From 315ff0c7547081d70f7912a8cc05d2a5abaf4f50 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Chris Hatch Date: Sat, 9 Feb 2019 15:29:29 +0700 Subject: [PATCH] deployed new version of contracts to Kovan and Ropsten added deploy using infura mechanism ABI updated --- .eslintrc | 6 +- .gitignore | 1 + .npmignore | 2 + | 8 +- abi/HashedTimelock.json | 5527 ++++++++++++++++-------------- abi/HashedTimelockERC20.json | 6223 +++++++++++++++++++--------------- config.example.js | 15 + deployment.json | 8 +- package-lock.json | 1032 +++++- package.json | 10 +- truffle.js | 63 +- 11 files changed, 7611 insertions(+), 5284 deletions(-) create mode 100644 config.example.js diff --git a/.eslintrc b/.eslintrc index c8d0f8e..75cf807 100644 --- a/.eslintrc +++ b/.eslintrc @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ { "extends": "eslint:recommended", "parserOptions": { - "ecmaVersion": 8, + "ecmaVersion": 9, "ecmaFeatures": { "impliedStrict": true }, @@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ "mocha": true }, "globals": { - // truffle test framework provided: "web3": 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- "source": "pragma solidity ^0.4.24;\npragma experimental \"v0.5.0\";\n\n/**\n * @title Hashed Timelock Contracts (HTLCs) on Ethereum ETH.\n *\n * This contract provides a way to create and keep HTLCs for ETH.\n *\n * See HashedTimelockERC20.sol for a contract that provides the same functions \n * for ERC20 tokens.\n *\n * Protocol:\n *\n * 1) newContract(receiver, hashlock, timelock) - a sender calls this to create\n * a new HTLC and gets back a 32 byte contract id\n * 2) withdraw(contractId, preimage) - once the receiver knows the preimage of\n * the hashlock hash they can claim the ETH with this function\n * 3) refund() - after timelock has expired and if the receiver did not \n * withdraw funds the sender / creater of the HTLC can get their ETH \n * back with this function.\n */\ncontract HashedTimelock {\n \n event LogHTLCNew(\n bytes32 indexed contractId,\n address indexed sender,\n address indexed receiver,\n uint amount,\n bytes32 hashlock,\n uint timelock\n );\n event LogHTLCWithdraw(bytes32 indexed contractId);\n event LogHTLCRefund(bytes32 indexed contractId);\n\n struct LockContract {\n address sender;\n address receiver;\n uint amount;\n bytes32 hashlock; // sha-2 sha256 hash\n uint timelock; // UNIX timestamp seconds - locked UNTIL this time\n bool withdrawn;\n bool refunded;\n bytes32 preimage;\n }\n\n modifier fundsSent() {\n require(msg.value > 0, \"msg.value must be > 0\");\n _;\n }\n modifier futureTimelock(uint _time) {\n // only requirement is the timelock time is after the last blocktime (now).\n // probably want something a bit further in the future then this.\n // but this is still a useful sanity check:\n require(_time > now, \"timelock time must be in the future\");\n _;\n }\n modifier contractExists(bytes32 _contractId) {\n require(haveContract(_contractId), \"contractId does not exist\");\n _;\n }\n modifier hashlockMatches(bytes32 _contractId, bytes32 _x) {\n require(\n contracts[_contractId].hashlock == sha256(abi.encodePacked(_x)),\n \"hashlock hash does not match\"\n );\n _;\n }\n modifier withdrawable(bytes32 _contractId) {\n require(contracts[_contractId].receiver == msg.sender, \"withdrawable: not receiver\");\n require(contracts[_contractId].withdrawn == false, \"withdrawable: already withdrawn\");\n require(contracts[_contractId].timelock > now, \"withdrawable: timelock time must be in the future\");\n _;\n }\n modifier refundable(bytes32 _contractId) {\n require(contracts[_contractId].sender == msg.sender, \"refundable: not sender\");\n require(contracts[_contractId].refunded == false, \"refundable: already refunded\");\n require(contracts[_contractId].withdrawn == false, \"refundable: already withdrawn\");\n require(contracts[_contractId].timelock <= now, \"refundable: timelock not yet passed\");\n _;\n }\n\n mapping (bytes32 => LockContract) contracts;\n\n /**\n * @dev Sender sets up a new hash time lock contract depositing the ETH and \n * providing the reciever lock terms.\n *\n * @param _receiver Receiver of the ETH.\n * @param _hashlock A sha-2 sha256 hash hashlock.\n * @param _timelock UNIX epoch seconds time that the lock expires at. \n * Refunds can be made after this time.\n * @return contractId Id of the new HTLC. This is needed for subsequent \n * calls.\n */\n function newContract(address _receiver, bytes32 _hashlock, uint _timelock)\n external\n payable\n fundsSent\n futureTimelock(_timelock)\n returns (bytes32 contractId)\n {\n contractId = sha256(\n abi.encodePacked(\n msg.sender,\n _receiver,\n msg.value,\n _hashlock,\n _timelock\n )\n );\n\n // Reject if a contract already exists with the same parameters. The\n // sender must change one of these parameters to create a new distinct \n // contract.\n if (haveContract(contractId))\n revert();\n\n contracts[contractId] = LockContract(\n msg.sender,\n _receiver,\n msg.value,\n _hashlock,\n _timelock,\n false,\n false,\n 0x0\n );\n\n emit LogHTLCNew(\n contractId,\n msg.sender,\n _receiver,\n msg.value,\n _hashlock,\n _timelock\n );\n }\n\n /**\n * @dev Called by the receiver once they know the preimage of the hashlock.\n * This will transfer the locked funds to their address.\n *\n * @param _contractId Id of the HTLC.\n * @param _preimage sha256(_preimage) should equal the contract hashlock.\n * @return bool true on success\n */\n function withdraw(bytes32 _contractId, bytes32 _preimage)\n external\n contractExists(_contractId)\n hashlockMatches(_contractId, _preimage)\n withdrawable(_contractId)\n returns (bool)\n {\n LockContract storage c = contracts[_contractId];\n c.preimage = _preimage;\n c.withdrawn = true;\n c.receiver.transfer(c.amount);\n emit LogHTLCWithdraw(_contractId);\n return true;\n }\n\n /**\n * @dev Called by the sender if there was no withdraw AND the time lock has\n * expired. This will refund the contract amount.\n *\n * @param _contractId Id of HTLC to refund from.\n * @return bool true on success\n */\n function refund(bytes32 _contractId)\n external\n contractExists(_contractId)\n refundable(_contractId)\n returns (bool)\n {\n LockContract storage c = contracts[_contractId];\n c.refunded = true;\n c.sender.transfer(c.amount);\n emit LogHTLCRefund(_contractId);\n return true;\n }\n\n /**\n * @dev Get contract details.\n * @param _contractId HTLC contract id\n * @return All parameters in struct LockContract for _contractId HTLC\n */\n function getContract(bytes32 _contractId)\n public\n view\n returns (\n address sender,\n address receiver,\n uint amount,\n bytes32 hashlock,\n uint timelock,\n bool withdrawn,\n bool refunded,\n bytes32 preimage\n )\n {\n if (haveContract(_contractId) == false)\n return;\n LockContract storage c = contracts[_contractId];\n return (c.sender, c.receiver, c.amount, c.hashlock, c.timelock,\n c.withdrawn, c.refunded, c.preimage);\n }\n\n /**\n * @dev Is there a contract with id _contractId.\n * @param _contractId Id into contracts mapping.