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How to build and deploy ExOTA-Milter as an OCI container

Build with docker-cli

Actually I´m going with docker-ce to build the container image, but same results should come out with e.g. img etc.

Run following command in the root directory of this repo:

docker build -t exota-milter:local --build-arg ARCH=amd64 -f OCI/Dockerfile .
Successfully built 9cceb121f604
Successfully tagged exota-milter:local

Deploy with docker-compose

Prerequisites: docker-compose installed

  • Create a deployment directory and jump into it. In my case it´s /docker/containers/exota-milter
    • install -d /docker/containers/exota-milter
    • cd /docker/containers/exota-milter
  • Create further directories in the deployment directory:
    • install -d -m 777 data. The application expects the policy file in /data/policy.json (path inside the container!).
    • install -d -m 777 socket. The application places the milter socket file under /socket/exota-milter (path inside the container!)
  • Create the policy file data/policy.json with following content:
  "": {
    "tenant_id": "1234abcd-18c5-45e8-88de-123456789abc",
    "dkim_enabled": true
  "": {
    "tenant_id": "abcd1234-18c5-45e8-88de-987654321cba",
    "dkim_enabled": false
  • Create a file named docker-compose.yml in the deployment directory with following content:
version: '2.4'

    image: exota-milter:local
      LOG_LEVEL: 'debug'
      MILTER_SOCKET: '/socket/exota-milter'
      #MILTER_SOCKET: 'inet:[email protected]'
      MILTER_POLICY_FILE: '/data/policy.json'
      MILTER_DKIM_ENABLED: 'some_value'
      MILTER_TRUSTED_AUTHSERVID: 'my-auth-serv-id'
      MILTER_X509_ENABLED: 'some_value'
      MILTER_X509_TRUSTED_CN: ''
      MILTER_ADD_HEADER: 'some_value'
      MILTER_AUTHSERVID: 'my-auth-serv-id'
    - "./data/:/data/:ro"
    - "./socket/:/socket/:rw"

If the milter should listen on a TCP-socket instead, just change the value of the MILTER_SOCKET ENV-variable to something like inet:<port>@ As IPv6 is supported by the libmilter library too, a notation like inet6:<port>@[::] is also possible.

  • Deploy

Execute docker-compose up and if nothing went wrong you shold see following output:

Creating network "exota-milter_default" with the default driver
Creating exota-milter_exota-milter_1 ... done
Attaching to exota-milter_exota-milter_1
exota-milter_1  | 2020-11-30 12:38:51,164: INFO ENV[MILTER_SOCKET]: /socket/exota-milter
exota-milter_1  | 2020-11-30 12:38:51,164: INFO ENV[MILTER_REJECT_MESSAGE]: Security policy violation!
exota-milter_1  | 2020-11-30 12:38:51,164: INFO ENV[MILTER_TMPFAIL_MESSAGE]: Service temporarily not available! Please try again later.
exota-milter_1  | 2020-11-30 12:38:51,164: INFO ENV[MILTER_TRUSTED_AUTHSERVID]: my-auth-serv-id
exota-milter_1  | 2020-11-30 12:38:51,165: INFO ENV[MILTER_DKIM_ENABLED]: True
exota-milter_1  | 2020-11-30 12:38:51,165: INFO ENV[MILTER_X509_TRUSTED_CN]:
exota-milter_1  | 2020-11-30 12:38:51,165: INFO ENV[MILTER_X509_ENABLED]: True
exota-milter_1  | 2020-11-30 12:38:51,165: INFO ENV[MILTER_POLICY_SOURCE]: file
exota-milter_1  | 2020-11-30 12:38:51,165: INFO ENV[MILTER_POLICY_FILE]: /data/policy.json
exota-milter_1  | 2020-11-30 12:38:51,166: INFO JSON policy backend initialized
exota-milter_1  | 2020-11-30 12:38:51,166: INFO Startup exota-milter@socket: /socket/exota-milter

Voila! The milter socket can be accessed on the host filesystem (in my case) under /docker/containers/exota-milter/socket/exota-milter.