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Python Interpreter in GNU Debugger


The GNU Debugger (GDB) is the most powerful debugging tool for developers to troubleshoot errors in their code. However, it is hard for beginners to learn, and that is why many programmers prefer to insert print to examine runtime status. Fortunately, GDB Text User Interface (TUI) provides a way for developers to review their source code and debug simultaneously. More excitingly, In GDB 7, Python Interpreter was built into GDB. This feature offers more straightforward ways to customize GDB printers and commands through the Python library. By discussing examples, this article tries to explore advanced debugging techniques via Python to develop tool kits for GDB.


Troubleshooting software bugs is a big challenge for developers. While GDB provides many “debug commands” to inspect programs’ runtime status, its non-intuitive usages impede programmers to use it to solve problems. Indeed, mastering GDB is a long-term process. However, a quick start is not complicated; you must unlearn what you have learned like Yoda. To better understand how to use Python in GDB, this article will focus on discussing Python interpreter in GDB.

Define Commands

GDB supports customizing commands by using define. It is useful to run a batch of commands to troubleshoot at the same time. For example, a developer can display the current frame information by defining a sf command.

# define in .gdbinit
define sf
  where        # find out where the program is
  info args    # show arguments
  info locals  # show local variables

However, writing a user-defined command may be inconvenient due to limited APIs. Fortunately, by interacting with Python interpreter in GDB, developers can utilize Python libraries to establish their debugging tool kits readily. The following sections show how to use Python to simplify debugging processes.

Dump Memory

Inspecting a process’s memory information is an effective way to troubleshoot memory issues. Developers can acquire memory contents by info proc mappings and dump memory. To simplify these steps, defining a customized command is useful. However, the implementation is not straightforward by using pure GDB syntax. Even though GDB supports conditions, processing output is not intuitive. To solve this problem, using Python API in GDB would be helpful because Python contains many useful operations for handling strings.

import gdb
import time
import re

class DumpMemory(gdb.Command):
    """Dump memory info into a file."""

    def __init__(self):
        super().__init__("dm", gdb.COMMAND_USER)

    def get_addr(self, p, tty):
        """Get memory addresses."""
        cmd = "info proc mappings"
        out = gdb.execute(cmd, tty, True)
        addrs = []
        for l in out.split("\n"):
            if re.match(f".*{p}*", l):
                s, e, *_ = l.split()
                addrs.append((s, e))
        return addrs

    def dump(self, addrs):
        """Dump memory result."""
        if not addrs:

        for s, e in addrs:
            f = int(time.time() * 1000)
            gdb.execute(f"dump memory {f}.bin {s} {e}")

    def invoke(self, args, tty):
            # cat /proc/self/maps
            addrs = self.get_addr(args, tty)
            # dump memory
        except Exception as e:
            print("Usage: dm [pattern]")


Running the dm command will invoke DumpMemory.invoke. By sourcing or implementing Python scripts in .gdbinit, developers can utilize user-defined commands to trace bugs when a program is running. For example, the following steps show how to invoke DumpMemory in GDB.

(gdb) start
(gdb) source  # source commands
(gdb) dm stack       # dump stack to ${timestamp}.bin
(gdb) shell ls       # ls current dir
1577283091687.bin  a.cpp  a.out


Parsing JSON is helpful when a developer is inspecting a JSON string in a running program. GDB can parse a std::string via gdb.parse_and_eval and return it as a gdb.Value. By processing gdb.Value, developers can pass a JSON string into Python json API and print it in a pretty format.

import gdb
import re
import json

class DumpJson(gdb.Command):
    """Dump std::string as a styled JSON."""

    def __init__(self):
        super().__init__("dj", gdb.COMMAND_USER)

    def get_json(self, args):
        """Parse std::string to JSON string."""
        ret = gdb.parse_and_eval(args)
        typ = str(ret.type)
        if re.match("^std::.*::string", typ):
            return json.loads(str(ret))
        return None

    def invoke(self, args, tty):
            # string to json string
            s = self.get_json(args)
            # json string to object
            o = json.loads(s)
            print(json.dumps(o, indent=2))
        except Exception as e:
            print(f"Parse json error! {args}")


The command dj displays a more readable JSON format in GDB. This command helps improve visual recognization when a JSON string large. Also, by using this command, it can detect or monitor whether a std::string is JSON or not.

