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Hyperledger Explorer configuration for Docker

This folder contains the configuration settings of Hyperledger Explorer.

At Hyperledger Fabric network level, the differences between standard deployment and dockerized deployment is that:

  • Crypto material is saved always under /tmp/crypto (can be configured in )

As consequence, it needs to be references always as (see the example below):

"tlsCACerts": {
  "path": "/tmp/crypto/peerOrganizations/"

For a complete Hyperledger Fabric network configuration file see examples:

Docker networking

Dockerized deployment allows to have multiple Explorer instances in same machine or even in distributed machines (frontend/db) for production usage. In any case, following network is created by default.

  • Note: network creation will fail if overlapping issues exist. Change default network creation settings or remove existing networks to continue.
Address:         11000000.10101000.00001010. 00000000
Netmask: = 24   11111111.11111111.11111111. 00000000
Wildcard:            00000000.00000000.00000000. 11111111
Network:      11000000.10101000.00001010. 00000000
HostMin:         11000000.10101000.00001010. 00000001
HostMax:       11000000.10101000.00001010. 11111110
Broadcast:       11000000.10101000.00001010. 11111111
Hosts/Net: 254                   Class C, Private Internet

This means that by default, created containers will have next configuration:

Multiple network configurations.

Be aware that several configurations may coexist using same Hyperledger Explorer Docker images. Following shows an example of 2 different configurations (development and production) that might be applied to explorer deployment.

    ├── development
    │	├── config.json
    │	├── crypto
    │	│   ├── ordererOrganizations
    │	│   │   └── readme.txt
    │	│   ├── peerOrganizations
    │	│   │   └── readme.txt
    │	│   └── readme.txt
    │	└──
    └── production
        ├── config.json
        ├── crypto
        │   ├── ordererOrganizations
        │   │   └── readme.txt
        │   ├── peerOrganizations
        │   │   └── readme.txt
        │   └── readme.txt

Example file

A complete configuration example file is shown below for 2 ORG Blockchain in where all containers have ports mapped and access is done via localhost/

  "network-configs": {
    "network-1": {
      "version": "1.0",
      "clients": {
        "client-1": {
          "tlsEnable": true,
          "organization": "Org1MSP",
          "channel": "mychannel",
          "credentialStore": {
            "path": "./tmp/credentialStore_Org1/credential",
            "cryptoStore": {
              "path": "./tmp/credentialStore_Org1/crypto"
      "channels": {
        "mychannel": {
          "peers": {
            "": {}
          "connection": {
            "timeout": {
              "peer": {
                "endorser": "6000",
                "eventHub": "6000",
                "eventReg": "6000"
      "organizations": {
        "Org1MSP": {
          "mspid": "Org1MSP",
          "fullpath": false,
          "adminPrivateKey": {
              "/tmp/crypto/peerOrganizations/[email protected]/msp/keystore"
          "signedCert": {
              "/tmp/crypto/peerOrganizations/[email protected]/msp/signcerts"
        "Org2MSP": {
          "mspid": "Org2MSP",
          "adminPrivateKey": {
              "/tmp/crypto/peerOrganizations/[email protected]/msp/keystore"
        "OrdererMSP": {
          "mspid": "OrdererMSP",
          "adminPrivateKey": {
              "/tmp/crypto/ordererOrganizations/[email protected]/msp/keystore"
      "peers": {
        "": {
          "tlsCACerts": {
          "url": "grpcs://localhost:7051",
          "eventUrl": "grpcs://localhost:7053",
          "grpcOptions": {
            "ssl-target-name-override": ""
        "": {
          "tlsCACerts": {
          "url": "grpcs://localhost:8051",
          "eventUrl": "grpcs://localhost:8053",
          "grpcOptions": {
            "ssl-target-name-override": ""
        "": {
          "tlsCACerts": {
          "url": "grpcs://localhost:9051",
          "eventUrl": "grpcs://localhost:9053",
          "grpcOptions": {
            "ssl-target-name-override": ""
        "": {
          "tlsCACerts": {
          "url": "grpcs://localhost:10051",
          "eventUrl": "grpcs://localhost:10053",
          "grpcOptions": {
            "ssl-target-name-override": ""
      "orderers": {
        "": {
          "url": "grpcs://localhost:7050"
  "configtxgenToolPath": "/fabric-path/workspace/fabric-samples/bin",
  "license": "Apache-2.0"

