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Learning Items

Stian Håklev edited this page May 10, 2018 · 7 revisions

Learning Item Types have the following properties:

export type learningItemT = {
  name: string,
  id: string,
  dataStructure?: any,
  Editor?: React.ComponentType<any>,
  Creator?: React.ComponentType<any>,
  ThumbViewer?: React.ComponentType<any>,
  Viewer?: React.ComponentType<any>

Every liType must define either a Viewer or a ThumbViewer, and can define both. If a user asks for a thumbnail view, and there is a ThumbView, it will be rendered, if not, an icon placeholder will be used. For the full view, either the Viewer or the ThumbViewer will be used. Thus, if you have only one view that can work both in thumbnail and regular, it should be defined as a ThumbView.

If the liType has a Creator, this component will be used to create new LIs, otherwise the liType must supply a dataStructure. When creating a new item, a new LI will be created with the dataStructure, and opened in the Editor component, with the 'draft' set to true (to hide from dashboards etc). Once the user clicks Submit, the draft status is withdrawn, and the onCreate callback is called. This means that all edits that happen also during creation (before posting) are recorded, and can also lead to a large amount of unfinished LIs left floating around.

Learning Items

Learning Items have a an id, an li-type, and a payload which is opaque to the system, but understood by the corresponding liType code. They also have a set of metadata that are automatically attached upon creation, including:

createdAt: Date,
sessionId: string,
createdByUser: string // (userid),
createdByInstance: { [string]: string }, // (for example { group: '1' } )
createdInActivity: string

Currently these metadata are not available to the liType code or the activity runners, but will only be used in dashboards/data exports etc (can be discussed).

They are stored in the li collection in ShareDB.

Creating Learning Items

ActivityRunners have access to the dataFn.LearningItem component. They can display it either requesting a specific li-type, or letting the user choose, and they can choose to receive a callback with the new liID, or to automatically insert an object into the reactive data.

This shows a plus-button, which displays a list of available liTypes when clicked:

<dataFn.LearningItem type='create' onCreate={liID => ...} />

This directly shows either the Creator component of the liType specified, or creates a new LI in draft mode, and opens the Editor component of the liType:

<dataFn.LearningItem type='create' liType='li-idea' onCreate={liID => ...} />

This asks the engine to automatically insert one or more (Creator components can return multiple LIs, for example when dragging and dropping multiple files) into the ActivityRunner's reactive data, as a standard object with the metadata specified:

<dataFn.LearningItem type='create' liType='li-idea' meta={score: 0} autoInsert />

It is also possible to directly call the dataFn.createLearningItem(liType: string, item?: Object, meta? Object) function, which creates a new learning item with the payload specified in item, and the optional meta data. This is not usually recommended, since ActivityRunner's should not know about the internal data structures of liTypes.

Displaying Learning Items

To display LIs, we also use dataFn.LearningItem. We can choose between displaying an LI in the normal view, or in thumbView (thumbnail). Some liTypes only provide small versions, and this will be shown in both modes. Some liTypes only provide full views, and will have an icon in the thumbView. We can also choose to let the engine handle zooming for us, by providing the clickZoomable property - in this mode, any thumbnail that also has a full view is clickable, and will show a zoomed in view in a modal window.

The simple way of rendering is to simple call the component like this (type could also have been thumbView:

<LearningItem type='view' id={} clickZoomable />

However, if we want access to some information about the liType and whether it supports editing, zooming, etc, we can provide a render prop, like so:

  render={({ zoomable, editable, liType, children }) => (

The render function will be called with the props listed above, and the content of the rendered learning item in children.

Editing Learning Items

Not all Learning Items support editing, and you should not try to call edit on an LI that does not support it. For Learning Items that do support it, you can supply type='edit', and the LI will be change to let the user synchronously modify it. There is no built-in support for completing editing, so you should supply a way for the user to signal that they are done, and then switch back to 'view'. Since all editing is synchronous, there is no need to "save" (there is also no way to abandon or undo editing).