For the HTTP tests you need the master branch of CouchDB running. See the CouchDB Readme for instructions on running.
Then setup a 1 node cluster for testing - ./dev/run --with-admin-party-please --with-haproxy -n 1
You will also need to enable cors on that node by running ./bin/
npm install
npm run build
Your plugin is now located at dist/pouchdb.find.js
and dist/pouchdb.find.min.js
and is ready for distribution.
This will run the tests in Node using LevelDB:
npm test
You can specify an alternate CouchDB server other than http://localhost:5984
COUCH_HOST=http://localhost:6984 npm test
You can also check for 100% code coverage using:
npm run coverage
You can filter the tests by running:
GREP=mysearch npm run test-node
Run npm run dev
and then point your favorite browser to
The query param ?grep=mysearch
will search for tests matching mysearch
. The query param couchHost=http://localhost:6984
will use a custom CouchDB server.
You can run e.g.
CLIENT=selenium:firefox npm test
CLIENT=selenium:phantomjs npm test
This will run the tests automatically and the process will exit with a 0 or a 1 when it's done. Firefox uses IndexedDB, and PhantomJS uses WebSQL. COUCH_HOST
works here as well.