Navigate to the directory where you are working.
$ jupyter notebook
Once you launch Jupyter, it will open the notebook in your default browser.
- On upper right, select "New" and then "Python 2" (or your default version of Python)
- Click on "Untitled" at upper left and rename your notebook.
You can run bash (or terminal) commands right from the notebook!
- Click on gray cell and type the following:
- Run the cell by typing:
shift + return
- Click on next gray cell and type the below.
!python --version
- Run the cell by typing:
shift + return
- Click on next gray cell and type the below.
print("Hello, World!)
- Run the cell by typing:
shift + return
Help Menu
esc + h
Save Notebook
command + s
There are 3 cell types:
- Code
- Markdown
- Raw
You can use Markdown in Jupyter Notebook as well! Can add headers, blocks of text, etc.
Include the following two lines in your notebooks so the graphs are viewable.
%matplotlib inline
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt