English | 简体中文
cita-sdk-swift 是用于集成 CITA 的原生 Swift SDK.
- 连接到 CITA 网络的HTTP提供程序。
- 通过 HTTP 协议,实现了 CITA 所定义的所有 JSON-RPC 方法。
- 对交易进行签名
请参考docs.nervos.org/cita来查看 CITA 的 JSON-RPC 接口列表。
如果你想构建 CITA SDK,你需要:
- Swift 5.0 及以后。
- Xcode 10.2 及以后
- CocoaPods
通过 CocoaPods 把 CITA SDK 集成到你的项目中,你需要在你的 Podfile
source 'https://github.com/CocoaPods/Specs.git'
platform :ios, '10.0'
target 'YourTargetName' do
pod 'CITA', git: 'https://github.com/cryptape/cita-sdk-swift'
然后在 Podfile
$ pod install
git clone --recursive https://github.com/cryptape/cita-sdk-swift.git
pod install
cp Tests/Config.example.json Tests/Config.json
使用 Xcode 打开 CITA.xcworkspace
运行 CITATests
target。如果你要自定义 CITA 的节点或者链,请配置 Tests/Config.json
文件中的 rpcServer
CITA SDK 原来是基于 matterinc/web3swift 的,但是我们希望 CITA SDK 是一个简单的能管理 RPC 接口和
进行交易签名的工具(这意味着我们就不需要 keystore
管理和其他的一些功能),所以我们移除了 web3swift
的依赖,不过一些工具类、类扩展和 HTTP 请求的
实现都参考了 web3swift 。
使用 CITA 测试网络(推荐):
或者可以部署你自己的 CITA:
如果需要了解怎么部署 CITA 网络,请查阅CITA。
通过 HTTPProvider
你可以连接到 CITA 测试网或者其他任何网络,使用方法如下:
import CITA
let testnetUrl = URL(string: "")! // Or use any other network
// let testnetUrl = URL(string: "https://node.cryptape.com")! // Also available
let provider = HTTPProvider(testnetUrl)
是一个通过 HTTPProvider
跟 CITA 网络进行通信的类。通过 CITA.rpc
可以访问任何 JSON-RPC 接口。
let cita = CITA(provider: provider)
let peerCount = cita.rpc.peerCount().value!
在通过 JSON-RPC 接口发送原始交易之前,请创建一个 Transaction
对象并且用 Signer
let privateKey = "0xeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee"
guard let metaData = try? cita.rpc.getMetaData(), let blockNumber = try? cita.rpc.blockNumber() else {
let metaData = try? cita.rpc.getMetaData()
let tx = Transaction(
to: Address("0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000"),
nonce: UUID().uuidString, // Generate a random/unique nonce string
quota: 1_000_000, // Use 1,000,000 as default quota for sending a transaction
validUntilBlock: blockNumber + 88,
data: Data.fromHex("6060604...")!,
chainId: metaData.chainId,
version: metaData.version
guard let signed = try? Signer().sign(transaction: tx, with: privateKey) else {
print("Sign fail")
如果请求成功,所有的 JSON-RPC 接口都会返回结果,否则抛出 CITAError
因为 JSON-RPC 接口请求方法是同步的,所以底层的 HTTP 请求可能会需要一些时间来返回结果,在这个项目中,请求通常通过 promise
所以尽量不要在主线程中调用 RPC 接口,防止阻塞主线程。
DispatchQueue.global().async {
do {
let peerCount = try cita.rpc.peerCount()
DispatchQueue.main.async {
print("CITA peer count: \(count)")
} catch let error {
DispatchQueue.main.async {
- peerCount
- blockNumber
- sendRawTransaction
- getBlockByHash
- getBlockByNumber
- getTransactionReceipt
- getLogs
- call
- getTransaction
- getTransactionCount
- getCode
- getAbi
- getBalance
- newFilter
- newBlockFilter
- uninstallFilter
- getFilterChanges
- getFilterLogs
- getTransactionProof
- getMetaData
- getBlockHeader
- getStateProof
/// Get the number of most recent block.
/// - Returns: Current block height.
func blockNumber() throws -> UInt64
/// Send signed transaction to CITA.
/// - Parameter signedTx: Signed transaction hex string.
/// - Returns: Transaction hash.
func sendRawTransaction(signedTx: String) throws -> String
/// Get a block by hash.
/// - Parameters:
/// - hash: The block hash hex string.
/// - fullTransactions: Whether to include transactions in the block object.