\n */\n function haveContract(bytes32 _contractId)\n internal\n view\n returns (bool exists)\n {\n exists = (contracts[_contractId].sender != address(0));\n }\n\n}\n", - "sourcePath": "/home/hatch/eth/hashed-timelock-contract-ethereum/contracts/HashedTimelock.sol", + "bytecode": 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048:54;;6931:178;;;:::o", + "source": "pragma solidity ^0.5.0;\n\n/**\n * @title Hashed Timelock Contracts (HTLCs) on Ethereum ETH.\n *\n * This contract provides a way to create and keep HTLCs for ETH.\n *\n * See HashedTimelockERC20.sol for a contract that provides the same functions \n * for ERC20 tokens.\n *\n * Protocol:\n *\n * 1) newContract(receiver, hashlock, timelock) - a sender calls this to create\n * a new HTLC and gets back a 32 byte contract id\n * 2) withdraw(contractId, preimage) - once the receiver knows the preimage of\n * the hashlock hash they can claim the ETH with this function\n * 3) refund() - after timelock has expired and if the receiver did not \n * withdraw funds the sender / creater of the HTLC can get their ETH \n * back with this function.\n */\ncontract HashedTimelock {\n\n event LogHTLCNew(\n bytes32 indexed contractId,\n address indexed sender,\n address indexed receiver,\n uint amount,\n bytes32 hashlock,\n uint timelock\n );\n event LogHTLCWithdraw(bytes32 indexed contractId);\n event LogHTLCRefund(bytes32 indexed contractId);\n\n struct LockContract {\n address payable sender;\n address payable receiver;\n uint amount;\n bytes32 hashlock; // sha-2 sha256 hash\n uint timelock; // UNIX timestamp seconds - locked UNTIL this time\n bool withdrawn;\n bool refunded;\n bytes32 preimage;\n }\n\n modifier fundsSent() {\n require(msg.value > 0, \"msg.value must be > 0\");\n _;\n }\n modifier futureTimelock(uint _time) {\n // only requirement is the timelock time is after the last blocktime (now).\n // probably want something a bit further in the future then this.\n // but this is still a useful sanity check:\n require(_time > now, \"timelock time must be in the future\");\n _;\n }\n modifier contractExists(bytes32 _contractId) {\n require(haveContract(_contractId), \"contractId does not exist\");\n _;\n }\n modifier hashlockMatches(bytes32 _contractId, bytes32 _x) {\n require(\n contracts[_contractId].hashlock == sha256(abi.encodePacked(_x)),\n \"hashlock hash does not match\"\n );\n _;\n }\n modifier withdrawable(bytes32 _contractId) {\n require(contracts[_contractId].receiver == msg.sender, \"withdrawable: not receiver\");\n require(contracts[_contractId].withdrawn == false, \"withdrawable: already withdrawn\");\n require(contracts[_contractId].timelock > now, \"withdrawable: timelock time must be in the future\");\n _;\n }\n modifier refundable(bytes32 _contractId) {\n require(contracts[_contractId].sender == msg.sender, \"refundable: not sender\");\n require(contracts[_contractId].refunded == false, \"refundable: already refunded\");\n require(contracts[_contractId].withdrawn == false, \"refundable: already withdrawn\");\n require(contracts[_contractId].timelock <= now, \"refundable: timelock not yet passed\");\n _;\n }\n\n mapping (bytes32 => LockContract) contracts;\n\n /**\n * @dev Sender sets up a new hash time lock contract depositing the ETH and \n * providing the reciever lock terms.\n *\n * @param _receiver Receiver of the ETH.\n * @param _hashlock A sha-2 sha256 hash hashlock.\n * @param _timelock UNIX epoch seconds time that the lock expires at. \n * Refunds can be made after this time.\n * @return contractId Id of the new HTLC. This is needed for subsequent \n * calls.\n */\n function newContract(address payable _receiver, bytes32 _hashlock, uint _timelock)\n external\n payable\n fundsSent\n futureTimelock(_timelock)\n returns (bytes32 contractId)\n {\n contractId = sha256(\n abi.encodePacked(\n msg.sender,\n _receiver,\n msg.value,\n _hashlock,\n _timelock\n )\n );\n\n // Reject if a contract already exists with the same parameters. The\n // sender must change one of these parameters to create a new distinct \n // contract.\n if (haveContract(contractId))\n revert();\n\n contracts[contractId] = LockContract(\n msg.sender,\n _receiver,\n msg.value,\n _hashlock,\n _timelock,\n false,\n false,\n 0x0\n );\n\n emit LogHTLCNew(\n contractId,\n msg.sender,\n _receiver,\n msg.value,\n _hashlock,\n _timelock\n );\n }\n\n /**\n * @dev Called by the receiver once they know the preimage of the hashlock.\n * This will transfer the locked funds to their address.\n *\n * @param _contractId Id of the HTLC.\n * @param _preimage sha256(_preimage) should equal the contract hashlock.\n * @return bool true on success\n */\n function withdraw(bytes32 _contractId, bytes32 _preimage)\n external\n contractExists(_contractId)\n hashlockMatches(_contractId, _preimage)\n withdrawable(_contractId)\n returns (bool)\n {\n LockContract storage c = contracts[_contractId];\n c.preimage = _preimage;\n c.withdrawn = true;\n c.receiver.transfer(c.amount);\n emit LogHTLCWithdraw(_contractId);\n return true;\n }\n\n /**\n * @dev Called by the sender if there was no withdraw AND the time lock has\n * expired. This will refund the contract amount.\n *\n * @param _contractId Id of HTLC to refund from.\n * @return bool true on success\n */\n function refund(bytes32 _contractId)\n external\n contractExists(_contractId)\n refundable(_contractId)\n returns (bool)\n {\n LockContract storage c = contracts[_contractId];\n c.refunded = true;\n c.sender.transfer(c.amount);\n emit LogHTLCRefund(_contractId);\n return true;\n }\n\n /**\n * @dev Get contract details.\n * @param _contractId HTLC contract id\n * @return All parameters in struct LockContract for _contractId HTLC\n */\n function getContract(bytes32 _contractId)\n public\n view\n returns (\n address sender,\n address receiver,\n uint amount,\n bytes32 hashlock,\n uint timelock,\n bool withdrawn,\n bool refunded,\n bytes32 preimage\n )\n {\n if (haveContract(_contractId) == false)\n return (address(0), address(0), 0, 0, 0, false, false, 0);\n LockContract storage c = contracts[_contractId];\n return (c.sender, c.receiver, c.amount, c.hashlock, c.timelock,\n c.withdrawn, c.refunded, c.preimage);\n }\n\n /**\n * @dev Is there a contract with id _contractId.\n * @param _contractId Id into contracts mapping.\n */\n function haveContract(bytes32 _contractId)\n internal\n view\n returns (bool exists)\n {\n exists = (contracts[_contractId].sender != address(0));\n }\n\n}\n", + "sourcePath": "/home/hatch/src/eth/hashed-timelock-contract-ethereum/contracts/HashedTimelock.sol", "ast": { - "absolutePath": "/home/hatch/eth/hashed-timelock-contract-ethereum/contracts/HashedTimelock.sol", + "absolutePath": "/home/hatch/src/eth/hashed-timelock-contract-ethereum/contracts/HashedTimelock.sol", "exportedSymbols": { "HashedTimelock": [ - 425 + 437 ] }, - "id": 426, + "id": 438, "nodeType": "SourceUnit", "nodes": [ { @@ -200,20 +200,11 @@ "literals": [ "solidity", "^", - "0.4", - ".24" + "0.5", + ".0" ], "nodeType": "PragmaDirective", - "src": "0:24:0" - }, - { - "id": 2, - "literals": [ - "experimental", - "v0.5.0" - ], - "nodeType": "PragmaDirective", - "src": "25:29:0" + "src": "0:23:0" }, { "baseContracts": [], @@ -221,9 +212,9 @@ "contractKind": "contract", "documentation": "@title Hashed Timelock Contracts (HTLCs) on Ethereum ETH.