OCI Designer Toolkit 0.11.0
OCI designer toolKIT (OKIT) is a browser based tool that allows the user to design, deploy and visualise (introspect/query) OCI environments through a graphical web based interface.
The Web based interface will allow architects and designers to build a visual representation of their infrastructure and then export this in a number of formats.
- svg
- png
- jpeg
Once completed the design can be enhanced to add key property information allowing the designed infrastructure to be exported to a number of DevOps frameworks.
- Ansible
- Terraform
- OCI Resource Manager
This allows for rapid proto-typing and building.
OKIT will also allow the user to introspect existing OCI environments, through simple query functionality embedded within the web interface, to provide a portable generic json file, that can be used to visualise existing systems or generate terraform/ansible.
Detailed OKIT Installation steps can be found in the OCI Designer Toolkit Installation Guide.
The docker image is the recommended runtime server OKIT provides a simple Docker Compose script to build and start the container.
git clone --depth 1 https://github.com/oracle/oci-designer-toolkit.git
Create the OCI cli config file in the directory oci-designer-toolkit/containers/oci with contents similar to that below. The key_file is a fixed value because the contents of the oci-designer-toolkit/containers/oci will be copied to the appropriate users home directory, as ~/.oci, during the build process.
Copy your oci_api_key.pem to the oci-designer-toolkit/containers/oci directory.
cd oci-designer-toolkit/containers/docker
docker-compose up --detach
Note: For full connection to OCI you will need to follow the Installation Create Config File instruction prior to building.
Once started the Designer BUI can be accessed on http://localhost/okit/designer
The OKIT User / Usage Guide and worked examples can be found in the OCI Designer Toolkit Usage Guide
You can find information on any known issues with OKIT here and under the Issues tab of this project's GitHub repository. Any issues found with the tool should be raised on the projects issues page. Please check that the issue has not previously been reported.
OCI Designer Toolkit is an open source project. See CONTRIBUTING for details.
If you would like to extend OKIT the development documentation can be found in OCI Designer Toolkit Development Guide