 19)]], {}), 21: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('information', 'Information'), ('warning', 'Warning')]}), 22: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'The main notification message to display.', 'required': True}), 23: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Explanation text appears below the message in smaller type.', 'required': False}), 24: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (5,), {'help_text': 'Links appear on their own lines below the explanation.', 'required': False}), 25: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('type', 21), ('message', 22), ('explanation', 23), ('links', 24)]], {})})),
+                ('content', wagtail.fields.StreamField([('full_width_text', 37), ('info_unit_group', 48), ('simple_chart', 65), ('expandable_group', 73), ('expandable', 71), ('well', 36), ('video_player', 76), ('snippet_list', 86), ('table', 22), ('raw_html_block', 87), ('chart_block', 98), ('mortgage_chart_block', 102), ('mortgage_map_block', 102), ('mortgage_downloads_block', 104), ('data_snapshot', 118), ('job_listing_table', 119), ('yes_checklist', 124), ('faq_group', 133)], blank=True, block_lookup={0: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'icon': 'edit'}), 1: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {}), 2: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': '\n            ID will be auto-generated on save.\n            However, you may enter some human-friendly text that\n            will be incorporated to make it easier to read.\n        ', 'label': 'ID for this content block', 'required': False}), 3: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('link_id', 2)]], {}), 4: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content_block', 1), ('anchor_link', 3)]], {}), 5: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'required': False}), 6: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('h2', 'H2'), ('h3', 'H3'), ('h4', 'H4'), ('h5', 'H5')]}), 7: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Input the name of an icon to appear to the left of the heading. E.g., approved, help-round, etc. <a href="">See full list of icons</a>', 'required': False}), 8: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 5), ('level', 6), ('icon', 7)]], {'required': False}), 9: ('wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock', (), {'required': False}), 10: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': "No character limit, but be as succinct as possible. If the image is decorative (i.e., a screenreader wouldn't have anything useful to say about it), leave this field blank.", 'required': False}), 11: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('upload', 9), ('alt', 10)]], {}), 12: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('full', 'Full width'), (470, '470px'), (270, '270px'), (170, '170px')]}), 13: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('right', 'right'), ('left', 'left')], 'help_text': 'Does not apply if the image is full-width'}), 14: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'label': 'Caption', 'required': False}), 15: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'Check to add a horizontal rule line to bottom of inset.', 'label': 'Has bottom rule line', 'required': False}), 16: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('image', 11), ('image_width', 12), ('image_position', 13), ('text', 14), ('is_bottom_rule', 15)]], {}), 17: ('wagtail.blocks.MultipleChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('is_full_width', 'Display the table at full width'), ('stack_on_mobile', 'Stack the table columns on mobile')], 'required': False}), 18: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {}), 19: ('wagtail.blocks.FloatBlock', (), {}), 20: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'features': ['bold', 'italic', 'ol', 'ul', 'link', 'document-link', 'superscript']}), 21: ('wagtail.contrib.typed_table_block.blocks.TypedTableBlock', [[('text', 18), ('numeric', 19), ('rich_text', 20)]], {}), 22: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 8), ('options', 17), ('data', 21)]], {}), 23: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {}), 24: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'required': False}), 25: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('body', 23), ('citation', 24)]], {}), 26: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'required': False}), 27: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Add an ARIA label if the link text does not describe the destination of the link (e.g. has ambiguous text like "Learn more" that is not descriptive on its own).', 'required': False}), 28: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'default': '/', 'required': False}), 29: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 5), ('aria_label', 27), ('url', 28)]], {}), 30: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('slug_text', 5), ('paragraph_text', 26), ('button', 29)]], {}), 31: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (29,), {}), 32: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 5), ('paragraph', 26), ('links', 31)]], {}), 33: ('v1.blocks.ReusableTextChooserBlock', ('v1.ReusableText',), {}), 34: ('v1.blocks.EmailSignUpChooserBlock', (), {}), 35: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'label': 'Well', 'required': False}), 36: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content', 35)]], {}), 37: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('content', 0), ('content_with_anchor', 4), ('heading', 8), ('image', 16), ('table', 22), ('quote', 25), ('cta', 30), ('related_links', 32), ('reusable_text', 33), ('email_signup', 34), ('well', 36)]], {}), 38: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('50-50', '50/50'), ('33-33-33', '33/33/33'), ('25-75', '25/75')], 'help_text': 'Choose the number and width of info unit columns.', 'label': 'Format'}), 39: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': "Check this to link all images and headings to the URL of the first link in their unit's list, if there is a link.", 'required': False}), 40: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add a horizontal rule line to top of info unit group.', 'required': False}), 41: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to show horizontal rule lines between info units.', 'label': 'Show rule lines between items', 'required': False}), 42: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('none', 'None'), ('rounded', 'Rounded corners'), ('circle', 'Circle')], 'help_text': 'Adds a <em>border-radius</em> class to images in this group, allowing for a rounded or circular border.', 'label': 'Border radius for images?', 'required': False}), 43: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 5), ('level', 6), ('icon', 7)]], {'default': {'level': 'h3'}, 'required': False}), 44: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'blank': True, 'required': False}), 45: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (29,), {'required': False}), 46: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('image', 11), ('heading', 43), ('body', 44), ('links', 45)]], {}), 47: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (46,), {'default': []}), 48: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('format', 38), ('heading', 8), ('intro', 26), ('link_image_and_heading', 39), ('has_top_rule_line', 40), ('lines_between_items', 41), ('border_radius_image', 42), ('info_units', 47)]], {}), 49: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'required': True}), 50: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Accessible description of the chart content', 'required': True}), 51: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('bar', 'Bar'), ('datetime', 'Date/time'), ('line', 'Line'), ('tilemap', 'Tile grid map')]}), 52: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': "URL of the chart's data source or an array of JSON data", 'required': True, 'rows': 2}), 53: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'For charts pulling from a separate source file, include a list of the column headers (from a CSV file) or keys (from a JSON file) to include in the chart as  ["HEADER/KEY1", "HEADER/KEY2"]. To change how the data is labeled in the chart, include the correct labels with the format [{"key": "HEADER/KEY1", "label": "NEWLABEL"}, {"key": "HEADER/KEY2", "label": "NEWLABEL2"}]', 'required': False}), 54: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'Uncheck this option to initially only show the first data  series in the chart. Leave checked to show all data  series by default. Users can always turn data series on  or off by interacting with the chart legend. ', 'required': False}), 55: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'The column header (CSV), key or data array (JSON) to include as the source of x-axis values.', 'required': False}), 56: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Name the javascript function in chart-hooks.js to run on the provided data before handing it to the chart', 'required': False}), 57: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'If the chart needs the option for users to filter the data shown, for example by date or geographic region, provide the JSON objects to filter on, in the format  {key: "KEY", "label": "LABEL"}', 'required': False}), 58: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'A JSON object with style overrides for the underlying Highcharts chart. No object merging is done, nested objects should be referenced with dot notation: {"tooltip.shape": "circle"}', 'required': False}), 59: ('wagtail.blocks.IntegerBlock', (), {'blank': True, 'help_text': 'A number to determine how many months of the data are projected values', 'max_value': 12, 'min_value': 0, 'null': True, 'required': False}), 60: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Attribution for the data source', 'required': False}), 61: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'When the underlying data was published', 'required': False}), 62: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Custom text for the chart download field. Required to display a download link.', 'required': False}), 63: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Location of a file to download, if different from the data source', 'required': False}), 64: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'General chart information', 'required': False}), 65: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('title', 49), ('subtitle', 24), ('description', 50), ('figure_number', 5), ('chart_type', 51), ('data_source', 52), ('data_series', 53), ('show_all_series_by_default', 54), ('x_axis_source', 55), ('transform', 56), ('x_axis_label', 5), ('y_axis_label', 5), ('filters', 57), ('style_overrides', 58), ('projected_months', 59), ('source_credits', 60), ('date_published', 61), ('download_text', 62), ('download_file', 63), ('notes', 64)]], {}), 66: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Added as an <code>&lt;h3&gt;</code> at the top of this block. Also adds a wrapping <code>&lt;div&gt;</code> whose <code>id</code> attribute comes from a slugified version of this heading, creating an anchor that can be used when linking to this part of the page.', 'required': False}), 67: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'required': False}), 68: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add a horizontal rule line to top of expandable group.', 'required': False}), 69: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add FAQ schema markup to expandables.', 'label': 'Uses FAQ schema', 'required': False}), 70: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('paragraph', 26), ('well', 36), ('links', 29), ('info_unit_group', 48)]], {'blank': True}), 71: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('label', 5), ('is_bordered', 67), ('is_midtone', 67), ('is_expanded', 67), ('content', 70)]], {}), 72: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (71,), {}), 73: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 66), ('body', 26), ('is_accordion', 67), ('has_top_rule_line', 68), ('is_faq', 69), ('expandables', 72)]], {}), 74: ('wagtail.blocks.RegexBlock', (), {'error_messages': {'invalid': 'The YouTube video ID is in the wrong format.'}, 'help_text': 'Enter the YouTube video ID, which is located at the end of the video URL, after "v=". For example, the video ID for is 1V0Ax9OIc84.', 'label': 'YouTube video ID', 'regex': '^[\\w-]{11}$', 'required': False}), 75: ('wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Optional thumbnail image to show before and after the video plays. If the thumbnail image is not set here, the video player will default to showing the thumbnail that was set in (or automatically chosen by) YouTube.', 'required': False}), 76: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('video_id', 74), ('thumbnail_image', 75)]], {}), 77: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add a horizontal rule line above this block.', 'required': False}), 78: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('70', '70%'), ('66', '66%'), ('60', '60%'), ('50', '50%'), ('40', '40%'), ('33', '33%'), ('30', '30%')], 'help_text': 'Choose the width in % that you wish to set the Actions column in a resource list.', 'label': 'Width of "Actions" column', 'required': False}), 79: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'help_text': "If selected, each resource in the list will include a 150px-wide image from the resource's thumbnail field.", 'required': False}), 80: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'E.g., "Download" or "Order free prints"'}), 81: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('related_file', 'Related file'), ('alternate_file', 'Alternate file'), ('link', 'Link'), ('alternate_link', 'Alternate link')], 'help_text': 'The field that the action link should point to'}), 82: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('link_label', 80), ('snippet_field', 81)]], {}), 83: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (82,), {}), 84: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'label': 'Tag'}), 85: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (84,), {'help_text': 'Enter tag names to filter the snippets. For a snippet to match and be output in the list, it must have been tagged with all of the tag names listed here. The tag names are case-insensitive.'}), 86: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 5), ('body', 26), ('has_top_rule_line', 77), ('image', 11), ('actions_column_width', 78), ('show_thumbnails', 79), ('actions', 83), ('tags', 85)]], {}), 87: ('wagtail.blocks.RawHTMLBlock', (), {'label': 'Raw HTML block'}), 88: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('bar', 'Bar | % y-axis values'), ('line', 'Line | millions/billions y-axis values'), ('line-index', 'Line-Index | integer y-axis values'), ('tile_map', 'Tile Map | grid-like USA map')]}), 89: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('blue', 'Blue'), ('gold', 'Gold'), ('green', 'Green'), ('navy', 'Navy'), ('neutral', 'Neutral'), ('purple', 'Purple'), ('teal', 'Teal')], 'help_text': 'Chart\'s color scheme. See "".', 'required': False}), 90: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Location of the chart\'s data source relative to "". For example,"consumer-credit-trends/auto-loans/num_data_AUT.csv".', 'required': True}), 91: ('wagtail.blocks.DateBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Automatically generated when CCT cron job runs'}), 92: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Briefly summarize the chart for visually impaired users.', 'required': True}), 93: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add a horizontal rule line to top of chart block.', 'required': False}), 94: ('wagtail.blocks.DateBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Month of latest entry in dataset'}), 95: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Optional metadata for the chart to use. For example, with CCT this would be the chart\'s "group".', 'required': False}), 96: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Text to display as a footnote. For example, "Data from the last six months are not final."', 'required': False}), 97: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Custom y-axis label. NOTE: Line-Index chart y-axis is not overridable with this field!', 'required': False}), 98: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('title', 49), ('chart_type', 88), ('color_scheme', 89), ('data_source', 90), ('date_published', 91), ('description', 92), ('has_top_rule_line', 93), ('last_updated_projected_data', 94), ('metadata', 95), ('note', 96), ('y_axis_label', 97)]], {}), 99: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'form_classname': 'title', 'required': True}), 100: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Chart summary for visually impaired users.', 'required': False}), 101: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Text for "Note" section of footnotes.', 'required': False}), 102: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content_block', 1), ('title', 99), ('description', 100), ('note', 101), ('has_top_rule_line', 93)]], {}), 103: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this box to allow the archival section to display. No section will appear if there are no archival downloads.', 'required': False}), 104: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('show_archives', 103)]], {}), 105: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Market identifier, e.g. AUT', 'max_length': 20, 'required': True}), 106: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Number of originations, e.g. 1.2 million', 'max_length': 20}), 107: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Total dollar value of originations, e.g. $3.4 billion', 'max_length': 20}), 108: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Percentage change, e.g. 5.6% increase', 'max_length': 20}), 109: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Descriptive sentence, e.g. Auto loans originated', 'max_length': 100}), 110: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Descriptive sentence, e.g. Dollar volume of new loans', 'max_length': 100}), 111: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Descriptive sentence, e.g. In year-over-year originations', 'max_length': 100}), 112: ('wagtail.blocks.DateBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Month of latest entry in dataset for inquiry data', 'max_length': 20, 'required': False}), 113: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Percentage change, e.g. 5.6% increase', 'max_length': 20, 'required': False}), 114: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Descriptive sentence, e.g. In year-over-year inquiries', 'max_length': 100, 'required': False}), 115: ('wagtail.blocks.DateBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Month of latest entry in dataset for credit tightness data', 'max_length': 20, 'required': False}), 116: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Descriptive sentence, e.g. In year-over-year credit tightness', 'max_length': 100, 'required': False}), 117: ('wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock', (), {'icon': 'image', 'required': False}), 118: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('market_key', 105), ('num_originations', 106), ('value_originations', 107), ('year_over_year_change', 108), ('last_updated_projected_data', 94), ('num_originations_text', 109), ('value_originations_text', 110), ('year_over_year_change_text', 111), ('inquiry_month', 112), ('inquiry_year_over_year_change', 113), ('inquiry_year_over_year_change_text', 114), ('tightness_month', 115), ('tightness_year_over_year_change', 113), ('tightness_year_over_year_change_text', 116), ('image', 117)]], {}), 119: ('jobmanager.blocks.JobListingTable', (), {}), 120: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Short description for a checkbox item'}), 121: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Deeper explanation of the item', 'required': False}), 122: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('item', 120), ('details', 121)]], {}), 123: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (122,), {}), 124: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('checklist', 123)]], {}), 125: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add a horizontal rule line to top of FAQ group.', 'required': False}), 126: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to show horizontal rule lines between FAQ items.', 'label': 'Show rule lines between items', 'required': False}), 127: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('h2', 'h2'), ('h3', 'h3'), ('h4', 'h4'), ('p', 'p')], 'help_text': 'HTML tag for questions.'}), 128: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'blank': True, 'help_text': "Add an optional anchor link tag for this question. Tag should be unique and use dashes or underscores for separation instead of spaces (ie, 'question-one-tag')", 'max_length': 500, 'required': False}), 129: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'max_length': 500}), 130: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('full_width_text', 37), ('info_unit_group', 48)]], {}), 131: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('anchor_tag', 128), ('question', 129), ('answer', 130)]], {}), 132: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (131,), {'label': 'FAQ items'}), 133: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('has_top_rule_line', 125), ('lines_between_items', 126), ('question_tag', 127), ('faq_items', 132)]], {})})),
+                ('secondary_nav_exclude_sibling_pages', models.BooleanField(default=False, help_text="Don't show siblings of this page in the left navigation.")),
+                ('share_and_print', models.BooleanField(default=False, help_text='Include share and print buttons above page content.')),
+                ('navigation_label', models.CharField(blank=True, help_text='Optional short label for left navigation.', max_length=100, null=True)),
+            ],
+            options={
+                'abstract': False,
+            },
+            bases=('v1.cfgovpage',),
+        ),
+        migrations.CreateModel(
+            name='DocumentDetailPage',
+            fields=[
+                ('abstractfilterpage_ptr', models.OneToOneField(auto_created=True, on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.CASCADE, parent_link=True, primary_key=True, serialize=False, to='v1.abstractfilterpage')),
+                ('content', wagtail.fields.StreamField([('full_width_text', 37), ('expandable', 51), ('expandable_group', 56), ('notification', 61), ('simple_chart', 78), ('table', 22), ('crc_table', 80), ('case_docket_table', 82)], blank=True, block_lookup={0: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'icon': 'edit'}), 1: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {}), 2: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': '\n            ID will be auto-generated on save.\n            However, you may enter some human-friendly text that\n            will be incorporated to make it easier to read.\n        ', 'label': 'ID for this content block', 'required': False}), 3: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('link_id', 2)]], {}), 4: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content_block', 1), ('anchor_link', 3)]], {}), 5: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'required': False}), 6: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('h2', 'H2'), ('h3', 'H3'), ('h4', 'H4'), ('h5', 'H5')]}), 7: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Input the name of an icon to appear to the left of the heading. E.g., approved, help-round, etc. <a href="">See full list of icons</a>', 'required': False}), 8: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 5), ('level', 6), ('icon', 7)]], {'required': False}), 9: ('wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock', (), {'required': False}), 10: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': "No character limit, but be as succinct as possible. If the image is decorative (i.e., a screenreader wouldn't have anything useful to say about it), leave this field blank.", 'required': False}), 11: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('upload', 9), ('alt', 10)]], {}), 12: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('full', 'Full width'), (470, '470px'), (270, '270px'), (170, '170px')]}), 13: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('right', 'right'), ('left', 'left')], 'help_text': 'Does not apply if the image is full-width'}), 14: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'label': 'Caption', 'required': False}), 15: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'Check to add a horizontal rule line to bottom of inset.', 'label': 'Has bottom rule line', 'required': False}), 16: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('image', 11), ('image_width', 12), ('image_position', 13), ('text', 14), ('is_bottom_rule', 15)]], {}), 17: ('wagtail.blocks.MultipleChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('is_full_width', 'Display the table at full width'), ('stack_on_mobile', 'Stack the table columns on mobile')], 'required': False}), 18: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {}), 19: ('wagtail.blocks.FloatBlock', (), {}), 20: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'features': ['bold', 'italic', 'ol', 'ul', 'link', 'document-link', 'superscript']}), 21: ('wagtail.contrib.typed_table_block.blocks.TypedTableBlock', [[('text', 18), ('numeric', 19), ('rich_text', 20)]], {}), 22: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 8), ('options', 17), ('data', 21)]], {}), 23: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {}), 24: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'required': False}), 25: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('body', 23), ('citation', 24)]], {}), 26: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'required': False}), 27: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Add an ARIA label if the link text does not describe the destination of the link (e.g. has ambiguous text like "Learn more" that is not descriptive on its own).', 'required': False}), 28: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'default': '/', 'required': False}), 29: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 5), ('aria_label', 27), ('url', 28)]], {}), 30: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('slug_text', 5), ('paragraph_text', 26), ('button', 29)]], {}), 31: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (29,), {}), 32: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 5), ('paragraph', 26), ('links', 31)]], {}), 33: ('v1.blocks.ReusableTextChooserBlock', ('v1.ReusableText',), {}), 34: ('v1.blocks.EmailSignUpChooserBlock', (), {}), 35: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'label': 'Well', 'required': False}), 36: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content', 35)]], {}), 37: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('content', 0), ('content_with_anchor', 4), ('heading', 8), ('image', 16), ('table', 22), ('quote', 25), ('cta', 30), ('related_links', 32), ('reusable_text', 33), ('email_signup', 34), ('well', 36)]], {}), 38: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'required': False}), 39: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('50-50', '50/50'), ('33-33-33', '33/33/33'), ('25-75', '25/75')], 'help_text': 'Choose the number and width of info unit columns.', 'label': 'Format'}), 40: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': "Check this to link all images and headings to the URL of the first link in their unit's list, if there is a link.", 'required': False}), 41: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add a horizontal rule line to top of info unit group.', 'required': False}), 42: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to show horizontal rule lines between info units.', 'label': 'Show rule lines between items', 'required': False}), 43: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('none', 'None'), ('rounded', 'Rounded corners'), ('circle', 'Circle')], 'help_text': 'Adds a <em>border-radius</em> class to images in this group, allowing for a rounded or circular border.', 'label': 'Border radius for images?', 'required': False}), 44: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 5), ('level', 6), ('icon', 7)]], {'default': {'level': 'h3'}, 'required': False}), 45: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'blank': True, 'required': False}), 46: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (29,), {'required': False}), 47: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('image', 11), ('heading', 44), ('body', 45), ('links', 46)]], {}), 48: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (47,), {'default': []}), 49: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('format', 39), ('heading', 8), ('intro', 26), ('link_image_and_heading', 40), ('has_top_rule_line', 41), ('lines_between_items', 42), ('border_radius_image', 43), ('info_units', 48)]], {}), 50: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('paragraph', 26), ('well', 36), ('links', 29), ('info_unit_group', 49)]], {'blank': True}), 51: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('label', 5), ('is_bordered', 38), ('is_midtone', 38), ('is_expanded', 38), ('content', 50)]], {}), 52: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Added as an <code>&lt;h3&gt;</code> at the top of this block. Also adds a wrapping <code>&lt;div&gt;</code> whose <code>id</code> attribute comes from a slugified version of this heading, creating an anchor that can be used when linking to this part of the page.', 'required': False}), 53: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add a horizontal rule line to top of expandable group.', 'required': False}), 54: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add FAQ schema markup to expandables.', 'label': 'Uses FAQ schema', 'required': False}), 55: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (51,), {}), 56: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 52), ('body', 26), ('is_accordion', 38), ('has_top_rule_line', 53), ('is_faq', 54), ('expandables', 55)]], {}), 57: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('information', 'Information'), ('warning', 'Warning')]}), 58: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'The main notification message to display.', 'required': True}), 59: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Explanation text appears below the message in smaller type.', 'required': False}), 60: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (29,), {'help_text': 'Links appear on their own lines below the explanation.', 'required': False}), 61: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('type', 57), ('message', 58), ('explanation', 59), ('links', 60)]], {}), 62: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'required': True}), 63: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Accessible description of the chart content', 'required': True}), 64: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('bar', 'Bar'), ('datetime', 'Date/time'), ('line', 'Line'), ('tilemap', 'Tile grid map')]}), 65: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': "URL of the chart's data source or an array of JSON data", 'required': True, 'rows': 2}), 66: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'For charts pulling from a separate source file, include a list of the column headers (from a CSV file) or keys (from a JSON file) to include in the chart as  ["HEADER/KEY1", "HEADER/KEY2"]. To change how the data is labeled in the chart, include the correct labels with the format [{"key": "HEADER/KEY1", "label": "NEWLABEL"}, {"key": "HEADER/KEY2", "label": "NEWLABEL2"}]', 'required': False}), 67: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'Uncheck this option to initially only show the first data  series in the chart. Leave checked to show all data  series by default. Users can always turn data series on  or off by interacting with the chart legend. ', 'required': False}), 68: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'The column header (CSV), key or data array (JSON) to include as the source of x-axis values.', 'required': False}), 69: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Name the javascript function in chart-hooks.js to run on the provided data before handing it to the chart', 'required': False}), 70: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'If the chart needs the option for users to filter the data shown, for example by date or geographic region, provide the JSON objects to filter on, in the format  {key: "KEY", "label": "LABEL"}', 'required': False}), 71: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'A JSON object with style overrides for the underlying Highcharts chart. No object merging is done, nested objects should be referenced with dot notation: {"tooltip.shape": "circle"}', 'required': False}), 72: ('wagtail.blocks.IntegerBlock', (), {'blank': True, 'help_text': 'A number to determine how many months of the data are projected values', 'max_value': 12, 'min_value': 0, 'null': True, 'required': False}), 73: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Attribution for the data source', 'required': False}), 74: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'When the underlying data was published', 'required': False}), 75: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Custom text for the chart download field. Required to display a download link.', 'required': False}), 76: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Location of a file to download, if different from the data source', 'required': False}), 77: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'General chart information', 'required': False}), 78: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('title', 62), ('subtitle', 24), ('description', 63), ('figure_number', 5), ('chart_type', 64), ('data_source', 65), ('data_series', 66), ('show_all_series_by_default', 67), ('x_axis_source', 68), ('transform', 69), ('x_axis_label', 5), ('y_axis_label', 5), ('filters', 70), ('style_overrides', 71), ('projected_months', 72), ('source_credits', 73), ('date_published', 74), ('download_text', 75), ('download_file', 76), ('notes', 77)]], {}), 79: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'features': ['bold', 'italic', 'link']}), 80: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('website', 79), ('phone', 79), ('mailing_address', 79)]], {}), 81: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (v1.atomic_elements.tables.CaseDocketEvent,), {'collapsed': True, 'min_num': 1}), 82: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('events', 81)]], {})})),
+            ],
+            options={
+                'abstract': False,
+            },
+            bases=('v1.abstractfilterpage',),
+        ),
+        migrations.CreateModel(
+            name='LearnPage',
+            fields=[
+                ('abstractfilterpage_ptr', models.OneToOneField(auto_created=True, on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.CASCADE, parent_link=True, primary_key=True, serialize=False, to='v1.abstractfilterpage')),
+                ('content', wagtail.fields.StreamField([('full_width_text', 37), ('info_unit_group', 48), ('expandable_group', 56), ('expandable', 54), ('well', 36), ('call_to_action', 30), ('video_player', 59), ('audio_player', 62), ('email_signup', 34), ('simple_chart', 79), ('table', 22), ('faq_group', 88), ('contact_us_table', 90)], blank=True, block_lookup={0: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'icon': 'edit'}), 1: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {}), 2: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': '\n            ID will be auto-generated on save.\n            However, you may enter some human-friendly text that\n            will be incorporated to make it easier to read.\n        ', 'label': 'ID for this content block', 'required': False}), 3: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('link_id', 2)]], {}), 4: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content_block', 1), ('anchor_link', 3)]], {}), 5: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'required': False}), 6: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('h2', 'H2'), ('h3', 'H3'), ('h4', 'H4'), ('h5', 'H5')]}), 7: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Input the name of an icon to appear to the left of the heading. E.g., approved, help-round, etc. <a href="">See full list of icons</a>', 'required': False}), 8: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 5), ('level', 6), ('icon', 7)]], {'required': False}), 9: ('wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock', (), {'required': False}), 10: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': "No character limit, but be as succinct as possible. If the image is decorative (i.e., a screenreader wouldn't have anything useful to say about it), leave this field blank.", 'required': False}), 11: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('upload', 9), ('alt', 10)]], {}), 12: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('full', 'Full width'), (470, '470px'), (270, '270px'), (170, '170px')]}), 13: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('right', 'right'), ('left', 'left')], 'help_text': 'Does not apply if the image is full-width'}), 14: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'label': 'Caption', 'required': False}), 15: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'Check to add a horizontal rule line to bottom of inset.', 'label': 'Has bottom rule line', 'required': False}), 16: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('image', 11), ('image_width', 12), ('image_position', 13), ('text', 14), ('is_bottom_rule', 15)]], {}), 17: ('wagtail.blocks.MultipleChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('is_full_width', 'Display the table at full width'), ('stack_on_mobile', 'Stack the table columns on mobile')], 'required': False}), 18: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {}), 19: ('wagtail.blocks.FloatBlock', (), {}), 20: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'features': ['bold', 'italic', 'ol', 'ul', 'link', 'document-link', 'superscript']}), 21: ('wagtail.contrib.typed_table_block.blocks.TypedTableBlock', [[('text', 18), ('numeric', 19), ('rich_text', 20)]], {}), 22: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 8), ('options', 17), ('data', 21)]], {}), 23: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {}), 24: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'required': False}), 25: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('body', 23), ('citation', 24)]], {}), 26: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'required': False}), 27: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Add an ARIA label if the link text does not describe the destination of the link (e.g. has ambiguous text like "Learn more" that is not descriptive on its own).', 'required': False}), 28: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'default': '/', 'required': False}), 29: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 5), ('aria_label', 27), ('url', 28)]], {}), 30: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('slug_text', 5), ('paragraph_text', 26), ('button', 29)]], {}), 31: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (29,), {}), 32: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 5), ('paragraph', 26), ('links', 31)]], {}), 33: ('v1.blocks.ReusableTextChooserBlock', ('v1.ReusableText',), {}), 34: ('v1.blocks.EmailSignUpChooserBlock', (), {}), 35: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'label': 'Well', 'required': False}), 36: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content', 35)]], {}), 37: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('content', 0), ('content_with_anchor', 4), ('heading', 8), ('image', 16), ('table', 22), ('quote', 25), ('cta', 30), ('related_links', 32), ('reusable_text', 33), ('email_signup', 34), ('well', 36)]], {}), 38: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('50-50', '50/50'), ('33-33-33', '33/33/33'), ('25-75', '25/75')], 'help_text': 'Choose the number and width of info unit columns.', 'label': 'Format'}), 39: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': "Check this to link all images and headings to the URL of the first link in their unit's list, if there is a link.", 'required': False}), 40: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add a horizontal rule line to top of info unit group.', 'required': False}), 41: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to show horizontal rule lines between info units.', 'label': 'Show rule lines between items', 'required': False}), 42: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('none', 'None'), ('rounded', 'Rounded corners'), ('circle', 'Circle')], 'help_text': 'Adds a <em>border-radius</em> class to images in this group, allowing for a rounded or circular border.', 'label': 'Border radius for images?', 'required': False}), 43: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 5), ('level', 6), ('icon', 7)]], {'default': {'level': 'h3'}, 'required': False}), 44: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'blank': True, 'required': False}), 45: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (29,), {'required': False}), 46: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('image', 11), ('heading', 43), ('body', 44), ('links', 45)]], {}), 47: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (46,), {'default': []}), 48: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('format', 38), ('heading', 8), ('intro', 26), ('link_image_and_heading', 39), ('has_top_rule_line', 40), ('lines_between_items', 41), ('border_radius_image', 42), ('info_units', 47)]], {}), 49: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Added as an <code>&lt;h3&gt;</code> at the top of this block. Also adds a wrapping <code>&lt;div&gt;</code> whose <code>id</code> attribute comes from a slugified version of this heading, creating an anchor that can be used when linking to this part of the page.', 'required': False}), 50: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'required': False}), 51: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add a horizontal rule line to top of expandable group.', 'required': False}), 52: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add FAQ schema markup to expandables.', 'label': 'Uses FAQ schema', 'required': False}), 53: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('paragraph', 26), ('well', 36), ('links', 29), ('info_unit_group', 48)]], {'blank': True}), 54: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('label', 5), ('is_bordered', 50), ('is_midtone', 50), ('is_expanded', 50), ('content', 53)]], {}), 55: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (54,), {}), 56: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 49), ('body', 26), ('is_accordion', 50), ('has_top_rule_line', 51), ('is_faq', 52), ('expandables', 55)]], {}), 57: ('wagtail.blocks.RegexBlock', (), {'error_messages': {'invalid': 'The YouTube video ID is in the wrong format.'}, 'help_text': 'Enter the YouTube video ID, which is located at the end of the video URL, after "v=". For example, the video ID for is 1V0Ax9OIc84.', 'label': 'YouTube video ID', 'regex': '^[\\w-]{11}$', 'required': False}), 58: ('wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Optional thumbnail image to show before and after the video plays. If the thumbnail image is not set here, the video player will default to showing the thumbnail that was set in (or automatically chosen by) YouTube.', 'required': False}), 59: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('video_id', 57), ('thumbnail_image', 58)]], {}), 60: ('wagtailmedia.blocks.AbstractMediaChooserBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Spoken word audio files should be in MP3 format with a 44.1 kHz sample rate, 96 kbps (CBR) bitrate, in mono. See <a href="">Libsyn’s guidance</a> for details. Note that the thumbnail and tag fields will not be used for audio files.'}), 61: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'If you have anything you want to appear below the audio player, such as a download link, put it in this field.', 'required': False}), 62: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 8), ('body', 26), ('audio_file', 60), ('additional_details', 61)]], {}), 63: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'required': True}), 64: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Accessible description of the chart content', 'required': True}), 65: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('bar', 'Bar'), ('datetime', 'Date/time'), ('line', 'Line'), ('tilemap', 'Tile grid map')]}), 66: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': "URL of the chart's data source or an array of JSON data", 'required': True, 'rows': 2}), 67: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'For charts pulling from a separate source file, include a list of the column headers (from a CSV file) or keys (from a JSON file) to include in the chart as  ["HEADER/KEY1", "HEADER/KEY2"]. To change how the data is labeled in the chart, include the correct labels with the format [{"key": "HEADER/KEY1", "label": "NEWLABEL"}, {"key": "HEADER/KEY2", "label": "NEWLABEL2"}]', 'required': False}), 68: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'Uncheck this option to initially only show the first data  series in the chart. Leave checked to show all data  series by default. Users can always turn data series on  or off by interacting with the chart legend. ', 'required': False}), 69: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'The column header (CSV), key or data array (JSON) to include as the source of x-axis values.', 'required': False}), 70: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Name the javascript function in chart-hooks.js to run on the provided data before handing it to the chart', 'required': False}), 71: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'If the chart needs the option for users to filter the data shown, for example by date or geographic region, provide the JSON objects to filter on, in the format  {key: "KEY", "label": "LABEL"}', 'required': False}), 72: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'A JSON object with style overrides for the underlying Highcharts chart. No object merging is done, nested objects should be referenced with dot notation: {"tooltip.shape": "circle"}', 'required': False}), 73: ('wagtail.blocks.IntegerBlock', (), {'blank': True, 'help_text': 'A number to determine how many months of the data are projected values', 'max_value': 12, 'min_value': 0, 'null': True, 'required': False}), 74: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Attribution for the data source', 'required': False}), 75: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'When the underlying data was published', 'required': False}), 76: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Custom text for the chart download field. Required to display a download link.', 'required': False}), 77: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Location of a file to download, if different from the data source', 'required': False}), 78: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'General chart information', 'required': False}), 79: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('title', 63), ('subtitle', 24), ('description', 64), ('figure_number', 5), ('chart_type', 65), ('data_source', 66), ('data_series', 67), ('show_all_series_by_default', 68), ('x_axis_source', 69), ('transform', 70), ('x_axis_label', 5), ('y_axis_label', 5), ('filters', 71), ('style_overrides', 72), ('projected_months', 73), ('source_credits', 74), ('date_published', 75), ('download_text', 76), ('download_file', 77), ('notes', 78)]], {}), 80: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add a horizontal rule line to top of FAQ group.', 'required': False}), 81: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to show horizontal rule lines between FAQ items.', 'label': 'Show rule lines between items', 'required': False}), 82: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('h2', 'h2'), ('h3', 'h3'), ('h4', 'h4'), ('p', 'p')], 'help_text': 'HTML tag for questions.'}), 83: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'blank': True, 'help_text': "Add an optional anchor link tag for this question. Tag should be unique and use dashes or underscores for separation instead of spaces (ie, 'question-one-tag')", 'max_length': 500, 'required': False}), 84: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'max_length': 500}), 85: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('full_width_text', 37), ('info_unit_group', 48)]], {}), 86: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('anchor_tag', 83), ('question', 84), ('answer', 85)]], {}), 87: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (86,), {'label': 'FAQ items'}), 88: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('has_top_rule_line', 80), ('lines_between_items', 81), ('question_tag', 82), ('faq_items', 87)]], {}), 89: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (v1.atomic_elements.tables.ContactUsRow,), {'collapsed': True, 'min_num': 1}), 90: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 18), ('rows', 89)]], {})})),
+            ],
+            options={
+                'abstract': False,
+            },
+            bases=('v1.abstractfilterpage',),
+        ),
+        migrations.CreateModel(
+            name='CFGOVRendition',
+            fields=[
+                ('id', models.BigAutoField(auto_created=True, primary_key=True, serialize=False, verbose_name='ID')),
+                ('filter_spec', models.CharField(db_index=True, max_length=255)),
+                ('file', wagtail.images.models.WagtailImageField(height_field='height', upload_to=wagtail.images.models.get_rendition_upload_to, width_field='width')),
+                ('width', models.IntegerField(editable=False)),
+                ('height', models.IntegerField(editable=False)),
+                ('focal_point_key', models.CharField(blank=True, default='', editable=False, max_length=16)),
+                ('image', models.ForeignKey(on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.CASCADE, related_name='renditions', to='v1.cfgovimage')),
+            ],
+            options={
+                'unique_together': {('image', 'filter_spec', 'focal_point_key')},
+            },
+        ),
+        migrations.CreateModel(
+            name='EventPage',
+            fields=[
+                ('abstractfilterpage_ptr', models.OneToOneField(auto_created=True, on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.CASCADE, parent_link=True, primary_key=True, serialize=False, to='v1.abstractfilterpage')),
+                ('body', wagtail.fields.RichTextField(blank=True, verbose_name='Subheading')),
+                ('archive_body', wagtail.fields.RichTextField(blank=True)),
+                ('live_body', wagtail.fields.RichTextField(blank=True)),
+                ('persistent_body', wagtail.fields.StreamField([('content', 0), ('content_with_anchor', 4), ('heading', 8), ('image', 16), ('table', 22), ('reusable_text', 23)], blank=True, block_lookup={0: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'icon': 'edit'}), 1: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {}), 2: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': '\n            ID will be auto-generated on save.\n            However, you may enter some human-friendly text that\n            will be incorporated to make it easier to read.\n        ', 'label': 'ID for this content block', 'required': False}), 3: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('link_id', 2)]], {}), 4: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content_block', 1), ('anchor_link', 3)]], {}), 5: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'required': False}), 6: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('h2', 'H2'), ('h3', 'H3'), ('h4', 'H4'), ('h5', 'H5')]}), 7: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Input the name of an icon to appear to the left of the heading. E.g., approved, help-round, etc. <a href="">See full list of icons</a>', 'required': False}), 8: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 5), ('level', 6), ('icon', 7)]], {'required': False}), 9: ('wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock', (), {'required': False}), 10: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': "No character limit, but be as succinct as possible. If the image is decorative (i.e., a screenreader wouldn't have anything useful to say about it), leave this field blank.", 'required': False}), 11: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('upload', 9), ('alt', 10)]], {}), 12: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('full', 'Full width'), (470, '470px'), (270, '270px'), (170, '170px')]}), 13: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('right', 'right'), ('left', 'left')], 'help_text': 'Does not apply if the image is full-width'}), 14: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'label': 'Caption', 'required': False}), 15: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'Check to add a horizontal rule line to bottom of inset.', 'label': 'Has bottom rule line', 'required': False}), 16: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('image', 11), ('image_width', 12), ('image_position', 13), ('text', 14), ('is_bottom_rule', 15)]], {}), 17: ('wagtail.blocks.MultipleChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('is_full_width', 'Display the table at full width'), ('stack_on_mobile', 'Stack the table columns on mobile')], 'required': False}), 18: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {}), 19: ('wagtail.blocks.FloatBlock', (), {}), 20: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'features': ['bold', 'italic', 'ol', 'ul', 'link', 'document-link', 'superscript']}), 21: ('wagtail.contrib.typed_table_block.blocks.TypedTableBlock', [[('text', 18), ('numeric', 19), ('rich_text', 20)]], {}), 22: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 8), ('options', 17), ('data', 21)]], {}), 23: ('v1.blocks.ReusableTextChooserBlock', ('v1.ReusableText',), {})})),
+                ('start_dt', models.DateTimeField(verbose_name='Start')),
+                ('end_dt', models.DateTimeField(blank=True, null=True, verbose_name='End')),
+                ('future_body', wagtail.fields.RichTextField(blank=True)),
+                ('live_stream_availability', models.BooleanField(blank=True, default=False, help_text='Check if this event will be streamed live. This causes the event page to show the parts necessary for live streaming.', verbose_name='Streaming?')),
+                ('live_stream_date', models.DateTimeField(blank=True, help_text='Enter the date and time that the page should switch from showing the venue image to showing the live video feed. This is typically 15 minutes prior to the event start time.', null=True, verbose_name='Go Live Date')),
+                ('venue_coords', models.CharField(blank=True, max_length=100)),
+                ('venue_name', models.CharField(blank=True, max_length=100)),
+                ('venue_street', models.CharField(blank=True, max_length=100)),
+                ('venue_suite', models.CharField(blank=True, max_length=100)),
+                ('venue_city', models.CharField(blank=True, max_length=100)),
+                ('venue_state',, max_length=2)),
+                ('venue_zipcode', models.CharField(blank=True, max_length=12)),
+                ('venue_image_type', models.CharField(choices=[('map', 'Map'), ('image', 'Image (selected below)'), ('none', 'No map or image')], default='map', help_text='If "Image" is chosen here, you must select the image you want below. It should be sized to 1416x796.', max_length=8)),
+                ('post_event_image_type', models.CharField(choices=[('placeholder', 'Placeholder image'), ('image', 'Unique image (selected below)')], default='placeholder', help_text='Choose what to display after an event concludes. This will be overridden by embedded video if the "YouTube video ID (archive)" field on the previous tab is populated. If "Unique image" is chosen here, you must select the image you want below. It should be sized to 1416x796.', max_length=16, verbose_name='Post-event image type')),
+                ('agenda_items', wagtail.fields.StreamField([('item', 7)], blank=True, block_lookup={0: ('wagtail.blocks.TimeBlock', (), {'label': 'Start', 'required': False}), 1: ('wagtail.blocks.TimeBlock', (), {'label': 'End', 'required': False}), 2: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'max_length': 100, 'required': False}), 3: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'required': False}), 4: ('wagtail.blocks.URLBlock', (), {'required': False}), 5: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('name', 3), ('url', 4)]], {'icon': 'user', 'required': False}), 6: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (5,), {}), 7: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('start_time', 0), ('end_time', 1), ('description', 2), ('location', 2), ('speakers', 6)]], {})})),
+                ('archive_image', models.ForeignKey(blank=True, null=True, on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.SET_NULL, related_name='+', to='wagtailimages.image')),
+                ('post_event_image', models.ForeignKey(blank=True, null=True, on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.SET_NULL, related_name='+', to='v1.cfgovimage')),
+                ('venue_image', models.ForeignKey(blank=True, null=True, on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.SET_NULL, related_name='+', to='v1.cfgovimage')),
+                ('archive_video_id', models.CharField(blank=True, help_text='Enter the YouTube video ID, which is located at the end of the video URL, after "v=". For example, the video ID for is 1V0Ax9OIc84.', max_length=11, null=True, validators=[django.core.validators.RegexValidator(regex='^[\\w-]{11}$')], verbose_name='YouTube video ID (archive)')),
+                ('live_video_id', models.CharField(blank=True, help_text='Enter the YouTube video ID, which is located at the end of the video URL, after "v=". For example, the video ID for is 1V0Ax9OIc84.', max_length=11, null=True, validators=[django.core.validators.RegexValidator(regex='^[\\w-]{11}$')], verbose_name='YouTube video ID (live)')),
+            ],
+            options={
+                'abstract': False,
+            },
+            bases=('v1.abstractfilterpage',),
+        ),
+        migrations.CreateModel(
+            name='LandingPage',
+            fields=[
+                ('cfgovpage_ptr', models.OneToOneField(auto_created=True, on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.CASCADE, parent_link=True, primary_key=True, serialize=False, to='v1.cfgovpage')),
+                ('header', wagtail.fields.StreamField([('hero', 8), ('text_introduction', 17)], blank=True, block_lookup={0: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'For guidelines on creating heroes, visit our <a href="">Design System</a>. Character counts (including spaces) at largest breakpoint:<ul class="help">    <li>&bull; 41 characters max (one-line heading)</li>    <li>&bull; 82 characters max (two-line heading)</li></ul>', 'required': False}), 1: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Character counts (including spaces) at largest breakpoint:<ul class="help">    <li>&bull; 165-186 characters (after a one-line heading)</li>    <li>&bull; 108-124 characters (after a two-line heading)</li></ul>', 'label': 'Sub-heading', 'required': False}), 2: ('wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock', (), {'help_text': 'When saving illustrations, use a transparent background. ', 'label': 'Large image', 'required': False}), 3: ('wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock', (), {'help_text': '<b>Optional.</b> Provides an alternate image for small displays when using a photo or bleeding hero. Not required for the standard illustration. ', 'required': False}), 4: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Specify a hex value (including the # sign) from our <a href="">official color palette</a>.', 'required': False}), 5: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'help_text': '<b>Optional.</b> Turns the hero text white. Useful if using a dark background color or background image.', 'label': 'White text', 'required': False}), 6: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'help_text': '<b>Optional.</b> Uses the large image as a background under the entire hero, creating the "Photo" style of hero (see <a href="">Design System</a> for details). When using this option, make sure to specify a background color (above) for the left/right margins that appear when screens are wider than 1200px and for the text section when the photo and text stack at mobile sizes.', 'label': 'Photo', 'required': False}), 7: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'help_text': '<b>Optional.</b> Select if you want the illustration to bleed vertically off the top and bottom of the hero space.', 'label': 'Bleed', 'required': False}), 8: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 0), ('body', 1), ('image', 2), ('small_image', 3), ('background_color', 4), ('is_white_text', 5), ('is_overlay', 6), ('is_bleeding', 7)]], {}), 9: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Optional: Adds an H5 eyebrow above H1 heading text. Only use in conjunction with heading.', 'label': 'Pre-heading', 'required': False}), 10: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'required': False}), 11: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'required': False}), 12: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Add an ARIA label if the link text does not describe the destination of the link (e.g. has ambiguous text like "Learn more" that is not descriptive on its own).', 'required': False}), 13: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'default': '/', 'required': False}), 14: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 10), ('aria_label', 12), ('url', 13)]], {}), 15: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (14,), {'required': False}), 16: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Check this to add a horizontal rule line to bottom of text introduction.', 'label': 'Has bottom rule', 'required': False}), 17: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('eyebrow', 9), ('heading', 10), ('intro', 11), ('body', 11), ('links', 15), ('has_rule', 16)]], {})})),
+                ('content', wagtail.fields.StreamField([('info_unit_group', 21), ('well', 23)], blank=True, block_lookup={0: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('50-50', '50/50'), ('33-33-33', '33/33/33'), ('25-75', '25/75')], 'help_text': 'Choose the number and width of info unit columns.', 'label': 'Format'}), 1: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'required': False}), 2: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('h2', 'H2'), ('h3', 'H3'), ('h4', 'H4'), ('h5', 'H5')]}), 3: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Input the name of an icon to appear to the left of the heading. E.g., approved, help-round, etc. <a href="">See full list of icons</a>', 'required': False}), 4: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 1), ('level', 2), ('icon', 3)]], {'required': False}), 5: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'required': False}), 6: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': "Check this to link all images and headings to the URL of the first link in their unit's list, if there is a link.", 'required': False}), 7: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add a horizontal rule line to top of info unit group.', 'required': False}), 8: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to show horizontal rule lines between info units.', 'label': 'Show rule lines between items', 'required': False}), 9: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('none', 'None'), ('rounded', 'Rounded corners'), ('circle', 'Circle')], 'help_text': 'Adds a <em>border-radius</em> class to images in this group, allowing for a rounded or circular border.', 'label': 'Border radius for images?', 'required': False}), 10: ('wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock', (), {'required': False}), 11: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': "No character limit, but be as succinct as possible. If the image is decorative (i.e., a screenreader wouldn't have anything useful to say about it), leave this field blank.", 'required': False}), 12: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('upload', 10), ('alt', 11)]], {}), 13: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 1), ('level', 2), ('icon', 3)]], {'default': {'level': 'h3'}, 'required': False}), 14: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'blank': True, 'required': False}), 15: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Add an ARIA label if the link text does not describe the destination of the link (e.g. has ambiguous text like "Learn more" that is not descriptive on its own).', 'required': False}), 16: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'default': '/', 'required': False}), 17: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 1), ('aria_label', 15), ('url', 16)]], {}), 18: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (17,), {'required': False}), 19: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('image', 12), ('heading', 13), ('body', 14), ('links', 18)]], {}), 20: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (19,), {'default': []}), 21: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('format', 0), ('heading', 4), ('intro', 5), ('link_image_and_heading', 6), ('has_top_rule_line', 7), ('lines_between_items', 8), ('border_radius_image', 9), ('info_units', 20)]], {}), 22: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'label': 'Well', 'required': False}), 23: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content', 22)]], {})})),
+            ],
+            options={
+                'abstract': False,
+            },
+            bases=('v1.cfgovpage',),
+        ),
+        migrations.CreateModel(
+            name='StoryPage',
+            fields=[
+                ('cfgovpage_ptr', models.OneToOneField(auto_created=True, on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.CASCADE, parent_link=True, primary_key=True, serialize=False, to='v1.cfgovpage')),
+                ('header', wagtail.fields.StreamField([('jumbo_hero', 7), ('features', 29)], blank=True, block_lookup={0: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'For guidelines on creating heroes, visit our <a href="">Design System</a>. Character counts (including spaces) at largest breakpoint:<ul class="help">    <li>&bull; 41 characters max (one-line heading)</li>    <li>&bull; 82 characters max (two-line heading)</li></ul>', 'required': False}), 1: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Character counts (including spaces) at largest breakpoint:<ul class="help">    <li>&bull; 165-186 characters (after a one-line heading)</li>    <li>&bull; 108-124 characters (after a two-line heading)</li></ul>', 'label': 'Sub-heading', 'required': False}), 2: ('wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock', (), {'help_text': 'When saving illustrations, use a transparent background. ', 'label': 'Large image', 'required': False}), 3: ('wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock', (), {'help_text': '<b>Optional.</b> Provides an alternate image for small displays when using a photo or bleeding hero. Not required for the standard illustration. ', 'required': False}), 4: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Specify a hex value (including the # sign) from our <a href="">official color palette</a>.', 'required': False}), 5: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'help_text': '<b>Optional.</b> Turns the hero text white. Useful if using a dark background color or background image.', 'label': 'White text', 'required': False}), 6: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'help_text': '<b>Optional.</b> Set both the hero text and image to 50% width, prevent the background color from appearing in the left/right margins of the hero, and also add a border to the hero area. Requires the uploaded large image to be 755px x 575px.', 'label': '50/50 layout', 'required': False}), 7: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 0), ('body', 1), ('image', 2), ('small_image', 3), ('background_color', 4), ('is_white_text', 5), ('is_50_50', 6)]], {}), 8: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('50-50', '50/50'), ('33-33-33', '33/33/33'), ('25-75', '25/75')], 'help_text': 'Choose the number and width of info unit columns.', 'label': 'Format'}), 9: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'required': False}), 10: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('h2', 'H2'), ('h3', 'H3'), ('h4', 'H4'), ('h5', 'H5')]}), 11: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Input the name of an icon to appear to the left of the heading. E.g., approved, help-round, etc. <a href="">See full list of icons</a>', 'required': False}), 12: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 9), ('level', 10), ('icon', 11)]], {'required': False}), 13: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'required': False}), 14: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': "Check this to link all images and headings to the URL of the first link in their unit's list, if there is a link.", 'required': False}), 15: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add a horizontal rule line to top of info unit group.', 'required': False}), 16: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to show horizontal rule lines between info units.', 'label': 'Show rule lines between items', 'required': False}), 17: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('none', 'None'), ('rounded', 'Rounded corners'), ('circle', 'Circle')], 'help_text': 'Adds a <em>border-radius</em> class to images in this group, allowing for a rounded or circular border.', 'label': 'Border radius for images?', 'required': False}), 18: ('wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock', (), {'required': False}), 19: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': "No character limit, but be as succinct as possible. If the image is decorative (i.e., a screenreader wouldn't have anything useful to say about it), leave this field blank.", 'required': False}), 20: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('upload', 18), ('alt', 19)]], {}), 21: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 9), ('level', 10), ('icon', 11)]], {'default': {'level': 'h3'}, 'required': False}), 22: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'blank': True, 'required': False}), 23: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Add an ARIA label if the link text does not describe the destination of the link (e.g. has ambiguous text like "Learn more" that is not descriptive on its own).', 'required': False}), 24: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'default': '/', 'required': False}), 25: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 9), ('aria_label', 23), ('url', 24)]], {}), 26: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (25,), {'required': False}), 27: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('image', 20), ('heading', 21), ('body', 22), ('links', 26)]], {}), 28: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (27,), {'default': []}), 29: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('format', 8), ('heading', 12), ('intro', 13), ('link_image_and_heading', 14), ('has_top_rule_line', 15), ('lines_between_items', 16), ('border_radius_image', 17), ('info_units', 28)]], {})})),
+                ('content', wagtail.fields.StreamField([('expandable_group', 31), ('featured_content', 40), ('full_width_text', 64), ('image', 50), ('info_unit_group', 27), ('text_introduction', 67), ('video_player', 68), ('simple_chart', 85)], blank=True, block_lookup={0: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Added as an <code>&lt;h3&gt;</code> at the top of this block. Also adds a wrapping <code>&lt;div&gt;</code> whose <code>id</code> attribute comes from a slugified version of this heading, creating an anchor that can be used when linking to this part of the page.', 'required': False}), 1: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'required': False}), 2: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'required': False}), 3: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add a horizontal rule line to top of expandable group.', 'required': False}), 4: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add FAQ schema markup to expandables.', 'label': 'Uses FAQ schema', 'required': False}), 5: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'required': False}), 6: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'label': 'Well', 'required': False}), 7: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content', 6)]], {}), 8: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Add an ARIA label if the link text does not describe the destination of the link (e.g. has ambiguous text like "Learn more" that is not descriptive on its own).', 'required': False}), 9: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'default': '/', 'required': False}), 10: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 5), ('aria_label', 8), ('url', 9)]], {}), 11: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('50-50', '50/50'), ('33-33-33', '33/33/33'), ('25-75', '25/75')], 'help_text': 'Choose the number and width of info unit columns.', 'label': 'Format'}), 12: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('h2', 'H2'), ('h3', 'H3'), ('h4', 'H4'), ('h5', 'H5')]}), 13: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Input the name of an icon to appear to the left of the heading. E.g., approved, help-round, etc. <a href="">See full list of icons</a>', 'required': False}), 14: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 5), ('level', 12), ('icon', 13)]], {'required': False}), 15: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': "Check this to link all images and headings to the URL of the first link in their unit's list, if there is a link.", 'required': False}), 16: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add a horizontal rule line to top of info unit group.', 'required': False}), 17: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to show horizontal rule lines between info units.', 'label': 'Show rule lines between items', 'required': False}), 18: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('none', 'None'), ('rounded', 'Rounded corners'), ('circle', 'Circle')], 'help_text': 'Adds a <em>border-radius</em> class to images in this group, allowing for a rounded or circular border.', 'label': 'Border radius for images?', 'required': False}), 19: ('wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock', (), {'required': False}), 20: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': "No character limit, but be as succinct as possible. If the image is decorative (i.e., a screenreader wouldn't have anything useful to say about it), leave this field blank.", 'required': False}), 21: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('upload', 19), ('alt', 20)]], {}), 22: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 5), ('level', 12), ('icon', 13)]], {'default': {'level': 'h3'}, 'required': False}), 23: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'blank': True, 'required': False}), 24: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (10,), {'required': False}), 25: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('image', 21), ('heading', 22), ('body', 23), ('links', 24)]], {}), 26: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (25,), {'default': []}), 27: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('format', 11), ('heading', 14), ('intro', 1), ('link_image_and_heading', 15), ('has_top_rule_line', 16), ('lines_between_items', 17), ('border_radius_image', 18), ('info_units', 26)]], {}), 28: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('paragraph', 1), ('well', 7), ('links', 10), ('info_unit_group', 27)]], {'blank': True}), 29: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('label', 5), ('is_bordered', 2), ('is_midtone', 2), ('is_expanded', 2), ('content', 28)]], {}), 30: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (29,), {}), 31: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 0), ('body', 1), ('is_accordion', 2), ('has_top_rule_line', 3), ('is_faq', 4), ('expandables', 30)]], {}), 32: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {}), 33: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Line breaks will be ignored.'}), 34: ('wagtail.blocks.PageChooserBlock', (), {'required': False}), 35: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'label': 'Render post link?', 'required': False}), 36: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (10,), {'label': 'Additional Links'}), 37: ('wagtail.blocks.RegexBlock', (), {'error_messages': {'invalid': 'The YouTube video ID is in the wrong format.'}, 'help_text': 'Enter the YouTube video ID, which is located at the end of the video URL, after "v=". For example, the video ID for is 1V0Ax9OIc84.', 'label': 'YouTube video ID', 'regex': '^[\\w-]{11}$', 'required': False}), 38: ('wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Optional thumbnail image to show before and after the video plays. If the thumbnail image is not set here, the video player will default to showing the thumbnail that was set in (or automatically chosen by) YouTube.', 'required': False}), 39: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('video_id', 37), ('thumbnail_image', 38)]], {'required': False}), 40: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 32), ('body', 33), ('post', 34), ('show_post_link', 35), ('post_link_text', 5), ('image', 21), ('links', 36), ('video', 39)]], {}), 41: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'icon': 'edit'}), 42: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {}), 43: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': '\n            ID will be auto-generated on save.\n            However, you may enter some human-friendly text that\n            will be incorporated to make it easier to read.\n        ', 'label': 'ID for this content block', 'required': False}), 44: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('link_id', 43)]], {}), 45: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content_block', 42), ('anchor_link', 44)]], {}), 46: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('full', 'Full width'), (470, '470px'), (270, '270px'), (170, '170px')]}), 47: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('right', 'right'), ('left', 'left')], 'help_text': 'Does not apply if the image is full-width'}), 48: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'label': 'Caption', 'required': False}), 49: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'Check to add a horizontal rule line to bottom of inset.', 'label': 'Has bottom rule line', 'required': False}), 50: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('image', 21), ('image_width', 46), ('image_position', 47), ('text', 48), ('is_bottom_rule', 49)]], {}), 51: ('wagtail.blocks.MultipleChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('is_full_width', 'Display the table at full width'), ('stack_on_mobile', 'Stack the table columns on mobile')], 'required': False}), 52: ('wagtail.blocks.FloatBlock', (), {}), 53: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'features': ['bold', 'italic', 'ol', 'ul', 'link', 'document-link', 'superscript']}), 54: ('wagtail.contrib.typed_table_block.blocks.TypedTableBlock', [[('text', 32), ('numeric', 52), ('rich_text', 53)]], {}), 55: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 14), ('options', 51), ('data', 54)]], {}), 56: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {}), 57: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'required': False}), 58: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('body', 56), ('citation', 57)]], {}), 59: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('slug_text', 5), ('paragraph_text', 1), ('button', 10)]], {}), 60: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (10,), {}), 61: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 5), ('paragraph', 1), ('links', 60)]], {}), 62: ('v1.blocks.ReusableTextChooserBlock', ('v1.ReusableText',), {}), 63: ('v1.blocks.EmailSignUpChooserBlock', (), {}), 64: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('content', 41), ('content_with_anchor', 45), ('heading', 14), ('image', 50), ('table', 55), ('quote', 58), ('cta', 59), ('related_links', 61), ('reusable_text', 62), ('email_signup', 63), ('well', 7)]], {}), 65: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Optional: Adds an H5 eyebrow above H1 heading text. Only use in conjunction with heading.', 'label': 'Pre-heading', 'required': False}), 66: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Check this to add a horizontal rule line to bottom of text introduction.', 'label': 'Has bottom rule', 'required': False}), 67: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('eyebrow', 65), ('heading', 5), ('intro', 1), ('body', 1), ('links', 24), ('has_rule', 66)]], {}), 68: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('video_id', 37), ('thumbnail_image', 38)]], {}), 69: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'required': True}), 70: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Accessible description of the chart content', 'required': True}), 71: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('bar', 'Bar'), ('datetime', 'Date/time'), ('line', 'Line'), ('tilemap', 'Tile grid map')]}), 72: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': "URL of the chart's data source or an array of JSON data", 'required': True, 'rows': 2}), 73: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'For charts pulling from a separate source file, include a list of the column headers (from a CSV file) or keys (from a JSON file) to include in the chart as  ["HEADER/KEY1", "HEADER/KEY2"]. To change how the data is labeled in the chart, include the correct labels with the format [{"key": "HEADER/KEY1", "label": "NEWLABEL"}, {"key": "HEADER/KEY2", "label": "NEWLABEL2"}]', 'required': False}), 74: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'Uncheck this option to initially only show the first data  series in the chart. Leave checked to show all data  series by default. Users can always turn data series on  or off by interacting with the chart legend. ', 'required': False}), 75: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'The column header (CSV), key or data array (JSON) to include as the source of x-axis values.', 'required': False}), 76: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Name the javascript function in chart-hooks.js to run on the provided data before handing it to the chart', 'required': False}), 77: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'If the chart needs the option for users to filter the data shown, for example by date or geographic region, provide the JSON objects to filter on, in the format  {key: "KEY", "label": "LABEL"}', 'required': False}), 78: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'A JSON object with style overrides for the underlying Highcharts chart. No object merging is done, nested objects should be referenced with dot notation: {"tooltip.shape": "circle"}', 'required': False}), 79: ('wagtail.blocks.IntegerBlock', (), {'blank': True, 'help_text': 'A number to determine how many months of the data are projected values', 'max_value': 12, 'min_value': 0, 'null': True, 'required': False}), 80: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Attribution for the data source', 'required': False}), 81: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'When the underlying data was published', 'required': False}), 82: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Custom text for the chart download field. Required to display a download link.', 'required': False}), 83: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Location of a file to download, if different from the data source', 'required': False}), 84: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'General chart information', 'required': False}), 85: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('title', 69), ('subtitle', 57), ('description', 70), ('figure_number', 5), ('chart_type', 71), ('data_source', 72), ('data_series', 73), ('show_all_series_by_default', 74), ('x_axis_source', 75), ('transform', 76), ('x_axis_label', 5), ('y_axis_label', 5), ('filters', 77), ('style_overrides', 78), ('projected_months', 79), ('source_credits', 80), ('date_published', 81), ('download_text', 82), ('download_file', 83), ('notes', 84)]], {})})),
+            ],
+            options={
+                'abstract': False,
+            },
+            bases=('v1.cfgovpage',),
+        ),
+        migrations.CreateModel(
+            name='SublandingPage',
+            fields=[
+                ('cfgovpage_ptr', models.OneToOneField(auto_created=True, on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.CASCADE, parent_link=True, primary_key=True, serialize=False, to='v1.cfgovpage')),
+                ('header', wagtail.fields.StreamField([('hero', 8)], blank=True, block_lookup={0: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'For guidelines on creating heroes, visit our <a href="">Design System</a>. Character counts (including spaces) at largest breakpoint:<ul class="help">    <li>&bull; 41 characters max (one-line heading)</li>    <li>&bull; 82 characters max (two-line heading)</li></ul>', 'required': False}), 1: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Character counts (including spaces) at largest breakpoint:<ul class="help">    <li>&bull; 165-186 characters (after a one-line heading)</li>    <li>&bull; 108-124 characters (after a two-line heading)</li></ul>', 'label': 'Sub-heading', 'required': False}), 2: ('wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock', (), {'help_text': 'When saving illustrations, use a transparent background. ', 'label': 'Large image', 'required': False}), 3: ('wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock', (), {'help_text': '<b>Optional.</b> Provides an alternate image for small displays when using a photo or bleeding hero. Not required for the standard illustration. ', 'required': False}), 4: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Specify a hex value (including the # sign) from our <a href="">official color palette</a>.', 'required': False}), 5: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'help_text': '<b>Optional.</b> Turns the hero text white. Useful if using a dark background color or background image.', 'label': 'White text', 'required': False}), 6: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'help_text': '<b>Optional.</b> Uses the large image as a background under the entire hero, creating the "Photo" style of hero (see <a href="">Design System</a> for details). When using this option, make sure to specify a background color (above) for the left/right margins that appear when screens are wider than 1200px and for the text section when the photo and text stack at mobile sizes.', 'label': 'Photo', 'required': False}), 7: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'help_text': '<b>Optional.</b> Select if you want the illustration to bleed vertically off the top and bottom of the hero space.', 'label': 'Bleed', 'required': False}), 8: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 0), ('body', 1), ('image', 2), ('small_image', 3), ('background_color', 4), ('is_white_text', 5), ('is_overlay', 6), ('is_bleeding', 7)]], {})})),
+                ('content', wagtail.fields.StreamField([('text_introduction', 8), ('notification', 13), ('featured_content', 25), ('full_width_text', 54), ('info_unit_group', 64), ('well', 53), ('snippet_list', 74), ('post_preview_snapshot', 77), ('contact', 80), ('table', 43), ('expandable_group', 88), ('expandable', 86)], blank=True, block_lookup={0: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Optional: Adds an H5 eyebrow above H1 heading text. Only use in conjunction with heading.', 'label': 'Pre-heading', 'required': False}), 1: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'required': False}), 2: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'required': False}), 3: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Add an ARIA label if the link text does not describe the destination of the link (e.g. has ambiguous text like "Learn more" that is not descriptive on its own).', 'required': False}), 4: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'default': '/', 'required': False}), 5: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 1), ('aria_label', 3), ('url', 4)]], {}), 6: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (5,), {'required': False}), 7: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Check this to add a horizontal rule line to bottom of text introduction.', 'label': 'Has bottom rule', 'required': False}), 8: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('eyebrow', 0), ('heading', 1), ('intro', 2), ('body', 2), ('links', 6), ('has_rule', 7)]], {}), 9: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('information', 'Information'), ('warning', 'Warning')]}), 10: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'The main notification message to display.', 'required': True}), 11: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Explanation text appears below the message in smaller type.', 'required': False}), 12: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (5,), {'help_text': 'Links appear on their own lines below the explanation.', 'required': False}), 13: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('type', 9), ('message', 10), ('explanation', 11), ('links', 12)]], {}), 14: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {}), 15: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Line breaks will be ignored.'}), 16: ('wagtail.blocks.PageChooserBlock', (), {'required': False}), 17: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'label': 'Render post link?', 'required': False}), 18: ('wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock', (), {'required': False}), 19: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': "No character limit, but be as succinct as possible. If the image is decorative (i.e., a screenreader wouldn't have anything useful to say about it), leave this field blank.", 'required': False}), 20: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('upload', 18), ('alt', 19)]], {}), 21: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (5,), {'label': 'Additional Links'}), 22: ('wagtail.blocks.RegexBlock', (), {'error_messages': {'invalid': 'The YouTube video ID is in the wrong format.'}, 'help_text': 'Enter the YouTube video ID, which is located at the end of the video URL, after "v=". For example, the video ID for is 1V0Ax9OIc84.', 'label': 'YouTube video ID', 'regex': '^[\\w-]{11}$', 'required': False}), 23: ('wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Optional thumbnail image to show before and after the video plays. If the thumbnail image is not set here, the video player will default to showing the thumbnail that was set in (or automatically chosen by) YouTube.', 'required': False}), 24: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('video_id', 22), ('thumbnail_image', 23)]], {'required': False}), 25: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 14), ('body', 15), ('post', 16), ('show_post_link', 17), ('post_link_text', 1), ('image', 20), ('links', 21), ('video', 24)]], {}), 26: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'icon': 'edit'}), 27: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {}), 28: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': '\n            ID will be auto-generated on save.\n            However, you may enter some human-friendly text that\n            will be incorporated to make it easier to read.\n        ', 'label': 'ID for this content block', 'required': False}), 29: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('link_id', 28)]], {}), 30: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content_block', 27), ('anchor_link', 29)]], {}), 31: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('h2', 'H2'), ('h3', 'H3'), ('h4', 'H4'), ('h5', 'H5')]}), 32: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Input the name of an icon to appear to the left of the heading. E.g., approved, help-round, etc. <a href="">See full list of icons</a>', 'required': False}), 33: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 1), ('level', 31), ('icon', 32)]], {'required': False}), 34: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('full', 'Full width'), (470, '470px'), (270, '270px'), (170, '170px')]}), 35: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('right', 'right'), ('left', 'left')], 'help_text': 'Does not apply if the image is full-width'}), 36: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'label': 'Caption', 'required': False}), 37: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'Check to add a horizontal rule line to bottom of inset.', 'label': 'Has bottom rule line', 'required': False}), 38: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('image', 20), ('image_width', 34), ('image_position', 35), ('text', 36), ('is_bottom_rule', 37)]], {}), 39: ('wagtail.blocks.MultipleChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('is_full_width', 'Display the table at full width'), ('stack_on_mobile', 'Stack the table columns on mobile')], 'required': False}), 40: ('wagtail.blocks.FloatBlock', (), {}), 41: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'features': ['bold', 'italic', 'ol', 'ul', 'link', 'document-link', 'superscript']}), 42: ('wagtail.contrib.typed_table_block.blocks.TypedTableBlock', [[('text', 14), ('numeric', 40), ('rich_text', 41)]], {}), 43: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 33), ('options', 39), ('data', 42)]], {}), 44: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {}), 45: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'required': False}), 46: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('body', 44), ('citation', 45)]], {}), 47: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('slug_text', 1), ('paragraph_text', 2), ('button', 5)]], {}), 48: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (5,), {}), 49: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 1), ('paragraph', 2), ('links', 48)]], {}), 50: ('v1.blocks.ReusableTextChooserBlock', ('v1.ReusableText',), {}), 51: ('v1.blocks.EmailSignUpChooserBlock', (), {}), 52: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'label': 'Well', 'required': False}), 53: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content', 52)]], {}), 54: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('content', 26), ('content_with_anchor', 30), ('heading', 33), ('image', 38), ('table', 43), ('quote', 46), ('cta', 47), ('related_links', 49), ('reusable_text', 50), ('email_signup', 51), ('well', 53)]], {}), 55: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('50-50', '50/50'), ('33-33-33', '33/33/33'), ('25-75', '25/75')], 'help_text': 'Choose the number and width of info unit columns.', 'label': 'Format'}), 56: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': "Check this to link all images and headings to the URL of the first link in their unit's list, if there is a link.", 'required': False}), 57: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add a horizontal rule line to top of info unit group.', 'required': False}), 58: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to show horizontal rule lines between info units.', 'label': 'Show rule lines between items', 'required': False}), 59: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('none', 'None'), ('rounded', 'Rounded corners'), ('circle', 'Circle')], 'help_text': 'Adds a <em>border-radius</em> class to images in this group, allowing for a rounded or circular border.', 'label': 'Border radius for images?', 'required': False}), 60: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 1), ('level', 31), ('icon', 32)]], {'default': {'level': 'h3'}, 'required': False}), 61: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'blank': True, 'required': False}), 62: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('image', 20), ('heading', 60), ('body', 61), ('links', 6)]], {}), 63: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (62,), {'default': []}), 64: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('format', 55), ('heading', 33), ('intro', 2), ('link_image_and_heading', 56), ('has_top_rule_line', 57), ('lines_between_items', 58), ('border_radius_image', 59), ('info_units', 63)]], {}), 65: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add a horizontal rule line above this block.', 'required': False}), 66: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('70', '70%'), ('66', '66%'), ('60', '60%'), ('50', '50%'), ('40', '40%'), ('33', '33%'), ('30', '30%')], 'help_text': 'Choose the width in % that you wish to set the Actions column in a resource list.', 'label': 'Width of "Actions" column', 'required': False}), 67: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'help_text': "If selected, each resource in the list will include a 150px-wide image from the resource's thumbnail field.", 'required': False}), 68: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'E.g., "Download" or "Order free prints"'}), 69: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('related_file', 'Related file'), ('alternate_file', 'Alternate file'), ('link', 'Link'), ('alternate_link', 'Alternate link')], 'help_text': 'The field that the action link should point to'}), 70: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('link_label', 68), ('snippet_field', 69)]], {}), 71: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (70,), {}), 72: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'label': 'Tag'}), 73: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (72,), {'help_text': 'Enter tag names to filter the snippets. For a snippet to match and be output in the list, it must have been tagged with all of the tag names listed here. The tag names are case-insensitive.'}), 74: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 1), ('body', 2), ('has_top_rule_line', 65), ('image', 20), ('actions_column_width', 66), ('show_thumbnails', 67), ('actions', 71), ('tags', 73)]], {}), 75: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'default': '3', 'help_text': 'How many posts do you want to show?', 'label': 'Limit'}), 76: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'default': 'Published'}), 77: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('limit', 75), ('post_date_description', 76)]], {}), 78: ('wagtail.snippets.blocks.SnippetChooserBlock', ('v1.Contact',), {}), 79: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Add a horizontal rule line to top of contact block.', 'required': False}), 80: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('contact', 78), ('has_top_rule_line', 79)]], {}), 81: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Added as an <code>&lt;h3&gt;</code> at the top of this block. Also adds a wrapping <code>&lt;div&gt;</code> whose <code>id</code> attribute comes from a slugified version of this heading, creating an anchor that can be used when linking to this part of the page.', 'required': False}), 82: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'required': False}), 83: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add a horizontal rule line to top of expandable group.', 'required': False}), 84: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add FAQ schema markup to expandables.', 'label': 'Uses FAQ schema', 'required': False}), 85: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('paragraph', 2), ('well', 53), ('links', 5), ('info_unit_group', 64)]], {'blank': True}), 86: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('label', 1), ('is_bordered', 82), ('is_midtone', 82), ('is_expanded', 82), ('content', 85)]], {}), 87: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (86,), {}), 88: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 81), ('body', 2), ('is_accordion', 82), ('has_top_rule_line', 83), ('is_faq', 84), ('expandables', 87)]], {})})),
+                ('sidebar_breakout', wagtail.fields.StreamField([('slug', 0), ('paragraph', 1), ('breakout_image', 7), ('job_listing_list', 9)], blank=True, block_lookup={0: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'icon': 'title'}), 1: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'icon': 'edit'}), 2: ('wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock', (), {}), 3: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'label': 'Round?', 'required': False}), 4: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Enter icon class name.'}), 5: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'label': 'Introduction Heading', 'required': False}), 6: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'label': 'Introduction Body', 'required': False}), 7: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('image', 2), ('is_round', 3), ('icon', 4), ('heading', 5), ('body', 6)]], {'heading': 'Breakout Image', 'icon': 'image'}), 8: ('wagtail.blocks.PageChooserBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Link to full list of jobs'}), 9: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('more_jobs_page', 8)]], {})})),
+                ('portal_topic', models.ForeignKey(blank=True, help_text='Select a topic if this is a MONEY TOPICS portal page.', null=True, on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.SET_NULL, related_name='portal_pages', to='v1.portaltopic')),
+            ],
+            options={
+                'abstract': False,
+            },
+            bases=('v1.cfgovpage',),
+        ),
+        migrations.CreateModel(
+            name='CDNHistory',
+            fields=[
+                ('id', models.BigAutoField(auto_created=True, primary_key=True, serialize=False, verbose_name='ID')),
+                ('created', models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True)),
+                ('subject', models.CharField(max_length=2083)),
+                ('message', models.CharField(max_length=255)),
+                ('user', models.ForeignKey(on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.CASCADE, to=settings.AUTH_USER_MODEL)),
+            ],
+        ),
+        migrations.CreateModel(
+            name='EmailSignUp',
+            fields=[
+                ('id', models.BigAutoField(auto_created=True, primary_key=True, serialize=False, verbose_name='ID')),
+                ('topic', models.CharField(blank=True, max_length=255, null=True, verbose_name='Topic name (internal only)')),
+                ('code', models.TextField(blank=True, help_text='GovDelivery Code (USCFPB_###) for the list people who submit the form will sign up for. Provide either this or the signup URL, but not both.', null=True, verbose_name='GovDelivery Code')),
+                ('url', models.URLField(blank=True, help_text='URL for the GovDelivery signup page people will be linked to in order to signup. Provide either this or the GovDelivery code, but not both.', null=True, verbose_name='GovDelivery URL')),
+                ('heading', models.TextField(blank=True, default='Stay informed')),
+                ('default_heading', models.BooleanField(blank=True, default=True, help_text='If selected, heading will be styled as an H5 with green top rule. Deselect to style header as H3.', null=True, verbose_name='Default heading style')),
+                ('text', wagtail.fields.RichTextField(blank=True, help_text='Write a sentence or two about what kinds of emails the user is signing up for, how frequently they will be sent, etc.')),
+                ('disclaimer_page', models.ForeignKey(blank=True, help_text='Choose the page that the "See Privacy Act statement" link should go to. If in doubt, use "Generic Email Sign-Up Privacy Act Statement".', null=True, on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.PROTECT, to='', verbose_name='Privacy Act statement')),
+                ('latest_revision', models.ForeignKey(blank=True, editable=False, null=True, on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.SET_NULL, related_name='+', to='wagtailcore.revision', verbose_name='latest revision')),
+            ],
+            bases=(, models.Model),
+        ),
+        migrations.CreateModel(
+            name='ReusableText',
+            fields=[
+                ('id', models.BigAutoField(auto_created=True, primary_key=True, serialize=False, verbose_name='ID')),
+                ('title', models.CharField(max_length=255, verbose_name='Snippet title (internal only)')),
+                ('sidefoot_heading', models.CharField(blank=True, help_text='Applies "slug" style heading. Only for use in sidebars and prefooters (the "sidefoot"). See [GHE]/flapjack/Modules-V1/wiki/Atoms#slugs', max_length=255)),
+                ('text', wagtail.fields.RichTextField()),
+                ('latest_revision', models.ForeignKey(blank=True, editable=False, null=True, on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.SET_NULL, related_name='+', to='wagtailcore.revision', verbose_name='latest revision')),
+            ],
+            bases=(, models.Model),
+        ),
+        migrations.AlterField(
+            model_name='cfgovpage',
+            name='sidefoot',
+            field=wagtail.fields.StreamField([('call_to_action', 5), ('related_links', 7), ('related_posts', 18), ('related_metadata', 29), ('email_signup', 30), ('sidebar_contact', 33), ('rss_feed', 34), ('social_media', 46), ('reusable_text', 47)], blank=True, block_lookup={0: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'required': False}), 1: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'required': False}), 2: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Add an ARIA label if the link text does not describe the destination of the link (e.g. has ambiguous text like "Learn more" that is not descriptive on its own).', 'required': False}), 3: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'default': '/', 'required': False}), 4: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 0), ('aria_label', 2), ('url', 3)]], {}), 5: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('slug_text', 0), ('paragraph_text', 1), ('button', 4)]], {}), 6: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (4,), {}), 7: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 0), ('paragraph', 1), ('links', 6)]], {}), 8: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'default': '3', 'help_text': 'This limit applies to EACH TYPE of post this module retrieves, not the total number of retrieved posts.'}), 9: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'This toggles the heading and icon for the related types.', 'label': 'Show Heading and Icon?', 'required': False}), 10: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'default': 'Further reading', 'label': 'Slug Title'}), 11: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'editable': False, 'label': 'Blog Posts', 'required': False}), 12: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'editable': False, 'label': 'Newsroom', 'required': False}), 13: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'label': 'Events', 'required': False}), 14: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('Blog', (('At the CFPB', 'At the CFPB'), ("Director's notebook", "Director's notebook"), ('Policy &amp; Compliance', 'Policy and compliance'), ('Data, Research &amp; Reports', 'Data, research, and reports'), ('Info for Consumers', 'Info for consumers'))), ('Newsroom', (('Consumer Advisories', 'Consumer advisories'), ("Director's Statement", "Director's statement"), ('Op-Ed', 'Op-ed'), ('Press Release', 'Press release'), ('Speech', 'Speech'), ('Testimony', 'Testimony')))], 'required': False}), 15: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (14,), {'required': False}), 16: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('any', 'Include related posts that match ANY topic tags on this page'), ('all', 'Include related posts that match ALL topic tags on this page'), ('ignore', 'IGNORE topic tags when selecting related posts')]}), 17: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'By default, the "View more" link will go to the Activity Log, filtered based on the above parameters. Enter a URL in this field to override that link destination.', 'label': 'Alternate "View more" URL', 'required': False}), 18: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('limit', 8), ('show_heading', 9), ('header_title', 10), ('relate_posts', 11), ('relate_newsroom', 12), ('relate_events', 13), ('specific_categories', 15), ('tag_filtering', 16), ('alternate_view_more_url', 17)]], {}), 19: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'max_length': 100}), 20: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {}), 21: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 19), ('blob', 20)]], {'icon': 'pilcrow'}), 22: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 19), ('links', 6)]], {'icon': 'list-ul'}), 23: ('wagtail.blocks.DateBlock', (), {}), 24: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 19), ('date', 23)]], {'icon': 'date'}), 25: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'default': 'Topics', 'max_length': 100}), 26: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'required': False}), 27: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 25), ('show_topics', 26)]], {'icon': 'tag'}), 28: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('text', 21), ('list', 22), ('date', 24), ('topics', 27)]], {}), 29: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('slug', 19), ('content', 28)]], {}), 30: ('v1.blocks.EmailSignUpChooserBlock', (), {}), 31: ('wagtail.snippets.blocks.SnippetChooserBlock', ('v1.Contact',), {}), 32: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Add a horizontal rule line to top of contact block.', 'required': False}), 33: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('contact', 31), ('has_top_rule_line', 32)]], {}), 34: ('v1.atomic_elements.molecules.RSSFeed', (), {}), 35: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'If unchecked, social media icons will link users to official CFPB accounts. Do not fill in any further fields.', 'label': 'Desired action: share this page', 'required': False}), 36: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'default': "Look what I found on the CFPB's site!", 'help_text': 'Sets the tweet text, email subject line, and LinkedIn post text.', 'required': False}), 37: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': '(Optional) Custom text for Twitter shares. If blank, will default to value of blurb field above.', 'max_length': 100, 'required': False}), 38: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': '(Optional) A comma-separated list of accounts related to the content of the shared URL. Do not enter the  @ symbol. If blank, it will default to just "cfpb".', 'required': False}), 39: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': '(Optional) A comma-separated list of hashtags to be appended to default tweet text.', 'required': False}), 40: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': '(Optional) Loads text components in the specified language, if other than English. E.g., use "es"  for Spanish. See for a list of supported language codes.', 'required': False}), 41: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': '(Optional) Custom subject for email shares. If blank, will default to value of blurb field above.', 'required': False}), 42: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': '(Optional) Custom text for email shares. If blank, will default to "Check out this page from the CFPB".', 'required': False}), 43: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': '(Optional) Adds a custom signature line to email shares. ', 'required': False}), 44: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': '(Optional) Custom title for LinkedIn shares. If blank, will default to value of blurb field above.', 'required': False}), 45: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': '(Optional) Custom text for LinkedIn shares.', 'required': False}), 46: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('is_share_view', 35), ('blurb', 36), ('twitter_text', 37), ('twitter_related', 38), ('twitter_hashtags', 39), ('twitter_lang', 40), ('email_title', 41), ('email_text', 42), ('email_signature', 43), ('linkedin_title', 44), ('linkedin_text', 45)]], {}), 47: ('v1.blocks.ReusableTextChooserBlock', (v1.models.snippets.ReusableText,), {})}),
+        ),
+    ]
diff --git a/cfgov/v1/migrations/ b/cfgov/v1/migrations/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..b5bb7eb45c5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cfgov/v1/migrations/
@@ -0,0 +1,640 @@
+# Generated by Django 4.2.17 on 2024-12-26 19:33
+from django.db import migrations, models
+import django.db.migrations.operations.special
+import django.db.models.deletion
+import v1.atomic_elements.tables
+import v1.models.snippets
+import v1.util.migrations
+import v1.util.ref
+import wagtail.blocks.migrations.migrate_operation
+import wagtail.fields
+import wagtail.images.models
+class Migration(migrations.Migration):
+    replaces = [('v1', '0018_ask_changes_202401'), ('v1', '0019_migrate_raw_anchors'), ('v1', '0020_remove_resources'), ('v1', '0021_add_table_intro'), ('v1', '0022_auto_20240201_1607'), ('v1', '0023_landing_page_featured_cards'), ('v1', '0024_raw_html_affordances'), ('v1', '0025_rtf_to_urtf'), ('v1', '0026_remove_resource_list'), ('v1', '0027_add_reusable_notification'), ('v1', '0028_remove_is_larger_heading'), ('v1', '0029_move_tip_to_ask'), ('v1', '0030_newsroom_ltter'), ('v1', '0031_alter_cfgovauthoredpages_tag_and_more'), ('v1', '0032_alter_browsepage_content'), ('v1', '0033_wagtailsearch_querydailyhits_index_fix'), ('v1', '0034_fix_reference_url'), ('v1', '0035_add_footnotes'), ('v1', '0036_delete_cdnhistory'), ('v1', '0037_add_table_caption'), ('v1', '0038_emailsignup_disclaimer_page_set_null'), ('v1', '0039_remove_post_event_image'), ('v1', '0040_blog_expandable_group'), ('v1', '0041_wagtail_charts_chart_block')]
+    dependencies = [
+        ('v1', '0017_remove_halfwidth'),
+        ('ask_cfpb', '0004_ask_changes_202401'),
+        ('wagtailcore', '0089_log_entry_data_json_null_to_object'),
+        ('wagtailcore', '0093_uploadedfile'),
+        ('taggit', '0005_auto_20220424_2025'),
+    ]
+    operations = [
+        migrations.DeleteModel(
+            name='RelatedResource',
+        ),
+        wagtail.blocks.migrations.migrate_operation.MigrateStreamData(
+            app_name='v1',
+            model_name='LearnPage',
+            field_name='content',
+            operations_and_block_paths=[(v1.util.migrations.RegexAlterBlockValueOperation('&lt;span id=&quot;([\\w -]+)&quot;&gt;((?:(?!&lt;/span&gt;).)*)&lt;/span&gt;', '<span id="\\1">\\2</span>'), 'full_width_text.content'), (v1.util.migrations.RegexAlterBlockValueOperation('&lt;span id=&quot;([\\w -]+)&quot;&gt;((?:(?!&lt;/span&gt;).)*)&lt;/span&gt;', '<span id="\\1">\\2</span>'), 'expandable_group.body'), (v1.util.migrations.RegexAlterBlockValueOperation('&lt;span id=&quot;([\\w -]+)&quot;&gt;((?:(?!&lt;/span&gt;).)*)&lt;/span&gt;', '<span id="\\1">\\2</span>'), 'well.content')],
+            revisions_from=None,
+            chunk_size=1024,
+        ),
+        wagtail.blocks.migrations.migrate_operation.MigrateStreamData(
+            app_name='v1',
+            model_name='DocumentDetailPage',
+            field_name='content',
+            operations_and_block_paths=[(v1.util.migrations.RegexAlterBlockValueOperation('&lt;span id=&quot;([\\w -]+)&quot;&gt;((?:(?!&lt;/span&gt;).)*)&lt;/span&gt;', '<span id="\\1">\\2</span>'), 'full_width_text.content')],
+            revisions_from=None,
+            chunk_size=1024,
+        ),
+        wagtail.blocks.migrations.migrate_operation.MigrateStreamData(
+            app_name='v1',
+            model_name='BlogPage',
+            field_name='content',
+            operations_and_block_paths=[(v1.util.migrations.RegexAlterBlockValueOperation('&lt;span id=&quot;([\\w -]+)&quot;&gt;((?:(?!&lt;/span&gt;).)*)&lt;/span&gt;', '<span id="\\1">\\2</span>'), 'full_width_text.content')],
+            revisions_from=None,
+            chunk_size=1024,
+        ),
+        wagtail.blocks.migrations.migrate_operation.MigrateStreamData(
+            app_name='v1',
+            model_name='LegacyBlogPage',
+            field_name='content',
+            operations_and_block_paths=[(v1.util.migrations.RegexAlterBlockValueOperation('&lt;span id=&quot;([\\w -]+)&quot;&gt;((?:(?!&lt;/span&gt;).)*)&lt;/span&gt;', '<span id="\\1">\\2</span>'), 'full_width_text.content')],
+            revisions_from=None,
+            chunk_size=1024,
+        ),
+        wagtail.blocks.migrations.migrate_operation.MigrateStreamData(
+            app_name='v1',
+            model_name='NewsroomPage',
+            field_name='content',
+            operations_and_block_paths=[(v1.util.migrations.RegexAlterBlockValueOperation('&lt;span id=&quot;([\\w -]+)&quot;&gt;((?:(?!&lt;/span&gt;).)*)&lt;/span&gt;', '<span id="\\1">\\2</span>'), 'full_width_text.content')],
+            revisions_from=None,
+            chunk_size=1024,
+        ),
+        wagtail.blocks.migrations.migrate_operation.MigrateStreamData(
+            app_name='v1',
+            model_name='LegacyNewsroomPage',
+            field_name='content',
+            operations_and_block_paths=[(v1.util.migrations.RegexAlterBlockValueOperation('&lt;span id=&quot;([\\w -]+)&quot;&gt;((?:(?!&lt;/span&gt;).)*)&lt;/span&gt;', '<span id="\\1">\\2</span>'), 'full_width_text.content')],
+            revisions_from=None,
+            chunk_size=1024,
+        ),
+        wagtail.blocks.migrations.migrate_operation.MigrateStreamData(
+            app_name='v1',
+            model_name='BrowsePage',
+            field_name='content',
+            operations_and_block_paths=[(v1.util.migrations.RegexAlterBlockValueOperation('&lt;span id=&quot;([\\w -]+)&quot;&gt;((?:(?!&lt;/span&gt;).)*)&lt;/span&gt;', '<span id="\\1">\\2</span>'), 'full_width_text.content'), (v1.util.migrations.RegexAlterBlockValueOperation('&lt;span id=&quot;([\\w -]+)&quot;&gt;((?:(?!&lt;/span&gt;).)*)&lt;/span&gt;', '<span id="\\1">\\2</span>'), 'expandable_group.body'), (v1.util.migrations.RegexAlterBlockValueOperation('&lt;span id=&quot;([\\w -]+)&quot;&gt;((?:(?!&lt;/span&gt;).)*)&lt;/span&gt;', '<span id="\\1">\\2</span>'), 'well.content'), (v1.util.migrations.RegexAlterBlockValueOperation('&lt;span id=&quot;([\\w -]+)&quot;&gt;((?:(?!&lt;/span&gt;).)*)&lt;/span&gt;', '<span id="\\1">\\2</span>'), 'info_unit_group.intro')],
+            revisions_from=None,
+            chunk_size=1024,
+        ),
+        wagtail.blocks.migrations.migrate_operation.MigrateStreamData(
+            app_name='v1',
+            model_name='SublandingPage',
+            field_name='content',
+            operations_and_block_paths=[(v1.util.migrations.RegexAlterBlockValueOperation('&lt;span id=&quot;([\\w -]+)&quot;&gt;((?:(?!&lt;/span&gt;).)*)&lt;/span&gt;', '<span id="\\1">\\2</span>'), 'full_width_text.content'), (v1.util.migrations.RegexAlterBlockValueOperation('&lt;span id=&quot;([\\w -]+)&quot;&gt;((?:(?!&lt;/span&gt;).)*)&lt;/span&gt;', '<span id="\\1">\\2</span>'), 'expandable_group.body')],
+            revisions_from=None,
+            chunk_size=1024,
+        ),
+        migrations.RemoveField(
+            model_name='resourcetag',
+            name='content_object',
+        ),
+        migrations.RemoveField(
+            model_name='resourcetag',
+            name='tag',
+        ),
+        migrations.DeleteModel(
+            name='Resource',
+        ),
+        migrations.DeleteModel(
+            name='ResourceTag',
+        ),
+        migrations.AlterField(
+            model_name='blogpage',
+            name='content',
+            field=wagtail.fields.StreamField([('full_width_text', 37), ('info_unit_group', 48), ('expandable', 51), ('well', 36), ('video_player', 54), ('email_signup', 34), ('simple_chart', 71), ('faq_schema', 82), ('how_to_schema', 92)], block_lookup={0: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'icon': 'edit'}), 1: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {}), 2: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': '\n            ID will be auto-generated on save.\n            However, you may enter some human-friendly text that\n            will be incorporated to make it easier to read.\n        ', 'label': 'ID for this content block', 'required': False}), 3: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('link_id', 2)]], {}), 4: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content_block', 1), ('anchor_link', 3)]], {}), 5: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'required': False}), 6: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('h2', 'H2'), ('h3', 'H3'), ('h4', 'H4'), ('h5', 'H5')]}), 7: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Input the name of an icon to appear to the left of the heading. E.g., approved, help-round, etc. <a href="">See full list of icons</a>', 'required': False}), 8: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 5), ('level', 6), ('icon', 7)]], {'required': False}), 9: ('wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock', (), {'required': False}), 10: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': "No character limit, but be as succinct as possible. If the image is decorative (i.e., a screenreader wouldn't have anything useful to say about it), leave this field blank.", 'required': False}), 11: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('upload', 9), ('alt', 10)]], {}), 12: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('full', 'Full width'), (470, '470px'), (270, '270px'), (170, '170px')]}), 13: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('right', 'right'), ('left', 'left')], 'help_text': 'Does not apply if the image is full-width'}), 14: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'label': 'Caption', 'required': False}), 15: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'Check to add a horizontal rule line to bottom of inset.', 'label': 'Has bottom rule line', 'required': False}), 16: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('image', 11), ('image_width', 12), ('image_position', 13), ('text', 14), ('is_bottom_rule', 15)]], {}), 17: ('wagtail.blocks.MultipleChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('is_full_width', 'Display the table at full width'), ('stack_on_mobile', 'Stack the table columns on mobile')], 'required': False}), 18: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {}), 19: ('wagtail.blocks.FloatBlock', (), {}), 20: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'features': ['bold', 'italic', 'ol', 'ul', 'link', 'document-link', 'superscript']}), 21: ('wagtail.contrib.typed_table_block.blocks.TypedTableBlock', [[('text', 18), ('numeric', 19), ('rich_text', 20)]], {}), 22: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 8), ('text_introduction', 5), ('options', 17), ('data', 21)]], {}), 23: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {}), 24: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'required': False}), 25: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('body', 23), ('citation', 24)]], {}), 26: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'required': False}), 27: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Add an ARIA label if the link text does not describe the destination of the link (e.g. has ambiguous text like "Learn more" that is not descriptive on its own).', 'required': False}), 28: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'default': '/', 'required': False}), 29: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 5), ('aria_label', 27), ('url', 28)]], {}), 30: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('slug_text', 5), ('paragraph_text', 26), ('button', 29)]], {}), 31: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (29,), {}), 32: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 5), ('paragraph', 26), ('links', 31)]], {}), 33: ('v1.blocks.ReusableTextChooserBlock', ('v1.ReusableText',), {}), 34: ('v1.blocks.EmailSignUpChooserBlock', (), {}), 35: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'label': 'Well', 'required': False}), 36: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content', 35)]], {}), 37: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('content', 0), ('content_with_anchor', 4), ('heading', 8), ('image', 16), ('table', 22), ('quote', 25), ('cta', 30), ('related_links', 32), ('reusable_text', 33), ('email_signup', 34), ('well', 36)]], {}), 38: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('50-50', '50/50'), ('33-33-33', '33/33/33'), ('25-75', '25/75')], 'help_text': 'Choose the number and width of info unit columns.', 'label': 'Format'}), 39: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': "Check this to link all images and headings to the URL of the first link in their unit's list, if there is a link.", 'required': False}), 40: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add a horizontal rule line to top of info unit group.', 'required': False}), 41: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to show horizontal rule lines between info units.', 'label': 'Show rule lines between items', 'required': False}), 42: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('none', 'None'), ('rounded', 'Rounded corners'), ('circle', 'Circle')], 'help_text': 'Adds a <em>border-radius</em> class to images in this group, allowing for a rounded or circular border.', 'label': 'Border radius for images?', 'required': False}), 43: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 5), ('level', 6), ('icon', 7)]], {'default': {'level': 'h3'}, 'required': False}), 44: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'blank': True, 'required': False}), 45: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (29,), {'required': False}), 46: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('image', 11), ('heading', 43), ('body', 44), ('links', 45)]], {}), 47: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (46,), {'default': []}), 48: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('format', 38), ('heading', 8), ('intro', 26), ('link_image_and_heading', 39), ('has_top_rule_line', 40), ('lines_between_items', 41), ('border_radius_image', 42), ('info_units', 47)]], {}), 49: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'required': False}), 50: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('paragraph', 26), ('well', 36), ('links', 29), ('info_unit_group', 48)]], {'blank': True}), 51: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('label', 5), ('is_bordered', 49), ('is_midtone', 49), ('is_expanded', 49), ('content', 50)]], {}), 52: ('wagtail.blocks.RegexBlock', (), {'error_messages': {'invalid': 'The YouTube video ID is in the wrong format.'}, 'help_text': 'Enter the YouTube video ID, which is located at the end of the video URL, after "v=". For example, the video ID for is 1V0Ax9OIc84.', 'label': 'YouTube video ID', 'regex': '^[\\w-]{11}$', 'required': False}), 53: ('wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Optional thumbnail image to show before and after the video plays. If the thumbnail image is not set here, the video player will default to showing the thumbnail that was set in (or automatically chosen by) YouTube.', 'required': False}), 54: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('video_id', 52), ('thumbnail_image', 53)]], {}), 55: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'required': True}), 56: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Accessible description of the chart content', 'required': True}), 57: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('bar', 'Bar'), ('datetime', 'Date/time'), ('line', 'Line'), ('tilemap', 'Tile grid map')]}), 58: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': "URL of the chart's data source or an array of JSON data", 'required': True, 'rows': 2}), 59: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'For charts pulling from a separate source file, include a list of the column headers (from a CSV file) or keys (from a JSON file) to include in the chart as  ["HEADER/KEY1", "HEADER/KEY2"]. To change how the data is labeled in the chart, include the correct labels with the format [{"key": "HEADER/KEY1", "label": "NEWLABEL"}, {"key": "HEADER/KEY2", "label": "NEWLABEL2"}]', 'required': False}), 60: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'Uncheck this option to initially only show the first data  series in the chart. Leave checked to show all data  series by default. Users can always turn data series on  or off by interacting with the chart legend. ', 'required': False}), 61: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'The column header (CSV), key or data array (JSON) to include as the source of x-axis values.', 'required': False}), 62: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Name the javascript function in chart-hooks.js to run on the provided data before handing it to the chart', 'required': False}), 63: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'If the chart needs the option for users to filter the data shown, for example by date or geographic region, provide the JSON objects to filter on, in the format  {key: "KEY", "label": "LABEL"}', 'required': False}), 64: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'A JSON object with style overrides for the underlying Highcharts chart. No object merging is done, nested objects should be referenced with dot notation: {"tooltip.shape": "circle"}', 'required': False}), 65: ('wagtail.blocks.IntegerBlock', (), {'blank': True, 'help_text': 'A number to determine how many months of the data are projected values', 'max_value': 12, 'min_value': 0, 'null': True, 'required': False}), 66: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Attribution for the data source', 'required': False}), 67: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'When the underlying data was published', 'required': False}), 68: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Custom text for the chart download field. Required to display a download link.', 'required': False}), 69: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Location of a file to download, if different from the data source', 'required': False}), 70: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'General chart information', 'required': False}), 71: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('title', 55), ('subtitle', 24), ('description', 56), ('figure_number', 5), ('chart_type', 57), ('data_source', 58), ('data_series', 59), ('show_all_series_by_default', 60), ('x_axis_source', 61), ('transform', 62), ('x_axis_label', 5), ('y_axis_label', 5), ('filters', 63), ('style_overrides', 64), ('projected_months', 65), ('source_credits', 66), ('date_published', 67), ('download_text', 68), ('download_file', 69), ('notes', 70)]], {}), 72: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'blank': True, 'features': ['ol', 'ul', 'bold', 'italic', 'link', 'document-link'], 'required': False}), 73: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'blank': True, 'help_text': "Add an optional anchor link tag for this question. Tag should be unique and use dashes or underscores for separation instead of spaces (ie, 'question-one-tag')", 'max_length': 500, 'required': False}), 74: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'max_length': 500}), 75: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'features': ['bold', 'italic', 'h3', 'h4', 'link', 'ol', 'ul', 'document-link', 'image', 'embed'], 'label': 'Text'}), 76: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content', 75)]], {}), 77: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'features': ['link', 'document-link'], 'label': 'Tip'}), 78: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content', 77)]], {}), 79: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('text', 76), ('table', 22), ('tip', 78), ('video_player', 54)]], {}), 80: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('anchor_tag', 73), ('question', 74), ('answer_content', 79)]], {}), 81: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (80,), {}), 82: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('description', 72), ('questions', 81)]], {'label': 'FAQ schema'}), 83: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'label': 'Title of How To section', 'max_length': 500}), 84: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('h2', 'H2'), ('h3', 'H3'), ('h4', 'H4')], 'help_text': 'Choose a tag for the title of the How To section.', 'label': 'Tag for How To section title'}), 85: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'The How To schema requires a title to let search engines understand what it is about. If you do not want the title to be displayed in the page, uncheck this box and the title content will only be made available to crawlers and screen readers.', 'label': 'Show How To section title', 'required': False}), 86: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('h2', 'H2'), ('h3', 'H3'), ('h4', 'H4'), ('b', 'Bold'), ('p', 'Paragraph')], 'help_text': 'Choose a tag for the title of each HowTo step.', 'label': 'Tag for step titles'}), 87: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this box to display numbers before step titles. ', 'label': 'Show numbers for steps', 'required': False}), 88: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'blank': True, 'help_text': "Add an optional anchor link tag to allow linking directly to this step. Tag should be unique and use dashes or underscores for separation instead of spaces (ie, 'step-one-tag').", 'max_length': 500, 'required': False}), 89: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Enter a title for this HowTo step. You do not need to include a number in the title -- numbers will be added automatically in the template if the show numbers checkbox is checked.', 'max_length': 500}), 90: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('anchor_tag', 88), ('title', 89), ('step_content', 79)]], {}), 91: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (90,), {}), 92: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('title', 83), ('title_tag', 84), ('show_title', 85), ('description', 72), ('step_title_tag', 86), ('has_numbers', 87), ('steps', 91)]], {'label': 'HowTo schema', 'max_num': 1})}),
+        ),
+        migrations.AlterField(
+            model_name='browsefilterablepage',
+            name='content',
+            field=wagtail.fields.StreamField([('full_width_text', 37), ('filter_controls', 47)], blank=True, block_lookup={0: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'icon': 'edit'}), 1: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {}), 2: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': '\n            ID will be auto-generated on save.\n            However, you may enter some human-friendly text that\n            will be incorporated to make it easier to read.\n        ', 'label': 'ID for this content block', 'required': False}), 3: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('link_id', 2)]], {}), 4: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content_block', 1), ('anchor_link', 3)]], {}), 5: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'required': False}), 6: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('h2', 'H2'), ('h3', 'H3'), ('h4', 'H4'), ('h5', 'H5')]}), 7: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Input the name of an icon to appear to the left of the heading. E.g., approved, help-round, etc. <a href="">See full list of icons</a>', 'required': False}), 8: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 5), ('level', 6), ('icon', 7)]], {'required': False}), 9: ('wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock', (), {'required': False}), 10: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': "No character limit, but be as succinct as possible. If the image is decorative (i.e., a screenreader wouldn't have anything useful to say about it), leave this field blank.", 'required': False}), 11: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('upload', 9), ('alt', 10)]], {}), 12: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('full', 'Full width'), (470, '470px'), (270, '270px'), (170, '170px')]}), 13: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('right', 'right'), ('left', 'left')], 'help_text': 'Does not apply if the image is full-width'}), 14: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'label': 'Caption', 'required': False}), 15: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'Check to add a horizontal rule line to bottom of inset.', 'label': 'Has bottom rule line', 'required': False}), 16: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('image', 11), ('image_width', 12), ('image_position', 13), ('text', 14), ('is_bottom_rule', 15)]], {}), 17: ('wagtail.blocks.MultipleChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('is_full_width', 'Display the table at full width'), ('stack_on_mobile', 'Stack the table columns on mobile')], 'required': False}), 18: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {}), 19: ('wagtail.blocks.FloatBlock', (), {}), 20: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'features': ['bold', 'italic', 'ol', 'ul', 'link', 'document-link', 'superscript']}), 21: ('wagtail.contrib.typed_table_block.blocks.TypedTableBlock', [[('text', 18), ('numeric', 19), ('rich_text', 20)]], {}), 22: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 8), ('text_introduction', 5), ('options', 17), ('data', 21)]], {}), 23: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {}), 24: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'required': False}), 25: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('body', 23), ('citation', 24)]], {}), 26: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'required': False}), 27: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Add an ARIA label if the link text does not describe the destination of the link (e.g. has ambiguous text like "Learn more" that is not descriptive on its own).', 'required': False}), 28: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'default': '/', 'required': False}), 29: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 5), ('aria_label', 27), ('url', 28)]], {}), 30: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('slug_text', 5), ('paragraph_text', 26), ('button', 29)]], {}), 31: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (29,), {}), 32: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 5), ('paragraph', 26), ('links', 31)]], {}), 33: ('v1.blocks.ReusableTextChooserBlock', ('v1.ReusableText',), {}), 34: ('v1.blocks.EmailSignUpChooserBlock', (), {}), 35: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'label': 'Well', 'required': False}), 36: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content', 35)]], {}), 37: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('content', 0), ('content_with_anchor', 4), ('heading', 8), ('image', 16), ('table', 22), ('quote', 25), ('cta', 30), ('related_links', 32), ('reusable_text', 33), ('email_signup', 34), ('well', 36)]], {}), 38: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'required': False}), 39: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'Whether to include a "Search by keyword" filter in the filter controls.', 'required': False}), 40: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'Whether to include a "Category" filter in the filter controls.', 'required': False}), 41: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': v1.util.ref.filterable_list_page_types, 'required': False}), 42: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Whether to include a "Topics" filter in the filter controls', 'required': False}), 43: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Whether to include a "Status" filter in the filter controls. Only enable if using on an enforcement actions filterable list.', 'required': False}), 44: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Whether to include a "Product" filter in the filter controls. Only enable if using on an enforcement actions filterable list.', 'required': False}), 45: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Whether to include a "Language" filter in the filter controls.Only enable if there are non-english filterable results available.', 'required': False}), 46: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'Whether to include a set of "Date range" filters in the filter controls.', 'required': False}), 47: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('label', 5), ('is_bordered', 38), ('is_midtone', 38), ('is_expanded', 38), ('filter_by_keyword', 39), ('filter_by_category', 40), ('category_choices', 41), ('filter_by_topics', 42), ('filter_by_enforcement_statuses', 43), ('filter_by_enforcement_products', 44), ('filter_by_language', 45), ('filter_by_date_range', 46)]], {})}),
+        ),
+        migrations.AlterField(
+            model_name='browsepage',
+            name='content',
+            field=wagtail.fields.StreamField([('full_width_text', 37), ('info_unit_group', 48), ('simple_chart', 65), ('expandable_group', 73), ('expandable', 71), ('well', 36), ('video_player', 76), ('snippet_list', 86), ('table', 22), ('raw_html_block', 87), ('chart_block', 98), ('mortgage_chart_block', 102), ('mortgage_map_block', 102), ('mortgage_downloads_block', 104), ('data_snapshot', 118), ('job_listing_table', 119), ('yes_checklist', 124), ('faq_group', 133)], blank=True, block_lookup={0: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'icon': 'edit'}), 1: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {}), 2: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': '\n            ID will be auto-generated on save.\n            However, you may enter some human-friendly text that\n            will be incorporated to make it easier to read.\n        ', 'label': 'ID for this content block', 'required': False}), 3: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('link_id', 2)]], {}), 4: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content_block', 1), ('anchor_link', 3)]], {}), 5: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'required': False}), 6: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('h2', 'H2'), ('h3', 'H3'), ('h4', 'H4'), ('h5', 'H5')]}), 7: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Input the name of an icon to appear to the left of the heading. E.g., approved, help-round, etc. <a href="">See full list of icons</a>', 'required': False}), 8: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 5), ('level', 6), ('icon', 7)]], {'required': False}), 9: ('wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock', (), {'required': False}), 10: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': "No character limit, but be as succinct as possible. If the image is decorative (i.e., a screenreader wouldn't have anything useful to say about it), leave this field blank.", 'required': False}), 11: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('upload', 9), ('alt', 10)]], {}), 12: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('full', 'Full width'), (470, '470px'), (270, '270px'), (170, '170px')]}), 13: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('right', 'right'), ('left', 'left')], 'help_text': 'Does not apply if the image is full-width'}), 14: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'label': 'Caption', 'required': False}), 15: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'Check to add a horizontal rule line to bottom of inset.', 'label': 'Has bottom rule line', 'required': False}), 16: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('image', 11), ('image_width', 12), ('image_position', 13), ('text', 14), ('is_bottom_rule', 15)]], {}), 17: ('wagtail.blocks.MultipleChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('is_full_width', 'Display the table at full width'), ('stack_on_mobile', 'Stack the table columns on mobile')], 'required': False}), 18: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {}), 19: ('wagtail.blocks.FloatBlock', (), {}), 20: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'features': ['bold', 'italic', 'ol', 'ul', 'link', 'document-link', 'superscript']}), 21: ('wagtail.contrib.typed_table_block.blocks.TypedTableBlock', [[('text', 18), ('numeric', 19), ('rich_text', 20)]], {}), 22: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 8), ('text_introduction', 5), ('options', 17), ('data', 21)]], {}), 23: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {}), 24: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'required': False}), 25: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('body', 23), ('citation', 24)]], {}), 26: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'required': False}), 27: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Add an ARIA label if the link text does not describe the destination of the link (e.g. has ambiguous text like "Learn more" that is not descriptive on its own).', 'required': False}), 28: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'default': '/', 'required': False}), 29: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 5), ('aria_label', 27), ('url', 28)]], {}), 30: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('slug_text', 5), ('paragraph_text', 26), ('button', 29)]], {}), 31: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (29,), {}), 32: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 5), ('paragraph', 26), ('links', 31)]], {}), 33: ('v1.blocks.ReusableTextChooserBlock', ('v1.ReusableText',), {}), 34: ('v1.blocks.EmailSignUpChooserBlock', (), {}), 35: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'label': 'Well', 'required': False}), 36: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content', 35)]], {}), 37: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('content', 0), ('content_with_anchor', 4), ('heading', 8), ('image', 16), ('table', 22), ('quote', 25), ('cta', 30), ('related_links', 32), ('reusable_text', 33), ('email_signup', 34), ('well', 36)]], {}), 38: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('50-50', '50/50'), ('33-33-33', '33/33/33'), ('25-75', '25/75')], 'help_text': 'Choose the number and width of info unit columns.', 'label': 'Format'}), 39: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': "Check this to link all images and headings to the URL of the first link in their unit's list, if there is a link.", 'required': False}), 40: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add a horizontal rule line to top of info unit group.', 'required': False}), 41: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to show horizontal rule lines between info units.', 'label': 'Show rule lines between items', 'required': False}), 42: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('none', 'None'), ('rounded', 'Rounded corners'), ('circle', 'Circle')], 'help_text': 'Adds a <em>border-radius</em> class to images in this group, allowing for a rounded or circular border.', 'label': 'Border radius for images?', 'required': False}), 43: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 5), ('level', 6), ('icon', 7)]], {'default': {'level': 'h3'}, 'required': False}), 44: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'blank': True, 'required': False}), 45: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (29,), {'required': False}), 46: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('image', 11), ('heading', 43), ('body', 44), ('links', 45)]], {}), 47: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (46,), {'default': []}), 48: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('format', 38), ('heading', 8), ('intro', 26), ('link_image_and_heading', 39), ('has_top_rule_line', 40), ('lines_between_items', 41), ('border_radius_image', 42), ('info_units', 47)]], {}), 49: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'required': True}), 50: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Accessible description of the chart content', 'required': True}), 51: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('bar', 'Bar'), ('datetime', 'Date/time'), ('line', 'Line'), ('tilemap', 'Tile grid map')]}), 52: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': "URL of the chart's data source or an array of JSON data", 'required': True, 'rows': 2}), 53: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'For charts pulling from a separate source file, include a list of the column headers (from a CSV file) or keys (from a JSON file) to include in the chart as  ["HEADER/KEY1", "HEADER/KEY2"]. To change how the data is labeled in the chart, include the correct labels with the format [{"key": "HEADER/KEY1", "label": "NEWLABEL"}, {"key": "HEADER/KEY2", "label": "NEWLABEL2"}]', 'required': False}), 54: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'Uncheck this option to initially only show the first data  series in the chart. Leave checked to show all data  series by default. Users can always turn data series on  or off by interacting with the chart legend. ', 'required': False}), 55: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'The column header (CSV), key or data array (JSON) to include as the source of x-axis values.', 'required': False}), 56: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Name the javascript function in chart-hooks.js to run on the provided data before handing it to the chart', 'required': False}), 57: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'If the chart needs the option for users to filter the data shown, for example by date or geographic region, provide the JSON objects to filter on, in the format  {key: "KEY", "label": "LABEL"}', 'required': False}), 58: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'A JSON object with style overrides for the underlying Highcharts chart. No object merging is done, nested objects should be referenced with dot notation: {"tooltip.shape": "circle"}', 'required': False}), 59: ('wagtail.blocks.IntegerBlock', (), {'blank': True, 'help_text': 'A number to determine how many months of the data are projected values', 'max_value': 12, 'min_value': 0, 'null': True, 'required': False}), 60: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Attribution for the data source', 'required': False}), 61: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'When the underlying data was published', 'required': False}), 62: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Custom text for the chart download field. Required to display a download link.', 'required': False}), 63: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Location of a file to download, if different from the data source', 'required': False}), 64: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'General chart information', 'required': False}), 65: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('title', 49), ('subtitle', 24), ('description', 50), ('figure_number', 5), ('chart_type', 51), ('data_source', 52), ('data_series', 53), ('show_all_series_by_default', 54), ('x_axis_source', 55), ('transform', 56), ('x_axis_label', 5), ('y_axis_label', 5), ('filters', 57), ('style_overrides', 58), ('projected_months', 59), ('source_credits', 60), ('date_published', 61), ('download_text', 62), ('download_file', 63), ('notes', 64)]], {}), 66: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Added as an <code>&lt;h3&gt;</code> at the top of this block. Also adds a wrapping <code>&lt;div&gt;</code> whose <code>id</code> attribute comes from a slugified version of this heading, creating an anchor that can be used when linking to this part of the page.', 'required': False}), 67: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'required': False}), 68: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add a horizontal rule line to top of expandable group.', 'required': False}), 69: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add FAQ schema markup to expandables.', 'label': 'Uses FAQ schema', 'required': False}), 70: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('paragraph', 26), ('well', 36), ('links', 29), ('info_unit_group', 48)]], {'blank': True}), 71: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('label', 5), ('is_bordered', 67), ('is_midtone', 67), ('is_expanded', 67), ('content', 70)]], {}), 72: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (71,), {}), 73: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 66), ('body', 26), ('is_accordion', 67), ('has_top_rule_line', 68), ('is_faq', 69), ('expandables', 72)]], {}), 74: ('wagtail.blocks.RegexBlock', (), {'error_messages': {'invalid': 'The YouTube video ID is in the wrong format.'}, 'help_text': 'Enter the YouTube video ID, which is located at the end of the video URL, after "v=". For example, the video ID for is 1V0Ax9OIc84.', 'label': 'YouTube video ID', 'regex': '^[\\w-]{11}$', 'required': False}), 75: ('wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Optional thumbnail image to show before and after the video plays. If the thumbnail image is not set here, the video player will default to showing the thumbnail that was set in (or automatically chosen by) YouTube.', 'required': False}), 76: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('video_id', 74), ('thumbnail_image', 75)]], {}), 77: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add a horizontal rule line above this block.', 'required': False}), 78: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('70', '70%'), ('66', '66%'), ('60', '60%'), ('50', '50%'), ('40', '40%'), ('33', '33%'), ('30', '30%')], 'help_text': 'Choose the width in % that you wish to set the Actions column in a resource list.', 'label': 'Width of "Actions" column', 'required': False}), 79: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'help_text': "If selected, each resource in the list will include a 150px-wide image from the resource's thumbnail field.", 'required': False}), 80: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'E.g., "Download" or "Order free prints"'}), 81: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('related_file', 'Related file'), ('alternate_file', 'Alternate file'), ('link', 'Link'), ('alternate_link', 'Alternate link')], 'help_text': 'The field that the action link should point to'}), 82: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('link_label', 80), ('snippet_field', 81)]], {}), 83: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (82,), {}), 84: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'label': 'Tag'}), 85: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (84,), {'help_text': 'Enter tag names to filter the snippets. For a snippet to match and be output in the list, it must have been tagged with all of the tag names listed here. The tag names are case-insensitive.'}), 86: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 5), ('body', 26), ('has_top_rule_line', 77), ('image', 11), ('actions_column_width', 78), ('show_thumbnails', 79), ('actions', 83), ('tags', 85)]], {}), 87: ('wagtail.blocks.RawHTMLBlock', (), {'label': 'Raw HTML block'}), 88: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('bar', 'Bar | % y-axis values'), ('line', 'Line | millions/billions y-axis values'), ('line-index', 'Line-Index | integer y-axis values'), ('tile_map', 'Tile Map | grid-like USA map')]}), 89: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('blue', 'Blue'), ('gold', 'Gold'), ('green', 'Green'), ('navy', 'Navy'), ('neutral', 'Neutral'), ('purple', 'Purple'), ('teal', 'Teal')], 'help_text': 'Chart\'s color scheme. See "".', 'required': False}), 90: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Location of the chart\'s data source relative to "". For example,"consumer-credit-trends/auto-loans/num_data_AUT.csv".', 'required': True}), 91: ('wagtail.blocks.DateBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Automatically generated when CCT cron job runs'}), 92: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Briefly summarize the chart for visually impaired users.', 'required': True}), 93: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add a horizontal rule line to top of chart block.', 'required': False}), 94: ('wagtail.blocks.DateBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Month of latest entry in dataset'}), 95: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Optional metadata for the chart to use. For example, with CCT this would be the chart\'s "group".', 'required': False}), 96: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Text to display as a footnote. For example, "Data from the last six months are not final."', 'required': False}), 97: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Custom y-axis label. NOTE: Line-Index chart y-axis is not overridable with this field!', 'required': False}), 98: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('title', 49), ('chart_type', 88), ('color_scheme', 89), ('data_source', 90), ('date_published', 91), ('description', 92), ('has_top_rule_line', 93), ('last_updated_projected_data', 94), ('metadata', 95), ('note', 96), ('y_axis_label', 97)]], {}), 99: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'form_classname': 'title', 'required': True}), 100: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Chart summary for visually impaired users.', 'required': False}), 101: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Text for "Note" section of footnotes.', 'required': False}), 102: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content_block', 1), ('title', 99), ('description', 100), ('note', 101), ('has_top_rule_line', 93)]], {}), 103: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this box to allow the archival section to display. No section will appear if there are no archival downloads.', 'required': False}), 104: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('show_archives', 103)]], {}), 105: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Market identifier, e.g. AUT', 'max_length': 20, 'required': True}), 106: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Number of originations, e.g. 1.2 million', 'max_length': 20}), 107: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Total dollar value of originations, e.g. $3.4 billion', 'max_length': 20}), 108: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Percentage change, e.g. 5.6% increase', 'max_length': 20}), 109: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Descriptive sentence, e.g. Auto loans originated', 'max_length': 100}), 110: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Descriptive sentence, e.g. Dollar volume of new loans', 'max_length': 100}), 111: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Descriptive sentence, e.g. In year-over-year originations', 'max_length': 100}), 112: ('wagtail.blocks.DateBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Month of latest entry in dataset for inquiry data', 'max_length': 20, 'required': False}), 113: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Percentage change, e.g. 5.6% increase', 'max_length': 20, 'required': False}), 114: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Descriptive sentence, e.g. In year-over-year inquiries', 'max_length': 100, 'required': False}), 115: ('wagtail.blocks.DateBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Month of latest entry in dataset for credit tightness data', 'max_length': 20, 'required': False}), 116: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Descriptive sentence, e.g. In year-over-year credit tightness', 'max_length': 100, 'required': False}), 117: ('wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock', (), {'icon': 'image', 'required': False}), 118: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('market_key', 105), ('num_originations', 106), ('value_originations', 107), ('year_over_year_change', 108), ('last_updated_projected_data', 94), ('num_originations_text', 109), ('value_originations_text', 110), ('year_over_year_change_text', 111), ('inquiry_month', 112), ('inquiry_year_over_year_change', 113), ('inquiry_year_over_year_change_text', 114), ('tightness_month', 115), ('tightness_year_over_year_change', 113), ('tightness_year_over_year_change_text', 116), ('image', 117)]], {}), 119: ('jobmanager.blocks.JobListingTable', (), {}), 120: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Short description for a checkbox item'}), 121: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Deeper explanation of the item', 'required': False}), 122: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('item', 120), ('details', 121)]], {}), 123: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (122,), {}), 124: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('checklist', 123)]], {}), 125: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add a horizontal rule line to top of FAQ group.', 'required': False}), 126: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to show horizontal rule lines between FAQ items.', 'label': 'Show rule lines between items', 'required': False}), 127: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('h2', 'h2'), ('h3', 'h3'), ('h4', 'h4'), ('p', 'p')], 'help_text': 'HTML tag for questions.'}), 128: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'blank': True, 'help_text': "Add an optional anchor link tag for this question. Tag should be unique and use dashes or underscores for separation instead of spaces (ie, 'question-one-tag')", 'max_length': 500, 'required': False}), 129: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'max_length': 500}), 130: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('full_width_text', 37), ('info_unit_group', 48)]], {}), 131: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('anchor_tag', 128), ('question', 129), ('answer', 130)]], {}), 132: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (131,), {'label': 'FAQ items'}), 133: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('has_top_rule_line', 125), ('lines_between_items', 126), ('question_tag', 127), ('faq_items', 132)]], {})}),
