1.0.0 (2024-12-03)
- Simplifcations of the code
- Simplifcations of the code (45a57d6)
0.6.1 (2024-05-14)
0.6.0 (2022-05-25)
0.5.1 (2022-05-11)
- defaultOptions attributesNoddName is a string (8cae984)
0.5.0 (2021-10-20)
- add tagNameProcessor and attributeNameProcessor (1ed2965)
0.4.0 (2021-09-07)
- deal with bigint64 (04a3ae8)
0.3.0 (2021-09-06)
- Only change attribute names when creating JSON
- attributeNamePrefix is by default '$'
- Only change attribute names when creating JSON (8a8a3ba)
- attributeNamePrefix is by default '$' (dc34e74)
0.2.0 (2021-09-03)
- publish (b868fce)
- rename node.val to node.value
- rename node.attrsMap to node.attributes
- rename node.child to node.children
- rename node.val to node.value (2b27e37)
- add base64 parsing, not implemented yet (c048349)
- add build script (ecea33e)
- add faster utf-8 decoding (199a3c7)
- add working xml parsing to some extent (25739b0)
- Added array space trimming (5db71a5)
- Added array splitting (4530e45)
- Added numbers parsing, rearranged snippets (f0a940b)
- Added TODOS and adapted some parts to buffers (e7a7ae1)
- arrayMode: support RegEx and function in arrayMode option (#316) (eb8b6c5)
- bundle: migrate to webpack (#109) (d4310a0)
- deal with string (and encode it to array buffer) (de3a48b)
- implement array value parsing (fd56c64)
- improve speed (but still 2 times slower than fast-xml-parser) (7826807)
- use navie decoder in browser (b4de19f)
- \r?\n (a596b64)
- 126: check for Array type (38e850e)
- 128 : use 'attrValueProcessor' to process attribute value in json2xml parser (ce3df9c)
- 132: "/" should not be parsed as boolean attr in case of self closing tags (3798a02)
- 167 #186 and #250 : '>' is allowed in attr val (6bc46da)
- 167: '>' in attribute value (b46db1b)
- 170: js to xml parser should work for date values (3cb3e30)
- 317 : validate nested PI tags (ec25c54)
- 33: when there is newline char in attr val, it doesn't parse (30381fa)
- 67 : attrNodeName invalid behavior (43f0584)
- 73 : IE doesn't support Object.assign (4a6169d)
- 74: TS2314 compiler error (e4810bb)
- 77: parse even if closing tag has space before '>' (6afa829)
- 80 fix nimn chars (ba86c4a)
- 84: Attribute selection logic (36b4bf9)
- 86: json 2 xml parser : property with null value should be parsed to self closing tag. (bba9520)
- 93: read the text after self closing tag (e479c05)
- 94 : demo to display validation result. (244c1a9)
- 98 , #102 Support hexadecimal and true number parsing (6f752f5)
- add "use strict" to nimndata.js (a4e21db)
- add fs.FileReadSync failsafe, fix comments (9e76170)
- add modifications to pass multiple test cases (40db33b)
- add newline handling to array trimming (c212c63)
- add repeat case for arrayIndexOf, 1 test left (7b34d78)
- add string tag value processing back (3352d78)
- add support for 4-bytes utf-8 chars (06b096b)
- add support for different newline formats (660993a)
- add support for parseTrueNumberOnly tag (71ecd1a)
- allow a tag to be separated by \n\t chars (decf141)
- broken contributing.md link in readme (#286) (848d07e)
- cdata first test (e8d92be)
- change list to index, fix type error (a4cde87)
- check opening tag having non alpha num char (4de9d4a)
- correct misspelled word (de52399)
- don't treat namespaces as attributes when ignoreNamespace enabled (f19fd77)
- don't wrap attributes if only namespace attrs (7539539)
- empty attribute should be parsed (4787f60)
- ensure typedarray in the browser (b3db5c2)
- err when a tag is not properly closed (f0bf79e)
- exclude any whitespace char from tagName (76e201e)
- fix eslint (bd93da8)
- fix functions and create test cases (7c731da)
- fix problems with cdata, more tests passing (48f86c4)
- Fix utility functions and made tests for them (417e690)
- fixed bufferIndexOf (ffa0f8c)
- handle CDATA with regx (c7faee7)
- Handle val 0 (b9ddab4)
- IE polyfill (1c4ea5c)
- improve compatibility for every newlines (8831a47)
- make parsing work on more cases (9237726)
- move instructions, 3 failing tests left (5b3a20f)
- newline should be replaced with single space (715b97e)
- parse: fix parsing of multiline tag data when xml with no whitespaces between tags (#289) (396ab96)
- pass all tests (220079e)
- pass more tests (8693857)
- pass test with cyrillic chars in tags (9bef8f4)
- performance: compare with substr faster than several index comparison (55149f6)
- remove
script (#306) (8c0f61b) - remove decodeHTML char condition (fe15a1d)
- use byteOffset instead of offset parameter (d919946)
- use let insted of const in for loop (240610f)
- use portfinder for run tests, update deps (b112512)
- validator should return false instead of err when invalid XML (ca236a0)
- when a tag has value along with subtags (7c6f2a1)
- When attribute value has equal sign (5e0877d)