\n * This contract provides a way to create and keep HTLCs for ETH.\n * See HashedTimelockERC20.sol for a contract that provides the same functions \nfor ERC20 tokens.\n * Protocol:\n * 1) newContract(receiver, hashlock, timelock) - a sender calls this to create\n a new HTLC and gets back a 32 byte contract id\n 2) withdraw(contractId, preimage) - once the receiver knows the preimage of\n the hashlock hash they can claim the ETH with this function\n 3) refund() - after timelock has expired and if the receiver did not \n withdraw funds the sender / creater of the HTLC can get their ETH \n back with this function.", "fullyImplemented": true, - "id": 425, + "id": 437, "linearizedBaseContracts": [ - 425 + 437 ], "name": "HashedTimelock", "nodeType": "ContractDefinition", @@ -231,21 +222,21 @@ { "anonymous": false, "documentation": null, - "id": 16, + "id": 15, "name": "LogHTLCNew", "nodeType": "EventDefinition", "parameters": { - "id": 15, + "id": 14, "nodeType": "ParameterList", "parameters": [ { "constant": false, - "id": 4, + "id": 3, "indexed": true, "name": "contractId", "nodeType": "VariableDeclaration", - "scope": 16, - "src": "844:26:0", + "scope": 15, + "src": "809:26:0", "stateVariable": false, "storageLocation": "default", "typeDescriptions": { @@ -253,10 +244,10 @@ "typeString": "bytes32" }, "typeName": { - "id": 3, + "id": 2, "name": "bytes32", "nodeType": "ElementaryTypeName", - "src": "844:7:0", + "src": "809:7:0", "typeDescriptions": { "typeIdentifier": "t_bytes32", "typeString": "bytes32" @@ -267,12 +258,12 @@ }, { "constant": false, - "id": 6, + "id": 5, "indexed": true, "name": "sender", "nodeType": "VariableDeclaration", - "scope": 16, - "src": "880:22:0", + "scope": 15, + "src": "845:22:0", "stateVariable": false, "storageLocation": "default", "typeDescriptions": { @@ -280,10 +271,11 @@ "typeString": "address" }, "typeName": { - "id": 5, + "id": 4, "name": "address", "nodeType": "ElementaryTypeName", - "src": "880:7:0", + "src": "845:7:0", + "stateMutability": "nonpayable", "typeDescriptions": { "typeIdentifier": "t_address", "typeString": "address" @@ -294,12 +286,12 @@ }, { "constant": false, - "id": 8, + "id": 7, "indexed": true, "name": "receiver", "nodeType": "VariableDeclaration", - "scope": 16, - "src": "912:24:0", + "scope": 15, + "src": "877:24:0", "stateVariable": false, "storageLocation": "default", "typeDescriptions": { @@ -307,10 +299,11 @@ "typeString": "address" }, "typeName": { - 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This is needed for subsequent \n calls.", - "id": 257, + "id": 256, "implemented": true, - "isConstructor": false, - "isDeclaredConst": false, + "kind": "function", "modifiers": [ { "arguments": null, - "id": 199, + "id": 198, "modifierName": { "argumentTypes": null, - "id": 198, + "id": 197, "name": "fundsSent", "nodeType": "Identifier", "overloadedDeclarations": [], - "referencedDeclaration": 53, - "src": "3688:9:0", + "referencedDeclaration": 52, + "src": "3677:9:0", "typeDescriptions": { "typeIdentifier": "t_modifier$__$", "typeString": "modifier ()" } }, "nodeType": "ModifierInvocation", - "src": "3688:9:0" + "src": "3677:9:0" }, { "arguments": [ { "argumentTypes": null, - "id": 201, + "id": 200, "name": "_timelock", "nodeType": "Identifier", "overloadedDeclarations": [], - "referencedDeclaration": 196, - "src": "3721:9:0", + "referencedDeclaration": 195, + "src": "3710:9:0", "typeDescriptions": { "typeIdentifier": "t_uint256", "typeString": "uint256" } } ], - "id": 202, + "id": 201, "modifierName": { "argumentTypes": null, - 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"nodeType": "PragmaDirective", - "src": "0:24:0" - }, - { - "id": 2, - "literals": [ - "experimental", - "v0.5.0" - ], - "nodeType": "PragmaDirective", - "src": "25:29:0" + "src": "0:23:0" }, { "baseContracts": [], @@ -5876,9 +6091,9 @@ "contractKind": "contract", "documentation": "@title Hashed Timelock Contracts (HTLCs) on Ethereum ETH.\n * This contract provides a way to create and keep HTLCs for ETH.\n * See HashedTimelockERC20.sol for a contract that provides the same functions \nfor ERC20 tokens.\n * Protocol:\n * 1) newContract(receiver, hashlock, timelock) - a sender calls this to create\n a new HTLC and gets back a 32 byte contract id\n 2) withdraw(contractId, preimage) - once the receiver knows the preimage of\n the hashlock hash they can claim the ETH with this function\n 3) refund() - after timelock has expired and if the receiver did not \n withdraw funds the sender / creater of the HTLC can get their ETH \n back with this function.", "fullyImplemented": true, - "id": 425, + "id": 437, "linearizedBaseContracts": [ - 425 + 437 ], "name": "HashedTimelock", "nodeType": "ContractDefinition", @@ -5886,21 +6101,21 @@ { "anonymous": false, "documentation": null, - "id": 16, + "id": 15, "name": "LogHTLCNew", "nodeType": "EventDefinition", "parameters": { - "id": 15, + "id": 14, "nodeType": "ParameterList", "parameters": [ { "constant": false, - "id": 4, + "id": 3, "indexed": true, "name": "contractId", "nodeType": "VariableDeclaration", - "scope": 16, - "src": "844:26:0", + "scope": 15, + "src": "809:26:0", "stateVariable": false, "storageLocation": "default", "typeDescriptions": { @@ -5908,10 +6123,10 @@ "typeString": "bytes32" }, "typeName": { - "id": 3, + "id": 2, "name": "bytes32", "nodeType": "ElementaryTypeName", - "src": "844:7:0", + "src": "809:7:0", "typeDescriptions": { "typeIdentifier": "t_bytes32", "typeString": "bytes32" @@ -5922,12 +6137,12 @@ }, { "constant": false, - "id": 6, + "id": 5, "indexed": true, "name": "sender", "nodeType": 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ETH.\n@param _hashlock A sha-2 sha256 hash hashlock.\n@param _timelock UNIX epoch seconds time that the lock expires at. \n Refunds can be made after this time.