(gdb) start
(gdb) list
1       #include <string>
3       int main(int argc, char *argv[])
4       {
5           std::string json = R"({"foo": "FOO","bar": "BAR"})";
6           return 0;
7       }
(gdb) ptype json
type = std::string
(gdb) p json
$1 = "{\"foo\": \"FOO\",\"bar\": \"BAR\"}"
(gdb) source
(gdb) dj json
  "foo": "FOO",
  "bar": "BAR"

Highlight Syntax

Syntax highlighting is useful for developers to trace source code or to troubleshoot issues. By using Pygments, applying color to the source is easy without defining ANSI escape code manually. The following example shows how to apply color to the list command output.

import gdb

from pygments import highlight
from pygments.lexers import CLexer
from pygments.formatters import TerminalFormatter

class PrettyList(gdb.Command):
    """Print source code with color."""

    def __init__(self):
        super().__init__("pl", gdb.COMMAND_USER)
        self.lex = CLexer()
        self.fmt = TerminalFormatter()

    def invoke(self, args, tty):
            out = gdb.execute(f"l {args}", tty, True)
            print(highlight(out, self.lex, self.fmt))
        except Exception as e:



Although a developer can insert printf, std::cout, or syslog to inspect functions, printing messages is not an effective way to debug when a project is enormous. Developers may waste their time in building source code and may acquire little information. Even worse, the output may become too much to detect problems. In fact, inspecting functions or variables do not require to embed print functions in code. By writing a Python script with GDB API, developers can customize watchpoints to trace issues dynamically at runtime. For example, by implementing a gdb.Breakpoint and a gdb.Command, it is useful for developers to acquire essential information, such as parameters, call stacks, or memory usage.

import gdb

tp = {}

class Tracepoint(gdb.Breakpoint):
    def __init__(self, *args):
        self.silent = True
        self.count = 0

    def stop(self):
        self.count += 1
        frame = gdb.newest_frame()
        block = frame.block()
        sym_and_line = frame.find_sal()
        framename =
        filename = sym_and_line.symtab.filename
        line = sym_and_line.line
        # show tracepoint info
        print(f"{framename} @ {filename}:{line}")
        # show args and vars
        for s in block:
            if not s.is_argument and not s.is_variable:
            typ = s.type
            val = s.value(frame)
            size = typ.sizeof
            name =
            print(f"\t{name}({typ}: {val}) [{size}]")
        # do not stop at tracepoint
        return False

class SetTracepoint(gdb.Command):
    def __init__(self):
        super().__init__("tp", gdb.COMMAND_USER)

    def invoke(self, args, tty):
            global tp
            tp[args] = Tracepoint(args)
        except Exception as e:

def finish(event):
    for t, p in tp.items():
        c = p.count
        print(f"Tracepoint '{t}' Count: {c}")

Instead of inserting std::cout at the beginning of functions, using a tracepoint at a function's entry point provides useful information to inspect arguments, variables, and stacks. For instance, by setting a tracepoint at fib, it is helpful to examine memory usage, stack, and the number of calls.

int fib(int n)
    if (n < 2) {
        return 1;
    return fib(n-1) + fib(n-2);

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    return 0;

The following output shows the result of an inspection of the function fib. In this case, tracepoints display all information a developer needs, including arguments' value, recursive flow, and variables' size. By using tracepoints, developers can acquire more useful information comparing with std::cout.

(gdb) source
(gdb) tp main
Breakpoint 1 at 0x647: file a.cpp, line 12.
(gdb) tp fib
Breakpoint 2 at 0x606: file a.cpp, line 3.
(gdb) r
Starting program: /root/a.out
main @ a.cpp:12
        argc(int: 1) [4]
        argv(char **: 0x7fffffffe788) [8]
fib @ a.cpp:3
        n(int: 3) [4]
fib @ a.cpp:3
        n(int: 2) [4]
fib @ a.cpp:3
        n(int: 1) [4]
fib @ a.cpp:3
        n(int: 0) [4]
fib @ a.cpp:3
        n(int: 1) [4]
[Inferior 1 (process 5409) exited normally]
Tracepoint 'main' Count: 1
Tracepoint 'fib' Count: 5