+        ),
+        migrations.AlterField(
+            model_name='documentdetailpage',
+            name='content',
+            field=wagtail.fields.StreamField([('full_width_text', 37), ('expandable', 51), ('expandable_group', 56), ('notification', 61), ('simple_chart', 78), ('table', 22), ('crc_table', 80), ('case_docket_table', 82)], blank=True, block_lookup={0: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'icon': 'edit'}), 1: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {}), 2: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': '\n            ID will be auto-generated on save.\n            However, you may enter some human-friendly text that\n            will be incorporated to make it easier to read.\n        ', 'label': 'ID for this content block', 'required': False}), 3: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('link_id', 2)]], {}), 4: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content_block', 1), ('anchor_link', 3)]], {}), 5: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'required': False}), 6: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('h2', 'H2'), ('h3', 'H3'), ('h4', 'H4'), ('h5', 'H5')]}), 7: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Input the name of an icon to appear to the left of the heading. E.g., approved, help-round, etc. <a href="">See full list of icons</a>', 'required': False}), 8: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 5), ('level', 6), ('icon', 7)]], {'required': False}), 9: ('wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock', (), {'required': False}), 10: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': "No character limit, but be as succinct as possible. If the image is decorative (i.e., a screenreader wouldn't have anything useful to say about it), leave this field blank.", 'required': False}), 11: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('upload', 9), ('alt', 10)]], {}), 12: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('full', 'Full width'), (470, '470px'), (270, '270px'), (170, '170px')]}), 13: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('right', 'right'), ('left', 'left')], 'help_text': 'Does not apply if the image is full-width'}), 14: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'label': 'Caption', 'required': False}), 15: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'Check to add a horizontal rule line to bottom of inset.', 'label': 'Has bottom rule line', 'required': False}), 16: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('image', 11), ('image_width', 12), ('image_position', 13), ('text', 14), ('is_bottom_rule', 15)]], {}), 17: ('wagtail.blocks.MultipleChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('is_full_width', 'Display the table at full width'), ('stack_on_mobile', 'Stack the table columns on mobile')], 'required': False}), 18: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {}), 19: ('wagtail.blocks.FloatBlock', (), {}), 20: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'features': ['bold', 'italic', 'ol', 'ul', 'link', 'document-link', 'superscript']}), 21: ('wagtail.contrib.typed_table_block.blocks.TypedTableBlock', [[('text', 18), ('numeric', 19), ('rich_text', 20)]], {}), 22: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 8), ('text_introduction', 5), ('options', 17), ('data', 21)]], {}), 23: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {}), 24: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'required': False}), 25: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('body', 23), ('citation', 24)]], {}), 26: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'required': False}), 27: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Add an ARIA label if the link text does not describe the destination of the link (e.g. has ambiguous text like "Learn more" that is not descriptive on its own).', 'required': False}), 28: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'default': '/', 'required': False}), 29: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 5), ('aria_label', 27), ('url', 28)]], {}), 30: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('slug_text', 5), ('paragraph_text', 26), ('button', 29)]], {}), 31: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (29,), {}), 32: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 5), ('paragraph', 26), ('links', 31)]], {}), 33: ('v1.blocks.ReusableTextChooserBlock', ('v1.ReusableText',), {}), 34: ('v1.blocks.EmailSignUpChooserBlock', (), {}), 35: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'label': 'Well', 'required': False}), 36: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content', 35)]], {}), 37: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('content', 0), ('content_with_anchor', 4), ('heading', 8), ('image', 16), ('table', 22), ('quote', 25), ('cta', 30), ('related_links', 32), ('reusable_text', 33), ('email_signup', 34), ('well', 36)]], {}), 38: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'required': False}), 39: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('50-50', '50/50'), ('33-33-33', '33/33/33'), ('25-75', '25/75')], 'help_text': 'Choose the number and width of info unit columns.', 'label': 'Format'}), 40: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': "Check this to link all images and headings to the URL of the first link in their unit's list, if there is a link.", 'required': False}), 41: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add a horizontal rule line to top of info unit group.', 'required': False}), 42: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to show horizontal rule lines between info units.', 'label': 'Show rule lines between items', 'required': False}), 43: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('none', 'None'), ('rounded', 'Rounded corners'), ('circle', 'Circle')], 'help_text': 'Adds a <em>border-radius</em> class to images in this group, allowing for a rounded or circular border.', 'label': 'Border radius for images?', 'required': False}), 44: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 5), ('level', 6), ('icon', 7)]], {'default': {'level': 'h3'}, 'required': False}), 45: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'blank': True, 'required': False}), 46: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (29,), {'required': False}), 47: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('image', 11), ('heading', 44), ('body', 45), ('links', 46)]], {}), 48: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (47,), {'default': []}), 49: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('format', 39), ('heading', 8), ('intro', 26), ('link_image_and_heading', 40), ('has_top_rule_line', 41), ('lines_between_items', 42), ('border_radius_image', 43), ('info_units', 48)]], {}), 50: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('paragraph', 26), ('well', 36), ('links', 29), ('info_unit_group', 49)]], {'blank': True}), 51: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('label', 5), ('is_bordered', 38), ('is_midtone', 38), ('is_expanded', 38), ('content', 50)]], {}), 52: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Added as an <code>&lt;h3&gt;</code> at the top of this block. Also adds a wrapping <code>&lt;div&gt;</code> whose <code>id</code> attribute comes from a slugified version of this heading, creating an anchor that can be used when linking to this part of the page.', 'required': False}), 53: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add a horizontal rule line to top of expandable group.', 'required': False}), 54: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add FAQ schema markup to expandables.', 'label': 'Uses FAQ schema', 'required': False}), 55: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (51,), {}), 56: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 52), ('body', 26), ('is_accordion', 38), ('has_top_rule_line', 53), ('is_faq', 54), ('expandables', 55)]], {}), 57: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('information', 'Information'), ('warning', 'Warning')]}), 58: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'The main notification message to display.', 'required': True}), 59: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Explanation text appears below the message in smaller type.', 'required': False}), 60: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (29,), {'help_text': 'Links appear on their own lines below the explanation.', 'required': False}), 61: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('type', 57), ('message', 58), ('explanation', 59), ('links', 60)]], {}), 62: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'required': True}), 63: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Accessible description of the chart content', 'required': True}), 64: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('bar', 'Bar'), ('datetime', 'Date/time'), ('line', 'Line'), ('tilemap', 'Tile grid map')]}), 65: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': "URL of the chart's data source or an array of JSON data", 'required': True, 'rows': 2}), 66: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'For charts pulling from a separate source file, include a list of the column headers (from a CSV file) or keys (from a JSON file) to include in the chart as  ["HEADER/KEY1", "HEADER/KEY2"]. To change how the data is labeled in the chart, include the correct labels with the format [{"key": "HEADER/KEY1", "label": "NEWLABEL"}, {"key": "HEADER/KEY2", "label": "NEWLABEL2"}]', 'required': False}), 67: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'Uncheck this option to initially only show the first data  series in the chart. Leave checked to show all data  series by default. Users can always turn data series on  or off by interacting with the chart legend. ', 'required': False}), 68: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'The column header (CSV), key or data array (JSON) to include as the source of x-axis values.', 'required': False}), 69: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Name the javascript function in chart-hooks.js to run on the provided data before handing it to the chart', 'required': False}), 70: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'If the chart needs the option for users to filter the data shown, for example by date or geographic region, provide the JSON objects to filter on, in the format  {key: "KEY", "label": "LABEL"}', 'required': False}), 71: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'A JSON object with style overrides for the underlying Highcharts chart. No object merging is done, nested objects should be referenced with dot notation: {"tooltip.shape": "circle"}', 'required': False}), 72: ('wagtail.blocks.IntegerBlock', (), {'blank': True, 'help_text': 'A number to determine how many months of the data are projected values', 'max_value': 12, 'min_value': 0, 'null': True, 'required': False}), 73: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Attribution for the data source', 'required': False}), 74: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'When the underlying data was published', 'required': False}), 75: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Custom text for the chart download field. Required to display a download link.', 'required': False}), 76: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Location of a file to download, if different from the data source', 'required': False}), 77: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'General chart information', 'required': False}), 78: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('title', 62), ('subtitle', 24), ('description', 63), ('figure_number', 5), ('chart_type', 64), ('data_source', 65), ('data_series', 66), ('show_all_series_by_default', 67), ('x_axis_source', 68), ('transform', 69), ('x_axis_label', 5), ('y_axis_label', 5), ('filters', 70), ('style_overrides', 71), ('projected_months', 72), ('source_credits', 73), ('date_published', 74), ('download_text', 75), ('download_file', 76), ('notes', 77)]], {}), 79: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'features': ['bold', 'italic', 'link']}), 80: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('website', 79), ('phone', 79), ('mailing_address', 79)]], {}), 81: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (v1.atomic_elements.tables.CaseDocketEvent,), {'collapsed': True, 'min_num': 1}), 82: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('events', 81)]], {})}),
+        ),
+        migrations.AlterField(
+            model_name='enforcementactionpage',
+            name='content',
+            field=wagtail.fields.StreamField([('full_width_text', 37), ('expandable', 51), ('expandable_group', 56), ('notification', 61)], blank=True, block_lookup={0: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'icon': 'edit'}), 1: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {}), 2: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': '\n            ID will be auto-generated on save.\n            However, you may enter some human-friendly text that\n            will be incorporated to make it easier to read.\n        ', 'label': 'ID for this content block', 'required': False}), 3: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('link_id', 2)]], {}), 4: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content_block', 1), ('anchor_link', 3)]], {}), 5: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'required': False}), 6: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('h2', 'H2'), ('h3', 'H3'), ('h4', 'H4'), ('h5', 'H5')]}), 7: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Input the name of an icon to appear to the left of the heading. E.g., approved, help-round, etc. <a href="">See full list of icons</a>', 'required': False}), 8: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 5), ('level', 6), ('icon', 7)]], {'required': False}), 9: ('wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock', (), {'required': False}), 10: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': "No character limit, but be as succinct as possible. If the image is decorative (i.e., a screenreader wouldn't have anything useful to say about it), leave this field blank.", 'required': False}), 11: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('upload', 9), ('alt', 10)]], {}), 12: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('full', 'Full width'), (470, '470px'), (270, '270px'), (170, '170px')]}), 13: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('right', 'right'), ('left', 'left')], 'help_text': 'Does not apply if the image is full-width'}), 14: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'label': 'Caption', 'required': False}), 15: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'Check to add a horizontal rule line to bottom of inset.', 'label': 'Has bottom rule line', 'required': False}), 16: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('image', 11), ('image_width', 12), ('image_position', 13), ('text', 14), ('is_bottom_rule', 15)]], {}), 17: ('wagtail.blocks.MultipleChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('is_full_width', 'Display the table at full width'), ('stack_on_mobile', 'Stack the table columns on mobile')], 'required': False}), 18: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {}), 19: ('wagtail.blocks.FloatBlock', (), {}), 20: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'features': ['bold', 'italic', 'ol', 'ul', 'link', 'document-link', 'superscript']}), 21: ('wagtail.contrib.typed_table_block.blocks.TypedTableBlock', [[('text', 18), ('numeric', 19), ('rich_text', 20)]], {}), 22: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 8), ('text_introduction', 5), ('options', 17), ('data', 21)]], {}), 23: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {}), 24: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'required': False}), 25: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('body', 23), ('citation', 24)]], {}), 26: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'required': False}), 27: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Add an ARIA label if the link text does not describe the destination of the link (e.g. has ambiguous text like "Learn more" that is not descriptive on its own).', 'required': False}), 28: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'default': '/', 'required': False}), 29: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 5), ('aria_label', 27), ('url', 28)]], {}), 30: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('slug_text', 5), ('paragraph_text', 26), ('button', 29)]], {}), 31: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (29,), {}), 32: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 5), ('paragraph', 26), ('links', 31)]], {}), 33: ('v1.blocks.ReusableTextChooserBlock', ('v1.ReusableText',), {}), 34: ('v1.blocks.EmailSignUpChooserBlock', (), {}), 35: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'label': 'Well', 'required': False}), 36: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content', 35)]], {}), 37: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('content', 0), ('content_with_anchor', 4), ('heading', 8), ('image', 16), ('table', 22), ('quote', 25), ('cta', 30), ('related_links', 32), ('reusable_text', 33), ('email_signup', 34), ('well', 36)]], {}), 38: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'required': False}), 39: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('50-50', '50/50'), ('33-33-33', '33/33/33'), ('25-75', '25/75')], 'help_text': 'Choose the number and width of info unit columns.', 'label': 'Format'}), 40: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': "Check this to link all images and headings to the URL of the first link in their unit's list, if there is a link.", 'required': False}), 41: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add a horizontal rule line to top of info unit group.', 'required': False}), 42: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to show horizontal rule lines between info units.', 'label': 'Show rule lines between items', 'required': False}), 43: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('none', 'None'), ('rounded', 'Rounded corners'), ('circle', 'Circle')], 'help_text': 'Adds a <em>border-radius</em> class to images in this group, allowing for a rounded or circular border.', 'label': 'Border radius for images?', 'required': False}), 44: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 5), ('level', 6), ('icon', 7)]], {'default': {'level': 'h3'}, 'required': False}), 45: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'blank': True, 'required': False}), 46: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (29,), {'required': False}), 47: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('image', 11), ('heading', 44), ('body', 45), ('links', 46)]], {}), 48: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (47,), {'default': []}), 49: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('format', 39), ('heading', 8), ('intro', 26), ('link_image_and_heading', 40), ('has_top_rule_line', 41), ('lines_between_items', 42), ('border_radius_image', 43), ('info_units', 48)]], {}), 50: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('paragraph', 26), ('well', 36), ('links', 29), ('info_unit_group', 49)]], {'blank': True}), 51: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('label', 5), ('is_bordered', 38), ('is_midtone', 38), ('is_expanded', 38), ('content', 50)]], {}), 52: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Added as an <code>&lt;h3&gt;</code> at the top of this block. Also adds a wrapping <code>&lt;div&gt;</code> whose <code>id</code> attribute comes from a slugified version of this heading, creating an anchor that can be used when linking to this part of the page.', 'required': False}), 53: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add a horizontal rule line to top of expandable group.', 'required': False}), 54: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add FAQ schema markup to expandables.', 'label': 'Uses FAQ schema', 'required': False}), 55: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (51,), {}), 56: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 52), ('body', 26), ('is_accordion', 38), ('has_top_rule_line', 53), ('is_faq', 54), ('expandables', 55)]], {}), 57: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('information', 'Information'), ('warning', 'Warning')]}), 58: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'The main notification message to display.', 'required': True}), 59: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Explanation text appears below the message in smaller type.', 'required': False}), 60: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (29,), {'help_text': 'Links appear on their own lines below the explanation.', 'required': False}), 61: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('type', 57), ('message', 58), ('explanation', 59), ('links', 60)]], {})}),
+        ),
+        migrations.AlterField(
+            model_name='eventpage',
+            name='persistent_body',
+            field=wagtail.fields.StreamField([('content', 0), ('content_with_anchor', 4), ('heading', 8), ('image', 16), ('table', 22), ('reusable_text', 23)], blank=True, block_lookup={0: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'icon': 'edit'}), 1: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {}), 2: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': '\n            ID will be auto-generated on save.\n            However, you may enter some human-friendly text that\n            will be incorporated to make it easier to read.\n        ', 'label': 'ID for this content block', 'required': False}), 3: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('link_id', 2)]], {}), 4: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content_block', 1), ('anchor_link', 3)]], {}), 5: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'required': False}), 6: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('h2', 'H2'), ('h3', 'H3'), ('h4', 'H4'), ('h5', 'H5')]}), 7: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Input the name of an icon to appear to the left of the heading. E.g., approved, help-round, etc. <a href="">See full list of icons</a>', 'required': False}), 8: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 5), ('level', 6), ('icon', 7)]], {'required': False}), 9: ('wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock', (), {'required': False}), 10: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': "No character limit, but be as succinct as possible. If the image is decorative (i.e., a screenreader wouldn't have anything useful to say about it), leave this field blank.", 'required': False}), 11: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('upload', 9), ('alt', 10)]], {}), 12: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('full', 'Full width'), (470, '470px'), (270, '270px'), (170, '170px')]}), 13: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('right', 'right'), ('left', 'left')], 'help_text': 'Does not apply if the image is full-width'}), 14: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'label': 'Caption', 'required': False}), 15: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'Check to add a horizontal rule line to bottom of inset.', 'label': 'Has bottom rule line', 'required': False}), 16: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('image', 11), ('image_width', 12), ('image_position', 13), ('text', 14), ('is_bottom_rule', 15)]], {}), 17: ('wagtail.blocks.MultipleChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('is_full_width', 'Display the table at full width'), ('stack_on_mobile', 'Stack the table columns on mobile')], 'required': False}), 18: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {}), 19: ('wagtail.blocks.FloatBlock', (), {}), 20: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'features': ['bold', 'italic', 'ol', 'ul', 'link', 'document-link', 'superscript']}), 21: ('wagtail.contrib.typed_table_block.blocks.TypedTableBlock', [[('text', 18), ('numeric', 19), ('rich_text', 20)]], {}), 22: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 8), ('text_introduction', 5), ('options', 17), ('data', 21)]], {}), 23: ('v1.blocks.ReusableTextChooserBlock', ('v1.ReusableText',), {})}),
+        ),
+        migrations.AlterField(
+            model_name='learnpage',
+            name='content',
+            field=wagtail.fields.StreamField([('full_width_text', 37), ('info_unit_group', 48), ('expandable_group', 56), ('expandable', 54), ('well', 36), ('call_to_action', 30), ('video_player', 59), ('audio_player', 62), ('email_signup', 34), ('simple_chart', 79), ('table', 22), ('faq_group', 88), ('contact_us_table', 90)], blank=True, block_lookup={0: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'icon': 'edit'}), 1: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {}), 2: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': '\n            ID will be auto-generated on save.\n            However, you may enter some human-friendly text that\n            will be incorporated to make it easier to read.\n        ', 'label': 'ID for this content block', 'required': False}), 3: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('link_id', 2)]], {}), 4: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content_block', 1), ('anchor_link', 3)]], {}), 5: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'required': False}), 6: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('h2', 'H2'), ('h3', 'H3'), ('h4', 'H4'), ('h5', 'H5')]}), 7: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Input the name of an icon to appear to the left of the heading. E.g., approved, help-round, etc. <a href="">See full list of icons</a>', 'required': False}), 8: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 5), ('level', 6), ('icon', 7)]], {'required': False}), 9: ('wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock', (), {'required': False}), 10: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': "No character limit, but be as succinct as possible. If the image is decorative (i.e., a screenreader wouldn't have anything useful to say about it), leave this field blank.", 'required': False}), 11: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('upload', 9), ('alt', 10)]], {}), 12: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('full', 'Full width'), (470, '470px'), (270, '270px'), (170, '170px')]}), 13: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('right', 'right'), ('left', 'left')], 'help_text': 'Does not apply if the image is full-width'}), 14: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'label': 'Caption', 'required': False}), 15: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'Check to add a horizontal rule line to bottom of inset.', 'label': 'Has bottom rule line', 'required': False}), 16: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('image', 11), ('image_width', 12), ('image_position', 13), ('text', 14), ('is_bottom_rule', 15)]], {}), 17: ('wagtail.blocks.MultipleChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('is_full_width', 'Display the table at full width'), ('stack_on_mobile', 'Stack the table columns on mobile')], 'required': False}), 18: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {}), 19: ('wagtail.blocks.FloatBlock', (), {}), 20: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'features': ['bold', 'italic', 'ol', 'ul', 'link', 'document-link', 'superscript']}), 21: ('wagtail.contrib.typed_table_block.blocks.TypedTableBlock', [[('text', 18), ('numeric', 19), ('rich_text', 20)]], {}), 22: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 8), ('text_introduction', 5), ('options', 17), ('data', 21)]], {}), 23: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {}), 24: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'required': False}), 25: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('body', 23), ('citation', 24)]], {}), 26: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'required': False}), 27: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Add an ARIA label if the link text does not describe the destination of the link (e.g. has ambiguous text like "Learn more" that is not descriptive on its own).', 'required': False}), 28: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'default': '/', 'required': False}), 29: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 5), ('aria_label', 27), ('url', 28)]], {}), 30: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('slug_text', 5), ('paragraph_text', 26), ('button', 29)]], {}), 31: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (29,), {}), 32: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 5), ('paragraph', 26), ('links', 31)]], {}), 33: ('v1.blocks.ReusableTextChooserBlock', ('v1.ReusableText',), {}), 34: ('v1.blocks.EmailSignUpChooserBlock', (), {}), 35: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'label': 'Well', 'required': False}), 36: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content', 35)]], {}), 37: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('content', 0), ('content_with_anchor', 4), ('heading', 8), ('image', 16), ('table', 22), ('quote', 25), ('cta', 30), ('related_links', 32), ('reusable_text', 33), ('email_signup', 34), ('well', 36)]], {}), 38: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('50-50', '50/50'), ('33-33-33', '33/33/33'), ('25-75', '25/75')], 'help_text': 'Choose the number and width of info unit columns.', 'label': 'Format'}), 39: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': "Check this to link all images and headings to the URL of the first link in their unit's list, if there is a link.", 'required': False}), 40: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add a horizontal rule line to top of info unit group.', 'required': False}), 41: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to show horizontal rule lines between info units.', 'label': 'Show rule lines between items', 'required': False}), 42: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('none', 'None'), ('rounded', 'Rounded corners'), ('circle', 'Circle')], 'help_text': 'Adds a <em>border-radius</em> class to images in this group, allowing for a rounded or circular border.', 'label': 'Border radius for images?', 'required': False}), 43: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 5), ('level', 6), ('icon', 7)]], {'default': {'level': 'h3'}, 'required': False}), 44: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'blank': True, 'required': False}), 45: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (29,), {'required': False}), 46: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('image', 11), ('heading', 43), ('body', 44), ('links', 45)]], {}), 47: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (46,), {'default': []}), 48: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('format', 38), ('heading', 8), ('intro', 26), ('link_image_and_heading', 39), ('has_top_rule_line', 40), ('lines_between_items', 41), ('border_radius_image', 42), ('info_units', 47)]], {}), 49: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Added as an <code>&lt;h3&gt;</code> at the top of this block. Also adds a wrapping <code>&lt;div&gt;</code> whose <code>id</code> attribute comes from a slugified version of this heading, creating an anchor that can be used when linking to this part of the page.', 'required': False}), 50: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'required': False}), 51: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add a horizontal rule line to top of expandable group.', 'required': False}), 52: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add FAQ schema markup to expandables.', 'label': 'Uses FAQ schema', 'required': False}), 53: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('paragraph', 26), ('well', 36), ('links', 29), ('info_unit_group', 48)]], {'blank': True}), 54: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('label', 5), ('is_bordered', 50), ('is_midtone', 50), ('is_expanded', 50), ('content', 53)]], {}), 55: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (54,), {}), 56: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 49), ('body', 26), ('is_accordion', 50), ('has_top_rule_line', 51), ('is_faq', 52), ('expandables', 55)]], {}), 57: ('wagtail.blocks.RegexBlock', (), {'error_messages': {'invalid': 'The YouTube video ID is in the wrong format.'}, 'help_text': 'Enter the YouTube video ID, which is located at the end of the video URL, after "v=". For example, the video ID for is 1V0Ax9OIc84.', 'label': 'YouTube video ID', 'regex': '^[\\w-]{11}$', 'required': False}), 58: ('wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Optional thumbnail image to show before and after the video plays. If the thumbnail image is not set here, the video player will default to showing the thumbnail that was set in (or automatically chosen by) YouTube.', 'required': False}), 59: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('video_id', 57), ('thumbnail_image', 58)]], {}), 60: ('wagtailmedia.blocks.AbstractMediaChooserBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Spoken word audio files should be in MP3 format with a 44.1 kHz sample rate, 96 kbps (CBR) bitrate, in mono. See <a href="">Libsyn’s guidance</a> for details. Note that the thumbnail and tag fields will not be used for audio files.'}), 61: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'If you have anything you want to appear below the audio player, such as a download link, put it in this field.', 'required': False}), 62: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 8), ('body', 26), ('audio_file', 60), ('additional_details', 61)]], {}), 63: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'required': True}), 64: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Accessible description of the chart content', 'required': True}), 65: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('bar', 'Bar'), ('datetime', 'Date/time'), ('line', 'Line'), ('tilemap', 'Tile grid map')]}), 66: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': "URL of the chart's data source or an array of JSON data", 'required': True, 'rows': 2}), 67: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'For charts pulling from a separate source file, include a list of the column headers (from a CSV file) or keys (from a JSON file) to include in the chart as  ["HEADER/KEY1", "HEADER/KEY2"]. To change how the data is labeled in the chart, include the correct labels with the format [{"key": "HEADER/KEY1", "label": "NEWLABEL"}, {"key": "HEADER/KEY2", "label": "NEWLABEL2"}]', 'required': False}), 68: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'Uncheck this option to initially only show the first data  series in the chart. Leave checked to show all data  series by default. Users can always turn data series on  or off by interacting with the chart legend. ', 'required': False}), 69: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'The column header (CSV), key or data array (JSON) to include as the source of x-axis values.', 'required': False}), 70: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Name the javascript function in chart-hooks.js to run on the provided data before handing it to the chart', 'required': False}), 71: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'If the chart needs the option for users to filter the data shown, for example by date or geographic region, provide the JSON objects to filter on, in the format  {key: "KEY", "label": "LABEL"}', 'required': False}), 72: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'A JSON object with style overrides for the underlying Highcharts chart. No object merging is done, nested objects should be referenced with dot notation: {"tooltip.shape": "circle"}', 'required': False}), 73: ('wagtail.blocks.IntegerBlock', (), {'blank': True, 'help_text': 'A number to determine how many months of the data are projected values', 'max_value': 12, 'min_value': 0, 'null': True, 'required': False}), 74: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Attribution for the data source', 'required': False}), 75: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'When the underlying data was published', 'required': False}), 76: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Custom text for the chart download field. Required to display a download link.', 'required': False}), 77: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Location of a file to download, if different from the data source', 'required': False}), 78: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'General chart information', 'required': False}), 79: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('title', 63), ('subtitle', 24), ('description', 64), ('figure_number', 5), ('chart_type', 65), ('data_source', 66), ('data_series', 67), ('show_all_series_by_default', 68), ('x_axis_source', 69), ('transform', 70), ('x_axis_label', 5), ('y_axis_label', 5), ('filters', 71), ('style_overrides', 72), ('projected_months', 73), ('source_credits', 74), ('date_published', 75), ('download_text', 76), ('download_file', 77), ('notes', 78)]], {}), 80: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add a horizontal rule line to top of FAQ group.', 'required': False}), 81: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to show horizontal rule lines between FAQ items.', 'label': 'Show rule lines between items', 'required': False}), 82: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('h2', 'h2'), ('h3', 'h3'), ('h4', 'h4'), ('p', 'p')], 'help_text': 'HTML tag for questions.'}), 83: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'blank': True, 'help_text': "Add an optional anchor link tag for this question. Tag should be unique and use dashes or underscores for separation instead of spaces (ie, 'question-one-tag')", 'max_length': 500, 'required': False}), 84: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'max_length': 500}), 85: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('full_width_text', 37), ('info_unit_group', 48)]], {}), 86: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('anchor_tag', 83), ('question', 84), ('answer', 85)]], {}), 87: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (86,), {'label': 'FAQ items'}), 88: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('has_top_rule_line', 80), ('lines_between_items', 81), ('question_tag', 82), ('faq_items', 87)]], {}), 89: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (v1.atomic_elements.tables.ContactUsRow,), {'collapsed': True, 'min_num': 1}), 90: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 18), ('rows', 89)]], {})}),
+        ),
+        migrations.AlterField(
+            model_name='legacyblogpage',
+            name='content',
+            field=wagtail.fields.StreamField([('full_width_text', 37), ('info_unit_group', 48), ('expandable', 51), ('well', 36), ('video_player', 54), ('email_signup', 34), ('simple_chart', 71), ('faq_schema', 82), ('how_to_schema', 92), ('content', 93), ('reusable_text', 33)], block_lookup={0: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'icon': 'edit'}), 1: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {}), 2: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': '\n            ID will be auto-generated on save.\n            However, you may enter some human-friendly text that\n            will be incorporated to make it easier to read.\n        ', 'label': 'ID for this content block', 'required': False}), 3: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('link_id', 2)]], {}), 4: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content_block', 1), ('anchor_link', 3)]], {}), 5: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'required': False}), 6: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('h2', 'H2'), ('h3', 'H3'), ('h4', 'H4'), ('h5', 'H5')]}), 7: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Input the name of an icon to appear to the left of the heading. E.g., approved, help-round, etc. <a href="">See full list of icons</a>', 'required': False}), 8: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 5), ('level', 6), ('icon', 7)]], {'required': False}), 9: ('wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock', (), {'required': False}), 10: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': "No character limit, but be as succinct as possible. If the image is decorative (i.e., a screenreader wouldn't have anything useful to say about it), leave this field blank.", 'required': False}), 11: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('upload', 9), ('alt', 10)]], {}), 12: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('full', 'Full width'), (470, '470px'), (270, '270px'), (170, '170px')]}), 13: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('right', 'right'), ('left', 'left')], 'help_text': 'Does not apply if the image is full-width'}), 14: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'label': 'Caption', 'required': False}), 15: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'Check to add a horizontal rule line to bottom of inset.', 'label': 'Has bottom rule line', 'required': False}), 16: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('image', 11), ('image_width', 12), ('image_position', 13), ('text', 14), ('is_bottom_rule', 15)]], {}), 17: ('wagtail.blocks.MultipleChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('is_full_width', 'Display the table at full width'), ('stack_on_mobile', 'Stack the table columns on mobile')], 'required': False}), 18: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {}), 19: ('wagtail.blocks.FloatBlock', (), {}), 20: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'features': ['bold', 'italic', 'ol', 'ul', 'link', 'document-link', 'superscript']}), 21: ('wagtail.contrib.typed_table_block.blocks.TypedTableBlock', [[('text', 18), ('numeric', 19), ('rich_text', 20)]], {}), 22: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 8), ('text_introduction', 5), ('options', 17), ('data', 21)]], {}), 23: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {}), 24: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'required': False}), 25: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('body', 23), ('citation', 24)]], {}), 26: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'required': False}), 27: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Add an ARIA label if the link text does not describe the destination of the link (e.g. has ambiguous text like "Learn more" that is not descriptive on its own).', 'required': False}), 28: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'default': '/', 'required': False}), 29: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 5), ('aria_label', 27), ('url', 28)]], {}), 30: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('slug_text', 5), ('paragraph_text', 26), ('button', 29)]], {}), 31: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (29,), {}), 32: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 5), ('paragraph', 26), ('links', 31)]], {}), 33: ('v1.blocks.ReusableTextChooserBlock', ('v1.ReusableText',), {}), 34: ('v1.blocks.EmailSignUpChooserBlock', (), {}), 35: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'label': 'Well', 'required': False}), 36: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content', 35)]], {}), 37: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('content', 0), ('content_with_anchor', 4), ('heading', 8), ('image', 16), ('table', 22), ('quote', 25), ('cta', 30), ('related_links', 32), ('reusable_text', 33), ('email_signup', 34), ('well', 36)]], {}), 38: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('50-50', '50/50'), ('33-33-33', '33/33/33'), ('25-75', '25/75')], 'help_text': 'Choose the number and width of info unit columns.', 'label': 'Format'}), 39: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': "Check this to link all images and headings to the URL of the first link in their unit's list, if there is a link.", 'required': False}), 40: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add a horizontal rule line to top of info unit group.', 'required': False}), 41: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to show horizontal rule lines between info units.', 'label': 'Show rule lines between items', 'required': False}), 42: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('none', 'None'), ('rounded', 'Rounded corners'), ('circle', 'Circle')], 'help_text': 'Adds a <em>border-radius</em> class to images in this group, allowing for a rounded or circular border.', 'label': 'Border radius for images?', 'required': False}), 43: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 5), ('level', 6), ('icon', 7)]], {'default': {'level': 'h3'}, 'required': False}), 44: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'blank': True, 'required': False}), 45: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (29,), {'required': False}), 46: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('image', 11), ('heading', 43), ('body', 44), ('links', 45)]], {}), 47: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (46,), {'default': []}), 48: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('format', 38), ('heading', 8), ('intro', 26), ('link_image_and_heading', 39), ('has_top_rule_line', 40), ('lines_between_items', 41), ('border_radius_image', 42), ('info_units', 47)]], {}), 49: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'required': False}), 50: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('paragraph', 26), ('well', 36), ('links', 29), ('info_unit_group', 48)]], {'blank': True}), 51: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('label', 5), ('is_bordered', 49), ('is_midtone', 49), ('is_expanded', 49), ('content', 50)]], {}), 52: ('wagtail.blocks.RegexBlock', (), {'error_messages': {'invalid': 'The YouTube video ID is in the wrong format.'}, 'help_text': 'Enter the YouTube video ID, which is located at the end of the video URL, after "v=". For example, the video ID for is 1V0Ax9OIc84.', 'label': 'YouTube video ID', 'regex': '^[\\w-]{11}$', 'required': False}), 53: ('wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Optional thumbnail image to show before and after the video plays. If the thumbnail image is not set here, the video player will default to showing the thumbnail that was set in (or automatically chosen by) YouTube.', 'required': False}), 54: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('video_id', 52), ('thumbnail_image', 53)]], {}), 55: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'required': True}), 56: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Accessible description of the chart content', 'required': True}), 57: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('bar', 'Bar'), ('datetime', 'Date/time'), ('line', 'Line'), ('tilemap', 'Tile grid map')]}), 58: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': "URL of the chart's data source or an array of JSON data", 'required': True, 'rows': 2}), 59: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'For charts pulling from a separate source file, include a list of the column headers (from a CSV file) or keys (from a JSON file) to include in the chart as  ["HEADER/KEY1", "HEADER/KEY2"]. To change how the data is labeled in the chart, include the correct labels with the format [{"key": "HEADER/KEY1", "label": "NEWLABEL"}, {"key": "HEADER/KEY2", "label": "NEWLABEL2"}]', 'required': False}), 60: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'Uncheck this option to initially only show the first data  series in the chart. Leave checked to show all data  series by default. Users can always turn data series on  or off by interacting with the chart legend. ', 'required': False}), 61: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'The column header (CSV), key or data array (JSON) to include as the source of x-axis values.', 'required': False}), 62: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Name the javascript function in chart-hooks.js to run on the provided data before handing it to the chart', 'required': False}), 63: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'If the chart needs the option for users to filter the data shown, for example by date or geographic region, provide the JSON objects to filter on, in the format  {key: "KEY", "label": "LABEL"}', 'required': False}), 64: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'A JSON object with style overrides for the underlying Highcharts chart. No object merging is done, nested objects should be referenced with dot notation: {"tooltip.shape": "circle"}', 'required': False}), 65: ('wagtail.blocks.IntegerBlock', (), {'blank': True, 'help_text': 'A number to determine how many months of the data are projected values', 'max_value': 12, 'min_value': 0, 'null': True, 'required': False}), 66: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Attribution for the data source', 'required': False}), 67: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'When the underlying data was published', 'required': False}), 68: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Custom text for the chart download field. Required to display a download link.', 'required': False}), 69: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Location of a file to download, if different from the data source', 'required': False}), 70: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'General chart information', 'required': False}), 71: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('title', 55), ('subtitle', 24), ('description', 56), ('figure_number', 5), ('chart_type', 57), ('data_source', 58), ('data_series', 59), ('show_all_series_by_default', 60), ('x_axis_source', 61), ('transform', 62), ('x_axis_label', 5), ('y_axis_label', 5), ('filters', 63), ('style_overrides', 64), ('projected_months', 65), ('source_credits', 66), ('date_published', 67), ('download_text', 68), ('download_file', 69), ('notes', 70)]], {}), 72: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'blank': True, 'features': ['ol', 'ul', 'bold', 'italic', 'link', 'document-link'], 'required': False}), 73: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'blank': True, 'help_text': "Add an optional anchor link tag for this question. Tag should be unique and use dashes or underscores for separation instead of spaces (ie, 'question-one-tag')", 'max_length': 500, 'required': False}), 74: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'max_length': 500}), 75: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'features': ['bold', 'italic', 'h3', 'h4', 'link', 'ol', 'ul', 'document-link', 'image', 'embed'], 'label': 'Text'}), 76: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content', 75)]], {}), 77: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'features': ['link', 'document-link'], 'label': 'Tip'}), 78: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content', 77)]], {}), 79: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('text', 76), ('table', 22), ('tip', 78), ('video_player', 54)]], {}), 80: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('anchor_tag', 73), ('question', 74), ('answer_content', 79)]], {}), 81: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (80,), {}), 82: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('description', 72), ('questions', 81)]], {'label': 'FAQ schema'}), 83: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'label': 'Title of How To section', 'max_length': 500}), 84: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('h2', 'H2'), ('h3', 'H3'), ('h4', 'H4')], 'help_text': 'Choose a tag for the title of the How To section.', 'label': 'Tag for How To section title'}), 85: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'The How To schema requires a title to let search engines understand what it is about. If you do not want the title to be displayed in the page, uncheck this box and the title content will only be made available to crawlers and screen readers.', 'label': 'Show How To section title', 'required': False}), 86: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('h2', 'H2'), ('h3', 'H3'), ('h4', 'H4'), ('b', 'Bold'), ('p', 'Paragraph')], 'help_text': 'Choose a tag for the title of each HowTo step.', 'label': 'Tag for step titles'}), 87: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this box to display numbers before step titles. ', 'label': 'Show numbers for steps', 'required': False}), 88: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'blank': True, 'help_text': "Add an optional anchor link tag to allow linking directly to this step. Tag should be unique and use dashes or underscores for separation instead of spaces (ie, 'step-one-tag').", 'max_length': 500, 'required': False}), 89: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Enter a title for this HowTo step. You do not need to include a number in the title -- numbers will be added automatically in the template if the show numbers checkbox is checked.', 'max_length': 500}), 90: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('anchor_tag', 88), ('title', 89), ('step_content', 79)]], {}), 91: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (90,), {}), 92: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('title', 83), ('title_tag', 84), ('show_title', 85), ('description', 72), ('step_title_tag', 86), ('has_numbers', 87), ('steps', 91)]], {'label': 'HowTo schema', 'max_num': 1}), 93: ('wagtail.blocks.RawHTMLBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Content from WordPress unescaped.'})}),
+        ),
+        migrations.AlterField(
+            model_name='storypage',
+            name='content',
+            field=wagtail.fields.StreamField([('expandable_group', 31), ('featured_content', 40), ('full_width_text', 64), ('image', 50), ('info_unit_group', 27), ('text_introduction', 67), ('video_player', 68), ('simple_chart', 85)], blank=True, block_lookup={0: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Added as an <code>&lt;h3&gt;</code> at the top of this block. Also adds a wrapping <code>&lt;div&gt;</code> whose <code>id</code> attribute comes from a slugified version of this heading, creating an anchor that can be used when linking to this part of the page.', 'required': False}), 1: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'required': False}), 2: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'required': False}), 3: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add a horizontal rule line to top of expandable group.', 'required': False}), 4: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add FAQ schema markup to expandables.', 'label': 'Uses FAQ schema', 'required': False}), 5: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'required': False}), 6: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'label': 'Well', 'required': False}), 7: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content', 6)]], {}), 8: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Add an ARIA label if the link text does not describe the destination of the link (e.g. has ambiguous text like "Learn more" that is not descriptive on its own).', 'required': False}), 9: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'default': '/', 'required': False}), 10: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 5), ('aria_label', 8), ('url', 9)]], {}), 11: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('50-50', '50/50'), ('33-33-33', '33/33/33'), ('25-75', '25/75')], 'help_text': 'Choose the number and width of info unit columns.', 'label': 'Format'}), 12: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('h2', 'H2'), ('h3', 'H3'), ('h4', 'H4'), ('h5', 'H5')]}), 13: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Input the name of an icon to appear to the left of the heading. E.g., approved, help-round, etc. <a href="">See full list of icons</a>', 'required': False}), 14: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 5), ('level', 12), ('icon', 13)]], {'required': False}), 15: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': "Check this to link all images and headings to the URL of the first link in their unit's list, if there is a link.", 'required': False}), 16: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add a horizontal rule line to top of info unit group.', 'required': False}), 17: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to show horizontal rule lines between info units.', 'label': 'Show rule lines between items', 'required': False}), 18: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('none', 'None'), ('rounded', 'Rounded corners'), ('circle', 'Circle')], 'help_text': 'Adds a <em>border-radius</em> class to images in this group, allowing for a rounded or circular border.', 'label': 'Border radius for images?', 'required': False}), 19: ('wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock', (), {'required': False}), 20: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': "No character limit, but be as succinct as possible. If the image is decorative (i.e., a screenreader wouldn't have anything useful to say about it), leave this field blank.", 'required': False}), 21: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('upload', 19), ('alt', 20)]], {}), 22: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 5), ('level', 12), ('icon', 13)]], {'default': {'level': 'h3'}, 'required': False}), 23: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'blank': True, 'required': False}), 24: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (10,), {'required': False}), 25: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('image', 21), ('heading', 22), ('body', 23), ('links', 24)]], {}), 26: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (25,), {'default': []}), 27: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('format', 11), ('heading', 14), ('intro', 1), ('link_image_and_heading', 15), ('has_top_rule_line', 16), ('lines_between_items', 17), ('border_radius_image', 18), ('info_units', 26)]], {}), 28: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('paragraph', 1), ('well', 7), ('links', 10), ('info_unit_group', 27)]], {'blank': True}), 29: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('label', 5), ('is_bordered', 2), ('is_midtone', 2), ('is_expanded', 2), ('content', 28)]], {}), 30: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (29,), {}), 31: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 0), ('body', 1), ('is_accordion', 2), ('has_top_rule_line', 3), ('is_faq', 4), ('expandables', 30)]], {}), 32: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {}), 33: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Line breaks will be ignored.'}), 34: ('wagtail.blocks.PageChooserBlock', (), {'required': False}), 35: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'label': 'Render post link?', 'required': False}), 36: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (10,), {'label': 'Additional Links'}), 37: ('wagtail.blocks.RegexBlock', (), {'error_messages': {'invalid': 'The YouTube video ID is in the wrong format.'}, 'help_text': 'Enter the YouTube video ID, which is located at the end of the video URL, after "v=". For example, the video ID for is 1V0Ax9OIc84.', 'label': 'YouTube video ID', 'regex': '^[\\w-]{11}$', 'required': False}), 38: ('wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Optional thumbnail image to show before and after the video plays. If the thumbnail image is not set here, the video player will default to showing the thumbnail that was set in (or automatically chosen by) YouTube.', 'required': False}), 39: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('video_id', 37), ('thumbnail_image', 38)]], {'required': False}), 40: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 32), ('body', 33), ('post', 34), ('show_post_link', 35), ('post_link_text', 5), ('image', 21), ('links', 36), ('video', 39)]], {}), 41: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'icon': 'edit'}), 42: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {}), 43: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': '\n            ID will be auto-generated on save.\n            However, you may enter some human-friendly text that\n            will be incorporated to make it easier to read.\n        ', 'label': 'ID for this content block', 'required': False}), 44: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('link_id', 43)]], {}), 45: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content_block', 42), ('anchor_link', 44)]], {}), 46: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('full', 'Full width'), (470, '470px'), (270, '270px'), (170, '170px')]}), 47: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('right', 'right'), ('left', 'left')], 'help_text': 'Does not apply if the image is full-width'}), 48: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'label': 'Caption', 'required': False}), 49: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'Check to add a horizontal rule line to bottom of inset.', 'label': 'Has bottom rule line', 'required': False}), 50: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('image', 21), ('image_width', 46), ('image_position', 47), ('text', 48), ('is_bottom_rule', 49)]], {}), 51: ('wagtail.blocks.MultipleChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('is_full_width', 'Display the table at full width'), ('stack_on_mobile', 'Stack the table columns on mobile')], 'required': False}), 52: ('wagtail.blocks.FloatBlock', (), {}), 53: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'features': ['bold', 'italic', 'ol', 'ul', 'link', 'document-link', 'superscript']}), 54: ('wagtail.contrib.typed_table_block.blocks.TypedTableBlock', [[('text', 32), ('numeric', 52), ('rich_text', 53)]], {}), 55: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 14), ('text_introduction', 5), ('options', 51), ('data', 54)]], {}), 56: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {}), 57: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'required': False}), 58: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('body', 56), ('citation', 57)]], {}), 59: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('slug_text', 5), ('paragraph_text', 1), ('button', 10)]], {}), 60: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (10,), {}), 61: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 5), ('paragraph', 1), ('links', 60)]], {}), 62: ('v1.blocks.ReusableTextChooserBlock', ('v1.ReusableText',), {}), 63: ('v1.blocks.EmailSignUpChooserBlock', (), {}), 64: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('content', 41), ('content_with_anchor', 45), ('heading', 14), ('image', 50), ('table', 55), ('quote', 58), ('cta', 59), ('related_links', 61), ('reusable_text', 62), ('email_signup', 63), ('well', 7)]], {}), 65: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Optional: Adds an H5 eyebrow above H1 heading text. Only use in conjunction with heading.', 'label': 'Pre-heading', 'required': False}), 66: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Check this to add a horizontal rule line to bottom of text introduction.', 'label': 'Has bottom rule', 'required': False}), 67: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('eyebrow', 65), ('heading', 5), ('intro', 1), ('body', 1), ('links', 24), ('has_rule', 66)]], {}), 68: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('video_id', 37), ('thumbnail_image', 38)]], {}), 69: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'required': True}), 70: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Accessible description of the chart content', 'required': True}), 71: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('bar', 'Bar'), ('datetime', 'Date/time'), ('line', 'Line'), ('tilemap', 'Tile grid map')]}), 72: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': "URL of the chart's data source or an array of JSON data", 'required': True, 'rows': 2}), 73: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'For charts pulling from a separate source file, include a list of the column headers (from a CSV file) or keys (from a JSON file) to include in the chart as  ["HEADER/KEY1", "HEADER/KEY2"]. To change how the data is labeled in the chart, include the correct labels with the format [{"key": "HEADER/KEY1", "label": "NEWLABEL"}, {"key": "HEADER/KEY2", "label": "NEWLABEL2"}]', 'required': False}), 74: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'Uncheck this option to initially only show the first data  series in the chart. Leave checked to show all data  series by default. Users can always turn data series on  or off by interacting with the chart legend. ', 'required': False}), 75: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'The column header (CSV), key or data array (JSON) to include as the source of x-axis values.', 'required': False}), 76: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Name the javascript function in chart-hooks.js to run on the provided data before handing it to the chart', 'required': False}), 77: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'If the chart needs the option for users to filter the data shown, for example by date or geographic region, provide the JSON objects to filter on, in the format  {key: "KEY", "label": "LABEL"}', 'required': False}), 78: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'A JSON object with style overrides for the underlying Highcharts chart. No object merging is done, nested objects should be referenced with dot notation: {"tooltip.shape": "circle"}', 'required': False}), 79: ('wagtail.blocks.IntegerBlock', (), {'blank': True, 'help_text': 'A number to determine how many months of the data are projected values', 'max_value': 12, 'min_value': 0, 'null': True, 'required': False}), 80: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Attribution for the data source', 'required': False}), 81: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'When the underlying data was published', 'required': False}), 82: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Custom text for the chart download field. Required to display a download link.', 'required': False}), 83: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Location of a file to download, if different from the data source', 'required': False}), 84: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'General chart information', 'required': False}), 85: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('title', 69), ('subtitle', 57), ('description', 70), ('figure_number', 5), ('chart_type', 71), ('data_source', 72), ('data_series', 73), ('show_all_series_by_default', 74), ('x_axis_source', 75), ('transform', 76), ('x_axis_label', 5), ('y_axis_label', 5), ('filters', 77), ('style_overrides', 78), ('projected_months', 79), ('source_credits', 80), ('date_published', 81), ('download_text', 82), ('download_file', 83), ('notes', 84)]], {})}),
+        ),
+        migrations.AlterField(
+            model_name='sublandingfilterablepage',
+            name='content',
+            field=wagtail.fields.StreamField([('text_introduction', 8), ('full_width_text', 41), ('filter_controls', 51), ('featured_content', 59)], blank=True, block_lookup={0: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Optional: Adds an H5 eyebrow above H1 heading text. Only use in conjunction with heading.', 'label': 'Pre-heading', 'required': False}), 1: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'required': False}), 2: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'required': False}), 3: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Add an ARIA label if the link text does not describe the destination of the link (e.g. has ambiguous text like "Learn more" that is not descriptive on its own).', 'required': False}), 4: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'default': '/', 'required': False}), 5: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 1), ('aria_label', 3), ('url', 4)]], {}), 6: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (5,), {'required': False}), 7: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Check this to add a horizontal rule line to bottom of text introduction.', 'label': 'Has bottom rule', 'required': False}), 8: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('eyebrow', 0), ('heading', 1), ('intro', 2), ('body', 2), ('links', 6), ('has_rule', 7)]], {}), 9: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'icon': 'edit'}), 10: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {}), 11: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': '\n            ID will be auto-generated on save.\n            However, you may enter some human-friendly text that\n            will be incorporated to make it easier to read.\n        ', 'label': 'ID for this content block', 'required': False}), 12: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('link_id', 11)]], {}), 13: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content_block', 10), ('anchor_link', 12)]], {}), 14: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('h2', 'H2'), ('h3', 'H3'), ('h4', 'H4'), ('h5', 'H5')]}), 15: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Input the name of an icon to appear to the left of the heading. E.g., approved, help-round, etc. <a href="">See full list of icons</a>', 'required': False}), 16: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 1), ('level', 14), ('icon', 15)]], {'required': False}), 17: ('wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock', (), {'required': False}), 18: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': "No character limit, but be as succinct as possible. If the image is decorative (i.e., a screenreader wouldn't have anything useful to say about it), leave this field blank.", 'required': False}), 19: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('upload', 17), ('alt', 18)]], {}), 20: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('full', 'Full width'), (470, '470px'), (270, '270px'), (170, '170px')]}), 21: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('right', 'right'), ('left', 'left')], 'help_text': 'Does not apply if the image is full-width'}), 22: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'label': 'Caption', 'required': False}), 23: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'Check to add a horizontal rule line to bottom of inset.', 'label': 'Has bottom rule line', 'required': False}), 24: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('image', 19), ('image_width', 20), ('image_position', 21), ('text', 22), ('is_bottom_rule', 23)]], {}), 25: ('wagtail.blocks.MultipleChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('is_full_width', 'Display the table at full width'), ('stack_on_mobile', 'Stack the table columns on mobile')], 'required': False}), 26: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {}), 27: ('wagtail.blocks.FloatBlock', (), {}), 28: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'features': ['bold', 'italic', 'ol', 'ul', 'link', 'document-link', 'superscript']}), 29: ('wagtail.contrib.typed_table_block.blocks.TypedTableBlock', [[('text', 26), ('numeric', 27), ('rich_text', 28)]], {}), 30: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 16), ('text_introduction', 1), ('options', 25), ('data', 29)]], {}), 31: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {}), 32: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'required': False}), 33: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('body', 31), ('citation', 32)]], {}), 34: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('slug_text', 1), ('paragraph_text', 2), ('button', 5)]], {}), 35: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (5,), {}), 36: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 1), ('paragraph', 2), ('links', 35)]], {}), 37: ('v1.blocks.ReusableTextChooserBlock', ('v1.ReusableText',), {}), 38: ('v1.blocks.EmailSignUpChooserBlock', (), {}), 39: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'label': 'Well', 'required': False}), 40: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content', 39)]], {}), 41: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('content', 9), ('content_with_anchor', 13), ('heading', 16), ('image', 24), ('table', 30), ('quote', 33), ('cta', 34), ('related_links', 36), ('reusable_text', 37), ('email_signup', 38), ('well', 40)]], {}), 42: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'required': False}), 43: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'Whether to include a "Search by keyword" filter in the filter controls.', 'required': False}), 44: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'Whether to include a "Category" filter in the filter controls.', 'required': False}), 45: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': v1.util.ref.filterable_list_page_types, 'required': False}), 46: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Whether to include a "Topics" filter in the filter controls', 'required': False}), 47: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Whether to include a "Status" filter in the filter controls. Only enable if using on an enforcement actions filterable list.', 'required': False}), 48: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Whether to include a "Product" filter in the filter controls. Only enable if using on an enforcement actions filterable list.', 'required': False}), 49: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Whether to include a "Language" filter in the filter controls.Only enable if there are non-english filterable results available.', 'required': False}), 50: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'Whether to include a set of "Date range" filters in the filter controls.', 'required': False}), 51: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('label', 1), ('is_bordered', 42), ('is_midtone', 42), ('is_expanded', 42), ('filter_by_keyword', 43), ('filter_by_category', 44), ('category_choices', 45), ('filter_by_topics', 46), ('filter_by_enforcement_statuses', 47), ('filter_by_enforcement_products', 48), ('filter_by_language', 49), ('filter_by_date_range', 50)]], {}), 52: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Line breaks will be ignored.'}), 53: ('wagtail.blocks.PageChooserBlock', (), {'required': False}), 54: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'label': 'Render post link?', 'required': False}), 55: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (5,), {'label': 'Additional Links'}), 56: ('wagtail.blocks.RegexBlock', (), {'error_messages': {'invalid': 'The YouTube video ID is in the wrong format.'}, 'help_text': 'Enter the YouTube video ID, which is located at the end of the video URL, after "v=". For example, the video ID for is 1V0Ax9OIc84.', 'label': 'YouTube video ID', 'regex': '^[\\w-]{11}$', 'required': False}), 57: ('wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Optional thumbnail image to show before and after the video plays. If the thumbnail image is not set here, the video player will default to showing the thumbnail that was set in (or automatically chosen by) YouTube.', 'required': False}), 58: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('video_id', 56), ('thumbnail_image', 57)]], {'required': False}), 59: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 26), ('body', 52), ('post', 53), ('show_post_link', 54), ('post_link_text', 1), ('image', 19), ('links', 55), ('video', 58)]], {})}),
+        ),
+        migrations.AlterField(
+            model_name='sublandingpage',
+            name='content',
+            field=wagtail.fields.StreamField([('text_introduction', 8), ('notification', 13), ('featured_content', 25), ('full_width_text', 54), ('info_unit_group', 64), ('well', 53), ('snippet_list', 74), ('post_preview_snapshot', 77), ('contact', 80), ('table', 43), ('expandable_group', 88), ('expandable', 86)], blank=True, block_lookup={0: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Optional: Adds an H5 eyebrow above H1 heading text. Only use in conjunction with heading.', 'label': 'Pre-heading', 'required': False}), 1: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'required': False}), 2: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'required': False}), 3: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Add an ARIA label if the link text does not describe the destination of the link (e.g. has ambiguous text like "Learn more" that is not descriptive on its own).', 'required': False}), 4: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'default': '/', 'required': False}), 5: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 1), ('aria_label', 3), ('url', 4)]], {}), 6: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (5,), {'required': False}), 7: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Check this to add a horizontal rule line to bottom of text introduction.', 'label': 'Has bottom rule', 'required': False}), 8: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('eyebrow', 0), ('heading', 1), ('intro', 2), ('body', 2), ('links', 6), ('has_rule', 7)]], {}), 9: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('information', 'Information'), ('warning', 'Warning')]}), 10: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'The main notification message to display.', 'required': True}), 11: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Explanation text appears below the message in smaller type.', 'required': False}), 12: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (5,), {'help_text': 'Links appear on their own lines below the explanation.', 'required': False}), 13: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('type', 9), ('message', 10), ('explanation', 11), ('links', 12)]], {}), 14: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {}), 15: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Line breaks will be ignored.'}), 16: ('wagtail.blocks.PageChooserBlock', (), {'required': False}), 17: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'label': 'Render post link?', 'required': False}), 18: ('wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock', (), {'required': False}), 19: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': "No character limit, but be as succinct as possible. If the image is decorative (i.e., a screenreader wouldn't have anything useful to say about it), leave this field blank.", 'required': False}), 20: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('upload', 18), ('alt', 19)]], {}), 21: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (5,), {'label': 'Additional Links'}), 22: ('wagtail.blocks.RegexBlock', (), {'error_messages': {'invalid': 'The YouTube video ID is in the wrong format.'}, 'help_text': 'Enter the YouTube video ID, which is located at the end of the video URL, after "v=". For example, the video ID for is 1V0Ax9OIc84.', 'label': 'YouTube video ID', 'regex': '^[\\w-]{11}$', 'required': False}), 23: ('wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Optional thumbnail image to show before and after the video plays. If the thumbnail image is not set here, the video player will default to showing the thumbnail that was set in (or automatically chosen by) YouTube.', 'required': False}), 24: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('video_id', 22), ('thumbnail_image', 23)]], {'required': False}), 25: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 14), ('body', 15), ('post', 16), ('show_post_link', 17), ('post_link_text', 1), ('image', 20), ('links', 21), ('video', 24)]], {}), 26: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'icon': 'edit'}), 27: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {}), 28: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': '\n            ID will be auto-generated on save.\n            However, you may enter some human-friendly text that\n            will be incorporated to make it easier to read.\n        ', 'label': 'ID for this content block', 'required': False}), 29: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('link_id', 28)]], {}), 30: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content_block', 27), ('anchor_link', 29)]], {}), 31: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('h2', 'H2'), ('h3', 'H3'), ('h4', 'H4'), ('h5', 'H5')]}), 32: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Input the name of an icon to appear to the left of the heading. E.g., approved, help-round, etc. <a href="">See full list of icons</a>', 'required': False}), 33: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 1), ('level', 31), ('icon', 32)]], {'required': False}), 34: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('full', 'Full width'), (470, '470px'), (270, '270px'), (170, '170px')]}), 35: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('right', 'right'), ('left', 'left')], 'help_text': 'Does not apply if the image is full-width'}), 36: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'label': 'Caption', 'required': False}), 37: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'Check to add a horizontal rule line to bottom of inset.', 'label': 'Has bottom rule line', 'required': False}), 38: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('image', 20), ('image_width', 34), ('image_position', 35), ('text', 36), ('is_bottom_rule', 37)]], {}), 39: ('wagtail.blocks.MultipleChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('is_full_width', 'Display the table at full width'), ('stack_on_mobile', 'Stack the table columns on mobile')], 'required': False}), 40: ('wagtail.blocks.FloatBlock', (), {}), 41: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'features': ['bold', 'italic', 'ol', 'ul', 'link', 'document-link', 'superscript']}), 42: ('wagtail.contrib.typed_table_block.blocks.TypedTableBlock', [[('text', 14), ('numeric', 40), ('rich_text', 41)]], {}), 43: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 33), ('text_introduction', 1), ('options', 39), ('data', 42)]], {}), 44: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {}), 45: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'required': False}), 46: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('body', 44), ('citation', 45)]], {}), 47: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('slug_text', 1), ('paragraph_text', 2), ('button', 5)]], {}), 48: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (5,), {}), 49: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 1), ('paragraph', 2), ('links', 48)]], {}), 50: ('v1.blocks.ReusableTextChooserBlock', ('v1.ReusableText',), {}), 51: ('v1.blocks.EmailSignUpChooserBlock', (), {}), 52: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'label': 'Well', 'required': False}), 53: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content', 52)]], {}), 54: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('content', 26), ('content_with_anchor', 30), ('heading', 33), ('image', 38), ('table', 43), ('quote', 46), ('cta', 47), ('related_links', 49), ('reusable_text', 50), ('email_signup', 51), ('well', 53)]], {}), 55: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('50-50', '50/50'), ('33-33-33', '33/33/33'), ('25-75', '25/75')], 'help_text': 'Choose the number and width of info unit columns.', 'label': 'Format'}), 56: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': "Check this to link all images and headings to the URL of the first link in their unit's list, if there is a link.", 'required': False}), 57: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add a horizontal rule line to top of info unit group.', 'required': False}), 58: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to show horizontal rule lines between info units.', 'label': 'Show rule lines between items', 'required': False}), 59: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('none', 'None'), ('rounded', 'Rounded corners'), ('circle', 'Circle')], 'help_text': 'Adds a <em>border-radius</em> class to images in this group, allowing for a rounded or circular border.', 'label': 'Border radius for images?', 'required': False}), 60: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 1), ('level', 31), ('icon', 32)]], {'default': {'level': 'h3'}, 'required': False}), 61: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'blank': True, 'required': False}), 62: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('image', 20), ('heading', 60), ('body', 61), ('links', 6)]], {}), 63: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (62,), {'default': []}), 64: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('format', 55), ('heading', 33), ('intro', 2), ('link_image_and_heading', 56), ('has_top_rule_line', 57), ('lines_between_items', 58), ('border_radius_image', 59), ('info_units', 63)]], {}), 65: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add a horizontal rule line above this block.', 'required': False}), 66: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('70', '70%'), ('66', '66%'), ('60', '60%'), ('50', '50%'), ('40', '40%'), ('33', '33%'), ('30', '30%')], 'help_text': 'Choose the width in % that you wish to set the Actions column in a resource list.', 'label': 'Width of "Actions" column', 'required': False}), 67: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'help_text': "If selected, each resource in the list will include a 150px-wide image from the resource's thumbnail field.", 'required': False}), 68: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'E.g., "Download" or "Order free prints"'}), 69: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('related_file', 'Related file'), ('alternate_file', 'Alternate file'), ('link', 'Link'), ('alternate_link', 'Alternate link')], 'help_text': 'The field that the action link should point to'}), 70: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('link_label', 68), ('snippet_field', 69)]], {}), 71: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (70,), {}), 72: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'label': 'Tag'}), 73: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (72,), {'help_text': 'Enter tag names to filter the snippets. For a snippet to match and be output in the list, it must have been tagged with all of the tag names listed here. The tag names are case-insensitive.'}), 74: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 1), ('body', 2), ('has_top_rule_line', 65), ('image', 20), ('actions_column_width', 66), ('show_thumbnails', 67), ('actions', 71), ('tags', 73)]], {}), 75: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'default': '3', 'help_text': 'How many posts do you want to show?', 'label': 'Limit'}), 76: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'default': 'Published'}), 77: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('limit', 75), ('post_date_description', 76)]], {}), 78: ('wagtail.snippets.blocks.SnippetChooserBlock', ('v1.Contact',), {}), 79: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Add a horizontal rule line to top of contact block.', 'required': False}), 80: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('contact', 78), ('has_top_rule_line', 79)]], {}), 81: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Added as an <code>&lt;h3&gt;</code> at the top of this block. Also adds a wrapping <code>&lt;div&gt;</code> whose <code>id</code> attribute comes from a slugified version of this heading, creating an anchor that can be used when linking to this part of the page.', 'required': False}), 82: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'required': False}), 83: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add a horizontal rule line to top of expandable group.', 'required': False}), 84: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add FAQ schema markup to expandables.', 'label': 'Uses FAQ schema', 'required': False}), 85: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('paragraph', 2), ('well', 53), ('links', 5), ('info_unit_group', 64)]], {'blank': True}), 86: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('label', 1), ('is_bordered', 82), ('is_midtone', 82), ('is_expanded', 82), ('content', 85)]], {}), 87: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (86,), {}), 88: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 81), ('body', 2), ('is_accordion', 82), ('has_top_rule_line', 83), ('is_faq', 84), ('expandables', 87)]], {})}),
+        ),
+        migrations.AlterField(
+            model_name='blogpage',
+            name='content',
+            field=wagtail.fields.StreamField([('full_width_text', 37), ('info_unit_group', 48), ('expandable', 51), ('well', 36), ('video_player', 54), ('email_signup', 34), ('simple_chart', 71), ('faq_schema', 82), ('how_to_schema', 92)], block_lookup={0: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'icon': 'edit'}), 1: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {}), 2: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': '\n            ID will be auto-generated on save.\n            However, you may enter some human-friendly text that\n            will be incorporated to make it easier to read.\n        ', 'label': 'ID for this content block', 'required': False}), 3: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('link_id', 2)]], {}), 4: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content_block', 1), ('anchor_link', 3)]], {}), 5: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'required': False}), 6: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('h2', 'H2'), ('h3', 'H3'), ('h4', 'H4'), ('h5', 'H5')]}), 7: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Input the name of an icon to appear to the left of the heading. E.g., approved, help-round, etc. <a href="">See full list of icons</a>', 'required': False}), 8: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 5), ('level', 6), ('icon', 7)]], {'required': False}), 9: ('wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock', (), {'required': False}), 10: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': "No character limit, but be as succinct as possible. If the image is decorative (i.e., a screenreader wouldn't have anything useful to say about it), leave this field blank.", 'required': False}), 11: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('upload', 9), ('alt', 10)]], {}), 12: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('full', 'Full width'), (470, '470px'), (270, '270px'), (170, '170px')]}), 13: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('right', 'right'), ('left', 'left')], 'help_text': 'Does not apply if the image is full-width'}), 14: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'label': 'Caption', 'required': False}), 15: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'Check to add a horizontal rule line to bottom of inset.', 'label': 'Has bottom rule line', 'required': False}), 16: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('image', 11), ('image_width', 12), ('image_position', 13), ('text', 14), ('is_bottom_rule', 15)]], {}), 17: ('wagtail.blocks.MultipleChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('is_full_width', 'Display the table at full width'), ('stack_on_mobile', 'Stack the table columns on mobile')], 'required': False}), 18: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {}), 19: ('wagtail.blocks.FloatBlock', (), {}), 20: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'features': ['bold', 'italic', 'ol', 'ul', 'link', 'document-link', 'superscript']}), 21: ('wagtail.contrib.typed_table_block.blocks.TypedTableBlock', [[('text', 18), ('numeric', 19), ('rich_text', 20)]], {}), 22: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 8), ('text_introduction', 5), ('options', 17), ('data', 21)]], {}), 23: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {}), 24: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'required': False}), 25: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('body', 23), ('citation', 24)]], {}), 26: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'required': False}), 27: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Add an ARIA label if the link text does not describe the destination of the link (e.g. has ambiguous text like "Learn more" that is not descriptive on its own).', 'required': False}), 28: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'default': '/', 'required': False}), 29: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 5), ('aria_label', 27), ('url', 28)]], {}), 30: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('slug_text', 5), ('paragraph_text', 26), ('button', 29)]], {}), 31: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (29,), {}), 32: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 5), ('paragraph', 26), ('links', 31)]], {}), 33: ('v1.blocks.ReusableTextChooserBlock', ('v1.ReusableText',), {}), 34: ('v1.blocks.EmailSignUpChooserBlock', (), {}), 35: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'label': 'Well', 'required': False}), 36: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content', 35)]], {}), 37: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('content', 0), ('content_with_anchor', 4), ('heading', 8), ('image', 16), ('table', 22), ('quote', 25), ('cta', 30), ('related_links', 32), ('reusable_text', 33), ('email_signup', 34), ('well', 36)]], {}), 38: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('50-50', '50/50'), ('33-33-33', '33/33/33'), ('25-75', '25/75')], 'help_text': 'Choose the number and width of info unit columns.', 'label': 'Format'}), 39: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': "Check this to link all images and headings to the URL of the first link in their unit's list, if there is a link.", 'required': False}), 40: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add a horizontal rule line to top of info unit group.', 'required': False}), 41: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to show horizontal rule lines between info units.', 'label': 'Show rule lines between items', 'required': False}), 42: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('none', 'None'), ('rounded', 'Rounded corners'), ('circle', 'Circle')], 'help_text': 'Adds a <em>border-radius</em> class to images in this group, allowing for a rounded or circular border.', 'label': 'Border radius for images?', 'required': False}), 43: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 5), ('level', 6), ('icon', 7)]], {'default': {'level': 'h3'}, 'required': False}), 44: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'blank': True, 'required': False}), 45: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (29,), {'required': False}), 46: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('image', 11), ('heading', 43), ('body', 44), ('links', 45)]], {}), 47: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (46,), {'default': []}), 48: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('format', 38), ('heading', 8), ('intro', 26), ('link_image_and_heading', 39), ('has_top_rule_line', 40), ('lines_between_items', 41), ('border_radius_image', 42), ('info_units', 47)]], {}), 49: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'required': False}), 50: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('paragraph', 26), ('well', 36), ('links', 29), ('info_unit_group', 48)]], {'blank': True}), 51: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('label', 5), ('is_bordered', 49), ('is_midtone', 49), ('is_expanded', 49), ('content', 50)]], {}), 52: ('wagtail.blocks.RegexBlock', (), {'error_messages': {'invalid': 'The YouTube video ID is in the wrong format.'}, 'help_text': 'Enter the YouTube video ID, which is located at the end of the video URL, after "v=". For example, the video ID for is 1V0Ax9OIc84.', 'label': 'YouTube video ID', 'regex': '^[\\w-]{11}$', 'required': False}), 53: ('wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Optional thumbnail image to show before and after the video plays. If the thumbnail image is not set here, the video player will default to showing the thumbnail that was set in (or automatically chosen by) YouTube.', 'required': False}), 54: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('video_id', 52), ('thumbnail_image', 53)]], {}), 55: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'required': True}), 56: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Accessible description of the chart content', 'required': True}), 57: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('bar', 'Bar'), ('datetime', 'Date/time'), ('line', 'Line'), ('tilemap', 'Tile grid map')]}), 58: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': "URL of the chart's data source or an array of JSON data", 'required': True, 'rows': 2}), 59: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'For charts pulling from a separate source file, include a list of the column headers (from a CSV file) or keys (from a JSON file) to include in the chart as  ["HEADER/KEY1", "HEADER/KEY2"]. To change how the data is labeled in the chart, include the correct labels with the format [{"key": "HEADER/KEY1", "label": "NEWLABEL"}, {"key": "HEADER/KEY2", "label": "NEWLABEL2"}]', 'required': False}), 60: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'Uncheck this option to initially only show the first data  series in the chart. Leave checked to show all data  series by default. Users can always turn data series on  or off by interacting with the chart legend. ', 'required': False}), 61: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'The column header (CSV), key or data array (JSON) to include as the source of x-axis values.', 'required': False}), 62: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': "Name the javascript function in chart-hooks.js to run on the provided data before handing it to the chart. Can also provide '___'-separated arguments to this function which are passed in as arguments 2 to n", 'required': False}), 63: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'If the chart needs the option for users to filter the data shown, for example by date or geographic region, provide the JSON objects to filter on, in the format  {key: "KEY", "label": "LABEL"}', 'required': False}), 64: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'A JSON object with style overrides for the underlying Highcharts chart. No object merging is done, nested objects should be referenced with dot notation: {"tooltip.shape": "circle"}', 'required': False}), 65: ('wagtail.blocks.IntegerBlock', (), {'blank': True, 'help_text': 'A number to determine how many months of the data are projected values', 'max_value': 12, 'min_value': 0, 'null': True, 'required': False}), 66: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Attribution for the data source', 'required': False}), 67: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'When the underlying data was published', 'required': False}), 68: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Custom text for the chart download field. Required to display a download link.', 'required': False}), 69: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Location of a file to download, if different from the data source', 'required': False}), 70: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'General chart information', 'required': False}), 71: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('title', 55), ('subtitle', 24), ('description', 56), ('figure_number', 5), ('chart_type', 57), ('data_source', 58), ('data_series', 59), ('show_all_series_by_default', 60), ('x_axis_source', 61), ('transform', 62), ('x_axis_label', 5), ('y_axis_label', 5), ('filters', 63), ('style_overrides', 64), ('projected_months', 65), ('source_credits', 66), ('date_published', 67), ('download_text', 68), ('download_file', 69), ('notes', 70)]], {}), 72: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'blank': True, 'features': ['ol', 'ul', 'bold', 'italic', 'link', 'document-link'], 'required': False}), 73: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'blank': True, 'help_text': "Add an optional anchor link tag for this question. Tag should be unique and use dashes or underscores for separation instead of spaces (ie, 'question-one-tag')", 'max_length': 500, 'required': False}), 74: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'max_length': 500}), 75: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'features': ['bold', 'italic', 'h3', 'h4', 'link', 'ol', 'ul', 'document-link', 'image', 'embed'], 'label': 'Text'}), 76: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content', 75)]], {}), 77: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'features': ['link', 'document-link'], 'label': 'Tip'}), 78: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content', 77)]], {}), 79: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('text', 76), ('table', 22), ('tip', 78), ('video_player', 54)]], {}), 80: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('anchor_tag', 73), ('question', 74), ('answer_content', 79)]], {}), 81: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (80,), {}), 82: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('description', 72), ('questions', 81)]], {'label': 'FAQ schema'}), 83: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'label': 'Title of How To section', 'max_length': 500}), 84: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('h2', 'H2'), ('h3', 'H3'), ('h4', 'H4')], 'help_text': 'Choose a tag for the title of the How To section.', 'label': 'Tag for How To section title'}), 85: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'The How To schema requires a title to let search engines understand what it is about. If you do not want the title to be displayed in the page, uncheck this box and the title content will only be made available to crawlers and screen readers.', 'label': 'Show How To section title', 'required': False}), 86: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('h2', 'H2'), ('h3', 'H3'), ('h4', 'H4'), ('b', 'Bold'), ('p', 'Paragraph')], 'help_text': 'Choose a tag for the title of each HowTo step.', 'label': 'Tag for step titles'}), 87: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this box to display numbers before step titles. ', 'label': 'Show numbers for steps', 'required': False}), 88: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'blank': True, 'help_text': "Add an optional anchor link tag to allow linking directly to this step. Tag should be unique and use dashes or underscores for separation instead of spaces (ie, 'step-one-tag').", 'max_length': 500, 'required': False}), 89: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Enter a title for this HowTo step. You do not need to include a number in the title -- numbers will be added automatically in the template if the show numbers checkbox is checked.', 'max_length': 500}), 90: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('anchor_tag', 88), ('title', 89), ('step_content', 79)]], {}), 91: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (90,), {}), 92: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('title', 83), ('title_tag', 84), ('show_title', 85), ('description', 72), ('step_title_tag', 86), ('has_numbers', 87), ('steps', 91)]], {'label': 'HowTo schema', 'max_num': 1})}),
+        ),
+        migrations.AlterField(
+            model_name='browsepage',
+            name='content',
+            field=wagtail.fields.StreamField([('full_width_text', 37), ('info_unit_group', 48), ('simple_chart', 65), ('expandable_group', 73), ('expandable', 71), ('well', 36), ('video_player', 76), ('snippet_list', 86), ('table', 22), ('raw_html_block', 87), ('chart_block', 98), ('mortgage_chart_block', 102), ('mortgage_map_block', 102), ('mortgage_downloads_block', 104), ('data_snapshot', 118), ('job_listing_table', 119), ('yes_checklist', 124), ('faq_group', 133)], blank=True, block_lookup={0: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'icon': 'edit'}), 1: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {}), 2: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': '\n            ID will be auto-generated on save.\n            However, you may enter some human-friendly text that\n            will be incorporated to make it easier to read.\n        ', 'label': 'ID for this content block', 'required': False}), 3: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('link_id', 2)]], {}), 4: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content_block', 1), ('anchor_link', 3)]], {}), 5: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'required': False}), 6: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('h2', 'H2'), ('h3', 'H3'), ('h4', 'H4'), ('h5', 'H5')]}), 7: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Input the name of an icon to appear to the left of the heading. E.g., approved, help-round, etc. <a href="">See full list of icons</a>', 'required': False}), 8: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 5), ('level', 6), ('icon', 7)]], {'required': False}), 9: ('wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock', (), {'required': False}), 10: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': "No character limit, but be as succinct as possible. If the image is decorative (i.e., a screenreader wouldn't have anything useful to say about it), leave this field blank.", 'required': False}), 11: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('upload', 9), ('alt', 10)]], {}), 12: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('full', 'Full width'), (470, '470px'), (270, '270px'), (170, '170px')]}), 13: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('right', 'right'), ('left', 'left')], 'help_text': 'Does not apply if the image is full-width'}), 14: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'label': 'Caption', 'required': False}), 15: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'Check to add a horizontal rule line to bottom of inset.', 'label': 'Has bottom rule line', 'required': False}), 16: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('image', 11), ('image_width', 12), ('image_position', 13), ('text', 14), ('is_bottom_rule', 15)]], {}), 17: ('wagtail.blocks.MultipleChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('is_full_width', 'Display the table at full width'), ('stack_on_mobile', 'Stack the table columns on mobile')], 'required': False}), 18: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {}), 19: ('wagtail.blocks.FloatBlock', (), {}), 20: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'features': ['bold', 'italic', 'ol', 'ul', 'link', 'document-link', 'superscript']}), 21: ('wagtail.contrib.typed_table_block.blocks.TypedTableBlock', [[('text', 18), ('numeric', 19), ('rich_text', 20)]], {}), 22: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 8), ('text_introduction', 5), ('options', 17), ('data', 21)]], {}), 23: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {}), 24: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'required': False}), 25: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('body', 23), ('citation', 24)]], {}), 26: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'required': False}), 27: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Add an ARIA label if the link text does not describe the destination of the link (e.g. has ambiguous text like "Learn more" that is not descriptive on its own).', 'required': False}), 28: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'default': '/', 'required': False}), 29: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 5), ('aria_label', 27), ('url', 28)]], {}), 30: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('slug_text', 5), ('paragraph_text', 26), ('button', 29)]], {}), 31: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (29,), {}), 32: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 5), ('paragraph', 26), ('links', 31)]], {}), 33: ('v1.blocks.ReusableTextChooserBlock', ('v1.ReusableText',), {}), 34: ('v1.blocks.EmailSignUpChooserBlock', (), {}), 35: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'label': 'Well', 'required': False}), 36: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content', 35)]], {}), 37: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('content', 0), ('content_with_anchor', 4), ('heading', 8), ('image', 16), ('table', 22), ('quote', 25), ('cta', 30), ('related_links', 32), ('reusable_text', 33), ('email_signup', 34), ('well', 36)]], {}), 38: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('50-50', '50/50'), ('33-33-33', '33/33/33'), ('25-75', '25/75')], 'help_text': 'Choose the number and width of info unit columns.', 'label': 'Format'}), 39: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': "Check this to link all images and headings to the URL of the first link in their unit's list, if there is a link.", 'required': False}), 40: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add a horizontal rule line to top of info unit group.', 'required': False}), 41: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to show horizontal rule lines between info units.', 'label': 'Show rule lines between items', 'required': False}), 42: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('none', 'None'), ('rounded', 'Rounded corners'), ('circle', 'Circle')], 'help_text': 'Adds a <em>border-radius</em> class to images in this group, allowing for a rounded or circular border.', 'label': 'Border radius for images?', 'required': False}), 43: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 5), ('level', 6), ('icon', 7)]], {'default': {'level': 'h3'}, 'required': False}), 44: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'blank': True, 'required': False}), 45: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (29,), {'required': False}), 46: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('image', 11), ('heading', 43), ('body', 44), ('links', 45)]], {}), 47: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (46,), {'default': []}), 48: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('format', 38), ('heading', 8), ('intro', 26), ('link_image_and_heading', 39), ('has_top_rule_line', 40), ('lines_between_items', 41), ('border_radius_image', 42), ('info_units', 47)]], {}), 49: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'required': True}), 50: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Accessible description of the chart content', 'required': True}), 51: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('bar', 'Bar'), ('datetime', 'Date/time'), ('line', 'Line'), ('tilemap', 'Tile grid map')]}), 52: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': "URL of the chart's data source or an array of JSON data", 'required': True, 'rows': 2}), 53: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'For charts pulling from a separate source file, include a list of the column headers (from a CSV file) or keys (from a JSON file) to include in the chart as  ["HEADER/KEY1", "HEADER/KEY2"]. To change how the data is labeled in the chart, include the correct labels with the format [{"key": "HEADER/KEY1", "label": "NEWLABEL"}, {"key": "HEADER/KEY2", "label": "NEWLABEL2"}]', 'required': False}), 54: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'Uncheck this option to initially only show the first data  series in the chart. Leave checked to show all data  series by default. Users can always turn data series on  or off by interacting with the chart legend. ', 'required': False}), 55: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'The column header (CSV), key or data array (JSON) to include as the source of x-axis values.', 'required': False}), 56: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': "Name the javascript function in chart-hooks.js to run on the provided data before handing it to the chart. Can also provide '___'-separated arguments to this function which are passed in as arguments 2 to n", 'required': False}), 57: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'If the chart needs the option for users to filter the data shown, for example by date or geographic region, provide the JSON objects to filter on, in the format  {key: "KEY", "label": "LABEL"}', 'required': False}), 58: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'A JSON object with style overrides for the underlying Highcharts chart. No object merging is done, nested objects should be referenced with dot notation: {"tooltip.shape": "circle"}', 'required': False}), 59: ('wagtail.blocks.IntegerBlock', (), {'blank': True, 'help_text': 'A number to determine how many months of the data are projected values', 'max_value': 12, 'min_value': 0, 'null': True, 'required': False}), 60: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Attribution for the data source', 'required': False}), 61: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'When the underlying data was published', 'required': False}), 62: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Custom text for the chart download field. Required to display a download link.', 'required': False}), 63: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Location of a file to download, if different from the data source', 'required': False}), 64: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'General chart information', 'required': False}), 65: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('title', 49), ('subtitle', 24), ('description', 50), ('figure_number', 5), ('chart_type', 51), ('data_source', 52), ('data_series', 53), ('show_all_series_by_default', 54), ('x_axis_source', 55), ('transform', 56), ('x_axis_label', 5), ('y_axis_label', 5), ('filters', 57), ('style_overrides', 58), ('projected_months', 59), ('source_credits', 60), ('date_published', 61), ('download_text', 62), ('download_file', 63), ('notes', 64)]], {}), 66: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Added as an <code>&lt;h3&gt;</code> at the top of this block. Also adds a wrapping <code>&lt;div&gt;</code> whose <code>id</code> attribute comes from a slugified version of this heading, creating an anchor that can be used when linking to this part of the page.', 'required': False}), 67: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'required': False}), 68: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add a horizontal rule line to top of expandable group.', 'required': False}), 69: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add FAQ schema markup to expandables.', 'label': 'Uses FAQ schema', 'required': False}), 70: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('paragraph', 26), ('well', 36), ('links', 29), ('info_unit_group', 48)]], {'blank': True}), 71: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('label', 5), ('is_bordered', 67), ('is_midtone', 67), ('is_expanded', 67), ('content', 70)]], {}), 72: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (71,), {}), 73: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 66), ('body', 26), ('is_accordion', 67), ('has_top_rule_line', 68), ('is_faq', 69), ('expandables', 72)]], {}), 74: ('wagtail.blocks.RegexBlock', (), {'error_messages': {'invalid': 'The YouTube video ID is in the wrong format.'}, 'help_text': 'Enter the YouTube video ID, which is located at the end of the video URL, after "v=". For example, the video ID for is 1V0Ax9OIc84.', 'label': 'YouTube video ID', 'regex': '^[\\w-]{11}$', 'required': False}), 75: ('wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Optional thumbnail image to show before and after the video plays. If the thumbnail image is not set here, the video player will default to showing the thumbnail that was set in (or automatically chosen by) YouTube.', 'required': False}), 76: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('video_id', 74), ('thumbnail_image', 75)]], {}), 77: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add a horizontal rule line above this block.', 'required': False}), 78: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('70', '70%'), ('66', '66%'), ('60', '60%'), ('50', '50%'), ('40', '40%'), ('33', '33%'), ('30', '30%')], 'help_text': 'Choose the width in % that you wish to set the Actions column in a resource list.', 'label': 'Width of "Actions" column', 'required': False}), 79: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'help_text': "If selected, each resource in the list will include a 150px-wide image from the resource's thumbnail field.", 'required': False}), 80: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'E.g., "Download" or "Order free prints"'}), 81: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('related_file', 'Related file'), ('alternate_file', 'Alternate file'), ('link', 'Link'), ('alternate_link', 'Alternate link')], 'help_text': 'The field that the action link should point to'}), 82: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('link_label', 80), ('snippet_field', 81)]], {}), 83: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (82,), {}), 84: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'label': 'Tag'}), 85: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (84,), {'help_text': 'Enter tag names to filter the snippets. For a snippet to match and be output in the list, it must have been tagged with all of the tag names listed here. The tag names are case-insensitive.'}), 86: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 5), ('body', 26), ('has_top_rule_line', 77), ('image', 11), ('actions_column_width', 78), ('show_thumbnails', 79), ('actions', 83), ('tags', 85)]], {}), 87: ('wagtail.blocks.RawHTMLBlock', (), {'label': 'Raw HTML block'}), 88: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('bar', 'Bar | % y-axis values'), ('line', 'Line | millions/billions y-axis values'), ('line-index', 'Line-Index | integer y-axis values'), ('tile_map', 'Tile Map | grid-like USA map')]}), 89: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('blue', 'Blue'), ('gold', 'Gold'), ('green', 'Green'), ('navy', 'Navy'), ('neutral', 'Neutral'), ('purple', 'Purple'), ('teal', 'Teal')], 'help_text': 'Chart\'s color scheme. See "".', 'required': False}), 90: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Location of the chart\'s data source relative to "". For example,"consumer-credit-trends/auto-loans/num_data_AUT.csv".', 'required': True}), 91: ('wagtail.blocks.DateBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Automatically generated when CCT cron job runs'}), 92: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Briefly summarize the chart for visually impaired users.', 'required': True}), 93: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add a horizontal rule line to top of chart block.', 'required': False}), 94: ('wagtail.blocks.DateBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Month of latest entry in dataset'}), 95: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Optional metadata for the chart to use. For example, with CCT this would be the chart\'s "group".', 'required': False}), 96: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Text to display as a footnote. For example, "Data from the last six months are not final."', 'required': False}), 97: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Custom y-axis label. NOTE: Line-Index chart y-axis is not overridable with this field!', 'required': False}), 98: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('title', 49), ('chart_type', 88), ('color_scheme', 89), ('data_source', 90), ('date_published', 91), ('description', 92), ('has_top_rule_line', 93), ('last_updated_projected_data', 94), ('metadata', 95), ('note', 96), ('y_axis_label', 97)]], {}), 99: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'form_classname': 'title', 'required': True}), 100: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Chart summary for visually impaired users.', 'required': False}), 101: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Text for "Note" section of footnotes.', 'required': False}), 102: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content_block', 1), ('title', 99), ('description', 100), ('note', 101), ('has_top_rule_line', 93)]], {}), 103: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this box to allow the archival section to display. No section will appear if there are no archival downloads.', 'required': False}), 104: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('show_archives', 103)]], {}), 105: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Market identifier, e.g. AUT', 'max_length': 20, 'required': True}), 106: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Number of originations, e.g. 1.2 million', 'max_length': 20}), 107: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Total dollar value of originations, e.g. $3.4 billion', 'max_length': 20}), 108: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Percentage change, e.g. 5.6% increase', 'max_length': 20}), 109: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Descriptive sentence, e.g. Auto loans originated', 'max_length': 100}), 110: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Descriptive sentence, e.g. Dollar volume of new loans', 'max_length': 100}), 111: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Descriptive sentence, e.g. In year-over-year originations', 'max_length': 100}), 112: ('wagtail.blocks.DateBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Month of latest entry in dataset for inquiry data', 'max_length': 20, 'required': False}), 113: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Percentage change, e.g. 5.6% increase', 'max_length': 20, 'required': False}), 114: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Descriptive sentence, e.g. In year-over-year inquiries', 'max_length': 100, 'required': False}), 115: ('wagtail.blocks.DateBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Month of latest entry in dataset for credit tightness data', 'max_length': 20, 'required': False}), 116: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Descriptive sentence, e.g. In year-over-year credit tightness', 'max_length': 100, 'required': False}), 117: ('wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock', (), {'icon': 'image', 'required': False}), 118: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('market_key', 105), ('num_originations', 106), ('value_originations', 107), ('year_over_year_change', 108), ('last_updated_projected_data', 94), ('num_originations_text', 109), ('value_originations_text', 110), ('year_over_year_change_text', 111), ('inquiry_month', 112), ('inquiry_year_over_year_change', 113), ('inquiry_year_over_year_change_text', 114), ('tightness_month', 115), ('tightness_year_over_year_change', 113), ('tightness_year_over_year_change_text', 116), ('image', 117)]], {}), 119: ('jobmanager.blocks.JobListingTable', (), {}), 120: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Short description for a checkbox item'}), 121: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Deeper explanation of the item', 'required': False}), 122: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('item', 120), ('details', 121)]], {}), 123: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (122,), {}), 124: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('checklist', 123)]], {}), 125: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add a horizontal rule line to top of FAQ group.', 'required': False}), 126: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to show horizontal rule lines between FAQ items.', 'label': 'Show rule lines between items', 'required': False}), 127: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('h2', 'h2'), ('h3', 'h3'), ('h4', 'h4'), ('p', 'p')], 'help_text': 'HTML tag for questions.'}), 128: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'blank': True, 'help_text': "Add an optional anchor link tag for this question. Tag should be unique and use dashes or underscores for separation instead of spaces (ie, 'question-one-tag')", 'max_length': 500, 'required': False}), 129: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'max_length': 500}), 130: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('full_width_text', 37), ('info_unit_group', 48)]], {}), 131: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('anchor_tag', 128), ('question', 129), ('answer', 130)]], {}), 132: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (131,), {'label': 'FAQ items'}), 133: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('has_top_rule_line', 125), ('lines_between_items', 126), ('question_tag', 127), ('faq_items', 132)]], {})}),
+        ),
+        migrations.AlterField(
+            model_name='documentdetailpage',
+            name='content',
+            field=wagtail.fields.StreamField([('full_width_text', 37), ('expandable', 51), ('expandable_group', 56), ('notification', 61), ('simple_chart', 78), ('table', 22), ('crc_table', 80), ('case_docket_table', 82)], blank=True, block_lookup={0: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'icon': 'edit'}), 1: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {}), 2: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': '\n            ID will be auto-generated on save.\n            However, you may enter some human-friendly text that\n            will be incorporated to make it easier to read.\n        ', 'label': 'ID for this content block', 'required': False}), 3: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('link_id', 2)]], {}), 4: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content_block', 1), ('anchor_link', 3)]], {}), 5: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'required': False}), 6: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('h2', 'H2'), ('h3', 'H3'), ('h4', 'H4'), ('h5', 'H5')]}), 7: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Input the name of an icon to appear to the left of the heading. E.g., approved, help-round, etc. <a href="">See full list of icons</a>', 'required': False}), 8: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 5), ('level', 6), ('icon', 7)]], {'required': False}), 9: ('wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock', (), {'required': False}), 10: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': "No character limit, but be as succinct as possible. If the image is decorative (i.e., a screenreader wouldn't have anything useful to say about it), leave this field blank.", 'required': False}), 11: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('upload', 9), ('alt', 10)]], {}), 12: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('full', 'Full width'), (470, '470px'), (270, '270px'), (170, '170px')]}), 13: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('right', 'right'), ('left', 'left')], 'help_text': 'Does not apply if the image is full-width'}), 14: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'label': 'Caption', 'required': False}), 15: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'Check to add a horizontal rule line to bottom of inset.', 'label': 'Has bottom rule line', 'required': False}), 16: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('image', 11), ('image_width', 12), ('image_position', 13), ('text', 14), ('is_bottom_rule', 15)]], {}), 17: ('wagtail.blocks.MultipleChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('is_full_width', 'Display the table at full width'), ('stack_on_mobile', 'Stack the table columns on mobile')], 'required': False}), 18: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {}), 19: ('wagtail.blocks.FloatBlock', (), {}), 20: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'features': ['bold', 'italic', 'ol', 'ul', 'link', 'document-link', 'superscript']}), 21: ('wagtail.contrib.typed_table_block.blocks.TypedTableBlock', [[('text', 18), ('numeric', 19), ('rich_text', 20)]], {}), 22: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 8), ('text_introduction', 5), ('options', 17), ('data', 21)]], {}), 23: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {}), 24: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'required': False}), 25: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('body', 23), ('citation', 24)]], {}), 26: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'required': False}), 27: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Add an ARIA label if the link text does not describe the destination of the link (e.g. has ambiguous text like "Learn more" that is not descriptive on its own).', 'required': False}), 28: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'default': '/', 'required': False}), 29: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 5), ('aria_label', 27), ('url', 28)]], {}), 30: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('slug_text', 5), ('paragraph_text', 26), ('button', 29)]], {}), 31: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (29,), {}), 32: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 5), ('paragraph', 26), ('links', 31)]], {}), 33: ('v1.blocks.ReusableTextChooserBlock', ('v1.ReusableText',), {}), 34: ('v1.blocks.EmailSignUpChooserBlock', (), {}), 35: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'label': 'Well', 'required': False}), 36: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content', 35)]], {}), 37: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('content', 0), ('content_with_anchor', 4), ('heading', 8), ('image', 16), ('table', 22), ('quote', 25), ('cta', 30), ('related_links', 32), ('reusable_text', 33), ('email_signup', 34), ('well', 36)]], {}), 38: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'required': False}), 39: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('50-50', '50/50'), ('33-33-33', '33/33/33'), ('25-75', '25/75')], 'help_text': 'Choose the number and width of info unit columns.', 'label': 'Format'}), 40: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': "Check this to link all images and headings to the URL of the first link in their unit's list, if there is a link.", 'required': False}), 41: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add a horizontal rule line to top of info unit group.', 'required': False}), 42: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to show horizontal rule lines between info units.', 'label': 'Show rule lines between items', 'required': False}), 43: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('none', 'None'), ('rounded', 'Rounded corners'), ('circle', 'Circle')], 'help_text': 'Adds a <em>border-radius</em> class to images in this group, allowing for a rounded or circular border.', 'label': 'Border radius for images?', 'required': False}), 44: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 5), ('level', 6), ('icon', 7)]], {'default': {'level': 'h3'}, 'required': False}), 45: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'blank': True, 'required': False}), 46: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (29,), {'required': False}), 47: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('image', 11), ('heading', 44), ('body', 45), ('links', 46)]], {}), 48: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (47,), {'default': []}), 49: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('format', 39), ('heading', 8), ('intro', 26), ('link_image_and_heading', 40), ('has_top_rule_line', 41), ('lines_between_items', 42), ('border_radius_image', 43), ('info_units', 48)]], {}), 50: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('paragraph', 26), ('well', 36), ('links', 29), ('info_unit_group', 49)]], {'blank': True}), 51: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('label', 5), ('is_bordered', 38), ('is_midtone', 38), ('is_expanded', 38), ('content', 50)]], {}), 52: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Added as an <code>&lt;h3&gt;</code> at the top of this block. Also adds a wrapping <code>&lt;div&gt;</code> whose <code>id</code> attribute comes from a slugified version of this heading, creating an anchor that can be used when linking to this part of the page.', 'required': False}), 53: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add a horizontal rule line to top of expandable group.', 'required': False}), 54: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add FAQ schema markup to expandables.', 'label': 'Uses FAQ schema', 'required': False}), 55: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (51,), {}), 56: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 52), ('body', 26), ('is_accordion', 38), ('has_top_rule_line', 53), ('is_faq', 54), ('expandables', 55)]], {}), 57: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('information', 'Information'), ('warning', 'Warning')]}), 58: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'The main notification message to display.', 'required': True}), 59: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Explanation text appears below the message in smaller type.', 'required': False}), 60: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (29,), {'help_text': 'Links appear on their own lines below the explanation.', 'required': False}), 61: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('type', 57), ('message', 58), ('explanation', 59), ('links', 60)]], {}), 62: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'required': True}), 63: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Accessible description of the chart content', 'required': True}), 64: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('bar', 'Bar'), ('datetime', 'Date/time'), ('line', 'Line'), ('tilemap', 'Tile grid map')]}), 65: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': "URL of the chart's data source or an array of JSON data", 'required': True, 'rows': 2}), 66: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'For charts pulling from a separate source file, include a list of the column headers (from a CSV file) or keys (from a JSON file) to include in the chart as  ["HEADER/KEY1", "HEADER/KEY2"]. To change how the data is labeled in the chart, include the correct labels with the format [{"key": "HEADER/KEY1", "label": "NEWLABEL"}, {"key": "HEADER/KEY2", "label": "NEWLABEL2"}]', 'required': False}), 67: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'Uncheck this option to initially only show the first data  series in the chart. Leave checked to show all data  series by default. Users can always turn data series on  or off by interacting with the chart legend. ', 'required': False}), 68: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'The column header (CSV), key or data array (JSON) to include as the source of x-axis values.', 'required': False}), 69: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': "Name the javascript function in chart-hooks.js to run on the provided data before handing it to the chart. Can also provide '___'-separated arguments to this function which are passed in as arguments 2 to n", 'required': False}), 70: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'If the chart needs the option for users to filter the data shown, for example by date or geographic region, provide the JSON objects to filter on, in the format  {key: "KEY", "label": "LABEL"}', 'required': False}), 71: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'A JSON object with style overrides for the underlying Highcharts chart. No object merging is done, nested objects should be referenced with dot notation: {"tooltip.shape": "circle"}', 'required': False}), 72: ('wagtail.blocks.IntegerBlock', (), {'blank': True, 'help_text': 'A number to determine how many months of the data are projected values', 'max_value': 12, 'min_value': 0, 'null': True, 'required': False}), 73: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Attribution for the data source', 'required': False}), 74: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'When the underlying data was published', 'required': False}), 75: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Custom text for the chart download field. Required to display a download link.', 'required': False}), 76: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Location of a file to download, if different from the data source', 'required': False}), 77: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'General chart information', 'required': False}), 78: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('title', 62), ('subtitle', 24), ('description', 63), ('figure_number', 5), ('chart_type', 64), ('data_source', 65), ('data_series', 66), ('show_all_series_by_default', 67), ('x_axis_source', 68), ('transform', 69), ('x_axis_label', 5), ('y_axis_label', 5), ('filters', 70), ('style_overrides', 71), ('projected_months', 72), ('source_credits', 73), ('date_published', 74), ('download_text', 75), ('download_file', 76), ('notes', 77)]], {}), 79: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'features': ['bold', 'italic', 'link']}), 80: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('website', 79), ('phone', 79), ('mailing_address', 79)]], {}), 81: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (v1.atomic_elements.tables.CaseDocketEvent,), {'collapsed': True, 'min_num': 1}), 82: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('events', 81)]], {})}),
+        ),
+        migrations.AlterField(
+            model_name='learnpage',
+            name='content',
+            field=wagtail.fields.StreamField([('full_width_text', 37), ('info_unit_group', 48), ('expandable_group', 56), ('expandable', 54), ('well', 36), ('call_to_action', 30), ('video_player', 59), ('audio_player', 62), ('email_signup', 34), ('simple_chart', 79), ('table', 22), ('faq_group', 88), ('contact_us_table', 90)], blank=True, block_lookup={0: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'icon': 'edit'}), 1: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {}), 2: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': '\n            ID will be auto-generated on save.\n            However, you may enter some human-friendly text that\n            will be incorporated to make it easier to read.\n        ', 'label': 'ID for this content block', 'required': False}), 3: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('link_id', 2)]], {}), 4: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content_block', 1), ('anchor_link', 3)]], {}), 5: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'required': False}), 6: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('h2', 'H2'), ('h3', 'H3'), ('h4', 'H4'), ('h5', 'H5')]}), 7: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Input the name of an icon to appear to the left of the heading. E.g., approved, help-round, etc. <a href="">See full list of icons</a>', 'required': False}), 8: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 5), ('level', 6), ('icon', 7)]], {'required': False}), 9: ('wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock', (), {'required': False}), 10: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': "No character limit, but be as succinct as possible. If the image is decorative (i.e., a screenreader wouldn't have anything useful to say about it), leave this field blank.", 'required': False}), 11: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('upload', 9), ('alt', 10)]], {}), 12: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('full', 'Full width'), (470, '470px'), (270, '270px'), (170, '170px')]}), 13: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('right', 'right'), ('left', 'left')], 'help_text': 'Does not apply if the image is full-width'}), 14: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'label': 'Caption', 'required': False}), 15: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'Check to add a horizontal rule line to bottom of inset.', 'label': 'Has bottom rule line', 'required': False}), 16: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('image', 11), ('image_width', 12), ('image_position', 13), ('text', 14), ('is_bottom_rule', 15)]], {}), 17: ('wagtail.blocks.MultipleChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('is_full_width', 'Display the table at full width'), ('stack_on_mobile', 'Stack the table columns on mobile')], 'required': False}), 18: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {}), 19: ('wagtail.blocks.FloatBlock', (), {}), 20: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'features': ['bold', 'italic', 'ol', 'ul', 'link', 'document-link', 'superscript']}), 21: ('wagtail.contrib.typed_table_block.blocks.TypedTableBlock', [[('text', 18), ('numeric', 19), ('rich_text', 20)]], {}), 22: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 8), ('text_introduction', 5), ('options', 17), ('data', 21)]], {}), 23: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {}), 24: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'required': False}), 25: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('body', 23), ('citation', 24)]], {}), 26: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'required': False}), 27: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Add an ARIA label if the link text does not describe the destination of the link (e.g. has ambiguous text like "Learn more" that is not descriptive on its own).', 'required': False}), 28: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'default': '/', 'required': False}), 29: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 5), ('aria_label', 27), ('url', 28)]], {}), 30: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('slug_text', 5), ('paragraph_text', 26), ('button', 29)]], {}), 31: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (29,), {}), 32: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 5), ('paragraph', 26), ('links', 31)]], {}), 33: ('v1.blocks.ReusableTextChooserBlock', ('v1.ReusableText',), {}), 34: ('v1.blocks.EmailSignUpChooserBlock', (), {}), 35: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'label': 'Well', 'required': False}), 36: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content', 35)]], {}), 37: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('content', 0), ('content_with_anchor', 4), ('heading', 8), ('image', 16), ('table', 22), ('quote', 25), ('cta', 30), ('related_links', 32), ('reusable_text', 33), ('email_signup', 34), ('well', 36)]], {}), 38: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('50-50', '50/50'), ('33-33-33', '33/33/33'), ('25-75', '25/75')], 'help_text': 'Choose the number and width of info unit columns.', 'label': 'Format'}), 39: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': "Check this to link all images and headings to the URL of the first link in their unit's list, if there is a link.", 'required': False}), 40: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add a horizontal rule line to top of info unit group.', 'required': False}), 41: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to show horizontal rule lines between info units.', 'label': 'Show rule lines between items', 'required': False}), 42: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('none', 'None'), ('rounded', 'Rounded corners'), ('circle', 'Circle')], 'help_text': 'Adds a <em>border-radius</em> class to images in this group, allowing for a rounded or circular border.', 'label': 'Border radius for images?', 'required': False}), 43: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 5), ('level', 6), ('icon', 7)]], {'default': {'level': 'h3'}, 'required': False}), 44: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'blank': True, 'required': False}), 45: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (29,), {'required': False}), 46: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('image', 11), ('heading', 43), ('body', 44), ('links', 45)]], {}), 47: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (46,), {'default': []}), 48: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('format', 38), ('heading', 8), ('intro', 26), ('link_image_and_heading', 39), ('has_top_rule_line', 40), ('lines_between_items', 41), ('border_radius_image', 42), ('info_units', 47)]], {}), 49: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Added as an <code>&lt;h3&gt;</code> at the top of this block. Also adds a wrapping <code>&lt;div&gt;</code> whose <code>id</code> attribute comes from a slugified version of this heading, creating an anchor that can be used when linking to this part of the page.', 'required': False}), 50: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'required': False}), 51: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add a horizontal rule line to top of expandable group.', 'required': False}), 52: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add FAQ schema markup to expandables.', 'label': 'Uses FAQ schema', 'required': False}), 53: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('paragraph', 26), ('well', 36), ('links', 29), ('info_unit_group', 48)]], {'blank': True}), 54: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('label', 5), ('is_bordered', 50), ('is_midtone', 50), ('is_expanded', 50), ('content', 53)]], {}), 55: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (54,), {}), 56: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 49), ('body', 26), ('is_accordion', 50), ('has_top_rule_line', 51), ('is_faq', 52), ('expandables', 55)]], {}), 57: ('wagtail.blocks.RegexBlock', (), {'error_messages': {'invalid': 'The YouTube video ID is in the wrong format.'}, 'help_text': 'Enter the YouTube video ID, which is located at the end of the video URL, after "v=". For example, the video ID for is 1V0Ax9OIc84.', 'label': 'YouTube video ID', 'regex': '^[\\w-]{11}$', 'required': False}), 58: ('wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Optional thumbnail image to show before and after the video plays. If the thumbnail image is not set here, the video player will default to showing the thumbnail that was set in (or automatically chosen by) YouTube.', 'required': False}), 59: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('video_id', 57), ('thumbnail_image', 58)]], {}), 60: ('wagtailmedia.blocks.AbstractMediaChooserBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Spoken word audio files should be in MP3 format with a 44.1 kHz sample rate, 96 kbps (CBR) bitrate, in mono. See <a href="">Libsyn’s guidance</a> for details. Note that the thumbnail and tag fields will not be used for audio files.'}), 61: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'If you have anything you want to appear below the audio player, such as a download link, put it in this field.', 'required': False}), 62: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 8), ('body', 26), ('audio_file', 60), ('additional_details', 61)]], {}), 63: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'required': True}), 64: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Accessible description of the chart content', 'required': True}), 65: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('bar', 'Bar'), ('datetime', 'Date/time'), ('line', 'Line'), ('tilemap', 'Tile grid map')]}), 66: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': "URL of the chart's data source or an array of JSON data", 'required': True, 'rows': 2}), 67: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'For charts pulling from a separate source file, include a list of the column headers (from a CSV file) or keys (from a JSON file) to include in the chart as  ["HEADER/KEY1", "HEADER/KEY2"]. To change how the data is labeled in the chart, include the correct labels with the format [{"key": "HEADER/KEY1", "label": "NEWLABEL"}, {"key": "HEADER/KEY2", "label": "NEWLABEL2"}]', 'required': False}), 68: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'Uncheck this option to initially only show the first data  series in the chart. Leave checked to show all data  series by default. Users can always turn data series on  or off by interacting with the chart legend. ', 'required': False}), 69: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'The column header (CSV), key or data array (JSON) to include as the source of x-axis values.', 'required': False}), 70: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': "Name the javascript function in chart-hooks.js to run on the provided data before handing it to the chart. Can also provide '___'-separated arguments to this function which are passed in as arguments 2 to n", 'required': False}), 71: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'If the chart needs the option for users to filter the data shown, for example by date or geographic region, provide the JSON objects to filter on, in the format  {key: "KEY", "label": "LABEL"}', 'required': False}), 72: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'A JSON object with style overrides for the underlying Highcharts chart. No object merging is done, nested objects should be referenced with dot notation: {"tooltip.shape": "circle"}', 'required': False}), 73: ('wagtail.blocks.IntegerBlock', (), {'blank': True, 'help_text': 'A number to determine how many months of the data are projected values', 'max_value': 12, 'min_value': 0, 'null': True, 'required': False}), 74: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Attribution for the data source', 'required': False}), 75: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'When the underlying data was published', 'required': False}), 76: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Custom text for the chart download field. Required to display a download link.', 'required': False}), 77: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Location of a file to download, if different from the data source', 'required': False}), 78: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'General chart information', 'required': False}), 79: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('title', 63), ('subtitle', 24), ('description', 64), ('figure_number', 5), ('chart_type', 65), ('data_source', 66), ('data_series', 67), ('show_all_series_by_default', 68), ('x_axis_source', 69), ('transform', 70), ('x_axis_label', 5), ('y_axis_label', 5), ('filters', 71), ('style_overrides', 72), ('projected_months', 73), ('source_credits', 74), ('date_published', 75), ('download_text', 76), ('download_file', 77), ('notes', 78)]], {}), 80: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add a horizontal rule line to top of FAQ group.', 'required': False}), 81: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to show horizontal rule lines between FAQ items.', 'label': 'Show rule lines between items', 'required': False}), 82: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('h2', 'h2'), ('h3', 'h3'), ('h4', 'h4'), ('p', 'p')], 'help_text': 'HTML tag for questions.'}), 83: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'blank': True, 'help_text': "Add an optional anchor link tag for this question. Tag should be unique and use dashes or underscores for separation instead of spaces (ie, 'question-one-tag')", 'max_length': 500, 'required': False}), 84: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'max_length': 500}), 85: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('full_width_text', 37), ('info_unit_group', 48)]], {}), 86: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('anchor_tag', 83), ('question', 84), ('answer', 85)]], {}), 87: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (86,), {'label': 'FAQ items'}), 88: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('has_top_rule_line', 80), ('lines_between_items', 81), ('question_tag', 82), ('faq_items', 87)]], {}), 89: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (v1.atomic_elements.tables.ContactUsRow,), {'collapsed': True, 'min_num': 1}), 90: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 18), ('rows', 89)]], {})}),
+        ),
+        migrations.AlterField(
+            model_name='legacyblogpage',
+            name='content',