\n@return contractId Id of the new HTLC. This is needed for subsequent \n calls.", - "id": 257, + "id": 256, "implemented": true, - "isConstructor": false, - "isDeclaredConst": false, + "kind": "function", "modifiers": [ { "arguments": null, - "id": 199, + "id": 198, "modifierName": { "argumentTypes": null, - "id": 198, + "id": 197, "name": "fundsSent", "nodeType": "Identifier", "overloadedDeclarations": [], - "referencedDeclaration": 53, - "src": "3688:9:0", + "referencedDeclaration": 52, + "src": "3677:9:0", "typeDescriptions": { "typeIdentifier": "t_modifier$__$", "typeString": "modifier ()" } }, "nodeType": "ModifierInvocation", - "src": "3688:9:0" + "src": "3677:9:0" }, { "arguments": [ { "argumentTypes": null, - "id": 201, + "id": 200, "name": "_timelock", "nodeType": "Identifier", "overloadedDeclarations": [], - "referencedDeclaration": 196, - "src": "3721:9:0", + "referencedDeclaration": 195, + "src": "3710:9:0", "typeDescriptions": { "typeIdentifier": "t_uint256", "typeString": "uint256" } } ], - "id": 202, + "id": 201, "modifierName": { "argumentTypes": null, - 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"A sha-2 sha256 hash hashlock.", + "_receiver": "Receiver of the ETH.", + "_timelock": "UNIX epoch seconds time that the lock expires at. Refunds can be made after this time." + }, + "return": "contractId Id of the new HTLC. This is needed for subsequent calls." + }, + "refund(bytes32)": { + "details": "Called by the sender if there was no withdraw AND the time lock has expired. This will refund the contract amount.", + "params": { + "_contractId": "Id of HTLC to refund from." + }, + "return": "bool true on success" + }, + "withdraw(bytes32,bytes32)": { + "details": "Called by the receiver once they know the preimage of the hashlock. This will transfer the locked funds to their address.", + "params": { + "_contractId": "Id of the HTLC.", + "_preimage": "sha256(_preimage) should equal the contract hashlock." + }, + "return": "bool true on success" + } + }, + "title": "Hashed Timelock Contracts (HTLCs) on Ethereum ETH. * This contract provides a way to create and keep HTLCs for ETH. * See HashedTimelockERC20.sol for a contract that provides the same functions for ERC20 tokens. * Protocol: * 1) newContract(receiver, hashlock, timelock) - a sender calls this to create a new HTLC and gets back a 32 byte contract id 2) withdraw(contractId, preimage) - once the receiver knows the preimage of the hashlock hash they can claim the ETH with this function 3) refund() - after timelock has expired and if the receiver did not withdraw funds the sender / creater of the HTLC can get their ETH back with this function." + }, + "userdoc": { + "methods": {} + } } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/abi/HashedTimelockERC20.json b/abi/HashedTimelockERC20.json index 0ed916a..df0f7be 100644 --- a/abi/HashedTimelockERC20.json +++ b/abi/HashedTimelockERC20.json @@ -196,50 +196,41 @@ "type": "function" } ], - "bytecode": 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:31;;;:38;;3337:86;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;6972:9;:22;6982:11;6972:22;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;6947:47;;7017:4;7004:1;:10;;;:17;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;7037:1;:15;;;;;;;;;;;;7031:31;;;7063:1;:8;;;;;;;;;;;;7073:1;:8;;;7031:51;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;8:9:-1;5:2;;;30:1;27;20:12;5:2;7031:51:1;;;;8:9:-1;5:2;;;45:16;42:1;39;24:38;77:16;74:1;67:27;5:2;7031:51:1;;;;;;;13:2:-1;8:3;5:11;2:2;;;29:1;26;19:12;2:2;7031:51:1;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;7116:11;7097:31;;;;;;;;;;;;;7145:4;7138:11;;2408:1;6788:368;;;;;:::o;7329:738::-;7429:14;7457:16;7487:21;7522:11;7547:16;7577:13;7604:14;7632:13;7659:16;7768:22;7733:5;7704:34;;:25;7717:11;7704:12;:25::i;:::-;:34;;;7700:59;;;7752:7;;7700:59;7793:9;:22;7803:11;7793:22;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;7768:47;;7846:1;:8;;;;;;;;;;;;7868:1;:10;;;;;;;;;;;;7892:1;:15;;;;;;;;;;;;7921:1;:8;;;7943:1;:10;;;7967:1;:10;;;7991:1;:11;;;;;;;;;;;;8016:1;:10;;;;;;;;;;;;8040:1;:10;;;7825:235;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;7329:738;;;;;;;;;;;;;:::o;8195:178::-;8285:11;8363:1;8322:43;;:9;:22;8332:11;8322:22;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:29;;;;;;;;;;;;:43;;;;8312:54;;8195:178;;;:::o", - "source": "pragma solidity ^0.4.24;\npragma experimental \"v0.5.0\";\n\nimport \"openzeppelin-solidity/contracts/token/ERC20/ERC20.sol\";\n\n/**\n* @title Hashed Timelock Contracts (HTLCs) on Ethereum ERC20 tokens.\n*\n* This contract provides a way to create and keep HTLCs for ERC20 tokens.\n*\n* See HashedTimelock.sol for a contract that provides the same functions \n* for the native ETH token.\n*\n* Protocol:\n*\n* 1) newContract(receiver, hashlock, timelock, tokenContract, amount) - a \n* sender calls this to create a new HTLC on a given token (tokenContract) \n* for a given amount. A 32 byte contract id is returned\n* 2) withdraw(contractId, preimage) - once the receiver knows the preimage of\n* the hashlock hash they can claim the tokens with this function\n* 3) refund() - after timelock has expired and if the receiver did not \n* withdraw the tokens the sender / creater of the HTLC can get their tokens \n* back with this function.\n */\ncontract HashedTimelockERC20 {\n\n event LogHTLCERC20New(\n bytes32 indexed contractId,\n address indexed sender,\n address indexed receiver,\n address tokenContract,\n uint amount,\n bytes32 hashlock,\n uint timelock\n );\n event LogHTLCERC20Withdraw(bytes32 indexed contractId);\n event LogHTLCERC20Refund(bytes32 indexed contractId);\n\n struct LockContract {\n address sender;\n address receiver;\n address tokenContract;\n uint amount;\n bytes32 hashlock;\n uint timelock; // UNIX timestamp seconds - locked UNTIL this time\n bool withdrawn;\n bool refunded;\n bytes32 preimage;\n }\n\n modifier tokensTransferable(address _token, address _sender, uint _amount) {\n require(_amount > 0, \"token amount must be > 0\");\n require(\n ERC20(_token).allowance(_sender, this) >= _amount,\n \"token allowance must be >= amount\"\n );\n _;\n }\n modifier futureTimelock(uint _time) {\n // only requirement is the timelock time is after the last blocktime (now).\n // probably want something a bit further in the future then this.\n // but this is still a useful sanity check:\n require(_time > now, \"timelock time must be in the future\");\n _;\n }\n modifier contractExists(bytes32 _contractId) {\n require(haveContract(_contractId), \"contractId does not exist\");\n _;\n }\n modifier hashlockMatches(bytes32 _contractId, bytes32 _x) {\n require(\n contracts[_contractId].hashlock == sha256(abi.encodePacked(_x)),\n \"hashlock hash does not match\"\n );\n _;\n }\n modifier withdrawable(bytes32 _contractId) {\n require(contracts[_contractId].receiver == msg.sender, \"withdrawable: not receiver\");\n require(contracts[_contractId].withdrawn == false, \"withdrawable: already withdrawn\");\n require(contracts[_contractId].timelock > now, \"withdrawable: timelock time must be in the future\");\n _;\n }\n modifier refundable(bytes32 _contractId) {\n require(contracts[_contractId].sender == msg.sender, \"refundable: not sender\");\n require(contracts[_contractId].refunded == false, \"refundable: already refunded\");\n require(contracts[_contractId].withdrawn == false, \"refundable: already withdrawn\");\n require(contracts[_contractId].timelock <= now, \"refundable: timelock not yet passed\");\n _;\n }\n\n mapping (bytes32 => LockContract) contracts;\n\n /**\n * @dev Sender / Payer sets up a new hash time lock contract depositing the\n * funds and providing the reciever and terms.\n *\n * NOTE: _receiver must first call approve() on the token contract. \n * See allowance check in tokensTransferable modifier.\n\n * @param _receiver Receiver of the tokens.\n * @param _hashlock A sha-2 sha256 hash hashlock.\n * @param _timelock UNIX epoch seconds time that the lock expires at. \n * Refunds can be made after this time.\n * @param _tokenContract ERC20 Token contract address.\n * @param _amount Amount of the token to lock up.\n * @return contractId Id of the new HTLC. This is needed for subsequent \n * calls.\n */\n function newContract(\n address _receiver,\n bytes32 _hashlock,\n uint _timelock,\n address _tokenContract,\n uint _amount\n )\n external\n tokensTransferable(_tokenContract, msg.sender, _amount)\n futureTimelock(_timelock)\n returns (bytes32 contractId)\n {\n contractId = sha256(\n abi.encodePacked(\n msg.sender,\n _receiver,\n _tokenContract,\n _amount,\n _hashlock,\n _timelock\n )\n );\n\n // Reject if a contract already exists with the same parameters. The\n // sender must change one of these parameters (ideally providing a\n // different _hashlock).\n if (haveContract(contractId))\n revert();\n\n // This contract becomes the temporary owner of the tokens\n if (!ERC20(_tokenContract).transferFrom(msg.sender, this, _amount))\n revert();\n \n contracts[contractId] = LockContract(\n msg.sender,\n _receiver,\n _tokenContract,\n _amount,\n _hashlock,\n _timelock,\n false,\n false,\n 0x0\n );\n\n emit LogHTLCERC20New(\n contractId,\n msg.sender,\n _receiver,\n _tokenContract,\n _amount,\n _hashlock,\n _timelock\n );\n }\n\n /**\n * @dev Called by the receiver once they know the preimage of the hashlock.\n * This will transfer ownership of the locked tokens to their address.\n *\n * @param _contractId Id of the HTLC.\n * @param _preimage sha256(_preimage) should equal the contract hashlock.\n * @return bool true on success\n */\n function withdraw(bytes32 _contractId, bytes32 _preimage)\n external\n contractExists(_contractId)\n hashlockMatches(_contractId, _preimage)\n withdrawable(_contractId)\n returns (bool)\n {\n LockContract storage c = contracts[_contractId];\n c.preimage = _preimage;\n c.withdrawn = true;\n ERC20(c.tokenContract).transfer(c.receiver, c.amount);\n emit LogHTLCERC20Withdraw(_contractId);\n return true;\n }\n\n /**\n * @dev Called by the sender if there was no withdraw AND the time lock has\n * expired. This will restore ownership of the tokens to the sender.\n *\n * @param _contractId Id of HTLC to refund from.\n * @return bool true on success\n */\n function refund(bytes32 _contractId)\n external\n contractExists(_contractId)\n refundable(_contractId)\n returns (bool)\n {\n LockContract storage c = contracts[_contractId];\n c.refunded = true;\n ERC20(c.tokenContract).transfer(c.sender, c.amount);\n emit LogHTLCERC20Refund(_contractId);\n return true;\n }\n\n /**\n * @dev Get contract details.\n * @param _contractId HTLC contract id\n * @return All parameters in struct LockContract for _contractId HTLC\n */\n function getContract(bytes32 _contractId)\n public\n view\n returns (\n address sender,\n address receiver,\n address tokenContract,\n uint amount,\n bytes32 hashlock,\n uint timelock,\n bool withdrawn,\n bool refunded,\n bytes32 preimage\n )\n {\n if (haveContract(_contractId) == false)\n return;\n LockContract storage c = contracts[_contractId];\n return (\n c.sender,\n c.receiver,\n c.tokenContract,\n c.amount,\n c.hashlock,\n c.timelock,\n c.withdrawn,\n c.refunded,\n c.preimage\n );\n }\n\n /**\n * @dev Is there a contract with id _contractId.\n * @param _contractId Id into contracts mapping.\n */\n function haveContract(bytes32 _contractId)\n internal\n view\n returns (bool exists)\n {\n exists = (contracts[_contractId].sender != address(0));\n }\n\n}\n", - "sourcePath": "/home/hatch/eth/hashed-timelock-contract-ethereum/contracts/HashedTimelockERC20.sol", + "bytecode": "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;;;;;;3358:3;3323:9;:22;3333:11;3323:22;;;;;;;;;;;:31;;;:38;;3315:86;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;6922:22;6947:9;:22;6957:11;6947:22;;;;;;;;;;;6922:47;;6992:4;6979:1;:10;;;:17;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;7012:1;:15;;;;;;;;;;;;7006:31;;;7038:1;:8;;;;;;;;;;;;7048:1;:8;;;7006:51;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;8:9:-1;5:2;;;30:1;27;20:12;5:2;7006:51:1;;;;8:9:-1;5:2;;;45:16;42:1;39;24:38;77:16;74:1;67:27;5:2;7006:51:1;;;;;;;13:2:-1;8:3;5:11;2:2;;;29:1;26;19:12;2:2;7006:51:1;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;7091:11;7072:31;;;;;;;;;;7120:4;7113:11;;;2386:1;6763:368;;;;:::o;7304:801::-;7404:14;7432:16;7462:21;7497:11;7522:16;7552:13;7579:14;7607:13;7634:16;7708:5;7679:34;;:25;7692:11;7679:12;:25::i;:::-;:34;;;7675:121;;;7743:1;7755;7767;7771;7774;7777;7780:5;7787;7794:1;7727:69;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;7675:121;7806:22;7831:9;:22;7841:11;7831:22;;;;;;;;;;;7806:47;;7884:1;:8;;;;;;;;;;;;7906:1;:10;;;;;;;;;;;;7930:1;:15;;;;;;;;;;;;7959:1;:8;;;7981:1;:10;;;8005:1;:10;;;8029:1;:11;;;;;;;;;;;;8054:1;:10;;;;;;;;;;;;8078:1;:10;;;7863:235;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;7304:801;;;;;;;;;;;;:::o;8233:178::-;8323:11;8401:1;8360:43;;:9;:22;8370:11;8360:22;;;;;;;;;;;:29;;;;;;;;;;;;:43;;;;8350:54;;8233:178;;;:::o", + "source": "pragma solidity ^0.5.0;\n\nimport \"openzeppelin-solidity/contracts/token/ERC20/ERC20.sol\";\n\n/**\n* @title Hashed Timelock Contracts (HTLCs) on Ethereum ERC20 tokens.\n*\n* This contract provides a way to create and keep HTLCs for ERC20 tokens.\n*\n* See HashedTimelock.sol for a contract that provides the same functions \n* for the native ETH token.\n*\n* Protocol:\n*\n* 1) newContract(receiver, hashlock, timelock, tokenContract, amount) - a \n* sender calls this to create a new HTLC on a given token (tokenContract) \n* for a given amount. A 32 byte contract id is returned\n* 2) withdraw(contractId, preimage) - once the receiver knows the preimage of\n* the hashlock hash they can claim the tokens with this function\n* 3) refund() - after timelock has expired and if the receiver did not \n* withdraw the tokens the sender / creater of the HTLC can get their tokens \n* back with this function.\n */\ncontract HashedTimelockERC20 {\n\n event LogHTLCERC20New(\n bytes32 indexed contractId,\n address indexed sender,\n address indexed receiver,\n address tokenContract,\n uint amount,\n bytes32 hashlock,\n uint timelock\n );\n event LogHTLCERC20Withdraw(bytes32 indexed contractId);\n event LogHTLCERC20Refund(bytes32 indexed contractId);\n\n struct LockContract {\n address sender;\n address receiver;\n address tokenContract;\n uint amount;\n bytes32 hashlock;\n uint timelock; // UNIX timestamp seconds - locked UNTIL this time\n bool withdrawn;\n bool refunded;\n bytes32 preimage;\n }\n\n modifier tokensTransferable(address _token, address _sender, uint _amount) {\n require(_amount > 0, \"token amount must be > 0\");\n require(\n ERC20(_token).allowance(_sender, address(this)) >= _amount,\n \"token allowance must be >= amount\"\n );\n _;\n }\n modifier futureTimelock(uint _time) {\n // only requirement is the timelock time is after the last blocktime (now).\n // probably want something a bit further in the future then this.