diff --git a/chan.dev/src/content/posts/change-supermotion.md b/chan.dev/src/content/posts/change-supermotion.md
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+title: Change
+date: 2024-10-15
+ - ':help motion.txt'
+ - ':help text-objects'
+ - ':help change.txt'
+ - ':help change'
+ - ':help delete'
+ - ':help count'
+ - ':help visual.txt'
+ - ':help mini.ai'
+ - ':help mini.surround'
+People suck at teaching Vim.
+Because it's good software.
+Good software is composable.
+And composability isn't naturally apparent virtue.
+So we'll learn a little differently.
+Instead of working our way up from basics,
+we'll treat each operation atomically and exhaustively.
+This guide throws you right into the deep end, with the exact commands you'll run for any given *change*.
+Worst case, you learn nothing.
+Second-worst case, you learn one of Vim's best capabilities (and nothing else).
+Best case, you master these individual commands and experience the strong undercurrent of composability in each lesson.
+Obviously I think you and I can get to that bast case scenario or I wouldn't have written this.
+Wanna learn some Vim?
+## Contents
+## Intent: the power of Vim
+We often need to change text inside quotes, delete extranious words, or manipulate sentences and paragraphs.
+But in traditional editors we spend a lot of time making text selections with mouse.
+Intent is what mave Vim so powerful.
+If we want to change the text inside a quote, we don't need to visually select it first.
+We communicate our full intent through operations (keyboard commands).
+ci" does exactly what we want with just four characters.
+We'll cover 100 such operations in this guide with practical examples of where they're most useful in code.
+## How to read this guide
+Lessons in this guide include 3 parts:
+1. A description of the editing intent
+1. An exhaustive table of Vim operations to achieve that intent
+1. Notes on exceptions, shortcomings, and considerations
+We start with the base operation `ci` (change inner).
+This is my favorite intent and Vim's most capable.
+"Change inner" is the termonoligy you'll find in the docs.
+But I make an additional distinction of "inside".
+"Inside" is used to distinguish "inner" selections that are inside quotes.
+Finally, every one of these commands is run in `Normal mode`.
+In normal mode, you'll type each character in the operation.
+Entry speed should not matter in stock Vim/neoVim.
+## Change inside quotes
+Change text inside the current (or next) pair of quotes.
+| Operation | Description |
+| --- | --- |
+| ci' | change inside single quotes |
+| ci" | change inside double quotes |
+| ci` | change inside backticks |
+*Note: The cursor does not need to be inside the target quotation to be changed. But it does need to be before the quotation.*
+## Change inside brackets, braces, and parentheses
+Change text inside the current (or next) pair of braces, brackets, and parentheses.
+| operation | Alternative | Alias | Description |
+| --- | --- | --- |--- |
+| ci( | ci) | cib | change inside parentheses |
+| ci{ | ci} | ciB | change inside curly braces |
+| ci[ | ci] | | change inside square brackets |
+| ci< | ci> | | change inside angle brackets |
+Both opening and closing characters target the same selection.
+But I recommend committing to the opening character.
+Here's why:
+1. Committing to an operation creates stronger muscle memory.
+1. Minimal, columnar-style keyboards often remove physical representation of closing characters. So choosing the right side could require additional keystrokes, if a columnar-style keyboard is in your future.
+*Note: Parentheses and curly braces have aliases that are easier to type.*
+## Change inner word, sentence, or paragraph
+Change the word, sentence, or paragraph under the cursor.
+This works indifferent to the cursor's position inside that selection.
+| Operation | Description |
+| :--- | :--- |
+| ciw | change inner word |
+| ciW | change inner WORD (includes punctuation) |
+| cis | change inner sentence (determined by punctuation) |
+| cip | change inner paragraph (determined by whitespace) |
+## Repeat operations
+It can be useful to repeat an operation.
+Prefixing an operation with a number will execute that operation the number of times spcefied.
+This number is referred to as an operation's `count`.
+These are the operations from the previous lesson with various counts.
