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26193e3 · Oct 21, 2024


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409 lines (293 loc) · 11.7 KB

Setting up


This quickstart requires a working Docker Desktop installation and git:

This may take some time, as it will also load initial data and build the frontend. should now be available at http://localhost:8000.

The Wagtail admin area will be available at http://localhost:8000/admin/, which you can log into with the credentials admin/admin.

Please see our running documentation for next steps.

There are also optional steps described below, as well as alternative setup options.

Detailed installation

The quickstart above should get you started. Each step has some additional detail below.

Clone the repository

Using the console, navigate to the root directory in which your projects live and clone this project's repository:

git clone

Configure .git-blame-ignore-revs by running the following command within the repository:

git config blame.ignoreRevsFile .git-blame-ignore-revs

Set up the environment (optional)

The Django site relies on environment variables defined in a .env file. If this is your first time setting up the project, copy .env_SAMPLE to .env:

cp -a .env_SAMPLE .env

Set up a local Python environment (optional)

For running our Python unit tests, linting, etc outside of the Docker container, we rely on a local Python environment.

!!! note

Our local Python environment requires [pyenv](
They can be installed from Homebrew on macOS:

brew install pyenv pyenv-virtualenv

Python 3.8 must then be installed once pyenv is installed:

pyenv install 3.8.12

First we need to create a Python virtualenv for

pyenv virtualenv 3.8.12

Then we'll need to activate it. Activating the virtualenv is necessary before using it in the future as well:

pyenv activate

Once activated, our Python CI requirements can be installed in the virtualenv:

pip install -r requirements/ci.txt

!!! note "Use local for application-specific python version"

To set the virtualenv in the future for this project, run:

pyenv local

This will set the python version in the project's hidden `.python-version` file.

Configure VSCode formatters (optional)

For developers who use Visual Studio Code as their editor of choice, you may wish to install certain extensions to support easier code formatting.

This repository includes a .vscode/settings.json file that sets the Prettier extension as the default code formatter. It also sets the Black extension as the formatter for Python files.

Install pre-commit

We use pre-commit to automatically run our linting tools before a commit takes place. These tools consist of ruff and bandit. To install pre-commit, running the following commands from within the directory:

pip install -U pre-commit && pre-commit install

Before each commit, pre-commit will execute and run our pre-commit checks. If any task fails, it will attempt to resolve the issue automatically, notify you of the changes (if any), and ask for you to re-stage the changed files. If all checks pass, a commit will take place as expected, allowing you to then push to GitHub. This is to reduce the number of commits with failed lints, and to assist developers with linting without thinking.

Build the frontend

!!! note

Our frontend requires [Node.js 20](
We prefer
for Node.js version management.
nvm can be installed using:

curl -o- | sh

Node must then be installed once nvm is installed:

nvm install 20

Node can then be used in any sh using:

nvm use 20

Yarn must then be installed:

curl -o- -L | sh

We have a single script that will install our frontend dependencies for both building and unit testing/linting/etc:


Yarn can be used to rebuild our assets after the initial setup:

yarn build

!!! note

If you are having trouble loading JavaScript edits locally, you may need to turn off service workers for localhost:8000. Learn how to [manage service workers in Firefox and Chrome](

Set up and run the Docker containers depends on PostgreSQL database and Elasticsearch. You can use docker-compose to run these services along side the Django site.

To build and run our Docker containers for the first time, run:


docker-compose up

Load initial data

Our script can be used to initialize a new database to make it easy to get started working on This script ensures that all migrations are applied to the database and then does the following:

  • Creates an admin superuser with password admin.
  • If it doesn't already exist, creates a new Wagtail home page named CFGOV, with a slug of cfgov.
  • Updates the default Wagtail site to use the port defined by the DJANGO_HTTP_PORT environment variable, if defined; otherwise this port is set to 80.
  • If it doesn't already exist, creates a new wagtail-sharing SharingSite with a hostname and port defined by the WAGTAIL_SHARING_HOSTNAME and DJANGO_HTTP_PORT environment variables.