+            field=wagtail.fields.StreamField([('full_width_text', 37), ('info_unit_group', 48), ('expandable', 51), ('well', 36), ('video_player', 54), ('email_signup', 34), ('simple_chart', 71), ('faq_schema', 82), ('how_to_schema', 92), ('content', 93), ('reusable_text', 33)], block_lookup={0: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'icon': 'edit'}), 1: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {}), 2: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': '\n            ID will be auto-generated on save.\n            However, you may enter some human-friendly text that\n            will be incorporated to make it easier to read.\n        ', 'label': 'ID for this content block', 'required': False}), 3: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('link_id', 2)]], {}), 4: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content_block', 1), ('anchor_link', 3)]], {}), 5: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'required': False}), 6: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('h2', 'H2'), ('h3', 'H3'), ('h4', 'H4'), ('h5', 'H5')]}), 7: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Input the name of an icon to appear to the left of the heading. E.g., approved, help-round, etc. <a href="">See full list of icons</a>', 'required': False}), 8: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 5), ('level', 6), ('icon', 7)]], {'required': False}), 9: ('wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock', (), {'required': False}), 10: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': "No character limit, but be as succinct as possible. If the image is decorative (i.e., a screenreader wouldn't have anything useful to say about it), leave this field blank.", 'required': False}), 11: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('upload', 9), ('alt', 10)]], {}), 12: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('full', 'Full width'), (470, '470px'), (270, '270px'), (170, '170px')]}), 13: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('right', 'right'), ('left', 'left')], 'help_text': 'Does not apply if the image is full-width'}), 14: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'label': 'Caption', 'required': False}), 15: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'Check to add a horizontal rule line to bottom of inset.', 'label': 'Has bottom rule line', 'required': False}), 16: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('image', 11), ('image_width', 12), ('image_position', 13), ('text', 14), ('is_bottom_rule', 15)]], {}), 17: ('wagtail.blocks.MultipleChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('is_full_width', 'Display the table at full width'), ('stack_on_mobile', 'Stack the table columns on mobile')], 'required': False}), 18: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {}), 19: ('wagtail.blocks.FloatBlock', (), {}), 20: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'features': ['bold', 'italic', 'ol', 'ul', 'link', 'document-link', 'superscript']}), 21: ('wagtail.contrib.typed_table_block.blocks.TypedTableBlock', [[('text', 18), ('numeric', 19), ('rich_text', 20)]], {}), 22: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 8), ('text_introduction', 5), ('options', 17), ('data', 21)]], {}), 23: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {}), 24: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'required': False}), 25: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('body', 23), ('citation', 24)]], {}), 26: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'required': False}), 27: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Add an ARIA label if the link text does not describe the destination of the link (e.g. has ambiguous text like "Learn more" that is not descriptive on its own).', 'required': False}), 28: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'default': '/', 'required': False}), 29: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 5), ('aria_label', 27), ('url', 28)]], {}), 30: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('slug_text', 5), ('paragraph_text', 26), ('button', 29)]], {}), 31: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (29,), {}), 32: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 5), ('paragraph', 26), ('links', 31)]], {}), 33: ('v1.blocks.ReusableTextChooserBlock', ('v1.ReusableText',), {}), 34: ('v1.blocks.EmailSignUpChooserBlock', (), {}), 35: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'label': 'Well', 'required': False}), 36: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content', 35)]], {}), 37: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('content', 0), ('content_with_anchor', 4), ('heading', 8), ('image', 16), ('table', 22), ('quote', 25), ('cta', 30), ('related_links', 32), ('reusable_text', 33), ('email_signup', 34), ('well', 36)]], {}), 38: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('50-50', '50/50'), ('33-33-33', '33/33/33'), ('25-75', '25/75')], 'help_text': 'Choose the number and width of info unit columns.', 'label': 'Format'}), 39: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': "Check this to link all images and headings to the URL of the first link in their unit's list, if there is a link.", 'required': False}), 40: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add a horizontal rule line to top of info unit group.', 'required': False}), 41: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to show horizontal rule lines between info units.', 'label': 'Show rule lines between items', 'required': False}), 42: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('none', 'None'), ('rounded', 'Rounded corners'), ('circle', 'Circle')], 'help_text': 'Adds a <em>border-radius</em> class to images in this group, allowing for a rounded or circular border.', 'label': 'Border radius for images?', 'required': False}), 43: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 5), ('level', 6), ('icon', 7)]], {'default': {'level': 'h3'}, 'required': False}), 44: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'blank': True, 'required': False}), 45: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (29,), {'required': False}), 46: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('image', 11), ('heading', 43), ('body', 44), ('links', 45)]], {}), 47: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (46,), {'default': []}), 48: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('format', 38), ('heading', 8), ('intro', 26), ('link_image_and_heading', 39), ('has_top_rule_line', 40), ('lines_between_items', 41), ('border_radius_image', 42), ('info_units', 47)]], {}), 49: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'required': False}), 50: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('paragraph', 26), ('well', 36), ('links', 29), ('info_unit_group', 48)]], {'blank': True}), 51: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('label', 5), ('is_bordered', 49), ('is_midtone', 49), ('is_expanded', 49), ('content', 50)]], {}), 52: ('wagtail.blocks.RegexBlock', (), {'error_messages': {'invalid': 'The YouTube video ID is in the wrong format.'}, 'help_text': 'Enter the YouTube video ID, which is located at the end of the video URL, after "v=". For example, the video ID for is 1V0Ax9OIc84.', 'label': 'YouTube video ID', 'regex': '^[\\w-]{11}$', 'required': False}), 53: ('wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Optional thumbnail image to show before and after the video plays. If the thumbnail image is not set here, the video player will default to showing the thumbnail that was set in (or automatically chosen by) YouTube.', 'required': False}), 54: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('video_id', 52), ('thumbnail_image', 53)]], {}), 55: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'required': True}), 56: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Accessible description of the chart content', 'required': True}), 57: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('bar', 'Bar'), ('datetime', 'Date/time'), ('line', 'Line'), ('tilemap', 'Tile grid map')]}), 58: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': "URL of the chart's data source or an array of JSON data", 'required': True, 'rows': 2}), 59: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'For charts pulling from a separate source file, include a list of the column headers (from a CSV file) or keys (from a JSON file) to include in the chart as  ["HEADER/KEY1", "HEADER/KEY2"]. To change how the data is labeled in the chart, include the correct labels with the format [{"key": "HEADER/KEY1", "label": "NEWLABEL"}, {"key": "HEADER/KEY2", "label": "NEWLABEL2"}]', 'required': False}), 60: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'Uncheck this option to initially only show the first data  series in the chart. Leave checked to show all data  series by default. Users can always turn data series on  or off by interacting with the chart legend. ', 'required': False}), 61: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'The column header (CSV), key or data array (JSON) to include as the source of x-axis values.', 'required': False}), 62: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': "Name the javascript function in chart-hooks.js to run on the provided data before handing it to the chart. Can also provide '___'-separated arguments to this function which are passed in as arguments 2 to n", 'required': False}), 63: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'If the chart needs the option for users to filter the data shown, for example by date or geographic region, provide the JSON objects to filter on, in the format  {key: "KEY", "label": "LABEL"}', 'required': False}), 64: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'A JSON object with style overrides for the underlying Highcharts chart. No object merging is done, nested objects should be referenced with dot notation: {"tooltip.shape": "circle"}', 'required': False}), 65: ('wagtail.blocks.IntegerBlock', (), {'blank': True, 'help_text': 'A number to determine how many months of the data are projected values', 'max_value': 12, 'min_value': 0, 'null': True, 'required': False}), 66: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Attribution for the data source', 'required': False}), 67: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'When the underlying data was published', 'required': False}), 68: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Custom text for the chart download field. Required to display a download link.', 'required': False}), 69: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Location of a file to download, if different from the data source', 'required': False}), 70: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'General chart information', 'required': False}), 71: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('title', 55), ('subtitle', 24), ('description', 56), ('figure_number', 5), ('chart_type', 57), ('data_source', 58), ('data_series', 59), ('show_all_series_by_default', 60), ('x_axis_source', 61), ('transform', 62), ('x_axis_label', 5), ('y_axis_label', 5), ('filters', 63), ('style_overrides', 64), ('projected_months', 65), ('source_credits', 66), ('date_published', 67), ('download_text', 68), ('download_file', 69), ('notes', 70)]], {}), 72: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'blank': True, 'features': ['ol', 'ul', 'bold', 'italic', 'link', 'document-link'], 'required': False}), 73: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'blank': True, 'help_text': "Add an optional anchor link tag for this question. Tag should be unique and use dashes or underscores for separation instead of spaces (ie, 'question-one-tag')", 'max_length': 500, 'required': False}), 74: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'max_length': 500}), 75: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'features': ['bold', 'italic', 'h3', 'h4', 'link', 'ol', 'ul', 'document-link', 'image', 'embed'], 'label': 'Text'}), 76: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content', 75)]], {}), 77: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'features': ['link', 'document-link'], 'label': 'Tip'}), 78: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content', 77)]], {}), 79: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('text', 76), ('table', 22), ('tip', 78), ('video_player', 54)]], {}), 80: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('anchor_tag', 73), ('question', 74), ('answer_content', 79)]], {}), 81: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (80,), {}), 82: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('description', 72), ('questions', 81)]], {'label': 'FAQ schema'}), 83: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'label': 'Title of How To section', 'max_length': 500}), 84: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('h2', 'H2'), ('h3', 'H3'), ('h4', 'H4')], 'help_text': 'Choose a tag for the title of the How To section.', 'label': 'Tag for How To section title'}), 85: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'The How To schema requires a title to let search engines understand what it is about. If you do not want the title to be displayed in the page, uncheck this box and the title content will only be made available to crawlers and screen readers.', 'label': 'Show How To section title', 'required': False}), 86: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('h2', 'H2'), ('h3', 'H3'), ('h4', 'H4'), ('b', 'Bold'), ('p', 'Paragraph')], 'help_text': 'Choose a tag for the title of each HowTo step.', 'label': 'Tag for step titles'}), 87: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this box to display numbers before step titles. ', 'label': 'Show numbers for steps', 'required': False}), 88: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'blank': True, 'help_text': "Add an optional anchor link tag to allow linking directly to this step. Tag should be unique and use dashes or underscores for separation instead of spaces (ie, 'step-one-tag').", 'max_length': 500, 'required': False}), 89: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Enter a title for this HowTo step. You do not need to include a number in the title -- numbers will be added automatically in the template if the show numbers checkbox is checked.', 'max_length': 500}), 90: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('anchor_tag', 88), ('title', 89), ('step_content', 79)]], {}), 91: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (90,), {}), 92: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('title', 83), ('title_tag', 84), ('show_title', 85), ('description', 72), ('step_title_tag', 86), ('has_numbers', 87), ('steps', 91)]], {'label': 'HowTo schema', 'max_num': 1}), 93: ('wagtail.blocks.RawHTMLBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Content from WordPress unescaped.'})}),
+        ),
+        migrations.AlterField(
+            model_name='storypage',
+            name='content',
+            field=wagtail.fields.StreamField([('expandable_group', 31), ('featured_content', 40), ('full_width_text', 64), ('image', 50), ('info_unit_group', 27), ('text_introduction', 67), ('video_player', 68), ('simple_chart', 85)], blank=True, block_lookup={0: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Added as an <code>&lt;h3&gt;</code> at the top of this block. Also adds a wrapping <code>&lt;div&gt;</code> whose <code>id</code> attribute comes from a slugified version of this heading, creating an anchor that can be used when linking to this part of the page.', 'required': False}), 1: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'required': False}), 2: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'required': False}), 3: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add a horizontal rule line to top of expandable group.', 'required': False}), 4: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add FAQ schema markup to expandables.', 'label': 'Uses FAQ schema', 'required': False}), 5: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'required': False}), 6: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'label': 'Well', 'required': False}), 7: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content', 6)]], {}), 8: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Add an ARIA label if the link text does not describe the destination of the link (e.g. has ambiguous text like "Learn more" that is not descriptive on its own).', 'required': False}), 9: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'default': '/', 'required': False}), 10: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 5), ('aria_label', 8), ('url', 9)]], {}), 11: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('50-50', '50/50'), ('33-33-33', '33/33/33'), ('25-75', '25/75')], 'help_text': 'Choose the number and width of info unit columns.', 'label': 'Format'}), 12: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('h2', 'H2'), ('h3', 'H3'), ('h4', 'H4'), ('h5', 'H5')]}), 13: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Input the name of an icon to appear to the left of the heading. E.g., approved, help-round, etc. <a href="">See full list of icons</a>', 'required': False}), 14: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 5), ('level', 12), ('icon', 13)]], {'required': False}), 15: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': "Check this to link all images and headings to the URL of the first link in their unit's list, if there is a link.", 'required': False}), 16: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add a horizontal rule line to top of info unit group.', 'required': False}), 17: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to show horizontal rule lines between info units.', 'label': 'Show rule lines between items', 'required': False}), 18: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('none', 'None'), ('rounded', 'Rounded corners'), ('circle', 'Circle')], 'help_text': 'Adds a <em>border-radius</em> class to images in this group, allowing for a rounded or circular border.', 'label': 'Border radius for images?', 'required': False}), 19: ('wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock', (), {'required': False}), 20: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': "No character limit, but be as succinct as possible. If the image is decorative (i.e., a screenreader wouldn't have anything useful to say about it), leave this field blank.", 'required': False}), 21: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('upload', 19), ('alt', 20)]], {}), 22: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 5), ('level', 12), ('icon', 13)]], {'default': {'level': 'h3'}, 'required': False}), 23: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'blank': True, 'required': False}), 24: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (10,), {'required': False}), 25: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('image', 21), ('heading', 22), ('body', 23), ('links', 24)]], {}), 26: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (25,), {'default': []}), 27: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('format', 11), ('heading', 14), ('intro', 1), ('link_image_and_heading', 15), ('has_top_rule_line', 16), ('lines_between_items', 17), ('border_radius_image', 18), ('info_units', 26)]], {}), 28: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('paragraph', 1), ('well', 7), ('links', 10), ('info_unit_group', 27)]], {'blank': True}), 29: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('label', 5), ('is_bordered', 2), ('is_midtone', 2), ('is_expanded', 2), ('content', 28)]], {}), 30: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (29,), {}), 31: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 0), ('body', 1), ('is_accordion', 2), ('has_top_rule_line', 3), ('is_faq', 4), ('expandables', 30)]], {}), 32: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {}), 33: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Line breaks will be ignored.'}), 34: ('wagtail.blocks.PageChooserBlock', (), {'required': False}), 35: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'label': 'Render post link?', 'required': False}), 36: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (10,), {'label': 'Additional Links'}), 37: ('wagtail.blocks.RegexBlock', (), {'error_messages': {'invalid': 'The YouTube video ID is in the wrong format.'}, 'help_text': 'Enter the YouTube video ID, which is located at the end of the video URL, after "v=". For example, the video ID for is 1V0Ax9OIc84.', 'label': 'YouTube video ID', 'regex': '^[\\w-]{11}$', 'required': False}), 38: ('wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Optional thumbnail image to show before and after the video plays. If the thumbnail image is not set here, the video player will default to showing the thumbnail that was set in (or automatically chosen by) YouTube.', 'required': False}), 39: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('video_id', 37), ('thumbnail_image', 38)]], {'required': False}), 40: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 32), ('body', 33), ('post', 34), ('show_post_link', 35), ('post_link_text', 5), ('image', 21), ('links', 36), ('video', 39)]], {}), 41: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'icon': 'edit'}), 42: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {}), 43: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': '\n            ID will be auto-generated on save.\n            However, you may enter some human-friendly text that\n            will be incorporated to make it easier to read.\n        ', 'label': 'ID for this content block', 'required': False}), 44: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('link_id', 43)]], {}), 45: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content_block', 42), ('anchor_link', 44)]], {}), 46: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('full', 'Full width'), (470, '470px'), (270, '270px'), (170, '170px')]}), 47: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('right', 'right'), ('left', 'left')], 'help_text': 'Does not apply if the image is full-width'}), 48: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'label': 'Caption', 'required': False}), 49: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'Check to add a horizontal rule line to bottom of inset.', 'label': 'Has bottom rule line', 'required': False}), 50: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('image', 21), ('image_width', 46), ('image_position', 47), ('text', 48), ('is_bottom_rule', 49)]], {}), 51: ('wagtail.blocks.MultipleChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('is_full_width', 'Display the table at full width'), ('stack_on_mobile', 'Stack the table columns on mobile')], 'required': False}), 52: ('wagtail.blocks.FloatBlock', (), {}), 53: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'features': ['bold', 'italic', 'ol', 'ul', 'link', 'document-link', 'superscript']}), 54: ('wagtail.contrib.typed_table_block.blocks.TypedTableBlock', [[('text', 32), ('numeric', 52), ('rich_text', 53)]], {}), 55: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 14), ('text_introduction', 5), ('options', 51), ('data', 54)]], {}), 56: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {}), 57: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'required': False}), 58: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('body', 56), ('citation', 57)]], {}), 59: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('slug_text', 5), ('paragraph_text', 1), ('button', 10)]], {}), 60: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (10,), {}), 61: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 5), ('paragraph', 1), ('links', 60)]], {}), 62: ('v1.blocks.ReusableTextChooserBlock', ('v1.ReusableText',), {}), 63: ('v1.blocks.EmailSignUpChooserBlock', (), {}), 64: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('content', 41), ('content_with_anchor', 45), ('heading', 14), ('image', 50), ('table', 55), ('quote', 58), ('cta', 59), ('related_links', 61), ('reusable_text', 62), ('email_signup', 63), ('well', 7)]], {}), 65: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Optional: Adds an H5 eyebrow above H1 heading text. Only use in conjunction with heading.', 'label': 'Pre-heading', 'required': False}), 66: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Check this to add a horizontal rule line to bottom of text introduction.', 'label': 'Has bottom rule', 'required': False}), 67: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('eyebrow', 65), ('heading', 5), ('intro', 1), ('body', 1), ('links', 24), ('has_rule', 66)]], {}), 68: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('video_id', 37), ('thumbnail_image', 38)]], {}), 69: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'required': True}), 70: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Accessible description of the chart content', 'required': True}), 71: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('bar', 'Bar'), ('datetime', 'Date/time'), ('line', 'Line'), ('tilemap', 'Tile grid map')]}), 72: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': "URL of the chart's data source or an array of JSON data", 'required': True, 'rows': 2}), 73: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'For charts pulling from a separate source file, include a list of the column headers (from a CSV file) or keys (from a JSON file) to include in the chart as  ["HEADER/KEY1", "HEADER/KEY2"]. To change how the data is labeled in the chart, include the correct labels with the format [{"key": "HEADER/KEY1", "label": "NEWLABEL"}, {"key": "HEADER/KEY2", "label": "NEWLABEL2"}]', 'required': False}), 74: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'Uncheck this option to initially only show the first data  series in the chart. Leave checked to show all data  series by default. Users can always turn data series on  or off by interacting with the chart legend. ', 'required': False}), 75: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'The column header (CSV), key or data array (JSON) to include as the source of x-axis values.', 'required': False}), 76: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': "Name the javascript function in chart-hooks.js to run on the provided data before handing it to the chart. Can also provide '___'-separated arguments to this function which are passed in as arguments 2 to n", 'required': False}), 77: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'If the chart needs the option for users to filter the data shown, for example by date or geographic region, provide the JSON objects to filter on, in the format  {key: "KEY", "label": "LABEL"}', 'required': False}), 78: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'A JSON object with style overrides for the underlying Highcharts chart. No object merging is done, nested objects should be referenced with dot notation: {"tooltip.shape": "circle"}', 'required': False}), 79: ('wagtail.blocks.IntegerBlock', (), {'blank': True, 'help_text': 'A number to determine how many months of the data are projected values', 'max_value': 12, 'min_value': 0, 'null': True, 'required': False}), 80: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Attribution for the data source', 'required': False}), 81: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'When the underlying data was published', 'required': False}), 82: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Custom text for the chart download field. Required to display a download link.', 'required': False}), 83: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Location of a file to download, if different from the data source', 'required': False}), 84: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'General chart information', 'required': False}), 85: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('title', 69), ('subtitle', 57), ('description', 70), ('figure_number', 5), ('chart_type', 71), ('data_source', 72), ('data_series', 73), ('show_all_series_by_default', 74), ('x_axis_source', 75), ('transform', 76), ('x_axis_label', 5), ('y_axis_label', 5), ('filters', 77), ('style_overrides', 78), ('projected_months', 79), ('source_credits', 80), ('date_published', 81), ('download_text', 82), ('download_file', 83), ('notes', 84)]], {})}),
+        ),
+        migrations.AlterField(
+            model_name='landingpage',
+            name='content',
+            field=wagtail.fields.StreamField([('info_unit_group', 21), ('well', 23), ('feature_cards', 28)], blank=True, block_lookup={0: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('50-50', '50/50'), ('33-33-33', '33/33/33'), ('25-75', '25/75')], 'help_text': 'Choose the number and width of info unit columns.', 'label': 'Format'}), 1: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'required': False}), 2: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('h2', 'H2'), ('h3', 'H3'), ('h4', 'H4'), ('h5', 'H5')]}), 3: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Input the name of an icon to appear to the left of the heading. E.g., approved, help-round, etc. <a href="">See full list of icons</a>', 'required': False}), 4: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 1), ('level', 2), ('icon', 3)]], {'required': False}), 5: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'required': False}), 6: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': "Check this to link all images and headings to the URL of the first link in their unit's list, if there is a link.", 'required': False}), 7: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add a horizontal rule line to top of info unit group.', 'required': False}), 8: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to show horizontal rule lines between info units.', 'label': 'Show rule lines between items', 'required': False}), 9: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('none', 'None'), ('rounded', 'Rounded corners'), ('circle', 'Circle')], 'help_text': 'Adds a <em>border-radius</em> class to images in this group, allowing for a rounded or circular border.', 'label': 'Border radius for images?', 'required': False}), 10: ('wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock', (), {'required': False}), 11: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': "No character limit, but be as succinct as possible. If the image is decorative (i.e., a screenreader wouldn't have anything useful to say about it), leave this field blank.", 'required': False}), 12: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('upload', 10), ('alt', 11)]], {}), 13: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 1), ('level', 2), ('icon', 3)]], {'default': {'level': 'h3'}, 'required': False}), 14: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'blank': True, 'required': False}), 15: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Add an ARIA label if the link text does not describe the destination of the link (e.g. has ambiguous text like "Learn more" that is not descriptive on its own).', 'required': False}), 16: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'default': '/', 'required': False}), 17: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 1), ('aria_label', 15), ('url', 16)]], {}), 18: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (17,), {'required': False}), 19: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('image', 12), ('heading', 13), ('body', 14), ('links', 18)]], {}), 20: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (19,), {'default': []}), 21: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('format', 0), ('heading', 4), ('intro', 5), ('link_image_and_heading', 6), ('has_top_rule_line', 7), ('lines_between_items', 8), ('border_radius_image', 9), ('info_units', 20)]], {}), 22: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'label': 'Well', 'required': False}), 23: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content', 22)]], {}), 24: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {}), 25: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (17,), {}), 26: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('category', 17), ('icon', 24), ('footer_label', 24), ('links', 25)]], {}), 27: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (26,), {'default': []}), 28: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('feature_cards', 27)]], {})}),
+        ),
+        migrations.AlterField(
+            model_name='abstractfilterpage',
+            name='header',
+            field=wagtail.fields.StreamField([('article_subheader', 0), ('text_introduction', 10), ('item_introduction', 14), ('notification', 19)], blank=True, block_lookup={0: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'icon': 'form'}), 1: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Optional: Adds an H5 eyebrow above H1 heading text. Only use in conjunction with heading.', 'label': 'Pre-heading', 'required': False}), 2: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'required': False}), 3: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'required': False}), 4: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Add an ARIA label if the link text does not describe the destination of the link (e.g. has ambiguous text like "Learn more" that is not descriptive on its own).', 'required': False}), 5: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'default': '/', 'required': False}), 6: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'required': False}), 7: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 2), ('aria_label', 4), ('url', 5), ('is_link_boldface', 6)]], {}), 8: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (7,), {'required': False}), 9: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Check this to add a horizontal rule line to bottom of text introduction.', 'label': 'Has bottom rule', 'required': False}), 10: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('eyebrow', 1), ('heading', 2), ('intro', 3), ('body', 3), ('links', 8), ('has_rule', 9)]], {}), 11: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': "Whether to show the category or not (category must be set in 'Configuration').", 'required': False}), 12: ('wagtail.blocks.DateBlock', (), {'required': False}), 13: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Whether to show the share icons or not.', 'required': False}), 14: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('show_category', 11), ('heading', 2), ('paragraph', 3), ('date', 12), ('has_social', 13)]], {}), 15: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('information', 'Information'), ('warning', 'Warning')]}), 16: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'The main notification message to display.', 'required': True}), 17: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Explanation text appears below the message in smaller type.', 'required': False}), 18: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (7,), {'help_text': 'Links appear on their own lines below the explanation.', 'required': False}), 19: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('type', 15), ('message', 16), ('explanation', 17), ('links', 18)]], {})}),
+        ),
+        migrations.AlterField(
+            model_name='banner',
+            name='content',
+            field=wagtail.fields.StreamField([('content', 9)], block_lookup={0: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('information', 'Information'), ('warning', 'Warning')]}), 1: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'The main notification message to display.', 'required': True}), 2: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Explanation text appears below the message in smaller type.', 'required': False}), 3: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'required': False}), 4: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Add an ARIA label if the link text does not describe the destination of the link (e.g. has ambiguous text like "Learn more" that is not descriptive on its own).', 'required': False}), 5: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'default': '/', 'required': False}), 6: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'required': False}), 7: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 3), ('aria_label', 4), ('url', 5), ('is_link_boldface', 6)]], {}), 8: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (7,), {'help_text': 'Links appear on their own lines below the explanation.', 'required': False}), 9: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('type', 0), ('message', 1), ('explanation', 2), ('links', 8)]], {})}),
+        ),
+        migrations.AlterField(
+            model_name='blogpage',
+            name='content',
+            field=wagtail.fields.StreamField([('full_width_text', 38), ('info_unit_group', 49), ('expandable', 52), ('well', 37), ('video_player', 55), ('email_signup', 35), ('simple_chart', 72), ('faq_schema', 83), ('how_to_schema', 93)], block_lookup={0: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'icon': 'edit'}), 1: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {}), 2: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': '\n            ID will be auto-generated on save.\n            However, you may enter some human-friendly text that\n            will be incorporated to make it easier to read.\n        ', 'label': 'ID for this content block', 'required': False}), 3: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('link_id', 2)]], {}), 4: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content_block', 1), ('anchor_link', 3)]], {}), 5: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'required': False}), 6: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('h2', 'H2'), ('h3', 'H3'), ('h4', 'H4'), ('h5', 'H5')]}), 7: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Input the name of an icon to appear to the left of the heading. E.g., approved, help-round, etc. <a href="">See full list of icons</a>', 'required': False}), 8: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 5), ('level', 6), ('icon', 7)]], {'required': False}), 9: ('wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock', (), {'required': False}), 10: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': "No character limit, but be as succinct as possible. If the image is decorative (i.e., a screenreader wouldn't have anything useful to say about it), leave this field blank.", 'required': False}), 11: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('upload', 9), ('alt', 10)]], {}), 12: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('full', 'Full width'), (470, '470px'), (270, '270px'), (170, '170px')]}), 13: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('right', 'right'), ('left', 'left')], 'help_text': 'Does not apply if the image is full-width'}), 14: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'label': 'Caption', 'required': False}), 15: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'Check to add a horizontal rule line to bottom of inset.', 'label': 'Has bottom rule line', 'required': False}), 16: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('image', 11), ('image_width', 12), ('image_position', 13), ('text', 14), ('is_bottom_rule', 15)]], {}), 17: ('wagtail.blocks.MultipleChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('is_full_width', 'Display the table at full width'), ('stack_on_mobile', 'Stack the table columns on mobile')], 'required': False}), 18: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {}), 19: ('wagtail.blocks.FloatBlock', (), {}), 20: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'features': ['bold', 'italic', 'ol', 'ul', 'link', 'document-link', 'superscript']}), 21: ('wagtail.contrib.typed_table_block.blocks.TypedTableBlock', [[('text', 18), ('numeric', 19), ('rich_text', 20)]], {}), 22: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 8), ('text_introduction', 5), ('options', 17), ('data', 21)]], {}), 23: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {}), 24: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'required': False}), 25: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('body', 23), ('citation', 24)]], {}), 26: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'required': False}), 27: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Add an ARIA label if the link text does not describe the destination of the link (e.g. has ambiguous text like "Learn more" that is not descriptive on its own).', 'required': False}), 28: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'default': '/', 'required': False}), 29: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'required': False}), 30: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 5), ('aria_label', 27), ('url', 28), ('is_link_boldface', 29)]], {}), 31: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('slug_text', 5), ('paragraph_text', 26), ('button', 30)]], {}), 32: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (30,), {}), 33: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 5), ('paragraph', 26), ('links', 32)]], {}), 34: ('v1.blocks.ReusableTextChooserBlock', ('v1.ReusableText',), {}), 35: ('v1.blocks.EmailSignUpChooserBlock', (), {}), 36: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'label': 'Well', 'required': False}), 37: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content', 36)]], {}), 38: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('content', 0), ('content_with_anchor', 4), ('heading', 8), ('image', 16), ('table', 22), ('quote', 25), ('cta', 31), ('related_links', 33), ('reusable_text', 34), ('email_signup', 35), ('well', 37)]], {}), 39: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('50-50', '50/50'), ('33-33-33', '33/33/33'), ('25-75', '25/75')], 'help_text': 'Choose the number and width of info unit columns.', 'label': 'Format'}), 40: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': "Check this to link all images and headings to the URL of the first link in their unit's list, if there is a link.", 'required': False}), 41: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add a horizontal rule line to top of info unit group.', 'required': False}), 42: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to show horizontal rule lines between info units.', 'label': 'Show rule lines between items', 'required': False}), 43: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('none', 'None'), ('rounded', 'Rounded corners'), ('circle', 'Circle')], 'help_text': 'Adds a <em>border-radius</em> class to images in this group, allowing for a rounded or circular border.', 'label': 'Border radius for images?', 'required': False}), 44: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 5), ('level', 6), ('icon', 7)]], {'default': {'level': 'h3'}, 'required': False}), 45: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'blank': True, 'required': False}), 46: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (30,), {'required': False}), 47: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('image', 11), ('heading', 44), ('body', 45), ('links', 46)]], {}), 48: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (47,), {'default': []}), 49: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('format', 39), ('heading', 8), ('intro', 26), ('link_image_and_heading', 40), ('has_top_rule_line', 41), ('lines_between_items', 42), ('border_radius_image', 43), ('info_units', 48)]], {}), 50: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'required': False}), 51: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('paragraph', 26), ('well', 37), ('links', 30), ('info_unit_group', 49)]], {'blank': True}), 52: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('label', 5), ('icon', 5), ('is_bordered', 50), ('is_midtone', 50), ('is_expanded', 50), ('is_larger_heading', 50), ('is_expanded_padding', 50), ('content', 51)]], {}), 53: ('wagtail.blocks.RegexBlock', (), {'error_messages': {'invalid': 'The YouTube video ID is in the wrong format.'}, 'help_text': 'Enter the YouTube video ID, which is located at the end of the video URL, after "v=". For example, the video ID for is 1V0Ax9OIc84.', 'label': 'YouTube video ID', 'regex': '^[\\w-]{11}$', 'required': False}), 54: ('wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Optional thumbnail image to show before and after the video plays. If the thumbnail image is not set here, the video player will default to showing the thumbnail that was set in (or automatically chosen by) YouTube.', 'required': False}), 55: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('video_id', 53), ('thumbnail_image', 54)]], {}), 56: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'required': True}), 57: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Accessible description of the chart content', 'required': True}), 58: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('bar', 'Bar'), ('datetime', 'Date/time'), ('line', 'Line'), ('tilemap', 'Tile grid map')]}), 59: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': "URL of the chart's data source or an array of JSON data", 'required': True, 'rows': 2}), 60: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'For charts pulling from a separate source file, include a list of the column headers (from a CSV file) or keys (from a JSON file) to include in the chart as  ["HEADER/KEY1", "HEADER/KEY2"]. To change how the data is labeled in the chart, include the correct labels with the format [{"key": "HEADER/KEY1", "label": "NEWLABEL"}, {"key": "HEADER/KEY2", "label": "NEWLABEL2"}]', 'required': False}), 61: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'Uncheck this option to initially only show the first data  series in the chart. Leave checked to show all data  series by default. Users can always turn data series on  or off by interacting with the chart legend. ', 'required': False}), 62: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'The column header (CSV), key or data array (JSON) to include as the source of x-axis values.', 'required': False}), 63: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': "Name the javascript function in chart-hooks.js to run on the provided data before handing it to the chart. Can also provide '___'-separated arguments to this function which are passed in as arguments 2 to n", 'required': False}), 64: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'If the chart needs the option for users to filter the data shown, for example by date or geographic region, provide the JSON objects to filter on, in the format  {key: "KEY", "label": "LABEL"}', 'required': False}), 65: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'A JSON object with style overrides for the underlying Highcharts chart. No object merging is done, nested objects should be referenced with dot notation: {"tooltip.shape": "circle"}', 'required': False}), 66: ('wagtail.blocks.IntegerBlock', (), {'blank': True, 'help_text': 'A number to determine how many months of the data are projected values', 'max_value': 12, 'min_value': 0, 'null': True, 'required': False}), 67: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Attribution for the data source', 'required': False}), 68: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'When the underlying data was published', 'required': False}), 69: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Custom text for the chart download field. Required to display a download link.', 'required': False}), 70: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Location of a file to download, if different from the data source', 'required': False}), 71: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'General chart information', 'required': False}), 72: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('title', 56), ('subtitle', 24), ('description', 57), ('figure_number', 5), ('chart_type', 58), ('data_source', 59), ('data_series', 60), ('show_all_series_by_default', 61), ('x_axis_source', 62), ('transform', 63), ('x_axis_label', 5), ('y_axis_label', 5), ('filters', 64), ('style_overrides', 65), ('projected_months', 66), ('source_credits', 67), ('date_published', 68), ('download_text', 69), ('download_file', 70), ('notes', 71)]], {}), 73: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'blank': True, 'features': ['ol', 'ul', 'bold', 'italic', 'link', 'document-link'], 'required': False}), 74: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'blank': True, 'help_text': "Add an optional anchor link tag for this question. Tag should be unique and use dashes or underscores for separation instead of spaces (ie, 'question-one-tag')", 'max_length': 500, 'required': False}), 75: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'max_length': 500}), 76: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'features': ['bold', 'italic', 'h3', 'h4', 'link', 'ol', 'ul', 'document-link', 'image', 'embed'], 'label': 'Text'}), 77: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content', 76)]], {}), 78: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'features': ['link', 'document-link'], 'label': 'Tip'}), 79: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content', 78)]], {}), 80: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('text', 77), ('table', 22), ('tip', 79), ('video_player', 55)]], {}), 81: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('anchor_tag', 74), ('question', 75), ('answer_content', 80)]], {}), 82: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (81,), {}), 83: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('description', 73), ('questions', 82)]], {'label': 'FAQ schema'}), 84: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'label': 'Title of How To section', 'max_length': 500}), 85: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('h2', 'H2'), ('h3', 'H3'), ('h4', 'H4')], 'help_text': 'Choose a tag for the title of the How To section.', 'label': 'Tag for How To section title'}), 86: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'The How To schema requires a title to let search engines understand what it is about. If you do not want the title to be displayed in the page, uncheck this box and the title content will only be made available to crawlers and screen readers.', 'label': 'Show How To section title', 'required': False}), 87: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('h2', 'H2'), ('h3', 'H3'), ('h4', 'H4'), ('b', 'Bold'), ('p', 'Paragraph')], 'help_text': 'Choose a tag for the title of each HowTo step.', 'label': 'Tag for step titles'}), 88: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this box to display numbers before step titles. ', 'label': 'Show numbers for steps', 'required': False}), 89: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'blank': True, 'help_text': "Add an optional anchor link tag to allow linking directly to this step. Tag should be unique and use dashes or underscores for separation instead of spaces (ie, 'step-one-tag').", 'max_length': 500, 'required': False}), 90: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Enter a title for this HowTo step. You do not need to include a number in the title -- numbers will be added automatically in the template if the show numbers checkbox is checked.', 'max_length': 500}), 91: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('anchor_tag', 89), ('title', 90), ('step_content', 80)]], {}), 92: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (91,), {}), 93: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('title', 84), ('title_tag', 85), ('show_title', 86), ('description', 73), ('step_title_tag', 87), ('has_numbers', 88), ('steps', 92)]], {'label': 'HowTo schema', 'max_num': 1})}),
+        ),
+        migrations.AlterField(
+            model_name='browsefilterablepage',
+            name='content',
+            field=wagtail.fields.StreamField([('full_width_text', 38), ('filter_controls', 48)], blank=True, block_lookup={0: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'icon': 'edit'}), 1: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {}), 2: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': '\n            ID will be auto-generated on save.\n            However, you may enter some human-friendly text that\n            will be incorporated to make it easier to read.\n        ', 'label': 'ID for this content block', 'required': False}), 3: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('link_id', 2)]], {}), 4: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content_block', 1), ('anchor_link', 3)]], {}), 5: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'required': False}), 6: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('h2', 'H2'), ('h3', 'H3'), ('h4', 'H4'), ('h5', 'H5')]}), 7: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Input the name of an icon to appear to the left of the heading. E.g., approved, help-round, etc. <a href="">See full list of icons</a>', 'required': False}), 8: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 5), ('level', 6), ('icon', 7)]], {'required': False}), 9: ('wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock', (), {'required': False}), 10: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': "No character limit, but be as succinct as possible. If the image is decorative (i.e., a screenreader wouldn't have anything useful to say about it), leave this field blank.", 'required': False}), 11: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('upload', 9), ('alt', 10)]], {}), 12: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('full', 'Full width'), (470, '470px'), (270, '270px'), (170, '170px')]}), 13: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('right', 'right'), ('left', 'left')], 'help_text': 'Does not apply if the image is full-width'}), 14: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'label': 'Caption', 'required': False}), 15: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'Check to add a horizontal rule line to bottom of inset.', 'label': 'Has bottom rule line', 'required': False}), 16: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('image', 11), ('image_width', 12), ('image_position', 13), ('text', 14), ('is_bottom_rule', 15)]], {}), 17: ('wagtail.blocks.MultipleChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('is_full_width', 'Display the table at full width'), ('stack_on_mobile', 'Stack the table columns on mobile')], 'required': False}), 18: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {}), 19: ('wagtail.blocks.FloatBlock', (), {}), 20: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'features': ['bold', 'italic', 'ol', 'ul', 'link', 'document-link', 'superscript']}), 21: ('wagtail.contrib.typed_table_block.blocks.TypedTableBlock', [[('text', 18), ('numeric', 19), ('rich_text', 20)]], {}), 22: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 8), ('text_introduction', 5), ('options', 17), ('data', 21)]], {}), 23: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {}), 24: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'required': False}), 25: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('body', 23), ('citation', 24)]], {}), 26: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'required': False}), 27: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Add an ARIA label if the link text does not describe the destination of the link (e.g. has ambiguous text like "Learn more" that is not descriptive on its own).', 'required': False}), 28: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'default': '/', 'required': False}), 29: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'required': False}), 30: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 5), ('aria_label', 27), ('url', 28), ('is_link_boldface', 29)]], {}), 31: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('slug_text', 5), ('paragraph_text', 26), ('button', 30)]], {}), 32: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (30,), {}), 33: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 5), ('paragraph', 26), ('links', 32)]], {}), 34: ('v1.blocks.ReusableTextChooserBlock', ('v1.ReusableText',), {}), 35: ('v1.blocks.EmailSignUpChooserBlock', (), {}), 36: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'label': 'Well', 'required': False}), 37: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content', 36)]], {}), 38: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('content', 0), ('content_with_anchor', 4), ('heading', 8), ('image', 16), ('table', 22), ('quote', 25), ('cta', 31), ('related_links', 33), ('reusable_text', 34), ('email_signup', 35), ('well', 37)]], {}), 39: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'required': False}), 40: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'Whether to include a "Search by keyword" filter in the filter controls.', 'required': False}), 41: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'Whether to include a "Category" filter in the filter controls.', 'required': False}), 42: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': v1.util.ref.filterable_list_page_types, 'required': False}), 43: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Whether to include a "Topics" filter in the filter controls', 'required': False}), 44: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Whether to include a "Status" filter in the filter controls. Only enable if using on an enforcement actions filterable list.', 'required': False}), 45: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Whether to include a "Product" filter in the filter controls. Only enable if using on an enforcement actions filterable list.', 'required': False}), 46: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Whether to include a "Language" filter in the filter controls.Only enable if there are non-english filterable results available.', 'required': False}), 47: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'Whether to include a set of "Date range" filters in the filter controls.', 'required': False}), 48: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('label', 5), ('icon', 5), ('is_bordered', 39), ('is_midtone', 39), ('is_expanded', 39), ('is_larger_heading', 39), ('is_expanded_padding', 39), ('filter_by_keyword', 40), ('filter_by_category', 41), ('category_choices', 42), ('filter_by_topics', 43), ('filter_by_enforcement_statuses', 44), ('filter_by_enforcement_products', 45), ('filter_by_language', 46), ('filter_by_date_range', 47)]], {})}),
+        ),
+        migrations.AlterField(
+            model_name='browsefilterablepage',
+            name='header',
+            field=wagtail.fields.StreamField([('text_introduction', 9), ('featured_content', 21)], block_lookup={0: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Optional: Adds an H5 eyebrow above H1 heading text. Only use in conjunction with heading.', 'label': 'Pre-heading', 'required': False}), 1: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'required': False}), 2: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'required': False}), 3: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Add an ARIA label if the link text does not describe the destination of the link (e.g. has ambiguous text like "Learn more" that is not descriptive on its own).', 'required': False}), 4: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'default': '/', 'required': False}), 5: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'required': False}), 6: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 1), ('aria_label', 3), ('url', 4), ('is_link_boldface', 5)]], {}), 7: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (6,), {'required': False}), 8: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Check this to add a horizontal rule line to bottom of text introduction.', 'label': 'Has bottom rule', 'required': False}), 9: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('eyebrow', 0), ('heading', 1), ('intro', 2), ('body', 2), ('links', 7), ('has_rule', 8)]], {}), 10: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {}), 11: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Line breaks will be ignored.'}), 12: ('wagtail.blocks.PageChooserBlock', (), {'required': False}), 13: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'label': 'Render post link?', 'required': False}), 14: ('wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock', (), {'required': False}), 15: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': "No character limit, but be as succinct as possible. If the image is decorative (i.e., a screenreader wouldn't have anything useful to say about it), leave this field blank.", 'required': False}), 16: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('upload', 14), ('alt', 15)]], {}), 17: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (6,), {'label': 'Additional Links'}), 18: ('wagtail.blocks.RegexBlock', (), {'error_messages': {'invalid': 'The YouTube video ID is in the wrong format.'}, 'help_text': 'Enter the YouTube video ID, which is located at the end of the video URL, after "v=". For example, the video ID for is 1V0Ax9OIc84.', 'label': 'YouTube video ID', 'regex': '^[\\w-]{11}$', 'required': False}), 19: ('wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Optional thumbnail image to show before and after the video plays. If the thumbnail image is not set here, the video player will default to showing the thumbnail that was set in (or automatically chosen by) YouTube.', 'required': False}), 20: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('video_id', 18), ('thumbnail_image', 19)]], {'required': False}), 21: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 10), ('body', 11), ('post', 12), ('show_post_link', 13), ('post_link_text', 1), ('image', 16), ('links', 17), ('video', 20)]], {})}),
+        ),
+        migrations.AlterField(
+            model_name='browsepage',
+            name='content',
+            field=wagtail.fields.StreamField([('full_width_text', 38), ('info_unit_group', 49), ('simple_chart', 66), ('expandable_group', 74), ('expandable', 72), ('well', 37), ('video_player', 77), ('snippet_list', 87), ('table', 22), ('raw_html_block', 88), ('chart_block', 99), ('mortgage_chart_block', 103), ('mortgage_map_block', 103), ('mortgage_downloads_block', 105), ('data_snapshot', 119), ('job_listing_table', 120), ('yes_checklist', 125), ('faq_group', 134)], blank=True, block_lookup={0: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'icon': 'edit'}), 1: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {}), 2: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': '\n            ID will be auto-generated on save.\n            However, you may enter some human-friendly text that\n            will be incorporated to make it easier to read.\n        ', 'label': 'ID for this content block', 'required': False}), 3: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('link_id', 2)]], {}), 4: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content_block', 1), ('anchor_link', 3)]], {}), 5: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'required': False}), 6: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('h2', 'H2'), ('h3', 'H3'), ('h4', 'H4'), ('h5', 'H5')]}), 7: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Input the name of an icon to appear to the left of the heading. E.g., approved, help-round, etc. <a href="">See full list of icons</a>', 'required': False}), 8: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 5), ('level', 6), ('icon', 7)]], {'required': False}), 9: ('wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock', (), {'required': False}), 10: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': "No character limit, but be as succinct as possible. If the image is decorative (i.e., a screenreader wouldn't have anything useful to say about it), leave this field blank.", 'required': False}), 11: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('upload', 9), ('alt', 10)]], {}), 12: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('full', 'Full width'), (470, '470px'), (270, '270px'), (170, '170px')]}), 13: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('right', 'right'), ('left', 'left')], 'help_text': 'Does not apply if the image is full-width'}), 14: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'label': 'Caption', 'required': False}), 15: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'Check to add a horizontal rule line to bottom of inset.', 'label': 'Has bottom rule line', 'required': False}), 16: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('image', 11), ('image_width', 12), ('image_position', 13), ('text', 14), ('is_bottom_rule', 15)]], {}), 17: ('wagtail.blocks.MultipleChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('is_full_width', 'Display the table at full width'), ('stack_on_mobile', 'Stack the table columns on mobile')], 'required': False}), 18: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {}), 19: ('wagtail.blocks.FloatBlock', (), {}), 20: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'features': ['bold', 'italic', 'ol', 'ul', 'link', 'document-link', 'superscript']}), 21: ('wagtail.contrib.typed_table_block.blocks.TypedTableBlock', [[('text', 18), ('numeric', 19), ('rich_text', 20)]], {}), 22: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 8), ('text_introduction', 5), ('options', 17), ('data', 21)]], {}), 23: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {}), 24: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'required': False}), 25: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('body', 23), ('citation', 24)]], {}), 26: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'required': False}), 27: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Add an ARIA label if the link text does not describe the destination of the link (e.g. has ambiguous text like "Learn more" that is not descriptive on its own).', 'required': False}), 28: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'default': '/', 'required': False}), 29: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'required': False}), 30: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 5), ('aria_label', 27), ('url', 28), ('is_link_boldface', 29)]], {}), 31: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('slug_text', 5), ('paragraph_text', 26), ('button', 30)]], {}), 32: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (30,), {}), 33: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 5), ('paragraph', 26), ('links', 32)]], {}), 34: ('v1.blocks.ReusableTextChooserBlock', ('v1.ReusableText',), {}), 35: ('v1.blocks.EmailSignUpChooserBlock', (), {}), 36: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'label': 'Well', 'required': False}), 37: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content', 36)]], {}), 38: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('content', 0), ('content_with_anchor', 4), ('heading', 8), ('image', 16), ('table', 22), ('quote', 25), ('cta', 31), ('related_links', 33), ('reusable_text', 34), ('email_signup', 35), ('well', 37)]], {}), 39: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('50-50', '50/50'), ('33-33-33', '33/33/33'), ('25-75', '25/75')], 'help_text': 'Choose the number and width of info unit columns.', 'label': 'Format'}), 40: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': "Check this to link all images and headings to the URL of the first link in their unit's list, if there is a link.", 'required': False}), 41: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add a horizontal rule line to top of info unit group.', 'required': False}), 42: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to show horizontal rule lines between info units.', 'label': 'Show rule lines between items', 'required': False}), 43: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('none', 'None'), ('rounded', 'Rounded corners'), ('circle', 'Circle')], 'help_text': 'Adds a <em>border-radius</em> class to images in this group, allowing for a rounded or circular border.', 'label': 'Border radius for images?', 'required': False}), 44: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 5), ('level', 6), ('icon', 7)]], {'default': {'level': 'h3'}, 'required': False}), 45: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'blank': True, 'required': False}), 46: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (30,), {'required': False}), 47: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('image', 11), ('heading', 44), ('body', 45), ('links', 46)]], {}), 48: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (47,), {'default': []}), 49: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('format', 39), ('heading', 8), ('intro', 26), ('link_image_and_heading', 40), ('has_top_rule_line', 41), ('lines_between_items', 42), ('border_radius_image', 43), ('info_units', 48)]], {}), 50: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'required': True}), 51: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Accessible description of the chart content', 'required': True}), 52: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('bar', 'Bar'), ('datetime', 'Date/time'), ('line', 'Line'), ('tilemap', 'Tile grid map')]}), 53: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': "URL of the chart's data source or an array of JSON data", 'required': True, 'rows': 2}), 54: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'For charts pulling from a separate source file, include a list of the column headers (from a CSV file) or keys (from a JSON file) to include in the chart as  ["HEADER/KEY1", "HEADER/KEY2"]. To change how the data is labeled in the chart, include the correct labels with the format [{"key": "HEADER/KEY1", "label": "NEWLABEL"}, {"key": "HEADER/KEY2", "label": "NEWLABEL2"}]', 'required': False}), 55: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'Uncheck this option to initially only show the first data  series in the chart. Leave checked to show all data  series by default. Users can always turn data series on  or off by interacting with the chart legend. ', 'required': False}), 56: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'The column header (CSV), key or data array (JSON) to include as the source of x-axis values.', 'required': False}), 57: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': "Name the javascript function in chart-hooks.js to run on the provided data before handing it to the chart. Can also provide '___'-separated arguments to this function which are passed in as arguments 2 to n", 'required': False}), 58: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'If the chart needs the option for users to filter the data shown, for example by date or geographic region, provide the JSON objects to filter on, in the format  {key: "KEY", "label": "LABEL"}', 'required': False}), 59: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'A JSON object with style overrides for the underlying Highcharts chart. No object merging is done, nested objects should be referenced with dot notation: {"tooltip.shape": "circle"}', 'required': False}), 60: ('wagtail.blocks.IntegerBlock', (), {'blank': True, 'help_text': 'A number to determine how many months of the data are projected values', 'max_value': 12, 'min_value': 0, 'null': True, 'required': False}), 61: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Attribution for the data source', 'required': False}), 62: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'When the underlying data was published', 'required': False}), 63: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Custom text for the chart download field. Required to display a download link.', 'required': False}), 64: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Location of a file to download, if different from the data source', 'required': False}), 65: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'General chart information', 'required': False}), 66: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('title', 50), ('subtitle', 24), ('description', 51), ('figure_number', 5), ('chart_type', 52), ('data_source', 53), ('data_series', 54), ('show_all_series_by_default', 55), ('x_axis_source', 56), ('transform', 57), ('x_axis_label', 5), ('y_axis_label', 5), ('filters', 58), ('style_overrides', 59), ('projected_months', 60), ('source_credits', 61), ('date_published', 62), ('download_text', 63), ('download_file', 64), ('notes', 65)]], {}), 67: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Added as an <code>&lt;h3&gt;</code> at the top of this block. Also adds a wrapping <code>&lt;div&gt;</code> whose <code>id</code> attribute comes from a slugified version of this heading, creating an anchor that can be used when linking to this part of the page.', 'required': False}), 68: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'required': False}), 69: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add a horizontal rule line to top of expandable group.', 'required': False}), 70: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add FAQ schema markup to expandables.', 'label': 'Uses FAQ schema', 'required': False}), 71: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('paragraph', 26), ('well', 37), ('links', 30), ('info_unit_group', 49)]], {'blank': True}), 72: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('label', 5), ('icon', 5), ('is_bordered', 68), ('is_midtone', 68), ('is_expanded', 68), ('is_larger_heading', 68), ('is_expanded_padding', 68), ('content', 71)]], {}), 73: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (72,), {}), 74: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 67), ('body', 26), ('is_accordion', 68), ('has_top_rule_line', 69), ('is_faq', 70), ('expandables', 73)]], {}), 75: ('wagtail.blocks.RegexBlock', (), {'error_messages': {'invalid': 'The YouTube video ID is in the wrong format.'}, 'help_text': 'Enter the YouTube video ID, which is located at the end of the video URL, after "v=". For example, the video ID for is 1V0Ax9OIc84.', 'label': 'YouTube video ID', 'regex': '^[\\w-]{11}$', 'required': False}), 76: ('wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Optional thumbnail image to show before and after the video plays. If the thumbnail image is not set here, the video player will default to showing the thumbnail that was set in (or automatically chosen by) YouTube.', 'required': False}), 77: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('video_id', 75), ('thumbnail_image', 76)]], {}), 78: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add a horizontal rule line above this block.', 'required': False}), 79: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('70', '70%'), ('66', '66%'), ('60', '60%'), ('50', '50%'), ('40', '40%'), ('33', '33%'), ('30', '30%')], 'help_text': 'Choose the width in % that you wish to set the Actions column in a resource list.', 'label': 'Width of "Actions" column', 'required': False}), 80: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'help_text': "If selected, each resource in the list will include a 150px-wide image from the resource's thumbnail field.", 'required': False}), 81: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'E.g., "Download" or "Order free prints"'}), 82: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('related_file', 'Related file'), ('alternate_file', 'Alternate file'), ('link', 'Link'), ('alternate_link', 'Alternate link')], 'help_text': 'The field that the action link should point to'}), 83: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('link_label', 81), ('snippet_field', 82)]], {}), 84: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (83,), {}), 85: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'label': 'Tag'}), 86: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (85,), {'help_text': 'Enter tag names to filter the snippets. For a snippet to match and be output in the list, it must have been tagged with all of the tag names listed here. The tag names are case-insensitive.'}), 87: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 5), ('body', 26), ('has_top_rule_line', 78), ('image', 11), ('actions_column_width', 79), ('show_thumbnails', 80), ('actions', 84), ('tags', 86)]], {}), 88: ('wagtail.blocks.RawHTMLBlock', (), {'label': 'Raw HTML block'}), 89: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('bar', 'Bar | % y-axis values'), ('line', 'Line | millions/billions y-axis values'), ('line-index', 'Line-Index | integer y-axis values'), ('tile_map', 'Tile Map | grid-like USA map')]}), 90: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('blue', 'Blue'), ('gold', 'Gold'), ('green', 'Green'), ('navy', 'Navy'), ('neutral', 'Neutral'), ('purple', 'Purple'), ('teal', 'Teal')], 'help_text': 'Chart\'s color scheme. See "".', 'required': False}), 91: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Location of the chart\'s data source relative to "". For example,"consumer-credit-trends/auto-loans/num_data_AUT.csv".', 'required': True}), 92: ('wagtail.blocks.DateBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Automatically generated when CCT cron job runs'}), 93: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Briefly summarize the chart for visually impaired users.', 'required': True}), 94: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add a horizontal rule line to top of chart block.', 'required': False}), 95: ('wagtail.blocks.DateBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Month of latest entry in dataset'}), 96: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Optional metadata for the chart to use. For example, with CCT this would be the chart\'s "group".', 'required': False}), 97: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Text to display as a footnote. For example, "Data from the last six months are not final."', 'required': False}), 98: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Custom y-axis label. NOTE: Line-Index chart y-axis is not overridable with this field!', 'required': False}), 99: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('title', 50), ('chart_type', 89), ('color_scheme', 90), ('data_source', 91), ('date_published', 92), ('description', 93), ('has_top_rule_line', 94), ('last_updated_projected_data', 95), ('metadata', 96), ('note', 97), ('y_axis_label', 98)]], {}), 100: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'form_classname': 'title', 'required': True}), 101: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Chart summary for visually impaired users.', 'required': False}), 102: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Text for "Note" section of footnotes.', 'required': False}), 103: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content_block', 1), ('title', 100), ('description', 101), ('note', 102), ('has_top_rule_line', 94)]], {}), 104: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this box to allow the archival section to display. No section will appear if there are no archival downloads.', 'required': False}), 105: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('show_archives', 104)]], {}), 106: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Market identifier, e.g. AUT', 'max_length': 20, 'required': True}), 107: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Number of originations, e.g. 1.2 million', 'max_length': 20}), 108: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Total dollar value of originations, e.g. $3.4 billion', 'max_length': 20}), 109: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Percentage change, e.g. 5.6% increase', 'max_length': 20}), 110: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Descriptive sentence, e.g. Auto loans originated', 'max_length': 100}), 111: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Descriptive sentence, e.g. Dollar volume of new loans', 'max_length': 100}), 112: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Descriptive sentence, e.g. In year-over-year originations', 'max_length': 100}), 113: ('wagtail.blocks.DateBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Month of latest entry in dataset for inquiry data', 'max_length': 20, 'required': False}), 114: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Percentage change, e.g. 5.6% increase', 'max_length': 20, 'required': False}), 115: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Descriptive sentence, e.g. In year-over-year inquiries', 'max_length': 100, 'required': False}), 116: ('wagtail.blocks.DateBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Month of latest entry in dataset for credit tightness data', 'max_length': 20, 'required': False}), 117: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Descriptive sentence, e.g. In year-over-year credit tightness', 'max_length': 100, 'required': False}), 118: ('wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock', (), {'icon': 'image', 'required': False}), 119: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('market_key', 106), ('num_originations', 107), ('value_originations', 108), ('year_over_year_change', 109), ('last_updated_projected_data', 95), ('num_originations_text', 110), ('value_originations_text', 111), ('year_over_year_change_text', 112), ('inquiry_month', 113), ('inquiry_year_over_year_change', 114), ('inquiry_year_over_year_change_text', 115), ('tightness_month', 116), ('tightness_year_over_year_change', 114), ('tightness_year_over_year_change_text', 117), ('image', 118)]], {}), 120: ('jobmanager.blocks.JobListingTable', (), {}), 121: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Short description for a checkbox item'}), 122: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Deeper explanation of the item', 'required': False}), 123: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('item', 121), ('details', 122)]], {}), 124: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (123,), {}), 125: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('checklist', 124)]], {}), 126: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add a horizontal rule line to top of FAQ group.', 'required': False}), 127: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to show horizontal rule lines between FAQ items.', 'label': 'Show rule lines between items', 'required': False}), 128: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('h2', 'h2'), ('h3', 'h3'), ('h4', 'h4'), ('p', 'p')], 'help_text': 'HTML tag for questions.'}), 129: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'blank': True, 'help_text': "Add an optional anchor link tag for this question. Tag should be unique and use dashes or underscores for separation instead of spaces (ie, 'question-one-tag')", 'max_length': 500, 'required': False}), 130: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'max_length': 500}), 131: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('full_width_text', 38), ('info_unit_group', 49)]], {}), 132: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('anchor_tag', 129), ('question', 130), ('answer', 131)]], {}), 133: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (132,), {'label': 'FAQ items'}), 134: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('has_top_rule_line', 126), ('lines_between_items', 127), ('question_tag', 128), ('faq_items', 133)]], {})}),
+        ),
+        migrations.AlterField(
+            model_name='browsepage',
+            name='header',
+            field=wagtail.fields.StreamField([('text_introduction', 9), ('featured_content', 21), ('notification', 26)], blank=True, block_lookup={0: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Optional: Adds an H5 eyebrow above H1 heading text. Only use in conjunction with heading.', 'label': 'Pre-heading', 'required': False}), 1: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'required': False}), 2: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'required': False}), 3: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Add an ARIA label if the link text does not describe the destination of the link (e.g. has ambiguous text like "Learn more" that is not descriptive on its own).', 'required': False}), 4: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'default': '/', 'required': False}), 5: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'required': False}), 6: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 1), ('aria_label', 3), ('url', 4), ('is_link_boldface', 5)]], {}), 7: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (6,), {'required': False}), 8: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Check this to add a horizontal rule line to bottom of text introduction.', 'label': 'Has bottom rule', 'required': False}), 9: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('eyebrow', 0), ('heading', 1), ('intro', 2), ('body', 2), ('links', 7), ('has_rule', 8)]], {}), 10: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {}), 11: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Line breaks will be ignored.'}), 12: ('wagtail.blocks.PageChooserBlock', (), {'required': False}), 13: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'label': 'Render post link?', 'required': False}), 14: ('wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock', (), {'required': False}), 15: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': "No character limit, but be as succinct as possible. If the image is decorative (i.e., a screenreader wouldn't have anything useful to say about it), leave this field blank.", 'required': False}), 16: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('upload', 14), ('alt', 15)]], {}), 17: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (6,), {'label': 'Additional Links'}), 18: ('wagtail.blocks.RegexBlock', (), {'error_messages': {'invalid': 'The YouTube video ID is in the wrong format.'}, 'help_text': 'Enter the YouTube video ID, which is located at the end of the video URL, after "v=". For example, the video ID for is 1V0Ax9OIc84.', 'label': 'YouTube video ID', 'regex': '^[\\w-]{11}$', 'required': False}), 19: ('wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Optional thumbnail image to show before and after the video plays. If the thumbnail image is not set here, the video player will default to showing the thumbnail that was set in (or automatically chosen by) YouTube.', 'required': False}), 20: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('video_id', 18), ('thumbnail_image', 19)]], {'required': False}), 21: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 10), ('body', 11), ('post', 12), ('show_post_link', 13), ('post_link_text', 1), ('image', 16), ('links', 17), ('video', 20)]], {}), 22: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('information', 'Information'), ('warning', 'Warning')]}), 23: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'The main notification message to display.', 'required': True}), 24: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Explanation text appears below the message in smaller type.', 'required': False}), 25: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (6,), {'help_text': 'Links appear on their own lines below the explanation.', 'required': False}), 26: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('type', 22), ('message', 23), ('explanation', 24), ('links', 25)]], {})}),
+        ),
+        migrations.AlterField(
+            model_name='cfgovpage',
+            name='sidefoot',
+            field=wagtail.fields.StreamField([('call_to_action', 6), ('related_links', 8), ('related_posts', 19), ('related_metadata', 30), ('email_signup', 31), ('sidebar_contact', 34), ('rss_feed', 35), ('social_media', 47), ('reusable_text', 48)], blank=True, block_lookup={0: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'required': False}), 1: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'required': False}), 2: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Add an ARIA label if the link text does not describe the destination of the link (e.g. has ambiguous text like "Learn more" that is not descriptive on its own).', 'required': False}), 3: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'default': '/', 'required': False}), 4: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'required': False}), 5: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 0), ('aria_label', 2), ('url', 3), ('is_link_boldface', 4)]], {}), 6: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('slug_text', 0), ('paragraph_text', 1), ('button', 5)]], {}), 7: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (5,), {}), 8: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 0), ('paragraph', 1), ('links', 7)]], {}), 9: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'default': '3', 'help_text': 'This limit applies to EACH TYPE of post this module retrieves, not the total number of retrieved posts.'}), 10: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'This toggles the heading and icon for the related types.', 'label': 'Show Heading and Icon?', 'required': False}), 11: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'default': 'Further reading', 'label': 'Slug Title'}), 12: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'editable': False, 'label': 'Blog Posts', 'required': False}), 13: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'editable': False, 'label': 'Newsroom', 'required': False}), 14: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'label': 'Events', 'required': False}), 15: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('Blog', (('At the CFPB', 'At the CFPB'), ("Director's notebook", "Director's notebook"), ('Policy &amp; Compliance', 'Policy and compliance'), ('Data, Research &amp; Reports', 'Data, research, and reports'), ('Info for Consumers', 'Info for consumers'))), ('Newsroom', (('Consumer Advisories', 'Consumer advisories'), ("Director's Statement", "Director's statement"), ('Op-Ed', 'Op-ed'), ('Press Release', 'Press release'), ('Speech', 'Speech'), ('Testimony', 'Testimony')))], 'required': False}), 16: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (15,), {'required': False}), 17: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('any', 'Include related posts that match ANY topic tags on this page'), ('all', 'Include related posts that match ALL topic tags on this page'), ('ignore', 'IGNORE topic tags when selecting related posts')]}), 18: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'By default, the "View more" link will go to the Activity Log, filtered based on the above parameters. Enter a URL in this field to override that link destination.', 'label': 'Alternate "View more" URL', 'required': False}), 19: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('limit', 9), ('show_heading', 10), ('header_title', 11), ('relate_posts', 12), ('relate_newsroom', 13), ('relate_events', 14), ('specific_categories', 16), ('tag_filtering', 17), ('alternate_view_more_url', 18)]], {}), 20: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'max_length': 100}), 21: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {}), 22: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 20), ('blob', 21)]], {'icon': 'pilcrow'}), 23: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 20), ('links', 7)]], {'icon': 'list-ul'}), 24: ('wagtail.blocks.DateBlock', (), {}), 25: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 20), ('date', 24)]], {'icon': 'date'}), 26: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'default': 'Topics', 'max_length': 100}), 27: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'required': False}), 28: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 26), ('show_topics', 27)]], {'icon': 'tag'}), 29: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('text', 22), ('list', 23), ('date', 25), ('topics', 28)]], {}), 30: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('slug', 20), ('content', 29)]], {}), 31: ('v1.blocks.EmailSignUpChooserBlock', (), {}), 32: ('wagtail.snippets.blocks.SnippetChooserBlock', ('v1.Contact',), {}), 33: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Add a horizontal rule line to top of contact block.', 'required': False}), 34: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('contact', 32), ('has_top_rule_line', 33)]], {}), 35: ('v1.atomic_elements.molecules.RSSFeed', (), {}), 36: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'If unchecked, social media icons will link users to official CFPB accounts. Do not fill in any further fields.', 'label': 'Desired action: share this page', 'required': False}), 37: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'default': "Look what I found on the CFPB's site!", 'help_text': 'Sets the tweet text, email subject line, and LinkedIn post text.', 'required': False}), 38: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': '(Optional) Custom text for Twitter shares. If blank, will default to value of blurb field above.', 'max_length': 100, 'required': False}), 39: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': '(Optional) A comma-separated list of accounts related to the content of the shared URL. Do not enter the  @ symbol. If blank, it will default to just "cfpb".', 'required': False}), 40: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': '(Optional) A comma-separated list of hashtags to be appended to default tweet text.', 'required': False}), 41: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': '(Optional) Loads text components in the specified language, if other than English. E.g., use "es"  for Spanish. See for a list of supported language codes.', 'required': False}), 42: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': '(Optional) Custom subject for email shares. If blank, will default to value of blurb field above.', 'required': False}), 43: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': '(Optional) Custom text for email shares. If blank, will default to "Check out this page from the CFPB".', 'required': False}), 44: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': '(Optional) Adds a custom signature line to email shares. ', 'required': False}), 45: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': '(Optional) Custom title for LinkedIn shares. If blank, will default to value of blurb field above.', 'required': False}), 46: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': '(Optional) Custom text for LinkedIn shares.', 'required': False}), 47: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('is_share_view', 36), ('blurb', 37), ('twitter_text', 38), ('twitter_related', 39), ('twitter_hashtags', 40), ('twitter_lang', 41), ('email_title', 42), ('email_text', 43), ('email_signature', 44), ('linkedin_title', 45), ('linkedin_text', 46)]], {}), 48: ('v1.blocks.ReusableTextChooserBlock', (v1.models.snippets.ReusableText,), {})}),
+        ),
+        migrations.AlterField(
+            model_name='documentdetailpage',
+            name='content',
+            field=wagtail.fields.StreamField([('full_width_text', 38), ('expandable', 52), ('expandable_group', 57), ('notification', 62), ('simple_chart', 79), ('table', 22), ('crc_table', 81), ('case_docket_table', 83)], blank=True, block_lookup={0: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'icon': 'edit'}), 1: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {}), 2: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': '\n            ID will be auto-generated on save.\n            However, you may enter some human-friendly text that\n            will be incorporated to make it easier to read.\n        ', 'label': 'ID for this content block', 'required': False}), 3: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('link_id', 2)]], {}), 4: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content_block', 1), ('anchor_link', 3)]], {}), 5: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'required': False}), 6: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('h2', 'H2'), ('h3', 'H3'), ('h4', 'H4'), ('h5', 'H5')]}), 7: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Input the name of an icon to appear to the left of the heading. E.g., approved, help-round, etc. <a href="">See full list of icons</a>', 'required': False}), 8: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 5), ('level', 6), ('icon', 7)]], {'required': False}), 9: ('wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock', (), {'required': False}), 10: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': "No character limit, but be as succinct as possible. If the image is decorative (i.e., a screenreader wouldn't have anything useful to say about it), leave this field blank.", 'required': False}), 11: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('upload', 9), ('alt', 10)]], {}), 12: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('full', 'Full width'), (470, '470px'), (270, '270px'), (170, '170px')]}), 13: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('right', 'right'), ('left', 'left')], 'help_text': 'Does not apply if the image is full-width'}), 14: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'label': 'Caption', 'required': False}), 15: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'Check to add a horizontal rule line to bottom of inset.', 'label': 'Has bottom rule line', 'required': False}), 16: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('image', 11), ('image_width', 12), ('image_position', 13), ('text', 14), ('is_bottom_rule', 15)]], {}), 17: ('wagtail.blocks.MultipleChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('is_full_width', 'Display the table at full width'), ('stack_on_mobile', 'Stack the table columns on mobile')], 'required': False}), 18: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {}), 19: ('wagtail.blocks.FloatBlock', (), {}), 20: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'features': ['bold', 'italic', 'ol', 'ul', 'link', 'document-link', 'superscript']}), 21: ('wagtail.contrib.typed_table_block.blocks.TypedTableBlock', [[('text', 18), ('numeric', 19), ('rich_text', 20)]], {}), 22: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 8), ('text_introduction', 5), ('options', 17), ('data', 21)]], {}), 23: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {}), 24: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'required': False}), 25: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('body', 23), ('citation', 24)]], {}), 26: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'required': False}), 27: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Add an ARIA label if the link text does not describe the destination of the link (e.g. has ambiguous text like "Learn more" that is not descriptive on its own).', 'required': False}), 28: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'default': '/', 'required': False}), 29: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'required': False}), 30: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 5), ('aria_label', 27), ('url', 28), ('is_link_boldface', 29)]], {}), 31: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('slug_text', 5), ('paragraph_text', 26), ('button', 30)]], {}), 32: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (30,), {}), 33: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 5), ('paragraph', 26), ('links', 32)]], {}), 34: ('v1.blocks.ReusableTextChooserBlock', ('v1.ReusableText',), {}), 35: ('v1.blocks.EmailSignUpChooserBlock', (), {}), 36: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'label': 'Well', 'required': False}), 37: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content', 36)]], {}), 38: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('content', 0), ('content_with_anchor', 4), ('heading', 8), ('image', 16), ('table', 22), ('quote', 25), ('cta', 31), ('related_links', 33), ('reusable_text', 34), ('email_signup', 35), ('well', 37)]], {}), 39: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'required': False}), 40: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('50-50', '50/50'), ('33-33-33', '33/33/33'), ('25-75', '25/75')], 'help_text': 'Choose the number and width of info unit columns.', 'label': 'Format'}), 41: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': "Check this to link all images and headings to the URL of the first link in their unit's list, if there is a link.", 'required': False}), 42: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add a horizontal rule line to top of info unit group.', 'required': False}), 43: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to show horizontal rule lines between info units.', 'label': 'Show rule lines between items', 'required': False}), 44: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('none', 'None'), ('rounded', 'Rounded corners'), ('circle', 'Circle')], 'help_text': 'Adds a <em>border-radius</em> class to images in this group, allowing for a rounded or circular border.', 'label': 'Border radius for images?', 'required': False}), 45: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 5), ('level', 6), ('icon', 7)]], {'default': {'level': 'h3'}, 'required': False}), 46: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'blank': True, 'required': False}), 47: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (30,), {'required': False}), 48: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('image', 11), ('heading', 45), ('body', 46), ('links', 47)]], {}), 49: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (48,), {'default': []}), 50: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('format', 40), ('heading', 8), ('intro', 26), ('link_image_and_heading', 41), ('has_top_rule_line', 42), ('lines_between_items', 43), ('border_radius_image', 44), ('info_units', 49)]], {}), 51: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('paragraph', 26), ('well', 37), ('links', 30), ('info_unit_group', 50)]], {'blank': True}), 52: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('label', 5), ('icon', 5), ('is_bordered', 39), ('is_midtone', 39), ('is_expanded', 39), ('is_larger_heading', 39), ('is_expanded_padding', 39), ('content', 51)]], {}), 53: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Added as an <code>&lt;h3&gt;</code> at the top of this block. Also adds a wrapping <code>&lt;div&gt;</code> whose <code>id</code> attribute comes from a slugified version of this heading, creating an anchor that can be used when linking to this part of the page.', 'required': False}), 54: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add a horizontal rule line to top of expandable group.', 'required': False}), 55: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add FAQ schema markup to expandables.', 'label': 'Uses FAQ schema', 'required': False}), 56: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (52,), {}), 57: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 53), ('body', 26), ('is_accordion', 39), ('has_top_rule_line', 54), ('is_faq', 55), ('expandables', 56)]], {}), 58: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('information', 'Information'), ('warning', 'Warning')]}), 59: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'The main notification message to display.', 'required': True}), 60: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Explanation text appears below the message in smaller type.', 'required': False}), 61: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (30,), {'help_text': 'Links appear on their own lines below the explanation.', 'required': False}), 62: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('type', 58), ('message', 59), ('explanation', 60), ('links', 61)]], {}), 63: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'required': True}), 64: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Accessible description of the chart content', 'required': True}), 65: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('bar', 'Bar'), ('datetime', 'Date/time'), ('line', 'Line'), ('tilemap', 'Tile grid map')]}), 66: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': "URL of the chart's data source or an array of JSON data", 'required': True, 'rows': 2}), 67: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'For charts pulling from a separate source file, include a list of the column headers (from a CSV file) or keys (from a JSON file) to include in the chart as  ["HEADER/KEY1", "HEADER/KEY2"]. To change how the data is labeled in the chart, include the correct labels with the format [{"key": "HEADER/KEY1", "label": "NEWLABEL"}, {"key": "HEADER/KEY2", "label": "NEWLABEL2"}]', 'required': False}), 68: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'Uncheck this option to initially only show the first data  series in the chart. Leave checked to show all data  series by default. Users can always turn data series on  or off by interacting with the chart legend. ', 'required': False}), 69: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'The column header (CSV), key or data array (JSON) to include as the source of x-axis values.', 'required': False}), 70: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': "Name the javascript function in chart-hooks.js to run on the provided data before handing it to the chart. Can also provide '___'-separated arguments to this function which are passed in as arguments 2 to n", 'required': False}), 71: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'If the chart needs the option for users to filter the data shown, for example by date or geographic region, provide the JSON objects to filter on, in the format  {key: "KEY", "label": "LABEL"}', 'required': False}), 72: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'A JSON object with style overrides for the underlying Highcharts chart. No object merging is done, nested objects should be referenced with dot notation: {"tooltip.shape": "circle"}', 'required': False}), 73: ('wagtail.blocks.IntegerBlock', (), {'blank': True, 'help_text': 'A number to determine how many months of the data are projected values', 'max_value': 12, 'min_value': 0, 'null': True, 'required': False}), 74: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Attribution for the data source', 'required': False}), 75: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'When the underlying data was published', 'required': False}), 76: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Custom text for the chart download field. Required to display a download link.', 'required': False}), 77: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Location of a file to download, if different from the data source', 'required': False}), 78: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'General chart information', 'required': False}), 79: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('title', 63), ('subtitle', 24), ('description', 64), ('figure_number', 5), ('chart_type', 65), ('data_source', 66), ('data_series', 67), ('show_all_series_by_default', 68), ('x_axis_source', 69), ('transform', 70), ('x_axis_label', 5), ('y_axis_label', 5), ('filters', 71), ('style_overrides', 72), ('projected_months', 73), ('source_credits', 74), ('date_published', 75), ('download_text', 76), ('download_file', 77), ('notes', 78)]], {}), 80: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'features': ['bold', 'italic', 'link']}), 81: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('website', 80), ('phone', 80), ('mailing_address', 80)]], {}), 82: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (v1.atomic_elements.tables.CaseDocketEvent,), {'collapsed': True, 'min_num': 1}), 83: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('events', 82)]], {})}),
+        ),
+        migrations.AlterField(
+            model_name='enforcementactionpage',
+            name='content',
+            field=wagtail.fields.StreamField([('full_width_text', 38), ('expandable', 52), ('expandable_group', 57), ('notification', 62)], blank=True, block_lookup={0: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'icon': 'edit'}), 1: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {}), 2: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': '\n            ID will be auto-generated on save.\n            However, you may enter some human-friendly text that\n            will be incorporated to make it easier to read.\n        ', 'label': 'ID for this content block', 'required': False}), 3: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('link_id', 2)]], {}), 4: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content_block', 1), ('anchor_link', 3)]], {}), 5: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'required': False}), 6: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('h2', 'H2'), ('h3', 'H3'), ('h4', 'H4'), ('h5', 'H5')]}), 7: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Input the name of an icon to appear to the left of the heading. E.g., approved, help-round, etc. <a href="">See full list of icons</a>', 'required': False}), 8: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 5), ('level', 6), ('icon', 7)]], {'required': False}), 9: ('wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock', (), {'required': False}), 10: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': "No character limit, but be as succinct as possible. If the image is decorative (i.e., a screenreader wouldn't have anything useful to say about it), leave this field blank.", 'required': False}), 11: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('upload', 9), ('alt', 10)]], {}), 12: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('full', 'Full width'), (470, '470px'), (270, '270px'), (170, '170px')]}), 13: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('right', 'right'), ('left', 'left')], 'help_text': 'Does not apply if the image is full-width'}), 14: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'label': 'Caption', 'required': False}), 15: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'Check to add a horizontal rule line to bottom of inset.', 'label': 'Has bottom rule line', 'required': False}), 16: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('image', 11), ('image_width', 12), ('image_position', 13), ('text', 14), ('is_bottom_rule', 15)]], {}), 17: ('wagtail.blocks.MultipleChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('is_full_width', 'Display the table at full width'), ('stack_on_mobile', 'Stack the table columns on mobile')], 'required': False}), 18: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {}), 19: ('wagtail.blocks.FloatBlock', (), {}), 20: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'features': ['bold', 'italic', 'ol', 'ul', 'link', 'document-link', 'superscript']}), 21: ('wagtail.contrib.typed_table_block.blocks.TypedTableBlock', [[('text', 18), ('numeric', 19), ('rich_text', 20)]], {}), 22: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 8), ('text_introduction', 5), ('options', 17), ('data', 21)]], {}), 23: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {}), 24: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'required': False}), 25: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('body', 23), ('citation', 24)]], {}), 26: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'required': False}), 27: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Add an ARIA label if the link text does not describe the destination of the link (e.g. has ambiguous text like "Learn more" that is not descriptive on its own).', 'required': False}), 28: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'default': '/', 'required': False}), 29: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'required': False}), 30: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 5), ('aria_label', 27), ('url', 28), ('is_link_boldface', 29)]], {}), 31: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('slug_text', 5), ('paragraph_text', 26), ('button', 30)]], {}), 32: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (30,), {}), 33: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 5), ('paragraph', 26), ('links', 32)]], {}), 34: ('v1.blocks.ReusableTextChooserBlock', ('v1.ReusableText',), {}), 35: ('v1.blocks.EmailSignUpChooserBlock', (), {}), 36: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'label': 'Well', 'required': False}), 37: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content', 36)]], {}), 38: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('content', 0), ('content_with_anchor', 4), ('heading', 8), ('image', 16), ('table', 22), ('quote', 25), ('cta', 31), ('related_links', 33), ('reusable_text', 34), ('email_signup', 35), ('well', 37)]], {}), 39: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'required': False}), 40: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('50-50', '50/50'), ('33-33-33', '33/33/33'), ('25-75', '25/75')], 'help_text': 'Choose the number and width of info unit columns.', 'label': 'Format'}), 41: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': "Check this to link all images and headings to the URL of the first link in their unit's list, if there is a link.", 'required': False}), 42: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add a horizontal rule line to top of info unit group.', 'required': False}), 43: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to show horizontal rule lines between info units.', 'label': 'Show rule lines between items', 'required': False}), 44: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('none', 'None'), ('rounded', 'Rounded corners'), ('circle', 'Circle')], 'help_text': 'Adds a <em>border-radius</em> class to images in this group, allowing for a rounded or circular border.', 'label': 'Border radius for images?', 'required': False}), 45: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 5), ('level', 6), ('icon', 7)]], {'default': {'level': 'h3'}, 'required': False}), 46: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'blank': True, 'required': False}), 47: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (30,), {'required': False}), 48: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('image', 11), ('heading', 45), ('body', 46), ('links', 47)]], {}), 49: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (48,), {'default': []}), 50: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('format', 40), ('heading', 8), ('intro', 26), ('link_image_and_heading', 41), ('has_top_rule_line', 42), ('lines_between_items', 43), ('border_radius_image', 44), ('info_units', 49)]], {}), 51: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('paragraph', 26), ('well', 37), ('links', 30), ('info_unit_group', 50)]], {'blank': True}), 52: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('label', 5), ('icon', 5), ('is_bordered', 39), ('is_midtone', 39), ('is_expanded', 39), ('is_larger_heading', 39), ('is_expanded_padding', 39), ('content', 51)]], {}), 53: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Added as an <code>&lt;h3&gt;</code> at the top of this block. Also adds a wrapping <code>&lt;div&gt;</code> whose <code>id</code> attribute comes from a slugified version of this heading, creating an anchor that can be used when linking to this part of the page.', 'required': False}), 54: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add a horizontal rule line to top of expandable group.', 'required': False}), 55: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add FAQ schema markup to expandables.', 'label': 'Uses FAQ schema', 'required': False}), 56: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (52,), {}), 57: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 53), ('body', 26), ('is_accordion', 39), ('has_top_rule_line', 54), ('is_faq', 55), ('expandables', 56)]], {}), 58: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('information', 'Information'), ('warning', 'Warning')]}), 59: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'The main notification message to display.', 'required': True}), 60: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Explanation text appears below the message in smaller type.', 'required': False}), 61: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (30,), {'help_text': 'Links appear on their own lines below the explanation.', 'required': False}), 62: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('type', 58), ('message', 59), ('explanation', 60), ('links', 61)]], {})}),
+        ),
+        migrations.AlterField(
+            model_name='landingpage',
+            name='content',
+            field=wagtail.fields.StreamField([('info_unit_group', 22), ('well', 24), ('feature_cards', 29)], blank=True, block_lookup={0: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('50-50', '50/50'), ('33-33-33', '33/33/33'), ('25-75', '25/75')], 'help_text': 'Choose the number and width of info unit columns.', 'label': 'Format'}), 1: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'required': False}), 2: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('h2', 'H2'), ('h3', 'H3'), ('h4', 'H4'), ('h5', 'H5')]}), 3: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Input the name of an icon to appear to the left of the heading. E.g., approved, help-round, etc. <a href="">See full list of icons</a>', 'required': False}), 4: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 1), ('level', 2), ('icon', 3)]], {'required': False}), 5: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'required': False}), 6: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': "Check this to link all images and headings to the URL of the first link in their unit's list, if there is a link.", 'required': False}), 7: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add a horizontal rule line to top of info unit group.', 'required': False}), 8: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to show horizontal rule lines between info units.', 'label': 'Show rule lines between items', 'required': False}), 9: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('none', 'None'), ('rounded', 'Rounded corners'), ('circle', 'Circle')], 'help_text': 'Adds a <em>border-radius</em> class to images in this group, allowing for a rounded or circular border.', 'label': 'Border radius for images?', 'required': False}), 10: ('wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock', (), {'required': False}), 11: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': "No character limit, but be as succinct as possible. If the image is decorative (i.e., a screenreader wouldn't have anything useful to say about it), leave this field blank.", 'required': False}), 12: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('upload', 10), ('alt', 11)]], {}), 13: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 1), ('level', 2), ('icon', 3)]], {'default': {'level': 'h3'}, 'required': False}), 14: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'blank': True, 'required': False}), 15: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Add an ARIA label if the link text does not describe the destination of the link (e.g. has ambiguous text like "Learn more" that is not descriptive on its own).', 'required': False}), 16: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'default': '/', 'required': False}), 17: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'required': False}), 18: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 1), ('aria_label', 15), ('url', 16), ('is_link_boldface', 17)]], {}), 19: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (18,), {'required': False}), 20: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('image', 12), ('heading', 13), ('body', 14), ('links', 19)]], {}), 21: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (20,), {'default': []}), 22: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('format', 0), ('heading', 4), ('intro', 5), ('link_image_and_heading', 6), ('has_top_rule_line', 7), ('lines_between_items', 8), ('border_radius_image', 9), ('info_units', 21)]], {}), 23: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'label': 'Well', 'required': False}), 24: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content', 23)]], {}), 25: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {}), 26: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (18,), {}), 27: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('category', 18), ('icon', 25), ('footer_label', 25), ('links', 26)]], {}), 28: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (27,), {'default': []}), 29: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('feature_cards', 28)]], {})}),
+        ),
+        migrations.AlterField(
+            model_name='landingpage',
+            name='header',
+            field=wagtail.fields.StreamField([('hero', 9), ('text_introduction', 19)], blank=True, block_lookup={0: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'For guidelines on creating heroes, visit our <a href="">Design System</a>. Character counts (including spaces) at largest breakpoint:<ul class="help">    <li>&bull; 41 characters max (one-line heading)</li>    <li>&bull; 82 characters max (two-line heading)</li></ul>', 'required': False}), 1: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Use if the heading needs to break to a second lineat a specific point in the text.', 'required': False}), 2: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Character counts (including spaces) at largest breakpoint:<ul class="help">    <li>&bull; 165-186 characters (after a one-line heading)</li>    <li>&bull; 108-124 characters (after a two-line heading)</li></ul>', 'label': 'Sub-heading', 'required': False}), 3: ('wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock', (), {'help_text': 'When saving illustrations, use a transparent background. ', 'label': 'Large image', 'required': False}), 4: ('wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock', (), {'help_text': '<b>Optional.</b> Provides an alternate image for small displays when using a photo or bleeding hero. Not required for the standard illustration. ', 'required': False}), 5: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Specify a hex value (including the # sign) from our <a href="">official color palette</a>.', 'required': False}), 6: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'help_text': '<b>Optional.</b> Turns the hero text white. Useful if using a dark background color or background image.', 'label': 'White text', 'required': False}), 7: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'help_text': '<b>Optional.</b> Uses the large image as a background under the entire hero, creating the "Photo" style of hero (see <a href="">Design System</a> for details). When using this option, make sure to specify a background color (above) for the left/right margins that appear when screens are wider than 1200px and for the text section when the photo and text stack at mobile sizes.', 'label': 'Photo', 'required': False}), 8: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'help_text': '<b>Optional.</b> Select if you want the illustration to bleed vertically off the top and bottom of the hero space.', 'label': 'Bleed', 'required': False}), 9: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 0), ('heading_continued', 1), ('body', 2), ('image', 3), ('small_image', 4), ('background_color', 5), ('is_white_text', 6), ('is_overlay', 7), ('is_bleeding', 8)]], {}), 10: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Optional: Adds an H5 eyebrow above H1 heading text. Only use in conjunction with heading.', 'label': 'Pre-heading', 'required': False}), 11: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'required': False}), 12: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'required': False}), 13: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Add an ARIA label if the link text does not describe the destination of the link (e.g. has ambiguous text like "Learn more" that is not descriptive on its own).', 'required': False}), 14: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'default': '/', 'required': False}), 15: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'required': False}), 16: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 11), ('aria_label', 13), ('url', 14), ('is_link_boldface', 15)]], {}), 17: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (16,), {'required': False}), 18: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Check this to add a horizontal rule line to bottom of text introduction.', 'label': 'Has bottom rule', 'required': False}), 19: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('eyebrow', 10), ('heading', 11), ('intro', 12), ('body', 12), ('links', 17), ('has_rule', 18)]], {})}),
+        ),
+        migrations.AlterField(
+            model_name='learnpage',
+            name='content',
+            field=wagtail.fields.StreamField([('full_width_text', 38), ('info_unit_group', 49), ('expandable_group', 57), ('expandable', 55), ('well', 37), ('call_to_action', 31), ('video_player', 60), ('audio_player', 63), ('email_signup', 35), ('simple_chart', 80), ('table', 22), ('faq_group', 89), ('contact_us_table', 91)], blank=True, block_lookup={0: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'icon': 'edit'}), 1: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {}), 2: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': '\n            ID will be auto-generated on save.\n            However, you may enter some human-friendly text that\n            will be incorporated to make it easier to read.\n        ', 'label': 'ID for this content block', 'required': False}), 3: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('link_id', 2)]], {}), 4: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content_block', 1), ('anchor_link', 3)]], {}), 5: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'required': False}), 6: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('h2', 'H2'), ('h3', 'H3'), ('h4', 'H4'), ('h5', 'H5')]}), 7: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Input the name of an icon to appear to the left of the heading. E.g., approved, help-round, etc. <a href="">See full list of icons</a>', 'required': False}), 8: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 5), ('level', 6), ('icon', 7)]], {'required': False}), 9: ('wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock', (), {'required': False}), 10: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': "No character limit, but be as succinct as possible. If the image is decorative (i.e., a screenreader wouldn't have anything useful to say about it), leave this field blank.", 'required': False}), 11: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('upload', 9), ('alt', 10)]], {}), 12: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('full', 'Full width'), (470, '470px'), (270, '270px'), (170, '170px')]}), 13: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('right', 'right'), ('left', 'left')], 'help_text': 'Does not apply if the image is full-width'}), 14: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'label': 'Caption', 'required': False}), 15: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'Check to add a horizontal rule line to bottom of inset.', 'label': 'Has bottom rule line', 'required': False}), 16: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('image', 11), ('image_width', 12), ('image_position', 13), ('text', 14), ('is_bottom_rule', 15)]], {}), 17: ('wagtail.blocks.MultipleChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('is_full_width', 'Display the table at full width'), ('stack_on_mobile', 'Stack the table columns on mobile')], 'required': False}), 18: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {}), 19: ('wagtail.blocks.FloatBlock', (), {}), 20: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'features': ['bold', 'italic', 'ol', 'ul', 'link', 'document-link', 'superscript']}), 21: ('wagtail.contrib.typed_table_block.blocks.TypedTableBlock', [[('text', 18), ('numeric', 19), ('rich_text', 20)]], {}), 22: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 8), ('text_introduction', 5), ('options', 17), ('data', 21)]], {}), 23: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {}), 24: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'required': False}), 25: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('body', 23), ('citation', 24)]], {}), 26: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'required': False}), 27: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Add an ARIA label if the link text does not describe the destination of the link (e.g. has ambiguous text like "Learn more" that is not descriptive on its own).', 'required': False}), 28: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'default': '/', 'required': False}), 29: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'required': False}), 30: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 5), ('aria_label', 27), ('url', 28), ('is_link_boldface', 29)]], {}), 31: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('slug_text', 5), ('paragraph_text', 26), ('button', 30)]], {}), 32: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (30,), {}), 33: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 5), ('paragraph', 26), ('links', 32)]], {}), 34: ('v1.blocks.ReusableTextChooserBlock', ('v1.ReusableText',), {}), 35: ('v1.blocks.EmailSignUpChooserBlock', (), {}), 36: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'label': 'Well', 'required': False}), 37: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content', 36)]], {}), 38: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('content', 0), ('content_with_anchor', 4), ('heading', 8), ('image', 16), ('table', 22), ('quote', 25), ('cta', 31), ('related_links', 33), ('reusable_text', 34), ('email_signup', 35), ('well', 37)]], {}), 39: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('50-50', '50/50'), ('33-33-33', '33/33/33'), ('25-75', '25/75')], 'help_text': 'Choose the number and width of info unit columns.', 'label': 'Format'}), 40: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': "Check this to link all images and headings to the URL of the first link in their unit's list, if there is a link.", 'required': False}), 41: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add a horizontal rule line to top of info unit group.', 'required': False}), 42: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to show horizontal rule lines between info units.', 'label': 'Show rule lines between items', 'required': False}), 43: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('none', 'None'), ('rounded', 'Rounded corners'), ('circle', 'Circle')], 'help_text': 'Adds a <em>border-radius</em> class to images in this group, allowing for a rounded or circular border.', 'label': 'Border radius for images?', 'required': False}), 44: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 5), ('level', 6), ('icon', 7)]], {'default': {'level': 'h3'}, 'required': False}), 45: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'blank': True, 'required': False}), 46: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (30,), {'required': False}), 47: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('image', 11), ('heading', 44), ('body', 45), ('links', 46)]], {}), 48: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (47,), {'default': []}), 49: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('format', 39), ('heading', 8), ('intro', 26), ('link_image_and_heading', 40), ('has_top_rule_line', 41), ('lines_between_items', 42), ('border_radius_image', 43), ('info_units', 48)]], {}), 50: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Added as an <code>&lt;h3&gt;</code> at the top of this block. Also adds a wrapping <code>&lt;div&gt;</code> whose <code>id</code> attribute comes from a slugified version of this heading, creating an anchor that can be used when linking to this part of the page.', 'required': False}), 51: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'required': False}), 52: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add a horizontal rule line to top of expandable group.', 'required': False}), 53: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add FAQ schema markup to expandables.', 'label': 'Uses FAQ schema', 'required': False}), 54: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('paragraph', 26), ('well', 37), ('links', 30), ('info_unit_group', 49)]], {'blank': True}), 55: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('label', 5), ('icon', 5), ('is_bordered', 51), ('is_midtone', 51), ('is_expanded', 51), ('is_larger_heading', 51), ('is_expanded_padding', 51), ('content', 54)]], {}), 56: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (55,), {}), 57: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 50), ('body', 26), ('is_accordion', 51), ('has_top_rule_line', 52), ('is_faq', 53), ('expandables', 56)]], {}), 58: ('wagtail.blocks.RegexBlock', (), {'error_messages': {'invalid': 'The YouTube video ID is in the wrong format.'}, 'help_text': 'Enter the YouTube video ID, which is located at the end of the video URL, after "v=". For example, the video ID for is 1V0Ax9OIc84.', 'label': 'YouTube video ID', 'regex': '^[\\w-]{11}$', 'required': False}), 59: ('wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Optional thumbnail image to show before and after the video plays. If the thumbnail image is not set here, the video player will default to showing the thumbnail that was set in (or automatically chosen by) YouTube.', 'required': False}), 60: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('video_id', 58), ('thumbnail_image', 59)]], {}), 61: ('wagtailmedia.blocks.AbstractMediaChooserBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Spoken word audio files should be in MP3 format with a 44.1 kHz sample rate, 96 kbps (CBR) bitrate, in mono. See <a href="">Libsyn’s guidance</a> for details. Note that the thumbnail and tag fields will not be used for audio files.'}), 62: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'If you have anything you want to appear below the audio player, such as a download link, put it in this field.', 'required': False}), 63: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 8), ('body', 26), ('audio_file', 61), ('additional_details', 62)]], {}), 64: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'required': True}), 65: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Accessible description of the chart content', 'required': True}), 66: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('bar', 'Bar'), ('datetime', 'Date/time'), ('line', 'Line'), ('tilemap', 'Tile grid map')]}), 67: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': "URL of the chart's data source or an array of JSON data", 'required': True, 'rows': 2}), 68: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'For charts pulling from a separate source file, include a list of the column headers (from a CSV file) or keys (from a JSON file) to include in the chart as  ["HEADER/KEY1", "HEADER/KEY2"]. To change how the data is labeled in the chart, include the correct labels with the format [{"key": "HEADER/KEY1", "label": "NEWLABEL"}, {"key": "HEADER/KEY2", "label": "NEWLABEL2"}]', 'required': False}), 69: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'Uncheck this option to initially only show the first data  series in the chart. Leave checked to show all data  series by default. Users can always turn data series on  or off by interacting with the chart legend. ', 'required': False}), 70: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'The column header (CSV), key or data array (JSON) to include as the source of x-axis values.', 'required': False}), 71: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': "Name the javascript function in chart-hooks.js to run on the provided data before handing it to the chart. Can also provide '___'-separated arguments to this function which are passed in as arguments 2 to n", 'required': False}), 72: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'If the chart needs the option for users to filter the data shown, for example by date or geographic region, provide the JSON objects to filter on, in the format  {key: "KEY", "label": "LABEL"}', 'required': False}), 73: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'A JSON object with style overrides for the underlying Highcharts chart. No object merging is done, nested objects should be referenced with dot notation: {"tooltip.shape": "circle"}', 'required': False}), 74: ('wagtail.blocks.IntegerBlock', (), {'blank': True, 'help_text': 'A number to determine how many months of the data are projected values', 'max_value': 12, 'min_value': 0, 'null': True, 'required': False}), 75: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Attribution for the data source', 'required': False}), 76: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'When the underlying data was published', 'required': False}), 77: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Custom text for the chart download field. Required to display a download link.', 'required': False}), 78: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Location of a file to download, if different from the data source', 'required': False}), 79: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'General chart information', 'required': False}), 80: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('title', 64), ('subtitle', 24), ('description', 65), ('figure_number', 5), ('chart_type', 66), ('data_source', 67), ('data_series', 68), ('show_all_series_by_default', 69), ('x_axis_source', 70), ('transform', 71), ('x_axis_label', 5), ('y_axis_label', 5), ('filters', 72), ('style_overrides', 73), ('projected_months', 74), ('source_credits', 75), ('date_published', 76), ('download_text', 77), ('download_file', 78), ('notes', 79)]], {}), 81: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add a horizontal rule line to top of FAQ group.', 'required': False}), 82: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to show horizontal rule lines between FAQ items.', 'label': 'Show rule lines between items', 'required': False}), 83: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('h2', 'h2'), ('h3', 'h3'), ('h4', 'h4'), ('p', 'p')], 'help_text': 'HTML tag for questions.'}), 84: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'blank': True, 'help_text': "Add an optional anchor link tag for this question. Tag should be unique and use dashes or underscores for separation instead of spaces (ie, 'question-one-tag')", 'max_length': 500, 'required': False}), 85: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'max_length': 500}), 86: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('full_width_text', 38), ('info_unit_group', 49)]], {}), 87: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('anchor_tag', 84), ('question', 85), ('answer', 86)]], {}), 88: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (87,), {'label': 'FAQ items'}), 89: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('has_top_rule_line', 81), ('lines_between_items', 82), ('question_tag', 83), ('faq_items', 88)]], {}), 90: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (v1.atomic_elements.tables.ContactUsRow,), {'collapsed': True, 'min_num': 1}), 91: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 18), ('rows', 90)]], {})}),
+        ),
+        migrations.AlterField(
+            model_name='legacyblogpage',
+            name='content',
+            field=wagtail.fields.StreamField([('full_width_text', 38), ('info_unit_group', 49), ('expandable', 52), ('well', 37), ('video_player', 55), ('email_signup', 35), ('simple_chart', 72), ('faq_schema', 83), ('how_to_schema', 93), ('content', 94), ('reusable_text', 34)], block_lookup={0: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'icon': 'edit'}), 1: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {}), 2: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': '\n            ID will be auto-generated on save.\n            However, you may enter some human-friendly text that\n            will be incorporated to make it easier to read.\n        ', 'label': 'ID for this content block', 'required': False}), 3: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('link_id', 2)]], {}), 4: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content_block', 1), ('anchor_link', 3)]], {}), 5: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'required': False}), 6: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('h2', 'H2'), ('h3', 'H3'), ('h4', 'H4'), ('h5', 'H5')]}), 7: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Input the name of an icon to appear to the left of the heading. E.g., approved, help-round, etc. <a href="">See full list of icons</a>', 'required': False}), 8: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 5), ('level', 6), ('icon', 7)]], {'required': False}), 9: ('wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock', (), {'required': False}), 10: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': "No character limit, but be as succinct as possible. If the image is decorative (i.e., a screenreader wouldn't have anything useful to say about it), leave this field blank.", 'required': False}), 11: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('upload', 9), ('alt', 10)]], {}), 12: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('full', 'Full width'), (470, '470px'), (270, '270px'), (170, '170px')]}), 13: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('right', 'right'), ('left', 'left')], 'help_text': 'Does not apply if the image is full-width'}), 14: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'label': 'Caption', 'required': False}), 15: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'Check to add a horizontal rule line to bottom of inset.', 'label': 'Has bottom rule line', 'required': False}), 16: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('image', 11), ('image_width', 12), ('image_position', 13), ('text', 14), ('is_bottom_rule', 15)]], {}), 17: ('wagtail.blocks.MultipleChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('is_full_width', 'Display the table at full width'), ('stack_on_mobile', 'Stack the table columns on mobile')], 'required': False}), 18: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {}), 19: ('wagtail.blocks.FloatBlock', (), {}), 20: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'features': ['bold', 'italic', 'ol', 'ul', 'link', 'document-link', 'superscript']}), 21: ('wagtail.contrib.typed_table_block.blocks.TypedTableBlock', [[('text', 18), ('numeric', 19), ('rich_text', 20)]], {}), 22: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 8), ('text_introduction', 5), ('options', 17), ('data', 21)]], {}), 23: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {}), 24: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'required': False}), 25: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('body', 23), ('citation', 24)]], {}), 26: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'required': False}), 27: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Add an ARIA label if the link text does not describe the destination of the link (e.g. has ambiguous text like "Learn more" that is not descriptive on its own).', 'required': False}), 28: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'default': '/', 'required': False}), 29: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'required': False}), 30: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 5), ('aria_label', 27), ('url', 28), ('is_link_boldface', 29)]], {}), 31: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('slug_text', 5), ('paragraph_text', 26), ('button', 30)]], {}), 32: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (30,), {}), 33: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 5), ('paragraph', 26), ('links', 32)]], {}), 34: ('v1.blocks.ReusableTextChooserBlock', ('v1.ReusableText',), {}), 35: ('v1.blocks.EmailSignUpChooserBlock', (), {}), 36: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'label': 'Well', 'required': False}), 37: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content', 36)]], {}), 38: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('content', 0), ('content_with_anchor', 4), ('heading', 8), ('image', 16), ('table', 22), ('quote', 25), ('cta', 31), ('related_links', 33), ('reusable_text', 34), ('email_signup', 35), ('well', 37)]], {}), 39: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('50-50', '50/50'), ('33-33-33', '33/33/33'), ('25-75', '25/75')], 'help_text': 'Choose the number and width of info unit columns.', 'label': 'Format'}), 40: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': "Check this to link all images and headings to the URL of the first link in their unit's list, if there is a link.", 'required': False}), 41: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add a horizontal rule line to top of info unit group.', 'required': False}), 42: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to show horizontal rule lines between info units.', 'label': 'Show rule lines between items', 'required': False}), 43: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('none', 'None'), ('rounded', 'Rounded corners'), ('circle', 'Circle')], 'help_text': 'Adds a <em>border-radius</em> class to images in this group, allowing for a rounded or circular border.', 'label': 'Border radius for images?', 'required': False}), 44: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 5), ('level', 6), ('icon', 7)]], {'default': {'level': 'h3'}, 'required': False}), 45: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'blank': True, 'required': False}), 46: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (30,), {'required': False}), 47: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('image', 11), ('heading', 44), ('body', 45), ('links', 46)]], {}), 48: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (47,), {'default': []}), 49: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('format', 39), ('heading', 8), ('intro', 26), ('link_image_and_heading', 40), ('has_top_rule_line', 41), ('lines_between_items', 42), ('border_radius_image', 43), ('info_units', 48)]], {}), 50: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'required': False}), 51: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('paragraph', 26), ('well', 37), ('links', 30), ('info_unit_group', 49)]], {'blank': True}), 52: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('label', 5), ('icon', 5), ('is_bordered', 50), ('is_midtone', 50), ('is_expanded', 50), ('is_larger_heading', 50), ('is_expanded_padding', 50), ('content', 51)]], {}), 53: ('wagtail.blocks.RegexBlock', (), {'error_messages': {'invalid': 'The YouTube video ID is in the wrong format.'}, 'help_text': 'Enter the YouTube video ID, which is located at the end of the video URL, after "v=". For example, the video ID for is 1V0Ax9OIc84.', 'label': 'YouTube video ID', 'regex': '^[\\w-]{11}$', 'required': False}), 54: ('wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Optional thumbnail image to show before and after the video plays. If the thumbnail image is not set here, the video player will default to showing the thumbnail that was set in (or automatically chosen by) YouTube.', 'required': False}), 55: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('video_id', 53), ('thumbnail_image', 54)]], {}), 56: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'required': True}), 57: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Accessible description of the chart content', 'required': True}), 58: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('bar', 'Bar'), ('datetime', 'Date/time'), ('line', 'Line'), ('tilemap', 'Tile grid map')]}), 59: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': "URL of the chart's data source or an array of JSON data", 'required': True, 'rows': 2}), 60: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'For charts pulling from a separate source file, include a list of the column headers (from a CSV file) or keys (from a JSON file) to include in the chart as  ["HEADER/KEY1", "HEADER/KEY2"]. To change how the data is labeled in the chart, include the correct labels with the format [{"key": "HEADER/KEY1", "label": "NEWLABEL"}, {"key": "HEADER/KEY2", "label": "NEWLABEL2"}]', 'required': False}), 61: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'Uncheck this option to initially only show the first data  series in the chart. Leave checked to show all data  series by default. Users can always turn data series on  or off by interacting with the chart legend. ', 'required': False}), 62: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'The column header (CSV), key or data array (JSON) to include as the source of x-axis values.', 'required': False}), 63: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': "Name the javascript function in chart-hooks.js to run on the provided data before handing it to the chart. Can also provide '___'-separated arguments to this function which are passed in as arguments 2 to n", 'required': False}), 64: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'If the chart needs the option for users to filter the data shown, for example by date or geographic region, provide the JSON objects to filter on, in the format  {key: "KEY", "label": "LABEL"}', 'required': False}), 65: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'A JSON object with style overrides for the underlying Highcharts chart. No object merging is done, nested objects should be referenced with dot notation: {"tooltip.shape": "circle"}', 'required': False}), 66: ('wagtail.blocks.IntegerBlock', (), {'blank': True, 'help_text': 'A number to determine how many months of the data are projected values', 'max_value': 12, 'min_value': 0, 'null': True, 'required': False}), 67: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Attribution for the data source', 'required': False}), 68: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'When the underlying data was published', 'required': False}), 69: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Custom text for the chart download field. Required to display a download link.', 'required': False}), 70: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Location of a file to download, if different from the data source', 'required': False}), 71: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'General chart information', 'required': False}), 72: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('title', 56), ('subtitle', 24), ('description', 57), ('figure_number', 5), ('chart_type', 58), ('data_source', 59), ('data_series', 60), ('show_all_series_by_default', 61), ('x_axis_source', 62), ('transform', 63), ('x_axis_label', 5), ('y_axis_label', 5), ('filters', 64), ('style_overrides', 65), ('projected_months', 66), ('source_credits', 67), ('date_published', 68), ('download_text', 69), ('download_file', 70), ('notes', 71)]], {}), 73: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'blank': True, 'features': ['ol', 'ul', 'bold', 'italic', 'link', 'document-link'], 'required': False}), 74: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'blank': True, 'help_text': "Add an optional anchor link tag for this question. Tag should be unique and use dashes or underscores for separation instead of spaces (ie, 'question-one-tag')", 'max_length': 500, 'required': False}), 75: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'max_length': 500}), 76: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'features': ['bold', 'italic', 'h3', 'h4', 'link', 'ol', 'ul', 'document-link', 'image', 'embed'], 'label': 'Text'}), 77: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content', 76)]], {}), 78: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'features': ['link', 'document-link'], 'label': 'Tip'}), 79: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content', 78)]], {}), 80: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('text', 77), ('table', 22), ('tip', 79), ('video_player', 55)]], {}), 81: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('anchor_tag', 74), ('question', 75), ('answer_content', 80)]], {}), 82: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (81,), {}), 83: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('description', 73), ('questions', 82)]], {'label': 'FAQ schema'}), 84: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'label': 'Title of How To section', 'max_length': 500}), 85: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('h2', 'H2'), ('h3', 'H3'), ('h4', 'H4')], 'help_text': 'Choose a tag for the title of the How To section.', 'label': 'Tag for How To section title'}), 86: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'The How To schema requires a title to let search engines understand what it is about. If you do not want the title to be displayed in the page, uncheck this box and the title content will only be made available to crawlers and screen readers.', 'label': 'Show How To section title', 'required': False}), 87: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('h2', 'H2'), ('h3', 'H3'), ('h4', 'H4'), ('b', 'Bold'), ('p', 'Paragraph')], 'help_text': 'Choose a tag for the title of each HowTo step.', 'label': 'Tag for step titles'}), 88: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this box to display numbers before step titles. ', 'label': 'Show numbers for steps', 'required': False}), 89: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'blank': True, 'help_text': "Add an optional anchor link tag to allow linking directly to this step. Tag should be unique and use dashes or underscores for separation instead of spaces (ie, 'step-one-tag').", 'max_length': 500, 'required': False}), 90: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Enter a title for this HowTo step. You do not need to include a number in the title -- numbers will be added automatically in the template if the show numbers checkbox is checked.', 'max_length': 500}), 91: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('anchor_tag', 89), ('title', 90), ('step_content', 80)]], {}), 92: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (91,), {}), 93: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('title', 84), ('title_tag', 85), ('show_title', 86), ('description', 73), ('step_title_tag', 87), ('has_numbers', 88), ('steps', 92)]], {'label': 'HowTo schema', 'max_num': 1}), 94: ('wagtail.blocks.RawHTMLBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Content from WordPress unescaped.'})}),
+        ),
+        migrations.AlterField(
+            model_name='storypage',
+            name='content',