+| operation | Description |
+| --- | --- |
+| 2ciw | change inner word under cursor and the next |
+| 3ciW | change inner WORD under cursor and next 2 WORDs (includes punctuation) |
+| 3cis | change inner sentence under cursor and the next |
+| 2cip | change inner paragraph under cursor and the next |
+## Change around
+OK. Let's talk about text selection composition now.
+Vim operations are composable.
+For the curious, the existance of an `inner` distinction suggests an "outer".
+And Vim delivers.
+This distinction is `around` (think "including").
+- "Change around (including) double quotes."
+- "Change around sentence (including whitespace and punctuation)."
+- "Change around block (including curly braces)."
+For *every* `inner` operation we've learned, there is a corresponding `around` operation, which *includes* characters and/or whitespace.
+This table is every `ci` command we've learned, but using the `ca` (around) variation.
+| Operation | Alternative | Alias | Description |
+| --- | --- | --- |--- |
+| ca' | | | change around (including) single quotes |
+| ca" | | | change around (including) double quotes |
+| ca` | | | change around (including) backticks |
+| ca( | ci) | cib | change around (including) parentheses |
+| ca{ | ci} | ciB | change around curly braces |
+| ca[ | ci] | | change around (including) square brackets |
+| ca< | ci> | | change around (including) angle brackets |
+| caw | | | change arround word (including whitespace) |
+| caW | | | change arround WORD (including punctuation and whitespace) |
+| cas | | | change around sentence (determined by punctuation. including whitespace) |
+| cap | | | change arround paragraph (determined by whitespace. including whitespace) |
+## What is a text object?
+Text objects are an important concept in Vim.
+And one you now have experience with.
+`i"` (inside double quotes) is a text object.
+`ab` (around parentheses) is a text object.
+`iW` (inner WORD) is a text object.
+Think of these as queries &mdash or text selections.
+I've referred to them as "selections" up to this point.
+These text objects are composable.
+They can be used with commands other than `c` (change).
+Let's learn how…
+## Delete, don't change
+Let's talk more command composition.
+Our base `c` (change) command is actually two commands in one: `d` (delete) followed by `i` (insert).
+And anything composed can be decomposed.
+So what happens if we swap the decomposed `d` command, instead of the (composed) `c` command?
+We get a new set of operations that delete text objects *and* keep us in *Normal mode*.
+This is helpful when text objects need only be deleted (not replaced).
+Let's look at the board to see every `c` operation, as a `d` operation.
+| Operation | Alternative | Alias | Description |
+| --- | --- | --- |--- |
+| da' | | | delete around (including) single quotes |
+| da" | | | delete around (including) double quotes |
+| da` | | | delete around (including) backticks |
+| da( | ci) | cib | delete around (including) parentheses |
+| da{ | ci} | ciB | delete around (including) curly braces |
+| da[ | ci] | | delete around (including) square brackets |
+| da< | ci> | | delete around (including) angle brackets |
+| daw | | | delete around word (including whitespace)|
+| daW | | | delete around WORD (including punctuation and whitespace) |
+| das | | | delete around sentence (determined by punctuation. including whitespace) |
+| dap | | | delete around paragraph (determined by whitespace. including whitespace) |
+| di' | | | delete inner single quotes |
+| di" | | | delete inner double quotes |
+| di` | | | delete inner backticks |
+| di( | ci) | cib | delete inner parentheses |
+| di{ | ci} | ciB | delete inner curly braces |
+| di[ | ci] | | delete inner square brackets |
+| di< | ci> | | delete inner angle brackets |
+| diw | | | delete inner word (including whitespace)|
+| diW | | | delete inner WORD (including punctuation and whitespace) |
+| dis | | | delete inner sentence (determined by punctuation. including whitespace) |
+| dip | | | delete inner paragraph (determined by whitespace. including whitespace) |
+## Count revisited
+Now that you know know about *commands* and *text objects*,
+There are things you need to consider when using *counts*.
+Applying a count runs the command in sequence &mdash as if you typed it multiple, consecutive times.
+Consider 3ci" (3x, change inner double quotes).
+1. Delete existing text in the double quotes and places the insert cursor inside the quotes.
+1. (Now inside quotes) perform the the same task — resulting in no descernable change.
+1. (Still inside quotes) perform the the same task — resulting in no descernable change.
