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Libacvp 2.0 Migration Guide


With the release of libacvp 2.0.0, various changes have been made that are not backwards-compatible with software designed for previous versions of libacvp. This guide is meant to help users migrate applications made for previous versions of libacvp migrate to libacvp 2.0.

We understand that any non-backwards-compatible change can be frustrating to accommodate; however, many changes were required to add support for new functionality. In other cases, we felt these changes introduced needed improvements to the library. As the number of crypto ciphers/algorithms continues to grow, it is important that the existing codebase is as clean, adaptable, and maintainable as possible.

This guide will attempt to cover all non-backwards compatible changes. We cannot advise on how best to implement these changes into your application, as each IuT is unique and should be tested in a way specific to that IuT.

This guide does not cover new APIs or features, just changed or removed ones. If you find this guide does not cover every change that needs to be made, please open an issue/case with the libacvp team.

API Changes

This section will cover changes made to libacvp's public facing APIs between libacvp 1.X and libacvp 2.0.0. Any calls to these APIs in your application must be updated to reflect the new formats.

Logging API

The callback function provided to the library as the application's logging function now needs to include an extra parameter, ACVP_LOG_LVL. This allows the application to handle log messages of different levels differently.


ACVP_RESULT acvp_create_test_session(ACVP_CTX **ctx,
                                     ACVP_RESULT (*progress_cb)(char *msg),
                                     ACVP_LOG_LVL level);

Libacvp 2.0:

ACVP_RESULT acvp_create_test_session(ACVP_CTX **ctx,
                                     ACVP_RESULT (*progress_cb)(char *msg, ACVP_LOG_LVL level),
                                     ACVP_LOG_LVL level);

DRBG Capability APIs

The capability registration function for DRBG needed the ability to specify different, unrelated groups of capabilities. A new integer parameter has been added to allow specifying a group of capabilities. If you do not need different groups (unchanged behavior from previous versions of libacvp), you can simply add a "0" for this "group" parameter in every call.


ACVP_RESULT acvp_cap_drbg_set_parm(ACVP_CTX *ctx,
                                   ACVP_CIPHER cipher,
                                   ACVP_DRBG_MODE mode,
                                   ACVP_DRBG_PARM param,
                                   int value);

Libacvp 2.0:

ACVP_RESULT acvp_cap_drbg_set_parm(ACVP_CTX *ctx,
                                   ACVP_CIPHER cipher,
                                   ACVP_DRBG_MODE mode,
                                   int group,
                                   ACVP_DRBG_PARM param,
                                   int value);

This also applies to acvp_cap_drbg_set_length().

GET Request APIs

acvp_set_get_save_file() has been removed, and merged into acvp_mark_as_get_only(), which now has an extra argument that has can be used to specify a file to save the GET response to.


ACVP_RESULT acvp_mark_as_get_only(ACVP_CTX *ctx, char *string);

Libacvp 2.0:

ACVP_RESULT acvp_mark_as_get_only(ACVP_CTX *ctx, char *string, const char *save_filename);


acvp_set_json_filename() has been renamed to acvp_set_registration_file. No other changes.


acvp_load_kat_filename() has been removed; it had unclear and redundant functionality.

Enumerator Changes

  • The enumerator ACVP_HMAC_ALG_VAL has been removed. Any capability API calls that reference this enumerator should reference ACVP_HASH_ALG values instead. This affects the acvp_cap_pbkdf_* APIs, the acvp_cap_kdf_tls13_* APIs, and the acvp_cap_kda_* APIs. In other words, all references to:

Should be replaced with, respectively:

  • References to ACVP_KDA_HKDF_HMAC_ALG for KDA algorithms need to be replaced with ACVP_KDA_MAC_ALG.

Test Case Structure Changes

This section will cover changes made to test case structs between libacvp 1.X and 2.0.0. These changes involve the inputs and outputs of tests; It is very important that you take care to understand the inputs and outputs of each test while making these changes.

KAS-IFC Structure Changes

Drastic changes to the KAS-IFC test case structure were required. For more details, please review the new ACVP_KAS_IFC_TC in acvp.h, and the code and comments in app_kas.c in the included acvp_app for reference. If you have further questions please feel free to reach out to the libacvp team. This is the most complex change (by far) required to update to libacvp 2.0.

KTS-IFC Structure Change

In previous versions of libacvp, for KTS-IFC tests, the plain-text derived key material was stored in the n field; the user was expected to modify this test input field that originally contained key info. In libacvp 2.0, plain-text DKM should be stored in the pt field.

TLS 1.2 KDF Structure Change

Cleaned up some redundancy - msecret1, msecret2, kblock1, and kblock2 values removed and replaced with just msecret and kblock. Output was previously taken from msecret1 and kblock1; now taken from msecret and kblock.

Return Code Value Changes

The included acvp_app does not use many of the ACVP_RESULT values by default; if your client uses them, you should adjust them:

  • ACVP_NO_TOKEN removed; Replace with ACVP_JWT_MISSING
  • ACVP_TOTP_DECODE_FAIL removed; Replace with ACVP_TOTP_FAIL
  • ACVP_TOTP_MISSING_SEED removed; replace with ACVP_TOTP_FAIL

Other new return values have been added; for a complete list see acvp.h. Return values from within the library have been adjusted in several places to be more relevant or descriptive. We expect to continue to adjust return values in future releases; we may add new possible return values but will not remove or change existing ones outside of major releases.

Build/Run Process Changes

The process for building libacvp itself has not changed. On Windows platforms, some options (deemed likely to be redundant or unused) have been removed. For users also intending to use the included acvp_app, please view the README for more details about how building and testing with OpenSSL 3.X has changed.

Libacvp 2.1.0 Changes

Further changes were required in libacvp 2.1.0 that are not backwards compatible with the libacvp 2.0.0 API. those changes are described here.

RSA Primitive APIs

We needed the ability to set parameters for both RSA decryption primitive AND signature primitive using the appropriate APIs for their new revisions. The old API version assumed you were using signature primitive.


ACVP_RESULT acvp_cap_rsa_prim_set_parm(ACVP_CTX *ctx,
                                       ACVP_RSA_PARM prim_type,
                                       int value);

Libacvp 2.1.0:

ACVP_RESULT acvp_cap_rsa_prim_set_parm(ACVP_CTX *ctx,
                                       ACVP_CIPHER cipher,
                                       ACVP_RSA_PARM param,
                                       int value);

Simply adding ACVP_RSA_SIGPRIM for cipher should make existing calls behave.

RSA Registration Logic Change

For RSA registrations, the value ACVP_RSA_PARM_KEY_FORMAT_CRT has been replaced with ACVP_RSA_PARM_KEY_FORMAT. The expected value is no longer a 1 or a 0, but an enum from ACVP_RSA_KEY_FORMAT.

Test Case Structure Changes

Several test cases have new fields which should not affect existing testing. For RSA primitive testing, an int field for key_format was replaced with an appropriate enum, ACVP_RSA_KEY_FORMAT.