diff --git a/app/src/main/assets/mfsz2018/reibun_list.xml b/app/src/main/assets/mfsz2018/reibun_list.xml
index 74279ba..74d4323 100644
--- a/app/src/main/assets/mfsz2018/reibun_list.xml
+++ b/app/src/main/assets/mfsz2018/reibun_list.xml
@@ -1,38 +1,38 @@
- 14 买东西Wǒ xiǎng mǎi zhège, duōshǎo qián?我想买这个,多少钱?これが欲しいのですが、いくらですか。I want to buy this. How much is this?
- 24 买东西Kěyǐ yòng wēixìn zhīfù ma?可以用微信支付吗?WechatPayは使えますか。Can I use "WechatPay"?
- 33 基本会话Wǒ zài yínháng ménkǒu děng nǐ.我在银行门口等你。銀行の入り口で待っています。I'm waiting at the entrance of the bank.
- 44 买东西Zhè zhāng diànhuàkǎ de fèiyòng bāokuò yājīn ma这张电话卡的费用包括押金吗?このSIMカードはデポジットを含みますか。Does this SIM card include a deposit?
- 54 买东西Nǐ qù nà biān chuāngkǒu bàn yíxià shǒuxù.你去那边窗口办一下手续。あちらの窓口で手続きをしてください。Please go through procedure at the help desk there
- 64 买东西Qǐng bǎ zhè zhāng biǎogé tián yíxià.请把这张表格填一下。こちらの表を埋めてください。Please fill in this table.
- 74 买东西Qǐng shūrù liù wèi shǔ de mìmǎ.请输入六位数的密码。6桁のパスワードを入れてください。Please enter 6 digit password.
- 81 GeekTā suīrán yán zhí bù gāo, dànshì hěn cōngmíng.她虽然颜值不高,但是很聪明。彼女は顔は普通だけどとても賢い。She has an ordinary face but she is so smart.
- 91 GeekWǒ zài sīkǎo rénshēng, shì gāi dùnzhe chī háishì kǎozhe chī ne?我在思考人生,是该炖着吃还是烤着吃呢?人生について考えている、煮て食べるか、焼いて食べるか。I'm thinking of my life whether I eat by boiled or stir-flied.
- 101 GeekXiān zuò sì hào xiàn dào huìzhǎn zhōngxīn, ránhòu zhuǎn yī hào xiàn qù huáqiáng lù.先坐4号线到会展中心,然后转1号线去华强路。まず4号線に乗って会展センターについたら1号線に乗り換えて華強路に行きます。At first, take Route 4 to get to Shenzhen Convention and Exhibition Centre, and then trasnfer to Route 1 to get to Huaqiang North.
- 113 基本会话Nǐ zhù zài liúxuéshēng sùshè ma?你住在留学生宿舍吗?留学生宿舎に住んでいるんですか。Do you live in exchange student dormitory?
- 123 基本会话Zhēn bàoqiàn, ràng nǐ jiǔ děngle.真抱歉,让你久等了。すみません、お待たせしました。Thank you for waiting.
- 131 GeekZhè shì xuéxí zhōngwén fāyīn de jīqìrén.这是学习中文发音的机器人。これは中国語の発音を学ぶロボットです。This is a robot learning Chinese ping ying.
- 141 GeekZhè tái diànnǎo sǐjīle.这台电脑死机了。このパソコンは固まっています。This computer has been crushed.
- 154 买东西Chī wán fàn, fúwùyuán sòng lái le zhàngdān.吃完饭,服务员送来了账单。食べ終わったら店員が会計票を持ってきます。Waiter/waitress wll bring the check when we finish eating.
- 163 基本会话Bàngōngshì zài dàlóu de shàngcéng.办公室在大楼的上层。事務所はビルの上層階にあります。The office is located on the upper floor of the building.
- 171 GeekXiànzài hàipà dǎ diànhuà de rén, yuè lái yuè duō.现在害怕打电话的人,越来越多。昨今、電話をすることを嫌う人がだんだん増えています。Nowadays, the number of people who hate calling is gradually increasing.
- 183 基本会话Wǒ míngtiān dǎsuàn tī zúqiú.我明天打算踢足球。明日はサッカーをするつもりです。We are going to play soccer tomorrow.
- 193 基本会话Xǐshǒujiān zài nǎlǐ?洗手间在哪里?お手洗いはどこですか。Where is a restroom?