\n // but this is still a useful sanity check:\n require(_time > now, \"timelock time must be in the future\");\n _;\n }\n modifier contractExists(bytes32 _contractId) {\n require(haveContract(_contractId), \"contractId does not exist\");\n _;\n }\n modifier hashlockMatches(bytes32 _contractId, bytes32 _x) {\n require(\n contracts[_contractId].hashlock == sha256(abi.encodePacked(_x)),\n \"hashlock hash does not match\"\n );\n _;\n }\n modifier withdrawable(bytes32 _contractId) {\n require(contracts[_contractId].receiver == msg.sender, \"withdrawable: not receiver\");\n require(contracts[_contractId].withdrawn == false, \"withdrawable: already withdrawn\");\n require(contracts[_contractId].timelock > now, \"withdrawable: timelock time must be in the future\");\n _;\n }\n modifier refundable(bytes32 _contractId) {\n require(contracts[_contractId].sender == msg.sender, \"refundable: not sender\");\n require(contracts[_contractId].refunded == false, \"refundable: already refunded\");\n require(contracts[_contractId].withdrawn == false, \"refundable: already withdrawn\");\n require(contracts[_contractId].timelock <= now, \"refundable: timelock not yet passed\");\n _;\n }\n\n mapping (bytes32 => LockContract) contracts;\n\n /**\n * @dev Sender / Payer sets up a new hash time lock contract depositing the\n * funds and providing the reciever and terms.\n *\n * NOTE: _receiver must first call approve() on the token contract. \n * See allowance check in tokensTransferable modifier.\n\n * @param _receiver Receiver of the tokens.\n * @param _hashlock A sha-2 sha256 hash hashlock.\n * @param _timelock UNIX epoch seconds time that the lock expires at. \n * Refunds can be made after this time.\n * @param _tokenContract ERC20 Token contract address.\n * @param _amount Amount of the token to lock up.\n * @return contractId Id of the new HTLC. This is needed for subsequent \n * calls.\n */\n function newContract(\n address _receiver,\n bytes32 _hashlock,\n uint _timelock,\n address _tokenContract,\n uint _amount\n )\n external\n tokensTransferable(_tokenContract, msg.sender, _amount)\n futureTimelock(_timelock)\n returns (bytes32 contractId)\n {\n contractId = sha256(\n abi.encodePacked(\n msg.sender,\n _receiver,\n _tokenContract,\n _amount,\n _hashlock,\n _timelock\n )\n );\n\n // Reject if a contract already exists with the same parameters. The\n // sender must change one of these parameters (ideally providing a\n // different _hashlock).\n if (haveContract(contractId))\n revert();\n\n // This contract becomes the temporary owner of the tokens\n if (!ERC20(_tokenContract).transferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), _amount))\n revert();\n\n contracts[contractId] = LockContract(\n msg.sender,\n _receiver,\n _tokenContract,\n _amount,\n _hashlock,\n _timelock,\n false,\n false,\n 0x0\n );\n\n emit LogHTLCERC20New(\n contractId,\n msg.sender,\n _receiver,\n _tokenContract,\n _amount,\n _hashlock,\n _timelock\n );\n }\n\n /**\n * @dev Called by the receiver once they know the preimage of the hashlock.\n * This will transfer ownership of the locked tokens to their address.\n *\n * @param _contractId Id of the HTLC.\n * @param _preimage sha256(_preimage) should equal the contract hashlock.\n * @return bool true on success\n */\n function withdraw(bytes32 _contractId, bytes32 _preimage)\n external\n contractExists(_contractId)\n hashlockMatches(_contractId, _preimage)\n withdrawable(_contractId)\n returns (bool)\n {\n LockContract storage c = contracts[_contractId];\n c.preimage = _preimage;\n c.withdrawn = true;\n ERC20(c.tokenContract).transfer(c.receiver, c.amount);\n emit LogHTLCERC20Withdraw(_contractId);\n return true;\n }\n\n /**\n * @dev Called by the sender if there was no withdraw AND the time lock has\n * expired. This will restore ownership of the tokens to the sender.\n *\n * @param _contractId Id of HTLC to refund from.\n * @return bool true on success\n */\n function refund(bytes32 _contractId)\n external\n contractExists(_contractId)\n refundable(_contractId)\n returns (bool)\n {\n LockContract storage c = contracts[_contractId];\n c.refunded = true;\n ERC20(c.tokenContract).transfer(c.sender, c.amount);\n emit LogHTLCERC20Refund(_contractId);\n return true;\n }\n\n /**\n * @dev Get contract details.\n * @param _contractId HTLC contract id\n * @return All parameters in struct LockContract for _contractId HTLC\n */\n function getContract(bytes32 _contractId)\n public\n view\n returns (\n address sender,\n address receiver,\n address tokenContract,\n uint amount,\n bytes32 hashlock,\n uint timelock,\n bool withdrawn,\n bool refunded,\n bytes32 preimage\n )\n {\n if (haveContract(_contractId) == false)\n return (address(0), address(0), address(0), 0, 0, 0, false, false, 0);\n LockContract storage c = contracts[_contractId];\n return (\n c.sender,\n c.receiver,\n c.tokenContract,\n c.amount,\n c.hashlock,\n c.timelock,\n c.withdrawn,\n c.refunded,\n c.preimage\n );\n }\n\n /**\n * @dev Is there a contract with id _contractId.\n * @param _contractId Id into contracts mapping.\n */\n function haveContract(bytes32 _contractId)\n internal\n view\n returns (bool exists)\n {\n exists = (contracts[_contractId].sender != address(0));\n }\n\n}\n", + "sourcePath": "/home/hatch/src/eth/hashed-timelock-contract-ethereum/contracts/HashedTimelockERC20.sol", "ast": { - "absolutePath": "/home/hatch/eth/hashed-timelock-contract-ethereum/contracts/HashedTimelockERC20.sol", + "absolutePath": "/home/hatch/src/eth/hashed-timelock-contract-ethereum/contracts/HashedTimelockERC20.sol", "exportedSymbols": { "HashedTimelockERC20": [ - 904 + 935 ] }, - "id": 905, + "id": 936, "nodeType": "SourceUnit", "nodes": [ { - "id": 427, + "id": 439, "literals": [ "solidity", "^", - "0.4", - ".24" + "0.5", + ".0" ], "nodeType": "PragmaDirective", - "src": "0:24:1" - }, - { - "id": 428, - "literals": [ - "experimental", - "v0.5.0" - ], - "nodeType": "PragmaDirective", - "src": "25:29:1" + "src": "0:23:1" }, { "absolutePath": "openzeppelin-solidity/contracts/token/ERC20/ERC20.sol", "file": "openzeppelin-solidity/contracts/token/ERC20/ERC20.sol", - "id": 429, + "id": 440, "nodeType": "ImportDirective", - "scope": 905, - "sourceUnit": 1005, - "src": "56:63:1", + "scope": 936, + "sourceUnit": 1553, + "src": "25:63:1", "symbolAliases": [], "unitAlias": "" }, @@ -249,9 +240,9 @@ "contractKind": "contract", "documentation": "@title Hashed Timelock Contracts (HTLCs) on Ethereum ERC20 tokens.\n* This contract provides a way to create and keep HTLCs for ERC20 tokens.\n* See HashedTimelock.sol for a contract that provides the same functions \nfor the native ETH token.