In order to create a new metric you need to clone our prometheus-exporter repo (chainflip-prometheus-exporter)
For this example we will create a new chainflip metric (cf_), all the necessary code is located under
here is the main loop responsible for gathering chainflip metrics, we listen to new blocks and every time a new one is received we update the different metrics based on the new state of the chain.- You just have to add a call to the new metric function
create the new metric function inside
- You can copy paste another existing metric as reference (I.E.
is a good and simple example) - Here you need to modify your metrics values (
, andlabelNames
if your metric have more labels)const metricName: string = 'cf_btc_utxos'; const metric: Gauge = new promClient.Gauge({ name: metricName, help: 'The total number of btc utxos we currently have', registers: [], labelNames: ["labelA", "labelB"] });
- Then modify the logic to gether that metric:
- The following line is required to add our metric to the registry (if not it won’t be exported)
if (registry.getSingleMetric(metricName) === undefined) registry.registerMetric(metric);
- Then we simply query the data we need (could be a storage item, a custom rpc, etc..) and we set the previously created metric to the value we need.
const utxos: any = await api.query.environment.bitcoinAvailableUtxos(); const metricValue: number = utxos.length; metric.set(metricValue);
You should be able to create new metrics just by following what’s been done already, all the metrics follow the same structure.
- You can copy paste another existing metric as reference (I.E.
Metric starting with cf_
represent chainflip metrics coming from the prometheus exporter
Metric starting with cfe_
represent chainflip metrics coming from the engine
Metric starting with btc_/eth_/dot_
represent external chains metrics coming from the prometheus exporter (values gathered from the external chains endpoints)
There are mainly 2 types of metric you need to know about:
- Gauges: support any value (positive or negative), you can set it to an arbitrary value at any point in time
- Counters: support only positive values, and can be modified only by incrementing/decrementing it (by any amount)
- Other metrics type: https://prometheus.io/docs/concepts/metric_types/
Every metric in prometheus can have a set of labels, for every labels combination a different time-series is created and stored. I.E. cf_test{ chain, network } where:
- chain: Eth | Btc | Dot
- network: mainnet | testnet
This will create 6 different time series, each one being a combination of the labels values
cf_test{chain=”Btc”, network=”mainnet”}
cf_test{chain=”Btc”, network=”testnet”}
cf_test{chain=”Eth”, network=”mainnet”}
cf_test{chain=”Eth”, network=”testnet”}
cf_test{chain=”Dot”, network=”mainnet”}
cf_test{chain=”Dot”, network=”testnet”}
cf_events_count_total{ event }: counts the number of events emitted by the state-chain, it has one label describing the event being observed
cf_node_slashed{ event, ss58, publicKey, alias}: counts the number of times a validator gets slashed
cf_rotation_phase_attempts{ phase }: counts the number of attempts for each phase of a rotation
cf_banned_nodes{}: counts the number of banned nodes during a rotation
cf_balance_of_banned_nodes{}: the total balance of the banned nodes during a rotation
cf_authorities{}: the number of authorities in the active set
cf_authorities_online{}: the number of online authorities in the active set
cf_backup_validator{}: the number of validators in the backup set
cf_backup_validator_online{}: the number of online validators in the backup set
cf_btc_utxo_balance{}: the sum of all the balances of the UTXOs in the vault
cf_btc_utxos{}: the number of UTXOs in the vault
cf_block_per_epoch{}: the number of blocks for each epoch
cf_build_version{}: Current version of the runtime and node
cf_current_epoch_duration_blocks{}: the duration of the current epoch in blocks
cf_open_deposit_channels{ deposit_chain }: The number of open deposit channels
cf_fee_deficit{ tracked_chain }: The fee deficit (witheld fee - fee actually spent). Currently only working for eth and dot since for btc is not as straightforward
cf_flip_total_supply{}: Total number of flip issued
cf_min_active_bid{}: The current MAB
cf_pending_broadcast{ broadcaster }: The number of broadcasts currently being processed
cf_pending_redemptions{}: The number of pending redemptions
cf_pending_redemptions_balance{}: The sum of balances across all the pending redemptions
cf_price_delta_to_usdc{ fromAsset, amount }: The current price delta from the given token and amount to USDC
cf_price_delta_from_usdc{ toAsset, amount }: The current price delta from a given amount of USDC to the given token
cf_quote_unavailable{ fromAsset, toAsset, amount }: If == to 1 means we don't have a quote for the given asset and amount
cf_reputation{ ss58, alias }: The reputation of a validator
cf_rotating{}: Is the network rotating (1 == true)
cf_rotation_duration{}: The duration of the current rotation in blocks
cf_rotation_phase_duration{ phase }: The duration of the current phase in blocks
cf_suspended_validators{ offence }: The number of validator suspended for a given offence
cf_tss_request_retry_queue{ tss }: Size of the TSS request retry queue, it contains an entry for every request of TSS we receive if it gets rescheduled
cf_tss_ceremony_retry_queue{ tss }: Size of the TSS ceremony retry queue, it contains an entry for every ceremony with a block at which it should be retried
cf_validator_online{ ss58Address, alias }: Tracked validator is online
cf_validator_authority{ ss58Address, alias }: Tracked validator is authority
cf_validator_backup{ ss58Address, alias }: Tracked validator is backup
cf_validator_qualified{ ss58Address, alias }: Tracked validator is qualified
cf_validator_bidding{ ss58Address, alias }: Tracked validator is bidding
cf_validator_balance{ ss58Address, alias }: Validator balance amount (bidding amount)
cf_chain_tracking_witness_count{ extrinsic, marginBlocks }: Number of validator witnessing ChainStateUpdated for an external chain
cf_witness_count { extrinsic, marginBlocks }: Number of validator witnessing an extrinsic
cf_block_height{}: Chainflip network block height
cf_external_chain_block_height{ tracked_chain }: External chain block height
btc_block_height/eth_block_height/dot_block_height: Btc/Eth/Dot block height
eth_contract_events_count{ event, alias }: The number of events from the specified contract
eth_balance{ address, alias }: The ETH balance of the specified address
dot_agg_key_balance{}: The balance of the aggKey in Dot