- 201 GeekSuīrán píngguǒ shǒujī bǐjiào guì, dànshì jùyǒu hěn qiángdà de gōngnéng.虽然苹果手机比较贵,但是具有很强大的功能。iPhoneは確かに少し高いですが機能は申し分ありません。iPhone is centainly a bit pricey, but the function is satisfactory.
- 213 基本会话Nǐ xūyào wǒ bāngmáng ma?你需要我帮忙吗?お手伝いが必要ですか?Do you need a help?
- 222 学汉语Duì rìběn rén lái shuō, zhōngwén de yuèdú bǐjiào róngyì.对日本人来说,中文的阅读比较容易。日本人にとって中国語の読解は比較的簡単です。It's relatively easy for Japanese to read Chinese.
- 233 基本会话Wǒ jīntiān qǐngjià bú shàngbān.我今天请假不上班。今日はお休みをとったので出勤しません。I didn't go to work since I took a day off.
- 242 学汉语Nǐ de fā yīn zhème hǎo, zuò shénme liànxí ne?你的发音这么好,做什么练习呢?あなたはどうしてそんなに発音がいいの。どうやって練習してるの。Why is your pronunciation such good? How do you practice?
- 253 基本会话Míngtiān yě guòlái ma?明天也过来吗?明日もきますか。Are you going to come tomorrow again?
- 265 绕口令Chī pútáo bù tǔ pútáo pí, \n bù chī pútáo dào tǔ pútáo pí吃葡萄不吐葡萄皮,\n不吃葡萄倒吐葡萄皮ぶどうを食べたのにぶどうの皮を出さない、ぶどうを食べないのにぶどうの皮を出すYou ate a grape and didn’t spit the skin from your mouth, \n you spit the skin although you didn’t eat a grape.
- 275 绕口令Shuō cáocāo cáocāo jiù dào说曹操曹操就到噂をすれば影Speak of the Devil.
- 285 绕口令Hēi lǐyú lǜ lǐyú yǔ lǘ黑鲤鱼绿鲤鱼与驴黒い鯉と緑の鯉とロバBlack carp, green carp, and a donkey.
- 295 绕口令Zhè shì cán, nà shì chán, \n cán cháng zài yè lǐ cáng, chán cháng zài lín lǐ chàng这是蚕,那是蝉,\n蚕常在叶里藏,蝉常在林里唱これは蚕、あれは蝉、蚕はいつも葉陰に隠れ、蝉はいつも森で鳴くThis is a silkworm, that is a cicada. Silkworms always hide under the leaves, \n and cicadas always chirp in the forest.
- 305 绕口令Chīmèiwǎngliǎng魑魅魍魉魑魅魍魎The Devil and monsters
- 315 绕口令Bāxiānguòhǎi, gè xiǎn qí néng八仙过海,各显其能八人の仙人が海を渡り、それぞれの能力を発揮する8 hermits crossed the sea, \n and each of them exerted their own abilities.
- 325 绕口令Bīngdòng sān chǐ, fēi yí rì zhī hán冰冻三尺,非一日之寒ローマは1日してならずRome was not built in a day.
- 335 绕口令Chéngxìng ér lái, bàixìng ér guī乘兴而来,败兴而归楽しみにやって来たが、がっかりして帰るAlthough we looked forward to coming here, \n we went back disappointed.
- 345 绕口令Chūncán dào sǐ sī fāng jǐn, \n là jù chéng huī lèi shǐ gàn春蚕到死丝方尽,\n蜡炬成灰泪始干蚕は死ぬまで糸を吐き,ロウソクは灰になるまで涙を流すA silkworm disgorges threads till death, \n and a candle sheds tears till becoming ash.
- 355 绕口令Xué rú nìshuǐxíngzhōu, \n bù jìn zé tuì学如逆水行舟,\n不进则退学ぶことは川の流れに逆らって舟を漕ぐようなもので、進まなければ後退するLearning is like rowing a boat against the flow of a river; \n you fall back if you don’t go forward.