+            field=wagtail.fields.StreamField([('expandable_group', 32), ('featured_content', 41), ('full_width_text', 65), ('image', 51), ('info_unit_group', 28), ('text_introduction', 68), ('video_player', 69), ('simple_chart', 86)], blank=True, block_lookup={0: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Added as an <code>&lt;h3&gt;</code> at the top of this block. Also adds a wrapping <code>&lt;div&gt;</code> whose <code>id</code> attribute comes from a slugified version of this heading, creating an anchor that can be used when linking to this part of the page.', 'required': False}), 1: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'required': False}), 2: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'required': False}), 3: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add a horizontal rule line to top of expandable group.', 'required': False}), 4: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add FAQ schema markup to expandables.', 'label': 'Uses FAQ schema', 'required': False}), 5: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'required': False}), 6: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'label': 'Well', 'required': False}), 7: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content', 6)]], {}), 8: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Add an ARIA label if the link text does not describe the destination of the link (e.g. has ambiguous text like "Learn more" that is not descriptive on its own).', 'required': False}), 9: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'default': '/', 'required': False}), 10: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'required': False}), 11: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 5), ('aria_label', 8), ('url', 9), ('is_link_boldface', 10)]], {}), 12: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('50-50', '50/50'), ('33-33-33', '33/33/33'), ('25-75', '25/75')], 'help_text': 'Choose the number and width of info unit columns.', 'label': 'Format'}), 13: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('h2', 'H2'), ('h3', 'H3'), ('h4', 'H4'), ('h5', 'H5')]}), 14: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Input the name of an icon to appear to the left of the heading. E.g., approved, help-round, etc. <a href="">See full list of icons</a>', 'required': False}), 15: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 5), ('level', 13), ('icon', 14)]], {'required': False}), 16: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': "Check this to link all images and headings to the URL of the first link in their unit's list, if there is a link.", 'required': False}), 17: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add a horizontal rule line to top of info unit group.', 'required': False}), 18: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to show horizontal rule lines between info units.', 'label': 'Show rule lines between items', 'required': False}), 19: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('none', 'None'), ('rounded', 'Rounded corners'), ('circle', 'Circle')], 'help_text': 'Adds a <em>border-radius</em> class to images in this group, allowing for a rounded or circular border.', 'label': 'Border radius for images?', 'required': False}), 20: ('wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock', (), {'required': False}), 21: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': "No character limit, but be as succinct as possible. If the image is decorative (i.e., a screenreader wouldn't have anything useful to say about it), leave this field blank.", 'required': False}), 22: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('upload', 20), ('alt', 21)]], {}), 23: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 5), ('level', 13), ('icon', 14)]], {'default': {'level': 'h3'}, 'required': False}), 24: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'blank': True, 'required': False}), 25: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (11,), {'required': False}), 26: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('image', 22), ('heading', 23), ('body', 24), ('links', 25)]], {}), 27: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (26,), {'default': []}), 28: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('format', 12), ('heading', 15), ('intro', 1), ('link_image_and_heading', 16), ('has_top_rule_line', 17), ('lines_between_items', 18), ('border_radius_image', 19), ('info_units', 27)]], {}), 29: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('paragraph', 1), ('well', 7), ('links', 11), ('info_unit_group', 28)]], {'blank': True}), 30: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('label', 5), ('icon', 5), ('is_bordered', 2), ('is_midtone', 2), ('is_expanded', 2), ('is_larger_heading', 2), ('is_expanded_padding', 2), ('content', 29)]], {}), 31: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (30,), {}), 32: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 0), ('body', 1), ('is_accordion', 2), ('has_top_rule_line', 3), ('is_faq', 4), ('expandables', 31)]], {}), 33: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {}), 34: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Line breaks will be ignored.'}), 35: ('wagtail.blocks.PageChooserBlock', (), {'required': False}), 36: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'label': 'Render post link?', 'required': False}), 37: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (11,), {'label': 'Additional Links'}), 38: ('wagtail.blocks.RegexBlock', (), {'error_messages': {'invalid': 'The YouTube video ID is in the wrong format.'}, 'help_text': 'Enter the YouTube video ID, which is located at the end of the video URL, after "v=". For example, the video ID for is 1V0Ax9OIc84.', 'label': 'YouTube video ID', 'regex': '^[\\w-]{11}$', 'required': False}), 39: ('wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Optional thumbnail image to show before and after the video plays. If the thumbnail image is not set here, the video player will default to showing the thumbnail that was set in (or automatically chosen by) YouTube.', 'required': False}), 40: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('video_id', 38), ('thumbnail_image', 39)]], {'required': False}), 41: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 33), ('body', 34), ('post', 35), ('show_post_link', 36), ('post_link_text', 5), ('image', 22), ('links', 37), ('video', 40)]], {}), 42: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'icon': 'edit'}), 43: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {}), 44: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': '\n            ID will be auto-generated on save.\n            However, you may enter some human-friendly text that\n            will be incorporated to make it easier to read.\n        ', 'label': 'ID for this content block', 'required': False}), 45: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('link_id', 44)]], {}), 46: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content_block', 43), ('anchor_link', 45)]], {}), 47: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('full', 'Full width'), (470, '470px'), (270, '270px'), (170, '170px')]}), 48: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('right', 'right'), ('left', 'left')], 'help_text': 'Does not apply if the image is full-width'}), 49: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'label': 'Caption', 'required': False}), 50: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'Check to add a horizontal rule line to bottom of inset.', 'label': 'Has bottom rule line', 'required': False}), 51: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('image', 22), ('image_width', 47), ('image_position', 48), ('text', 49), ('is_bottom_rule', 50)]], {}), 52: ('wagtail.blocks.MultipleChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('is_full_width', 'Display the table at full width'), ('stack_on_mobile', 'Stack the table columns on mobile')], 'required': False}), 53: ('wagtail.blocks.FloatBlock', (), {}), 54: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'features': ['bold', 'italic', 'ol', 'ul', 'link', 'document-link', 'superscript']}), 55: ('wagtail.contrib.typed_table_block.blocks.TypedTableBlock', [[('text', 33), ('numeric', 53), ('rich_text', 54)]], {}), 56: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 15), ('text_introduction', 5), ('options', 52), ('data', 55)]], {}), 57: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {}), 58: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'required': False}), 59: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('body', 57), ('citation', 58)]], {}), 60: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('slug_text', 5), ('paragraph_text', 1), ('button', 11)]], {}), 61: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (11,), {}), 62: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 5), ('paragraph', 1), ('links', 61)]], {}), 63: ('v1.blocks.ReusableTextChooserBlock', ('v1.ReusableText',), {}), 64: ('v1.blocks.EmailSignUpChooserBlock', (), {}), 65: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('content', 42), ('content_with_anchor', 46), ('heading', 15), ('image', 51), ('table', 56), ('quote', 59), ('cta', 60), ('related_links', 62), ('reusable_text', 63), ('email_signup', 64), ('well', 7)]], {}), 66: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Optional: Adds an H5 eyebrow above H1 heading text. Only use in conjunction with heading.', 'label': 'Pre-heading', 'required': False}), 67: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Check this to add a horizontal rule line to bottom of text introduction.', 'label': 'Has bottom rule', 'required': False}), 68: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('eyebrow', 66), ('heading', 5), ('intro', 1), ('body', 1), ('links', 25), ('has_rule', 67)]], {}), 69: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('video_id', 38), ('thumbnail_image', 39)]], {}), 70: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'required': True}), 71: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Accessible description of the chart content', 'required': True}), 72: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('bar', 'Bar'), ('datetime', 'Date/time'), ('line', 'Line'), ('tilemap', 'Tile grid map')]}), 73: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': "URL of the chart's data source or an array of JSON data", 'required': True, 'rows': 2}), 74: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'For charts pulling from a separate source file, include a list of the column headers (from a CSV file) or keys (from a JSON file) to include in the chart as  ["HEADER/KEY1", "HEADER/KEY2"]. To change how the data is labeled in the chart, include the correct labels with the format [{"key": "HEADER/KEY1", "label": "NEWLABEL"}, {"key": "HEADER/KEY2", "label": "NEWLABEL2"}]', 'required': False}), 75: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'Uncheck this option to initially only show the first data  series in the chart. Leave checked to show all data  series by default. Users can always turn data series on  or off by interacting with the chart legend. ', 'required': False}), 76: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'The column header (CSV), key or data array (JSON) to include as the source of x-axis values.', 'required': False}), 77: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': "Name the javascript function in chart-hooks.js to run on the provided data before handing it to the chart. Can also provide '___'-separated arguments to this function which are passed in as arguments 2 to n", 'required': False}), 78: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'If the chart needs the option for users to filter the data shown, for example by date or geographic region, provide the JSON objects to filter on, in the format  {key: "KEY", "label": "LABEL"}', 'required': False}), 79: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'A JSON object with style overrides for the underlying Highcharts chart. No object merging is done, nested objects should be referenced with dot notation: {"tooltip.shape": "circle"}', 'required': False}), 80: ('wagtail.blocks.IntegerBlock', (), {'blank': True, 'help_text': 'A number to determine how many months of the data are projected values', 'max_value': 12, 'min_value': 0, 'null': True, 'required': False}), 81: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Attribution for the data source', 'required': False}), 82: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'When the underlying data was published', 'required': False}), 83: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Custom text for the chart download field. Required to display a download link.', 'required': False}), 84: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Location of a file to download, if different from the data source', 'required': False}), 85: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'General chart information', 'required': False}), 86: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('title', 70), ('subtitle', 58), ('description', 71), ('figure_number', 5), ('chart_type', 72), ('data_source', 73), ('data_series', 74), ('show_all_series_by_default', 75), ('x_axis_source', 76), ('transform', 77), ('x_axis_label', 5), ('y_axis_label', 5), ('filters', 78), ('style_overrides', 79), ('projected_months', 80), ('source_credits', 81), ('date_published', 82), ('download_text', 83), ('download_file', 84), ('notes', 85)]], {})}),
+        ),
+        migrations.AlterField(
+            model_name='storypage',
+            name='header',
+            field=wagtail.fields.StreamField([('jumbo_hero', 8), ('features', 31)], blank=True, block_lookup={0: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'For guidelines on creating heroes, visit our <a href="">Design System</a>. Character counts (including spaces) at largest breakpoint:<ul class="help">    <li>&bull; 41 characters max (one-line heading)</li>    <li>&bull; 82 characters max (two-line heading)</li></ul>', 'required': False}), 1: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Use if the heading needs to break to a second lineat a specific point in the text.', 'required': False}), 2: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Character counts (including spaces) at largest breakpoint:<ul class="help">    <li>&bull; 165-186 characters (after a one-line heading)</li>    <li>&bull; 108-124 characters (after a two-line heading)</li></ul>', 'label': 'Sub-heading', 'required': False}), 3: ('wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock', (), {'help_text': 'When saving illustrations, use a transparent background. ', 'label': 'Large image', 'required': False}), 4: ('wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock', (), {'help_text': '<b>Optional.</b> Provides an alternate image for small displays when using a photo or bleeding hero. Not required for the standard illustration. ', 'required': False}), 5: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Specify a hex value (including the # sign) from our <a href="">official color palette</a>.', 'required': False}), 6: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'help_text': '<b>Optional.</b> Turns the hero text white. Useful if using a dark background color or background image.', 'label': 'White text', 'required': False}), 7: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'help_text': '<b>Optional.</b> Set both the hero text and image to 50% width, prevent the background color from appearing in the left/right margins of the hero, and also add a border to the hero area. Requires the uploaded large image to be 755px x 575px.', 'label': '50/50 layout', 'required': False}), 8: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 0), ('heading_continued', 1), ('body', 2), ('image', 3), ('small_image', 4), ('background_color', 5), ('is_white_text', 6), ('is_50_50', 7)]], {}), 9: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('50-50', '50/50'), ('33-33-33', '33/33/33'), ('25-75', '25/75')], 'help_text': 'Choose the number and width of info unit columns.', 'label': 'Format'}), 10: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'required': False}), 11: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('h2', 'H2'), ('h3', 'H3'), ('h4', 'H4'), ('h5', 'H5')]}), 12: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Input the name of an icon to appear to the left of the heading. E.g., approved, help-round, etc. <a href="">See full list of icons</a>', 'required': False}), 13: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 10), ('level', 11), ('icon', 12)]], {'required': False}), 14: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'required': False}), 15: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': "Check this to link all images and headings to the URL of the first link in their unit's list, if there is a link.", 'required': False}), 16: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add a horizontal rule line to top of info unit group.', 'required': False}), 17: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to show horizontal rule lines between info units.', 'label': 'Show rule lines between items', 'required': False}), 18: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('none', 'None'), ('rounded', 'Rounded corners'), ('circle', 'Circle')], 'help_text': 'Adds a <em>border-radius</em> class to images in this group, allowing for a rounded or circular border.', 'label': 'Border radius for images?', 'required': False}), 19: ('wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock', (), {'required': False}), 20: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': "No character limit, but be as succinct as possible. If the image is decorative (i.e., a screenreader wouldn't have anything useful to say about it), leave this field blank.", 'required': False}), 21: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('upload', 19), ('alt', 20)]], {}), 22: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 10), ('level', 11), ('icon', 12)]], {'default': {'level': 'h3'}, 'required': False}), 23: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'blank': True, 'required': False}), 24: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Add an ARIA label if the link text does not describe the destination of the link (e.g. has ambiguous text like "Learn more" that is not descriptive on its own).', 'required': False}), 25: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'default': '/', 'required': False}), 26: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'required': False}), 27: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 10), ('aria_label', 24), ('url', 25), ('is_link_boldface', 26)]], {}), 28: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (27,), {'required': False}), 29: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('image', 21), ('heading', 22), ('body', 23), ('links', 28)]], {}), 30: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (29,), {'default': []}), 31: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('format', 9), ('heading', 13), ('intro', 14), ('link_image_and_heading', 15), ('has_top_rule_line', 16), ('lines_between_items', 17), ('border_radius_image', 18), ('info_units', 30)]], {})}),
+        ),
+        migrations.AlterField(
+            model_name='sublandingfilterablepage',
+            name='content',
+            field=wagtail.fields.StreamField([('text_introduction', 9), ('full_width_text', 42), ('filter_controls', 52), ('featured_content', 60)], blank=True, block_lookup={0: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Optional: Adds an H5 eyebrow above H1 heading text. Only use in conjunction with heading.', 'label': 'Pre-heading', 'required': False}), 1: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'required': False}), 2: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'required': False}), 3: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Add an ARIA label if the link text does not describe the destination of the link (e.g. has ambiguous text like "Learn more" that is not descriptive on its own).', 'required': False}), 4: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'default': '/', 'required': False}), 5: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'required': False}), 6: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 1), ('aria_label', 3), ('url', 4), ('is_link_boldface', 5)]], {}), 7: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (6,), {'required': False}), 8: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Check this to add a horizontal rule line to bottom of text introduction.', 'label': 'Has bottom rule', 'required': False}), 9: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('eyebrow', 0), ('heading', 1), ('intro', 2), ('body', 2), ('links', 7), ('has_rule', 8)]], {}), 10: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'icon': 'edit'}), 11: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {}), 12: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': '\n            ID will be auto-generated on save.\n            However, you may enter some human-friendly text that\n            will be incorporated to make it easier to read.\n        ', 'label': 'ID for this content block', 'required': False}), 13: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('link_id', 12)]], {}), 14: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content_block', 11), ('anchor_link', 13)]], {}), 15: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('h2', 'H2'), ('h3', 'H3'), ('h4', 'H4'), ('h5', 'H5')]}), 16: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Input the name of an icon to appear to the left of the heading. E.g., approved, help-round, etc. <a href="">See full list of icons</a>', 'required': False}), 17: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 1), ('level', 15), ('icon', 16)]], {'required': False}), 18: ('wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock', (), {'required': False}), 19: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': "No character limit, but be as succinct as possible. If the image is decorative (i.e., a screenreader wouldn't have anything useful to say about it), leave this field blank.", 'required': False}), 20: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('upload', 18), ('alt', 19)]], {}), 21: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('full', 'Full width'), (470, '470px'), (270, '270px'), (170, '170px')]}), 22: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('right', 'right'), ('left', 'left')], 'help_text': 'Does not apply if the image is full-width'}), 23: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'label': 'Caption', 'required': False}), 24: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'Check to add a horizontal rule line to bottom of inset.', 'label': 'Has bottom rule line', 'required': False}), 25: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('image', 20), ('image_width', 21), ('image_position', 22), ('text', 23), ('is_bottom_rule', 24)]], {}), 26: ('wagtail.blocks.MultipleChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('is_full_width', 'Display the table at full width'), ('stack_on_mobile', 'Stack the table columns on mobile')], 'required': False}), 27: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {}), 28: ('wagtail.blocks.FloatBlock', (), {}), 29: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'features': ['bold', 'italic', 'ol', 'ul', 'link', 'document-link', 'superscript']}), 30: ('wagtail.contrib.typed_table_block.blocks.TypedTableBlock', [[('text', 27), ('numeric', 28), ('rich_text', 29)]], {}), 31: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 17), ('text_introduction', 1), ('options', 26), ('data', 30)]], {}), 32: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {}), 33: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'required': False}), 34: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('body', 32), ('citation', 33)]], {}), 35: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('slug_text', 1), ('paragraph_text', 2), ('button', 6)]], {}), 36: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (6,), {}), 37: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 1), ('paragraph', 2), ('links', 36)]], {}), 38: ('v1.blocks.ReusableTextChooserBlock', ('v1.ReusableText',), {}), 39: ('v1.blocks.EmailSignUpChooserBlock', (), {}), 40: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'label': 'Well', 'required': False}), 41: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content', 40)]], {}), 42: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('content', 10), ('content_with_anchor', 14), ('heading', 17), ('image', 25), ('table', 31), ('quote', 34), ('cta', 35), ('related_links', 37), ('reusable_text', 38), ('email_signup', 39), ('well', 41)]], {}), 43: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'required': False}), 44: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'Whether to include a "Search by keyword" filter in the filter controls.', 'required': False}), 45: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'Whether to include a "Category" filter in the filter controls.', 'required': False}), 46: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': v1.util.ref.filterable_list_page_types, 'required': False}), 47: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Whether to include a "Topics" filter in the filter controls', 'required': False}), 48: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Whether to include a "Status" filter in the filter controls. Only enable if using on an enforcement actions filterable list.', 'required': False}), 49: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Whether to include a "Product" filter in the filter controls. Only enable if using on an enforcement actions filterable list.', 'required': False}), 50: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Whether to include a "Language" filter in the filter controls.Only enable if there are non-english filterable results available.', 'required': False}), 51: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'Whether to include a set of "Date range" filters in the filter controls.', 'required': False}), 52: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('label', 1), ('icon', 1), ('is_bordered', 43), ('is_midtone', 43), ('is_expanded', 43), ('is_larger_heading', 43), ('is_expanded_padding', 43), ('filter_by_keyword', 44), ('filter_by_category', 45), ('category_choices', 46), ('filter_by_topics', 47), ('filter_by_enforcement_statuses', 48), ('filter_by_enforcement_products', 49), ('filter_by_language', 50), ('filter_by_date_range', 51)]], {}), 53: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Line breaks will be ignored.'}), 54: ('wagtail.blocks.PageChooserBlock', (), {'required': False}), 55: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'label': 'Render post link?', 'required': False}), 56: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (6,), {'label': 'Additional Links'}), 57: ('wagtail.blocks.RegexBlock', (), {'error_messages': {'invalid': 'The YouTube video ID is in the wrong format.'}, 'help_text': 'Enter the YouTube video ID, which is located at the end of the video URL, after "v=". For example, the video ID for is 1V0Ax9OIc84.', 'label': 'YouTube video ID', 'regex': '^[\\w-]{11}$', 'required': False}), 58: ('wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Optional thumbnail image to show before and after the video plays. If the thumbnail image is not set here, the video player will default to showing the thumbnail that was set in (or automatically chosen by) YouTube.', 'required': False}), 59: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('video_id', 57), ('thumbnail_image', 58)]], {'required': False}), 60: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 27), ('body', 53), ('post', 54), ('show_post_link', 55), ('post_link_text', 1), ('image', 20), ('links', 56), ('video', 59)]], {})}),
+        ),
+        migrations.AlterField(
+            model_name='sublandingfilterablepage',
+            name='header',
+            field=wagtail.fields.StreamField([('hero', 9)], blank=True, block_lookup={0: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'For guidelines on creating heroes, visit our <a href="">Design System</a>. Character counts (including spaces) at largest breakpoint:<ul class="help">    <li>&bull; 41 characters max (one-line heading)</li>    <li>&bull; 82 characters max (two-line heading)</li></ul>', 'required': False}), 1: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Use if the heading needs to break to a second lineat a specific point in the text.', 'required': False}), 2: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Character counts (including spaces) at largest breakpoint:<ul class="help">    <li>&bull; 165-186 characters (after a one-line heading)</li>    <li>&bull; 108-124 characters (after a two-line heading)</li></ul>', 'label': 'Sub-heading', 'required': False}), 3: ('wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock', (), {'help_text': 'When saving illustrations, use a transparent background. ', 'label': 'Large image', 'required': False}), 4: ('wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock', (), {'help_text': '<b>Optional.</b> Provides an alternate image for small displays when using a photo or bleeding hero. Not required for the standard illustration. ', 'required': False}), 5: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Specify a hex value (including the # sign) from our <a href="">official color palette</a>.', 'required': False}), 6: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'help_text': '<b>Optional.</b> Turns the hero text white. Useful if using a dark background color or background image.', 'label': 'White text', 'required': False}), 7: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'help_text': '<b>Optional.</b> Uses the large image as a background under the entire hero, creating the "Photo" style of hero (see <a href="">Design System</a> for details). When using this option, make sure to specify a background color (above) for the left/right margins that appear when screens are wider than 1200px and for the text section when the photo and text stack at mobile sizes.', 'label': 'Photo', 'required': False}), 8: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'help_text': '<b>Optional.</b> Select if you want the illustration to bleed vertically off the top and bottom of the hero space.', 'label': 'Bleed', 'required': False}), 9: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 0), ('heading_continued', 1), ('body', 2), ('image', 3), ('small_image', 4), ('background_color', 5), ('is_white_text', 6), ('is_overlay', 7), ('is_bleeding', 8)]], {})}),
+        ),
+        migrations.AlterField(
+            model_name='sublandingpage',
+            name='content',
+            field=wagtail.fields.StreamField([('text_introduction', 9), ('notification', 14), ('featured_content', 26), ('full_width_text', 55), ('info_unit_group', 65), ('well', 54), ('snippet_list', 75), ('post_preview_snapshot', 78), ('contact', 81), ('table', 44), ('expandable_group', 89), ('expandable', 87)], blank=True, block_lookup={0: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Optional: Adds an H5 eyebrow above H1 heading text. Only use in conjunction with heading.', 'label': 'Pre-heading', 'required': False}), 1: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'required': False}), 2: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'required': False}), 3: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Add an ARIA label if the link text does not describe the destination of the link (e.g. has ambiguous text like "Learn more" that is not descriptive on its own).', 'required': False}), 4: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'default': '/', 'required': False}), 5: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'required': False}), 6: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 1), ('aria_label', 3), ('url', 4), ('is_link_boldface', 5)]], {}), 7: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (6,), {'required': False}), 8: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Check this to add a horizontal rule line to bottom of text introduction.', 'label': 'Has bottom rule', 'required': False}), 9: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('eyebrow', 0), ('heading', 1), ('intro', 2), ('body', 2), ('links', 7), ('has_rule', 8)]], {}), 10: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('information', 'Information'), ('warning', 'Warning')]}), 11: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'The main notification message to display.', 'required': True}), 12: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Explanation text appears below the message in smaller type.', 'required': False}), 13: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (6,), {'help_text': 'Links appear on their own lines below the explanation.', 'required': False}), 14: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('type', 10), ('message', 11), ('explanation', 12), ('links', 13)]], {}), 15: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {}), 16: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Line breaks will be ignored.'}), 17: ('wagtail.blocks.PageChooserBlock', (), {'required': False}), 18: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'label': 'Render post link?', 'required': False}), 19: ('wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock', (), {'required': False}), 20: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': "No character limit, but be as succinct as possible. If the image is decorative (i.e., a screenreader wouldn't have anything useful to say about it), leave this field blank.", 'required': False}), 21: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('upload', 19), ('alt', 20)]], {}), 22: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (6,), {'label': 'Additional Links'}), 23: ('wagtail.blocks.RegexBlock', (), {'error_messages': {'invalid': 'The YouTube video ID is in the wrong format.'}, 'help_text': 'Enter the YouTube video ID, which is located at the end of the video URL, after "v=". For example, the video ID for is 1V0Ax9OIc84.', 'label': 'YouTube video ID', 'regex': '^[\\w-]{11}$', 'required': False}), 24: ('wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Optional thumbnail image to show before and after the video plays. If the thumbnail image is not set here, the video player will default to showing the thumbnail that was set in (or automatically chosen by) YouTube.', 'required': False}), 25: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('video_id', 23), ('thumbnail_image', 24)]], {'required': False}), 26: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 15), ('body', 16), ('post', 17), ('show_post_link', 18), ('post_link_text', 1), ('image', 21), ('links', 22), ('video', 25)]], {}), 27: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'icon': 'edit'}), 28: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {}), 29: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': '\n            ID will be auto-generated on save.\n            However, you may enter some human-friendly text that\n            will be incorporated to make it easier to read.\n        ', 'label': 'ID for this content block', 'required': False}), 30: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('link_id', 29)]], {}), 31: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content_block', 28), ('anchor_link', 30)]], {}), 32: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('h2', 'H2'), ('h3', 'H3'), ('h4', 'H4'), ('h5', 'H5')]}), 33: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Input the name of an icon to appear to the left of the heading. E.g., approved, help-round, etc. <a href="">See full list of icons</a>', 'required': False}), 34: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 1), ('level', 32), ('icon', 33)]], {'required': False}), 35: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('full', 'Full width'), (470, '470px'), (270, '270px'), (170, '170px')]}), 36: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('right', 'right'), ('left', 'left')], 'help_text': 'Does not apply if the image is full-width'}), 37: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'label': 'Caption', 'required': False}), 38: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'Check to add a horizontal rule line to bottom of inset.', 'label': 'Has bottom rule line', 'required': False}), 39: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('image', 21), ('image_width', 35), ('image_position', 36), ('text', 37), ('is_bottom_rule', 38)]], {}), 40: ('wagtail.blocks.MultipleChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('is_full_width', 'Display the table at full width'), ('stack_on_mobile', 'Stack the table columns on mobile')], 'required': False}), 41: ('wagtail.blocks.FloatBlock', (), {}), 42: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'features': ['bold', 'italic', 'ol', 'ul', 'link', 'document-link', 'superscript']}), 43: ('wagtail.contrib.typed_table_block.blocks.TypedTableBlock', [[('text', 15), ('numeric', 41), ('rich_text', 42)]], {}), 44: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 34), ('text_introduction', 1), ('options', 40), ('data', 43)]], {}), 45: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {}), 46: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'required': False}), 47: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('body', 45), ('citation', 46)]], {}), 48: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('slug_text', 1), ('paragraph_text', 2), ('button', 6)]], {}), 49: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (6,), {}), 50: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 1), ('paragraph', 2), ('links', 49)]], {}), 51: ('v1.blocks.ReusableTextChooserBlock', ('v1.ReusableText',), {}), 52: ('v1.blocks.EmailSignUpChooserBlock', (), {}), 53: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'label': 'Well', 'required': False}), 54: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content', 53)]], {}), 55: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('content', 27), ('content_with_anchor', 31), ('heading', 34), ('image', 39), ('table', 44), ('quote', 47), ('cta', 48), ('related_links', 50), ('reusable_text', 51), ('email_signup', 52), ('well', 54)]], {}), 56: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('50-50', '50/50'), ('33-33-33', '33/33/33'), ('25-75', '25/75')], 'help_text': 'Choose the number and width of info unit columns.', 'label': 'Format'}), 57: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': "Check this to link all images and headings to the URL of the first link in their unit's list, if there is a link.", 'required': False}), 58: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add a horizontal rule line to top of info unit group.', 'required': False}), 59: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to show horizontal rule lines between info units.', 'label': 'Show rule lines between items', 'required': False}), 60: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('none', 'None'), ('rounded', 'Rounded corners'), ('circle', 'Circle')], 'help_text': 'Adds a <em>border-radius</em> class to images in this group, allowing for a rounded or circular border.', 'label': 'Border radius for images?', 'required': False}), 61: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 1), ('level', 32), ('icon', 33)]], {'default': {'level': 'h3'}, 'required': False}), 62: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'blank': True, 'required': False}), 63: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('image', 21), ('heading', 61), ('body', 62), ('links', 7)]], {}), 64: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (63,), {'default': []}), 65: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('format', 56), ('heading', 34), ('intro', 2), ('link_image_and_heading', 57), ('has_top_rule_line', 58), ('lines_between_items', 59), ('border_radius_image', 60), ('info_units', 64)]], {}), 66: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add a horizontal rule line above this block.', 'required': False}), 67: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('70', '70%'), ('66', '66%'), ('60', '60%'), ('50', '50%'), ('40', '40%'), ('33', '33%'), ('30', '30%')], 'help_text': 'Choose the width in % that you wish to set the Actions column in a resource list.', 'label': 'Width of "Actions" column', 'required': False}), 68: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'help_text': "If selected, each resource in the list will include a 150px-wide image from the resource's thumbnail field.", 'required': False}), 69: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'E.g., "Download" or "Order free prints"'}), 70: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('related_file', 'Related file'), ('alternate_file', 'Alternate file'), ('link', 'Link'), ('alternate_link', 'Alternate link')], 'help_text': 'The field that the action link should point to'}), 71: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('link_label', 69), ('snippet_field', 70)]], {}), 72: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (71,), {}), 73: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'label': 'Tag'}), 74: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (73,), {'help_text': 'Enter tag names to filter the snippets. For a snippet to match and be output in the list, it must have been tagged with all of the tag names listed here. The tag names are case-insensitive.'}), 75: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 1), ('body', 2), ('has_top_rule_line', 66), ('image', 21), ('actions_column_width', 67), ('show_thumbnails', 68), ('actions', 72), ('tags', 74)]], {}), 76: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'default': '3', 'help_text': 'How many posts do you want to show?', 'label': 'Limit'}), 77: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'default': 'Published'}), 78: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('limit', 76), ('post_date_description', 77)]], {}), 79: ('wagtail.snippets.blocks.SnippetChooserBlock', ('v1.Contact',), {}), 80: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Add a horizontal rule line to top of contact block.', 'required': False}), 81: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('contact', 79), ('has_top_rule_line', 80)]], {}), 82: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Added as an <code>&lt;h3&gt;</code> at the top of this block. Also adds a wrapping <code>&lt;div&gt;</code> whose <code>id</code> attribute comes from a slugified version of this heading, creating an anchor that can be used when linking to this part of the page.', 'required': False}), 83: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'required': False}), 84: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add a horizontal rule line to top of expandable group.', 'required': False}), 85: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add FAQ schema markup to expandables.', 'label': 'Uses FAQ schema', 'required': False}), 86: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('paragraph', 2), ('well', 54), ('links', 6), ('info_unit_group', 65)]], {'blank': True}), 87: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('label', 1), ('icon', 1), ('is_bordered', 83), ('is_midtone', 83), ('is_expanded', 83), ('is_larger_heading', 83), ('is_expanded_padding', 83), ('content', 86)]], {}), 88: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (87,), {}), 89: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 82), ('body', 2), ('is_accordion', 83), ('has_top_rule_line', 84), ('is_faq', 85), ('expandables', 88)]], {})}),
+        ),
+        migrations.AlterField(
+            model_name='sublandingpage',
+            name='header',
+            field=wagtail.fields.StreamField([('hero', 9)], blank=True, block_lookup={0: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'For guidelines on creating heroes, visit our <a href="">Design System</a>. Character counts (including spaces) at largest breakpoint:<ul class="help">    <li>&bull; 41 characters max (one-line heading)</li>    <li>&bull; 82 characters max (two-line heading)</li></ul>', 'required': False}), 1: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Use if the heading needs to break to a second lineat a specific point in the text.', 'required': False}), 2: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Character counts (including spaces) at largest breakpoint:<ul class="help">    <li>&bull; 165-186 characters (after a one-line heading)</li>    <li>&bull; 108-124 characters (after a two-line heading)</li></ul>', 'label': 'Sub-heading', 'required': False}), 3: ('wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock', (), {'help_text': 'When saving illustrations, use a transparent background. ', 'label': 'Large image', 'required': False}), 4: ('wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock', (), {'help_text': '<b>Optional.</b> Provides an alternate image for small displays when using a photo or bleeding hero. Not required for the standard illustration. ', 'required': False}), 5: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Specify a hex value (including the # sign) from our <a href="">official color palette</a>.', 'required': False}), 6: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'help_text': '<b>Optional.</b> Turns the hero text white. Useful if using a dark background color or background image.', 'label': 'White text', 'required': False}), 7: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'help_text': '<b>Optional.</b> Uses the large image as a background under the entire hero, creating the "Photo" style of hero (see <a href="">Design System</a> for details). When using this option, make sure to specify a background color (above) for the left/right margins that appear when screens are wider than 1200px and for the text section when the photo and text stack at mobile sizes.', 'label': 'Photo', 'required': False}), 8: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'help_text': '<b>Optional.</b> Select if you want the illustration to bleed vertically off the top and bottom of the hero space.', 'label': 'Bleed', 'required': False}), 9: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 0), ('heading_continued', 1), ('body', 2), ('image', 3), ('small_image', 4), ('background_color', 5), ('is_white_text', 6), ('is_overlay', 7), ('is_bleeding', 8)]], {})}),
+        ),
+        migrations.RunPython(
+            code=django.db.migrations.operations.special.RunPython.noop,
+            reverse_code=django.db.migrations.operations.special.RunPython.noop,
+        ),
+        migrations.AlterField(
+            model_name='browsepage',
+            name='content',
+            field=wagtail.fields.StreamField([('full_width_text', 38), ('info_unit_group', 49), ('simple_chart', 66), ('expandable_group', 74), ('expandable', 72), ('well', 37), ('video_player', 77), ('table', 22), ('raw_html_block', 78), ('chart_block', 89), ('mortgage_chart_block', 93), ('mortgage_map_block', 93), ('mortgage_downloads_block', 95), ('data_snapshot', 109), ('job_listing_table', 110), ('yes_checklist', 115), ('faq_group', 124)], blank=True, block_lookup={0: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'icon': 'edit'}), 1: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {}), 2: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': '\n            ID will be auto-generated on save.\n            However, you may enter some human-friendly text that\n            will be incorporated to make it easier to read.\n        ', 'label': 'ID for this content block', 'required': False}), 3: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('link_id', 2)]], {}), 4: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content_block', 1), ('anchor_link', 3)]], {}), 5: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'required': False}), 6: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('h2', 'H2'), ('h3', 'H3'), ('h4', 'H4'), ('h5', 'H5')]}), 7: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Input the name of an icon to appear to the left of the heading. E.g., approved, help-round, etc. <a href="">See full list of icons</a>', 'required': False}), 8: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 5), ('level', 6), ('icon', 7)]], {'required': False}), 9: ('wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock', (), {'required': False}), 10: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': "No character limit, but be as succinct as possible. If the image is decorative (i.e., a screenreader wouldn't have anything useful to say about it), leave this field blank.", 'required': False}), 11: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('upload', 9), ('alt', 10)]], {}), 12: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('full', 'Full width'), (470, '470px'), (270, '270px'), (170, '170px')]}), 13: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('right', 'right'), ('left', 'left')], 'help_text': 'Does not apply if the image is full-width'}), 14: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'label': 'Caption', 'required': False}), 15: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'Check to add a horizontal rule line to bottom of inset.', 'label': 'Has bottom rule line', 'required': False}), 16: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('image', 11), ('image_width', 12), ('image_position', 13), ('text', 14), ('is_bottom_rule', 15)]], {}), 17: ('wagtail.blocks.MultipleChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('is_full_width', 'Display the table at full width'), ('stack_on_mobile', 'Stack the table columns on mobile')], 'required': False}), 18: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {}), 19: ('wagtail.blocks.FloatBlock', (), {}), 20: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'features': ['bold', 'italic', 'ol', 'ul', 'link', 'document-link', 'superscript']}), 21: ('wagtail.contrib.typed_table_block.blocks.TypedTableBlock', [[('text', 18), ('numeric', 19), ('rich_text', 20)]], {}), 22: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 8), ('text_introduction', 5), ('options', 17), ('data', 21)]], {}), 23: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {}), 24: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'required': False}), 25: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('body', 23), ('citation', 24)]], {}), 26: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'required': False}), 27: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Add an ARIA label if the link text does not describe the destination of the link (e.g. has ambiguous text like "Learn more" that is not descriptive on its own).', 'required': False}), 28: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'default': '/', 'required': False}), 29: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'required': False}), 30: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 5), ('aria_label', 27), ('url', 28), ('is_link_boldface', 29)]], {}), 31: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('slug_text', 5), ('paragraph_text', 26), ('button', 30)]], {}), 32: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (30,), {}), 33: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 5), ('paragraph', 26), ('links', 32)]], {}), 34: ('v1.blocks.ReusableTextChooserBlock', ('v1.ReusableText',), {}), 35: ('v1.blocks.EmailSignUpChooserBlock', (), {}), 36: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'label': 'Well', 'required': False}), 37: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content', 36)]], {}), 38: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('content', 0), ('content_with_anchor', 4), ('heading', 8), ('image', 16), ('table', 22), ('quote', 25), ('cta', 31), ('related_links', 33), ('reusable_text', 34), ('email_signup', 35), ('well', 37)]], {}), 39: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('50-50', '50/50'), ('33-33-33', '33/33/33'), ('25-75', '25/75')], 'help_text': 'Choose the number and width of info unit columns.', 'label': 'Format'}), 40: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': "Check this to link all images and headings to the URL of the first link in their unit's list, if there is a link.", 'required': False}), 41: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add a horizontal rule line to top of info unit group.', 'required': False}), 42: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to show horizontal rule lines between info units.', 'label': 'Show rule lines between items', 'required': False}), 43: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('none', 'None'), ('rounded', 'Rounded corners'), ('circle', 'Circle')], 'help_text': 'Adds a <em>border-radius</em> class to images in this group, allowing for a rounded or circular border.', 'label': 'Border radius for images?', 'required': False}), 44: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 5), ('level', 6), ('icon', 7)]], {'default': {'level': 'h3'}, 'required': False}), 45: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'blank': True, 'required': False}), 46: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (30,), {'required': False}), 47: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('image', 11), ('heading', 44), ('body', 45), ('links', 46)]], {}), 48: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (47,), {'default': []}), 49: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('format', 39), ('heading', 8), ('intro', 26), ('link_image_and_heading', 40), ('has_top_rule_line', 41), ('lines_between_items', 42), ('border_radius_image', 43), ('info_units', 48)]], {}), 50: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'required': True}), 51: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Accessible description of the chart content', 'required': True}), 52: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('bar', 'Bar'), ('datetime', 'Date/time'), ('line', 'Line'), ('tilemap', 'Tile grid map')]}), 53: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': "URL of the chart's data source or an array of JSON data", 'required': True, 'rows': 2}), 54: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'For charts pulling from a separate source file, include a list of the column headers (from a CSV file) or keys (from a JSON file) to include in the chart as  ["HEADER/KEY1", "HEADER/KEY2"]. To change how the data is labeled in the chart, include the correct labels with the format [{"key": "HEADER/KEY1", "label": "NEWLABEL"}, {"key": "HEADER/KEY2", "label": "NEWLABEL2"}]', 'required': False}), 55: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'Uncheck this option to initially only show the first data  series in the chart. Leave checked to show all data  series by default. Users can always turn data series on  or off by interacting with the chart legend. ', 'required': False}), 56: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'The column header (CSV), key or data array (JSON) to include as the source of x-axis values.', 'required': False}), 57: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': "Name the javascript function in chart-hooks.js to run on the provided data before handing it to the chart. Can also provide '___'-separated arguments to this function which are passed in as arguments 2 to n", 'required': False}), 58: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'If the chart needs the option for users to filter the data shown, for example by date or geographic region, provide the JSON objects to filter on, in the format  {key: "KEY", "label": "LABEL"}', 'required': False}), 59: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'A JSON object with style overrides for the underlying Highcharts chart. No object merging is done, nested objects should be referenced with dot notation: {"tooltip.shape": "circle"}', 'required': False}), 60: ('wagtail.blocks.IntegerBlock', (), {'blank': True, 'help_text': 'A number to determine how many months of the data are projected values', 'max_value': 12, 'min_value': 0, 'null': True, 'required': False}), 61: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Attribution for the data source', 'required': False}), 62: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'When the underlying data was published', 'required': False}), 63: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Custom text for the chart download field. Required to display a download link.', 'required': False}), 64: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Location of a file to download, if different from the data source', 'required': False}), 65: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'General chart information', 'required': False}), 66: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('title', 50), ('subtitle', 24), ('description', 51), ('figure_number', 5), ('chart_type', 52), ('data_source', 53), ('data_series', 54), ('show_all_series_by_default', 55), ('x_axis_source', 56), ('transform', 57), ('x_axis_label', 5), ('y_axis_label', 5), ('filters', 58), ('style_overrides', 59), ('projected_months', 60), ('source_credits', 61), ('date_published', 62), ('download_text', 63), ('download_file', 64), ('notes', 65)]], {}), 67: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Added as an <code>&lt;h3&gt;</code> at the top of this block. Also adds a wrapping <code>&lt;div&gt;</code> whose <code>id</code> attribute comes from a slugified version of this heading, creating an anchor that can be used when linking to this part of the page.', 'required': False}), 68: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'required': False}), 69: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add a horizontal rule line to top of expandable group.', 'required': False}), 70: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add FAQ schema markup to expandables.', 'label': 'Uses FAQ schema', 'required': False}), 71: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('paragraph', 26), ('well', 37), ('links', 30), ('info_unit_group', 49)]], {'blank': True}), 72: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('label', 5), ('icon', 5), ('is_bordered', 68), ('is_midtone', 68), ('is_expanded', 68), ('is_larger_heading', 68), ('is_expanded_padding', 68), ('content', 71)]], {}), 73: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (72,), {}), 74: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 67), ('body', 26), ('is_accordion', 68), ('has_top_rule_line', 69), ('is_faq', 70), ('expandables', 73)]], {}), 75: ('wagtail.blocks.RegexBlock', (), {'error_messages': {'invalid': 'The YouTube video ID is in the wrong format.'}, 'help_text': 'Enter the YouTube video ID, which is located at the end of the video URL, after "v=". For example, the video ID for is 1V0Ax9OIc84.', 'label': 'YouTube video ID', 'regex': '^[\\w-]{11}$', 'required': False}), 76: ('wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Optional thumbnail image to show before and after the video plays. If the thumbnail image is not set here, the video player will default to showing the thumbnail that was set in (or automatically chosen by) YouTube.', 'required': False}), 77: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('video_id', 75), ('thumbnail_image', 76)]], {}), 78: ('wagtail.blocks.RawHTMLBlock', (), {'label': 'Raw HTML block'}), 79: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('bar', 'Bar | % y-axis values'), ('line', 'Line | millions/billions y-axis values'), ('line-index', 'Line-Index | integer y-axis values'), ('tile_map', 'Tile Map | grid-like USA map')]}), 80: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('blue', 'Blue'), ('gold', 'Gold'), ('green', 'Green'), ('navy', 'Navy'), ('neutral', 'Neutral'), ('purple', 'Purple'), ('teal', 'Teal')], 'help_text': 'Chart\'s color scheme. See "".', 'required': False}), 81: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Location of the chart\'s data source relative to "". For example,"consumer-credit-trends/auto-loans/num_data_AUT.csv".', 'required': True}), 82: ('wagtail.blocks.DateBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Automatically generated when CCT cron job runs'}), 83: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Briefly summarize the chart for visually impaired users.', 'required': True}), 84: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add a horizontal rule line to top of chart block.', 'required': False}), 85: ('wagtail.blocks.DateBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Month of latest entry in dataset'}), 86: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Optional metadata for the chart to use. For example, with CCT this would be the chart\'s "group".', 'required': False}), 87: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Text to display as a footnote. For example, "Data from the last six months are not final."', 'required': False}), 88: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Custom y-axis label. NOTE: Line-Index chart y-axis is not overridable with this field!', 'required': False}), 89: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('title', 50), ('chart_type', 79), ('color_scheme', 80), ('data_source', 81), ('date_published', 82), ('description', 83), ('has_top_rule_line', 84), ('last_updated_projected_data', 85), ('metadata', 86), ('note', 87), ('y_axis_label', 88)]], {}), 90: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'form_classname': 'title', 'required': True}), 91: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Chart summary for visually impaired users.', 'required': False}), 92: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Text for "Note" section of footnotes.', 'required': False}), 93: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content_block', 1), ('title', 90), ('description', 91), ('note', 92), ('has_top_rule_line', 84)]], {}), 94: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this box to allow the archival section to display. No section will appear if there are no archival downloads.', 'required': False}), 95: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('show_archives', 94)]], {}), 96: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Market identifier, e.g. AUT', 'max_length': 20, 'required': True}), 97: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Number of originations, e.g. 1.2 million', 'max_length': 20}), 98: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Total dollar value of originations, e.g. $3.4 billion', 'max_length': 20}), 99: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Percentage change, e.g. 5.6% increase', 'max_length': 20}), 100: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Descriptive sentence, e.g. Auto loans originated', 'max_length': 100}), 101: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Descriptive sentence, e.g. Dollar volume of new loans', 'max_length': 100}), 102: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Descriptive sentence, e.g. In year-over-year originations', 'max_length': 100}), 103: ('wagtail.blocks.DateBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Month of latest entry in dataset for inquiry data', 'max_length': 20, 'required': False}), 104: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Percentage change, e.g. 5.6% increase', 'max_length': 20, 'required': False}), 105: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Descriptive sentence, e.g. In year-over-year inquiries', 'max_length': 100, 'required': False}), 106: ('wagtail.blocks.DateBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Month of latest entry in dataset for credit tightness data', 'max_length': 20, 'required': False}), 107: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Descriptive sentence, e.g. In year-over-year credit tightness', 'max_length': 100, 'required': False}), 108: ('wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock', (), {'icon': 'image', 'required': False}), 109: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('market_key', 96), ('num_originations', 97), ('value_originations', 98), ('year_over_year_change', 99), ('last_updated_projected_data', 85), ('num_originations_text', 100), ('value_originations_text', 101), ('year_over_year_change_text', 102), ('inquiry_month', 103), ('inquiry_year_over_year_change', 104), ('inquiry_year_over_year_change_text', 105), ('tightness_month', 106), ('tightness_year_over_year_change', 104), ('tightness_year_over_year_change_text', 107), ('image', 108)]], {}), 110: ('jobmanager.blocks.JobListingTable', (), {}), 111: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Short description for a checkbox item'}), 112: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Deeper explanation of the item', 'required': False}), 113: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('item', 111), ('details', 112)]], {}), 114: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (113,), {}), 115: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('checklist', 114)]], {}), 116: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add a horizontal rule line to top of FAQ group.', 'required': False}), 117: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to show horizontal rule lines between FAQ items.', 'label': 'Show rule lines between items', 'required': False}), 118: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('h2', 'h2'), ('h3', 'h3'), ('h4', 'h4'), ('p', 'p')], 'help_text': 'HTML tag for questions.'}), 119: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'blank': True, 'help_text': "Add an optional anchor link tag for this question. Tag should be unique and use dashes or underscores for separation instead of spaces (ie, 'question-one-tag')", 'max_length': 500, 'required': False}), 120: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'max_length': 500}), 121: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('full_width_text', 38), ('info_unit_group', 49)]], {}), 122: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('anchor_tag', 119), ('question', 120), ('answer', 121)]], {}), 123: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (122,), {'label': 'FAQ items'}), 124: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('has_top_rule_line', 116), ('lines_between_items', 117), ('question_tag', 118), ('faq_items', 123)]], {})}),
+        ),
+        migrations.AlterField(
+            model_name='sublandingpage',
+            name='content',
+            field=wagtail.fields.StreamField([('text_introduction', 9), ('notification', 14), ('featured_content', 26), ('full_width_text', 55), ('info_unit_group', 65), ('well', 54), ('post_preview_snapshot', 68), ('contact', 71), ('table', 44), ('expandable_group', 79), ('expandable', 77)], blank=True, block_lookup={0: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Optional: Adds an H5 eyebrow above H1 heading text. Only use in conjunction with heading.', 'label': 'Pre-heading', 'required': False}), 1: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'required': False}), 2: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'required': False}), 3: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Add an ARIA label if the link text does not describe the destination of the link (e.g. has ambiguous text like "Learn more" that is not descriptive on its own).', 'required': False}), 4: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'default': '/', 'required': False}), 5: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'required': False}), 6: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 1), ('aria_label', 3), ('url', 4), ('is_link_boldface', 5)]], {}), 7: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (6,), {'required': False}), 8: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Check this to add a horizontal rule line to bottom of text introduction.', 'label': 'Has bottom rule', 'required': False}), 9: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('eyebrow', 0), ('heading', 1), ('intro', 2), ('body', 2), ('links', 7), ('has_rule', 8)]], {}), 10: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('information', 'Information'), ('warning', 'Warning')]}), 11: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'The main notification message to display.', 'required': True}), 12: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Explanation text appears below the message in smaller type.', 'required': False}), 13: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (6,), {'help_text': 'Links appear on their own lines below the explanation.', 'required': False}), 14: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('type', 10), ('message', 11), ('explanation', 12), ('links', 13)]], {}), 15: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {}), 16: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Line breaks will be ignored.'}), 17: ('wagtail.blocks.PageChooserBlock', (), {'required': False}), 18: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'label': 'Render post link?', 'required': False}), 19: ('wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock', (), {'required': False}), 20: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': "No character limit, but be as succinct as possible. If the image is decorative (i.e., a screenreader wouldn't have anything useful to say about it), leave this field blank.", 'required': False}), 21: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('upload', 19), ('alt', 20)]], {}), 22: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (6,), {'label': 'Additional Links'}), 23: ('wagtail.blocks.RegexBlock', (), {'error_messages': {'invalid': 'The YouTube video ID is in the wrong format.'}, 'help_text': 'Enter the YouTube video ID, which is located at the end of the video URL, after "v=". For example, the video ID for is 1V0Ax9OIc84.', 'label': 'YouTube video ID', 'regex': '^[\\w-]{11}$', 'required': False}), 24: ('wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Optional thumbnail image to show before and after the video plays. If the thumbnail image is not set here, the video player will default to showing the thumbnail that was set in (or automatically chosen by) YouTube.', 'required': False}), 25: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('video_id', 23), ('thumbnail_image', 24)]], {'required': False}), 26: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 15), ('body', 16), ('post', 17), ('show_post_link', 18), ('post_link_text', 1), ('image', 21), ('links', 22), ('video', 25)]], {}), 27: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'icon': 'edit'}), 28: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {}), 29: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': '\n            ID will be auto-generated on save.\n            However, you may enter some human-friendly text that\n            will be incorporated to make it easier to read.\n        ', 'label': 'ID for this content block', 'required': False}), 30: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('link_id', 29)]], {}), 31: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content_block', 28), ('anchor_link', 30)]], {}), 32: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('h2', 'H2'), ('h3', 'H3'), ('h4', 'H4'), ('h5', 'H5')]}), 33: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Input the name of an icon to appear to the left of the heading. E.g., approved, help-round, etc. <a href="">See full list of icons</a>', 'required': False}), 34: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 1), ('level', 32), ('icon', 33)]], {'required': False}), 35: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('full', 'Full width'), (470, '470px'), (270, '270px'), (170, '170px')]}), 36: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('right', 'right'), ('left', 'left')], 'help_text': 'Does not apply if the image is full-width'}), 37: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'label': 'Caption', 'required': False}), 38: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'Check to add a horizontal rule line to bottom of inset.', 'label': 'Has bottom rule line', 'required': False}), 39: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('image', 21), ('image_width', 35), ('image_position', 36), ('text', 37), ('is_bottom_rule', 38)]], {}), 40: ('wagtail.blocks.MultipleChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('is_full_width', 'Display the table at full width'), ('stack_on_mobile', 'Stack the table columns on mobile')], 'required': False}), 41: ('wagtail.blocks.FloatBlock', (), {}), 42: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'features': ['bold', 'italic', 'ol', 'ul', 'link', 'document-link', 'superscript']}), 43: ('wagtail.contrib.typed_table_block.blocks.TypedTableBlock', [[('text', 15), ('numeric', 41), ('rich_text', 42)]], {}), 44: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 34), ('text_introduction', 1), ('options', 40), ('data', 43)]], {}), 45: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {}), 46: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'required': False}), 47: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('body', 45), ('citation', 46)]], {}), 48: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('slug_text', 1), ('paragraph_text', 2), ('button', 6)]], {}), 49: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (6,), {}), 50: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 1), ('paragraph', 2), ('links', 49)]], {}), 51: ('v1.blocks.ReusableTextChooserBlock', ('v1.ReusableText',), {}), 52: ('v1.blocks.EmailSignUpChooserBlock', (), {}), 53: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'label': 'Well', 'required': False}), 54: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content', 53)]], {}), 55: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('content', 27), ('content_with_anchor', 31), ('heading', 34), ('image', 39), ('table', 44), ('quote', 47), ('cta', 48), ('related_links', 50), ('reusable_text', 51), ('email_signup', 52), ('well', 54)]], {}), 56: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('50-50', '50/50'), ('33-33-33', '33/33/33'), ('25-75', '25/75')], 'help_text': 'Choose the number and width of info unit columns.', 'label': 'Format'}), 57: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': "Check this to link all images and headings to the URL of the first link in their unit's list, if there is a link.", 'required': False}), 58: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add a horizontal rule line to top of info unit group.', 'required': False}), 59: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to show horizontal rule lines between info units.', 'label': 'Show rule lines between items', 'required': False}), 60: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('none', 'None'), ('rounded', 'Rounded corners'), ('circle', 'Circle')], 'help_text': 'Adds a <em>border-radius</em> class to images in this group, allowing for a rounded or circular border.', 'label': 'Border radius for images?', 'required': False}), 61: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 1), ('level', 32), ('icon', 33)]], {'default': {'level': 'h3'}, 'required': False}), 62: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'blank': True, 'required': False}), 63: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('image', 21), ('heading', 61), ('body', 62), ('links', 7)]], {}), 64: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (63,), {'default': []}), 65: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('format', 56), ('heading', 34), ('intro', 2), ('link_image_and_heading', 57), ('has_top_rule_line', 58), ('lines_between_items', 59), ('border_radius_image', 60), ('info_units', 64)]], {}), 66: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'default': '3', 'help_text': 'How many posts do you want to show?', 'label': 'Limit'}), 67: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'default': 'Published'}), 68: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('limit', 66), ('post_date_description', 67)]], {}), 69: ('wagtail.snippets.blocks.SnippetChooserBlock', ('v1.Contact',), {}), 70: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Add a horizontal rule line to top of contact block.', 'required': False}), 71: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('contact', 69), ('has_top_rule_line', 70)]], {}), 72: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Added as an <code>&lt;h3&gt;</code> at the top of this block. Also adds a wrapping <code>&lt;div&gt;</code> whose <code>id</code> attribute comes from a slugified version of this heading, creating an anchor that can be used when linking to this part of the page.', 'required': False}), 73: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'required': False}), 74: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add a horizontal rule line to top of expandable group.', 'required': False}), 75: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add FAQ schema markup to expandables.', 'label': 'Uses FAQ schema', 'required': False}), 76: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('paragraph', 2), ('well', 54), ('links', 6), ('info_unit_group', 65)]], {'blank': True}), 77: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('label', 1), ('icon', 1), ('is_bordered', 73), ('is_midtone', 73), ('is_expanded', 73), ('is_larger_heading', 73), ('is_expanded_padding', 73), ('content', 76)]], {}), 78: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (77,), {}), 79: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 72), ('body', 2), ('is_accordion', 73), ('has_top_rule_line', 74), ('is_faq', 75), ('expandables', 78)]], {})}),
+        ),
+        migrations.AlterField(
+            model_name='blogpage',
+            name='content',
+            field=wagtail.fields.StreamField([('full_width_text', 39), ('info_unit_group', 50), ('expandable', 53), ('well', 38), ('video_player', 56), ('email_signup', 36), ('simple_chart', 73), ('faq_schema', 84), ('how_to_schema', 94)], block_lookup={0: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'icon': 'edit'}), 1: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {}), 2: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': '\n            ID will be auto-generated on save.\n            However, you may enter some human-friendly text that\n            will be incorporated to make it easier to read.\n        ', 'label': 'ID for this content block', 'required': False}), 3: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('link_id', 2)]], {}), 4: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content_block', 1), ('anchor_link', 3)]], {}), 5: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'required': False}), 6: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('h2', 'H2'), ('h3', 'H3'), ('h4', 'H4'), ('h5', 'H5')]}), 7: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Input the name of an icon to appear to the left of the heading. E.g., approved, help-round, etc. <a href="">See full list of icons</a>', 'required': False}), 8: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 5), ('level', 6), ('icon', 7)]], {'required': False}), 9: ('wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock', (), {'required': False}), 10: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': "No character limit, but be as succinct as possible. If the image is decorative (i.e., a screenreader wouldn't have anything useful to say about it), leave this field blank.", 'required': False}), 11: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('upload', 9), ('alt', 10)]], {}), 12: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('full', 'Full width'), (470, '470px'), (270, '270px'), (170, '170px')]}), 13: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('right', 'right'), ('left', 'left')], 'help_text': 'Does not apply if the image is full-width'}), 14: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'label': 'Caption', 'required': False}), 15: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'Check to add a horizontal rule line to bottom of inset.', 'label': 'Has bottom rule line', 'required': False}), 16: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('image', 11), ('image_width', 12), ('image_position', 13), ('text', 14), ('is_bottom_rule', 15)]], {}), 17: ('wagtail.blocks.MultipleChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('is_full_width', 'Display the table at full width'), ('stack_on_mobile', 'Stack the table columns on mobile')], 'required': False}), 18: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {}), 19: ('wagtail.blocks.FloatBlock', (), {}), 20: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'features': ['bold', 'italic', 'ol', 'ul', 'link', 'document-link', 'superscript']}), 21: ('wagtail.contrib.typed_table_block.blocks.TypedTableBlock', [[('text', 18), ('numeric', 19), ('rich_text', 20)]], {}), 22: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 8), ('text_introduction', 5), ('options', 17), ('data', 21)]], {}), 23: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {}), 24: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'required': False}), 25: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('body', 23), ('citation', 24)]], {}), 26: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'required': False}), 27: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Add an ARIA label if the link text does not describe the destination of the link (e.g. has ambiguous text like "Learn more" that is not descriptive on its own).', 'required': False}), 28: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'default': '/', 'required': False}), 29: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'required': False}), 30: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 5), ('aria_label', 27), ('url', 28), ('is_link_boldface', 29)]], {}), 31: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('slug_text', 5), ('paragraph_text', 26), ('button', 30)]], {}), 32: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (30,), {}), 33: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 5), ('paragraph', 26), ('links', 32)]], {}), 34: ('v1.blocks.ReusableTextChooserBlock', ('v1.ReusableText',), {}), 35: ('v1.blocks.ReusableNotificationChooserBlock', ('v1.ReusableNotification',), {}), 36: ('v1.blocks.EmailSignUpChooserBlock', (), {}), 37: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'label': 'Well', 'required': False}), 38: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content', 37)]], {}), 39: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('content', 0), ('content_with_anchor', 4), ('heading', 8), ('image', 16), ('table', 22), ('quote', 25), ('cta', 31), ('related_links', 33), ('reusable_text', 34), ('reusable_notification', 35), ('email_signup', 36), ('well', 38)]], {}), 40: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('50-50', '50/50'), ('33-33-33', '33/33/33'), ('25-75', '25/75')], 'help_text': 'Choose the number and width of info unit columns.', 'label': 'Format'}), 41: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': "Check this to link all images and headings to the URL of the first link in their unit's list, if there is a link.", 'required': False}), 42: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add a horizontal rule line to top of info unit group.', 'required': False}), 43: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to show horizontal rule lines between info units.', 'label': 'Show rule lines between items', 'required': False}), 44: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('none', 'None'), ('rounded', 'Rounded corners'), ('circle', 'Circle')], 'help_text': 'Adds a <em>border-radius</em> class to images in this group, allowing for a rounded or circular border.', 'label': 'Border radius for images?', 'required': False}), 45: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 5), ('level', 6), ('icon', 7)]], {'default': {'level': 'h3'}, 'required': False}), 46: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'blank': True, 'required': False}), 47: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (30,), {'required': False}), 48: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('image', 11), ('heading', 45), ('body', 46), ('links', 47)]], {}), 49: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (48,), {'default': []}), 50: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('format', 40), ('heading', 8), ('intro', 26), ('link_image_and_heading', 41), ('has_top_rule_line', 42), ('lines_between_items', 43), ('border_radius_image', 44), ('info_units', 49)]], {}), 51: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'required': False}), 52: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('paragraph', 26), ('well', 38), ('links', 30), ('info_unit_group', 50)]], {'blank': True}), 53: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('label', 5), ('icon', 5), ('is_bordered', 51), ('is_midtone', 51), ('is_expanded', 51), ('is_larger_heading', 51), ('is_expanded_padding', 51), ('content', 52)]], {}), 54: ('wagtail.blocks.RegexBlock', (), {'error_messages': {'invalid': 'The YouTube video ID is in the wrong format.'}, 'help_text': 'Enter the YouTube video ID, which is located at the end of the video URL, after "v=". For example, the video ID for is 1V0Ax9OIc84.', 'label': 'YouTube video ID', 'regex': '^[\\w-]{11}$', 'required': False}), 55: ('wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Optional thumbnail image to show before and after the video plays. If the thumbnail image is not set here, the video player will default to showing the thumbnail that was set in (or automatically chosen by) YouTube.', 'required': False}), 56: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('video_id', 54), ('thumbnail_image', 55)]], {}), 57: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'required': True}), 58: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Accessible description of the chart content', 'required': True}), 59: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('bar', 'Bar'), ('datetime', 'Date/time'), ('line', 'Line'), ('tilemap', 'Tile grid map')]}), 60: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': "URL of the chart's data source or an array of JSON data", 'required': True, 'rows': 2}), 61: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'For charts pulling from a separate source file, include a list of the column headers (from a CSV file) or keys (from a JSON file) to include in the chart as  ["HEADER/KEY1", "HEADER/KEY2"]. To change how the data is labeled in the chart, include the correct labels with the format [{"key": "HEADER/KEY1", "label": "NEWLABEL"}, {"key": "HEADER/KEY2", "label": "NEWLABEL2"}]', 'required': False}), 62: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'Uncheck this option to initially only show the first data  series in the chart. Leave checked to show all data  series by default. Users can always turn data series on  or off by interacting with the chart legend. ', 'required': False}), 63: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'The column header (CSV), key or data array (JSON) to include as the source of x-axis values.', 'required': False}), 64: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': "Name the javascript function in chart-hooks.js to run on the provided data before handing it to the chart. Can also provide '___'-separated arguments to this function which are passed in as arguments 2 to n", 'required': False}), 65: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'If the chart needs the option for users to filter the data shown, for example by date or geographic region, provide the JSON objects to filter on, in the format  {key: "KEY", "label": "LABEL"}', 'required': False}), 66: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'A JSON object with style overrides for the underlying Highcharts chart. No object merging is done, nested objects should be referenced with dot notation: {"tooltip.shape": "circle"}', 'required': False}), 67: ('wagtail.blocks.IntegerBlock', (), {'blank': True, 'help_text': 'A number to determine how many months of the data are projected values', 'max_value': 12, 'min_value': 0, 'null': True, 'required': False}), 68: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Attribution for the data source', 'required': False}), 69: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'When the underlying data was published', 'required': False}), 70: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Custom text for the chart download field. Required to display a download link.', 'required': False}), 71: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Location of a file to download, if different from the data source', 'required': False}), 72: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'General chart information', 'required': False}), 73: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('title', 57), ('subtitle', 24), ('description', 58), ('figure_number', 5), ('chart_type', 59), ('data_source', 60), ('data_series', 61), ('show_all_series_by_default', 62), ('x_axis_source', 63), ('transform', 64), ('x_axis_label', 5), ('y_axis_label', 5), ('filters', 65), ('style_overrides', 66), ('projected_months', 67), ('source_credits', 68), ('date_published', 69), ('download_text', 70), ('download_file', 71), ('notes', 72)]], {}), 74: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'blank': True, 'features': ['ol', 'ul', 'bold', 'italic', 'link', 'document-link'], 'required': False}), 75: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'blank': True, 'help_text': "Add an optional anchor link tag for this question. Tag should be unique and use dashes or underscores for separation instead of spaces (ie, 'question-one-tag')", 'max_length': 500, 'required': False}), 76: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'max_length': 500}), 77: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'features': ['bold', 'italic', 'h3', 'h4', 'link', 'ol', 'ul', 'document-link', 'image', 'embed'], 'label': 'Text'}), 78: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content', 77)]], {}), 79: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'features': ['link', 'document-link'], 'label': 'Tip'}), 80: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content', 79)]], {}), 81: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('text', 78), ('table', 22), ('tip', 80), ('video_player', 56)]], {}), 82: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('anchor_tag', 75), ('question', 76), ('answer_content', 81)]], {}), 83: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (82,), {}), 84: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('description', 74), ('questions', 83)]], {'label': 'FAQ schema'}), 85: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'label': 'Title of How To section', 'max_length': 500}), 86: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('h2', 'H2'), ('h3', 'H3'), ('h4', 'H4')], 'help_text': 'Choose a tag for the title of the How To section.', 'label': 'Tag for How To section title'}), 87: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'The How To schema requires a title to let search engines understand what it is about. If you do not want the title to be displayed in the page, uncheck this box and the title content will only be made available to crawlers and screen readers.', 'label': 'Show How To section title', 'required': False}), 88: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('h2', 'H2'), ('h3', 'H3'), ('h4', 'H4'), ('b', 'Bold'), ('p', 'Paragraph')], 'help_text': 'Choose a tag for the title of each HowTo step.', 'label': 'Tag for step titles'}), 89: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this box to display numbers before step titles. ', 'label': 'Show numbers for steps', 'required': False}), 90: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'blank': True, 'help_text': "Add an optional anchor link tag to allow linking directly to this step. Tag should be unique and use dashes or underscores for separation instead of spaces (ie, 'step-one-tag').", 'max_length': 500, 'required': False}), 91: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Enter a title for this HowTo step. You do not need to include a number in the title -- numbers will be added automatically in the template if the show numbers checkbox is checked.', 'max_length': 500}), 92: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('anchor_tag', 90), ('title', 91), ('step_content', 81)]], {}), 93: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (92,), {}), 94: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('title', 85), ('title_tag', 86), ('show_title', 87), ('description', 74), ('step_title_tag', 88), ('has_numbers', 89), ('steps', 93)]], {'label': 'HowTo schema', 'max_num': 1})}),
+        ),
+        migrations.AlterField(
+            model_name='browsefilterablepage',
+            name='content',
+            field=wagtail.fields.StreamField([('full_width_text', 39), ('filter_controls', 49)], blank=True, block_lookup={0: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'icon': 'edit'}), 1: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {}), 2: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': '\n            ID will be auto-generated on save.\n            However, you may enter some human-friendly text that\n            will be incorporated to make it easier to read.\n        ', 'label': 'ID for this content block', 'required': False}), 3: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('link_id', 2)]], {}), 4: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content_block', 1), ('anchor_link', 3)]], {}), 5: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'required': False}), 6: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('h2', 'H2'), ('h3', 'H3'), ('h4', 'H4'), ('h5', 'H5')]}), 7: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Input the name of an icon to appear to the left of the heading. E.g., approved, help-round, etc. <a href="">See full list of icons</a>', 'required': False}), 8: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 5), ('level', 6), ('icon', 7)]], {'required': False}), 9: ('wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock', (), {'required': False}), 10: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': "No character limit, but be as succinct as possible. If the image is decorative (i.e., a screenreader wouldn't have anything useful to say about it), leave this field blank.", 'required': False}), 11: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('upload', 9), ('alt', 10)]], {}), 12: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('full', 'Full width'), (470, '470px'), (270, '270px'), (170, '170px')]}), 13: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('right', 'right'), ('left', 'left')], 'help_text': 'Does not apply if the image is full-width'}), 14: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'label': 'Caption', 'required': False}), 15: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'Check to add a horizontal rule line to bottom of inset.', 'label': 'Has bottom rule line', 'required': False}), 16: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('image', 11), ('image_width', 12), ('image_position', 13), ('text', 14), ('is_bottom_rule', 15)]], {}), 17: ('wagtail.blocks.MultipleChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('is_full_width', 'Display the table at full width'), ('stack_on_mobile', 'Stack the table columns on mobile')], 'required': False}), 18: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {}), 19: ('wagtail.blocks.FloatBlock', (), {}), 20: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'features': ['bold', 'italic', 'ol', 'ul', 'link', 'document-link', 'superscript']}), 21: ('wagtail.contrib.typed_table_block.blocks.TypedTableBlock', [[('text', 18), ('numeric', 19), ('rich_text', 20)]], {}), 22: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 8), ('text_introduction', 5), ('options', 17), ('data', 21)]], {}), 23: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {}), 24: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'required': False}), 25: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('body', 23), ('citation', 24)]], {}), 26: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'required': False}), 27: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Add an ARIA label if the link text does not describe the destination of the link (e.g. has ambiguous text like "Learn more" that is not descriptive on its own).', 'required': False}), 28: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'default': '/', 'required': False}), 29: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'required': False}), 30: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 5), ('aria_label', 27), ('url', 28), ('is_link_boldface', 29)]], {}), 31: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('slug_text', 5), ('paragraph_text', 26), ('button', 30)]], {}), 32: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (30,), {}), 33: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 5), ('paragraph', 26), ('links', 32)]], {}), 34: ('v1.blocks.ReusableTextChooserBlock', ('v1.ReusableText',), {}), 35: ('v1.blocks.ReusableNotificationChooserBlock', ('v1.ReusableNotification',), {}), 36: ('v1.blocks.EmailSignUpChooserBlock', (), {}), 37: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'label': 'Well', 'required': False}), 38: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content', 37)]], {}), 39: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('content', 0), ('content_with_anchor', 4), ('heading', 8), ('image', 16), ('table', 22), ('quote', 25), ('cta', 31), ('related_links', 33), ('reusable_text', 34), ('reusable_notification', 35), ('email_signup', 36), ('well', 38)]], {}), 40: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'required': False}), 41: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'Whether to include a "Search by keyword" filter in the filter controls.', 'required': False}), 42: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'Whether to include a "Category" filter in the filter controls.', 'required': False}), 43: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': v1.util.ref.filterable_list_page_types, 'required': False}), 44: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Whether to include a "Topics" filter in the filter controls', 'required': False}), 45: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Whether to include a "Status" filter in the filter controls. Only enable if using on an enforcement actions filterable list.', 'required': False}), 46: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Whether to include a "Product" filter in the filter controls. Only enable if using on an enforcement actions filterable list.', 'required': False}), 47: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Whether to include a "Language" filter in the filter controls.Only enable if there are non-english filterable results available.', 'required': False}), 48: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'Whether to include a set of "Date range" filters in the filter controls.', 'required': False}), 49: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('label', 5), ('icon', 5), ('is_bordered', 40), ('is_midtone', 40), ('is_expanded', 40), ('is_larger_heading', 40), ('is_expanded_padding', 40), ('filter_by_keyword', 41), ('filter_by_category', 42), ('category_choices', 43), ('filter_by_topics', 44), ('filter_by_enforcement_statuses', 45), ('filter_by_enforcement_products', 46), ('filter_by_language', 47), ('filter_by_date_range', 48)]], {})}),
+        ),
+        migrations.AlterField(
+            model_name='browsepage',
+            name='content',
+            field=wagtail.fields.StreamField([('full_width_text', 39), ('info_unit_group', 50), ('simple_chart', 67), ('expandable_group', 75), ('expandable', 73), ('well', 38), ('video_player', 78), ('table', 22), ('raw_html_block', 79), ('chart_block', 90), ('mortgage_chart_block', 94), ('mortgage_map_block', 94), ('mortgage_downloads_block', 96), ('data_snapshot', 110), ('job_listing_table', 111), ('yes_checklist', 116), ('faq_group', 125)], blank=True, block_lookup={0: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'icon': 'edit'}), 1: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {}), 2: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': '\n            ID will be auto-generated on save.\n            However, you may enter some human-friendly text that\n            will be incorporated to make it easier to read.\n        ', 'label': 'ID for this content block', 'required': False}), 3: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('link_id', 2)]], {}), 4: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content_block', 1), ('anchor_link', 3)]], {}), 5: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'required': False}), 6: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('h2', 'H2'), ('h3', 'H3'), ('h4', 'H4'), ('h5', 'H5')]}), 7: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Input the name of an icon to appear to the left of the heading. E.g., approved, help-round, etc. <a href="">See full list of icons</a>', 'required': False}), 8: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 5), ('level', 6), ('icon', 7)]], {'required': False}), 9: ('wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock', (), {'required': False}), 10: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': "No character limit, but be as succinct as possible. If the image is decorative (i.e., a screenreader wouldn't have anything useful to say about it), leave this field blank.", 'required': False}), 11: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('upload', 9), ('alt', 10)]], {}), 12: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('full', 'Full width'), (470, '470px'), (270, '270px'), (170, '170px')]}), 13: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('right', 'right'), ('left', 'left')], 'help_text': 'Does not apply if the image is full-width'}), 14: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'label': 'Caption', 'required': False}), 15: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'Check to add a horizontal rule line to bottom of inset.', 'label': 'Has bottom rule line', 'required': False}), 16: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('image', 11), ('image_width', 12), ('image_position', 13), ('text', 14), ('is_bottom_rule', 15)]], {}), 17: ('wagtail.blocks.MultipleChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('is_full_width', 'Display the table at full width'), ('stack_on_mobile', 'Stack the table columns on mobile')], 'required': False}), 18: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {}), 19: ('wagtail.blocks.FloatBlock', (), {}), 20: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'features': ['bold', 'italic', 'ol', 'ul', 'link', 'document-link', 'superscript']}), 21: ('wagtail.contrib.typed_table_block.blocks.TypedTableBlock', [[('text', 18), ('numeric', 19), ('rich_text', 20)]], {}), 22: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 8), ('text_introduction', 5), ('options', 17), ('data', 21)]], {}), 23: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {}), 24: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'required': False}), 25: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('body', 23), ('citation', 24)]], {}), 26: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'required': False}), 27: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Add an ARIA label if the link text does not describe the destination of the link (e.g. has ambiguous text like "Learn more" that is not descriptive on its own).', 'required': False}), 28: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'default': '/', 'required': False}), 29: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'required': False}), 30: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 5), ('aria_label', 27), ('url', 28), ('is_link_boldface', 29)]], {}), 31: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('slug_text', 5), ('paragraph_text', 26), ('button', 30)]], {}), 32: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (30,), {}), 33: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 5), ('paragraph', 26), ('links', 32)]], {}), 34: ('v1.blocks.ReusableTextChooserBlock', ('v1.ReusableText',), {}), 35: ('v1.blocks.ReusableNotificationChooserBlock', ('v1.ReusableNotification',), {}), 36: ('v1.blocks.EmailSignUpChooserBlock', (), {}), 37: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'label': 'Well', 'required': False}), 38: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content', 37)]], {}), 39: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('content', 0), ('content_with_anchor', 4), ('heading', 8), ('image', 16), ('table', 22), ('quote', 25), ('cta', 31), ('related_links', 33), ('reusable_text', 34), ('reusable_notification', 35), ('email_signup', 36), ('well', 38)]], {}), 40: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('50-50', '50/50'), ('33-33-33', '33/33/33'), ('25-75', '25/75')], 'help_text': 'Choose the number and width of info unit columns.', 'label': 'Format'}), 41: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': "Check this to link all images and headings to the URL of the first link in their unit's list, if there is a link.", 'required': False}), 42: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add a horizontal rule line to top of info unit group.', 'required': False}), 43: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to show horizontal rule lines between info units.', 'label': 'Show rule lines between items', 'required': False}), 44: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('none', 'None'), ('rounded', 'Rounded corners'), ('circle', 'Circle')], 'help_text': 'Adds a <em>border-radius</em> class to images in this group, allowing for a rounded or circular border.', 'label': 'Border radius for images?', 'required': False}), 45: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 5), ('level', 6), ('icon', 7)]], {'default': {'level': 'h3'}, 'required': False}), 46: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'blank': True, 'required': False}), 47: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (30,), {'required': False}), 48: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('image', 11), ('heading', 45), ('body', 46), ('links', 47)]], {}), 49: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (48,), {'default': []}), 50: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('format', 40), ('heading', 8), ('intro', 26), ('link_image_and_heading', 41), ('has_top_rule_line', 42), ('lines_between_items', 43), ('border_radius_image', 44), ('info_units', 49)]], {}), 51: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'required': True}), 52: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Accessible description of the chart content', 'required': True}), 53: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('bar', 'Bar'), ('datetime', 'Date/time'), ('line', 'Line'), ('tilemap', 'Tile grid map')]}), 54: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': "URL of the chart's data source or an array of JSON data", 'required': True, 'rows': 2}), 55: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'For charts pulling from a separate source file, include a list of the column headers (from a CSV file) or keys (from a JSON file) to include in the chart as  ["HEADER/KEY1", "HEADER/KEY2"]. To change how the data is labeled in the chart, include the correct labels with the format [{"key": "HEADER/KEY1", "label": "NEWLABEL"}, {"key": "HEADER/KEY2", "label": "NEWLABEL2"}]', 'required': False}), 56: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'Uncheck this option to initially only show the first data  series in the chart. Leave checked to show all data  series by default. Users can always turn data series on  or off by interacting with the chart legend. ', 'required': False}), 57: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'The column header (CSV), key or data array (JSON) to include as the source of x-axis values.', 'required': False}), 58: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': "Name the javascript function in chart-hooks.js to run on the provided data before handing it to the chart. Can also provide '___'-separated arguments to this function which are passed in as arguments 2 to n", 'required': False}), 59: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'If the chart needs the option for users to filter the data shown, for example by date or geographic region, provide the JSON objects to filter on, in the format  {key: "KEY", "label": "LABEL"}', 'required': False}), 60: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'A JSON object with style overrides for the underlying Highcharts chart. No object merging is done, nested objects should be referenced with dot notation: {"tooltip.shape": "circle"}', 'required': False}), 61: ('wagtail.blocks.IntegerBlock', (), {'blank': True, 'help_text': 'A number to determine how many months of the data are projected values', 'max_value': 12, 'min_value': 0, 'null': True, 'required': False}), 62: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Attribution for the data source', 'required': False}), 63: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'When the underlying data was published', 'required': False}), 64: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Custom text for the chart download field. Required to display a download link.', 'required': False}), 65: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Location of a file to download, if different from the data source', 'required': False}), 66: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'General chart information', 'required': False}), 67: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('title', 51), ('subtitle', 24), ('description', 52), ('figure_number', 5), ('chart_type', 53), ('data_source', 54), ('data_series', 55), ('show_all_series_by_default', 56), ('x_axis_source', 57), ('transform', 58), ('x_axis_label', 5), ('y_axis_label', 5), ('filters', 59), ('style_overrides', 60), ('projected_months', 61), ('source_credits', 62), ('date_published', 63), ('download_text', 64), ('download_file', 65), ('notes', 66)]], {}), 68: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Added as an <code>&lt;h3&gt;</code> at the top of this block. Also adds a wrapping <code>&lt;div&gt;</code> whose <code>id</code> attribute comes from a slugified version of this heading, creating an anchor that can be used when linking to this part of the page.', 'required': False}), 69: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'required': False}), 70: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add a horizontal rule line to top of expandable group.', 'required': False}), 71: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add FAQ schema markup to expandables.', 'label': 'Uses FAQ schema', 'required': False}), 72: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('paragraph', 26), ('well', 38), ('links', 30), ('info_unit_group', 50)]], {'blank': True}), 73: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('label', 5), ('icon', 5), ('is_bordered', 69), ('is_midtone', 69), ('is_expanded', 69), ('is_larger_heading', 69), ('is_expanded_padding', 69), ('content', 72)]], {}), 74: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (73,), {}), 75: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 68), ('body', 26), ('is_accordion', 69), ('has_top_rule_line', 70), ('is_faq', 71), ('expandables', 74)]], {}), 76: ('wagtail.blocks.RegexBlock', (), {'error_messages': {'invalid': 'The YouTube video ID is in the wrong format.'}, 'help_text': 'Enter the YouTube video ID, which is located at the end of the video URL, after "v=". For example, the video ID for is 1V0Ax9OIc84.', 'label': 'YouTube video ID', 'regex': '^[\\w-]{11}$', 'required': False}), 77: ('wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Optional thumbnail image to show before and after the video plays. If the thumbnail image is not set here, the video player will default to showing the thumbnail that was set in (or automatically chosen by) YouTube.', 'required': False}), 78: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('video_id', 76), ('thumbnail_image', 77)]], {}), 79: ('wagtail.blocks.RawHTMLBlock', (), {'label': 'Raw HTML block'}), 80: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('bar', 'Bar | % y-axis values'), ('line', 'Line | millions/billions y-axis values'), ('line-index', 'Line-Index | integer y-axis values'), ('tile_map', 'Tile Map | grid-like USA map')]}), 81: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('blue', 'Blue'), ('gold', 'Gold'), ('green', 'Green'), ('navy', 'Navy'), ('neutral', 'Neutral'), ('purple', 'Purple'), ('teal', 'Teal')], 'help_text': 'Chart\'s color scheme. See "".', 'required': False}), 82: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Location of the chart\'s data source relative to "". For example,"consumer-credit-trends/auto-loans/num_data_AUT.csv".', 'required': True}), 83: ('wagtail.blocks.DateBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Automatically generated when CCT cron job runs'}), 84: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Briefly summarize the chart for visually impaired users.', 'required': True}), 85: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add a horizontal rule line to top of chart block.', 'required': False}), 86: ('wagtail.blocks.DateBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Month of latest entry in dataset'}), 87: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Optional metadata for the chart to use. For example, with CCT this would be the chart\'s "group".', 'required': False}), 88: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Text to display as a footnote. For example, "Data from the last six months are not final."', 'required': False}), 89: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Custom y-axis label. NOTE: Line-Index chart y-axis is not overridable with this field!', 'required': False}), 90: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('title', 51), ('chart_type', 80), ('color_scheme', 81), ('data_source', 82), ('date_published', 83), ('description', 84), ('has_top_rule_line', 85), ('last_updated_projected_data', 86), ('metadata', 87), ('note', 88), ('y_axis_label', 89)]], {}), 91: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'form_classname': 'title', 'required': True}), 92: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Chart summary for visually impaired users.', 'required': False}), 93: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Text for "Note" section of footnotes.', 'required': False}), 94: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content_block', 1), ('title', 91), ('description', 92), ('note', 93), ('has_top_rule_line', 85)]], {}), 95: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this box to allow the archival section to display. No section will appear if there are no archival downloads.', 'required': False}), 96: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('show_archives', 95)]], {}), 97: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Market identifier, e.g. AUT', 'max_length': 20, 'required': True}), 98: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Number of originations, e.g. 1.2 million', 'max_length': 20}), 99: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Total dollar value of originations, e.g. $3.4 billion', 'max_length': 20}), 100: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Percentage change, e.g. 5.6% increase', 'max_length': 20}), 101: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Descriptive sentence, e.g. Auto loans originated', 'max_length': 100}), 102: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Descriptive sentence, e.g. Dollar volume of new loans', 'max_length': 100}), 103: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Descriptive sentence, e.g. In year-over-year originations', 'max_length': 100}), 104: ('wagtail.blocks.DateBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Month of latest entry in dataset for inquiry data', 'max_length': 20, 'required': False}), 105: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Percentage change, e.g. 5.6% increase', 'max_length': 20, 'required': False}), 106: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Descriptive sentence, e.g. In year-over-year inquiries', 'max_length': 100, 'required': False}), 107: ('wagtail.blocks.DateBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Month of latest entry in dataset for credit tightness data', 'max_length': 20, 'required': False}), 108: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Descriptive sentence, e.g. In year-over-year credit tightness', 'max_length': 100, 'required': False}), 109: ('wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock', (), {'icon': 'image', 'required': False}), 110: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('market_key', 97), ('num_originations', 98), ('value_originations', 99), ('year_over_year_change', 100), ('last_updated_projected_data', 86), ('num_originations_text', 101), ('value_originations_text', 102), ('year_over_year_change_text', 103), ('inquiry_month', 104), ('inquiry_year_over_year_change', 105), ('inquiry_year_over_year_change_text', 106), ('tightness_month', 107), ('tightness_year_over_year_change', 105), ('tightness_year_over_year_change_text', 108), ('image', 109)]], {}), 111: ('jobmanager.blocks.JobListingTable', (), {}), 112: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Short description for a checkbox item'}), 113: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Deeper explanation of the item', 'required': False}), 114: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('item', 112), ('details', 113)]], {}), 115: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (114,), {}), 116: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('checklist', 115)]], {}), 117: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add a horizontal rule line to top of FAQ group.', 'required': False}), 118: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to show horizontal rule lines between FAQ items.', 'label': 'Show rule lines between items', 'required': False}), 119: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('h2', 'h2'), ('h3', 'h3'), ('h4', 'h4'), ('p', 'p')], 'help_text': 'HTML tag for questions.'}), 120: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'blank': True, 'help_text': "Add an optional anchor link tag for this question. Tag should be unique and use dashes or underscores for separation instead of spaces (ie, 'question-one-tag')", 'max_length': 500, 'required': False}), 121: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'max_length': 500}), 122: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('full_width_text', 39), ('info_unit_group', 50)]], {}), 123: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('anchor_tag', 120), ('question', 121), ('answer', 122)]], {}), 124: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (123,), {'label': 'FAQ items'}), 125: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('has_top_rule_line', 117), ('lines_between_items', 118), ('question_tag', 119), ('faq_items', 124)]], {})}),
+        ),
+        migrations.AlterField(
+            model_name='documentdetailpage',
+            name='content',
+            field=wagtail.fields.StreamField([('full_width_text', 39), ('expandable', 53), ('expandable_group', 58), ('notification', 63), ('simple_chart', 80), ('table', 22), ('crc_table', 82), ('case_docket_table', 84)], blank=True, block_lookup={0: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'icon': 'edit'}), 1: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {}), 2: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': '\n            ID will be auto-generated on save.\n            However, you may enter some human-friendly text that\n            will be incorporated to make it easier to read.\n        ', 'label': 'ID for this content block', 'required': False}), 3: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('link_id', 2)]], {}), 4: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content_block', 1), ('anchor_link', 3)]], {}), 5: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'required': False}), 6: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('h2', 'H2'), ('h3', 'H3'), ('h4', 'H4'), ('h5', 'H5')]}), 7: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Input the name of an icon to appear to the left of the heading. E.g., approved, help-round, etc. <a href="">See full list of icons</a>', 'required': False}), 8: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 5), ('level', 6), ('icon', 7)]], {'required': False}), 9: ('wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock', (), {'required': False}), 10: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': "No character limit, but be as succinct as possible. If the image is decorative (i.e., a screenreader wouldn't have anything useful to say about it), leave this field blank.", 'required': False}), 11: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('upload', 9), ('alt', 10)]], {}), 12: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('full', 'Full width'), (470, '470px'), (270, '270px'), (170, '170px')]}), 13: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('right', 'right'), ('left', 'left')], 'help_text': 'Does not apply if the image is full-width'}), 14: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'label': 'Caption', 'required': False}), 15: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'Check to add a horizontal rule line to bottom of inset.', 'label': 'Has bottom rule line', 'required': False}), 16: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('image', 11), ('image_width', 12), ('image_position', 13), ('text', 14), ('is_bottom_rule', 15)]], {}), 17: ('wagtail.blocks.MultipleChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('is_full_width', 'Display the table at full width'), ('stack_on_mobile', 'Stack the table columns on mobile')], 'required': False}), 18: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {}), 19: ('wagtail.blocks.FloatBlock', (), {}), 20: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'features': ['bold', 'italic', 'ol', 'ul', 'link', 'document-link', 'superscript']}), 21: ('wagtail.contrib.typed_table_block.blocks.TypedTableBlock', [[('text', 18), ('numeric', 19), ('rich_text', 20)]], {}), 22: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 8), ('text_introduction', 5), ('options', 17), ('data', 21)]], {}), 23: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {}), 24: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'required': False}), 25: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('body', 23), ('citation', 24)]], {}), 26: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'required': False}), 27: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Add an ARIA label if the link text does not describe the destination of the link (e.g. has ambiguous text like "Learn more" that is not descriptive on its own).', 'required': False}), 28: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'default': '/', 'required': False}), 29: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'required': False}), 30: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 5), ('aria_label', 27), ('url', 28), ('is_link_boldface', 29)]], {}), 31: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('slug_text', 5), ('paragraph_text', 26), ('button', 30)]], {}), 32: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (30,), {}), 33: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 5), ('paragraph', 26), ('links', 32)]], {}), 34: ('v1.blocks.ReusableTextChooserBlock', ('v1.ReusableText',), {}), 35: ('v1.blocks.ReusableNotificationChooserBlock', ('v1.ReusableNotification',), {}), 36: ('v1.blocks.EmailSignUpChooserBlock', (), {}), 37: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'label': 'Well', 'required': False}), 38: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content', 37)]], {}), 39: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('content', 0), ('content_with_anchor', 4), ('heading', 8), ('image', 16), ('table', 22), ('quote', 25), ('cta', 31), ('related_links', 33), ('reusable_text', 34), ('reusable_notification', 35), ('email_signup', 36), ('well', 38)]], {}), 40: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'required': False}), 41: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('50-50', '50/50'), ('33-33-33', '33/33/33'), ('25-75', '25/75')], 'help_text': 'Choose the number and width of info unit columns.', 'label': 'Format'}), 42: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': "Check this to link all images and headings to the URL of the first link in their unit's list, if there is a link.", 'required': False}), 43: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add a horizontal rule line to top of info unit group.', 'required': False}), 44: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to show horizontal rule lines between info units.', 'label': 'Show rule lines between items', 'required': False}), 45: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('none', 'None'), ('rounded', 'Rounded corners'), ('circle', 'Circle')], 'help_text': 'Adds a <em>border-radius</em> class to images in this group, allowing for a rounded or circular border.', 'label': 'Border radius for images?', 'required': False}), 46: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 5), ('level', 6), ('icon', 7)]], {'default': {'level': 'h3'}, 'required': False}), 47: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'blank': True, 'required': False}), 48: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (30,), {'required': False}), 49: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('image', 11), ('heading', 46), ('body', 47), ('links', 48)]], {}), 50: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (49,), {'default': []}), 51: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('format', 41), ('heading', 8), ('intro', 26), ('link_image_and_heading', 42), ('has_top_rule_line', 43), ('lines_between_items', 44), ('border_radius_image', 45), ('info_units', 50)]], {}), 52: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('paragraph', 26), ('well', 38), ('links', 30), ('info_unit_group', 51)]], {'blank': True}), 53: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('label', 5), ('icon', 5), ('is_bordered', 40), ('is_midtone', 40), ('is_expanded', 40), ('is_larger_heading', 40), ('is_expanded_padding', 40), ('content', 52)]], {}), 54: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Added as an <code>&lt;h3&gt;</code> at the top of this block. Also adds a wrapping <code>&lt;div&gt;</code> whose <code>id</code> attribute comes from a slugified version of this heading, creating an anchor that can be used when linking to this part of the page.', 'required': False}), 55: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add a horizontal rule line to top of expandable group.', 'required': False}), 56: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add FAQ schema markup to expandables.', 'label': 'Uses FAQ schema', 'required': False}), 57: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (53,), {}), 58: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 54), ('body', 26), ('is_accordion', 40), ('has_top_rule_line', 55), ('is_faq', 56), ('expandables', 57)]], {}), 59: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('information', 'Information'), ('warning', 'Warning')]}), 60: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'The main notification message to display.', 'required': True}), 61: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Explanation text appears below the message in smaller type.', 'required': False}), 62: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (30,), {'help_text': 'Links appear on their own lines below the explanation.', 'required': False}), 63: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('type', 59), ('message', 60), ('explanation', 61), ('links', 62)]], {}), 64: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'required': True}), 65: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Accessible description of the chart content', 'required': True}), 66: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('bar', 'Bar'), ('datetime', 'Date/time'), ('line', 'Line'), ('tilemap', 'Tile grid map')]}), 67: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': "URL of the chart's data source or an array of JSON data", 'required': True, 'rows': 2}), 68: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'For charts pulling from a separate source file, include a list of the column headers (from a CSV file) or keys (from a JSON file) to include in the chart as  ["HEADER/KEY1", "HEADER/KEY2"]. To change how the data is labeled in the chart, include the correct labels with the format [{"key": "HEADER/KEY1", "label": "NEWLABEL"}, {"key": "HEADER/KEY2", "label": "NEWLABEL2"}]', 'required': False}), 69: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'Uncheck this option to initially only show the first data  series in the chart. Leave checked to show all data  series by default. Users can always turn data series on  or off by interacting with the chart legend. ', 'required': False}), 70: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'The column header (CSV), key or data array (JSON) to include as the source of x-axis values.', 'required': False}), 71: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': "Name the javascript function in chart-hooks.js to run on the provided data before handing it to the chart. Can also provide '___'-separated arguments to this function which are passed in as arguments 2 to n", 'required': False}), 72: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'If the chart needs the option for users to filter the data shown, for example by date or geographic region, provide the JSON objects to filter on, in the format  {key: "KEY", "label": "LABEL"}', 'required': False}), 73: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'A JSON object with style overrides for the underlying Highcharts chart. No object merging is done, nested objects should be referenced with dot notation: {"tooltip.shape": "circle"}', 'required': False}), 74: ('wagtail.blocks.IntegerBlock', (), {'blank': True, 'help_text': 'A number to determine how many months of the data are projected values', 'max_value': 12, 'min_value': 0, 'null': True, 'required': False}), 75: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Attribution for the data source', 'required': False}), 76: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'When the underlying data was published', 'required': False}), 77: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Custom text for the chart download field. Required to display a download link.', 'required': False}), 78: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Location of a file to download, if different from the data source', 'required': False}), 79: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'General chart information', 'required': False}), 80: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('title', 64), ('subtitle', 24), ('description', 65), ('figure_number', 5), ('chart_type', 66), ('data_source', 67), ('data_series', 68), ('show_all_series_by_default', 69), ('x_axis_source', 70), ('transform', 71), ('x_axis_label', 5), ('y_axis_label', 5), ('filters', 72), ('style_overrides', 73), ('projected_months', 74), ('source_credits', 75), ('date_published', 76), ('download_text', 77), ('download_file', 78), ('notes', 79)]], {}), 81: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'features': ['bold', 'italic', 'link']}), 82: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('website', 81), ('phone', 81), ('mailing_address', 81)]], {}), 83: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (v1.atomic_elements.tables.CaseDocketEvent,), {'collapsed': True, 'min_num': 1}), 84: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('events', 83)]], {})}),
+        ),
+        migrations.AlterField(
+            model_name='enforcementactionpage',
+            name='content',
+            field=wagtail.fields.StreamField([('full_width_text', 39), ('expandable', 53), ('expandable_group', 58), ('notification', 63)], blank=True, block_lookup={0: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'icon': 'edit'}), 1: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {}), 2: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': '\n            ID will be auto-generated on save.\n            However, you may enter some human-friendly text that\n            will be incorporated to make it easier to read.\n        ', 'label': 'ID for this content block', 'required': False}), 3: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('link_id', 2)]], {}), 4: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content_block', 1), ('anchor_link', 3)]], {}), 5: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'required': False}), 6: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('h2', 'H2'), ('h3', 'H3'), ('h4', 'H4'), ('h5', 'H5')]}), 7: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Input the name of an icon to appear to the left of the heading. E.g., approved, help-round, etc. <a href="">See full list of icons</a>', 'required': False}), 8: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 5), ('level', 6), ('icon', 7)]], {'required': False}), 9: ('wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock', (), {'required': False}), 10: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': "No character limit, but be as succinct as possible. If the image is decorative (i.e., a screenreader wouldn't have anything useful to say about it), leave this field blank.", 'required': False}), 11: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('upload', 9), ('alt', 10)]], {}), 12: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('full', 'Full width'), (470, '470px'), (270, '270px'), (170, '170px')]}), 13: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('right', 'right'), ('left', 'left')], 'help_text': 'Does not apply if the image is full-width'}), 14: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'label': 'Caption', 'required': False}), 15: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'Check to add a horizontal rule line to bottom of inset.', 'label': 'Has bottom rule line', 'required': False}), 16: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('image', 11), ('image_width', 12), ('image_position', 13), ('text', 14), ('is_bottom_rule', 15)]], {}), 17: ('wagtail.blocks.MultipleChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('is_full_width', 'Display the table at full width'), ('stack_on_mobile', 'Stack the table columns on mobile')], 'required': False}), 18: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {}), 19: ('wagtail.blocks.FloatBlock', (), {}), 20: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'features': ['bold', 'italic', 'ol', 'ul', 'link', 'document-link', 'superscript']}), 21: ('wagtail.contrib.typed_table_block.blocks.TypedTableBlock', [[('text', 18), ('numeric', 19), ('rich_text', 20)]], {}), 22: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 8), ('text_introduction', 5), ('options', 17), ('data', 21)]], {}), 23: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {}), 24: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'required': False}), 25: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('body', 23), ('citation', 24)]], {}), 26: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'required': False}), 27: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Add an ARIA label if the link text does not describe the destination of the link (e.g. has ambiguous text like "Learn more" that is not descriptive on its own).', 'required': False}), 28: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'default': '/', 'required': False}), 29: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'required': False}), 30: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 5), ('aria_label', 27), ('url', 28), ('is_link_boldface', 29)]], {}), 31: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('slug_text', 5), ('paragraph_text', 26), ('button', 30)]], {}), 32: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (30,), {}), 33: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 5), ('paragraph', 26), ('links', 32)]], {}), 34: ('v1.blocks.ReusableTextChooserBlock', ('v1.ReusableText',), {}), 35: ('v1.blocks.ReusableNotificationChooserBlock', ('v1.ReusableNotification',), {}), 36: ('v1.blocks.EmailSignUpChooserBlock', (), {}), 37: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'label': 'Well', 'required': False}), 38: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content', 37)]], {}), 39: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('content', 0), ('content_with_anchor', 4), ('heading', 8), ('image', 16), ('table', 22), ('quote', 25), ('cta', 31), ('related_links', 33), ('reusable_text', 34), ('reusable_notification', 35), ('email_signup', 36), ('well', 38)]], {}), 40: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'required': False}), 41: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('50-50', '50/50'), ('33-33-33', '33/33/33'), ('25-75', '25/75')], 'help_text': 'Choose the number and width of info unit columns.', 'label': 'Format'}), 42: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': "Check this to link all images and headings to the URL of the first link in their unit's list, if there is a link.", 'required': False}), 43: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add a horizontal rule line to top of info unit group.', 'required': False}), 44: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to show horizontal rule lines between info units.', 'label': 'Show rule lines between items', 'required': False}), 45: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('none', 'None'), ('rounded', 'Rounded corners'), ('circle', 'Circle')], 'help_text': 'Adds a <em>border-radius</em> class to images in this group, allowing for a rounded or circular border.', 'label': 'Border radius for images?', 'required': False}), 46: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 5), ('level', 6), ('icon', 7)]], {'default': {'level': 'h3'}, 'required': False}), 47: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'blank': True, 'required': False}), 48: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (30,), {'required': False}), 49: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('image', 11), ('heading', 46), ('body', 47), ('links', 48)]], {}), 50: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (49,), {'default': []}), 51: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('format', 41), ('heading', 8), ('intro', 26), ('link_image_and_heading', 42), ('has_top_rule_line', 43), ('lines_between_items', 44), ('border_radius_image', 45), ('info_units', 50)]], {}), 52: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('paragraph', 26), ('well', 38), ('links', 30), ('info_unit_group', 51)]], {'blank': True}), 53: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('label', 5), ('icon', 5), ('is_bordered', 40), ('is_midtone', 40), ('is_expanded', 40), ('is_larger_heading', 40), ('is_expanded_padding', 40), ('content', 52)]], {}), 54: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Added as an <code>&lt;h3&gt;</code> at the top of this block. Also adds a wrapping <code>&lt;div&gt;</code> whose <code>id</code> attribute comes from a slugified version of this heading, creating an anchor that can be used when linking to this part of the page.', 'required': False}), 55: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add a horizontal rule line to top of expandable group.', 'required': False}), 56: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add FAQ schema markup to expandables.', 'label': 'Uses FAQ schema', 'required': False}), 57: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (53,), {}), 58: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 54), ('body', 26), ('is_accordion', 40), ('has_top_rule_line', 55), ('is_faq', 56), ('expandables', 57)]], {}), 59: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('information', 'Information'), ('warning', 'Warning')]}), 60: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'The main notification message to display.', 'required': True}), 61: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Explanation text appears below the message in smaller type.', 'required': False}), 62: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (30,), {'help_text': 'Links appear on their own lines below the explanation.', 'required': False}), 63: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('type', 59), ('message', 60), ('explanation', 61), ('links', 62)]], {})}),
+        ),
+        migrations.AlterField(
+            model_name='learnpage',
+            name='content',
+            field=wagtail.fields.StreamField([('full_width_text', 39), ('info_unit_group', 50), ('expandable_group', 58), ('expandable', 56), ('well', 38), ('call_to_action', 31), ('video_player', 61), ('audio_player', 64), ('email_signup', 36), ('simple_chart', 81), ('table', 22), ('faq_group', 90), ('contact_us_table', 92)], blank=True, block_lookup={0: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'icon': 'edit'}), 1: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {}), 2: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': '\n            ID will be auto-generated on save.\n            However, you may enter some human-friendly text that\n            will be incorporated to make it easier to read.\n        ', 'label': 'ID for this content block', 'required': False}), 3: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('link_id', 2)]], {}), 4: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content_block', 1), ('anchor_link', 3)]], {}), 5: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'required': False}), 6: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('h2', 'H2'), ('h3', 'H3'), ('h4', 'H4'), ('h5', 'H5')]}), 7: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Input the name of an icon to appear to the left of the heading. E.g., approved, help-round, etc. <a href="">See full list of icons</a>', 'required': False}), 8: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 5), ('level', 6), ('icon', 7)]], {'required': False}), 9: ('wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock', (), {'required': False}), 10: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': "No character limit, but be as succinct as possible. If the image is decorative (i.e., a screenreader wouldn't have anything useful to say about it), leave this field blank.", 'required': False}), 11: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('upload', 9), ('alt', 10)]], {}), 12: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('full', 'Full width'), (470, '470px'), (270, '270px'), (170, '170px')]}), 13: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('right', 'right'), ('left', 'left')], 'help_text': 'Does not apply if the image is full-width'}), 14: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'label': 'Caption', 'required': False}), 15: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'Check to add a horizontal rule line to bottom of inset.', 'label': 'Has bottom rule line', 'required': False}), 16: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('image', 11), ('image_width', 12), ('image_position', 13), ('text', 14), ('is_bottom_rule', 15)]], {}), 17: ('wagtail.blocks.MultipleChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('is_full_width', 'Display the table at full width'), ('stack_on_mobile', 'Stack the table columns on mobile')], 'required': False}), 18: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {}), 19: ('wagtail.blocks.FloatBlock', (), {}), 20: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'features': ['bold', 'italic', 'ol', 'ul', 'link', 'document-link', 'superscript']}), 21: ('wagtail.contrib.typed_table_block.blocks.TypedTableBlock', [[('text', 18), ('numeric', 19), ('rich_text', 20)]], {}), 22: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 8), ('text_introduction', 5), ('options', 17), ('data', 21)]], {}), 23: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {}), 24: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'required': False}), 25: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('body', 23), ('citation', 24)]], {}), 26: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'required': False}), 27: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Add an ARIA label if the link text does not describe the destination of the link (e.g. has ambiguous text like "Learn more" that is not descriptive on its own).', 'required': False}), 28: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'default': '/', 'required': False}), 29: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'required': False}), 30: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 5), ('aria_label', 27), ('url', 28), ('is_link_boldface', 29)]], {}), 31: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('slug_text', 5), ('paragraph_text', 26), ('button', 30)]], {}), 32: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (30,), {}), 33: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 5), ('paragraph', 26), ('links', 32)]], {}), 34: ('v1.blocks.ReusableTextChooserBlock', ('v1.ReusableText',), {}), 35: ('v1.blocks.ReusableNotificationChooserBlock', ('v1.ReusableNotification',), {}), 36: ('v1.blocks.EmailSignUpChooserBlock', (), {}), 37: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'label': 'Well', 'required': False}), 38: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content', 37)]], {}), 39: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('content', 0), ('content_with_anchor', 4), ('heading', 8), ('image', 16), ('table', 22), ('quote', 25), ('cta', 31), ('related_links', 33), ('reusable_text', 34), ('reusable_notification', 35), ('email_signup', 36), ('well', 38)]], {}), 40: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('50-50', '50/50'), ('33-33-33', '33/33/33'), ('25-75', '25/75')], 'help_text': 'Choose the number and width of info unit columns.', 'label': 'Format'}), 41: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': "Check this to link all images and headings to the URL of the first link in their unit's list, if there is a link.", 'required': False}), 42: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add a horizontal rule line to top of info unit group.', 'required': False}), 43: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to show horizontal rule lines between info units.', 'label': 'Show rule lines between items', 'required': False}), 44: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('none', 'None'), ('rounded', 'Rounded corners'), ('circle', 'Circle')], 'help_text': 'Adds a <em>border-radius</em> class to images in this group, allowing for a rounded or circular border.', 'label': 'Border radius for images?', 'required': False}), 45: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 5), ('level', 6), ('icon', 7)]], {'default': {'level': 'h3'}, 'required': False}), 46: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'blank': True, 'required': False}), 47: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (30,), {'required': False}), 48: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('image', 11), ('heading', 45), ('body', 46), ('links', 47)]], {}), 49: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (48,), {'default': []}), 50: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('format', 40), ('heading', 8), ('intro', 26), ('link_image_and_heading', 41), ('has_top_rule_line', 42), ('lines_between_items', 43), ('border_radius_image', 44), ('info_units', 49)]], {}), 51: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Added as an <code>&lt;h3&gt;</code> at the top of this block. Also adds a wrapping <code>&lt;div&gt;</code> whose <code>id</code> attribute comes from a slugified version of this heading, creating an anchor that can be used when linking to this part of the page.', 'required': False}), 52: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'required': False}), 53: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add a horizontal rule line to top of expandable group.', 'required': False}), 54: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add FAQ schema markup to expandables.', 'label': 'Uses FAQ schema', 'required': False}), 55: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('paragraph', 26), ('well', 38), ('links', 30), ('info_unit_group', 50)]], {'blank': True}), 56: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('label', 5), ('icon', 5), ('is_bordered', 52), ('is_midtone', 52), ('is_expanded', 52), ('is_larger_heading', 52), ('is_expanded_padding', 52), ('content', 55)]], {}), 57: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (56,), {}), 58: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 51), ('body', 26), ('is_accordion', 52), ('has_top_rule_line', 53), ('is_faq', 54), ('expandables', 57)]], {}), 59: ('wagtail.blocks.RegexBlock', (), {'error_messages': {'invalid': 'The YouTube video ID is in the wrong format.'}, 'help_text': 'Enter the YouTube video ID, which is located at the end of the video URL, after "v=". For example, the video ID for is 1V0Ax9OIc84.', 'label': 'YouTube video ID', 'regex': '^[\\w-]{11}$', 'required': False}), 60: ('wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Optional thumbnail image to show before and after the video plays. If the thumbnail image is not set here, the video player will default to showing the thumbnail that was set in (or automatically chosen by) YouTube.', 'required': False}), 61: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('video_id', 59), ('thumbnail_image', 60)]], {}), 62: ('wagtailmedia.blocks.AbstractMediaChooserBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Spoken word audio files should be in MP3 format with a 44.1 kHz sample rate, 96 kbps (CBR) bitrate, in mono. See <a href="">Libsyn’s guidance</a> for details. Note that the thumbnail and tag fields will not be used for audio files.'}), 63: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'If you have anything you want to appear below the audio player, such as a download link, put it in this field.', 'required': False}), 64: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 8), ('body', 26), ('audio_file', 62), ('additional_details', 63)]], {}), 65: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'required': True}), 66: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Accessible description of the chart content', 'required': True}), 67: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('bar', 'Bar'), ('datetime', 'Date/time'), ('line', 'Line'), ('tilemap', 'Tile grid map')]}), 68: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': "URL of the chart's data source or an array of JSON data", 'required': True, 'rows': 2}), 69: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'For charts pulling from a separate source file, include a list of the column headers (from a CSV file) or keys (from a JSON file) to include in the chart as  ["HEADER/KEY1", "HEADER/KEY2"]. To change how the data is labeled in the chart, include the correct labels with the format [{"key": "HEADER/KEY1", "label": "NEWLABEL"}, {"key": "HEADER/KEY2", "label": "NEWLABEL2"}]', 'required': False}), 70: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'Uncheck this option to initially only show the first data  series in the chart. Leave checked to show all data  series by default. Users can always turn data series on  or off by interacting with the chart legend. ', 'required': False}), 71: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'The column header (CSV), key or data array (JSON) to include as the source of x-axis values.', 'required': False}), 72: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': "Name the javascript function in chart-hooks.js to run on the provided data before handing it to the chart. Can also provide '___'-separated arguments to this function which are passed in as arguments 2 to n", 'required': False}), 73: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'If the chart needs the option for users to filter the data shown, for example by date or geographic region, provide the JSON objects to filter on, in the format  {key: "KEY", "label": "LABEL"}', 'required': False}), 74: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'A JSON object with style overrides for the underlying Highcharts chart. No object merging is done, nested objects should be referenced with dot notation: {"tooltip.shape": "circle"}', 'required': False}), 75: ('wagtail.blocks.IntegerBlock', (), {'blank': True, 'help_text': 'A number to determine how many months of the data are projected values', 'max_value': 12, 'min_value': 0, 'null': True, 'required': False}), 76: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Attribution for the data source', 'required': False}), 77: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'When the underlying data was published', 'required': False}), 78: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Custom text for the chart download field. Required to display a download link.', 'required': False}), 79: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Location of a file to download, if different from the data source', 'required': False}), 80: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'General chart information', 'required': False}), 81: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('title', 65), ('subtitle', 24), ('description', 66), ('figure_number', 5), ('chart_type', 67), ('data_source', 68), ('data_series', 69), ('show_all_series_by_default', 70), ('x_axis_source', 71), ('transform', 72), ('x_axis_label', 5), ('y_axis_label', 5), ('filters', 73), ('style_overrides', 74), ('projected_months', 75), ('source_credits', 76), ('date_published', 77), ('download_text', 78), ('download_file', 79), ('notes', 80)]], {}), 82: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add a horizontal rule line to top of FAQ group.', 'required': False}), 83: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to show horizontal rule lines between FAQ items.', 'label': 'Show rule lines between items', 'required': False}), 84: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('h2', 'h2'), ('h3', 'h3'), ('h4', 'h4'), ('p', 'p')], 'help_text': 'HTML tag for questions.'}), 85: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'blank': True, 'help_text': "Add an optional anchor link tag for this question. Tag should be unique and use dashes or underscores for separation instead of spaces (ie, 'question-one-tag')", 'max_length': 500, 'required': False}), 86: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'max_length': 500}), 87: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('full_width_text', 39), ('info_unit_group', 50)]], {}), 88: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('anchor_tag', 85), ('question', 86), ('answer', 87)]], {}), 89: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (88,), {'label': 'FAQ items'}), 90: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('has_top_rule_line', 82), ('lines_between_items', 83), ('question_tag', 84), ('faq_items', 89)]], {}), 91: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (v1.atomic_elements.tables.ContactUsRow,), {'collapsed': True, 'min_num': 1}), 92: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 18), ('rows', 91)]], {})}),
+        ),
+        migrations.AlterField(
+            model_name='legacyblogpage',
+            name='content',