\n* Protocol:\n* 1) newContract(receiver, hashlock, timelock, tokenContract, amount) - a \n sender calls this to create a new HTLC on a given token (tokenContract) \n for a given amount. A 32 byte contract id is returned\n 2) withdraw(contractId, preimage) - once the receiver knows the preimage of\n the hashlock hash they can claim the tokens with this function\n 3) refund() - after timelock has expired and if the receiver did not \n withdraw the tokens the sender / creater of the HTLC can get their tokens \n back with this function.", "fullyImplemented": true, - "id": 904, + "id": 935, "linearizedBaseContracts": [ - 904 + 935 ], "name": "HashedTimelockERC20", "nodeType": "ContractDefinition", @@ -259,21 +250,21 @@ { "anonymous": false, "documentation": null, - "id": 445, + "id": 456, "name": "LogHTLCERC20New", "nodeType": "EventDefinition", "parameters": { - "id": 444, + "id": 455, "nodeType": "ParameterList", "parameters": [ { "constant": false, - "id": 431, + "id": 442, "indexed": true, "name": "contractId", "nodeType": "VariableDeclaration", - "scope": 445, - "src": "1015:26:1", + "scope": 456, + "src": "984:26:1", "stateVariable": false, "storageLocation": "default", "typeDescriptions": { @@ -281,10 +272,10 @@ "typeString": "bytes32" }, "typeName": { - "id": 430, + "id": 441, "name": "bytes32", "nodeType": "ElementaryTypeName", - "src": "1015:7:1", + "src": "984:7:1", "typeDescriptions": { "typeIdentifier": "t_bytes32", "typeString": "bytes32" @@ -295,12 +286,12 @@ }, { "constant": false, - "id": 433, + "id": 444, "indexed": true, "name": "sender", "nodeType": "VariableDeclaration", - "scope": 445, - "src": "1051:22:1", + "scope": 456, + "src": "1020:22:1", "stateVariable": false, "storageLocation": "default", "typeDescriptions": { @@ -308,10 +299,11 @@ "typeString": "address" }, "typeName": { - "id": 432, + "id": 443, "name": "address", "nodeType": "ElementaryTypeName", - "src": "1051:7:1", + "src": "1020:7:1", + "stateMutability": "nonpayable", "typeDescriptions": { "typeIdentifier": "t_address", "typeString": "address" @@ -322,12 +314,12 @@ }, { "constant": false, - "id": 435, + "id": 446, "indexed": true, "name": "receiver", "nodeType": "VariableDeclaration", - "scope": 445, - "src": "1083:24:1", + "scope": 456, + "src": "1052:24:1", "stateVariable": false, "storageLocation": "default", "typeDescriptions": { @@ -335,10 +327,11 @@ "typeString": "address" }, "typeName": { - "id": 434, + "id": 445, "name": "address", "nodeType": "ElementaryTypeName", - "src": "1083:7:1", + "src": "1052:7:1", + "stateMutability": "nonpayable", "typeDescriptions": { "typeIdentifier": "t_address", "typeString": "address" @@ -349,12 +342,12 @@ }, { "constant": false, - "id": 437, + "id": 448, "indexed": false, "name": "tokenContract", "nodeType": "VariableDeclaration", - "scope": 445, - "src": "1117:21:1", + "scope": 456, + "src": "1086:21:1", "stateVariable": false, "storageLocation": "default", "typeDescriptions": { @@ -362,10 +355,11 @@ "typeString": "address" }, "typeName": { - "id": 436, + "id": 447, "name": "address", "nodeType": "ElementaryTypeName", - "src": "1117:7:1", + "src": "1086:7:1", + "stateMutability": "nonpayable", "typeDescriptions": { "typeIdentifier": "t_address", "typeString": "address" @@ -376,12 +370,12 @@ }, { "constant": false, - "id": 439, + "id": 450, "indexed": false, "name": "amount", "nodeType": "VariableDeclaration", - "scope": 445, - "src": "1148:11:1", + "scope": 456, + "src": "1117:11:1", "stateVariable": false, "storageLocation": "default", "typeDescriptions": { @@ -389,10 +383,10 @@ "typeString": "uint256" }, "typeName": { - 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This is needed for subsequent \n calls.", - "id": 728, + "id": 743, "implemented": true, - "isConstructor": false, - "isDeclaredConst": false, + "kind": "function", "modifiers": [ { "arguments": [ { "argumentTypes": null, - "id": 652, + "id": 665, "name": "_tokenContract", "nodeType": "Identifier", "overloadedDeclarations": [], - "referencedDeclaration": 647, - "src": "4454:14:1", + "referencedDeclaration": 660, + "src": "4432:14:1", "typeDescriptions": { "typeIdentifier": "t_address", "typeString": "address" @@ -4177,18 +4251,18 @@ "argumentTypes": null, "expression": { "argumentTypes": null, - "id": 653, + "id": 666, "name": "msg", "nodeType": "Identifier", "overloadedDeclarations": [], - "referencedDeclaration": 1051, - "src": "4470:3:1", + "referencedDeclaration": 1636, + "src": "4448:3:1", "typeDescriptions": { "typeIdentifier": "t_magic_message", "typeString": "msg" } }, - "id": 654, + "id": 667, "isConstant": false, "isLValue": false, "isPure": false, @@ -4196,90 +4270,90 @@ "memberName": "sender", "nodeType": "MemberAccess", "referencedDeclaration": null, - 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"exists", "nodeType": "VariableDeclaration", - "scope": 903, - "src": "8285:11:1", + "scope": 934, + "src": "8323:11:1", "stateVariable": false, "storageLocation": "default", "typeDescriptions": { @@ -6687,10 +7049,10 @@ "typeString": "bool" }, "typeName": { - "id": 887, + "id": 918, "name": "bool", "nodeType": "ElementaryTypeName", - "src": "8285:4:1", + "src": "8323:4:1", "typeDescriptions": { "typeIdentifier": "t_bool", "typeString": "bool" @@ -6700,59 +7062,50 @@ "visibility": "internal" } ], - "src": "8284:13:1" + "src": "8322:13:1" }, - "scope": 904, - "src": "8195:178:1", + "scope": 935, + "src": "8233:178:1", "stateMutability": "view", "superFunction": null, "visibility": "internal" } ], - "scope": 905, - "src": "948:7428:1" + "scope": 936, + "src": "917:7497:1" } ], - "src": "0:8377:1" + "src": "0:8415:1" }, "legacyAST": { - "absolutePath": "/home/hatch/eth/hashed-timelock-contract-ethereum/contracts/HashedTimelockERC20.sol", + "absolutePath": "/home/hatch/src/eth/hashed-timelock-contract-ethereum/contracts/HashedTimelockERC20.sol", "exportedSymbols": { "HashedTimelockERC20": [ - 904 + 935 ] }, - "id": 905, + "id": 936, "nodeType": "SourceUnit", "nodes": [ { - "id": 427, + "id": 439, "literals": [ "solidity", "^", - "0.4", - ".24" - ], - "nodeType": "PragmaDirective", - "src": "0:24:1" - }, - { - "id": 428, - "literals": [ - "experimental", - "v0.5.0" + "0.5", + ".0" ], "nodeType": "PragmaDirective", - "src": "25:29:1" + "src": "0:23:1" }, { "absolutePath": "openzeppelin-solidity/contracts/token/ERC20/ERC20.sol", "file": "openzeppelin-solidity/contracts/token/ERC20/ERC20.sol", - "id": 429, + "id": 440, "nodeType": "ImportDirective", - "scope": 905, - "sourceUnit": 1005, - "src": "56:63:1", + "scope": 936, + "sourceUnit": 1553, + "src": "25:63:1", "symbolAliases": [], "unitAlias": "" }, @@ -6762,9 +7115,9 @@ "contractKind": "contract", "documentation": "@title Hashed Timelock Contracts (HTLCs) on Ethereum ERC20 tokens.\n* This contract provides a way to create and keep HTLCs for ERC20 tokens.\n* See HashedTimelock.sol for a contract that provides the same functions \nfor the native ETH token.