+ 14 买东西Wǒ xiǎng mǎi zhège, duōshǎo qián?我想买这个,多少钱?これが欲しいのですが、いくらですか。I want to buy this. How much is this?多少钱
+ 24 买东西Kěyǐ yòng wēixìn zhīfù ma?可以用微信支付吗?WechatPayは使えますか。Can I use "WechatPay"?微信
+ 33 基本会话Wǒ zài yínháng ménkǒu děng nǐ.我在银行门口等你。銀行の入り口で待っています。I'm waiting at the entrance of the bank.等你
+ 44 买东西Zhè zhāng diànhuàkǎ de fèiyòng bāokuò yājīn ma这张电话卡的费用包括押金吗?このSIMカードはデポジットを含みますか。Does this SIM card include a deposit?押金
+ 54 买东西Nǐ qù nà biān chuāngkǒu bàn yíxià shǒuxù.你去那边窗口办一下手续。あちらの窓口で手続きをしてください。Please go through procedure at the help desk there窗口
+ 64 买东西Qǐng bǎ zhè zhāng biǎogé tián yíxià.请把这张表格填一下。こちらの表を埋めてください。Please fill in this table.表格
+ 74 买东西Qǐng shūrù liù wèi shǔ de mìmǎ.请输入六位数的密码。6桁のパスワードを入れてください。Please enter 6 digit password.密码
+ 81 GeekTā suīrán yán zhí bù gāo, dànshì hěn cōngmíng.她虽然颜值不高,但是很聪明。彼女は顔は普通だけどとても賢い。She has an ordinary face but she is so smart.颜值
+ 91 GeekWǒ zài sīkǎo rénshēng, shì gāi dùnzhe chī háishì kǎozhe chī ne?我在思考人生,是该炖着吃还是烤着吃呢?人生について考えている、煮て食べるか、焼いて食べるか。I'm thinking of my life whether I eat by boiled or stir-flied.还是
+ 101 GeekXiān zuò sì hào xiàn dào huìzhǎn zhōngxīn, ránhòu zhuǎn yī hào xiàn qù huáqiáng lù.先坐4号线到会展中心,然后转1号线去华强路。まず4号線に乗って会展センターについたら1号線に乗り換えて華強路に行きます。At first, take Route 4 to get to Shenzhen Convention and Exhibition Centre, and then trasnfer to Route 1 to get to Huaqiang North.转车
+ 113 基本会话Nǐ zhù zài liúxuéshēng sùshè ma?你住在留学生宿舍吗?留学生宿舎に住んでいるんですか。Do you live in exchange student dormitory?宿舍
+ 123 基本会话Zhēn bàoqiàn, ràng nǐ jiǔ děngle.真抱歉,让你久等了。すみません、お待たせしました。Thank you for waiting.真抱歉
+ 131 GeekZhè shì xuéxí zhōngwén fāyīn de jīqìrén.这是学习中文发音的机器人。これは中国語の発音を学ぶロボットです。This is a robot learning Chinese ping ying.机器人
+ 141 GeekZhè tái diànnǎo sǐjīle.这台电脑死机了。このパソコンは固まっています。This computer has been crushed.电脑
+ 154 买东西Chī wán fàn, fúwùyuán sòng lái le zhàngdān.吃完饭,服务员送来了账单。食べ終わったら店員が会計票を持ってきます。Waiter/waitress wll bring the check when we finish eating.服务员
+ 163 基本会话Bàngōngshì zài dàlóu de shàngcéng.办公室在大楼的上层。事務所はビルの上層階にあります。The office is located on the upper floor of the building.办公室
+ 171 GeekXiànzài hàipà dǎ diànhuà de rén, yuè lái yuè duō.现在害怕打电话的人,越来越多。昨今、電話をすることを嫌う人がだんだん増えています。Nowadays, the number of people who hate calling is gradually increasing.打电话
+ 183 基本会话Wǒ míngtiān dǎsuàn tī zúqiú.我明天打算踢足球。明日はサッカーをするつもりです。We are going to play soccer tomorrow.踢足球
+ 193 基本会话Xǐshǒujiān zài nǎlǐ?洗手间在哪里?お手洗いはどこですか。Where is a restroom?洗手间
+ 201 GeekSuīrán píngguǒ shǒujī bǐjiào guì, dànshì jùyǒu hěn qiángdà de gōngnéng.虽然苹果手机比较贵,但是具有很强大的功能。iPhoneは確かに少し高いですが機能は申し分ありません。iPhone is centainly a bit pricey, but the function is satisfactory.苹果
+ 213 基本会话Nǐ xūyào wǒ bāngmáng ma?你需要我帮忙吗?お手伝いが必要ですか?Do you need a help?帮忙
+ 222 学汉语Duì rìběn rén lái shuō, zhōngwén de yuèdú bǐjiào róngyì.对日本人来说,中文的阅读比较容易。日本人にとって中国語の読解は比較的簡単です。It's relatively easy for Japanese to read Chinese.比较