+            field=wagtail.fields.StreamField([('full_width_text', 39), ('info_unit_group', 50), ('expandable', 53), ('well', 38), ('video_player', 56), ('email_signup', 36), ('simple_chart', 73), ('faq_schema', 84), ('how_to_schema', 94), ('content', 95), ('reusable_text', 34)], block_lookup={0: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'icon': 'edit'}), 1: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {}), 2: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': '\n            ID will be auto-generated on save.\n            However, you may enter some human-friendly text that\n            will be incorporated to make it easier to read.\n        ', 'label': 'ID for this content block', 'required': False}), 3: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('link_id', 2)]], {}), 4: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content_block', 1), ('anchor_link', 3)]], {}), 5: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'required': False}), 6: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('h2', 'H2'), ('h3', 'H3'), ('h4', 'H4'), ('h5', 'H5')]}), 7: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Input the name of an icon to appear to the left of the heading. E.g., approved, help-round, etc. <a href="">See full list of icons</a>', 'required': False}), 8: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 5), ('level', 6), ('icon', 7)]], {'required': False}), 9: ('wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock', (), {'required': False}), 10: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': "No character limit, but be as succinct as possible. If the image is decorative (i.e., a screenreader wouldn't have anything useful to say about it), leave this field blank.", 'required': False}), 11: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('upload', 9), ('alt', 10)]], {}), 12: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('full', 'Full width'), (470, '470px'), (270, '270px'), (170, '170px')]}), 13: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('right', 'right'), ('left', 'left')], 'help_text': 'Does not apply if the image is full-width'}), 14: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'label': 'Caption', 'required': False}), 15: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'Check to add a horizontal rule line to bottom of inset.', 'label': 'Has bottom rule line', 'required': False}), 16: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('image', 11), ('image_width', 12), ('image_position', 13), ('text', 14), ('is_bottom_rule', 15)]], {}), 17: ('wagtail.blocks.MultipleChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('is_full_width', 'Display the table at full width'), ('stack_on_mobile', 'Stack the table columns on mobile')], 'required': False}), 18: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {}), 19: ('wagtail.blocks.FloatBlock', (), {}), 20: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'features': ['bold', 'italic', 'ol', 'ul', 'link', 'document-link', 'superscript']}), 21: ('wagtail.contrib.typed_table_block.blocks.TypedTableBlock', [[('text', 18), ('numeric', 19), ('rich_text', 20)]], {}), 22: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 8), ('text_introduction', 5), ('options', 17), ('data', 21)]], {}), 23: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {}), 24: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'required': False}), 25: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('body', 23), ('citation', 24)]], {}), 26: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'required': False}), 27: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Add an ARIA label if the link text does not describe the destination of the link (e.g. has ambiguous text like "Learn more" that is not descriptive on its own).', 'required': False}), 28: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'default': '/', 'required': False}), 29: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'required': False}), 30: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 5), ('aria_label', 27), ('url', 28), ('is_link_boldface', 29)]], {}), 31: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('slug_text', 5), ('paragraph_text', 26), ('button', 30)]], {}), 32: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (30,), {}), 33: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 5), ('paragraph', 26), ('links', 32)]], {}), 34: ('v1.blocks.ReusableTextChooserBlock', ('v1.ReusableText',), {}), 35: ('v1.blocks.ReusableNotificationChooserBlock', ('v1.ReusableNotification',), {}), 36: ('v1.blocks.EmailSignUpChooserBlock', (), {}), 37: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'label': 'Well', 'required': False}), 38: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content', 37)]], {}), 39: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('content', 0), ('content_with_anchor', 4), ('heading', 8), ('image', 16), ('table', 22), ('quote', 25), ('cta', 31), ('related_links', 33), ('reusable_text', 34), ('reusable_notification', 35), ('email_signup', 36), ('well', 38)]], {}), 40: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('50-50', '50/50'), ('33-33-33', '33/33/33'), ('25-75', '25/75')], 'help_text': 'Choose the number and width of info unit columns.', 'label': 'Format'}), 41: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': "Check this to link all images and headings to the URL of the first link in their unit's list, if there is a link.", 'required': False}), 42: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add a horizontal rule line to top of info unit group.', 'required': False}), 43: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to show horizontal rule lines between info units.', 'label': 'Show rule lines between items', 'required': False}), 44: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('none', 'None'), ('rounded', 'Rounded corners'), ('circle', 'Circle')], 'help_text': 'Adds a <em>border-radius</em> class to images in this group, allowing for a rounded or circular border.', 'label': 'Border radius for images?', 'required': False}), 45: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 5), ('level', 6), ('icon', 7)]], {'default': {'level': 'h3'}, 'required': False}), 46: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'blank': True, 'required': False}), 47: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (30,), {'required': False}), 48: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('image', 11), ('heading', 45), ('body', 46), ('links', 47)]], {}), 49: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (48,), {'default': []}), 50: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('format', 40), ('heading', 8), ('intro', 26), ('link_image_and_heading', 41), ('has_top_rule_line', 42), ('lines_between_items', 43), ('border_radius_image', 44), ('info_units', 49)]], {}), 51: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'required': False}), 52: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('paragraph', 26), ('well', 38), ('links', 30), ('info_unit_group', 50)]], {'blank': True}), 53: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('label', 5), ('icon', 5), ('is_bordered', 51), ('is_midtone', 51), ('is_expanded', 51), ('is_larger_heading', 51), ('is_expanded_padding', 51), ('content', 52)]], {}), 54: ('wagtail.blocks.RegexBlock', (), {'error_messages': {'invalid': 'The YouTube video ID is in the wrong format.'}, 'help_text': 'Enter the YouTube video ID, which is located at the end of the video URL, after "v=". For example, the video ID for is 1V0Ax9OIc84.', 'label': 'YouTube video ID', 'regex': '^[\\w-]{11}$', 'required': False}), 55: ('wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Optional thumbnail image to show before and after the video plays. If the thumbnail image is not set here, the video player will default to showing the thumbnail that was set in (or automatically chosen by) YouTube.', 'required': False}), 56: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('video_id', 54), ('thumbnail_image', 55)]], {}), 57: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'required': True}), 58: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Accessible description of the chart content', 'required': True}), 59: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('bar', 'Bar'), ('datetime', 'Date/time'), ('line', 'Line'), ('tilemap', 'Tile grid map')]}), 60: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': "URL of the chart's data source or an array of JSON data", 'required': True, 'rows': 2}), 61: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'For charts pulling from a separate source file, include a list of the column headers (from a CSV file) or keys (from a JSON file) to include in the chart as  ["HEADER/KEY1", "HEADER/KEY2"]. To change how the data is labeled in the chart, include the correct labels with the format [{"key": "HEADER/KEY1", "label": "NEWLABEL"}, {"key": "HEADER/KEY2", "label": "NEWLABEL2"}]', 'required': False}), 62: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'Uncheck this option to initially only show the first data  series in the chart. Leave checked to show all data  series by default. Users can always turn data series on  or off by interacting with the chart legend. ', 'required': False}), 63: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'The column header (CSV), key or data array (JSON) to include as the source of x-axis values.', 'required': False}), 64: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': "Name the javascript function in chart-hooks.js to run on the provided data before handing it to the chart. Can also provide '___'-separated arguments to this function which are passed in as arguments 2 to n", 'required': False}), 65: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'If the chart needs the option for users to filter the data shown, for example by date or geographic region, provide the JSON objects to filter on, in the format  {key: "KEY", "label": "LABEL"}', 'required': False}), 66: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'A JSON object with style overrides for the underlying Highcharts chart. No object merging is done, nested objects should be referenced with dot notation: {"tooltip.shape": "circle"}', 'required': False}), 67: ('wagtail.blocks.IntegerBlock', (), {'blank': True, 'help_text': 'A number to determine how many months of the data are projected values', 'max_value': 12, 'min_value': 0, 'null': True, 'required': False}), 68: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Attribution for the data source', 'required': False}), 69: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'When the underlying data was published', 'required': False}), 70: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Custom text for the chart download field. Required to display a download link.', 'required': False}), 71: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Location of a file to download, if different from the data source', 'required': False}), 72: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'General chart information', 'required': False}), 73: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('title', 57), ('subtitle', 24), ('description', 58), ('figure_number', 5), ('chart_type', 59), ('data_source', 60), ('data_series', 61), ('show_all_series_by_default', 62), ('x_axis_source', 63), ('transform', 64), ('x_axis_label', 5), ('y_axis_label', 5), ('filters', 65), ('style_overrides', 66), ('projected_months', 67), ('source_credits', 68), ('date_published', 69), ('download_text', 70), ('download_file', 71), ('notes', 72)]], {}), 74: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'blank': True, 'features': ['ol', 'ul', 'bold', 'italic', 'link', 'document-link'], 'required': False}), 75: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'blank': True, 'help_text': "Add an optional anchor link tag for this question. Tag should be unique and use dashes or underscores for separation instead of spaces (ie, 'question-one-tag')", 'max_length': 500, 'required': False}), 76: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'max_length': 500}), 77: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'features': ['bold', 'italic', 'h3', 'h4', 'link', 'ol', 'ul', 'document-link', 'image', 'embed'], 'label': 'Text'}), 78: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content', 77)]], {}), 79: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'features': ['link', 'document-link'], 'label': 'Tip'}), 80: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content', 79)]], {}), 81: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('text', 78), ('table', 22), ('tip', 80), ('video_player', 56)]], {}), 82: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('anchor_tag', 75), ('question', 76), ('answer_content', 81)]], {}), 83: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (82,), {}), 84: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('description', 74), ('questions', 83)]], {'label': 'FAQ schema'}), 85: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'label': 'Title of How To section', 'max_length': 500}), 86: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('h2', 'H2'), ('h3', 'H3'), ('h4', 'H4')], 'help_text': 'Choose a tag for the title of the How To section.', 'label': 'Tag for How To section title'}), 87: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'The How To schema requires a title to let search engines understand what it is about. If you do not want the title to be displayed in the page, uncheck this box and the title content will only be made available to crawlers and screen readers.', 'label': 'Show How To section title', 'required': False}), 88: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('h2', 'H2'), ('h3', 'H3'), ('h4', 'H4'), ('b', 'Bold'), ('p', 'Paragraph')], 'help_text': 'Choose a tag for the title of each HowTo step.', 'label': 'Tag for step titles'}), 89: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this box to display numbers before step titles. ', 'label': 'Show numbers for steps', 'required': False}), 90: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'blank': True, 'help_text': "Add an optional anchor link tag to allow linking directly to this step. Tag should be unique and use dashes or underscores for separation instead of spaces (ie, 'step-one-tag').", 'max_length': 500, 'required': False}), 91: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Enter a title for this HowTo step. You do not need to include a number in the title -- numbers will be added automatically in the template if the show numbers checkbox is checked.', 'max_length': 500}), 92: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('anchor_tag', 90), ('title', 91), ('step_content', 81)]], {}), 93: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (92,), {}), 94: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('title', 85), ('title_tag', 86), ('show_title', 87), ('description', 74), ('step_title_tag', 88), ('has_numbers', 89), ('steps', 93)]], {'label': 'HowTo schema', 'max_num': 1}), 95: ('wagtail.blocks.RawHTMLBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Content from WordPress unescaped.'})}),
+        ),
+        migrations.AlterField(
+            model_name='storypage',
+            name='content',
+            field=wagtail.fields.StreamField([('expandable_group', 32), ('featured_content', 41), ('full_width_text', 66), ('image', 51), ('info_unit_group', 28), ('text_introduction', 69), ('video_player', 70), ('simple_chart', 87)], blank=True, block_lookup={0: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Added as an <code>&lt;h3&gt;</code> at the top of this block. Also adds a wrapping <code>&lt;div&gt;</code> whose <code>id</code> attribute comes from a slugified version of this heading, creating an anchor that can be used when linking to this part of the page.', 'required': False}), 1: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'required': False}), 2: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'required': False}), 3: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add a horizontal rule line to top of expandable group.', 'required': False}), 4: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add FAQ schema markup to expandables.', 'label': 'Uses FAQ schema', 'required': False}), 5: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'required': False}), 6: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'label': 'Well', 'required': False}), 7: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content', 6)]], {}), 8: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Add an ARIA label if the link text does not describe the destination of the link (e.g. has ambiguous text like "Learn more" that is not descriptive on its own).', 'required': False}), 9: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'default': '/', 'required': False}), 10: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'required': False}), 11: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 5), ('aria_label', 8), ('url', 9), ('is_link_boldface', 10)]], {}), 12: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('50-50', '50/50'), ('33-33-33', '33/33/33'), ('25-75', '25/75')], 'help_text': 'Choose the number and width of info unit columns.', 'label': 'Format'}), 13: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('h2', 'H2'), ('h3', 'H3'), ('h4', 'H4'), ('h5', 'H5')]}), 14: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Input the name of an icon to appear to the left of the heading. E.g., approved, help-round, etc. <a href="">See full list of icons</a>', 'required': False}), 15: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 5), ('level', 13), ('icon', 14)]], {'required': False}), 16: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': "Check this to link all images and headings to the URL of the first link in their unit's list, if there is a link.", 'required': False}), 17: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add a horizontal rule line to top of info unit group.', 'required': False}), 18: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to show horizontal rule lines between info units.', 'label': 'Show rule lines between items', 'required': False}), 19: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('none', 'None'), ('rounded', 'Rounded corners'), ('circle', 'Circle')], 'help_text': 'Adds a <em>border-radius</em> class to images in this group, allowing for a rounded or circular border.', 'label': 'Border radius for images?', 'required': False}), 20: ('wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock', (), {'required': False}), 21: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': "No character limit, but be as succinct as possible. If the image is decorative (i.e., a screenreader wouldn't have anything useful to say about it), leave this field blank.", 'required': False}), 22: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('upload', 20), ('alt', 21)]], {}), 23: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 5), ('level', 13), ('icon', 14)]], {'default': {'level': 'h3'}, 'required': False}), 24: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'blank': True, 'required': False}), 25: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (11,), {'required': False}), 26: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('image', 22), ('heading', 23), ('body', 24), ('links', 25)]], {}), 27: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (26,), {'default': []}), 28: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('format', 12), ('heading', 15), ('intro', 1), ('link_image_and_heading', 16), ('has_top_rule_line', 17), ('lines_between_items', 18), ('border_radius_image', 19), ('info_units', 27)]], {}), 29: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('paragraph', 1), ('well', 7), ('links', 11), ('info_unit_group', 28)]], {'blank': True}), 30: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('label', 5), ('icon', 5), ('is_bordered', 2), ('is_midtone', 2), ('is_expanded', 2), ('is_larger_heading', 2), ('is_expanded_padding', 2), ('content', 29)]], {}), 31: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (30,), {}), 32: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 0), ('body', 1), ('is_accordion', 2), ('has_top_rule_line', 3), ('is_faq', 4), ('expandables', 31)]], {}), 33: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {}), 34: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Line breaks will be ignored.'}), 35: ('wagtail.blocks.PageChooserBlock', (), {'required': False}), 36: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'label': 'Render post link?', 'required': False}), 37: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (11,), {'label': 'Additional Links'}), 38: ('wagtail.blocks.RegexBlock', (), {'error_messages': {'invalid': 'The YouTube video ID is in the wrong format.'}, 'help_text': 'Enter the YouTube video ID, which is located at the end of the video URL, after "v=". For example, the video ID for is 1V0Ax9OIc84.', 'label': 'YouTube video ID', 'regex': '^[\\w-]{11}$', 'required': False}), 39: ('wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Optional thumbnail image to show before and after the video plays. If the thumbnail image is not set here, the video player will default to showing the thumbnail that was set in (or automatically chosen by) YouTube.', 'required': False}), 40: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('video_id', 38), ('thumbnail_image', 39)]], {'required': False}), 41: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 33), ('body', 34), ('post', 35), ('show_post_link', 36), ('post_link_text', 5), ('image', 22), ('links', 37), ('video', 40)]], {}), 42: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'icon': 'edit'}), 43: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {}), 44: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': '\n            ID will be auto-generated on save.\n            However, you may enter some human-friendly text that\n            will be incorporated to make it easier to read.\n        ', 'label': 'ID for this content block', 'required': False}), 45: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('link_id', 44)]], {}), 46: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content_block', 43), ('anchor_link', 45)]], {}), 47: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('full', 'Full width'), (470, '470px'), (270, '270px'), (170, '170px')]}), 48: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('right', 'right'), ('left', 'left')], 'help_text': 'Does not apply if the image is full-width'}), 49: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'label': 'Caption', 'required': False}), 50: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'Check to add a horizontal rule line to bottom of inset.', 'label': 'Has bottom rule line', 'required': False}), 51: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('image', 22), ('image_width', 47), ('image_position', 48), ('text', 49), ('is_bottom_rule', 50)]], {}), 52: ('wagtail.blocks.MultipleChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('is_full_width', 'Display the table at full width'), ('stack_on_mobile', 'Stack the table columns on mobile')], 'required': False}), 53: ('wagtail.blocks.FloatBlock', (), {}), 54: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'features': ['bold', 'italic', 'ol', 'ul', 'link', 'document-link', 'superscript']}), 55: ('wagtail.contrib.typed_table_block.blocks.TypedTableBlock', [[('text', 33), ('numeric', 53), ('rich_text', 54)]], {}), 56: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 15), ('text_introduction', 5), ('options', 52), ('data', 55)]], {}), 57: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {}), 58: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'required': False}), 59: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('body', 57), ('citation', 58)]], {}), 60: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('slug_text', 5), ('paragraph_text', 1), ('button', 11)]], {}), 61: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (11,), {}), 62: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 5), ('paragraph', 1), ('links', 61)]], {}), 63: ('v1.blocks.ReusableTextChooserBlock', ('v1.ReusableText',), {}), 64: ('v1.blocks.ReusableNotificationChooserBlock', ('v1.ReusableNotification',), {}), 65: ('v1.blocks.EmailSignUpChooserBlock', (), {}), 66: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('content', 42), ('content_with_anchor', 46), ('heading', 15), ('image', 51), ('table', 56), ('quote', 59), ('cta', 60), ('related_links', 62), ('reusable_text', 63), ('reusable_notification', 64), ('email_signup', 65), ('well', 7)]], {}), 67: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Optional: Adds an H5 eyebrow above H1 heading text. Only use in conjunction with heading.', 'label': 'Pre-heading', 'required': False}), 68: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Check this to add a horizontal rule line to bottom of text introduction.', 'label': 'Has bottom rule', 'required': False}), 69: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('eyebrow', 67), ('heading', 5), ('intro', 1), ('body', 1), ('links', 25), ('has_rule', 68)]], {}), 70: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('video_id', 38), ('thumbnail_image', 39)]], {}), 71: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'required': True}), 72: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Accessible description of the chart content', 'required': True}), 73: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('bar', 'Bar'), ('datetime', 'Date/time'), ('line', 'Line'), ('tilemap', 'Tile grid map')]}), 74: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': "URL of the chart's data source or an array of JSON data", 'required': True, 'rows': 2}), 75: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'For charts pulling from a separate source file, include a list of the column headers (from a CSV file) or keys (from a JSON file) to include in the chart as  ["HEADER/KEY1", "HEADER/KEY2"]. To change how the data is labeled in the chart, include the correct labels with the format [{"key": "HEADER/KEY1", "label": "NEWLABEL"}, {"key": "HEADER/KEY2", "label": "NEWLABEL2"}]', 'required': False}), 76: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'Uncheck this option to initially only show the first data  series in the chart. Leave checked to show all data  series by default. Users can always turn data series on  or off by interacting with the chart legend. ', 'required': False}), 77: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'The column header (CSV), key or data array (JSON) to include as the source of x-axis values.', 'required': False}), 78: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': "Name the javascript function in chart-hooks.js to run on the provided data before handing it to the chart. Can also provide '___'-separated arguments to this function which are passed in as arguments 2 to n", 'required': False}), 79: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'If the chart needs the option for users to filter the data shown, for example by date or geographic region, provide the JSON objects to filter on, in the format  {key: "KEY", "label": "LABEL"}', 'required': False}), 80: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'A JSON object with style overrides for the underlying Highcharts chart. No object merging is done, nested objects should be referenced with dot notation: {"tooltip.shape": "circle"}', 'required': False}), 81: ('wagtail.blocks.IntegerBlock', (), {'blank': True, 'help_text': 'A number to determine how many months of the data are projected values', 'max_value': 12, 'min_value': 0, 'null': True, 'required': False}), 82: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Attribution for the data source', 'required': False}), 83: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'When the underlying data was published', 'required': False}), 84: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Custom text for the chart download field. Required to display a download link.', 'required': False}), 85: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Location of a file to download, if different from the data source', 'required': False}), 86: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'General chart information', 'required': False}), 87: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('title', 71), ('subtitle', 58), ('description', 72), ('figure_number', 5), ('chart_type', 73), ('data_source', 74), ('data_series', 75), ('show_all_series_by_default', 76), ('x_axis_source', 77), ('transform', 78), ('x_axis_label', 5), ('y_axis_label', 5), ('filters', 79), ('style_overrides', 80), ('projected_months', 81), ('source_credits', 82), ('date_published', 83), ('download_text', 84), ('download_file', 85), ('notes', 86)]], {})}),
+        ),
+        migrations.AlterField(
+            model_name='sublandingfilterablepage',
+            name='content',
+            field=wagtail.fields.StreamField([('text_introduction', 9), ('full_width_text', 43), ('filter_controls', 53), ('featured_content', 61)], blank=True, block_lookup={0: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Optional: Adds an H5 eyebrow above H1 heading text. Only use in conjunction with heading.', 'label': 'Pre-heading', 'required': False}), 1: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'required': False}), 2: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'required': False}), 3: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Add an ARIA label if the link text does not describe the destination of the link (e.g. has ambiguous text like "Learn more" that is not descriptive on its own).', 'required': False}), 4: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'default': '/', 'required': False}), 5: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'required': False}), 6: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 1), ('aria_label', 3), ('url', 4), ('is_link_boldface', 5)]], {}), 7: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (6,), {'required': False}), 8: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Check this to add a horizontal rule line to bottom of text introduction.', 'label': 'Has bottom rule', 'required': False}), 9: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('eyebrow', 0), ('heading', 1), ('intro', 2), ('body', 2), ('links', 7), ('has_rule', 8)]], {}), 10: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'icon': 'edit'}), 11: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {}), 12: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': '\n            ID will be auto-generated on save.\n            However, you may enter some human-friendly text that\n            will be incorporated to make it easier to read.\n        ', 'label': 'ID for this content block', 'required': False}), 13: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('link_id', 12)]], {}), 14: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content_block', 11), ('anchor_link', 13)]], {}), 15: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('h2', 'H2'), ('h3', 'H3'), ('h4', 'H4'), ('h5', 'H5')]}), 16: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Input the name of an icon to appear to the left of the heading. E.g., approved, help-round, etc. <a href="">See full list of icons</a>', 'required': False}), 17: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 1), ('level', 15), ('icon', 16)]], {'required': False}), 18: ('wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock', (), {'required': False}), 19: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': "No character limit, but be as succinct as possible. If the image is decorative (i.e., a screenreader wouldn't have anything useful to say about it), leave this field blank.", 'required': False}), 20: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('upload', 18), ('alt', 19)]], {}), 21: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('full', 'Full width'), (470, '470px'), (270, '270px'), (170, '170px')]}), 22: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('right', 'right'), ('left', 'left')], 'help_text': 'Does not apply if the image is full-width'}), 23: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'label': 'Caption', 'required': False}), 24: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'Check to add a horizontal rule line to bottom of inset.', 'label': 'Has bottom rule line', 'required': False}), 25: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('image', 20), ('image_width', 21), ('image_position', 22), ('text', 23), ('is_bottom_rule', 24)]], {}), 26: ('wagtail.blocks.MultipleChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('is_full_width', 'Display the table at full width'), ('stack_on_mobile', 'Stack the table columns on mobile')], 'required': False}), 27: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {}), 28: ('wagtail.blocks.FloatBlock', (), {}), 29: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'features': ['bold', 'italic', 'ol', 'ul', 'link', 'document-link', 'superscript']}), 30: ('wagtail.contrib.typed_table_block.blocks.TypedTableBlock', [[('text', 27), ('numeric', 28), ('rich_text', 29)]], {}), 31: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 17), ('text_introduction', 1), ('options', 26), ('data', 30)]], {}), 32: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {}), 33: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'required': False}), 34: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('body', 32), ('citation', 33)]], {}), 35: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('slug_text', 1), ('paragraph_text', 2), ('button', 6)]], {}), 36: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (6,), {}), 37: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 1), ('paragraph', 2), ('links', 36)]], {}), 38: ('v1.blocks.ReusableTextChooserBlock', ('v1.ReusableText',), {}), 39: ('v1.blocks.ReusableNotificationChooserBlock', ('v1.ReusableNotification',), {}), 40: ('v1.blocks.EmailSignUpChooserBlock', (), {}), 41: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'label': 'Well', 'required': False}), 42: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content', 41)]], {}), 43: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('content', 10), ('content_with_anchor', 14), ('heading', 17), ('image', 25), ('table', 31), ('quote', 34), ('cta', 35), ('related_links', 37), ('reusable_text', 38), ('reusable_notification', 39), ('email_signup', 40), ('well', 42)]], {}), 44: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'required': False}), 45: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'Whether to include a "Search by keyword" filter in the filter controls.', 'required': False}), 46: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'Whether to include a "Category" filter in the filter controls.', 'required': False}), 47: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': v1.util.ref.filterable_list_page_types, 'required': False}), 48: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Whether to include a "Topics" filter in the filter controls', 'required': False}), 49: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Whether to include a "Status" filter in the filter controls. Only enable if using on an enforcement actions filterable list.', 'required': False}), 50: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Whether to include a "Product" filter in the filter controls. Only enable if using on an enforcement actions filterable list.', 'required': False}), 51: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Whether to include a "Language" filter in the filter controls.Only enable if there are non-english filterable results available.', 'required': False}), 52: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'Whether to include a set of "Date range" filters in the filter controls.', 'required': False}), 53: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('label', 1), ('icon', 1), ('is_bordered', 44), ('is_midtone', 44), ('is_expanded', 44), ('is_larger_heading', 44), ('is_expanded_padding', 44), ('filter_by_keyword', 45), ('filter_by_category', 46), ('category_choices', 47), ('filter_by_topics', 48), ('filter_by_enforcement_statuses', 49), ('filter_by_enforcement_products', 50), ('filter_by_language', 51), ('filter_by_date_range', 52)]], {}), 54: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Line breaks will be ignored.'}), 55: ('wagtail.blocks.PageChooserBlock', (), {'required': False}), 56: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'label': 'Render post link?', 'required': False}), 57: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (6,), {'label': 'Additional Links'}), 58: ('wagtail.blocks.RegexBlock', (), {'error_messages': {'invalid': 'The YouTube video ID is in the wrong format.'}, 'help_text': 'Enter the YouTube video ID, which is located at the end of the video URL, after "v=". For example, the video ID for is 1V0Ax9OIc84.', 'label': 'YouTube video ID', 'regex': '^[\\w-]{11}$', 'required': False}), 59: ('wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Optional thumbnail image to show before and after the video plays. If the thumbnail image is not set here, the video player will default to showing the thumbnail that was set in (or automatically chosen by) YouTube.', 'required': False}), 60: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('video_id', 58), ('thumbnail_image', 59)]], {'required': False}), 61: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 27), ('body', 54), ('post', 55), ('show_post_link', 56), ('post_link_text', 1), ('image', 20), ('links', 57), ('video', 60)]], {})}),
+        ),
+        migrations.AlterField(
+            model_name='sublandingpage',
+            name='content',
+            field=wagtail.fields.StreamField([('text_introduction', 9), ('notification', 14), ('featured_content', 26), ('full_width_text', 56), ('info_unit_group', 66), ('well', 55), ('post_preview_snapshot', 69), ('contact', 72), ('table', 44), ('expandable_group', 80), ('expandable', 78)], blank=True, block_lookup={0: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Optional: Adds an H5 eyebrow above H1 heading text. Only use in conjunction with heading.', 'label': 'Pre-heading', 'required': False}), 1: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'required': False}), 2: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'required': False}), 3: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Add an ARIA label if the link text does not describe the destination of the link (e.g. has ambiguous text like "Learn more" that is not descriptive on its own).', 'required': False}), 4: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'default': '/', 'required': False}), 5: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'required': False}), 6: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 1), ('aria_label', 3), ('url', 4), ('is_link_boldface', 5)]], {}), 7: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (6,), {'required': False}), 8: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Check this to add a horizontal rule line to bottom of text introduction.', 'label': 'Has bottom rule', 'required': False}), 9: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('eyebrow', 0), ('heading', 1), ('intro', 2), ('body', 2), ('links', 7), ('has_rule', 8)]], {}), 10: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('information', 'Information'), ('warning', 'Warning')]}), 11: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'The main notification message to display.', 'required': True}), 12: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Explanation text appears below the message in smaller type.', 'required': False}), 13: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (6,), {'help_text': 'Links appear on their own lines below the explanation.', 'required': False}), 14: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('type', 10), ('message', 11), ('explanation', 12), ('links', 13)]], {}), 15: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {}), 16: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Line breaks will be ignored.'}), 17: ('wagtail.blocks.PageChooserBlock', (), {'required': False}), 18: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'label': 'Render post link?', 'required': False}), 19: ('wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock', (), {'required': False}), 20: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': "No character limit, but be as succinct as possible. If the image is decorative (i.e., a screenreader wouldn't have anything useful to say about it), leave this field blank.", 'required': False}), 21: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('upload', 19), ('alt', 20)]], {}), 22: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (6,), {'label': 'Additional Links'}), 23: ('wagtail.blocks.RegexBlock', (), {'error_messages': {'invalid': 'The YouTube video ID is in the wrong format.'}, 'help_text': 'Enter the YouTube video ID, which is located at the end of the video URL, after "v=". For example, the video ID for is 1V0Ax9OIc84.', 'label': 'YouTube video ID', 'regex': '^[\\w-]{11}$', 'required': False}), 24: ('wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Optional thumbnail image to show before and after the video plays. If the thumbnail image is not set here, the video player will default to showing the thumbnail that was set in (or automatically chosen by) YouTube.', 'required': False}), 25: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('video_id', 23), ('thumbnail_image', 24)]], {'required': False}), 26: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 15), ('body', 16), ('post', 17), ('show_post_link', 18), ('post_link_text', 1), ('image', 21), ('links', 22), ('video', 25)]], {}), 27: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'icon': 'edit'}), 28: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {}), 29: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': '\n            ID will be auto-generated on save.\n            However, you may enter some human-friendly text that\n            will be incorporated to make it easier to read.\n        ', 'label': 'ID for this content block', 'required': False}), 30: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('link_id', 29)]], {}), 31: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content_block', 28), ('anchor_link', 30)]], {}), 32: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('h2', 'H2'), ('h3', 'H3'), ('h4', 'H4'), ('h5', 'H5')]}), 33: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Input the name of an icon to appear to the left of the heading. E.g., approved, help-round, etc. <a href="">See full list of icons</a>', 'required': False}), 34: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 1), ('level', 32), ('icon', 33)]], {'required': False}), 35: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('full', 'Full width'), (470, '470px'), (270, '270px'), (170, '170px')]}), 36: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('right', 'right'), ('left', 'left')], 'help_text': 'Does not apply if the image is full-width'}), 37: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'label': 'Caption', 'required': False}), 38: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'Check to add a horizontal rule line to bottom of inset.', 'label': 'Has bottom rule line', 'required': False}), 39: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('image', 21), ('image_width', 35), ('image_position', 36), ('text', 37), ('is_bottom_rule', 38)]], {}), 40: ('wagtail.blocks.MultipleChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('is_full_width', 'Display the table at full width'), ('stack_on_mobile', 'Stack the table columns on mobile')], 'required': False}), 41: ('wagtail.blocks.FloatBlock', (), {}), 42: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'features': ['bold', 'italic', 'ol', 'ul', 'link', 'document-link', 'superscript']}), 43: ('wagtail.contrib.typed_table_block.blocks.TypedTableBlock', [[('text', 15), ('numeric', 41), ('rich_text', 42)]], {}), 44: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 34), ('text_introduction', 1), ('options', 40), ('data', 43)]], {}), 45: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {}), 46: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'required': False}), 47: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('body', 45), ('citation', 46)]], {}), 48: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('slug_text', 1), ('paragraph_text', 2), ('button', 6)]], {}), 49: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (6,), {}), 50: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 1), ('paragraph', 2), ('links', 49)]], {}), 51: ('v1.blocks.ReusableTextChooserBlock', ('v1.ReusableText',), {}), 52: ('v1.blocks.ReusableNotificationChooserBlock', ('v1.ReusableNotification',), {}), 53: ('v1.blocks.EmailSignUpChooserBlock', (), {}), 54: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'label': 'Well', 'required': False}), 55: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content', 54)]], {}), 56: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('content', 27), ('content_with_anchor', 31), ('heading', 34), ('image', 39), ('table', 44), ('quote', 47), ('cta', 48), ('related_links', 50), ('reusable_text', 51), ('reusable_notification', 52), ('email_signup', 53), ('well', 55)]], {}), 57: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('50-50', '50/50'), ('33-33-33', '33/33/33'), ('25-75', '25/75')], 'help_text': 'Choose the number and width of info unit columns.', 'label': 'Format'}), 58: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': "Check this to link all images and headings to the URL of the first link in their unit's list, if there is a link.", 'required': False}), 59: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add a horizontal rule line to top of info unit group.', 'required': False}), 60: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to show horizontal rule lines between info units.', 'label': 'Show rule lines between items', 'required': False}), 61: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('none', 'None'), ('rounded', 'Rounded corners'), ('circle', 'Circle')], 'help_text': 'Adds a <em>border-radius</em> class to images in this group, allowing for a rounded or circular border.', 'label': 'Border radius for images?', 'required': False}), 62: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 1), ('level', 32), ('icon', 33)]], {'default': {'level': 'h3'}, 'required': False}), 63: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'blank': True, 'required': False}), 64: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('image', 21), ('heading', 62), ('body', 63), ('links', 7)]], {}), 65: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (64,), {'default': []}), 66: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('format', 57), ('heading', 34), ('intro', 2), ('link_image_and_heading', 58), ('has_top_rule_line', 59), ('lines_between_items', 60), ('border_radius_image', 61), ('info_units', 65)]], {}), 67: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'default': '3', 'help_text': 'How many posts do you want to show?', 'label': 'Limit'}), 68: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'default': 'Published'}), 69: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('limit', 67), ('post_date_description', 68)]], {}), 70: ('wagtail.snippets.blocks.SnippetChooserBlock', ('v1.Contact',), {}), 71: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Add a horizontal rule line to top of contact block.', 'required': False}), 72: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('contact', 70), ('has_top_rule_line', 71)]], {}), 73: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Added as an <code>&lt;h3&gt;</code> at the top of this block. Also adds a wrapping <code>&lt;div&gt;</code> whose <code>id</code> attribute comes from a slugified version of this heading, creating an anchor that can be used when linking to this part of the page.', 'required': False}), 74: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'required': False}), 75: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add a horizontal rule line to top of expandable group.', 'required': False}), 76: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add FAQ schema markup to expandables.', 'label': 'Uses FAQ schema', 'required': False}), 77: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('paragraph', 2), ('well', 55), ('links', 6), ('info_unit_group', 66)]], {'blank': True}), 78: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('label', 1), ('icon', 1), ('is_bordered', 74), ('is_midtone', 74), ('is_expanded', 74), ('is_larger_heading', 74), ('is_expanded_padding', 74), ('content', 77)]], {}), 79: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (78,), {}), 80: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 73), ('body', 2), ('is_accordion', 74), ('has_top_rule_line', 75), ('is_faq', 76), ('expandables', 79)]], {})}),
+        ),
+        migrations.AlterField(
+            model_name='blogpage',
+            name='content',
+            field=wagtail.fields.StreamField([('full_width_text', 39), ('info_unit_group', 50), ('expandable', 53), ('well', 38), ('video_player', 56), ('email_signup', 36), ('simple_chart', 73), ('faq_schema', 84), ('how_to_schema', 94)], block_lookup={0: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'icon': 'edit'}), 1: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {}), 2: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': '\n            ID will be auto-generated on save.\n            However, you may enter some human-friendly text that\n            will be incorporated to make it easier to read.\n        ', 'label': 'ID for this content block', 'required': False}), 3: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('link_id', 2)]], {}), 4: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content_block', 1), ('anchor_link', 3)]], {}), 5: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'required': False}), 6: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('h2', 'H2'), ('h3', 'H3'), ('h4', 'H4'), ('h5', 'H5')]}), 7: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Input the name of an icon to appear to the left of the heading. E.g., approved, help-round, etc. <a href="">See full list of icons</a>', 'required': False}), 8: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 5), ('level', 6), ('icon', 7)]], {'required': False}), 9: ('wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock', (), {'required': False}), 10: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': "No character limit, but be as succinct as possible. If the image is decorative (i.e., a screenreader wouldn't have anything useful to say about it), leave this field blank.", 'required': False}), 11: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('upload', 9), ('alt', 10)]], {}), 12: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('full', 'Full width'), (470, '470px'), (270, '270px'), (170, '170px')]}), 13: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('right', 'right'), ('left', 'left')], 'help_text': 'Does not apply if the image is full-width'}), 14: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'label': 'Caption', 'required': False}), 15: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'Check to add a horizontal rule line to bottom of inset.', 'label': 'Has bottom rule line', 'required': False}), 16: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('image', 11), ('image_width', 12), ('image_position', 13), ('text', 14), ('is_bottom_rule', 15)]], {}), 17: ('wagtail.blocks.MultipleChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('is_full_width', 'Display the table at full width'), ('stack_on_mobile', 'Stack the table columns on mobile')], 'required': False}), 18: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {}), 19: ('wagtail.blocks.FloatBlock', (), {}), 20: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'features': ['bold', 'italic', 'ol', 'ul', 'link', 'document-link', 'superscript']}), 21: ('wagtail.contrib.typed_table_block.blocks.TypedTableBlock', [[('text', 18), ('numeric', 19), ('rich_text', 20)]], {}), 22: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 8), ('text_introduction', 5), ('options', 17), ('data', 21)]], {}), 23: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {}), 24: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'required': False}), 25: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('body', 23), ('citation', 24)]], {}), 26: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'required': False}), 27: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Add an ARIA label if the link text does not describe the destination of the link (e.g. has ambiguous text like "Learn more" that is not descriptive on its own).', 'required': False}), 28: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'default': '/', 'required': False}), 29: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'required': False}), 30: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 5), ('aria_label', 27), ('url', 28), ('is_link_boldface', 29)]], {}), 31: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('slug_text', 5), ('paragraph_text', 26), ('button', 30)]], {}), 32: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (30,), {}), 33: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 5), ('paragraph', 26), ('links', 32)]], {}), 34: ('v1.blocks.ReusableTextChooserBlock', ('v1.ReusableText',), {}), 35: ('v1.blocks.ReusableNotificationChooserBlock', ('v1.ReusableNotification',), {}), 36: ('v1.blocks.EmailSignUpChooserBlock', (), {}), 37: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'label': 'Well', 'required': False}), 38: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content', 37)]], {}), 39: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('content', 0), ('content_with_anchor', 4), ('heading', 8), ('image', 16), ('table', 22), ('quote', 25), ('cta', 31), ('related_links', 33), ('reusable_text', 34), ('reusable_notification', 35), ('email_signup', 36), ('well', 38)]], {}), 40: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('50-50', '50/50'), ('33-33-33', '33/33/33'), ('25-75', '25/75')], 'help_text': 'Choose the number and width of info unit columns.', 'label': 'Format'}), 41: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': "Check this to link all images and headings to the URL of the first link in their unit's list, if there is a link.", 'required': False}), 42: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add a horizontal rule line to top of info unit group.', 'required': False}), 43: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to show horizontal rule lines between info units.', 'label': 'Show rule lines between items', 'required': False}), 44: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('none', 'None'), ('rounded', 'Rounded corners'), ('circle', 'Circle')], 'help_text': 'Adds a <em>border-radius</em> class to images in this group, allowing for a rounded or circular border.', 'label': 'Border radius for images?', 'required': False}), 45: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 5), ('level', 6), ('icon', 7)]], {'default': {'level': 'h3'}, 'required': False}), 46: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'blank': True, 'required': False}), 47: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (30,), {'required': False}), 48: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('image', 11), ('heading', 45), ('body', 46), ('links', 47)]], {}), 49: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (48,), {'default': []}), 50: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('format', 40), ('heading', 8), ('intro', 26), ('link_image_and_heading', 41), ('has_top_rule_line', 42), ('lines_between_items', 43), ('border_radius_image', 44), ('info_units', 49)]], {}), 51: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'required': False}), 52: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('paragraph', 26), ('well', 38), ('links', 30), ('info_unit_group', 50)]], {'blank': True}), 53: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('label', 5), ('icon', 5), ('is_bordered', 51), ('is_midtone', 51), ('is_expanded', 51), ('is_expanded_padding', 51), ('content', 52)]], {}), 54: ('wagtail.blocks.RegexBlock', (), {'error_messages': {'invalid': 'The YouTube video ID is in the wrong format.'}, 'help_text': 'Enter the YouTube video ID, which is located at the end of the video URL, after "v=". For example, the video ID for is 1V0Ax9OIc84.', 'label': 'YouTube video ID', 'regex': '^[\\w-]{11}$', 'required': False}), 55: ('wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Optional thumbnail image to show before and after the video plays. If the thumbnail image is not set here, the video player will default to showing the thumbnail that was set in (or automatically chosen by) YouTube.', 'required': False}), 56: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('video_id', 54), ('thumbnail_image', 55)]], {}), 57: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'required': True}), 58: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Accessible description of the chart content', 'required': True}), 59: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('bar', 'Bar'), ('datetime', 'Date/time'), ('line', 'Line'), ('tilemap', 'Tile grid map')]}), 60: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': "URL of the chart's data source or an array of JSON data", 'required': True, 'rows': 2}), 61: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'For charts pulling from a separate source file, include a list of the column headers (from a CSV file) or keys (from a JSON file) to include in the chart as  ["HEADER/KEY1", "HEADER/KEY2"]. To change how the data is labeled in the chart, include the correct labels with the format [{"key": "HEADER/KEY1", "label": "NEWLABEL"}, {"key": "HEADER/KEY2", "label": "NEWLABEL2"}]', 'required': False}), 62: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'Uncheck this option to initially only show the first data  series in the chart. Leave checked to show all data  series by default. Users can always turn data series on  or off by interacting with the chart legend. ', 'required': False}), 63: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'The column header (CSV), key or data array (JSON) to include as the source of x-axis values.', 'required': False}), 64: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': "Name the javascript function in chart-hooks.js to run on the provided data before handing it to the chart. Can also provide '___'-separated arguments to this function which are passed in as arguments 2 to n", 'required': False}), 65: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'If the chart needs the option for users to filter the data shown, for example by date or geographic region, provide the JSON objects to filter on, in the format  {key: "KEY", "label": "LABEL"}', 'required': False}), 66: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'A JSON object with style overrides for the underlying Highcharts chart. No object merging is done, nested objects should be referenced with dot notation: {"tooltip.shape": "circle"}', 'required': False}), 67: ('wagtail.blocks.IntegerBlock', (), {'blank': True, 'help_text': 'A number to determine how many months of the data are projected values', 'max_value': 12, 'min_value': 0, 'null': True, 'required': False}), 68: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Attribution for the data source', 'required': False}), 69: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'When the underlying data was published', 'required': False}), 70: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Custom text for the chart download field. Required to display a download link.', 'required': False}), 71: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Location of a file to download, if different from the data source', 'required': False}), 72: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'General chart information', 'required': False}), 73: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('title', 57), ('subtitle', 24), ('description', 58), ('figure_number', 5), ('chart_type', 59), ('data_source', 60), ('data_series', 61), ('show_all_series_by_default', 62), ('x_axis_source', 63), ('transform', 64), ('x_axis_label', 5), ('y_axis_label', 5), ('filters', 65), ('style_overrides', 66), ('projected_months', 67), ('source_credits', 68), ('date_published', 69), ('download_text', 70), ('download_file', 71), ('notes', 72)]], {}), 74: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'blank': True, 'features': ['ol', 'ul', 'bold', 'italic', 'link', 'document-link'], 'required': False}), 75: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'blank': True, 'help_text': "Add an optional anchor link tag for this question. Tag should be unique and use dashes or underscores for separation instead of spaces (ie, 'question-one-tag')", 'max_length': 500, 'required': False}), 76: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'max_length': 500}), 77: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'features': ['bold', 'italic', 'h3', 'h4', 'link', 'ol', 'ul', 'document-link', 'image', 'embed'], 'label': 'Text'}), 78: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content', 77)]], {}), 79: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'features': ['link', 'document-link'], 'label': 'Tip'}), 80: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content', 79)]], {}), 81: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('text', 78), ('table', 22), ('tip', 80), ('video_player', 56)]], {}), 82: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('anchor_tag', 75), ('question', 76), ('answer_content', 81)]], {}), 83: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (82,), {}), 84: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('description', 74), ('questions', 83)]], {'label': 'FAQ schema'}), 85: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'label': 'Title of How To section', 'max_length': 500}), 86: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('h2', 'H2'), ('h3', 'H3'), ('h4', 'H4')], 'help_text': 'Choose a tag for the title of the How To section.', 'label': 'Tag for How To section title'}), 87: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'The How To schema requires a title to let search engines understand what it is about. If you do not want the title to be displayed in the page, uncheck this box and the title content will only be made available to crawlers and screen readers.', 'label': 'Show How To section title', 'required': False}), 88: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('h2', 'H2'), ('h3', 'H3'), ('h4', 'H4'), ('b', 'Bold'), ('p', 'Paragraph')], 'help_text': 'Choose a tag for the title of each HowTo step.', 'label': 'Tag for step titles'}), 89: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this box to display numbers before step titles. ', 'label': 'Show numbers for steps', 'required': False}), 90: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'blank': True, 'help_text': "Add an optional anchor link tag to allow linking directly to this step. Tag should be unique and use dashes or underscores for separation instead of spaces (ie, 'step-one-tag').", 'max_length': 500, 'required': False}), 91: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Enter a title for this HowTo step. You do not need to include a number in the title -- numbers will be added automatically in the template if the show numbers checkbox is checked.', 'max_length': 500}), 92: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('anchor_tag', 90), ('title', 91), ('step_content', 81)]], {}), 93: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (92,), {}), 94: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('title', 85), ('title_tag', 86), ('show_title', 87), ('description', 74), ('step_title_tag', 88), ('has_numbers', 89), ('steps', 93)]], {'label': 'HowTo schema', 'max_num': 1})}),
+        ),
+        migrations.AlterField(
+            model_name='browsefilterablepage',
+            name='content',
+            field=wagtail.fields.StreamField([('full_width_text', 39), ('filter_controls', 49)], blank=True, block_lookup={0: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'icon': 'edit'}), 1: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {}), 2: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': '\n            ID will be auto-generated on save.\n            However, you may enter some human-friendly text that\n            will be incorporated to make it easier to read.\n        ', 'label': 'ID for this content block', 'required': False}), 3: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('link_id', 2)]], {}), 4: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content_block', 1), ('anchor_link', 3)]], {}), 5: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'required': False}), 6: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('h2', 'H2'), ('h3', 'H3'), ('h4', 'H4'), ('h5', 'H5')]}), 7: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Input the name of an icon to appear to the left of the heading. E.g., approved, help-round, etc. <a href="">See full list of icons</a>', 'required': False}), 8: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 5), ('level', 6), ('icon', 7)]], {'required': False}), 9: ('wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock', (), {'required': False}), 10: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': "No character limit, but be as succinct as possible. If the image is decorative (i.e., a screenreader wouldn't have anything useful to say about it), leave this field blank.", 'required': False}), 11: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('upload', 9), ('alt', 10)]], {}), 12: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('full', 'Full width'), (470, '470px'), (270, '270px'), (170, '170px')]}), 13: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('right', 'right'), ('left', 'left')], 'help_text': 'Does not apply if the image is full-width'}), 14: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'label': 'Caption', 'required': False}), 15: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'Check to add a horizontal rule line to bottom of inset.', 'label': 'Has bottom rule line', 'required': False}), 16: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('image', 11), ('image_width', 12), ('image_position', 13), ('text', 14), ('is_bottom_rule', 15)]], {}), 17: ('wagtail.blocks.MultipleChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('is_full_width', 'Display the table at full width'), ('stack_on_mobile', 'Stack the table columns on mobile')], 'required': False}), 18: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {}), 19: ('wagtail.blocks.FloatBlock', (), {}), 20: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'features': ['bold', 'italic', 'ol', 'ul', 'link', 'document-link', 'superscript']}), 21: ('wagtail.contrib.typed_table_block.blocks.TypedTableBlock', [[('text', 18), ('numeric', 19), ('rich_text', 20)]], {}), 22: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 8), ('text_introduction', 5), ('options', 17), ('data', 21)]], {}), 23: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {}), 24: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'required': False}), 25: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('body', 23), ('citation', 24)]], {}), 26: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'required': False}), 27: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Add an ARIA label if the link text does not describe the destination of the link (e.g. has ambiguous text like "Learn more" that is not descriptive on its own).', 'required': False}), 28: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'default': '/', 'required': False}), 29: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'required': False}), 30: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 5), ('aria_label', 27), ('url', 28), ('is_link_boldface', 29)]], {}), 31: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('slug_text', 5), ('paragraph_text', 26), ('button', 30)]], {}), 32: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (30,), {}), 33: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 5), ('paragraph', 26), ('links', 32)]], {}), 34: ('v1.blocks.ReusableTextChooserBlock', ('v1.ReusableText',), {}), 35: ('v1.blocks.ReusableNotificationChooserBlock', ('v1.ReusableNotification',), {}), 36: ('v1.blocks.EmailSignUpChooserBlock', (), {}), 37: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'label': 'Well', 'required': False}), 38: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content', 37)]], {}), 39: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('content', 0), ('content_with_anchor', 4), ('heading', 8), ('image', 16), ('table', 22), ('quote', 25), ('cta', 31), ('related_links', 33), ('reusable_text', 34), ('reusable_notification', 35), ('email_signup', 36), ('well', 38)]], {}), 40: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'required': False}), 41: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'Whether to include a "Search by keyword" filter in the filter controls.', 'required': False}), 42: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'Whether to include a "Category" filter in the filter controls.', 'required': False}), 43: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': v1.util.ref.filterable_list_page_types, 'required': False}), 44: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Whether to include a "Topics" filter in the filter controls', 'required': False}), 45: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Whether to include a "Status" filter in the filter controls. Only enable if using on an enforcement actions filterable list.', 'required': False}), 46: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Whether to include a "Product" filter in the filter controls. Only enable if using on an enforcement actions filterable list.', 'required': False}), 47: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Whether to include a "Language" filter in the filter controls.Only enable if there are non-english filterable results available.', 'required': False}), 48: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'Whether to include a set of "Date range" filters in the filter controls.', 'required': False}), 49: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('label', 5), ('icon', 5), ('is_bordered', 40), ('is_midtone', 40), ('is_expanded', 40), ('is_expanded_padding', 40), ('filter_by_keyword', 41), ('filter_by_category', 42), ('category_choices', 43), ('filter_by_topics', 44), ('filter_by_enforcement_statuses', 45), ('filter_by_enforcement_products', 46), ('filter_by_language', 47), ('filter_by_date_range', 48)]], {})}),
+        ),
+        migrations.AlterField(
+            model_name='browsepage',
+            name='content',
+            field=wagtail.fields.StreamField([('full_width_text', 39), ('info_unit_group', 50), ('simple_chart', 67), ('expandable_group', 75), ('expandable', 73), ('well', 38), ('video_player', 78), ('table', 22), ('raw_html_block', 79), ('chart_block', 90), ('mortgage_chart_block', 94), ('mortgage_map_block', 94), ('mortgage_downloads_block', 96), ('data_snapshot', 110), ('job_listing_table', 111), ('yes_checklist', 116), ('faq_group', 125)], blank=True, block_lookup={0: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'icon': 'edit'}), 1: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {}), 2: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': '\n            ID will be auto-generated on save.\n            However, you may enter some human-friendly text that\n            will be incorporated to make it easier to read.\n        ', 'label': 'ID for this content block', 'required': False}), 3: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('link_id', 2)]], {}), 4: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content_block', 1), ('anchor_link', 3)]], {}), 5: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'required': False}), 6: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('h2', 'H2'), ('h3', 'H3'), ('h4', 'H4'), ('h5', 'H5')]}), 7: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Input the name of an icon to appear to the left of the heading. E.g., approved, help-round, etc. <a href="">See full list of icons</a>', 'required': False}), 8: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 5), ('level', 6), ('icon', 7)]], {'required': False}), 9: ('wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock', (), {'required': False}), 10: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': "No character limit, but be as succinct as possible. If the image is decorative (i.e., a screenreader wouldn't have anything useful to say about it), leave this field blank.", 'required': False}), 11: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('upload', 9), ('alt', 10)]], {}), 12: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('full', 'Full width'), (470, '470px'), (270, '270px'), (170, '170px')]}), 13: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('right', 'right'), ('left', 'left')], 'help_text': 'Does not apply if the image is full-width'}), 14: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'label': 'Caption', 'required': False}), 15: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'Check to add a horizontal rule line to bottom of inset.', 'label': 'Has bottom rule line', 'required': False}), 16: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('image', 11), ('image_width', 12), ('image_position', 13), ('text', 14), ('is_bottom_rule', 15)]], {}), 17: ('wagtail.blocks.MultipleChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('is_full_width', 'Display the table at full width'), ('stack_on_mobile', 'Stack the table columns on mobile')], 'required': False}), 18: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {}), 19: ('wagtail.blocks.FloatBlock', (), {}), 20: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'features': ['bold', 'italic', 'ol', 'ul', 'link', 'document-link', 'superscript']}), 21: ('wagtail.contrib.typed_table_block.blocks.TypedTableBlock', [[('text', 18), ('numeric', 19), ('rich_text', 20)]], {}), 22: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 8), ('text_introduction', 5), ('options', 17), ('data', 21)]], {}), 23: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {}), 24: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'required': False}), 25: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('body', 23), ('citation', 24)]], {}), 26: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'required': False}), 27: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Add an ARIA label if the link text does not describe the destination of the link (e.g. has ambiguous text like "Learn more" that is not descriptive on its own).', 'required': False}), 28: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'default': '/', 'required': False}), 29: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'required': False}), 30: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 5), ('aria_label', 27), ('url', 28), ('is_link_boldface', 29)]], {}), 31: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('slug_text', 5), ('paragraph_text', 26), ('button', 30)]], {}), 32: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (30,), {}), 33: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 5), ('paragraph', 26), ('links', 32)]], {}), 34: ('v1.blocks.ReusableTextChooserBlock', ('v1.ReusableText',), {}), 35: ('v1.blocks.ReusableNotificationChooserBlock', ('v1.ReusableNotification',), {}), 36: ('v1.blocks.EmailSignUpChooserBlock', (), {}), 37: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'label': 'Well', 'required': False}), 38: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content', 37)]], {}), 39: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('content', 0), ('content_with_anchor', 4), ('heading', 8), ('image', 16), ('table', 22), ('quote', 25), ('cta', 31), ('related_links', 33), ('reusable_text', 34), ('reusable_notification', 35), ('email_signup', 36), ('well', 38)]], {}), 40: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('50-50', '50/50'), ('33-33-33', '33/33/33'), ('25-75', '25/75')], 'help_text': 'Choose the number and width of info unit columns.', 'label': 'Format'}), 41: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': "Check this to link all images and headings to the URL of the first link in their unit's list, if there is a link.", 'required': False}), 42: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add a horizontal rule line to top of info unit group.', 'required': False}), 43: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to show horizontal rule lines between info units.', 'label': 'Show rule lines between items', 'required': False}), 44: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('none', 'None'), ('rounded', 'Rounded corners'), ('circle', 'Circle')], 'help_text': 'Adds a <em>border-radius</em> class to images in this group, allowing for a rounded or circular border.', 'label': 'Border radius for images?', 'required': False}), 45: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 5), ('level', 6), ('icon', 7)]], {'default': {'level': 'h3'}, 'required': False}), 46: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'blank': True, 'required': False}), 47: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (30,), {'required': False}), 48: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('image', 11), ('heading', 45), ('body', 46), ('links', 47)]], {}), 49: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (48,), {'default': []}), 50: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('format', 40), ('heading', 8), ('intro', 26), ('link_image_and_heading', 41), ('has_top_rule_line', 42), ('lines_between_items', 43), ('border_radius_image', 44), ('info_units', 49)]], {}), 51: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'required': True}), 52: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Accessible description of the chart content', 'required': True}), 53: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('bar', 'Bar'), ('datetime', 'Date/time'), ('line', 'Line'), ('tilemap', 'Tile grid map')]}), 54: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': "URL of the chart's data source or an array of JSON data", 'required': True, 'rows': 2}), 55: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'For charts pulling from a separate source file, include a list of the column headers (from a CSV file) or keys (from a JSON file) to include in the chart as  ["HEADER/KEY1", "HEADER/KEY2"]. To change how the data is labeled in the chart, include the correct labels with the format [{"key": "HEADER/KEY1", "label": "NEWLABEL"}, {"key": "HEADER/KEY2", "label": "NEWLABEL2"}]', 'required': False}), 56: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'Uncheck this option to initially only show the first data  series in the chart. Leave checked to show all data  series by default. Users can always turn data series on  or off by interacting with the chart legend. ', 'required': False}), 57: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'The column header (CSV), key or data array (JSON) to include as the source of x-axis values.', 'required': False}), 58: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': "Name the javascript function in chart-hooks.js to run on the provided data before handing it to the chart. Can also provide '___'-separated arguments to this function which are passed in as arguments 2 to n", 'required': False}), 59: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'If the chart needs the option for users to filter the data shown, for example by date or geographic region, provide the JSON objects to filter on, in the format  {key: "KEY", "label": "LABEL"}', 'required': False}), 60: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'A JSON object with style overrides for the underlying Highcharts chart. No object merging is done, nested objects should be referenced with dot notation: {"tooltip.shape": "circle"}', 'required': False}), 61: ('wagtail.blocks.IntegerBlock', (), {'blank': True, 'help_text': 'A number to determine how many months of the data are projected values', 'max_value': 12, 'min_value': 0, 'null': True, 'required': False}), 62: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Attribution for the data source', 'required': False}), 63: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'When the underlying data was published', 'required': False}), 64: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Custom text for the chart download field. Required to display a download link.', 'required': False}), 65: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Location of a file to download, if different from the data source', 'required': False}), 66: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'General chart information', 'required': False}), 67: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('title', 51), ('subtitle', 24), ('description', 52), ('figure_number', 5), ('chart_type', 53), ('data_source', 54), ('data_series', 55), ('show_all_series_by_default', 56), ('x_axis_source', 57), ('transform', 58), ('x_axis_label', 5), ('y_axis_label', 5), ('filters', 59), ('style_overrides', 60), ('projected_months', 61), ('source_credits', 62), ('date_published', 63), ('download_text', 64), ('download_file', 65), ('notes', 66)]], {}), 68: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Added as an <code>&lt;h3&gt;</code> at the top of this block. Also adds a wrapping <code>&lt;div&gt;</code> whose <code>id</code> attribute comes from a slugified version of this heading, creating an anchor that can be used when linking to this part of the page.', 'required': False}), 69: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'required': False}), 70: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add a horizontal rule line to top of expandable group.', 'required': False}), 71: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add FAQ schema markup to expandables.', 'label': 'Uses FAQ schema', 'required': False}), 72: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('paragraph', 26), ('well', 38), ('links', 30), ('info_unit_group', 50)]], {'blank': True}), 73: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('label', 5), ('icon', 5), ('is_bordered', 69), ('is_midtone', 69), ('is_expanded', 69), ('is_expanded_padding', 69), ('content', 72)]], {}), 74: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (73,), {}), 75: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 68), ('body', 26), ('is_accordion', 69), ('has_top_rule_line', 70), ('is_faq', 71), ('expandables', 74)]], {}), 76: ('wagtail.blocks.RegexBlock', (), {'error_messages': {'invalid': 'The YouTube video ID is in the wrong format.'}, 'help_text': 'Enter the YouTube video ID, which is located at the end of the video URL, after "v=". For example, the video ID for is 1V0Ax9OIc84.', 'label': 'YouTube video ID', 'regex': '^[\\w-]{11}$', 'required': False}), 77: ('wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Optional thumbnail image to show before and after the video plays. If the thumbnail image is not set here, the video player will default to showing the thumbnail that was set in (or automatically chosen by) YouTube.', 'required': False}), 78: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('video_id', 76), ('thumbnail_image', 77)]], {}), 79: ('wagtail.blocks.RawHTMLBlock', (), {'label': 'Raw HTML block'}), 80: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('bar', 'Bar | % y-axis values'), ('line', 'Line | millions/billions y-axis values'), ('line-index', 'Line-Index | integer y-axis values'), ('tile_map', 'Tile Map | grid-like USA map')]}), 81: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('blue', 'Blue'), ('gold', 'Gold'), ('green', 'Green'), ('navy', 'Navy'), ('neutral', 'Neutral'), ('purple', 'Purple'), ('teal', 'Teal')], 'help_text': 'Chart\'s color scheme. See "".', 'required': False}), 82: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Location of the chart\'s data source relative to "". For example,"consumer-credit-trends/auto-loans/num_data_AUT.csv".', 'required': True}), 83: ('wagtail.blocks.DateBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Automatically generated when CCT cron job runs'}), 84: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Briefly summarize the chart for visually impaired users.', 'required': True}), 85: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add a horizontal rule line to top of chart block.', 'required': False}), 86: ('wagtail.blocks.DateBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Month of latest entry in dataset'}), 87: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Optional metadata for the chart to use. For example, with CCT this would be the chart\'s "group".', 'required': False}), 88: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Text to display as a footnote. For example, "Data from the last six months are not final."', 'required': False}), 89: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Custom y-axis label. NOTE: Line-Index chart y-axis is not overridable with this field!', 'required': False}), 90: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('title', 51), ('chart_type', 80), ('color_scheme', 81), ('data_source', 82), ('date_published', 83), ('description', 84), ('has_top_rule_line', 85), ('last_updated_projected_data', 86), ('metadata', 87), ('note', 88), ('y_axis_label', 89)]], {}), 91: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'form_classname': 'title', 'required': True}), 92: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Chart summary for visually impaired users.', 'required': False}), 93: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Text for "Note" section of footnotes.', 'required': False}), 94: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content_block', 1), ('title', 91), ('description', 92), ('note', 93), ('has_top_rule_line', 85)]], {}), 95: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this box to allow the archival section to display. No section will appear if there are no archival downloads.', 'required': False}), 96: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('show_archives', 95)]], {}), 97: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Market identifier, e.g. AUT', 'max_length': 20, 'required': True}), 98: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Number of originations, e.g. 1.2 million', 'max_length': 20}), 99: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Total dollar value of originations, e.g. $3.4 billion', 'max_length': 20}), 100: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Percentage change, e.g. 5.6% increase', 'max_length': 20}), 101: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Descriptive sentence, e.g. Auto loans originated', 'max_length': 100}), 102: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Descriptive sentence, e.g. Dollar volume of new loans', 'max_length': 100}), 103: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Descriptive sentence, e.g. In year-over-year originations', 'max_length': 100}), 104: ('wagtail.blocks.DateBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Month of latest entry in dataset for inquiry data', 'max_length': 20, 'required': False}), 105: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Percentage change, e.g. 5.6% increase', 'max_length': 20, 'required': False}), 106: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Descriptive sentence, e.g. In year-over-year inquiries', 'max_length': 100, 'required': False}), 107: ('wagtail.blocks.DateBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Month of latest entry in dataset for credit tightness data', 'max_length': 20, 'required': False}), 108: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Descriptive sentence, e.g. In year-over-year credit tightness', 'max_length': 100, 'required': False}), 109: ('wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock', (), {'icon': 'image', 'required': False}), 110: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('market_key', 97), ('num_originations', 98), ('value_originations', 99), ('year_over_year_change', 100), ('last_updated_projected_data', 86), ('num_originations_text', 101), ('value_originations_text', 102), ('year_over_year_change_text', 103), ('inquiry_month', 104), ('inquiry_year_over_year_change', 105), ('inquiry_year_over_year_change_text', 106), ('tightness_month', 107), ('tightness_year_over_year_change', 105), ('tightness_year_over_year_change_text', 108), ('image', 109)]], {}), 111: ('jobmanager.blocks.JobListingTable', (), {}), 112: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Short description for a checkbox item'}), 113: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Deeper explanation of the item', 'required': False}), 114: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('item', 112), ('details', 113)]], {}), 115: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (114,), {}), 116: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('checklist', 115)]], {}), 117: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add a horizontal rule line to top of FAQ group.', 'required': False}), 118: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to show horizontal rule lines between FAQ items.', 'label': 'Show rule lines between items', 'required': False}), 119: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('h2', 'h2'), ('h3', 'h3'), ('h4', 'h4'), ('p', 'p')], 'help_text': 'HTML tag for questions.'}), 120: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'blank': True, 'help_text': "Add an optional anchor link tag for this question. Tag should be unique and use dashes or underscores for separation instead of spaces (ie, 'question-one-tag')", 'max_length': 500, 'required': False}), 121: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'max_length': 500}), 122: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('full_width_text', 39), ('info_unit_group', 50)]], {}), 123: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('anchor_tag', 120), ('question', 121), ('answer', 122)]], {}), 124: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (123,), {'label': 'FAQ items'}), 125: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('has_top_rule_line', 117), ('lines_between_items', 118), ('question_tag', 119), ('faq_items', 124)]], {})}),
+        ),
+        migrations.AlterField(
+            model_name='documentdetailpage',
+            name='content',
+            field=wagtail.fields.StreamField([('full_width_text', 39), ('expandable', 53), ('expandable_group', 58), ('notification', 63), ('simple_chart', 80), ('table', 22), ('crc_table', 82), ('case_docket_table', 84)], blank=True, block_lookup={0: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'icon': 'edit'}), 1: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {}), 2: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': '\n            ID will be auto-generated on save.\n            However, you may enter some human-friendly text that\n            will be incorporated to make it easier to read.\n        ', 'label': 'ID for this content block', 'required': False}), 3: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('link_id', 2)]], {}), 4: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content_block', 1), ('anchor_link', 3)]], {}), 5: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'required': False}), 6: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('h2', 'H2'), ('h3', 'H3'), ('h4', 'H4'), ('h5', 'H5')]}), 7: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Input the name of an icon to appear to the left of the heading. E.g., approved, help-round, etc. <a href="">See full list of icons</a>', 'required': False}), 8: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 5), ('level', 6), ('icon', 7)]], {'required': False}), 9: ('wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock', (), {'required': False}), 10: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': "No character limit, but be as succinct as possible. If the image is decorative (i.e., a screenreader wouldn't have anything useful to say about it), leave this field blank.", 'required': False}), 11: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('upload', 9), ('alt', 10)]], {}), 12: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('full', 'Full width'), (470, '470px'), (270, '270px'), (170, '170px')]}), 13: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('right', 'right'), ('left', 'left')], 'help_text': 'Does not apply if the image is full-width'}), 14: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'label': 'Caption', 'required': False}), 15: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'Check to add a horizontal rule line to bottom of inset.', 'label': 'Has bottom rule line', 'required': False}), 16: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('image', 11), ('image_width', 12), ('image_position', 13), ('text', 14), ('is_bottom_rule', 15)]], {}), 17: ('wagtail.blocks.MultipleChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('is_full_width', 'Display the table at full width'), ('stack_on_mobile', 'Stack the table columns on mobile')], 'required': False}), 18: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {}), 19: ('wagtail.blocks.FloatBlock', (), {}), 20: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'features': ['bold', 'italic', 'ol', 'ul', 'link', 'document-link', 'superscript']}), 21: ('wagtail.contrib.typed_table_block.blocks.TypedTableBlock', [[('text', 18), ('numeric', 19), ('rich_text', 20)]], {}), 22: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 8), ('text_introduction', 5), ('options', 17), ('data', 21)]], {}), 23: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {}), 24: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'required': False}), 25: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('body', 23), ('citation', 24)]], {}), 26: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'required': False}), 27: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Add an ARIA label if the link text does not describe the destination of the link (e.g. has ambiguous text like "Learn more" that is not descriptive on its own).', 'required': False}), 28: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'default': '/', 'required': False}), 29: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'required': False}), 30: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 5), ('aria_label', 27), ('url', 28), ('is_link_boldface', 29)]], {}), 31: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('slug_text', 5), ('paragraph_text', 26), ('button', 30)]], {}), 32: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (30,), {}), 33: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 5), ('paragraph', 26), ('links', 32)]], {}), 34: ('v1.blocks.ReusableTextChooserBlock', ('v1.ReusableText',), {}), 35: ('v1.blocks.ReusableNotificationChooserBlock', ('v1.ReusableNotification',), {}), 36: ('v1.blocks.EmailSignUpChooserBlock', (), {}), 37: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'label': 'Well', 'required': False}), 38: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content', 37)]], {}), 39: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('content', 0), ('content_with_anchor', 4), ('heading', 8), ('image', 16), ('table', 22), ('quote', 25), ('cta', 31), ('related_links', 33), ('reusable_text', 34), ('reusable_notification', 35), ('email_signup', 36), ('well', 38)]], {}), 40: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'required': False}), 41: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('50-50', '50/50'), ('33-33-33', '33/33/33'), ('25-75', '25/75')], 'help_text': 'Choose the number and width of info unit columns.', 'label': 'Format'}), 42: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': "Check this to link all images and headings to the URL of the first link in their unit's list, if there is a link.", 'required': False}), 43: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add a horizontal rule line to top of info unit group.', 'required': False}), 44: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to show horizontal rule lines between info units.', 'label': 'Show rule lines between items', 'required': False}), 45: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('none', 'None'), ('rounded', 'Rounded corners'), ('circle', 'Circle')], 'help_text': 'Adds a <em>border-radius</em> class to images in this group, allowing for a rounded or circular border.', 'label': 'Border radius for images?', 'required': False}), 46: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 5), ('level', 6), ('icon', 7)]], {'default': {'level': 'h3'}, 'required': False}), 47: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'blank': True, 'required': False}), 48: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (30,), {'required': False}), 49: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('image', 11), ('heading', 46), ('body', 47), ('links', 48)]], {}), 50: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (49,), {'default': []}), 51: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('format', 41), ('heading', 8), ('intro', 26), ('link_image_and_heading', 42), ('has_top_rule_line', 43), ('lines_between_items', 44), ('border_radius_image', 45), ('info_units', 50)]], {}), 52: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('paragraph', 26), ('well', 38), ('links', 30), ('info_unit_group', 51)]], {'blank': True}), 53: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('label', 5), ('icon', 5), ('is_bordered', 40), ('is_midtone', 40), ('is_expanded', 40), ('is_expanded_padding', 40), ('content', 52)]], {}), 54: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Added as an <code>&lt;h3&gt;</code> at the top of this block. Also adds a wrapping <code>&lt;div&gt;</code> whose <code>id</code> attribute comes from a slugified version of this heading, creating an anchor that can be used when linking to this part of the page.', 'required': False}), 55: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add a horizontal rule line to top of expandable group.', 'required': False}), 56: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add FAQ schema markup to expandables.', 'label': 'Uses FAQ schema', 'required': False}), 57: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (53,), {}), 58: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 54), ('body', 26), ('is_accordion', 40), ('has_top_rule_line', 55), ('is_faq', 56), ('expandables', 57)]], {}), 59: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('information', 'Information'), ('warning', 'Warning')]}), 60: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'The main notification message to display.', 'required': True}), 61: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Explanation text appears below the message in smaller type.', 'required': False}), 62: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (30,), {'help_text': 'Links appear on their own lines below the explanation.', 'required': False}), 63: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('type', 59), ('message', 60), ('explanation', 61), ('links', 62)]], {}), 64: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'required': True}), 65: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Accessible description of the chart content', 'required': True}), 66: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('bar', 'Bar'), ('datetime', 'Date/time'), ('line', 'Line'), ('tilemap', 'Tile grid map')]}), 67: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': "URL of the chart's data source or an array of JSON data", 'required': True, 'rows': 2}), 68: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'For charts pulling from a separate source file, include a list of the column headers (from a CSV file) or keys (from a JSON file) to include in the chart as  ["HEADER/KEY1", "HEADER/KEY2"]. To change how the data is labeled in the chart, include the correct labels with the format [{"key": "HEADER/KEY1", "label": "NEWLABEL"}, {"key": "HEADER/KEY2", "label": "NEWLABEL2"}]', 'required': False}), 69: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'Uncheck this option to initially only show the first data  series in the chart. Leave checked to show all data  series by default. Users can always turn data series on  or off by interacting with the chart legend. ', 'required': False}), 70: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'The column header (CSV), key or data array (JSON) to include as the source of x-axis values.', 'required': False}), 71: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': "Name the javascript function in chart-hooks.js to run on the provided data before handing it to the chart. Can also provide '___'-separated arguments to this function which are passed in as arguments 2 to n", 'required': False}), 72: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'If the chart needs the option for users to filter the data shown, for example by date or geographic region, provide the JSON objects to filter on, in the format  {key: "KEY", "label": "LABEL"}', 'required': False}), 73: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'A JSON object with style overrides for the underlying Highcharts chart. No object merging is done, nested objects should be referenced with dot notation: {"tooltip.shape": "circle"}', 'required': False}), 74: ('wagtail.blocks.IntegerBlock', (), {'blank': True, 'help_text': 'A number to determine how many months of the data are projected values', 'max_value': 12, 'min_value': 0, 'null': True, 'required': False}), 75: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Attribution for the data source', 'required': False}), 76: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'When the underlying data was published', 'required': False}), 77: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Custom text for the chart download field. Required to display a download link.', 'required': False}), 78: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Location of a file to download, if different from the data source', 'required': False}), 79: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'General chart information', 'required': False}), 80: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('title', 64), ('subtitle', 24), ('description', 65), ('figure_number', 5), ('chart_type', 66), ('data_source', 67), ('data_series', 68), ('show_all_series_by_default', 69), ('x_axis_source', 70), ('transform', 71), ('x_axis_label', 5), ('y_axis_label', 5), ('filters', 72), ('style_overrides', 73), ('projected_months', 74), ('source_credits', 75), ('date_published', 76), ('download_text', 77), ('download_file', 78), ('notes', 79)]], {}), 81: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'features': ['bold', 'italic', 'link']}), 82: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('website', 81), ('phone', 81), ('mailing_address', 81)]], {}), 83: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (v1.atomic_elements.tables.CaseDocketEvent,), {'collapsed': True, 'min_num': 1}), 84: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('events', 83)]], {})}),
+        ),
+        migrations.AlterField(
+            model_name='enforcementactionpage',
+            name='content',
+            field=wagtail.fields.StreamField([('full_width_text', 39), ('expandable', 53), ('expandable_group', 58), ('notification', 63)], blank=True, block_lookup={0: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'icon': 'edit'}), 1: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {}), 2: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': '\n            ID will be auto-generated on save.\n            However, you may enter some human-friendly text that\n            will be incorporated to make it easier to read.\n        ', 'label': 'ID for this content block', 'required': False}), 3: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('link_id', 2)]], {}), 4: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content_block', 1), ('anchor_link', 3)]], {}), 5: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'required': False}), 6: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('h2', 'H2'), ('h3', 'H3'), ('h4', 'H4'), ('h5', 'H5')]}), 7: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Input the name of an icon to appear to the left of the heading. E.g., approved, help-round, etc. <a href="">See full list of icons</a>', 'required': False}), 8: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 5), ('level', 6), ('icon', 7)]], {'required': False}), 9: ('wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock', (), {'required': False}), 10: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': "No character limit, but be as succinct as possible. If the image is decorative (i.e., a screenreader wouldn't have anything useful to say about it), leave this field blank.", 'required': False}), 11: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('upload', 9), ('alt', 10)]], {}), 12: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('full', 'Full width'), (470, '470px'), (270, '270px'), (170, '170px')]}), 13: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('right', 'right'), ('left', 'left')], 'help_text': 'Does not apply if the image is full-width'}), 14: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'label': 'Caption', 'required': False}), 15: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'Check to add a horizontal rule line to bottom of inset.', 'label': 'Has bottom rule line', 'required': False}), 16: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('image', 11), ('image_width', 12), ('image_position', 13), ('text', 14), ('is_bottom_rule', 15)]], {}), 17: ('wagtail.blocks.MultipleChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('is_full_width', 'Display the table at full width'), ('stack_on_mobile', 'Stack the table columns on mobile')], 'required': False}), 18: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {}), 19: ('wagtail.blocks.FloatBlock', (), {}), 20: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'features': ['bold', 'italic', 'ol', 'ul', 'link', 'document-link', 'superscript']}), 21: ('wagtail.contrib.typed_table_block.blocks.TypedTableBlock', [[('text', 18), ('numeric', 19), ('rich_text', 20)]], {}), 22: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 8), ('text_introduction', 5), ('options', 17), ('data', 21)]], {}), 23: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {}), 24: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'required': False}), 25: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('body', 23), ('citation', 24)]], {}), 26: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'required': False}), 27: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Add an ARIA label if the link text does not describe the destination of the link (e.g. has ambiguous text like "Learn more" that is not descriptive on its own).', 'required': False}), 28: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'default': '/', 'required': False}), 29: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'required': False}), 30: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 5), ('aria_label', 27), ('url', 28), ('is_link_boldface', 29)]], {}), 31: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('slug_text', 5), ('paragraph_text', 26), ('button', 30)]], {}), 32: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (30,), {}), 33: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 5), ('paragraph', 26), ('links', 32)]], {}), 34: ('v1.blocks.ReusableTextChooserBlock', ('v1.ReusableText',), {}), 35: ('v1.blocks.ReusableNotificationChooserBlock', ('v1.ReusableNotification',), {}), 36: ('v1.blocks.EmailSignUpChooserBlock', (), {}), 37: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'label': 'Well', 'required': False}), 38: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content', 37)]], {}), 39: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('content', 0), ('content_with_anchor', 4), ('heading', 8), ('image', 16), ('table', 22), ('quote', 25), ('cta', 31), ('related_links', 33), ('reusable_text', 34), ('reusable_notification', 35), ('email_signup', 36), ('well', 38)]], {}), 40: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'required': False}), 41: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('50-50', '50/50'), ('33-33-33', '33/33/33'), ('25-75', '25/75')], 'help_text': 'Choose the number and width of info unit columns.', 'label': 'Format'}), 42: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': "Check this to link all images and headings to the URL of the first link in their unit's list, if there is a link.", 'required': False}), 43: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add a horizontal rule line to top of info unit group.', 'required': False}), 44: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to show horizontal rule lines between info units.', 'label': 'Show rule lines between items', 'required': False}), 45: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('none', 'None'), ('rounded', 'Rounded corners'), ('circle', 'Circle')], 'help_text': 'Adds a <em>border-radius</em> class to images in this group, allowing for a rounded or circular border.', 'label': 'Border radius for images?', 'required': False}), 46: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 5), ('level', 6), ('icon', 7)]], {'default': {'level': 'h3'}, 'required': False}), 47: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'blank': True, 'required': False}), 48: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (30,), {'required': False}), 49: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('image', 11), ('heading', 46), ('body', 47), ('links', 48)]], {}), 50: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (49,), {'default': []}), 51: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('format', 41), ('heading', 8), ('intro', 26), ('link_image_and_heading', 42), ('has_top_rule_line', 43), ('lines_between_items', 44), ('border_radius_image', 45), ('info_units', 50)]], {}), 52: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('paragraph', 26), ('well', 38), ('links', 30), ('info_unit_group', 51)]], {'blank': True}), 53: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('label', 5), ('icon', 5), ('is_bordered', 40), ('is_midtone', 40), ('is_expanded', 40), ('is_expanded_padding', 40), ('content', 52)]], {}), 54: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Added as an <code>&lt;h3&gt;</code> at the top of this block. Also adds a wrapping <code>&lt;div&gt;</code> whose <code>id</code> attribute comes from a slugified version of this heading, creating an anchor that can be used when linking to this part of the page.', 'required': False}), 55: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add a horizontal rule line to top of expandable group.', 'required': False}), 56: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add FAQ schema markup to expandables.', 'label': 'Uses FAQ schema', 'required': False}), 57: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (53,), {}), 58: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 54), ('body', 26), ('is_accordion', 40), ('has_top_rule_line', 55), ('is_faq', 56), ('expandables', 57)]], {}), 59: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('information', 'Information'), ('warning', 'Warning')]}), 60: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'The main notification message to display.', 'required': True}), 61: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Explanation text appears below the message in smaller type.', 'required': False}), 62: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (30,), {'help_text': 'Links appear on their own lines below the explanation.', 'required': False}), 63: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('type', 59), ('message', 60), ('explanation', 61), ('links', 62)]], {})}),
+        ),
+        migrations.AlterField(
+            model_name='learnpage',
+            name='content',
+            field=wagtail.fields.StreamField([('full_width_text', 39), ('info_unit_group', 50), ('expandable_group', 58), ('expandable', 56), ('well', 38), ('call_to_action', 31), ('video_player', 61), ('audio_player', 64), ('email_signup', 36), ('simple_chart', 81), ('table', 22), ('faq_group', 90), ('contact_us_table', 92)], blank=True, block_lookup={0: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'icon': 'edit'}), 1: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {}), 2: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': '\n            ID will be auto-generated on save.\n            However, you may enter some human-friendly text that\n            will be incorporated to make it easier to read.\n        ', 'label': 'ID for this content block', 'required': False}), 3: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('link_id', 2)]], {}), 4: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content_block', 1), ('anchor_link', 3)]], {}), 5: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'required': False}), 6: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('h2', 'H2'), ('h3', 'H3'), ('h4', 'H4'), ('h5', 'H5')]}), 7: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Input the name of an icon to appear to the left of the heading. E.g., approved, help-round, etc. <a href="">See full list of icons</a>', 'required': False}), 8: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 5), ('level', 6), ('icon', 7)]], {'required': False}), 9: ('wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock', (), {'required': False}), 10: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': "No character limit, but be as succinct as possible. If the image is decorative (i.e., a screenreader wouldn't have anything useful to say about it), leave this field blank.", 'required': False}), 11: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('upload', 9), ('alt', 10)]], {}), 12: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('full', 'Full width'), (470, '470px'), (270, '270px'), (170, '170px')]}), 13: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('right', 'right'), ('left', 'left')], 'help_text': 'Does not apply if the image is full-width'}), 14: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'label': 'Caption', 'required': False}), 15: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'Check to add a horizontal rule line to bottom of inset.', 'label': 'Has bottom rule line', 'required': False}), 16: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('image', 11), ('image_width', 12), ('image_position', 13), ('text', 14), ('is_bottom_rule', 15)]], {}), 17: ('wagtail.blocks.MultipleChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('is_full_width', 'Display the table at full width'), ('stack_on_mobile', 'Stack the table columns on mobile')], 'required': False}), 18: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {}), 19: ('wagtail.blocks.FloatBlock', (), {}), 20: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'features': ['bold', 'italic', 'ol', 'ul', 'link', 'document-link', 'superscript']}), 21: ('wagtail.contrib.typed_table_block.blocks.TypedTableBlock', [[('text', 18), ('numeric', 19), ('rich_text', 20)]], {}), 22: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 8), ('text_introduction', 5), ('options', 17), ('data', 21)]], {}), 23: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {}), 24: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'required': False}), 25: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('body', 23), ('citation', 24)]], {}), 26: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'required': False}), 27: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Add an ARIA label if the link text does not describe the destination of the link (e.g. has ambiguous text like "Learn more" that is not descriptive on its own).', 'required': False}), 28: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'default': '/', 'required': False}), 29: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'required': False}), 30: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 5), ('aria_label', 27), ('url', 28), ('is_link_boldface', 29)]], {}), 31: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('slug_text', 5), ('paragraph_text', 26), ('button', 30)]], {}), 32: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (30,), {}), 33: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 5), ('paragraph', 26), ('links', 32)]], {}), 34: ('v1.blocks.ReusableTextChooserBlock', ('v1.ReusableText',), {}), 35: ('v1.blocks.ReusableNotificationChooserBlock', ('v1.ReusableNotification',), {}), 36: ('v1.blocks.EmailSignUpChooserBlock', (), {}), 37: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'label': 'Well', 'required': False}), 38: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content', 37)]], {}), 39: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('content', 0), ('content_with_anchor', 4), ('heading', 8), ('image', 16), ('table', 22), ('quote', 25), ('cta', 31), ('related_links', 33), ('reusable_text', 34), ('reusable_notification', 35), ('email_signup', 36), ('well', 38)]], {}), 40: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('50-50', '50/50'), ('33-33-33', '33/33/33'), ('25-75', '25/75')], 'help_text': 'Choose the number and width of info unit columns.', 'label': 'Format'}), 41: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': "Check this to link all images and headings to the URL of the first link in their unit's list, if there is a link.", 'required': False}), 42: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add a horizontal rule line to top of info unit group.', 'required': False}), 43: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to show horizontal rule lines between info units.', 'label': 'Show rule lines between items', 'required': False}), 44: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('none', 'None'), ('rounded', 'Rounded corners'), ('circle', 'Circle')], 'help_text': 'Adds a <em>border-radius</em> class to images in this group, allowing for a rounded or circular border.', 'label': 'Border radius for images?', 'required': False}), 45: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 5), ('level', 6), ('icon', 7)]], {'default': {'level': 'h3'}, 'required': False}), 46: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'blank': True, 'required': False}), 47: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (30,), {'required': False}), 48: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('image', 11), ('heading', 45), ('body', 46), ('links', 47)]], {}), 49: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (48,), {'default': []}), 50: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('format', 40), ('heading', 8), ('intro', 26), ('link_image_and_heading', 41), ('has_top_rule_line', 42), ('lines_between_items', 43), ('border_radius_image', 44), ('info_units', 49)]], {}), 51: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Added as an <code>&lt;h3&gt;</code> at the top of this block. Also adds a wrapping <code>&lt;div&gt;</code> whose <code>id</code> attribute comes from a slugified version of this heading, creating an anchor that can be used when linking to this part of the page.', 'required': False}), 52: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'required': False}), 53: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add a horizontal rule line to top of expandable group.', 'required': False}), 54: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add FAQ schema markup to expandables.', 'label': 'Uses FAQ schema', 'required': False}), 55: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('paragraph', 26), ('well', 38), ('links', 30), ('info_unit_group', 50)]], {'blank': True}), 56: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('label', 5), ('icon', 5), ('is_bordered', 52), ('is_midtone', 52), ('is_expanded', 52), ('is_expanded_padding', 52), ('content', 55)]], {}), 57: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (56,), {}), 58: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 51), ('body', 26), ('is_accordion', 52), ('has_top_rule_line', 53), ('is_faq', 54), ('expandables', 57)]], {}), 59: ('wagtail.blocks.RegexBlock', (), {'error_messages': {'invalid': 'The YouTube video ID is in the wrong format.'}, 'help_text': 'Enter the YouTube video ID, which is located at the end of the video URL, after "v=". For example, the video ID for is 1V0Ax9OIc84.', 'label': 'YouTube video ID', 'regex': '^[\\w-]{11}$', 'required': False}), 60: ('wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Optional thumbnail image to show before and after the video plays. If the thumbnail image is not set here, the video player will default to showing the thumbnail that was set in (or automatically chosen by) YouTube.', 'required': False}), 61: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('video_id', 59), ('thumbnail_image', 60)]], {}), 62: ('wagtailmedia.blocks.AbstractMediaChooserBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Spoken word audio files should be in MP3 format with a 44.1 kHz sample rate, 96 kbps (CBR) bitrate, in mono. See <a href="">Libsyn’s guidance</a> for details. Note that the thumbnail and tag fields will not be used for audio files.'}), 63: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'If you have anything you want to appear below the audio player, such as a download link, put it in this field.', 'required': False}), 64: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 8), ('body', 26), ('audio_file', 62), ('additional_details', 63)]], {}), 65: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'required': True}), 66: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Accessible description of the chart content', 'required': True}), 67: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('bar', 'Bar'), ('datetime', 'Date/time'), ('line', 'Line'), ('tilemap', 'Tile grid map')]}), 68: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': "URL of the chart's data source or an array of JSON data", 'required': True, 'rows': 2}), 69: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'For charts pulling from a separate source file, include a list of the column headers (from a CSV file) or keys (from a JSON file) to include in the chart as  ["HEADER/KEY1", "HEADER/KEY2"]. To change how the data is labeled in the chart, include the correct labels with the format [{"key": "HEADER/KEY1", "label": "NEWLABEL"}, {"key": "HEADER/KEY2", "label": "NEWLABEL2"}]', 'required': False}), 70: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'Uncheck this option to initially only show the first data  series in the chart. Leave checked to show all data  series by default. Users can always turn data series on  or off by interacting with the chart legend. ', 'required': False}), 71: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'The column header (CSV), key or data array (JSON) to include as the source of x-axis values.', 'required': False}), 72: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': "Name the javascript function in chart-hooks.js to run on the provided data before handing it to the chart. Can also provide '___'-separated arguments to this function which are passed in as arguments 2 to n", 'required': False}), 73: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'If the chart needs the option for users to filter the data shown, for example by date or geographic region, provide the JSON objects to filter on, in the format  {key: "KEY", "label": "LABEL"}', 'required': False}), 74: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'A JSON object with style overrides for the underlying Highcharts chart. No object merging is done, nested objects should be referenced with dot notation: {"tooltip.shape": "circle"}', 'required': False}), 75: ('wagtail.blocks.IntegerBlock', (), {'blank': True, 'help_text': 'A number to determine how many months of the data are projected values', 'max_value': 12, 'min_value': 0, 'null': True, 'required': False}), 76: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Attribution for the data source', 'required': False}), 77: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'When the underlying data was published', 'required': False}), 78: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Custom text for the chart download field. Required to display a download link.', 'required': False}), 79: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Location of a file to download, if different from the data source', 'required': False}), 80: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'General chart information', 'required': False}), 81: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('title', 65), ('subtitle', 24), ('description', 66), ('figure_number', 5), ('chart_type', 67), ('data_source', 68), ('data_series', 69), ('show_all_series_by_default', 70), ('x_axis_source', 71), ('transform', 72), ('x_axis_label', 5), ('y_axis_label', 5), ('filters', 73), ('style_overrides', 74), ('projected_months', 75), ('source_credits', 76), ('date_published', 77), ('download_text', 78), ('download_file', 79), ('notes', 80)]], {}), 82: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add a horizontal rule line to top of FAQ group.', 'required': False}), 83: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to show horizontal rule lines between FAQ items.', 'label': 'Show rule lines between items', 'required': False}), 84: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('h2', 'h2'), ('h3', 'h3'), ('h4', 'h4'), ('p', 'p')], 'help_text': 'HTML tag for questions.'}), 85: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'blank': True, 'help_text': "Add an optional anchor link tag for this question. Tag should be unique and use dashes or underscores for separation instead of spaces (ie, 'question-one-tag')", 'max_length': 500, 'required': False}), 86: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'max_length': 500}), 87: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('full_width_text', 39), ('info_unit_group', 50)]], {}), 88: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('anchor_tag', 85), ('question', 86), ('answer', 87)]], {}), 89: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (88,), {'label': 'FAQ items'}), 90: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('has_top_rule_line', 82), ('lines_between_items', 83), ('question_tag', 84), ('faq_items', 89)]], {}), 91: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (v1.atomic_elements.tables.ContactUsRow,), {'collapsed': True, 'min_num': 1}), 92: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 18), ('rows', 91)]], {})}),
+        ),
+        migrations.AlterField(
+            model_name='legacyblogpage',
+            name='content',
+            field=wagtail.fields.StreamField([('full_width_text', 39), ('info_unit_group', 50), ('expandable', 53), ('well', 38), ('video_player', 56), ('email_signup', 36), ('simple_chart', 73), ('faq_schema', 84), ('how_to_schema', 94), ('content', 95), ('reusable_text', 34)], block_lookup={0: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'icon': 'edit'}), 1: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {}), 2: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': '\n            ID will be auto-generated on save.\n            However, you may enter some human-friendly text that\n            will be incorporated to make it easier to read.\n        ', 'label': 'ID for this content block', 'required': False}), 3: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('link_id', 2)]], {}), 4: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content_block', 1), ('anchor_link', 3)]], {}), 5: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'required': False}), 6: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('h2', 'H2'), ('h3', 'H3'), ('h4', 'H4'), ('h5', 'H5')]}), 7: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Input the name of an icon to appear to the left of the heading. E.g., approved, help-round, etc. <a href="">See full list of icons</a>', 'required': False}), 8: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 5), ('level', 6), ('icon', 7)]], {'required': False}), 9: ('wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock', (), {'required': False}), 10: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': "No character limit, but be as succinct as possible. If the image is decorative (i.e., a screenreader wouldn't have anything useful to say about it), leave this field blank.", 'required': False}), 11: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('upload', 9), ('alt', 10)]], {}), 12: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('full', 'Full width'), (470, '470px'), (270, '270px'), (170, '170px')]}), 13: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('right', 'right'), ('left', 'left')], 'help_text': 'Does not apply if the image is full-width'}), 14: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'label': 'Caption', 'required': False}), 15: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'Check to add a horizontal rule line to bottom of inset.', 'label': 'Has bottom rule line', 'required': False}), 16: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('image', 11), ('image_width', 12), ('image_position', 13), ('text', 14), ('is_bottom_rule', 15)]], {}), 17: ('wagtail.blocks.MultipleChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('is_full_width', 'Display the table at full width'), ('stack_on_mobile', 'Stack the table columns on mobile')], 'required': False}), 18: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {}), 19: ('wagtail.blocks.FloatBlock', (), {}), 20: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'features': ['bold', 'italic', 'ol', 'ul', 'link', 'document-link', 'superscript']}), 21: ('wagtail.contrib.typed_table_block.blocks.TypedTableBlock', [[('text', 18), ('numeric', 19), ('rich_text', 20)]], {}), 22: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 8), ('text_introduction', 5), ('options', 17), ('data', 21)]], {}), 23: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {}), 24: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'required': False}), 25: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('body', 23), ('citation', 24)]], {}), 26: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'required': False}), 27: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Add an ARIA label if the link text does not describe the destination of the link (e.g. has ambiguous text like "Learn more" that is not descriptive on its own).', 'required': False}), 28: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'default': '/', 'required': False}), 29: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'required': False}), 30: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 5), ('aria_label', 27), ('url', 28), ('is_link_boldface', 29)]], {}), 31: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('slug_text', 5), ('paragraph_text', 26), ('button', 30)]], {}), 32: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (30,), {}), 33: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 5), ('paragraph', 26), ('links', 32)]], {}), 34: ('v1.blocks.ReusableTextChooserBlock', ('v1.ReusableText',), {}), 35: ('v1.blocks.ReusableNotificationChooserBlock', ('v1.ReusableNotification',), {}), 36: ('v1.blocks.EmailSignUpChooserBlock', (), {}), 37: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'label': 'Well', 'required': False}), 38: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content', 37)]], {}), 39: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('content', 0), ('content_with_anchor', 4), ('heading', 8), ('image', 16), ('table', 22), ('quote', 25), ('cta', 31), ('related_links', 33), ('reusable_text', 34), ('reusable_notification', 35), ('email_signup', 36), ('well', 38)]], {}), 40: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('50-50', '50/50'), ('33-33-33', '33/33/33'), ('25-75', '25/75')], 'help_text': 'Choose the number and width of info unit columns.', 'label': 'Format'}), 41: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': "Check this to link all images and headings to the URL of the first link in their unit's list, if there is a link.", 'required': False}), 42: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add a horizontal rule line to top of info unit group.', 'required': False}), 43: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to show horizontal rule lines between info units.', 'label': 'Show rule lines between items', 'required': False}), 44: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('none', 'None'), ('rounded', 'Rounded corners'), ('circle', 'Circle')], 'help_text': 'Adds a <em>border-radius</em> class to images in this group, allowing for a rounded or circular border.', 'label': 'Border radius for images?', 'required': False}), 45: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 5), ('level', 6), ('icon', 7)]], {'default': {'level': 'h3'}, 'required': False}), 46: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'blank': True, 'required': False}), 47: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (30,), {'required': False}), 48: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('image', 11), ('heading', 45), ('body', 46), ('links', 47)]], {}), 49: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (48,), {'default': []}), 50: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('format', 40), ('heading', 8), ('intro', 26), ('link_image_and_heading', 41), ('has_top_rule_line', 42), ('lines_between_items', 43), ('border_radius_image', 44), ('info_units', 49)]], {}), 51: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'required': False}), 52: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('paragraph', 26), ('well', 38), ('links', 30), ('info_unit_group', 50)]], {'blank': True}), 53: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('label', 5), ('icon', 5), ('is_bordered', 51), ('is_midtone', 51), ('is_expanded', 51), ('is_expanded_padding', 51), ('content', 52)]], {}), 54: ('wagtail.blocks.RegexBlock', (), {'error_messages': {'invalid': 'The YouTube video ID is in the wrong format.'}, 'help_text': 'Enter the YouTube video ID, which is located at the end of the video URL, after "v=". For example, the video ID for is 1V0Ax9OIc84.', 'label': 'YouTube video ID', 'regex': '^[\\w-]{11}$', 'required': False}), 55: ('wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Optional thumbnail image to show before and after the video plays. If the thumbnail image is not set here, the video player will default to showing the thumbnail that was set in (or automatically chosen by) YouTube.', 'required': False}), 56: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('video_id', 54), ('thumbnail_image', 55)]], {}), 57: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'required': True}), 58: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Accessible description of the chart content', 'required': True}), 59: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('bar', 'Bar'), ('datetime', 'Date/time'), ('line', 'Line'), ('tilemap', 'Tile grid map')]}), 60: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': "URL of the chart's data source or an array of JSON data", 'required': True, 'rows': 2}), 61: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'For charts pulling from a separate source file, include a list of the column headers (from a CSV file) or keys (from a JSON file) to include in the chart as  ["HEADER/KEY1", "HEADER/KEY2"]. To change how the data is labeled in the chart, include the correct labels with the format [{"key": "HEADER/KEY1", "label": "NEWLABEL"}, {"key": "HEADER/KEY2", "label": "NEWLABEL2"}]', 'required': False}), 62: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'Uncheck this option to initially only show the first data  series in the chart. Leave checked to show all data  series by default. Users can always turn data series on  or off by interacting with the chart legend. ', 'required': False}), 63: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'The column header (CSV), key or data array (JSON) to include as the source of x-axis values.', 'required': False}), 64: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': "Name the javascript function in chart-hooks.js to run on the provided data before handing it to the chart. Can also provide '___'-separated arguments to this function which are passed in as arguments 2 to n", 'required': False}), 65: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'If the chart needs the option for users to filter the data shown, for example by date or geographic region, provide the JSON objects to filter on, in the format  {key: "KEY", "label": "LABEL"}', 'required': False}), 66: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'A JSON object with style overrides for the underlying Highcharts chart. No object merging is done, nested objects should be referenced with dot notation: {"tooltip.shape": "circle"}', 'required': False}), 67: ('wagtail.blocks.IntegerBlock', (), {'blank': True, 'help_text': 'A number to determine how many months of the data are projected values', 'max_value': 12, 'min_value': 0, 'null': True, 'required': False}), 68: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Attribution for the data source', 'required': False}), 69: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'When the underlying data was published', 'required': False}), 70: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Custom text for the chart download field. Required to display a download link.', 'required': False}), 71: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Location of a file to download, if different from the data source', 'required': False}), 72: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'General chart information', 'required': False}), 73: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('title', 57), ('subtitle', 24), ('description', 58), ('figure_number', 5), ('chart_type', 59), ('data_source', 60), ('data_series', 61), ('show_all_series_by_default', 62), ('x_axis_source', 63), ('transform', 64), ('x_axis_label', 5), ('y_axis_label', 5), ('filters', 65), ('style_overrides', 66), ('projected_months', 67), ('source_credits', 68), ('date_published', 69), ('download_text', 70), ('download_file', 71), ('notes', 72)]], {}), 74: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'blank': True, 'features': ['ol', 'ul', 'bold', 'italic', 'link', 'document-link'], 'required': False}), 75: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'blank': True, 'help_text': "Add an optional anchor link tag for this question. Tag should be unique and use dashes or underscores for separation instead of spaces (ie, 'question-one-tag')", 'max_length': 500, 'required': False}), 76: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'max_length': 500}), 77: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'features': ['bold', 'italic', 'h3', 'h4', 'link', 'ol', 'ul', 'document-link', 'image', 'embed'], 'label': 'Text'}), 78: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content', 77)]], {}), 79: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'features': ['link', 'document-link'], 'label': 'Tip'}), 80: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content', 79)]], {}), 81: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('text', 78), ('table', 22), ('tip', 80), ('video_player', 56)]], {}), 82: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('anchor_tag', 75), ('question', 76), ('answer_content', 81)]], {}), 83: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (82,), {}), 84: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('description', 74), ('questions', 83)]], {'label': 'FAQ schema'}), 85: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'label': 'Title of How To section', 'max_length': 500}), 86: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('h2', 'H2'), ('h3', 'H3'), ('h4', 'H4')], 'help_text': 'Choose a tag for the title of the How To section.', 'label': 'Tag for How To section title'}), 87: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'The How To schema requires a title to let search engines understand what it is about. If you do not want the title to be displayed in the page, uncheck this box and the title content will only be made available to crawlers and screen readers.', 'label': 'Show How To section title', 'required': False}), 88: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('h2', 'H2'), ('h3', 'H3'), ('h4', 'H4'), ('b', 'Bold'), ('p', 'Paragraph')], 'help_text': 'Choose a tag for the title of each HowTo step.', 'label': 'Tag for step titles'}), 89: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this box to display numbers before step titles. ', 'label': 'Show numbers for steps', 'required': False}), 90: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'blank': True, 'help_text': "Add an optional anchor link tag to allow linking directly to this step. Tag should be unique and use dashes or underscores for separation instead of spaces (ie, 'step-one-tag').", 'max_length': 500, 'required': False}), 91: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Enter a title for this HowTo step. You do not need to include a number in the title -- numbers will be added automatically in the template if the show numbers checkbox is checked.', 'max_length': 500}), 92: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('anchor_tag', 90), ('title', 91), ('step_content', 81)]], {}), 93: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (92,), {}), 94: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('title', 85), ('title_tag', 86), ('show_title', 87), ('description', 74), ('step_title_tag', 88), ('has_numbers', 89), ('steps', 93)]], {'label': 'HowTo schema', 'max_num': 1}), 95: ('wagtail.blocks.RawHTMLBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Content from WordPress unescaped.'})}),
+        ),
+        migrations.AlterField(
+            model_name='storypage',
+            name='content',
+            field=wagtail.fields.StreamField([('expandable_group', 32), ('featured_content', 41), ('full_width_text', 66), ('image', 51), ('info_unit_group', 28), ('text_introduction', 69), ('video_player', 70), ('simple_chart', 87)], blank=True, block_lookup={0: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Added as an <code>&lt;h3&gt;</code> at the top of this block. Also adds a wrapping <code>&lt;div&gt;</code> whose <code>id</code> attribute comes from a slugified version of this heading, creating an anchor that can be used when linking to this part of the page.', 'required': False}), 1: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'required': False}), 2: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'required': False}), 3: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add a horizontal rule line to top of expandable group.', 'required': False}), 4: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add FAQ schema markup to expandables.', 'label': 'Uses FAQ schema', 'required': False}), 5: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'required': False}), 6: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'label': 'Well', 'required': False}), 7: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content', 6)]], {}), 8: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Add an ARIA label if the link text does not describe the destination of the link (e.g. has ambiguous text like "Learn more" that is not descriptive on its own).', 'required': False}), 9: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'default': '/', 'required': False}), 10: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'required': False}), 11: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 5), ('aria_label', 8), ('url', 9), ('is_link_boldface', 10)]], {}), 12: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('50-50', '50/50'), ('33-33-33', '33/33/33'), ('25-75', '25/75')], 'help_text': 'Choose the number and width of info unit columns.', 'label': 'Format'}), 13: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('h2', 'H2'), ('h3', 'H3'), ('h4', 'H4'), ('h5', 'H5')]}), 14: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Input the name of an icon to appear to the left of the heading. E.g., approved, help-round, etc. <a href="">See full list of icons</a>', 'required': False}), 15: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 5), ('level', 13), ('icon', 14)]], {'required': False}), 16: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': "Check this to link all images and headings to the URL of the first link in their unit's list, if there is a link.", 'required': False}), 17: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add a horizontal rule line to top of info unit group.', 'required': False}), 18: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to show horizontal rule lines between info units.', 'label': 'Show rule lines between items', 'required': False}), 19: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('none', 'None'), ('rounded', 'Rounded corners'), ('circle', 'Circle')], 'help_text': 'Adds a <em>border-radius</em> class to images in this group, allowing for a rounded or circular border.', 'label': 'Border radius for images?', 'required': False}), 20: ('wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock', (), {'required': False}), 21: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': "No character limit, but be as succinct as possible. If the image is decorative (i.e., a screenreader wouldn't have anything useful to say about it), leave this field blank.", 'required': False}), 22: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('upload', 20), ('alt', 21)]], {}), 23: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 5), ('level', 13), ('icon', 14)]], {'default': {'level': 'h3'}, 'required': False}), 24: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'blank': True, 'required': False}), 25: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (11,), {'required': False}), 26: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('image', 22), ('heading', 23), ('body', 24), ('links', 25)]], {}), 27: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (26,), {'default': []}), 28: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('format', 12), ('heading', 15), ('intro', 1), ('link_image_and_heading', 16), ('has_top_rule_line', 17), ('lines_between_items', 18), ('border_radius_image', 19), ('info_units', 27)]], {}), 29: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('paragraph', 1), ('well', 7), ('links', 11), ('info_unit_group', 28)]], {'blank': True}), 30: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('label', 5), ('icon', 5), ('is_bordered', 2), ('is_midtone', 2), ('is_expanded', 2), ('is_expanded_padding', 2), ('content', 29)]], {}), 31: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (30,), {}), 32: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 0), ('body', 1), ('is_accordion', 2), ('has_top_rule_line', 3), ('is_faq', 4), ('expandables', 31)]], {}), 33: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {}), 34: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Line breaks will be ignored.'}), 35: ('wagtail.blocks.PageChooserBlock', (), {'required': False}), 36: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'label': 'Render post link?', 'required': False}), 37: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (11,), {'label': 'Additional Links'}), 38: ('wagtail.blocks.RegexBlock', (), {'error_messages': {'invalid': 'The YouTube video ID is in the wrong format.'}, 'help_text': 'Enter the YouTube video ID, which is located at the end of the video URL, after "v=". For example, the video ID for is 1V0Ax9OIc84.', 'label': 'YouTube video ID', 'regex': '^[\\w-]{11}$', 'required': False}), 39: ('wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Optional thumbnail image to show before and after the video plays. If the thumbnail image is not set here, the video player will default to showing the thumbnail that was set in (or automatically chosen by) YouTube.', 'required': False}), 40: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('video_id', 38), ('thumbnail_image', 39)]], {'required': False}), 41: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 33), ('body', 34), ('post', 35), ('show_post_link', 36), ('post_link_text', 5), ('image', 22), ('links', 37), ('video', 40)]], {}), 42: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'icon': 'edit'}), 43: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {}), 44: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': '\n            ID will be auto-generated on save.\n            However, you may enter some human-friendly text that\n            will be incorporated to make it easier to read.\n        ', 'label': 'ID for this content block', 'required': False}), 45: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('link_id', 44)]], {}), 46: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content_block', 43), ('anchor_link', 45)]], {}), 47: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('full', 'Full width'), (470, '470px'), (270, '270px'), (170, '170px')]}), 48: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('right', 'right'), ('left', 'left')], 'help_text': 'Does not apply if the image is full-width'}), 49: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'label': 'Caption', 'required': False}), 50: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'Check to add a horizontal rule line to bottom of inset.', 'label': 'Has bottom rule line', 'required': False}), 51: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('image', 22), ('image_width', 47), ('image_position', 48), ('text', 49), ('is_bottom_rule', 50)]], {}), 52: ('wagtail.blocks.MultipleChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('is_full_width', 'Display the table at full width'), ('stack_on_mobile', 'Stack the table columns on mobile')], 'required': False}), 53: ('wagtail.blocks.FloatBlock', (), {}), 54: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'features': ['bold', 'italic', 'ol', 'ul', 'link', 'document-link', 'superscript']}), 55: ('wagtail.contrib.typed_table_block.blocks.TypedTableBlock', [[('text', 33), ('numeric', 53), ('rich_text', 54)]], {}), 56: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 15), ('text_introduction', 5), ('options', 52), ('data', 55)]], {}), 57: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {}), 58: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'required': False}), 59: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('body', 57), ('citation', 58)]], {}), 60: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('slug_text', 5), ('paragraph_text', 1), ('button', 11)]], {}), 61: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (11,), {}), 62: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 5), ('paragraph', 1), ('links', 61)]], {}), 63: ('v1.blocks.ReusableTextChooserBlock', ('v1.ReusableText',), {}), 64: ('v1.blocks.ReusableNotificationChooserBlock', ('v1.ReusableNotification',), {}), 65: ('v1.blocks.EmailSignUpChooserBlock', (), {}), 66: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('content', 42), ('content_with_anchor', 46), ('heading', 15), ('image', 51), ('table', 56), ('quote', 59), ('cta', 60), ('related_links', 62), ('reusable_text', 63), ('reusable_notification', 64), ('email_signup', 65), ('well', 7)]], {}), 67: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Optional: Adds an H5 eyebrow above H1 heading text. Only use in conjunction with heading.', 'label': 'Pre-heading', 'required': False}), 68: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Check this to add a horizontal rule line to bottom of text introduction.', 'label': 'Has bottom rule', 'required': False}), 69: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('eyebrow', 67), ('heading', 5), ('intro', 1), ('body', 1), ('links', 25), ('has_rule', 68)]], {}), 70: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('video_id', 38), ('thumbnail_image', 39)]], {}), 71: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'required': True}), 72: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Accessible description of the chart content', 'required': True}), 73: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('bar', 'Bar'), ('datetime', 'Date/time'), ('line', 'Line'), ('tilemap', 'Tile grid map')]}), 74: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': "URL of the chart's data source or an array of JSON data", 'required': True, 'rows': 2}), 75: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'For charts pulling from a separate source file, include a list of the column headers (from a CSV file) or keys (from a JSON file) to include in the chart as  ["HEADER/KEY1", "HEADER/KEY2"]. To change how the data is labeled in the chart, include the correct labels with the format [{"key": "HEADER/KEY1", "label": "NEWLABEL"}, {"key": "HEADER/KEY2", "label": "NEWLABEL2"}]', 'required': False}), 76: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'Uncheck this option to initially only show the first data  series in the chart. Leave checked to show all data  series by default. Users can always turn data series on  or off by interacting with the chart legend. ', 'required': False}), 77: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'The column header (CSV), key or data array (JSON) to include as the source of x-axis values.', 'required': False}), 78: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': "Name the javascript function in chart-hooks.js to run on the provided data before handing it to the chart. Can also provide '___'-separated arguments to this function which are passed in as arguments 2 to n", 'required': False}), 79: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'If the chart needs the option for users to filter the data shown, for example by date or geographic region, provide the JSON objects to filter on, in the format  {key: "KEY", "label": "LABEL"}', 'required': False}), 80: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'A JSON object with style overrides for the underlying Highcharts chart. No object merging is done, nested objects should be referenced with dot notation: {"tooltip.shape": "circle"}', 'required': False}), 81: ('wagtail.blocks.IntegerBlock', (), {'blank': True, 'help_text': 'A number to determine how many months of the data are projected values', 'max_value': 12, 'min_value': 0, 'null': True, 'required': False}), 82: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Attribution for the data source', 'required': False}), 83: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'When the underlying data was published', 'required': False}), 84: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Custom text for the chart download field. Required to display a download link.', 'required': False}), 85: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Location of a file to download, if different from the data source', 'required': False}), 86: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'General chart information', 'required': False}), 87: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('title', 71), ('subtitle', 58), ('description', 72), ('figure_number', 5), ('chart_type', 73), ('data_source', 74), ('data_series', 75), ('show_all_series_by_default', 76), ('x_axis_source', 77), ('transform', 78), ('x_axis_label', 5), ('y_axis_label', 5), ('filters', 79), ('style_overrides', 80), ('projected_months', 81), ('source_credits', 82), ('date_published', 83), ('download_text', 84), ('download_file', 85), ('notes', 86)]], {})}),
+        ),
+        migrations.AlterField(
+            model_name='sublandingfilterablepage',
+            name='content',
+            field=wagtail.fields.StreamField([('text_introduction', 9), ('full_width_text', 43), ('filter_controls', 53), ('featured_content', 61)], blank=True, block_lookup={0: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Optional: Adds an H5 eyebrow above H1 heading text. Only use in conjunction with heading.', 'label': 'Pre-heading', 'required': False}), 1: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'required': False}), 2: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'required': False}), 3: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Add an ARIA label if the link text does not describe the destination of the link (e.g. has ambiguous text like "Learn more" that is not descriptive on its own).', 'required': False}), 4: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'default': '/', 'required': False}), 5: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'required': False}), 6: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 1), ('aria_label', 3), ('url', 4), ('is_link_boldface', 5)]], {}), 7: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (6,), {'required': False}), 8: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Check this to add a horizontal rule line to bottom of text introduction.', 'label': 'Has bottom rule', 'required': False}), 9: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('eyebrow', 0), ('heading', 1), ('intro', 2), ('body', 2), ('links', 7), ('has_rule', 8)]], {}), 10: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'icon': 'edit'}), 11: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {}), 12: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': '\n            ID will be auto-generated on save.\n            However, you may enter some human-friendly text that\n            will be incorporated to make it easier to read.\n        ', 'label': 'ID for this content block', 'required': False}), 13: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('link_id', 12)]], {}), 14: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content_block', 11), ('anchor_link', 13)]], {}), 15: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('h2', 'H2'), ('h3', 'H3'), ('h4', 'H4'), ('h5', 'H5')]}), 16: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Input the name of an icon to appear to the left of the heading. E.g., approved, help-round, etc. <a href="">See full list of icons</a>', 'required': False}), 17: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 1), ('level', 15), ('icon', 16)]], {'required': False}), 18: ('wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock', (), {'required': False}), 19: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': "No character limit, but be as succinct as possible. If the image is decorative (i.e., a screenreader wouldn't have anything useful to say about it), leave this field blank.", 'required': False}), 20: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('upload', 18), ('alt', 19)]], {}), 21: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('full', 'Full width'), (470, '470px'), (270, '270px'), (170, '170px')]}), 22: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('right', 'right'), ('left', 'left')], 'help_text': 'Does not apply if the image is full-width'}), 23: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'label': 'Caption', 'required': False}), 24: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'Check to add a horizontal rule line to bottom of inset.', 'label': 'Has bottom rule line', 'required': False}), 25: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('image', 20), ('image_width', 21), ('image_position', 22), ('text', 23), ('is_bottom_rule', 24)]], {}), 26: ('wagtail.blocks.MultipleChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('is_full_width', 'Display the table at full width'), ('stack_on_mobile', 'Stack the table columns on mobile')], 'required': False}), 27: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {}), 28: ('wagtail.blocks.FloatBlock', (), {}), 29: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'features': ['bold', 'italic', 'ol', 'ul', 'link', 'document-link', 'superscript']}), 30: ('wagtail.contrib.typed_table_block.blocks.TypedTableBlock', [[('text', 27), ('numeric', 28), ('rich_text', 29)]], {}), 31: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 17), ('text_introduction', 1), ('options', 26), ('data', 30)]], {}), 32: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {}), 33: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'required': False}), 34: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('body', 32), ('citation', 33)]], {}), 35: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('slug_text', 1), ('paragraph_text', 2), ('button', 6)]], {}), 36: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (6,), {}), 37: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 1), ('paragraph', 2), ('links', 36)]], {}), 38: ('v1.blocks.ReusableTextChooserBlock', ('v1.ReusableText',), {}), 39: ('v1.blocks.ReusableNotificationChooserBlock', ('v1.ReusableNotification',), {}), 40: ('v1.blocks.EmailSignUpChooserBlock', (), {}), 41: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'label': 'Well', 'required': False}), 42: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content', 41)]], {}), 43: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('content', 10), ('content_with_anchor', 14), ('heading', 17), ('image', 25), ('table', 31), ('quote', 34), ('cta', 35), ('related_links', 37), ('reusable_text', 38), ('reusable_notification', 39), ('email_signup', 40), ('well', 42)]], {}), 44: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'required': False}), 45: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'Whether to include a "Search by keyword" filter in the filter controls.', 'required': False}), 46: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'Whether to include a "Category" filter in the filter controls.', 'required': False}), 47: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': v1.util.ref.filterable_list_page_types, 'required': False}), 48: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Whether to include a "Topics" filter in the filter controls', 'required': False}), 49: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Whether to include a "Status" filter in the filter controls. Only enable if using on an enforcement actions filterable list.', 'required': False}), 50: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Whether to include a "Product" filter in the filter controls. Only enable if using on an enforcement actions filterable list.', 'required': False}), 51: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Whether to include a "Language" filter in the filter controls.Only enable if there are non-english filterable results available.', 'required': False}), 52: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'Whether to include a set of "Date range" filters in the filter controls.', 'required': False}), 53: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('label', 1), ('icon', 1), ('is_bordered', 44), ('is_midtone', 44), ('is_expanded', 44), ('is_expanded_padding', 44), ('filter_by_keyword', 45), ('filter_by_category', 46), ('category_choices', 47), ('filter_by_topics', 48), ('filter_by_enforcement_statuses', 49), ('filter_by_enforcement_products', 50), ('filter_by_language', 51), ('filter_by_date_range', 52)]], {}), 54: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Line breaks will be ignored.'}), 55: ('wagtail.blocks.PageChooserBlock', (), {'required': False}), 56: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'label': 'Render post link?', 'required': False}), 57: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (6,), {'label': 'Additional Links'}), 58: ('wagtail.blocks.RegexBlock', (), {'error_messages': {'invalid': 'The YouTube video ID is in the wrong format.'}, 'help_text': 'Enter the YouTube video ID, which is located at the end of the video URL, after "v=". For example, the video ID for is 1V0Ax9OIc84.', 'label': 'YouTube video ID', 'regex': '^[\\w-]{11}$', 'required': False}), 59: ('wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Optional thumbnail image to show before and after the video plays. If the thumbnail image is not set here, the video player will default to showing the thumbnail that was set in (or automatically chosen by) YouTube.', 'required': False}), 60: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('video_id', 58), ('thumbnail_image', 59)]], {'required': False}), 61: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 27), ('body', 54), ('post', 55), ('show_post_link', 56), ('post_link_text', 1), ('image', 20), ('links', 57), ('video', 60)]], {})}),
