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Translation workflow

Lars edited this page Apr 8, 2020 · 9 revisions

Translation workflow for cgeo/WhereYouGo


cgeo/WhereYouGo uses English as source language. Thus all new strings need to be implemented in English language (typically in /src/main/values/string*.xml). For localization into other languages we make use of Crowdin as a collaboration platform for contribution of translations. This integration provides the localized strings back into to the cgeo/WhereYouGo repository (typically to /src/main/res/values-<android_language_code>/string*.xml). Additionally arbitrary other files of the repository could optionally be included (such as changelogs, etc.) for localization. This is not in use at this moment.

This wiki article describes the workflow from/to Crowdin as well as the needed related actions on the cgeo/WhereYouGo repository on Github. The last chapter describes the technical setup of the integration between our Github repository and Crowdin for future reference.

Crowdin project details

Crowdin project homepage

The Crowdin translation project can be found here:

Contributors can create an account on Crowdin (free of charge) or authorize with their Github account to get access. Every crowdin member can contribute translations to WhereYouGo without further need of approval as WhereYouGo is listed as a public project on Crowdin (refer to role model explained below).

Role model on Crowdin

Role Description Assignment
Translator Default role for all contributors. Translators can provide translations to all languages Assigned to all Crowdin users by default. Single users could be blocked in case of abuse.
Proofreader Proofreader have the permission to validate translations. Need to be manually assigned by the Crowdin project owner. Can be assigned per language (preferred mode) or for all languages.
Owner Owners have full control of the Crowdin project. They can administrate all settings, provide translations, set proofreadings for all languages. Can be assigned/invited by other owners.

Important: As only proofread translations will be contained in the sync workflow from Crowdin (project setting) this is the quality gate for incoming translations into the project. Therefore proofreaders should be carefully selected.

Sync Workflow

For all automated actions described below, Crowdin is configured to use the Github user cgeo-ci-bot.

New source files to Crowdin

New strings added into the files /src/main/values/strings.xml , /src/main/values/string_mapsforge.xml and /src/main/values/string_pref.xml will automatically be fetched by Crowdin on each commit to the master branch of the cgeo/WhereYouGo repository (a max. 10 minute delay might apply). After being fetched by Crowdin the source strings will be visible in the project and available for translation without need of any manual action.

The according configuration is stored in config.yml in the root directory of the master branch and can be changed in case of need to include more files and/or directories. Alternatively it is possible to use an GUI based configuration approach in the Crowdin project settings, which will then push a new config.yml to our repository.

New translations from Crowdin

Crowdin will push all new proofread translation to the branch l10n_master of the cgeo/WhereYouGo repository once every 24 hours (configurable in the Crowdin project settings). Individual commist will be created by Crowdin for each file and language changed. Additionally a pull request will be automatically created to merge l10n_master into master. Subsequent translations coming in at a later point of time will be added to l10n_master and therefore also added to the existing open pull request.

The pull request needs to be reviewed and merged manually by a member of the team. In order to minimize the amount of commits on our master branch, the pull request should be squashed during merge (Github UI function).


After merging the changes of l10n_master into master the l10n_master branch needs to be deleted, to allow Crowdin to recreate it on the next push event based on current state of master and base the commits against the most current state (including the already merged translations). The deletion of the l10n_master branch can be done easily during merge via the Github UI directly after merging the pull request (a delete button is shown).