+ 233 基本会话Wǒ jīntiān qǐngjià bú shàngbān.我今天请假不上班。今日はお休みをとったので出勤しません。I didn't go to work since I took a day off.上班
+ 242 学汉语Nǐ de fā yīn zhème hǎo, zuò shénme liànxí ne?你的发音这么好,做什么练习呢?あなたはどうしてそんなに発音がいいの。どうやって練習してるの。Why is your pronunciation such good? How do you practice?练习
+ 253 基本会话Míngtiān yě guòlái ma?明天也过来吗?明日もきますか。Are you going to come tomorrow again?明天
+ 265 绕口令Chī pútáo bù tǔ pútáo pí, \n bù chī pútáo dào tǔ pútáo pí吃葡萄不吐葡萄皮,\n不吃葡萄倒吐葡萄皮ぶどうを食べたのにぶどうの皮を出さない、ぶどうを食べないのにぶどうの皮を出すYou ate a grape and didn’t spit the skin from your mouth, \n you spit the skin although you didn’t eat a grape.葡萄
+ 275 绕口令Shuō cáocāo cáocāo jiù dào说曹操曹操就到噂をすれば影Speak of the Devil.说曹操
+ 285 绕口令Hēi lǐyú lǜ lǐyú yǔ lǘ黑鲤鱼绿鲤鱼与驴黒い鯉と緑の鯉とロバBlack carp, green carp, and a donkey.绿鲤鱼
+ 295 绕口令Zhè shì cán, nà shì chán, \n cán cháng zài yè lǐ cáng, chán cháng zài lín lǐ chàng这是蚕,那是蝉,\n蚕常在叶里藏,蝉常在林里唱これは蚕、あれは蝉、蚕はいつも葉陰に隠れ、蝉はいつも森で鳴くThis is a silkworm, that is a cicada. Silkworms always hide under the leaves, \n and cicadas always chirp in the forest.林里唱
+ 305 绕口令Chīmèiwǎngliǎng魑魅魍魉魑魅魍魎The Devil and monsters魍魉
+ 315 绕口令Bāxiānguòhǎi, gè xiǎn qí néng八仙过海,各显其能八人の仙人が海を渡り、それぞれの能力を発揮する8 hermits crossed the sea, \n and each of them exerted their own abilities.八仙
+ 325 绕口令Bīngdòng sān chǐ, fēi yí rì zhī hán冰冻三尺,非一日之寒ローマは1日してならずRome was not built in a day.一日
+ 335 绕口令Chéngxìng ér lái, bàixìng ér guī乘兴而来,败兴而归楽しみにやって来たが、がっかりして帰るAlthough we looked forward to coming here, \n we went back disappointed.败兴
+ 345 绕口令Chūncán dào sǐ sī fāng jǐn, \n là jù chéng huī lèi shǐ gàn春蚕到死丝方尽,\n蜡炬成灰泪始干蚕は死ぬまで糸を吐き,ロウソクは灰になるまで涙を流すA silkworm disgorges threads till death, \n and a candle sheds tears till becoming ash.春蚕
+ 355 绕口令Xué rú nìshuǐxíngzhōu, \n bù jìn zé tuì学如逆水行舟,\n不进则退学ぶことは川の流れに逆らって舟を漕ぐようなもので、進まなければ後退するLearning is like rowing a boat against the flow of a river; \n you fall back if you don’t go forward.行舟
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/app/src/main/java/com/chrhsmt/sisheng/NiniReibunViewAdapterForTab.kt b/app/src/main/java/com/chrhsmt/sisheng/NiniReibunViewAdapterForTab.kt
index 5c63c6e..cf9ff73 100644
--- a/app/src/main/java/com/chrhsmt/sisheng/NiniReibunViewAdapterForTab.kt
+++ b/app/src/main/java/com/chrhsmt/sisheng/NiniReibunViewAdapterForTab.kt
@@ -1,20 +1,16 @@
package com.chrhsmt.sisheng
-import android.content.Context
+import android.os.Build
import android.support.v7.widget.RecyclerView
+import android.text.Html
+import android.text.Spanned
import android.view.LayoutInflater
import android.view.View
import android.view.ViewGroup
import android.widget.TextView
import com.chrhsmt.sisheng.NiniReibunFragmentForTab.OnListFragmentInteractionListener
import kotlinx.android.synthetic.main.fragment_tab_nini_reibun_item.view.*
-import android.content.res.TypedArray
-import android.graphics.Canvas
-import android.graphics.Rect
-import android.graphics.drawable.Drawable
