How to debug in chrome and using vs code
- How to debug in chrome
- Live server extension vs code
- Debug using VS code
Open up debugger - F12 or inspect page
Inpect Html elements
- View elements
- change styles
Breakpoints (on JS only. Don't demo on Css or html)
- Resume, continue on breakpoints
- Step over
- Step in and out of the
- Execute code/call a function using console when on a breakpoint
- View variables in local window. And change variable using the console
Debugger command
Build lesson plan around debugging in chrome from this. Demonstrate with a project with bugs. Step through to find bugs. Get students to intall in VS Code. Then quick demo on how to start it and make sure everyone has done it
Additional course materials that teachers should review and can be used
- Additional notes
- Get them to create a Js project. Debug through it.
- OR Maybe make a project and find bugs in that project