Note: Make sure you put the right node IPs, ports and certs paths before running Hyperledger Explorer

Example of running BE with Fabric Network

  1. Follow the instruction how to run the Blockchain network.
  2. Copy crypto materials from the fabric-network/crypto-config to ./examples/<your_folder>/crypto.
  3. Update your config.json to something similar to
  "network-configs": {
    "network-1": {
      "version": "1.0",
      "clients": {
        "client-1": {
          "tlsEnable": true,
          "organization": "Org1MSP",
          "channel": "mychannel",
          "credentialStore": {
            "path": "./tmp/credentialStore_Org1/credential",
            "cryptoStore": {
              "path": "./tmp/credentialStore_Org1/crypto"
      "channels": {
        "mychannel": {
          "peers": {
            "": {}
          "connection": {
            "timeout": {
              "peer": {
                "endorser": "6000",
                "eventHub": "6000",
                "eventReg": "6000"
      "organizations": {
        "Org1MSP": {
          "mspid": "Org1MSP",
          "fullpath": false,
          "adminPrivateKey": {
              "/tmp/crypto/peerOrganizations/[email protected]/msp/keystore"
          "signedCert": {
              "/tmp/crypto/peerOrganizations/[email protected]/msp/signcerts"
        "Org2MSP": {
          "mspid": "Org2MSP",
          "adminPrivateKey": {
              "/tmp/crypto/peerOrganizations/[email protected]/msp/keystore"
        "OrdererMSP": {
          "mspid": "OrdererMSP",
          "adminPrivateKey": {
              "/tmp/crypto/ordererOrganizations/[email protected]/msp/keystore"
      "peers": {
        "": {
          "tlsCACerts": {
          "url": "grpcs://",
          "eventUrl": "grpcs://",
          "grpcOptions": {
            "ssl-target-name-override": ""
        "": {
          "tlsCACerts": {
          "url": "grpcs://",
          "eventUrl": "grpcs://",
          "grpcOptions": {
            "ssl-target-name-override": ""
        "": {
          "tlsCACerts": {
          "url": "grpcs://",
          "eventUrl": "grpcs://",
          "grpcOptions": {
            "ssl-target-name-override": ""
        "": {
          "tlsCACerts": {
          "url": "grpcs://",
          "eventUrl": "grpcs://",
          "grpcOptions": {
            "ssl-target-name-override": ""
      "orderers": {
        "": {
          "url": "grpcs://"
  "configtxgenToolPath": "/home/fabric-path/workspace/fabric-samples/bin",
  "license": "Apache-2.0"
  1. in case if port 8080 is occupied in your system, the should be updated. Please update the line 193 -p 8080:8080 \ to -p <port>:8080 \, where is a free port, where BE can be browsed.
  2. issue ./ <your_folder> net_byfn and wait, example: ./ net1 net_byfn
  3. open the browser http://localhost:<port> and explore the blockchain network.

Docker Troubleshooting commands

List your networks
$docker network ls
List docker images id
$docker images | grep block
Remove an image
$docker rmi <image_id>
Login to docker
$docker exec -it <image_id> sh
Read explorer app log
$docker exec <image_id> cat /opt/logs/app/app.log
Inspect real IP's
$docker inspect <image_id> | grep IPAddress
Stop and remove dockers
$docker stop $(docker ps -a -q)
$docker rm -f $(docker ps -a -q)
Remove default fabric crypto
$rm -rf ./crypto-config/*
$rm -rf ~/.hfc*
From the docker ($docker exec -it <image_id> sh)
Install curl:
$apk update && apk add curl
Use curl in docker to query explorer REST API
$curl http://localhost:8080/api/channels
Example response: {"status":200,"channels":["dockerchannel","mychannel"]