+This is even more confusing when manipulating words, sentences, and paragraphs.
+Consider 3cis (3 times change inner word).
+1. Delete the sentence under the cursor, ignoring whitespace.
+1. (Now over the remaining whatespace) perform the same task — deleting that remaining whitespace.
+1. (Now with a new sentence under the cursor) perform the same task — deleting the next sentence (also ignoring whitespace).
+This effect repeats, feeling like an off-by-one error.
+For these reasons, repeating over `inner` operations is largely flawed.
+So I favor `around` for when performing counted operations.
+*Note: See plugins for the ability to add a count to text objects.*
+## The composability of operations
+We now have 44 discrete operations, which can be repeated indefinitely.
+That's a lot.
+So how can we think about them composably?
+Let's start with anatomy.
+`() `
+Let's break down a few as examples.
+| segment | value | description |
+| --- | --- | --- |
+| count| none | (default: 1x) |
+| command| c | change |
+| text object| iw | inner word |
+| segment | value | description |
+| --- | --- | --- |
+| count| 2 | 2x |
+| command| c | change |
+| text object | ib | inner parentheses |
+| segment | value | description |
+| --- | --- | --- |
+| count| 3 | 3x |
+| command| d | delete |
+| text object | ap | around paragraph |
+Every operation you've learned can be decomposed into these three segments.
+## Use plugins for extended functionality
+The [`mini.nvim/ai`][mini/ai] plugin includes additional selection tools and aliases.
+Check out their documentation for additional features.
+Here are are a few operations that I use often.
+| Operation | Description |
+| --- | --- |
+| ci* | Change inside (arbitrary) `*` (useful in Markdown)|
+| ci_ | Change inside (arbitrary) `_` (useful in Markdown, or renaming snake_case variables)|
+| ci/ | Change inside (arbitrary) `/` (useful with Regex)|
+| ci? | Change 2 |
+| ciq | Change inside quotes (`'`, `"`, `
) |
+| cinq | Change inside next quotes |
+| cilq | Change inside last quotes |
+| cif | Change inside function call |
+| cia | Change inside argument |
+| c2ia | Change inside 2nd argument |
+| d2aa | Delete 2nd argument in function call/definition |
+| c2it | Change 2 inner tags (atomic selection) |
+## Take selection farther with motions
+We did not cover motions.
+Motions are are not text objects.
+They are Vim's way of moving the cursor.
+However, like text objects, they can be used with commands to perform operations.
+This is a comprehensive (but not exhaustive) list of motions composed with the `c` command.
+| command | alternative | alias | description |
+| --- | ---| --- | --- |
+| cb | | | change to beginning of the previous word |
+| cB | | | change to beginning of the previous WORD (includes punctuation and whitespace)|
+| ce | | | change to end of the word (includes punctuation and whitespace)|
+| cE | | | change to end of the WORD (includes punctuation and whitespace)|
+| cf `` | | | change through next (find) `` |
+| cF `` | | | change through previous (find) `` |
+| cgg | | | change to start of file |
+| cG | | | change to end of file |
+| ck | c⬆︎ | | change current and previous line |
+| cj | c⬇︎ | | change current and next line |
+| cl | c➡︎ | s | change character under cursor |
+| ch | c⬅︎ | | change character before cursor |
+| cH | | | change to top of screen (excluding padding) |
+| cM | | | change to the middle of the screen |
+| cL | | | change to bottom of screen (excluding padding) |
+| cn | | | change to next `search result` |
+| cN | | | change to previous `search result` |
+| cp | | | change to previous `search result` |
+| cP | | | change to previous `search result` |
+| ct `` | | | change to next `` |
+| cT `` | | | change to previous `` |
+| cw | | | change to start of next word |
+| cW | | | change to start of next WORD (includes punctuation and whitespace)|
+| c0 | | | change (from cursor) to start of line |
+| c$ | | C | change (from cursor) to the end of the line |
+| c# | | | change to previous word under cursor (word, if none found) |
+| c* | | | change to next word under cursor (word, if none found) |
+| c% | | | change to matching character pair (forward or backward) |
+| c^ | | | change to first non-whitespace character on the current line |
+| c) | | | change to the beginning of the current sentence |
+| c) | | | change to the end of the current sentence |
+| c{ | | | change to the beginning of the current paragraph |
+| c} | | | change to the end of the current paragraph |
+| c- | | | change to the first non-whitespace character on the previous line |
+| c+ | | | change to the first non-whitespace character on the next line |
+*Note: a few omissions: [[, [], ]], ][, etc. `:help object-motions.txt`*
+These are additional text object text selections.
