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This piece features a bronze key on a Toronto landscape.", "limit": 50, "project": 6}}, {"model": "crowdfunder.reward", "pk": 11, "fields": {"title": "Silver Key", "amount": 250, "description": "Individuals living in Toronto shelters have created art pieces. This piece features a silver key on a Toronto landscape.", "limit": 30, "project": 6}}, {"model": "crowdfunder.reward", "pk": 12, "fields": {"title": "Gold Key", "amount": 500, "description": "Individuals living in Toronto shelters have created art pieces. This piece features a gold key on a Toronto landscape.", "limit": 15, "project": 6}}, {"model": "crowdfunder.reward", "pk": 13, "fields": {"title": "One Scoop", "amount": 50, "description": "Backers will receive one IceCream Canteen.", "limit": 100, "project": 7}}, {"model": "crowdfunder.reward", "pk": 14, "fields": {"title": "Two Scoops", "amount": 200, "description": "Backers will receive one IceCream Canteen and a free pint of ice cream of their choice.", "limit": 50, "project": 7}}, {"model": "crowdfunder.reward", "pk": 15, "fields": {"title": "Three Scoops", "amount": 300, "description": "Backers will receive one IceCream Canteen, a free pint of ice cream of their choice, and a limited edition pair of spoons.", "limit": 35, "project": 7}}, {"model": "crowdfunder.reward", "pk": 16, "fields": {"title": "Basic Screening", "amount": 200, "description": "Backers will receive free tickets to a screening of their choice.", "limit": 200, "project": 8}}, {"model": "crowdfunder.reward", "pk": 17, "fields": {"title": "Advanced Screening", "amount": 400, "description": "Backers will receive free tickets to any three screenings of their choice.", "limit": 100, "project": 8}}, {"model": "crowdfunder.reward", "pk": 18, "fields": {"title": "Platinum Screening", "amount": 600, "description": "Backers will receive season tickets for all screenings.", "limit": 50, "project": 8}}, {"model": "crowdfunder.reward", "pk": 19, "fields": {"title": "One Straw", "amount": 100, "description": "Backers will receive a free metal straw.", "limit": 300, "project": 9}}, {"model": "crowdfunder.reward", "pk": 20, "fields": {"title": "Two Straws", "amount": 200, "description": "Backers will receive a limited edition coloured metal straw.", "limit": 200, "project": 9}}, {"model": "crowdfunder.reward", "pk": 21, "fields": {"title": "Three Straws", "amount": 500, "description": "Backers will receive a limited edition coloured metal straw, engraved with a message of their choice.", "limit": 50, "project": 9}}, {"model": "crowdfunder.reward", "pk": 22, "fields": {"title": "Bronze Comic", "amount": 200, "description": "Backers will receive a free hard copy comic and early access to the app.", "limit": 300, "project": 10}}, {"model": "crowdfunder.reward", "pk": 23, "fields": {"title": "Silver Comic", "amount": 350, "description": "Backers will receive a customized hard copy comic and early access to the app.", "limit": 200, "project": 10}}, {"model": "crowdfunder.reward", "pk": 24, "fields": {"title": "Gold Comic", "amount": 500, "description": "Backers will receive a free hard copy comic, early access to the app, and tickets to our annual comic convention.", "limit": 100, "project": 10}}, {"model": "crowdfunder.reward", "pk": 25, "fields": {"title": "Bar Soap", "amount": 50, "description": "Backers will receive a free bottle of Universal Wash.", "limit": 100, "project": 11}}, {"model": "crowdfunder.reward", "pk": 26, "fields": {"title": "Liquid Soap", "amount": 200, "description": "Backers will receive three free bottles of Universal Wash in customized bottles.", "limit": 50, "project": 11}}, {"model": "crowdfunder.reward", "pk": 27, "fields": {"title": "Platinum Soap", "amount": 300, "description": "Backers will receive unlimited bottles of Universal Wash in customized bottles for a year.", "limit": 50, "project": 11}}, {"model": "crowdfunder.reward", "pk": 28, "fields": {"title": "Bingo", "amount": 50, "description": "Backers will receive a free bingo dauber and free access to one event.", "limit": 100, "project": 12}}, {"model": "crowdfunder.reward", "pk": 29, "fields": {"title": "Double Bingo", "amount": 100, "description": "Backers will receive a free bingo dauber and free access to any two events.", "limit": 100, "project": 12}}, {"model": "crowdfunder.reward", "pk": 30, "fields": {"title": "Triple Bingo", "amount": 200, "description": "Backers will receive a free bingo dauber and unlimited access to our events.", "limit": 100, "project": 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"2019-06-10T20:13:38Z", "bio": "Very cool. Happy to be here.", "groups": [], "user_permissions": []}}, {"model": "crowdfunder.project", "pk": 1, "fields": {"title": "Cindy's Project", "description": "This is Cindy's project.", "goal": 600, "goal_reached": false, "start_date": "2019-06-10", "end_date": "2019-06-26", "owner": 1, "expired": false, "category": 5, "image": "1", "tags": ""}}, {"model": "crowdfunder.project", "pk": 2, "fields": {"title": "Brody's Project", "description": "This is