This tutorial will introduce CPU performance considerations for the popular Wide and Deep model to solve recommendation system problems and how to tune run-time parameters to maximize performance using Intel® Optimizations for TensorFlow. This tutorial also includes a hands-on demo on Intel Model Zoo's Wide and Deep pretrained model built using a dataset from Kaggle's Display Advertising Challenge to run online (real-time) and batch inference.
Google's latest innovation to solve some of the shortcomings in traditional recommendation systems is the Wide and Deep model, which combines the best aspects of linear modeling and deep neural networks to outperform either approach individually by a significant percentage. In practice, linear models follow the simple mechanism of capturing feature relationships, resulting in a lot of derived features. This piece of the topology is called “wide” learning, while the complexities to generalize these relationships are solved by the "deep" piece of this topology. This wide and deep combination has proven to be a robust approach in handling the underfitting and overfitting problems caused by unique feature combinations, however at the cost of significant compute power. Google has published a blog on Wide and Deep learning with TensorFlow, and Datatonic has published performance gains of CPU over GPU for these types of models.
Although there is no one-size-fits-all solution to maximize Wide and Deep model performance on CPUs, understanding the bottlenecks and tuning the run-time parameters based on your dataset and TensorFlow graph can be extremely beneficial.
A recommendation system with Wide and Deep model topology comes with two main caveats: Unlike image recognition models such as ResNet50 or ResNet101, the "wide" component of this model performs more “independent” operations and does not provide opportunities to exploit parallelism within each node, while, the "deep" component of this topology demands more parallelism within each node.
The wide or linear component of this topology depends on the data features, i.e. on the dataset width. The deep component depends on the number of hidden units in the graph where threading can be enabled within the operations, hence exhibiting a direct relation to compute power. This setback can be eliminated by setting the right number of intra_op_threads and OMP_NUM_THREADS. Note that while tuning these important run-time parameters, do not over/under use the threadpool.
Run-time options | Recommendations |
Batch Size | 512 |
Hyperthreading | Enabled. Turn on in BIOS. Requires a restart. |
intra_op_parallelism_threads | 1 to physical cores |
inter_op_parallelism_threads | 1 |
Data Layout | NC |
Sockets | all |
KMP_AFFINITY | granularity=fine,noverbose,compact,1,0 |
OMP_NUM_THREADS | 1 to physical cores |
Note: Refer to this article to learn more about the run time options.
Intel's data science team trained and published a Wide and Deep model on Kaggle's Display Advertising Challenge dataset, and has empirically tested and identified the best run-time settings to run inference, which is illustrated below in the hands-on-tutorial section.
Run the following commands to get your processor information:
a. #physical cores per socket:
lscpu | grep "Core(s) per socket" | cut -d':' -f2 | xargs
b. #all physical cores:
lscpu -b -p=Core,Socket | grep -v '^#' | sort -u | wc -l
Below is a code snippet you can incorporate into your Wide and Deep TensorFlow application to start tuning towards the best settings. You can either set them in the CLI or in the Python script. Note that inter and intra_op_parallelism_threads settings can only be set in the Python script.
export OMP_NUM_THREADS=no of physical cores
export KMP_AFFINITY="granularity=fine,noverbose,compact,1,0"
import os
os.environ["KMP_BLOCKTIME"] = "1"
os.environ["KMP_SETTINGS"] = "1"
os.environ["KMP_AFFINITY"]= "granularity=fine,verbose,compact,1,0"
os.environ["OMP_NUM_THREADS"]= no of physical cores
tf.config.threading.set_intra_op_parallelism_threads(<# physical cores>)
To control the execution to one NUMA node or socket id, run the python script with the command:
numactl --cpunodebind=0 --membind=0 python <application script> <args>
This section shows how to measure inference performance on Intel's Model Zoo Wide and Deep pretrained model trained on Kaggle's Display Advertising Challenge dataset by setting the above-discussed run time flags.
- Clone IntelAI models and download into your home directory.
git clone
- Download the pretrained model
into your~/wide_deep_files
mkdir ~/wide_deep_files
cd ~/wide_deep_files
Refer to the Wide and Deep README to get the latest location of the pretrained model.
Install Docker since the tutorial runs on a Docker container.