+        ),
+        migrations.AlterField(
+            model_name='sublandingpage',
+            name='content',
+            field=wagtail.fields.StreamField([('text_introduction', 9), ('notification', 14), ('featured_content', 26), ('full_width_text', 56), ('info_unit_group', 66), ('well', 55), ('post_preview_snapshot', 69), ('contact', 72), ('table', 44), ('expandable_group', 80), ('expandable', 78)], blank=True, block_lookup={0: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Optional: Adds an H5 eyebrow above H1 heading text. Only use in conjunction with heading.', 'label': 'Pre-heading', 'required': False}), 1: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'required': False}), 2: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'required': False}), 3: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Add an ARIA label if the link text does not describe the destination of the link (e.g. has ambiguous text like "Learn more" that is not descriptive on its own).', 'required': False}), 4: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'default': '/', 'required': False}), 5: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'required': False}), 6: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 1), ('aria_label', 3), ('url', 4), ('is_link_boldface', 5)]], {}), 7: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (6,), {'required': False}), 8: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Check this to add a horizontal rule line to bottom of text introduction.', 'label': 'Has bottom rule', 'required': False}), 9: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('eyebrow', 0), ('heading', 1), ('intro', 2), ('body', 2), ('links', 7), ('has_rule', 8)]], {}), 10: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('information', 'Information'), ('warning', 'Warning')]}), 11: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'The main notification message to display.', 'required': True}), 12: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Explanation text appears below the message in smaller type.', 'required': False}), 13: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (6,), {'help_text': 'Links appear on their own lines below the explanation.', 'required': False}), 14: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('type', 10), ('message', 11), ('explanation', 12), ('links', 13)]], {}), 15: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {}), 16: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Line breaks will be ignored.'}), 17: ('wagtail.blocks.PageChooserBlock', (), {'required': False}), 18: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'label': 'Render post link?', 'required': False}), 19: ('wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock', (), {'required': False}), 20: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': "No character limit, but be as succinct as possible. If the image is decorative (i.e., a screenreader wouldn't have anything useful to say about it), leave this field blank.", 'required': False}), 21: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('upload', 19), ('alt', 20)]], {}), 22: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (6,), {'label': 'Additional Links'}), 23: ('wagtail.blocks.RegexBlock', (), {'error_messages': {'invalid': 'The YouTube video ID is in the wrong format.'}, 'help_text': 'Enter the YouTube video ID, which is located at the end of the video URL, after "v=". For example, the video ID for is 1V0Ax9OIc84.', 'label': 'YouTube video ID', 'regex': '^[\\w-]{11}$', 'required': False}), 24: ('wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Optional thumbnail image to show before and after the video plays. If the thumbnail image is not set here, the video player will default to showing the thumbnail that was set in (or automatically chosen by) YouTube.', 'required': False}), 25: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('video_id', 23), ('thumbnail_image', 24)]], {'required': False}), 26: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 15), ('body', 16), ('post', 17), ('show_post_link', 18), ('post_link_text', 1), ('image', 21), ('links', 22), ('video', 25)]], {}), 27: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'icon': 'edit'}), 28: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {}), 29: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': '\n            ID will be auto-generated on save.\n            However, you may enter some human-friendly text that\n            will be incorporated to make it easier to read.\n        ', 'label': 'ID for this content block', 'required': False}), 30: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('link_id', 29)]], {}), 31: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content_block', 28), ('anchor_link', 30)]], {}), 32: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('h2', 'H2'), ('h3', 'H3'), ('h4', 'H4'), ('h5', 'H5')]}), 33: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Input the name of an icon to appear to the left of the heading. E.g., approved, help-round, etc. <a href="">See full list of icons</a>', 'required': False}), 34: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 1), ('level', 32), ('icon', 33)]], {'required': False}), 35: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('full', 'Full width'), (470, '470px'), (270, '270px'), (170, '170px')]}), 36: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('right', 'right'), ('left', 'left')], 'help_text': 'Does not apply if the image is full-width'}), 37: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'label': 'Caption', 'required': False}), 38: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'Check to add a horizontal rule line to bottom of inset.', 'label': 'Has bottom rule line', 'required': False}), 39: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('image', 21), ('image_width', 35), ('image_position', 36), ('text', 37), ('is_bottom_rule', 38)]], {}), 40: ('wagtail.blocks.MultipleChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('is_full_width', 'Display the table at full width'), ('stack_on_mobile', 'Stack the table columns on mobile')], 'required': False}), 41: ('wagtail.blocks.FloatBlock', (), {}), 42: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'features': ['bold', 'italic', 'ol', 'ul', 'link', 'document-link', 'superscript']}), 43: ('wagtail.contrib.typed_table_block.blocks.TypedTableBlock', [[('text', 15), ('numeric', 41), ('rich_text', 42)]], {}), 44: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 34), ('text_introduction', 1), ('options', 40), ('data', 43)]], {}), 45: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {}), 46: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'required': False}), 47: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('body', 45), ('citation', 46)]], {}), 48: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('slug_text', 1), ('paragraph_text', 2), ('button', 6)]], {}), 49: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (6,), {}), 50: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 1), ('paragraph', 2), ('links', 49)]], {}), 51: ('v1.blocks.ReusableTextChooserBlock', ('v1.ReusableText',), {}), 52: ('v1.blocks.ReusableNotificationChooserBlock', ('v1.ReusableNotification',), {}), 53: ('v1.blocks.EmailSignUpChooserBlock', (), {}), 54: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'label': 'Well', 'required': False}), 55: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content', 54)]], {}), 56: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('content', 27), ('content_with_anchor', 31), ('heading', 34), ('image', 39), ('table', 44), ('quote', 47), ('cta', 48), ('related_links', 50), ('reusable_text', 51), ('reusable_notification', 52), ('email_signup', 53), ('well', 55)]], {}), 57: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('50-50', '50/50'), ('33-33-33', '33/33/33'), ('25-75', '25/75')], 'help_text': 'Choose the number and width of info unit columns.', 'label': 'Format'}), 58: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': "Check this to link all images and headings to the URL of the first link in their unit's list, if there is a link.", 'required': False}), 59: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add a horizontal rule line to top of info unit group.', 'required': False}), 60: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to show horizontal rule lines between info units.', 'label': 'Show rule lines between items', 'required': False}), 61: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('none', 'None'), ('rounded', 'Rounded corners'), ('circle', 'Circle')], 'help_text': 'Adds a <em>border-radius</em> class to images in this group, allowing for a rounded or circular border.', 'label': 'Border radius for images?', 'required': False}), 62: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 1), ('level', 32), ('icon', 33)]], {'default': {'level': 'h3'}, 'required': False}), 63: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'blank': True, 'required': False}), 64: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('image', 21), ('heading', 62), ('body', 63), ('links', 7)]], {}), 65: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (64,), {'default': []}), 66: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('format', 57), ('heading', 34), ('intro', 2), ('link_image_and_heading', 58), ('has_top_rule_line', 59), ('lines_between_items', 60), ('border_radius_image', 61), ('info_units', 65)]], {}), 67: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'default': '3', 'help_text': 'How many posts do you want to show?', 'label': 'Limit'}), 68: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'default': 'Published'}), 69: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('limit', 67), ('post_date_description', 68)]], {}), 70: ('wagtail.snippets.blocks.SnippetChooserBlock', ('v1.Contact',), {}), 71: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Add a horizontal rule line to top of contact block.', 'required': False}), 72: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('contact', 70), ('has_top_rule_line', 71)]], {}), 73: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Added as an <code>&lt;h3&gt;</code> at the top of this block. Also adds a wrapping <code>&lt;div&gt;</code> whose <code>id</code> attribute comes from a slugified version of this heading, creating an anchor that can be used when linking to this part of the page.', 'required': False}), 74: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'required': False}), 75: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add a horizontal rule line to top of expandable group.', 'required': False}), 76: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add FAQ schema markup to expandables.', 'label': 'Uses FAQ schema', 'required': False}), 77: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('paragraph', 2), ('well', 55), ('links', 6), ('info_unit_group', 66)]], {'blank': True}), 78: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('label', 1), ('icon', 1), ('is_bordered', 74), ('is_midtone', 74), ('is_expanded', 74), ('is_expanded_padding', 74), ('content', 77)]], {}), 79: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (78,), {}), 80: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 73), ('body', 2), ('is_accordion', 74), ('has_top_rule_line', 75), ('is_faq', 76), ('expandables', 79)]], {})}),
+        ),
+        migrations.AlterField(
+            model_name='blogpage',
+            name='content',
+            field=wagtail.fields.StreamField([('full_width_text', 39), ('info_unit_group', 50), ('expandable', 53), ('well', 38), ('video_player', 56), ('email_signup', 36), ('simple_chart', 73), ('faq_schema', 82), ('how_to_schema', 92)], block_lookup={0: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'icon': 'edit'}), 1: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {}), 2: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': '\n            ID will be auto-generated on save.\n            However, you may enter some human-friendly text that\n            will be incorporated to make it easier to read.\n        ', 'label': 'ID for this content block', 'required': False}), 3: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('link_id', 2)]], {}), 4: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content_block', 1), ('anchor_link', 3)]], {}), 5: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'required': False}), 6: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('h2', 'H2'), ('h3', 'H3'), ('h4', 'H4'), ('h5', 'H5')]}), 7: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Input the name of an icon to appear to the left of the heading. E.g., approved, help-round, etc. <a href="">See full list of icons</a>', 'required': False}), 8: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 5), ('level', 6), ('icon', 7)]], {'required': False}), 9: ('wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock', (), {'required': False}), 10: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': "No character limit, but be as succinct as possible. If the image is decorative (i.e., a screenreader wouldn't have anything useful to say about it), leave this field blank.", 'required': False}), 11: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('upload', 9), ('alt', 10)]], {}), 12: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('full', 'Full width'), (470, '470px'), (270, '270px'), (170, '170px')]}), 13: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('right', 'right'), ('left', 'left')], 'help_text': 'Does not apply if the image is full-width'}), 14: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'label': 'Caption', 'required': False}), 15: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'Check to add a horizontal rule line to bottom of inset.', 'label': 'Has bottom rule line', 'required': False}), 16: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('image', 11), ('image_width', 12), ('image_position', 13), ('text', 14), ('is_bottom_rule', 15)]], {}), 17: ('wagtail.blocks.MultipleChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('is_full_width', 'Display the table at full width'), ('stack_on_mobile', 'Stack the table columns on mobile')], 'required': False}), 18: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {}), 19: ('wagtail.blocks.FloatBlock', (), {}), 20: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'features': ['bold', 'italic', 'ol', 'ul', 'link', 'document-link', 'superscript']}), 21: ('wagtail.contrib.typed_table_block.blocks.TypedTableBlock', [[('text', 18), ('numeric', 19), ('rich_text', 20)]], {}), 22: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 8), ('text_introduction', 5), ('options', 17), ('data', 21)]], {}), 23: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {}), 24: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'required': False}), 25: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('body', 23), ('citation', 24)]], {}), 26: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'required': False}), 27: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Add an ARIA label if the link text does not describe the destination of the link (e.g. has ambiguous text like "Learn more" that is not descriptive on its own).', 'required': False}), 28: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'default': '/', 'required': False}), 29: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'required': False}), 30: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 5), ('aria_label', 27), ('url', 28), ('is_link_boldface', 29)]], {}), 31: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('slug_text', 5), ('paragraph_text', 26), ('button', 30)]], {}), 32: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (30,), {}), 33: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 5), ('paragraph', 26), ('links', 32)]], {}), 34: ('v1.blocks.ReusableTextChooserBlock', ('v1.ReusableText',), {}), 35: ('v1.blocks.ReusableNotificationChooserBlock', ('v1.ReusableNotification',), {}), 36: ('v1.blocks.EmailSignUpChooserBlock', (), {}), 37: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'label': 'Well', 'required': False}), 38: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content', 37)]], {}), 39: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('content', 0), ('content_with_anchor', 4), ('heading', 8), ('image', 16), ('table', 22), ('quote', 25), ('cta', 31), ('related_links', 33), ('reusable_text', 34), ('reusable_notification', 35), ('email_signup', 36), ('well', 38)]], {}), 40: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('50-50', '50/50'), ('33-33-33', '33/33/33'), ('25-75', '25/75')], 'help_text': 'Choose the number and width of info unit columns.', 'label': 'Format'}), 41: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': "Check this to link all images and headings to the URL of the first link in their unit's list, if there is a link.", 'required': False}), 42: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add a horizontal rule line to top of info unit group.', 'required': False}), 43: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to show horizontal rule lines between info units.', 'label': 'Show rule lines between items', 'required': False}), 44: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('none', 'None'), ('rounded', 'Rounded corners'), ('circle', 'Circle')], 'help_text': 'Adds a <em>border-radius</em> class to images in this group, allowing for a rounded or circular border.', 'label': 'Border radius for images?', 'required': False}), 45: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 5), ('level', 6), ('icon', 7)]], {'default': {'level': 'h3'}, 'required': False}), 46: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'blank': True, 'required': False}), 47: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (30,), {'required': False}), 48: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('image', 11), ('heading', 45), ('body', 46), ('links', 47)]], {}), 49: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (48,), {'default': []}), 50: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('format', 40), ('heading', 8), ('intro', 26), ('link_image_and_heading', 41), ('has_top_rule_line', 42), ('lines_between_items', 43), ('border_radius_image', 44), ('info_units', 49)]], {}), 51: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'required': False}), 52: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('paragraph', 26), ('well', 38), ('links', 30), ('info_unit_group', 50)]], {'blank': True}), 53: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('label', 5), ('icon', 5), ('is_bordered', 51), ('is_midtone', 51), ('is_expanded', 51), ('is_expanded_padding', 51), ('content', 52)]], {}), 54: ('wagtail.blocks.RegexBlock', (), {'error_messages': {'invalid': 'The YouTube video ID is in the wrong format.'}, 'help_text': 'Enter the YouTube video ID, which is located at the end of the video URL, after "v=". For example, the video ID for is 1V0Ax9OIc84.', 'label': 'YouTube video ID', 'regex': '^[\\w-]{11}$', 'required': False}), 55: ('wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Optional thumbnail image to show before and after the video plays. If the thumbnail image is not set here, the video player will default to showing the thumbnail that was set in (or automatically chosen by) YouTube.', 'required': False}), 56: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('video_id', 54), ('thumbnail_image', 55)]], {}), 57: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'required': True}), 58: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Accessible description of the chart content', 'required': True}), 59: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('bar', 'Bar'), ('datetime', 'Date/time'), ('line', 'Line'), ('tilemap', 'Tile grid map')]}), 60: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': "URL of the chart's data source or an array of JSON data", 'required': True, 'rows': 2}), 61: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'For charts pulling from a separate source file, include a list of the column headers (from a CSV file) or keys (from a JSON file) to include in the chart as  ["HEADER/KEY1", "HEADER/KEY2"]. To change how the data is labeled in the chart, include the correct labels with the format [{"key": "HEADER/KEY1", "label": "NEWLABEL"}, {"key": "HEADER/KEY2", "label": "NEWLABEL2"}]', 'required': False}), 62: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'Uncheck this option to initially only show the first data  series in the chart. Leave checked to show all data  series by default. Users can always turn data series on  or off by interacting with the chart legend. ', 'required': False}), 63: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'The column header (CSV), key or data array (JSON) to include as the source of x-axis values.', 'required': False}), 64: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': "Name the javascript function in chart-hooks.js to run on the provided data before handing it to the chart. Can also provide '___'-separated arguments to this function which are passed in as arguments 2 to n", 'required': False}), 65: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'If the chart needs the option for users to filter the data shown, for example by date or geographic region, provide the JSON objects to filter on, in the format  {key: "KEY", "label": "LABEL"}', 'required': False}), 66: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'A JSON object with style overrides for the underlying Highcharts chart. No object merging is done, nested objects should be referenced with dot notation: {"tooltip.shape": "circle"}', 'required': False}), 67: ('wagtail.blocks.IntegerBlock', (), {'blank': True, 'help_text': 'A number to determine how many months of the data are projected values', 'max_value': 12, 'min_value': 0, 'null': True, 'required': False}), 68: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Attribution for the data source', 'required': False}), 69: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'When the underlying data was published', 'required': False}), 70: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Custom text for the chart download field. Required to display a download link.', 'required': False}), 71: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Location of a file to download, if different from the data source', 'required': False}), 72: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'General chart information', 'required': False}), 73: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('title', 57), ('subtitle', 24), ('description', 58), ('figure_number', 5), ('chart_type', 59), ('data_source', 60), ('data_series', 61), ('show_all_series_by_default', 62), ('x_axis_source', 63), ('transform', 64), ('x_axis_label', 5), ('y_axis_label', 5), ('filters', 65), ('style_overrides', 66), ('projected_months', 67), ('source_credits', 68), ('date_published', 69), ('download_text', 70), ('download_file', 71), ('notes', 72)]], {}), 74: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'blank': True, 'features': ['ol', 'ul', 'bold', 'italic', 'link', 'document-link'], 'required': False}), 75: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'blank': True, 'help_text': "Add an optional anchor link tag for this question. Tag should be unique and use dashes or underscores for separation instead of spaces (ie, 'question-one-tag')", 'max_length': 500, 'required': False}), 76: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'max_length': 500}), 77: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'features': ['bold', 'italic', 'h3', 'h4', 'link', 'ol', 'ul', 'document-link', 'image', 'embed'], 'label': 'Text'}), 78: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content', 77)]], {}), 79: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('text', 78), ('table', 22), ('video_player', 56)]], {}), 80: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('anchor_tag', 75), ('question', 76), ('answer_content', 79)]], {}), 81: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (80,), {}), 82: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('description', 74), ('questions', 81)]], {'label': 'FAQ schema'}), 83: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'label': 'Title of How To section', 'max_length': 500}), 84: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('h2', 'H2'), ('h3', 'H3'), ('h4', 'H4')], 'help_text': 'Choose a tag for the title of the How To section.', 'label': 'Tag for How To section title'}), 85: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'The How To schema requires a title to let search engines understand what it is about. If you do not want the title to be displayed in the page, uncheck this box and the title content will only be made available to crawlers and screen readers.', 'label': 'Show How To section title', 'required': False}), 86: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('h2', 'H2'), ('h3', 'H3'), ('h4', 'H4'), ('b', 'Bold'), ('p', 'Paragraph')], 'help_text': 'Choose a tag for the title of each HowTo step.', 'label': 'Tag for step titles'}), 87: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this box to display numbers before step titles. ', 'label': 'Show numbers for steps', 'required': False}), 88: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'blank': True, 'help_text': "Add an optional anchor link tag to allow linking directly to this step. Tag should be unique and use dashes or underscores for separation instead of spaces (ie, 'step-one-tag').", 'max_length': 500, 'required': False}), 89: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Enter a title for this HowTo step. You do not need to include a number in the title -- numbers will be added automatically in the template if the show numbers checkbox is checked.', 'max_length': 500}), 90: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('anchor_tag', 88), ('title', 89), ('step_content', 79)]], {}), 91: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (90,), {}), 92: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('title', 83), ('title_tag', 84), ('show_title', 85), ('description', 74), ('step_title_tag', 86), ('has_numbers', 87), ('steps', 91)]], {'label': 'HowTo schema', 'max_num': 1})}),
+        ),
+        migrations.AlterField(
+            model_name='legacyblogpage',
+            name='content',
+            field=wagtail.fields.StreamField([('full_width_text', 39), ('info_unit_group', 50), ('expandable', 53), ('well', 38), ('video_player', 56), ('email_signup', 36), ('simple_chart', 73), ('faq_schema', 82), ('how_to_schema', 92), ('content', 93), ('reusable_text', 34)], block_lookup={0: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'icon': 'edit'}), 1: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {}), 2: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': '\n            ID will be auto-generated on save.\n            However, you may enter some human-friendly text that\n            will be incorporated to make it easier to read.\n        ', 'label': 'ID for this content block', 'required': False}), 3: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('link_id', 2)]], {}), 4: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content_block', 1), ('anchor_link', 3)]], {}), 5: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'required': False}), 6: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('h2', 'H2'), ('h3', 'H3'), ('h4', 'H4'), ('h5', 'H5')]}), 7: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Input the name of an icon to appear to the left of the heading. E.g., approved, help-round, etc. <a href="">See full list of icons</a>', 'required': False}), 8: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 5), ('level', 6), ('icon', 7)]], {'required': False}), 9: ('wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock', (), {'required': False}), 10: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': "No character limit, but be as succinct as possible. If the image is decorative (i.e., a screenreader wouldn't have anything useful to say about it), leave this field blank.", 'required': False}), 11: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('upload', 9), ('alt', 10)]], {}), 12: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('full', 'Full width'), (470, '470px'), (270, '270px'), (170, '170px')]}), 13: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('right', 'right'), ('left', 'left')], 'help_text': 'Does not apply if the image is full-width'}), 14: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'label': 'Caption', 'required': False}), 15: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'Check to add a horizontal rule line to bottom of inset.', 'label': 'Has bottom rule line', 'required': False}), 16: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('image', 11), ('image_width', 12), ('image_position', 13), ('text', 14), ('is_bottom_rule', 15)]], {}), 17: ('wagtail.blocks.MultipleChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('is_full_width', 'Display the table at full width'), ('stack_on_mobile', 'Stack the table columns on mobile')], 'required': False}), 18: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {}), 19: ('wagtail.blocks.FloatBlock', (), {}), 20: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'features': ['bold', 'italic', 'ol', 'ul', 'link', 'document-link', 'superscript']}), 21: ('wagtail.contrib.typed_table_block.blocks.TypedTableBlock', [[('text', 18), ('numeric', 19), ('rich_text', 20)]], {}), 22: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 8), ('text_introduction', 5), ('options', 17), ('data', 21)]], {}), 23: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {}), 24: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'required': False}), 25: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('body', 23), ('citation', 24)]], {}), 26: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'required': False}), 27: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Add an ARIA label if the link text does not describe the destination of the link (e.g. has ambiguous text like "Learn more" that is not descriptive on its own).', 'required': False}), 28: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'default': '/', 'required': False}), 29: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'required': False}), 30: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 5), ('aria_label', 27), ('url', 28), ('is_link_boldface', 29)]], {}), 31: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('slug_text', 5), ('paragraph_text', 26), ('button', 30)]], {}), 32: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (30,), {}), 33: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 5), ('paragraph', 26), ('links', 32)]], {}), 34: ('v1.blocks.ReusableTextChooserBlock', ('v1.ReusableText',), {}), 35: ('v1.blocks.ReusableNotificationChooserBlock', ('v1.ReusableNotification',), {}), 36: ('v1.blocks.EmailSignUpChooserBlock', (), {}), 37: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'label': 'Well', 'required': False}), 38: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content', 37)]], {}), 39: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('content', 0), ('content_with_anchor', 4), ('heading', 8), ('image', 16), ('table', 22), ('quote', 25), ('cta', 31), ('related_links', 33), ('reusable_text', 34), ('reusable_notification', 35), ('email_signup', 36), ('well', 38)]], {}), 40: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('50-50', '50/50'), ('33-33-33', '33/33/33'), ('25-75', '25/75')], 'help_text': 'Choose the number and width of info unit columns.', 'label': 'Format'}), 41: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': "Check this to link all images and headings to the URL of the first link in their unit's list, if there is a link.", 'required': False}), 42: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add a horizontal rule line to top of info unit group.', 'required': False}), 43: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to show horizontal rule lines between info units.', 'label': 'Show rule lines between items', 'required': False}), 44: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('none', 'None'), ('rounded', 'Rounded corners'), ('circle', 'Circle')], 'help_text': 'Adds a <em>border-radius</em> class to images in this group, allowing for a rounded or circular border.', 'label': 'Border radius for images?', 'required': False}), 45: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 5), ('level', 6), ('icon', 7)]], {'default': {'level': 'h3'}, 'required': False}), 46: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'blank': True, 'required': False}), 47: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (30,), {'required': False}), 48: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('image', 11), ('heading', 45), ('body', 46), ('links', 47)]], {}), 49: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (48,), {'default': []}), 50: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('format', 40), ('heading', 8), ('intro', 26), ('link_image_and_heading', 41), ('has_top_rule_line', 42), ('lines_between_items', 43), ('border_radius_image', 44), ('info_units', 49)]], {}), 51: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'required': False}), 52: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('paragraph', 26), ('well', 38), ('links', 30), ('info_unit_group', 50)]], {'blank': True}), 53: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('label', 5), ('icon', 5), ('is_bordered', 51), ('is_midtone', 51), ('is_expanded', 51), ('is_expanded_padding', 51), ('content', 52)]], {}), 54: ('wagtail.blocks.RegexBlock', (), {'error_messages': {'invalid': 'The YouTube video ID is in the wrong format.'}, 'help_text': 'Enter the YouTube video ID, which is located at the end of the video URL, after "v=". For example, the video ID for is 1V0Ax9OIc84.', 'label': 'YouTube video ID', 'regex': '^[\\w-]{11}$', 'required': False}), 55: ('wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Optional thumbnail image to show before and after the video plays. If the thumbnail image is not set here, the video player will default to showing the thumbnail that was set in (or automatically chosen by) YouTube.', 'required': False}), 56: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('video_id', 54), ('thumbnail_image', 55)]], {}), 57: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'required': True}), 58: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Accessible description of the chart content', 'required': True}), 59: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('bar', 'Bar'), ('datetime', 'Date/time'), ('line', 'Line'), ('tilemap', 'Tile grid map')]}), 60: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': "URL of the chart's data source or an array of JSON data", 'required': True, 'rows': 2}), 61: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'For charts pulling from a separate source file, include a list of the column headers (from a CSV file) or keys (from a JSON file) to include in the chart as  ["HEADER/KEY1", "HEADER/KEY2"]. To change how the data is labeled in the chart, include the correct labels with the format [{"key": "HEADER/KEY1", "label": "NEWLABEL"}, {"key": "HEADER/KEY2", "label": "NEWLABEL2"}]', 'required': False}), 62: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'Uncheck this option to initially only show the first data  series in the chart. Leave checked to show all data  series by default. Users can always turn data series on  or off by interacting with the chart legend. ', 'required': False}), 63: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'The column header (CSV), key or data array (JSON) to include as the source of x-axis values.', 'required': False}), 64: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': "Name the javascript function in chart-hooks.js to run on the provided data before handing it to the chart. Can also provide '___'-separated arguments to this function which are passed in as arguments 2 to n", 'required': False}), 65: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'If the chart needs the option for users to filter the data shown, for example by date or geographic region, provide the JSON objects to filter on, in the format  {key: "KEY", "label": "LABEL"}', 'required': False}), 66: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'A JSON object with style overrides for the underlying Highcharts chart. No object merging is done, nested objects should be referenced with dot notation: {"tooltip.shape": "circle"}', 'required': False}), 67: ('wagtail.blocks.IntegerBlock', (), {'blank': True, 'help_text': 'A number to determine how many months of the data are projected values', 'max_value': 12, 'min_value': 0, 'null': True, 'required': False}), 68: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Attribution for the data source', 'required': False}), 69: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'When the underlying data was published', 'required': False}), 70: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Custom text for the chart download field. Required to display a download link.', 'required': False}), 71: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Location of a file to download, if different from the data source', 'required': False}), 72: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'General chart information', 'required': False}), 73: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('title', 57), ('subtitle', 24), ('description', 58), ('figure_number', 5), ('chart_type', 59), ('data_source', 60), ('data_series', 61), ('show_all_series_by_default', 62), ('x_axis_source', 63), ('transform', 64), ('x_axis_label', 5), ('y_axis_label', 5), ('filters', 65), ('style_overrides', 66), ('projected_months', 67), ('source_credits', 68), ('date_published', 69), ('download_text', 70), ('download_file', 71), ('notes', 72)]], {}), 74: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'blank': True, 'features': ['ol', 'ul', 'bold', 'italic', 'link', 'document-link'], 'required': False}), 75: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'blank': True, 'help_text': "Add an optional anchor link tag for this question. Tag should be unique and use dashes or underscores for separation instead of spaces (ie, 'question-one-tag')", 'max_length': 500, 'required': False}), 76: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'max_length': 500}), 77: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'features': ['bold', 'italic', 'h3', 'h4', 'link', 'ol', 'ul', 'document-link', 'image', 'embed'], 'label': 'Text'}), 78: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content', 77)]], {}), 79: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('text', 78), ('table', 22), ('video_player', 56)]], {}), 80: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('anchor_tag', 75), ('question', 76), ('answer_content', 79)]], {}), 81: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (80,), {}), 82: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('description', 74), ('questions', 81)]], {'label': 'FAQ schema'}), 83: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'label': 'Title of How To section', 'max_length': 500}), 84: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('h2', 'H2'), ('h3', 'H3'), ('h4', 'H4')], 'help_text': 'Choose a tag for the title of the How To section.', 'label': 'Tag for How To section title'}), 85: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'The How To schema requires a title to let search engines understand what it is about. If you do not want the title to be displayed in the page, uncheck this box and the title content will only be made available to crawlers and screen readers.', 'label': 'Show How To section title', 'required': False}), 86: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('h2', 'H2'), ('h3', 'H3'), ('h4', 'H4'), ('b', 'Bold'), ('p', 'Paragraph')], 'help_text': 'Choose a tag for the title of each HowTo step.', 'label': 'Tag for step titles'}), 87: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this box to display numbers before step titles. ', 'label': 'Show numbers for steps', 'required': False}), 88: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'blank': True, 'help_text': "Add an optional anchor link tag to allow linking directly to this step. Tag should be unique and use dashes or underscores for separation instead of spaces (ie, 'step-one-tag').", 'max_length': 500, 'required': False}), 89: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Enter a title for this HowTo step. You do not need to include a number in the title -- numbers will be added automatically in the template if the show numbers checkbox is checked.', 'max_length': 500}), 90: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('anchor_tag', 88), ('title', 89), ('step_content', 79)]], {}), 91: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (90,), {}), 92: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('title', 83), ('title_tag', 84), ('show_title', 85), ('description', 74), ('step_title_tag', 86), ('has_numbers', 87), ('steps', 91)]], {'label': 'HowTo schema', 'max_num': 1}), 93: ('wagtail.blocks.RawHTMLBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Content from WordPress unescaped.'})}),
+        ),
+        migrations.AlterField(
+            model_name='cfgovpage',
+            name='sidefoot',
+            field=wagtail.fields.StreamField([('call_to_action', 6), ('related_links', 8), ('related_posts', 19), ('related_metadata', 30), ('email_signup', 31), ('sidebar_contact', 34), ('rss_feed', 35), ('social_media', 47), ('reusable_text', 48)], blank=True, block_lookup={0: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'required': False}), 1: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'required': False}), 2: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Add an ARIA label if the link text does not describe the destination of the link (e.g. has ambiguous text like "Learn more" that is not descriptive on its own).', 'required': False}), 3: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'default': '/', 'required': False}), 4: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'required': False}), 5: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 0), ('aria_label', 2), ('url', 3), ('is_link_boldface', 4)]], {}), 6: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('slug_text', 0), ('paragraph_text', 1), ('button', 5)]], {}), 7: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (5,), {}), 8: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 0), ('paragraph', 1), ('links', 7)]], {}), 9: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'default': '3', 'help_text': 'This limit applies to EACH TYPE of post this module retrieves, not the total number of retrieved posts.'}), 10: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'This toggles the heading and icon for the related types.', 'label': 'Show Heading and Icon?', 'required': False}), 11: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'default': 'Further reading', 'label': 'Slug Title'}), 12: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'editable': False, 'label': 'Blog Posts', 'required': False}), 13: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'editable': False, 'label': 'Newsroom', 'required': False}), 14: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'label': 'Events', 'required': False}), 15: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('Blog', (('At the CFPB', 'At the CFPB'), ("Director's notebook", "Director's notebook"), ('Policy &amp; Compliance', 'Policy and compliance'), ('Data, Research &amp; Reports', 'Data, research, and reports'), ('Info for Consumers', 'Info for consumers'))), ('Newsroom', (('Consumer Advisories', 'Consumer advisories'), ("Director's Statement", "Director's statement"), ('Op-Ed', 'Op-ed'), ('Press Release', 'Press release'), ('Speech', 'Speech'), ('Testimony', 'Testimony'), ('Letter', 'Letter')))], 'required': False}), 16: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (15,), {'required': False}), 17: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('any', 'Include related posts that match ANY topic tags on this page'), ('all', 'Include related posts that match ALL topic tags on this page'), ('ignore', 'IGNORE topic tags when selecting related posts')]}), 18: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'By default, the "View more" link will go to the Activity Log, filtered based on the above parameters. Enter a URL in this field to override that link destination.', 'label': 'Alternate "View more" URL', 'required': False}), 19: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('limit', 9), ('show_heading', 10), ('header_title', 11), ('relate_posts', 12), ('relate_newsroom', 13), ('relate_events', 14), ('specific_categories', 16), ('tag_filtering', 17), ('alternate_view_more_url', 18)]], {}), 20: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'max_length': 100}), 21: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {}), 22: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 20), ('blob', 21)]], {'icon': 'pilcrow'}), 23: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 20), ('links', 7)]], {'icon': 'list-ul'}), 24: ('wagtail.blocks.DateBlock', (), {}), 25: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 20), ('date', 24)]], {'icon': 'date'}), 26: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'default': 'Topics', 'max_length': 100}), 27: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'required': False}), 28: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 26), ('show_topics', 27)]], {'icon': 'tag'}), 29: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('text', 22), ('list', 23), ('date', 25), ('topics', 28)]], {}), 30: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('slug', 20), ('content', 29)]], {}), 31: ('v1.blocks.EmailSignUpChooserBlock', (), {}), 32: ('wagtail.snippets.blocks.SnippetChooserBlock', ('v1.Contact',), {}), 33: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Add a horizontal rule line to top of contact block.', 'required': False}), 34: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('contact', 32), ('has_top_rule_line', 33)]], {}), 35: ('v1.atomic_elements.molecules.RSSFeed', (), {}), 36: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'If unchecked, social media icons will link users to official CFPB accounts. Do not fill in any further fields.', 'label': 'Desired action: share this page', 'required': False}), 37: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'default': "Look what I found on the CFPB's site!", 'help_text': 'Sets the tweet text, email subject line, and LinkedIn post text.', 'required': False}), 38: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': '(Optional) Custom text for Twitter shares. If blank, will default to value of blurb field above.', 'max_length': 100, 'required': False}), 39: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': '(Optional) A comma-separated list of accounts related to the content of the shared URL. Do not enter the  @ symbol. If blank, it will default to just "cfpb".', 'required': False}), 40: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': '(Optional) A comma-separated list of hashtags to be appended to default tweet text.', 'required': False}), 41: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': '(Optional) Loads text components in the specified language, if other than English. E.g., use "es"  for Spanish. See for a list of supported language codes.', 'required': False}), 42: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': '(Optional) Custom subject for email shares. If blank, will default to value of blurb field above.', 'required': False}), 43: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': '(Optional) Custom text for email shares. If blank, will default to "Check out this page from the CFPB".', 'required': False}), 44: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': '(Optional) Adds a custom signature line to email shares. ', 'required': False}), 45: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': '(Optional) Custom title for LinkedIn shares. If blank, will default to value of blurb field above.', 'required': False}), 46: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': '(Optional) Custom text for LinkedIn shares.', 'required': False}), 47: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('is_share_view', 36), ('blurb', 37), ('twitter_text', 38), ('twitter_related', 39), ('twitter_hashtags', 40), ('twitter_lang', 41), ('email_title', 42), ('email_text', 43), ('email_signature', 44), ('linkedin_title', 45), ('linkedin_text', 46)]], {}), 48: ('v1.blocks.ReusableTextChooserBlock', (v1.models.snippets.ReusableText,), {})}),
+        ),
+        migrations.AlterField(
+            model_name='cfgovpagecategory',
+            name='name',
+            field=models.CharField(choices=[('Administrative adjudication docket', (('administrative-adjudication', 'Administrative adjudication'), ('stipulation-and-constent-order', 'Stipulation and consent order'))), ('Amicus Brief', (('us-supreme-court', 'U.S. Supreme Court'), ('fed-circuit-court', 'Federal Circuit Court'), ('fed-district-court', 'Federal District Court'), ('state-court', 'State Court'))), ('Blog', (('at-the-cfpb', 'At the CFPB'), ('directors-notebook', "Director's notebook"), ('policy-compliance', 'Policy and compliance'), ('data-research-reports', 'Data, research, and reports'), ('info-for-consumers', 'Info for consumers'))), ('Consumer Reporting Companies', (('nationwide', 'Nationwide'), ('employment-screening', 'Employment screening'), ('tenant-screening', 'Tenant screening'), ('check-bank-screening', 'Check and bank account screening'), ('personal-property-insurance', 'Personal property insurance'), ('medical', 'Medical'), ('low-income-and-subprime', 'Low-income and subprime'), ('supplementary-reports', 'Supplementary reports'), ('utilities', 'Utilities'), ('retail', 'Retail'), ('gaming', 'Gaming'))), ('Enforcement Action', (('administrative-proceeding', 'Administrative Proceeding'), ('civil-action', 'Civil Action'))), ('Final rule', (('interim-final-rule', 'Interim final rule'), ('final-rule', 'Final rule'))), ('FOIA Frequently Requested Record', (('report', 'Report'), ('log', 'Log'), ('record', 'Record'))), ('Newsroom', (('consumer-advisories', 'Consumer advisories'), ('directors-statement', "Director's statement"), ('op-ed', 'Op-ed'), ('press-release', 'Press release'), ('speech', 'Speech'), ('testimony', 'Testimony'), ('letter', 'Letter'))), ('Notice and Opportunity for Comment', (('notice-proposed-rule', 'Advance notice of proposed rulemaking'), ('proposed-rule', 'Proposed rule'), ('interim-final-rule-2', 'Interim final rule'), ('request-comment-info', 'Request for comment or information'), ('proposed-policy', 'Proposed policy'), ('intent-preempt-determ', 'Intent to make preemption determination'), ('info-collect-activity', 'Information collection activities'), ('notice-privacy-act', 'Notice related to Privacy Act'))), ('Petition for Rulemaking', (('open-petition', 'Open petition'), ('closed-petition', 'Closed petition'))), ('Research Hub', (('research-publication', 'Office of Research Publication'),)), ('Research Report', (('consumer-complaint', 'Consumer complaint'), ('super-highlight', 'Supervisory Highlights'), ('data-point', 'Data point'), ('industry-markets', 'Industry and markets'), ('consumer-edu-empower', 'Consumer education and empowerment'), ('to-congress', 'To Congress'), ('data-spotlight', 'Data spotlight'), ('issue-spotlight', 'Issue spotlight'))), ('Rule Under Development', (('notice-proposed-rule-2', 'Advance notice of proposed rulemaking'), ('proposed-rule-2', 'Proposed rule'))), ('Story', (('auto-loans', 'Auto loans'), ('bank-accts-services', 'Bank accounts and services'), ('credit-cards', 'Credit cards'), ('credit-reports-scores', 'Credit reports and scores'), ('debt-collection', 'Debt collection'), ('money-transfers', 'Money transfers'), ('mortgages', 'Mortgages'), ('payday-loans', 'Payday loans'), ('prepaid-cards', 'Prepaid cards'), ('student-loans', 'Student loans')))], max_length=255),
+        ),
+        migrations.AlterField(
+            model_name='cfgovauthoredpages',
+            name='tag',
+            field=models.ForeignKey(on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.CASCADE, related_name='%(app_label)s_%(class)s_items', to='taggit.tag'),
+        ),
+        migrations.AlterField(
+            model_name='cfgovrendition',
+            name='file',
+            field=wagtail.images.models.WagtailImageField(height_field='height', storage=wagtail.images.models.get_rendition_storage, upload_to=wagtail.images.models.get_rendition_upload_to, width_field='width'),
+        ),
+        migrations.AlterField(
+            model_name='cfgovtaggedpages',
+            name='tag',
+            field=models.ForeignKey(on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.CASCADE, related_name='%(app_label)s_%(class)s_items', to='taggit.tag'),
+        ),
+        migrations.AlterField(
+            model_name='portalcategorytag',
+            name='tag',
+            field=models.ForeignKey(on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.CASCADE, related_name='%(app_label)s_%(class)s_items', to='taggit.tag'),
+        ),
+        migrations.AlterField(
+            model_name='portaltopictag',
+            name='tag',
+            field=models.ForeignKey(on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.CASCADE, related_name='%(app_label)s_%(class)s_items', to='taggit.tag'),
+        ),
+        migrations.AlterField(
+            model_name='browsepage',
+            name='content',
+            field=wagtail.fields.StreamField([('full_width_text', 39), ('info_unit_group', 50), ('simple_chart', 67), ('expandable_group', 75), ('expandable', 73), ('well', 38), ('video_player', 78), ('table', 22), ('raw_html_block', 79), ('chart_block', 90), ('mortgage_chart_block', 94), ('mortgage_map_block', 94), ('mortgage_downloads_block', 96), ('data_snapshot', 110), ('job_listing_table', 111), ('faq_group', 120)], blank=True, block_lookup={0: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'icon': 'edit'}), 1: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {}), 2: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': '\n            ID will be auto-generated on save.\n            However, you may enter some human-friendly text that\n            will be incorporated to make it easier to read.\n        ', 'label': 'ID for this content block', 'required': False}), 3: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('link_id', 2)]], {}), 4: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content_block', 1), ('anchor_link', 3)]], {}), 5: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'required': False}), 6: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('h2', 'H2'), ('h3', 'H3'), ('h4', 'H4'), ('h5', 'H5')]}), 7: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Input the name of an icon to appear to the left of the heading. E.g., approved, help-round, etc. <a href="">See full list of icons</a>', 'required': False}), 8: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 5), ('level', 6), ('icon', 7)]], {'required': False}), 9: ('wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock', (), {'required': False}), 10: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': "No character limit, but be as succinct as possible. If the image is decorative (i.e., a screenreader wouldn't have anything useful to say about it), leave this field blank.", 'required': False}), 11: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('upload', 9), ('alt', 10)]], {}), 12: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('full', 'Full width'), (470, '470px'), (270, '270px'), (170, '170px')]}), 13: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('right', 'right'), ('left', 'left')], 'help_text': 'Does not apply if the image is full-width'}), 14: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'label': 'Caption', 'required': False}), 15: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'Check to add a horizontal rule line to bottom of inset.', 'label': 'Has bottom rule line', 'required': False}), 16: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('image', 11), ('image_width', 12), ('image_position', 13), ('text', 14), ('is_bottom_rule', 15)]], {}), 17: ('wagtail.blocks.MultipleChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('is_full_width', 'Display the table at full width'), ('stack_on_mobile', 'Stack the table columns on mobile')], 'required': False}), 18: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {}), 19: ('wagtail.blocks.FloatBlock', (), {}), 20: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'features': ['bold', 'italic', 'ol', 'ul', 'link', 'document-link', 'superscript']}), 21: ('wagtail.contrib.typed_table_block.blocks.TypedTableBlock', [[('text', 18), ('numeric', 19), ('rich_text', 20)]], {}), 22: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 8), ('text_introduction', 5), ('options', 17), ('data', 21)]], {}), 23: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {}), 24: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'required': False}), 25: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('body', 23), ('citation', 24)]], {}), 26: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'required': False}), 27: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Add an ARIA label if the link text does not describe the destination of the link (e.g. has ambiguous text like "Learn more" that is not descriptive on its own).', 'required': False}), 28: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'default': '/', 'required': False}), 29: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'required': False}), 30: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 5), ('aria_label', 27), ('url', 28), ('is_link_boldface', 29)]], {}), 31: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('slug_text', 5), ('paragraph_text', 26), ('button', 30)]], {}), 32: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (30,), {}), 33: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 5), ('paragraph', 26), ('links', 32)]], {}), 34: ('v1.blocks.ReusableTextChooserBlock', ('v1.ReusableText',), {}), 35: ('v1.blocks.ReusableNotificationChooserBlock', ('v1.ReusableNotification',), {}), 36: ('v1.blocks.EmailSignUpChooserBlock', (), {}), 37: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'label': 'Well', 'required': False}), 38: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content', 37)]], {}), 39: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('content', 0), ('content_with_anchor', 4), ('heading', 8), ('image', 16), ('table', 22), ('quote', 25), ('cta', 31), ('related_links', 33), ('reusable_text', 34), ('reusable_notification', 35), ('email_signup', 36), ('well', 38)]], {}), 40: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('50-50', '50/50'), ('33-33-33', '33/33/33'), ('25-75', '25/75')], 'help_text': 'Choose the number and width of info unit columns.', 'label': 'Format'}), 41: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': "Check this to link all images and headings to the URL of the first link in their unit's list, if there is a link.", 'required': False}), 42: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add a horizontal rule line to top of info unit group.', 'required': False}), 43: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to show horizontal rule lines between info units.', 'label': 'Show rule lines between items', 'required': False}), 44: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('none', 'None'), ('rounded', 'Rounded corners'), ('circle', 'Circle')], 'help_text': 'Adds a <em>border-radius</em> class to images in this group, allowing for a rounded or circular border.', 'label': 'Border radius for images?', 'required': False}), 45: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 5), ('level', 6), ('icon', 7)]], {'default': {'level': 'h3'}, 'required': False}), 46: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'blank': True, 'required': False}), 47: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (30,), {'required': False}), 48: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('image', 11), ('heading', 45), ('body', 46), ('links', 47)]], {}), 49: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (48,), {'default': []}), 50: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('format', 40), ('heading', 8), ('intro', 26), ('link_image_and_heading', 41), ('has_top_rule_line', 42), ('lines_between_items', 43), ('border_radius_image', 44), ('info_units', 49)]], {}), 51: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'required': True}), 52: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Accessible description of the chart content', 'required': True}), 53: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('bar', 'Bar'), ('datetime', 'Date/time'), ('line', 'Line'), ('tilemap', 'Tile grid map')]}), 54: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': "URL of the chart's data source or an array of JSON data", 'required': True, 'rows': 2}), 55: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'For charts pulling from a separate source file, include a list of the column headers (from a CSV file) or keys (from a JSON file) to include in the chart as  ["HEADER/KEY1", "HEADER/KEY2"]. To change how the data is labeled in the chart, include the correct labels with the format [{"key": "HEADER/KEY1", "label": "NEWLABEL"}, {"key": "HEADER/KEY2", "label": "NEWLABEL2"}]', 'required': False}), 56: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'Uncheck this option to initially only show the first data  series in the chart. Leave checked to show all data  series by default. Users can always turn data series on  or off by interacting with the chart legend. ', 'required': False}), 57: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'The column header (CSV), key or data array (JSON) to include as the source of x-axis values.', 'required': False}), 58: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': "Name the javascript function in chart-hooks.js to run on the provided data before handing it to the chart. Can also provide '___'-separated arguments to this function which are passed in as arguments 2 to n", 'required': False}), 59: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'If the chart needs the option for users to filter the data shown, for example by date or geographic region, provide the JSON objects to filter on, in the format  {key: "KEY", "label": "LABEL"}', 'required': False}), 60: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'A JSON object with style overrides for the underlying Highcharts chart. No object merging is done, nested objects should be referenced with dot notation: {"tooltip.shape": "circle"}', 'required': False}), 61: ('wagtail.blocks.IntegerBlock', (), {'blank': True, 'help_text': 'A number to determine how many months of the data are projected values', 'max_value': 12, 'min_value': 0, 'null': True, 'required': False}), 62: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Attribution for the data source', 'required': False}), 63: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'When the underlying data was published', 'required': False}), 64: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Custom text for the chart download field. Required to display a download link.', 'required': False}), 65: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Location of a file to download, if different from the data source', 'required': False}), 66: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'General chart information', 'required': False}), 67: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('title', 51), ('subtitle', 24), ('description', 52), ('figure_number', 5), ('chart_type', 53), ('data_source', 54), ('data_series', 55), ('show_all_series_by_default', 56), ('x_axis_source', 57), ('transform', 58), ('x_axis_label', 5), ('y_axis_label', 5), ('filters', 59), ('style_overrides', 60), ('projected_months', 61), ('source_credits', 62), ('date_published', 63), ('download_text', 64), ('download_file', 65), ('notes', 66)]], {}), 68: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Added as an <code>&lt;h3&gt;</code> at the top of this block. Also adds a wrapping <code>&lt;div&gt;</code> whose <code>id</code> attribute comes from a slugified version of this heading, creating an anchor that can be used when linking to this part of the page.', 'required': False}), 69: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'required': False}), 70: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add a horizontal rule line to top of expandable group.', 'required': False}), 71: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add FAQ schema markup to expandables.', 'label': 'Uses FAQ schema', 'required': False}), 72: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('paragraph', 26), ('well', 38), ('links', 30), ('info_unit_group', 50)]], {'blank': True}), 73: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('label', 5), ('icon', 5), ('is_bordered', 69), ('is_midtone', 69), ('is_expanded', 69), ('is_expanded_padding', 69), ('content', 72)]], {}), 74: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (73,), {}), 75: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 68), ('body', 26), ('is_accordion', 69), ('has_top_rule_line', 70), ('is_faq', 71), ('expandables', 74)]], {}), 76: ('wagtail.blocks.RegexBlock', (), {'error_messages': {'invalid': 'The YouTube video ID is in the wrong format.'}, 'help_text': 'Enter the YouTube video ID, which is located at the end of the video URL, after "v=". For example, the video ID for is 1V0Ax9OIc84.', 'label': 'YouTube video ID', 'regex': '^[\\w-]{11}$', 'required': False}), 77: ('wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Optional thumbnail image to show before and after the video plays. If the thumbnail image is not set here, the video player will default to showing the thumbnail that was set in (or automatically chosen by) YouTube.', 'required': False}), 78: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('video_id', 76), ('thumbnail_image', 77)]], {}), 79: ('wagtail.blocks.RawHTMLBlock', (), {'label': 'Raw HTML block'}), 80: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('bar', 'Bar | % y-axis values'), ('line', 'Line | millions/billions y-axis values'), ('line-index', 'Line-Index | integer y-axis values'), ('tile_map', 'Tile Map | grid-like USA map')]}), 81: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('blue', 'Blue'), ('gold', 'Gold'), ('green', 'Green'), ('navy', 'Navy'), ('neutral', 'Neutral'), ('purple', 'Purple'), ('teal', 'Teal')], 'help_text': 'Chart\'s color scheme. See "".', 'required': False}), 82: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Location of the chart\'s data source relative to "". For example,"consumer-credit-trends/auto-loans/num_data_AUT.csv".', 'required': True}), 83: ('wagtail.blocks.DateBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Automatically generated when CCT cron job runs'}), 84: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Briefly summarize the chart for visually impaired users.', 'required': True}), 85: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add a horizontal rule line to top of chart block.', 'required': False}), 86: ('wagtail.blocks.DateBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Month of latest entry in dataset'}), 87: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Optional metadata for the chart to use. For example, with CCT this would be the chart\'s "group".', 'required': False}), 88: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Text to display as a footnote. For example, "Data from the last six months are not final."', 'required': False}), 89: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Custom y-axis label. NOTE: Line-Index chart y-axis is not overridable with this field!', 'required': False}), 90: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('title', 51), ('chart_type', 80), ('color_scheme', 81), ('data_source', 82), ('date_published', 83), ('description', 84), ('has_top_rule_line', 85), ('last_updated_projected_data', 86), ('metadata', 87), ('note', 88), ('y_axis_label', 89)]], {}), 91: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'form_classname': 'title', 'required': True}), 92: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Chart summary for visually impaired users.', 'required': False}), 93: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Text for "Note" section of footnotes.', 'required': False}), 94: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content_block', 1), ('title', 91), ('description', 92), ('note', 93), ('has_top_rule_line', 85)]], {}), 95: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this box to allow the archival section to display. No section will appear if there are no archival downloads.', 'required': False}), 96: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('show_archives', 95)]], {}), 97: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Market identifier, e.g. AUT', 'max_length': 20, 'required': True}), 98: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Number of originations, e.g. 1.2 million', 'max_length': 20}), 99: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Total dollar value of originations, e.g. $3.4 billion', 'max_length': 20}), 100: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Percentage change, e.g. 5.6% increase', 'max_length': 20}), 101: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Descriptive sentence, e.g. Auto loans originated', 'max_length': 100}), 102: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Descriptive sentence, e.g. Dollar volume of new loans', 'max_length': 100}), 103: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Descriptive sentence, e.g. In year-over-year originations', 'max_length': 100}), 104: ('wagtail.blocks.DateBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Month of latest entry in dataset for inquiry data', 'max_length': 20, 'required': False}), 105: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Percentage change, e.g. 5.6% increase', 'max_length': 20, 'required': False}), 106: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Descriptive sentence, e.g. In year-over-year inquiries', 'max_length': 100, 'required': False}), 107: ('wagtail.blocks.DateBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Month of latest entry in dataset for credit tightness data', 'max_length': 20, 'required': False}), 108: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Descriptive sentence, e.g. In year-over-year credit tightness', 'max_length': 100, 'required': False}), 109: ('wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock', (), {'icon': 'image', 'required': False}), 110: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('market_key', 97), ('num_originations', 98), ('value_originations', 99), ('year_over_year_change', 100), ('last_updated_projected_data', 86), ('num_originations_text', 101), ('value_originations_text', 102), ('year_over_year_change_text', 103), ('inquiry_month', 104), ('inquiry_year_over_year_change', 105), ('inquiry_year_over_year_change_text', 106), ('tightness_month', 107), ('tightness_year_over_year_change', 105), ('tightness_year_over_year_change_text', 108), ('image', 109)]], {}), 111: ('jobmanager.blocks.JobListingTable', (), {}), 112: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add a horizontal rule line to top of FAQ group.', 'required': False}), 113: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to show horizontal rule lines between FAQ items.', 'label': 'Show rule lines between items', 'required': False}), 114: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('h2', 'h2'), ('h3', 'h3'), ('h4', 'h4'), ('p', 'p')], 'help_text': 'HTML tag for questions.'}), 115: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'blank': True, 'help_text': "Add an optional anchor link tag for this question. Tag should be unique and use dashes or underscores for separation instead of spaces (ie, 'question-one-tag')", 'max_length': 500, 'required': False}), 116: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'max_length': 500}), 117: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('full_width_text', 39), ('info_unit_group', 50)]], {}), 118: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('anchor_tag', 115), ('question', 116), ('answer', 117)]], {}), 119: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (118,), {'label': 'FAQ items'}), 120: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('has_top_rule_line', 112), ('lines_between_items', 113), ('question_tag', 114), ('faq_items', 119)]], {})}),
+        ),
+        migrations.CreateModel(
+            name='ReusableNotification',
+            fields=[
+                ('id', models.BigAutoField(auto_created=True, primary_key=True, serialize=False, verbose_name='ID')),
+                ('title', models.CharField(help_text='For internal reference only; does not appear on the site.', max_length=255)),
+                ('content', wagtail.fields.StreamField([('content', 9)], block_lookup={0: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('information', 'Information'), ('warning', 'Warning')]}), 1: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'The main notification message to display.', 'required': True}), 2: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Explanation text appears below the message in smaller type.', 'required': False}), 3: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'required': False}), 4: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Add an ARIA label if the link text does not describe the destination of the link (e.g. has ambiguous text like "Learn more" that is not descriptive on its own).', 'required': False}), 5: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'default': '/', 'required': False}), 6: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'required': False}), 7: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 3), ('aria_label', 4), ('url', 5), ('is_link_boldface', 6)]], {}), 8: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (7,), {'help_text': 'Links appear on their own lines below the explanation.', 'required': False}), 9: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('type', 0), ('message', 1), ('explanation', 2), ('links', 8)]], {})})),
+                ('latest_revision', models.ForeignKey(blank=True, editable=False, null=True, on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.SET_NULL, related_name='+', to='wagtailcore.revision', verbose_name='latest revision')),
+            ],
+            options={
+                'abstract': False,
+            },
+        ),
+        migrations.AlterField(
+            model_name='reusabletext',
+            name='sidefoot_heading',
+            field=models.CharField(blank=True, help_text='Applies "slug" style heading. Only for use in sidebars and prefooters (the "sidefoot"). See', max_length=255),
+        ),
+        migrations.AlterField(
+            model_name='blogpage',
+            name='content',
+            field=wagtail.fields.StreamField([('full_width_text', 41), ('info_unit_group', 52), ('expandable', 55), ('well', 40), ('video_player', 58), ('email_signup', 38), ('simple_chart', 75), ('faq_schema', 84), ('how_to_schema', 94)], block_lookup={0: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'icon': 'edit'}), 1: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {}), 2: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': '\n            ID will be auto-generated on save.\n            However, you may enter some human-friendly text that\n            will be incorporated to make it easier to read.\n        ', 'label': 'ID for this content block', 'required': False}), 3: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('link_id', 2)]], {}), 4: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content_block', 1), ('anchor_link', 3)]], {}), 5: ('wagtail_footnotes.blocks.RichTextBlockWithFootnotes', (), {'features': ['anchor-identifier', 'h2', 'h3', 'h4', 'h5', 'hr', 'ol', 'ul', 'bold', 'italic', 'superscript', 'blockquote', 'link', 'document-link', 'image', 'icon', 'footnotes']}), 6: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'required': False}), 7: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('h2', 'H2'), ('h3', 'H3'), ('h4', 'H4'), ('h5', 'H5')]}), 8: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Input the name of an icon to appear to the left of the heading. E.g., approved, help-round, etc. <a href="">See full list of icons</a>', 'required': False}), 9: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 6), ('level', 7), ('icon', 8)]], {'required': False}), 10: ('wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock', (), {'required': False}), 11: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': "No character limit, but be as succinct as possible. If the image is decorative (i.e., a screenreader wouldn't have anything useful to say about it), leave this field blank.", 'required': False}), 12: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('upload', 10), ('alt', 11)]], {}), 13: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('full', 'Full width'), (470, '470px'), (270, '270px'), (170, '170px')]}), 14: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('right', 'right'), ('left', 'left')], 'help_text': 'Does not apply if the image is full-width'}), 15: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'label': 'Caption', 'required': False}), 16: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'Check to add a horizontal rule line to bottom of inset.', 'label': 'Has bottom rule line', 'required': False}), 17: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('image', 12), ('image_width', 13), ('image_position', 14), ('text', 15), ('is_bottom_rule', 16)]], {}), 18: ('wagtail.blocks.MultipleChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('is_full_width', 'Display the table at full width'), ('stack_on_mobile', 'Stack the table columns on mobile')], 'required': False}), 19: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {}), 20: ('wagtail.blocks.FloatBlock', (), {}), 21: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'features': ['bold', 'italic', 'ol', 'ul', 'link', 'document-link', 'superscript']}), 22: ('wagtail_footnotes.blocks.RichTextBlockWithFootnotes', (), {'features': ['bold', 'italic', 'ol', 'ul', 'link', 'document-link', 'superscript', 'footnotes']}), 23: ('wagtail.contrib.typed_table_block.blocks.TypedTableBlock', [[('text', 19), ('numeric', 20), ('rich_text', 21), ('rich_text_with_footnotes', 22)]], {}), 24: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 9), ('text_introduction', 6), ('options', 18), ('data', 23)]], {}), 25: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {}), 26: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'required': False}), 27: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('body', 25), ('citation', 26)]], {}), 28: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'required': False}), 29: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Add an ARIA label if the link text does not describe the destination of the link (e.g. has ambiguous text like "Learn more" that is not descriptive on its own).', 'required': False}), 30: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'default': '/', 'required': False}), 31: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'required': False}), 32: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 6), ('aria_label', 29), ('url', 30), ('is_link_boldface', 31)]], {}), 33: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('slug_text', 6), ('paragraph_text', 28), ('button', 32)]], {}), 34: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (32,), {}), 35: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 6), ('paragraph', 28), ('links', 34)]], {}), 36: ('v1.blocks.ReusableTextChooserBlock', ('v1.ReusableText',), {}), 37: ('v1.blocks.ReusableNotificationChooserBlock', ('v1.ReusableNotification',), {}), 38: ('v1.blocks.EmailSignUpChooserBlock', (), {}), 39: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'label': 'Well', 'required': False}), 40: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content', 39)]], {}), 41: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('content', 0), ('content_with_anchor', 4), ('content_with_footnotes', 5), ('heading', 9), ('image', 17), ('table', 24), ('quote', 27), ('cta', 33), ('related_links', 35), ('reusable_text', 36), ('reusable_notification', 37), ('email_signup', 38), ('well', 40)]], {}), 42: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('50-50', '50/50'), ('33-33-33', '33/33/33'), ('25-75', '25/75')], 'help_text': 'Choose the number and width of info unit columns.', 'label': 'Format'}), 43: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': "Check this to link all images and headings to the URL of the first link in their unit's list, if there is a link.", 'required': False}), 44: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add a horizontal rule line to top of info unit group.', 'required': False}), 45: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to show horizontal rule lines between info units.', 'label': 'Show rule lines between items', 'required': False}), 46: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('none', 'None'), ('rounded', 'Rounded corners'), ('circle', 'Circle')], 'help_text': 'Adds a <em>border-radius</em> class to images in this group, allowing for a rounded or circular border.', 'label': 'Border radius for images?', 'required': False}), 47: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 6), ('level', 7), ('icon', 8)]], {'default': {'level': 'h3'}, 'required': False}), 48: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'blank': True, 'required': False}), 49: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (32,), {'required': False}), 50: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('image', 12), ('heading', 47), ('body', 48), ('links', 49)]], {}), 51: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (50,), {'default': []}), 52: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('format', 42), ('heading', 9), ('intro', 28), ('link_image_and_heading', 43), ('has_top_rule_line', 44), ('lines_between_items', 45), ('border_radius_image', 46), ('info_units', 51)]], {}), 53: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'required': False}), 54: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('paragraph', 28), ('well', 40), ('links', 32), ('info_unit_group', 52)]], {'blank': True}), 55: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('label', 6), ('icon', 6), ('is_bordered', 53), ('is_midtone', 53), ('is_expanded', 53), ('is_expanded_padding', 53), ('content', 54)]], {}), 56: ('wagtail.blocks.RegexBlock', (), {'error_messages': {'invalid': 'The YouTube video ID is in the wrong format.'}, 'help_text': 'Enter the YouTube video ID, which is located at the end of the video URL, after "v=". For example, the video ID for is 1V0Ax9OIc84.', 'label': 'YouTube video ID', 'regex': '^[\\w-]{11}$', 'required': False}), 57: ('wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Optional thumbnail image to show before and after the video plays. If the thumbnail image is not set here, the video player will default to showing the thumbnail that was set in (or automatically chosen by) YouTube.', 'required': False}), 58: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('video_id', 56), ('thumbnail_image', 57)]], {}), 59: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'required': True}), 60: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Accessible description of the chart content', 'required': True}), 61: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('bar', 'Bar'), ('datetime', 'Date/time'), ('line', 'Line'), ('tilemap', 'Tile grid map')]}), 62: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': "URL of the chart's data source or an array of JSON data", 'required': True, 'rows': 2}), 63: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'For charts pulling from a separate source file, include a list of the column headers (from a CSV file) or keys (from a JSON file) to include in the chart as  ["HEADER/KEY1", "HEADER/KEY2"]. To change how the data is labeled in the chart, include the correct labels with the format [{"key": "HEADER/KEY1", "label": "NEWLABEL"}, {"key": "HEADER/KEY2", "label": "NEWLABEL2"}]', 'required': False}), 64: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'Uncheck this option to initially only show the first data  series in the chart. Leave checked to show all data  series by default. Users can always turn data series on  or off by interacting with the chart legend. ', 'required': False}), 65: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'The column header (CSV), key or data array (JSON) to include as the source of x-axis values.', 'required': False}), 66: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': "Name the javascript function in chart-hooks.js to run on the provided data before handing it to the chart. Can also provide '___'-separated arguments to this function which are passed in as arguments 2 to n", 'required': False}), 67: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'If the chart needs the option for users to filter the data shown, for example by date or geographic region, provide the JSON objects to filter on, in the format  {key: "KEY", "label": "LABEL"}', 'required': False}), 68: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'A JSON object with style overrides for the underlying Highcharts chart. No object merging is done, nested objects should be referenced with dot notation: {"tooltip.shape": "circle"}', 'required': False}), 69: ('wagtail.blocks.IntegerBlock', (), {'blank': True, 'help_text': 'A number to determine how many months of the data are projected values', 'max_value': 12, 'min_value': 0, 'null': True, 'required': False}), 70: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Attribution for the data source', 'required': False}), 71: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'When the underlying data was published', 'required': False}), 72: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Custom text for the chart download field. Required to display a download link.', 'required': False}), 73: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Location of a file to download, if different from the data source', 'required': False}), 74: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'General chart information', 'required': False}), 75: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('title', 59), ('subtitle', 26), ('description', 60), ('figure_number', 6), ('chart_type', 61), ('data_source', 62), ('data_series', 63), ('show_all_series_by_default', 64), ('x_axis_source', 65), ('transform', 66), ('x_axis_label', 6), ('y_axis_label', 6), ('filters', 67), ('style_overrides', 68), ('projected_months', 69), ('source_credits', 70), ('date_published', 71), ('download_text', 72), ('download_file', 73), ('notes', 74)]], {}), 76: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'blank': True, 'features': ['ol', 'ul', 'bold', 'italic', 'link', 'document-link'], 'required': False}), 77: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'blank': True, 'help_text': "Add an optional anchor link tag for this question. Tag should be unique and use dashes or underscores for separation instead of spaces (ie, 'question-one-tag')", 'max_length': 500, 'required': False}), 78: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'max_length': 500}), 79: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'features': ['bold', 'italic', 'h3', 'h4', 'link', 'ol', 'ul', 'document-link', 'image', 'embed'], 'label': 'Text'}), 80: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content', 79)]], {}), 81: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('text', 80), ('table', 24), ('video_player', 58)]], {}), 82: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('anchor_tag', 77), ('question', 78), ('answer_content', 81)]], {}), 83: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (82,), {}), 84: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('description', 76), ('questions', 83)]], {'label': 'FAQ schema'}), 85: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'label': 'Title of How To section', 'max_length': 500}), 86: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('h2', 'H2'), ('h3', 'H3'), ('h4', 'H4')], 'help_text': 'Choose a tag for the title of the How To section.', 'label': 'Tag for How To section title'}), 87: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'The How To schema requires a title to let search engines understand what it is about. If you do not want the title to be displayed in the page, uncheck this box and the title content will only be made available to crawlers and screen readers.', 'label': 'Show How To section title', 'required': False}), 88: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('h2', 'H2'), ('h3', 'H3'), ('h4', 'H4'), ('b', 'Bold'), ('p', 'Paragraph')], 'help_text': 'Choose a tag for the title of each HowTo step.', 'label': 'Tag for step titles'}), 89: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this box to display numbers before step titles. ', 'label': 'Show numbers for steps', 'required': False}), 90: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'blank': True, 'help_text': "Add an optional anchor link tag to allow linking directly to this step. Tag should be unique and use dashes or underscores for separation instead of spaces (ie, 'step-one-tag').", 'max_length': 500, 'required': False}), 91: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Enter a title for this HowTo step. You do not need to include a number in the title -- numbers will be added automatically in the template if the show numbers checkbox is checked.', 'max_length': 500}), 92: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('anchor_tag', 90), ('title', 91), ('step_content', 81)]], {}), 93: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (92,), {}), 94: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('title', 85), ('title_tag', 86), ('show_title', 87), ('description', 76), ('step_title_tag', 88), ('has_numbers', 89), ('steps', 93)]], {'label': 'HowTo schema', 'max_num': 1})}),
+        ),
+        migrations.AlterField(
+            model_name='browsefilterablepage',
+            name='content',
+            field=wagtail.fields.StreamField([('full_width_text', 41), ('filter_controls', 51)], blank=True, block_lookup={0: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'icon': 'edit'}), 1: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {}), 2: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': '\n            ID will be auto-generated on save.\n            However, you may enter some human-friendly text that\n            will be incorporated to make it easier to read.\n        ', 'label': 'ID for this content block', 'required': False}), 3: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('link_id', 2)]], {}), 4: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content_block', 1), ('anchor_link', 3)]], {}), 5: ('wagtail_footnotes.blocks.RichTextBlockWithFootnotes', (), {'features': ['anchor-identifier', 'h2', 'h3', 'h4', 'h5', 'hr', 'ol', 'ul', 'bold', 'italic', 'superscript', 'blockquote', 'link', 'document-link', 'image', 'icon', 'footnotes']}), 6: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'required': False}), 7: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('h2', 'H2'), ('h3', 'H3'), ('h4', 'H4'), ('h5', 'H5')]}), 8: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Input the name of an icon to appear to the left of the heading. E.g., approved, help-round, etc. <a href="">See full list of icons</a>', 'required': False}), 9: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 6), ('level', 7), ('icon', 8)]], {'required': False}), 10: ('wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock', (), {'required': False}), 11: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': "No character limit, but be as succinct as possible. If the image is decorative (i.e., a screenreader wouldn't have anything useful to say about it), leave this field blank.", 'required': False}), 12: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('upload', 10), ('alt', 11)]], {}), 13: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('full', 'Full width'), (470, '470px'), (270, '270px'), (170, '170px')]}), 14: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('right', 'right'), ('left', 'left')], 'help_text': 'Does not apply if the image is full-width'}), 15: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'label': 'Caption', 'required': False}), 16: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'Check to add a horizontal rule line to bottom of inset.', 'label': 'Has bottom rule line', 'required': False}), 17: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('image', 12), ('image_width', 13), ('image_position', 14), ('text', 15), ('is_bottom_rule', 16)]], {}), 18: ('wagtail.blocks.MultipleChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('is_full_width', 'Display the table at full width'), ('stack_on_mobile', 'Stack the table columns on mobile')], 'required': False}), 19: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {}), 20: ('wagtail.blocks.FloatBlock', (), {}), 21: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'features': ['bold', 'italic', 'ol', 'ul', 'link', 'document-link', 'superscript']}), 22: ('wagtail_footnotes.blocks.RichTextBlockWithFootnotes', (), {'features': ['bold', 'italic', 'ol', 'ul', 'link', 'document-link', 'superscript', 'footnotes']}), 23: ('wagtail.contrib.typed_table_block.blocks.TypedTableBlock', [[('text', 19), ('numeric', 20), ('rich_text', 21), ('rich_text_with_footnotes', 22)]], {}), 24: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 9), ('text_introduction', 6), ('options', 18), ('data', 23)]], {}), 25: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {}), 26: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'required': False}), 27: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('body', 25), ('citation', 26)]], {}), 28: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'required': False}), 29: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Add an ARIA label if the link text does not describe the destination of the link (e.g. has ambiguous text like "Learn more" that is not descriptive on its own).', 'required': False}), 30: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'default': '/', 'required': False}), 31: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'required': False}), 32: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 6), ('aria_label', 29), ('url', 30), ('is_link_boldface', 31)]], {}), 33: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('slug_text', 6), ('paragraph_text', 28), ('button', 32)]], {}), 34: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (32,), {}), 35: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 6), ('paragraph', 28), ('links', 34)]], {}), 36: ('v1.blocks.ReusableTextChooserBlock', ('v1.ReusableText',), {}), 37: ('v1.blocks.ReusableNotificationChooserBlock', ('v1.ReusableNotification',), {}), 38: ('v1.blocks.EmailSignUpChooserBlock', (), {}), 39: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'label': 'Well', 'required': False}), 40: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content', 39)]], {}), 41: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('content', 0), ('content_with_anchor', 4), ('content_with_footnotes', 5), ('heading', 9), ('image', 17), ('table', 24), ('quote', 27), ('cta', 33), ('related_links', 35), ('reusable_text', 36), ('reusable_notification', 37), ('email_signup', 38), ('well', 40)]], {}), 42: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'required': False}), 43: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'Whether to include a "Search by keyword" filter in the filter controls.', 'required': False}), 44: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'Whether to include a "Category" filter in the filter controls.', 'required': False}), 45: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': v1.util.ref.filterable_list_page_types, 'required': False}), 46: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Whether to include a "Topics" filter in the filter controls', 'required': False}), 47: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Whether to include a "Status" filter in the filter controls. Only enable if using on an enforcement actions filterable list.', 'required': False}), 48: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Whether to include a "Product" filter in the filter controls. Only enable if using on an enforcement actions filterable list.', 'required': False}), 49: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Whether to include a "Language" filter in the filter controls.Only enable if there are non-english filterable results available.', 'required': False}), 50: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'Whether to include a set of "Date range" filters in the filter controls.', 'required': False}), 51: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('label', 6), ('icon', 6), ('is_bordered', 42), ('is_midtone', 42), ('is_expanded', 42), ('is_expanded_padding', 42), ('filter_by_keyword', 43), ('filter_by_category', 44), ('category_choices', 45), ('filter_by_topics', 46), ('filter_by_enforcement_statuses', 47), ('filter_by_enforcement_products', 48), ('filter_by_language', 49), ('filter_by_date_range', 50)]], {})}),
+        ),
+        migrations.AlterField(
+            model_name='browsepage',
+            name='content',
+            field=wagtail.fields.StreamField([('full_width_text', 41), ('info_unit_group', 52), ('simple_chart', 69), ('expandable_group', 77), ('expandable', 75), ('well', 40), ('video_player', 80), ('table', 24), ('raw_html_block', 81), ('chart_block', 92), ('mortgage_chart_block', 96), ('mortgage_map_block', 96), ('mortgage_downloads_block', 98), ('data_snapshot', 112), ('job_listing_table', 113), ('faq_group', 122)], blank=True, block_lookup={0: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'icon': 'edit'}), 1: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {}), 2: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': '\n            ID will be auto-generated on save.\n            However, you may enter some human-friendly text that\n            will be incorporated to make it easier to read.\n        ', 'label': 'ID for this content block', 'required': False}), 3: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('link_id', 2)]], {}), 4: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content_block', 1), ('anchor_link', 3)]], {}), 5: ('wagtail_footnotes.blocks.RichTextBlockWithFootnotes', (), {'features': ['anchor-identifier', 'h2', 'h3', 'h4', 'h5', 'hr', 'ol', 'ul', 'bold', 'italic', 'superscript', 'blockquote', 'link', 'document-link', 'image', 'icon', 'footnotes']}), 6: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'required': False}), 7: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('h2', 'H2'), ('h3', 'H3'), ('h4', 'H4'), ('h5', 'H5')]}), 8: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Input the name of an icon to appear to the left of the heading. E.g., approved, help-round, etc. <a href="">See full list of icons</a>', 'required': False}), 9: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 6), ('level', 7), ('icon', 8)]], {'required': False}), 10: ('wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock', (), {'required': False}), 11: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': "No character limit, but be as succinct as possible. If the image is decorative (i.e., a screenreader wouldn't have anything useful to say about it), leave this field blank.", 'required': False}), 12: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('upload', 10), ('alt', 11)]], {}), 13: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('full', 'Full width'), (470, '470px'), (270, '270px'), (170, '170px')]}), 14: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('right', 'right'), ('left', 'left')], 'help_text': 'Does not apply if the image is full-width'}), 15: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'label': 'Caption', 'required': False}), 16: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'Check to add a horizontal rule line to bottom of inset.', 'label': 'Has bottom rule line', 'required': False}), 17: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('image', 12), ('image_width', 13), ('image_position', 14), ('text', 15), ('is_bottom_rule', 16)]], {}), 18: ('wagtail.blocks.MultipleChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('is_full_width', 'Display the table at full width'), ('stack_on_mobile', 'Stack the table columns on mobile')], 'required': False}), 19: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {}), 20: ('wagtail.blocks.FloatBlock', (), {}), 21: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'features': ['bold', 'italic', 'ol', 'ul', 'link', 'document-link', 'superscript']}), 22: ('wagtail_footnotes.blocks.RichTextBlockWithFootnotes', (), {'features': ['bold', 'italic', 'ol', 'ul', 'link', 'document-link', 'superscript', 'footnotes']}), 23: ('wagtail.contrib.typed_table_block.blocks.TypedTableBlock', [[('text', 19), ('numeric', 20), ('rich_text', 21), ('rich_text_with_footnotes', 22)]], {}), 24: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 9), ('text_introduction', 6), ('options', 18), ('data', 23)]], {}), 25: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {}), 26: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'required': False}), 27: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('body', 25), ('citation', 26)]], {}), 28: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'required': False}), 29: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Add an ARIA label if the link text does not describe the destination of the link (e.g. has ambiguous text like "Learn more" that is not descriptive on its own).', 'required': False}), 30: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'default': '/', 'required': False}), 31: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'required': False}), 32: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 6), ('aria_label', 29), ('url', 30), ('is_link_boldface', 31)]], {}), 33: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('slug_text', 6), ('paragraph_text', 28), ('button', 32)]], {}), 34: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (32,), {}), 35: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 6), ('paragraph', 28), ('links', 34)]], {}), 36: ('v1.blocks.ReusableTextChooserBlock', ('v1.ReusableText',), {}), 37: ('v1.blocks.ReusableNotificationChooserBlock', ('v1.ReusableNotification',), {}), 38: ('v1.blocks.EmailSignUpChooserBlock', (), {}), 39: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'label': 'Well', 'required': False}), 40: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content', 39)]], {}), 41: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('content', 0), ('content_with_anchor', 4), ('content_with_footnotes', 5), ('heading', 9), ('image', 17), ('table', 24), ('quote', 27), ('cta', 33), ('related_links', 35), ('reusable_text', 36), ('reusable_notification', 37), ('email_signup', 38), ('well', 40)]], {}), 42: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('50-50', '50/50'), ('33-33-33', '33/33/33'), ('25-75', '25/75')], 'help_text': 'Choose the number and width of info unit columns.', 'label': 'Format'}), 43: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': "Check this to link all images and headings to the URL of the first link in their unit's list, if there is a link.", 'required': False}), 44: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add a horizontal rule line to top of info unit group.', 'required': False}), 45: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to show horizontal rule lines between info units.', 'label': 'Show rule lines between items', 'required': False}), 46: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('none', 'None'), ('rounded', 'Rounded corners'), ('circle', 'Circle')], 'help_text': 'Adds a <em>border-radius</em> class to images in this group, allowing for a rounded or circular border.', 'label': 'Border radius for images?', 'required': False}), 47: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 6), ('level', 7), ('icon', 8)]], {'default': {'level': 'h3'}, 'required': False}), 48: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'blank': True, 'required': False}), 49: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (32,), {'required': False}), 50: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('image', 12), ('heading', 47), ('body', 48), ('links', 49)]], {}), 51: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (50,), {'default': []}), 52: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('format', 42), ('heading', 9), ('intro', 28), ('link_image_and_heading', 43), ('has_top_rule_line', 44), ('lines_between_items', 45), ('border_radius_image', 46), ('info_units', 51)]], {}), 53: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'required': True}), 54: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Accessible description of the chart content', 'required': True}), 55: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('bar', 'Bar'), ('datetime', 'Date/time'), ('line', 'Line'), ('tilemap', 'Tile grid map')]}), 56: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': "URL of the chart's data source or an array of JSON data", 'required': True, 'rows': 2}), 57: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'For charts pulling from a separate source file, include a list of the column headers (from a CSV file) or keys (from a JSON file) to include in the chart as  ["HEADER/KEY1", "HEADER/KEY2"]. To change how the data is labeled in the chart, include the correct labels with the format [{"key": "HEADER/KEY1", "label": "NEWLABEL"}, {"key": "HEADER/KEY2", "label": "NEWLABEL2"}]', 'required': False}), 58: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'Uncheck this option to initially only show the first data  series in the chart. Leave checked to show all data  series by default. Users can always turn data series on  or off by interacting with the chart legend. ', 'required': False}), 59: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'The column header (CSV), key or data array (JSON) to include as the source of x-axis values.', 'required': False}), 60: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': "Name the javascript function in chart-hooks.js to run on the provided data before handing it to the chart. Can also provide '___'-separated arguments to this function which are passed in as arguments 2 to n", 'required': False}), 61: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'If the chart needs the option for users to filter the data shown, for example by date or geographic region, provide the JSON objects to filter on, in the format  {key: "KEY", "label": "LABEL"}', 'required': False}), 62: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'A JSON object with style overrides for the underlying Highcharts chart. No object merging is done, nested objects should be referenced with dot notation: {"tooltip.shape": "circle"}', 'required': False}), 63: ('wagtail.blocks.IntegerBlock', (), {'blank': True, 'help_text': 'A number to determine how many months of the data are projected values', 'max_value': 12, 'min_value': 0, 'null': True, 'required': False}), 64: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Attribution for the data source', 'required': False}), 65: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'When the underlying data was published', 'required': False}), 66: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Custom text for the chart download field. Required to display a download link.', 'required': False}), 67: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Location of a file to download, if different from the data source', 'required': False}), 68: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'General chart information', 'required': False}), 69: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('title', 53), ('subtitle', 26), ('description', 54), ('figure_number', 6), ('chart_type', 55), ('data_source', 56), ('data_series', 57), ('show_all_series_by_default', 58), ('x_axis_source', 59), ('transform', 60), ('x_axis_label', 6), ('y_axis_label', 6), ('filters', 61), ('style_overrides', 62), ('projected_months', 63), ('source_credits', 64), ('date_published', 65), ('download_text', 66), ('download_file', 67), ('notes', 68)]], {}), 70: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Added as an <code>&lt;h3&gt;</code> at the top of this block. Also adds a wrapping <code>&lt;div&gt;</code> whose <code>id</code> attribute comes from a slugified version of this heading, creating an anchor that can be used when linking to this part of the page.', 'required': False}), 71: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'required': False}), 72: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add a horizontal rule line to top of expandable group.', 'required': False}), 73: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add FAQ schema markup to expandables.', 'label': 'Uses FAQ schema', 'required': False}), 74: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('paragraph', 28), ('well', 40), ('links', 32), ('info_unit_group', 52)]], {'blank': True}), 75: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('label', 6), ('icon', 6), ('is_bordered', 71), ('is_midtone', 71), ('is_expanded', 71), ('is_expanded_padding', 71), ('content', 74)]], {}), 76: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (75,), {}), 77: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 70), ('body', 28), ('is_accordion', 71), ('has_top_rule_line', 72), ('is_faq', 73), ('expandables', 76)]], {}), 78: ('wagtail.blocks.RegexBlock', (), {'error_messages': {'invalid': 'The YouTube video ID is in the wrong format.'}, 'help_text': 'Enter the YouTube video ID, which is located at the end of the video URL, after "v=". For example, the video ID for is 1V0Ax9OIc84.', 'label': 'YouTube video ID', 'regex': '^[\\w-]{11}$', 'required': False}), 79: ('wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Optional thumbnail image to show before and after the video plays. If the thumbnail image is not set here, the video player will default to showing the thumbnail that was set in (or automatically chosen by) YouTube.', 'required': False}), 80: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('video_id', 78), ('thumbnail_image', 79)]], {}), 81: ('wagtail.blocks.RawHTMLBlock', (), {'label': 'Raw HTML block'}), 82: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('bar', 'Bar | % y-axis values'), ('line', 'Line | millions/billions y-axis values'), ('line-index', 'Line-Index | integer y-axis values'), ('tile_map', 'Tile Map | grid-like USA map')]}), 83: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('blue', 'Blue'), ('gold', 'Gold'), ('green', 'Green'), ('navy', 'Navy'), ('neutral', 'Neutral'), ('purple', 'Purple'), ('teal', 'Teal')], 'help_text': 'Chart\'s color scheme. See "".', 'required': False}), 84: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Location of the chart\'s data source relative to "". For example,"consumer-credit-trends/auto-loans/num_data_AUT.csv".', 'required': True}), 85: ('wagtail.blocks.DateBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Automatically generated when CCT cron job runs'}), 86: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Briefly summarize the chart for visually impaired users.', 'required': True}), 87: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add a horizontal rule line to top of chart block.', 'required': False}), 88: ('wagtail.blocks.DateBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Month of latest entry in dataset'}), 89: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Optional metadata for the chart to use. For example, with CCT this would be the chart\'s "group".', 'required': False}), 90: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Text to display as a footnote. For example, "Data from the last six months are not final."', 'required': False}), 91: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Custom y-axis label. NOTE: Line-Index chart y-axis is not overridable with this field!', 'required': False}), 92: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('title', 53), ('chart_type', 82), ('color_scheme', 83), ('data_source', 84), ('date_published', 85), ('description', 86), ('has_top_rule_line', 87), ('last_updated_projected_data', 88), ('metadata', 89), ('note', 90), ('y_axis_label', 91)]], {}), 93: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'form_classname': 'title', 'required': True}), 94: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Chart summary for visually impaired users.', 'required': False}), 95: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Text for "Note" section of footnotes.', 'required': False}), 96: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content_block', 1), ('title', 93), ('description', 94), ('note', 95), ('has_top_rule_line', 87)]], {}), 97: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this box to allow the archival section to display. No section will appear if there are no archival downloads.', 'required': False}), 98: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('show_archives', 97)]], {}), 99: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Market identifier, e.g. AUT', 'max_length': 20, 'required': True}), 100: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Number of originations, e.g. 1.2 million', 'max_length': 20}), 101: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Total dollar value of originations, e.g. $3.4 billion', 'max_length': 20}), 102: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Percentage change, e.g. 5.6% increase', 'max_length': 20}), 103: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Descriptive sentence, e.g. Auto loans originated', 'max_length': 100}), 104: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Descriptive sentence, e.g. Dollar volume of new loans', 'max_length': 100}), 105: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Descriptive sentence, e.g. In year-over-year originations', 'max_length': 100}), 106: ('wagtail.blocks.DateBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Month of latest entry in dataset for inquiry data', 'max_length': 20, 'required': False}), 107: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Percentage change, e.g. 5.6% increase', 'max_length': 20, 'required': False}), 108: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Descriptive sentence, e.g. In year-over-year inquiries', 'max_length': 100, 'required': False}), 109: ('wagtail.blocks.DateBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Month of latest entry in dataset for credit tightness data', 'max_length': 20, 'required': False}), 110: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Descriptive sentence, e.g. In year-over-year credit tightness', 'max_length': 100, 'required': False}), 111: ('wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock', (), {'icon': 'image', 'required': False}), 112: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('market_key', 99), ('num_originations', 100), ('value_originations', 101), ('year_over_year_change', 102), ('last_updated_projected_data', 88), ('num_originations_text', 103), ('value_originations_text', 104), ('year_over_year_change_text', 105), ('inquiry_month', 106), ('inquiry_year_over_year_change', 107), ('inquiry_year_over_year_change_text', 108), ('tightness_month', 109), ('tightness_year_over_year_change', 107), ('tightness_year_over_year_change_text', 110), ('image', 111)]], {}), 113: ('jobmanager.blocks.JobListingTable', (), {}), 114: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add a horizontal rule line to top of FAQ group.', 'required': False}), 115: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to show horizontal rule lines between FAQ items.', 'label': 'Show rule lines between items', 'required': False}), 116: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('h2', 'h2'), ('h3', 'h3'), ('h4', 'h4'), ('p', 'p')], 'help_text': 'HTML tag for questions.'}), 117: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'blank': True, 'help_text': "Add an optional anchor link tag for this question. Tag should be unique and use dashes or underscores for separation instead of spaces (ie, 'question-one-tag')", 'max_length': 500, 'required': False}), 118: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'max_length': 500}), 119: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('full_width_text', 41), ('info_unit_group', 52)]], {}), 120: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('anchor_tag', 117), ('question', 118), ('answer', 119)]], {}), 121: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (120,), {'label': 'FAQ items'}), 122: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('has_top_rule_line', 114), ('lines_between_items', 115), ('question_tag', 116), ('faq_items', 121)]], {})}),
+        ),
+        migrations.AlterField(
+            model_name='documentdetailpage',
+            name='content',
+            field=wagtail.fields.StreamField([('full_width_text', 41), ('expandable', 55), ('expandable_group', 60), ('notification', 65), ('simple_chart', 82), ('table', 24), ('crc_table', 84), ('case_docket_table', 86)], blank=True, block_lookup={0: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'icon': 'edit'}), 1: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {}), 2: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': '\n            ID will be auto-generated on save.\n            However, you may enter some human-friendly text that\n            will be incorporated to make it easier to read.\n        ', 'label': 'ID for this content block', 'required': False}), 3: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('link_id', 2)]], {}), 4: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content_block', 1), ('anchor_link', 3)]], {}), 5: ('wagtail_footnotes.blocks.RichTextBlockWithFootnotes', (), {'features': ['anchor-identifier', 'h2', 'h3', 'h4', 'h5', 'hr', 'ol', 'ul', 'bold', 'italic', 'superscript', 'blockquote', 'link', 'document-link', 'image', 'icon', 'footnotes']}), 6: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'required': False}), 7: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('h2', 'H2'), ('h3', 'H3'), ('h4', 'H4'), ('h5', 'H5')]}), 8: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Input the name of an icon to appear to the left of the heading. E.g., approved, help-round, etc. <a href="">See full list of icons</a>', 'required': False}), 9: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 6), ('level', 7), ('icon', 8)]], {'required': False}), 10: ('wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock', (), {'required': False}), 11: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': "No character limit, but be as succinct as possible. If the image is decorative (i.e., a screenreader wouldn't have anything useful to say about it), leave this field blank.", 'required': False}), 12: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('upload', 10), ('alt', 11)]], {}), 13: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('full', 'Full width'), (470, '470px'), (270, '270px'), (170, '170px')]}), 14: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('right', 'right'), ('left', 'left')], 'help_text': 'Does not apply if the image is full-width'}), 15: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'label': 'Caption', 'required': False}), 16: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'Check to add a horizontal rule line to bottom of inset.', 'label': 'Has bottom rule line', 'required': False}), 17: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('image', 12), ('image_width', 13), ('image_position', 14), ('text', 15), ('is_bottom_rule', 16)]], {}), 18: ('wagtail.blocks.MultipleChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('is_full_width', 'Display the table at full width'), ('stack_on_mobile', 'Stack the table columns on mobile')], 'required': False}), 19: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {}), 20: ('wagtail.blocks.FloatBlock', (), {}), 21: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'features': ['bold', 'italic', 'ol', 'ul', 'link', 'document-link', 'superscript']}), 22: ('wagtail_footnotes.blocks.RichTextBlockWithFootnotes', (), {'features': ['bold', 'italic', 'ol', 'ul', 'link', 'document-link', 'superscript', 'footnotes']}), 23: ('wagtail.contrib.typed_table_block.blocks.TypedTableBlock', [[('text', 19), ('numeric', 20), ('rich_text', 21), ('rich_text_with_footnotes', 22)]], {}), 24: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 9), ('text_introduction', 6), ('options', 18), ('data', 23)]], {}), 25: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {}), 26: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'required': False}), 27: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('body', 25), ('citation', 26)]], {}), 28: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'required': False}), 29: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Add an ARIA label if the link text does not describe the destination of the link (e.g. has ambiguous text like "Learn more" that is not descriptive on its own).', 'required': False}), 30: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'default': '/', 'required': False}), 31: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'required': False}), 32: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 6), ('aria_label', 29), ('url', 30), ('is_link_boldface', 31)]], {}), 33: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('slug_text', 6), ('paragraph_text', 28), ('button', 32)]], {}), 34: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (32,), {}), 35: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 6), ('paragraph', 28), ('links', 34)]], {}), 36: ('v1.blocks.ReusableTextChooserBlock', ('v1.ReusableText',), {}), 37: ('v1.blocks.ReusableNotificationChooserBlock', ('v1.ReusableNotification',), {}), 38: ('v1.blocks.EmailSignUpChooserBlock', (), {}), 39: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'label': 'Well', 'required': False}), 40: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content', 39)]], {}), 41: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('content', 0), ('content_with_anchor', 4), ('content_with_footnotes', 5), ('heading', 9), ('image', 17), ('table', 24), ('quote', 27), ('cta', 33), ('related_links', 35), ('reusable_text', 36), ('reusable_notification', 37), ('email_signup', 38), ('well', 40)]], {}), 42: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'required': False}), 43: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('50-50', '50/50'), ('33-33-33', '33/33/33'), ('25-75', '25/75')], 'help_text': 'Choose the number and width of info unit columns.', 'label': 'Format'}), 44: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': "Check this to link all images and headings to the URL of the first link in their unit's list, if there is a link.", 'required': False}), 45: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add a horizontal rule line to top of info unit group.', 'required': False}), 46: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to show horizontal rule lines between info units.', 'label': 'Show rule lines between items', 'required': False}), 47: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('none', 'None'), ('rounded', 'Rounded corners'), ('circle', 'Circle')], 'help_text': 'Adds a <em>border-radius</em> class to images in this group, allowing for a rounded or circular border.', 'label': 'Border radius for images?', 'required': False}), 48: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 6), ('level', 7), ('icon', 8)]], {'default': {'level': 'h3'}, 'required': False}), 49: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'blank': True, 'required': False}), 50: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (32,), {'required': False}), 51: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('image', 12), ('heading', 48), ('body', 49), ('links', 50)]], {}), 52: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (51,), {'default': []}), 53: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('format', 43), ('heading', 9), ('intro', 28), ('link_image_and_heading', 44), ('has_top_rule_line', 45), ('lines_between_items', 46), ('border_radius_image', 47), ('info_units', 52)]], {}), 54: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('paragraph', 28), ('well', 40), ('links', 32), ('info_unit_group', 53)]], {'blank': True}), 55: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('label', 6), ('icon', 6), ('is_bordered', 42), ('is_midtone', 42), ('is_expanded', 42), ('is_expanded_padding', 42), ('content', 54)]], {}), 56: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Added as an <code>&lt;h3&gt;</code> at the top of this block. Also adds a wrapping <code>&lt;div&gt;</code> whose <code>id</code> attribute comes from a slugified version of this heading, creating an anchor that can be used when linking to this part of the page.', 'required': False}), 57: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add a horizontal rule line to top of expandable group.', 'required': False}), 58: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add FAQ schema markup to expandables.', 'label': 'Uses FAQ schema', 'required': False}), 59: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (55,), {}), 60: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 56), ('body', 28), ('is_accordion', 42), ('has_top_rule_line', 57), ('is_faq', 58), ('expandables', 59)]], {}), 61: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('information', 'Information'), ('warning', 'Warning')]}), 62: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'The main notification message to display.', 'required': True}), 63: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Explanation text appears below the message in smaller type.', 'required': False}), 64: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (32,), {'help_text': 'Links appear on their own lines below the explanation.', 'required': False}), 65: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('type', 61), ('message', 62), ('explanation', 63), ('links', 64)]], {}), 66: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'required': True}), 67: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Accessible description of the chart content', 'required': True}), 68: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('bar', 'Bar'), ('datetime', 'Date/time'), ('line', 'Line'), ('tilemap', 'Tile grid map')]}), 69: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': "URL of the chart's data source or an array of JSON data", 'required': True, 'rows': 2}), 70: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'For charts pulling from a separate source file, include a list of the column headers (from a CSV file) or keys (from a JSON file) to include in the chart as  ["HEADER/KEY1", "HEADER/KEY2"]. To change how the data is labeled in the chart, include the correct labels with the format [{"key": "HEADER/KEY1", "label": "NEWLABEL"}, {"key": "HEADER/KEY2", "label": "NEWLABEL2"}]', 'required': False}), 71: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'Uncheck this option to initially only show the first data  series in the chart. Leave checked to show all data  series by default. Users can always turn data series on  or off by interacting with the chart legend. ', 'required': False}), 72: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'The column header (CSV), key or data array (JSON) to include as the source of x-axis values.', 'required': False}), 73: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': "Name the javascript function in chart-hooks.js to run on the provided data before handing it to the chart. Can also provide '___'-separated arguments to this function which are passed in as arguments 2 to n", 'required': False}), 74: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'If the chart needs the option for users to filter the data shown, for example by date or geographic region, provide the JSON objects to filter on, in the format  {key: "KEY", "label": "LABEL"}', 'required': False}), 75: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'A JSON object with style overrides for the underlying Highcharts chart. No object merging is done, nested objects should be referenced with dot notation: {"tooltip.shape": "circle"}', 'required': False}), 76: ('wagtail.blocks.IntegerBlock', (), {'blank': True, 'help_text': 'A number to determine how many months of the data are projected values', 'max_value': 12, 'min_value': 0, 'null': True, 'required': False}), 77: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Attribution for the data source', 'required': False}), 78: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'When the underlying data was published', 'required': False}), 79: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Custom text for the chart download field. Required to display a download link.', 'required': False}), 80: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Location of a file to download, if different from the data source', 'required': False}), 81: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'General chart information', 'required': False}), 82: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('title', 66), ('subtitle', 26), ('description', 67), ('figure_number', 6), ('chart_type', 68), ('data_source', 69), ('data_series', 70), ('show_all_series_by_default', 71), ('x_axis_source', 72), ('transform', 73), ('x_axis_label', 6), ('y_axis_label', 6), ('filters', 74), ('style_overrides', 75), ('projected_months', 76), ('source_credits', 77), ('date_published', 78), ('download_text', 79), ('download_file', 80), ('notes', 81)]], {}), 83: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'features': ['bold', 'italic', 'link']}), 84: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('website', 83), ('phone', 83), ('mailing_address', 83)]], {}), 85: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (v1.atomic_elements.tables.CaseDocketEvent,), {'collapsed': True, 'min_num': 1}), 86: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('events', 85)]], {})}),
+        ),
+        migrations.AlterField(
+            model_name='enforcementactionpage',
+            name='content',
+            field=wagtail.fields.StreamField([('full_width_text', 41), ('expandable', 55), ('expandable_group', 60), ('notification', 65)], blank=True, block_lookup={0: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'icon': 'edit'}), 1: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {}), 2: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': '\n            ID will be auto-generated on save.\n            However, you may enter some human-friendly text that\n            will be incorporated to make it easier to read.\n        ', 'label': 'ID for this content block', 'required': False}), 3: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('link_id', 2)]], {}), 4: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content_block', 1), ('anchor_link', 3)]], {}), 5: ('wagtail_footnotes.blocks.RichTextBlockWithFootnotes', (), {'features': ['anchor-identifier', 'h2', 'h3', 'h4', 'h5', 'hr', 'ol', 'ul', 'bold', 'italic', 'superscript', 'blockquote', 'link', 'document-link', 'image', 'icon', 'footnotes']}), 6: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'required': False}), 7: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('h2', 'H2'), ('h3', 'H3'), ('h4', 'H4'), ('h5', 'H5')]}), 8: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Input the name of an icon to appear to the left of the heading. E.g., approved, help-round, etc. <a href="">See full list of icons</a>', 'required': False}), 9: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 6), ('level', 7), ('icon', 8)]], {'required': False}), 10: ('wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock', (), {'required': False}), 11: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': "No character limit, but be as succinct as possible. If the image is decorative (i.e., a screenreader wouldn't have anything useful to say about it), leave this field blank.", 'required': False}), 12: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('upload', 10), ('alt', 11)]], {}), 13: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('full', 'Full width'), (470, '470px'), (270, '270px'), (170, '170px')]}), 14: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('right', 'right'), ('left', 'left')], 'help_text': 'Does not apply if the image is full-width'}), 15: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'label': 'Caption', 'required': False}), 16: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'Check to add a horizontal rule line to bottom of inset.', 'label': 'Has bottom rule line', 'required': False}), 17: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('image', 12), ('image_width', 13), ('image_position', 14), ('text', 15), ('is_bottom_rule', 16)]], {}), 18: ('wagtail.blocks.MultipleChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('is_full_width', 'Display the table at full width'), ('stack_on_mobile', 'Stack the table columns on mobile')], 'required': False}), 19: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {}), 20: ('wagtail.blocks.FloatBlock', (), {}), 21: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'features': ['bold', 'italic', 'ol', 'ul', 'link', 'document-link', 'superscript']}), 22: ('wagtail_footnotes.blocks.RichTextBlockWithFootnotes', (), {'features': ['bold', 'italic', 'ol', 'ul', 'link', 'document-link', 'superscript', 'footnotes']}), 23: ('wagtail.contrib.typed_table_block.blocks.TypedTableBlock', [[('text', 19), ('numeric', 20), ('rich_text', 21), ('rich_text_with_footnotes', 22)]], {}), 24: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 9), ('text_introduction', 6), ('options', 18), ('data', 23)]], {}), 25: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {}), 26: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'required': False}), 27: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('body', 25), ('citation', 26)]], {}), 28: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'required': False}), 29: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Add an ARIA label if the link text does not describe the destination of the link (e.g. has ambiguous text like "Learn more" that is not descriptive on its own).', 'required': False}), 30: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'default': '/', 'required': False}), 31: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'required': False}), 32: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 6), ('aria_label', 29), ('url', 30), ('is_link_boldface', 31)]], {}), 33: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('slug_text', 6), ('paragraph_text', 28), ('button', 32)]], {}), 34: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (32,), {}), 35: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 6), ('paragraph', 28), ('links', 34)]], {}), 36: ('v1.blocks.ReusableTextChooserBlock', ('v1.ReusableText',), {}), 37: ('v1.blocks.ReusableNotificationChooserBlock', ('v1.ReusableNotification',), {}), 38: ('v1.blocks.EmailSignUpChooserBlock', (), {}), 39: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'label': 'Well', 'required': False}), 40: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content', 39)]], {}), 41: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('content', 0), ('content_with_anchor', 4), ('content_with_footnotes', 5), ('heading', 9), ('image', 17), ('table', 24), ('quote', 27), ('cta', 33), ('related_links', 35), ('reusable_text', 36), ('reusable_notification', 37), ('email_signup', 38), ('well', 40)]], {}), 42: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'required': False}), 43: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('50-50', '50/50'), ('33-33-33', '33/33/33'), ('25-75', '25/75')], 'help_text': 'Choose the number and width of info unit columns.', 'label': 'Format'}), 44: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': "Check this to link all images and headings to the URL of the first link in their unit's list, if there is a link.", 'required': False}), 45: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add a horizontal rule line to top of info unit group.', 'required': False}), 46: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to show horizontal rule lines between info units.', 'label': 'Show rule lines between items', 'required': False}), 47: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('none', 'None'), ('rounded', 'Rounded corners'), ('circle', 'Circle')], 'help_text': 'Adds a <em>border-radius</em> class to images in this group, allowing for a rounded or circular border.', 'label': 'Border radius for images?', 'required': False}), 48: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 6), ('level', 7), ('icon', 8)]], {'default': {'level': 'h3'}, 'required': False}), 49: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'blank': True, 'required': False}), 50: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (32,), {'required': False}), 51: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('image', 12), ('heading', 48), ('body', 49), ('links', 50)]], {}), 52: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (51,), {'default': []}), 53: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('format', 43), ('heading', 9), ('intro', 28), ('link_image_and_heading', 44), ('has_top_rule_line', 45), ('lines_between_items', 46), ('border_radius_image', 47), ('info_units', 52)]], {}), 54: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('paragraph', 28), ('well', 40), ('links', 32), ('info_unit_group', 53)]], {'blank': True}), 55: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('label', 6), ('icon', 6), ('is_bordered', 42), ('is_midtone', 42), ('is_expanded', 42), ('is_expanded_padding', 42), ('content', 54)]], {}), 56: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Added as an <code>&lt;h3&gt;</code> at the top of this block. Also adds a wrapping <code>&lt;div&gt;</code> whose <code>id</code> attribute comes from a slugified version of this heading, creating an anchor that can be used when linking to this part of the page.', 'required': False}), 57: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add a horizontal rule line to top of expandable group.', 'required': False}), 58: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add FAQ schema markup to expandables.', 'label': 'Uses FAQ schema', 'required': False}), 59: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (55,), {}), 60: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 56), ('body', 28), ('is_accordion', 42), ('has_top_rule_line', 57), ('is_faq', 58), ('expandables', 59)]], {}), 61: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('information', 'Information'), ('warning', 'Warning')]}), 62: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'The main notification message to display.', 'required': True}), 63: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Explanation text appears below the message in smaller type.', 'required': False}), 64: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (32,), {'help_text': 'Links appear on their own lines below the explanation.', 'required': False}), 65: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('type', 61), ('message', 62), ('explanation', 63), ('links', 64)]], {})}),
+        ),
+        migrations.AlterField(
+            model_name='eventpage',
+            name='persistent_body',
+            field=wagtail.fields.StreamField([('content', 0), ('content_with_anchor', 4), ('heading', 8), ('image', 16), ('table', 23), ('reusable_text', 24)], blank=True, block_lookup={0: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'icon': 'edit'}), 1: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {}), 2: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': '\n            ID will be auto-generated on save.\n            However, you may enter some human-friendly text that\n            will be incorporated to make it easier to read.\n        ', 'label': 'ID for this content block', 'required': False}), 3: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('link_id', 2)]], {}), 4: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content_block', 1), ('anchor_link', 3)]], {}), 5: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'required': False}), 6: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('h2', 'H2'), ('h3', 'H3'), ('h4', 'H4'), ('h5', 'H5')]}), 7: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Input the name of an icon to appear to the left of the heading. E.g., approved, help-round, etc. <a href="">See full list of icons</a>', 'required': False}), 8: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 5), ('level', 6), ('icon', 7)]], {'required': False}), 9: ('wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock', (), {'required': False}), 10: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': "No character limit, but be as succinct as possible. If the image is decorative (i.e., a screenreader wouldn't have anything useful to say about it), leave this field blank.", 'required': False}), 11: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('upload', 9), ('alt', 10)]], {}), 12: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('full', 'Full width'), (470, '470px'), (270, '270px'), (170, '170px')]}), 13: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('right', 'right'), ('left', 'left')], 'help_text': 'Does not apply if the image is full-width'}), 14: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'label': 'Caption', 'required': False}), 15: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'Check to add a horizontal rule line to bottom of inset.', 'label': 'Has bottom rule line', 'required': False}), 16: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('image', 11), ('image_width', 12), ('image_position', 13), ('text', 14), ('is_bottom_rule', 15)]], {}), 17: ('wagtail.blocks.MultipleChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('is_full_width', 'Display the table at full width'), ('stack_on_mobile', 'Stack the table columns on mobile')], 'required': False}), 18: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {}), 19: ('wagtail.blocks.FloatBlock', (), {}), 20: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'features': ['bold', 'italic', 'ol', 'ul', 'link', 'document-link', 'superscript']}), 21: ('wagtail_footnotes.blocks.RichTextBlockWithFootnotes', (), {'features': ['bold', 'italic', 'ol', 'ul', 'link', 'document-link', 'superscript', 'footnotes']}), 22: ('wagtail.contrib.typed_table_block.blocks.TypedTableBlock', [[('text', 18), ('numeric', 19), ('rich_text', 20), ('rich_text_with_footnotes', 21)]], {}), 23: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 8), ('text_introduction', 5), ('options', 17), ('data', 22)]], {}), 24: ('v1.blocks.ReusableTextChooserBlock', ('v1.ReusableText',), {})}),
+        ),
+        migrations.AlterField(
+            model_name='learnpage',
+            name='content',
+            field=wagtail.fields.StreamField([('full_width_text', 41), ('info_unit_group', 52), ('expandable_group', 60), ('expandable', 58), ('well', 40), ('call_to_action', 33), ('video_player', 63), ('audio_player', 66), ('email_signup', 38), ('simple_chart', 83), ('table', 24), ('faq_group', 92), ('contact_us_table', 94)], blank=True, block_lookup={0: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'icon': 'edit'}), 1: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {}), 2: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': '\n            ID will be auto-generated on save.\n            However, you may enter some human-friendly text that\n            will be incorporated to make it easier to read.\n        ', 'label': 'ID for this content block', 'required': False}), 3: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('link_id', 2)]], {}), 4: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content_block', 1), ('anchor_link', 3)]], {}), 5: ('wagtail_footnotes.blocks.RichTextBlockWithFootnotes', (), {'features': ['anchor-identifier', 'h2', 'h3', 'h4', 'h5', 'hr', 'ol', 'ul', 'bold', 'italic', 'superscript', 'blockquote', 'link', 'document-link', 'image', 'icon', 'footnotes']}), 6: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'required': False}), 7: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('h2', 'H2'), ('h3', 'H3'), ('h4', 'H4'), ('h5', 'H5')]}), 8: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Input the name of an icon to appear to the left of the heading. E.g., approved, help-round, etc. <a href="">See full list of icons</a>', 'required': False}), 9: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 6), ('level', 7), ('icon', 8)]], {'required': False}), 10: ('wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock', (), {'required': False}), 11: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': "No character limit, but be as succinct as possible. If the image is decorative (i.e., a screenreader wouldn't have anything useful to say about it), leave this field blank.", 'required': False}), 12: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('upload', 10), ('alt', 11)]], {}), 13: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('full', 'Full width'), (470, '470px'), (270, '270px'), (170, '170px')]}), 14: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('right', 'right'), ('left', 'left')], 'help_text': 'Does not apply if the image is full-width'}), 15: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'label': 'Caption', 'required': False}), 16: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'Check to add a horizontal rule line to bottom of inset.', 'label': 'Has bottom rule line', 'required': False}), 17: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('image', 12), ('image_width', 13), ('image_position', 14), ('text', 15), ('is_bottom_rule', 16)]], {}), 18: ('wagtail.blocks.MultipleChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('is_full_width', 'Display the table at full width'), ('stack_on_mobile', 'Stack the table columns on mobile')], 'required': False}), 19: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {}), 20: ('wagtail.blocks.FloatBlock', (), {}), 21: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'features': ['bold', 'italic', 'ol', 'ul', 'link', 'document-link', 'superscript']}), 22: ('wagtail_footnotes.blocks.RichTextBlockWithFootnotes', (), {'features': ['bold', 'italic', 'ol', 'ul', 'link', 'document-link', 'superscript', 'footnotes']}), 23: ('wagtail.contrib.typed_table_block.blocks.TypedTableBlock', [[('text', 19), ('numeric', 20), ('rich_text', 21), ('rich_text_with_footnotes', 22)]], {}), 24: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 9), ('text_introduction', 6), ('options', 18), ('data', 23)]], {}), 25: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {}), 26: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'required': False}), 27: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('body', 25), ('citation', 26)]], {}), 28: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'required': False}), 29: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Add an ARIA label if the link text does not describe the destination of the link (e.g. has ambiguous text like "Learn more" that is not descriptive on its own).', 'required': False}), 30: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'default': '/', 'required': False}), 31: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'required': False}), 32: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 6), ('aria_label', 29), ('url', 30), ('is_link_boldface', 31)]], {}), 33: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('slug_text', 6), ('paragraph_text', 28), ('button', 32)]], {}), 34: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (32,), {}), 35: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 6), ('paragraph', 28), ('links', 34)]], {}), 36: ('v1.blocks.ReusableTextChooserBlock', ('v1.ReusableText',), {}), 37: ('v1.blocks.ReusableNotificationChooserBlock', ('v1.ReusableNotification',), {}), 38: ('v1.blocks.EmailSignUpChooserBlock', (), {}), 39: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'label': 'Well', 'required': False}), 40: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content', 39)]], {}), 41: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('content', 0), ('content_with_anchor', 4), ('content_with_footnotes', 5), ('heading', 9), ('image', 17), ('table', 24), ('quote', 27), ('cta', 33), ('related_links', 35), ('reusable_text', 36), ('reusable_notification', 37), ('email_signup', 38), ('well', 40)]], {}), 42: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('50-50', '50/50'), ('33-33-33', '33/33/33'), ('25-75', '25/75')], 'help_text': 'Choose the number and width of info unit columns.', 'label': 'Format'}), 43: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': "Check this to link all images and headings to the URL of the first link in their unit's list, if there is a link.", 'required': False}), 44: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add a horizontal rule line to top of info unit group.', 'required': False}), 45: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to show horizontal rule lines between info units.', 'label': 'Show rule lines between items', 'required': False}), 46: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('none', 'None'), ('rounded', 'Rounded corners'), ('circle', 'Circle')], 'help_text': 'Adds a <em>border-radius</em> class to images in this group, allowing for a rounded or circular border.', 'label': 'Border radius for images?', 'required': False}), 47: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 6), ('level', 7), ('icon', 8)]], {'default': {'level': 'h3'}, 'required': False}), 48: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'blank': True, 'required': False}), 49: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (32,), {'required': False}), 50: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('image', 12), ('heading', 47), ('body', 48), ('links', 49)]], {}), 51: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (50,), {'default': []}), 52: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('format', 42), ('heading', 9), ('intro', 28), ('link_image_and_heading', 43), ('has_top_rule_line', 44), ('lines_between_items', 45), ('border_radius_image', 46), ('info_units', 51)]], {}), 53: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Added as an <code>&lt;h3&gt;</code> at the top of this block. Also adds a wrapping <code>&lt;div&gt;</code> whose <code>id</code> attribute comes from a slugified version of this heading, creating an anchor that can be used when linking to this part of the page.', 'required': False}), 54: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'required': False}), 55: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add a horizontal rule line to top of expandable group.', 'required': False}), 56: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add FAQ schema markup to expandables.', 'label': 'Uses FAQ schema', 'required': False}), 57: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('paragraph', 28), ('well', 40), ('links', 32), ('info_unit_group', 52)]], {'blank': True}), 58: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('label', 6), ('icon', 6), ('is_bordered', 54), ('is_midtone', 54), ('is_expanded', 54), ('is_expanded_padding', 54), ('content', 57)]], {}), 59: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (58,), {}), 60: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 53), ('body', 28), ('is_accordion', 54), ('has_top_rule_line', 55), ('is_faq', 56), ('expandables', 59)]], {}), 61: ('wagtail.blocks.RegexBlock', (), {'error_messages': {'invalid': 'The YouTube video ID is in the wrong format.'}, 'help_text': 'Enter the YouTube video ID, which is located at the end of the video URL, after "v=". For example, the video ID for is 1V0Ax9OIc84.', 'label': 'YouTube video ID', 'regex': '^[\\w-]{11}$', 'required': False}), 62: ('wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Optional thumbnail image to show before and after the video plays. If the thumbnail image is not set here, the video player will default to showing the thumbnail that was set in (or automatically chosen by) YouTube.', 'required': False}), 63: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('video_id', 61), ('thumbnail_image', 62)]], {}), 64: ('wagtailmedia.blocks.AbstractMediaChooserBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Spoken word audio files should be in MP3 format with a 44.1 kHz sample rate, 96 kbps (CBR) bitrate, in mono. See <a href="">Libsyn’s guidance</a> for details. Note that the thumbnail and tag fields will not be used for audio files.'}), 65: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'If you have anything you want to appear below the audio player, such as a download link, put it in this field.', 'required': False}), 66: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 9), ('body', 28), ('audio_file', 64), ('additional_details', 65)]], {}), 67: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'required': True}), 68: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Accessible description of the chart content', 'required': True}), 69: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('bar', 'Bar'), ('datetime', 'Date/time'), ('line', 'Line'), ('tilemap', 'Tile grid map')]}), 70: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': "URL of the chart's data source or an array of JSON data", 'required': True, 'rows': 2}), 71: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'For charts pulling from a separate source file, include a list of the column headers (from a CSV file) or keys (from a JSON file) to include in the chart as  ["HEADER/KEY1", "HEADER/KEY2"]. To change how the data is labeled in the chart, include the correct labels with the format [{"key": "HEADER/KEY1", "label": "NEWLABEL"}, {"key": "HEADER/KEY2", "label": "NEWLABEL2"}]', 'required': False}), 72: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'Uncheck this option to initially only show the first data  series in the chart. Leave checked to show all data  series by default. Users can always turn data series on  or off by interacting with the chart legend. ', 'required': False}), 73: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'The column header (CSV), key or data array (JSON) to include as the source of x-axis values.', 'required': False}), 74: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': "Name the javascript function in chart-hooks.js to run on the provided data before handing it to the chart. Can also provide '___'-separated arguments to this function which are passed in as arguments 2 to n", 'required': False}), 75: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'If the chart needs the option for users to filter the data shown, for example by date or geographic region, provide the JSON objects to filter on, in the format  {key: "KEY", "label": "LABEL"}', 'required': False}), 76: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'A JSON object with style overrides for the underlying Highcharts chart. No object merging is done, nested objects should be referenced with dot notation: {"tooltip.shape": "circle"}', 'required': False}), 77: ('wagtail.blocks.IntegerBlock', (), {'blank': True, 'help_text': 'A number to determine how many months of the data are projected values', 'max_value': 12, 'min_value': 0, 'null': True, 'required': False}), 78: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Attribution for the data source', 'required': False}), 79: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'When the underlying data was published', 'required': False}), 80: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Custom text for the chart download field. Required to display a download link.', 'required': False}), 81: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Location of a file to download, if different from the data source', 'required': False}), 82: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'General chart information', 'required': False}), 83: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('title', 67), ('subtitle', 26), ('description', 68), ('figure_number', 6), ('chart_type', 69), ('data_source', 70), ('data_series', 71), ('show_all_series_by_default', 72), ('x_axis_source', 73), ('transform', 74), ('x_axis_label', 6), ('y_axis_label', 6), ('filters', 75), ('style_overrides', 76), ('projected_months', 77), ('source_credits', 78), ('date_published', 79), ('download_text', 80), ('download_file', 81), ('notes', 82)]], {}), 84: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add a horizontal rule line to top of FAQ group.', 'required': False}), 85: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to show horizontal rule lines between FAQ items.', 'label': 'Show rule lines between items', 'required': False}), 86: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('h2', 'h2'), ('h3', 'h3'), ('h4', 'h4'), ('p', 'p')], 'help_text': 'HTML tag for questions.'}), 87: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'blank': True, 'help_text': "Add an optional anchor link tag for this question. Tag should be unique and use dashes or underscores for separation instead of spaces (ie, 'question-one-tag')", 'max_length': 500, 'required': False}), 88: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'max_length': 500}), 89: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('full_width_text', 41), ('info_unit_group', 52)]], {}), 90: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('anchor_tag', 87), ('question', 88), ('answer', 89)]], {}), 91: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (90,), {'label': 'FAQ items'}), 92: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('has_top_rule_line', 84), ('lines_between_items', 85), ('question_tag', 86), ('faq_items', 91)]], {}), 93: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (v1.atomic_elements.tables.ContactUsRow,), {'collapsed': True, 'min_num': 1}), 94: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 19), ('rows', 93)]], {})}),