@@ -47,7 +43,9 @@ class NiniReibunViewAdapterForTab(
override fun onBindViewHolder(holder: ViewHolder, position: Int) {
val item = mValues[position]
holder.mIdView.text = Integer.toString(item.id)
- holder.mContentView.text = ReibunInfo.replaceNewLine(item.chinese +"\n" + item.pinyin)
+ var htmlStr: String = ReibunInfo.replaceNewLineWithBrTag(item.chinese + "\\n" + item.english)
+ htmlStr = htmlStr.replace(item.strong_word, "" + item.strong_word + "")
+ holder.mContentView.text = fromHtml(htmlStr)
with(holder.mView) {
tag = item
@@ -55,6 +53,14 @@ class NiniReibunViewAdapterForTab(
+ fun fromHtml(source: String): Spanned {
+ return if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.N) {
+ Html.fromHtml(source, Html.FROM_HTML_MODE_LEGACY)
+ } else {
+ Html.fromHtml(source)
+ }
+ }
override fun getItemCount(): Int = mValues.size
inner class ViewHolder(val mView: View) : RecyclerView.ViewHolder(mView) {
diff --git a/app/src/main/java/com/chrhsmt/sisheng/ReibunInfo.kt b/app/src/main/java/com/chrhsmt/sisheng/ReibunInfo.kt
index 6fede28..629efc3 100644
--- a/app/src/main/java/com/chrhsmt/sisheng/ReibunInfo.kt
+++ b/app/src/main/java/com/chrhsmt/sisheng/ReibunInfo.kt
@@ -56,6 +56,9 @@ class ReibunInfo {
fun replaceNewLine(str: String) : String {
return str.replace("\\n", "\n")
+ fun replaceNewLineWithBrTag(str: String) : String {
+ return str.replace("\\n", "
+ }
class ReibunInfoItem {
@@ -66,6 +69,7 @@ class ReibunInfo {
var chinese : String = ""
var japanese : String = ""
var english : String = ""
+ var strong_word : String = ""
fun getMFSZExampleAudioFileName(): String {
var prefix = "mfsz/"
@@ -84,7 +88,8 @@ class ReibunInfo {
- NONE(5),
+ NONE(6),
private var itemList : ArrayList = ArrayList()
@@ -137,6 +142,7 @@ class ReibunInfo {
"CHINESE" -> item.chinese = xpp.text
"JAPANESE" -> item.japanese = xpp.text
"ENGLISH" -> item.english = xpp.text
+ "STRONG_WORD" -> item.strong_word = xpp.text
@@ -196,6 +202,7 @@ class ReibunInfo {
SENTENCE_TYPE.CHINESE -> str = item.chinese
SENTENCE_TYPE.JAPANESE -> str = item.japanese
SENTENCE_TYPE.ENGLISH -> str = item.english
+ SENTENCE_TYPE.STRONG_WORD -> str = item.strong_word
when (type2) {
SENTENCE_TYPE.LECTURE -> str = str + "\n" + item.lecture
@@ -203,6 +210,7 @@ class ReibunInfo {
SENTENCE_TYPE.CHINESE -> str = str + "\n" + item.chinese
SENTENCE_TYPE.JAPANESE -> str = str + "\n" + item.japanese
SENTENCE_TYPE.ENGLISH -> str = str + "\n" + item.english
+ SENTENCE_TYPE.STRONG_WORD -> str = str + "\n" + item.strong_word
when (type3) {
SENTENCE_TYPE.LECTURE -> str = str + "\n" + item.lecture
@@ -210,6 +218,7 @@ class ReibunInfo {
SENTENCE_TYPE.CHINESE -> str = str + "\n" + item.chinese
SENTENCE_TYPE.JAPANESE -> str = str + "\n" + item.japanese
SENTENCE_TYPE.ENGLISH -> str = str + "\n" + item.english
+ SENTENCE_TYPE.STRONG_WORD -> str = str + "\n" + item.strong_word