Without inserting timestamps, profiling is still feasible through tracepoints. By using a gdb.FinishBreakpoint after a gdb.Breakpoint, GDB sets a temporary breakpoint at the return address of a frame for developers to get the current timestamp and to calculate the time difference. Note that profiling via GDB is not precise. Other tools, such as Linux perf or Valgrind, provide more useful and accurate information to trace performance issues.

import gdb
import time

class EndPoint(gdb.FinishBreakpoint):
    def __init__(self, breakpoint, *a, **kw):
        super().__init__(*a, **kw)
        self.silent = True
        self.breakpoint = breakpoint

    def stop(self):
        # normal finish
        end = time.time()
        start, out = self.breakpoint.stack.pop()
        diff = end - start
        print(f"\tCost: {diff}")
        return False

class StartPoint(gdb.Breakpoint):
    def __init__(self, *a, **kw):
        super().__init__(*a, **kw)
        self.silent = True
        self.stack = []

    def stop(self):
        start = time.time()
        # start, end, diff
        frame = gdb.newest_frame()
        sym_and_line = frame.find_sal()
        func = frame.function().name
        filename = sym_and_line.symtab.filename
        line = sym_and_line.line
        block = frame.block()

        args = []
        for s in block:
            if not s.is_argument:
            name =
            typ = s.type
            val = s.value(frame)
            args.append(f"{name}: {val} [{typ}]")

        # format
        out = ""
        out += f"{func} @ {filename}:{line}\n"
        for a in args:
            out += f"\t{a}\n"

        # append current status to a breakpoint stack
        self.stack.append((start, out))
        EndPoint(self, internal=True)
        return False

class Profile(gdb.Command):
    def __init__(self):
        super().__init__("prof", gdb.COMMAND_USER)

    def invoke(self, args, tty):
        except Exception as e:


The following output shows the profiling result by setting a tracepoint at the function fib. It is convenient to inspect the function's performance and stack at the same time.

(gdb) source
(gdb) prof fib
Breakpoint 1 at 0x606: file a.cpp, line 3.
(gdb) r
Starting program: /root/a.out
fib(int) @ a.cpp:3
        n: 1 [int]
        Cost: 0.0007786750793457031
fib(int) @ a.cpp:3
        n: 0 [int]
        Cost: 0.002572298049926758
fib(int) @ a.cpp:3
        n: 2 [int]
        Cost: 0.008517265319824219
fib(int) @ a.cpp:3
        n: 1 [int]
        Cost: 0.0014069080352783203
fib(int) @ a.cpp:3
        n: 3 [int]
        Cost: 0.01870584487915039

Pretty Print

Although set print pretty on in GDB offers a better format to inspect variables, developers may require to parse variables' value for readability. Take the system call stat as an example. While it provides useful information to examine file attributes, the output values, such as the permission, may not be readable for debugging. By implementing a user-defined pretty print, developers can parse struct stat and output information in a readable format.

import gdb
import pwd
import grp
import stat
import time

from datetime import datetime

class StatPrint:
    def __init__(self, val):
        self.val = val

    def get_filetype(self, st_mode):
        if stat.S_ISDIR(st_mode):
            return "directory"
        if stat.S_ISCHR(st_mode):
            return "character device"
        if stat.S_ISBLK(st_mode):
            return "block device"
        if stat.S_ISREG:
            return "regular file"
        if stat.S_ISFIFO(st_mode):
            return "FIFO"
        if stat.S_ISLNK(st_mode):
            return "symbolic link"
        if stat.S_ISSOCK(st_mode):
            return "socket"
        return "unknown"

    def get_access(self, st_mode):
        out = "-"
        info = ("r", "w", "x")
        perm = [
            (stat.S_IRUSR, stat.S_IWUSR, stat.S_IXUSR),
            (stat.S_IRGRP, stat.S_IRWXG, stat.S_IXGRP),
            (stat.S_IROTH, stat.S_IWOTH, stat.S_IXOTH),
        for pm in perm:
            for c, p in zip(pm, info):
                out += p if st_mode & c else "-"
        return out

    def get_time(self, st_time):
        tv_sec = int(st_time["tv_sec"])
        return datetime.fromtimestamp(tv_sec).isoformat()

