Simple small Docker image for gallery-dl. Forked from Shortcord to add ytp-dl and ffmpeg!
View the gallery-dl or open-shell scripts for basic usage.
Custom configuration can be provided/overridden as shown in the official repo here, keep in mind this container overrides the configuration located at /etc/gallery-dl.conf
You can view the overrides here or by running docker run -it --rm --entrypoint "" chrisemills/gallerydl:latest cat //etc/gallery-dl.conf
Repo is public on Github. Docker Registry is Docker Hub.
Container images are configured using parameters passed at runtime (such as those above). These parameters are separated by a colon and indicate <external>:<internal>
respectively. For example, -p 8080:80
would expose port 80
from inside the container to be accessible from the host's IP on port 8080
outside the container.
Parameter | Function |
-e 'UMASK'=___ |
set perms of newly created files in /output |
-e 'PUID'=___ |
set main user id |
-e 'PGID'=___ |
set main group id |
-v ____:/config:rw |
main config, archive, and cookies location |
-v ____:/output:rw |
Location of download output! |
- Unraid CA Template
- Github Actions: Publish Dockerfile
- Add Python Update Cron/timestamp, only update once every day.
- If Entrypoint has arguments ready, skip verbosity.