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73 lines (59 loc) · 4.18 KB

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73 lines (59 loc) · 4.18 KB


v1.6.0 2016 June 4

  • Updated internal conventions
  • Updated dependencies
    • Now supports TaskGroup v5 and TaskGroup v4

v1.5.1 2016 June 4

  • Updated internal conventions
  • Updated dependencies

v1.5.0 2014 August 3

  • chain.action(method, taskOptions) can now receive an extension name as the method, allowing you to change the behaviour of an existing extension by configuring the options for its execution
  • Removed the internal prependResultToArguments task option, and added the public args task option. Use Chainy.injectChainDataAsArgument and Chainy.injectExpandedChainDataAsArguments as special argument items that do what their names suggest.
  • Updated dependencies

v1.4.0 2014 July 28

  • A few changes about how extension inheritance works to make it simpler and more robust
    • Extensions are now explicitly added to each child class and child instance (instead of implicitly inherited from the prototype tree)
    • Extensions are now only instantiated by default on child instances, instead of both child instances and child classes as before
    • Extensions are no longer added to the prototype of a child class by default
    • Where extensions are added can be changed by setting the applyTo extension option to include where you would like the extension to apply to, valid options are ['instance', 'class', 'prototype'], default option is ['instance']
  • Class and instance trees are now more robust (especially class trees)
  • mixin method now supports options argument that accepts the applyTo property, defaults to ['instance', 'class', 'prototype'] to maintain backwards compatible behaviour
  • Now throws an error when a class prototype method is being overwritten by an extension
    • If you desire to overwrite a class prototype method, then use the custom extension type, and perform the overwrite manually by using the mixin method (see the autoinstall plugin for an example of this)
  • Now works when chainy-core is npm linked
    • This is done by now using the parent module's lookup paths, instead of the chainy module's lookup paths
  • Failed requires now provides more information about why the require could have failed
  • Notes
    • Use var chain = Chainy.create() instead of var chain = new Chainy()
    • Use Chainy.subclass(...) instead of class MyChainy extends Chainy
    • This is because the create and subclass methods perform some operations to maintain the tree (required for extension inheritance) that cannot be replicated via the native counterparts. If this is an issue for you, then let us know via the GitHub Issue tracker.

v1.3.2 2014 July 28

  • Support use case where aliases option is a string instead of an array

v1.3.1 2014 June 27

  • Fixed method.extensionOptions parsing (never actually worked)

v1.3.0 2014 June 27

  • Added support for the extension option: aliases
  • Fixed undefined action results over-writing chain data, undefined action results are discarded

v1.2.0 2014 June 25

  • Added klass and parent options to Chainy.create(opts)

    • Useful for creating standalone action plugins that have sub chains:

       this.create() // ...
       // becomes
       require('chainy-core').create({parent:this}) // ...
  • Added Chainy.isChainyInstance(chain) method

v1.1.0 2014 June 23

  • Added tomdoc inline documentation, indicating what is internal and public methods, properties, and options
  • Changed some of the internal functionality
  • Plugins can now also do module.exports.extension = {method, type, ...}, which is useful for existing modules that want to become chainy extensions, or similar situations where the top level export is not a chainy plugin method
  • Plugins can now also do module.exports.extensionOptions = {}, which is useful when the top level export is a chainy plugin, but you also want to customise other options of it than just the extensionType
  • Fixed mixin helper

v1.0.0 2014 June 21

  • API is now mature for public use, enjoy!

v0.4.0 2014 May 21

  • Utilities are now also added to directly to classes, instead of just their prototypes
  • Support the first argument being a space separated string list of plugins
  • Only allow lowercase letters in plugin names

v0.1.0 2014 May 8

  • Initial working release