    def to_string(self):
        st = self.val
        st_ino = int(st["st_ino"])
        st_mode = int(st["st_mode"])
        st_uid = int(st["st_uid"])
        st_gid = int(st["st_gid"])
        st_size = int(st["st_size"])
        st_blksize = int(st["st_blksize"])
        st_blocks = int(st["st_blocks"])
        st_atim = st["st_atim"]
        st_mtim = st["st_mtim"]
        st_ctim = st["st_ctim"]

        out = "{\n"
        out += f"Size: {st_size}\n"
        out += f"Blocks: {st_blocks}\n"
        out += f"IO Block: {st_blksize}\n"
        out += f"Inode: {st_ino}\n"
        out += f"Access: {self.get_access(st_mode)}\n"
        out += f"File Type: {self.get_filetype(st_mode)}\n"
        out += f"Uid: ({st_uid}/{pwd.getpwuid(st_uid).pw_name})\n"
        out += f"Gid: ({st_gid}/{grp.getgrgid(st_gid).gr_name})\n"
        out += f"Access: {self.get_time(st_atim)}\n"
        out += f"Modify: {self.get_time(st_mtim)}\n"
        out += f"Change: {self.get_time(st_ctim)}\n"
        out += "}"
        return out

p = gdb.printing.RegexpCollectionPrettyPrinter("sp")
p.add_printer("stat", "^stat$", StatPrint)

o = gdb.current_objfile()
gdb.printing.register_pretty_printer(o, p)

By sourcing the previous Python script, the PrettyPrinter can recognize struct stat and output a readable format for developers to inspect file attributes. Without inserting functions to parse and print struct stat, it is a more convenient way to acquire a better output from Python API.

(gdb) list 15
10          struct stat st;
12          if ((rc = stat("./a.cpp", &st)) < 0) {
13              perror("stat failed.");
14              goto end;
15          }
17          rc = 0;
18       end:
19          return rc;
(gdb) source
(gdb) b 17
Breakpoint 1 at 0x762: file a.cpp, line 17.
(gdb) r
Starting program: /root/a.out

Breakpoint 1, main (argc=1, argv=0x7fffffffe788) at a.cpp:17
17          rc = 0;
(gdb) p st
$1 = {
Size: 298
Blocks: 8
IO Block: 4096
Inode: 1322071
Access: -rw-rw-r--
File Type: regular file
Uid: (0/root)
Gid: (0/root)
Access: 2019-12-28T15:53:17
Modify: 2019-12-28T15:53:01
Change: 2019-12-28T15:53:01

Note that developers can disable a user-defined pretty-print via the command disable. For example, the previous Python script registers a pretty printer under the global pretty-printers. By calling disable pretty-print, the printer sp will be disabled.

(gdb) disable pretty-print global sp
1 printer disabled
1 of 2 printers enabled
(gdb) i pretty-print
global pretty-printers:
  sp [disabled]

Additionally, developers can exclude a printer in the current GDB debugging session if it is no longer required. The following snippet shows how to delete the sp printer through gdb.pretty_printers.remove.

(gdb) python
>import gdb
>for p in gdb.pretty_printers:
>    if == "sp":
>        gdb.pretty_printers.remove(p)
(gdb) i pretty-print
global pretty-printers:


Integrating Python interpreter into GDB offers many flexible ways to troubleshoot issues. While many integrated development environments (IDEs) may embed GDB to debug visually, GDB allows developers to implement their commands and parse variables’ output at runtime. By using debugging scripts, developers can monitor and record necessary information without modifying their code. Honestly, inserting or enabling debugging code blocks may change a program’s behaviors, and developers should get rid of this bad habit. Also, when a problem is reproduced, GDB can attach that process and examine its status without stopping it. Obviously, debugging via GDB is inevitable if a challenging issue emerges. Thanks to integrating Python into GDB, developing a script to troubleshoot becomes more accessible that leads to developers establishing their debugging methods diversely.


  1. Extending GDB using Python
  2. gcc/gcc/
  3. gdbinit/Gdbinit
  4. cyrus-and/gdb-dashboard
  5. hugsy/gef
  6. sharkdp/stack-inspector
  7. gdb Debugging Full Example (Tutorial)