\n* Protocol:\n* 1) newContract(receiver, hashlock, timelock, tokenContract, amount) - a \n sender calls this to create a new HTLC on a given token (tokenContract) \n for a given amount. A 32 byte contract id is returned\n 2) withdraw(contractId, preimage) - once the receiver knows the preimage of\n the hashlock hash they can claim the tokens with this function\n 3) refund() - after timelock has expired and if the receiver did not \n withdraw the tokens the sender / creater of the HTLC can get their tokens \n back with this function.", "fullyImplemented": true, - "id": 904, + "id": 935, "linearizedBaseContracts": [ - 904 + 935 ], "name": "HashedTimelockERC20", "nodeType": "ContractDefinition", @@ -6772,21 +7125,21 @@ { "anonymous": false, "documentation": null, - "id": 445, + "id": 456, "name": "LogHTLCERC20New", "nodeType": "EventDefinition", "parameters": { - "id": 444, + "id": 455, "nodeType": "ParameterList", "parameters": [ { "constant": false, - "id": 431, + "id": 442, "indexed": true, "name": "contractId", "nodeType": "VariableDeclaration", - "scope": 445, - "src": "1015:26:1", + "scope": 456, + "src": "984:26:1", "stateVariable": false, "storageLocation": "default", "typeDescriptions": { @@ -6794,10 +7147,10 @@ "typeString": "bytes32" }, "typeName": { - 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This is needed for subsequent \n calls.", - "id": 728, + "id": 743, "implemented": true, - "isConstructor": false, - "isDeclaredConst": false, + "kind": "function", "modifiers": [ { "arguments": [ { "argumentTypes": null, - "id": 652, + "id": 665, "name": "_tokenContract", "nodeType": "Identifier", "overloadedDeclarations": [], - "referencedDeclaration": 647, - "src": "4454:14:1", + "referencedDeclaration": 660, + "src": "4432:14:1", "typeDescriptions": { "typeIdentifier": "t_address", "typeString": "address" @@ -10690,18 +11126,18 @@ "argumentTypes": null, "expression": { "argumentTypes": null, - "id": 653, + "id": 666, "name": "msg", "nodeType": "Identifier", "overloadedDeclarations": [], - "referencedDeclaration": 1051, - "src": "4470:3:1", + "referencedDeclaration": 1636, + "src": "4448:3:1", "typeDescriptions": { "typeIdentifier": "t_magic_message", "typeString": "msg" } }, - "id": 654, + "id": 667, "isConstant": false, "isLValue": false, "isPure": false, @@ -10709,90 +11145,90 @@ "memberName": "sender", "nodeType": "MemberAccess", "referencedDeclaration": null, - 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"newContract(address,bytes32,uint256,address,uint256)": { + "details": "Sender / Payer sets up a new hash time lock contract depositing the funds and providing the reciever and terms. * NOTE: _receiver must first call approve() on the token contract. See allowance check in tokensTransferable modifier.", + "params": { + "_amount": "Amount of the token to lock up.", + "_hashlock": "A sha-2 sha256 hash hashlock.", + "_receiver": "Receiver of the tokens.", + "_timelock": "UNIX epoch seconds time that the lock expires at. Refunds can be made after this time.", + "_tokenContract": "ERC20 Token contract address." + }, + "return": "contractId Id of the new HTLC. This is needed for subsequent calls." + }, + "refund(bytes32)": { + "details": "Called by the sender if there was no withdraw AND the time lock has expired. This will restore ownership of the tokens to the sender.", + "params": { + "_contractId": "Id of HTLC to refund from." + }, + "return": "bool true on success" + }, + "withdraw(bytes32,bytes32)": { + "details": "Called by the receiver once they know the preimage of the hashlock. This will transfer ownership of the locked tokens to their address.", + "params": { + "_contractId": "Id of the HTLC.", + "_preimage": "sha256(_preimage) should equal the contract hashlock." + }, + "return": "bool true on success" + } + }, + "title": "Hashed Timelock Contracts (HTLCs) on Ethereum ERC20 tokens. * This contract provides a way to create and keep HTLCs for ERC20 tokens. * See HashedTimelock.sol for a contract that provides the same functions for the native ETH token. * Protocol: * 1) newContract(receiver, hashlock, timelock, tokenContract, amount) - a sender calls this to create a new HTLC on a given token (tokenContract) for a given amount. A 32 byte contract id is returned 2) withdraw(contractId, preimage) - once the receiver knows the preimage of the hashlock hash they can claim the tokens with this function 3) refund() - after timelock has expired and if the receiver did not withdraw the tokens the sender / creater of the HTLC can get their tokens back with this function." + }, + "userdoc": { + "methods": {} + } } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/config.example.js b/config.example.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2eaa67a --- /dev/null +++ b/config.example.js @@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ +module.exports = { + ownerAccount: { + kovan: "", + rinkeby: "", + infura: "" + }, + infura: { + apikey: "", + mnemonics: { + kovan: "", + rinkeby: "", + ropsten: "" + } + } +} diff --git a/deployment.json b/deployment.json index 9441e1d..32199e2 100644 --- a/deployment.json +++ b/deployment.json @@ -1,12 +1,12 @@ { "htlc": { - "kovan": "0xc3ed16874bc9551b079c135eb27b10ee1348ac12", - "ropsten": 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"rm -rf build/ && truffle compile && cp build/contracts/HashedTimelock*.json abi/", @@ -34,6 +36,8 @@ "openzeppelin-solidity": "^2.1.2" }, "devDependencies": { - "bluebird": "^3.5.1" + "bluebird": "^3.5.1", + "eslint": "^5.13.0", + "truffle-hdwallet-provider": "^1.0.3" } } diff --git a/truffle.js b/truffle.js index 57354e2..85aa583 100644 --- a/truffle.js +++ b/truffle.js @@ -1,33 +1,56 @@ -require('babel-register') -require('babel-polyfill') +require("babel-register") +require("babel-polyfill") -const defaultGasLimit = 1200000 // enough for largest contract HashedTimelockERC20 -const ownerAccount = '0x62d5391445c0c843580b92705b84852b9edb813b' +const { existsSync } = require("fs") +const HDWalletProvider = require("truffle-hdwallet-provider") + +const configFilePath = "./config.js" +if (!existsSync(configFilePath)) { + console.error( + `config.js does not exist. Create it using the template config.example.js.` + ) + process.exit(-1) +} +const config = require(configFilePath) + +const oneGwei = 1000000000 +const defaultGasLimit = 1600000 // enough for largest contract HashedTimelockERC20 + +const infuraConfig = (network, networkId, gasPrice = oneGwei) => { + return { + provider: function() { + return new HDWalletProvider( + config.infura.mnemonics[network], + `https://${network}${config.infura.apikey}`, + 0, + 5 + ) + }, + network_id: networkId, + from: config.ownerAccount[network], + gas: defaultGasLimit, + gasPrice + } +} module.exports = { networks: { develop: { - host: 'localhost', + host: "localhost", port: 8545, - network_id: '*', + network_id: "*" }, + kovaninfura: infuraConfig("kovan", 42, oneGwei * 2), + ropsteninfura: infuraConfig("ropsten", 3), + rinkebyinfura: infuraConfig("rinkeby", 4), kovan: { // use --geth mode for Parity or this will fail (see - host: '', // Local Parity Docker container + host: "", // Local Parity Docker container port: 8545, network_id: 42, - from: ownerAccount, + from: config.ownerAccount.kovan, gas: defaultGasLimit, - gasPrice: 2000000000, // 2 shannon/gwei - }, - ropsten: { - // use --geth mode for Parity or this will fail (see - host: '', // Local Parity Docker container - port: 8545, - network_id: 3, - from: ownerAccount, - gas: defaultGasLimit, - gasPrice: 8000000000, // 8 shannon/gwei - }, - }, + gasPrice: oneGwei * 2 + } + } }