Alces is a CIP4 Tool for integration and testing of JDF Devices. On the one hand, if you are responsible for the integration in a printing house Alces enables you to test a JDF Interface of a JDF Device in order to find out how its works and if the device is configured on the right way.
Further, Alces is also a very useful tool for JDF Interface developers of JDF Devices. In this case the application plays the role of a Manager and helps to test the JDF compliance of your device. Alces is available in two flavors: one for interactive and manual testing and one for automated testing.
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Creation and publishing of a new version to GitHub Release.
$ git tag -a [VERSION] -m "[TITLE]"
$ git push origin [VERSION]
In case a build has been failed, a tag can be deleted using the following command:
$ git tag -d [VERSION]
$ git push origin :refs/tags/[VERSION]