Brody's project.", "goal": 900, "goal_reached": false, "start_date": "2019-06-10", "end_date": "2019-06-09", "owner": 2, "expired": false, "category": 4, "image": "1", "tags": ""}}, {"model": "crowdfunder.project", "pk": 3, "fields": {"title": "Jasmin's Project", "description": "This is Jasmin's project.", "goal": 800, "goal_reached": false, "start_date": "2019-06-10", "end_date": "2019-06-24", "owner": 3, "expired": false, "category": 1, "image": "1", "tags": ""}}, {"model": "crowdfunder.project", "pk": 4, "fields": {"title": "Category Test", "description": "TEST\r\nTESTTESTTESTTESTTEST", "goal": 3333, "goal_reached": false, "start_date": "2019-06-12", "end_date": "2019-06-12", "owner": 4, "expired": false, "category": 4, "image": "1", "tags": ""}}, {"model": "crowdfunder.project", "pk": 6, "fields": {"title": "ShelterSafe Toronto", "description": "Help fund a non-profit effort to keep shelters safe and clean in Toronto. Currently, Toronto shelters are facing a major issue with trash left in all spaces, and these shelters do not have enough money to ensure proper waste disposal. ShelterSafe is an effort to hire individuals living in the shelters themselves to clean up the space, making the shelters cleaner for inhabitants and proving an opportunity to earn wages to those living in shelters.", "goal": 35000, "goal_reached": false, "start_date": "2019-07-29", "end_date": "2025-07-31", "owner": 1, "expired": false, "category": 6, "image": "project-image/_thumb_177.jpg", "tags": ""}}, {"model": "crowdfunder.project", "pk": 7, "fields": {"title": "IceCream Canteen", "description": "IceCream Canteen is an effort to bring cold, delicious ice cream to every scenario you may find yourself in. Have you ever gone to a picnic and thought.. some ice cream would be great right about now, but you have no cash for the ice cream truck and pints of your favourite flavours at home? With IceCream Canteen you can pack your ice cream with you, wherever you go, and rest assured that you'll never open up the container to find a pint of melted ice cream. Each IceCream Canteen holds one pint of ice cream, and a couple of mini spoons under the lid. It keeps your ice cream cold for 24-48 hours, whether you're on the beach, in the car, or anywhere in between.", "goal": 20000, "goal_reached": false, "start_date": "2019-07-02", "end_date": "2027-01-17", "owner": 3, "expired": false, "category": 7, "image": "project-image/vegan-strawberry-ice-cream-recipe.jpeg", "tags": ""}}, {"model": "crowdfunder.project", "pk": 8, "fields": {"title": "Indie Short Film Fest", "description": "I mean, REAL indie. Help us fund this event to screen indie movies to the public at HotBox Cinemas weekly. Each week, we'll be showing four short films submitted by Toronto artists. We want to be able to run this event for one entire summer, with the possibility of extending it further. This event is to help support and showcase local artists and their creative works.", "goal": 10900, "goal_reached": false, "start_date": "2019-02-13", "end_date": "2022-12-20", "owner": 2, "expired": false, "category": 1, "image": "project-image/shutterstock_1068876371.0.jpg", "tags": ""}}, {"model": "crowdfunder.project", "pk": 9, "fields": {"title": "Global Straw Movement", "description": "Who doesn't love a good straw? But at the sake of the turtles? No thanks. Global Straw Movement is dedicated to producing metal straws and selling them to restaurant establishments worldwide. Metal straws will become as commonplace as spoons, forks, and knives, which will provide benefits to restaurants and bars (because they don't need to spend money on single use straws) and helps consumers feel less like jerks if they just prefer to drink out of one. Turtles are spared, drinks are saved, straws are reused, and all is good in the world.", "goal": 5500, "goal_reached": true, "start_date": "2019-01-22", "end_date": "2019-05-29", "owner": 1, "expired": true, "category": 7, "image": "project-image/01494894-2-800x533.jpg", "tags": ""}}, {"model": "crowdfunder.project", "pk": 10, "fields": {"title": "Electro-Comic-Nation", "description": "With the shift to tech based literature in the mobile age, comics are less accessible and decreasing in popularity as individuals look for electronic versions of their favourite illustrations rather than buying a hard copy comic. Electro-Comic-Nation is focused on bringing comics back, by turning our favourite paperbacks into e-books, and making them accessible on a mobile app.", "goal": 7000, "goal_reached": true, "start_date": "2018-03-20", "end_date": "2019-07-28", "owner": 3, "expired": true, "category": 3, "image": "project-image/comic.jpg", "tags": ""}}, {"model": "crowdfunder.project", "pk": 11, "fields": {"title": "Universal Wash", "description": "At Universal Wash, we want to create one single product that works as shampoo, conditioner, body wash, face cleanser, and makeup remover. Say goodbye to your giant toiletries pouch when you travel, or several different containers on the ledge of your bathtub. 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