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This is my portfolio. Built on top of the Auth-Starter-2.0 package.

Auth Starter 2.0

Starter repo for user authentication using passport, user payment handling using Stripe, and SSR using Next. Component Library AntD

Getting Started

  1. Change .env.example to .env, and populate all fields
  2. Start database sudo mongod (Catalina -- specify config file: sudo mongod --config /usr/local/etc/mongod.conf)
  3. (OPTIONAL) - start Neo4j database (currently un-used)
  4. Start Strapi (in different repo) strapi start or npx strapi start
  5. $ npm run dev


  1. passport-facebook strategy will not return the Users Facebook URL by default. You must use the Facebook Javascript SDK. This repo does not do that.
  2. Instagram authentication doesn't return user email. - Also Instagram authentication is silly and probably shouldnt be done
  3. All login related routes live under /c/login route
  4. This uses both SASS and LESS Preprocessors. LESS is used with AntD Design Language and Components found here
  5. You have to setup a Google app to send emails using nodemailer from google. Video here
  6. Importing all AntD CSS styles in the main.scss, this is to avoid mini-css-extract-plugin ordering errors described here
  7. The CardDetails component requires passing in {...props}
  8. Profile is a Class component. Needs shouldComponentUpdate to avoid unnecessary re-renders - TODO: find a way to do this with hooks.


Todos are kept in the auth-starter-2.0 repo's issues. You can also search the code base for TODO: for small refactors

Creating your own Next App using create-next-app

npx create-next-app --example with-redux with-redux-app
# or
yarn create next-app --example with-redux with-redux-app

Setting up Nodemailer with GMAIL

Click here for Video tutorial


Deployment Process

  1. Create droplet on Digital Ocean.
  2. install Dokku on droplet
  3. Create an app using dokku: dokku apps:create my-app-name
  4. Install any plugins you will need (eg Mongo) a) sudo dokku plugin:install b) Create a database dokku mongo:create database-name c) link database dokku postgres:link rails-database ruby-rails-sample
  5. Update any environment variables dokku config:set my-app-name ENV=PRODUCTION ...
  6. On local machine, add remote repo git remote add dokku dokku@IP_OF_DROPLET:my-app-name
  7. git push dokku master (must be master or my-branch:master)

Things to Check

  1. Node and NPM versions are declared in package.json, potentially also in .nvmrc
  "engines": {
   "node": "12.14.1",
   "npm": "6.13.4"
  1. All dependencies are met and, if required for compiling or deployment, are in the dependencies and not dev dependencies