Data Preparation: You will need approximately 20GB of available disk space to complete this step. Follow the instructions below to download and prepare the dataset.
Prepare the data directory:
mkdir ~/wide_deep_files/real_dataset cd ~/wide_deep_files/real_dataset
Download the eval set:
Move the downloaded dataset to
and start a Docker container for preprocessing:mv eval.csv ~/models/models cd ~/models/models docker run -it --privileged -u root:root \ -w /models \ --volume $PWD:/models \ intel/intel-optimized-tensorflow:1.15.2 \ /bin/bash
Preprocess and convert eval dataset to TFRecord format. We will use a script in the Intel Model Zoo repository. This step may take a while to complete.
python recommendation/tensorflow/wide_deep_large_ds/dataset/ \ --inputcsv-datafile eval.csv \ --calibrationcsv-datafile train.csv \ --outputfile-name preprocessed
Exit the docker container and find the processed dataset
in the location~/models/models
- Pull the relevant Intel Optimizations for TensorFlow Docker image. We'll be running the pretrained model to infer in a Docker container. Click here to find all the available Docker images.
docker pull intel/intel-optimized-tensorflow:latest
- cd to the inference script directory:
cd ~/models/benchmarks
- Run the Python script
with the pretrained model.
script can be treated as an entry point to conveniently perform out-of-box high performance inference on pretrained models of popular topologies. The script will automatically set the recommended run-time options for supported topologies, but if you choose to set your own options, refer to the full list of available flags and a detailed explanation of
script here. This step will automatically launch a new container on every run and terminate. Go to Step 4 to interactively run the script in the container.
3.1. Online Inference (also called real-time inference, batch_size=1)
Note: As per the recommended settings socket-id
is set to -1 to run on all sockets.
Set this parameter to a socket id to run the workload on a single socket.
python \
--batch-size 1 \
--model-name wide_deep_large_ds \
--precision fp32 \
--mode inference \
--framework tensorflow \
--benchmark-only \
--docker-image intel/intel-optimized-tensorflow:latest \
--in-graph ~/wide_deep_files/wide_deep_fp32_pretrained_model.pb \
--data-location ~/models/models/eval_preprocessed.tfrecords \
3.2. Batch Inference (batch_size=512)
Note: As per the recommended settings socket-id
is set to -1 to run on all sockets.
Set this parameter to a socket id to run the workload on a single socket.
python \
--batch-size 512 \
--model-name wide_deep_large_ds \
--precision fp32 \
--mode inference \
--framework tensorflow \
--benchmark-only \
--docker-image intel/intel-optimized-tensorflow:latest \
--in-graph ~/wide_deep_files/wide_deep_fp32_pretrained_model.pb \
--data-location ~/models/models/eval_preprocessed.tfrecords \
Example Output:
Total test records : 2000000
Batch size is : 512
Number of batches : 3907
Inference duration (seconds) : ...
Average Latency (ms/batch) : ...
Throughput is (records/sec) : ...
num_inter_threads: 28
num_intra_threads: 1
Received these standard args: Namespace(accuracy_only=False, batch_size=512, benchmark_dir='/workspace/benchmarks', benchmark_only=True, checkpoint=None, data_location='/dataset', data_num_inter_threads=None, data_num_intra_threads=None, framework='tensorflow', input_graph='/in_graph/wide_deep_fp32_pretrained_model.pb', intelai_models='/workspace/intelai_models', mode='inference', model_args=[], model_name='wide_deep_large_ds', model_source_dir='/workspace/models', num_cores=-1, num_inter_threads=28, num_intra_threads=1, output_dir='/workspace/benchmarks/common/tensorflow/logs', output_results=False, precision='fp32', socket_id=-1, use_case='recommendation', verbose=True)
Received these custom args: []
Current directory: /workspace/benchmarks
Running: python /workspace/intelai_models/inference/ --num_intra_threads=1 --num_inter_threads=28 --batch_size=512 --input_graph=/in_graph/wide_deep_fp32_pretrained_model.pb --data_location=/dataset
PYTHONPATH: :/workspace/intelai_models:/workspace/benchmarks/common/tensorflow:/workspace/benchmarks
RUNCMD: python common/tensorflow/ --framework=tensorflow --use-case=recommendation --model-name=wide_deep_large_ds --precision=fp32 --mode=inference --model-source-dir=/workspace/models --benchmark-dir=/workspace/benchmarks --intelai-models=/workspace/intelai_models --num-cores=-1 --batch-size=512 --socket-id=-1 --output-dir=/workspace/benchmarks/common/tensorflow/logs --benchmark-only --verbose --in-graph=/in_graph/wide_deep_fp32_pretrained_model.pb --data-location=/dataset
Batch Size: 512
Ran inference with batch size 512
Log location outside container: /home/<user>/models/benchmarks/common/tensorflow/logs/benchmark_wide_deep_large_ds_inference_fp32_20190316_164924.log
The logs are captured in a directory outside of the container.