+| command | alias | description |
+| --- | --- | ---|
+| cl | s | change character |
+| cgn | | change the next search pattern match |
+| cg_ | | change from cursor to the last non-blank character of the line |
+| cc | | change current line |
+| c$ | C | change from the cursor to the end of the line |
+There are no interactions with the `g` command prefix. Test.
+## Debug text object selections with Visual mode
+You may feel uneasy about text objects.
+This is natural as we're used to visualizing our selections.
+This is where Vim's Visual mode comes into play.
+We can replace the `c` and `d` commands with `v` to first perform a visual selection.
+Then, with that selection, post-fix the `c` or `d` command.
+Here are a few examples using Visual mode with text objects and motions:
+| operation | description |
+| --- | --- |
+| viwc | visual select inner word and change |
+| vapd | visual select around paragraph and delete |
+| vi"c | visual select inside double quotes and change |
+| vt*d | visual select to `*` and delete |
+| vT-c | visual select backward to `-` and delete |
+*Note: Count is not supported in Visual mode. This makes sense when you consider that count repeats commands, it does not compound them. Instead prefixing `v` with a number will select 11 × characters.*
+## Common workflows
+| operation | description |
+| --- | --- |
+| cit | change inside tag |
+| ci" | change inside double quotes |
+| ct" | change to double quote (to beginning of string attribute) |
+| cT" | change back-to doble quote (to beginning of string attribute) |
+| ci< | change tag name |
+| ct␣ | change to space (handy for changing individual class names and other string attributes) |
+| cT␣ | change back-to space (handy for changing individual class names and other string attributes) |
+| ciw | change string attribute segment (separated by non-word characters, e.g., `-`, `_`, `.`, etc.) |
+*Note: Remember that that these operations can use `d` (delete) and `v` (visual) commands and/or `a` (arround) text objects selections.*
+**Additional commands with [`mini.nvim/ai`][mini/ai]**
+| operation | description |
+| --- | --- |
+| c``it | change inside (ansestor) tags |
+| cilq | change inside last quotes (universal) |
+| c``inq | change inside next `` quotes (universal) |
+| c``inB | change inside next `` curly brarces |
+```html title="sample.html"
+ title
+ Page title
+### React
+*All operations from HTML section apply.*
+| operation | description |
+| --- | --- |
+| cib | change inside parentheses |
+| ciB | change inside curly braces |
+| ca"{ | change attribute in quotes and insert `{` to interpolate variable. |
+**Additional commands with [`mini.nvim/ai`][mini/ai] and [`mini.nvim/surround`][mini/surround]**
+| operation | description |
+| --- | --- |
+| cif | change function call arguments |
+| cia | change argument under cursor (or next) |
+| ``cia | change argument at `` position |
+| sr"\` | surround replace `"` with `
to allow interpolation |
+| ``dia | change argument at position ` `|
+| daa | (ripple) delete first argument |
+| d``aa | delete argument at position `` |
+| c``inB | change inside next `` curly brarces |
+| srq? | replace surrounding quotes (universal) with `` ({\`
, \`}
) (for changing string to variable interpolation) |
+function(a,b,c) {
+ return a + b + c;
+function({a,b = 1, ...c}) {
+ return a + b + c;
+export default function (a, b, c) {
+ return (
+ title
+ Page title
+ )
+### Markdown/prose
+[[: go to previous heading
+]]: go to next heading
+ci*/ci_: change inside em/strong
+ci*/ci_: change inside em/strong
+cis/cas: change sentance
+cip/cap: change paragraph
+[mini/ai]: https://github.com/echasnovski/mini.nvim/blob/main/lua/mini/ai.lua