- Updated certificate for tiger-proxy
- Updated version of medication-render to 1.0.5
- Added more medication samples
- Updated testsuite to 1.0.9
- Updated version of entitlement-service to 1.0.3
- updated server web interface to release version of ePA 3.0.2 (OpenAPI I_Entitlement_Management.yaml)
- Updated version of vau-proxy-server to 1.0.9
- updated to lib-vau 1.0.12
- Extended trace logging for received encrypted VAU messages (user data)
- Error message with more details in case of an exception during the VAU decryption process
- VAU-DEBUG-S_K2_c2s_keyConfirmation base64 encoding (instead of base64url encoding)
- DER coded Komponenten-PKI-CA is given back when /CertData is called (valid until 08/2025)
- UnknownKeyIdException includes the unknown key id in the error message (not in HEX Format)
- updated to lib-vau 1.0.12
- Update ReadMe
- how to enable lib-vau TRACE logging for troubleshooting
- correct HTTP status code docu returned by information-service (204)
- Updated version of tiger-proxy to 3.1.3 & tiger-zion (information-service) to 3.1.3
- see release notes for details
- Updated version of entitlement-service to 1.0.2
- updated pattern for x-useragent validation
- Updated version of authorization-service to 2.0.3
- see release notes for details e.g. updated pattern for x-useragent validation e.g. send matching ErrorResponse with ErrorCode as defined in OpenAPI for Authorization Service
- Update version of ps-testsuite to 1.0.8
- updated plugin to validate FHIR resources against epa-medication 3.0.2
- Update ReadMe
- maven proxy configuration for ps-testsuite to access the internet
- introduce FAQ section (finding during support)
- update examples for information service due to insurant parameter change
- Updated version of medication-render to 1.0.3
- internal updates due to FHIR sample fixes
- Updated version of authorization-service to 2.0.1
- see release notes for details e.g. bug fix in send_authcode_sc response (JSON structure for HTTP CODE 2xx)
- Updated VauHandshakeAndUserSessionCreation example due to authorization-service fix
- Fixed some FHIR sample for PractitionerRole
- Updated version of tiger-proxy to 3.1.2 & tiger-zion (information-service) to 3.1.2
- see release notes for details
- Updated version of medication-render to 1.0.2
- modified code to work with the new referencing structure inside medication requests
- Updated version of HAPI FHIR server (medication-service) to HAPI 7.2.0
- Updated version of ps-testsuite to 1.0.7
- added testcase for medication retrieving an eML as PDF/A
- added testcase for medication retrieving an eML as XHTML
- added testcase for medication retrieving an eML as FHIR resource/bundle
- added testcase for record status retrieval
- added testcase for consent decision retrieval
- example traffic for retrieving a medication as FHIR resource/bundle
- example traffic for retrieving the record status
- example traffic for retrieving the consent decision
- Fixed some FHIR examples
- Medication Request sample
- Fixed patient & requester reference
- Fixed authoredOn
- Medication Dispense sample
- Fixed patient reference
- Fixed profile url
- Fixed whenHandedOver date
- Patient sample
- Fixed identifier system url
- Medication Request sample
- Updated configuration of information-service
- return codes for getRecordStatus & userexperience are changed from 200 to 204 and 201 resp.
- use header variable
to address the health record instead of path variable (C_11834)
- Updated medication dispense samples
- added a sample with substitution
- Updated version of vau-proxy-server to 1.0.7
- updated to lib-vau 1.0.11
- added route definition with asterix wildcard for vau-proxy-server
- added exception logging in case of VAU handshake errors
- fixed handling of hex string with leading zero in sha256 path variable for /CertData.{sha256}-{version}
- Fixed medication reference in the related samples
- example traffic for retrieving a medication as PDF/A
- example traffic for retrieving a medication as XHTML
- Updated version of vau-proxy-server to 1.0.6
- updated to lib-vau 1.0.10
- Corrected 8 byte request counter using type long (8 bytes) instead of type int (4 bytes)
- updated to lib-vau 1.0.10
- Updated version of authorization-service to 2.0.0
- see release notes for details
- Updated version of ps-testsuite to 1.0.4
- added testcase for login (user session creation) with authorization-service (mock) & IDP (RU)
- added testcase to set an entitlement with entitlement-service (mock)
- Updated version of tiger-proxy to 3.0.5 & tiger-zion (information-service) to 3.0.5
- see release notes for details
- Updated documentation
- how to select the testcase when running the testsuite (ps-testsuite container)
- example traffic for adding a new entitlement
- curl example to get a list of existing entitlements within the mock service
- Updated version of vau-proxy-server to 1.0.5
- fixed issue with encrypted response from medication-render service replying with an eML as PDF/A (content-length != payload size)
- .env file to set the environment variables for the services (e.g. change exposed ports on docker-host)
- initial entitlement-service mock
- started with all other mock services via dc-mocks.yaml
- processes & validates incoming new entitlement request (see README.md)
- Initial setup to run a PS testsuite
- Added docker-compose file to run the PS-Testsuite
- Added documentation to run the PS-Testsuite
- Includes test case for VAU handshake
- Updated used docker image version of information-service to 3.0.4
- Updated version of tiger-proxy to 3.0.4
- Updated version of vau-proxy-server to 1.0.4
- updated to lib-vau 1.0.9
- Documentation updates
- Added information about limitations of the authorization mock services
- Added information about the necessary HTTP headers for the VAU handshake and user data decryption in tiger-proxy
- Added example traffic of the VAU handshake and the user session creation with authorization service (mock) & IDP (RU)
- Updated version of vau-proxy-server to 1.0.3
- updated to lib-vau 1.0.8
- replaced manual HTTP message handling with Netty library implementation
- Documentation updates
- Added information about the required applications, ports & resources
- Added information about the supported use cases and restrictions
- Updated versions of mock services
- Optimized release process
- Initial version
- Available functionalities:
- vau encryption/decryption
- login use case (with IDP and Authorization service)