Examples relating to git worktrees
- It seems you can move from branch to branch in any of the worktrees but you can only ever have one checked out at a time.
- How do you find out where the parent .git folder is from a worktree?
- There is a .git file in the worktree. You can cat it to find the parent location
- How does stash relate to worktrees?
- The stash is related to the branch.
# list current worktrees
git worktree list
# create a worktree (if local branch does not exist)
export BRANCH_NAME=vim
git worktree add -b $BRANCH_NAME $(git root)/../shell_examples_wt_$BRANCH_NAME origin/$BRANCH_NAME
# if local branch already exists
export BRANCH_NAME=vim
git worktree add $(git root)/../shell_examples_wt_$BRANCH_NAME $BRANCH_NAME
# switch to the directory
pushd $(git root)/../shell_examples_wt_$BRANCH_NAME
# list my folders
ls -la $(git root)/../
# worktree .git is now a file
cat $(git root)/../shell_examples_wt_$BRANCH_NAME/.git
# open up in code.
code $(git root)/../shell_examples_wt_$BRANCH_NAME
# remove the worktree
rm -rf $(git root)/../shell_examples_wt_$BRANCH_NAME
# list prunable (after deleting)
git worktree list
# prune it.
git worktree prune
- git-worktree - Manage multiple working trees here