+        ),
+        migrations.AlterField(
+            model_name='legacyblogpage',
+            name='content',
+            field=wagtail.fields.StreamField([('full_width_text', 41), ('info_unit_group', 52), ('expandable', 55), ('well', 40), ('video_player', 58), ('email_signup', 38), ('simple_chart', 75), ('faq_schema', 84), ('how_to_schema', 94), ('content', 95), ('reusable_text', 36)], block_lookup={0: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'icon': 'edit'}), 1: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {}), 2: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': '\n            ID will be auto-generated on save.\n            However, you may enter some human-friendly text that\n            will be incorporated to make it easier to read.\n        ', 'label': 'ID for this content block', 'required': False}), 3: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('link_id', 2)]], {}), 4: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content_block', 1), ('anchor_link', 3)]], {}), 5: ('wagtail_footnotes.blocks.RichTextBlockWithFootnotes', (), {'features': ['anchor-identifier', 'h2', 'h3', 'h4', 'h5', 'hr', 'ol', 'ul', 'bold', 'italic', 'superscript', 'blockquote', 'link', 'document-link', 'image', 'icon', 'footnotes']}), 6: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'required': False}), 7: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('h2', 'H2'), ('h3', 'H3'), ('h4', 'H4'), ('h5', 'H5')]}), 8: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Input the name of an icon to appear to the left of the heading. E.g., approved, help-round, etc. <a href="">See full list of icons</a>', 'required': False}), 9: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 6), ('level', 7), ('icon', 8)]], {'required': False}), 10: ('wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock', (), {'required': False}), 11: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': "No character limit, but be as succinct as possible. If the image is decorative (i.e., a screenreader wouldn't have anything useful to say about it), leave this field blank.", 'required': False}), 12: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('upload', 10), ('alt', 11)]], {}), 13: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('full', 'Full width'), (470, '470px'), (270, '270px'), (170, '170px')]}), 14: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('right', 'right'), ('left', 'left')], 'help_text': 'Does not apply if the image is full-width'}), 15: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'label': 'Caption', 'required': False}), 16: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'Check to add a horizontal rule line to bottom of inset.', 'label': 'Has bottom rule line', 'required': False}), 17: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('image', 12), ('image_width', 13), ('image_position', 14), ('text', 15), ('is_bottom_rule', 16)]], {}), 18: ('wagtail.blocks.MultipleChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('is_full_width', 'Display the table at full width'), ('stack_on_mobile', 'Stack the table columns on mobile')], 'required': False}), 19: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {}), 20: ('wagtail.blocks.FloatBlock', (), {}), 21: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'features': ['bold', 'italic', 'ol', 'ul', 'link', 'document-link', 'superscript']}), 22: ('wagtail_footnotes.blocks.RichTextBlockWithFootnotes', (), {'features': ['bold', 'italic', 'ol', 'ul', 'link', 'document-link', 'superscript', 'footnotes']}), 23: ('wagtail.contrib.typed_table_block.blocks.TypedTableBlock', [[('text', 19), ('numeric', 20), ('rich_text', 21), ('rich_text_with_footnotes', 22)]], {}), 24: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 9), ('text_introduction', 6), ('options', 18), ('data', 23)]], {}), 25: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {}), 26: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'required': False}), 27: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('body', 25), ('citation', 26)]], {}), 28: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'required': False}), 29: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Add an ARIA label if the link text does not describe the destination of the link (e.g. has ambiguous text like "Learn more" that is not descriptive on its own).', 'required': False}), 30: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'default': '/', 'required': False}), 31: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'required': False}), 32: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 6), ('aria_label', 29), ('url', 30), ('is_link_boldface', 31)]], {}), 33: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('slug_text', 6), ('paragraph_text', 28), ('button', 32)]], {}), 34: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (32,), {}), 35: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 6), ('paragraph', 28), ('links', 34)]], {}), 36: ('v1.blocks.ReusableTextChooserBlock', ('v1.ReusableText',), {}), 37: ('v1.blocks.ReusableNotificationChooserBlock', ('v1.ReusableNotification',), {}), 38: ('v1.blocks.EmailSignUpChooserBlock', (), {}), 39: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'label': 'Well', 'required': False}), 40: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content', 39)]], {}), 41: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('content', 0), ('content_with_anchor', 4), ('content_with_footnotes', 5), ('heading', 9), ('image', 17), ('table', 24), ('quote', 27), ('cta', 33), ('related_links', 35), ('reusable_text', 36), ('reusable_notification', 37), ('email_signup', 38), ('well', 40)]], {}), 42: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('50-50', '50/50'), ('33-33-33', '33/33/33'), ('25-75', '25/75')], 'help_text': 'Choose the number and width of info unit columns.', 'label': 'Format'}), 43: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': "Check this to link all images and headings to the URL of the first link in their unit's list, if there is a link.", 'required': False}), 44: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add a horizontal rule line to top of info unit group.', 'required': False}), 45: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to show horizontal rule lines between info units.', 'label': 'Show rule lines between items', 'required': False}), 46: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('none', 'None'), ('rounded', 'Rounded corners'), ('circle', 'Circle')], 'help_text': 'Adds a <em>border-radius</em> class to images in this group, allowing for a rounded or circular border.', 'label': 'Border radius for images?', 'required': False}), 47: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 6), ('level', 7), ('icon', 8)]], {'default': {'level': 'h3'}, 'required': False}), 48: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'blank': True, 'required': False}), 49: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (32,), {'required': False}), 50: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('image', 12), ('heading', 47), ('body', 48), ('links', 49)]], {}), 51: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (50,), {'default': []}), 52: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('format', 42), ('heading', 9), ('intro', 28), ('link_image_and_heading', 43), ('has_top_rule_line', 44), ('lines_between_items', 45), ('border_radius_image', 46), ('info_units', 51)]], {}), 53: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'required': False}), 54: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('paragraph', 28), ('well', 40), ('links', 32), ('info_unit_group', 52)]], {'blank': True}), 55: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('label', 6), ('icon', 6), ('is_bordered', 53), ('is_midtone', 53), ('is_expanded', 53), ('is_expanded_padding', 53), ('content', 54)]], {}), 56: ('wagtail.blocks.RegexBlock', (), {'error_messages': {'invalid': 'The YouTube video ID is in the wrong format.'}, 'help_text': 'Enter the YouTube video ID, which is located at the end of the video URL, after "v=". For example, the video ID for is 1V0Ax9OIc84.', 'label': 'YouTube video ID', 'regex': '^[\\w-]{11}$', 'required': False}), 57: ('wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Optional thumbnail image to show before and after the video plays. If the thumbnail image is not set here, the video player will default to showing the thumbnail that was set in (or automatically chosen by) YouTube.', 'required': False}), 58: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('video_id', 56), ('thumbnail_image', 57)]], {}), 59: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'required': True}), 60: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Accessible description of the chart content', 'required': True}), 61: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('bar', 'Bar'), ('datetime', 'Date/time'), ('line', 'Line'), ('tilemap', 'Tile grid map')]}), 62: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': "URL of the chart's data source or an array of JSON data", 'required': True, 'rows': 2}), 63: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'For charts pulling from a separate source file, include a list of the column headers (from a CSV file) or keys (from a JSON file) to include in the chart as  ["HEADER/KEY1", "HEADER/KEY2"]. To change how the data is labeled in the chart, include the correct labels with the format [{"key": "HEADER/KEY1", "label": "NEWLABEL"}, {"key": "HEADER/KEY2", "label": "NEWLABEL2"}]', 'required': False}), 64: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'Uncheck this option to initially only show the first data  series in the chart. Leave checked to show all data  series by default. Users can always turn data series on  or off by interacting with the chart legend. ', 'required': False}), 65: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'The column header (CSV), key or data array (JSON) to include as the source of x-axis values.', 'required': False}), 66: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': "Name the javascript function in chart-hooks.js to run on the provided data before handing it to the chart. Can also provide '___'-separated arguments to this function which are passed in as arguments 2 to n", 'required': False}), 67: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'If the chart needs the option for users to filter the data shown, for example by date or geographic region, provide the JSON objects to filter on, in the format  {key: "KEY", "label": "LABEL"}', 'required': False}), 68: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'A JSON object with style overrides for the underlying Highcharts chart. No object merging is done, nested objects should be referenced with dot notation: {"tooltip.shape": "circle"}', 'required': False}), 69: ('wagtail.blocks.IntegerBlock', (), {'blank': True, 'help_text': 'A number to determine how many months of the data are projected values', 'max_value': 12, 'min_value': 0, 'null': True, 'required': False}), 70: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Attribution for the data source', 'required': False}), 71: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'When the underlying data was published', 'required': False}), 72: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Custom text for the chart download field. Required to display a download link.', 'required': False}), 73: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Location of a file to download, if different from the data source', 'required': False}), 74: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'General chart information', 'required': False}), 75: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('title', 59), ('subtitle', 26), ('description', 60), ('figure_number', 6), ('chart_type', 61), ('data_source', 62), ('data_series', 63), ('show_all_series_by_default', 64), ('x_axis_source', 65), ('transform', 66), ('x_axis_label', 6), ('y_axis_label', 6), ('filters', 67), ('style_overrides', 68), ('projected_months', 69), ('source_credits', 70), ('date_published', 71), ('download_text', 72), ('download_file', 73), ('notes', 74)]], {}), 76: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'blank': True, 'features': ['ol', 'ul', 'bold', 'italic', 'link', 'document-link'], 'required': False}), 77: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'blank': True, 'help_text': "Add an optional anchor link tag for this question. Tag should be unique and use dashes or underscores for separation instead of spaces (ie, 'question-one-tag')", 'max_length': 500, 'required': False}), 78: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'max_length': 500}), 79: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'features': ['bold', 'italic', 'h3', 'h4', 'link', 'ol', 'ul', 'document-link', 'image', 'embed'], 'label': 'Text'}), 80: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content', 79)]], {}), 81: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('text', 80), ('table', 24), ('video_player', 58)]], {}), 82: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('anchor_tag', 77), ('question', 78), ('answer_content', 81)]], {}), 83: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (82,), {}), 84: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('description', 76), ('questions', 83)]], {'label': 'FAQ schema'}), 85: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'label': 'Title of How To section', 'max_length': 500}), 86: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('h2', 'H2'), ('h3', 'H3'), ('h4', 'H4')], 'help_text': 'Choose a tag for the title of the How To section.', 'label': 'Tag for How To section title'}), 87: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'The How To schema requires a title to let search engines understand what it is about. If you do not want the title to be displayed in the page, uncheck this box and the title content will only be made available to crawlers and screen readers.', 'label': 'Show How To section title', 'required': False}), 88: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('h2', 'H2'), ('h3', 'H3'), ('h4', 'H4'), ('b', 'Bold'), ('p', 'Paragraph')], 'help_text': 'Choose a tag for the title of each HowTo step.', 'label': 'Tag for step titles'}), 89: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this box to display numbers before step titles. ', 'label': 'Show numbers for steps', 'required': False}), 90: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'blank': True, 'help_text': "Add an optional anchor link tag to allow linking directly to this step. Tag should be unique and use dashes or underscores for separation instead of spaces (ie, 'step-one-tag').", 'max_length': 500, 'required': False}), 91: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Enter a title for this HowTo step. You do not need to include a number in the title -- numbers will be added automatically in the template if the show numbers checkbox is checked.', 'max_length': 500}), 92: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('anchor_tag', 90), ('title', 91), ('step_content', 81)]], {}), 93: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (92,), {}), 94: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('title', 85), ('title_tag', 86), ('show_title', 87), ('description', 76), ('step_title_tag', 88), ('has_numbers', 89), ('steps', 93)]], {'label': 'HowTo schema', 'max_num': 1}), 95: ('wagtail.blocks.RawHTMLBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Content from WordPress unescaped.'})}),
+        ),
+        migrations.AlterField(
+            model_name='storypage',
+            name='content',
+            field=wagtail.fields.StreamField([('expandable_group', 32), ('featured_content', 41), ('full_width_text', 68), ('image', 52), ('info_unit_group', 28), ('text_introduction', 71), ('video_player', 72), ('simple_chart', 89)], blank=True, block_lookup={0: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Added as an <code>&lt;h3&gt;</code> at the top of this block. Also adds a wrapping <code>&lt;div&gt;</code> whose <code>id</code> attribute comes from a slugified version of this heading, creating an anchor that can be used when linking to this part of the page.', 'required': False}), 1: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'required': False}), 2: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'required': False}), 3: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add a horizontal rule line to top of expandable group.', 'required': False}), 4: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add FAQ schema markup to expandables.', 'label': 'Uses FAQ schema', 'required': False}), 5: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'required': False}), 6: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'label': 'Well', 'required': False}), 7: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content', 6)]], {}), 8: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Add an ARIA label if the link text does not describe the destination of the link (e.g. has ambiguous text like "Learn more" that is not descriptive on its own).', 'required': False}), 9: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'default': '/', 'required': False}), 10: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'required': False}), 11: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 5), ('aria_label', 8), ('url', 9), ('is_link_boldface', 10)]], {}), 12: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('50-50', '50/50'), ('33-33-33', '33/33/33'), ('25-75', '25/75')], 'help_text': 'Choose the number and width of info unit columns.', 'label': 'Format'}), 13: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('h2', 'H2'), ('h3', 'H3'), ('h4', 'H4'), ('h5', 'H5')]}), 14: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Input the name of an icon to appear to the left of the heading. E.g., approved, help-round, etc. <a href="">See full list of icons</a>', 'required': False}), 15: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 5), ('level', 13), ('icon', 14)]], {'required': False}), 16: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': "Check this to link all images and headings to the URL of the first link in their unit's list, if there is a link.", 'required': False}), 17: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add a horizontal rule line to top of info unit group.', 'required': False}), 18: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to show horizontal rule lines between info units.', 'label': 'Show rule lines between items', 'required': False}), 19: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('none', 'None'), ('rounded', 'Rounded corners'), ('circle', 'Circle')], 'help_text': 'Adds a <em>border-radius</em> class to images in this group, allowing for a rounded or circular border.', 'label': 'Border radius for images?', 'required': False}), 20: ('wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock', (), {'required': False}), 21: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': "No character limit, but be as succinct as possible. If the image is decorative (i.e., a screenreader wouldn't have anything useful to say about it), leave this field blank.", 'required': False}), 22: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('upload', 20), ('alt', 21)]], {}), 23: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 5), ('level', 13), ('icon', 14)]], {'default': {'level': 'h3'}, 'required': False}), 24: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'blank': True, 'required': False}), 25: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (11,), {'required': False}), 26: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('image', 22), ('heading', 23), ('body', 24), ('links', 25)]], {}), 27: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (26,), {'default': []}), 28: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('format', 12), ('heading', 15), ('intro', 1), ('link_image_and_heading', 16), ('has_top_rule_line', 17), ('lines_between_items', 18), ('border_radius_image', 19), ('info_units', 27)]], {}), 29: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('paragraph', 1), ('well', 7), ('links', 11), ('info_unit_group', 28)]], {'blank': True}), 30: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('label', 5), ('icon', 5), ('is_bordered', 2), ('is_midtone', 2), ('is_expanded', 2), ('is_expanded_padding', 2), ('content', 29)]], {}), 31: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (30,), {}), 32: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 0), ('body', 1), ('is_accordion', 2), ('has_top_rule_line', 3), ('is_faq', 4), ('expandables', 31)]], {}), 33: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {}), 34: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Line breaks will be ignored.'}), 35: ('wagtail.blocks.PageChooserBlock', (), {'required': False}), 36: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'label': 'Render post link?', 'required': False}), 37: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (11,), {'label': 'Additional Links'}), 38: ('wagtail.blocks.RegexBlock', (), {'error_messages': {'invalid': 'The YouTube video ID is in the wrong format.'}, 'help_text': 'Enter the YouTube video ID, which is located at the end of the video URL, after "v=". For example, the video ID for is 1V0Ax9OIc84.', 'label': 'YouTube video ID', 'regex': '^[\\w-]{11}$', 'required': False}), 39: ('wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Optional thumbnail image to show before and after the video plays. If the thumbnail image is not set here, the video player will default to showing the thumbnail that was set in (or automatically chosen by) YouTube.', 'required': False}), 40: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('video_id', 38), ('thumbnail_image', 39)]], {'required': False}), 41: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 33), ('body', 34), ('post', 35), ('show_post_link', 36), ('post_link_text', 5), ('image', 22), ('links', 37), ('video', 40)]], {}), 42: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'icon': 'edit'}), 43: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {}), 44: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': '\n            ID will be auto-generated on save.\n            However, you may enter some human-friendly text that\n            will be incorporated to make it easier to read.\n        ', 'label': 'ID for this content block', 'required': False}), 45: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('link_id', 44)]], {}), 46: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content_block', 43), ('anchor_link', 45)]], {}), 47: ('wagtail_footnotes.blocks.RichTextBlockWithFootnotes', (), {'features': ['anchor-identifier', 'h2', 'h3', 'h4', 'h5', 'hr', 'ol', 'ul', 'bold', 'italic', 'superscript', 'blockquote', 'link', 'document-link', 'image', 'icon', 'footnotes']}), 48: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('full', 'Full width'), (470, '470px'), (270, '270px'), (170, '170px')]}), 49: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('right', 'right'), ('left', 'left')], 'help_text': 'Does not apply if the image is full-width'}), 50: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'label': 'Caption', 'required': False}), 51: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'Check to add a horizontal rule line to bottom of inset.', 'label': 'Has bottom rule line', 'required': False}), 52: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('image', 22), ('image_width', 48), ('image_position', 49), ('text', 50), ('is_bottom_rule', 51)]], {}), 53: ('wagtail.blocks.MultipleChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('is_full_width', 'Display the table at full width'), ('stack_on_mobile', 'Stack the table columns on mobile')], 'required': False}), 54: ('wagtail.blocks.FloatBlock', (), {}), 55: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'features': ['bold', 'italic', 'ol', 'ul', 'link', 'document-link', 'superscript']}), 56: ('wagtail_footnotes.blocks.RichTextBlockWithFootnotes', (), {'features': ['bold', 'italic', 'ol', 'ul', 'link', 'document-link', 'superscript', 'footnotes']}), 57: ('wagtail.contrib.typed_table_block.blocks.TypedTableBlock', [[('text', 33), ('numeric', 54), ('rich_text', 55), ('rich_text_with_footnotes', 56)]], {}), 58: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 15), ('text_introduction', 5), ('options', 53), ('data', 57)]], {}), 59: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {}), 60: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'required': False}), 61: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('body', 59), ('citation', 60)]], {}), 62: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('slug_text', 5), ('paragraph_text', 1), ('button', 11)]], {}), 63: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (11,), {}), 64: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 5), ('paragraph', 1), ('links', 63)]], {}), 65: ('v1.blocks.ReusableTextChooserBlock', ('v1.ReusableText',), {}), 66: ('v1.blocks.ReusableNotificationChooserBlock', ('v1.ReusableNotification',), {}), 67: ('v1.blocks.EmailSignUpChooserBlock', (), {}), 68: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('content', 42), ('content_with_anchor', 46), ('content_with_footnotes', 47), ('heading', 15), ('image', 52), ('table', 58), ('quote', 61), ('cta', 62), ('related_links', 64), ('reusable_text', 65), ('reusable_notification', 66), ('email_signup', 67), ('well', 7)]], {}), 69: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Optional: Adds an H5 eyebrow above H1 heading text. Only use in conjunction with heading.', 'label': 'Pre-heading', 'required': False}), 70: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Check this to add a horizontal rule line to bottom of text introduction.', 'label': 'Has bottom rule', 'required': False}), 71: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('eyebrow', 69), ('heading', 5), ('intro', 1), ('body', 1), ('links', 25), ('has_rule', 70)]], {}), 72: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('video_id', 38), ('thumbnail_image', 39)]], {}), 73: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'required': True}), 74: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Accessible description of the chart content', 'required': True}), 75: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('bar', 'Bar'), ('datetime', 'Date/time'), ('line', 'Line'), ('tilemap', 'Tile grid map')]}), 76: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': "URL of the chart's data source or an array of JSON data", 'required': True, 'rows': 2}), 77: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'For charts pulling from a separate source file, include a list of the column headers (from a CSV file) or keys (from a JSON file) to include in the chart as  ["HEADER/KEY1", "HEADER/KEY2"]. To change how the data is labeled in the chart, include the correct labels with the format [{"key": "HEADER/KEY1", "label": "NEWLABEL"}, {"key": "HEADER/KEY2", "label": "NEWLABEL2"}]', 'required': False}), 78: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'Uncheck this option to initially only show the first data  series in the chart. Leave checked to show all data  series by default. Users can always turn data series on  or off by interacting with the chart legend. ', 'required': False}), 79: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'The column header (CSV), key or data array (JSON) to include as the source of x-axis values.', 'required': False}), 80: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': "Name the javascript function in chart-hooks.js to run on the provided data before handing it to the chart. Can also provide '___'-separated arguments to this function which are passed in as arguments 2 to n", 'required': False}), 81: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'If the chart needs the option for users to filter the data shown, for example by date or geographic region, provide the JSON objects to filter on, in the format  {key: "KEY", "label": "LABEL"}', 'required': False}), 82: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'A JSON object with style overrides for the underlying Highcharts chart. No object merging is done, nested objects should be referenced with dot notation: {"tooltip.shape": "circle"}', 'required': False}), 83: ('wagtail.blocks.IntegerBlock', (), {'blank': True, 'help_text': 'A number to determine how many months of the data are projected values', 'max_value': 12, 'min_value': 0, 'null': True, 'required': False}), 84: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Attribution for the data source', 'required': False}), 85: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'When the underlying data was published', 'required': False}), 86: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Custom text for the chart download field. Required to display a download link.', 'required': False}), 87: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Location of a file to download, if different from the data source', 'required': False}), 88: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'General chart information', 'required': False}), 89: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('title', 73), ('subtitle', 60), ('description', 74), ('figure_number', 5), ('chart_type', 75), ('data_source', 76), ('data_series', 77), ('show_all_series_by_default', 78), ('x_axis_source', 79), ('transform', 80), ('x_axis_label', 5), ('y_axis_label', 5), ('filters', 81), ('style_overrides', 82), ('projected_months', 83), ('source_credits', 84), ('date_published', 85), ('download_text', 86), ('download_file', 87), ('notes', 88)]], {})}),
+        ),
+        migrations.AlterField(
+            model_name='sublandingfilterablepage',
+            name='content',
+            field=wagtail.fields.StreamField([('text_introduction', 9), ('full_width_text', 45), ('filter_controls', 55), ('featured_content', 63)], blank=True, block_lookup={0: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Optional: Adds an H5 eyebrow above H1 heading text. Only use in conjunction with heading.', 'label': 'Pre-heading', 'required': False}), 1: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'required': False}), 2: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'required': False}), 3: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Add an ARIA label if the link text does not describe the destination of the link (e.g. has ambiguous text like "Learn more" that is not descriptive on its own).', 'required': False}), 4: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'default': '/', 'required': False}), 5: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'required': False}), 6: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 1), ('aria_label', 3), ('url', 4), ('is_link_boldface', 5)]], {}), 7: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (6,), {'required': False}), 8: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Check this to add a horizontal rule line to bottom of text introduction.', 'label': 'Has bottom rule', 'required': False}), 9: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('eyebrow', 0), ('heading', 1), ('intro', 2), ('body', 2), ('links', 7), ('has_rule', 8)]], {}), 10: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'icon': 'edit'}), 11: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {}), 12: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': '\n            ID will be auto-generated on save.\n            However, you may enter some human-friendly text that\n            will be incorporated to make it easier to read.\n        ', 'label': 'ID for this content block', 'required': False}), 13: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('link_id', 12)]], {}), 14: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content_block', 11), ('anchor_link', 13)]], {}), 15: ('wagtail_footnotes.blocks.RichTextBlockWithFootnotes', (), {'features': ['anchor-identifier', 'h2', 'h3', 'h4', 'h5', 'hr', 'ol', 'ul', 'bold', 'italic', 'superscript', 'blockquote', 'link', 'document-link', 'image', 'icon', 'footnotes']}), 16: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('h2', 'H2'), ('h3', 'H3'), ('h4', 'H4'), ('h5', 'H5')]}), 17: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Input the name of an icon to appear to the left of the heading. E.g., approved, help-round, etc. <a href="">See full list of icons</a>', 'required': False}), 18: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 1), ('level', 16), ('icon', 17)]], {'required': False}), 19: ('wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock', (), {'required': False}), 20: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': "No character limit, but be as succinct as possible. If the image is decorative (i.e., a screenreader wouldn't have anything useful to say about it), leave this field blank.", 'required': False}), 21: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('upload', 19), ('alt', 20)]], {}), 22: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('full', 'Full width'), (470, '470px'), (270, '270px'), (170, '170px')]}), 23: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('right', 'right'), ('left', 'left')], 'help_text': 'Does not apply if the image is full-width'}), 24: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'label': 'Caption', 'required': False}), 25: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'Check to add a horizontal rule line to bottom of inset.', 'label': 'Has bottom rule line', 'required': False}), 26: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('image', 21), ('image_width', 22), ('image_position', 23), ('text', 24), ('is_bottom_rule', 25)]], {}), 27: ('wagtail.blocks.MultipleChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('is_full_width', 'Display the table at full width'), ('stack_on_mobile', 'Stack the table columns on mobile')], 'required': False}), 28: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {}), 29: ('wagtail.blocks.FloatBlock', (), {}), 30: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'features': ['bold', 'italic', 'ol', 'ul', 'link', 'document-link', 'superscript']}), 31: ('wagtail_footnotes.blocks.RichTextBlockWithFootnotes', (), {'features': ['bold', 'italic', 'ol', 'ul', 'link', 'document-link', 'superscript', 'footnotes']}), 32: ('wagtail.contrib.typed_table_block.blocks.TypedTableBlock', [[('text', 28), ('numeric', 29), ('rich_text', 30), ('rich_text_with_footnotes', 31)]], {}), 33: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 18), ('text_introduction', 1), ('options', 27), ('data', 32)]], {}), 34: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {}), 35: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'required': False}), 36: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('body', 34), ('citation', 35)]], {}), 37: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('slug_text', 1), ('paragraph_text', 2), ('button', 6)]], {}), 38: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (6,), {}), 39: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 1), ('paragraph', 2), ('links', 38)]], {}), 40: ('v1.blocks.ReusableTextChooserBlock', ('v1.ReusableText',), {}), 41: ('v1.blocks.ReusableNotificationChooserBlock', ('v1.ReusableNotification',), {}), 42: ('v1.blocks.EmailSignUpChooserBlock', (), {}), 43: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'label': 'Well', 'required': False}), 44: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content', 43)]], {}), 45: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('content', 10), ('content_with_anchor', 14), ('content_with_footnotes', 15), ('heading', 18), ('image', 26), ('table', 33), ('quote', 36), ('cta', 37), ('related_links', 39), ('reusable_text', 40), ('reusable_notification', 41), ('email_signup', 42), ('well', 44)]], {}), 46: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'required': False}), 47: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'Whether to include a "Search by keyword" filter in the filter controls.', 'required': False}), 48: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'Whether to include a "Category" filter in the filter controls.', 'required': False}), 49: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': v1.util.ref.filterable_list_page_types, 'required': False}), 50: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Whether to include a "Topics" filter in the filter controls', 'required': False}), 51: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Whether to include a "Status" filter in the filter controls. Only enable if using on an enforcement actions filterable list.', 'required': False}), 52: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Whether to include a "Product" filter in the filter controls. Only enable if using on an enforcement actions filterable list.', 'required': False}), 53: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Whether to include a "Language" filter in the filter controls.Only enable if there are non-english filterable results available.', 'required': False}), 54: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'Whether to include a set of "Date range" filters in the filter controls.', 'required': False}), 55: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('label', 1), ('icon', 1), ('is_bordered', 46), ('is_midtone', 46), ('is_expanded', 46), ('is_expanded_padding', 46), ('filter_by_keyword', 47), ('filter_by_category', 48), ('category_choices', 49), ('filter_by_topics', 50), ('filter_by_enforcement_statuses', 51), ('filter_by_enforcement_products', 52), ('filter_by_language', 53), ('filter_by_date_range', 54)]], {}), 56: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Line breaks will be ignored.'}), 57: ('wagtail.blocks.PageChooserBlock', (), {'required': False}), 58: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'label': 'Render post link?', 'required': False}), 59: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (6,), {'label': 'Additional Links'}), 60: ('wagtail.blocks.RegexBlock', (), {'error_messages': {'invalid': 'The YouTube video ID is in the wrong format.'}, 'help_text': 'Enter the YouTube video ID, which is located at the end of the video URL, after "v=". For example, the video ID for is 1V0Ax9OIc84.', 'label': 'YouTube video ID', 'regex': '^[\\w-]{11}$', 'required': False}), 61: ('wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Optional thumbnail image to show before and after the video plays. If the thumbnail image is not set here, the video player will default to showing the thumbnail that was set in (or automatically chosen by) YouTube.', 'required': False}), 62: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('video_id', 60), ('thumbnail_image', 61)]], {'required': False}), 63: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 28), ('body', 56), ('post', 57), ('show_post_link', 58), ('post_link_text', 1), ('image', 21), ('links', 59), ('video', 62)]], {})}),
+        ),
+        migrations.AlterField(
+            model_name='sublandingpage',
+            name='content',
+            field=wagtail.fields.StreamField([('text_introduction', 9), ('notification', 14), ('featured_content', 26), ('full_width_text', 58), ('info_unit_group', 68), ('well', 57), ('post_preview_snapshot', 71), ('contact', 74), ('table', 46), ('expandable_group', 82), ('expandable', 80)], blank=True, block_lookup={0: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Optional: Adds an H5 eyebrow above H1 heading text. Only use in conjunction with heading.', 'label': 'Pre-heading', 'required': False}), 1: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'required': False}), 2: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'required': False}), 3: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Add an ARIA label if the link text does not describe the destination of the link (e.g. has ambiguous text like "Learn more" that is not descriptive on its own).', 'required': False}), 4: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'default': '/', 'required': False}), 5: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'required': False}), 6: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 1), ('aria_label', 3), ('url', 4), ('is_link_boldface', 5)]], {}), 7: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (6,), {'required': False}), 8: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Check this to add a horizontal rule line to bottom of text introduction.', 'label': 'Has bottom rule', 'required': False}), 9: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('eyebrow', 0), ('heading', 1), ('intro', 2), ('body', 2), ('links', 7), ('has_rule', 8)]], {}), 10: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('information', 'Information'), ('warning', 'Warning')]}), 11: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'The main notification message to display.', 'required': True}), 12: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Explanation text appears below the message in smaller type.', 'required': False}), 13: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (6,), {'help_text': 'Links appear on their own lines below the explanation.', 'required': False}), 14: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('type', 10), ('message', 11), ('explanation', 12), ('links', 13)]], {}), 15: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {}), 16: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Line breaks will be ignored.'}), 17: ('wagtail.blocks.PageChooserBlock', (), {'required': False}), 18: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'label': 'Render post link?', 'required': False}), 19: ('wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock', (), {'required': False}), 20: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': "No character limit, but be as succinct as possible. If the image is decorative (i.e., a screenreader wouldn't have anything useful to say about it), leave this field blank.", 'required': False}), 21: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('upload', 19), ('alt', 20)]], {}), 22: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (6,), {'label': 'Additional Links'}), 23: ('wagtail.blocks.RegexBlock', (), {'error_messages': {'invalid': 'The YouTube video ID is in the wrong format.'}, 'help_text': 'Enter the YouTube video ID, which is located at the end of the video URL, after "v=". For example, the video ID for is 1V0Ax9OIc84.', 'label': 'YouTube video ID', 'regex': '^[\\w-]{11}$', 'required': False}), 24: ('wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Optional thumbnail image to show before and after the video plays. If the thumbnail image is not set here, the video player will default to showing the thumbnail that was set in (or automatically chosen by) YouTube.', 'required': False}), 25: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('video_id', 23), ('thumbnail_image', 24)]], {'required': False}), 26: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 15), ('body', 16), ('post', 17), ('show_post_link', 18), ('post_link_text', 1), ('image', 21), ('links', 22), ('video', 25)]], {}), 27: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'icon': 'edit'}), 28: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {}), 29: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': '\n            ID will be auto-generated on save.\n            However, you may enter some human-friendly text that\n            will be incorporated to make it easier to read.\n        ', 'label': 'ID for this content block', 'required': False}), 30: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('link_id', 29)]], {}), 31: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content_block', 28), ('anchor_link', 30)]], {}), 32: ('wagtail_footnotes.blocks.RichTextBlockWithFootnotes', (), {'features': ['anchor-identifier', 'h2', 'h3', 'h4', 'h5', 'hr', 'ol', 'ul', 'bold', 'italic', 'superscript', 'blockquote', 'link', 'document-link', 'image', 'icon', 'footnotes']}), 33: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('h2', 'H2'), ('h3', 'H3'), ('h4', 'H4'), ('h5', 'H5')]}), 34: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Input the name of an icon to appear to the left of the heading. E.g., approved, help-round, etc. <a href="">See full list of icons</a>', 'required': False}), 35: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 1), ('level', 33), ('icon', 34)]], {'required': False}), 36: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('full', 'Full width'), (470, '470px'), (270, '270px'), (170, '170px')]}), 37: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('right', 'right'), ('left', 'left')], 'help_text': 'Does not apply if the image is full-width'}), 38: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'label': 'Caption', 'required': False}), 39: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'Check to add a horizontal rule line to bottom of inset.', 'label': 'Has bottom rule line', 'required': False}), 40: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('image', 21), ('image_width', 36), ('image_position', 37), ('text', 38), ('is_bottom_rule', 39)]], {}), 41: ('wagtail.blocks.MultipleChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('is_full_width', 'Display the table at full width'), ('stack_on_mobile', 'Stack the table columns on mobile')], 'required': False}), 42: ('wagtail.blocks.FloatBlock', (), {}), 43: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'features': ['bold', 'italic', 'ol', 'ul', 'link', 'document-link', 'superscript']}), 44: ('wagtail_footnotes.blocks.RichTextBlockWithFootnotes', (), {'features': ['bold', 'italic', 'ol', 'ul', 'link', 'document-link', 'superscript', 'footnotes']}), 45: ('wagtail.contrib.typed_table_block.blocks.TypedTableBlock', [[('text', 15), ('numeric', 42), ('rich_text', 43), ('rich_text_with_footnotes', 44)]], {}), 46: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 35), ('text_introduction', 1), ('options', 41), ('data', 45)]], {}), 47: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {}), 48: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'required': False}), 49: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('body', 47), ('citation', 48)]], {}), 50: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('slug_text', 1), ('paragraph_text', 2), ('button', 6)]], {}), 51: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (6,), {}), 52: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 1), ('paragraph', 2), ('links', 51)]], {}), 53: ('v1.blocks.ReusableTextChooserBlock', ('v1.ReusableText',), {}), 54: ('v1.blocks.ReusableNotificationChooserBlock', ('v1.ReusableNotification',), {}), 55: ('v1.blocks.EmailSignUpChooserBlock', (), {}), 56: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'label': 'Well', 'required': False}), 57: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content', 56)]], {}), 58: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('content', 27), ('content_with_anchor', 31), ('content_with_footnotes', 32), ('heading', 35), ('image', 40), ('table', 46), ('quote', 49), ('cta', 50), ('related_links', 52), ('reusable_text', 53), ('reusable_notification', 54), ('email_signup', 55), ('well', 57)]], {}), 59: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('50-50', '50/50'), ('33-33-33', '33/33/33'), ('25-75', '25/75')], 'help_text': 'Choose the number and width of info unit columns.', 'label': 'Format'}), 60: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': "Check this to link all images and headings to the URL of the first link in their unit's list, if there is a link.", 'required': False}), 61: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add a horizontal rule line to top of info unit group.', 'required': False}), 62: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to show horizontal rule lines between info units.', 'label': 'Show rule lines between items', 'required': False}), 63: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('none', 'None'), ('rounded', 'Rounded corners'), ('circle', 'Circle')], 'help_text': 'Adds a <em>border-radius</em> class to images in this group, allowing for a rounded or circular border.', 'label': 'Border radius for images?', 'required': False}), 64: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 1), ('level', 33), ('icon', 34)]], {'default': {'level': 'h3'}, 'required': False}), 65: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'blank': True, 'required': False}), 66: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('image', 21), ('heading', 64), ('body', 65), ('links', 7)]], {}), 67: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (66,), {'default': []}), 68: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('format', 59), ('heading', 35), ('intro', 2), ('link_image_and_heading', 60), ('has_top_rule_line', 61), ('lines_between_items', 62), ('border_radius_image', 63), ('info_units', 67)]], {}), 69: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'default': '3', 'help_text': 'How many posts do you want to show?', 'label': 'Limit'}), 70: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'default': 'Published'}), 71: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('limit', 69), ('post_date_description', 70)]], {}), 72: ('wagtail.snippets.blocks.SnippetChooserBlock', ('v1.Contact',), {}), 73: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Add a horizontal rule line to top of contact block.', 'required': False}), 74: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('contact', 72), ('has_top_rule_line', 73)]], {}), 75: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Added as an <code>&lt;h3&gt;</code> at the top of this block. Also adds a wrapping <code>&lt;div&gt;</code> whose <code>id</code> attribute comes from a slugified version of this heading, creating an anchor that can be used when linking to this part of the page.', 'required': False}), 76: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'required': False}), 77: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add a horizontal rule line to top of expandable group.', 'required': False}), 78: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add FAQ schema markup to expandables.', 'label': 'Uses FAQ schema', 'required': False}), 79: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('paragraph', 2), ('well', 57), ('links', 6), ('info_unit_group', 68)]], {'blank': True}), 80: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('label', 1), ('icon', 1), ('is_bordered', 76), ('is_midtone', 76), ('is_expanded', 76), ('is_expanded_padding', 76), ('content', 79)]], {}), 81: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (80,), {}), 82: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 75), ('body', 2), ('is_accordion', 76), ('has_top_rule_line', 77), ('is_faq', 78), ('expandables', 81)]], {})}),
+        ),
+        migrations.SeparateDatabaseAndState(
+            state_operations=[
+                migrations.DeleteModel(
+                    name='CDNHistory',
+                ),
+            ],
+        ),
+        migrations.AlterField(
+            model_name='blogpage',
+            name='content',
+            field=wagtail.fields.StreamField([('full_width_text', 42), ('info_unit_group', 53), ('expandable', 56), ('well', 41), ('video_player', 59), ('email_signup', 39), ('simple_chart', 76), ('faq_schema', 85), ('how_to_schema', 95)], block_lookup={0: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'icon': 'edit'}), 1: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {}), 2: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': '\n            ID will be auto-generated on save.\n            However, you may enter some human-friendly text that\n            will be incorporated to make it easier to read.\n        ', 'label': 'ID for this content block', 'required': False}), 3: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('link_id', 2)]], {}), 4: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content_block', 1), ('anchor_link', 3)]], {}), 5: ('wagtail_footnotes.blocks.RichTextBlockWithFootnotes', (), {'features': ['anchor-identifier', 'h2', 'h3', 'h4', 'h5', 'hr', 'ol', 'ul', 'bold', 'italic', 'superscript', 'blockquote', 'link', 'document-link', 'image', 'icon', 'footnotes']}), 6: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'required': False}), 7: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('h2', 'H2'), ('h3', 'H3'), ('h4', 'H4'), ('h5', 'H5')]}), 8: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Input the name of an icon to appear to the left of the heading. E.g., approved, help-round, etc. <a href="">See full list of icons</a>', 'required': False}), 9: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 6), ('level', 7), ('icon', 8)]], {'required': False}), 10: ('wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock', (), {'required': False}), 11: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': "No character limit, but be as succinct as possible. If the image is decorative (i.e., a screenreader wouldn't have anything useful to say about it), leave this field blank.", 'required': False}), 12: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('upload', 10), ('alt', 11)]], {}), 13: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('full', 'Full width'), (470, '470px'), (270, '270px'), (170, '170px')]}), 14: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('right', 'right'), ('left', 'left')], 'help_text': 'Does not apply if the image is full-width'}), 15: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'label': 'Caption', 'required': False}), 16: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'Check to add a horizontal rule line to bottom of inset.', 'label': 'Has bottom rule line', 'required': False}), 17: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('image', 12), ('image_width', 13), ('image_position', 14), ('text', 15), ('is_bottom_rule', 16)]], {}), 18: ('wagtail.blocks.MultipleChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('is_full_width', 'Display the table at full width'), ('stack_on_mobile', 'Stack the table columns on mobile')], 'required': False}), 19: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {}), 20: ('wagtail.blocks.FloatBlock', (), {}), 21: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'features': ['bold', 'italic', 'ol', 'ul', 'link', 'document-link', 'superscript']}), 22: ('wagtail_footnotes.blocks.RichTextBlockWithFootnotes', (), {'features': ['bold', 'italic', 'ol', 'ul', 'link', 'document-link', 'superscript', 'footnotes']}), 23: ('wagtail.contrib.typed_table_block.blocks.TypedTableBlock', [[('text', 19), ('numeric', 20), ('rich_text', 21), ('rich_text_with_footnotes', 22)]], {}), 24: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'features': ['bold', 'italic', 'link', 'document-link'], 'required': False}), 25: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 9), ('text_introduction', 6), ('options', 18), ('data', 23), ('caption', 24)]], {}), 26: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {}), 27: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'required': False}), 28: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('body', 26), ('citation', 27)]], {}), 29: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'required': False}), 30: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Add an ARIA label if the link text does not describe the destination of the link (e.g. has ambiguous text like "Learn more" that is not descriptive on its own).', 'required': False}), 31: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'default': '/', 'required': False}), 32: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'required': False}), 33: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 6), ('aria_label', 30), ('url', 31), ('is_link_boldface', 32)]], {}), 34: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('slug_text', 6), ('paragraph_text', 29), ('button', 33)]], {}), 35: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (33,), {}), 36: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 6), ('paragraph', 29), ('links', 35)]], {}), 37: ('v1.blocks.ReusableTextChooserBlock', ('v1.ReusableText',), {}), 38: ('v1.blocks.ReusableNotificationChooserBlock', ('v1.ReusableNotification',), {}), 39: ('v1.blocks.EmailSignUpChooserBlock', (), {}), 40: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'label': 'Well', 'required': False}), 41: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content', 40)]], {}), 42: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('content', 0), ('content_with_anchor', 4), ('content_with_footnotes', 5), ('heading', 9), ('image', 17), ('table', 25), ('quote', 28), ('cta', 34), ('related_links', 36), ('reusable_text', 37), ('reusable_notification', 38), ('email_signup', 39), ('well', 41)]], {}), 43: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('50-50', '50/50'), ('33-33-33', '33/33/33'), ('25-75', '25/75')], 'help_text': 'Choose the number and width of info unit columns.', 'label': 'Format'}), 44: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': "Check this to link all images and headings to the URL of the first link in their unit's list, if there is a link.", 'required': False}), 45: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add a horizontal rule line to top of info unit group.', 'required': False}), 46: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to show horizontal rule lines between info units.', 'label': 'Show rule lines between items', 'required': False}), 47: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('none', 'None'), ('rounded', 'Rounded corners'), ('circle', 'Circle')], 'help_text': 'Adds a <em>border-radius</em> class to images in this group, allowing for a rounded or circular border.', 'label': 'Border radius for images?', 'required': False}), 48: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 6), ('level', 7), ('icon', 8)]], {'default': {'level': 'h3'}, 'required': False}), 49: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'blank': True, 'required': False}), 50: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (33,), {'required': False}), 51: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('image', 12), ('heading', 48), ('body', 49), ('links', 50)]], {}), 52: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (51,), {'default': []}), 53: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('format', 43), ('heading', 9), ('intro', 29), ('link_image_and_heading', 44), ('has_top_rule_line', 45), ('lines_between_items', 46), ('border_radius_image', 47), ('info_units', 52)]], {}), 54: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'required': False}), 55: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('paragraph', 29), ('well', 41), ('links', 33), ('info_unit_group', 53)]], {'blank': True}), 56: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('label', 6), ('icon', 6), ('is_bordered', 54), ('is_midtone', 54), ('is_expanded', 54), ('is_expanded_padding', 54), ('content', 55)]], {}), 57: ('wagtail.blocks.RegexBlock', (), {'error_messages': {'invalid': 'The YouTube video ID is in the wrong format.'}, 'help_text': 'Enter the YouTube video ID, which is located at the end of the video URL, after "v=". For example, the video ID for is 1V0Ax9OIc84.', 'label': 'YouTube video ID', 'regex': '^[\\w-]{11}$', 'required': False}), 58: ('wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Optional thumbnail image to show before and after the video plays. If the thumbnail image is not set here, the video player will default to showing the thumbnail that was set in (or automatically chosen by) YouTube.', 'required': False}), 59: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('video_id', 57), ('thumbnail_image', 58)]], {}), 60: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'required': True}), 61: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Accessible description of the chart content', 'required': True}), 62: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('bar', 'Bar'), ('datetime', 'Date/time'), ('line', 'Line'), ('tilemap', 'Tile grid map')]}), 63: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': "URL of the chart's data source or an array of JSON data", 'required': True, 'rows': 2}), 64: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'For charts pulling from a separate source file, include a list of the column headers (from a CSV file) or keys (from a JSON file) to include in the chart as  ["HEADER/KEY1", "HEADER/KEY2"]. To change how the data is labeled in the chart, include the correct labels with the format [{"key": "HEADER/KEY1", "label": "NEWLABEL"}, {"key": "HEADER/KEY2", "label": "NEWLABEL2"}]', 'required': False}), 65: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'Uncheck this option to initially only show the first data  series in the chart. Leave checked to show all data  series by default. Users can always turn data series on  or off by interacting with the chart legend. ', 'required': False}), 66: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'The column header (CSV), key or data array (JSON) to include as the source of x-axis values.', 'required': False}), 67: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': "Name the javascript function in chart-hooks.js to run on the provided data before handing it to the chart. Can also provide '___'-separated arguments to this function which are passed in as arguments 2 to n", 'required': False}), 68: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'If the chart needs the option for users to filter the data shown, for example by date or geographic region, provide the JSON objects to filter on, in the format  {key: "KEY", "label": "LABEL"}', 'required': False}), 69: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'A JSON object with style overrides for the underlying Highcharts chart. No object merging is done, nested objects should be referenced with dot notation: {"tooltip.shape": "circle"}', 'required': False}), 70: ('wagtail.blocks.IntegerBlock', (), {'blank': True, 'help_text': 'A number to determine how many months of the data are projected values', 'max_value': 12, 'min_value': 0, 'null': True, 'required': False}), 71: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Attribution for the data source', 'required': False}), 72: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'When the underlying data was published', 'required': False}), 73: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Custom text for the chart download field. Required to display a download link.', 'required': False}), 74: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Location of a file to download, if different from the data source', 'required': False}), 75: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'General chart information', 'required': False}), 76: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('title', 60), ('subtitle', 27), ('description', 61), ('figure_number', 6), ('chart_type', 62), ('data_source', 63), ('data_series', 64), ('show_all_series_by_default', 65), ('x_axis_source', 66), ('transform', 67), ('x_axis_label', 6), ('y_axis_label', 6), ('filters', 68), ('style_overrides', 69), ('projected_months', 70), ('source_credits', 71), ('date_published', 72), ('download_text', 73), ('download_file', 74), ('notes', 75)]], {}), 77: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'blank': True, 'features': ['ol', 'ul', 'bold', 'italic', 'link', 'document-link'], 'required': False}), 78: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'blank': True, 'help_text': "Add an optional anchor link tag for this question. Tag should be unique and use dashes or underscores for separation instead of spaces (ie, 'question-one-tag')", 'max_length': 500, 'required': False}), 79: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'max_length': 500}), 80: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'features': ['bold', 'italic', 'h3', 'h4', 'link', 'ol', 'ul', 'document-link', 'image', 'embed'], 'label': 'Text'}), 81: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content', 80)]], {}), 82: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('text', 81), ('table', 25), ('video_player', 59)]], {}), 83: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('anchor_tag', 78), ('question', 79), ('answer_content', 82)]], {}), 84: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (83,), {}), 85: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('description', 77), ('questions', 84)]], {'label': 'FAQ schema'}), 86: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'label': 'Title of How To section', 'max_length': 500}), 87: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('h2', 'H2'), ('h3', 'H3'), ('h4', 'H4')], 'help_text': 'Choose a tag for the title of the How To section.', 'label': 'Tag for How To section title'}), 88: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'The How To schema requires a title to let search engines understand what it is about. If you do not want the title to be displayed in the page, uncheck this box and the title content will only be made available to crawlers and screen readers.', 'label': 'Show How To section title', 'required': False}), 89: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('h2', 'H2'), ('h3', 'H3'), ('h4', 'H4'), ('b', 'Bold'), ('p', 'Paragraph')], 'help_text': 'Choose a tag for the title of each HowTo step.', 'label': 'Tag for step titles'}), 90: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this box to display numbers before step titles. ', 'label': 'Show numbers for steps', 'required': False}), 91: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'blank': True, 'help_text': "Add an optional anchor link tag to allow linking directly to this step. Tag should be unique and use dashes or underscores for separation instead of spaces (ie, 'step-one-tag').", 'max_length': 500, 'required': False}), 92: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Enter a title for this HowTo step. You do not need to include a number in the title -- numbers will be added automatically in the template if the show numbers checkbox is checked.', 'max_length': 500}), 93: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('anchor_tag', 91), ('title', 92), ('step_content', 82)]], {}), 94: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (93,), {}), 95: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('title', 86), ('title_tag', 87), ('show_title', 88), ('description', 77), ('step_title_tag', 89), ('has_numbers', 90), ('steps', 94)]], {'label': 'HowTo schema', 'max_num': 1})}),
+        ),
+        migrations.AlterField(
+            model_name='browsefilterablepage',
+            name='content',
+            field=wagtail.fields.StreamField([('full_width_text', 42), ('filter_controls', 52)], blank=True, block_lookup={0: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'icon': 'edit'}), 1: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {}), 2: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': '\n            ID will be auto-generated on save.\n            However, you may enter some human-friendly text that\n            will be incorporated to make it easier to read.\n        ', 'label': 'ID for this content block', 'required': False}), 3: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('link_id', 2)]], {}), 4: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content_block', 1), ('anchor_link', 3)]], {}), 5: ('wagtail_footnotes.blocks.RichTextBlockWithFootnotes', (), {'features': ['anchor-identifier', 'h2', 'h3', 'h4', 'h5', 'hr', 'ol', 'ul', 'bold', 'italic', 'superscript', 'blockquote', 'link', 'document-link', 'image', 'icon', 'footnotes']}), 6: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'required': False}), 7: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('h2', 'H2'), ('h3', 'H3'), ('h4', 'H4'), ('h5', 'H5')]}), 8: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Input the name of an icon to appear to the left of the heading. E.g., approved, help-round, etc. <a href="">See full list of icons</a>', 'required': False}), 9: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 6), ('level', 7), ('icon', 8)]], {'required': False}), 10: ('wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock', (), {'required': False}), 11: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': "No character limit, but be as succinct as possible. If the image is decorative (i.e., a screenreader wouldn't have anything useful to say about it), leave this field blank.", 'required': False}), 12: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('upload', 10), ('alt', 11)]], {}), 13: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('full', 'Full width'), (470, '470px'), (270, '270px'), (170, '170px')]}), 14: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('right', 'right'), ('left', 'left')], 'help_text': 'Does not apply if the image is full-width'}), 15: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'label': 'Caption', 'required': False}), 16: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'Check to add a horizontal rule line to bottom of inset.', 'label': 'Has bottom rule line', 'required': False}), 17: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('image', 12), ('image_width', 13), ('image_position', 14), ('text', 15), ('is_bottom_rule', 16)]], {}), 18: ('wagtail.blocks.MultipleChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('is_full_width', 'Display the table at full width'), ('stack_on_mobile', 'Stack the table columns on mobile')], 'required': False}), 19: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {}), 20: ('wagtail.blocks.FloatBlock', (), {}), 21: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'features': ['bold', 'italic', 'ol', 'ul', 'link', 'document-link', 'superscript']}), 22: ('wagtail_footnotes.blocks.RichTextBlockWithFootnotes', (), {'features': ['bold', 'italic', 'ol', 'ul', 'link', 'document-link', 'superscript', 'footnotes']}), 23: ('wagtail.contrib.typed_table_block.blocks.TypedTableBlock', [[('text', 19), ('numeric', 20), ('rich_text', 21), ('rich_text_with_footnotes', 22)]], {}), 24: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'features': ['bold', 'italic', 'link', 'document-link'], 'required': False}), 25: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 9), ('text_introduction', 6), ('options', 18), ('data', 23), ('caption', 24)]], {}), 26: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {}), 27: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'required': False}), 28: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('body', 26), ('citation', 27)]], {}), 29: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'required': False}), 30: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Add an ARIA label if the link text does not describe the destination of the link (e.g. has ambiguous text like "Learn more" that is not descriptive on its own).', 'required': False}), 31: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'default': '/', 'required': False}), 32: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'required': False}), 33: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 6), ('aria_label', 30), ('url', 31), ('is_link_boldface', 32)]], {}), 34: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('slug_text', 6), ('paragraph_text', 29), ('button', 33)]], {}), 35: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (33,), {}), 36: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 6), ('paragraph', 29), ('links', 35)]], {}), 37: ('v1.blocks.ReusableTextChooserBlock', ('v1.ReusableText',), {}), 38: ('v1.blocks.ReusableNotificationChooserBlock', ('v1.ReusableNotification',), {}), 39: ('v1.blocks.EmailSignUpChooserBlock', (), {}), 40: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'label': 'Well', 'required': False}), 41: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content', 40)]], {}), 42: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('content', 0), ('content_with_anchor', 4), ('content_with_footnotes', 5), ('heading', 9), ('image', 17), ('table', 25), ('quote', 28), ('cta', 34), ('related_links', 36), ('reusable_text', 37), ('reusable_notification', 38), ('email_signup', 39), ('well', 41)]], {}), 43: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'required': False}), 44: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'Whether to include a "Search by keyword" filter in the filter controls.', 'required': False}), 45: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'Whether to include a "Category" filter in the filter controls.', 'required': False}), 46: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': v1.util.ref.filterable_list_page_types, 'required': False}), 47: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Whether to include a "Topics" filter in the filter controls', 'required': False}), 48: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Whether to include a "Status" filter in the filter controls. Only enable if using on an enforcement actions filterable list.', 'required': False}), 49: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Whether to include a "Product" filter in the filter controls. Only enable if using on an enforcement actions filterable list.', 'required': False}), 50: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Whether to include a "Language" filter in the filter controls.Only enable if there are non-english filterable results available.', 'required': False}), 51: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'Whether to include a set of "Date range" filters in the filter controls.', 'required': False}), 52: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('label', 6), ('icon', 6), ('is_bordered', 43), ('is_midtone', 43), ('is_expanded', 43), ('is_expanded_padding', 43), ('filter_by_keyword', 44), ('filter_by_category', 45), ('category_choices', 46), ('filter_by_topics', 47), ('filter_by_enforcement_statuses', 48), ('filter_by_enforcement_products', 49), ('filter_by_language', 50), ('filter_by_date_range', 51)]], {})}),
+        ),
+        migrations.AlterField(
+            model_name='browsepage',
+            name='content',
+            field=wagtail.fields.StreamField([('full_width_text', 42), ('info_unit_group', 53), ('simple_chart', 70), ('expandable_group', 78), ('expandable', 76), ('well', 41), ('video_player', 81), ('table', 25), ('raw_html_block', 82), ('chart_block', 93), ('mortgage_chart_block', 97), ('mortgage_map_block', 97), ('mortgage_downloads_block', 99), ('data_snapshot', 113), ('job_listing_table', 114), ('faq_group', 123)], blank=True, block_lookup={0: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'icon': 'edit'}), 1: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {}), 2: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': '\n            ID will be auto-generated on save.\n            However, you may enter some human-friendly text that\n            will be incorporated to make it easier to read.\n        ', 'label': 'ID for this content block', 'required': False}), 3: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('link_id', 2)]], {}), 4: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content_block', 1), ('anchor_link', 3)]], {}), 5: ('wagtail_footnotes.blocks.RichTextBlockWithFootnotes', (), {'features': ['anchor-identifier', 'h2', 'h3', 'h4', 'h5', 'hr', 'ol', 'ul', 'bold', 'italic', 'superscript', 'blockquote', 'link', 'document-link', 'image', 'icon', 'footnotes']}), 6: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'required': False}), 7: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('h2', 'H2'), ('h3', 'H3'), ('h4', 'H4'), ('h5', 'H5')]}), 8: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Input the name of an icon to appear to the left of the heading. E.g., approved, help-round, etc. <a href="">See full list of icons</a>', 'required': False}), 9: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 6), ('level', 7), ('icon', 8)]], {'required': False}), 10: ('wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock', (), {'required': False}), 11: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': "No character limit, but be as succinct as possible. If the image is decorative (i.e., a screenreader wouldn't have anything useful to say about it), leave this field blank.", 'required': False}), 12: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('upload', 10), ('alt', 11)]], {}), 13: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('full', 'Full width'), (470, '470px'), (270, '270px'), (170, '170px')]}), 14: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('right', 'right'), ('left', 'left')], 'help_text': 'Does not apply if the image is full-width'}), 15: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'label': 'Caption', 'required': False}), 16: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'Check to add a horizontal rule line to bottom of inset.', 'label': 'Has bottom rule line', 'required': False}), 17: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('image', 12), ('image_width', 13), ('image_position', 14), ('text', 15), ('is_bottom_rule', 16)]], {}), 18: ('wagtail.blocks.MultipleChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('is_full_width', 'Display the table at full width'), ('stack_on_mobile', 'Stack the table columns on mobile')], 'required': False}), 19: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {}), 20: ('wagtail.blocks.FloatBlock', (), {}), 21: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'features': ['bold', 'italic', 'ol', 'ul', 'link', 'document-link', 'superscript']}), 22: ('wagtail_footnotes.blocks.RichTextBlockWithFootnotes', (), {'features': ['bold', 'italic', 'ol', 'ul', 'link', 'document-link', 'superscript', 'footnotes']}), 23: ('wagtail.contrib.typed_table_block.blocks.TypedTableBlock', [[('text', 19), ('numeric', 20), ('rich_text', 21), ('rich_text_with_footnotes', 22)]], {}), 24: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'features': ['bold', 'italic', 'link', 'document-link'], 'required': False}), 25: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 9), ('text_introduction', 6), ('options', 18), ('data', 23), ('caption', 24)]], {}), 26: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {}), 27: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'required': False}), 28: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('body', 26), ('citation', 27)]], {}), 29: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'required': False}), 30: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Add an ARIA label if the link text does not describe the destination of the link (e.g. has ambiguous text like "Learn more" that is not descriptive on its own).', 'required': False}), 31: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'default': '/', 'required': False}), 32: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'required': False}), 33: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 6), ('aria_label', 30), ('url', 31), ('is_link_boldface', 32)]], {}), 34: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('slug_text', 6), ('paragraph_text', 29), ('button', 33)]], {}), 35: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (33,), {}), 36: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 6), ('paragraph', 29), ('links', 35)]], {}), 37: ('v1.blocks.ReusableTextChooserBlock', ('v1.ReusableText',), {}), 38: ('v1.blocks.ReusableNotificationChooserBlock', ('v1.ReusableNotification',), {}), 39: ('v1.blocks.EmailSignUpChooserBlock', (), {}), 40: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'label': 'Well', 'required': False}), 41: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content', 40)]], {}), 42: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('content', 0), ('content_with_anchor', 4), ('content_with_footnotes', 5), ('heading', 9), ('image', 17), ('table', 25), ('quote', 28), ('cta', 34), ('related_links', 36), ('reusable_text', 37), ('reusable_notification', 38), ('email_signup', 39), ('well', 41)]], {}), 43: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('50-50', '50/50'), ('33-33-33', '33/33/33'), ('25-75', '25/75')], 'help_text': 'Choose the number and width of info unit columns.', 'label': 'Format'}), 44: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': "Check this to link all images and headings to the URL of the first link in their unit's list, if there is a link.", 'required': False}), 45: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add a horizontal rule line to top of info unit group.', 'required': False}), 46: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to show horizontal rule lines between info units.', 'label': 'Show rule lines between items', 'required': False}), 47: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('none', 'None'), ('rounded', 'Rounded corners'), ('circle', 'Circle')], 'help_text': 'Adds a <em>border-radius</em> class to images in this group, allowing for a rounded or circular border.', 'label': 'Border radius for images?', 'required': False}), 48: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 6), ('level', 7), ('icon', 8)]], {'default': {'level': 'h3'}, 'required': False}), 49: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'blank': True, 'required': False}), 50: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (33,), {'required': False}), 51: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('image', 12), ('heading', 48), ('body', 49), ('links', 50)]], {}), 52: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (51,), {'default': []}), 53: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('format', 43), ('heading', 9), ('intro', 29), ('link_image_and_heading', 44), ('has_top_rule_line', 45), ('lines_between_items', 46), ('border_radius_image', 47), ('info_units', 52)]], {}), 54: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'required': True}), 55: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Accessible description of the chart content', 'required': True}), 56: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('bar', 'Bar'), ('datetime', 'Date/time'), ('line', 'Line'), ('tilemap', 'Tile grid map')]}), 57: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': "URL of the chart's data source or an array of JSON data", 'required': True, 'rows': 2}), 58: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'For charts pulling from a separate source file, include a list of the column headers (from a CSV file) or keys (from a JSON file) to include in the chart as  ["HEADER/KEY1", "HEADER/KEY2"]. To change how the data is labeled in the chart, include the correct labels with the format [{"key": "HEADER/KEY1", "label": "NEWLABEL"}, {"key": "HEADER/KEY2", "label": "NEWLABEL2"}]', 'required': False}), 59: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'Uncheck this option to initially only show the first data  series in the chart. Leave checked to show all data  series by default. Users can always turn data series on  or off by interacting with the chart legend. ', 'required': False}), 60: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'The column header (CSV), key or data array (JSON) to include as the source of x-axis values.', 'required': False}), 61: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': "Name the javascript function in chart-hooks.js to run on the provided data before handing it to the chart. Can also provide '___'-separated arguments to this function which are passed in as arguments 2 to n", 'required': False}), 62: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'If the chart needs the option for users to filter the data shown, for example by date or geographic region, provide the JSON objects to filter on, in the format  {key: "KEY", "label": "LABEL"}', 'required': False}), 63: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'A JSON object with style overrides for the underlying Highcharts chart. No object merging is done, nested objects should be referenced with dot notation: {"tooltip.shape": "circle"}', 'required': False}), 64: ('wagtail.blocks.IntegerBlock', (), {'blank': True, 'help_text': 'A number to determine how many months of the data are projected values', 'max_value': 12, 'min_value': 0, 'null': True, 'required': False}), 65: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Attribution for the data source', 'required': False}), 66: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'When the underlying data was published', 'required': False}), 67: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Custom text for the chart download field. Required to display a download link.', 'required': False}), 68: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Location of a file to download, if different from the data source', 'required': False}), 69: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'General chart information', 'required': False}), 70: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('title', 54), ('subtitle', 27), ('description', 55), ('figure_number', 6), ('chart_type', 56), ('data_source', 57), ('data_series', 58), ('show_all_series_by_default', 59), ('x_axis_source', 60), ('transform', 61), ('x_axis_label', 6), ('y_axis_label', 6), ('filters', 62), ('style_overrides', 63), ('projected_months', 64), ('source_credits', 65), ('date_published', 66), ('download_text', 67), ('download_file', 68), ('notes', 69)]], {}), 71: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Added as an <code>&lt;h3&gt;</code> at the top of this block. Also adds a wrapping <code>&lt;div&gt;</code> whose <code>id</code> attribute comes from a slugified version of this heading, creating an anchor that can be used when linking to this part of the page.', 'required': False}), 72: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'required': False}), 73: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add a horizontal rule line to top of expandable group.', 'required': False}), 74: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add FAQ schema markup to expandables.', 'label': 'Uses FAQ schema', 'required': False}), 75: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('paragraph', 29), ('well', 41), ('links', 33), ('info_unit_group', 53)]], {'blank': True}), 76: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('label', 6), ('icon', 6), ('is_bordered', 72), ('is_midtone', 72), ('is_expanded', 72), ('is_expanded_padding', 72), ('content', 75)]], {}), 77: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (76,), {}), 78: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 71), ('body', 29), ('is_accordion', 72), ('has_top_rule_line', 73), ('is_faq', 74), ('expandables', 77)]], {}), 79: ('wagtail.blocks.RegexBlock', (), {'error_messages': {'invalid': 'The YouTube video ID is in the wrong format.'}, 'help_text': 'Enter the YouTube video ID, which is located at the end of the video URL, after "v=". For example, the video ID for is 1V0Ax9OIc84.', 'label': 'YouTube video ID', 'regex': '^[\\w-]{11}$', 'required': False}), 80: ('wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Optional thumbnail image to show before and after the video plays. If the thumbnail image is not set here, the video player will default to showing the thumbnail that was set in (or automatically chosen by) YouTube.', 'required': False}), 81: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('video_id', 79), ('thumbnail_image', 80)]], {}), 82: ('wagtail.blocks.RawHTMLBlock', (), {'label': 'Raw HTML block'}), 83: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('bar', 'Bar | % y-axis values'), ('line', 'Line | millions/billions y-axis values'), ('line-index', 'Line-Index | integer y-axis values'), ('tile_map', 'Tile Map | grid-like USA map')]}), 84: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('blue', 'Blue'), ('gold', 'Gold'), ('green', 'Green'), ('navy', 'Navy'), ('neutral', 'Neutral'), ('purple', 'Purple'), ('teal', 'Teal')], 'help_text': 'Chart\'s color scheme. See "".', 'required': False}), 85: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Location of the chart\'s data source relative to "". For example,"consumer-credit-trends/auto-loans/num_data_AUT.csv".', 'required': True}), 86: ('wagtail.blocks.DateBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Automatically generated when CCT cron job runs'}), 87: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Briefly summarize the chart for visually impaired users.', 'required': True}), 88: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add a horizontal rule line to top of chart block.', 'required': False}), 89: ('wagtail.blocks.DateBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Month of latest entry in dataset'}), 90: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Optional metadata for the chart to use. For example, with CCT this would be the chart\'s "group".', 'required': False}), 91: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Text to display as a footnote. For example, "Data from the last six months are not final."', 'required': False}), 92: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Custom y-axis label. NOTE: Line-Index chart y-axis is not overridable with this field!', 'required': False}), 93: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('title', 54), ('chart_type', 83), ('color_scheme', 84), ('data_source', 85), ('date_published', 86), ('description', 87), ('has_top_rule_line', 88), ('last_updated_projected_data', 89), ('metadata', 90), ('note', 91), ('y_axis_label', 92)]], {}), 94: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'form_classname': 'title', 'required': True}), 95: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Chart summary for visually impaired users.', 'required': False}), 96: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Text for "Note" section of footnotes.', 'required': False}), 97: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content_block', 1), ('title', 94), ('description', 95), ('note', 96), ('has_top_rule_line', 88)]], {}), 98: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this box to allow the archival section to display. No section will appear if there are no archival downloads.', 'required': False}), 99: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('show_archives', 98)]], {}), 100: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Market identifier, e.g. AUT', 'max_length': 20, 'required': True}), 101: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Number of originations, e.g. 1.2 million', 'max_length': 20}), 102: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Total dollar value of originations, e.g. $3.4 billion', 'max_length': 20}), 103: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Percentage change, e.g. 5.6% increase', 'max_length': 20}), 104: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Descriptive sentence, e.g. Auto loans originated', 'max_length': 100}), 105: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Descriptive sentence, e.g. Dollar volume of new loans', 'max_length': 100}), 106: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Descriptive sentence, e.g. In year-over-year originations', 'max_length': 100}), 107: ('wagtail.blocks.DateBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Month of latest entry in dataset for inquiry data', 'max_length': 20, 'required': False}), 108: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Percentage change, e.g. 5.6% increase', 'max_length': 20, 'required': False}), 109: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Descriptive sentence, e.g. In year-over-year inquiries', 'max_length': 100, 'required': False}), 110: ('wagtail.blocks.DateBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Month of latest entry in dataset for credit tightness data', 'max_length': 20, 'required': False}), 111: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Descriptive sentence, e.g. In year-over-year credit tightness', 'max_length': 100, 'required': False}), 112: ('wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock', (), {'icon': 'image', 'required': False}), 113: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('market_key', 100), ('num_originations', 101), ('value_originations', 102), ('year_over_year_change', 103), ('last_updated_projected_data', 89), ('num_originations_text', 104), ('value_originations_text', 105), ('year_over_year_change_text', 106), ('inquiry_month', 107), ('inquiry_year_over_year_change', 108), ('inquiry_year_over_year_change_text', 109), ('tightness_month', 110), ('tightness_year_over_year_change', 108), ('tightness_year_over_year_change_text', 111), ('image', 112)]], {}), 114: ('jobmanager.blocks.JobListingTable', (), {}), 115: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add a horizontal rule line to top of FAQ group.', 'required': False}), 116: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to show horizontal rule lines between FAQ items.', 'label': 'Show rule lines between items', 'required': False}), 117: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('h2', 'h2'), ('h3', 'h3'), ('h4', 'h4'), ('p', 'p')], 'help_text': 'HTML tag for questions.'}), 118: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'blank': True, 'help_text': "Add an optional anchor link tag for this question. Tag should be unique and use dashes or underscores for separation instead of spaces (ie, 'question-one-tag')", 'max_length': 500, 'required': False}), 119: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'max_length': 500}), 120: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('full_width_text', 42), ('info_unit_group', 53)]], {}), 121: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('anchor_tag', 118), ('question', 119), ('answer', 120)]], {}), 122: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (121,), {'label': 'FAQ items'}), 123: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('has_top_rule_line', 115), ('lines_between_items', 116), ('question_tag', 117), ('faq_items', 122)]], {})}),
+        ),
+        migrations.AlterField(
+            model_name='documentdetailpage',
+            name='content',
+            field=wagtail.fields.StreamField([('full_width_text', 42), ('expandable', 56), ('expandable_group', 61), ('notification', 66), ('simple_chart', 83), ('table', 25), ('crc_table', 85), ('case_docket_table', 87)], blank=True, block_lookup={0: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'icon': 'edit'}), 1: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {}), 2: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': '\n            ID will be auto-generated on save.\n            However, you may enter some human-friendly text that\n            will be incorporated to make it easier to read.\n        ', 'label': 'ID for this content block', 'required': False}), 3: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('link_id', 2)]], {}), 4: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content_block', 1), ('anchor_link', 3)]], {}), 5: ('wagtail_footnotes.blocks.RichTextBlockWithFootnotes', (), {'features': ['anchor-identifier', 'h2', 'h3', 'h4', 'h5', 'hr', 'ol', 'ul', 'bold', 'italic', 'superscript', 'blockquote', 'link', 'document-link', 'image', 'icon', 'footnotes']}), 6: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'required': False}), 7: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('h2', 'H2'), ('h3', 'H3'), ('h4', 'H4'), ('h5', 'H5')]}), 8: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Input the name of an icon to appear to the left of the heading. E.g., approved, help-round, etc. <a href="">See full list of icons</a>', 'required': False}), 9: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 6), ('level', 7), ('icon', 8)]], {'required': False}), 10: ('wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock', (), {'required': False}), 11: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': "No character limit, but be as succinct as possible. If the image is decorative (i.e., a screenreader wouldn't have anything useful to say about it), leave this field blank.", 'required': False}), 12: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('upload', 10), ('alt', 11)]], {}), 13: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('full', 'Full width'), (470, '470px'), (270, '270px'), (170, '170px')]}), 14: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('right', 'right'), ('left', 'left')], 'help_text': 'Does not apply if the image is full-width'}), 15: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'label': 'Caption', 'required': False}), 16: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'Check to add a horizontal rule line to bottom of inset.', 'label': 'Has bottom rule line', 'required': False}), 17: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('image', 12), ('image_width', 13), ('image_position', 14), ('text', 15), ('is_bottom_rule', 16)]], {}), 18: ('wagtail.blocks.MultipleChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('is_full_width', 'Display the table at full width'), ('stack_on_mobile', 'Stack the table columns on mobile')], 'required': False}), 19: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {}), 20: ('wagtail.blocks.FloatBlock', (), {}), 21: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'features': ['bold', 'italic', 'ol', 'ul', 'link', 'document-link', 'superscript']}), 22: ('wagtail_footnotes.blocks.RichTextBlockWithFootnotes', (), {'features': ['bold', 'italic', 'ol', 'ul', 'link', 'document-link', 'superscript', 'footnotes']}), 23: ('wagtail.contrib.typed_table_block.blocks.TypedTableBlock', [[('text', 19), ('numeric', 20), ('rich_text', 21), ('rich_text_with_footnotes', 22)]], {}), 24: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'features': ['bold', 'italic', 'link', 'document-link'], 'required': False}), 25: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 9), ('text_introduction', 6), ('options', 18), ('data', 23), ('caption', 24)]], {}), 26: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {}), 27: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'required': False}), 28: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('body', 26), ('citation', 27)]], {}), 29: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'required': False}), 30: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Add an ARIA label if the link text does not describe the destination of the link (e.g. has ambiguous text like "Learn more" that is not descriptive on its own).', 'required': False}), 31: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'default': '/', 'required': False}), 32: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'required': False}), 33: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 6), ('aria_label', 30), ('url', 31), ('is_link_boldface', 32)]], {}), 34: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('slug_text', 6), ('paragraph_text', 29), ('button', 33)]], {}), 35: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (33,), {}), 36: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 6), ('paragraph', 29), ('links', 35)]], {}), 37: ('v1.blocks.ReusableTextChooserBlock', ('v1.ReusableText',), {}), 38: ('v1.blocks.ReusableNotificationChooserBlock', ('v1.ReusableNotification',), {}), 39: ('v1.blocks.EmailSignUpChooserBlock', (), {}), 40: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'label': 'Well', 'required': False}), 41: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content', 40)]], {}), 42: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('content', 0), ('content_with_anchor', 4), ('content_with_footnotes', 5), ('heading', 9), ('image', 17), ('table', 25), ('quote', 28), ('cta', 34), ('related_links', 36), ('reusable_text', 37), ('reusable_notification', 38), ('email_signup', 39), ('well', 41)]], {}), 43: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'required': False}), 44: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('50-50', '50/50'), ('33-33-33', '33/33/33'), ('25-75', '25/75')], 'help_text': 'Choose the number and width of info unit columns.', 'label': 'Format'}), 45: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': "Check this to link all images and headings to the URL of the first link in their unit's list, if there is a link.", 'required': False}), 46: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add a horizontal rule line to top of info unit group.', 'required': False}), 47: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to show horizontal rule lines between info units.', 'label': 'Show rule lines between items', 'required': False}), 48: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('none', 'None'), ('rounded', 'Rounded corners'), ('circle', 'Circle')], 'help_text': 'Adds a <em>border-radius</em> class to images in this group, allowing for a rounded or circular border.', 'label': 'Border radius for images?', 'required': False}), 49: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 6), ('level', 7), ('icon', 8)]], {'default': {'level': 'h3'}, 'required': False}), 50: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'blank': True, 'required': False}), 51: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (33,), {'required': False}), 52: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('image', 12), ('heading', 49), ('body', 50), ('links', 51)]], {}), 53: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (52,), {'default': []}), 54: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('format', 44), ('heading', 9), ('intro', 29), ('link_image_and_heading', 45), ('has_top_rule_line', 46), ('lines_between_items', 47), ('border_radius_image', 48), ('info_units', 53)]], {}), 55: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('paragraph', 29), ('well', 41), ('links', 33), ('info_unit_group', 54)]], {'blank': True}), 56: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('label', 6), ('icon', 6), ('is_bordered', 43), ('is_midtone', 43), ('is_expanded', 43), ('is_expanded_padding', 43), ('content', 55)]], {}), 57: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Added as an <code>&lt;h3&gt;</code> at the top of this block. Also adds a wrapping <code>&lt;div&gt;</code> whose <code>id</code> attribute comes from a slugified version of this heading, creating an anchor that can be used when linking to this part of the page.', 'required': False}), 58: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add a horizontal rule line to top of expandable group.', 'required': False}), 59: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add FAQ schema markup to expandables.', 'label': 'Uses FAQ schema', 'required': False}), 60: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (56,), {}), 61: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 57), ('body', 29), ('is_accordion', 43), ('has_top_rule_line', 58), ('is_faq', 59), ('expandables', 60)]], {}), 62: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('information', 'Information'), ('warning', 'Warning')]}), 63: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'The main notification message to display.', 'required': True}), 64: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Explanation text appears below the message in smaller type.', 'required': False}), 65: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (33,), {'help_text': 'Links appear on their own lines below the explanation.', 'required': False}), 66: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('type', 62), ('message', 63), ('explanation', 64), ('links', 65)]], {}), 67: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'required': True}), 68: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Accessible description of the chart content', 'required': True}), 69: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('bar', 'Bar'), ('datetime', 'Date/time'), ('line', 'Line'), ('tilemap', 'Tile grid map')]}), 70: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': "URL of the chart's data source or an array of JSON data", 'required': True, 'rows': 2}), 71: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'For charts pulling from a separate source file, include a list of the column headers (from a CSV file) or keys (from a JSON file) to include in the chart as  ["HEADER/KEY1", "HEADER/KEY2"]. To change how the data is labeled in the chart, include the correct labels with the format [{"key": "HEADER/KEY1", "label": "NEWLABEL"}, {"key": "HEADER/KEY2", "label": "NEWLABEL2"}]', 'required': False}), 72: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'Uncheck this option to initially only show the first data  series in the chart. Leave checked to show all data  series by default. Users can always turn data series on  or off by interacting with the chart legend. ', 'required': False}), 73: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'The column header (CSV), key or data array (JSON) to include as the source of x-axis values.', 'required': False}), 74: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': "Name the javascript function in chart-hooks.js to run on the provided data before handing it to the chart. Can also provide '___'-separated arguments to this function which are passed in as arguments 2 to n", 'required': False}), 75: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'If the chart needs the option for users to filter the data shown, for example by date or geographic region, provide the JSON objects to filter on, in the format  {key: "KEY", "label": "LABEL"}', 'required': False}), 76: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'A JSON object with style overrides for the underlying Highcharts chart. No object merging is done, nested objects should be referenced with dot notation: {"tooltip.shape": "circle"}', 'required': False}), 77: ('wagtail.blocks.IntegerBlock', (), {'blank': True, 'help_text': 'A number to determine how many months of the data are projected values', 'max_value': 12, 'min_value': 0, 'null': True, 'required': False}), 78: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Attribution for the data source', 'required': False}), 79: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'When the underlying data was published', 'required': False}), 80: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Custom text for the chart download field. Required to display a download link.', 'required': False}), 81: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Location of a file to download, if different from the data source', 'required': False}), 82: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'General chart information', 'required': False}), 83: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('title', 67), ('subtitle', 27), ('description', 68), ('figure_number', 6), ('chart_type', 69), ('data_source', 70), ('data_series', 71), ('show_all_series_by_default', 72), ('x_axis_source', 73), ('transform', 74), ('x_axis_label', 6), ('y_axis_label', 6), ('filters', 75), ('style_overrides', 76), ('projected_months', 77), ('source_credits', 78), ('date_published', 79), ('download_text', 80), ('download_file', 81), ('notes', 82)]], {}), 84: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'features': ['bold', 'italic', 'link']}), 85: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('website', 84), ('phone', 84), ('mailing_address', 84)]], {}), 86: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (v1.atomic_elements.tables.CaseDocketEvent,), {'collapsed': True, 'min_num': 1}), 87: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('events', 86)]], {})}),
+        ),
+        migrations.AlterField(
+            model_name='enforcementactionpage',
+            name='content',
+            field=wagtail.fields.StreamField([('full_width_text', 42), ('expandable', 56), ('expandable_group', 61), ('notification', 66)], blank=True, block_lookup={0: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'icon': 'edit'}), 1: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {}), 2: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': '\n            ID will be auto-generated on save.\n            However, you may enter some human-friendly text that\n            will be incorporated to make it easier to read.\n        ', 'label': 'ID for this content block', 'required': False}), 3: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('link_id', 2)]], {}), 4: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content_block', 1), ('anchor_link', 3)]], {}), 5: ('wagtail_footnotes.blocks.RichTextBlockWithFootnotes', (), {'features': ['anchor-identifier', 'h2', 'h3', 'h4', 'h5', 'hr', 'ol', 'ul', 'bold', 'italic', 'superscript', 'blockquote', 'link', 'document-link', 'image', 'icon', 'footnotes']}), 6: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'required': False}), 7: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('h2', 'H2'), ('h3', 'H3'), ('h4', 'H4'), ('h5', 'H5')]}), 8: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Input the name of an icon to appear to the left of the heading. E.g., approved, help-round, etc. <a href="">See full list of icons</a>', 'required': False}), 9: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 6), ('level', 7), ('icon', 8)]], {'required': False}), 10: ('wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock', (), {'required': False}), 11: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': "No character limit, but be as succinct as possible. If the image is decorative (i.e., a screenreader wouldn't have anything useful to say about it), leave this field blank.", 'required': False}), 12: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('upload', 10), ('alt', 11)]], {}), 13: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('full', 'Full width'), (470, '470px'), (270, '270px'), (170, '170px')]}), 14: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('right', 'right'), ('left', 'left')], 'help_text': 'Does not apply if the image is full-width'}), 15: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'label': 'Caption', 'required': False}), 16: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'Check to add a horizontal rule line to bottom of inset.', 'label': 'Has bottom rule line', 'required': False}), 17: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('image', 12), ('image_width', 13), ('image_position', 14), ('text', 15), ('is_bottom_rule', 16)]], {}), 18: ('wagtail.blocks.MultipleChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('is_full_width', 'Display the table at full width'), ('stack_on_mobile', 'Stack the table columns on mobile')], 'required': False}), 19: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {}), 20: ('wagtail.blocks.FloatBlock', (), {}), 21: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'features': ['bold', 'italic', 'ol', 'ul', 'link', 'document-link', 'superscript']}), 22: ('wagtail_footnotes.blocks.RichTextBlockWithFootnotes', (), {'features': ['bold', 'italic', 'ol', 'ul', 'link', 'document-link', 'superscript', 'footnotes']}), 23: ('wagtail.contrib.typed_table_block.blocks.TypedTableBlock', [[('text', 19), ('numeric', 20), ('rich_text', 21), ('rich_text_with_footnotes', 22)]], {}), 24: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'features': ['bold', 'italic', 'link', 'document-link'], 'required': False}), 25: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 9), ('text_introduction', 6), ('options', 18), ('data', 23), ('caption', 24)]], {}), 26: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {}), 27: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'required': False}), 28: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('body', 26), ('citation', 27)]], {}), 29: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'required': False}), 30: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Add an ARIA label if the link text does not describe the destination of the link (e.g. has ambiguous text like "Learn more" that is not descriptive on its own).', 'required': False}), 31: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'default': '/', 'required': False}), 32: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'required': False}), 33: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 6), ('aria_label', 30), ('url', 31), ('is_link_boldface', 32)]], {}), 34: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('slug_text', 6), ('paragraph_text', 29), ('button', 33)]], {}), 35: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (33,), {}), 36: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 6), ('paragraph', 29), ('links', 35)]], {}), 37: ('v1.blocks.ReusableTextChooserBlock', ('v1.ReusableText',), {}), 38: ('v1.blocks.ReusableNotificationChooserBlock', ('v1.ReusableNotification',), {}), 39: ('v1.blocks.EmailSignUpChooserBlock', (), {}), 40: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'label': 'Well', 'required': False}), 41: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content', 40)]], {}), 42: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('content', 0), ('content_with_anchor', 4), ('content_with_footnotes', 5), ('heading', 9), ('image', 17), ('table', 25), ('quote', 28), ('cta', 34), ('related_links', 36), ('reusable_text', 37), ('reusable_notification', 38), ('email_signup', 39), ('well', 41)]], {}), 43: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'required': False}), 44: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('50-50', '50/50'), ('33-33-33', '33/33/33'), ('25-75', '25/75')], 'help_text': 'Choose the number and width of info unit columns.', 'label': 'Format'}), 45: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': "Check this to link all images and headings to the URL of the first link in their unit's list, if there is a link.", 'required': False}), 46: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add a horizontal rule line to top of info unit group.', 'required': False}), 47: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to show horizontal rule lines between info units.', 'label': 'Show rule lines between items', 'required': False}), 48: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('none', 'None'), ('rounded', 'Rounded corners'), ('circle', 'Circle')], 'help_text': 'Adds a <em>border-radius</em> class to images in this group, allowing for a rounded or circular border.', 'label': 'Border radius for images?', 'required': False}), 49: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 6), ('level', 7), ('icon', 8)]], {'default': {'level': 'h3'}, 'required': False}), 50: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'blank': True, 'required': False}), 51: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (33,), {'required': False}), 52: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('image', 12), ('heading', 49), ('body', 50), ('links', 51)]], {}), 53: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (52,), {'default': []}), 54: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('format', 44), ('heading', 9), ('intro', 29), ('link_image_and_heading', 45), ('has_top_rule_line', 46), ('lines_between_items', 47), ('border_radius_image', 48), ('info_units', 53)]], {}), 55: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('paragraph', 29), ('well', 41), ('links', 33), ('info_unit_group', 54)]], {'blank': True}), 56: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('label', 6), ('icon', 6), ('is_bordered', 43), ('is_midtone', 43), ('is_expanded', 43), ('is_expanded_padding', 43), ('content', 55)]], {}), 57: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Added as an <code>&lt;h3&gt;</code> at the top of this block. Also adds a wrapping <code>&lt;div&gt;</code> whose <code>id</code> attribute comes from a slugified version of this heading, creating an anchor that can be used when linking to this part of the page.', 'required': False}), 58: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add a horizontal rule line to top of expandable group.', 'required': False}), 59: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add FAQ schema markup to expandables.', 'label': 'Uses FAQ schema', 'required': False}), 60: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (56,), {}), 61: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 57), ('body', 29), ('is_accordion', 43), ('has_top_rule_line', 58), ('is_faq', 59), ('expandables', 60)]], {}), 62: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('information', 'Information'), ('warning', 'Warning')]}), 63: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'The main notification message to display.', 'required': True}), 64: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Explanation text appears below the message in smaller type.', 'required': False}), 65: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (33,), {'help_text': 'Links appear on their own lines below the explanation.', 'required': False}), 66: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('type', 62), ('message', 63), ('explanation', 64), ('links', 65)]], {})}),
+        ),
+        migrations.AlterField(
+            model_name='eventpage',
+            name='persistent_body',
+            field=wagtail.fields.StreamField([('content', 0), ('content_with_anchor', 4), ('heading', 8), ('image', 16), ('table', 24), ('reusable_text', 25)], blank=True, block_lookup={0: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'icon': 'edit'}), 1: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {}), 2: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': '\n            ID will be auto-generated on save.\n            However, you may enter some human-friendly text that\n            will be incorporated to make it easier to read.\n        ', 'label': 'ID for this content block', 'required': False}), 3: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('link_id', 2)]], {}), 4: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content_block', 1), ('anchor_link', 3)]], {}), 5: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'required': False}), 6: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('h2', 'H2'), ('h3', 'H3'), ('h4', 'H4'), ('h5', 'H5')]}), 7: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Input the name of an icon to appear to the left of the heading. E.g., approved, help-round, etc. <a href="">See full list of icons</a>', 'required': False}), 8: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 5), ('level', 6), ('icon', 7)]], {'required': False}), 9: ('wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock', (), {'required': False}), 10: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': "No character limit, but be as succinct as possible. If the image is decorative (i.e., a screenreader wouldn't have anything useful to say about it), leave this field blank.", 'required': False}), 11: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('upload', 9), ('alt', 10)]], {}), 12: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('full', 'Full width'), (470, '470px'), (270, '270px'), (170, '170px')]}), 13: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('right', 'right'), ('left', 'left')], 'help_text': 'Does not apply if the image is full-width'}), 14: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'label': 'Caption', 'required': False}), 15: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'Check to add a horizontal rule line to bottom of inset.', 'label': 'Has bottom rule line', 'required': False}), 16: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('image', 11), ('image_width', 12), ('image_position', 13), ('text', 14), ('is_bottom_rule', 15)]], {}), 17: ('wagtail.blocks.MultipleChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('is_full_width', 'Display the table at full width'), ('stack_on_mobile', 'Stack the table columns on mobile')], 'required': False}), 18: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {}), 19: ('wagtail.blocks.FloatBlock', (), {}), 20: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'features': ['bold', 'italic', 'ol', 'ul', 'link', 'document-link', 'superscript']}), 21: ('wagtail_footnotes.blocks.RichTextBlockWithFootnotes', (), {'features': ['bold', 'italic', 'ol', 'ul', 'link', 'document-link', 'superscript', 'footnotes']}), 22: ('wagtail.contrib.typed_table_block.blocks.TypedTableBlock', [[('text', 18), ('numeric', 19), ('rich_text', 20), ('rich_text_with_footnotes', 21)]], {}), 23: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'features': ['bold', 'italic', 'link', 'document-link'], 'required': False}), 24: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 8), ('text_introduction', 5), ('options', 17), ('data', 22), ('caption', 23)]], {}), 25: ('v1.blocks.ReusableTextChooserBlock', ('v1.ReusableText',), {})}),
+        ),
+        migrations.AlterField(
+            model_name='learnpage',
+            name='content',
+            field=wagtail.fields.StreamField([('full_width_text', 42), ('info_unit_group', 53), ('expandable_group', 61), ('expandable', 59), ('well', 41), ('call_to_action', 34), ('video_player', 64), ('audio_player', 67), ('email_signup', 39), ('simple_chart', 84), ('table', 25), ('faq_group', 93), ('contact_us_table', 95)], blank=True, block_lookup={0: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'icon': 'edit'}), 1: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {}), 2: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': '\n            ID will be auto-generated on save.\n            However, you may enter some human-friendly text that\n            will be incorporated to make it easier to read.\n        ', 'label': 'ID for this content block', 'required': False}), 3: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('link_id', 2)]], {}), 4: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content_block', 1), ('anchor_link', 3)]], {}), 5: ('wagtail_footnotes.blocks.RichTextBlockWithFootnotes', (), {'features': ['anchor-identifier', 'h2', 'h3', 'h4', 'h5', 'hr', 'ol', 'ul', 'bold', 'italic', 'superscript', 'blockquote', 'link', 'document-link', 'image', 'icon', 'footnotes']}), 6: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'required': False}), 7: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('h2', 'H2'), ('h3', 'H3'), ('h4', 'H4'), ('h5', 'H5')]}), 8: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Input the name of an icon to appear to the left of the heading. E.g., approved, help-round, etc. <a href="">See full list of icons</a>', 'required': False}), 9: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 6), ('level', 7), ('icon', 8)]], {'required': False}), 10: ('wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock', (), {'required': False}), 11: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': "No character limit, but be as succinct as possible. If the image is decorative (i.e., a screenreader wouldn't have anything useful to say about it), leave this field blank.", 'required': False}), 12: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('upload', 10), ('alt', 11)]], {}), 13: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('full', 'Full width'), (470, '470px'), (270, '270px'), (170, '170px')]}), 14: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('right', 'right'), ('left', 'left')], 'help_text': 'Does not apply if the image is full-width'}), 15: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'label': 'Caption', 'required': False}), 16: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'Check to add a horizontal rule line to bottom of inset.', 'label': 'Has bottom rule line', 'required': False}), 17: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('image', 12), ('image_width', 13), ('image_position', 14), ('text', 15), ('is_bottom_rule', 16)]], {}), 18: ('wagtail.blocks.MultipleChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('is_full_width', 'Display the table at full width'), ('stack_on_mobile', 'Stack the table columns on mobile')], 'required': False}), 19: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {}), 20: ('wagtail.blocks.FloatBlock', (), {}), 21: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'features': ['bold', 'italic', 'ol', 'ul', 'link', 'document-link', 'superscript']}), 22: ('wagtail_footnotes.blocks.RichTextBlockWithFootnotes', (), {'features': ['bold', 'italic', 'ol', 'ul', 'link', 'document-link', 'superscript', 'footnotes']}), 23: ('wagtail.contrib.typed_table_block.blocks.TypedTableBlock', [[('text', 19), ('numeric', 20), ('rich_text', 21), ('rich_text_with_footnotes', 22)]], {}), 24: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'features': ['bold', 'italic', 'link', 'document-link'], 'required': False}), 25: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 9), ('text_introduction', 6), ('options', 18), ('data', 23), ('caption', 24)]], {}), 26: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {}), 27: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'required': False}), 28: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('body', 26), ('citation', 27)]], {}), 29: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'required': False}), 30: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Add an ARIA label if the link text does not describe the destination of the link (e.g. has ambiguous text like "Learn more" that is not descriptive on its own).', 'required': False}), 31: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'default': '/', 'required': False}), 32: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'required': False}), 33: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 6), ('aria_label', 30), ('url', 31), ('is_link_boldface', 32)]], {}), 34: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('slug_text', 6), ('paragraph_text', 29), ('button', 33)]], {}), 35: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (33,), {}), 36: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 6), ('paragraph', 29), ('links', 35)]], {}), 37: ('v1.blocks.ReusableTextChooserBlock', ('v1.ReusableText',), {}), 38: ('v1.blocks.ReusableNotificationChooserBlock', ('v1.ReusableNotification',), {}), 39: ('v1.blocks.EmailSignUpChooserBlock', (), {}), 40: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'label': 'Well', 'required': False}), 41: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content', 40)]], {}), 42: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('content', 0), ('content_with_anchor', 4), ('content_with_footnotes', 5), ('heading', 9), ('image', 17), ('table', 25), ('quote', 28), ('cta', 34), ('related_links', 36), ('reusable_text', 37), ('reusable_notification', 38), ('email_signup', 39), ('well', 41)]], {}), 43: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('50-50', '50/50'), ('33-33-33', '33/33/33'), ('25-75', '25/75')], 'help_text': 'Choose the number and width of info unit columns.', 'label': 'Format'}), 44: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': "Check this to link all images and headings to the URL of the first link in their unit's list, if there is a link.", 'required': False}), 45: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add a horizontal rule line to top of info unit group.', 'required': False}), 46: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to show horizontal rule lines between info units.', 'label': 'Show rule lines between items', 'required': False}), 47: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('none', 'None'), ('rounded', 'Rounded corners'), ('circle', 'Circle')], 'help_text': 'Adds a <em>border-radius</em> class to images in this group, allowing for a rounded or circular border.', 'label': 'Border radius for images?', 'required': False}), 48: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 6), ('level', 7), ('icon', 8)]], {'default': {'level': 'h3'}, 'required': False}), 49: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'blank': True, 'required': False}), 50: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (33,), {'required': False}), 51: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('image', 12), ('heading', 48), ('body', 49), ('links', 50)]], {}), 52: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (51,), {'default': []}), 53: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('format', 43), ('heading', 9), ('intro', 29), ('link_image_and_heading', 44), ('has_top_rule_line', 45), ('lines_between_items', 46), ('border_radius_image', 47), ('info_units', 52)]], {}), 54: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Added as an <code>&lt;h3&gt;</code> at the top of this block. Also adds a wrapping <code>&lt;div&gt;</code> whose <code>id</code> attribute comes from a slugified version of this heading, creating an anchor that can be used when linking to this part of the page.', 'required': False}), 55: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'required': False}), 56: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add a horizontal rule line to top of expandable group.', 'required': False}), 57: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add FAQ schema markup to expandables.', 'label': 'Uses FAQ schema', 'required': False}), 58: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('paragraph', 29), ('well', 41), ('links', 33), ('info_unit_group', 53)]], {'blank': True}), 59: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('label', 6), ('icon', 6), ('is_bordered', 55), ('is_midtone', 55), ('is_expanded', 55), ('is_expanded_padding', 55), ('content', 58)]], {}), 60: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (59,), {}), 61: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 54), ('body', 29), ('is_accordion', 55), ('has_top_rule_line', 56), ('is_faq', 57), ('expandables', 60)]], {}), 62: ('wagtail.blocks.RegexBlock', (), {'error_messages': {'invalid': 'The YouTube video ID is in the wrong format.'}, 'help_text': 'Enter the YouTube video ID, which is located at the end of the video URL, after "v=". For example, the video ID for is 1V0Ax9OIc84.', 'label': 'YouTube video ID', 'regex': '^[\\w-]{11}$', 'required': False}), 63: ('wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Optional thumbnail image to show before and after the video plays. If the thumbnail image is not set here, the video player will default to showing the thumbnail that was set in (or automatically chosen by) YouTube.', 'required': False}), 64: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('video_id', 62), ('thumbnail_image', 63)]], {}), 65: ('wagtailmedia.blocks.AbstractMediaChooserBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Spoken word audio files should be in MP3 format with a 44.1 kHz sample rate, 96 kbps (CBR) bitrate, in mono. See <a href="">Libsyn’s guidance</a> for details. Note that the thumbnail and tag fields will not be used for audio files.'}), 66: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'If you have anything you want to appear below the audio player, such as a download link, put it in this field.', 'required': False}), 67: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 9), ('body', 29), ('audio_file', 65), ('additional_details', 66)]], {}), 68: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'required': True}), 69: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Accessible description of the chart content', 'required': True}), 70: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('bar', 'Bar'), ('datetime', 'Date/time'), ('line', 'Line'), ('tilemap', 'Tile grid map')]}), 71: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': "URL of the chart's data source or an array of JSON data", 'required': True, 'rows': 2}), 72: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'For charts pulling from a separate source file, include a list of the column headers (from a CSV file) or keys (from a JSON file) to include in the chart as  ["HEADER/KEY1", "HEADER/KEY2"]. To change how the data is labeled in the chart, include the correct labels with the format [{"key": "HEADER/KEY1", "label": "NEWLABEL"}, {"key": "HEADER/KEY2", "label": "NEWLABEL2"}]', 'required': False}), 73: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'Uncheck this option to initially only show the first data  series in the chart. Leave checked to show all data  series by default. Users can always turn data series on  or off by interacting with the chart legend. ', 'required': False}), 74: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'The column header (CSV), key or data array (JSON) to include as the source of x-axis values.', 'required': False}), 75: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': "Name the javascript function in chart-hooks.js to run on the provided data before handing it to the chart. Can also provide '___'-separated arguments to this function which are passed in as arguments 2 to n", 'required': False}), 76: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'If the chart needs the option for users to filter the data shown, for example by date or geographic region, provide the JSON objects to filter on, in the format  {key: "KEY", "label": "LABEL"}', 'required': False}), 77: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'A JSON object with style overrides for the underlying Highcharts chart. No object merging is done, nested objects should be referenced with dot notation: {"tooltip.shape": "circle"}', 'required': False}), 78: ('wagtail.blocks.IntegerBlock', (), {'blank': True, 'help_text': 'A number to determine how many months of the data are projected values', 'max_value': 12, 'min_value': 0, 'null': True, 'required': False}), 79: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Attribution for the data source', 'required': False}), 80: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'When the underlying data was published', 'required': False}), 81: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Custom text for the chart download field. Required to display a download link.', 'required': False}), 82: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Location of a file to download, if different from the data source', 'required': False}), 83: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'General chart information', 'required': False}), 84: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('title', 68), ('subtitle', 27), ('description', 69), ('figure_number', 6), ('chart_type', 70), ('data_source', 71), ('data_series', 72), ('show_all_series_by_default', 73), ('x_axis_source', 74), ('transform', 75), ('x_axis_label', 6), ('y_axis_label', 6), ('filters', 76), ('style_overrides', 77), ('projected_months', 78), ('source_credits', 79), ('date_published', 80), ('download_text', 81), ('download_file', 82), ('notes', 83)]], {}), 85: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add a horizontal rule line to top of FAQ group.', 'required': False}), 86: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to show horizontal rule lines between FAQ items.', 'label': 'Show rule lines between items', 'required': False}), 87: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('h2', 'h2'), ('h3', 'h3'), ('h4', 'h4'), ('p', 'p')], 'help_text': 'HTML tag for questions.'}), 88: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'blank': True, 'help_text': "Add an optional anchor link tag for this question. Tag should be unique and use dashes or underscores for separation instead of spaces (ie, 'question-one-tag')", 'max_length': 500, 'required': False}), 89: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'max_length': 500}), 90: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('full_width_text', 42), ('info_unit_group', 53)]], {}), 91: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('anchor_tag', 88), ('question', 89), ('answer', 90)]], {}), 92: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (91,), {'label': 'FAQ items'}), 93: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('has_top_rule_line', 85), ('lines_between_items', 86), ('question_tag', 87), ('faq_items', 92)]], {}), 94: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (v1.atomic_elements.tables.ContactUsRow,), {'collapsed': True, 'min_num': 1}), 95: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 19), ('rows', 94)]], {})}),
+        ),
+        migrations.AlterField(
+            model_name='legacyblogpage',
+            name='content',
+            field=wagtail.fields.StreamField([('full_width_text', 42), ('info_unit_group', 53), ('expandable', 56), ('well', 41), ('video_player', 59), ('email_signup', 39), ('simple_chart', 76), ('faq_schema', 85), ('how_to_schema', 95), ('content', 96), ('reusable_text', 37)], block_lookup={0: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'icon': 'edit'}), 1: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {}), 2: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': '\n            ID will be auto-generated on save.\n            However, you may enter some human-friendly text that\n            will be incorporated to make it easier to read.\n        ', 'label': 'ID for this content block', 'required': False}), 3: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('link_id', 2)]], {}), 4: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content_block', 1), ('anchor_link', 3)]], {}), 5: ('wagtail_footnotes.blocks.RichTextBlockWithFootnotes', (), {'features': ['anchor-identifier', 'h2', 'h3', 'h4', 'h5', 'hr', 'ol', 'ul', 'bold', 'italic', 'superscript', 'blockquote', 'link', 'document-link', 'image', 'icon', 'footnotes']}), 6: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'required': False}), 7: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('h2', 'H2'), ('h3', 'H3'), ('h4', 'H4'), ('h5', 'H5')]}), 8: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Input the name of an icon to appear to the left of the heading. E.g., approved, help-round, etc. <a href="">See full list of icons</a>', 'required': False}), 9: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 6), ('level', 7), ('icon', 8)]], {'required': False}), 10: ('wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock', (), {'required': False}), 11: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': "No character limit, but be as succinct as possible. If the image is decorative (i.e., a screenreader wouldn't have anything useful to say about it), leave this field blank.", 'required': False}), 12: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('upload', 10), ('alt', 11)]], {}), 13: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('full', 'Full width'), (470, '470px'), (270, '270px'), (170, '170px')]}), 14: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('right', 'right'), ('left', 'left')], 'help_text': 'Does not apply if the image is full-width'}), 15: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'label': 'Caption', 'required': False}), 16: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'Check to add a horizontal rule line to bottom of inset.', 'label': 'Has bottom rule line', 'required': False}), 17: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('image', 12), ('image_width', 13), ('image_position', 14), ('text', 15), ('is_bottom_rule', 16)]], {}), 18: ('wagtail.blocks.MultipleChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('is_full_width', 'Display the table at full width'), ('stack_on_mobile', 'Stack the table columns on mobile')], 'required': False}), 19: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {}), 20: ('wagtail.blocks.FloatBlock', (), {}), 21: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'features': ['bold', 'italic', 'ol', 'ul', 'link', 'document-link', 'superscript']}), 22: ('wagtail_footnotes.blocks.RichTextBlockWithFootnotes', (), {'features': ['bold', 'italic', 'ol', 'ul', 'link', 'document-link', 'superscript', 'footnotes']}), 23: ('wagtail.contrib.typed_table_block.blocks.TypedTableBlock', [[('text', 19), ('numeric', 20), ('rich_text', 21), ('rich_text_with_footnotes', 22)]], {}), 24: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'features': ['bold', 'italic', 'link', 'document-link'], 'required': False}), 25: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 9), ('text_introduction', 6), ('options', 18), ('data', 23), ('caption', 24)]], {}), 26: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {}), 27: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'required': False}), 28: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('body', 26), ('citation', 27)]], {}), 29: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'required': False}), 30: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Add an ARIA label if the link text does not describe the destination of the link (e.g. has ambiguous text like "Learn more" that is not descriptive on its own).', 'required': False}), 31: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'default': '/', 'required': False}), 32: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'required': False}), 33: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 6), ('aria_label', 30), ('url', 31), ('is_link_boldface', 32)]], {}), 34: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('slug_text', 6), ('paragraph_text', 29), ('button', 33)]], {}), 35: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (33,), {}), 36: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 6), ('paragraph', 29), ('links', 35)]], {}), 37: ('v1.blocks.ReusableTextChooserBlock', ('v1.ReusableText',), {}), 38: ('v1.blocks.ReusableNotificationChooserBlock', ('v1.ReusableNotification',), {}), 39: ('v1.blocks.EmailSignUpChooserBlock', (), {}), 40: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'label': 'Well', 'required': False}), 41: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content', 40)]], {}), 42: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('content', 0), ('content_with_anchor', 4), ('content_with_footnotes', 5), ('heading', 9), ('image', 17), ('table', 25), ('quote', 28), ('cta', 34), ('related_links', 36), ('reusable_text', 37), ('reusable_notification', 38), ('email_signup', 39), ('well', 41)]], {}), 43: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('50-50', '50/50'), ('33-33-33', '33/33/33'), ('25-75', '25/75')], 'help_text': 'Choose the number and width of info unit columns.', 'label': 'Format'}), 44: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': "Check this to link all images and headings to the URL of the first link in their unit's list, if there is a link.", 'required': False}), 45: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add a horizontal rule line to top of info unit group.', 'required': False}), 46: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to show horizontal rule lines between info units.', 'label': 'Show rule lines between items', 'required': False}), 47: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('none', 'None'), ('rounded', 'Rounded corners'), ('circle', 'Circle')], 'help_text': 'Adds a <em>border-radius</em> class to images in this group, allowing for a rounded or circular border.', 'label': 'Border radius for images?', 'required': False}), 48: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 6), ('level', 7), ('icon', 8)]], {'default': {'level': 'h3'}, 'required': False}), 49: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'blank': True, 'required': False}), 50: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (33,), {'required': False}), 51: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('image', 12), ('heading', 48), ('body', 49), ('links', 50)]], {}), 52: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (51,), {'default': []}), 53: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('format', 43), ('heading', 9), ('intro', 29), ('link_image_and_heading', 44), ('has_top_rule_line', 45), ('lines_between_items', 46), ('border_radius_image', 47), ('info_units', 52)]], {}), 54: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'required': False}), 55: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('paragraph', 29), ('well', 41), ('links', 33), ('info_unit_group', 53)]], {'blank': True}), 56: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('label', 6), ('icon', 6), ('is_bordered', 54), ('is_midtone', 54), ('is_expanded', 54), ('is_expanded_padding', 54), ('content', 55)]], {}), 57: ('wagtail.blocks.RegexBlock', (), {'error_messages': {'invalid': 'The YouTube video ID is in the wrong format.'}, 'help_text': 'Enter the YouTube video ID, which is located at the end of the video URL, after "v=". For example, the video ID for is 1V0Ax9OIc84.', 'label': 'YouTube video ID', 'regex': '^[\\w-]{11}$', 'required': False}), 58: ('wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Optional thumbnail image to show before and after the video plays. If the thumbnail image is not set here, the video player will default to showing the thumbnail that was set in (or automatically chosen by) YouTube.', 'required': False}), 59: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('video_id', 57), ('thumbnail_image', 58)]], {}), 60: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'required': True}), 61: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Accessible description of the chart content', 'required': True}), 62: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('bar', 'Bar'), ('datetime', 'Date/time'), ('line', 'Line'), ('tilemap', 'Tile grid map')]}), 63: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': "URL of the chart's data source or an array of JSON data", 'required': True, 'rows': 2}), 64: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'For charts pulling from a separate source file, include a list of the column headers (from a CSV file) or keys (from a JSON file) to include in the chart as  ["HEADER/KEY1", "HEADER/KEY2"]. To change how the data is labeled in the chart, include the correct labels with the format [{"key": "HEADER/KEY1", "label": "NEWLABEL"}, {"key": "HEADER/KEY2", "label": "NEWLABEL2"}]', 'required': False}), 65: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'Uncheck this option to initially only show the first data  series in the chart. Leave checked to show all data  series by default. Users can always turn data series on  or off by interacting with the chart legend. ', 'required': False}), 66: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'The column header (CSV), key or data array (JSON) to include as the source of x-axis values.', 'required': False}), 67: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': "Name the javascript function in chart-hooks.js to run on the provided data before handing it to the chart. Can also provide '___'-separated arguments to this function which are passed in as arguments 2 to n", 'required': False}), 68: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'If the chart needs the option for users to filter the data shown, for example by date or geographic region, provide the JSON objects to filter on, in the format  {key: "KEY", "label": "LABEL"}', 'required': False}), 69: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'A JSON object with style overrides for the underlying Highcharts chart. No object merging is done, nested objects should be referenced with dot notation: {"tooltip.shape": "circle"}', 'required': False}), 70: ('wagtail.blocks.IntegerBlock', (), {'blank': True, 'help_text': 'A number to determine how many months of the data are projected values', 'max_value': 12, 'min_value': 0, 'null': True, 'required': False}), 71: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Attribution for the data source', 'required': False}), 72: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'When the underlying data was published', 'required': False}), 73: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Custom text for the chart download field. Required to display a download link.', 'required': False}), 74: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Location of a file to download, if different from the data source', 'required': False}), 75: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'General chart information', 'required': False}), 76: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('title', 60), ('subtitle', 27), ('description', 61), ('figure_number', 6), ('chart_type', 62), ('data_source', 63), ('data_series', 64), ('show_all_series_by_default', 65), ('x_axis_source', 66), ('transform', 67), ('x_axis_label', 6), ('y_axis_label', 6), ('filters', 68), ('style_overrides', 69), ('projected_months', 70), ('source_credits', 71), ('date_published', 72), ('download_text', 73), ('download_file', 74), ('notes', 75)]], {}), 77: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'blank': True, 'features': ['ol', 'ul', 'bold', 'italic', 'link', 'document-link'], 'required': False}), 78: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'blank': True, 'help_text': "Add an optional anchor link tag for this question. Tag should be unique and use dashes or underscores for separation instead of spaces (ie, 'question-one-tag')", 'max_length': 500, 'required': False}), 79: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'max_length': 500}), 80: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'features': ['bold', 'italic', 'h3', 'h4', 'link', 'ol', 'ul', 'document-link', 'image', 'embed'], 'label': 'Text'}), 81: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content', 80)]], {}), 82: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('text', 81), ('table', 25), ('video_player', 59)]], {}), 83: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('anchor_tag', 78), ('question', 79), ('answer_content', 82)]], {}), 84: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (83,), {}), 85: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('description', 77), ('questions', 84)]], {'label': 'FAQ schema'}), 86: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'label': 'Title of How To section', 'max_length': 500}), 87: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('h2', 'H2'), ('h3', 'H3'), ('h4', 'H4')], 'help_text': 'Choose a tag for the title of the How To section.', 'label': 'Tag for How To section title'}), 88: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'The How To schema requires a title to let search engines understand what it is about. If you do not want the title to be displayed in the page, uncheck this box and the title content will only be made available to crawlers and screen readers.', 'label': 'Show How To section title', 'required': False}), 89: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('h2', 'H2'), ('h3', 'H3'), ('h4', 'H4'), ('b', 'Bold'), ('p', 'Paragraph')], 'help_text': 'Choose a tag for the title of each HowTo step.', 'label': 'Tag for step titles'}), 90: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this box to display numbers before step titles. ', 'label': 'Show numbers for steps', 'required': False}), 91: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'blank': True, 'help_text': "Add an optional anchor link tag to allow linking directly to this step. Tag should be unique and use dashes or underscores for separation instead of spaces (ie, 'step-one-tag').", 'max_length': 500, 'required': False}), 92: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Enter a title for this HowTo step. You do not need to include a number in the title -- numbers will be added automatically in the template if the show numbers checkbox is checked.', 'max_length': 500}), 93: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('anchor_tag', 91), ('title', 92), ('step_content', 82)]], {}), 94: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (93,), {}), 95: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('title', 86), ('title_tag', 87), ('show_title', 88), ('description', 77), ('step_title_tag', 89), ('has_numbers', 90), ('steps', 94)]], {'label': 'HowTo schema', 'max_num': 1}), 96: ('wagtail.blocks.RawHTMLBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Content from WordPress unescaped.'})}),
+        ),
+        migrations.AlterField(
+            model_name='storypage',
+            name='content',