This script must be run inside the Docker python container:

docker-compose exec python sh

Load a database dump

Alternatively, one of our database dumps can be installed using our script. You can get a database dump by defining CFGOV_PROD_DB_LOCATION in your .env file as described in GitHub Enterprise at [GHE]/CFGOV/platform/wiki/Database-downloads#resources-available-via-s3, or inside a Docker python container sh immediately before running

docker-compose exec python sh
CFGOV_PROD_DB_LOCATION=http://(rest of the URL)
./ can also be given a path to a gziped database dump:

./ /path/to/dump.sql.gz

This automatically (re)builds the Elasticsearch index, unless you run the script with the --noindex flag.

Alternative setups requires a Python environment, PostgreSQL, and Elasticsearch to run. None of this requires Docker, Docker is simply a convenient way to ensure consistent versioning and running of these services along with the Django site.

The Django site can be run locally in a virtualenv and can use PostgreSQL and Elasticsearch from either our docker-compose file or from Homebrew.

PostgreSQL and Elasticsearch from Docker

To build and start only the PostgreSQL (postgres) and Elasticsearch (elasticsearch) containers from our docker-compose file, explicitly specify them as arguments to docker-compose:

docker-compose up postgres elasticsearch

This will expose PostgreSQL on port 5432 on localhost and Elasticsearch on port 9200 on localhost.

PostgreSQL and Elasticsearch from Homebrew

You can install PostgreSQL and Elasticsearch from Homebrew if you're on a Mac:

brew install postgresql
brew install elasticsearch

Once it's installed, you can configure it to run as a service:

brew services start postgresql
brew services start elasticsearch

Our recommended Postgres configuration is a database named cfgov and a user named cfpb, with data stored in schema cfpb. This can be created with the following commands:

dropdb --if-exists cfgov && dropuser --if-exists cfpb
psql postgres -c "CREATE USER cfpb WITH LOGIN PASSWORD 'cfpb' CREATEDB"
psql postgres -c "CREATE DATABASE cfgov OWNER cfpb"
psql postgres://cfpb:cfpb@localhost/cfgov -c "CREATE SCHEMA cfpb"

We don't support using an SQLite database because we use database fields that are specific to Postgres. The CREATEDB keyword above allows the cfpb user to create a temporary Django database when running unit tests.

Set up the virtualenv

After you have chosen a means to run PostgreSQL and Elasticsearch, set up the environment, set up a local Python environment, and built the frontend, all the Python dependencies for running locally can be installed:

pyenv activate
pip install -r requirements/local.txt

Once complete, our script will bring up the site at http://localhost:8000.


Additional setup

Sync local image and document storage (optional)

If using a database dump, pages will contain links to images or documents that exist in the database but don't exist on your local disk. This will cause broken or missing images or links when browsing the site locally.

This is because in production images and documents are stored on S3, but when running locally they are stored on disk.

This project includes two Django management commands that can be used to download any remote images or documents referenced in the database so that they can be served when running locally.

This command downloads all remote images (and image renditions) referenced in the database, retrieving them from the specified URL and storing them in the specified local directory:

cfgov/ sync_image_storage ./cfgov/f/

This command does the same, but for documents:

cfgov/ sync_document_storage ./cfgov/f/

Install GNU gettext for Django translation support (optional)

In order to generate Django translations as documented here, you'll need to install the GNU gettext library.

On macOS, GNU gettext is available via Homebrew:

brew install gettext

but it gets installed as "keg-only" due to conflicts with the default installation of BSD gettext. This means that GNU gettext won't be loaded in your PATH by default. To fix this, you can run

brew link --force gettext

to force its installation, or see brew info gettext for an alternate solution.

If installed locally, you should be able to run this command successfully:

$ gettext --version

GNU gettext is also required to run our translation-related unit tests locally.