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chaseoes edited this page Aug 22, 2012 · 1 revision

The default Donator configuration with comments can be found below. Comments begin with # and do not affect the configuration.

  hostname: localhost # MySQL database hostname.
  database_name: my_database # Name of your MySQL database.
  username: username # MySQL username.
  password: abc123 # MySQL password.
  port: 3306 # The MySQL port if using external MySQL. Usually 3306.
  checkdelay: 30 # The amount of time in seconds between each check for new donations.
  sandbox: false # Used for testing only, should be false for live use.
  debug: false # Show debugging and error information in the console.
  cumulativepackages: true # If the amount a user donates can stack, e.g. they can donate $5 twice for a $10 package.
  enablesignwall: false # Enable after you have set the sign wall.
  broadcast-message: '&aPlease thank %player for donating %amount!' # Message sent when someone donates, accepts color codes.
    price: '5.00' # The price of the package.
    expires: '0' # The amount of days in which it should expire, set to 0 for never.
    commands: # Commands issued when someone donates (e.g. to promote the player).
    - promote %player
    - msg %player Thanks for donating %amount!
    expirescommands: # Commands issued when someone's package expires.
    - demote %player
- This is line 1! # The format of each sign on the sign wall, up to 4 lines.
- '%player'
- '%amount'
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