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chimay edited this page Apr 26, 2021 · 24 revisions

Display some locations in tabs

Just press <M-w><space> to launch the location navigator, select the locations you want and press t

Display matching files in splits

  • <M-w><space> to launch the location navigator
  • i to go to insert mode
  • enter the pattern you want
    • e.g. \.vim$ if all your vim locations end with .vim
  • <enter> to validate the pattern
  • * to select all the visible (filtered) locations
  • v to open all selected locations in vertical splits

Add a tab with a similar file

  • press <M-w>W to launch the tabs & windows organizer
  • copy the line with the tab you want to duplicate
    • with closed fold, to take the files in it
  • paste it where you want
  • open the fold of the new tab
  • modify the filename in it to match the file you want to edit
    • you can even use <C-x><C-f> to use vim file completion
  • apply your changes with :write

Search and replace

Let's say you want to refactory some shell scripts, and replace old_var_name by new_var_name.

The first thing to do is to create a group that contains all of your scripts. To do that, first create a torus named e.g. quickfix. Then, :cd to the root directory of your scripts and add all the script files with <M-w>*. The routine will ask you the glob pattern ; you can type **/*.sh if all your scripts have the same sh extension. After that, you will be asked if you want to create a new circle. Answer yes, and call this circle shell.

Now that you have your group ready, you can start the search with <M-w><M-g>. It will open the grep dedicated buffer in edit mode. You are now in a buffer where you can edit and propagate your changes. So, we use the classic :%s/old_var_name/new_var_name/g to replace all the occurences of the old var name. Then, just :write the buffer to apply these changes to all your shell scripts.

Want to go back to previous state ? You can undo your substitution in the dedicated buffer, and write again.

You can of course reuse the shell group for later refactoring.

List all tags of a kind

  • launch the tag navigator with <M-w>t
  • type i to go to insert mode
  • enter \<f\> to keep only functions tags
    • or \<m\> to keep only maps tags
    • ...