import System.IO
import Control.Monad
import Text.Printf
import Data.Char
import Data.List
import Numeric
The code above imports necessary modules for input/output operations, control flow, text formatting, character manipulation, list operations, and numeric conversions.
main :: IO ()
main = do
hSetBuffering stdout NoBuffering -- DO NOT REMOVE
text <- getLine
let binaryText = toBinary text
let unaryText = toUnary binaryText
putStrLn unaryText
return ()
The main
function is the entry point of the program. It reads a line of input from the user using getLine
. Then, it converts the input text to binary using the toBinary
function and assigns the result to binaryText
. Next, it converts the binary text to unary using the toUnary
function and assigns the result to unaryText
. Finally, it prints the unary text using putStrLn
toBinary :: String -> String
toBinary text = concatMap (printf "%07b") text
The toBinary
function takes a String
as input and converts each character of the string to its 7-bit binary representation. It achieves this by applying the printf
function with the format specifier "%07b"
to each character of the input text using concatMap
firstBlock :: Char -> String
firstBlock x = if x == '0' then "00 " else "0 "
The firstBlock
function takes a Char
as input and returns a string representing the first block of the unary representation for that character. If the input character is '0'
, it returns "00 "
; otherwise, it returns "0 "
secondBlock :: String -> String
secondBlock l = concatMap show (take (length l) (repeat 0)) ++ " "
The secondBlock
function takes a String
as input and returns a string representing the second block of the unary representation for that string. It creates a list of zeros with the same length as the input string using repeat 0
, takes the first length l
elements from that list using take
, converts each element to a string using show
, concatenates the resulting list of strings using concatMap
, and appends a space at the end.
toUnary :: String -> String
toUnary text = init (concatMap (\l@(x:xs) -> (firstBlock x) ++ (secondBlock l)) (group text))
The toUnary
function takes a String
as input and converts it to its unary representation. It does this by grouping consecutive equal characters using group
, and then applying a lambda function to each group. The lambda function takes the first character of the group x
and the rest of the group xs
, and concatenates the first block of the unary representation of x
with the second block of the unary representation of the entire group. The resulting unary representations are concatenated using concatMap
. Finally, the last character (a space) is removed using init
to form the complete unary representation.