+            field=wagtail.fields.StreamField([('expandable_group', 32), ('featured_content', 41), ('full_width_text', 69), ('image', 52), ('info_unit_group', 28), ('text_introduction', 72), ('video_player', 73), ('simple_chart', 90)], blank=True, block_lookup={0: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Added as an <code>&lt;h3&gt;</code> at the top of this block. Also adds a wrapping <code>&lt;div&gt;</code> whose <code>id</code> attribute comes from a slugified version of this heading, creating an anchor that can be used when linking to this part of the page.', 'required': False}), 1: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'required': False}), 2: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'required': False}), 3: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add a horizontal rule line to top of expandable group.', 'required': False}), 4: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add FAQ schema markup to expandables.', 'label': 'Uses FAQ schema', 'required': False}), 5: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'required': False}), 6: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'label': 'Well', 'required': False}), 7: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content', 6)]], {}), 8: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Add an ARIA label if the link text does not describe the destination of the link (e.g. has ambiguous text like "Learn more" that is not descriptive on its own).', 'required': False}), 9: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'default': '/', 'required': False}), 10: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'required': False}), 11: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 5), ('aria_label', 8), ('url', 9), ('is_link_boldface', 10)]], {}), 12: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('50-50', '50/50'), ('33-33-33', '33/33/33'), ('25-75', '25/75')], 'help_text': 'Choose the number and width of info unit columns.', 'label': 'Format'}), 13: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('h2', 'H2'), ('h3', 'H3'), ('h4', 'H4'), ('h5', 'H5')]}), 14: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Input the name of an icon to appear to the left of the heading. E.g., approved, help-round, etc. <a href="">See full list of icons</a>', 'required': False}), 15: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 5), ('level', 13), ('icon', 14)]], {'required': False}), 16: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': "Check this to link all images and headings to the URL of the first link in their unit's list, if there is a link.", 'required': False}), 17: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add a horizontal rule line to top of info unit group.', 'required': False}), 18: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to show horizontal rule lines between info units.', 'label': 'Show rule lines between items', 'required': False}), 19: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('none', 'None'), ('rounded', 'Rounded corners'), ('circle', 'Circle')], 'help_text': 'Adds a <em>border-radius</em> class to images in this group, allowing for a rounded or circular border.', 'label': 'Border radius for images?', 'required': False}), 20: ('wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock', (), {'required': False}), 21: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': "No character limit, but be as succinct as possible. If the image is decorative (i.e., a screenreader wouldn't have anything useful to say about it), leave this field blank.", 'required': False}), 22: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('upload', 20), ('alt', 21)]], {}), 23: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 5), ('level', 13), ('icon', 14)]], {'default': {'level': 'h3'}, 'required': False}), 24: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'blank': True, 'required': False}), 25: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (11,), {'required': False}), 26: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('image', 22), ('heading', 23), ('body', 24), ('links', 25)]], {}), 27: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (26,), {'default': []}), 28: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('format', 12), ('heading', 15), ('intro', 1), ('link_image_and_heading', 16), ('has_top_rule_line', 17), ('lines_between_items', 18), ('border_radius_image', 19), ('info_units', 27)]], {}), 29: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('paragraph', 1), ('well', 7), ('links', 11), ('info_unit_group', 28)]], {'blank': True}), 30: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('label', 5), ('icon', 5), ('is_bordered', 2), ('is_midtone', 2), ('is_expanded', 2), ('is_expanded_padding', 2), ('content', 29)]], {}), 31: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (30,), {}), 32: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 0), ('body', 1), ('is_accordion', 2), ('has_top_rule_line', 3), ('is_faq', 4), ('expandables', 31)]], {}), 33: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {}), 34: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Line breaks will be ignored.'}), 35: ('wagtail.blocks.PageChooserBlock', (), {'required': False}), 36: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'label': 'Render post link?', 'required': False}), 37: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (11,), {'label': 'Additional Links'}), 38: ('wagtail.blocks.RegexBlock', (), {'error_messages': {'invalid': 'The YouTube video ID is in the wrong format.'}, 'help_text': 'Enter the YouTube video ID, which is located at the end of the video URL, after "v=". For example, the video ID for is 1V0Ax9OIc84.', 'label': 'YouTube video ID', 'regex': '^[\\w-]{11}$', 'required': False}), 39: ('wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Optional thumbnail image to show before and after the video plays. If the thumbnail image is not set here, the video player will default to showing the thumbnail that was set in (or automatically chosen by) YouTube.', 'required': False}), 40: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('video_id', 38), ('thumbnail_image', 39)]], {'required': False}), 41: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 33), ('body', 34), ('post', 35), ('show_post_link', 36), ('post_link_text', 5), ('image', 22), ('links', 37), ('video', 40)]], {}), 42: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'icon': 'edit'}), 43: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {}), 44: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': '\n            ID will be auto-generated on save.\n            However, you may enter some human-friendly text that\n            will be incorporated to make it easier to read.\n        ', 'label': 'ID for this content block', 'required': False}), 45: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('link_id', 44)]], {}), 46: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content_block', 43), ('anchor_link', 45)]], {}), 47: ('wagtail_footnotes.blocks.RichTextBlockWithFootnotes', (), {'features': ['anchor-identifier', 'h2', 'h3', 'h4', 'h5', 'hr', 'ol', 'ul', 'bold', 'italic', 'superscript', 'blockquote', 'link', 'document-link', 'image', 'icon', 'footnotes']}), 48: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('full', 'Full width'), (470, '470px'), (270, '270px'), (170, '170px')]}), 49: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('right', 'right'), ('left', 'left')], 'help_text': 'Does not apply if the image is full-width'}), 50: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'label': 'Caption', 'required': False}), 51: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'Check to add a horizontal rule line to bottom of inset.', 'label': 'Has bottom rule line', 'required': False}), 52: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('image', 22), ('image_width', 48), ('image_position', 49), ('text', 50), ('is_bottom_rule', 51)]], {}), 53: ('wagtail.blocks.MultipleChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('is_full_width', 'Display the table at full width'), ('stack_on_mobile', 'Stack the table columns on mobile')], 'required': False}), 54: ('wagtail.blocks.FloatBlock', (), {}), 55: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'features': ['bold', 'italic', 'ol', 'ul', 'link', 'document-link', 'superscript']}), 56: ('wagtail_footnotes.blocks.RichTextBlockWithFootnotes', (), {'features': ['bold', 'italic', 'ol', 'ul', 'link', 'document-link', 'superscript', 'footnotes']}), 57: ('wagtail.contrib.typed_table_block.blocks.TypedTableBlock', [[('text', 33), ('numeric', 54), ('rich_text', 55), ('rich_text_with_footnotes', 56)]], {}), 58: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'features': ['bold', 'italic', 'link', 'document-link'], 'required': False}), 59: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 15), ('text_introduction', 5), ('options', 53), ('data', 57), ('caption', 58)]], {}), 60: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {}), 61: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'required': False}), 62: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('body', 60), ('citation', 61)]], {}), 63: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('slug_text', 5), ('paragraph_text', 1), ('button', 11)]], {}), 64: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (11,), {}), 65: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 5), ('paragraph', 1), ('links', 64)]], {}), 66: ('v1.blocks.ReusableTextChooserBlock', ('v1.ReusableText',), {}), 67: ('v1.blocks.ReusableNotificationChooserBlock', ('v1.ReusableNotification',), {}), 68: ('v1.blocks.EmailSignUpChooserBlock', (), {}), 69: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('content', 42), ('content_with_anchor', 46), ('content_with_footnotes', 47), ('heading', 15), ('image', 52), ('table', 59), ('quote', 62), ('cta', 63), ('related_links', 65), ('reusable_text', 66), ('reusable_notification', 67), ('email_signup', 68), ('well', 7)]], {}), 70: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Optional: Adds an H5 eyebrow above H1 heading text. Only use in conjunction with heading.', 'label': 'Pre-heading', 'required': False}), 71: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Check this to add a horizontal rule line to bottom of text introduction.', 'label': 'Has bottom rule', 'required': False}), 72: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('eyebrow', 70), ('heading', 5), ('intro', 1), ('body', 1), ('links', 25), ('has_rule', 71)]], {}), 73: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('video_id', 38), ('thumbnail_image', 39)]], {}), 74: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'required': True}), 75: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Accessible description of the chart content', 'required': True}), 76: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('bar', 'Bar'), ('datetime', 'Date/time'), ('line', 'Line'), ('tilemap', 'Tile grid map')]}), 77: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': "URL of the chart's data source or an array of JSON data", 'required': True, 'rows': 2}), 78: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'For charts pulling from a separate source file, include a list of the column headers (from a CSV file) or keys (from a JSON file) to include in the chart as  ["HEADER/KEY1", "HEADER/KEY2"]. To change how the data is labeled in the chart, include the correct labels with the format [{"key": "HEADER/KEY1", "label": "NEWLABEL"}, {"key": "HEADER/KEY2", "label": "NEWLABEL2"}]', 'required': False}), 79: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'Uncheck this option to initially only show the first data  series in the chart. Leave checked to show all data  series by default. Users can always turn data series on  or off by interacting with the chart legend. ', 'required': False}), 80: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'The column header (CSV), key or data array (JSON) to include as the source of x-axis values.', 'required': False}), 81: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': "Name the javascript function in chart-hooks.js to run on the provided data before handing it to the chart. Can also provide '___'-separated arguments to this function which are passed in as arguments 2 to n", 'required': False}), 82: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'If the chart needs the option for users to filter the data shown, for example by date or geographic region, provide the JSON objects to filter on, in the format  {key: "KEY", "label": "LABEL"}', 'required': False}), 83: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'A JSON object with style overrides for the underlying Highcharts chart. No object merging is done, nested objects should be referenced with dot notation: {"tooltip.shape": "circle"}', 'required': False}), 84: ('wagtail.blocks.IntegerBlock', (), {'blank': True, 'help_text': 'A number to determine how many months of the data are projected values', 'max_value': 12, 'min_value': 0, 'null': True, 'required': False}), 85: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Attribution for the data source', 'required': False}), 86: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'When the underlying data was published', 'required': False}), 87: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Custom text for the chart download field. Required to display a download link.', 'required': False}), 88: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Location of a file to download, if different from the data source', 'required': False}), 89: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'General chart information', 'required': False}), 90: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('title', 74), ('subtitle', 61), ('description', 75), ('figure_number', 5), ('chart_type', 76), ('data_source', 77), ('data_series', 78), ('show_all_series_by_default', 79), ('x_axis_source', 80), ('transform', 81), ('x_axis_label', 5), ('y_axis_label', 5), ('filters', 82), ('style_overrides', 83), ('projected_months', 84), ('source_credits', 85), ('date_published', 86), ('download_text', 87), ('download_file', 88), ('notes', 89)]], {})}),
+        ),
+        migrations.AlterField(
+            model_name='sublandingfilterablepage',
+            name='content',
+            field=wagtail.fields.StreamField([('text_introduction', 9), ('full_width_text', 46), ('filter_controls', 56), ('featured_content', 64)], blank=True, block_lookup={0: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Optional: Adds an H5 eyebrow above H1 heading text. Only use in conjunction with heading.', 'label': 'Pre-heading', 'required': False}), 1: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'required': False}), 2: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'required': False}), 3: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Add an ARIA label if the link text does not describe the destination of the link (e.g. has ambiguous text like "Learn more" that is not descriptive on its own).', 'required': False}), 4: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'default': '/', 'required': False}), 5: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'required': False}), 6: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 1), ('aria_label', 3), ('url', 4), ('is_link_boldface', 5)]], {}), 7: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (6,), {'required': False}), 8: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Check this to add a horizontal rule line to bottom of text introduction.', 'label': 'Has bottom rule', 'required': False}), 9: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('eyebrow', 0), ('heading', 1), ('intro', 2), ('body', 2), ('links', 7), ('has_rule', 8)]], {}), 10: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'icon': 'edit'}), 11: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {}), 12: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': '\n            ID will be auto-generated on save.\n            However, you may enter some human-friendly text that\n            will be incorporated to make it easier to read.\n        ', 'label': 'ID for this content block', 'required': False}), 13: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('link_id', 12)]], {}), 14: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content_block', 11), ('anchor_link', 13)]], {}), 15: ('wagtail_footnotes.blocks.RichTextBlockWithFootnotes', (), {'features': ['anchor-identifier', 'h2', 'h3', 'h4', 'h5', 'hr', 'ol', 'ul', 'bold', 'italic', 'superscript', 'blockquote', 'link', 'document-link', 'image', 'icon', 'footnotes']}), 16: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('h2', 'H2'), ('h3', 'H3'), ('h4', 'H4'), ('h5', 'H5')]}), 17: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Input the name of an icon to appear to the left of the heading. E.g., approved, help-round, etc. <a href="">See full list of icons</a>', 'required': False}), 18: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 1), ('level', 16), ('icon', 17)]], {'required': False}), 19: ('wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock', (), {'required': False}), 20: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': "No character limit, but be as succinct as possible. If the image is decorative (i.e., a screenreader wouldn't have anything useful to say about it), leave this field blank.", 'required': False}), 21: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('upload', 19), ('alt', 20)]], {}), 22: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('full', 'Full width'), (470, '470px'), (270, '270px'), (170, '170px')]}), 23: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('right', 'right'), ('left', 'left')], 'help_text': 'Does not apply if the image is full-width'}), 24: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'label': 'Caption', 'required': False}), 25: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'Check to add a horizontal rule line to bottom of inset.', 'label': 'Has bottom rule line', 'required': False}), 26: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('image', 21), ('image_width', 22), ('image_position', 23), ('text', 24), ('is_bottom_rule', 25)]], {}), 27: ('wagtail.blocks.MultipleChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('is_full_width', 'Display the table at full width'), ('stack_on_mobile', 'Stack the table columns on mobile')], 'required': False}), 28: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {}), 29: ('wagtail.blocks.FloatBlock', (), {}), 30: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'features': ['bold', 'italic', 'ol', 'ul', 'link', 'document-link', 'superscript']}), 31: ('wagtail_footnotes.blocks.RichTextBlockWithFootnotes', (), {'features': ['bold', 'italic', 'ol', 'ul', 'link', 'document-link', 'superscript', 'footnotes']}), 32: ('wagtail.contrib.typed_table_block.blocks.TypedTableBlock', [[('text', 28), ('numeric', 29), ('rich_text', 30), ('rich_text_with_footnotes', 31)]], {}), 33: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'features': ['bold', 'italic', 'link', 'document-link'], 'required': False}), 34: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 18), ('text_introduction', 1), ('options', 27), ('data', 32), ('caption', 33)]], {}), 35: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {}), 36: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'required': False}), 37: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('body', 35), ('citation', 36)]], {}), 38: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('slug_text', 1), ('paragraph_text', 2), ('button', 6)]], {}), 39: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (6,), {}), 40: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 1), ('paragraph', 2), ('links', 39)]], {}), 41: ('v1.blocks.ReusableTextChooserBlock', ('v1.ReusableText',), {}), 42: ('v1.blocks.ReusableNotificationChooserBlock', ('v1.ReusableNotification',), {}), 43: ('v1.blocks.EmailSignUpChooserBlock', (), {}), 44: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'label': 'Well', 'required': False}), 45: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content', 44)]], {}), 46: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('content', 10), ('content_with_anchor', 14), ('content_with_footnotes', 15), ('heading', 18), ('image', 26), ('table', 34), ('quote', 37), ('cta', 38), ('related_links', 40), ('reusable_text', 41), ('reusable_notification', 42), ('email_signup', 43), ('well', 45)]], {}), 47: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'required': False}), 48: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'Whether to include a "Search by keyword" filter in the filter controls.', 'required': False}), 49: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'Whether to include a "Category" filter in the filter controls.', 'required': False}), 50: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': v1.util.ref.filterable_list_page_types, 'required': False}), 51: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Whether to include a "Topics" filter in the filter controls', 'required': False}), 52: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Whether to include a "Status" filter in the filter controls. Only enable if using on an enforcement actions filterable list.', 'required': False}), 53: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Whether to include a "Product" filter in the filter controls. Only enable if using on an enforcement actions filterable list.', 'required': False}), 54: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Whether to include a "Language" filter in the filter controls.Only enable if there are non-english filterable results available.', 'required': False}), 55: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'Whether to include a set of "Date range" filters in the filter controls.', 'required': False}), 56: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('label', 1), ('icon', 1), ('is_bordered', 47), ('is_midtone', 47), ('is_expanded', 47), ('is_expanded_padding', 47), ('filter_by_keyword', 48), ('filter_by_category', 49), ('category_choices', 50), ('filter_by_topics', 51), ('filter_by_enforcement_statuses', 52), ('filter_by_enforcement_products', 53), ('filter_by_language', 54), ('filter_by_date_range', 55)]], {}), 57: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Line breaks will be ignored.'}), 58: ('wagtail.blocks.PageChooserBlock', (), {'required': False}), 59: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'label': 'Render post link?', 'required': False}), 60: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (6,), {'label': 'Additional Links'}), 61: ('wagtail.blocks.RegexBlock', (), {'error_messages': {'invalid': 'The YouTube video ID is in the wrong format.'}, 'help_text': 'Enter the YouTube video ID, which is located at the end of the video URL, after "v=". For example, the video ID for is 1V0Ax9OIc84.', 'label': 'YouTube video ID', 'regex': '^[\\w-]{11}$', 'required': False}), 62: ('wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Optional thumbnail image to show before and after the video plays. If the thumbnail image is not set here, the video player will default to showing the thumbnail that was set in (or automatically chosen by) YouTube.', 'required': False}), 63: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('video_id', 61), ('thumbnail_image', 62)]], {'required': False}), 64: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 28), ('body', 57), ('post', 58), ('show_post_link', 59), ('post_link_text', 1), ('image', 21), ('links', 60), ('video', 63)]], {})}),
+        ),
+        migrations.AlterField(
+            model_name='sublandingpage',
+            name='content',
+            field=wagtail.fields.StreamField([('text_introduction', 9), ('notification', 14), ('featured_content', 26), ('full_width_text', 59), ('info_unit_group', 69), ('well', 58), ('post_preview_snapshot', 72), ('contact', 75), ('table', 47), ('expandable_group', 83), ('expandable', 81)], blank=True, block_lookup={0: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Optional: Adds an H5 eyebrow above H1 heading text. Only use in conjunction with heading.', 'label': 'Pre-heading', 'required': False}), 1: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'required': False}), 2: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'required': False}), 3: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Add an ARIA label if the link text does not describe the destination of the link (e.g. has ambiguous text like "Learn more" that is not descriptive on its own).', 'required': False}), 4: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'default': '/', 'required': False}), 5: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'required': False}), 6: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 1), ('aria_label', 3), ('url', 4), ('is_link_boldface', 5)]], {}), 7: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (6,), {'required': False}), 8: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Check this to add a horizontal rule line to bottom of text introduction.', 'label': 'Has bottom rule', 'required': False}), 9: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('eyebrow', 0), ('heading', 1), ('intro', 2), ('body', 2), ('links', 7), ('has_rule', 8)]], {}), 10: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('information', 'Information'), ('warning', 'Warning')]}), 11: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'The main notification message to display.', 'required': True}), 12: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Explanation text appears below the message in smaller type.', 'required': False}), 13: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (6,), {'help_text': 'Links appear on their own lines below the explanation.', 'required': False}), 14: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('type', 10), ('message', 11), ('explanation', 12), ('links', 13)]], {}), 15: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {}), 16: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Line breaks will be ignored.'}), 17: ('wagtail.blocks.PageChooserBlock', (), {'required': False}), 18: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'label': 'Render post link?', 'required': False}), 19: ('wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock', (), {'required': False}), 20: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': "No character limit, but be as succinct as possible. If the image is decorative (i.e., a screenreader wouldn't have anything useful to say about it), leave this field blank.", 'required': False}), 21: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('upload', 19), ('alt', 20)]], {}), 22: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (6,), {'label': 'Additional Links'}), 23: ('wagtail.blocks.RegexBlock', (), {'error_messages': {'invalid': 'The YouTube video ID is in the wrong format.'}, 'help_text': 'Enter the YouTube video ID, which is located at the end of the video URL, after "v=". For example, the video ID for is 1V0Ax9OIc84.', 'label': 'YouTube video ID', 'regex': '^[\\w-]{11}$', 'required': False}), 24: ('wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Optional thumbnail image to show before and after the video plays. If the thumbnail image is not set here, the video player will default to showing the thumbnail that was set in (or automatically chosen by) YouTube.', 'required': False}), 25: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('video_id', 23), ('thumbnail_image', 24)]], {'required': False}), 26: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 15), ('body', 16), ('post', 17), ('show_post_link', 18), ('post_link_text', 1), ('image', 21), ('links', 22), ('video', 25)]], {}), 27: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'icon': 'edit'}), 28: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {}), 29: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': '\n            ID will be auto-generated on save.\n            However, you may enter some human-friendly text that\n            will be incorporated to make it easier to read.\n        ', 'label': 'ID for this content block', 'required': False}), 30: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('link_id', 29)]], {}), 31: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content_block', 28), ('anchor_link', 30)]], {}), 32: ('wagtail_footnotes.blocks.RichTextBlockWithFootnotes', (), {'features': ['anchor-identifier', 'h2', 'h3', 'h4', 'h5', 'hr', 'ol', 'ul', 'bold', 'italic', 'superscript', 'blockquote', 'link', 'document-link', 'image', 'icon', 'footnotes']}), 33: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('h2', 'H2'), ('h3', 'H3'), ('h4', 'H4'), ('h5', 'H5')]}), 34: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Input the name of an icon to appear to the left of the heading. E.g., approved, help-round, etc. <a href="">See full list of icons</a>', 'required': False}), 35: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 1), ('level', 33), ('icon', 34)]], {'required': False}), 36: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('full', 'Full width'), (470, '470px'), (270, '270px'), (170, '170px')]}), 37: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('right', 'right'), ('left', 'left')], 'help_text': 'Does not apply if the image is full-width'}), 38: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'label': 'Caption', 'required': False}), 39: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'Check to add a horizontal rule line to bottom of inset.', 'label': 'Has bottom rule line', 'required': False}), 40: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('image', 21), ('image_width', 36), ('image_position', 37), ('text', 38), ('is_bottom_rule', 39)]], {}), 41: ('wagtail.blocks.MultipleChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('is_full_width', 'Display the table at full width'), ('stack_on_mobile', 'Stack the table columns on mobile')], 'required': False}), 42: ('wagtail.blocks.FloatBlock', (), {}), 43: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'features': ['bold', 'italic', 'ol', 'ul', 'link', 'document-link', 'superscript']}), 44: ('wagtail_footnotes.blocks.RichTextBlockWithFootnotes', (), {'features': ['bold', 'italic', 'ol', 'ul', 'link', 'document-link', 'superscript', 'footnotes']}), 45: ('wagtail.contrib.typed_table_block.blocks.TypedTableBlock', [[('text', 15), ('numeric', 42), ('rich_text', 43), ('rich_text_with_footnotes', 44)]], {}), 46: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'features': ['bold', 'italic', 'link', 'document-link'], 'required': False}), 47: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 35), ('text_introduction', 1), ('options', 41), ('data', 45), ('caption', 46)]], {}), 48: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {}), 49: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'required': False}), 50: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('body', 48), ('citation', 49)]], {}), 51: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('slug_text', 1), ('paragraph_text', 2), ('button', 6)]], {}), 52: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (6,), {}), 53: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 1), ('paragraph', 2), ('links', 52)]], {}), 54: ('v1.blocks.ReusableTextChooserBlock', ('v1.ReusableText',), {}), 55: ('v1.blocks.ReusableNotificationChooserBlock', ('v1.ReusableNotification',), {}), 56: ('v1.blocks.EmailSignUpChooserBlock', (), {}), 57: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'label': 'Well', 'required': False}), 58: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content', 57)]], {}), 59: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('content', 27), ('content_with_anchor', 31), ('content_with_footnotes', 32), ('heading', 35), ('image', 40), ('table', 47), ('quote', 50), ('cta', 51), ('related_links', 53), ('reusable_text', 54), ('reusable_notification', 55), ('email_signup', 56), ('well', 58)]], {}), 60: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('50-50', '50/50'), ('33-33-33', '33/33/33'), ('25-75', '25/75')], 'help_text': 'Choose the number and width of info unit columns.', 'label': 'Format'}), 61: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': "Check this to link all images and headings to the URL of the first link in their unit's list, if there is a link.", 'required': False}), 62: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add a horizontal rule line to top of info unit group.', 'required': False}), 63: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to show horizontal rule lines between info units.', 'label': 'Show rule lines between items', 'required': False}), 64: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('none', 'None'), ('rounded', 'Rounded corners'), ('circle', 'Circle')], 'help_text': 'Adds a <em>border-radius</em> class to images in this group, allowing for a rounded or circular border.', 'label': 'Border radius for images?', 'required': False}), 65: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 1), ('level', 33), ('icon', 34)]], {'default': {'level': 'h3'}, 'required': False}), 66: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'blank': True, 'required': False}), 67: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('image', 21), ('heading', 65), ('body', 66), ('links', 7)]], {}), 68: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (67,), {'default': []}), 69: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('format', 60), ('heading', 35), ('intro', 2), ('link_image_and_heading', 61), ('has_top_rule_line', 62), ('lines_between_items', 63), ('border_radius_image', 64), ('info_units', 68)]], {}), 70: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'default': '3', 'help_text': 'How many posts do you want to show?', 'label': 'Limit'}), 71: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'default': 'Published'}), 72: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('limit', 70), ('post_date_description', 71)]], {}), 73: ('wagtail.snippets.blocks.SnippetChooserBlock', ('v1.Contact',), {}), 74: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Add a horizontal rule line to top of contact block.', 'required': False}), 75: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('contact', 73), ('has_top_rule_line', 74)]], {}), 76: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Added as an <code>&lt;h3&gt;</code> at the top of this block. Also adds a wrapping <code>&lt;div&gt;</code> whose <code>id</code> attribute comes from a slugified version of this heading, creating an anchor that can be used when linking to this part of the page.', 'required': False}), 77: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'required': False}), 78: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add a horizontal rule line to top of expandable group.', 'required': False}), 79: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add FAQ schema markup to expandables.', 'label': 'Uses FAQ schema', 'required': False}), 80: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('paragraph', 2), ('well', 58), ('links', 6), ('info_unit_group', 69)]], {'blank': True}), 81: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('label', 1), ('icon', 1), ('is_bordered', 77), ('is_midtone', 77), ('is_expanded', 77), ('is_expanded_padding', 77), ('content', 80)]], {}), 82: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (81,), {}), 83: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 76), ('body', 2), ('is_accordion', 77), ('has_top_rule_line', 78), ('is_faq', 79), ('expandables', 82)]], {})}),
+        ),
+        migrations.AlterField(
+            model_name='emailsignup',
+            name='disclaimer_page',
+            field=models.ForeignKey(blank=True, help_text='Choose the page that the "See Privacy Act statement" link should go to. If in doubt, use "Generic Email Sign-Up Privacy Act Statement".', null=True, on_delete=django.db.models.deletion.SET_NULL, to='', verbose_name='Privacy Act statement'),
+        ),
+        migrations.RemoveField(
+            model_name='eventpage',
+            name='post_event_image',
+        ),
+        migrations.RemoveField(
+            model_name='eventpage',
+            name='post_event_image_type',
+        ),
+        migrations.AlterField(
+            model_name='blogpage',
+            name='content',
+            field=wagtail.fields.StreamField([('full_width_text', 42), ('info_unit_group', 53), ('expandable', 56), ('expandable_group', 61), ('well', 41), ('video_player', 64), ('email_signup', 39), ('simple_chart', 81), ('faq_schema', 90), ('how_to_schema', 100)], block_lookup={0: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'icon': 'edit'}), 1: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {}), 2: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': '\n            ID will be auto-generated on save.\n            However, you may enter some human-friendly text that\n            will be incorporated to make it easier to read.\n        ', 'label': 'ID for this content block', 'required': False}), 3: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('link_id', 2)]], {}), 4: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content_block', 1), ('anchor_link', 3)]], {}), 5: ('wagtail_footnotes.blocks.RichTextBlockWithFootnotes', (), {'features': ['anchor-identifier', 'h2', 'h3', 'h4', 'h5', 'hr', 'ol', 'ul', 'bold', 'italic', 'superscript', 'blockquote', 'link', 'document-link', 'image', 'icon', 'footnotes']}), 6: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'required': False}), 7: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('h2', 'H2'), ('h3', 'H3'), ('h4', 'H4'), ('h5', 'H5')]}), 8: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Input the name of an icon to appear to the left of the heading. E.g., approved, help-round, etc. <a href="">See full list of icons</a>', 'required': False}), 9: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 6), ('level', 7), ('icon', 8)]], {'required': False}), 10: ('wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock', (), {'required': False}), 11: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': "No character limit, but be as succinct as possible. If the image is decorative (i.e., a screenreader wouldn't have anything useful to say about it), leave this field blank.", 'required': False}), 12: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('upload', 10), ('alt', 11)]], {}), 13: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('full', 'Full width'), (470, '470px'), (270, '270px'), (170, '170px')]}), 14: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('right', 'right'), ('left', 'left')], 'help_text': 'Does not apply if the image is full-width'}), 15: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'label': 'Caption', 'required': False}), 16: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'Check to add a horizontal rule line to bottom of inset.', 'label': 'Has bottom rule line', 'required': False}), 17: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('image', 12), ('image_width', 13), ('image_position', 14), ('text', 15), ('is_bottom_rule', 16)]], {}), 18: ('wagtail.blocks.MultipleChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('is_full_width', 'Display the table at full width'), ('stack_on_mobile', 'Stack the table columns on mobile')], 'required': False}), 19: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {}), 20: ('wagtail.blocks.FloatBlock', (), {}), 21: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'features': ['bold', 'italic', 'ol', 'ul', 'link', 'document-link', 'superscript']}), 22: ('wagtail_footnotes.blocks.RichTextBlockWithFootnotes', (), {'features': ['bold', 'italic', 'ol', 'ul', 'link', 'document-link', 'superscript', 'footnotes']}), 23: ('wagtail.contrib.typed_table_block.blocks.TypedTableBlock', [[('text', 19), ('numeric', 20), ('rich_text', 21), ('rich_text_with_footnotes', 22)]], {}), 24: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'features': ['bold', 'italic', 'link', 'document-link'], 'required': False}), 25: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 9), ('text_introduction', 6), ('options', 18), ('data', 23), ('caption', 24)]], {}), 26: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {}), 27: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'required': False}), 28: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('body', 26), ('citation', 27)]], {}), 29: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'required': False}), 30: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Add an ARIA label if the link text does not describe the destination of the link (e.g. has ambiguous text like "Learn more" that is not descriptive on its own).', 'required': False}), 31: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'default': '/', 'required': False}), 32: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'required': False}), 33: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 6), ('aria_label', 30), ('url', 31), ('is_link_boldface', 32)]], {}), 34: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('slug_text', 6), ('paragraph_text', 29), ('button', 33)]], {}), 35: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (33,), {}), 36: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 6), ('paragraph', 29), ('links', 35)]], {}), 37: ('v1.blocks.ReusableTextChooserBlock', ('v1.ReusableText',), {}), 38: ('v1.blocks.ReusableNotificationChooserBlock', ('v1.ReusableNotification',), {}), 39: ('v1.blocks.EmailSignUpChooserBlock', (), {}), 40: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'label': 'Well', 'required': False}), 41: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content', 40)]], {}), 42: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('content', 0), ('content_with_anchor', 4), ('content_with_footnotes', 5), ('heading', 9), ('image', 17), ('table', 25), ('quote', 28), ('cta', 34), ('related_links', 36), ('reusable_text', 37), ('reusable_notification', 38), ('email_signup', 39), ('well', 41)]], {}), 43: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('50-50', '50/50'), ('33-33-33', '33/33/33'), ('25-75', '25/75')], 'help_text': 'Choose the number and width of info unit columns.', 'label': 'Format'}), 44: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': "Check this to link all images and headings to the URL of the first link in their unit's list, if there is a link.", 'required': False}), 45: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add a horizontal rule line to top of info unit group.', 'required': False}), 46: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to show horizontal rule lines between info units.', 'label': 'Show rule lines between items', 'required': False}), 47: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('none', 'None'), ('rounded', 'Rounded corners'), ('circle', 'Circle')], 'help_text': 'Adds a <em>border-radius</em> class to images in this group, allowing for a rounded or circular border.', 'label': 'Border radius for images?', 'required': False}), 48: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 6), ('level', 7), ('icon', 8)]], {'default': {'level': 'h3'}, 'required': False}), 49: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'blank': True, 'required': False}), 50: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (33,), {'required': False}), 51: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('image', 12), ('heading', 48), ('body', 49), ('links', 50)]], {}), 52: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (51,), {'default': []}), 53: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('format', 43), ('heading', 9), ('intro', 29), ('link_image_and_heading', 44), ('has_top_rule_line', 45), ('lines_between_items', 46), ('border_radius_image', 47), ('info_units', 52)]], {}), 54: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'required': False}), 55: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('paragraph', 29), ('well', 41), ('links', 33), ('info_unit_group', 53)]], {'blank': True}), 56: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('label', 6), ('icon', 6), ('is_bordered', 54), ('is_midtone', 54), ('is_expanded', 54), ('is_expanded_padding', 54), ('content', 55)]], {}), 57: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Added as an <code>&lt;h3&gt;</code> at the top of this block. Also adds a wrapping <code>&lt;div&gt;</code> whose <code>id</code> attribute comes from a slugified version of this heading, creating an anchor that can be used when linking to this part of the page.', 'required': False}), 58: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add a horizontal rule line to top of expandable group.', 'required': False}), 59: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add FAQ schema markup to expandables.', 'label': 'Uses FAQ schema', 'required': False}), 60: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (56,), {}), 61: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 57), ('body', 29), ('is_accordion', 54), ('has_top_rule_line', 58), ('is_faq', 59), ('expandables', 60)]], {}), 62: ('wagtail.blocks.RegexBlock', (), {'error_messages': {'invalid': 'The YouTube video ID is in the wrong format.'}, 'help_text': 'Enter the YouTube video ID, which is located at the end of the video URL, after "v=". For example, the video ID for is 1V0Ax9OIc84.', 'label': 'YouTube video ID', 'regex': '^[\\w-]{11}$', 'required': False}), 63: ('wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Optional thumbnail image to show before and after the video plays. If the thumbnail image is not set here, the video player will default to showing the thumbnail that was set in (or automatically chosen by) YouTube.', 'required': False}), 64: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('video_id', 62), ('thumbnail_image', 63)]], {}), 65: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'required': True}), 66: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Accessible description of the chart content', 'required': True}), 67: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('bar', 'Bar'), ('datetime', 'Date/time'), ('line', 'Line'), ('tilemap', 'Tile grid map')]}), 68: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': "URL of the chart's data source or an array of JSON data", 'required': True, 'rows': 2}), 69: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'For charts pulling from a separate source file, include a list of the column headers (from a CSV file) or keys (from a JSON file) to include in the chart as  ["HEADER/KEY1", "HEADER/KEY2"]. To change how the data is labeled in the chart, include the correct labels with the format [{"key": "HEADER/KEY1", "label": "NEWLABEL"}, {"key": "HEADER/KEY2", "label": "NEWLABEL2"}]', 'required': False}), 70: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'Uncheck this option to initially only show the first data  series in the chart. Leave checked to show all data  series by default. Users can always turn data series on  or off by interacting with the chart legend. ', 'required': False}), 71: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'The column header (CSV), key or data array (JSON) to include as the source of x-axis values.', 'required': False}), 72: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': "Name the javascript function in chart-hooks.js to run on the provided data before handing it to the chart. Can also provide '___'-separated arguments to this function which are passed in as arguments 2 to n", 'required': False}), 73: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'If the chart needs the option for users to filter the data shown, for example by date or geographic region, provide the JSON objects to filter on, in the format  {key: "KEY", "label": "LABEL"}', 'required': False}), 74: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'A JSON object with style overrides for the underlying Highcharts chart. No object merging is done, nested objects should be referenced with dot notation: {"tooltip.shape": "circle"}', 'required': False}), 75: ('wagtail.blocks.IntegerBlock', (), {'blank': True, 'help_text': 'A number to determine how many months of the data are projected values', 'max_value': 12, 'min_value': 0, 'null': True, 'required': False}), 76: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Attribution for the data source', 'required': False}), 77: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'When the underlying data was published', 'required': False}), 78: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Custom text for the chart download field. Required to display a download link.', 'required': False}), 79: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Location of a file to download, if different from the data source', 'required': False}), 80: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'General chart information', 'required': False}), 81: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('title', 65), ('subtitle', 27), ('description', 66), ('figure_number', 6), ('chart_type', 67), ('data_source', 68), ('data_series', 69), ('show_all_series_by_default', 70), ('x_axis_source', 71), ('transform', 72), ('x_axis_label', 6), ('y_axis_label', 6), ('filters', 73), ('style_overrides', 74), ('projected_months', 75), ('source_credits', 76), ('date_published', 77), ('download_text', 78), ('download_file', 79), ('notes', 80)]], {}), 82: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'blank': True, 'features': ['ol', 'ul', 'bold', 'italic', 'link', 'document-link'], 'required': False}), 83: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'blank': True, 'help_text': "Add an optional anchor link tag for this question. Tag should be unique and use dashes or underscores for separation instead of spaces (ie, 'question-one-tag')", 'max_length': 500, 'required': False}), 84: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'max_length': 500}), 85: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'features': ['bold', 'italic', 'h3', 'h4', 'link', 'ol', 'ul', 'document-link', 'image', 'embed'], 'label': 'Text'}), 86: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content', 85)]], {}), 87: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('text', 86), ('table', 25), ('video_player', 64)]], {}), 88: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('anchor_tag', 83), ('question', 84), ('answer_content', 87)]], {}), 89: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (88,), {}), 90: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('description', 82), ('questions', 89)]], {'label': 'FAQ schema'}), 91: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'label': 'Title of How To section', 'max_length': 500}), 92: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('h2', 'H2'), ('h3', 'H3'), ('h4', 'H4')], 'help_text': 'Choose a tag for the title of the How To section.', 'label': 'Tag for How To section title'}), 93: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'The How To schema requires a title to let search engines understand what it is about. If you do not want the title to be displayed in the page, uncheck this box and the title content will only be made available to crawlers and screen readers.', 'label': 'Show How To section title', 'required': False}), 94: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('h2', 'H2'), ('h3', 'H3'), ('h4', 'H4'), ('b', 'Bold'), ('p', 'Paragraph')], 'help_text': 'Choose a tag for the title of each HowTo step.', 'label': 'Tag for step titles'}), 95: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this box to display numbers before step titles. ', 'label': 'Show numbers for steps', 'required': False}), 96: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'blank': True, 'help_text': "Add an optional anchor link tag to allow linking directly to this step. Tag should be unique and use dashes or underscores for separation instead of spaces (ie, 'step-one-tag').", 'max_length': 500, 'required': False}), 97: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Enter a title for this HowTo step. You do not need to include a number in the title -- numbers will be added automatically in the template if the show numbers checkbox is checked.', 'max_length': 500}), 98: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('anchor_tag', 96), ('title', 97), ('step_content', 87)]], {}), 99: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (98,), {}), 100: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('title', 91), ('title_tag', 92), ('show_title', 93), ('description', 82), ('step_title_tag', 94), ('has_numbers', 95), ('steps', 99)]], {'label': 'HowTo schema', 'max_num': 1})}),
+        ),
+        migrations.AlterField(
+            model_name='legacyblogpage',
+            name='content',
+            field=wagtail.fields.StreamField([('full_width_text', 42), ('info_unit_group', 53), ('expandable', 56), ('expandable_group', 61), ('well', 41), ('video_player', 64), ('email_signup', 39), ('simple_chart', 81), ('faq_schema', 90), ('how_to_schema', 100), ('content', 101), ('reusable_text', 37)], block_lookup={0: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'icon': 'edit'}), 1: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {}), 2: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': '\n            ID will be auto-generated on save.\n            However, you may enter some human-friendly text that\n            will be incorporated to make it easier to read.\n        ', 'label': 'ID for this content block', 'required': False}), 3: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('link_id', 2)]], {}), 4: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content_block', 1), ('anchor_link', 3)]], {}), 5: ('wagtail_footnotes.blocks.RichTextBlockWithFootnotes', (), {'features': ['anchor-identifier', 'h2', 'h3', 'h4', 'h5', 'hr', 'ol', 'ul', 'bold', 'italic', 'superscript', 'blockquote', 'link', 'document-link', 'image', 'icon', 'footnotes']}), 6: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'required': False}), 7: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('h2', 'H2'), ('h3', 'H3'), ('h4', 'H4'), ('h5', 'H5')]}), 8: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Input the name of an icon to appear to the left of the heading. E.g., approved, help-round, etc. <a href="">See full list of icons</a>', 'required': False}), 9: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 6), ('level', 7), ('icon', 8)]], {'required': False}), 10: ('wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock', (), {'required': False}), 11: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': "No character limit, but be as succinct as possible. If the image is decorative (i.e., a screenreader wouldn't have anything useful to say about it), leave this field blank.", 'required': False}), 12: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('upload', 10), ('alt', 11)]], {}), 13: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('full', 'Full width'), (470, '470px'), (270, '270px'), (170, '170px')]}), 14: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('right', 'right'), ('left', 'left')], 'help_text': 'Does not apply if the image is full-width'}), 15: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'label': 'Caption', 'required': False}), 16: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'Check to add a horizontal rule line to bottom of inset.', 'label': 'Has bottom rule line', 'required': False}), 17: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('image', 12), ('image_width', 13), ('image_position', 14), ('text', 15), ('is_bottom_rule', 16)]], {}), 18: ('wagtail.blocks.MultipleChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('is_full_width', 'Display the table at full width'), ('stack_on_mobile', 'Stack the table columns on mobile')], 'required': False}), 19: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {}), 20: ('wagtail.blocks.FloatBlock', (), {}), 21: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'features': ['bold', 'italic', 'ol', 'ul', 'link', 'document-link', 'superscript']}), 22: ('wagtail_footnotes.blocks.RichTextBlockWithFootnotes', (), {'features': ['bold', 'italic', 'ol', 'ul', 'link', 'document-link', 'superscript', 'footnotes']}), 23: ('wagtail.contrib.typed_table_block.blocks.TypedTableBlock', [[('text', 19), ('numeric', 20), ('rich_text', 21), ('rich_text_with_footnotes', 22)]], {}), 24: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'features': ['bold', 'italic', 'link', 'document-link'], 'required': False}), 25: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 9), ('text_introduction', 6), ('options', 18), ('data', 23), ('caption', 24)]], {}), 26: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {}), 27: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'required': False}), 28: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('body', 26), ('citation', 27)]], {}), 29: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'required': False}), 30: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Add an ARIA label if the link text does not describe the destination of the link (e.g. has ambiguous text like "Learn more" that is not descriptive on its own).', 'required': False}), 31: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'default': '/', 'required': False}), 32: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'required': False}), 33: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 6), ('aria_label', 30), ('url', 31), ('is_link_boldface', 32)]], {}), 34: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('slug_text', 6), ('paragraph_text', 29), ('button', 33)]], {}), 35: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (33,), {}), 36: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 6), ('paragraph', 29), ('links', 35)]], {}), 37: ('v1.blocks.ReusableTextChooserBlock', ('v1.ReusableText',), {}), 38: ('v1.blocks.ReusableNotificationChooserBlock', ('v1.ReusableNotification',), {}), 39: ('v1.blocks.EmailSignUpChooserBlock', (), {}), 40: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'label': 'Well', 'required': False}), 41: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content', 40)]], {}), 42: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('content', 0), ('content_with_anchor', 4), ('content_with_footnotes', 5), ('heading', 9), ('image', 17), ('table', 25), ('quote', 28), ('cta', 34), ('related_links', 36), ('reusable_text', 37), ('reusable_notification', 38), ('email_signup', 39), ('well', 41)]], {}), 43: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('50-50', '50/50'), ('33-33-33', '33/33/33'), ('25-75', '25/75')], 'help_text': 'Choose the number and width of info unit columns.', 'label': 'Format'}), 44: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': "Check this to link all images and headings to the URL of the first link in their unit's list, if there is a link.", 'required': False}), 45: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add a horizontal rule line to top of info unit group.', 'required': False}), 46: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to show horizontal rule lines between info units.', 'label': 'Show rule lines between items', 'required': False}), 47: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('none', 'None'), ('rounded', 'Rounded corners'), ('circle', 'Circle')], 'help_text': 'Adds a <em>border-radius</em> class to images in this group, allowing for a rounded or circular border.', 'label': 'Border radius for images?', 'required': False}), 48: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 6), ('level', 7), ('icon', 8)]], {'default': {'level': 'h3'}, 'required': False}), 49: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'blank': True, 'required': False}), 50: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (33,), {'required': False}), 51: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('image', 12), ('heading', 48), ('body', 49), ('links', 50)]], {}), 52: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (51,), {'default': []}), 53: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('format', 43), ('heading', 9), ('intro', 29), ('link_image_and_heading', 44), ('has_top_rule_line', 45), ('lines_between_items', 46), ('border_radius_image', 47), ('info_units', 52)]], {}), 54: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'required': False}), 55: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('paragraph', 29), ('well', 41), ('links', 33), ('info_unit_group', 53)]], {'blank': True}), 56: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('label', 6), ('icon', 6), ('is_bordered', 54), ('is_midtone', 54), ('is_expanded', 54), ('is_expanded_padding', 54), ('content', 55)]], {}), 57: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Added as an <code>&lt;h3&gt;</code> at the top of this block. Also adds a wrapping <code>&lt;div&gt;</code> whose <code>id</code> attribute comes from a slugified version of this heading, creating an anchor that can be used when linking to this part of the page.', 'required': False}), 58: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add a horizontal rule line to top of expandable group.', 'required': False}), 59: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add FAQ schema markup to expandables.', 'label': 'Uses FAQ schema', 'required': False}), 60: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (56,), {}), 61: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 57), ('body', 29), ('is_accordion', 54), ('has_top_rule_line', 58), ('is_faq', 59), ('expandables', 60)]], {}), 62: ('wagtail.blocks.RegexBlock', (), {'error_messages': {'invalid': 'The YouTube video ID is in the wrong format.'}, 'help_text': 'Enter the YouTube video ID, which is located at the end of the video URL, after "v=". For example, the video ID for is 1V0Ax9OIc84.', 'label': 'YouTube video ID', 'regex': '^[\\w-]{11}$', 'required': False}), 63: ('wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Optional thumbnail image to show before and after the video plays. If the thumbnail image is not set here, the video player will default to showing the thumbnail that was set in (or automatically chosen by) YouTube.', 'required': False}), 64: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('video_id', 62), ('thumbnail_image', 63)]], {}), 65: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'required': True}), 66: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Accessible description of the chart content', 'required': True}), 67: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('bar', 'Bar'), ('datetime', 'Date/time'), ('line', 'Line'), ('tilemap', 'Tile grid map')]}), 68: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': "URL of the chart's data source or an array of JSON data", 'required': True, 'rows': 2}), 69: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'For charts pulling from a separate source file, include a list of the column headers (from a CSV file) or keys (from a JSON file) to include in the chart as  ["HEADER/KEY1", "HEADER/KEY2"]. To change how the data is labeled in the chart, include the correct labels with the format [{"key": "HEADER/KEY1", "label": "NEWLABEL"}, {"key": "HEADER/KEY2", "label": "NEWLABEL2"}]', 'required': False}), 70: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'Uncheck this option to initially only show the first data  series in the chart. Leave checked to show all data  series by default. Users can always turn data series on  or off by interacting with the chart legend. ', 'required': False}), 71: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'The column header (CSV), key or data array (JSON) to include as the source of x-axis values.', 'required': False}), 72: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': "Name the javascript function in chart-hooks.js to run on the provided data before handing it to the chart. Can also provide '___'-separated arguments to this function which are passed in as arguments 2 to n", 'required': False}), 73: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'If the chart needs the option for users to filter the data shown, for example by date or geographic region, provide the JSON objects to filter on, in the format  {key: "KEY", "label": "LABEL"}', 'required': False}), 74: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'A JSON object with style overrides for the underlying Highcharts chart. No object merging is done, nested objects should be referenced with dot notation: {"tooltip.shape": "circle"}', 'required': False}), 75: ('wagtail.blocks.IntegerBlock', (), {'blank': True, 'help_text': 'A number to determine how many months of the data are projected values', 'max_value': 12, 'min_value': 0, 'null': True, 'required': False}), 76: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Attribution for the data source', 'required': False}), 77: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'When the underlying data was published', 'required': False}), 78: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Custom text for the chart download field. Required to display a download link.', 'required': False}), 79: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Location of a file to download, if different from the data source', 'required': False}), 80: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'General chart information', 'required': False}), 81: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('title', 65), ('subtitle', 27), ('description', 66), ('figure_number', 6), ('chart_type', 67), ('data_source', 68), ('data_series', 69), ('show_all_series_by_default', 70), ('x_axis_source', 71), ('transform', 72), ('x_axis_label', 6), ('y_axis_label', 6), ('filters', 73), ('style_overrides', 74), ('projected_months', 75), ('source_credits', 76), ('date_published', 77), ('download_text', 78), ('download_file', 79), ('notes', 80)]], {}), 82: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'blank': True, 'features': ['ol', 'ul', 'bold', 'italic', 'link', 'document-link'], 'required': False}), 83: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'blank': True, 'help_text': "Add an optional anchor link tag for this question. Tag should be unique and use dashes or underscores for separation instead of spaces (ie, 'question-one-tag')", 'max_length': 500, 'required': False}), 84: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'max_length': 500}), 85: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'features': ['bold', 'italic', 'h3', 'h4', 'link', 'ol', 'ul', 'document-link', 'image', 'embed'], 'label': 'Text'}), 86: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content', 85)]], {}), 87: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('text', 86), ('table', 25), ('video_player', 64)]], {}), 88: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('anchor_tag', 83), ('question', 84), ('answer_content', 87)]], {}), 89: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (88,), {}), 90: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('description', 82), ('questions', 89)]], {'label': 'FAQ schema'}), 91: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'label': 'Title of How To section', 'max_length': 500}), 92: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('h2', 'H2'), ('h3', 'H3'), ('h4', 'H4')], 'help_text': 'Choose a tag for the title of the How To section.', 'label': 'Tag for How To section title'}), 93: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'The How To schema requires a title to let search engines understand what it is about. If you do not want the title to be displayed in the page, uncheck this box and the title content will only be made available to crawlers and screen readers.', 'label': 'Show How To section title', 'required': False}), 94: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('h2', 'H2'), ('h3', 'H3'), ('h4', 'H4'), ('b', 'Bold'), ('p', 'Paragraph')], 'help_text': 'Choose a tag for the title of each HowTo step.', 'label': 'Tag for step titles'}), 95: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this box to display numbers before step titles. ', 'label': 'Show numbers for steps', 'required': False}), 96: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'blank': True, 'help_text': "Add an optional anchor link tag to allow linking directly to this step. Tag should be unique and use dashes or underscores for separation instead of spaces (ie, 'step-one-tag').", 'max_length': 500, 'required': False}), 97: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Enter a title for this HowTo step. You do not need to include a number in the title -- numbers will be added automatically in the template if the show numbers checkbox is checked.', 'max_length': 500}), 98: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('anchor_tag', 96), ('title', 97), ('step_content', 87)]], {}), 99: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (98,), {}), 100: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('title', 91), ('title_tag', 92), ('show_title', 93), ('description', 82), ('step_title_tag', 94), ('has_numbers', 95), ('steps', 99)]], {'label': 'HowTo schema', 'max_num': 1}), 101: ('wagtail.blocks.RawHTMLBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Content from WordPress unescaped.'})}),
+        ),
+        migrations.AlterField(
+            model_name='blogpage',
+            name='content',
+            field=wagtail.fields.StreamField([('full_width_text', 42), ('info_unit_group', 53), ('expandable', 56), ('expandable_group', 61), ('well', 41), ('video_player', 64), ('email_signup', 39), ('simple_chart', 81), ('faq_schema', 90), ('how_to_schema', 100), ('wagtailchart_block', 136)], block_lookup={0: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'icon': 'edit'}), 1: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {}), 2: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': '\n            ID will be auto-generated on save.\n            However, you may enter some human-friendly text that\n            will be incorporated to make it easier to read.\n        ', 'label': 'ID for this content block', 'required': False}), 3: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('link_id', 2)]], {}), 4: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content_block', 1), ('anchor_link', 3)]], {}), 5: ('wagtail_footnotes.blocks.RichTextBlockWithFootnotes', (), {'features': ['anchor-identifier', 'h2', 'h3', 'h4', 'h5', 'hr', 'ol', 'ul', 'bold', 'italic', 'superscript', 'blockquote', 'link', 'document-link', 'image', 'icon', 'footnotes']}), 6: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'required': False}), 7: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('h2', 'H2'), ('h3', 'H3'), ('h4', 'H4'), ('h5', 'H5')]}), 8: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Input the name of an icon to appear to the left of the heading. E.g., approved, help-round, etc. <a href="">See full list of icons</a>', 'required': False}), 9: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 6), ('level', 7), ('icon', 8)]], {'required': False}), 10: ('wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock', (), {'required': False}), 11: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': "No character limit, but be as succinct as possible. If the image is decorative (i.e., a screenreader wouldn't have anything useful to say about it), leave this field blank.", 'required': False}), 12: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('upload', 10), ('alt', 11)]], {}), 13: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('full', 'Full width'), (470, '470px'), (270, '270px'), (170, '170px')]}), 14: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('right', 'right'), ('left', 'left')], 'help_text': 'Does not apply if the image is full-width'}), 15: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'label': 'Caption', 'required': False}), 16: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'Check to add a horizontal rule line to bottom of inset.', 'label': 'Has bottom rule line', 'required': False}), 17: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('image', 12), ('image_width', 13), ('image_position', 14), ('text', 15), ('is_bottom_rule', 16)]], {}), 18: ('wagtail.blocks.MultipleChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('is_full_width', 'Display the table at full width'), ('stack_on_mobile', 'Stack the table columns on mobile')], 'required': False}), 19: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {}), 20: ('wagtail.blocks.FloatBlock', (), {}), 21: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'features': ['bold', 'italic', 'ol', 'ul', 'link', 'document-link', 'superscript']}), 22: ('wagtail_footnotes.blocks.RichTextBlockWithFootnotes', (), {'features': ['bold', 'italic', 'ol', 'ul', 'link', 'document-link', 'superscript', 'footnotes']}), 23: ('wagtail.contrib.typed_table_block.blocks.TypedTableBlock', [[('text', 19), ('numeric', 20), ('rich_text', 21), ('rich_text_with_footnotes', 22)]], {}), 24: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'features': ['bold', 'italic', 'link', 'document-link'], 'required': False}), 25: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 9), ('text_introduction', 6), ('options', 18), ('data', 23), ('caption', 24)]], {}), 26: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {}), 27: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'required': False}), 28: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('body', 26), ('citation', 27)]], {}), 29: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'required': False}), 30: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Add an ARIA label if the link text does not describe the destination of the link (e.g. has ambiguous text like "Learn more" that is not descriptive on its own).', 'required': False}), 31: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'default': '/', 'required': False}), 32: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'required': False}), 33: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 6), ('aria_label', 30), ('url', 31), ('is_link_boldface', 32)]], {}), 34: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('slug_text', 6), ('paragraph_text', 29), ('button', 33)]], {}), 35: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (33,), {}), 36: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 6), ('paragraph', 29), ('links', 35)]], {}), 37: ('v1.blocks.ReusableTextChooserBlock', ('v1.ReusableText',), {}), 38: ('v1.blocks.ReusableNotificationChooserBlock', ('v1.ReusableNotification',), {}), 39: ('v1.blocks.EmailSignUpChooserBlock', (), {}), 40: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'label': 'Well', 'required': False}), 41: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content', 40)]], {}), 42: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('content', 0), ('content_with_anchor', 4), ('content_with_footnotes', 5), ('heading', 9), ('image', 17), ('table', 25), ('quote', 28), ('cta', 34), ('related_links', 36), ('reusable_text', 37), ('reusable_notification', 38), ('email_signup', 39), ('well', 41)]], {}), 43: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('50-50', '50/50'), ('33-33-33', '33/33/33'), ('25-75', '25/75')], 'help_text': 'Choose the number and width of info unit columns.', 'label': 'Format'}), 44: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': "Check this to link all images and headings to the URL of the first link in their unit's list, if there is a link.", 'required': False}), 45: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add a horizontal rule line to top of info unit group.', 'required': False}), 46: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to show horizontal rule lines between info units.', 'label': 'Show rule lines between items', 'required': False}), 47: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('none', 'None'), ('rounded', 'Rounded corners'), ('circle', 'Circle')], 'help_text': 'Adds a <em>border-radius</em> class to images in this group, allowing for a rounded or circular border.', 'label': 'Border radius for images?', 'required': False}), 48: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 6), ('level', 7), ('icon', 8)]], {'default': {'level': 'h3'}, 'required': False}), 49: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'blank': True, 'required': False}), 50: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (33,), {'required': False}), 51: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('image', 12), ('heading', 48), ('body', 49), ('links', 50)]], {}), 52: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (51,), {'default': []}), 53: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('format', 43), ('heading', 9), ('intro', 29), ('link_image_and_heading', 44), ('has_top_rule_line', 45), ('lines_between_items', 46), ('border_radius_image', 47), ('info_units', 52)]], {}), 54: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'required': False}), 55: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('paragraph', 29), ('well', 41), ('links', 33), ('info_unit_group', 53)]], {'blank': True}), 56: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('label', 6), ('icon', 6), ('is_bordered', 54), ('is_midtone', 54), ('is_expanded', 54), ('is_expanded_padding', 54), ('content', 55)]], {}), 57: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Added as an <code>&lt;h3&gt;</code> at the top of this block. Also adds a wrapping <code>&lt;div&gt;</code> whose <code>id</code> attribute comes from a slugified version of this heading, creating an anchor that can be used when linking to this part of the page.', 'required': False}), 58: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add a horizontal rule line to top of expandable group.', 'required': False}), 59: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add FAQ schema markup to expandables.', 'label': 'Uses FAQ schema', 'required': False}), 60: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (56,), {}), 61: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 57), ('body', 29), ('is_accordion', 54), ('has_top_rule_line', 58), ('is_faq', 59), ('expandables', 60)]], {}), 62: ('wagtail.blocks.RegexBlock', (), {'error_messages': {'invalid': 'The YouTube video ID is in the wrong format.'}, 'help_text': 'Enter the YouTube video ID, which is located at the end of the video URL, after "v=". For example, the video ID for is 1V0Ax9OIc84.', 'label': 'YouTube video ID', 'regex': '^[\\w-]{11}$', 'required': False}), 63: ('wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Optional thumbnail image to show before and after the video plays. If the thumbnail image is not set here, the video player will default to showing the thumbnail that was set in (or automatically chosen by) YouTube.', 'required': False}), 64: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('video_id', 62), ('thumbnail_image', 63)]], {}), 65: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'required': True}), 66: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Accessible description of the chart content', 'required': True}), 67: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('bar', 'Bar'), ('datetime', 'Date/time'), ('line', 'Line'), ('tilemap', 'Tile grid map')]}), 68: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': "URL of the chart's data source or an array of JSON data", 'required': True, 'rows': 2}), 69: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'For charts pulling from a separate source file, include a list of the column headers (from a CSV file) or keys (from a JSON file) to include in the chart as  ["HEADER/KEY1", "HEADER/KEY2"]. To change how the data is labeled in the chart, include the correct labels with the format [{"key": "HEADER/KEY1", "label": "NEWLABEL"}, {"key": "HEADER/KEY2", "label": "NEWLABEL2"}]', 'required': False}), 70: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'Uncheck this option to initially only show the first data  series in the chart. Leave checked to show all data  series by default. Users can always turn data series on  or off by interacting with the chart legend. ', 'required': False}), 71: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'The column header (CSV), key or data array (JSON) to include as the source of x-axis values.', 'required': False}), 72: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': "Name the javascript function in chart-hooks.js to run on the provided data before handing it to the chart. Can also provide '___'-separated arguments to this function which are passed in as arguments 2 to n", 'required': False}), 73: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'If the chart needs the option for users to filter the data shown, for example by date or geographic region, provide the JSON objects to filter on, in the format  {key: "KEY", "label": "LABEL"}', 'required': False}), 74: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'A JSON object with style overrides for the underlying Highcharts chart. No object merging is done, nested objects should be referenced with dot notation: {"tooltip.shape": "circle"}', 'required': False}), 75: ('wagtail.blocks.IntegerBlock', (), {'blank': True, 'help_text': 'A number to determine how many months of the data are projected values', 'max_value': 12, 'min_value': 0, 'null': True, 'required': False}), 76: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Attribution for the data source', 'required': False}), 77: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'When the underlying data was published', 'required': False}), 78: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Custom text for the chart download field. Required to display a download link.', 'required': False}), 79: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Location of a file to download, if different from the data source', 'required': False}), 80: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'General chart information', 'required': False}), 81: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('title', 65), ('subtitle', 27), ('description', 66), ('figure_number', 6), ('chart_type', 67), ('data_source', 68), ('data_series', 69), ('show_all_series_by_default', 70), ('x_axis_source', 71), ('transform', 72), ('x_axis_label', 6), ('y_axis_label', 6), ('filters', 73), ('style_overrides', 74), ('projected_months', 75), ('source_credits', 76), ('date_published', 77), ('download_text', 78), ('download_file', 79), ('notes', 80)]], {}), 82: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'blank': True, 'features': ['ol', 'ul', 'bold', 'italic', 'link', 'document-link'], 'required': False}), 83: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'blank': True, 'help_text': "Add an optional anchor link tag for this question. Tag should be unique and use dashes or underscores for separation instead of spaces (ie, 'question-one-tag')", 'max_length': 500, 'required': False}), 84: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'max_length': 500}), 85: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'features': ['bold', 'italic', 'h3', 'h4', 'link', 'ol', 'ul', 'document-link', 'image', 'embed'], 'label': 'Text'}), 86: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content', 85)]], {}), 87: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('text', 86), ('table', 25), ('video_player', 64)]], {}), 88: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('anchor_tag', 83), ('question', 84), ('answer_content', 87)]], {}), 89: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (88,), {}), 90: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('description', 82), ('questions', 89)]], {'label': 'FAQ schema'}), 91: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'label': 'Title of How To section', 'max_length': 500}), 92: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('h2', 'H2'), ('h3', 'H3'), ('h4', 'H4')], 'help_text': 'Choose a tag for the title of the How To section.', 'label': 'Tag for How To section title'}), 93: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'The How To schema requires a title to let search engines understand what it is about. If you do not want the title to be displayed in the page, uncheck this box and the title content will only be made available to crawlers and screen readers.', 'label': 'Show How To section title', 'required': False}), 94: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('h2', 'H2'), ('h3', 'H3'), ('h4', 'H4'), ('b', 'Bold'), ('p', 'Paragraph')], 'help_text': 'Choose a tag for the title of each HowTo step.', 'label': 'Tag for step titles'}), 95: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this box to display numbers before step titles. ', 'label': 'Show numbers for steps', 'required': False}), 96: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'blank': True, 'help_text': "Add an optional anchor link tag to allow linking directly to this step. Tag should be unique and use dashes or underscores for separation instead of spaces (ie, 'step-one-tag').", 'max_length': 500, 'required': False}), 97: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Enter a title for this HowTo step. You do not need to include a number in the title -- numbers will be added automatically in the template if the show numbers checkbox is checked.', 'max_length': 500}), 98: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('anchor_tag', 96), ('title', 97), ('step_content', 87)]], {}), 99: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (98,), {}), 100: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('title', 91), ('title_tag', 92), ('show_title', 93), ('description', 82), ('step_title_tag', 94), ('has_numbers', 95), ('steps', 99)]], {'label': 'HowTo schema', 'max_num': 1}), 101: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Optional: Adds an H5 eyebrow above H1 heading text. Only use in conjunction with heading.', 'label': 'Pre-heading', 'required': False}), 102: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'icon': 'edit', 'required': False}), 103: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Accessible description of the chart content', 'required': False}), 104: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Description of the data source', 'required': False}), 105: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Location of a file to download', 'required': False}), 106: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Note about the chart', 'required': False}), 107: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('line', 'Line Chart'), ('bar', 'Vertical Bar Chart'), ('bar_horizontal', 'Horizontal Bar Chart')], 'label': 'Chart Type'}), 108: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'default': '{"data":[], "options":{}}'}), 109: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'group': 'General', 'label': 'Show legend', 'required': False}), 110: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'group': 'General', 'label': 'Use HTML legend', 'required': False}), 111: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('top', 'Top'), ('bottom', 'Bottom'), ('left', 'Left'), ('right', 'Right')], 'group': 'General', 'label': 'Legend position'}), 112: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'group': 'General', 'label': 'Reverse legend', 'required': False}), 113: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'group': 'General', 'label': 'Show values on chart', 'required': False}), 114: ('wagtail.blocks.IntegerBlock', (), {'default': 1, 'group': 'General', 'label': 'Precision in labels/tooltips'}), 115: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'group': 'General', 'label': 'Show Chart Grid', 'required': False}), 116: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'group': 'General', 'label': 'X axis label', 'required': False}), 117: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('none', 'No stacking'), ('stacked', 'Stacked'), ('stacked_100', 'Stacked 100%')], 'group': 'General', 'label': 'Stacking'}), 118: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'group': 'General', 'label': 'Unit override', 'required': False}), 119: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'group': 'Left_Axis', 'label': 'Left Y axis minimum value', 'required': False}), 120: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'group': 'Left_Axis', 'label': 'Left Y axis maximum value', 'required': False}), 121: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'group': 'Left_Axis', 'label': 'Left Y axis step size', 'required': False}), 122: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'group': 'Left_Axis', 'label': 'Left Y axis label', 'required': False}), 123: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('number', 'Numerical'), ('percentage', 'Percentage')], 'group': 'Left_Axis', 'label': 'Left Y axis data type', 'required': False}), 124: ('wagtail.blocks.IntegerBlock', (), {'default': 0, 'group': 'Left_Axis', 'label': 'Left Y axis tick precision'}), 125: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'group': 'Left_Axis', 'label': 'Show left axis numbers', 'required': False}), 126: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'group': 'Right_Axis', 'label': 'Right Y axis minimum value', 'required': False}), 127: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'group': 'Right_Axis', 'label': 'Right Y axis maximum value', 'required': False}), 128: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'group': 'Right_Axis', 'label': 'Right Y axis step size', 'required': False}), 129: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'group': 'Right_Axis', 'label': 'Right Y axis label', 'required': False}), 130: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('number', 'Numerical'), ('percentage', 'Percentage')], 'group': 'Right_Axis', 'label': 'Right Y axis data type', 'required': False}), 131: ('wagtail.blocks.IntegerBlock', (), {'default': 0, 'group': 'Right_Axis', 'label': 'Right Y axis tick precision'}), 132: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'group': 'Right_Axis', 'label': 'Show right axis numbers', 'required': False}), 133: ('wagtail.blocks.IntegerBlock', (), {'default': 2, 'group': 'Pie_Chart', 'label': 'Width of pie slice border'}), 134: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'default': '#fff', 'group': 'Pie_Chart', 'label': 'Color of pie slice border'}), 135: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('show_legend', 109), ('html_legend', 110), ('legend_position', 111), ('reverse_legend', 112), ('show_values_on_chart', 113), ('precision', 114), ('show_grid', 115), ('x_label', 116), ('stacking', 117), ('unit_override', 118), ('y_left_min', 119), ('y_left_max', 120), ('y_left_step_size', 121), ('y_left_label', 122), ('y_left_data_type', 123), ('y_left_precision', 124), ('y_left_show', 125), ('y_right_min', 126), ('y_right_max', 127), ('y_right_step_size', 128), ('y_right_label', 129), ('y_right_data_type', 130), ('y_right_precision', 131), ('y_right_show', 132), ('pie_border_width', 133), ('pie_border_color', 134)]], {}), 136: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('eyebrow', 101), ('title', 9), ('intro', 102), ('description', 103), ('data_source', 104), ('date_published', 77), ('download_text', 78), ('download_file', 105), ('notes', 106), ('chart_type', 107), ('datasets', 108), ('settings', 135)]], {'colors': (('#20aa3f', 'CFPB Green'), ('#254b87', 'Navy'), ('#7eb7e8', 'Pacific 60'), ('#ffb858', 'Gold 80'), ('#c55998', 'Purple 80'), ('#addc91', 'Green 60'), ('#1fa040', 'Mid Dark Green'), ('#257675', 'Teal'), ('#89b6b5', 'Teal 60'), ('#d14124', 'Red'), ('#e79e8e', 'Red 60'), ('#0072ce', 'Pacific'), ('#254b87', 'Navy'), ('#dc731c', 'Dark Gold'), ('#745745', 'Dark Neutral'), ('#baa496', 'Neutral 60'), ('#dc9cbf', 'Purple 50'), ('#a01b68', 'Dark Purple'), ('#d2d3d5', 'Gray 20'))})}),
+        ),
+        migrations.AlterField(
+            model_name='browsepage',
+            name='content',
+            field=wagtail.fields.StreamField([('full_width_text', 42), ('info_unit_group', 53), ('wagtailchart_block', 91), ('expandable_group', 99), ('expandable', 97), ('well', 41), ('video_player', 102), ('table', 25), ('raw_html_block', 103), ('simple_chart', 118), ('chart_block', 129), ('mortgage_chart_block', 133), ('mortgage_map_block', 133), ('mortgage_downloads_block', 135), ('data_snapshot', 149), ('job_listing_table', 150), ('faq_group', 159)], blank=True, block_lookup={0: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'icon': 'edit'}), 1: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {}), 2: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': '\n            ID will be auto-generated on save.\n            However, you may enter some human-friendly text that\n            will be incorporated to make it easier to read.\n        ', 'label': 'ID for this content block', 'required': False}), 3: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('link_id', 2)]], {}), 4: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content_block', 1), ('anchor_link', 3)]], {}), 5: ('wagtail_footnotes.blocks.RichTextBlockWithFootnotes', (), {'features': ['anchor-identifier', 'h2', 'h3', 'h4', 'h5', 'hr', 'ol', 'ul', 'bold', 'italic', 'superscript', 'blockquote', 'link', 'document-link', 'image', 'icon', 'footnotes']}), 6: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'required': False}), 7: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('h2', 'H2'), ('h3', 'H3'), ('h4', 'H4'), ('h5', 'H5')]}), 8: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Input the name of an icon to appear to the left of the heading. E.g., approved, help-round, etc. <a href="">See full list of icons</a>', 'required': False}), 9: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 6), ('level', 7), ('icon', 8)]], {'required': False}), 10: ('wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock', (), {'required': False}), 11: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': "No character limit, but be as succinct as possible. If the image is decorative (i.e., a screenreader wouldn't have anything useful to say about it), leave this field blank.", 'required': False}), 12: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('upload', 10), ('alt', 11)]], {}), 13: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('full', 'Full width'), (470, '470px'), (270, '270px'), (170, '170px')]}), 14: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('right', 'right'), ('left', 'left')], 'help_text': 'Does not apply if the image is full-width'}), 15: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'label': 'Caption', 'required': False}), 16: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'Check to add a horizontal rule line to bottom of inset.', 'label': 'Has bottom rule line', 'required': False}), 17: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('image', 12), ('image_width', 13), ('image_position', 14), ('text', 15), ('is_bottom_rule', 16)]], {}), 18: ('wagtail.blocks.MultipleChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('is_full_width', 'Display the table at full width'), ('stack_on_mobile', 'Stack the table columns on mobile')], 'required': False}), 19: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {}), 20: ('wagtail.blocks.FloatBlock', (), {}), 21: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'features': ['bold', 'italic', 'ol', 'ul', 'link', 'document-link', 'superscript']}), 22: ('wagtail_footnotes.blocks.RichTextBlockWithFootnotes', (), {'features': ['bold', 'italic', 'ol', 'ul', 'link', 'document-link', 'superscript', 'footnotes']}), 23: ('wagtail.contrib.typed_table_block.blocks.TypedTableBlock', [[('text', 19), ('numeric', 20), ('rich_text', 21), ('rich_text_with_footnotes', 22)]], {}), 24: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'features': ['bold', 'italic', 'link', 'document-link'], 'required': False}), 25: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 9), ('text_introduction', 6), ('options', 18), ('data', 23), ('caption', 24)]], {}), 26: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {}), 27: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'required': False}), 28: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('body', 26), ('citation', 27)]], {}), 29: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'required': False}), 30: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Add an ARIA label if the link text does not describe the destination of the link (e.g. has ambiguous text like "Learn more" that is not descriptive on its own).', 'required': False}), 31: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'default': '/', 'required': False}), 32: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'required': False}), 33: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 6), ('aria_label', 30), ('url', 31), ('is_link_boldface', 32)]], {}), 34: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('slug_text', 6), ('paragraph_text', 29), ('button', 33)]], {}), 35: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (33,), {}), 36: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 6), ('paragraph', 29), ('links', 35)]], {}), 37: ('v1.blocks.ReusableTextChooserBlock', ('v1.ReusableText',), {}), 38: ('v1.blocks.ReusableNotificationChooserBlock', ('v1.ReusableNotification',), {}), 39: ('v1.blocks.EmailSignUpChooserBlock', (), {}), 40: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'label': 'Well', 'required': False}), 41: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content', 40)]], {}), 42: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('content', 0), ('content_with_anchor', 4), ('content_with_footnotes', 5), ('heading', 9), ('image', 17), ('table', 25), ('quote', 28), ('cta', 34), ('related_links', 36), ('reusable_text', 37), ('reusable_notification', 38), ('email_signup', 39), ('well', 41)]], {}), 43: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('50-50', '50/50'), ('33-33-33', '33/33/33'), ('25-75', '25/75')], 'help_text': 'Choose the number and width of info unit columns.', 'label': 'Format'}), 44: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': "Check this to link all images and headings to the URL of the first link in their unit's list, if there is a link.", 'required': False}), 45: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add a horizontal rule line to top of info unit group.', 'required': False}), 46: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to show horizontal rule lines between info units.', 'label': 'Show rule lines between items', 'required': False}), 47: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('none', 'None'), ('rounded', 'Rounded corners'), ('circle', 'Circle')], 'help_text': 'Adds a <em>border-radius</em> class to images in this group, allowing for a rounded or circular border.', 'label': 'Border radius for images?', 'required': False}), 48: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 6), ('level', 7), ('icon', 8)]], {'default': {'level': 'h3'}, 'required': False}), 49: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'blank': True, 'required': False}), 50: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (33,), {'required': False}), 51: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('image', 12), ('heading', 48), ('body', 49), ('links', 50)]], {}), 52: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (51,), {'default': []}), 53: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('format', 43), ('heading', 9), ('intro', 29), ('link_image_and_heading', 44), ('has_top_rule_line', 45), ('lines_between_items', 46), ('border_radius_image', 47), ('info_units', 52)]], {}), 54: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Optional: Adds an H5 eyebrow above H1 heading text. Only use in conjunction with heading.', 'label': 'Pre-heading', 'required': False}), 55: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'icon': 'edit', 'required': False}), 56: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Accessible description of the chart content', 'required': False}), 57: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Description of the data source', 'required': False}), 58: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'When the underlying data was published', 'required': False}), 59: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Custom text for the chart download field. Required to display a download link.', 'required': False}), 60: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Location of a file to download', 'required': False}), 61: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Note about the chart', 'required': False}), 62: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('line', 'Line Chart'), ('bar', 'Vertical Bar Chart'), ('bar_horizontal', 'Horizontal Bar Chart')], 'label': 'Chart Type'}), 63: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'default': '{"data":[], "options":{}}'}), 64: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'group': 'General', 'label': 'Show legend', 'required': False}), 65: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'group': 'General', 'label': 'Use HTML legend', 'required': False}), 66: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('top', 'Top'), ('bottom', 'Bottom'), ('left', 'Left'), ('right', 'Right')], 'group': 'General', 'label': 'Legend position'}), 67: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'group': 'General', 'label': 'Reverse legend', 'required': False}), 68: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'group': 'General', 'label': 'Show values on chart', 'required': False}), 69: ('wagtail.blocks.IntegerBlock', (), {'default': 1, 'group': 'General', 'label': 'Precision in labels/tooltips'}), 70: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'group': 'General', 'label': 'Show Chart Grid', 'required': False}), 71: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'group': 'General', 'label': 'X axis label', 'required': False}), 72: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('none', 'No stacking'), ('stacked', 'Stacked'), ('stacked_100', 'Stacked 100%')], 'group': 'General', 'label': 'Stacking'}), 73: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'group': 'General', 'label': 'Unit override', 'required': False}), 74: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'group': 'Left_Axis', 'label': 'Left Y axis minimum value', 'required': False}), 75: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'group': 'Left_Axis', 'label': 'Left Y axis maximum value', 'required': False}), 76: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'group': 'Left_Axis', 'label': 'Left Y axis step size', 'required': False}), 77: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'group': 'Left_Axis', 'label': 'Left Y axis label', 'required': False}), 78: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('number', 'Numerical'), ('percentage', 'Percentage')], 'group': 'Left_Axis', 'label': 'Left Y axis data type', 'required': False}), 79: ('wagtail.blocks.IntegerBlock', (), {'default': 0, 'group': 'Left_Axis', 'label': 'Left Y axis tick precision'}), 80: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'group': 'Left_Axis', 'label': 'Show left axis numbers', 'required': False}), 81: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'group': 'Right_Axis', 'label': 'Right Y axis minimum value', 'required': False}), 82: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'group': 'Right_Axis', 'label': 'Right Y axis maximum value', 'required': False}), 83: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'group': 'Right_Axis', 'label': 'Right Y axis step size', 'required': False}), 84: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'group': 'Right_Axis', 'label': 'Right Y axis label', 'required': False}), 85: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('number', 'Numerical'), ('percentage', 'Percentage')], 'group': 'Right_Axis', 'label': 'Right Y axis data type', 'required': False}), 86: ('wagtail.blocks.IntegerBlock', (), {'default': 0, 'group': 'Right_Axis', 'label': 'Right Y axis tick precision'}), 87: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'group': 'Right_Axis', 'label': 'Show right axis numbers', 'required': False}), 88: ('wagtail.blocks.IntegerBlock', (), {'default': 2, 'group': 'Pie_Chart', 'label': 'Width of pie slice border'}), 89: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'default': '#fff', 'group': 'Pie_Chart', 'label': 'Color of pie slice border'}), 90: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('show_legend', 64), ('html_legend', 65), ('legend_position', 66), ('reverse_legend', 67), ('show_values_on_chart', 68), ('precision', 69), ('show_grid', 70), ('x_label', 71), ('stacking', 72), ('unit_override', 73), ('y_left_min', 74), ('y_left_max', 75), ('y_left_step_size', 76), ('y_left_label', 77), ('y_left_data_type', 78), ('y_left_precision', 79), ('y_left_show', 80), ('y_right_min', 81), ('y_right_max', 82), ('y_right_step_size', 83), ('y_right_label', 84), ('y_right_data_type', 85), ('y_right_precision', 86), ('y_right_show', 87), ('pie_border_width', 88), ('pie_border_color', 89)]], {}), 91: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('eyebrow', 54), ('title', 9), ('intro', 55), ('description', 56), ('data_source', 57), ('date_published', 58), ('download_text', 59), ('download_file', 60), ('notes', 61), ('chart_type', 62), ('datasets', 63), ('settings', 90)]], {'colors': (('#20aa3f', 'CFPB Green'), ('#254b87', 'Navy'), ('#7eb7e8', 'Pacific 60'), ('#ffb858', 'Gold 80'), ('#c55998', 'Purple 80'), ('#addc91', 'Green 60'), ('#1fa040', 'Mid Dark Green'), ('#257675', 'Teal'), ('#89b6b5', 'Teal 60'), ('#d14124', 'Red'), ('#e79e8e', 'Red 60'), ('#0072ce', 'Pacific'), ('#254b87', 'Navy'), ('#dc731c', 'Dark Gold'), ('#745745', 'Dark Neutral'), ('#baa496', 'Neutral 60'), ('#dc9cbf', 'Purple 50'), ('#a01b68', 'Dark Purple'), ('#d2d3d5', 'Gray 20'))}), 92: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Added as an <code>&lt;h3&gt;</code> at the top of this block. Also adds a wrapping <code>&lt;div&gt;</code> whose <code>id</code> attribute comes from a slugified version of this heading, creating an anchor that can be used when linking to this part of the page.', 'required': False}), 93: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'required': False}), 94: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add a horizontal rule line to top of expandable group.', 'required': False}), 95: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add FAQ schema markup to expandables.', 'label': 'Uses FAQ schema', 'required': False}), 96: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('paragraph', 29), ('well', 41), ('links', 33), ('info_unit_group', 53)]], {'blank': True}), 97: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('label', 6), ('icon', 6), ('is_bordered', 93), ('is_midtone', 93), ('is_expanded', 93), ('is_expanded_padding', 93), ('content', 96)]], {}), 98: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (97,), {}), 99: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 92), ('body', 29), ('is_accordion', 93), ('has_top_rule_line', 94), ('is_faq', 95), ('expandables', 98)]], {}), 100: ('wagtail.blocks.RegexBlock', (), {'error_messages': {'invalid': 'The YouTube video ID is in the wrong format.'}, 'help_text': 'Enter the YouTube video ID, which is located at the end of the video URL, after "v=". For example, the video ID for is 1V0Ax9OIc84.', 'label': 'YouTube video ID', 'regex': '^[\\w-]{11}$', 'required': False}), 101: ('wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Optional thumbnail image to show before and after the video plays. If the thumbnail image is not set here, the video player will default to showing the thumbnail that was set in (or automatically chosen by) YouTube.', 'required': False}), 102: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('video_id', 100), ('thumbnail_image', 101)]], {}), 103: ('wagtail.blocks.RawHTMLBlock', (), {'label': 'Raw HTML block'}), 104: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'required': True}), 105: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Accessible description of the chart content', 'required': True}), 106: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('bar', 'Bar'), ('datetime', 'Date/time'), ('line', 'Line'), ('tilemap', 'Tile grid map')]}), 107: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': "URL of the chart's data source or an array of JSON data", 'required': True, 'rows': 2}), 108: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'For charts pulling from a separate source file, include a list of the column headers (from a CSV file) or keys (from a JSON file) to include in the chart as  ["HEADER/KEY1", "HEADER/KEY2"]. To change how the data is labeled in the chart, include the correct labels with the format [{"key": "HEADER/KEY1", "label": "NEWLABEL"}, {"key": "HEADER/KEY2", "label": "NEWLABEL2"}]', 'required': False}), 109: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'Uncheck this option to initially only show the first data  series in the chart. Leave checked to show all data  series by default. Users can always turn data series on  or off by interacting with the chart legend. ', 'required': False}), 110: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'The column header (CSV), key or data array (JSON) to include as the source of x-axis values.', 'required': False}), 111: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': "Name the javascript function in chart-hooks.js to run on the provided data before handing it to the chart. Can also provide '___'-separated arguments to this function which are passed in as arguments 2 to n", 'required': False}), 112: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'If the chart needs the option for users to filter the data shown, for example by date or geographic region, provide the JSON objects to filter on, in the format  {key: "KEY", "label": "LABEL"}', 'required': False}), 113: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'A JSON object with style overrides for the underlying Highcharts chart. No object merging is done, nested objects should be referenced with dot notation: {"tooltip.shape": "circle"}', 'required': False}), 114: ('wagtail.blocks.IntegerBlock', (), {'blank': True, 'help_text': 'A number to determine how many months of the data are projected values', 'max_value': 12, 'min_value': 0, 'null': True, 'required': False}), 115: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Attribution for the data source', 'required': False}), 116: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Location of a file to download, if different from the data source', 'required': False}), 117: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'General chart information', 'required': False}), 118: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('title', 104), ('subtitle', 27), ('description', 105), ('figure_number', 6), ('chart_type', 106), ('data_source', 107), ('data_series', 108), ('show_all_series_by_default', 109), ('x_axis_source', 110), ('transform', 111), ('x_axis_label', 6), ('y_axis_label', 6), ('filters', 112), ('style_overrides', 113), ('projected_months', 114), ('source_credits', 115), ('date_published', 58), ('download_text', 59), ('download_file', 116), ('notes', 117)]], {'group': 'Not commonly used'}), 119: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('bar', 'Bar | % y-axis values'), ('line', 'Line | millions/billions y-axis values'), ('line-index', 'Line-Index | integer y-axis values'), ('tile_map', 'Tile Map | grid-like USA map')]}), 120: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('blue', 'Blue'), ('gold', 'Gold'), ('green', 'Green'), ('navy', 'Navy'), ('neutral', 'Neutral'), ('purple', 'Purple'), ('teal', 'Teal')], 'help_text': 'Chart\'s color scheme. See "".', 'required': False}), 121: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Location of the chart\'s data source relative to "". For example,"consumer-credit-trends/auto-loans/num_data_AUT.csv".', 'required': True}), 122: ('wagtail.blocks.DateBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Automatically generated when CCT cron job runs'}), 123: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Briefly summarize the chart for visually impaired users.', 'required': True}), 124: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add a horizontal rule line to top of chart block.', 'required': False}), 125: ('wagtail.blocks.DateBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Month of latest entry in dataset'}), 126: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Optional metadata for the chart to use. For example, with CCT this would be the chart\'s "group".', 'required': False}), 127: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Text to display as a footnote. For example, "Data from the last six months are not final."', 'required': False}), 128: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Custom y-axis label. NOTE: Line-Index chart y-axis is not overridable with this field!', 'required': False}), 129: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('title', 104), ('chart_type', 119), ('color_scheme', 120), ('data_source', 121), ('date_published', 122), ('description', 123), ('has_top_rule_line', 124), ('last_updated_projected_data', 125), ('metadata', 126), ('note', 127), ('y_axis_label', 128)]], {'group': 'Not commonly used'}), 130: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'form_classname': 'title', 'required': True}), 131: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Chart summary for visually impaired users.', 'required': False}), 132: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Text for "Note" section of footnotes.', 'required': False}), 133: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content_block', 1), ('title', 130), ('description', 131), ('note', 132), ('has_top_rule_line', 124)]], {'group': 'Not commonly used'}), 134: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this box to allow the archival section to display. No section will appear if there are no archival downloads.', 'required': False}), 135: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('show_archives', 134)]], {'group': 'Not commonly used'}), 136: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Market identifier, e.g. AUT', 'max_length': 20, 'required': True}), 137: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Number of originations, e.g. 1.2 million', 'max_length': 20}), 138: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Total dollar value of originations, e.g. $3.4 billion', 'max_length': 20}), 139: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Percentage change, e.g. 5.6% increase', 'max_length': 20}), 140: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Descriptive sentence, e.g. Auto loans originated', 'max_length': 100}), 141: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Descriptive sentence, e.g. Dollar volume of new loans', 'max_length': 100}), 142: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Descriptive sentence, e.g. In year-over-year originations', 'max_length': 100}), 143: ('wagtail.blocks.DateBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Month of latest entry in dataset for inquiry data', 'max_length': 20, 'required': False}), 144: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Percentage change, e.g. 5.6% increase', 'max_length': 20, 'required': False}), 145: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Descriptive sentence, e.g. In year-over-year inquiries', 'max_length': 100, 'required': False}), 146: ('wagtail.blocks.DateBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Month of latest entry in dataset for credit tightness data', 'max_length': 20, 'required': False}), 147: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Descriptive sentence, e.g. In year-over-year credit tightness', 'max_length': 100, 'required': False}), 148: ('wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock', (), {'icon': 'image', 'required': False}), 149: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('market_key', 136), ('num_originations', 137), ('value_originations', 138), ('year_over_year_change', 139), ('last_updated_projected_data', 125), ('num_originations_text', 140), ('value_originations_text', 141), ('year_over_year_change_text', 142), ('inquiry_month', 143), ('inquiry_year_over_year_change', 144), ('inquiry_year_over_year_change_text', 145), ('tightness_month', 146), ('tightness_year_over_year_change', 144), ('tightness_year_over_year_change_text', 147), ('image', 148)]], {'group': 'Not commonly used'}), 150: ('jobmanager.blocks.JobListingTable', (), {'group': 'Not commonly used'}), 151: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add a horizontal rule line to top of FAQ group.', 'required': False}), 152: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to show horizontal rule lines between FAQ items.', 'label': 'Show rule lines between items', 'required': False}), 153: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('h2', 'h2'), ('h3', 'h3'), ('h4', 'h4'), ('p', 'p')], 'help_text': 'HTML tag for questions.'}), 154: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'blank': True, 'help_text': "Add an optional anchor link tag for this question. Tag should be unique and use dashes or underscores for separation instead of spaces (ie, 'question-one-tag')", 'max_length': 500, 'required': False}), 155: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'max_length': 500}), 156: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('full_width_text', 42), ('info_unit_group', 53)]], {}), 157: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('anchor_tag', 154), ('question', 155), ('answer', 156)]], {}), 158: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (157,), {'label': 'FAQ items'}), 159: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('has_top_rule_line', 151), ('lines_between_items', 152), ('question_tag', 153), ('faq_items', 158)]], {})}),
+        ),
+        migrations.AlterField(
+            model_name='documentdetailpage',
+            name='content',
+            field=wagtail.fields.StreamField([('full_width_text', 42), ('expandable', 56), ('expandable_group', 61), ('notification', 66), ('simple_chart', 83), ('table', 25), ('crc_table', 85), ('case_docket_table', 87), ('wagtailchart_block', 123)], blank=True, block_lookup={0: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'icon': 'edit'}), 1: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {}), 2: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': '\n            ID will be auto-generated on save.\n            However, you may enter some human-friendly text that\n            will be incorporated to make it easier to read.\n        ', 'label': 'ID for this content block', 'required': False}), 3: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('link_id', 2)]], {}), 4: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content_block', 1), ('anchor_link', 3)]], {}), 5: ('wagtail_footnotes.blocks.RichTextBlockWithFootnotes', (), {'features': ['anchor-identifier', 'h2', 'h3', 'h4', 'h5', 'hr', 'ol', 'ul', 'bold', 'italic', 'superscript', 'blockquote', 'link', 'document-link', 'image', 'icon', 'footnotes']}), 6: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'required': False}), 7: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('h2', 'H2'), ('h3', 'H3'), ('h4', 'H4'), ('h5', 'H5')]}), 8: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Input the name of an icon to appear to the left of the heading. E.g., approved, help-round, etc. <a href="">See full list of icons</a>', 'required': False}), 9: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 6), ('level', 7), ('icon', 8)]], {'required': False}), 10: ('wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock', (), {'required': False}), 11: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': "No character limit, but be as succinct as possible. If the image is decorative (i.e., a screenreader wouldn't have anything useful to say about it), leave this field blank.", 'required': False}), 12: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('upload', 10), ('alt', 11)]], {}), 13: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('full', 'Full width'), (470, '470px'), (270, '270px'), (170, '170px')]}), 14: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('right', 'right'), ('left', 'left')], 'help_text': 'Does not apply if the image is full-width'}), 15: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'label': 'Caption', 'required': False}), 16: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'Check to add a horizontal rule line to bottom of inset.', 'label': 'Has bottom rule line', 'required': False}), 17: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('image', 12), ('image_width', 13), ('image_position', 14), ('text', 15), ('is_bottom_rule', 16)]], {}), 18: ('wagtail.blocks.MultipleChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('is_full_width', 'Display the table at full width'), ('stack_on_mobile', 'Stack the table columns on mobile')], 'required': False}), 19: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {}), 20: ('wagtail.blocks.FloatBlock', (), {}), 21: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'features': ['bold', 'italic', 'ol', 'ul', 'link', 'document-link', 'superscript']}), 22: ('wagtail_footnotes.blocks.RichTextBlockWithFootnotes', (), {'features': ['bold', 'italic', 'ol', 'ul', 'link', 'document-link', 'superscript', 'footnotes']}), 23: ('wagtail.contrib.typed_table_block.blocks.TypedTableBlock', [[('text', 19), ('numeric', 20), ('rich_text', 21), ('rich_text_with_footnotes', 22)]], {}), 24: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'features': ['bold', 'italic', 'link', 'document-link'], 'required': False}), 25: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 9), ('text_introduction', 6), ('options', 18), ('data', 23), ('caption', 24)]], {}), 26: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {}), 27: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'required': False}), 28: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('body', 26), ('citation', 27)]], {}), 29: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'required': False}), 30: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Add an ARIA label if the link text does not describe the destination of the link (e.g. has ambiguous text like "Learn more" that is not descriptive on its own).', 'required': False}), 31: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'default': '/', 'required': False}), 32: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'required': False}), 33: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 6), ('aria_label', 30), ('url', 31), ('is_link_boldface', 32)]], {}), 34: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('slug_text', 6), ('paragraph_text', 29), ('button', 33)]], {}), 35: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (33,), {}), 36: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 6), ('paragraph', 29), ('links', 35)]], {}), 37: ('v1.blocks.ReusableTextChooserBlock', ('v1.ReusableText',), {}), 38: ('v1.blocks.ReusableNotificationChooserBlock', ('v1.ReusableNotification',), {}), 39: ('v1.blocks.EmailSignUpChooserBlock', (), {}), 40: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'label': 'Well', 'required': False}), 41: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content', 40)]], {}), 42: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('content', 0), ('content_with_anchor', 4), ('content_with_footnotes', 5), ('heading', 9), ('image', 17), ('table', 25), ('quote', 28), ('cta', 34), ('related_links', 36), ('reusable_text', 37), ('reusable_notification', 38), ('email_signup', 39), ('well', 41)]], {}), 43: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'required': False}), 44: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('50-50', '50/50'), ('33-33-33', '33/33/33'), ('25-75', '25/75')], 'help_text': 'Choose the number and width of info unit columns.', 'label': 'Format'}), 45: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': "Check this to link all images and headings to the URL of the first link in their unit's list, if there is a link.", 'required': False}), 46: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add a horizontal rule line to top of info unit group.', 'required': False}), 47: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to show horizontal rule lines between info units.', 'label': 'Show rule lines between items', 'required': False}), 48: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('none', 'None'), ('rounded', 'Rounded corners'), ('circle', 'Circle')], 'help_text': 'Adds a <em>border-radius</em> class to images in this group, allowing for a rounded or circular border.', 'label': 'Border radius for images?', 'required': False}), 49: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 6), ('level', 7), ('icon', 8)]], {'default': {'level': 'h3'}, 'required': False}), 50: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'blank': True, 'required': False}), 51: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (33,), {'required': False}), 52: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('image', 12), ('heading', 49), ('body', 50), ('links', 51)]], {}), 53: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (52,), {'default': []}), 54: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('format', 44), ('heading', 9), ('intro', 29), ('link_image_and_heading', 45), ('has_top_rule_line', 46), ('lines_between_items', 47), ('border_radius_image', 48), ('info_units', 53)]], {}), 55: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('paragraph', 29), ('well', 41), ('links', 33), ('info_unit_group', 54)]], {'blank': True}), 56: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('label', 6), ('icon', 6), ('is_bordered', 43), ('is_midtone', 43), ('is_expanded', 43), ('is_expanded_padding', 43), ('content', 55)]], {}), 57: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Added as an <code>&lt;h3&gt;</code> at the top of this block. Also adds a wrapping <code>&lt;div&gt;</code> whose <code>id</code> attribute comes from a slugified version of this heading, creating an anchor that can be used when linking to this part of the page.', 'required': False}), 58: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add a horizontal rule line to top of expandable group.', 'required': False}), 59: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add FAQ schema markup to expandables.', 'label': 'Uses FAQ schema', 'required': False}), 60: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (56,), {}), 61: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 57), ('body', 29), ('is_accordion', 43), ('has_top_rule_line', 58), ('is_faq', 59), ('expandables', 60)]], {}), 62: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('information', 'Information'), ('warning', 'Warning')]}), 63: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'The main notification message to display.', 'required': True}), 64: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Explanation text appears below the message in smaller type.', 'required': False}), 65: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (33,), {'help_text': 'Links appear on their own lines below the explanation.', 'required': False}), 66: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('type', 62), ('message', 63), ('explanation', 64), ('links', 65)]], {}), 67: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'required': True}), 68: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Accessible description of the chart content', 'required': True}), 69: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('bar', 'Bar'), ('datetime', 'Date/time'), ('line', 'Line'), ('tilemap', 'Tile grid map')]}), 70: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': "URL of the chart's data source or an array of JSON data", 'required': True, 'rows': 2}), 71: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'For charts pulling from a separate source file, include a list of the column headers (from a CSV file) or keys (from a JSON file) to include in the chart as  ["HEADER/KEY1", "HEADER/KEY2"]. To change how the data is labeled in the chart, include the correct labels with the format [{"key": "HEADER/KEY1", "label": "NEWLABEL"}, {"key": "HEADER/KEY2", "label": "NEWLABEL2"}]', 'required': False}), 72: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'Uncheck this option to initially only show the first data  series in the chart. Leave checked to show all data  series by default. Users can always turn data series on  or off by interacting with the chart legend. ', 'required': False}), 73: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'The column header (CSV), key or data array (JSON) to include as the source of x-axis values.', 'required': False}), 74: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': "Name the javascript function in chart-hooks.js to run on the provided data before handing it to the chart. Can also provide '___'-separated arguments to this function which are passed in as arguments 2 to n", 'required': False}), 75: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'If the chart needs the option for users to filter the data shown, for example by date or geographic region, provide the JSON objects to filter on, in the format  {key: "KEY", "label": "LABEL"}', 'required': False}), 76: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'A JSON object with style overrides for the underlying Highcharts chart. No object merging is done, nested objects should be referenced with dot notation: {"tooltip.shape": "circle"}', 'required': False}), 77: ('wagtail.blocks.IntegerBlock', (), {'blank': True, 'help_text': 'A number to determine how many months of the data are projected values', 'max_value': 12, 'min_value': 0, 'null': True, 'required': False}), 78: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Attribution for the data source', 'required': False}), 79: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'When the underlying data was published', 'required': False}), 80: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Custom text for the chart download field. Required to display a download link.', 'required': False}), 81: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Location of a file to download, if different from the data source', 'required': False}), 82: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'General chart information', 'required': False}), 83: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('title', 67), ('subtitle', 27), ('description', 68), ('figure_number', 6), ('chart_type', 69), ('data_source', 70), ('data_series', 71), ('show_all_series_by_default', 72), ('x_axis_source', 73), ('transform', 74), ('x_axis_label', 6), ('y_axis_label', 6), ('filters', 75), ('style_overrides', 76), ('projected_months', 77), ('source_credits', 78), ('date_published', 79), ('download_text', 80), ('download_file', 81), ('notes', 82)]], {}), 84: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'features': ['bold', 'italic', 'link']}), 85: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('website', 84), ('phone', 84), ('mailing_address', 84)]], {}), 86: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (v1.atomic_elements.tables.CaseDocketEvent,), {'collapsed': True, 'min_num': 1}), 87: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('events', 86)]], {}), 88: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Optional: Adds an H5 eyebrow above H1 heading text. Only use in conjunction with heading.', 'label': 'Pre-heading', 'required': False}), 89: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'icon': 'edit', 'required': False}), 90: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Accessible description of the chart content', 'required': False}), 91: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Description of the data source', 'required': False}), 92: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Location of a file to download', 'required': False}), 93: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Note about the chart', 'required': False}), 94: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('line', 'Line Chart'), ('bar', 'Vertical Bar Chart'), ('bar_horizontal', 'Horizontal Bar Chart')], 'label': 'Chart Type'}), 95: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'default': '{"data":[], "options":{}}'}), 96: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'group': 'General', 'label': 'Show legend', 'required': False}), 97: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'group': 'General', 'label': 'Use HTML legend', 'required': False}), 98: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('top', 'Top'), ('bottom', 'Bottom'), ('left', 'Left'), ('right', 'Right')], 'group': 'General', 'label': 'Legend position'}), 99: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'group': 'General', 'label': 'Reverse legend', 'required': False}), 100: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'group': 'General', 'label': 'Show values on chart', 'required': False}), 101: ('wagtail.blocks.IntegerBlock', (), {'default': 1, 'group': 'General', 'label': 'Precision in labels/tooltips'}), 102: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'group': 'General', 'label': 'Show Chart Grid', 'required': False}), 103: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'group': 'General', 'label': 'X axis label', 'required': False}), 104: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('none', 'No stacking'), ('stacked', 'Stacked'), ('stacked_100', 'Stacked 100%')], 'group': 'General', 'label': 'Stacking'}), 105: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'group': 'General', 'label': 'Unit override', 'required': False}), 106: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'group': 'Left_Axis', 'label': 'Left Y axis minimum value', 'required': False}), 107: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'group': 'Left_Axis', 'label': 'Left Y axis maximum value', 'required': False}), 108: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'group': 'Left_Axis', 'label': 'Left Y axis step size', 'required': False}), 109: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'group': 'Left_Axis', 'label': 'Left Y axis label', 'required': False}), 110: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('number', 'Numerical'), ('percentage', 'Percentage')], 'group': 'Left_Axis', 'label': 'Left Y axis data type', 'required': False}), 111: ('wagtail.blocks.IntegerBlock', (), {'default': 0, 'group': 'Left_Axis', 'label': 'Left Y axis tick precision'}), 112: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'group': 'Left_Axis', 'label': 'Show left axis numbers', 'required': False}), 113: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'group': 'Right_Axis', 'label': 'Right Y axis minimum value', 'required': False}), 114: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'group': 'Right_Axis', 'label': 'Right Y axis maximum value', 'required': False}), 115: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'group': 'Right_Axis', 'label': 'Right Y axis step size', 'required': False}), 116: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'group': 'Right_Axis', 'label': 'Right Y axis label', 'required': False}), 117: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('number', 'Numerical'), ('percentage', 'Percentage')], 'group': 'Right_Axis', 'label': 'Right Y axis data type', 'required': False}), 118: ('wagtail.blocks.IntegerBlock', (), {'default': 0, 'group': 'Right_Axis', 'label': 'Right Y axis tick precision'}), 119: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'group': 'Right_Axis', 'label': 'Show right axis numbers', 'required': False}), 120: ('wagtail.blocks.IntegerBlock', (), {'default': 2, 'group': 'Pie_Chart', 'label': 'Width of pie slice border'}), 121: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'default': '#fff', 'group': 'Pie_Chart', 'label': 'Color of pie slice border'}), 122: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('show_legend', 96), ('html_legend', 97), ('legend_position', 98), ('reverse_legend', 99), ('show_values_on_chart', 100), ('precision', 101), ('show_grid', 102), ('x_label', 103), ('stacking', 104), ('unit_override', 105), ('y_left_min', 106), ('y_left_max', 107), ('y_left_step_size', 108), ('y_left_label', 109), ('y_left_data_type', 110), ('y_left_precision', 111), ('y_left_show', 112), ('y_right_min', 113), ('y_right_max', 114), ('y_right_step_size', 115), ('y_right_label', 116), ('y_right_data_type', 117), ('y_right_precision', 118), ('y_right_show', 119), ('pie_border_width', 120), ('pie_border_color', 121)]], {}), 123: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('eyebrow', 88), ('title', 9), ('intro', 89), ('description', 90), ('data_source', 91), ('date_published', 79), ('download_text', 80), ('download_file', 92), ('notes', 93), ('chart_type', 94), ('datasets', 95), ('settings', 122)]], {'colors': (('#20aa3f', 'CFPB Green'), ('#254b87', 'Navy'), ('#7eb7e8', 'Pacific 60'), ('#ffb858', 'Gold 80'), ('#c55998', 'Purple 80'), ('#addc91', 'Green 60'), ('#1fa040', 'Mid Dark Green'), ('#257675', 'Teal'), ('#89b6b5', 'Teal 60'), ('#d14124', 'Red'), ('#e79e8e', 'Red 60'), ('#0072ce', 'Pacific'), ('#254b87', 'Navy'), ('#dc731c', 'Dark Gold'), ('#745745', 'Dark Neutral'), ('#baa496', 'Neutral 60'), ('#dc9cbf', 'Purple 50'), ('#a01b68', 'Dark Purple'), ('#d2d3d5', 'Gray 20'))})}),
+        ),
+        migrations.AlterField(
+            model_name='legacyblogpage',
+            name='content',
+            field=wagtail.fields.StreamField([('full_width_text', 42), ('info_unit_group', 53), ('expandable', 56), ('expandable_group', 61), ('well', 41), ('video_player', 64), ('email_signup', 39), ('simple_chart', 81), ('faq_schema', 90), ('how_to_schema', 100), ('wagtailchart_block', 136), ('content', 137), ('reusable_text', 37)], block_lookup={0: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'icon': 'edit'}), 1: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {}), 2: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': '\n            ID will be auto-generated on save.\n            However, you may enter some human-friendly text that\n            will be incorporated to make it easier to read.\n        ', 'label': 'ID for this content block', 'required': False}), 3: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('link_id', 2)]], {}), 4: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content_block', 1), ('anchor_link', 3)]], {}), 5: ('wagtail_footnotes.blocks.RichTextBlockWithFootnotes', (), {'features': ['anchor-identifier', 'h2', 'h3', 'h4', 'h5', 'hr', 'ol', 'ul', 'bold', 'italic', 'superscript', 'blockquote', 'link', 'document-link', 'image', 'icon', 'footnotes']}), 6: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'required': False}), 7: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('h2', 'H2'), ('h3', 'H3'), ('h4', 'H4'), ('h5', 'H5')]}), 8: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Input the name of an icon to appear to the left of the heading. E.g., approved, help-round, etc. <a href="">See full list of icons</a>', 'required': False}), 9: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 6), ('level', 7), ('icon', 8)]], {'required': False}), 10: ('wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock', (), {'required': False}), 11: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': "No character limit, but be as succinct as possible. If the image is decorative (i.e., a screenreader wouldn't have anything useful to say about it), leave this field blank.", 'required': False}), 12: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('upload', 10), ('alt', 11)]], {}), 13: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('full', 'Full width'), (470, '470px'), (270, '270px'), (170, '170px')]}), 14: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('right', 'right'), ('left', 'left')], 'help_text': 'Does not apply if the image is full-width'}), 15: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'label': 'Caption', 'required': False}), 16: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'Check to add a horizontal rule line to bottom of inset.', 'label': 'Has bottom rule line', 'required': False}), 17: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('image', 12), ('image_width', 13), ('image_position', 14), ('text', 15), ('is_bottom_rule', 16)]], {}), 18: ('wagtail.blocks.MultipleChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('is_full_width', 'Display the table at full width'), ('stack_on_mobile', 'Stack the table columns on mobile')], 'required': False}), 19: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {}), 20: ('wagtail.blocks.FloatBlock', (), {}), 21: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'features': ['bold', 'italic', 'ol', 'ul', 'link', 'document-link', 'superscript']}), 22: ('wagtail_footnotes.blocks.RichTextBlockWithFootnotes', (), {'features': ['bold', 'italic', 'ol', 'ul', 'link', 'document-link', 'superscript', 'footnotes']}), 23: ('wagtail.contrib.typed_table_block.blocks.TypedTableBlock', [[('text', 19), ('numeric', 20), ('rich_text', 21), ('rich_text_with_footnotes', 22)]], {}), 24: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'features': ['bold', 'italic', 'link', 'document-link'], 'required': False}), 25: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 9), ('text_introduction', 6), ('options', 18), ('data', 23), ('caption', 24)]], {}), 26: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {}), 27: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'required': False}), 28: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('body', 26), ('citation', 27)]], {}), 29: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'required': False}), 30: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Add an ARIA label if the link text does not describe the destination of the link (e.g. has ambiguous text like "Learn more" that is not descriptive on its own).', 'required': False}), 31: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'default': '/', 'required': False}), 32: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'required': False}), 33: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 6), ('aria_label', 30), ('url', 31), ('is_link_boldface', 32)]], {}), 34: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('slug_text', 6), ('paragraph_text', 29), ('button', 33)]], {}), 35: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (33,), {}), 36: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 6), ('paragraph', 29), ('links', 35)]], {}), 37: ('v1.blocks.ReusableTextChooserBlock', ('v1.ReusableText',), {}), 38: ('v1.blocks.ReusableNotificationChooserBlock', ('v1.ReusableNotification',), {}), 39: ('v1.blocks.EmailSignUpChooserBlock', (), {}), 40: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'label': 'Well', 'required': False}), 41: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content', 40)]], {}), 42: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('content', 0), ('content_with_anchor', 4), ('content_with_footnotes', 5), ('heading', 9), ('image', 17), ('table', 25), ('quote', 28), ('cta', 34), ('related_links', 36), ('reusable_text', 37), ('reusable_notification', 38), ('email_signup', 39), ('well', 41)]], {}), 43: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('50-50', '50/50'), ('33-33-33', '33/33/33'), ('25-75', '25/75')], 'help_text': 'Choose the number and width of info unit columns.', 'label': 'Format'}), 44: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': "Check this to link all images and headings to the URL of the first link in their unit's list, if there is a link.", 'required': False}), 45: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add a horizontal rule line to top of info unit group.', 'required': False}), 46: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to show horizontal rule lines between info units.', 'label': 'Show rule lines between items', 'required': False}), 47: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('none', 'None'), ('rounded', 'Rounded corners'), ('circle', 'Circle')], 'help_text': 'Adds a <em>border-radius</em> class to images in this group, allowing for a rounded or circular border.', 'label': 'Border radius for images?', 'required': False}), 48: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('text', 6), ('level', 7), ('icon', 8)]], {'default': {'level': 'h3'}, 'required': False}), 49: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'blank': True, 'required': False}), 50: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (33,), {'required': False}), 51: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('image', 12), ('heading', 48), ('body', 49), ('links', 50)]], {}), 52: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (51,), {'default': []}), 53: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('format', 43), ('heading', 9), ('intro', 29), ('link_image_and_heading', 44), ('has_top_rule_line', 45), ('lines_between_items', 46), ('border_radius_image', 47), ('info_units', 52)]], {}), 54: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'required': False}), 55: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('paragraph', 29), ('well', 41), ('links', 33), ('info_unit_group', 53)]], {'blank': True}), 56: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('label', 6), ('icon', 6), ('is_bordered', 54), ('is_midtone', 54), ('is_expanded', 54), ('is_expanded_padding', 54), ('content', 55)]], {}), 57: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Added as an <code>&lt;h3&gt;</code> at the top of this block. Also adds a wrapping <code>&lt;div&gt;</code> whose <code>id</code> attribute comes from a slugified version of this heading, creating an anchor that can be used when linking to this part of the page.', 'required': False}), 58: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add a horizontal rule line to top of expandable group.', 'required': False}), 59: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this to add FAQ schema markup to expandables.', 'label': 'Uses FAQ schema', 'required': False}), 60: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (56,), {}), 61: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('heading', 57), ('body', 29), ('is_accordion', 54), ('has_top_rule_line', 58), ('is_faq', 59), ('expandables', 60)]], {}), 62: ('wagtail.blocks.RegexBlock', (), {'error_messages': {'invalid': 'The YouTube video ID is in the wrong format.'}, 'help_text': 'Enter the YouTube video ID, which is located at the end of the video URL, after "v=". For example, the video ID for is 1V0Ax9OIc84.', 'label': 'YouTube video ID', 'regex': '^[\\w-]{11}$', 'required': False}), 63: ('wagtail.images.blocks.ImageChooserBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Optional thumbnail image to show before and after the video plays. If the thumbnail image is not set here, the video player will default to showing the thumbnail that was set in (or automatically chosen by) YouTube.', 'required': False}), 64: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('video_id', 62), ('thumbnail_image', 63)]], {}), 65: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'required': True}), 66: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Accessible description of the chart content', 'required': True}), 67: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('bar', 'Bar'), ('datetime', 'Date/time'), ('line', 'Line'), ('tilemap', 'Tile grid map')]}), 68: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': "URL of the chart's data source or an array of JSON data", 'required': True, 'rows': 2}), 69: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'For charts pulling from a separate source file, include a list of the column headers (from a CSV file) or keys (from a JSON file) to include in the chart as  ["HEADER/KEY1", "HEADER/KEY2"]. To change how the data is labeled in the chart, include the correct labels with the format [{"key": "HEADER/KEY1", "label": "NEWLABEL"}, {"key": "HEADER/KEY2", "label": "NEWLABEL2"}]', 'required': False}), 70: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'Uncheck this option to initially only show the first data  series in the chart. Leave checked to show all data  series by default. Users can always turn data series on  or off by interacting with the chart legend. ', 'required': False}), 71: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'The column header (CSV), key or data array (JSON) to include as the source of x-axis values.', 'required': False}), 72: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': "Name the javascript function in chart-hooks.js to run on the provided data before handing it to the chart. Can also provide '___'-separated arguments to this function which are passed in as arguments 2 to n", 'required': False}), 73: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'If the chart needs the option for users to filter the data shown, for example by date or geographic region, provide the JSON objects to filter on, in the format  {key: "KEY", "label": "LABEL"}', 'required': False}), 74: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'A JSON object with style overrides for the underlying Highcharts chart. No object merging is done, nested objects should be referenced with dot notation: {"tooltip.shape": "circle"}', 'required': False}), 75: ('wagtail.blocks.IntegerBlock', (), {'blank': True, 'help_text': 'A number to determine how many months of the data are projected values', 'max_value': 12, 'min_value': 0, 'null': True, 'required': False}), 76: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Attribution for the data source', 'required': False}), 77: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'When the underlying data was published', 'required': False}), 78: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Custom text for the chart download field. Required to display a download link.', 'required': False}), 79: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Location of a file to download, if different from the data source', 'required': False}), 80: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'General chart information', 'required': False}), 81: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('title', 65), ('subtitle', 27), ('description', 66), ('figure_number', 6), ('chart_type', 67), ('data_source', 68), ('data_series', 69), ('show_all_series_by_default', 70), ('x_axis_source', 71), ('transform', 72), ('x_axis_label', 6), ('y_axis_label', 6), ('filters', 73), ('style_overrides', 74), ('projected_months', 75), ('source_credits', 76), ('date_published', 77), ('download_text', 78), ('download_file', 79), ('notes', 80)]], {}), 82: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'blank': True, 'features': ['ol', 'ul', 'bold', 'italic', 'link', 'document-link'], 'required': False}), 83: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'blank': True, 'help_text': "Add an optional anchor link tag for this question. Tag should be unique and use dashes or underscores for separation instead of spaces (ie, 'question-one-tag')", 'max_length': 500, 'required': False}), 84: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'max_length': 500}), 85: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'features': ['bold', 'italic', 'h3', 'h4', 'link', 'ol', 'ul', 'document-link', 'image', 'embed'], 'label': 'Text'}), 86: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('content', 85)]], {}), 87: ('wagtail.blocks.StreamBlock', [[('text', 86), ('table', 25), ('video_player', 64)]], {}), 88: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('anchor_tag', 83), ('question', 84), ('answer_content', 87)]], {}), 89: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (88,), {}), 90: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('description', 82), ('questions', 89)]], {'label': 'FAQ schema'}), 91: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'label': 'Title of How To section', 'max_length': 500}), 92: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('h2', 'H2'), ('h3', 'H3'), ('h4', 'H4')], 'help_text': 'Choose a tag for the title of the How To section.', 'label': 'Tag for How To section title'}), 93: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'help_text': 'The How To schema requires a title to let search engines understand what it is about. If you do not want the title to be displayed in the page, uncheck this box and the title content will only be made available to crawlers and screen readers.', 'label': 'Show How To section title', 'required': False}), 94: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('h2', 'H2'), ('h3', 'H3'), ('h4', 'H4'), ('b', 'Bold'), ('p', 'Paragraph')], 'help_text': 'Choose a tag for the title of each HowTo step.', 'label': 'Tag for step titles'}), 95: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'help_text': 'Check this box to display numbers before step titles. ', 'label': 'Show numbers for steps', 'required': False}), 96: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'blank': True, 'help_text': "Add an optional anchor link tag to allow linking directly to this step. Tag should be unique and use dashes or underscores for separation instead of spaces (ie, 'step-one-tag').", 'max_length': 500, 'required': False}), 97: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Enter a title for this HowTo step. You do not need to include a number in the title -- numbers will be added automatically in the template if the show numbers checkbox is checked.', 'max_length': 500}), 98: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('anchor_tag', 96), ('title', 97), ('step_content', 87)]], {}), 99: ('wagtail.blocks.ListBlock', (98,), {}), 100: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('title', 91), ('title_tag', 92), ('show_title', 93), ('description', 82), ('step_title_tag', 94), ('has_numbers', 95), ('steps', 99)]], {'label': 'HowTo schema', 'max_num': 1}), 101: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Optional: Adds an H5 eyebrow above H1 heading text. Only use in conjunction with heading.', 'label': 'Pre-heading', 'required': False}), 102: ('wagtail.blocks.RichTextBlock', (), {'icon': 'edit', 'required': False}), 103: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Accessible description of the chart content', 'required': False}), 104: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Description of the data source', 'required': False}), 105: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Location of a file to download', 'required': False}), 106: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Note about the chart', 'required': False}), 107: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('line', 'Line Chart'), ('bar', 'Vertical Bar Chart'), ('bar_horizontal', 'Horizontal Bar Chart')], 'label': 'Chart Type'}), 108: ('wagtail.blocks.TextBlock', (), {'default': '{"data":[], "options":{}}'}), 109: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'group': 'General', 'label': 'Show legend', 'required': False}), 110: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'group': 'General', 'label': 'Use HTML legend', 'required': False}), 111: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('top', 'Top'), ('bottom', 'Bottom'), ('left', 'Left'), ('right', 'Right')], 'group': 'General', 'label': 'Legend position'}), 112: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'group': 'General', 'label': 'Reverse legend', 'required': False}), 113: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': False, 'group': 'General', 'label': 'Show values on chart', 'required': False}), 114: ('wagtail.blocks.IntegerBlock', (), {'default': 1, 'group': 'General', 'label': 'Precision in labels/tooltips'}), 115: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'group': 'General', 'label': 'Show Chart Grid', 'required': False}), 116: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'group': 'General', 'label': 'X axis label', 'required': False}), 117: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('none', 'No stacking'), ('stacked', 'Stacked'), ('stacked_100', 'Stacked 100%')], 'group': 'General', 'label': 'Stacking'}), 118: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'group': 'General', 'label': 'Unit override', 'required': False}), 119: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'group': 'Left_Axis', 'label': 'Left Y axis minimum value', 'required': False}), 120: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'group': 'Left_Axis', 'label': 'Left Y axis maximum value', 'required': False}), 121: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'group': 'Left_Axis', 'label': 'Left Y axis step size', 'required': False}), 122: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'group': 'Left_Axis', 'label': 'Left Y axis label', 'required': False}), 123: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('number', 'Numerical'), ('percentage', 'Percentage')], 'group': 'Left_Axis', 'label': 'Left Y axis data type', 'required': False}), 124: ('wagtail.blocks.IntegerBlock', (), {'default': 0, 'group': 'Left_Axis', 'label': 'Left Y axis tick precision'}), 125: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'group': 'Left_Axis', 'label': 'Show left axis numbers', 'required': False}), 126: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'group': 'Right_Axis', 'label': 'Right Y axis minimum value', 'required': False}), 127: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'group': 'Right_Axis', 'label': 'Right Y axis maximum value', 'required': False}), 128: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'group': 'Right_Axis', 'label': 'Right Y axis step size', 'required': False}), 129: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'group': 'Right_Axis', 'label': 'Right Y axis label', 'required': False}), 130: ('wagtail.blocks.ChoiceBlock', [], {'choices': [('number', 'Numerical'), ('percentage', 'Percentage')], 'group': 'Right_Axis', 'label': 'Right Y axis data type', 'required': False}), 131: ('wagtail.blocks.IntegerBlock', (), {'default': 0, 'group': 'Right_Axis', 'label': 'Right Y axis tick precision'}), 132: ('wagtail.blocks.BooleanBlock', (), {'default': True, 'group': 'Right_Axis', 'label': 'Show right axis numbers', 'required': False}), 133: ('wagtail.blocks.IntegerBlock', (), {'default': 2, 'group': 'Pie_Chart', 'label': 'Width of pie slice border'}), 134: ('wagtail.blocks.CharBlock', (), {'default': '#fff', 'group': 'Pie_Chart', 'label': 'Color of pie slice border'}), 135: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('show_legend', 109), ('html_legend', 110), ('legend_position', 111), ('reverse_legend', 112), ('show_values_on_chart', 113), ('precision', 114), ('show_grid', 115), ('x_label', 116), ('stacking', 117), ('unit_override', 118), ('y_left_min', 119), ('y_left_max', 120), ('y_left_step_size', 121), ('y_left_label', 122), ('y_left_data_type', 123), ('y_left_precision', 124), ('y_left_show', 125), ('y_right_min', 126), ('y_right_max', 127), ('y_right_step_size', 128), ('y_right_label', 129), ('y_right_data_type', 130), ('y_right_precision', 131), ('y_right_show', 132), ('pie_border_width', 133), ('pie_border_color', 134)]], {}), 136: ('wagtail.blocks.StructBlock', [[('eyebrow', 101), ('title', 9), ('intro', 102), ('description', 103), ('data_source', 104), ('date_published', 77), ('download_text', 78), ('download_file', 105), ('notes', 106), ('chart_type', 107), ('datasets', 108), ('settings', 135)]], {'colors': (('#20aa3f', 'CFPB Green'), ('#254b87', 'Navy'), ('#7eb7e8', 'Pacific 60'), ('#ffb858', 'Gold 80'), ('#c55998', 'Purple 80'), ('#addc91', 'Green 60'), ('#1fa040', 'Mid Dark Green'), ('#257675', 'Teal'), ('#89b6b5', 'Teal 60'), ('#d14124', 'Red'), ('#e79e8e', 'Red 60'), ('#0072ce', 'Pacific'), ('#254b87', 'Navy'), ('#dc731c', 'Dark Gold'), ('#745745', 'Dark Neutral'), ('#baa496', 'Neutral 60'), ('#dc9cbf', 'Purple 50'), ('#a01b68', 'Dark Purple'), ('#d2d3d5', 'Gray 20'))}), 137: ('wagtail.blocks.RawHTMLBlock', (), {'help_text': 'Content from WordPress unescaped.'})}),
+        ),
+    ]
diff --git a/cfgov/v1/util/ b/cfgov/v1/util/
index f87c99dfe2f..ee533bbc2f5 100644
--- a/cfgov/v1/util/
+++ b/cfgov/v1/util/
@@ -1,12 +1,15 @@
 import logging
 import re
+from django.utils.deconstruct import deconstructible
 from wagtail.blocks.migrations.operations import BaseBlockOperation
 logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
 class RegexAlterBlockValueOperation(BaseBlockOperation):
     """Alter a block's value with a regex pattern and replacement"""