This repository represents the Employer Recruit code base currently in beta.
In order to run this solution locally you will need the following:
- An employer account setup against the DAS test environment
- .NET Core SDK >= 2.1.4
- (VS Code Only) C# Extension
- Docker for X
- Optionally run Azure Cosmos DB emulator locally instead of MongoDB docker container (Windows Only)
The default development environment uses docker containers to host it's dependencies.
- Redis
- Elasticsearch
- Logstash
- MongoDb
- Azurite (Cross platform Azure Storage Emulator)
On first setup run the following command from /setup/containers/ to create the docker container images:
docker-compose build
To start the containers run:
docker-compose up -d
You can view the state of the running containers using:
docker ps -a
- Open command prompt and change directory to /src/Jobs/Recruit.Vacancies.Jobs/
- The azure webjobs require a "real" azure storage account in order to run. Add a valid connection string in appSetting.Development.json for the following keys:
"ConnectionStrings": {
"WebJobsDashboard": "<replace with connection string to a azure storage account (not local storage emulator)>",
"WebJobsStorage": "<replace with connection string to a azure storage account (not local storage emulator)>"
- Start the Webjobs:
ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT=Development dotnet run
Windows cmd
dotnet run
- Open second command prompt and change directory to /src/Employer/Employer.Web/
- Start the Website:
ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT=Development dotnet run
Windows cmd
dotnet run
- Browse to
Application logs are logged to Elasticsearch and can be viewed using Kibana at http://localhost:5601
- Open the solution /src/Employer/Employer.sln
- Open the solution /src/Jobs/Jobs.sln
- If using MongoDb container, connect to Recruit database in a terminal using
mongo recruit --authenticationDatabase admin -u dbadmin -p changeme
- If using Azure Cosmos Emulator, connect to Recruit database in a terminal using
mongo --authenticationDatabase admin --host localhost --port 10255 -u localhost -p C2y6yDjf5/R+ob0N8A7Cgv30VRDJIWEHLM+4QDU5DE2nQ9nDuVTqobD4b8mGGyPMbIZnqyMsEcaGQy67XIw/Jw== --ssl
Licensed under the MIT license