/// - Returns: The block object matching the hash.
func getBlockByHash(hash: String, fullTransactions: Bool = false) throws -> Block
/// Get a block by number.
/// - Parameters:
/// - number: The block number.
/// - fullTransactions: Whether to include transactions in the block object.
/// - Returns: The block object matching the number.
func getBlockByNumber(number: BigUInt, fullTransactions: Bool = false) throws -> Block
/// Get the receipt of a transaction by transaction hash.
/// - Parameter txhash: transaction hash hex string.
/// - Returns: The receipt of transaction matching the txhash.
func getTransactionReceipt(txhash: String) throws -> TransactionReceipt
/// Get all logs matching a given filter object.
/// - Parameter filter: The filter object.
/// - Returns: An array of all logs matching the filter.
func getLogs(filter: Filter) throws -> [EventLog]
/// Execute a new call immediately on a contract.
/// - Parameters:
/// - request: A call request.
/// - blockNumber: A block number
/// - Returns: The call result as hex string.
func call(request: CallRequest, blockNumber: String = "latest") throws -> String
/// Get a transaction for a given hash.
/// - Parameter txhash: The transaction hash hex string.
/// - Returns: A transaction details object.
func getTransaction(txhash: String) throws -> TransactionDetails
/// Get the number of transactions sent from an address.
/// - Parameters:
/// - address: An address to check for transaction count for.
/// - blockNumber: A block number.
/// - Returns: The number of transactions.
func getTransactionCount(address: String, blockNumber: String = "latest") throws -> BigUInt
/// Get code at a given address.
/// - Parameters:
/// - address: An address of the code.
/// - blockNumber: A block number.
/// - Returns: The code at the given address.
func getCode(address: String, blockNumber: String = "latest") throws -> String
/// Get ABI at a given address.
/// - Parameters:
/// - address: An address of the ABI.
/// - blockNumber: A block number.
/// - Returns: The ABI at the given address.
func getAbi(address: String, blockNumber: String = "latest") throws -> String
/// Get the balance of the account of given address.
/// - Parameters:
/// - address: An address.
/// - blockNumber: A block number.
/// - Returns: The balance of the account of the give address.
func getBalance(address: String, blockNumber: String = "latest") throws -> BigUInt
/// Create a new filter object.
/// - Parameter filter: The filter option object.
/// - Returns: ID of the new filter.
func newFilter(filter: Filter) throws -> BigUInt
/// Create a new block filter object.
/// - Parameter filter: The filter option object.
/// - Returns: ID of the new block filter.
func newBlockFilter() throws -> BigUInt
/// Uninstall a filter. Should always be called when watch is no longer needed.
/// Additonally Filters timeout when they aren't requested with getFilterChanges for a period of time.
/// - Parameter filterID: ID of the filter to uninstall.
/// - Returns: True if the filter was successfully uninstalled, otherwise false.
func uninstallFilter(filterID: BigUInt) throws -> Bool
/// Get an array of logs which occurred since last poll.
/// - Parameter filterID: ID of the filter to get changes from.
/// - Returns: An array of logs which occurred since last poll.
func getFilterChanges(filterID: BigUInt) throws -> [EventLog]
/// Get an array of all logs matching filter with given id.
/// - Parameter filterID: ID of the filter to get logs from.
/// - Returns: An array of logs matching the given filter id.
func getFilterLogs(filterID: BigUInt) throws -> [EventLog]
/// Get transaction proof by a given transaction hash.
/// - Parameter txhash: The transaction hash.
/// - Returns: A proof include transaction, receipt, receipt merkle tree proof, block header.
/// There will be a tool to verify the proof and extract some info.
func getTransactionProof(txhash: String) throws -> String
/// Get CITA metadata by a given block height.
/// - Parameter blockNumber: The block height, hex string integer or "latest".
/// - Returns: Metadata of given block height.
func getMetaData(blockNumber: String = "latest") throws -> MetaData
/// Get block header by a given block height.
/// - Parameter blockNumber: The block height, hex string integer or "latest".
/// - Returns: block header of the given block height.
func getBlockHeader(blockNumber: String = "latest") throws -> String
/// Get state proof of special value. Include address, account proof, key, value proof.
/// - Parameters:
/// - address: An address.
/// - key: A key, position of the variable.
/// - blockNumber: The block number, hex string integer, or the string "latest", "earliest".
/// - Returns: State proof of special value. Include address, account proof, key, value proof.
func getStateProof(address: String, key: String, blockNumber: String = "latest") throws -> String
CITA SDK 遵守 MIT License 协议。