3.3. Compute accuracy on eval dataset
python \
--batch-size 512 \
--model-name wide_deep_large_ds \
--precision fp32 \
--mode inference \
--framework tensorflow \
--accuracy-only \
--docker-image intel/intel-optimized-tensorflow:latest \
--in-graph ~/wide_deep_files/wide_deep_fp32_pretrained_model.pb \
--data-location ~/models/models/eval_preprocessed.tfrecords \
Example Output:
With accuracy-only
flag, you can find an additional metric on accuracy as shown in the output below
Total test records : 2000000
Batch size is : 512
Number of batches : 3907
Classification accuracy (%) : 77.6693
No of correct predictions : ...
Inference duration (seconds) : ...
Average Latency (ms/batch) : ...
Throughput is (records/sec) : ...
If you want to run the benchmarking script interactively within the docker container, run
flag. This will launch a docker container based on the--docker_image
, perform necessary installs, run
script, and does not terminate the container process.python \ --batch-size 1 \ --model-name wide_deep_large_ds \ --precision fp32 \ --mode inference \ --framework tensorflow \ --benchmark-only \ --docker-image intel/intel-optimized-tensorflow:latest \ --in-graph ~/wide_deep_files/wide_deep_fp32_pretrained_model.pb \ --data-location ~/models/models/eval_preprocessed.tfrecords \ --debug
Example Output:
To rerun the model script, execute the
bash script from your existing directory with additional or modified flags. For example, to rerun with the best batch inference (batch size=512) settings, run with BATCH_SIZE
and to skip the run from reinstalling packages pass True
chmod +x ./
All other flags will be defaulted to values passed in the first
that starts the container. See here to get the full list of flags.
- Inference on a large dataset (optional)
To run inference on a large dataset, download the test dataset in ~/wide_deep_files/real_dataset
. Note that this dataset supports only benchmark-only
cd ~/wide_deep_files/real_dataset
Go to this page on the Criteo website. Agree to the terms of use, enter your name, and submit the form. Then copy the download link for the 4.3GB tar file called
and use it in thewget
command in the code block below. Untar the file to create three files:- readme.txt
- train.txt (11GB) - you will not be using this, so delete it to save space
- test.txt (1.4GB) - transform this into .csv
wget <download_link> # replace <download_link> with link you got from Criteo website tar -xvf dac.tar.gz rm train.txt tr '\t' ',' < test.txt > test.csv
Move the downloaded dataset to
and start a Docker container for preprocessing. This step is similar toeval
dataset preprocessing:mv test.csv ~/models/models cd ~/models/models docker run -it --privileged -u root:root \ -w /models \ --volume $PWD:/models \ intel/intel-optimized-tensorflow:latest \ /bin/bash
Preprocess and convert test dataset to TFRecord format. We will use a script in the Intel Model Zoo repository. This step may take a while to complete
python recommendation/tensorflow/wide_deep_large_ds/dataset/ \ --inputcsv-datafile test.csv \ --outputfile-name preprocessed
Exit the docker container and find the processed dataset
in the location~/models/models
5.1. Batch or Online Inference
cd ~/models/benchmarks
python \
--batch-size 512 \
--model-name wide_deep_large_ds \
--precision fp32 \
--mode inference \
--framework tensorflow \
--benchmark-only \
--docker-image intel/intel-optimized-tensorflow:latest \
--in-graph ~/wide_deep_files/wide_deep_fp32_pretrained_model.pb \
--data-location ~/models/models/test_preprocessed.tfrecords \
Set batch_size to 1 to run for online (real-time) inference