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The sets of scripts related to Monitoring and Trending Analysis.

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This repository contains the sets of scripts related to Monitoring and Trending Analysis.

<<<<<<< HEAD
This repository contains the sets of scripts related to Monitoring and Trending Analysis.

Each set of scripts has a Makefile and before rebuilding the directories, update the following variables (not always contain all or you may find extras) at the first part of Makefile.

Each set of scripts has a Makefile and before rebuilding the directories, update the following variables (not always contain all or you may find extras) at the first part of Makefile.

>>>>>>> c15bc89d5f867560aa68e4d754a09a1e18ffbe10
    TASK:    task name;  the script will be kept there
    ROOT:    main script directory
    WEB:     main web directory
    WDIR:    the directory where the HTML pages will be kept
    NHTML:   the HTML address
    NBIN:    extra scripts are kept here
    NBDATA:  special shared data are kept here
    NPYTHON: python path

After updating Makefile, simply run "make" command. It will create directories:

    <ROOT>/<TASK>/Exc       (some may not have this)

The data directory is usually empty, and you may need to copy data from elsewhere if the scripts need past data.

List of Scripts

Abs_pointing    --- celestial location monitoring routine
ACE_GOES_data   --- import ACE and GOES data from NOAA and extracts data
ACIS_bad_pix    --- ACIS Bad Pixel Detection and ACIS Bias Computation
ACIS_Count_Rate --- extracts ACIS count rates for each CCD and creates trend plots
ACIS_CTI        --- extract cti data, estimate trends, and plots the trends
ACIS_ft         --- create ACSI focal plane temerature trend plots
ACIS_gain       --- extract and compute acis gain, and plot the trend
ACIS_hist       --- extract acis histram mode information and plots the trends
ACIS_memo       --- contains scripts used to create ACIS memos
ACIS_sci_run    --- retrieve ACIS science run data from MIT web site, check event rate, error rate,and drop rate and plot trends
ACIS_SIB        --- compute ACIS SIB
Cron_check      --- reads cron job entries and check whether the cron jobs are running as it is supposed to be
Disk_space      --- monitoring disk space usage
EdE_Trends      --- create an E/dE trend page plots, table, and the page itself
Envelope_trending   --- create MSID Envelope Trending
Ephen_RDB       --- update of geomagnetic related data
Ftp_clean       --- remove unwanted files from /stage/xmmops_ftp
Gyro_drift      --- create trend plots of stability of the spacecraft around the grating movement
HRC_gain        --- create Ar Lac PHA Distribution Trend
HRC_SIB         --- create HRC SIB trending plot
HRC_temperature --- extract HRC temperature information from dataseeker database, and plot them
Limit_table     --- estimates yellow and red limits of all msids from the past data.
Max_exposure    --- extract ACIS and HRC exposure dose data and create statistics, plots, images, and html pages
Monthly_Report  --- creates a monthly report
MSID_limit      --- updates op_limits.db
MTA_limit_trends    --- extract msid data and plot their trend
Orbital         --- extract orbital element related data from archived data and create rdb files
<<<<<<< HEAD
Rejected_events --- Create plots of stat1 quantities, showing on-board rejected events
Rejcted_events  --- Create plots of stat1 quantities, showing on-board rejected events
>>>>>>> 459be73058fbb3ff40a42c89e8e0fdf3f494c52e
Python_scripts  --- python functions used by other python scripts
Sci_run_interrupt   --- generate plots of ACE, Ephin, and GOES radiation plots around science run interruptions
Script_descriptions --- create html pages showing the descriptions of MTA tasks
SIM_extract     --- update ..../sim_data.out
SIM_twist       --- update sim twist and fid light trending
Sol_panel       --- create solar panel/spacecraft electric power a and fine sensor temperature evolution along the time
State_trends    --- extracts and plots SIM and other state conditions
Trending_Script --- extract needed information from /data/mta/www/mp_reports/ and update mta databas
Weekly_report   --- create weekly report


The sets of scripts related to Monitoring and Trending Analysis.






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