Dedicated AMM for market-making hTokens, based on the Yield Space design.
The build artifacts can be browsed via
With yarn:
$ yarn add @hifi/amm
Or npm:
$ npm install @hifi/amm
The node package that you just installed contains both Solidity and JavaScript code. The former is the smart contracts themselves; the latter, the smart contract ABIs and the TypeChain bindings.
The Hifi AMM can only be compiled with Solidity v0.8.4 and above, because we are reverting with custom errors instead of reason strings.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Unlicense
pragma solidity >=0.8.4;
import "@hifi/amm/contracts/IHifiPool.sol";
contract YourContract {
// Find the address on
IHifiPool hifiPool = IHifiPool(0x...);
function getQuote(uint256 hTokenIn) external view returns (uint256 underlyingOut) {
underlyingOut = hifiPool.getQuoteForSellingHToken(hTokenIn);
import { parseUnits } from "@ethersproject/units";
import { HifiPool__factory } from "@hifi/amm/dist/types/factories/contracts/HifiPool__factory";
async function getQuote() {
const signer = "..."; // Get hold of an ethers.js Signer
const hifiPoolFactory = new HifiPool__factory(signer);
const hifiPool = hifiPoolFactory.attach("0x..."); // Find the address on
const hTokenIn = parseUnits("100", 18);
const underlyingOut = await hifiPool.getQuoteForSellingHToken(hTokenIn);
BUSL v1.1 © Mainframe Group Inc.