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Operator suggestions

Stian Håklev edited this page Sep 25, 2018 · 6 revisions

Unfortunately, the FROG graph editor does not yet detect inappropriately linked activities or operators, and it can be difficult to discover exactly which combinations are possible. We have plans for improving this situation, but for now, here are some suggestions of things that should work.

Note that two activities that are connected should not overlap in time and that operators can only run a single time during a session. There is also something called Streaming, for example you should be able to stream between all LI-compatible activities (you find this in the advanced settings in the side panel). We are planning to unify linking and streaming in the near future.

We have a special activity called the Dashboard Activity, which can display the dashboard of any activity in the system. This does not require linking.

Please avoid any links that are not explicitly needed, activities or operators receiving data they are not compatible with, might crash.

Any operator's output can be sent to multiple operators or activities. Each operator or activity will receive exactly the same data, and the operator will only be calculated once. (Of course, each activity or operator can do different things with the data).

Social operators

Simple social operators like "Create groups" and "Jigsaw" do not take any inputs, and produce either groups, or groups and roles (jigsaw). These should then be connected to all the p2 activities.

Note that no new students can join the graph after the first p2 activity. (We will remove this limitation in the future).

Product operators

Currently, the following activityTypes support Learning Items: Single LI (will only take the first incoming LI), Brainstorm, CK-Board, Gallery, Chat. (Despite its name, this does not (yet) include the Learning Item Classifier).

Twitter, RSS feed and all get data from the Internet, and produce Learning Items (compatible with any activityTypes that support Learning Items).

You can link two LI-compatible activities on the same plane (and with the same groupingKey if it's a P2 activity) with a direct link, without any operator.

If you go from a higher plane to a lower plane (p3 to p2/p1 or p2 to p1) you can connect LI-compatible activityTypes with a single link. However, if you don't want everyone to receive exactly the same items, you can use the Distribute operator, which lets you send random items to each group or individual. To go from p1 to p3, you need the Aggregate operator, from p1 to p2, the Aggregate to P2 operator.

Control operators

If you provide correct answers in the Quiz (or you use a H5P activity that contains a Quiz), you can use the Select activity based on past performance operator to send students to different activities based on their performance.

You can use the Map social to control if you want to split students into specific named groups (such as Condition A and Condition B) and want each group to have different activities (useful for A/B testing for example).

Advanced cases

You can connect the CK-Board or the Quiz (if you have filled in Weightings) to the "Distance from (x,y) coordinates operator", and then to the "Argue" social operator to create pairs where students items are the furthest apart.

The Proximity operator should only be used after a Proximity activity, which has to be placed on p3 (whole class). This activity let's students themselves create and join groups. The Proximity operator takes the output of the activity, and turns it into a social structure.